Piltdown Man Article

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Evolutionary theory: a jumble of deceptions M Mubashir Hassan

“O man! what has seduced thee from thy Lord Most Beneficent? Him Who created thee. Fashioned thee in due proportion and gave thee a just bias; In whatever Form He wills does He put thee together.” (AlQur'an, 82: 6-8) Darwin put forth the idea that originally there was a common ancestor to all the species living today and due to the process of variation and natural







Within a few years of the publication of On the Origin of Species, atheists found themselves subscribing to such views, though the theory had no substantial proof to support it. (Even at present it doesn’t have any proof). Owing to propaganda, some people think that evolution is not merely a theory but a proved fact. Media present evolution as an accomplished fact of science. In text books evolutionary theory is presented in such a way that the readers come to suppose that the theory has been established. The views that oppose evolutionary theory are not taken any notice of. And anyone who tries to present the opposite view is regarded as ignorant, fanatic and narrow minded.

In fact, most people are not aware that there are well-qualified and competent scientists who hold views against the theory and who give scientific reasoning in support of their views. Professor Albert Fleishman, professor of comparative anatomy at Earlangan university says "The theory of evolution suffers from grave defects, which are becoming more and more apparent as time advances. It can no longer square with practical scientific knowledge, nor does it suffice for our theoretical grasp of the facts. The Darwinian theory of decent has not a single fact to confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the result of scientific re-search, but purely the product of imagination." Despite being aware of the inherent weaknesses of their claims, evolutionists hold on to it adherently and console themselves and their followers by saying that with the progress of science, evidences would be laid bare to support the theory of evolution. The truth, however, is contrary to it: all the discoveries that have been made since the publication of Darwin’s origin of species, are contradicting with the assumptions of evolutionists. If one were to believe the logic of the evolutionists, there must have been intermediate forms between the animals which emerged from one another e.g. evolutionists claim that reptiles emerged from fishes, so there must have been some intermediate form between these two life forms. But no intermediate form or any of their traces have so far been








As these intermediate forms have not been found out, these have

been regarded as “Missing Links” i.e. the links that have not been found yet. And these would never be found for they do not exist. The theory of evolution is replete with frauds and Hoaxes and many a frauds have been employed to make it to appear as credible. The sole reason behind it is that the evolutionists have no other alternative to it. The only alternative is that the have to accept that God has created all living creatures; which they are reluctant to do. Here is just one of the many Hoaxes that have been played in the name of Science. In 1912 Charles Dawson, an amateur paleontologist, announced that he had found a curious skull in a gravel pit near Piltdown, England near Sussex. Arthur Smith Woodward, keeper of the Department of Geology at the British Museum, took keen interest in it. In December, 1912 Woodward displayed a reconstruction of the strange fossil creature. It was a humanlike skull with a large, apelike jaw and declared to be nearly a million years old and was presented to the world as “Piltdown Man,". It was claimed to be the intermediate creature between Ape and Man (missing link) and as such a grand proof of the evolutionary theory. The skull was given the scientific name Eoanthropus Dawson, or "Dawson's Dawn Man," and






Later the skull was kept in British museum for a long time until its discovery as a scientific fraud. Many scientists, however, doubted the authenticity of the skull from the very beginning. These suspicions were finally justified in the 1950s, when modern chemical analysis showed that the bones were actually from two different sources: The jaw belonged to an orangutan and the skull to a human—neither of them much more than 600

years old. The parts of the Skelton of these two different creatures had been blended together to give it an appearance of the skull of a single creature and had been stained to give it an old appearance. And as such most of the people were deceived into believing that the missing link had been found. This was the not the first instance of scientific misconduct and certainly not the last. Such frauds have always been played and people made to believe them. And what may possibly be the reason behind this blind devotion to the theory of evolution. He (Iblis) said "Seest Thou? This is the one whom thou hast honored above me! If Thou wilt but respite me to the Day of Judgment I will surely bring his descendants under my sway all but a few!" (Al Qur’an, 17:62) The author can be e-mailed at: [email protected] Mubashir Hassan S/o M.A. Dar R/o Zirpora Bijbehara Ph. No. 01932234181

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