Plt 08.03

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PLT March 22, 2008

Jesus is the Christ KEY TEXT “Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ (Acts 5:42) [NIV].” INTRODUCTION Often we say Jesus Christ this and Jesus Christ that but we do not actually understand the true meaning of what we are saying…that is why we have a lack of power! Jesus is the Christ is the good news. THEME In these last days, the only message the church should preach is that Jesus is the Christ so that they can give life to the dying world and bring all nations back to the Lord. BODY Today, we can hear any message from any speaker/pastor because of the internet. Yet how is it that America is not changed? Because we do not often hear the message that Jesus is the Christ and this message is the only one that can bring true life and change. I. Paul said that the time would come when people would turn from the truth and follow fables [a story with a moral; a lie; a false story] according to their own desires (2 Tim. 4:1-5). •

2 Timothy 4:1-5 – “I solemnly urge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who will someday judge the living and the dead when he appears to set up his Kingdom: Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.”

1. We are living in a generation that does not want to hear the truth but wants to hear something that will satisfy what they want to hear. 2. What we need to do in such a time as this is proclaim the truth = Jesus is the Christ = gospel message = good news = Jesus is the Christ! Jesus is the Christ


PLT March 22, 2008

II. We must preach the good news that “Jesus is the Christ.” 1. Why should the church preach nothing but the good news that “Jesus is the Christ”? 1) People are under the control of the evil one. 2) There is no other name but the name of Jesus Christ for our salvation (Acts 4:12). 2. This is the message that not only Jesus preached but the apostles preached also (Mk. 14:61-62; Acts 5:42) •

Mark 14:61-64 – “But Jesus was silent and made no reply. Then the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah [Christ in NIV], the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus said, “I AM. And you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God’s right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven. Then the high priest tore his clothing to show his horror and said, “Why do we need other witnesses? You have all heard his blasphemy. What is your verdict?” “Guilty!” they all cried. “He deserves to die!” 

Because Jesus confessed that He was the Messiah/Christ  He was killed for it!

Acts 5:42 – “And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah.”

At many churches we hear many good things for the Christian life…but we’re missing one thing = Jesus is the Christ  Because our struggle in this life is to bring the KOG and fight against the forces of darkness, the message that Jesus is the Christ will bring life! 1) What does “Jesus is the Christ” mean? a. Isaiah is a pastor  Isaiah is my name, pastor is my title (what I do) b. Jesus Christ  Jesus is His name, Christ is His title (Christ is what He does) c. Christ (Greek word) =Messiah (Hebrew word) = Savior (English word) d. Christ means “the Anointed One”  why did H.S. choose this word? 

*** This Christ must fulfill three purposes…(priest, king, prophet  each is a shadow of the true Messiah to come) 3. In the time of the O.T., God appointed a priest, a king, and a prophet by anointing them with oil. Each appointed position revealed the Messiah who was to come in the future. 1) The priest (Ex. 29:44; Lev. 8:12) a. The priest was the mediator between God and God’s people for they could not Jesus is the Christ


PLT March 22, 2008

come before God because of their sins. b. Priest brings the people and God together through sacrifice (reconciliation). c. In order for people to become priests they must be anointed by oil  when Jesus is called the anointed one…He fulfilled the position of a priest (Heb. 7:23-25) •

Hebrew 7:23-25 – “There were many priests under the old system, for death prevented them from remaining in office. But because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.”

Jesus died to live forever so that He could intercede on our behalf! d. Jesus himself became the eternal sacrifice for our sins and He is our Priest forever (Rom. 3:25; Heb. 7:24-25). 2) The king (1 Sam. 8:5, 20, 10:1) a. The king is the one who rules and delivers his people from their enemies. Ex) King David fought surrounding enemies to save Israel b. Kings were appointed by anointing through oil (Samuel anoint King David). c. Jesus, the anointed one, is the true King who can deliver us from the evil one and rule over us. 3) The prophet (1 Kings 19:16) a. The prophet is the one who proclaims the word of God to bring life to those who listen (Ezk. 37:9-10). o

Psalm 107:10-11 – “Some sat in darkness and deepest gloom imprisoned in iron chains of misery. They rebelled against the words of God, scorning the counsel of the Most High.”

o This is the condition of the people around us. o They rebelled against the Word of God which is life itself. o The only way to be saved is through the Word of God •

Psalm 107:19-20 – “LORD, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them, snatching them from the door of death.”

o God sent the Word of God to save the people o Those who bring the Word of God are prophets  bring life to people  Savior, Messiah b. Prophets are also appointed by anointing with oil. c. Jesus is the Prophet (John 12:49-50).

Jesus is the Christ


PLT March 22, 2008

4. People spoke Jesus is the Christ…why? Because Jesus is the Christ is the good news in which people will be set free from death and the evil one…have freedom and life! 5. The world does not need those who have knowledge about the bible but the world needs those who have revelation that Jesus is the Christ (because that is the good news that will set people free from the control of the evil one since Jesus is the priest (mediator), king (deliverer), and prophet(word of God)). *** Illustration: Paul was taught by Gabriel (highest scholar of the Bible, most respected among religious leaders). Paul had great zeal for the Word of God  persecuted Christians because He did not have revelation about the Word of God. When he was converted he realized the truth! The change in his life did not happen because of knowledge about the Bible but because of revelation of the message that Jesus is the Christ!

III. How can we have revelation that Jesus is the Christ? (APPLICATION) 1. Pray through the Bible asking God for insight (John 15:26, 5:39-40; 2 Tim. 3:16) because the Bible is written by the H.S., to testify about Christ  ask H.S. for revelation! 2. Live by the Word (John 8:31-32)  to those who believe in Christ, they must live by the word of God. When you live by the word you will have greater revelation (John 14:21). 3. Preach the Word  if you do not share the good news that has been revealed to you… there will be no further revelation. As you testify about the scripture…there will be greater revelation since the H.S. loves those who testify about Jesus because your work agrees with the work of the H.S. (to testify about Jesus).

Jesus is the Christ


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