Poetry Collection (alex, Chow)

  • November 2019
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Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1

Poetry Collection Poems: Spring A Green Cornfield To the Lake


Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1

Spring Joyce Kilmer The air is like a butterfly With frail blue wings. The happy earth looks at the sky And sings.


Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1 Spring The poem Spring explains that the time of spring is here, this shows the readers

about the beauty of spring. This poem consists of personification, simile and assonance. In this poem the figurative languages in the line where the author wrote “The air is like a butterfly” consists of simile because it compares the air to a butterfly. The line “The happy earth looks at the sky” is an example of personification because the earth is given abilities that allow it to see. Another device that is being used is assonance because in the line “The happy earth looks at the sky” it contains the vowel A that rhymes with each other. This poem shows how a tree first blossoms and then dies after a few days.


Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1 A Green Cornfield Christina Rossetti The earth was green, the sky was blue: I saw and heard one sunny morn A skylark hang between the two, A singing speck above the corn; A stage below, in gay accord, White butterflies danced on the wing, And still the singing skylark soared, And silent sank and soared to sing. The cornfield stretched a tender green To right and left beside my walks; I knew he had a nest unseen Somewhere among the million stalks. And as I paused to hear his song While swift the sunny moments slid, Perhaps his mate sat listening long, And listened longer than I did.


Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1 A Green Cornfield A Green Cornfield by Christina Rossetti wrote about a person is listening to the

something that flies around and that sings very nicely. The author explains that in between the sky and earth there is a land where everything is beautiful. Rossetti wrote about the “butterflies danced on the wing”, this is an example of personification because the butterflies can not really dance instead only humans can. Alliteration is another device when she wrote that there was “A singing speck above the corn”, because it repeats the first letter s twice in this line. Another example of a figurative language is that she uses consonance, when she wrote “A silent sank and soared to sing”, it had the consonant S repeating over and over again. Symbolism is also another device; the cornfield symbolizes a holy place where everything is good and beautiful. The author also uses repetition by including the line “The earth was green, the sky was blue” it shows the repeating word of both the and was. This author used many figurative languages to show and describe the cornfield’s beauty and a skylark’s singing.


Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1

To the Lake Edgar Allen Poe In Spring of youth it was my lot To haunt of the wide world a spot The which I could not love the less So lovely was the loneliness Of a wild lake, with black rock bound, And the tall pines that towered around. But when the night had thrown her pall Upon that spot, as upon all, And the mystic wind went by Murmuring in melody Then - ah, then, I would awake To the terror of the lone lake. Yet that terror was not fright, But a tremulous delight A feeling not the jewelled mine Could teach or bribe me to define Nor Love - although the love were thine. Death was in that poisonous wave, And in its gulf a fitting grave For him who thence could solace bring To his lone imagining Whose solitary soul could make An Eden of that dim lake.


Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1 To the Lake In this poem To the Lake, it explains that once upon a time a man was happy, and

then one day he came across a lake. A lake that he thought it haunted him; he was scared and thought that was his grave. He uses many descriptive languages that include metaphor, allusion and rhyming. The author uses the figurative language metaphor, when the line states “Death was in that poisonous wave” meaning that death was like a poisonous wave that killed everything in its path. Allusion is found when the author said that “Whose solitary soul could make an Eden of that dim lake”. Allusion is the figurative language that refers to something or someone historical, so that is why she states that you could make an Eden, which is a historical place of the dim lake. Another language that is in the poem it rhymes, this poem has a rhyme scheme that goes A A B B C C. Every last word of each line rhyme with each other, for example lot and spot. This poem creates many different languages that make this poem into a poem of fear and nature about a man being scared of a lake.


Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1

Sources: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1133/seasonalpoems/spring.html http://judithpordon.tripod.com/poetry/christina_rossetti_a_green_cornfield.html http://judithpordon.tripod.com/poetry/edgar_allan_poe_to_the_lake.html


Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1 Spring

The poem Spring explains that the time of spring is here, this shows the readers about the beauty of spring. This poem consists of personification, simile and assonance. In this poem the figurative languages in the line where the author wrote “The air is like a butterfly” consists of simile because it compares the air to a butterfly. The line “The happy earth looks at the sky” is an example of personification because the earth is given abilities that allow it to see. Another device that is being used is assonance because in the line “The happy earth looks at the sky” it contains the vowel A that rhymes with each other. This poem shows how a tree first blossoms and then dies after a few days. A Green Cornfield A Green Cornfield by Christina Rossetti wrote about a person is listening to the something that flies around and that sings very nicely. The author explains that in between the sky and earth there is a land where everything is beautiful. Rossetti wrote about the “butterflies danced on the wing”, this is an example of personification because the butterflies can not really dance instead only humans can. Alliteration is another device when she wrote that there was “A singing speck above the corn”, because it repeats the first letter s twice in this line. Another example of a figurative language is that she uses consonance, when she wrote “A silent sank and soared to sing”, it had the consonant S repeating over and over again. Symbolism is also another device; the cornfield symbolizes a holy place where everything is good and beautiful. The author also uses repetition by including the line “The earth was green, the sky was blue” it shows the repeating word of both the and was. This author used many figurative languages to show and describe the cornfield’s beauty and the skylark’s singing. To the Lake In this poem To the Lake, it explains that once upon a time a man was happy, and then one day he came across a lake. A lake that he thought it haunted him; he was scared and thought that was his grave. He uses many descriptive languages that include metaphor, allusion and rhyming. The author uses the figurative language metaphor, when the line states “Death was in that poisonous wave” meaning that death was like a poisonous wave that killed everything in its path. Allusion is found when the author said that “Whose solitary soul could make an Eden of that dim lake”. Allusion is the figurative language that refers to something or someone historical, so that is why she states that you could make an Eden, which is a historical place of the dim lake. Another language that is in the poem it rhymes, this poem has a rhyme scheme that goes A A B B C C. Every last word of each line rhyme with each other, for example lot and spot. This poem creates many different languages that make this poem into a poem of fear and nature about a man being scared of a lake.


Alexander Chow 12/19/07 English Pd. 1

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