Plt 08.01

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PLT Message 1 January 26, 2008

Prayer That Rules “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Mark 11:17) This is the heart of God. This is the way He saw His church, as a house of prayer for all nations. 1 Cor. 3:16 says, “Don’t you know that you are the temple of God where the H.S. dwells?” So as individuals we are a church. And when a body of people comes together, we are a church also. The most thing that we need to do is pray. With prayer we can rule the world. Before we go on, let’s think about what prayer is to us. In your mind what is the definition of prayer? Compare that to what the Bible says. Some definitions: communicating to God, power given from God, opening a door so God can move, Introduction Prayer can be expressed in many different ways… *** There are many other expressions, but these four are the main expressions. 1. Supplication – asking what we need (many times we limit prayer to just this aspect) 2. Communication – not a one way talk to God, but we can hear from God 3. Intercession – inter- means we pray for others, for people who might not be able to come to God 4. Enforcement – exercise power and authority, we are ambassadors of the K.O.G. to enforce God’s will over the kingdom of this world Today we are going to focus on the enforcement part of prayer. This is a very important principle to understand. God has appointed you has a ruler. Prayer should be our lifestyle, by knowing who we are and what God has intended for us to do on this earth. Body I.

We are created to conquer and rule (Gen. 1:26-28) • In order to understand this prayer, we need to understand who we are and what God created us to be. • God’s intention was that through man, He would rule over the earthly kingdom. • For that very purpose He created us with His image, to be fruitful, subdue, and rule over this earth (as conquerors). *** Now how do you rule? How do you conquer? The word of God just becomes head knowledge when we read things that we cannot apply. Your attitude must be that as you read


PLT Message 2 January 26, 2008 God’s word, you will say “amen” and receive the truth. Ask God for faith  then you will see breakthrough Why do we not experience?  because we do not have faith. May God give you the spirit of a ruler and conqueror! II.

Bible teaches us how we should enforce God’s will on the earth through prayer. 1. Psalm 2:7-8 a) God proclaimed and He created the universe; that is the power of His proclamation. b) God then proclaims that we are children of God! c) God wants to give us all nations! a. Romans 8:32 i. God gave us His son. ii. Why would He not want to give us anything else? b. We must think like God! i. Our previous mindset is from the devil  he gave us that mindset to steal away the blessings of God ii. God’s mindset is to give us all things. c. Difference between gentiles and us: i. Gentiles are seeking after the pleasures of the flesh. ii. We are eternal beings, meant to live and seek for eternal things. 1. We are foreigners in this land; our hometown is the eternal kingdom. 2. We must be different from this world. d) Only one kingdom will stand forever  God desires to give this kingdom to you! e) God says ask!!! This is the way we will conquer and rule  praying for the nations to come back to the Father [the knowledge of God will cover the earth like the oceans] 2. Matthew 6:9-10 (in comparison to Luke 11) a) The disciples are asking Jesus how to pray. b) When we pray and it is answered  He is glorified. a. Then what prayer brings glory to the Father? b. Praying in the Father’s will. i. Jesus taught us, we must pray so that the will of God will be done on this earth. ii. Even though God is sovereign and His will cannot be hindered by any being, the scriptures teach us that we still need to pray!


PLT Message 3 January 26, 2008 iii. These are things that we do not need to reconcile. Otherwise we are putting God into the box of our knowledge  go astray. iv. Only way we can receive the word of God is in faith  sometimes we do not understand but God is right c) Demonic power always tries to hinder God’s will  that’s why Jesus asked us to pray so God’s will can come 3. Ezekiel 36:33-37 Background: Israel failed and they are scattered and exiled throughout the nations. Ezekiel received the word of God, that He will restore Israel. a) God is sovereign, what He wills and plans (to restore Israel) will be done. b) This is what the sovereign Lord says, “Once again I will yield to the plea of the house of Israel and do this for them.” a. KEY: Even though God is sovereign and has a plan, He is yielding to the plea of His people before He brings His will. b. God has stored blessings for us in heaven! But because you do not ask, you fail to receive all the blessings in heaven, the blessings that Jesus Christ died for you to have! c) We enforce God’s will on the earth through prayer because we are the representatives that God uses to bring His kingdom. d) If we fail to rule, then the enemy will rule illegally! III.

Biblical and historical examples. (The people who understood God’s principles and brought God’s will onto the earth.) 1. Elijah (1 Kings 18:1, 41-46) Background: Elijah is very important! He had the passion of God and brought God’s people back to Him during the days of idolatry. *** God says that in these end times, the spirit of Elijah will fall upon us  to bring His people back to Him during these dark times. Also, John the Baptist: His eyes were closed to the world and he was separated from the rest of the world in the desert. *** Unless you close your eyes to the world, your eyes cannot see the will of God! Before John’s public ministry, God closed the eyes of John to the things of the world to be used by God How do we do that? We must be people of prayer and fasting. We must willfully close our hearts to the world. Pray without ceasing to the H.S. Continually meditate and fix your


PLT Message 4 January 26, 2008 eyes on heavenly things, Jesus second coming, and K.O.G. Then you will see the move of God in your life.  learn how to fast and pray! Although you read scriptures, they will not make any sense to you because your eyes are closed, dead to the things of God because your heart has been opened to the world. Colossians 3:1-3  turn away from the world and fix your eyes on the things above. Otherwise, you will not have revelation. Without revelation, you will not be able to move. a) 3 ½ years later, the word of the Lord came to Elijah, to go to Ahab and proclaim that there will be rain on the land again! b) However, it did not rain until ELIJAH PRAYED (earnestly). a. Elijah prayed in faith for rain…seven times! b. This is the principle: you must pray so that God’s will may be done! 2. Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:25-38) a) Compared to the religious leaders of that time, they were not known. But they were known to God. b) They knew God’s principle: They gave their lives to fast and prayer for the coming of the Messiah. c) When Jesus came as a baby, they were the first to realize and had the eyes to see. d) Their role = bring God’s will through fast and prayer. e) That is our role…to pray for Jesus’ second coming and the great revival (harvest) that will happen before He comes  do not miss out on the great harvest! 3. George Muller a) He was a man of prayer during his lifetime (50,000 answered prayers throughout his lifetime) b) Before he prayed…He sought after God’s will in the Bible so that he could pray according to his Father’s will. 4. IHOP a) They proclaim God’s will and Kingdom through prayer! IV.

Introduction to the Scriptural prayer  must practice DAILY! 1. The definition of Scriptural prayer a) Praying through the Bible a. Find the promises of God in the Bible and claim them! b. As you read the Word, proclaim and pray to claim the promises of God!


PLT Message 5 January 26, 2008 i. As you read Genesis 1:36 about being conquerors of this world pray that you will be a conqueror. ii. As you read John 14: about doing greater things than Jesus did, then pray and claim the fact that you will do greater things! c. Follow Elijah’s model! Until what God promised is fulfilled, you will not cease praying!  Need faith to pray! b) Pray according to God’s promise for our needs c) The prayer style of George Muller 2. Areas you may consider while you read the Bible for the Scriptural prayer a) God’s characters a. As you read through the Bible and see God’s character (i.e. compassionate heart for the lost), pray and ask for God’s compassionate heart also! b. As you read about Jesus forgiving on the cross, pray for that kind of forgiveness in your heart  change my character! b) God’s principles or ways c) God’s plans or prophecies a. As you read about God’s plans for nations  claim it! b. Let the blessing of Abraham be mine  be a blessing giver to all nations! (Pray and hang onto the promises of God) d) God’s promise Conclusion When we fail to pray… 1. The devil rules instead of us! 2. We are not the church that God has originally designed! a. Through prayer, churches proclaim their authority! b. Enforce His will and His kingdom on this earth. Now we will use a passage and practice scriptural prayer: Isaiah 49 *** Scriptural prayer is a mode of communicating with God. In the next verse, God can answer as you pray. Example: v. 1 – God has a purpose for me; “God what is my purpose?” v. 2 – Sounds like God has made me to use my mouth for something; “God what does that mean? God teach me how to use my mouth to fight and pray for the nations!” v. 3 – He wants to bring His glory into my life! “God, bring your glory!”


PLT Message 6 January 26, 2008 v. 5-6 – Clear vision  He wants to use us to bring all nations back to God! “God you will bring salvation to Korean Diasporas throughout the world. Your plan is to use me for that! Free me from the fear of man and the praises of man. God, you will be my only strength!” v. 17 – God has promised that our sons/daughters will come back quickly; His will may be done! “God, let us be fruitful quickly!” We will close in prayer.


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