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Affidavit to who it might concern

I, Barbara Schwarz, of full age and resident of Salt Lake City,Utah, USA, declare herewith under oath the following:

I) On December 2, 2004, a Usenet author posted following in Usenet: "Massive forgery of Barbara Schwarz in news,admin,net-abuse,email newsgroup" . ("NANAE ") He informed that L and others, am forged by NANAE posters. (See exhibit A the posting as hard copy.) 2 ) I never had posted anything on NANAE but nevertheless was forged by lawless posters of this newsgroup. 3 ) On April 9, 2005,I was defamed by a poster from Australia, Robert Griffin with e-mail address aut087 [email protected] on NANAE. Griffin is known to post with identity "Magnus Pym" on Usenet and is encouraging suicides. He claimed that four e-mails that I sent to his attorney Daniel W. Burnett in Canada would have been "harassment". This was a false complaint as these four messages to the attorney were polite and respectful. His attorney never complained to me that any of these messages vvould have been ttspamH or "abuseH or HharassmentH.

4) On April 12,2005, I posted four postings on NANAE,proving that my four messages to Daniel Burnett were neither spam, abuse or h arassment. 5) In response to these, I was immediately defamed by several NANAE posters as "kook" or "abuser". NANAE poster Russell Miller and "Viper" John Stillwell used my name and deiflIned me in their signature lines and put defamatory websites about mc up. Brian Bruns sent me on April 16, 2005 an unsolicited and harassing e-mail. His e-mail was sexually harassing, he defamed the Freespeechstore as "TheFreeSpeechWhore". lied that I would be guilty of "abuse" and threatened that he will make AHBL listings against "my school". (I assume he meant my ISP the Utah Education Network, UEN.) Brian Buns also webbed information about me that is false, misleading and defamatory. (See copy of Bruns e-mail attached as hard copy exhibit B) 6) I posted in response and in defense to these defamation on NANAE and was further verbally abused and maliciously defamed by NANAE posters as Brian Bruns, Andrew D. Kirch, John Stillwell (Viper), Russell Miller and others.

In Usenet threat "Updated. ;)" Andrew D. Kirch threatened me with these words: "I have some friends with the ability to cause her quite a bit of grief. Their methods aren't too kosher and I don't ask too many questions... " (See a hard copy of this posting attached as exhibit C)

7) I post from the public computers of the Salt Lake City library. On May 4.2004, I was approached by the Director of this library, Nancy Tessman and the deputy director, Chip Ward. They told me they, and their Internet Service Provider (ISP), the Utah Educational Network, the UEN, received many complaints about my posting on Usenet, and that despite my right to use the computers and my constitutional right of free speech. that they might have to deny access to the computers for me. They told me that these complainants referred to "Usenct managers" and if Usenet access would not be denied to me that they will put UEN on a black list which would mean that libraries and schools would be without cC11ain Internet access. (UEN is the Internet provider for them.) 8) From postings on NANAE, I found out that Brian Brnns bragged about this campaign against me to the library and the UEN and thanked his friends for assistance in the campaign. In the posting of May 3, 2005, "A quick note about BS and UEN" (BS is defamatory for my name Barbara Schwarz) Brian Bruns admitted that he posts an abuse report for every message I post on NANAE and that he filed more abuse reports about me and UEN than he has ever filed about anybody before. He basically admitted that he docs not want me to speak. He filed those reports to deny free speech of minc. It is not about spam or off topic postings (which is no abuse) but that he does not want me to speak out. (See exhibit D, a hard copy of this posting attached.) 9) Bruns abused the abuse line by harassing the UEN, and the library through his campaign. He admitted that he does not fcel sorry that the SOS listings for the UEN network is growing with his false complaints. According to my information this kind of behavior violates not just federal and state civil but also criminal statutes. 10) His supporter John Stillwell, ("Viper") replied on May 3, 2005 that Brian Bruns should continue and that he has their 113 and /15 blocked. (Sec exhibit E. a hard copy of this posting.)

II) In a posting of May 5,2004 on subject "A quick note about Barbara Schwarz and the Utah Educational Network (UEN)", John Stillwell ("Viper") admitted to a criminal past. (See exhibit F, a hard coy of this posting.)


12) Brian Bruns posted in same threat on May 3, 2005 the UEN employees should be "whacked with the clucbat" for allowing me to use the computers. He defamed me as "nutty", he degraded and insulted the Freespeechstore to "FreeSpeech Whore" and justified his criminal past as unimportant. (See exhibit G, a hardcopy of my letter to library director Nancy Tessman and UEN director Mike Petersen.) 13) Interesting is that despite Brian Bruns was already convicted of felony computer crimes, he apparently does not consider his current violations of laws as such. (See exhibit H, a hard copy of a posting on subject "A quick note about Barbara Schwarz and the Utah Educational Network (UEN)" that I exchanged with Bruns on May 6, 2005.) 14) J strongly suspect that Robert Clark is also involved in this campaign. He posts with other identities on Usenet and sexually harassed and defamed me as well. He was convicted of having hacked into Los Alamos Lab computers. (See exhibit J, a hard copy of the 15) On May 9,2004, John Stillwell, "Viper" indicated in a posting in thc newsgroup alt.religion.scientology that the library I post from are getting many e-mails with my name on it and that he is behind that spam campaign. He also indicated that somebody he knows is working on my pictures and will posting them to all the sex groups with my name and e-mail address and saying ... CUM meet me at the Salt Lake City Public Library and we can have fun under the tables! He did not inform who the friend is, but I noticed on NANAE that he is supportive of Brian Bruns. (See exhibit J, a hard copy of this posting attached.) Under penalty of perjury, I declare the foregoing aHidavit to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated this: Barbara Schwarz Signature

':D ---.1-") C ( I/o

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I declare herewith under oath that I know Barbara Schwarz and that she signed that affidavit.

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From : "Android C a t II Newsgroups: al t . re l i g i o n . sc i e n t o l ogy Subj e c t : Massive forgery of Barbara Schwarz i n nelfJs . admin . ne t - abuse . email Lines: 1 3 Organiza t io n : Sandor Arb i t rat i o n I nt e l l igence a t the Zoo U s e r -Agent : Schrodinge r ' s Reade r . The cat is now dead . X - M I MEOLE: Produced By M i c rosoft M imeOLE V6.00 . 29 0 0 . 21BO X -RFC2646 : Forma t = F l owed; O r i g i nal M e s s age -ID: X - Comp l a i nt s -To : abuse@usenetserve r . com X -Abu se - I n f o : P l ea s e b e sure to forward a copy o f ALL headers X - Abuse - I n f o : Otherwise we w i l l b e unable t o process your complaint properly . NNT P - Post ing-Date, Thu, 02 D e c 2004 09 , 06, 40 E S T Dat e : T h u , 2 D e c 2004 09 :06:26 - 0500 _


T s k , ndipslimef! has star t.ed pul l i ng names and Sub j e c t l i ne s from o t h e r newsgroups for h i s sporgery o f n e w s . admi n . n e t -abuse . emai l . ( The c o n t e n t i s I B S t fFaxhorH some s l i ce d u p crypto-mark�' of - the - be as t - kook t e x t f i l e . ) and Chatbot a r e we l l represented , but they d r i b b l e t o s o many newsg�oups that i t ' s hard t o t e l l if ARS h a s harve s t e d f o r t h i s . Luc k i l y f i l t e r i n g t ec h h a s improved s i nce t h e ARS sporge r i e s , hard t o /dev/nu l l them a l l .

and i t i sn ' t

Ron of that i 1k .

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n.ew�s.admin.n!lt-abuse.emai! > Brian Brun�s is bothering me with unwanted sparn, cheap aQusjve langllage antj threat View Parsed -

From : TlBarbara Schwarz!! Newsgroup s : news . admi n . n e t �a.bu s e . ema i l Sub j e c t : B r i an Bruns i s bothering me w i t h unwanted spam , cheap abusive l a nguage ane D a t e : 22 Apr 2005 15 : 3 8 : 12 - 0700 Organi z a t i o n : http:/ /group s . googl e . com L i ne s : 67 Me s s age- I D : <111420949 2 . 461187 . 3 6250@z14g2000cwz . googlegroups . com> NNTP - Po s s t : 205 . 127 . 246.143 M i me-Version: 1 . 0 Content - Type: t e x t / p l a i n ; cha r s e t = i s o - 8859 --1 X - Trace, p o s t i ng . googl e . com 1114209497 27265 127.0�0 . 1 ( 22 Apr 2005 22 , 38 , 17 GMT) X - Comp l a in t s - To: gronp s - abuse@goog l e,com NNTP-Pos t i ng��Da t e , Fr i , 22 Apr 2005 22 , 3 8,17 +0000 ( UTe) User�Agen\:, G2/ 0 . 2 Comp l a i n t s -To: groups-abuse@goog l e . com I n j e c t i o n-· Info: z 14g2000cwz googlegroups . com; p o s t i ng - ho s t ",,205 . 127 . 246 . 143 ; p o s t i ng-account=VMJuwQOAflABs t L s iV-3RVBcSUahLmsQ4 it



Fri , 22 Apr 2005 18,07 , 07 - 0400 Fro m : s t i l l l ovingmarty < s t i l ilovingma . . . @myway . com> [ Add t o Addre s s Book I B l o ck Addr e s s I Report as Spam To: < b . . . t > , <S t i l l lovingMa . , ,> Sub j ect: Re: E - ma i l 4 of 4 to at torney D a n i e l W . Burnett

( Canada)

Do not bother me! Barbara Schwarz

-- - On Sat 04/16,

B r i an Bruns < b. . . > wrot e :

From : B r i an Bruns [ma i l t o ; b . . . @spamcop,net ] To; S t i l l lovingMa . . . \.'."i'myway . com D at e , S a t , 16 Apr 2005 18 , 35 , 07 - 0400 ( ED T ) S ub j ect: Re : E - ma i l 4 o f 4 t o a t torney Dani e l W ,



[po s t e d and ma i l ed] S t i l l lovingMa . . . @myway . com wrote i n news:l1136843 86 . 53 22S0. [email protected] s . co m : > > B r i an Brun s , I made a b i t r e s earch on you today . Hope you don ' t > mind . Found out that you are a n ex-convict , Felon I ndictment no . > 1- 1577 - 02 , 5- 2423 02, SAPD P o l i c e Report no . 05071019. >

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Tell me about Viper .

> > > > > >


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I s he a l s o a convic t ?

J u s t a que s t i o n , B r i an . Where d i d you l earn t o b u l l y peop l e ? I n p r i so n o r were you always a bu l ly? And who i s t h e person who forged me and others i n NANAE that l aw l e s s news group , in whi c h I never woul d have p o s t e d i f Robert G r i f f i n would have not p o s t e d b e f o r e a pos t i ng t o w h i ch I h a d to respond.

> > > >

Do you know Robert G ri f f in ? (Magnus Pym) I have not not i ced that you a t t acked that guy desp i te i s p o s t i n g was o f f top i c and was not b a s e d o n the t ru t h .

> >

Barbara Schwar z


s u c k i ng t h e t e e t s of TheFreeSpeechwhore e h ?

B e c a r e f u l what you s a y about peop l e , e s p e c i a l ly i f you g e t i t f rom a t hi rd par t y . You may f i nd you r s e l f o n the wrong end of a l ibel l a w s u i t . I f you a c t ua l ly had done r e s e a rc h , yould be s h u t t i ng up r ig h t about now .

Donlt worry, 1111 be i n touch w i t h your school soon enough . AHBL l i s t ings s h o u l d s o l v e your abuse i s sue qui te n i c e l y .

A few

B r i an Bruns The Summ i t Open Source Devel opment Group Open S o l u t ions For A Closed World I Ant i -Spam Resources h t t p , / /www . s o s dg . org / B l o g , h t t p ,/ / b l og.sosdg . org/bruns The Abus ive H o s t s B l o c k i n g L i s t - DNSbl h t t p , / / www,ahbl .org

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h rLIyea ",, -rc " > Updated. ; )



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NKTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 01: 33:41 -0500 From: Andrew D Kirch Orqanj zation: Sumr:lit OpeD Source Development Group Subject: Re: Updated. ;) Date: Fri, 29 l\pr 2005 01 :33:49 -0500 User-Agent: Pan/O.14.2 (This is not a psychotic episode. It's a cleansing moment of Message-Id: <pan.2005. [email protected]> Newsgroups: news.admin.n(� References: <1 11474041 9.1 10413.252240 @g14g2000cwa.googlegroups. com> » » The judges that ruled on my federal cases were biased towards m�. My » cases were not frivolous. It a].so doesn't mean that if several judges » dismiss cases, that the caseS were indeed frivolous and that the » courts did the right thing. All judges in Nazi Germany denied rights » to the Jews, and they dismissed all their cases. They all agreed that » Jews have no rights, despite that the Jews were right demandinq » constitutional rights and decent Lrealment. > » Barbara Schwarz » > I call Godwin and shenanigans on you > > Jim diCriz Define shenanigans, I have some friends with the ability to cause her 'fheir methods aren't too kosher and I don't ask quite a bit of grief. too many questions, are we talking late night scheduled pizza delivery or 20 refridgeralors ove�nighted to her front porch, with limo service for 50?

A,ndrew D Kirch Abusive Ilosts Blocking List H·d\'! . ahbl. org Securi.ty SUITlmi� Open Source Development Group I Key At Key fingerprint = 4106 3338 I F 1 7 lE6F BFB2 BOFA 133J 7 E25 C406 CB02

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From : ' IV iper11 Newsgroup s : news . admi n . ne t - abuse.emai l Re f e rence s : < X n s 9 6 4 AD 2 9 C 4 B E C 3 bruns2mb i t c o rn@ 1 9 9 . 4 5 . 4 9 . 1 1 > Subj e c t : Re : A qu i c k n o t e about BS and UEN L i n e s : 22 X - Newsreader : !V1i cr o s o f t Outlook Exp re s s 6 . 00 . 2 9 00.2 5 2 7 X -MimeOLE : Produced B y M i c rosoft MimeOLE V6 . 00 . 2 9 0 0 . 2 S 2 7 X - RFC2 6 4 6 : Forma t = F lowed; O r i ginal M e s s age - I D: D at e : Tue , 03 May 2 005 0 1 : 04 : 53 GMT NNT P - Po s t i ng - Ho s t : 1 5 1 . 2 01 . 12 8 . 4 0 X - Complalnt s - To : abuse@ve r i zon . ne t X - Trace: t rnddc09 1 1 15082 2 9 3 1 5 1 . 2 01 . 1 2 8 . 4 0 (Man , 0 2 May 2 005 2 1 :04:53 EDT) NNT P - Po s t i ng-Da t e : Mon , 02 May 2 005 2 1 : 04 : 53 EDT B r i an Bruns wro t e : > f t hought l id men t ion t o everyone here t h a t UEN i s g e t t ing abuse > repor t s for every me s s age BS pos t s here . > > I ' ve f i l ed more abuse rep o r t s about h e r w i th UEN than I have ever > 'filed about anyone b e f o r e , and yet UEN s t i ll r e f u s e s to deal w i t h her. > > > I c e r t a i n l y f e e l no sorrow f o r the f ac t that t h e UEN network SOS > l i s t i ng keeps growing . Maybe t h ey ' l l do some h t i ng once i t expands > f a r enough i n t o t he i r n e t b l oc k to n a i l at l e a s t one ma i l s e rve r . Keep adding more and more . here .

They w i l l l earn .

I have t h e i r / 1 3 and /15 b l o c ked

Are you seeking revenge? h t tp : / /www . s e ek i ngrevenge . com Read about Usenet kook Barbara Sch': Jarz a t : h t t p : / /barba r a s c h\\'arz . s e e k ingrevenge . com

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From: "Viper" Newsgroups: Pefe renees: <Xns 964J\D29C4 BEC3bruns2mbitcom@199. 45. 49.11 > Subject: Re: A quick note about BS and UEN Lines: 22 X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2527 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2527 X-RFC26tJ 6: Format==Flo'dcd; Original Message-ID: Date: Tue, OJ 1'''lay 200�} 01:04:53 GJ:'v1T NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-To: [email protected] X-Trace: trnddc09 1115082�93 (Mon, 02 May 2005 21:04:53 EDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Man, 02 May 2005 21:04:53 EDT Brian Bruns wrote: > 1 thought I'd mention to everyone here that UEN is getting abuse > reports for every message BS posts here. > > J've filed more abuse reports about her with UEN than I have ever > filed about anyone before, and yet UEN still refuses to deal with her. > > > I certain _ ly feel no sorrow for the fact that the DEN network SOS > listing keeps growing... Maybe they'll do somehting once j.t expands > far enough into their netblock to nail at least one mail server. Keep adding more and more. They will learn. I have their 113 and 115 blocked here.

Are you seeking revenge? htlp:/ Read about Usenet kook Barbara Schwarz at:

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From : "Viper Newsgroups; news . admi n . ne t - abuse . email <Xns 9 6 4 DA8 1 3 F 9 3 2 2bruns 2 n Re f erences; <Xns 9 6 4 1\D 2 9C4 BEC3bruns 2mbi tcorn@ 1 9 9 . 4 5 . 4 9 . 11> Subje c t : Re : ( Update) A qui ck note about Barbara Schwar"z and the Utah Educational l' L i ne s : 1 4 9 X - Pr iori t y : 3 X - MS Ma i l - Pr i or i t y : Normal X-Newsreader : M i c rosoft Ou t l ook Express 6 . 0 0 . 2 9 0 0 . 2 5 2 7 X-MimeOLE : Produced B y M i c rosoft MimeOLE V6 . 0 0 . 2 9 0 0 . 2 S2 7 X - RFC2 6 4 6 : Forma t = Fl owed; O r i gi nal Message - I D : <SXxee . 10 8 2 5 $ j U6 . 1 4 2 4 ®trndny0 6 > Da,t e : Thu , 0 5 May 2 0 0=:· 23 :2 5 :3 8 GMT NNTP-Post ing- Host : 1 5 1 . 2 0 1 . 12 8 . 4 0 X-Compl a i n t s - To; abuse@veri z on . ne t X - Tr a c e : trndny06 1 1 1 5 3 3 5 5 3 8 1 5 1 . 2 0 1 . 1 2 8 . 4 0 (Thu, 0 5 May 2 0 0 5 1 9 : 2 5 : 3 8 EDT) NNTP-post i n g - Dat e : Thul 05 May 2 0 05 1 9 : 2 5 : 3 8 EDT n

Barbara Schwarz wrot e : > V i p e r wrot e : » Barbara Schwarz wrot e : »> » > B r i an Bruns, did you confess to the Utah Educ a t ional Net work the » > f o l l ow i n g : »> j ust d e f ended myse l f a f ter I was forged and attacked and » > 1 ) That » > d e f amed on NANAE and that you and your f r i e nds just have a probJem » > w i t h my r i ght of f ree speech and organi zed an i l l egal c ampa i gn » > against me to t h e DEN? » » I doubt anyone bothered reading the t r o l l s posts about you . They » were onl y read a f t e r you started f l ooding t h i s group w i t h kook » post s . When you was asked t o leave you got even worse . > > Do you have a c r i mi nal records too, John S t i l l we l l ? Some t hi n g we > shou ld know abou t ? Nope no record at all . We l l one f rom when I was a k i d and i t was sealed and Doone can v i e w i t w i t hout a court order i f they even have i t s t i l l . I t shoul d have been t hrown away when I h i t 18 . Some t imes k i ds do stupid t h i ngs when they are wi th f r i e n d s . And t h a t s a l l I I I say an the mat t e r .


> I was forged i n NANAE before I ever posted anything h e r e . Who of you > was that who forged me or was that again a NANAE group d e c i sion? I t was one of your k ook f r iends or h i p c r ime . > > > > >

Then I was defamed by Rob e r t G r i f f i n (al so known as Magnus pym) w i t h a sock puppet on NANAE . I ssue were four e � ma i l s and I d e c i ded t o post the corre c t i on s . That i s a l l . I had not even remo t e l y i n t e rest t o post more here . These posti ngs b e l onged i n NAN.�E because G r i f f i n used t h i s group to post f a l sehoods about these four e - m a i l s .

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s o c k puppe t i s kook t a l k .

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Keep showing yor t rue c o l o r s there .



B u t }"OU guys , B r i a n B r uns , you , Vip e r John S t i l lwel l , .n.ndrew D . K i r c h , a n d Rus s e l l M i l l e r , a n d o t hers got o b s e s s e d w i t h m e and defamed and abused me ma l i c i ou s l y in numberous pos t i ngs. Under the U . S . Cons t i tu t i o n I have a r i gh t to defend myse l f . I f you donlt want i t , s t op your abuse or dead f i l e me . F i l i n g f a l s e comp l a i nt s about me or o t he r s i n an organi z e d camp a i gn to the UEA and my l ibrary i s c r i m i nal .

:> :> :> > > >

The i n t ernet s o e s nt u s e t he US Cons t i t u t ion . says t_hey a r e . N o t h i n g more .

Your r i gh t s are what your I SP

» »






2 ) Do you admit t h a t you made o t he r s f i l e phoney comp l a i n t s t o the UEN and the t he S a l t Lake C i ty l ibrary to make them a f r a i d that they m i gh t end up on a black l i s t ?


Noone f i l ed phoney comp l a i nt s . Your pos t s were o f f t op i c and the s ame t h i n g over and ove r . W e l l over a B I = 2 0 I b e t .

» » > > > > > > >

They were not o f f t op i c , because Robert Gri f f i n made spe c i f i c false c l aims as to messagt:s to hi s att orney . These i s sues were r a i sed by HIM and not by me in NANAE . You and Ru s s e l l M i l l e r p o s t over and over t h e same defamacion o f me i n your s i gnature l i ne s . That t o o i s o f f t o p i C and spam . B e s i de s from the c r i m i na l act of cons t a n t l y d i s t r i bu t i ng defama t i o n about me .

Anot he r kook t h a t t hinks a s i g i s spam, LOL


3) Do you a dm i t that you u s e d not my f u l l name i n t h i s pos t i ng In hope t h a t I would m i s s i t , because your camp a i gn a ga i n s t me to the DEN is unJ.awful if not c r iminal and uncon s t i t u t ional ?








Nope t ha t s what we c a l l you i n c h a t b e h i nd the s c e ne s . Exa c t l y , you cooked up i n c h a t s b e h i n d t h e scene t o spam t h e UEN and t h e l i brary w i t h f a l s e comp l ai n t s about me to br i n g them to t h e i r knees . And c r i m i na l b a ckgrounds o f any o f you guys ','Je re o f course w i t hh e l d from those that you comp l a i n t o .

> > > >

No need t o cook s t u f f up . A l l that was s a i d i s UEN cont a c t e d me and s i nce you was s t i l l t r o l l i n g I added al l t h e i r I Ps into my i p t a b l e s / t he n others s a i d they d i d a l so . Brian s a i d he di dnt add every i p ju s t enough to get DENs at t e n t i o n . You are the only Barbara we t a l ke d about . And no i t wasnt unlawful . You was abus i n g t h i s group , h o s t s , l i s t i ng was on t a r ge t .

» » »

The AHBL i s a l i s t o f abusive

> >

Read again what I wrot e .

> »







3) D i d you give t he l ib rary and t h e UEN t h e D i s t r i c t A t t o rney's name and number i n New York who Charged you?


D i d you i n f orm them about your probat ion o f f i c e r ?


D i d you i nform them w i t h cop i e s o f i n d i c tme n t s ?

»> »> »

htt ://qroups- beta o/news . a d min




l:Joogle l:JrOUpS

» »

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n ews. admin . net-abuse. e m a i l

The o n l y people that any o f t h a t matt ers t o i s you and the spammer £reespeech\.;hore .

> > >

The c o r r e c t name o f t h i s webs i t e i s www . f r e e speechs tore . com and vulgar l anguage does not h e l p your c a s e , Vipe r or t h e rest of the gang .

I t s l o s t 4 h o s t s . Ask him i f he has been on 4 d i f ferent . E a c h k i l l was p o s t e d abou t . > > > >

Do a search here .

I have not seem any spamm i ng o f the www . f re e s p e e c ns t ore . com. I j us t s aw that you guys a re defaming otheI'S and sparn t h e I S P s o f others because you guys are unable t o accept oppos i t e f reedom o f speech . You must be r e a l l y i ns e c ure punk s .

Because he h a s n t wrote a l ie about you ye t. . He po s t s l i e s then ema i l s the p e r s on t e l l ing them they need to s i gnup to read the l i e e r r comp l a i n t . » > >

He has l o s t 3 or 4 hos t s because o f h i s spammign and abuse . The www . f re e s p e e c h s t o r e . com i s on the web and running , and you make t h e s t u f f about t h i s ',vebs i t e up as you l i e about me and my p o s t ings .

> » > > >

You keep i t up and I s e e the same going f o r you. Unl e s s t h e I S P s sue you or f i l e penal comp l a i n t s aga i n s t you and your NANAE gang. B r i an Bruns , seems to be your l e ader, i s a l ready wel l know to the New York D i s t r i c t A t torney_

You dont know the f u l l s t ory behind a l l that w i t h B r i an so you cant comment on i t and n e i ther c a n I . Let them f i l e and I b e t a s soon as someone does the I S P or h o s t they use ends up on many privace l i s t s and then l o s e s in court . > >

I a s s ume he real l y l i ked i t in p r i son as he maybe headed there soon agaIn .

(and you and your f r i e nd s )

B r i ng i t on but you l l be in Germany so you wont knoltJ what happens when i t ge t s thrown out now w i l l you ? LOL > :> > :>

You guys need a form o f therapy . You have to l earn to t o l er a t e oLher p o s t e r s . You c an ' t bu l l y e a c h oppo s i t e speech f rom the web . Learn to u s e a k i l l f i l e i f you c a n ' t han,dle somebody doing some t h i ng e l s e than you do .

You need t h e therapy you are hanging wi t h the f re e speach ',.; h ore _ You a l s o took money f rom your mom then t a l ked s h i t on h e r i n other groups and d i dnt even goto her funeral . Some human you are . f


Barbara Schwarz

Fee l i ng Lucky? h t tp : / /wVJW . rx2 . !let Read about Usene t kook Barbara Schwarz at: h t t p : / /barbarasd:wa r z . s e e k i ngrevenge . com

Google Horne - Terms of lJs� - Privacy Poligy - Job_s, Press�&Help

http://gro u ps - beta . g oo g l e . com/gro u p/ n ews . a d m i n . net-abuse . e m a i l/msq . . .


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Barbara Schwarz


(no subject) Barbara Schwarz To: [email protected]

Thu, May 12, 2005 at 7:23 PM

Barbara Schwarz. 335 East Broadway, Apt. 401, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Salt Lake City Library, Attention: Director Nancy Tessman and Deputy Director Chip Ward Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

cc: UEN, Director Mike Petersen May 6,2005

Re: The complaints to library and the UEN Dear Nancy and Chip, I thought about what you said to me during the meeting of May 4, 2004, and I want to add the following: 1) You, Nancy, told me that the library might ask me in future not more to use the library computers anymore and asked if I would have another place to use computers. You know better than anyone, the library is for everybody, and I would consider it a denial of these rights as well as a denial of my right to free speech and defend myself against defamation on the web if I would be denied access to the library computers. You asked me if I would have another place to use a computer. I replied that I know of the Salt Lake County Community Center but it costs hourly and I can't spend money on this. Moreover, it would be just transferring the problem to another host, and that gang that spammed and harasses the library and the Utah Educational Network (UEN) would do the same to them. 2) You told me that you would make more research on this matter, and I want to give you and the UEN a hand. Be informed that I don't like the UEN and the library in any troubles. First of all, you should know that the complaints are organized by Brian Bruns, a convicted felon. Richard Scoville, a respected businessman from Texas e-mailed you yesterday following information: ============================================================

It has come to my attention that Brian Bruns, aka Ahblorg, SClsdg org, is attempting to extort/blackmail you into curtailing services to one or more of your patrons, members, registrants, etc. FSS has been following the abuse that Mr. Bruns and his GANG have been directing toward Barbara Schwarz and your organizations! I beseech you to do a little research into this CONVICTED FELON I Our firm has had its problems with this known criminal (on probation for computer crimes) and wishes to share some information with you. He seems to think that Free Speech is governed by he and his vigilantes, not the First Amendmentl The egregious wrath that he invokes upon people is far too copious to recant here, but feel free to leave me a contact phone number at (1) [email protected] or leave the info at


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20.7-510.-9474. You may wish to peruse our site and more specifically.. (1) n.ttpj/freespeech5tore.CQf]l!Qresul!s..asp?Ssearch_IS"YWQfd=b.runs_+kirch+s()",hbl . Qrglltnqearch2=fiDd+Speech (2) Keywor9 =nanae&btnSe , a rch2= Find+Speech FSS has recently filed (2) police reports against these culprits and is in the process of filing a civil lawsuit against them, Do not succumb to these thugs without due diligencel Please contact us if you wish to read the information on our site and we will gladly allow you FREE access. Respectfully, Richard Scoville CEO... FSS ===========================================================

Instead of telling me to leave, the library and the UEN should file criminal charges to the District Attorney, the cyberforce units, and the FBI, against Brian Bruns and his gang, If you don't, they will blackmail, extort, harass, spam, and terrorize again the library and the UEN to boot another patron or they will do it to other institutions. 3) If you go to the Google groups and click on the Usenet threat below, you will read that felon Brian Bruns was organizing the campaign against me for no other reason than that he just don't like my freedom of speech. That convicted felon feels very victorious over the UEN. He has a small mind and believes rumors about me that other people invented and thinks that I deserve his abuse and that his spamming, harassment, terror and blackmaillextrortion of the UEN is justified. He has a criminal mind and justifies his cyber crimes by blaming me on them. http://9[oups-beta.900gle,com/group/news.admin·net-abu,se,ern aillbrowse_frm/thread /be3871b5o.a,D6339d/f26c4ae2eeaca1,cD?tvc= 1&hl=en#f26c4ae2eeaca 1cO.

4) Brian Bruns is supported by John Stillwell aka "Viper", another cyber criminal, who admitted his crimes against the UEN here:, /lJe3871b5DaD6339d/f26c4ae2eeaca1 cD?tvc=1&hl=en#f26c4ae2eeaca1 cO. He replied on May 3, 20.0.5 that Brian Bruns should continue his abuse of the UEN and that John Stillwell has the UEN's /13 and /15 blocked.


Robert Clark also posts with different identities on NANAE and ARS, I strongly assume that he also is one of the people who spams, harasses, and blackmails the library and UEN to kick me out. He is a felon too. He was found guilty to hack into the Los Alamos lab computers.

http://''''f,'W ,Ie Ii gj 9usire"d amwi3tc;h, argiextre mjsjs/cIa[�3. hIml 6) Please take notice that I do not defame people or post falsehoods about them. That is what other people do to me. I take the truth seriously. I am also being forged by the same people who filed this criminal complaint campaign to the library and UEN. On December 2, 20.0.4, an Usenet author posted following in Usenet: "Massive forgery of Barbara Schwarz in newsgroup". ("NANAE") http://groups-beta google,com/group/alt.reli gion. scientology/browse_frm/thread/(d7 559310.2 a7e1b8/3aad5fc14D 1dbc64?q=massive+forgery+of+Barbara+Schwarz&rnum= 1&hl=en#3aad5fc14D1dbc64

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He informed that I,and others, are forged by NANAE posters. I never had posted anything on NANAE but nevertheless was forged by lawless posters of this newsgroup.

7) On or around April 12,

2005, I was defamed by a poster from Australia, Robert Griffin in NANAE. He claimed that four e-mails that I sent to his attorney Daniel W. Burnett in Canada would have been "harassment". This was a false complaint as these four messages to the attorney were polite and respectful. His attorney never complained to me that any of these messages would have been "spam" or "abuse" or "harassment". I suspect that Mr. Griffin's attorney quit, and that is why Me. Griffin defamed and retaliated me. 8) On April 12, 2005, I posted four e-mails on NANAE,proving that my four messages to attorney Daniel Burnett were neither spam, nor abuse or harassment.


In response to these, I was immediately defamed by several NANAE posters as "kook". NANAE poster Russell Miller and "Viper", John Stillwell used my name and defamed me as kook in their signature lines and put defamatory websites about me up.

10) I posted in response and in defense to these defamations on NANAE and was further verbally abused and defamed by NANAE posters as Brian Bruns,Andrew D. Kirch, (Bruns partner) John Stillwell (Viper), Russell Miller, Robert Clark,and some others or their "sock puppets" (assumed identities). 11) From postings on NANAE, I found out that Brian Bruns bragged about this campaign against me to the library and the UEN and thanked his friends for assistance in that campaign. In the posting of May 3, 2005, "A quick note about BS and UEN" (BS is defamatory for my name Barbara Schwarz) Brian Bruns admitted that he posts an abuse report for every message I post on NANAE and that he filed more abuse reports about me and UEN than he has ever filed about anybody before. He basically admitted that he does not want me to speak out. He files those reports to deny any free speech of mine. It is not about spam but that he does not want me to speak out. 12) He abused the abuse process by harassing the UEN, and the library through his campaign. He admitted that he does not feel sorry that the SOS listings for the UEN network is growing with his false complaints. According to my information this kind of behavior violates criminal statutes and you might want to consult your attorney. 13) Brian Bruns posted in same threat on May 3, 2005 that the UEN employees should be "whacked with the cluebat" for allowing me to use the computers. He defamed me as "nutty",he degraded and insulted the Freespeechstore to "FreeSpeechWhore" and justified his criminal felon past as unimportant. You can read the rest yourself in this and other threats online. 14) Be informed that most of these posters access Usenet via a Newsreader. They have the possibility to "killfile" the name of a poster they don't want to read. All people who filed these false complaints about you could have done that instead of starting a campaign to deny to me freedom of speech. 15) I access Usenet via Google. Be informed that Google must have received at least the same amount of complaints by Brian Bruns and his gang, but they did not cancel my posting accounts. If I indeed would

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"spam" or "abuse" Usenet (which I don't) Google would have been the first who would have canceled my posting accounts. One needs e-mail addresses in order to post. I am certain that also my e-mail providers received these false complaints. They too did not cancel my accounts. The constitutional and lawful handling is not telling me that I may have to leave the library or denying access to computers to me, but to inform the FBI and Utah computer law enforcement units to file charges against these men. In kind you should have questions, please ask. I recommend you again to contact Richard Scoville, the CEO of the FSS, because he will provide you with information about the Brian Brun and his gang that you can verify through different sources as court, police, district attorney and probation offices. Nether the UEN nor the library should allow these cyber punks and criminals to spam, harass, overwork, blackmail/extort you; they should not succeed to put the UEN on a black list; you can't allow them to cut off Internet access for schools and libraries and don't allow them . .to make you violate the f:onstitution by denying patrons access. �-1 '{ ( '.�I,. '-�j 'JV


Barbara Schwarz

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X-Gmail-Received: 25452b4a8820fc430f3c8dbd6c961de488848e4b Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: by with


12 May 2005

Received: by Thu,


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14:47:29 -0700

12 IvJay 2005 14:47:29 -0700



with SMTP id u8mr889633nzd; (PDT)

Received: from


by 'dith ESMTP Thu,

12 May 2005

Received-SPF: pass RecQived: from


ld 8si187t:i66nzn.200S.0S.12.1'1.47.28:

14: 117:29 -0700


( domain of [email protected] des

FEOGJ\TEDOl'1-HT.Zi, by mail. nsc.

with Novell_GroupWise;


12 May 2005 15:47:22 -0600

Message- I d : <[email protected]> X-Mailer: Novell Date: Thu,


Internet Agent 6.5.3

12 1'-1ay 2005 15:47:07 -0600

From: "Robert PaYlle" To: Cc: Subject: Request

for Complaints to


Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain;

charset=US-ASCI I

Content-Transfer-Encoding: Contcnt-Dispos] tion: Dear



Ms. Schwarz:

The following e-mail consideration



forwarded to our office for

of your document request.


note in your e-mail of

to UEN by Brian

John Stillwell and Andrew Kirch.


provided copies of those complaints to our office. received multiple copies of made

1'la/ 9,

tha-t you request copies of the conplaints that have been submitted



many of


the complaints and efforts have been

cull duplicates from the copies.

The caples provided by LiEN consist in our

UEN has

UEN has

office at

the complaints .25/page.

of 4"76 pages and you may review them

your convenience.


arId send them to you.


receive payment far

the cost




make a

c:apy of

normal cost for documents is

to you will be $119.

We will need to

the copies in advance of sending them to you.


will also need your mailinq address. Please let De

know how you would like to proceed.

Robert Payne





email message is




intended recipient,

destroy all

and privileged information.

cr di stribution is prohibited.

copies of the original


General Counsel



Any unauthorized I f you are not

please contact the sender by reply email and

Robi:;rt Payne Office


for the sale use of the intended recipient(s)

may contain confidential the


Thank you.

s 155.

Page 2 of13

University of Utah 201 South Presidents Circle, Room 309 S alt Lake City, Utah 8!J112-90l8 ph. (801) 58'j-7002 fax (801) 585-7007 email: [email protected]

-----Original Message----From: Barbara S ch,varz [mailto: barba�a. [email protected]] Sent: J:vlonday, May 09, 200::' 7:32 PN 1'0: Troy Jessup; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Re: Response to Barbara Schwarz Re: Bruns and Kirch may have violated the Rico Act pursuant to police in Texas. Mr. Troy Jessup, Tessman.

cc. UEN Director Mike Petersen and Nancy

thanks for your response. Please understand that I don't intend to make any troubles for DEN nor the library. But I ask you to provide me 'l'Jith a copy of the complaints as I want to file a complaint to the police about these false complaints. If you don't provide me Irdth a copy, my complaint to the police can't be as effective. The leader or these group that {-tIed false cOI;'Lplaints t�o UEN and the library is a convicted felon. (Brian Bruns, Ex- Convict, Felon Indictment Numbers.I-l�77-02,S -2423-02, SAPO Police Report # 05071019.) Another one Irlho particpated .in this campaign hacked into Los AlaInos laboratories. (Robert Clark)!extrernists/clark3.html. J\

third one, \T.iper, (,John Stillwell) admitted thut he forged mer and also forged my e-mails in my name to the library and likel y to YOll. These e-mails must be of unlawful and crazy conduct. He calls for people to do the same on the Internet and pound you and the Library with false complaints. S tillwell informed that a friend of his wants to sexually exploit me on the Internet. Brian Bruns fri,end (Andrew D.Kirch) posted this threat agaj,nst me:" I have some friends with the ability to cause her quite a bit of grief. Their methods aren't too kosher and I don't ask too many questions .. .


It is also possible that thev contact you under other names and seTvers to make it look like that many people complain about me. Brian Bruns admitted that he caused other ISPs already a lot of grier, as "The Denver Exchange." http: // What I don't understand is that the UEN does not file charges againt these men but rather works together with them. The cyber crime units of law enforcement are the people who should deal with these

h11n·/ /u111:lil annale cnm/a111:li I? Xr ik=q')}1r17}1hhr1�&vie\'v

nmRrth= 1 01d?eO:;; f:l?lQcflRr 7)(=

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news . a d mi n . n et-abuse. e m a i l

P a g e 1 o f 14

I My Groups I Help I Sign out

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Search -'.


Advanced, Groups Search Preferences\-abus{ > (Update) A quick note about Barbara Schwarz and. the Utah Educational Network (UEN) View Parsed -

From : l ! Barbara Schwarz II Newsgroups : news . admi n . ne t � abuse . emai l Subje c t : Re : (Upda t e ) A quick note about Barbara Schwarz and the Utah Educ a t i onal t D a t e , 6 May 2 005 13 ,3 9 ,04 - 07 0 0 Organizat ion : h t tp : / /group s . goog l e . com Line s : 754 Message - ID : < 11154 11 9 4 4 . 82 5071. 14 8180@o13 g2 000cwo . goog l egroups . com> Re f erenc e s : <Xns9 6 4AD2 9C 4 BE C 3bruns2mbi t c om@19 9 . 4 5 . 4 9 . 11> < Xns9 6 4 DA813 F932 2 bruns2 mb i t c om@216 . 19 6 . 9 7 . 14 2 > < 11153 2 86 2 1 . 4 6 4 6 57 . 12 4 52 0@g14 g2 000cwa . goog l egroups . c om> < Xns9 6 4DC2AB B 7 1CCbruns2 mb i t c om@216 . 19 6 . 9 7 . 14 2 > < 11153 3 8504 . 18 6 3 8 1 . 104 6 2 0@z14g2000cwz . goog l e groups . c om> <Xns9 6 4DDBAF34AFAbruns2mb i t c onl@216 . 19 6 . 9 7 . 14 2 > NNTP-Post ing-Host : 2 05 . 12 7 . 2 4 6 . 115 M i m e Version: 1 . 0 Con t e nt - Type : text/pl a i n; charse t = 'tiso- 8859 - 1'· X - Tr a c e : post ing . goog l e . c om 1115411949 2 013 5 127 . 0 . 0.1 (6 May 2 005 2 0 : 3 9 : 09 GMT) X - Compl aints - To : groups -abuse0)goog l e . c om NNT P - Post i ng'"Da te : F r i , 6 May 2 005 2 0 : 3 9 ; 09 +0000 (UTe) I n - Reply-To : <Xns9 6 4 DDBAF34AFAbruns2mni t com@2 16 . 19 6 . 9 7 . 14 2 > Use r -Agent : G 2 / 0 . 2 Comp l a i n t s- To; �lroups- abuse@goog l e . c om Inj e c t i on-Info; o13 g 2 000cwo . googlegroups . com; post i n g - host = 2 0S . 12 7 . 2 4 6 . 115; pas t i ng - a c c ount '" V�JjJuwQOAAA.B stLs i V - 3 RVBcSUahLmsQ4

B r i a n Bruns wrot e : > IIB a rbara Schwarzll wrote i n > news: 11153 3 8504 . 186 3 81 . 104 6 2 0@z14 g2 l e group s . c om : > > > Y e s , i t 1 . s , as those are l i e s . I posted j ust a moment ago how i t real l y > > was and i s . > > > > Rememb e r t o take o f f the rea l i ty d i st or t i on gogg l e s b e f ore posting a > r e sponse . You might a c t ua l ly make sense . You do not make sense . You bate me f or no good reason and that i s a l l the nsenseH that you apparen t l y need t o come a f t e r me . > > » > » > » No phony comp l a i n t s were made . > :> Yeah right , t e l l i t your g randma . Each of these c omp l a i n t s were phoney > > and you , apparently, Mr . Felon, organ i zed that campaign . > > > > > I organ i z e d no such comp l a in t . Once aga i n , remember the shiny side

httn: / /arouDs-beta . a ooaie .com/a roup/news . a d m i n . net-a buse . e mail/msq ...


5/7/0 5

Goog le Gro u ps

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news. ad m i n . n et-abuse . e m a i l

goes > o n the out s i de . The only one here that > appare n t l y yourse l f .

is conspi r i ng aga i n s t you is

Y e a h right , and your f a l s e comp l a i nt campaign that you admi t t e d in the f i r s t pos t i ng o f t h i s thread is a l l my H f an t a s y l ! . > > >








I comp l a ined about your kookery . You are the kOOK,

and not a harm l e s s one ,

i n my opinion .

> > > 1 1 m sure i f we took a vot e , Amonst p r i s on inmat e s maybe .

t h a t s not what t h e outcome would be


> > >


> You were c o nv i c t e d o f computer c r im e s before , and t h i s i s nothing else . > > Are you a l s o f r iend w i t h Robe r t C l arK , the guy who hacked into Los > A l amos > l ab s ? He pos t s under numerous sock puppet s . D i d he pa r t i c ipate > > i n that campaign aga i n s t me? > > He a l s o h a t e s m e f o r my f ree spee c h . I j u s t b e l ieve i n o t h e r t h i ngs > > than he doe s . >

> > >

Oh boy,

I hear the banshee whines beginning aga i n .

> >

Noone h a t e s you f o r your f ree spee c h .

People have a problem w i t h you

> because you a r e apparent l y an i l legal in t h i s country from what l i ve read , > u s ing the resource s that Americans pay f o r , and was t i ng them a t a rate > t hat i s unacceptab l e . Provide the proof o f that one ! Moreover , i f you t h i nk that I am i l legal in t h i s country comp l ai n t to immigra t i o n , you i d io t , and not c o the UEN or a l ibrary .

The govt h a s t e rmed you a s a FOIA Terro r i s t because of your ext ravagant hab i t s due t o your paranoia and conspiracy t he or i e s . >


A man of i n t e l l igence does not be l ieve i n y e l l ow j ourna l i s m . You a l s o know that. I sued t h e Tribune over that a r t i c l e . What they wrote i s not true . I t bo i l s again t hat you have personal d i s l ike about me and that i s why you use a l l kinds of j u s t i f i ca t ions and methods to deny comput e r a c c e s s t o me . > > >




h t t p : / /www . r e l i g i o u s r reedomwatch . org/extremi s t s / c l ark3 . html

S o , are you a f r iend o f Robert C l ark , the Los Al amos l ab hacker? As you d i d not deny i t , I w i l l as sume you are .

htt p : //gro u ps- beta . g oo g i e . co m/gro u p/news . a d m i n . net- a buse .e m a i l/ m s g . . .


Goog le G roups





news . ad m in . net-abuse . e m a i l

Law enforcement has t o come a f t e r you ,

Page 3 of 1 4

and I hope that the UEN and

the > > l ibrary informs t h e FBI o n what you guys are doing . I n s tead of u s i ng a :> ::> k i l l f i l e f o r the pos t i ngs that you don ' t want to read , you threaten > > the UEN t o be put on a b l ack l i s t that t he i r l ibrar i e s and schoo l s :> ::> can ' t have c e r t a i n I n t e rn e t a c c e s s anymore . You guys are c r iminal . I :> > can 1 t put that in more f r i endly words . >


> > > The UEN w i l l do no such t h i n g . What makes you t h i n k s o ? Do you t h i nk they have t o obey to f e l on s a s yours e l f o r Rob C l a r k ?

May I remind you t h a t according t o the l aws , I have a right to exp r e s s an op i n i o n , much l i ke you do . My o p i n i on > i s that UEN should u s e a c lu e - by - four on you . F i l i ng one comp l a i n t a f t e r the other t o the DEN i s not your op in ion but harassme n t , spam , and an at tempt to b l ackma i l the� to v i o l a t e the Con s t i tu t i o n to deny a c c e s s to the n e t f o r me . You should make a legal c o u r s e on c on s t i t u t ional v a l u e s . You have heavy m i s understandings on the subj e c t . >


> > However , UEN h a s been pas s i ng along the comp l a i n t s to the l ibrary where and has s t a t e d that they have been d i s c u s s i n g the i s sue > you are a t , ( :i. e : > you) w i t h them .

That i s true . They t o l d me about the comp l a i n t s that they rece ived . But I hope you don ' t mind that I d i s c u s s you and your f r iends w i th them? >

Based on the f a c t that DEN asked me to de l i s t the b l o c k s , rather then demanded , seems t o i n d i c a t e that they unde r s t and that it is my right > to expre s s my op i n i o n i n the form o f l i s t i ng the i r space from the abuse . > >

I t h i nk you are way i n over your head , B:::ian Bruns . The UEN i s not a l i tt l e c rummy I SP but the I n t e rnet provider f o r schoo l s , l ib r a r i e s and they even have t he i r own TV channe l , What you d i d aga i n s t them , because of your p e r s on a l d i s l i k e o f an a l l eged i l legal al ien , is not to be j us t i f i e d under the law . I hope they do the r i ght t h i ng and f i l e c r i m i na l charges a g a i n s t you/ a s your abuse is ou trage ous . You are f o r c i ng them t o obey t.o YO'..1 , you b l ackma i l / e x t r o r t them ! E i ther they have t o deny my r ight f o r f ree speech or you w i l l c o n t i nue to haras s them . That i s v i o l a t ing c r im i n a l l aws . A s k your a t torney i f you don ' t be l i eve me .


httn · I In m l lnc;- hptrl nnnn i p rom / o m l m / npws . ri ri m i n . net- ri h u se . e m a i l / m s



Google G ro u ps m i n . n et-abuse . e m a i l

Pag e 4 o f 14

> My response b y reducing t h e l i s t in g s i z e shows that I respect the way they > handled i t , and am w i l l i n g to work w i t h them t o see a resolut ion .

You got c o l d f e e t s , that 1 s a l l . The resolut i on that I s e e for you and your l aw l e s s f r i ends is a c r iminal conv i c t i o n and p r i s o n t ime . The f a c t that I gradu a l l y e s c i l at e d the l i s t ing , rather then doing a b l anket > / 1 6 , shows that 1 1 m doing t h i s as c l eanly and respon s i b l y as pos s i b l e > >


whi l e s t i l l h o l d i ng t o my po l i c i e s .

What p o l i c i e s might that me? The D i s t r i c t Attorney i n New York mi ght now a l o t about that . Do not be surp r i sed i f you and your f r i ends are v i s i t e d by the FBI . > >

Quj, t e a d i f f e re n t story then you are making i t out to be .

Yes ,

a d i f f e rent s tory a s you don ' t t e l l the truth ,

but I do .

> > >












hope that I would mi s s i t , DEN is unlawful

in >


Do you admit that you used not my f u l l name i n t h i s po s t i ng because your campaign aga i n s t me t o

the >












if not c r iminal and uncon s t i tu t i onal ?

I didn ' t u s e your name because I saw n o need t o .

> > F_ coward , you a r e . You are a f r a i d that I f ind evidence of your cr iminal > > ac t s , a n d I a m c o n s i d e r i ng t o f i l e charges t o your D i s t r i c t A t torneys > > about your l a t e s t s t un t . >


> >

Gee z e , you r e a l l y > Coward because I saved mys e l f a few keys t rokes? need > t o get a l i f e . S o you t h i n k t h a t you c a n j us t bl indly f i l e charges > agai n s t someone f or repo r t i ng YOl..l t o your I S P ? I d o nothing bl i n dl y . My name i s not B r i an Bruns . You don ' t get the mag n i t ude of what you d i d , don ' t you? What you , and your f r i ends and helper s , imme d i a t e l y should do is t o stop your c r iminal actv i t i e s and to apo l og i z e t o me , the DEN and the l ibrar i e s and any school that had problems because of your orga n i z e d c r im i n a l a c t iv i t i e s . You , but a l s o V i p e r , and who e l s e con t r i nu t e d to the UEN campag i n provided a l o t o f evidence o f your c r im i n a l a c t s . You d i d not report me t o my I S P . You spammed them , you harassed them , you bl ackma i l e d them t o d o what you want o r thc:y w i l l def amed o n a bl ack l i s t . You b l o cked c e r t a i n l ibrary a c c e s s for them . Thi s is c r iminal .

h tt n : / /orotJns

heta . o oo o l e . co m /oro u o /news . a d m i n . net-abuse . e m a i l /mso . . .


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> > You must be going f o r a comic s t andup award, Barbara . There i s nothing funny about the c riminal a c t s that you d i d ,

Ever heard o f something c a l l ed before > you d o anything .

B r i an .



' un c l ean hands ' ?

I f I were you ,

I a m not i n t e r e s t ed i n reading kook pos t i ngs . hands is evident .

I ' d r e s ea r c h i t

That you have no c l ean

> > > > >




That i s your u,nqual i f ie d f e l on op inion about me l B r i an Bruns . My op i n i on i s t h a t you are one o f the wo r s t Usenet rowd i e s . I rather



the Queen .




> > I t s an opinion , j us t l i ke i t s my opinion that you are in need o f s e r ious t h erapy t o deal w i t h whatever lS caus l ng you t o t h ink that you are > the > focus o f t h i s b i g huge conspi racy .

You j u s t proved t h a t I a m t h e focus o f a b i g conspiracy w i t h you and your f r iends campaiging a g a i n s t me to the UEN . You canlt do i t and then s ay i t never happend . >

becaUSE , a f t e r al l , > Noth i ng wrong w i t h an o p i n i o n , and I ' m an Ame r i c an C i t i z e n , and i t s Free Spee c h . >

t h i s i s Ame r i c a ,

I c an l t be l i eve i t ! You c l a im everybody h a s r ight for f r e e speech but you automat i c a l l y f i l e an comp l a int for any p o s t ing I do . What a l aw l e s s hypocr i t e you are ! You are only f o r one kind o f f re e speech , and t h i s i s your own f re e speec h , not f o r f ree speech r i g h t s o f others , and espe c i a l l y not f o r t h o s e that you just happen to d i s l i k e f o r some d i s t o r t e d reasons . I t i s you who needs l e s sons in t o l erance , M i s t e r . On the other hand, f rom what peop l e have been saying, i t s pos s ib l e your n o t even supposed t o b e i n this > country . The con s t i tu t i on protect s Ame r i can C i t i z ens . > >

You c l a i m everybody has r i ght f o r free speech but you automat i c a l l y comp l ai n t a f t e r t h e o t he r about me f o r any pos t ir.g I f i l e one f a l s e do . What a lawl e s s hypo c r i t e you are ! I sure hope t h a t you have the proof that I am no Ame r i can c i t i z en . BTW, the U . S . con s t i tu t i on does not j us t protect Ame r i c an c i t i ze n but any r e s i de n t o f t h e USA, even the i l legal s . You should ask your at torney . Not even an i l l e gal immigrant deserves what you do to me l and i t a l so does not j us t i fy your spam , h a r a s sment and exto r t i o n to the l i brary and t h e UEN . You have not much o f an educ a t i o n , Mr . Bruns .


htt n ' I ln rn l l nc- hptr> n n n n i p rnm /nrnl

m/npws.rld m i n . net- a b u s e . e m a i l/msQ . . .


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> > >


I don ' t w a s t e my t i me typing out Games i f I dont need t o , when i t s p l a i n l y obvious who I am t a l k i ng about . > > You were hoping that j u s t your f r i ends would f i nd out and that I don l t > > f i n d evidence that you , the f e l on ·"vere behind that c r iminal campaign to > > my l ibrary and the DEN . >




> > Once aga i n , the conspiracy and paranoid theo r i e s rear the i r ugly head . > Have you a c t ua l l y looked at the s t u f f you type? You sure you aren ' t some > mystery novel i s t t rying to come up w i t h ideas for a ne'd book?

You adm i t t e d your s e l f that you pounded the UEN w i t h comp l a i n t s and that I c l a i m s o too i s now parano i d ? You cons t a n t l y t w i s t what you are saying to make it f i t your p l ans . Ye s , I am working on a boo k , but don l t f l at t e r yours e l f , n e i ther you n o r your f r i ends a:ce in i t . I l eave i t up to l aw enforcement to w r i t e t h e pages about you . > >

Nope , none o f t he i r bus i ne s s , and has no b e a r i ng on my repol" t s . O f cour s e , you s t i l l commi t c r imes , t h i s t ime aga i n s t me . You a l s o > > brougl-'t t work a n d d i s t r e s s on the l ibrary a n d t h e UEN w i t h your false > > repo r t s about me . >




> >


I comm i t t e d no c r ime . You t e l l me the exact l aw that says I am not a l lowed to report you to your ISP when you go kooky on a publ i c fonlm


a f t e r you were t o l d to go away .


You spammed , ha r a s s e d , abused and b l ackm a i l ed the DEN, and your f r i ends , as f o r examp l e , Viper d i d same . You b l ocked the DEN , schoo l s and l i brar i e s f rom p a r t s o f the n e t and you put them o n b l ack l i s t s because you , the f e l o n , are unable t o handle a f e w po s t i ng s o f somebody who you happen t o d i s l ike . What you p o s t i s a l s o cons idered kookery by o c h e r peop l e , so get, over i t that t h e r e are o t h e r k i nds of people t h a n you a r e , that not a l l can b e l i ke you , and l earn w i t h t o l ive w i t h other op i nions and w i t h i n the laws . Perhaps nobody ever t o l d you , so I have to t e l l i t to you now , you are not t h e owner of the I nt e rne t , B r i an Bruns ! I t is here for anybody . I f you t h i nk my p o s t ings are kookery, l earn t o u s e a k i l l f i l e . Many people k i l l f i l e d your kooky pos t s , that :LS the handl i ng for .i t , but not f i l ing one f a l s e report about t h e o t h e r s and try to force the UEN to obey t o you b y put t i ng them on a bl ack l i s t a n d b l ocking t h e i r a c c e s s to t h e I n te r n e t i f t h e y don ' t d o as you demand . That i s c r iminal f o r heavens sake ! Didn ' t you l earn anything w h i l e you were i n c a r c e r a t e d for other comp u t e r c r ime s ? vJh a t do you t hink t.he D i s t r i c t Attorney o f New York and your probation o f f i c e r t h i ngs o f your l a t e s t s t un t ?

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> > » These > » But rea l l y Barbara , you s e ri o u s l y need t o g o see a shrink . d e l u s ions o f p e r secut i o n , mind contro l , and n a z i consp i r a c i e s have > » rea l l y b l i nded you t o the f a c t that none of them exi s t , and i t s > » all a :> » f igment of your imag inat i o n . > > > > I s that why you want to bul l y me f rom NANAE? I d i d Lot post about mind > :> control or the other i 8 8 e s on NANA�E . My gue s s it i s your l ack o f IQ > > being not a b l e t o imagine that people are persecu t e d . You a l so made no > :> r e search on these s ub j e s t s . > > > > No , 1 1 m not b u l lying you . Not j us t me but a l s o the l ibrary and the UEN . And there are a l s o others who are bul l ie d by you a s Mor i s and the www . f reespeechs t ore . com . You comm i t ted to t h i s r e s p e c t a b l e b u s i n e s s s im i l a r c r imes as you d id to me , but l e t me gue s s , the F S S CEO i s an i l l egal a l i e n and d e s e rves your hatTed? Give me a break man l You can ' t make everybody t o an i l l egal a l i en who you j us t happen to hat e f o r no v a l i d reaSOD . > I ' m pOint ing out your incorrect behavior and > a s sump t i on s . That. i s what p i s se s you o f f that I ' m p o i n t i ng out stuff > you don ' t want peop l e t o . �

I am ups e t that you and your f riends hara s s e d , b l a ckma i l ed and abused the l i brary and the UEN and d e f ame me ma l i c ious l y , and there are c r i m i n a l l aws against i t . My behavior was not incorrec t . However , even i f i t was incorre c t , i t does n o t j us t i fy your campaign and b l ackma i l o f the l i brary and the DEN , not you abuse aga i n s t me . > > 1 1 m j us t rep e a t i ng some of the s tu f f you t o l d the S a l t Lake T r ibune , Who says that I t o l d that s t u f f t o the T r i bune and the reporter d i d not make i t up? > as > we l l a s from p o s t s you ' ve made t o usenet i n the pas t , made > i n court document, s .

and that you ' ve

How do you want t o know that the pos t i ng or the court documents you. are r e f e r ing to are i ndeed mine and no forgery? >Now, i f you ' d l i ke to di spute the s t ateme n t s you ' ve > made , you ' re more then we l come . I do not and w i l l n o t have to d i sput e any t hing i n a newsgyouP that i s dom i nated by f e l ons and other c r im i nal s . > Howev e r , you would a l s o be saying that > you l i ed to the c o u r t s in your s t ateme nt s . I never l i e .

L i e s have short legs ,

htt-n ' ! !n rn l l n c: - hpt"


short as you r s ,

nnnnlp rnmiorolJ o i n ews . a d m i n . net- a b u se . e m a i l/msq . . .


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n ews . a d m i n . net-a buse . e m a i l

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I p o s t ed here that I never had any i n t e r e s t t o post o n NANAE . I j us t d e f ended myse l f aga i n s t d e f am a t i o n about on NANAE . I woul d have long one , if l aw l e s s f o l k s l ik e Rus s e l l M i l l e r and John S t i l l we l l would not sparn u s e ne t and NANAE w i t h ma i l i c ious d e f amatory i n formation about my cha r a c t e r and s t a t e o f mind . However , I think that people l ike you j us t l e a r n when law enforcement f i l es charges , and perhaps not even them . You are we l l i nformed that the Tribune i s no c r e d i b l e pape r . T r i bune report: e r s s o l d l i e s about k i dnap v i c t i m E l i zabeth Smart to the Nat ional Enqu i r e r f o r $ 2 0 . 000 and the c h i e f e d i t o r did not want to f i re them . That paper pub l i shed a forged :l e tter that badly i n f luenced a mayoral campaign and f a m i l y membe r s of Utah ' s Governor Huntsman b i t t erly comp l ained about the T r i bune ! s di shonest and s l e e z y way o f repo r t i ng . You j us t repeat l ibe l . And aga i n , th i s story or your d i s l ike o f me i s comp l e t e l y i r re l evant and o f f top i c to this newsgroup . You , and your f r iends , are a f r a i d o f my f re e spee ch , what I have to s a y , i n your twi s t e d narrow l i t t l e minds you f e e l threatened by a few pos t i ngs of mine and that is why you f i l e d the f a l s e comp l a i nt s to the U E N and t h e l ibrary a n d t ry to bul ly me f r o m the ne t . > > >








Oh , p l e as e , and that non--prof i t org would be o f course one o f your f e l o n - op e r a t ions , r i g h t ? I c o u l d a s k you t h e same thing . I n s t e ad o f t ry i ng t o bul ly me from

the >




web ,

why don ' t you do something good for peop l e ?

> > > I t s a cons t r u c t ive way to spend your t ime - h e l p i ng an org i n i z a t ion whi ch > c o u l d u s e help i n f i l i ng papers . Which orgLn i z a t i on you do i t f o r , I

> c o u l d care l e s s . How about me h e l p i ng the l i brary and the UEN f i l e c r iminal charges a g a i n s t you and your gang of f r i ends ?

I ' m j us t o f f e r ing you idea s . Howeve r , I have the d i s t inct f e e l ing you ' d never do i t , because i t s about someone e l s e bes i de s > you . > >

How about YOU DOING TH1\.T i n s t e ad of hara s s i n g , b l ackma i l in g , abu s i ng the UEN or the l i brary o r o t he r s ? I f you would spend your t ime i n soup k i t chen h e l p i ng the poo r , the problems that you j us t have caused would have not happened . You are t he c r im i na l , not me ! You do wrong , not me ! You are not spending your t ime construct ive but i n c r iminaJ. campaigns and by block i ng a n e du c a t ional network f o r the n e t . I a l so al ready \.\'ondered i f Y01J are c o n s t a n t l y drunk or stone d . > > >




You 1 ve spent a l o t of t ime t a l k i ng s h i t about me ,

s i mply because

you >






don ' t l ike the f a c t I t o l d you to go away . That i s \.\lhat you do aga i n s t me . You have no r i ght to t e l l me t o go away . Freedom o f speech f o r everyone , M i s t e r .

h t-t- n ' / /l1rrll l n s - hprr. I1nnl1 l p rnm /nrnl m /npws . Cl ci m i n . n et


a bu s e . em a i l/msa . . .


Google Gro u ps


news . a d m i n . net- a b u s e . e m a i l

P a g e 9 of 14


> >



t o l d you to go away .

That i s my right .

Jus t l ike i t s your right

to > ignore me t e LL ing you t o go away . request > serious l y , t h a t s your own faul t .

I f you choose to not take my

You are di stllrbe d . I t i s not your right ( and n e i ther t_haL of your budd i e s ) to d e f ame me and to pound my I S P w i t h f a l se reports and comp l a i nt s about me and if they don ' t do what you ask f o r , to b l ackmail them and t o report them wrong f u l l y on black I J', s t s and t o cut o f l ib a r i e s and school s and t h e i r employees from c e r t a i n I nternet acce s s . I t i s YOUR FAULT and YOUR CRIMES . You needs l o t s o f l e g a l couns e l , as I heard that an ident i ty not r e l a t ed t o me wants t o sue you and some of your f r iends . I sure hope you guys a r e r i c h , as I think you need a l l c e n t s that you have t o d e fend our s e lv e s . > >








Now, i f you had stayed i n A . R . S . and n o t come back here , I wouldn ' t norma l l y care about you . You a re not the owner of Usene t , but you t h i nk you are .

> >

No ,

I ' m j u s t a former Usenet server adm i n ,

and someone who f i gh t s f o r

a >

b e t t e r I nt e rne t .


those b l i nders aga i n to something a b i t more real i s t i c .

I f you t h i nk I sa i d I own usene t ,

you b e t t e r retune

You f ight f o r abso l u t e l y lawless cond i t ions and you a c t as i f the I n t ernet would be your propert y . This is the r e a l i t y . I think that Al Queda t e rr o r i s t s wrong f u l l y think that they f ight for a b e t t e r world and what they do is r ight . > > >









Howeve r , you came t_o a newsgroup I f reque n t , that has abso l u t e l y nothing t o d o w i th your mindl e s s dribb l e , and made an a s s of yourse l f . " F ine ll l anguage .


Nobody c a n make make an !la ll o f onese l f i n NANAE because i t i s a pool o f > > l aw l e s s punks . >




> >

Most o f us are > This i s usene t , not saturday morning c a r t oons . adult.s, and > as suc h , we t a l k l i ke adu l t s . Adul t s use p r o f an i t y , contrary t o how the conservat ives o f t h i s country would l ike to make i t seem . Usenet > i sn ' t > f o r the f a i n t o f hear t , but i t i s a f r e e f l ow o f talk f rom peop l e . Spare me your just i f i ca t i ons f o r being a vulgar persoD . I am an adult who does not use prof a n i t y , and I j u s t as sociate w i th peop l e who don l t

httn · I Inrnl lnc; - hptrl .onnolp .cnm /arou o/news . ad m i n . net- a b u se . e m a i l/ msa


Goog l e Gro u ps

news . ad m i n . n et-abuse . em a i l

Pag e 1 0 o f 1 4

u s e bad language . The www . f reespeechs tore , com has noth i ng t o do w i t h pros t i tu t e s . By c a l l i ng that l e g i t ime bus in e s s a Hwho r e !! you a l s o v i o l a t e numerous laws , d e f amat ion laws and b u s i n e s s l aws , a s you want t o harm and hurt t h a t e n t e rp r i s e . > >

As s u c h ,

I w i l l u s e a l l the four l e t ter words I need i n order to get

my > p o i n t acros s . The only t h i ng that you got a c:::.-oss i s that you are above the l a w . > > :>









So yes , 1 1 m go i n g to make i t a p o i n t to have you d e a l t w i t h . This newsgroup has enough problems with kooks as it i s w i t hout you s t i ck i ng your head in i t .


You have t o l e a rn to accept o t h e r peopl e l s op i n ions . I f i n d your p o s t ings to be t o t a l kookery but I do not organi z e c r im i nal campaigns > > and t h r e a t e d an I S P t o put them on a bl a c k l i s t . I am a l so no f elon as > > you are . :>




> > > I accept o t h e r peop l e ' s o p i n i on s . I t s you who won ' t . You j us t don ' t get i t l right ? I t i s not me who h a r a s s e d your I S P and b l ackma i l e d your or your f r iends because I don 1 t l i ke your o p i n i on s . You d i d that , B r i an ! You don ' t accept mine and a l s o not that o f the Freespeechs to re and o t l-'ler s . You and your f r iends are the problem not me .

You are angry that I ' m c a l l i ng you a f ro t hing loon , and that I ' m reporting you t o your ISP Those are my op i n i ons , and that i s what i s > because o f your behavi or . >



c a l l ed Free Spee c h .

I don ' t care i f a f e l o n , kook and a punk l i k e you c a l l s me a loon . My behavior was and i s not aga i n s t any rul e s or the laws . I t o l d you guys that I j us t defended my s e l f a g a i n s t forge r i e s and defama t i on on NANAE but don ' t want to s t ay i n t h a t snake poo l . You cont i nu e d the abuse and you t h i nk in a corner of your m,1. nds that you own the I n ternet and Usenet and t h a t I have to accept the abus e . When I did not and d e f e nded myse l f , you r e t a l i a t e d and spammed , hara s s e d and b l ackma i l e d t h e DEN and t h e l ibrary . > > I d i dn ' t t h r e a t e n DEN . I warned UEN o f my i n t en t ions according t o the > pol i c i e s o f the AHBL i f t h e y d i dn ' t do something t o s tem the abu s e . He l l , > I c o u l d care l e s s how t he l ibrary handles you , as long as you are dea l t > w i t h however t h e i r po l i c i e s s t at e . You b l ackma i l e d them . You put them under pres sure to e l �her v i o l a t e the Utah and U . S . Cons t i t ut i o n and l i brary pol i c y ( to make computer a c c e s s ava i l ab l e t o everyone ) b y k i c k ing m e o u t or you ( and your f r i e nd s ) would b l o c k t he i r I n ternet a c c e s s for school s and l ib r a r i e s .

httn : / /orolJ nS- hf'til . OOOo l f' . co m /orouD/neWs. a d m i n . net-abuse . e m a i l/ m so . . .


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n ews. ad m i n . net-abuse . e m a i l

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You are out o f your mind . I f you think that l aw enforcement w i l l not come a f t e r you , you must be r e a l l y drunk . > > I f they d i sconnect you , great . If not , but they make sure you understand > that you need t o b e t t e r control your kookery onl ine , cha t s f i ne too . As > long as the abuse s t op s .

You are d i s turbed . You don ' t l ike my f r e e speech, and you do not k i .1. 1 f i l e me i n s t e ad blackma i l an educ a t ional network to be d i s connected and d e fame them on b l ack l i s t . You t h i nk they have to obey to your c r im i n a l a c t ivi t i e s and w i she s . YOU and your f r i ends are the abuser not me ! >

j us t l ike I have a right r.o > UEN has the r i ght t o ignore my reports take the fact they are ignoring it. as an indi cat i on that I need to make :> the Once aga i n , I ' m exp r e s s i ng my r i ght to my op I n ions . > l i st i ng l a rger . I

You c a n ! t t a l k your s e l f out here , B r i an . vlhat you d i d i s no op i n i on. anymo r e . C r im i n a l act ivi t i e s a s your s , spamming , haras s i n g , abus e , b l ackma i l / abuse o f an educ a t ional network i s NOT free speech . I n t h i s p a ragraph y o u proved aga i n t h a t you b l ackmail the UEN . > >


> Your c r i m i n a l p a s t t s important because some c r i m i n a l s don ' t change . > The UEN and the l ibrary employees are no f o ol s . They w i l l make > the i r > own rese arch on you guys . You were convicted f o r c r iminal f e l ony > > > computer c r i me s , and you are s t i l l i n that b u s i n e s s as your campaign I t,h i nk you have no c l ue what you and your > > aga i n s t me prove s . f r i ends > > have done w i t h your f a l s e comp l a i n t s about me . Threatening the UEN to > cut I n t e rn e t access for the l ibrar i e s and s choo l s by p u t t i ng them > on a > > black l i s t i f they don ! t deny a c c e s s to the net my f reedom of speech Lo > > a patro n , i,s anothe:c f e l o ny . You are BLJACKMA I L I NG THEM BY TELLING THEM > THAT THEY E I THER HAVE TO B E UNCONSTI TUTI ONAL TO ME OR THE L I RBAR I E S > AND > SCHOOLS AND THE UEN WILL GET I N TROUBLES v H TH THE I R INTERNET > ACCES S . >



> > I d i dn I t a s k UEN to cut o f f the l ibrary . You don ! t get i t , don ! t you? You want to UEN to deny internet a c c e s s to me , which means that my l ibrary has t o kick me out . I t is comp l et e l y uncons t itut i on a l and i l legal what you demand , b u t a f t e r al l , hey , you are a conv i c t e d f e l on !

httn ' / /nrnl l n c; - hpt",

nnnnlp rnm i o rotHlinews . a d m i n . net- a bu se . e m a i l/msq . . .

5/7 / 0 5

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news . a d m i n . n et-a b u s e . e m a i l

I asked them to dea l w i t h t h e abuse . That would mean that they have to deal w i t h YOU ,

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a s YOU are the abus e r .

1 1 m very f l ex i b l e i n how people can deal w i t h the abuse comlng f rom t he i r n e t work - as long as i t s dealt w i t h , that is what makes me

> >

> happy . YOU a r e the abus e r ,

and haras sment i s YOUR purpo s e .


Remember ,


the Cons t. i t u t ion protects Ame r i can C i t i z ens ,

whi ch as f a r

as >

I ' ve r ea d ,

you a r e not .

You a r e uneducated man . Fi r s t you a r e an i d i o t i f you be l i eve ye l l ow j ou r na l i sm t o be t rue , and you are wrong, even i l l egal a l i e n s a r e p r o t e c t e d by the Cons t i tu t i o n and numerous o t h e r l aws . h t tp , / / expe r t s . about . com/q/ 2 8 6 7 / 3 6 3 8 5 5 9 . htm P l ea s e make sure to note i n a l l future mes s ag e s that wh i l e you are c l a i mi ng the r i gh t s u n d e r t h e cons t i tu t i o n , you a r e not > a n Ame r i c a n c i t i z e n p r o t e c t e d by them . >


B e t t e r get

some educa t i on .

You are r e a l l y an i d io t .

> > Once aga i n , my past i s none of your bus i ne s s , role > i n my repor t s to UEN about you . Of cou r s e a r e your f e l ony conv i c t i on s r e l evan t , cyber c r i me s .

and c e r t a i n l y p l ays no

as you s t i l l commit

I t j, s up t o UEN to act on the repo r t s . I f they don I t , t ha t i s t he i r r igh t . Ju s t l i ke I have a r i ght what > I want in t h e ABBL regard l e s s . >


to l i s t

Law enforcement has to g e t your and your f r iends c r iminal handwr i t ings o f f that l i st . > > >

Now ,

I ' l l give you some more f ree i nforma t i on .

I don l t need i n f o rmat ion f rom a f e l o n and uneducated man . > > >

P e op l e l ik e you r s e l f l ove to t a l k f re e speech ,

and your r i ght

to >

your op i n i o n and t.o speak your mind .

Your a c t i on s of f a l s e and pounding cotrp l a i nt s proved that you do not cons ider t ha t 1 have a r i ght to speak my mind as you try to b l ackma i l the DEN and my l i brary t o deny I n t e r ne t a c c e s s c o me . Howev e r , when it comes to other peop l e , according to you , t hey have no r i gh t to exp r e s s thei r o p i n i on . > You see t h e prob l em w i t h t h i s ? >


htt o : / /arouos-beta .aooa l e . co m ia rouoinews . a d m i n . net-a buse. e m a i l/msq . . .

5/7 /05

Goog l e G ro u ps

news . a d m i n . n et-abuse . e m a i l

Page 1 3 o f 14

Ye s , I unde r s t and what t h e p r o b l e m i s . You twi s t the f a c t s . You a r e a conv i c t ed cyber c r im i na l and what you do has nothing t o do w i t h f ree speech but j us t w i t h cyber c r i me s . You a l s o w i l l not succeed w i t h you t w i s t ing the f a ct s . F a c t s are : I D I D NOT SPAM AND HARASS YOUR I S P W I TH COMPLAINTS FOR EhCH POS T I NG THAT YOU MAD E , YOU D I D THAT TO MY I S P . I D I D NOT PUT YOUR I S P ON A BLAOK L I ST , YOU D I D THAT W I TH THE UTAH EDUCATION NETWORK . You are unable t o t ake respons i b i l i t y for what YOU D I D . of your mi. n d , B r i a n Bruns .

I think you are

> You s c ream ! de f irnat i on ! and ! l ibel 1 when > someone expres s e s the i r o p i n i on about you , a f t e r you so greatly f l aunted > i n t he i r f ace your op inion about them . You d i d not express your opi n i ons about me . You and your f r i ends campaigned aga i n s t me t o deny my right and d e s t roy my repu t a t i on . Viper and Rus s e l l M i l l e r d e fame i n each of t he i r p o s t ings i n the i r s igature l i ne s . That is not f ree speech that is c a l l e d a r e t a l i a t ion campaign f o r a f e w p o s t i ngs I d i d not NANAE . > >

That i s c a l l e d b e i ng a hypo c r i t e .

That i s what you are . > > You s i t here , every day , u s ing the l ibrary compu t er s , which are p a i d for > by Ame r i c a n taxpayer s , even though you m a y p o s s i bl y be i n t h i s country > i l l ega l ly . You provide the proof hereto f i r s t . > Te l l me again why you think you have a right to u s e the > r e s ou r c e s o f the l ib r a r y , even though you aren ' t an American c i t i zen? Who says I am not? A l i t t l e reporter? You , the f e lon? > > O n the other handl I ' m s i t t ing here on a compu t e r I p a i d for , and an > I nt e rn e t conne c t ion I p a i d f o r . I ' m not abusing t h e cha r i ty of the > American peop l e l i ke you are . I nt e r e s t ing , it now turns out that you have a hol e new agenda behind your harassment campaign and b l a ckma i l of the UEN that they e i t he r should d o what you want or they are gett ing wrong f u l l y put o n bl a c k l i s t s a n d b l ocked f rom t h e net . O f course you are abusing tax payers money . You are abusing the UEN and t h e l ibrary w i t h f a l s e comp l a i nt s . They have to was t e t ime and worry . They have t o contact a t torneys and wa s t e a t torney f e e s . You wasted the t i me of schoo l s and l ib ra r i e s and the i r emp l oyees who have t o f i nd out that they are b e i ng blocked . ( S ame goes f o r John S t i l l we l l , Viper , and everybody e l s e o f your punk f r iends who suppo r t e d you . ) I am not abusing anybody nor any system . t h a n you do .

I know the l aws much b e t t e r

http : / /www . onl i n e s e c ur i ty . com/forum/ar t i c l e 4 6 . php

. I

ml r


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news . a d m i n . net-a buse . e m a i l

I f u l l y expect you t o f ro t h over t h i s . > surpr i s e d .

I f you d i dn 1 t ,

l i d be

I t h i nk you c a l l a l so the D i s t r i c t A t t orney that put you i n p r i son a f r o t h i ng l o o n .

Barbara Schwarz

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htto : / / o ro u D s - beta . 0 000 1






Clark - Page 3

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( co nti n ued )

Ann�H(diqi(1US Extremists

It was also d iscovered t h a t Cl a rk h a d i l l eg a l l y a ccessed com p uter systems at Los Ala mos National Laboratory. He was charged with m u lt i p l e cou nts of u n l a wfu l com puter usage a nd theft of service. He was m a d e to pay $ 7 5 0 i n rep a rations to the u n iversity a n d was placed i n a n Accelerated Reh a b i l itative Disposition Prog ram for two years.


Cont"ct Us

Clark's l ife a ppears to h a ve cont i n u ed o n a downh i l l s l i d e the m i d - 1990's, h e beca m e i ncreas i n g l y i nvolved w i t h a n rel i gious extre mists, post i n g to their i n ternet n ewsgro u p , a n d participatin g i n h ate m a rches d esigned to i ntim idate a nd h a rass C h u rch p a ri s h i o n ers a n d staff. Posti ngs i nd i ca{ect that ci rca 1 9 9 5 h e beca me u n e m ployed a n d homeless, moving from place to p l a ce, rel y i n g on the c h a rity of l i ke· m in d ed people he h a d m et over the Internet. O n Septe m ber 20, 1 996, Clark was a g a i n a rrested i n P e n nsylva n i a , this time for speedi n g a n d driving u n d e r the i nfl u ence of a lcoh o l . Alth o u g h C l a rk denied he h a d been d r i n k i n g , a blood test revea led he had l i e d ; h is blood a lcoho l level was well a bove the legal l i m it .

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alt.religion.scientology > Tired of ..!ohn Stillwell (Viper)?



Adyanced__GJP.U.P.S .$eaxch --'_ F'-,-efE)�ences


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From : II Barbara Schwarz II Newsgroup s : al t . r e l i g i on . s c i en t o l ogy Sub j e c t : R e : T i r e d o f John S t i l l we l l ( Vi pe r ) ? Date : 9 May 2 0 0 5 1 0 : 4 5 : 4 4 - 0 7 0 0 Organ i z a t i o n : h t t p : / /groups . goog l e . com L i ne s : 3 5 Me s s age - I D : < 1 1 1 5 6 6 0 7 4 4 . 0 9 5 0 7 1 . 1 2 7 4 5 0 @ z 1 4 g 2 0 0 0cwz . googlegroups . ccm:::> R e f e rence s : < 1 2 5 4 1 7 4 7 0 . 0 0 0 0 8 9 c f . 0 5 8@drn . newsguy . com> < d5 i 6 a f 0 9 4s@news 3 . newsguy . com> < 4 6 f cd $ 4 2 7 cc 6 ad $ c f 7 0 1 7 c4 $ 3 0 3 3 0@ P R I MUS . CA> < 1 1 1 5 5 0 3 5 0 7 . 6 9 7 8 9 0 . 2 8 0 3 9 0@g 1 4 g 2 0 0 0cwa . googlegroups . com> <_uvf e . 4 2 4 8 $ N_ 5 . 4 6 5@ t rndny 0 9 ::> � NNTP � Po s t i ng � Ho s t : 2 0 5 . 1 2 7 . 2 4 6 . 1 2 3 Mime � Ve r s i on : 1 . 0 Content � Typ e : t ex t / p l a i n ; c h ar s e t "" lI i so - 8 8 5 9 - 1 1! X - Trac e : p o s t ing . goog l e . com 1 1 1 5 6 6 0 7 7 9 4 8 0 2 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 ( 9 May 2 0 0 5 1 7 : 4 6 : 1 9 GMT) X - CampI a i n t s - To : groups -,. abllse@google . com NNT P - Pos t ing - Da t e : Mon , 9 May 2 0 0 5 1 7 : 4 6 : 1 9 + 0 0 0 0 ( UT C ) I n - Reply·,-To : <�uvfe 4 2 4 8 $ N 5 4 6 5 @ t rndny 0 9 > U s e r '- A�gent : G 2 / 0 . 2 Comp l a i n t s "" To : groups - abuse@googl e . com I n j e c t i on - I nf o : z 1 4g 2 0 0 0 cwz . googleg:!:oups . coffi i p o s t i ng - ho s t = 2 0 5 . 1 2 7 . 2 4 6 . 1 2 3 i p o s t ing- account �:: VMJ- uwQOAAl\Bs t L s i V - 3RVBcSUahLmsQ4 _


Viper wrot e : ::> Barbara Schwarz wrote : > ::> V i p e r ( John S t i l lwel l ) i s a fanat i cal nut who i s spamming and abusing ::> ::> the l ibary with f a l s e comp l a i nt s , he h a s a problem 'w i t h free speech of ::> > o t h e r s and the peop l e on www . webma s t e r . com " appre c i a t e !l that punk t.oo . > > He a l s o adm i t t e d to a c r i m i n a l h i s t o r y . > > Lol they g e t no ema i l s from me . They a l l come f rom some kook named Barbara > Schwarz So , you and your c ri m i n a l f r i ends are forging me? This is a c r i mina l o f f e ns e . > ::> BTW I hear someone i s working on your p i e s . And w i l l be p o s t ing them to a l l > the s e x groups w i t h your name and email address and saying . . CUM meet me at > the S a l t Lake C i t y Pub l i c L i brary and we can have fun under the tables ! W h i c h i s another c r iminal o f fens e .


who i s that f r i end? B r i an Bruns?

htto : / /aro u os-beta . a ooa l e . com/aro u o/alt. rel i a i o n . scientoloav / msa/b 1 1 . . .

5/1 1/05

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Andrew D .

a l t . religion . scientology

K i r c h ? Rus s e l l M i l l e r ,

However i s h e l p i ng you ,

somebody e l s e ,

Page 2 of 2

or you ,


you are h e a d e d toward j ai l t i me .

Barbara Schwarz > >

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Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Richard M. Scoville, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed as follows: My name is Richard M. Scoville, I am of sound mind, capable of making this affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated I am the custodian of the records of (FSS).

Attached hereto are 70 pages of

records from FSS, 3 8 pages which is a notarized affidavit of Barbara Schwarz, and one FSS CD of server information

These said 1 08 pages and CD of records are kept by Visual Net Design LC ( VND) and/or FSS in

the regular course of business, and it was the regular course of business ofFSS for an employee or representative of VND, with knowledge of the act, event, condition, opinion, or diagnosis, recorded to make the record or to transmit information thereof to be included in such record; and the record was made at or near the time or reasonably soon thereafter. The records attached hereto are the original or exact duplicates of the originaL

AFFIANT Richard M. Scoville SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on the 1 6th day of May, 2005 .

r;., � : -·:, '"LC l;:. '}[)O ftR :-;,;; {::r ' F'i b : ':k 1ted To:u;s y" -,,;,w ;'U

My commission expires


Page 2 of t o

Before me, the undersigned authority in and for the State and County aforesaid, on this day personally appeared Richard M. Scoville, who being by me first duly sworn upon hislher oath deposes and says My name is Richard M . Scoville and I am 59 years old. I was born on July 1 4, 1 945 and I am employed by (FSS) located at 1 08 West French Place as the President, where my duties are to oversee the daily operations of FSS. I have been employed with this company since approximately November 2000 when I conceived of the business plan. FSS has been a work in progress since its inception in the year 2000. Approximately, July of 2002, I hired Visual Net Design LC, (VND) The principals of which are Manuel Oblitas and Javier Oblitas. They are presently located at 28 12 Thousand Oaks Drive, Suite 1 0 1 , San Antonio, Texas 78232-4 1 08, the physical location of the server for FSS. The business plan of FSS is stated at our web site,, under the Mission Statement, About Us, and the Terms of Service (TOS). Basically stated . . "The principals of the Free Speech Store had a vision . . . that there be an all-inclusive database available to the entire virtual community with easy access and navigation, hence, the Free Speech Store! Presently, you have to employ a universal search engine which, in many cases, does not have the capability to access databases, remote sites, non-commercial sites, newsgroups etc. for keyword searches within those databases, sites, etc. Obviously, this site will develop its own presence and persona as it is utilized by the virtual community. It will grow with each posting of a new speech. It is your site! With each posting, you will control its growth, its presence, its destiny, and most importantly, its contenL ALL FREE OF CHARGE (please refer to . . Terms of Service)! Posting is FREE! The only ·cost assessed is when you wish to retrieve/read a speech. Be sure to read our Privacy Policy because it, as well as the Site itself, are predicated on anonymity for all, if you so desire. Remember, all we require is a valid email address to send your password, allowing site privileges! We highly recommend that you access the FAQ section of this web site prior to navigating the site. This will help answer any questions without your wasting time through trial and error. There are 'two payment alternatives to access an entire speech, not just the abstract. As always, POSTING I S FREE! Take advantage of iLIT IS YOUR VIRTUAL RIGHT ! " Through the course of trial and error, customer feedback, Internet Service Providers (ISP' s) input, interactive Internet newsgroup participation, threats from anti-spammers, general discussion with our webmasters, and other discussions with Internet savvy personnel, FSS has strived to adhere to what is termed as Netiquette, etiquette governing communication on the Internet, while still maintaining and honoring one's right to Free Speech and the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and quite frankly, the Virtual Right of Free Speech for all peoples of the world. As stated previously, FSS is a work in progress and listens to all constructive criticism, even those which are threatening. Sometimes, we make changes predicated on this input and sometimes we do not. The ultimate goal is to maintain a web site which offers Free Speech within the boundaries ofthe laws which govern FSS. FSS had made changes predicated on some, if not all, of the aforementioned input and will continue to do so if behooves us and the general public and of course, is lawful. Since approximately, the first quarter 2003, FSS has been attacked, libeled, threatened (to include death threats), and abused by a group of so-called netcops (thugs, punks) in an Internet newsgroup called news.­ abuse. email (NANAE). its hybrids such as sightings (NANAS).­ abuse.usenet (NANAU), just to name a few The culprits of these newsgroups are commonly referred to as

"NANAE PUNKS". The very thing which they say they wish to accomplish, Netiquette, is the one trait which they ignore From these folks, FSS has been the victim of, but not limited to I. Libel 2. Defamation of Character 3 Threats a. Death threats b . Email Blockage through Blocklists, i.e. DSNBL's of FSS emails, as well ass ALL the customers of its ISP's c. Physical 4 Harassment a. Phone calls to ISP's, other Internet providers, etc. b . Emails to FSS, its webmasters, I SP ' s, Upstream providers, etc c. U S Postal mails to some of the aforementioned 5 . Restraint of trade 6. Possible Rico Act violations, as well as other Federal Crimes Two (2) of the most malicious culprits of NANAE are Brian Bruns, a convicted felon for computer crimes, and his partner in crime, as well as in business, Andrew Kirch. Both men have joined FSS as members and supplied valid email addresses authorizing FSS to communicate with them. They both are principals of Internet companies, URL's, etc , which go by the names, but not limited to I. 2. 3. Kirch, also utilizes the following Internet companies, URL's etc . . I . trelane. net 2. 3 . httpJlwww . 2mbit. com/-trchme/ They have been hounding FSS for approximately two (2) years and are the perpetrators of one or more of all the above and aforementioned crimes. They refer to F S S as the "Freespeechwhore" and defame us constantly in the aforementioned newsgroups, as well as contact our suppliers periodically and often with threats, defamation, libel, etc. without notifYing or copying us of any wrongdoing They have crossed the line recently, however, by threatening our ISP's with major email blockage ifFSS is not disconnected from their service at once. They have followed through with these threats with ALL ofFSS's ISP's, webmasters, providers, etc., causing our I S P ' s severe customer service issues and forcing them to discontinue our service. Bruns and Kirch have blocked complete subnets of these providers to extort, blackmail, etc. them into submission. The majority of the ISP's are well versed witb the illegal and threatening nature of these criminals and/or ex-cons, but even though sympathetic to FSS' s plight, must kow10w to the threats and subsequent action taken by these thugs, or lose business. The smaller companies acquiesce due to the lack of technical and financial resources, financial repercussions, and the fear of retribution, but the larger companies, such as America Online (AOL) and Google do not kowiow to these punks. F S S has been repeatedly reported by these abusers, to no avail, with false complaints to both AOL and Google from which FSS posts, emails, etc. to the Net with registered accounts in conjunction with our own server. Bruns' examples of our so-called abuse, posted at his weh site, are from AOL and Google accounts, but you do not see AHBL blocking their subnets, IP space, etc. if they do not cancel the accounts with myself or FSS. The why is simple, they are wrong and would be in court in a New York minute and the harassment and hacking would endl Police reports # 05-07 1 0 1 9/01 and # 05-263973/01 have been filed and are part of this complaint as backup.

The most egregious of their crimes, however, is their recent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks with a known hacking program "wget" and subsequent hacking of our web site from information gleaned from this tooL Their I P addresses were logged, crimes annotated, and corrective action taken by our webmasters, VND. VND's affidavit substantiating such is contained herein. All have been reported to Detective Padier and the SAPD. Even though other crimes have been ongoing for years, these crimes started and were logged beginning the week of 4/1 8/2005 and not ceasing until Detective Padier, SAPD, had conversations with the subjects, the week of 5/2/2005. These intrusions and hacking into our servers caused FSS the following, but not limited to monies expended to stop the attacks, considerable downtime, monies expended to take corrective action, loss of income, mental anguish, health issues, and personal time to monitor the site for further/future intrusions. These crimes are remarkably similar to those for which Bruns was convicted in New York in 2002 when he hacked his ex-employer, Pat Prague with I S P http// (63 1 ) 232-9 1 1 9. You can call Mr Prague regarding the hacking of his ISP by Bruns and subsequent jail time. He is more than willing to hare his nightmare with the police, potential victims, current victims, or past victims. Brian Bruns', probation officer, Ms. Benedetto (63 1 -852-5084) and her boss, Mr Eldredge (63 1 -852-5074) have been informed and apprised of these crimes since the first police report was filed in February, 2005, as has the prosecuting ADA, Christopher Nicolino (63 1 -852-5000). All have instructed FSS to document the allegations and file the subsequent police reports, which FSS has done. Bruns' Indictment numbers are . ( I ) I1 5 1 7-02 and (2) S-2423-02 and are part ofthis complaint Mr. Eldredge, after reviewing the infomlation offered as an attachment to this affidavit has re-opened the investigation of Bruns for new crimes and/or violation of his probation. Detective Padier has all the email back-up as to the nature of the crimes committed, police reports filed, as well as the time frame in which all occurred, dating back to the original police report, plus the new information contained in this complaint If more documentation is needed prior to these dates, it is readily available upon request VND will be supplementing this affidavit with copious copies oflogs files, CD' s of such, proof of hacking, and necessary substantiation of these accusations which were previously provided Detective Padier in a more succinct form to expedite the investigation. Copies of the information sent to Ms. Benedetto are contained herein as Exhibit ·'A". Also, attached as supplemental information, is the notarized aftidavit, Exhibit "B", of Barbara Schwarz detailing her recent abuse by these very same culprits. Over the past several years myself, FSS, and its suppliers have been subjected to organized crime by these folks and we are now going to do something about it! It is the purpose of FSS to help law enforcement in punishing these criminals and to help bring an end to the Cyber Crimes being perpetrated by the NANAE PUNKS and other criminals in the "Wild West" environment of the Internet. Free Speech is a right and it must be protected I I have read my ""ffi'ffit "" it ;, true ,,' necessarY. .



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Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 6th of May 2005.


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Page 5 of I O

Before me, the undersigned authority i n and for the State and County aforesaid, on this day personally appeared Manuel Oblitas who being by me first duly sworn upon his oath deposes and says My name is Manuel Oblitas and I am 28 years old. I was born on September, 2 1 " , 1 976 and I am employed by Visual Net Design LC located at 28 1 2 Thousand Oaks Drive, Suite 1 0 I , San Antonio, Texas 78270 as a co­ owner where my duties are to oversee the day to day operations and management of my business. I have been employed with this company since its inception, 200 I . I, and my brother, Javier Oblitas are co-owners of Visual Net Design LC (VND), a web hosting, design, programming, computer repair, and computer consulting business located in San Antonio, Texas. In the course of doing business, we both became acquainted with Richard (Rick) Scoville aka, (FSS) approximately in June/July of 2002 Me Scoville approached VND to finish the design, hosting, and activation of his web site, FSS. FSS owns the proprietary design rights to FSS and holds all patents, copyrights, etc. With the input and help of Me Scoville, as to the specific design and functionality of FSS, VND finished the site to the point of Beta testing on or about August I , 2002 and sometime later began hosting it approximately August, 2003 The site has been a work in progress since that time. Me Scoville asked VND to host the site because he had been "Iarted" (short for Loser Attitude Readjustment Tool, refers to changing someone' s attitude by taking steps to kick them off the Internet through abuse reports to their ISP) to his previous host, Southwestern Bell Corporation (SBC) by bunch of people from the newsgroup news. admin. (NANAE) VND, in an effort to help FSS, offered to host FSS' server through our ISP 's, RealJinx and PrismNet, Ltd. (Prism) At this point VND, as well as Me Scoville, had no idea how vindictive this group of people could and would become I Hence, we began hosting FSS, almost immediately our upstreams, Reallinx and Prism, began relating to VND the abuse reports, the majority of which were coming from members of the aforementioned newsgroup. Over a period of approximately two (2) years, VND and its upstreams have received various and organized threats, abuse reports, etc. regarding the curtailment of lnternet access to ALL the aforementioned hosts through the blocking of emails emanating from our servers and our suppliers, if VND did not cease to host FSS. The threats turned to reality and our IP range and subnets were subsequently blocked causing ALL serious harm and damaged relations with many of our clients, customers, etc. The threats escalated in January of 2005 to the point that both Reallinx and Prism gave VND an ultimatum to get rid of FSS within hours or all our web sites, which we host, would be shut down because over 2,000 complaints had been received from Prism's customers regarding bounced emails. Both Reallinx and Prism, acknowledged that FSS had not violated their AUP or ours, on the contrary, F S S had tried in vain to work with us, Darren Knapp with Reallinx, and Ted Hatfield with Prism to modity his site in order to circumvent the abuse complaints. As a matter of fact, FSS made major changes to circumvent the various and sundry complaints by the antispammers (NANAE et al), all documented with emails. In spite of the efforts of FSS, Reallinx and Prism had to "kowtow" to the threats to get the full range of I P blockages removed. This did not satisty a certain group ofDSNBL ( Internet blocklists) proprietors and the worst abusers, namely AhbLorg,, and all of which are owned or run by Brian Bruns and/or Andrew Kirch. VND was forced to cut F S S ' s hosting off immediately in order to remove the blocks initiated by this group (ahbLorg et ai, "AHBL"). FSS's site was shut down by us, to protect our other clients from collateral damage, hence VND and FSS frantically looked for options to get the FSS site back up because it was off the Net. We had T-I line through another company, E-spire, which we temporarily put FSS on to gain access to the Internet. This was only temporary because we would be losing this line in two (2) to three (3) months, but it gave us breathing room. The applicable IP address and subnet for E-spire were immediately blocked by AHBL. Each time that VND moved the hosting of F S S to another ISP, AHBL blocked FSS' individual lP address as well as

the subnet of the suppliers, in order to extort/blackmail the suppliers into submission, i e , the removing of FSS from the Internet via the client services of VND and its suppliers I This, in turn, reflected on VND and caused us and our customer's severe harm. When the T -1 line from E-spire ran out, VND began to look for alternatives for FSS, so we looked at his residential supplier, Grande Communications utilizing their business services. Grande' s business representatives were contacted to secure access, but VND's physical location, nor any of the principals of VND, nor relevant employees residential locations, were serviced by Grande. FSS and VND decided to host the site at Mr. Scoville's temporary home residence at 1 08 West French Place in San Antonio, Texas. AHBL immediately blocked the applicable I P addresses of Grande and VND 's blocks remained in place. According to Mr. Scoville, Grande was in the process of changing his home IP address from a dynamic IP to a static IP, but he was getting many bounced emails because of the blockage due to the fact that he was hosting on a dynamic IP, and of course, the AHBL blockage In the interim, AHBL was contacting Grande to complain about F S S . Before Grande solved the problem, they cut offFSS from the Internet without notice or justification. Scoville believes it was due to the complaints from AHBL and their gang, as well as Grande's own issues. FSS' web site was down and ofrthe Internet againl Both FSS and VND began scrambling again to figure out what to do to get FSS back up. Mr. Scoville, after being down several days at his residence, moved his service to Time Warner, hence we decided to keep his sever at his residence, temporarily with a Time Warner dynamic fP address which he also used for his residential access, until Time Warner could install business Internet access at our physical site on Thousand Oaks, which meant additional blockage for FSS in the interim due to the fact that it was again a dynamic JP. AHBL immediately blocked this IP address and also kept the VND blocks in place, still causing harm to ALL Finally, upon installation of the Time Warner business service to our location, the FSS server was moved again and a new IP address assigned. To date, this is the ONLY IP address which has not been blocked by AHBL The original Time Warner I P address that Scoville temporarily used to host his site at his residence is still blocked. Scoville does not why Bruns has not blocked this IP address for Time Warner, so he checks every day to see if the blocks have been implemented as previously threatened. Bruns, through correspondence with my brother, J avier Oblitas, continued to block us until VND proved that we were not hosting FSS or that the DNS configuration was not pointing to VND, which had nothing to do with hosting, but we had to comply to get unblocked. While on our space, each time that the site was forced off the Net, both VND and FSS incurred downtime, considerable headaches, added labor costs, loss of revenue, and the reconfiguration of each new I P address. VND, of course, had to charge Mr. Scoville for all of our time, but realizing the severity of the situation and the attitude of AHBL, VND gave Scoville a compassionate break on our costs. This now has become a virtual nightmare for Mr. Scoville and VND, but it is not over yet I Everything, up to now, strictly pales in comparison to the following when considering the criminal intent of AHBL and subsequent abuse by Bruns, Kirch, et al. On or about May I , 2005, FSS's server began getting a barrage of '\vget" spidering requests from I P address 66.93.203 .20 1 which was traced back Speakeasy. net, Bruns and Kirch's I SP and/or web host for their sites and These spidering requests continued for days and lasted for approximately one week with different IP addresses traced to Kirch and/or Bruns (see attachment and CD for detail) The spidering requests were so intense that the intrusion worked just as does a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, slowing down real traffic to the FSS site and rendering it impossible to browse for some customers. Each time that VND or FSS block an AHBL, Bruns, or Kirch IP address, they started with a new one. Here is what the web site . . httpl/users.ece.gatech. edu/-owenlAcademiclECE41 1 2lFall2004/lab 1 2web%20security.doc says about "wget" "WGET When targeting a web server, a serious hacker would study its content thoroughly. This might involve downloading its entire content for offline examining at his leisure. Doing this manually would be very tedious and tiresome, so luckily there are some useful tools readily available that would automate this process. WGET is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. It can be downloaded from httpl/www . /wget .html."

The offenders did exactly what is detailed above and then, coincidence or not, at the same time, the FSS web site's functionality was impaired causing the following serious problems, errors, changes, etc. I.

FSS users' ability to login to the website was disabled. It appears this is what happened The website's database connection was impaired. We were not able to read or write to it. The global.asa file (referenced on the attached CD) contained a reference to the database's connection string in this format - Application("Var_ConnectionString") = "DRIVER= { Microsoft Access Driver ( * .mdb») ;DBQ=URL=(CONFIDENTIAL)" This method of connecting to the database was the same for over 2 years Suddenly, it did not operate anymore. No upgrades, service packs, or new software were installed to cause this. In my experience with the site, I can say it was as if "the data connection engine was tampered with." We corrected the issue by upgrading the data connection string as the following example shows: - Application("Var ConnectionString") = "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT JETOLEDBA.O;DATA source="& Server. MapPath( "CONFIDENTIAL") _

2. I am also familiar with my brother's written statement regarding the Denial of Service (DoS) attack which affected FSS during the same time. Please refer to his statement for more intormation. It took myself and my brother, Javier, the better part of two (2) days to figure out the damage, repair it, and then defend against it. All the applicable IP addresses pointing to AHBL, Bruns, Kirch, et ai, log files, etc. used to substantiate these claims are provided on the enclosed disk and the back-up provided by Mr. Scoville. We could only spend so much time on Me Scoville's and FSS's problems due to time constraints and providing service to our other customers. It was truly a nightmare and a mess I VND can speak only for ourselves, but we cannot imagine how Me Scoville and FSS have put up with this constant abuse, harassment, and criminal actions over the past couple of years, but we can state the facts as to our involvement which is what we have done I have read my statement and it is true and correct. I will appear in court and testifY to the facts in this case if necessary. Signature Sworn to and subscribed betore me this 1 6th of May 2005. j / � /;jJ, I L(.<'� J


,,/1.� /Z 7 L_ JP �t

NotalY Puhlic in and/or Hexjlr COUI1(}', Texas

Case # 05-263973



Before me, the undersigned authority in and for the State and County aforesaid, on this day personally appeared Javier Oblitas who being by me first duly sworn upon his oath deposes and says (:;"l �I &VI<:T 3 0', I 'i 1 5' My name is Javier Oblitas and r am 29 years old. 1 was born on lliltif;; Jterir and I am employed by Visual Net Design LC located at 28 1 2 Thousand Oaks Drive, Suite 1 0 1 , San Antonio, Texas 78232-4 1 08 as a co-owner where my duties are to oversee the day to operations and management of my business.

I have been employed with this company since its inception 200 1 . I, and my brother, Manuel Oblitas are co-owners of Visual Net Design L C (VND), a web hosting, design, programming, computer repair, and computer consulting business located in San Antonio, Texas. In the course of doing business, we both became acquainted with Richard (Rick) Scoville aka, (FSS) approximately in June/July of 2002. Mr Scoville approached VND to finish the design, hosting, and activation of his web site, FSS. FSS owns the proprietary design rights to FSS and holds all patents, copyrights, etc. With the input and help ofMr Scoville, as to the specific design and tunctionality of FSS, VND finished the site to the point of Beta testing on or about August I , 2002 and sometime later began hosting it approximately August, 2003 _ The site has been a work in process since that time. I have read my brother's affidavit, hereto attached and concur with each and every statement therein. Most of the facts, situations, problems, tasks, etc , were worked on conjunctively by both of us together, each with his own level of expertise. For those times where I communicated directly with AHBL, Bruns, and/or Kirch, et al, l or Mr. Scoville have supplied the appropriate back-up in the form of copies, either paper or on the disk attached to this complaint. The offenders did exactly what is detailed above and then hacked the FSS web site causing the following serious problems, errors, changes, etc . : I.

The FSS server was affected during the attack due to the consecutive and massive attempt to connect and read from it. Proof of this can be found on the firewall log attached and pictures hack from 66_93 _203 _1 99 Firewall Log_closeJPG and hackJrom_66 93_203 _199]irewall Log_openJPG. In addition, also there is proof of one of the offender's ip on IlS MAIN LOG ENTRIES DATESJPG and tracing information on Report_Trace 66_93 _203 _ 1 99 .pdf _

2. Attached are two folders on the disk named "AHBL CASE" containing ConfidentiaLtxt files which prove the changes that had to be done to get FSS back up. Copies of the files are available upon request and due to confidentiality, they must be viewed on site. Let me reiterate, that Mr. Scoville' s account has been a nightmare due to the abuse, harassment, and criminal actions aimed at him and his site over the past couple of years. These most recent attacks are truly heinous. There have been many times that both Manuel and rnyself have discussed dropping FSS as a client, but Mr. Scoville has been such an honest and trustworthy client over the years that we could not bring ourselves to that point. He is and has been a valued customer.


have read my statement and it is true and correct. I will appear in court and testifY to he facts in this case if necessary Signat -�

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 6th of May 2005_


72 · X0 Ti2?' --� -No/my 7t1 {Puh/ic ,'�(�_ inl(andlilr Bexar (mJll(V, Texas Case # 05-263973


S a n Anto n i o Police Department Statement Information Supplement . ",'"" ... ,,'-. . .'. - " -. -- - -- - -- . '1 " "





- -



Note: This information is strictly confidential and only for Police an d DA 's official records! Name: (last, first, m L )

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Home Address: (number, street, City, zip)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Business Address: (number, street, city, zip) Work Phone Number:

Home Phone Number:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _







__ _ _ _ _ _

N O :_

Name of Spouse:

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

Drivers License # (state & numbe r)


__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ __ ___ _ __ __ __ _



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _






Place of Employment:

Date of Contact:


Location of Contact:


_ __ _ _ __ _ _ __





_ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ __

Time of Contact:

«t '


State: __




Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Richard M. Scoville, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed as follows My name is Richard M. Scoville, I am of sound mind, capable of making this affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated I am the custodian of the records of (FSS).

Attached hereto are 70 pages of

records from FSS, 3 8 pages which is a notarized affidavit of Barbara Schwarz, and one FSS CD of server information. These said 1 08 pages and CD of records are kept by Visual Net Design LC (VND) and/or FSS in the regular course of business, and it was the regular course of business of FSS for an employee or representative of VND, with knowledge of the act, event, condition, opinion, or diagnosis, recorded to make the record or to transmit information thereof to be included in such record; and the record was made at or near the time or reasonably soon thereafter. The records attached hereto are the original or exact duplicates of the original.

SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on the 1 6th day of May, 2005.

1/;t�.£( C

NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS Notary's printed name

:t&t{/.·-L"'\ .


{rI ·, c h ", /{' f2

My commission expires:

H o of ''' !



Before me, the undersigned authority in and for the State and County aforesaid, on this day personally appeared Richard M . Scoville, who being by me tirst duly sworn upon his/her oath deposes and says My name is Richard M. Scoville and I am 59 years old. I was born on July 1 4, 1 945 and I am employed by (FSS) located at 1 08 West French Place as the President, where my duties are to oversee the daily operations ofF S S . I have been employed with this company since approximately November 2000 when I conceived o f the business plan. FSS has been a work in progress since its inception in the year 2000. Approximately, July of2002, I hired Visual Net Design LC, (VND). The principals of which are Manuel Oblitas and Javier Oblitas. They are presently located at 28 1 2 Thousand Oaks Drive, Suite 1 0 1 , San Antonio, Texas 78232-4 1 08, the physical location of the server for FSS. The business plan ofFSS is stated at our web site,, under the Mission Statement, About Us, and the Terms of Service (TOS). Basically stated . . "The principals of the Free Speech Store had a vision . . . . that there be an all-inclusive database available to the entire virtual community with easy access and navigation, hence, the Free Speech Store I Presently, you have to employ a universal search engine which, in many cases, does not have the capability to access databases, remote sites, non-commercial sites, newsgroups etc. for keyword searches within those databases, sites, etc. Obviously, this site will develop its own presence and persona as it is utilized by the virtual community. It will grow with each posting of a new speech. It is your site I With each posting, you will control its growth, its presence, its destiny, and most importantly, its contenL ALL FREE OF CHARGE (please refer to . . Terms of Service)! Posting i s FREE! The only * cost assessed is when you wish to retrieve/read a speech. Be sure to read our Privacy Policy because it, as well as the Site itself, are predicated on anonymity for all, if you so desire. Remember, all we require is a valid email address to send your password, allowing site privileges! .

We highly recommend that you access the FAQ section of this web site prior to navigating the site. This will help answer any questions without your wasting time through trial and errOL There are *two payment alternatives to access an entire speech, not just the abstract. As always, POSTING I S FREE! Take advantage of ic H IS YOUR VIRTUAL RIGHT I " Through the course of trial and error, customer feedback, Internet Service Providers (ISP's) input, interactive Internet newsgroup participation, threats from anti-spammers, general discussion with our webmasters, and other discussions with Internet savvy personnel, F S S has strived to adhere to what is termed as Netiquette, etiquette governing communication on the Internet, while still maintaining and honoring one's right to Free Speech and the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and quite frankly, the Virtual Right of Free Speech for all peoples of the world. As stated previously, FSS is a work in progress and listens to all constructive criticism, even those which are threatening. Sometimes, we make changes predicated on this input and sometimes we do not. The ultimate goal is to maintain a web site which offers Free Speech within the boundaries ofthe laws which govern FSS. FSS had made changes predicated on some, if not all, of the aforementioned input and will continue to do so if behooves us and the general public and of course, is lawful. Since approximately, the first quarter 2003, FSS has been attacked, libeled, threatened (to include death threats), and abused by a group of so-called netcops (thugs, punks) in an Internet newsgroup called­ abuse. email (NANAE). its hybrids such as sightings (NAN AS), news.admin net­ abuse.usenet (NAN AU), just to name a few. The culprits of these newsgroups are commonly referred to as

"NANAE PUNKS". The very thing which they say they wish to accomplish, Netiquette, is the one trait which they ignore. From these folks, FSS has been the victim of, but not limited to: 1 . Libel 2. Defamation of Character 3 . Threats a. Death threats b . Email Blockage through Blocklists, i.e. DSNBL's of F S S emails, as well ass ALL the customers of its ISP's c. Physical 4. Harassment a. Phone calls to ISP's, other Internet providers, etc b . Emails to FSS, its webmasters, ISP's, Upstream providers, etc c. U.S. Postal mails to some of the aforementioned 5 . Restraint of trade 6. Possible Rico Act violations, as well as other Federal Crimes Two (2) of the most malicious culprits ofNANAE are Brian Bruns, a convicted felon for computer crimes, and his partner in crime, as well as in business, Andrew Kirch. Both men have joined FSS as members and supplied valid email addresses authorizing F S S to communicate with them. They both are principals of lnternet companies, URL' s, etc , which go by the names, but not limited to 1 . Ahbtorg 2. 3 . 2mbit. com Kirch, also utilizes the following Internet companies, URL ' s etc . . I . trelane. net 2. 3 . http://www 2mbit.coml-trelane/ They have been hounding FSS for approximately two (2) years and are the perpetrators of one or more of all the above and aforementioned crimes. They refer to FSS as the "Freespeechwhore" and defame us constantly in the aforementioned newsgroups, as well as contact our suppliers periodically and often with threats, defamation, libel, etc. without notifYing or copying us of any wrongdoing. They have crossed the line recently, however, by threatening our ISP' s with major email blockage if FSS is not disconnected from their service at once. They have followed through with these threats with ALL of FS S ' s ISP's, webmasters, providers, etc., causing our ISP's severe customer service issues and forcing them to discontinue our service. Bruns and Kirch have blocked complete subnets of these providers to extort, blackmail, etc. them into submission. The majority of the ISP's are well versed with the illegal and threatening nature of these criminals andlor ex-cons, but even though sympathetic to FSS' s plight, must kowtow to the threats and subsequent action taken by these t hugs, or lose business. The smaller companies acquiesce due to the lack of technical and financial resources, financial repercussions, and the fear of retribution, but the larger companies, such as America Online (AOL) and Google do not kowtow to these punks. FSS has been repeatedly reported by these abusers, to no avail, with false complaints to both AOL and Google from which F S S posts, emails, etc. to the Net with registered accounts in conjunction with our own server. Bruns' examples of our so-called abuse, posted at his web site, are from AOL and Google accounts, but you do not see ABBL blocking their subnets, IP space, etc. if they do not cancel the accounts with myself or FSS. The why is simple, they are wrong and would be in court in a New York minute and the harassment and hacking would endl Police reports # 05-07 1 0 1 9101 and # 05-263973/01 have been filed and are part of this complaint as backup.

The most egregious of their crimes, however, is their recent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks with a known hacking program "wget" and subsequent hacking of our web site from information gleaned from this tool. Their IP addresses were logged, crimes annotated, and corrective action taken by our webmasters, VND. VND' s affidavit substantiating such is contained herein. All have been reported 10 Detective Padier and the SAPD. Even though other crimes have been ongoing for years, these crimes started and were logged beginning the week of 411 812005 and not ceasing until Detective Padier, SAPD, had conversations with the subjects, the week of 51212005 . These intrusions and hacking into our servers caused FSS the following, but not limited to: monies expended to stop the attacks, considerable downtime, monies expended to take corrective action, loss of income, mental anguish, health issues, and personal time to monitor the site for further/future intrusions. These crimes are remarkably similar to those for which Bruns was convicted in New York in 2002 when he hacked his ex-employer, Pat Prague with ISP http //accesshighway. com . . . (63 1 ) 232-9 1 1 9 . You can call Me Prague regarding the hacking of his ISP by Bruns and subsequent jail time. He is more than willing to hare his nightmare with the police, potential victims, current victims, or past victims. Brian Bruns', probation officer, Ms. Benedetto (63 1 -852-5084) and her boss, Me Eldredge (63 1 -852-5074) have been informed and apprised of these crimes since the first police report was tlled in February, 2005, as has the prosecuting ADA, Christopher Nicolino (63 1 -852-5000). All have instructed FSS to document the allegations and file the subsequent police reports, which FSS has done. Bruns' Indictment numbers are .. ( l ) 11 5 1 7-02 and (2) S-24 23 -02 and are part of this complaint. Me Eldredge, after reviewing the information offered as an attachment to this affidavit has re-opened the investigation of Bruns for new crimes and/or violation of his probation. Detective Padier has all the email back-up as to the nature of the crimes committed, police reports tlled, as well as the time frame in which all occurred, dating back to the original police report, plus the new information contained in this complaint. If more documentation is needed prior to these dates, it is readily available npon request VND will b e supplementing this affidavit with copious copies of logs files, CD's of such, proof of hacking, and necessary substantiation of these accusations which were previously provided Detective Padier in a more succinct form to expedite the investigation Copies of lhe information sent to Ms. Benedetto are contained herein as Exhibit "A". Also, attached as supplemental information, is the notarized affidavit, Exhibit "B", of Barbara Schwarz detailing her recent abuse by these very same culprits. Over the past several years myself, FSS, and its suppliers have been subjected to organized crime by these folks and we are now going to do something about itl It is the purpose of FSS to help law enforcement in punishing these criminals and to help bring an end to the Cyber Crimes being perpetrated by the NANAE PUNKS and other criminals in the "Wild West" environment of the Internet. Free Speech is a right and it must be protected!


I have read my statement and it is true and correct I will appear in court am!" testifY to the facts in this case if I necessary cO, Signature

) I'

�:��; VVl



Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 6th of May 2005.

f1;tlciJU-/lJ; r2 .tchm,t!)2o/l----'--_ Notmy Public in a/ld � Coullty. Texas 0

SEAL " -.,



Page 5 of 1 0

Before me, the undersigned authority in and for the State and County aforesaid, on this day personally appeared Manuel Oblitas who being by me first duly sworn upon his oath deposes and says: My name is Manuel Oblitas and I am 28 years old. I was born on September, 2 1 ", 1 976 and I am employed by Visual Net Design LC located at 28 1 2 Thousand Oaks Drive, Suite 1 0 I, San Antonio, Texas 78270 as a co­ owner where my duties are to oversee the day to day operations and management of my business. I have been employed with this company since its inception., 200I. I, and my brother, Javier Oblitas are co-owners of Visual Net Design LC (VND), a web hosting, design, programming, computer repair, and computer consulting business located in San Antonio, Texas. In the course of doing business, we both became acquainted with Richard (Rick) Scoville aka, (FSS) approximately in June/July of 2002. Mr. Scoville approached VND to finish the design, hosting, and activation of his web site, FSS. FSS owns the proprietary design rights to FSS and holds all patents, copyrights, etc. With the input and help ofMr Scoville, as to the specific design and functionality of FSS, VND finished the site to the point of Beta testing on or about August 1 , 2002 and sometime later began hosting it approximately August, 2003. The site has been a work in progress since that time. Mr Scoville asked VND to host the site because he had been "larted" (short for Loser Attitude Readjustment Tool, refers to changing someone's attitude hy taking steps to kick them off the Internet through abuse reports to their lSP) to his previous host, Southwestern Bell Corporation (SBC) by bunch of people from the newsgroup news. admin. net-abuse. email (NANAE). VND, in an effort to help FSS, offered to host FSS' server through our lSP's, Reallinx and PrismNet, Ltd. (Prism) At this point VND as well as Mr. Scoville, had no idea how vindictive this group of people could and would become! Hence, we began hosting FSS, almost immediately our upstreams, Reallinx and Prism, began relating to VND the abuse reports, the majority of which were coming from members of the aforementioned newsgroup. Over a period of approximately two (2) years, VND and its upstreams have received various and organized threats, abuse reports, etc. regarding the curtailment of Internet access to ALL the aforementioned hosts through the blocking of emails emanating from our servers and our suppliers, ifVND did not cease to host FSS. The threats turned to reality and our IP range and subnets were subsequently blocked causing ALL serious harm and damaged relations with many of our clients, customers, etc. The threats escalated in January of 2005 to the point that both Reallinx and Prism gave VND an ultimatum to get rid of FSS within hours or all our web sites, which we host, would be shut down because over 2,000 complaints had been received trom Prism's customers regarding bounced emails. Both Reallinx and Prism, acknowledged that FSS had not violated their AUP or ours, on the contrary, FSS had tried in vain to work with us, Darren Knapp with Reallinx, and Ted Hatfield with Prism to modit)r his site in order to circumvent the abuse complaints. As a matter offact, FSS made major changes to circumvent the various and sundry complaints by the antispammers (NANAE et al), all documented with emails. In spite of the efforts of FSS, Reallinx and Prism had to "kowtow" to the threats to get the full range of IP blockages removed. This did not satist)r a certain group ofDSNBL (Internet blocklists) proprietors and the worst abusers, namely, Sosdg. org, and all of which are owned or run by Brian Bruns andlor Andrew Kirch. VND was forced to cut FSS's hosting off immediately in order to remove the blocks initiated by this group ( et ai, "AHBL") FSS's site was shut down by us, to protect our other clients from collateral damage, hence VND and FSS frantically looked for options to get the F S S site back up because it was off the Net. We had T - 1 line through another company, E-spire, which we temporarily put FSS on to gain access to the Internet. This was only temporary because we would be losing this line in two (2) to three (3) months, but it gave us breathing room. The applicable IP address and subnet for E-spire were immediately blocked by AHBL. Each time that VND moved the hosting ofFSS to another ISP, AHBL blocked FSS' individual lP address as well as ,

the subnet of the suppliers, in order to extortlblackmail the suppliers into submission, i e , the removing ofFSS trom the Internet via the client services of VND and its suppliersl This, in turn, reflected on VND and caused us and our customer's severe harm. When the T -1 line from E-spire ran out, VND began to look for alternatives for FSS, so we looked at his residential supplier, Grande Communications utilizing their business services. Grande's business representatives were contacted to secure access, but VND' s physical location, nor any of the principals ofVND, nor relevant employees residential locations, were serviced by Grande. FSS and VND decided to host the site at Me Scoville's temporary home residence at 1 08 West French Place in San Antonio, Texas. AHBL immediately blocked the applicable IP addresses of Grande and VND's blocks remained in place. According to Mr. Scoville, Grande was in the process of changing his home IP address from a dynamic IP to a static IP, but he was getting many bounced emails because of the blockage due to the fact that he was hosting on a dynamic IP, and of course, the AHBL blockage. In the interim, AHBL was contacting Grande to complain about FSS. Before Grande solved the problem, they cut offFSS from the Internet without notice or justification. Scoville believes it was due to the complaints from AHBL and their gang, as well as Grande's own issues. FSS' web site was down and off the Internet again! Both FSS and VND began scrambling again to tigure out what to do to get FSS back up. Me Scoville, after being down several days at his residence, moved his service to Time Warner, hence we decided to keep his sever at his residence, temporarily with a Time Warner dynamic IP address which he also used for his residential access, until Time Wamer could install business Internet access at our physical site on Thousand Oaks, which meant additional blockage for FSS in the interim due to the fact that it was again a dynamic IP. AHBL immediately blocked this IP address and also kept the VND blocks in place, still causing harm to ALL. Finally, upon installation of the Time Warner business service to our location, the FSS server was moved again and a new IP address assigned. To date, this is the ONLY IP address which has not been blocked by AHBL. The original Time Warner IP address that Scoville temporarily used to host his site at his residence is still blocked. Scoville does not why Bruns has not blocked this IP address for Time Warner, so he checks every day to see if the blocks have been implemented as previously threatened. Bruns, through correspondence with my brother, Javier Oblitas, continued to block us until VND proved that we were not hosting F S S or that the DNS contlguration was not pointing to VND, which had nothing to do with hosting, but we had to comply to get unblocked. While on our space, each time that the site was forced off the Net, both VND and FSS incurred downtime, considerable headaches, added labor costs, loss of revenue, and the reconfiguration of each new IP address. VND, of course, had to charge Me Scoville for all of our time, but realizing the severity of the situation and the attitude of AHBL, VND gave Scoville a compassionate break on our costs. This now has become a virtual nightmare for Me Scoville and VND, but it is not over yet I Everything, up to now, strictly pales in comparison to the following when considering the criminal intent of AHBL and subsequent abuse by Bruns, Kirch, et al. On or about May 1 , 2005, FSS's server began getting a barrage of"wget" spidering requests from IP address 66.93 .203 .20 1 which was traced back, Bruns and Kirch' s ISP and/or web host for their sites ahbLorg and These spidering requests continued for days and lasted for approximately one week with different IP addresses traced to Kirch and/or Bruns (see attachment and CD for detail) The spidering requests were so intense that the intrusion worked just as does a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, slowing down real traffic to the FSS site and rendering it impossible to browse for some customers. Each time that VND or FSS block an AHBL, Bruns, or Kirch IP address, they started with a new one. Here is what the web site . . 1 1 2IFa1l2004/lab 1 2web%20security.doc says about "wget" ''WGET When targeting a web server, a serious hacker would study its content thoroughly. This might involve downloading its entire content for offline examining at his leisure. Doing this manually would be very tedious and tiresome, so luckily there are some useful tools readily available that would automate this process. WGET is a free software package for retrieving tiles using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. It can be downloaded from http ://www . gnu.orglsoftware/wget /wget . html ."

The offenders did exactly what is detailed above and then, coincidence or not, at the same time, the FSS web site's functionality was impaired causing the following serious problems, errors, changes, etc .: I.

FSS users' ability to login to the website was disabled. It appears this is what happened: The website's database connection was impaired. We were not able to read or write to it. The global.asa file (referenced on the attached CD) contained a reference to the database' s connection string in this format - Application(HVar_ConnectionStringH) = HDRIVER={M icrosoft Access Driver ( * mdb) };DBQ=URL=(CONFlDENTIAL)" This method of connecting to the database was the same for over 2 years Suddenly, it did not operate anymore. No upgrades, service packs, or new software were installed to cause this. In my experience with the site, I can say it was as if ''!he data connection engine was tampered with. " We corrected t he issue by upgrading the data connection string as the following example shows - Application( "Var ConnectionString") = "PROVlDER=MICROSOFTJET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA source="& Server. MapPath(HCONFlDENTIAL") _

2. I am also familiar with my brother's written statement regarding the Denial of Service (DoS) attack which affected FSS during the same time. Please refer to his statement for more information. It took myself and my brother, J avier, the better part of two (2) days to figure out the damage, repair it, and then defend against it. All the applicable rp addresses pointing to AHBL, Bruns, Kirch, et ai, log files, etc. used to substantiate these claims are provided on the enclosed disk and the back-up provided by Me Scoville. We could only spend so much time on Me Scoville's and FSS' s problems due to time constraints and providing service to our other customers. It was truly a nightmare and a mess' VND can speak only for ourselves, but we cannot imagine how Me Scoville and FSS have put up with this constant abuse, harassment, and criminal actions over the past couple of years, but we can state the facts as to our involvement which is what we have done. r

have read my statement and it is true and correct. I will appear in court and testify to the facts in this case if necessary. �-."

-. .� --. --.

Signature .C===:z::



Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 6th of May 2005.


_?lt�� tc{ t( [2 . ib�� NotGlY Public in and/or Bexar

Case # 05-263973






Before me, the undersigned authority in and for the State and County aforesaid, on this day personally appeared Javier Oblitas who being by me ftrst duly sworn upon his oath deposes and says:

4<1 GV\ s r 3 t7, 1 q 1 )


�� p

My name is Javier Oblitas and I am 29 years old. I was born on Ihe Pgflt and I am employed by Visual Net Design LC located at 28 1 2 Thousand Oaks Drive, Suite 1 0I, San Antonio, Texas 78232-4 1 08 as a co-owner where my duties are to oversee the day to operations and management of my business. I have been employed with this company since its inception 200 1 . I, and my brother, Manuel Oblitas are co-owners of Visual Net Design L C (VND), a web hosting, design, programming, computer repair, and computer consulting business located in San Antonio, Texas. In the course of doing business, we both became acquainted with Richard (Rick) Scoville aka, (FSS) approximately in June/July of 2002 Mr Scoville approached VND to ftnish the design, hosting, and activation ofms web site, FSS. FSS owns the proprietary design rights to FSS and holds all patents, copyrights, etc. With the input and help of Mr. Scoville, as to the speciftc design and functionality ofFSS, VND finished the site to the point of Beta testing on or about August I, 2002 and sometime later began hosting it approximately August, 2003._ The site has been a work in process since that time. I have read my brother's affidavit, hereto attached and concur with each and every statement therein. Most of the facts, situations, problems, tasks, etc , were worked on conjunctively by both of us together, each with his own level of expertise. For those times where I communicated directly with AHBL, Bruns, and/or Kirch, et aI, l or Me Scoville have supplied the appropriate back -up in the form of copies, either paper or on the disk attached to this complaint The offenders did exactly what is detailed above and then hacked the F S S web site causing the tollowing serious problems, errors, changes, etc. : 1 . The FSS server was atlected during the attack due to the consecutive and massive attempt to connect and read from it. Proof of this can be found on the firewall log attached and pictures hack from 66_93 _203 _ 1 99 Firewall Log_close.JPG and hack Jrom_66_93 _203 _ 1 99 _Firewall Log_openJPG. In addition, also there is proof of one of the offender's ip on liS MAIN LOG ENTRIES DATESJPG and tracing information on Report_Trace 66_93_203 _1 99.pdf 2. Attached are two folders on the disk named "AHBL CASE" containing ConfidentiaL txt tiles which prove the changes that had to be done to get FSS back up. Copies of the mes are available upon request and due to confidentiality, they must be viewed on site. Let me reiterate, that Me Scoville 's account has been a nightmare due to the abuse, harassment, and criminal actions aimed at him and his site over the past couple of years. These most recent attacks are truly heinous. There have been many times that both Manuel and myself have discussed dropping FSS as a client, but Mr. Scoville has been such an honest and trustworthy client over the years that we could not bring ourselves to that point He is and has been a valued customer.

I have read my statement and it is true and correct. I will appear in court and testifY to the facts in this case if necessary. Signatur�

/ �

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 6th of May 2005.


?ltc �{�l{


1fz 7:(J}� L_

NO/aJ)' Public i n andfbr Bexar COl/illy, Texas

Case # 05-263973

__ _


San Anto n i o Pol ice Department » '

Statement I nformation Supplement

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- --

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- - -


Note: This information is strictly confidential and only for Police and DA 's official records! Name: (last, first, m L J

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Home Address: (number, street, city, zipl

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Business Address: (number, street, city, zip) Home Phone Number:, Race: Yes:_

_ _ _ _ _ _




Work Phone Number:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

N O :_


Name of Spouse :

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Drivers license # (state & numberl

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _


___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __

Place of Employment:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Date of Contact:

__ __

Location of Contact: %



_ _ _

z xes

Time of Contact:

__ __

State: __

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