Pmr 2007 Science K2

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cooJ K2 Sciencc PfrfR Time: One hour and thirty minutes Masa: Satujam tigapuluh minit Section A Bahagian A




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[40 marks) [40 markah] Answer all questions. Jawabsemua soalan"


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(a) (i) Diagram 1 shows some examplesof the organisationof cells in the human body. Rajah1 menunjukkanbeberapa contohorganisasisel dalambadanmanusia. Which of the following is an organ? Tick ( r' ) in the box provided. Antara yang berikut,yang manakahorgan? Tandakan( r' ) dalampetakyang disediakan.

Diagram Rajah 7 [7 mark] [1 markah] 740


(ii)erircle *," *o.a$il,n",llnt"- .ulf,l;$r*oprlsrrirr&les ororsans.



[2 mttrks]

Bulatkanperkataandalampetakdi bazuahuntuk menunjukkandua cotttohlain bagiorgan.

[2 markahl (b) Draw lines to match each type of cell with its function. Lukisgarisanuntuk memadaniansetiap ienis selaeffi-pngsi Cell Sel

masing-masing. Function Fungsi

Carries oxygen to all parts of the i body I Me.ngangkat oksigenke selurtrhbahagian badan




Destroys bacteria Memusnahkqnbakteria

& 13mark) [3 markah]

I i I



the stability of table P and table Q' Diagram 2.1 shows an activity to study the factors.tlratlffect meiaP kestabilan iaktor-faktorVangmempengaruhi nriir"tZ.t mentniukknnsatuaktiaiti trntuk mengkaji dan mejoQ.

Wooden plank Papanlandasan

Diagram 2.1 Raiah2.1 (a) Statetwo factors that affect the stability of the tables'

kestabilanmejaitu Nyatakan duafaktor yang mempengaruhi

12marksl 12marknhl rvhen the wooden plank is tilted? (l') Basedon Diagram 2.1,which table will topple first Explain whY. dahulu apahilapapanlantissan Raiah2.I, mejayang manakahyang akan Berdasarkan dicondongkan? TerangkanmengaPa. Table I Meja


Reason I Sebsb:

12markl 12markahl



(i') Diagram 2.2 shows a giraffe and a crocodile. Ilajah 2.2 menunjukkanseekorzirafahrian seekorbttayn"


I I,{

Ciraffe Zirafnh

Crocodiie Buatla



(i) How. does a giraffe achieveits stability when it drinks from a river? Bagaimanakah zirafahmencapaikestabilanketikaminum air dari sungai?

[1 mark] II markalt] (ii) Why is a crocodile more stable than a giraffe? Mengapakah buayalebihstabildaripadazirafah?

[1 markl [1 rnarkahl


Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set-up to study the effect of heat on calcium carbonate. Raiah3 menunjukkansusunanradasuntuk mengkajikesanhabake atoskalsittmkarbonat.

Calcium carbonate Kalsium karbonat

Diagram 3 Rajah3 (a) (i) What is liquid W? ApakahcecairVtl?

17markl 17markahl (ii) What can be observedhappening to liquid W at the end of this experimen? ini? ApakahqangdapatdiperhntikanberlakupadacecairW padaakhir eksperimen

[7 markl 17markahl (b) Complete the word equation for this reaction. perkataanbagi tindakbalasini. Lengkapkan persamaan Calcium carbonate


Heated Panasknn

11markl [7 markah] (c) What conclusion can be made from this study? Apakahkesimpulanyang bolehdibuat daripadakajian ini?

[7 mark] [7 markah]

1M j




(d) suggest heiw slaked lime can be formed from piecesof sea shells. Cadangkanbagaimana kapur mati bolehrlihasilkaidaripadacangkerang laul

[2 marksl [2 markahl Diagram 4.1 shows the apparatus set_up for an electric circuit to study the relationship between voltage, current and resistance. Rajah menunjukkansusunanradasbagi suatu litar elektrikuntuk -4.1 mengkajihubunganantara aoltan, arus dqn rintangan.


Diagram 4.1 Rajah4.7 (a)

What is apparatusZ? ApakahradasZ?

[7 mark] 17markahJ Y

(b) State the function of X and of y. Nyatakanfungsi X danfungsi y. Function Fungsi

[2 marks] 12markahl 745

(c) Basedon Diagram 4.1, suggestone way to reducethe reading of apparatusZ.

Rajah4.7, cadangkan bacaanbagiradasZ. Berdasarkan satu carauntuk mengurangkan

[7 mark) 11markahl (d) Diagam 4.2 shows a parallel circuit.

satulitsr selari. Raiah4.2 menuniukkan

Diagram 4.2 Rttinh1.? M1 and M2 are two identical bulbs. The resistanceof each bulb is 2 ohms and the current in the circuit is 6 A. ML danM2 sdalahdua mentolyangserupa.Rintangansetiapmentolialah2 ohm dan arus dalamlitar ialah6 A. Calculate the voltage in the circuit. Hitung uoltandalamlitar tersebut. [2 marks] [2 markah) Diagram 5.1 shows a pair of pliers. playar. Rajah5.1 menunjukkansepasang Wire Wayar

Diagram 5.1 Rajah5.1 146

ta) {i) l{/hat is the classof lever of the pair of pliers? Apakahkelastuasbagtplayar itu?

[1 mnrkl 11markahl (ii) State one reason for the answer in 5(a)(i). Nyatakan satu sebabbagi jawapan tti 5(a)(i).

[7 mark] [7 markah] (b) Basedon Diagram 5.1, why is it easierto cut the wire when we hold the pliers at K rather than at L? Rajah5.1, mengapakah zuayaritu lebih mudahdipotongapabilakita memegang ly.dalarkan playar di K berbandingdi L?

17markl [7 markah] (c) Diagram 5.2 shows a vvorker carrying a load using a rvhell_barron,. Rajah5.2 menunjukkan seorangpekerja metnbau,abebanmenggunakan keretasoronR

Diagram 5.2 Rajah5.2 a lever system for the wheel-barrow and label the position of load, force and fulcrum. Pt:y Lukis satu sistemtuasbagikeretasorongitu dan labelkan'k'.rdudukon beban,dayadanfulkrum. [2 marks] [2 markahl


(d) Diagram 5.3 shows a system when a force and a ioad are balanced. Rajah5.3 menunjukkansatu sistemapabiladatladan bebanadalah seimbang. Force50 N Daya 50 N


Load W BebanW

20 cm

80 cm


Metre rule Pembaris meter

Diagram 5.3 Rajah5.3 Calculateload W when the system is in equilibrium. Use the following formula: Load


Distance of load from the fulcrum


Distanceof force from the fulcrum

Hitung bebanW apabilasistemitu beradadalamkeseimbangan. Gunakanformula berikut: Beban



larak bebandari fulkrum



larak dayadari fulkrum


[2 marks] [2 markah] (e) Diagram 5.4 shows two persons,P and Q, rowing their boats.

Rajah5.4 menunjukkandua orang,P dan Q, mendayungsampanmasing-masing.

Diagram 5.4 Rajah5.4 Why does P use less force than Q to row his boat? Mengapaknh P menggunaknn dayakurangdaripadaQ untuk mendayungsampan?

l1 markl [7 markah] 148




l)iagram 6.1 shows how human eye can see. Ritinh6.1 menunjukkanbagaimannmntantanusiabolehtnelihat. Object Q objek Q

Image I lntej I

40 cm _____>

Diagram 6.1 Rajah6.1 {o) (i) State one difference between object e and image L Nyatakansatu perbezaan antaraobjeke dan imeii.

[1 mark] [1 markah' \ (ii) How does the size of image I change when the eye is 10 cm from object e? Bagaimanakah saiz imej I berubahapabilamataberada10 cm dari objeke'?

[7 mark] [7 markah)

(iii) State one reason for the answer in 6(aXii). Nyatakansatu sebabbagijawapandi 6(a)(ii).

[7 mark] 11markahl (b) (i) Complete Diagram 6.2 to show the formation of an image of a distant object on the retina! of the eye of a short sighted person. Lengkapkan Rajah 6.2 untuk menunjukkanpembentukanimej bagi objekjauh padaretina mata seseorang yang rabun iauh.

Diagram 6.2 Rajah6.2 [3 mark] [3 markah] 149

(ii) Whai causesthe situationin Diagram 6.2 to happen? ApakahVangmenVebabkan situasipadnRaiah6.2 berlaku)

[7 mark] [1 markah] (iii) How can the situationin Diagram 6.2be corrected? Bagaimanakah situasipadaRajah6.2 bolehdiperbetulkan?

17markl 11markahl Section B Bahagian B [20 marks] [20 markah] Answers all questions. lawab semua soalan. Diagram 7 shows four types of plants that reproduce vegetatively. Rajah7 menuniukkan empatjenis tumbuhanqangmemhiak secarauegetatif.

Bryophylbun Setawar

Potato Uhi kentang

Banana tree Pokokpisang

Diagram 7 Rajah 7 150

t't) state the parts of the plants that can reproduce veget,tively. Nyatakanbahagiantumbuhanitu tlangboiehmembink'secara uegetatif. (i) Cinger I Halia (ii) BryophyllumI Setawur (iii) Irotato I UUi kentang (iv) Banana tree f pokokpisang [4 marks] [4 markah] (b) Classify the plants in Diagram 7 into two groups based on their common characteristics. KelasksntumbuhanpadaRaiah7 kepadaaroiu*iulan berdasarkancirisepunya. Ginger, Bryophyllum,Potato, Bananatree Halia, Setawar,llhi kentang,pokokpisang

Common characteristics Ciri sepunya


Name of the plants Namatumbuhan

[4 marks) [4 markahl

151 I

a L--_---_


Diagram 8'1 shows the apparatusset-up and the initial temperaturereading of distilled water irr 'Ihe an experiment. distilled water is heated. Raiah8'1 menuniukknn susunanradastlttnbacannsuhuau,alair sulingdalnmsntucksperinterr. Air sulirtg dipnnaskan.

Distilled water Air suling */

Diagram 8.1 Rajah8.7 ( o \ Recordthe initial temperatureof the clistilledwater.

Rekodbacasnsuhuawalair sulingitu. _ oc. [7 mark] 17markah) (b) Table 8.1 shows the results of this experiment. ladual 8.1 menunjukkankeputusaneksperimen ini. _Y,

Time/min Masalnin






Temperature/oC Suhul"C






Table8.1 ladttal8.1 Statethe variables involved in this experiment. Nyatakanpembolehubah yang terlibatdalameksperirnen ini. (i) Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan







(ii) Respondingvariable Pembolehubnh bergerak ttalss

(iii) Constant variable Pembolehub nh dimalarkon

13mnrksl 13markahl (c) state a hypothesis based on the resurt in Thble g.1. Nyatakanhipotesisberdasarkan keputttsart pada|adual g.I.

[7 mark] [7 mnrkah] (d) F9r this part of the questiory use the graph paper provided on page 154. Untuk ceraiansoalanini, gunakankertai graf yang aiieaiakan padaintiman 7s4. Basedon Thble 8,1, drlw a graph of teirperatrire against time. Berdasarkan lndual 8.7, lttkisgraf suhu meliwan *oro."


[3 marks] [3 nmrkafl \e) Based on the graph. dran,n in g(,/), Berdasarkanpada graf tlang tlilukis di g(d), (i) predict the temperature of the distilled water at the 12th minute ramalkan suhu bagi air suling itu. pada minit ke_72.

oc. II nit.rkj [7 nrttrk't]tf (ii) state the relationship betr,r,een the temperatureand time. nyatakanhttbungansntarasuhudan masa. -

[7 rnark] [7 markah]


Graph for Question 8(d) Graf untuk Soalan8(d)

Temperature/ oC Suhul"C


Time/min Masafmtn


\n This experiment is.repeated by replacing :ing distilled water with

raratercontaining contai salt (i*p.r;" water). This salt solution is heated. Table 8.2 shows the result of the experiment. Eksperimen ini diulang('fs!" menggintikanair suling dengan air yang menganclungi garant(air tak tulen). Larutangaramini dipanasli-aln. ladual 8.2 menunjukkankeputttsaneksperimen ittt. Time/min Masalmin Temperature/oC Suhul"C















Thble8.2 ladual8.2 Basedon Thble 8.1 and Table g.2, Berdasarkan ladual B.I dan ladual g.2, (i) what is your inference about the boiling point of salt solution? apakahinferensanda tentang takat didih liritan garam?

17markl[7 markah] (ii) what can you deduce about the meaning of impure water? apakahyang dapatandarumusknntentangmaksui arrtak tulen?

[7 mark] fl markahl

155 J


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