Planning A Generation's Future

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,087
  • Pages: 3
YOUTH OF NUKPESE QUIST FAMILY UNION STATEMENT OF INTENT BUILDING A VIBRANT FAMILY UNION BY THEODORE J. QUIST Introduction Several attempts have been made by our concerned relations, who are descendants of Quist, at uniting or encouraging a stronger tie within the family. These noble people have genuinely good intensions. I have noticed that usually there is much enthusiasm in the beginning, but interest dwindles not long afterwards. The question is what are the causes? Sadly, as time swiftly passes by, we, the last generation who have been brought up with knowledge of our ancestral history and legacies will soon pass away, leaving an unbridgeable gap between the past and the future of the family. Have we laid any foundation at all for the coming generation? Have we set any example of how they would live? Should they continue in the way we are now? Will it lead to a better future? The relationship with our extended family should be stronger than our relationship with friends. People will forever come into, and leave our lives. Graduations, relocations, and employment changes may gradually erect a wall between friends. When feeling disconnected from close friends, it would be nice to rely on a cousin or aunt. Who are your second cousins? How many great aunts and uncles do you have? What are their children’s names? A well managed family union knows: 1. Its history – where they are coming from geographically, economically, culturally, morally, academically, etc


2. Its current status as compared with its history (where are we now?) 3. Where it aims at reaching in the light of current situation (where do we want to go from here? i.e. hopes and aspirations) Can we say, with chests out that we are knowledgeable in these three basic questions of life? In the light of these basic necessities, as a concerned member of this great family I have done some brainstorming to bring to your attention some pertinent issues that we have overlooked over the years to help us put things right or initiate lasting solutions for our benefit and especially for our children and generations to come. Our Weaknesses First of all, most of us don’t know ourselves, let alone how we are actually related. Thanks to Uncle William Sohne through the assistance of the Nukpese Quist family union compiled our genealogy. However, we don’t have any monumental evidence

of our past – no family library, organized museum, etc. In short our descendants do not have enough physical evidence of the existence of this family. Most of us, including myself, are guilty of non participation in the Nukpese Quist union activities. My sad observation during its last meeting in 2008 was that the work is left in the hands of elderly men and women. One could easily tell that they either are overwhelmed with what is expected of them as executives or they need ideas as to what to do to strengthen the union and make it vibrant. We need a song as our anthem. We have no financial reserves for our education, health, accommodation and employment. You all agree with me that there are a lot of brilliant Quists who could have done better in academics if they have the privilege of sponsorship. It is sad to note that in some homes, our brothers and sisters live in abject poverty. Many cannot afford their medical bills. We have no advocacy – no lawyer to defend us. Some of our aunties, sisters, cousins and daughters are having difficult marriages to the extent that some are being abused or molested. Most of these people are unable to help themselves as they have no one to take their matter up. At one time, one of our own children was getting married and, sadly, less than seven members of the Quist family represented her father, and worse of all they arrived very late. I almost wept. Did she deserve that? No! What we CAN do First of all it must be emphasized that whatever we do as the youth wing of the family should be in support of the Nukpese Quist Family Union where our allegiance is. While we the youth are about to do the best we can for the family union(I believe), I want us to consider something more than just funeral attendance, celebrations and anniversaries like weddings, birthdays, Christmas get-togethers. They are important, but let us consider investing in our education, culture, livelihoods and decent shelters. In order to do this, I want to suggest the following: 1. Short term investment a. Commercial transport business b. Farming – either fish or crop or both c. Any other business that does not require high initial capital 2. Medium term investment a. Businesses and consortiums, e.g. ICT, Auditing/Accountancy, Legal Chambers, Construction, Fashion Design with Quist emblems/logo.

b. Schools c. Vocational and other employment skills development centres 3. Long term investment a. Building financial institution b. Making a big project on the Keta lagoon c. Acquisition of shares in viable organizations d. Estate development e. Airlines f.


g. Petroleum products venture h. Timber business, etc These businesses can be grown to give birth to other higher capital intensive ventures. Given time we could acquire plots of land for family projects, including recreational centre that can also be rented for conferences and other engagements. This also calls for strong management team, which I believe we can easily assemble to set the ball rolling. In conclusion, our rationale is that the Quist family should be comparatively unique to other families and if all of us get involved, we can achieve even more than this if we are steadfastly determined for the next 20 years. Again, if we fail to assign and accept responsibility, then we will not get any far. We need a working document to bind our commitment to the success of anything we will consent ourselves to, for instance, a constitution that will address our present needs and also our hopes and aspirations. For us to stand as a vibrant family, we need to harness every member’s talent and ability to chart a worthy course, not for our present generation only, but for our children and generations yet unborn. I strongly feel that we have an obligation to build strong relationships among the living generations of the family, creating a shared sense of camaraderie and maintaining a sense of collective identity through our family history. God bless the Quist family. God bless all of you. God bless us all. Amen.

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