P.i.g. To Middle East

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 76,333
  • Pages: 233

Politically Incorrect Guide™to


Middle East

You think you know about the Middle East. But did you know: @ The Arab-Jewish conflict predates the @ @ @ @ @

creation of Israel Islamic fundamentalism isn't ancientwhich is why it's so dangerous Democracy is not America's friend in the Middle East Iran can't be reformed-but the Saudis can Bush Sr.-not Bush Jr.-should have invaded Iraq Why an Israeli-Palestinian peace is not only impossible, but undesirable


Politically Incorrect Guide" to


Middle East •••••••• Marrin Sieff

.... REGNERy

. . . . PUBUSHlNG. INC.

"' _ _ " - ,


Cop)'ri3b! C lOOll by Martin 5i.1f /III rip" ..........,,\. No ~ of !hlo publication lDIIy be ... prod""ed or ' ..... mined I~ ... y _ or by .ny ..-... .1"""",", ... -*>an.,.l. I"dudl.,. pMo"""",y. ~. I"" or""1 informolioo 01.,.. . nd .... riIrv.1 'ylll_ ""'" kut ponnlsoloio ID wrl,l.,. from tho publlsbM."""",,, by 0 . . . . . - wbo .. Iu10 q...... boW PM, ... In connodloll .. lth .....1.....,lIIe" 10< 1""lu,lo" In 0 ..... azln •• now,po,,",. or tm.dcaol C. .. JoFnI·ln.Publb,lon dalo OD IIIe ..lib lbe Ubrary ofeonsr-

151.11'1 ~l"'·$"\lO!t.os, .. Publl,hod In tbe Unlled St.oI. by

IlopMy l'ubll,hl ... Inc.

W.. hl"8lon. DC 20001

M..,Ur...:t..,..; In the United SlOt. of /Imori<;o

1098'&5 < 3l1 BooU ..... nolloble in quonl i'y lor pt'OlllOli.uoNJ or pntnium ..... IVrii. 10 D i _ of SJ>Kla1 Sr.i •• ~.., I'ubU,bl. ., I"" .. 000 Mu..:!I\IMII.. /I,' ...... I'll','. W.. h· l"IIon. DC 20001. f.,. l"fomuo.1on on dl"""","to.oo ....... .,..,.11 12021l1!1-01WlC1.

To OHobie Ynelak Sleft"

My ~oved


Inspjration. olld Ii~ pot1._

,,'IN> ..... "ifh ",. ...""Y "tip 0/1hfI ""'y. 01 Thank ,.,... . dorljrw.


CONTENTS ~ Rrootlol" the , ..... abour tho 'II'or\d'. ""'" ~oII, In
0\0;1 .... ~

.... IKk tho Ott_lfnpi...

n.. Mlddl, EaoI • OOI1IWJ ...,

0r1"""", ,..1" " ..lIbllity ODd .trU....... "",_0(011........ _ _

Id War I could ...... Kip"..l tbo Io4lddt. &oM


c.JllpoII: U. . . . .lmMl.. Lboo 1Wb

tAiropo't"oId _"boo_teeth

O\apft< l:

n.. .......1-'i (oooft;n: It'> Mot hrM!', fNh


no. o:notloa "' ......, Aa ....I·M".U. U.s. ~ ...... II all""",

Tho rt. '" IYI tr.a1 ••I·H-'" a.u""'1I11~ ~I""

'9Z, r.... b Ai>dull.h .... n. ... ojotdan

11....... DDwbllJln: Unllk", propha llow Brill'" ,,,,po
_m.. ..... ~ed 1M ......

1. . .11 ...... nlcl

Th.o IW!oow Bible: II boo!< " ' _ Th.o 01 ...-.. <;NelS-



n.w.u .. ... " , ,.... ..... Hloo ...,., II bod boF....u.c 0.

"" Itt. .....: ,ilZS-UISII

A J-1"" ..... b .ho AIIMo Wbon .... _ _


Aft. §Adda,": -_TU.iw" IlanUna on. bonk 'windier

6lnb of. boo Inqllmw"",U""


Tho In,ulJOI'ta: Nco "'" • few .roubIomolen


II un', • dvU war; II', •• pUnter wor

Why tho 'WJ1 o:cvJdn', Chopttf . :

'lOll Bopdo.d

"" Truth about 1.1...., bdkal hl.III I",', Aftcio.M ('MIld> ,..k" It MO

Tho eyel. 01 Arob hlo.O<JI

The Middle EoII .... NlIs\OII: 1$17-1980 Chop..' t

1.-.. Tho ~IID £mpLr.: 1'0'..... !.rID .... """" a ..h of _pi. ., U.S. VI. a" ... I..


Uborrol bu.ybodleo ,pori; ,h. llum'" ReYol.1Ion Ayotolloh KJ>omo.inJ: 11>0 fruit of AmKI<:&n ...... dllnl Cot1 . . . nd lhe



1'00'-"",01.11001 I..n Mod.... IOD (.. uri""11.~klnalln ..... 1lartIo<:ncy', bitt_Sift : Mahmoud Ahmodlnojod I.... 0"

Chopt .. 6:

bon-o.....o tin.-

n..1uuI~A .. ~

W....,19ol1- "n

Dao.h .1""". It blnh

Tho 11<10 lum. Who',. PaJ .., inJan!

Tho ....1 Y.. _

A .. fa.

f.IYpI'. flgh' '0 dot'r-oy 1....1 Tho SaY ... Union v .. b.nod Tho ml ...:tllooJ v\o;!O<JI

l!efulu of 11>0 Sb·Ooy 1'0'" Ni xon: braol', '-. fri ... d 1913: Tho " ...11. _

l!efulu ofll>o 1$13 .....

• lIt

ti p hiS


Cgn' onll

a..pc.. 1:

no. s....IiIAN,." of .... s.I"".... ~ 1M ,,,,, ... Ttoo - r 01 D)' - 1 Is "1 "'-d 1.1 _ _ '. _lao '"'" s-dl. _





0 1 _ ODd _ . 10 lolly


How ,,,


flab' Mudl... ,_

: Build wallsw ~'''''

Ttoo Soudls ond "",lot: f""", ' P _ ' ' 0 . .HOIo Unrlemonol l.,. ,he sooo;. Ttoo ArM .....,h

,h." ...,.Qd

'"'" ""nell.,. .......



KI.,.r.t.J _

""'011 _ _

Soudl .......- . . - thnoolo

_li. __

MioNIt lut WW1W hocr.l'7S-lOOJ I\nbo '-flab' Ttoo . . . . Pwty'.


........ tputo: ........ ond s.ddano

ford·.l.Ilddlo Yot II Y1111W. RoblD: Ttoo ....... wbo ......... luMI

Old Ilmm, Conor . .lIybt\nc ~ .o lbo I.Ilddl. toMl Clln'.... : CO" .. oil ovor . .1n

ct>apt.. t:

"" MlltlH)' of

s.,t....... II

_... -



..w..d ,he &I QMdo tbr.oI

Boolt dropo 1M boll



01 Qoe
TIoos...dlo _ , COMJ>IidIIo u..0It.da



hon " "" MiMI wI: WMI Worb, .... WIIM OM..'t I. . . ,,,"..,d 01 ,he ... U....... I...


".". or. bon ,,, ...., I\nb .......... . " . uuwmlat rulo


Why 00101", tho 1arao1l·I'oJ.'!D1OD CODnkt WtlrI', ..,!""

'Mprobl ...... The"-k;on p!po _m, A ....,..Id wi,bobl 011


r..- mau p>d nelJbbon

The Studl ooIullon A



.... ~Itd ......."

Middlo Eo ..


IRt roduct ion



he Middle &alt II tbe l .. tiU-io of ....., llbenJ I&.. tuy. And yet prohebly 110 rwsJon in the world. DOl ......

"'frieI. II 10 chodc·full

of .. wl"'l. polll~y .... ,..t m)'thoIOlY. dll'onlono. and coY ...


combl.....llfIon . . . .. the Cold W.... Amoriao'l ........... and


hil lory of coIonIloU .... . It'll trkky ....l k for ,he m.oi.nru.m medllllld Ivy~... H"'domlcs. bul """,.ho ... I"-Y '''''..... 10 JNilnt .. UsJow fundlmentall.u (the 1A1I·. ulull en"",I.. , II Ih' vjcUml. Ind ,b .. roglon·. IIny ..1I,lout mlnorily (1....1·1 ..... l. h POI,ull,lon, 1.lhe oppreuo ........ Il wlY" .... merle-I. Ibe

bad lIuy. and 'he lerrorllt......

lull dosperate f..-lom

fIgh, ..... If terror·

""'''''''"m .....

iom and lollmk: I problem. tho ,.,.bl i,1t1lWl1l1 telll .... iI'l all put of. mlllennllo.old oii'pule in which hoch .Id...... Ioblame . ... nd. of cou.... 11'1


In that

-...::e of all 111." ...1I"on.

While ,he "'" '''joo. of political ODmOoCt.-.bouI lhe Middle 1M! may DOl

be ODrIIlillenl In their arzumeot.. they .... 1\ ' - penlot..t in tbeir

eanlral the ...., A..-icIllld J.......... bod . .... Iillaol.,.,.,..,.;ln... liM .110 Yilibly _pod InIO..,.,.1 min'" on Ih' An....-iaon Rllht______ notIbIy In \be admlnlttratlon 01 a...g. W. U...hwho. 10 r


Western democracy ..ally I•. It fa U. to ...... Uut " ow hard it II to tranl' plant domocracy in to a mgion t ... t "a., by and large. rejected n... only d@mocracy·.,ud-ouil ti.n fou ndation.Uapanman"8"
.1 in the

OI ..... ur ..

UVet of American IOldie .... [ranian di ..ident •. and I.raell Jow •. Prntend· Ing th~', tom. IOn of monl equivalence bulw""n [s ..... li mi..iln . tnk ... Ind Pal ...,inlln .uid de bombe.... ICIlng u If Our cu....,n, war 10 .In.1 ~'etnlr"

nlber ," .n "gainll radical I. lam. believing that what might hi""

been. militarily IOund pollcy" one time (toppli ng s..ddam d unnS the fI ..1 Gul/War when we h.d the troopoln place to do tho job Ihorouglllyl

would sllll .... a Rood IdM ten yMrt later (on the c..... p. with B light force. Ind wedded 10 . foreIgn policy of slobsl

de mocracy~1I

of th_ PC

delusion. wMlten the U.S. policy In thn Middle Eut. In th l, book. my IJ(NII h •• not been to tum out In academle t ..... ti ... on Ihe hi" ory. cultu",. Ind ",U810ns of the Middle East. !tither. it hu been to rev"lthe h . .. h facl. about a viole nt . nd im portant reslon of Ihe wo.ld . Thl' book I. written .. myth-bu" ..... It in jects a harsh d<»e of wh.t Harry 1"-"1IIIl called

~ Pla ln

Speaking" Inlo. publiC debll . Ihat h •• been

fogged over by Ihe endl ..... nobl.IOundins Ii... of media elil'" . nd fo,· eiB" polley e.:perU.

What works, aDd what does n't Peace an d ... blllty In the Middle Ea.t.re crudal to American securily and the wond ·. economy. and 10 we all n...... to Ih"" our PC filters 10_


what .... worked In tile put .nd the p ...... nt 10 bri"ll ca lm ... d Ord8'. The

""".u lIoF""

ReY.J1,. lIMo ...... th obout tl>o World'. 1.4",,1 PoLltlaolly ]..


I. not. feel1lOOd canard lib -odd.-ill3 the tOOl "".... of Ier-

rorism. - orin Id..llJtk: drMm like democrIcy 111 •

,..ion wbono Ilwot Iw

....... worked o ... r.ld. the """fina of I _ I ...d the mUll.,.,. "'" of 1\Ltb)I. The _ I I .. In .......,.iri"8 the tnt-enlly. vkIloollytriboJ cult ......

ofth' 1.I.mlc Mlddl, Eut. which 10 the enemy of all order--
II I. ImpoNd from .bove with. mailed Ibl. 1'or ""nl ... ri .. Ih .. flO! I>olonrd 10 Ih .. Ouomln Empl .... TodlY. III. cruelll for 0 .... own inl .. rul. IMtlhe .... l1ed fI.1 oomG nOi from fund.,neollll.l I.on. and nOI from UI (we hlven'l lh, ref01lI'CeI 0. 1M will to do II). II1d 00\ from I.rael (which cannot do It). bu l_ wlil for II-from Mlcboel Moore'. villlin.S.udi A.. bI • . The SOudll .... lnoon>l*

1..,1 II lhelr own public ..I,\lone In the WO&! , INI Ihll)' are lhe """....,...-


.tty pro-Weetem regime In the ""Cion thaI ""n .... llJtJa,lly "lbilily ...d .upPfIM lhe n>Olurolly cbooI:ic peopl.. of lhe d_rt , thonko to their ~th.~,...d

CIWnII'Sblp ofu.. bol..... plaao In IIIam. The SOudil

.... abo AmeI'iao·. lonptt ""'di....lly in lhe realon-evoo 1""81" lhan

I.reel. Their h.,..h, ... nd...... ported Cfockdowo 00 Ilrrori.m In rocenl YNl'l-lnd Ih.. l. dill .. for. functlonl ... oil economy-mIke Ihem 'he .,.,m..:1 ""ndldale 10 repllCe ,.... Otloman Empl .. II 'he lIablllly·bri ...11l3 powe.l .. Ih, Middle "-II. 8 ... , mekl nO mll"k,: Ih" book I. no lpol"lllo for th .. SOudl...lIh .... Nor 1.II.n lpol"llli for 1,....1. Nor i. II I n ,polosl. for anyone .. I.. In lhe Middle Eut, wh ... tbe old motlO ve,.,. much hotdo lrue: Ih' enemy of my ....... y I. my &leod. M I ... Iill, I undentend lhoot every DDWllry

ofllM Middle Eof,I hu lu own InlM'IISUlnd will pun... tham. And Ihey are nO\ I lwly,lnt_lhol you or I win lib. IIUI thol only underllna wby WI nlMi In IPP",..;h the......, wilh cI...,. .,... 10 _

w ..... inler-

_II ... mOil li kely \0 ooin<:id .. wilh our 0 ....... 1\ " I ""8lon I hive OOV·

.red II I "'pori" , for IllIve d.,.;,od.,.. And u .... porte •• I h..... lwlY' conoon lratlMl nn seni... II the ,ruth .. th.". Ihln Iny pollttcol ty 00' leel 0 • • nodyn. f1cllon.


u rou ....... t.... hard truth ...... the Middle E.t. If rou WWlt 1Il~ which h .... ClptlVltld mono thaD one White Hou..........tu.nend, If you'd

lib to know t.... Il'Ulb

.bou,,,,- oll· ...d 'elTOrilH,ch I.nds, !hen """"

on. IVa' Utib lot. of hlshwaY'lnd ttywly.-for the region I•• n' .... I~ IlUI In t .... end , the Midd le EMI wHl ...... ""1 IINIl .. the Uolx..lln world tboot It . .Uy II,' worid of ..,Utuy, poor, n.lly, .nd bnoti.h .... Icontenll.

t!tU'k:hId beyond 1M "'..... of.~ by 011 uw:I tbI.o I<> pi..,.. 1M world In.o -..ttophe,

Empire_did .

uru- • firm hand u.p. t"-a in pm. II the On.......

••••••• BRING BACK THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE The Middle East a century ago


Guess what?

hink ofth Mldd l.. Eut atth .. start ofth t_ty.fln' OIIfI'ury: horntl to the ric"""l. high ..1 quality, mo.l _lIy KCMalble oU depoolll on MtlA; cockpit of an ""u.m. .. Jamil!

wantl to loppl. moden' .....im.. and w . . . . . . .II ~.



Wat . . . Inll !he

Unit..:! SII'.. and lhe \\,...t; n""UI of an "n.ndl.., conflid between 1srM1 .. and PIIIIIUnianl; .00 widely ....... ecI u !he moll dangerout.,.". for COnfruntlllon 1wII_ the major powen, ~

Mlddl .. Eoilt I. filled with unltabl.ltat ... no". o' them more than

• Far .. DIIrMo II ,wslh! ~It

t.I_tM_ ,uctfuI ~ II 1M


• A IHmdrfd JNrI . . tbe .. holt! .... Id lbough! lbe Mlddle t.I _ IlRifSl

nl nely YN" old, mott of 'h em "Ill , u£ferlng from crt... of lesltlm~y.


"rob nlllonall.m II. ""Ia,ile foree. The .... Ion·. birth ..I. II exlraordl· Qlrily high. a nd 11I .. te of populltlon IncnNlH vutly Uceedl thoM of

HpKI.IUJ tho

,he naUonlofthe F.uro.-n Union Ind KUNia. ",. wNlthl..t..,d mo.' fltllegk.o.lly d... l.. ble ...1 _ late In lhe world I. 'h oIL. rich tand of IOUlhem lrooq . Kuwalt.th.Culf SlIl. ., and Ib,,1lb.ahran ,..ton of Saudi

Arabia. Bu,lOt.clr. a hundred,..... and you'\I find..."..., _ lionl ... ~........d. The

ofu.... condi· mo.l hackWlrd .... m"' .., an d lJnored ""rtl of Ih.

resJon ..... 'b. d..... n and Ihe coull of lh. "nblan lor ~ ..llnl Cul f. N"lth .... l .... Ol1oman lultan_who .lto .mbodled tho t;all phate tMI led



............ ..... ~ ..

IioIlf .ftIl lbe




all Isl.m in Gon.tantlnopl_nor Ih" chan""lle.leo of any of the gruot European Imperial pow,," botherod with th""" wI.lelands. In 11105.lhe region II "nll1M! fK>lilic.olly and ",ligioully. but Ih"""n· enol .nllud" InwRtd Ihese co"d ilionl il one of Ip"thy. I",hlrgy. and ...... ignation. No major nil d"pmlU h.,." been found wa t of I'enia. Th" caliphato that rul .. Ihe "'Ilion and giVM il f1Iligio ... dif1l<;l[o" from Con· 8lantlnopl" Is Ignored or widely de'piled by most Mu.liml. Th" main ,,"volu tionary fo",e [I a d",l", among mlddle-da,. prof".. io".II .• tu· d"nte .• nd [olelieel".I. to at.bli.h Walcm·ltylc pa. llamonlary de,noc· R1Cf In tbe Otloman Turkish Empire. At thil time. tho "'I!ion il. poHIIcaI. JInII!!glc. and economic bttckwa· Ie •. None of Ibe g.rv.ol imperial poW"tI nf the world "'I!Rtd II I I worth a th imble of blood being .pUled. I.,.. .lorut oceen. of lhe stuff. ThMe.f1I two Hny jewi.h communili.. in the lalld lIiII known .. !'aleeUrut. On" cont.ino .,.dlllo,,"l. extremely oI:¥ervl"t Jewl who. polilically...... entirely quiM' """t. The second . ......", .maller. con.ltu of weirdly Ideellstic d ...... m...-jewi.h IntellOlctuaI. from theczarill lI..... ian Empire who dreem oftumlng Ihem.oelvM Inlo fannen. but.re making I had job of it. "pari fron, Ihe ulual banditry. the l&nd i. peMlIl'fu[ and h", been f« hund""" of)'ftA. No one. Including the liny ronununity of [ewioh ..... llen.1iteoum lhat thl, w!ll challJ!" for 8"n"",tlon •. (At th" Ume, David Ben-Guri"". who would become 1.....1·. JVNI foun d ing falher. ",plred to become, member of In Otloman Thrki.h parliament In IstanbuL) The Otlo",an Th,kl.h Empi_

' he "'IIioo we calilhe Middle £0011

today-II lightly populated. Pover1y I. I~rribl" and unlverMl. He.lth C8Je. even by the poor American and


... ndard. aflh .. dey. 10 abom-

inahle. Even lmallpox io ..iII quite cnmmOn. Public u nitlry Itand.rd. "'"


Infant and child man.lily tlIM .... ,ky_hlgh. l.lam ..1 I

mllgl"" i. tU:.C1IpUcnally quiucent. pallive. and subHrviftnt 10 the pollt. Ic8l authority of IIlI Otloman Thrkllh ov.".I"",,". Th .. fllCl that the Ottoman

ruletl in Conltanlinople ..... suhan •. and Ihet

empire-mon then heir the ,I.. of the Roman Empire It Itl

grMt. . t

extent_ .bIoIu•• political em"",",",. if far men imporwlt to their 11Ibjecb lhan Ihe feet thai they elm embody the b.lp.-t

"U&I"'" ,"thority

in IAlam. In P.I... U.... the dty nf JMuaa.lem Is • t.o:;kWlltlf. nOl.lbl. for It I UCOII>" tlonel bellity from e f.r .nd it. exceptlonel filth . nd pove .. y. even by .... inn.l ltenderdl. up cl ..... A hAndflil of '.wl.h pllgrlml COm.....ry year to weep In the rwTDW. fetld all.y In fronl uflbe I.., .urvlvl"llencl...



ufthelr enclent '"mpl. wmpound . jeruHlem hu!.en IIndM

the finn. unyleldl"l Thrkl.b yoke for elmo.1 fOIl' hundred yell ... NoIhIna hu changed. Hathl .... it _ . Will.YM chellll'l' .....t forward e hundred ,...... 10 lhe p.-al. EY1II}'tbI"l hu rbanpd.

Everythl"l bao .......... the oppooite 01. what II _

e eft!u..,. befo:n. How

dId Ihls heppen. end whet 1-.... .hould w. fhould I.... from II?

Ottomans ult. Instability and strife enter For the put nlMly y..... the defining ch.anIclerililc of the Mlddl. EIIt

hu boon polillelllni lebilit y.


colonl.l .mpl.... which broughl

liability to other pI'" of lbe world . h.d IUtie II... dylng effect here. Th, heydey of Britl,b Ind tb, Frencb dOlnlnlon oyer th. "'IlIon luted only h.·enty·ro ... ,..........."d tbellncluded World War II. By 19515. their polll· t.caI end economic l n n _ bed been ,Ilml...led from !ren.~. Syrie.

jaden. 11...1. Lebanon. end feypt. 8y 19152 the french wwn gone from

Algerie I t well. wh .... they bed ' - " for more then 1:tO y..... And the ItelieoI bed bMct In Ubye 10 briefiy the!. if you blinked you would ,,",VI

mu...!them. How1wet brief. Eu~ ..... t."..., the MiddLe EIII _


qui'" In Ibe Inlerwar y...., Syrie WIll rocked by

f1,,,,,, pon-Anb nadonellM

uprilin", "8Il nlt tbe french. end the Brld ,b hed to pUI down e full....,.l. rebellion In 1'*1 end wld .. p","", riotlllll in feypt.. Under I:Iritl,h ", I•• 1'*1



EcYpt (\he 'wo _

populOUl ... ,10'" In Ib, "'8kln) .......


bl,_ ntlver teCUnI. and ..........1 P"'O'. ThroU&houI the 1920. . nd 11130. feroclllUl polillClOI In' ...... wirled """"8 1M 8rillih overlortlt.IM Ioaol

rul ...... nd Ih, p. rll"",.. lary d""'ocra<;i.. Inlt.lled by the U,III.b. In

.bort. WMlern .U.mpU 10 imP'»' order"" 'h, Middl, EIIt faUed. Wh. 1 ... orUd In lb. Americu. "'fric.. or tM _ , of ....iI did not worir. hen. In the IlSOI. IM..-1 tides of anti· Wilt ..... anli·imperir.llIt pullono

. - . . 11 u.- corrupt. Incompetenl . quail-parliamentary .,..-...... IW'Y. They ..........pt.c.d by "'Iln>ef mod.led "" tlMo new SO-I bope of ANb inteliectuII_th. Socil lill Pu.dl.. of

/. .



A Book You're Not

S"pp...d to Reid

1hr1i1...,..uollht~&1It. 1fW..IlI}of

br HcIwW lot. ~ Ntw 'I'ort ~ A. lnopf. r969. All ~ ltd f. 1(10 lnt\co

i'Ud n'Iilil:W)' MId paliTlal hisTory d World WiI' I and itI ilftflmiIth In tht MIcIcIe wt. culmiNt~ In !iii'

iIbolllion d tht


1M Soviet Union. Socl.li.- dict. lonhlpt dedlc. led_ ' 1.,..1 In theory-40 hnl'l'Uv,

m ._ . .

In, the .tand.m of livillA of Ib, pM. .nl ere In".lled In Egypt . ... 1, ...... Uby" y.m .... Sy. I•. and Itloq. Egypl.

bow_. "'ported inetlbili' y 10 mllCb of lhe reo' of lbe .... lon. ThI"Oll3h lb. liiSOI

.nd '6OtI. Sytla . IId Inq could nOl ,VI .. find. competent dichlorill.odlll., .y•. 'em 10 It. hlllu ,hemlelv•. By Ih, 1970.. they flMU y did. bUI lba co.- ... at. 1....1 nf 'ortu ... and oppreui"" tlMo, nc:.aded

anytblll.ll the Ottom.... hid ...... .-led '0 "'eept when Ih.,- ....... _lIy mad. In the flnt dM:lde of tbllWfIOTy.flrst CIfIlury........ Ibl. d ubl·

bnllhl,. .1""" ofet.bilitY...1I 1lart1"8 '0 bnU dowu . By conuut. Ih. OII""",n Empire Md ruled th, whole vatl .... Ion fur


fOil. bund...! y..... The n ... u no 11 811.I.... nce. no Refo,,,,"lon. no Indullri.l Revolullon . no l leady proceu o f Improvement Ind dllCllVef}'

in medlclne. lIysJ_. Ot public heIllh. Aft" . bundred )'....... tll, lII0I1

powerful_pi......." . In lb ....orId Ihm"'" lhe lixteenlb century. the

_pIN .ntend I """ thin w-hundnod·yM" procell ollq. .Iow __ nomic md PlIlI~ decline ... lIlive 10 the brawU"," dyrwnlc nad.,... of Europo 10 Ih. north_. In III IhIol li_. lb. 011 ..........· DD
tbe .htlooolh o.nlury w.. never ........... Iychalleuaod from within. Ind il _

flhflf1!d. When It co._ 10 c:onlrDlII". tlMo region MId preMl'Vl". .la·

bllily. Ih. Otlonan Th.u proyed fl •• uperio. 10 Ih e 8.ltl,b MId Ihe .",rICh In the fil'll hBlr of Ihe twentiulh <;enlury Rnd 10 Ih. Amman. Ind Sovl ... who . .. CCMded tbem. Whol wUlhel._1

The secrets of Ottoman success wt- Poft",u_ upl.... Vucodo Go .... found I .... Wu.de .....1.10 lhe _

.round the _Ih"", end of Africa. ,Dd QuUtopber Columbm ond

hi. , _ " " " found n .... lIMo N.w World end lhen lb. w.y _ _ lhe Pldlk~

hid. 10 lhe old G'18.lh. Middle ENt became. slobll block· Wiler 0",",1gb!. Thl. pro"'ded opportunity ror tbe OttOmlnl. MId they


m'fUI8'J(l lt mMlerfully. n...", th ..... key (eel_. FII'II. th.y WfIf1Ilocal •. Second. Ihey Wert unerly. ",le",I...ly. Ind con·

.IJI.o ll y ruth I..... Third. Ihey WMlled ooly. quiet Uf•. BelnSloca.l. who h.d .I ....... y conquer..! . nd plund.r..! _ _ lhe Middle Ewt lOr b.alf. millennium before they IIlI.llly came \0 .lay In lhe

ouly .bt",,"lh cenlury. the Ottomon Th,b knew tbe nel&hborhood. 101 betler thin lhe Iw.DtI .... h-oool .. ry ... perpow... eVer did. Tbey did not think co.pllaltua and demoa.:y would ooIve all tbe Mlddl. Eut .. probkrm . . .. A_nean Id.. n ... &om Woodrow WiI..,., 10

Ceo,.. W.


b.I.... And Ibly did DO! cIr-.m tbel oommuniom or ..... lCIdaIlom tluch

.. lbtI Scrtl.... peddled) would do it .Ither. Ey.n Ih. Thru' compl.t. indiff.",oce 10 Ih' ....1••1.1 w, n·belllj of thel •• ub!e<:u pl'red 10 Iheir 'lrengllio Ind w... Qn,'" of lhel • • "~.

n.. ,.llIkoJ/y I_

rnd hiM I. t.. " loWl. Eut

ot>-o .bout bulldl", ..w.... dlmll. 01' .cboob .. Ihe BriU.h . nd f'~ dld . .u ......11. popul.tJOIl ....... ined Low. and tb .....

Tbey did nat

woo """"'. booby boom of angry. oYer«luc.oled t~ 01' otude"t. r.m· poISi", throush the . 1....... h .. uUn(J. "Thrk . (JO homo! "

And ev~n If thent had been .nough reIIl]..... n...... lc you", people to (JIve urban mobo Ih., crlllcolmua. Ihl w.lI .....rwd OI.ton .... 'TUrklah repu"ll.... for con....en •. ",.n::I1.... 1'uaI!l... when Mriou.ly crotMd would have 'MUted!hot tlMo mobo IIAyW" I>omoo or. If they w........11)' delerm.lned to ".pean

.... d Sl&Iln-or Soddom Hu_ln. the ono Arab rul ... n...... '0 bei", .uch. Iotalltorl&n mon.t ....- d,••ullln_Uph_ d id nat blve an .ndl.... relenll.... ppetlte for hlood.. {The one who came cloeetl. Abdul lll.lDld II . who mouocred Annenlon. a nd Bul(JMIan. remOrM1.lIly. wU ,I . . one Oflhilitl .nd mOlt Innuenced by W... I.m love of -.fficiency,"1 Tbl. wu lbe third _

or theIr _\ICC"" t ....y I.ft well " nough alone.

And " nllke . hoe OrlU.h In jHlrtlcul.... In.y did not moh Ih. m.... ke of .......1.................1. IIlbjacU yilt ond undellned dteonu of freedom ond _lIh lholthey could n....... have been .bll 10 fulfill. In foul' bundrod ,....... the OU(ltnlln 'TUrkish .ullin-aJipM ........ came up .... th enythl... like M ...... Coru. lha Alilnl;'" Chart .... or the ConallUlion of lhe United SI.t... Thol wu why they luted .. 1...... It . 1.. helped th., t,levI'lon h.dn·t been 1..""nlcKi yel. But If II h.d . you can boot lhe oLd .uhan-aliph. would haw k"pI' ' !&hl (Vip on II. No

om 01' .1·1.:..... for lhem . ~'nall)'.

for 1111 lMi....1....... Illlea OOIIQU_. lhe .ulllN w..... "' _

lim . and lhey ....bodIed the calip"'l_ha~ L•• they w..... und_ood 10


"'th•• uace.,on to Muhamm ... ·• poUtl<;Oo1 ,ulhorily. So IMy "'en !MIl

...111100.0••11.... 10 motl of their ,ubjecl ... And they '00 undentooot lhe Brill,h .ftlltt....... <:e"I'inlydid



poIlti""I ...........m Ihrou&"-

OUI Wtmlc history wen expected 10 keep u.. ... l~ ,ul horitlel otrktIy in 1m.. F~ ofrelljpouo upnu.iw:> wu inconcelv.ble 101M .ultan·

COIllplu and to Ihel. l ubjecu 100. So wt...n th, Brill,h declined 10 mk:mmtnage 10Ct1 ... lipou.

preteh .... on Ih, naTno ifO'lll.lll Ihat .. Cbrilll.n.

Ih., Ihou ltl IHve 1.la ... alon ... thl. wu inv.riably 11118'1'",100 by e very MIddle Elil poptIltlion und ... 8r1t1&b control III • IIgn of w-n- I1ItMr Ih • ., frI,.,d.hlp and 10lol1l1>C8. Th.1 hel !""i upl.ln . 100. why Ih" Brili.b

lut ... l.... Ih.n •• Inp. 8ll1I."'lion in It... nel&hborhood.

".. O.. om.n .ult......... th" formul. down. aul .11 empl"" crumble. and tb[J one w .. broughl down by trendy W... t"mIUllon ... d modem ldeol .......

Ttle curse

0/ modernitr

19nonI1IOI. apathy. and "'1",10' lilly IuIve bee .. the plliaro of th. Ottoman

Empl ... , buI Ih ..... ult empl ..·• downf.ll



lona·l.II'n8 ,t.blllty . .. d In"''1ullity. Th,

brought about


by It... Inlldlou. doh", oflhe

hIa. bad Weltem .mpl..... btll by It... lrendy Ihort'l&ht"'n_

ofu.. Turb

IbemMtlv_peclflc.lIy. oflhe hand ful """"'IIMm who had rMd Well.." boolu of polltJ<:OoJ lhou,gbt .nd made th, 'ppaLU", m[Jllke of IIkl"ll lhem eeriou,ly.



tb, lint end sr-t_t aMlp of

"'if. c:en lUry of Middle £tot

aMlpe otripped Sui"" Ab
power he I....t -toYed lor """'" then thIt'Iy,...... Abdul Hamid


rio ... In \h, Wei' for . pprovlll.ll horriftc m'l, c_ of Ib, Olrillian

Armenian """"nunlty In I"" ,mpin In 1896, When • ,"",p ol,ppalUlltly ldetllille, Q/)vloully oecu l....nd WMlem YOUll.lllrnly officen Ilri ppMI him of h i, power 10 VlSt MUo" .1 rejold",. Iibenl lntell.au.l•• nd pun· d lt.1tCI'ON


and Arnutl<;Oo rejoiced \00. Thny wont wrona ... u,u.!.


Th. Younl Th .... , I. lhe officorn ailed lhemMlv....... It.. proi aIype ro.lnnum••• bl •• Imlli' W.. t~ori", UbI ..1 cliquel tblt would


.p.... d unlold .ufforinl ond horror ":1'01' lb. Mlddl. 'I. w. L1 H A.iI.. Afrlce. Ind lAUn Americe) oy .... the m,xt OIntuoy. rOt in Illeit \'NIt-

. ionate .lIlhulllim to em"l". Ih. powe, of the W.,., u qulclr.lY"!MM, ibl., Incl.nl empl .... Ind newly Independen' form .... colon"ll .... In ... ..ik. poured thei • ....,..""'" into the tninlll3..,d """i",of new ...... ... led by


Wettem l-' YOU"l omcen. They ... y.... llopped to Ih.t ,.... more lhey abiondnned Ih....d .... ' CUI''''''' end .tripped ... eh h,bU. Ind ... t.. llIl. from thel. new .nned fon:eo. Ihe



would be Ih' likelihood ,n.1 lhe ...... ,,' Ind .mbhl..... young nmoo .. mlghll", .. ,h.l. ,li1lMing b.yoneU I"d_



A Book You're Mot

Supposed to Rod

'.tOUIon Abfogd t.,. Min; T"'-'; ~ 1ft 0-. YM Boob, 1001. for , ¥Md. (O~

K(lJOJnI rJ thi! 'idylltc' ..i!.I_~

at me PfOIlIes rJ thr MIcIdIf UII bfl'cn thi! bt&. b.d Wellen> knpefWilIl p mm. ~ i!. 11011 t'IOlhrc IImfl', A/I)'Ohr who - a 10 _ _ _ odtiflll W, i!. WIthout wMlllon. hnient. I(~..-.d .. thr ~ 1,"~io ...... loolSat ...


MMiIl-o.tld It¥! heft.


I.t_hlny newt..,'" Dtllhelr own rem· .h..:kJ. polllLaoJ oy .... lor-dI. Th. Thrb did LI

hero.. ' nyone ,I...

1lIe 1...:Ier oflbe FOOP was 1)'OUIl8 om. 011' nemed I..... U Enver (known eo Eny .... Pllhe. *1'I.hl" b.1"lI ..... k of honor), En".. I, n... ly unknown In W.tem clJ"o

clellodly except for ... n ..... ""d.... r. of hl.lory. WLlhin Ihree )'MrS of Mlu"3 pow.., Eny., b.ed foul,hl ,....... w... In Ibe

n.lun. In which tI .. y. pe .... n .. Belun nllioru "ripped Ihe empire of enclenl P",ylr..,.. It hid h,ld for more In. .. n""

hundred y...... Wh ..... preylouJ (ltlomen rulen f.el", ,uch oett..0:4 had b<Mtn .bl, 10 rely .... lhelr lradltlonal ally, lhe 8rillih Empire. the Land..."" wu dUo ferentln tIM 1900.. 8 y 1_. Brit.in b.ed '-"fully lined up wilh france


Ind 1I"•• i. in the Triple Entente to contain Germany. whleh. with the g:t
'''''',ed him .. ch&[}CfIllo•. Kat..,. Wilhelm II. dldn'l tabo thai IMlvl"", He had vI.lomofhlm""lf .... modem-day Napol""" bringing enlightenment

Ind progress to the .Iumbering Eatl. That wu


bad an id ... for



m.n emperor u it would prove to be for Liter U.S. p .... ident •. be their nom ... Wiloon. Carte •. Clinton . or BUlh. Under Wllh,lm. Germany I1ltted incMng d ...... to the Otloman Empire. bur wu repelled by the corru ption. ancient vetliono of Illamic ri1llal. and obvioul foundering mi li tary Incompetence Ihll embodied Abdul Hamid'I regime. By contnut. 11>& Gennan koiMl. Ind hil ""ne.. LI loved I.... no-nonoenMI, ('pl"'rentlyJ virile You ng Thrk •• wit h their dynamic. gc>-gettll1i new IdOlS. It proved a morri.ge mode in the infemol reglOII •.

In the Ii ... y......fle. I_.the YOUI1i'lUrb IDOved It remubble.~ Into Imperial Gemumy·. comer. lVen Ihough It m ... nt making common CII Ufe

wilh their moo' .ncient enemy. the Catholic ChrilUln m"lll-

nat ional em p ire of AUl tri.·Hungary under the rule of EmpetOl' " ..Ill Jooeph. The Y"",'3 Thru had no lime for the fuddy-d uddy old reHgioul tradl-

lionoand custom llhot hid defined the H8l:.bwsEmplre, like thel . own. for 10 1003. But llb the Hai>f;burgo. Ihey loothed the tiny. 'ggrellive. Ii....,., Liltle nation ... t.t... oh ha Bolbno lib poilOll. And Ihey hoped Gar-

",any would lake core of their mcotl dangem". enemy in modem 11m.... the vul czari.t empi ... " r 11."••11 to their north. So IlUt u N_. fifty y..... l.ter WOllld falefuLly thro ...· hi. 101 in with

the Sovlot Union and embark on. policy "'milltary buILdup and ey"",,,.1

war ogairul neighboring Iotafll. Envftr Puha embnood imperial Gemtany.


He lmponed

c:.n...n m.llliary Idvlton to modetml~ hi' own army and

.mlM,Ud on. cou ... of con&onIMIoa ... hul an E:nsIlnd h, wl'Ofl8ly thou&hl 10 1M _k In(! deca.d.unl.

World War I could have skipped the Middle East lron\Qolly. lhe Qltoo:nan Empu. could _Uy MVI ttayed out of world War [Iunder!he v..lly .uperior. wiN I......,hlp ofbmellnonu. Thn..,. .tlyed out of world War Ill. The .park th.1 Nt off Ibe



aod Ih ..

destroyed Europe dldn'l Mve 10 .ptetd In lhe Mlddl. FMt-..d If no!

En"", '. 00"311"3. II wouldn'l hive. Archdu ke " ..OZ



Ih. fl,.

b ... 'thlng .nd extNm.ly un p l...... nl hGI. 10 the H.hobu'll Empl ••. wu

.hot d&lli on H~I.


vl.11 10 s..nlevo. CIIplt.1 of th' pl'OVince of Botnl' end

by 10 LdetUlllc 1.... 0'1 th,y aliI r.netle young Iludent.klll"

calJ.ed Cevrllo Prlnclp. Tbe _ I n .llon trill&"red CIIliJ for Wlf In the hl",ell mllilary Ind

Imperi.1 elrcl. In V\enne. IIfIrlin.and St. I'M............. Fnmz IoIeph w.. 100 old. Cut Nl<:hoJu II quite .Imply too lIupld. Ind Kai_ Wilhelm II 100 wIlllr.IO"OP th...... Out the You.., Th,u. for .l1 lhel. embrw:eofGen,... n genenl... mil. Itary tdvllO .... hid no t.... ty obll3otlon. to I ny of the f.udlng nilion • . EngJ.o.nd bad .... n their lraditlonal ally for mONlh.o 120 y..,. .Inea the dl)'ll 0' Prl .... MInister Wl III .... .-!n Ihl YOUfI8IlI' and hood .....,;1 the ""'piN" bIcon on mon 1"'0 on. OCCIfion. And !::n&land ...... Ined . at lIVen Env ... und ...lood. tha dom l.. lnl on.1 pow ... In th, Medlt ... • no .... o Set. Th'1n Wlnllnn OIutch ill antared th' plct .. n . [n the .1,lu,..... from 19 11 to 1922.lh_ w.. tomethlng ,,,,fully ,,"pl_.bout lhe YUU"8- brilliant. end dy ... mlc Wi ....on OIurchlll when • ...., he ... d 10 d",,1 with TIlrby ond«ltt nol ... old eod new. In III or moot of hi. other d""lI.,. with !he Mlddl, EIIt. he proved ,n''lIllle.


r dtcl.Iv., ,,1.10.....,., fon:.ful , &lid .... n _Ionelly rlJIIt. lIut when_. il c:.ma to dMU", wllb theThru , 1M alw.y. mi ..

The Fruits of Revolution

undel'llood th@lnand madethem n'8<1. A. par1 of tb •••• mbitlou. modemlZll'

lion J>lOI'l'm. lb. Th • .., t..d ~ two

b)' ti"'-MlCft

d , _ ff. Ii Iwother-

. . - dtMdnoUJhI brttll ... bl~ from tIM

country m..1 famed for bulldl", . uch thIn ... 10 11114, Chun:hHl wu.tlll flnt lord of tIM edmll'l.lty. Ih, dvU .... I'I..d of

8rilaln', fabled RoyIoI Navy, . tlll by fa. tb,

......." M. SadIar, 1M

l'rg"l .od m.,., powerful In the ....... Id. 8ril.l n, tlumb to Churchill'. enCI3Y .nd

lirwIlIIICIofth.Midd/f lon, on tilt YOUIII Turlo

public .dvoc.:y, hid. powerflll .uperl.

RI¥oIution of 1901 in c-Ulllinople

Drity OVer the Irnperi.l c-m... HJab Seoo


fl ...... Il1Id her 111101 Yno".,. .nd ....... monS Ib, world', 1.... 1'" nu.1 pow..... well. Brit.ln cen,lnly dldn', need 10 Hlze Ihe IWO Otlom,IIIY"u n, TUrk boul"hlfn helng buill In It, .hi p. yud,. It could quietly b.~ conclud.,,;l



b)' Ifle~

ell«Utiotl 01 poIotkM Ofi9C"'l'IltS Wft I'iCiI

s..dIar on me s.lmt 10"'"

.., ••••,,,, tiw JUi'llilff

- . . kind of compontl".... defll with Con.tl.ntl nop la In which th, o.bl~ Wen ,I!her hald in Britl,h poru untlilhe eo.d of'h, o;onntct if 11M Th.u ....... to .I.y neul ... l. or,lf drawn InlO .ny conflict ... llh 'heir immoo l'I , nel,hbon. not to ule the ,h l~ .,,,I n,1 ,It her Drit.ln or ~·ranee. In.IMd, Churcblll Immed l...ly wenl .....,ho. He order.d th, boul..

o.hJpt Mimd for Britain ',

Ko,.-, N""y, In which they p.......d to hive I...

,hen lien ... C&NArL ReM:tlon ICI'OM lite Onoman Empl,.. and nOl lull llIt1on.,he dominant Th"", Wlf Immediate. ProtOlI m..... llIjj....lJut


n. htltkotly tilt. lOCI""" It lilt 1il1U1,


Britain we ... IMld KI'OM tIM empi,.. The YO\Ina T\lrt. rulers abated Ito. otItragoo. Germen dlplornltA In ColDlllnllnapll .. w thfi. chance Ind offered to .epl.:. the Nlzed beui"hlpel' m~nl


wu gettlns Iny Carmen w.... hlp .. r"ly

Bulltwo fly In Ihe oInl·

iO Conlt.ntlnopl~ ...


Brill.h .nd French ",vleo contmlled lhe Med ll ........ n.

In IMo .... )' Iprl,.. of 19n. how, ..... Cb"rchUllnd hi, brilll.nl bul wildly IInlllbl, c h l,f of Britllh ......1 OfH"1'tlonl. Fint S- Lord )olin ~1w:t1t~

Fllh... I NJllllegenari.n h)'~ manl~nill' wbo beUenod Britain w.. lhe l..c tribeol of ....... _ MUlled wilh IW ......


Ins Ih, ..Ider. .nd O"~ heule of lhe Imperill Gem.. " Navy from Ihe _ . And Inoor.... t ....)' mlcrom.naged British n ....1 d l.. poIlUo ... to bolil. "I' lhe Gomnon bell i, crub... GoMen and IJ,.../o" In Ih' Medllem.n.n. Ihey made I huh of II. At on. f.'er,,1 moment. Reo. Adml ..l EnI-' nollbridae. the 1J.lti,h ......."'" oomiDlnder off the .... Ihem tip of li.ly. hid the c:hanc. 10 trill' the Goeben and 81'11kou by 1lIlionl,. I

.... vy cruI_

.t eltber end of the

SIno;t or M_I .... In"....! . he pili botb the aul..... th' ...... end ... d .ILowed tbe c.m.n

w .... hlpe to

fill 0\11 IInmol""ed " I.... other end. On

AuaUIi 10. 1111 4. Ih. Goeben """"hed .. filly In th. h.rbor Oflhe Gulden

Hom" Conllanllnopl•. bri nlfl"ll with he •••• Cburchlll lllu' wrot •• unlold mlNfy I nd .u fferlns for the PIOpl.. of th' EIIt. GII.ranleed •

ItrOIIt ......1Jorct to rep'- lboo beullllhipellritain hid ... IZI!id. !::ower and the YotI .... 1Wb ...... leted their r.tlful.Ulenco with Geron.n)'. On Octo-

be. 30. t914 . lhe Ottoman Empl ... joined the world w_nd Ihereby ended theCltllllrlel·lonc"lumberofth, Mlddl, Eut.

GallJpoll: Underestimating the Turks At rU'lI II _med th.t Iuovl"8 'h, OItoma" Empl"" on thel.lld, wO\lld be mon of Ill,bllll), to 1Iloo eerm.n. and Ih' II.UJtriaruo then III edvan·




11M 0 110111... £nIpl ..

tap. The Dritl,b In poorlicuu. .......... ..pr to knocl: tb, _pi,. OUI oflb,

101M II could be done. A Mlllly pthered force from th, Indian Army wu ... nt 10 Bura .nd

WV ... Itb. COIIple of bold III ....... end Ibey


Ill"ed 1M lona.los up Ib, nVU RI ......IIIY Ind throu&b th, dMMl lowltd IkIa.hded. It follo... ed IlUClly Ih' _ e route tMt !he U.S. armed fo..:. would 01.. wilh con.ld...... bly "-, """",,,,""nd 'len elllhly..elght yOlO .. 1110' In 2003. OUllhl ... un·1 enou,h for Chun:hlll .... ho In lhe IIlfln8 o f llllli d lrocled hil Mediler,"",.. n I dmlflll to try to fon:. Ih .. Ilnllt of th, 0.,<11" ..11.. au Ihat thei r n eet could HII through I nd pOl l ConJlInllnopl ... Ibell""""11 city of Ih' Otlomln Em l,l ... Il lhe merq of III bee .. y ......l lIunl.

Aft ... I coupu. 01 ballhearled ellemple tbet echleved ""'hlns _pliO elM the 'nJ,U .... !be mein attempt 10 forot I'" 0enW>eI1eo look pIeao on Men:h II. 11115. i1tb _ indeed. MChun:bIll..."..,ized In hi.


book 71H. World 01111: 1911-191", the

nm. bold..t. and bell "'Iy 10

knocl:!be Ottoman Empire quid.ly out of !he war. lhou", It I. doubtful

Ib il would hi.......... RUllie or brought an ...Iy end to thlll.us!>ler in

J;uropoo ... he end hll edmlterS ... ould lite, melntlln. 8011 .. It "'H, Churcltlll WII undonl ... hi ..... .., often In

u..- deys. by hll own ex...

crabl .. coolce In Ih .. edmlral. he h.d ctw-n for hJab command. Th, '"ackl", Analo-FMnch bellie n ..1 hit mlneneldl In Ihl ...,Iy ...11.... of !he Derdenttll... end i.. rapid ~Ion thNe benl.. hlpa ........ lunk. 'The fnollrltion oIluovllll their h... belli, neelluperiority only. fe ... _ mil.. from the capilli of ConIlanllnople. the "111II1II.... d....... city .. flhe East. WM too much for th, 8rilllh War Cebl,... LIIrd Kitch· _ , the brut.l, en....lc.• nd wltlea 8rill....... ar minIIter. _.11 for \andl". ... army on the Gelll"",li pM1I... ula to I"'WP It free 011'-" pesky ben ...i . . .nd tb" ...llher ed ... DOI ""erl.nd to Ilk, Conll.ntlllopl.. or nneJly ~ th' Oan:lenellel.., the neet could IIll Ihl"llUgh. Ch"n:hill_ 1"''lI·hu rUrlh. Id.... N. lther of them 10 h.... hlltlleNd 10llklng"



n.. "-liliclll, IDclOffK! G~l de 10 I~' W I~dl. Ellt I ... lief map. Tha Galli poU penin.ula w.... ven w....... lu.rilory fo• •• Iow in fantry advance 1I..n was the W... lorn I'mnl. Ne;IM' o.urchill our anyone .1... 8"ve any IhoUSht 10 Ihe I'.ooloml of landing a huge amphlblou. force again' l an enemy Inned wllh modem

"'....roo .. l1J<J flrilil.h, AuSI",lian. and New ZMilnd anny lhal came llhore 00 !he be&ches ofGallil"'1l on April 25. 1915. "'" rowod IllflI'Ily by hand in wDodon bo.!l. ",hOM .idee couldn·1 .101' • lingle .303 rine bullel. Tile wal~ off Ille

bMch.,. ,.... Ihlck wllh blood. No""" t.ad yeI dreotmed of Ille

kind oflrmored.lteoel ... lded . poW«Od landiRgcn fl. or ICf, lhal Ihe " rili.h

I nd Amerioml w()lJld


r<)1" III Ihel. Iua;essful "ol'h.ibiowolandingo in

Ille European and P""lflc !h... le ... in Wurld W... II. Once ... bore . Ih ..... were mBny ""'"' unpl ...... nl IUrpri_ in flo",. tn, haech ... we'" fa. Imalle. and narrower and Ihe hill. and dlffillrolching ahove Ihem far higher Ind SI""per !han mOil of the boach... and hill. on Ihe D·Day beech ... of Nonnandy. ' ,mu h_dn·t been Invenled yel. (o.un::h!illn raCl would have I maior and

w hSPl'Ier role in developing

Ihem .unn.) The Brhl.h and Anu""IAu.t .. liln. I nd New Zealanrle ...l we", oommanded by on incompetent IwH. Gene ..l Sir Ian Homllton II Churchlll bvorlte). while Ihe Turu. who wero fighlinS for Iheir hom .... land. we", led hy one ofthe grealesl leaden I"d 8""0 ...1. in Iheir hil tory, MUl te f. Kemll. Ihe man I.ter 10 be known II A"lurk. Ihe falher of Ihe ThrU. Kemal had been in Ihe o.iglnll Young lU.k ..... olulionory 8fOuP. bul "'"' qu ickly byp...ed by EIlv • • • nd hi' friend. I I nol OOlns inlell ....1u.1 enough and lackins . .. melenl "poll oh." ILi b. on "'IOn y muroeroul Incum pelents afte r Ihe",. Ihe Young lU.k. we .... nobo. l They thoughl Kom,l 100 .brOlivo. too In lolHgenl , a nd 100 unwilling to Ilalter Ihem ahoul Ihei. ow n ... If,imo.gined -gen lu •. " Whl! Kemll Iboughl of !hem can be ooncluded from tbe d ungeonllnd plio"'. 10 wblch he I"or oon_

. ignod thorn .


Unllklllwtm. K_l &110 proV1ld to be lbe .......... w .... Mnllon ..........1 who could lCtuaUy win. major bam... HI Wilnl oa 10 w;n 1oI.0rtbem..wi . .I.... Ihl _


mod"", W_ern ann] • .

w., ...tv;....! by Goon.....l 0110 Uman von Sind...... brill lani

c.rman gene .. l or ,ew;.h origin di.t,ntly ..1,tlMl to the family who owned Ih .. American depanRl
Enver and Nasser: 'TlMt Losers Everyone loved rweo'S c~ ben ftrir p¥alltIs to thII: of GamII AbdrI NHMf In lIJ'PI


hill' , ctnI~ lit..... Nmft. £noeolfd I 1liiy CfCt4l of mllitll'1 om. em who f'II)OIIIed ...... iONIistic.lobmI.fOIfIII'Itlc paII1ocalllCllions IIId who ~ ~. ~~ 'oO'ben ttwy ~ pooooft. buI who ""tty.) ~ lIlY idel whM to do 1l!);I. ~~. II

INsl. ,. fnt took tIl!Itefic IItIIS to flif lilt IIICIenI' IlNncIll

IIId ftIIIW ~ IIId ~S ~.. of t!lf poor frIIthro.. Of prlSWl., d

tilt Nilt [lei". ~ dietl'f ~ ~ to do tNt. l ike ""11ff !If '"II ~ttd

fO;V ... ..,.., ~ Ij)ft(~ to his idoflf'C p!ilIoc bill dMIlned

«CIIIOlOlIu IIId IOII'Id bo.MIm ~.1IId !If dIdn~ ' - , dut low to ..... Of ~ Nt ~ry-wJoOch dietl't uop In from ""'P'cllld

hotm.. no tIIIt those ""'" did. I..b N.K1fI. 1I'IraupI' combNtion d t"ftd. UI foIpor,o. 1IId ""'" he

Ihoutrt fII$ poInbi sbt.o_ u-1M'OItd inlotnehu fcni&n..", !lui few all his ftllppiO'lCl

d 100:10;0 •.,) IIId ..,. cHc. he _

hoprIm II trlinil; Of cOf\'WilllldIf'C onnin In roI



INn he willi «0-



Sand.... rwh ed reinfurQIments up 10GoUipoli and kcpllhe allied fufCM botlled up on the beach8l . The aUi8l .• peorh .... ded by Ihe AUAlraUan •. nuode pauloruol8 efforu 10 .torm the cliff•. II In Ct.Ilml ....led In the clinuoclie bottl8l11 Suvla Sey from Augut! 6 through Augull 21. 1915. In The World

en,I" Churchill depicll thai bottle 8.I1be Hin8" of Fate.

Had the AustraU .... boen able to hang nn. had Ibe Brill,h II"nerall mRn·

aged 10 gather enot her compAuy or two of lroopo .• nd hid Ihe War Cobl· no\ In London ol>own IUlt ,little mora """kbone, he argued . the beighll It Schnllar Hill would have boen held. II would have boen a downblll_ all·th... wey Iweep 10 Constantinople. the .Init. would ha~ boen opened . t lISt , I nd endle... e normoul convoy. of British. Fhlnch. and even AmeriC&II munilionl would hIve flooded 10 Ruuli lo preven l lh. col. llpoe of the ~i" army and prevenl lhe RUllien Revolution and aUlhe h_ tombo of d ... lb and l uffcritlJlthal flowed from it. The iuue ramline eU Importlnl one Into Ihe twent y-firet cenlury for U.S. pollcyn.. k...... well I. hi.toriBn. and w.r hl"ory enthulil.ll.

Befor. P...I Wolfowltz ... rved ao American deputy

dllln of the John. Hopl<.l.ns

School fr:. Advanced inlernational Siudies in WashltlJllon be lllu>d to take favored gradulte .tudenll on lri p. 10 I.c.nhullo ohow them how d .... tbe GoUi poU campalgn_nd Churchill·, vilion-came 10 changing Ihe COurse oftwent!eth -<:enlury hillory. BUI In reaUty. without lank •. I",ck.o, .nd Ihe tactical doct rine Ind tralnitIJI loClJry 0011 rapid ...... oMd war. the Briti. h couldn·' hRve hoped 10 .dvl nce 1\ morelhln I ,,",wllnd the Thrl:l would have fought them III the way and kept them bouled up. AI.... Ih8 thirty·mile CalUpoll pen lnl ula continu81 w ith hmy. revine territory fo. mll81 beyond th e landi ng he.w:h8l. Win n ing Ihe baule. at Su vl. Bay Ind Sclm it a. H!II woul d lUll ha ve boen the prelu de to end Ie.. bloodbalhs of tb. kind already occurring on Ihe W8Ilem Front. And by th. time Suv l. Bly wal foughl In Augut! 1915. Ihe Ruuian army had already I... t millio/U dud


on Ih. !!ulem Fronl Uld beeD forud


of Poland.

IIII . . ia ·.


by Ib.., w.. i ..... ltmle.

UUOD' 0/ Goll/poli n,., Brilleb der...

,.t Go.Uipoli In 1915. and Ibe mIlCh .ma ll.... one

It Kill

,bal .. me )'Mr. 11113h' I....... to \\'""Iern nalloM aboul gettllJ& ..,\AIt3led lu the MIdd le Ea.t that"'" m orn rel""ant DOW Ih.n ever. Flrtl. local pOl'u lftlion. and nation. in the




Iboliid not he

undCreltlm.oled ju'l heo:au ... lhey have lOlit w...

roo- teo .... or

hundred. of yu .... Ever)' war il dlfferenl. Th" Brlll.h . ud the Mllona chroalcr.Uy uud_


timated the lewl.h communlly In P.leftln,

In 19047_ 11141• ....t btMlll ~mated m. £cypll.".and the Syrian. 10 1173.


s-.nd. battt.. w..... and mil iluy aom . .isno be "1Ir)'-y to ItIrt but "III")' bud to Il0p. Once y"" .... In. )'0"',.. In. and, cr.m .. I,n t, k.. on a medllle of III own. I"",IJIIJI in uni ....in .... _ l U l l U cuuahl.. _rand the doadlock doepenr.. The Uniled Slal_ hu been l... mlllJl lhat In Iraq. Third. I""al popul allon l that JHlrform


In the f_ of One

kind of wl r CIIn I>roye fonnld. bly brlllllnl In Inolhe. kind o f conflict. The TUr .... f.Ued ml ..... hl)' when Ihey .uem pled offen.lv. opentlon. qalnillhe Drillih In Sinai In IIH5 and 191& end qalnll the Ruylen. arollnd Lake Van . 8ul when Ihey had 10

flabt. " ..I"' lforw.nI de r..,.

live 11...,.le 10 protect Iheir aneat .. 1 b""nland .t GtoJILpoll. or later ..,Inlll the In.-.dillJl C ..... k anny in 192o-11IZ I . Th,IJ.h pMMDt Mlldlen PIO....:! to be the epitome Dr coun,ge .... lUene". end tou.&bne_od they won. Tlt.al lutOn IPPU", 10 Iwenty·llrtl..:entury Intq too. Th. Iraqi army. even .1 the hel"" of III POW'" in 1991. proved uHI_ ...In" Ihe eu..,k nr. YUI U.S. and aUI...! fo",," commanded by c..ne.. 1Nonnan Schwarz· knpf. II proved flquelly helpl .... agalnll the IlghlnlllJl Ihrolt. of Ihu U.S.


n.. "-Imc.llyIDc_ G~Id. I. t~. IiIlddll Eut Anny an d Marinel In the 2003 cam paign. Yel Ihe ... ma ..,Idle.. had foughtluJI"rbly and the

HI86- I \I~8


oga; nll Iranian hum.on wo"e alloch In

Inm.I""IWar lUll I few yaan befo..... And when II CIJIIe

10 I guerrilla war "&oIlnsl U.S. fo""" with In finilely ,uJl"tlor f1 .... power from May 2003 on. the Sunni MUIUm In,urgenl, In Iraq proved 10 be innovative. adaptive. rulhl ..... and unMly ....I""tl_.

Europe's ·slck maD" bas some teeth For mOI1l tban a cenlul)' beforelhe.lort of World Wat I. Ihe gn>IIl crui,l · Ion empl ..... of E.. roJl" looked .. pon Ihe Otloman Empi .... u the "Sid Man of EuroJl"" _

roiling edlfica Ihal wo .. ld collapee If Iny NriOUI power

wem 10 war "lI1;n,1 il. This widn preod ",Iumpllon loy behind the naively romanlic belief among young BrltI.h offi<;e" who ..iled off 10 , .... Gollipoll camv-l&n In 11115 Ihal ;1 would combine Ihe epic herol,m of the Trojan W.. wllh I.... gallonll)' and Irlumplu of Ihe .... Iy en....d .... Bul Ihe Brllilh quickly learned the hard lOlly Ih8t if Ihe Otloman Turk" bh f.mpl .... 101M Il ick old "'"n. il wu a.lck old man wilh teeth Ihalllill delivered a nuly bile. Win' lon o.urcl!IIl·, vilionary Clmpaign 10 knock Turkey oul of Ihe war wilh I l ingle blow wu drowned In blood. The Turkl.h oo
n... double Brltl.h humiliation. ofeallipol i and K"I.ma.had lhe old myth of!he weak. comop\, ond COW".,ll y old Turb. Th"y put the Brililh

IIrt"llllock 1M Ollomon Empi ...

on ,... ddf"".lve.

I k;~i"llbeir

wound .. Ii would be


yean bafore far

Jurr. bett... orpnlUld Briliab armiN alated lbe Iabori..... I..k 01 rolling up I'" ClUom&n Emlll .... ;n ..... Middle wI from II. ut.......ltief. drivi"l In,o .... leatl ... &om f.cypt and bKk Inlo M~poI.ml .............. tr.q. from Kuw.IL 8ul the Brill.h dlJ,Ulan.t C.Uipoli .nd Kul I.ughl UI Import.nl I.... IOn

,h.l 1\,1.I.h poUcym.kero quickly forgot_lid th.t twenty·firol·

celllury U.S. pollcymakero forgol 100. However INIckw.rd ' hey milh'

,ul"',f1cl. liy ' PP"' by W..lern ".n d.rd •• Ihe lOCi",l.,. of .he Mldd Ie Ea .. h.v, ...... nsth. Iden lity. Uld .... ilience of their own. COII'l" .... inl them ,"d ....... plng ,hem i.oft,n a far tough ... lob thin II 'Ppearlll liro,

.ishl .




he ....... 1.....11 amBia loday lsn'l aboul bortl .... and ......... _ .

II'I aboul ••truggl. for .od.tenu. Th. orIlinl of tM amnicl Ind'" U. in the poat-World W... I hlppenl"" Inlhe"'lion, bul

beyond It..! . lhe mmmonly und-.;.od bittory of mil OOI1BicllI riddled with polllQUy conacl mytho and m;lOOllCIpIlont. .-..:.demt. ... d the ......,. Uke to tay the -'rir.. bepn with Iheex\lW)l'· dLrwy 1967 Six·C.y W....... d 1."",1'0 oonql>Ml oftheGaza Strip. the W"", llank • •


"",,.Iem .... d the Colan U,ighll. TIIII War (whlcb Waf a

preemptive 001 d,r.m.lve w... by brael). Waf poll" of a 1.'11'" war lhol had

.... --

Guess what? • AI ...... "

. ----

..... a r.nn liliiii .a,. 1M IIMII I


and tho I'lieotlftllM dldn~ ..... hi...

• "''h.n MCIIIlI. to

l1arted h,I'. OInlury 111.11...

m.alntallllng II,.. aNI • ..... 1M lIrMIIII ron .... laIiIlO -.w \buI

The creation of Israel: An aoti-Musllm U,S. conspiracy?

_....... -- .....

If )"011 believe tb, ,belorir: of the . . . . . M1.lJ1l1ll 'Il\.ltor loday . ......111 tbe unholy "P".... of tbe c..1 s..W>-tbe Unll'" SW...... fM:t, 1he fint

pr1IIIitienl 10 add..- the t.u.e WII Woodrow WIlIIOn. who

w" '-tUelo

It.. Ideo> of. - lewhh ....tloo.] home In P. ICIfIi .... • The Id. of ......l had lIS .... ad ...... ,........... I.... Brillsh. who In 11111

'lOuld the f.maul IIallour Declaration. calling for Ih. Cff>IIIIon of. ",wilh T hlo Waf 001 OUI !lfB';I;.h 1!lV<) f", Ihe ... w.... d Ih, ZI!lnl"", IlIKWIg




• TIM! IoroIo oWIn

1WIr .......... ""'... "~.JtwI$Io

_, ,.a. .

. . In '''71oofun!

lb. Wnt DiRk .nd



them. (Zhmi,' I•• 1000ded wo.d.lo be." ..... hilt It lltlll1l11y mNn, 10111000&

who belieye. in • Jewl,h 1.lte.) The Balfo"r O"clanotion WN .,;tuIUy

t..oo on the ludlcroul benef that tho Zionm II>MInn of thoo lI .... comrolled the BoI_h""lk IUwolulion in R.... I. and Ihe political d¥llny of the United SIale-. The Zion;"". who knew their own powerl."... ..... never dreamed Ihey held loch Influence or uplnldlo anything of thoo 10<1. In lulumn 191 7 the Britl,h War C.binei faced. dl .... proopM:!. RUNi. WLf f1oundel"in3 and on the veil!" of beina knocltfid ou, ohhe war. and It would be many monlhl. fM""h.opA 1n00001h.n I y... r, bef_ new American arml.,. could be trained. tnnlporled. and OIpIllzed 10 plUJIlhe hoi"" on the wMkened

w...tom ~·ront . !low could Britain keep RUN;. on

It. feet

and Amen"" committed In th.o m..... tlme7 51. Marl< Syl<ea. Britain'. chief diplomatic negotlalor on Middle East alJaIn. had an ....wer. In flowering. _Ii<; lanjjUlfl'l that ....d. morto Jike • bod Victorian novel than oobe. document. of ,tate, he proclaimed that Ihe Zlonl.t movement had YNI power over the Bollbevlu in R....i. Ind OY"" the IIOYertlment ofPrelld"nt Woodrow WiI_ In the United St.,.... Commi' the Orilish ca"", 10 Mtabl iohlng I ,ewl. h homeland In Palestine. and ·C..... t Jewry· would make .u.... RUNi. ltIyed in the war w h ile .peeding Up America', commitment to ... nd it. Irmi.,. to the Weotern Front. The despente governn,ent of Prime Minl' t.". o.yld Uoyd Coo'll'" fMdy 10 clUlch 1I .... w•. bought Into thl. fevered f,ntllY. None of thi. kooky calculation WN known to Ch.im Wel""" nn , Ih" h... d of the Zionll! movement In Britain. He genuinely tlooughl thaI Ihe growing Hritioh inte ....t In hiI Clu", WII hued on I ""Nlon for the Bihle and ju.tice for the Jew.... wen II on gnotilude for hi. own uoefulrole In buti dl ns modem munition. f.,;toriet the lenglh of Bri llin 10 provide more IheU. for the wor. If Welzmann had known whll WII tru ly molly.llnS th8 Brlti,h embrace of Zion!.m. he would


l'u&hed. It wu tnJe thaI the .... we ....

• d;"proportional. number of J8W1 _mona 1M Bol.hevlk lead.flbl p. moot

Iv"" •':"':-. .-

:':-'.' ""~..... :-~l'-"".'~"'\..'.'W-' ~..;.;....:,.:-;•~ .'. ' ... " • ";''-•• 'W'. - - - -• , ' •• , ' •. ,' ••

An Unlikely Friendship


n 1919, DIvid &en-Wion.1~ "*'Y oU!ef ~ tibm! ""'~

!tom ~ ~~ ob\cIn ~ 01 ~. Aw. and the ~ mt. ~ 10 Pwl$ hopirc 10 ad¥o«!~ hi$ ~"s uw lor ",,100.:.000 10 U.s. ~I WOtld«:tw W,bon (no frlMd of tht lionol' " 10 p.rI ~ miIdI,) ancI lOthe ~. s.tIlI~ l'N<:e COnf~. hrk w~ ~ ~., WItt. slmII¥ Iqlef\lh ancI IpIirtmem $pACt om II I prtII'IIIm. .., ~WIon $1"Yfd In tht Utn\' holt'! iI$~ irnpt<\I'IOouI J'OIIl: IOf'I'IaI'Itic ~iU. TIwy bt<_ rut fr~ And the,.".. ttl) 00 MoM. funn ~ 011 ft
DOIably IAon l'roIlk y. 8Ul1hoy w &.". tiny mlnorh)' Imona their own

people Ind-.

sood COmmuni.'......... h.y

hated I WII)' form of ' . ... l.h

""Ion.lllm. Throughou' the "",nty.four y.... of Sol"I", h illory. any form of ,ewllh nIUo".lill or Zionl l! orpoll.llloo ..... me.d lu.lr IUPp.--\ by • .-.1.-. SovMt regl .....

Tbe ld .. tn.1 Wood", ... Wilson ... uln Wel:unann', pocket w.. _ ""'... ludlc..,.. • . WillOn. for , II hi. '" lk of ... t!o ...i ..I'.det...... hUllion . ..... MIIlI)' HleCllYI IUId arbUn.ry about which llatloMlI' ''' he .mpow-

.ed and whkh he ~ Of ""preMed. H, _ _ ,bowed any Iympolby for Ib, 1_llh nallonal hom. policy Ind li ter ... ot envoys to PoI ... tiDl

who oppooed It femcloully. The fI ....t U.S. preoldent to publicly Ind uplldtly ,lIle bl, ...,pport for the ..."bll,hmenl of. )ewllh olllonil borne III PI I..II ... WII Wi!IOIl·' lua:euor. Warrell G. H,rdlna.

Marl; Syklll died of Ihe Sponi'h nu In 11119. bovlng mllde hi, ma,1; on hlotory. Sllcc."lve 8,n."."llooo of )ewl, h Zlunl," and 1' ....11' fflVered


him as a IV""t fri .. nd IIId blmefactn" Almo.t none of them l:new that it wat hit CIIvalier ..:cepta",,", of lOme of th" worot anti·Semitic mythl that put him at their .I d",

How II all began Th" toOU of th. Anb-I .....li conflict lie In Ihe 1917_1920 period. Such conflict was unavoid.ble. Th. jewl.h people bad a bareditary p..-nCII In P.l ... ';n .. IInlnll back


thlll tb"", thou ... od y... n. There had

alway. been s ignificant Ilumbert of

'''W I then, Mpecl.lly In Jentsalem ,

But aft", the British JIOVOImm"nt committed Itself to the Jawish natlonal hnme poliCy, P. l... Unlan Anb oppooitl!>n to the retumlna lewl.h community was unmlentiIIJ. Thill might not have "",ttered If the Britl.b ..... their empim the wly tha Rnm.no or the OttOmArul had: boldly decLorl"ll thalt policies and pu.hina them through, "'II&"'i1- of .... i.t.llOII. But the Briti.b """que....... did nOC beh."" I I conquero ... AnU-Semi tic pmjudioo wll rInllHmt In the Brltlah Army'l Occupied Enemy Tilrrilori ... Admlnlltratlon, wh ich ruled Pal_ tin .. from 1917 to 1920. Ourina thote fateful )'1!In. offi.,... and Mlmlni .. trBton a' the highest level of tha Bri ti.h buntllucracy 81><e enoou.-gement. protection , and promotion 10 the mlHlt mutdemulalld extmme anti·Jew· ;,h Pal ...tinlan leaden. NO! rnrprIJl"8iy, thair favorites turned OUt to be "'lually vidou.enemies of th .. Britillh I I well. One favorite .ntl·I......1claim II that the """"lion of bra,,1 m.... nt driv· 1"11 Arabi from Iha Holy Land. In truth. there W8I room for both popula· tlonl 10 live lid" by sid ... lIlotorian Dotvld Fromkln ... tim.l... the P. Itl$tl nIBn Arab populatioll in 1917-191 B II 600,000, wblch may be far 100 high. Th" t"rritory of PalestlllG II..:! been nV"lled by mom than four y... n of war and by" fi .."", rami"" tbat killed thoupnds of Arabi and Jewl .Ilk... (Th .. lI .... t jewlo.b 1ICb01., c..rohom Scholem mcal1lHi in hll memoln mom than Mlf • century later Ibat wb"n b" fint ClIme tn

Jerusalem he w... bl" 10 buy huge numben of"' .... ancienl

boou on Jew-

llh mYllicbm In Jerusa l.. m t.ac.u"" Ihe hol y men snd Iheir f,mlli'" who had owned Ih em h. d died of hlUlF and di_ ... d urinS Ihe wsr. Pal_ I;nia" Arab


h.ad d iad In aWn IV""I... numbon..1

P.Io. UII6 had IIOI~" a tOlally emplY. d_ rlad Isnd undo.lbe Thru.

buI il we. certainly a very liShlly populated on ... In 1881. I>&fo", any modem lignificanl 'ewlsh Immi8Jl'tion from Ih .. curlll RUNi8n Empire bogall. in ve.,. IIndl numbers for the next Ihirly_th ..... yean. the ' Olal populatIon w ..


I.... ,han hlf a million.

Ironically. 111"11"1 Amb Immlgrallon Inlo Pal ... t;n" duri"3 I.... ~-World War I period 01 Britim rul .. lknllwn .. ,1>& Mandl,.. ). larsely overlsnd from

PC Myth: It's All about the Palestinian Refuaees


1~II m. mytM obou! m. Anb-IsrHlI ctW1ict. this 0Ilt is b)- I~f tho! most pmlIlfnl. Tlw pli&flt of tho! f\l1..tiniorn-Alob!. rod }tw!.-w» (I!f!,;nly horrendous II the tnd of the

00-1'U8 wM. Bu!: il !Me Nd ~ no WII'. ~ would hoM bHn no ref~ II tht tnd of it. AIr ..timit..! 100,000 f\llmirUn .~ _ (1M..! b)- the _. iKCordir( 10 l-"I ..tlm.itH Thd Wild Mlo.! u¥;tly the wmoe lipe is the runbrr of Srp/IlnIk:}tw!. ...no _~ t.ptliod lrom thri. _~I hrJrr,n tIvooJhoot tho! Ali!) world in tho! bKkliSh _ of Pff-

rrD filM ~ftfl


SKUlion! tNt loIlowtd lho ..u.bIi""-'" of hlHl Almosl ill of them todrd up roirc 10 tht It'wfsh mit.


h should ~150 bI' not~ thor in tho! ... from )9.IS 10 19018. ~' Ifu' tIIirty million .eflCffS _~ (.ut~ by tho! tnd of World Wff II .. E...... the r«IrlWWlC of NlinNI boInWlK thi! ~10Wfd. itld tht horrifK ffIiI\SiI;m itld _ bfr_ HincM rod Muslims in the 1941 pirtllion of 1ndi.I. So the rNl OUICOIM of the OO-19oIa

w.' WIll ~ 1!IiSSM.1Ilou&it fff from 1I'IpfKi!'-

OentfCt "wftf of populilion bftWHfIlv~ itld lhe Ar.o world.


n . ,,1I1l
Syria and Iraq. may have ft)I.,...,.jed the numoo.. of Jo rel="nofollow">w. Imml8"'"llns inlo the count')' in .boIolute


at the Amu ti">e. The Dritw.limlted the

numbflr of jewilh immign.ntl ha..,d on p"",umed economic abtOl"ptive Cll*'ity ifthu land. Thl. hulally meant tbegovwnmenl"l ,"wll h Agency and the Jo>wLAh mp.nizalLOJlI runni"ll and encuu-.gins Ih.. ...c1l8ment had to, provide tho OCOll
Out tho SMwl"llI'f'MPftrily of tho urban oconOiny aloo .Itracled large nUnlhe .. of hnb pMI8IIll Itom neighbori"ll cou.ntriM. Tho Driti.h nuver bothered crllCklng down on Ihem: they didn't heve enough lroop" 10

cl ..... the land borden evellif they wan ledlo. h •• .... ult. jewish InvMtmenl .1.., ended up .ignifieant ly II",nSlhen lllS the PaluLinlan Arah

urbo.n populaLion.

Tbe rise of Haj Amln al· Husseini For Ibe elltl", troubled length of the 8 rltw. milllit)' occupalion and Mandate In 1'.I8ItI1l6 from 1911 to \941. the figure of Haj hmill ,1·lIu_lnl. t .... m"ft i [Muslim rellst""" leader! 006r,,",[em, blocked Ih. paW ofthe BriU,h .nd Zloni.t jewl.h Mltll ..... If )'Ou'", Mekl"ll' """",a of the .Irife II1d hallOO in tho Arab-Io_1I connlct.thll Dri li.h·plcked mu fti I... (!nod place to look. Huuelnl.. couoin of Yauer hnfa" w.. .....,n mono murdaMU' loward h i. own people than he waf toward the Brili.h II1d , .... Pa l",Unien Jew.. Once he

w" In om"". It n.v.... occurTtd to the Britl,h occuplo...-.. It

would cenainly hne occurTtd tn tbel. OtlomBn Turkllh prodeceuo.-10 .;n'ply remove him from nffice or ki ll hilll. Thl' ml.placed constitutionality queasi ness wu qulclr.ly HfUl'ed by Hu.selnl and hi. follower.. encoung,nli the nluftl to defy with Impunity the Britisb rulen who h.d appointed him In the fin t place. Hus.alni


no ... riou. I.lamlc derlc. He was .Imply a hand..,me

younsJunlor notAble from One of the two or th"'" moot prominent P.l .....

Unl.n famlli. In thoe higbLandJ of "al..dna. H, wu abl. 10 ri .. 10 the to p d.. plte hli


L "_"

)"'"lh . nd I..... perienat h.ecoUM he curried f.vllr with Ihe Drililh .... pecl.lly with SI. £mett Rlcllmond. Ih. chl ..r architect of lhe B.ld. h .dmlnl.trall"", In J....... I. m. who .bo h.ppened 10 hoe fIerc, ly ."tl·Semllic and 1l11nl. _lonary. RIchmond p...... lIed upon hi. 10118-1.....,

10YtIf. Sir Ronald St ...... (I ......"'" 1111011"1.., offi<;l.1 who b.ed drifted the Lnramolll.,...,.,..


looks You're Not

Supposed to Read


by""", COIl,,,, nI ~

Uj)Ierre; New Yort; Snon nI



GtrIftIs f9¢ nw '"' ~ ~ t., o.n K<.I'lINf\; New YooI<: 0. Ypo P'rm.

""Two hichlr fDdM)Ie. ~1 fflflKhtd.

IJlDn,I"nc. wilh Sherif HuneLn In Meoc.lln

nI MIl-NnOed boob fnl pWliWd


ANrIy fort)' )'tM'1CO nI,TiII ......lled introduC1iolll 10 the ferooou:IlVture of the 00-194 ...

.nd Ihen 8.rbl..,J Ihel. pl.in

.... nl.., beca.... of his Uos"lotlc lnoompeIIIDCII. Slom hed been prumoted 10 80".... nor cl)erulalem. where hoe 8'" Richmond an Inn" ... IL • • job II .... iflanl _ . . , . 10 Ihe Britl.h ruler of P.lesll .... High Camml"lon.,.. SI.


Sam""l. Sam"el

was Jewl. h. bm n""'" Importanl ly. hoe wu. hish·mlnded. dG-goodlna lit.. ...1 fool who 1.le, oppooed ChurchiLl'. wamln81 .bo,,1 lhoe ,IN of Nul Germ,ny. Samuel lUI[vely fo llowed RlclImolld·. ,..;omm.nd.llon .nd

puted nver I>Mler qUIIllned CIIndidal.. 10 'ppoilll the dlpl"ed. hand· _

. Lmpecr.obly .... nn .. ed bul .1110 plycbopelhiCIIlly fM>OCIdaland

mu,derou_youOS HuuelnllO Ih,lob. T.... of lhouoand. of inl>OOllnl ...... t. and J.w. _ .. 10 di.1O thM Samuel could feel hlsh·mlnded .nd m"",lIy IlIperWr.

Th ..... fter. for more lhen a qu.rt e, of. """"lfy. l"cc_lve B.llloh admlnlslnllon d.f.......d 10 IIII .... lnl II If he _ .. the .rcbbilhop of Can· t""""ry.

II, _

nnthlosoflbe Ulld.. FI ..... be "~Ied agompeilP' 01_

.1...lIon and lerror 10 <:OW lhe Nuhublbi clan. the moderale mended


no. ,,",UUcaU, [.... met GoJ( . to 110 . .. l.dl. latl

family of nolablo wbo w"'" the Hus..,in[I' Inclenl rivIls. Then . p[t>neerillJl I form of dIplomacy his coulln A",fal would o.dopt on a grand ocale, he [nternaUonall:t6d and [Ilarnlclud the naUve Pal ... Unlln Arab oppooition to lhe Jewish Jetl lement in PalotlOG. He look advlntoge of the 1929 ri ot. In Jeruu lem tn claim thet the Jewl we,.., plottIng 10 dealroy the Dome o f the Rock and the aJ·Aq .. Mooque. The government. of IUn"Oundl1lJl Arab natl"n. Egypt. [nMj , and Soudl A",hlo , Nger 10 dIs_ tract their "wn populotl""" from dom ... tlc I..u ...... d ... tablilh their own CNdentllla. followed Hu .... lnl·.leod. By 1936. when the main P.I_llnIon Arab revolt heaan o",lnat the Brltlah rule .. and the Jewllh Zlonlll Jettlen, Hu ..elnl was Ibe undoubted domlll.l.lll fig\lle &IDOna Pllettlnian Arabi. He wUa dipsI",. for h[, people, but he was 01 ... popular among Ihem. Uk, any no!lve population faced with Ihe ludden appearance of [um-

"""n coloniall. Plleolinian.


up In delisnOll. lie n::ely oppoo illJl the

Jewis h lettlemenl and the BritIsh polley of lu pponlna It. A ""nlury o f war might well 11.0..... been [n""'IBhle in any cue. Bul the fact ... mal",,!hol Hu .... inl wu far mnn extreme, murderouI, .nd unrelentlng Ihon the

How the eon.p;..cy Theorists C..atedl..... "To my mind. tht liclni>« w

- . tht my d tht litullion-tht problem ii. '-'

w tIwy to tJ. Qtisflo!d7 Wim 'Gmt kwIY iCollnst II!I !tom is no posWk cl!inc:f d ~Iil: IhIo tI"Iinc tfyo' - it nvlftl. optimi5m In Borfl in. ~ In LoocIon.oouW! in 1'IriI., ffSislUICf 10 luI dil<:h In Cnopif [CansIWinc:J9lf~ dissfmioo in ulro. Ar~ III ~bblina

...arc ""'"-1m. As !ohKfSPH/4! IoiyI. l.intIft Thit IIrq iI!ld min: .....mt discord follows..Sir Mwt.: S,u.. dIiff 8

Nullullibio. who we .... lhe mosllikely alternative. He ..100 n ..!ly refu.oo tl> enter



ABook You'" Not Supposed to R••d

/rtsdo rtPt AAP>-NOO lDbp.tth by EI~ ~: Orloot Itoutl~ 1'l.tllMen.


.lev.. n yean he wu the unrivalled ho"der of th~ Pal"tlnlan Arab commu n ity and the worsl th ..y eVer had.

~·i"" lI y.


1939. the 8ritlsh ..,nt .. th .. n unknown g.. n..... I. 8ernard Montgom .. ry. who d ..f""led lhe ",voll. In World War II. Hu.."i ni took tho logiClol ultlmale "ep to becoming an


ace ......ry_nd. very effective


lh .. moll mO""trou.

e,;me in hillory: he 8penllhe war ye ... in FaJell1 Italy and Nul Ger· many. He..,as very active in urging I"" SS b""",uc ... u runnlng lhe fir...1 Solulion. Ihe methodically planned genocide of Ihe enlire 'e..,llh pe0ple In E"rope.to ma ke .umlhal children .... peei.lly from Ih" Sephardie 'e..,ilh cnmmnnlli ... oflhe Balkanl. were not spared from Ihe p. cham-

bo.. in AUKb..,iI2. He .ecrollOO SS regim.. nll for Ih" Null from lhe BoInlln Muslim communily in Yug.,.I."Ia. They guarded the """u,ily nf Ihe ... llwl Y HnCl CIorrylng cattle truek. fil led ..,ilh hundred. oflhouHn dl o f Balkan 'e..,s for Ihe exle,mination chamba.. Ind cremation o~elU

of AuJchwitz. One oflh ..... forcoolook I loading role In lhe g8no-

dde of bundreds of Ihousandl of Serbo and Gypli .... as well .. }ow•. In Yug.,.lav;a.


Husseinl wu also lel.- personAl frie.nd of AdoUEichnwm and Heinrich Himmler. He even viJiled Auocbwil1 on II 1....1 one OCCIIllon 10 mUel""'lb. job wu beins done rigbl . Wlte .. Ihe greal sbowdown belw""n the J_I and An"" In PaIMI]"e Ih81 he had lUlled for finlllycamein 1941. Hlj Amln . 1_Hu ..... ini·l un .... lentlng pol icy of ..... killllio drivufIYery Jaw Into the _led in,l..d 10 Ihe , b.tlering and """"tiering of Itll own people. r ...i"8 lOS tbelr greal.".1 clwnpIon. he "'.-tedly proved him ... I' to be thei' grealMI call1lllily.

Churchill in Cairo: 1921 He came. He wu I'holOST"phed aJongalde hll friendilittillll on



He painted Iha Pyramid.. He l ummoned hi' heroea T. E. lawrence and Gertrude Bell to mlH!l w ilh him. When Wlrulon Churcllill vllited Cairo in 11121 II Hil Majesty', ,ecretary of Itlle for the colon i.... he had the kind of boliday Hnle boYI dnoam of. He .110 drew the map of the modem Middle Eut. Three modern Middle Eul nationl we .... creeled by the decllJOIU Omrch!ll m8de Ind lhe lin.. he drew 1\ the epodlal Cairo Conference. I'inl. It" upheld the .I......dy highly conlrovanW policy 10 ... tablilh I Jewish nallon.1home In Pal",tl .... Ind 10 build ;t up w ith lTJ.UI.;ve ImmlgrIItlon from the Impove, i,hed and perteeuled Jewish communitl" o f Europe. Thl l policy uillmately enaured the .,...,.tion oft he Stlte of 11....1, Secood. o.uteh!ll unllal8ll11y recognlud u·S.yyld Abdull.h at tbe _I p""",nOl'l 011 the ground ..II of the Jordan River. Abdullah, the eld· ...1 ..,n of thai old Brltilh favorite Sherif It"",,in of MIICt:I . w u lhe emir (prince) of l'tan'lOrtlan Ofallihu Huhemil" I I thlt tima. Abdulllh .... ' the one Brill,1t fill,," and policymakersUked 1....I-perluopo tw.caUM he wu the Imart...t ... d wasn't p .... paf'ed 10 danoo I I their every won:L. But the British d ldn 'l noed Ihe emboomoumen l of kicking him out ofTtan'lotdan. and they nM
10 set Up IIOme kind uf governmenl 10 htlp lhe pMce on lhe che.p. So Abdulleh Itlyed. Third. Churchill created Ihe modem "ltlu"-l\lle of II'M\ unde, Kiltg ~·liSllII.

II lutd ReVer $>11$100 In hl.lory unl. . you counl the famou. bul

brief lIahyloni." Empif'fl of NftbuclutdRer.%ar 2.400 Y(!At1I $8J'1I0!". Hullhe BriH.h we ... de\ennlneod to hold 00 10 Ihe f.bulou.ly oll-rich lerrilori ... they hid finall y co"'lue red with such d iffi_ culty In the dOlloll ""riod of World WRr I. And Ihe lI"""l I IIZO Shlile ,,"vol! in lIOulhern

Iraq had underlined Ihe urgenl n(!Ad 10 ... Iabli.h IIOme kind of nilive Arah govern_ menl .up~ly """"plahle to Ihe people of

Mesopol4mia. A &iendly "Rlive.wernmenl

wu nlHKled beelU.. the Brilish l.eked the linanelll nIIIOul"Cf!l or Ihe will 10 occupy the land mililArily. BelltJllhl., 10 produce FIIsa.I. I .. olh",

lIOn of Sheri f Hu ... in. u Ihe " kiltJl

of Ihe Arabt "


Ihul • poJiIiCiI m •• t .....

stroke for ChllJ"cltill .

AQuestion of Numbers w... f'oltslOllf ""I'lY ""'"' IIIf ~II<JO,I' ¥fICO,rI(frl itId IIIf Jewish 1IiI~ Iv:Irnc poIlC)' dedllfdl No. ~

~I¥~,IOII w...

,..,oinly w... not. W"'I~' room

IOf million! oIltwl$h

mlsrw' 10 WItt. INn wimour dO$piX"", IIIf Mib inhIbilom~ ~ Ibm (..,.inly .,.~

In the .holt tnnn. the huge redrawing of Ihe Middle Eal map Ihll ChurchHl decr&ed II Coiro proved .... pedilly from the llritl.h poinl of view.



IUCCftU. For

"Tho Zlonivs pkbftd hlfttino-

ccw..ct1,,, ... _


11>& nexl elghly y"", ultra_right Jewl&h and

U..,j INn II tht tllnt; .. tt.II

Zionist nllion.li.lIllI""klld 11>& "I~ery"

_ di>pIKlnc...,. of tIw pom.p.

of cuUin8 off Joni!lJl-
rilOry Brile,,, .,.,"ltOlied Ifter World WIr I.

600.000 ....... I""""U"\!. tt.tr. .,,, .-.. to btq In rNll;ons of )twIs/I

ButllmOOI no /ewlliv!!d. In Ihe TrRlujortlan



lerritories when Churchill gne Ihem to Abdullah. and Ihe Brillih l.eked Ihe milllory manpower 10 en force Jewish IftItlem'''1


Ib .... anyway. Tb".. W"...,.,'I even enou&h


If It's Good for tbo British Empire ••.

"'wiob HIli,,", cominS f.... m Con",,1 and Eoal · <'1m

E.. rope to dIMolop P.l..tlno al ..... llm • . In

tb. urly 19200 Ihe Briti.1I CoIIMlII.I omce wa. furio ... al the Zlonl.\ Organiulion for brlnl' Ing in too few "wlob MIll,,",. In the _nl . Pel.'lne enjoyed one of I..

briar interl. . . of pMaI for eight y....... fler

tbt buI P-,1Ie!.1-. woth

""*" for thtft

the Co.Iro Conte ......,.. and tba Briliob Pe. ll._

menl ..,m.wMI .. I.. clanlly accepted Ih"

ttIownd )'WS ~ " - bMllnIlII\i\.ty

Lloyd George-Cburchlll-Balfour polley of

WId profOl.ndly 1UOC~ed1 Wf ItH: ~ .. ill

""oou...lng Jowl. h Immigration and buUdlng

be tood for the ....,.\d, tood for the Jtw1. cood for the Irltish u...-. buI abo tood for the ~ who dwoeU .. ~ (lor) wt In{!fId N ~ !hili YIft ill the beo:R-

up th" jewl.h n. tlonel home. even In Iniq. the new.-..ad 10 ~ IlOI4ter; the Sbille .. volt wu fln.oJly.:::ru.hed and Ib" Urillob .Iowly prepored Iniq for • form of III .. •

1• • lndependeroce .. ndor l'.iNl whU. keepl..,

Willst ... ClMdIill, Sfiti1h colonial $f(lt -

tb" ..im of po_ firmly In Ihelr own h.n,I •. But twanl y yMn . fler Churchill', hour of

'''Y.lPtuinl; 10 • 6e\.

lriumph In CIotro. Ihe Arah ho ..... o f card .

'1lfion of Mullim ABIK In jeruyltrn on MM(h JO, Wll

.... h.d ... fI.mbo),.nily Cl'Hled came cruh . In8 down On hi. h... d. In !he 'prinl of 1\141. with Cene... Erwin Rom m.l'. Afrika [(0'lK

che'1lI"3 KfOU Ih. W..lem Desen loward

Egypt, Brll.ln 0100<1 .Ione .nd ,..,I.ted l8"in.t Ih. Nul conquerors " f !;umpe. .... 1 Ihl. moment . Ihe officer. of the Iraqi .rmy Ih.,1 h.d t-n I"'lnll.l
do Britain'. wlllin the Middle EMI


In .... ,,11. IJcl<ed Ih" Brltt.h ""I•

• n d dKIar.d that Iraq we. Iol n ln8 the .... "It. J>to..Nul fon:eo .1... look OVer In "rtmch-oontrolled Syria IIHt door. AI thi. dark_I hour for Britain'. l.mperial fortun .. In the Middle EMt ........ .m<»t ofth. f....ou.


lI.,.b Lesion o f funljordan. led by a Brillih officer. John Clubb. pu_ 11... ly mullnled and ",fuoed 10 march . .Inst lbelr pnl-N.w

11.'" broIb-

en In 1""1 .

a ....rdliliin 1921 .. <:oI...,IaI_..,. had cr.ted Lro.q &lid 'ordan to MCUl'II lhe Drll l.h Empl.. in Ihe Middle F....I. ""'"nty y..... lal" r...

8rU.ln·.embAttled Wat preml ..... b"found lb. arml. orbach ...Uono 1taDblng lltllii n in the bAck when It otlO!
10 10.. ,

Ih" Brltl.h. but who hid

nowhe ... " l... 10 ",. provided Iha luI JlrongIlold from which t";' IlriU.h could docilively rlrlke t..d. &lid brieny ..... In Ihelr muler)' oflhe Mid· die Ea,I. But ln lbe lw .... 'y.n'" oen'ury. the li ... IMt Churchill dl9W., c:oa.fI. dendyon a map In C.lro In 1921 contln ... 10 W"" the hlJlory of lhe world. Th. mllIlari ly poweriullittla ".ta o f ImKII IMt I""w 0Il1 or hi.


"willi n.Uo ...1 homa policy conlin ..... 10 11"'111. for lu.-riYaI . . lnll clo...t hand and. In !be OIM orl .. n. atlhe far .... d of Ibe ,.....,. And lb •• nlncllilly o f tha unity b" ImpoNd on IAq now bedevil, U.S. policyrtUlbtft .............. th. n II d id l:lril ioh ...... OlUn;hlll·IC.lro lugKy Ih"",fo", romalllli mlxod on •. to pUI It mildly.

Emir A.bdullah

or Transjordan

The BrllI.h .. perI.nc. with Midd la Eulem naUon-bulldl.., ... d "'let'-

plckl", could bu. I.upl th, WNt Ihil much: alJO
find-end _imeo hard In """"",iu wben J'OU'w P him. 0utI". lbetr brief Imperial heyday in lbe Middla Eat. lbe Brilish dis-

played In unctlnny I.lenl fur cJ>ooo.lna and..,,~ Ih, blflllett I... ... !lIke Kin. FalAI of Iraq I nd Sherif 1l .. _ln of Mea;aj and \h. mOlIt pollOnOllI . ....... I... II"'.n.mi. (like H. , Amln al· ll u_Lnl.th" mufti of ,eru"',,m) wh ll" d.pliins 0' oppolll""uCC81.ful ",I , .. of I'MI .blllly

lib M...".f. K'mal 1I.IIIurk In lUrk.y u. KI",lI.bdu lnl.r. Ibn s..u d In

Sludl Arabitl. The only Ii_they hit on • _I wlnner. lhey did 10 IlIlplle oflhemJelvlI. Even wh. n WlnllOn Churchill SOlve Emir Abdullah . th, ,ld.1 IOn of Sh~,lf Ilu...ln .

rJ the J)'$1~ic PI~1on d &wopnn Jewry Md ~ been



the terrltlll}' quill In 1 1I2 1 . ~.. much WII .,.J*:I.ed &001 hi.... In tIMo Ir- o f Churchill. Abdullah wu tbe 1_ of the Huhemlt... They

runtly IntiItd him 10 K(~e the Plff' minlTlon ~ 1hNrd him ~ tNt K~ 0,. £idvNM. ~ ~ Ykltfd . . . . Wit'l

,. Mftior

SS offiaf nI. by nteutioMf of the FInal

10 Ihut him up and keep


clullIlO tIM rldk:ul_ r.ntuy lluIl

thl whole ""''' MUllim world ,.anted. Of would come 10 ,..nt. Sherif HUI..in In

MUCCI ... Ih' 1'" , IOf of Ih' O!ton>ln callpho In Cottt\Afltlnople. And their haaru beoot rUler lhlntltIJ of r.I ..1 U the d .. hjn, oew p ....

. 0_

Britioh, .... Jllbteaed NI« ...bo would ulher In Golden At-uodlM' Brill.. b lutll....

OIlunlly-ln IM8bd.d. lEi&hly yean I"IM'. 8ul h admhlll,",11on pollcymU'" would flO weu In th~ kn_ ov.r Inql Netlonal CO"IV"'" I....... AhltMld Cb.eIabI thl lllme w.yl.


Abdulllh_mlll , Ih ..... d , nOi vM)' b.lndlom., Ind , 'wlY, 1011.poken-wII In Ih.l, the ,_ of the t ....... BUI he would OUIWI them all.

Tb,,"'11 no 011 In /OrdIu. 1I.nd lor __ than IuoU .century Iller lhe eml ...." wu CI'eIted , _ the lourUt ttoIfIc to _ lu wonderful Intiqui. tI ..... u nlllJlIlJlble. But Abdullah WII tOber, Int~lligeni . induilrioul. and

JtreeI·lmll1 . H. worked qUietly wllh the BrlII.h 10 keep order and with only. hclion ofthl _ . budfeI ofnelfhborl.. 1rIiq ""'diM It with <:011' Iplcuoully .,..1... ....",... Commerce boom.... end the lazy rill. . of Ammon, white Abdullob aDd lib Bedouin bid encamped In 11120, ..... to become •

_lor regkmoI dly.

A.lhl. book..- 10 p""', Abdunlh"!VMI"gnlnlUon .. "Ifill Abdlll .. Ilh II , conllnll_ 10 rull OV_ I kingdom of Jordln tMlI .inlt III odd.

_11_ .

ILIo ... /'Vivld hOl1l11 nl;p.bon on.....,. .Id. 10 '-oml and .......inwithool ben.n. ofeny oll llli.-.ly prOIperouI naIl"" ""d

ofthfl .. f... t ond cenlllry, onto


"obi. In Ih •• nll .. Mlddl. Eall over the pul

Emir Abdul1oh'. hel .. oullqled Ih. Drill.h, the F..nch .. end thfl Soviet Union, They .110 oullllled old Sheri f H"...,ln , humiliat ingly kicked oul of MftOOI only. f(IW y..... ofter Ih . (AIm eon'... n"" by Abd"I ...lz Ibn SllId, the ... 1 worrlor ben> and ,l.Ile""",, whom Ot"rchlll, llell, end T, E. .... wr.ace"of AIabia" had 00 tim. for, AboadulW\', hel .. hI~.olrwdy

by 01_ hll'. ClIntury oult..led IhfI kincdom oflr.q-(ll .. rchllJ'. pride and to,......nd F.I..l'. heln .. whom Ih.ln.q J.tmy .hot In cold blood III the bonillc mlUtory IIOUp of


The ~ and lonpvily of Abdllll.h end hi. heln conllMlOd with the f.lIl1_ of Otun;blll'. handpicked rulen .lHIwh.... In Ibe region-

O\l3hlto 1No. h••. . , 10 Ibe West: in lb. Mlddlo EaII, OUt ld... of wbll. lead...hoold lNo.re often wrong,

Herbert Dowbiggin: Unlikely prophet Heriler1 IlDwblgln wq •


colonlel pollOI IKlmlnl.l .. lor of Ihe

Brillah Empire wbo non lhe polioo foroo orc.ylon_odIy the n.lkm of

Sr1lMlb-wlth In Imo fill &un 1913 to 19l7, He hid honIly ""y 101_ WI In thfl Middle EIII and wao ..,nl ou1 10 report on why 1M p.leltine

palla fl,lltd 10 del... lhe bloody riotl of 11Il1I1","1 .... \llt..:!ln the muIKrI of hll1l
th, vl.lonary IURltla.oo ambitlow, boa""'l .... two-faced Idminl.lnltOl'l ""d polltlcl.n. who SOl everythiflll wrong for h.lf. OInl"ry .nd then ob..... lv.ly tried 10 ~OVer up Ihelr Incb, Oowbl8/lln .I.nd. out ••• blOIIIh of COmmOtl """e .nd ..,.. nd .dv\"",


n. "'UUeaU, I....rrea '014. t.tb. II t4dl. £Oil Oowbiggin 'l 11130 report wu

on. of the moot Importanl and valuable

lIudl". on maintaI n Ing law and order;n occupied or colonial nation. ""81'

w riuen. He In.l.t.... tblt .very mInority communIty It poo.,bll rid,

from an attack. riot.


pogrom by the . lienal .... majority had to have ilf

own anned police deto.chment. He empha.il
hetWIHtD O\ltl~

police . tation. and the CII p lta l. and nf hav ing fut·reacting ...."'.. of poliOll who could quickly be ... nl to IMUble.pou. Moot of all. heMllpha • • il
There i.a """..kobly modem ring to Oowbi88in'II,,"ill8llOll that col". nlll dltord • . -in Palestine lOS wen ... In C.eylon-nt!8ded to be IwId led ... pollclllg operation •. not military ones. 1....11 military historian Mar· tin

v." Creveld 1.. 1 Mid the """""" the Brl ti.h oecuri ty fo""," were 10

effective 19I1nst thelrl,b Republican Army In the Nortbem lrelud con· flIct w8l that tbey dealt with it .. I polk;I"tI ope"II I"". DOl a mIlitary"...,.

U'ing arml81 al arml .... a utomatically CIIU_

I lot of coU.tenll damage.

including IoU o! clvlHan casualties. And the more Innocent dvlUan. ore killed an d injurotl. tbe broader tbe popular IUpport for tbe guerrilll movement becom... But ... I, to often Ih. caM wilh true propbeu, .. oppoted to tbe more common fll ... on.... Oowbl88ln'o wlmingo fell on d"" f ...... Si r Cha.l"" Tegllrt. who took over Ihe Pal ... line police In the 19300.lgnored Oowbill"


,in ', "'port and Inilltarl.wd tbe police. moylnglbem Inlo b_tht.kinS


moum.l nlop berracu Ihat wM1lt wellliftth..,.ntury versionl ofCru ..de.


caft1".. They bad tbe same !ale. Aft er B Ilttl' more Ibln I decode in tb,


Tesar! Forts. 's Ihey were called. tbe Dritl,b ware fon:ed 10 e .... cuate


P.l""ti oe. Ely l!H1they hid loot .1l,ffllCtive politicallu ppor! &mons


Pal ...tinian A",1Jt, .nd Jewl . like.


Bill 10 1111. day. Dowblgln ', repoft Nmlln.th. mottlmponlnt doc,,ment for any Western poIlcymller ,",pp1iIl3 with lhe IICtk:lt probleml of mllnlllnln, II. I .. d order I.. I .. ocx:upl .... ....:IeIy.

How British Imperl.lls1 wukness spuked the Ara b·lsraeli cODmcl Thto Brilish did I lot for both lhe ..... t.. Ind lbe jew. dllrin, the thirty

y..... they "'I.... P,I..II" • . Th. populilion orthe COUDUJ' tripl ..... Proo_ perily unknown , 1Il0l Momln Ihn.. ...... v .....


..... d .. ln .... Ind mod.

e m "nllodo n. hOlp l"I• • ond IIChool. we .. bli llt ror both commllnlliu. Th, only thin, t..ckl", WI. Law Ind order. On ... pril e . 1920. 1_ th.n I y.... Ind Mlf .fter World W.. I had ""d..... In In ll· jewllh pogrom Iwepi lMoush the 11.-0 allha Old Cily 01 j<truN lem . ... n umber uf ~

wel1l kill .... and hundred. wound .....

In four hundred,.. .. orOttoman Thrkllh rula. ouch I Ihl1l3 had not happened once. Under the Mnd ur I kinder.•,nlle. empire . Ih' " .llh peopla were mure thrMtened than Ihey ..... had '-n und .. Ihe toU&h Mlillim empire IMI pl'llCldtd It. Tha HriUlh were uMbl, 10 keep Ihe

v-:e. ODd ouch IlDII ·lewlth vIoIenct boppen......In and .,.In. with .... wl ...

remelty Ind .... po ... nU.lly ll.... cuuel-

Churchill on

HoIido, 'Hot stemS 10 11M cone to Cilfo In W)I,lfIhio'll of ,hoi· kIq mood. HI! ;..,;on ro:npilirwd tNt too

would dNy bfief", IIimieIf with impoflMll JW9ft1 whllt lit COO'ICtnlfllfd on 1M on:n ton~l l m

of w,lT", J10f Wori:I CriIiI, MId tMy

crit,dlfd him for Sf11", ~IIO rnudllimt


for pIinI", EiJ'ptiln iIIld I"MliniIn lon60. 1.. ,I 4 Spa in Crowoads to hnwI.

decribinc W'ftlton 0uchiI11I the CUo


liel on eKb occutoa.


The fint civililn governor tiwl BriU.1l HI ul' to rule 1'.1...11... aftor they endood their brief, dioutrou. period of military occupation the .. wu ido.li,Iic libonol party I... dor Sir Herbert $o.m ....1. who w"lewilh, In dusk libe",l fullion , Samuel tried to tum hi. country', "neml ... into friend. by ,howing thorn mcn:y and kin d n...., Whal h,


inltead wu an enli"'lI'lne",tloo of civil OIM fe and blood.Md .. I ... Ult. Thousand. of innoamt. on both lid ... would I"'Y with Ihelr Ii ..... for Sir Samuel'o lI""II""Nive high·mlndedn .....

The Hebrew Bible: A book of war ~WI"&,,le:

the .. wu I mIn of8"nlo,. wbo could bave been I man of d ...·

liny, ~

Win_ton Chun:hill (IIIld that trlbu ta to Brlll_h briRadler Rene ..1 Orde Wlnpte Ifter he was killed In I pllne cruh In Bum,a In 1944, Chun:hlU wu right aboullhe genlul (It taket ona to know one), but he didn't ...). I~a

thlt In hI •• hort, exl>11o.dlnary life, WlnR-"te h.d al_dy decuively

..... b.e.ped Ihe futu .. of the world_pecially the Middl e East. Wingate w.. a brilliant you"lI Brlti.h anny officer and biblical funda· men\Jlist ChriSli8Jl zealot who was polled \0 IIllestlne a, a young captain In 11136 It the .tlrt of the A.. b Ravolt. Ha had . hown no especi.1 interest In either Jew, or Zionism befo.. gol"ll the .., bu\ quickly became obsened with Iht potential oflht younS pIoneer Jewish community and

becama convinced It w•• God', will thlt a jewilh ,tala be ...tored in PI1 ... lin8 after thouMnda of )''''''', He abo beUeved that h. was petIOlI· .1Iy destined to "Ise Ita .nny and lead It In baule, Th.,... vie ws we .. undenlandably received with lOme 'WPMH, nol 10 menUon ''''picion , by both Britilh military command .... ond jewi,h community leooden In th. Mandala. However, u a rew thoullnd ..... b suerrill .. continued to run ri"ll' around whal.1 On .. point con.Ututed 25 percen t of the !>Ctive oombat




r fo",," of Ib" Urllbb I rmy. bolb group. becam" Inc ..... lniJIy d"'pllrat". Wlnpte p tbe Ippro",,1 10 ral ... from ",..'I.b ",I·

Sounds Uk!

""tNn " ' hal t.er:. ..... known .. bl, SpI!-

eI,1 Nigh! Squed. (SNS) 10 d"f"nd Ibe or;ll.b 011 pi""line from Iraq 10 tbl Pliesll,.. poll of IIl1f.. H. Imprinted on

IImmt nan-wstmt., NritIwo' ~ _ NXIs

Ib"m hi' own hiShly unorthodo. Ind IdiOllynaooUc c:ombJ,' doclrln.... prim.·

11M "'" confoden ... Iht (Bfitllh) ~ IJH., fhr aicIff irNbiunIll'J tNt pubbc

rily In. plrod no! by Qorl von CI."..,wltl!.

_It)' _

.nd lhec..rm.n or !'l'IIncb .........1 atlff•.


IIr bettft lNontWied unde the

but by. ciON .... dlnS of lb. Old T...,.-

1IW fioton, ""'pst 10. J9l1

"''"'t. 'M lIebrew Bibl•.

(.,..ot«l in Dmd fl'Oll'ti\ Aftocf to Cttd AI ftocf)

lVi npie drew l.:tlall......... and doc. trlneo from the CIlInpllianl and ylctori. of

ltoeh blhlinl h....-


1000b .... Cld..,.,.

Ind David. II .... mphllud tb. Im p0l1aru:. of .m.n. f80t·movlII3 COm· maudo fO/'C8l who WOI'II lough. motlY.led. Ind I..lned 10 know Intimately the ....... In which they ol""'"!ed. lie emph.. tzed nlgb! mlf1:b ... lhrough

difficult Ind mounl.lnoll. I" ... ln 10 teke tbe enemy by .urpri.... He I""ed night "UIt;Q. Accordl, .. In "''''' tutl monl ... much I.'er. lVinpl" .lfO

odvOCIted exll'llllle rulhl .... n .... In the . hootl", of '"Ipeel, or random victim. t.k"n from vIII ..... from which I.. rrorlil. hod launched lhelr IUOCU.

lIil SNS pJ.yed. cruclll role In


........ II oft .... p.l..... ln ·

LIn Arab suerrlll. boond. operotl", In lhe GoIlI .... reston of 1II1ICI during tbo LuI year of tho Anb ~It_ role

r.r 0\11 0 1 proportion to their own·

w""' I"" few 10 CfUJlh lhe ......11. Thai WH CIf1ied oul by much 1.,.. Ind ""'.. wld ... pl'Md Brlll.b ron:. Ind openll ..... com· manded. by I w ..,Ior comtnllloW. Major c..-.J Beru.ard I.Iw

ben. Bul they

t""'" . .

Monlll""""'J. In 1938. 8rililh ..... Ior com ..... nden. I'IICtIKDlzI".



1_lon81e Id<mllflcallon with the Jewish community. trarufumKI him oul

of P.I... Une. 11IMe weno olandi ... orden thol he never be allowed In..,,,,,,,

the ... ap;n. DUI.thankfully for luael.lt ... ,..1011 Lote. lVinple had .I......!y provid
Invaluable mi litary ..dueotlon to. crud. l number of tb. fin t. defining generation of ... nior om"".. in wh81 wou ld 00.;0"" the I.n.l nere,,'"

Fo""". W, young ..,Idle.. and l lUde"u included me" who would become the

greo'''' "",81'&1. in lI.noe! '....... of . urviva l in th .. fin' twonty

yua .. o f ill ""i.lenee: MOIIhe o..y&n , YigII,,] Alion . and Yit r.h.ok Rabin.

>':'.:"",); :~»': :~~ .:.-::~::,.:::~~;;::,,>:: ::~~;.::

------ -

-- -



PC Myth: The Twice-Promised UncI


id the Bf~L~ qnio:.lly prOlllM ~ Holy lid 10 borh !hi' Arib. ..-d ~ Jews? Tlwfl

tt.r pop,QI i'lbtQtY-.-.d /t'l f~\Of. In 1916. $i, MMI:

SyIo:e t..d cont~ • ~r~ "8'-' on pirtll~ thPl9OiI. of tht

Ottorn.o £mpor~ with mFrendl (oo.nl~pIrt. frMlCOi< ~.I'£ot. Con-


lory boob;nj~, l,""liti«n~ li~ 10 pom.,. m. Sytr.·f'i(OI ~ ....,,1 ., m. ~

~Irm ~I

01 Mudims.1nd tIwy !fief [0,1.."

mi$1ru:;1 01 E~ 10 1M 'C'-'. W in ",.Iity it ..., nriI.... rnon!.lKM

nor ~~lt~ in m. (ordlo 01 '101",1M Sytr.·PicOI


All""'""" in m. tyH 01 1_. 1Ind Tlwd World (0II'l-


w., •
~ only

IhI' y." ~cn 10 Shfrif !tn,..;., 01 MKu. .... ,diotl 01 m.


........... "' .....


MuIllnI hoIJ' pIKft. The SriWI iOi IfIW'JI 01 the SucIIII. S. Hetwy IrkMihon, hid offmd ... 01 hIHtirot to the ....._ McMIllon urlilnly ~ the Ifmrt.. wrIi:!ftlin ArIbIc, 1'ffII10 HusseIn.

But ttwy _in no W¥'f • UHI)' abli:&'tioll m. f. men to the poinI. I'IIn'

line 10M 00( ttmOtfly prcmiwd in them. !.itff tmffllkons 01 B
tNt its pInwi .... - . They didn't HbloriIn (lit KtOcuIt ~tibliIIwd tNt IrkMihon, who did not spHt Cf .wbIt: I'IwtodJ. hid trIIMIed the tf~ to" M$iStInt. ~


Slom. who did WfII• ..:I spHt .....~ Men ~. Slam dIcM.cIIf he did. SlI)'B"'1 th.t f~ ficuoe-the ain..., io:Ci'...... tenl ~ who II


ct...rll'li"C..:I ~ ~It" Wfd!oC "'" ~ own W»Irophk:


(rdour~ t1tJblIIhtd 1hIt.1I dr.fled pt.MlIn~

wi I,~td Into ""'Ibic. the

wi SIom'I~ th.t ~yudrd


control oIl'aIntine 10 the Mbi ..:I Shro'if f+.ouM no lfilllllMouI Cf ......obI-.. Sloxl'llirnply could not WI~ ...... ptopM) The Cflei' ... (OfTtI4I(Ii'Idfnf dNrly _ nended to (~ (ontrol 01 ~tr.r 10 the o\tJbI. The (OI'IIb:t oIiI SriWI ~ the foItMio ..



)'91'1"*" ~ !Nt none 01 them"'" ttooo.cf!! for .1«OIId th.t ...,. tudo .....'.'.biltl~ hid bem .... on ~~. ~~ liI .,wI bet~ trill) bf lituo... bur ~

~ for


mMe .1fUI ...·

meow, who wIIIIocI juIIify ....... """'~ttm OX "'HvMlIfftI""'"'~

WinS-Ie'. l;Iibl .... baJqd lactical doctrine al'~lud 10 the imagination of a youll38'1ne"'tion of Jew, ",bed ..


and d\.flped by thei. MCular.

violOTUll')'. ploneerill3 parent. 10 view the Blbl • • 0 • prectlcal guide to the lend around th.", end 10 "'iM:t the old Jewish ","dition of aedenlary Inlel· ledu.l ",Uglous acltol.nhlp. Ove, lhe nexl forty y....... l... dlng 1.",eU gun_I. IiI." Doyan. YlII""I Y.din. and Chalm Herms would omphalize the importance of tekinR practical. military ieuolll from the Bible.

Tbe true story of Israel's creation Afl er World War II ended in 1945. lhe Brlli.h botlled lip IhouHnd. of Hoiocausl l urvlvt)l1l behind barbed wu. In new campo. rrtO$!Jy In CypntJ. 10

pr1MIIll them emignotill3lo l'al"'line. whe", they fe&ntd lhelr preMnDII

would"'" off a ",volution by Ihe A",b majority. From 1945 10 1941 a lIetee guerrlUa ",VOII by two Pal ... linian Jewish groupo-the lrtIun Zval Lellmi. Or National Military Organize·

He Screwed up the

Middle Em, but He Mi&ht Still Sa.. tIM World


n 2001. ~ body 01 Sir Milrt s~ W:II

I\lrl$ MId ~ pil~ 01 ~ 1919 ~Au~vlMwm

t .lrKl<'d. Sdtnlrm hopt ~ riM rN)'

htIp tIwm proriJ« I Q(cint ",I~' the tMlt 01 .. Asiin Au ~

tlon. led by Menachem Be(jln: and Ihe Lehi. or I'ighlert for the Fn!edom of 1,,,",1. led by Yit~hak

Sh.mlr-fon:ed the Brillih 10 gI""

up lhelr Manda'e. Th. new Uniled N.tion. v04M1 to . pprov" the "",,,lion of Iwn new

ItllM In the P,I.,Un e Mandale ...... : one Jewi. h. one "'",b. The lawllh <:ommunlly lead"n KCefllMl the UN plen: Ih" Pal ... tin· lin A",b IHden. followlll3 lhelMd of Mufti Hal Amin .1·H ...... ln l. did not. Through Ihe 19301. HII ..... lnl hed IIIC'

oeoded In makins the fighl «giIlnll the JCIW' iob ... nlemenl In Pel... lln" en A",b I',iorily.


Afl er the Brit ioh wi lhd",wel from lo",el in

Ipri", IIMII. tIKI .......... of III tIKI oe!&bborl", Arab IUt.. ln~ed. dee ....

mined 10 IXti",ullb thto InfltD! lewiob It"'". 11M " ....11, _

... lIzed

u..1 by drlvl", 001 Ih. Britilh ocx:upi ..... Ih.,. would I..y. u..m...l..... ....... to flJht" dftopent. war of 'UMVai. EDler


Tbe 1...,,11. bid no '"nlul


,,1. fora. wortb th e nlme. lhey w..... m..-

.Ively outn umbered. end lhei. P.I""Uolln Areb rountrymen we ... pool_ tinned to <:OfItrol key Int""",tiORl I rood ••nd Un. of communlce\!on. BUI

Ihe 1.....11. did hi"" olle oecntl weepon none of thei r eneml .. could 1III1Ch:

o.¥\d Ben-Gurion.

Bell-Gurion hid '-en the dominlOt


In Pflll!lllnlan polilico fur I

quart .. century. bul Britllb policymabn ao.d ... en prominent Brltlsh

"WI rompl",.I,. underesti"",,,.d him. They Car pnor..rro.t tho ,leek. 1"'eioua. Ilw"Y'lmpeocoobly dreNed OI.Iohn WelDDfonn .nd wrote off Ben-

Curlon . . . .Iopplly d.-l. llt- ............... l prof_Ion,,! politician. But W"I""",nn hid no _

of govemmenl or 1ln1"IY. M I war Ieed....

b. would blv. been ute!,,", Ben-G."lon . unilk" W.I",,"nn, b.d COme up In politico l he hlrd wly. Pi",1 he hed been In orpnl_ of the 1'.1...· tlnl." Jewl.h llbor movement. Then he orgr,nlzed the mll n labo. 10ft..,f· center polltl""l ""rty In Jewl.h Palutln •. lIy 1933, he w... I.... dy th. prime mlnllllllr In ,II but nlme nfJewllh Plleotl_ poIltlon he would

hold fur

mol' of lhe next thirty yean. In l IMO. he wu In London th""""

lhe wont of lhe t.uftworr.. biilZ. ... d .. .. dyl ... O\urchlU'I chammatlc wlr

l-'-sh lp.....ved him well. In 1947, Ben-Gurion . Ione rocosnl* t"", , lie leWI needed 10 en,,"• ... d equip I full....,.l" mod"m army 10 fisht o/I llI .... loou frocn tbe nei&h-

borin, Arab III' ... HI. canoful pllnnl"ll proved crudilin I""""ldl ... hll peopl" Ib" weeponl they ....eded to _po 'n n lhlllllon, Bul whll. he w i. "llreat wlrtl me polltl",,] leeder, h. WI, I mll ltll)' .Inalou, " f the

WOllllOrt .


Llk .. hll hero Wlnlton Churchill In Britlln during World 1'1", II. Ben· Gurion meddled in openlion.1 detaill .11 Ih .. ilmo. got loll of Ihem wrong_ and


un ..... li.lie and unlua:eo.ful military openilon.

qBiml lhe advice of hu 00.1 milillry command ..... Wo ..1 of all. h.lil· lened I" Ih ... upposed "uper1i..,"

"r American



ColoRftI Mickey Mereu •. who. though I prof_Ionll. wu no mo ... glfted • Ilnl"llill or IlCIleian Ihon Ben-Gurion. Marcul'l folli ... led 10 Ihe wo .. t defe'l In IMael'l hil1ory: the third frontll .... ul! of the A... b Legion',

fortrMl of I.I.trun.

, , , , ,



ow many American. know Ih" Iraq was a eonOli luliona! mOMrchy fur IhIMy.III,...., yea .. U 92!>-19se) end an inde· ""ndent democracy f.... t wenly·.I~ )'''''''? Or Ihal durlna Ihal

Guess what? .1~1QI1

live genocIde "",In'tlllei, own Auy,la" oo'"'"u"ili .... repealooly "",...

demottaq for '...,nly- sll l"'"t1 And I, didn·'....-rri..

mined loo1lna and pogrom. "8"ln.1 tllelr anclenl jewi,h (o"'lllunlll ....

• Tho ShUtes all~

time. democnoticlily eleeled govemmenll waged an [ntema! war of .. rr...:.

and """,.Iud _

police foreet and lorture ellambers .inlultan""".!y

wltll f,..,., and f8i. ulectiOllAT The Briti,II rulu over Iraq after World War [w""n·t. gold~n aga ehl",r. Th. Brili . II importoo Indian lrunps 10 erulh • wld ... p .... d ShU te·l.,.) ul"iaing In 1920: len. of Ihouund. died. They prnvenlcd 1110 Intom . · donal community from proluctina AnyrianJ frorn ,la uglLte, In 19J2-1933. And Ihe democrallc Ira'll governmMI bombed delen .... I.... women .nd children In Ihe viII",... 01 rebe!liou. A,.b troop" I",,!


ill own ""1"' .. lu counl,y wa. tile b",lnchUd of WinOlon

o,urchill when he wll Britain', colonial nverlnrd after World

1'0'.,. l.

Churchill qukkly came 10 regret hi. c .... lion. ma,h. a' ,hu u'lling or romamic and menIally unbo laneed Bri, I,II At.bophll ... lite T. E. I.o ...·... nc •. In World

h"1eo """" iocj •

fenoclous ..,10..1101

1'0'., II, 'he IraqI .rmy,.,.., wIth eagemeu to lIab

gritaln In 'he bed."d loin Nul Gennany. II W,," ' ewl.h PII.,l1imt , later


uprblr>g .g.>IMI In E"!iIltsh·.,.~klng

superpo-orer ,bio, ...mod II> brt"!il Weslm",lyl. d.mO thel. too.InllJ,

• Tho .....11s helpod bIot:k .IIW ukoowr 011'"'1 bef... 'h .... _ eYl'n In


luael. thaI proved the one loyal force 10 Oritain and the AIll ... In I"" MId· dIe Easl. The rnronquesl of Iraq w.. launched wilh .ocratch fo""," boldly striking .... t


the desert from Jeruulem to


All thilisn't

"""'" or .upp""'''''] hlotory. If'luOl hlotory ",o.t people In Ihe IV. t


unaw"", of.

Just like today: A bad beginning An invincible

~:nglioh .• peakin8


fro", a notoriouoly vicious and bnllBI dict.lH.rshlp. lu ...1·

nation Iiberal ... the ancienl I."...itpri... o f

diers am first we lcomed .. liberators and tm. .dminiltratOJ"O of the occu· pyl"ll power con fidently set up ne w, enlightened .y.tem. of We.tern oonotltutional an d democratic government. BUltbeir plBnl am derailed by • f""",lou. popular mvolt that kill . thou .. "do of the lioo..ting power'. toldi ..... , and ten. of thousand. of naUve Inhabitant. d ie tOO., th" v1olenca mgeo. Iraq afle. ZOO3? Of cou ..... But it WII a lto Iraq ullde. the Britilh in 1920. In H;l20. however, the l'9"Iolt asailUt l"" occupying power did not

come primarily from Sunlli MUllim. in the canter oftm. COU lltry but from Shiite Muolimo in the ...... Ih.

'!"roopt of tbe B.itl,h-oontr<>lIed Indlon Army .."a8ely cru,hed the upri.i"ll. The colli


high. Willi"",


Oeveland, a ... riouo and bIolaneed

American authority, putl the d ... th loll at 400 Britllh ... Idi ......nd 10,000 Iraqis, ",ootly Shih .... I..ale. Iraqi "'11"'01'" PUI the death loll much highe •. B.moh policy wal to act ruthl8l1ly alld on a wide. p .... d IaIle a fle. oueh ... rlouo ",volu, and the Shih ... w..,., Cftr1alnly cowed. In fact, lhe Shlh81 of oouthem Iraq mmailled Ih. mool caullou. and politically qui· u.ctInt of.1I Ihe communiti.. '" Iraq until Saddam HUMClln wu toppled ."d Ibe 8Cllvl.t In nue""" of lh" 1.lamle R8Volution in nelghhnrlns Iran finally .lllrted to tHe hold .",0118 them.

-'" -."" . ,.""" .... ....... .~-;.. --:-.~-;.. ~



..... .. . ' ...... " '... . ..

~"."" ,.,



PC Mytb: Dernocrocy Wililrini Puce


mtriunllilt to !honk III ~ f t the ~ rtpnIm of their ...

tory, their pOlItiQI rirIo5.. ind ..tim they I/yt. The ArnericIn nperifllCt of ~ . _ of in"ImoIrllltt from e¥e<)' _ of the word his ltd them !O thInI: like tllil.l'diTblly ~ pOlotltlw ind fcuniI"tI will

ICCUH )'OU of borot!)' If you ~ tNt some PfO!>Ie art not quilt wirtd

for libtlil Otmrx:tlCJ' the ..~ Alllenum f t. BuIlt lOOk me Allltl'lCl" ~ 210 ~ of de,tlopmt,~ ind 1 ~ !ionI!y _ luI! !O ttKII the point 01 ~ wtitf milt idIlt MImct In the \IlO5. Nod not ~ futy ~ ~ m.. AmtIIan dell ...... ' spIi! In two ind fo4toI: tilt IIICKt blood)' doriI_ the ~~...crId hid Mf ~ 1\


6 qIIW IlIrmh !O mo.mt tNt ~ tilt ioOMnI:,. of Iu-cboh of yon' l~tI)l pNCefIA Iepl ind conIIitufionIl de, llapnel. ar\ ~ .... tilt _ ~ tNt took \/110 D"c. Some ~ oIlIdtIaAtI.-il'ltJ-Ot, ilt_~ IOIIIt

Ilri!In 01 ~~-Ib!O dlsm!u the in'9Ot.

01 &.I' 1nt~1ectuIl ind ~ htt~ .... 0..- ~ of ~ ~ from ancien! Citt«t, ancItnI Rcml. ond Ei1:ln:l. 0..- mOtlhly n:I

rhmhtt~cm~ IIIiIttf,

Otn\o(rKy, IS Wlnstc.l 0udW1f~ ~ Is the WOIU

form of po

lmfCiNbIt- tctp( fOfIll the odIfI' antS tNt "- bHn IrItd. In odItt WCIdl. if lIn't perlfCt. WI i6 1 101 prm.. . to the ilttmllivn. III: ti"'oe~

)'OU ar\~ ~ it c.I odItt to\JIIl"ie$ fn;om the auuicIt. Democray netd$1 (ftUin fcuocIItlClll.

TNt fcuocIItIo;on ~ not t,iII ln the ~u of

Mot<)j . _

The poallltm is not tNt Qq..:l it!. Mi60Jf wt 'j(4f'obor1n "'COW"" ibl.-It"1 tNt u.s. poI~ """ bodwtl!d to ItUdy the onl, It.tole Ii'Id





!.IKcelfui form of ~ ~ Middl~ £0..,

~ ~. ~


&uIh Mlmlnilt,ilion poIocymutn fIIldr one II\4lid. ~Ihltic libtfll mol· t~ ..fief IoI'IOthtf in IriOl' tlwy _ put f!lOUlI1 t,oop! in tilt country to ~slc


I¥w iIId orclr<. tilt)' distwded 1M one force tllK could ptKf-

full, hold IrIq to&flhrr-IU IU1"I'-iIId tilt)' put !Iltif !fIAt in an t.i~ chi,· liIan poIiliciin iIld CorMcted crlminil lboul whom!lltif own diplorNtl iIld intfl~

leMa h.Id cor«
Whtn AIwned Chillbi PfO"ed I 0011. us. poIlcyINbn (felted I ridiculou:! con!tiMlon th.It couI~'1 pouibIy worI:: and thit h.Id no COl""ctiOl, with 1M '''il poIitiul f'pto'ienct of ordlniry ~iqis. Thty mt.rned thil fret eItc~

would produce I rnodfrlt!. INSONbit P',Io_t thit would ict quickly 10 Kt up 11 powerlullO"'t"rmtr,t. Thty illI.tIIed lilt IIrod)' powt'IfuI iIId 1IfIt00'.... OI' ...... molm.s ~'t control tilt fI'Il"' poIital fictions in the P¥1iirntnt. Thty iIIOOIed thit poIitiullfOUPl w;1to no tl9f'ience of poI~ic.1


cooNn,,",.,, for forly-five)'Nll wool
prKtice it. No le.I cOl'Mr"ilive would hi"" fll~ for ~ OeIUIions for I ~

Th" Shiite Revoh had 180linll cOIlMlqUftnCM OI' the way Ih" IItituh Ih&)*'I Iraq. Ahhough the Shllt" were . l_dy by far the majorily population in Ih. country. the Ilrili.h ..... 1'1 them oul In th e f'OlI llcal cold for lhe nexl thil1 y... ight yean. up 10 1958. The polilia' e lile In Ihe COtrupl and c"",ky but mc<JHniZllbly demQcJatlc polilical .ySlem In B"8hdad


oJl Sunnl MWlIImI. mainly from Ihecenler.nd north of the country. Mono im""",anl. 00 werelh. domlnanl officer IlOlpI of the new iraqi army The Drill.h aloo enoou'"'8ed the new Sunn! Muslim ,,1110 th.y favontd 10 think In pan-Areh 1811111. Iraq evem ually iolnfld Ih@newAnhLel8ue.

Tbt Brid,h lhouahllhe-)' <:OIJld MIAbII,h I h _I...... lher.t.enda of lhe-

Antol and 10 undoonnine their tndilioMl rinil. the F.......:h. In lhe "'lion. They never puped lhet A..t. IJuoo&hoolI I"" MlddJ. Eut hated the Brill ..-. than they did the ~ BriU,b bad liken conlrol of fir more

IImilary &.ad rlt lifter population •. In 1958, II w.. the Sunnl offiear cotpI.

n urtured Ind prolected b)' Ih, 1I,11I,h for 10 10nl. who f1n.o.lly

kicked them oul of [~. Sunlll Mu~lim control o!the ... lIon Ind lit 011 wM11h 1.lIed I notho. fony·five ,,,,, ..... ntH the U.S. Anny ,w,pt Ihro.,p. tile country Ind a new lI,n"olion of Illnoranl W.tem pollcymah ... d.::lded they knew how to ",make lile country In Ih.lr own 1mif!'.

Democracy In Iraq: 1925- 1958 Complet.l), ,!»enl from IhelUp.,..:.edlycom~IIfII.leuned . and IOphl .. tlcIted u.s. media In Ih' &oleful montho before the U.S. Invulon ofiraq in Mln:h 2003 wao any ",(.... nea,let olon, - ' - dllCUllion. o!wbat lied happened when Iraq Lut tried denux:tlC)'.1lMnocnt:y wun 'l I polil'

lui Inllblollc IIU'rIl1t~ 10 cu .... Iraqi. of all Ih,l. woeo. Tbey hid enjoyed whl' w..... IU ppoMd to be the bl,.. lnp of I oonllilullonol democnocy. rr-Iom ohpeech. an Lndependcnl ludlcLary.I !_ p..... rr... dernocntlc ,Iectlonl, ond an elected parliament for 11>0'" Ihan a qUlrter of. otr\t~d the .... ulto bednl been pretl)'. Whet happened In the 193001 when Britain proclaimed IrlIq [ndepend· 10' und. It. own .... Ien [with Britlsb troopt .... d IIlldonco nrmaInl"3- of toll_It El
Lreql ,lectlOlllwt .Iected the wond
m.ny thousand. of th~m_ So frightful wernthe klllln81 that the ... wu a ... rlOUI mov" In th" LNgu. of Nation. to try to .-;ind f"Il I"'ql ind ... pend""ce. but It wei blocked by lreq-. British protect.,..., The politico! and milituy hiltory of lreqi "dem"""",y" under B,iti.h

"guidance" i. mind-numbing: it II • bewHdering ...,ietl of Inlfiguetl. co"p" lreao:herletl, ..."oh •. a nd


cru.hlng of one Ifibe a fter anorher

with brulal military force. On Cklober 29. 1936. the flnt mllir.ry coup In the Arab world took

plBee In I,.q when General Sldqi o"e"h ... w the [!O"ernment of the d.y. In June 194 t. BrllI.h fo ... In lreq who h.,1 juAl foiled &l\OIher cou p p!&nning to ally lreq with the


Iide stood hAck powlvely while fru ..

t,.Ied young lraqi...",y om""... led their fo ... 10 kill hundred. of Iraqi Jew. and dOlpoillheir community, Repelled Anb tribel rebellion. were cnuhed by the Britl,h..upponed

regtmOl duriog thl'perlod with too utmMt .......,;ty. The British. it lhould

boo ... membered. ruled Iraq d irectly for fourteen yean. from their military conquest In 1918 10 1932. And they rn"""o"" the f'fIIll pow"" in the country

lNohlnd • l u"",,"ioo of puppet government. for the next


yean un1l1 1958. But In.U that time. the... wu .IAO. "",rnt police. The ... we ... tonure ch.mbe .... The ... wu tbe cru.b ing .nd d ... poiling of minorlll .... And there w..... the unpredict.ble \en'On of the llaghdad mob. It took thl, level

of brut.lily 10 "",lnl8ln in Iraq Ihe . .""mment the British fovored.

A Jewish bilse for the Allies In IIH I . the Iraqi .""y. wbich the BrI!i.h had ,.1-' the"'""l" .... ,,"volled

aga;os' the Brilith and kided them out atth" height ofWnrld Wult. The only 10yal aUy they cotIld lind ... ywbere In the Middle Eas, wei the lewlib community in Pal ...tine. nr Ihe Vi.huv.

General Erwin Romm"l waS running rings ""'UIId tbe Briti. h in thu Ubyan d _ at Ihe Hme and Will threatening Egypt. ThilleO the IIrhi.h. al","dy .1",lchQd thin, with almoot no forceo Loft to "",l.im Iraq, The Arab Legion, which had OOen lovingly grown for IWO docadeo to """,e a. the maill ",liBble Arah army loyal 10 the Britl.h HId 10 onforoo their wlll throughout Ihe Middle £151, ..,ml,,,,belled an d announoo(\ they would nOl march "lI"i nl t Ihoir own brethren, Allhat mnmenl. Churchill', hinge of fote wu owinging wide. If Adolf Hitler had not OOen "" Itul'id a. 10 ... nd hi. elite parall'OOpa and other airborne uni t. 10 be decimated during their conq .....t ofC",I<., he could , im_ ply have OO"'n en(Mlgh of them into Iraq 10 wipe Iho floor wllh what_ belated foreos the Brili.h coul d ",,",pe 100000her. At that momo"' . befo", the Nul invuion of the Soviet Un ion, the Luftwaffe "".ily hid Ihe ClIp"bility 10 do Ihe job. But what crudolly turned Ihetide 111100 British favor WM , .... thlt AnIb Legion ofTran.jordan a nd the Sunlll-led Iraqi .rmy in which Ihey had

Political Scientists and Idealistic Drtlmers Gone Wild "1rJoq r«d!. to ~ libtr~t«l-liIlffOlt«l from bIa pIin1. E-,. lome people ~­

tione(l il In rhf ~ flW yNft. ~ w iU 10
WIIIJ. """""" tIIf .t.rltb-IVifli conflict, ~ ItCtntly llIf w " qoiml t ..""ism ¥ld 01 n'IOdtI of

dfmoo"oq. Thot's why ~11 tIwIo! millOibs I,e mide. Thfy'~ ....or bf<:_ IfJoq is .IWJ)"I inlOt""ln'!'1 mind tIIf (If\! "

' " 10

-t!linc O!iw."

Ghusu Sa....., l'OIitiI:.1 .clvisof to IIHlsirwoted Un~ed Nilionl t.p«i11 ..wIlY ~io VOtira de Mfll0, quoted in The ASSOSSWlS' Gor, by ~,e


n . hUlicallyllOCOrnd G. ld.l. tbe Mld . 11 Ea. l

lavilohed .., much In""'tmf:nl and pride. It W"", half I million troublemak. u" thoy bad grown heartily lick of: the Jewioh community of Palt!ftin~. The flriHl h we .... Mble 10 mUlier a hulily ..... mblilld fo..,., nr Iheir nwn ....... rve lronp •. Areb Lesion force •. and jewl,h pal".llnlan voluntee ... o..c.u ... ill 11rel"lllc ta'llBt w""' th" vlt,,1 Hl bbanly.h air booM


B"IIhdad. it w.. ""lIod Habf""",. Th"lr column of only ,I.;< thou!-and

How Irlq's Last DemocriCY


men Itruck out Kmol the d....,n from Pale.line as-inl! ap l'lren!ly impo..,ble oddo. The hastily


IIghl .rmorl

mobil" infantry force wu enormoully

"lhr rfttM~ Ifl wit firSt cut off. MId Itltn his 1111111 MId If&!.; fIlty _ thrown to IfIlUPS of

outnumbe.ed by the lre"i Irmy. now openly B. ilain·, enemy and Hltler·lllIy. In b.ie' but heny fighting. H.bfnn::e turood the tide. Th. British .--tabU.hed the", ... ly". oye. Iraq. But It bid been I

sIcIt of lile ri"!!. the body wI! no n"IO:W Ilwll bruosed MId mutllmd tnri. ... What Wi! Itft of

Pflrol nllf! 00 fire. 1M brurlt rfmIlIlS bfInc thrown ;,uo the Titrls.·

cl.,.....run thing. II we. the



Nidi ever got to ...[zing control of th" oil wealth oflhe Middle East

Aft..,. the Brill put down Ihe lIN 1 rebel· lion, Ihe


didn't 11.1\ much longer.

EYfIII the Brilioh Emp[re could nUl forevet keep the Haohemlt". n" the fictional throna [n Baghdad. On July 14. 1958. ' mililary cou p Inpplilld Ihe m",archy.

TW""ty·fo\.r-y ... ,...,ld King 1'1[ ..1 II . BI""lI with hi. grandmother. lunt.and

uncle. were ola.ushlemd [n """"pll"",lIy grioly circum.tances.

~·i ... t


W,,", machin&-gl1nned by one of the nffian canyln,g out Ihe coup. who Iller ... id he wal In I -"ale of madn .... - whun h. fired Ihe tlllllb<>ll.

Then Ih. body of the yoWl3 1<1"3 w...... h ... d



Th, b.... I.1 m.uac......-on. pu with lhe Bol.hovlu' IJ."",lor of lhe aar·lluallr-nded. IwMlly......·,.... eno 01 oonolLtullona1 democncy III ... Independenl lrwI. Vel In the monlbllm.n>adlatoly before ...d ,n.lhe ZOO] U.S. In .... lon

or lrwI. 1M NllOtIlkm of I

Hashemite _rchy 10 Iraq wll aclu.oJ ly .-\.

oully propounded In Americon inlalltM;t...1 jotlmal....d w.. r.vorecI by IOIntI 01 Iho moll Influentl,1 and powerful polk:ym,kllJlln Ih' U.S. 8Ov. ernmenl. No one ,hed any I..... lOt lhe Iraqi U ..hemlt.. onco they wo .. deld ... d 80.... Colonel Abd .1·Ka.im Quim. who led the mlllliry coup Ihll loppled flltel II . WM I widely pop .. J. .....'" beloved fl ..... wbo WM kindly _bend Ioaa aft ...... _ depoaed in I ~ coup and u-. ueculed hlmMIl'.

Where Americil went wrong 11M fovered .... n can ay .. loud Ind .. 10ftI .. It wilh ... bul no ...""iblo

penon will bell_ Iblilhe IIUlh edminill..llon Invaded Iraq 10 ""rich lhe oil complnlu 0110 dill"':! AmeriClOIU from olho •• dmlnl" ..,lon ohortcomlnp. U.S. polleym.":1IJI we .. onllmly Iineelllin Ihel. boollo'lhll Ihey could Ind ",ould b'; ....lIbl •• pro-W.,tem democracy 10 Iraq fol.

Iowl ... ,be loppllnl of Sedd,m H_In In March 2003. Ib,fOId 10 hell It In~ JHI>'ed wllb ""'" Inl""11on •. The roed to 8at,bdad _ ov_leld wltb • ner......d overly dwi lebl. wi.", 01 the 11 011

lnfl uonll&l poupi In Iraq. The But.b edmlnlllnlllon', pI ... III quickly 81W>1.\.sh demouw:y In Iraq J\umbled hMlly ......... Ibey .... t1y un ......

timIoleci 1M Inl,....lsetn ........ phiWc:aled. and ..,tI.W..I.." ... t.... oIlhe c:om~il1ll communIU...

In 2003 Ih. United Stl'" pUI only. querter to one-lIf1h of Ihe l.nd fore .. In to Iraq Ihll went .....ed 10 proM",. Itw.nd order and prevent an Immedllle coll,pM Inlo Inarchy. Olsbo.n d l... S.ddlm·1 ,..red army


WUClIlnI w.. anoth..,. mi.tAb .... ultln3 from mlspllloC>!ld hllmAllharianlsm. The", w.. no ot .... r force to fill thell"P on . hort notice. and m&IIy of S.d· dam'. fonner officon became the .....11 of the new Sunnl hIIU'll"""y lhat no pidly developed. w uhlngton policymabrs oboeued . boul

rnflin3 an

'i dOlI " and "boJanced" constitution for tr.q and a polidoro ... machinery of po" ula. "Iedion. and "arl iament"'Y "meedu.... ...·hile tltey ignOntd tlte

bulc i.. u... of prodllClng enough food. fuel. """"l ine • ..,d other economic n"ce..iti... and gu.rantooing I lu fficien t climBte of llw and order. Thoy thoughl the 60 pen:anl ShIIte communl ly could nopldly be <»opted ehh..,.

by ch.r1aIQllIli ke Ahmed a..labi. ",ho ...IV.... commandlld My lignifioonl popul.,.IoIL",.,lng. or religiOlll Io•• de .. like G....nd Ayatollah Ali . l-Siltllni. who played W.. hlnglon from the OIlrt. They neve. dreamed lhat h·aq·. Shiit.... ~rh ... ded by rapidly organizing n.... mi liti .... could develop .., qenda of their ow"-(m,, oontral)' to U.S. interest •.

Why Western gOlfernonce doesa', work ,here Th" an.we. to this questlon_hlch Hem. 10 Mve 85C1ped .uch proml· nt'"t wrile.... Thorn.. Friedman and Chari.. Knlulhommer-wi. Ihll lnoq l.n·1 the United Sl8t8l. Or .nything lib it. o..mocnocy oou ld work in Cennany and lIaly .fter World 1'1.,. II bea "..... for th,..,. quarte .. of . cen· tury from the tll60l on",.rd . lhen> h&d boon I

'ree p..... rme I"'rliamenlS

(oven If their PO" '"'' "'ere IOmewbat limited) .•"d free el edions in thOM oo .. nlri.,. burore Ihe r ascl" luen"".. oflhe 1920. .nd 1930.. To. lesser but rtlllllgn!floont degree. Ihe .. me ",.. true In Ja""n fullowlns the Meili R...tort!lon of 1869 .n the WOly to the mllll8ry ....... Inatl ..... Ind effec· live talr.oover of tho 1930.. B.. t I. we hlv. _ n . during the fony y...... of Brili.h p .... nc. from 1918 (and th" twe nty,o;l< yeo .. ef oon.W .. tio .... l dem<>

and tort .. re chombero. And In the thll1y·fi"" ye&rl of th" Second Do·.th Republic from 1968 to 2003. lrlq w.. I totalitarian Itate of the mOlt

extnlme son. Before the British occlIl"'tlon in 191 6. Iho", bad

ne~ er

/; .



'-n Ihe ollghl""t

"'mblance of modem polltlC/lI Cll itU"" In Iraq-In s lrikillJl conl .... , I, for example. 10 Egypt.

The Iraqi concepllon of polillc. wu tbe oaJ1le merei ]..... w;nne,...la k... Il.

k ill~ .. b&-

A look You're Not Supposed to R.ad

TM Chatham I-locM VmIot! ood orflfr Mid. . [OSflm Sn.dfs t.,- Elit ~it:

Chiu&o: I•., It De
killed . ~ero-Sum game Ibat Lenin .ummed up u "Who/ Whom. " You won either "Wbo"-t ..... ubjecl of the verb, the ~r.

Ihe v;climlur--
objecl o f Ihe


Ihe .,... Ive vlctlm helple." 10 defun d h lm ...!f from

whalever tbe rul er did 10 him . The contempo .... ry u.-bon 8<]u l".llnl of Lenin'sld_nd lraq's


be "gel


8et got."

Thl . wasn' l 'n AmeriC/ln concepllon of polilia. It ceru.inly WU O'I • liberal one. But it wu Ibe way min"" had . lways worked In Iraq.

After Saddam: "Beller TIberlus" A " 'IM old Mllotl.n once N ld . "Belle. TIberius lb." • commlU..... " TIberill, wu one oflbe worsllyranu in tbe biltoryof tbe RornIn Empire . • od Sadd.m Hus... ln mad e Mm look llke Mother TereN. BUI rille In 8aghdad by tbe "commlUee " l)efunse Secretary Dona ld Rli llUf.ld lru"lIf1d tutIlfId oullo be far wone. Saddam bad been tbe grootest kJll er in modern Arah bi"ory. He had unl_hed two major wars of "lIII"'"ion••1I..,kln8 Iran and swallowing Kuwait, He had lnnlcled monlt"",. atroclU"" on his own people. The on Ly tMn8 he wasn't 8u llly of w u Ihe c.lme tbat predphatfld Ihe 2003 U.S. Invasion IMI firuUy look blm down-funding or other involvemenl In tbe plannl"ll or the September 11 . \I..,Ito. aull""1 end Ibe Middle "".,

we .... vastly man> dangerous p!a<)ef aller he fell than they were durina bi, lut twelve years of powe •.


Tho original_mem by Prealdem George H. IV. Busb. Secretary of Sla!e Jam_ A. BIlker, naUonal """'rily adv;oor Brent Scowcroft. and Ceo-

Mal Colin Powel'-->e oft .... Mol nAtional ~ily II"""" in mooem U.S. hblo~o

l&lve Soddam in power In IlIIghdad was sound. This became

very cI ..... a fter U.S. mllilBry fon;M finally mO"ed inlo Baghdad for an extend .... Itay in Al',il 200J . Saddam In power Iuod been an e fJe<:li,'" bhxk On the [ranlan,. Pretol. doni Ronald Reapn. Secretary of Stat8 Geo'l!" Shultz. and the ir MlioM] """"Uy team. had nocognlzed this cI ... rly. They""w that [ron wu incomparably Iho "",,10' long.term Ih"wu to Ih" United Statee--o.nd to \.anI"l for

....;:. ..;" :-i'••;>~;<'o;-~...........:;:0 :>~-'~7' No,~~::-:"-'.-;:-....'.--:: .,,, ,:.r" • - __ ....... '- '.' '" _" - ... - '~. ' .. ',' ....... -

PC Myth: Democracy GUirantees Hu.... Ri&frts

"""J"'"N' ~ Jl'l(llWchy MId itt p¥I~! diO'l" pro6,o(e ~ moder· l

ilt. cmlizJo'C, iIld rHlrlIinfd lnflllfl1Cf CI:lmtitulionilll'lONldIiK irt

tho! prO()frt)' oIlriQ'l _Ifnt jrMIh cOflYl'U'lily ( _ tNnlOO.OOO IfrIlI'lCl ....1 Ktuilly CilIifd out ac(ordinc 10 porlil""ruMy ond (omtiMianil propriety on I

lintl. day In Much ItSI.

Fir from bfln(inC peac •. dfmocracy In Irlel pinl<'fd ...iI. The CCJI'I'1If!-

lilt &rCt4lI in Irlel nOlll 1911 to m.s 1M tho! dtmocmi< proc~1 only ill I bi,lie TI'irouah which to wllf tho! InItlMions 01 powff n:I tlwn wield m.m



ruthleuly i&ilnlt f¥ffyOOf .b... In roNrly llilf I crntl.oy Iin<. tho! ~ 14.

I9Sl cOl4'. oothtlt his d\intfd.

J' h


lhal "",Ut.-fte. IAq·' poIenlLoolly alutroplilc Duel.... poI,oliel had

!.en .w..1...,..,..t In I'" 1981 I_Ii air forot ..Id. That w.. why lhe Bu,h I_m becked lAq 10 \be b.Ih in ill 198G-1988 war ...Jnll 1t1U\. Saddam wu Ih, only Ihil\ll IloppinS l ..n from 'Ieadlly Ipl'Md l". hi inflU(lOQl Inlo I...... wilh iI, 60 percent Shih ...... lot\ly popu l.I;"" . ... , lonsuthe I..... &Ille """'.Ined st.bl, ... d domlMted by h. Suno l minor· Ity. Ihe lranlln 1.lem ic ~wolu ti o n'riu w.'" hlocked . So fn....,,,,, was Saddam'olu'lly """,,,,,d llI1lu\.lldon dlar lhey were cru.hed In



revoh thaI Ib, Shill' m'io,i ly of the ""ulh would ,,01 d.", defy him. When old Gnnd "'yaloll.h Mohammed SIodlq .1-StId. w., murdered

.1..... DIIrI.lnlyon s.ddam·1 orden In 11199. there wu Il0l. whilper ont of the 1.....1 Shill, .... jority. They knew whet would hepI'M 10 lhem.

Bul ontl\I s.ddam -110M. It WIll • very dlff_1

"Of)'. DoooIld Rullll'

'-Id froze lhe SUle aep.rtmenl .tbfl CA. end every oth.. pori of the U.S.

"",emment ont of runnlns Iraq. BUI lhen he ... d hillop ...It dldn'l bother 10 do lb. lob tb,,,,,,I...,..

... "'" body of younS democncY·lontl"'llldeoIOS ..... non. of whom ,puke ..... blc." h.d ewe. li ved In. lei .Ionl Iludled. lhe hlolof)' of Ihe Arab world. we.. nown OUI \0 Ih, G,.,.,n Zon.: the comfortable. SI.... bucu-equl pped encl,Ye In Ilaghd.d from wh ich U.S. lon:eo "'led..... t h~


QIo,ill lon Provl.lonal"'uthorily (CP"'I. lhey i""",ded 10.,...\". a1tution for tr.q . "d doo;:ld, how the cou nlf)' • ...,..Id be "'led. 1lIey made

1'- btI""i". 8 rhloh Em I,I,.. look competent. Banking on a hank swindler Rlunofeld', pollc:ymak,," bet '-vily on . "'Mllhy Shilt. lraqlld ..... lurer ..d "'ile who had '-n convicted years beftn of IIlMIlvl benk fnud in /Orden. 11 • ..cape
n.."re WAIl "'" th" .lIght"", -.on In belleYe Ihll ... hmed a..,lltbla"d hlo l twll Nlllional Cot~ (INC) w"",. f""", In Iraq. The StaHl UI.'V"r1rn.,n1


and ....-IOUI aA a"..IYIII were .... trnmely sUl'lk..1 of hIm all along. Oul Iheir aa:unolC Bue.. m"ntJ and wuningo w ...... ignored by Iheir gung·ho politi",,1 m... te ... Yel Ihe allum plion Ih.1 Ch.lflbi w.. beloved by Ih. Iraqi


including large numbe .. ill the SUlllli..do",inaled Iraqi .""y.

&hand up U.S. w .. r pl.nnillJl from th" fi ....l. Kum.r.ld even wanted to pi'"

Ihe Inv.dlnK U.S. fon:. down from 150.006-180.000 t,oopllO a Ole", ~O.IJ()(Hj{\.ooo

becoUM he was lOoonvillOl!d the Iraqi .nny wouldn'l fighl

and large "l.. m.. nt. of II would d .. fect 10 U.S. forces a' loon .. they crouM Ihe borde •.

Of cou ...... thaI dldn'l happell. But th e delu.ion Ihat Chat.bi and hi' INC would .. pldly become lhe cr-ed.lbl ... "fIe.l y pro-Ametlun govern .. menl in Iraq died hard . Eventually Ibe CIA IIIther-ed. compe lling evid"nce Ihat Chaillbi rIUly b.... been an agenl for Ihe h-anlan. ,II

That's the Wa,/ It Is

along. and. al Ihe very leall. wal a ... riOUI ....:urily ri.k. They w ..... convlnC«i that he hAd lea ked confldenlial cod". and Infonn .... lion he Ihould nev... line bad to th .. [.. ni ..

am.. Kum.leld·, lIeulenants then CUI off their linkll 10 him_llOUI fo . .. lime.

Even withoul Chalabi. the "aive U.S. plannen in the G..... n Zone ... d lheir palm .. (Ioe ~oe. "1ht~oI ~~ ~roope<1: in "" (haft-._ .......", and Otfwr SIt.dors


col ,nulen b8r:k bome we",n'l


pe ....

twbed. They had Invaded ... d occuplod Iraq 10

rnau it lla f" for democracy. and make


&.tIfe IbflY would. Through 2005. Ihe inlu,,, 8"nll inmeted .. hail of bomb BUKkl decLmOllng II." new Iraqi police and ....:",;Iy force-. Th" new pollee force.

w...... undertralned. po _"Nt dublow loyalty. and Wftf1t lncopoble of oper· aling independently against in'U'll"fl1 ""'-.

Throufhout 1""1, reol pow .... I"n IntI) lhe IMndl of local mUitia. botb Sunnllnd Shilt... Ourin« tb ll fIoleful tIme, theCPA plan.... In Bt,gbdad b;wed 00 emU ...... Ide-I _ ilUlian ..... Jt.q. T1wy mlshl ....... n """"

counled lhe number of ....11 WI could dl,..,. on Ih, h_d of, pin. Wlthou l Iny ..... 1 IJOYtIm"",nt worth tIM ".na. 1.....1. W""I hul\&fY. _

't poold, laded .I""rldly 1",IonS pan. of the dly .... d d idn't evon

h.... "no"3b pJOlLne In tb" counlry with Ihe lIICOn d I....... ' . nd m... t ace",lble rete"'" of Ih e lIu fr on ea nh. Even Sld dlm Ill n ed to look

I!""'I .•nd th."ook 1011\1 doing. Birth of the Iraqi Insurrection Bl!Ih', IdeoolJ.tk edv~. dead _ on mUl... 1""Ilnlo. nte. IV.-Iern. lIyt. deR\OCnCy. b.Ueved Ahmed Ch.allbi when he Mid b. wou.ld be hllply popular..,d ,hat the U.S. Amly would be lI"""Ied .. Uben.lon.

II never Iwppened. Wilhln twenly·lb.... d.,. of !MIIU 01 Ik8hdld oa April e, 2003, lhe.,-t Sunnl hllumoction . .Inat U.s. roo:.. w .. ~y up Ind runol.... ]I ,lll1ed ... , May 1.2007. Ih ....... doy I'Iwldenl Ceorse W. Il ulh dramallcally land ed on tbe nucleat .Irerall carne r USS "'bro-

/tom Linco/" ."d prodalmed "Miglon Accoml,lbhed.- On IIMt doy. U.S. IOld len In the Sunnllown of ~" lLulah ,hOI Ind kmed ,"'Ieen vIolent demon'lriton who were not Clny1na Ii......""'.

Tt.. dead p~"'I'" promptly became many ... From lrellnd 10 India. OIOIhl ... 1OttI m ... emotion. ,lIlme Ind willI" up wld ... p.... d popuLar ... ppon Uke, d<wm '" men ..... 1).. f4''PI, whocu be p..... lbly p. . .. nt"! .. Ih. IlI8ie vlctl .... ofthe evi l occupy!", power. Combl .... thete I..... l'.hle lI_uIN with R.. mat.ld '. ;1lI1,tlltlCl on Iwvt", .lmoIl no vii[bl. p..... ne. on the 1""1' .. reel •• Ind I violent In' ..""nq ,h""ld be Ul*=t..!. .... Machlev. llL "113'" , ml ki"ll people mid 1\ yo .. II fine a IonS a lhey ·....., .. Id 01 yo ... But m.klns people mid II you wllhout

maid", them .&tld of)'OlJ Is liM WOQI ml ... ke In I"" book.. R...... r.ld '.

Penl ...... and IMlr _

CPA mMIto th.t IrII,t.ke In ,pad..

Th" l""'t .nU·Amencen In,ul"TllCtlon In Inq OVM the """I fou' )"IOIn ,~!Id

""h ...... Soddam Hu ..e io.nd th.e moot powerful lnd hlth.rto

rua:alf.. 1conwnUOII.o.Ienny In ,h" Mob world tu.d 10\.t lly f.o.lled twlee. Th. S .. nDII.-.qllnl .. ""ntt "ymled. lWIutrall..,.;l, .... d

betI.... lo .... h .....

the Us..".,..j fore:. th.et had _ily ""Ipild out liM rogular l..-.ql arm)' In IhrMweeu.

",. Sulllli Muollm LnsIlmlCtIon In Jr.q .....ltrllCllld .igniflcant lot... national jlhadl,," to II. ranu, and 0"" ,h. yean tMy ceme 10 1Mb up.

,lgnlllaD' numbet of lh. , ..Idd. bombeT a d.... who Inflicted , h.. ""....1 mayhe", on Shllt. d .. man. and Ih. new Iraqi armed ' orcee. Ou' It dldn', . tll1 tha, w.y. Al Qeeda and OIhe. luch group' did no, lunch ,h. In,umocllon In [..-.q. """ra r>OI prlm.rlly ..... poDllbl. for [tt

arowth. and ....... ""O' up more than. omall mlncrily ofit.tlCt1... fl&ht.... By f.U 1005, Us. military In,,,UJ&enoI_mentt h.1teq had concluded llull the " ..umlctlon had .....chod the Mlf..\l.tl.l.lnI", poInl. E...., [f.U arm .... ppU.....d .. olunt ..... from oullJde theCOU1l1ry could beeut off_nd.

sl ....n

the paucity of U.S. ground fore.. In Ihe counlry. ,h.!

"".... ', "Ih'otely JIOMlbl~h"lmu""ncy wouLd contlnu .. It _ I y the ...... le",,11t Iuod .-:hed.

The Insurgenls: Not just a rew troublemalr.en [n

AUguil 2003 lraqllmursentl killed ,he Unl,ed N.lionIenvoy 10 Iraq.

Serslo VI"I .. de Mello. and Iw.nty....,. memlMl .. of hi' UN .,,« with an "",mnonl truck bomb tbot d"moll,hud th"Can.1 Hot"lln Baghdad . T he widely ... peeted de Mello w., th, hl",..,·,.nklnll UN olfid.1 to be killed In '''''QOUfMof duty in more than four da:ad .... "lbtol ...... "Il lack AUjlult," Crand Af1IlnU.h Mohamed BlKJlr .l-H. klm. the mOil Mnlor



PC Myth: Wt Don', Nttd the lie, lad la'athists ~ eo.li~ion ~I

Auttlority W:.Jd n- ukn (omrol
L ....cI ju$lty fH,ed illlI'I)', MinI itl lrO'lflund ~irc iI OMI'uI ,erltlil from the old ~ to ~Id it. TNt IWIIhooId n- btf!l my; SoiddMn tH'illed 1'»$ ~.b I~ dirt, npeciilly if they ~

him well ¥d _~ rood ill Ihri/ jobl.

But in!.tNd, ~ hipIeu L PiuI &remer. ~'fIlIly on ~ from ~~ ...cI hI\ "",,·hind mtn ......... ~ ~.., ill

the Ijmf, diuohed the I!iqi ilrmy IOld ~ • de-&O'ilthofltillion

orde tlil'l'linilirc ~ who 11M! senoed in the &.I'1tt. ~ from "'1 pOIitlOll 01 offoO.l mpIn" ~bility. TNt OIlS ¥d



<:OI"M\'""r.e yqy to do ~ it will ~1~oI idull$m ill its most ~.


'It.. de-a.'.lhiflWion OIdtr illso I&nOred The p! com'llillClrn. who JOI into ~ willff mff World 'NIl II b)' keeprc

forme. """ibfos of dw /Wi ""'1 ¥0I.fId to fMlH southem Gfmwoy didn't (oIl~ into f.,.;ne iIIld eNol 1ft... 'N(orld W.. II. Fo! Plouon ~Iood The IW~ oI1ht IOIilliliNn Stille:.wry qinHf. doctor. 01 tKln;>m t WOfth llil s.alt is forad 10 jo01 The rulirc piny jult 10 M .UO'IO'fd 10 do hi1 jab.

Dr-&.I'ilthifKiltiotI could ~~ btf!l door with discfimNtian IOld WCCf» [it vowId be hMd 10

ifNtInt it btinc (~ 1m wc:teWully) if po»t -occ~tion inOtiliJolton had fot\Md lOIeIy on !.K~ poIict klilm MId top PoIIt1 offo:iiil ioYoI~ with enforcill !.iddMn's !nOlO! notorious MId bloody initUt~ Inllriod. SO,OOO to 60,000 mtn who wm \tit bnl lrmed ¥d tint t.M'Ifd in Iroq wm illien-

Oiled from the til. forca. tho CPA. iIIld,vly ltiQIS who ttwrw tllri. lot ill with thml And ~ ent~ StnoI cotnmu'Iity ill Centro! Oq ~.lent ~ mt'IUte that Iftff fi&hty.tt.rft yw'1 <J bM& lop

doc. tt>m ..u PIC to Ill! rIC) hope (Of them -' ~ II¥odI of tllfo. 'ltrCfful5lliit~ bmhr~ ~ m his J'OIII'( st~ffffi in ~ CPA dGI·, .. tend to .lend tt.tm thit mH~. kn thfoI. !he)' dqit \row anyltlina abciut nc;. mel


ShIIte cleric in Iraq. and . " 'Iy of hl ••upporl .... '""' killed In lnoth",

devulalinll car bomb .nack. N.' v. U.s. (:OnInlMllatQr1l dldn, pi II. ThOI)' op\""" thai the 11110(:'"

w.... clearly the work of. 1m.1I miAority IlnKlJ comprlMd ov_belm.

lnalr of '"",ignen to II'Ml (fib.). Whllth., dldn ', ...lim walbe' 11'8<1 _ npldly devoIvm, Into u.. "lIe,e of ""tll"'- d.crit.d by Brlll,1I polLt-

PC Myth: W. Don', M"d Troops on tile Ground


Dor>IId ~eld.obIm«I w.mrhl' idN IllllIhe Unolfd Slilft wAd _ rho worId'~ px..t.-p;IMf with .. mnw~.-y

.,.".1ft¥lNIIy I¥r m.n North lorN\" ~ 10 ~ ll'f 01,1 IIOOp'l OI'-wrt!f t, ' __ -poIkt 10 ~ the «utt1J

un. Wt. ¥d t...

~ ~ m. n.mJtUCM doll" .-.d Wftb 1ft.. ~'. '~l WIwn ..

orO' r;I 'iofirc pm:Iio:!obiy fR4IIfd KrOll L1p11d. Rumsftld Vwuged II elf with m.now·' _ t _ l . "ShJf~. WI" old Sir ~ OowblUlll, 1he loo.ch BfaiYl coloniAl poIic:_ wtIo ~ tho ~ 01

m. '919 Arib rioI. in 1'I~11I'It. «dd 11M told Rums-

reid wIW -...:I1wppfn 111'11. f"nI. ~ ..... _

dcIfIt 10 "'10:1. (ritiuI i'lffam.oct\ft, npeoiIt,

irI ~ ~irC (,apkity.-.d 01 prooUtlCll'l fOil:on., orit!I men.-

rnem. ~onm. f'oMion, 1«O\iti) ~ for lilt foI..,...)'HB. ~

the!nqi Pf
{Tht us. AnrrJ. ~ Wdd be 'fj'ifJ.a,td. fIcIoodfd ItI OCCI4lIIion lCIII in ~ ~ ;nj ~I

01 World w.. I.j


II ~ with IfOOfII Vttr ItI oIctotit1l1 the I!IId

Tho _

la II

, ...!IIk

leal pbl!oooopber1'homN


"II. with·

out efhctl ... .,...,...,.,...t, wt- ..... U>d ......

""" IV""PI prolifented elld killed It will , I ltate, u HIIbbef; memonbly ~"I II. wh" .... llt..

A Lot of

Hot Air

w.. "poor. nuly. brutll h.... d lhort."


Th, SUIIII I ""U'P"tl"'_ culled primA. rily from !he 20 pom:enl SUII III minority In Inq tbl t..d ruled the ......t _ . ILIICI Ib.

t:ulCh d

Brill'" CI'\Ilhed the 1920 ShUte .... volt. They MW clee.ty they hed 110 .... U.tlc II.k. In I

"new" Inq wh ..... the Ameriaon . ... _


Ins up Ih' Shiil" 10 be lOp dog_ u...ca"",, R"mlfeld refuted 10 flood tr.q wlth American 1100.,. 10 k ....p II ... &lid order. IlIId becaUH


Thty'cI sit iIIOI.fId in the

Gtftn Z- iII'Id clfbiltf. Wei. I don'l!:now ibou11hil.l.f1\ II)' rt.,. Ard~thefd


dtbtif II '01 month!. iII'Id month!. iII'Id IIlOI'ItM iII'Id montfti iII'Id no;odOrc '!ffQIAd

u.s. militilry COfl'lWI Yftffatl

and penoNl

CPA bead I.. P.ul Bremer had dLobo.nded , ...

injury IiIwJtr ....... 5-,"-,, 10 R.IojiY

old 1,..1 .....,.-which •• ely..... In t"'COUIi' try bed !.eo jUlliy ICOInod of_nlrclty ... d


UIn'OfI.m ru led. New local mlHtlM. Shiite .lId Sunnl . tlk •• l lmed 10 00.1..,.10 &lwe. Mmblanoe of l>rutOlCllun tn thel.

1oc:e1 neighborhood.. The unde.manned ... d O'IIIlIlretcbed u .s . (ure. In lnoq we...... pld· _ .... nl .Iite combet unil ....... h. bell In Ihe ... orld. They we .... no! poIlmmen end they had 110( '-n t..lned .. count_lnJu,....,." They .... pollded to IItec:U end th ........ they hed been tntlled, witb owerwh.l mlllll fil'llpower end aollln,ln . 1. Itrlk.. when th.y needed them . Th.t wei tbe "'IY 10 win conventlo.nel wan. but not 10 win h....rtI and mlndl In I count . ... lnlll 'll"ncy connlel. Innocent people Were inewltlbly killed . od th.lr hom .. d.. troyed-not boaoUM our toldl .... ..... mllrde...... , bul becI.,... ,b.,. w• •• IOldi... n,h ... then .,..,... be.,.... Enry lim. thet blPpened. It W.I. blip palltlal tift 10 Ih.




Thto u..w,..nt. ..... ~lopMI.


w.,.wlnnl", _po<> ""t Iln&I.

hand.clly tltlUfonn.d the .,.,...-tiofUol dynun IQ ofu.. wu: IlmpJ.. old· fuhlon.cl. booby· trep born!,. thlt ... med the rlncy n. .... "Im pmvlo.cl o~pIOlljv. devle•• " Or lED. Thoy .. mploy.cl.hlped chug... I .. d modem e>
''' \.Ji8O
vulnonble. 51001 SeptflmbM 11. Rllnafold'. hMl '-n Ihowend wlth nnlnclel IUppcm by .ymJNIlh.c1c c:.o..g.....- like DO prevlou, Deperunent ol OefenM or ...... In U.s. hlItory. but Rumsfeld ,....... ed moll of II Into ~1.1onuy. Jdeoce. 6ctiorHype. hlah·tech WOIOder .)'tItMIUI orth. futUl't. Theft Wit DO money II flrII to buy .lmpl... t....1 pllt_ 10 buckll ooto thl .1<J.t . nd boltOlll' of U.S. coPl1M1 .. ohl.:l ... in Iraq. E~nl ually. hund ...... of U.S. ...,ldle.. wou ld die or 10M Ihelr llmt.. befono Ihlt ov ...... • Ight wNlIborIou.ly noctifled. Even Ifter III tb_ bu",IOI, however. the . II... uo.. could have t -.. nuned If well·in lentloned pollcymlbn Iuod been _ O:D. wlnol ..s. guerrilla w., ... ther than InttUll"'. bMu!lfullod pure pa,II'menlary ....1IlOCrIC)' lo lnoq. 00 December 15. 2005. they .. o ... Ued thel, prldeend jor-l'nulnely free ... d flir parli.""",tary election. throusJ>outlnoq.

Bombing the Golden Mosque: The point of no return For n..., ly Ih,.. y..... Ifter ln",dlollnoq. U.S. pollcymaken lmpolled l'Idicai. I'OIDIIItlc. li'-a!lIItioo..bul ldl", polldlll on \he hap ..... counlry, elIlonl.. the pl.......... lither eon_I"" or _tiool ror ....ioMJ _ . rity. In truth. lhe people who ceme .. p wi lh Ihe tJrisht ldeu I nd p.... hed Ihem thmush w..... neltber COIlJeIVlllve In I ny mOlliinaful,..m.. nor know ledgeebl e .bout Ihe "",Ion. But It th", wu. ,Inale """"en' lha. could be called lhe Point of No R.cum. It Will IIIITOf ..... Ier Abu MIUIb eJ'Zarqlwl'. filii] ...... _l'Ou . 00 Fehruaty 12. 2006 , Sunlll M.... lim 11lJ...... t. bomt..l "",afthe ......

... cnKI .hrlnol ;n Shiite 1.lam. the I I·Alka,;y" Mooque. Or the Colden Mo.que. In Samarra.

PC Myth: Democracy C~n Solve Iraq's Problems


urnooJt in the IrIQi elections of OKembeI 2(X)S _

hJIIt 10 ptKfnt (I fit hoJher tl>'nOUl

thon fOt ",on U.s. Mtlons~ The iraqi peopIt t.pmsed their flft. dfmcxratl( w~11oud MId

,Ie.!. ..-.d they >OIed for ... mort dIIOS..-.d cl¥~ "'M. ,,"'If nt¥ly1lnt )'fMS of f'SCllitin( terror. suffeo-in(. ..-.d chio!.. the OUI(OIIII' .t.oul6 ~ ~ a prediu.t>it one: the three 11\1111 tItWIic Ot re\1JiOuS &fOI4lS in Iraq-the SI1iit~ of the -m. the minot"ity Sumk of the Cfflteo-. ..-.d the Kurdl of the north-all..oted foo- thew- lf~tio;lr-.lloul poIniYn ~ rm >Its the loiIIle poIttern Sftn in any lfriousIy dMdfd _itt)' Wt ~ suff~ r;MI_ 00- SOIfMM. I«lar~ wife {SlIIMb. Nonhtln RIW. 8o!.niI. ..-.d Lrb.Inon ~ I ftw t~~

Many of the fKlions Mtt
hid !trons ~ to the ,..",1 $hiit~

controlled by Of

~~ t'lfrOt .roup! Of miHt~

IfI'tpl the bo¥d, wr.wtc 62 ptfCf!Il of the 'fOtt. Stmis, dtlpilf brirc ~fofttl of the

popo.tlliQn. won only 8 ptfcent 01 the Ifill in the MW poIflilml!n1. The -.th boosted the $hi. IT~

MId X..ds t..ded by u.s. poI~~1 MId left the So.nIis fetlifJI 001 in the cold. r«lIlin(

the ~ WI <.IenlotrJcy is two wol-.e iIId a Wfp decidifJI wh.lt to hiI't foo- dime.. iIId liberty 1\, _1I·.rmed I¥nb. The Inwrcentl b«ome men popuIir thon rm in the 5InIl (OIII'IUIiTy. MId

tNt ~ them men bold. ~

~t'" fill-"'! somd . ..-.d so did

their M!iliTy to any out

more t'lfrOt IIt. n

u.s. poIicym»:... hid ~y believed the el«tions would wc~ the Ii, 001 01 popo.tM 5Inri so.won for the ~. imttod. it only f¥tled the fl~ The "In" whid\ u.s.. sokIitn., I,aql I«..ity foru!., IIId inno(ent-,..",tly Sluitt-eiYil,,", _e ~lIled lOoI,ed In the month! fol· lowin( the ~KtlOlll.


ShUte mmh .. around the country, e"peda lly In Baghdad, I'NCtod at once with murderous fury. Hundl'1!d . of innOClllnt Sunni. we ... ,hal al random or. even WMM, draaged off 10 be torlul'1!d. Sunnia ra&<:lod by raI· lying buhlnd Ibe In.urgenl. And other militi. group. wilbln their own community. Thef'll wu not .""n an independent Iraqi gnvernment yel functioning in Baghdad to p.otend lt could t.ait Ih. m.yhem. More th&n IWO monlM after Ib, parUIJn"ntary .Iection. America's C_n Zone bUl'lMlucrat. wef'll 10 proud of. tb. oquabbll"3 Iraqi polltkal pani_mool of tbem merely fronll for murderow mliltia groupo-" 'ef'll,llll fir from ......menl.boul • governmenl. And th...., wef'llsHll far too few U.S. troopo on the grotlnd 10 gUI",nl.... law and order and end tbe kllling. Tens of thomand. d ied •• the WI'" of tit·for-III random klllln8" nowed bM:k and fanh. Hundrlldl OflhouNncb of Iraq i. nod their hom ... to find f'IIfuge In enclavee run by mlllliu of thei r own f'IIligiou. tradition.

The powe. of Ihe Sunniinsurgenloin thel. own com,nunily 8"'w, .IId in Ihe following months. the IICIIle of terro..nI>Cu by Sunnl. IV"w by I... po and bouncb, But the biggoar bunefLciarleeoftheal·AIhr!ya bombing ... d Ibe blood· botb. tb.1 followed were th' Shllle mlllllu, Mpecllily in Baghdad and IOUthom Iraq. It wutbey, ... d not lb •• phem...,,] Shiile-llKlgovarumanu Ihal U.S. d iplO/lUIII fnmUcally patched logetber, who lOOn came 10 be 1M .....t power in Sbiite Iraq. Shiite milili •• aoon yetberlld vutiy IDOf'll power t~ the Sunnlln.u •• gonu over had. They h.d strong tI.,. to .lIlhe new Iraqi -=urily (orceo, wblch In .....tlly w...., conlrolle

cablnm mlnlst .... and . bl"" of Ihlny membe .. of lba new Iraqi 1'8fli.·


ment w..... loyal 10 Moqlada al·Sed •. the cheri.ntltlc-


Mahd! Anny re"",lned Ih" ......1 pow"r In the Shih" stronghold of Sadr Cily within Bagh-


:L. -'

A Boole You're Not

t , Supposed to Read

dad_They are allho heart of. lighl network of ShUle mlllll •• ""..... Ihe ..,"Ihem h"lf of

.+.merit... ~rmm Nlloriottl. hM paid

Ihe country.

vl"....lly no ~I~ion 10 the .....k>-IfwM ~~

at W..q in J9,41. "'" tllCtplim i!o

II isn't a civil war; it's a splinter war

How¥d M. Sac;hir'~fllllpfl_ It. MIdtf

Fo • • n of 2006 and mool of 2007. Preaidonl

lMIt ~,!htfs..1914.

$KNr (~ tugh IChoLmhip ... th,

BUlh and hioopokomten l"'-ed 10 deny the obvlou.:. full-fledged clvil

mid. ~ .. ril ire .tylt tNt tr'oIm

WAr"'" .I......dy

the -.11 lit dtIC.ibH (omt coolire 10

..g1"3 In Iraq.

l.ft. Hi. booI:: "I~ ..trl the diff.. ~ mill·

In OIle ... n .... all the p .... idenro men w"re telli"3 the trulh. Followl"3 th"


til.,. ~ip 0.... World w. II ond


,'W:i , ,1ft ond uctlltnt

2006. bombi"3 of the Golden Mooque in

Somam. It wun't


00fI .if ...

c ivil war tbtt w " rag.

1113 In [raq. It wu ... melhln8 far wo ....: •• pllntcr "'Ir. A civil


pitll th" government .[not . faction trying to take pow"r

for it ... lf. Alpllnter war occu" when. centrtllOvemment coU.p .... completely and lou of Hul" mililla. and


groupo immediately alart

lquBbbli"3 Ind killill3 uch oth"r. Splint ... wan Ire the nonn In Thomu Hobbet'l

~I t.to

of nature. ~ Thoy

ofl"n kill more innocenlllthl" ciyi l w.,.. do. beau ... killi"3 i. random IDd done by lou of diff""",lgroul'" and beau ... public ... rvic .. like electricityand hoopitalo te nd to coll"pH. In April 2006 I coined .noth.... phnt ... to descrihlt the kind of war the U.S. armed fo""", W"'" fon:ed 10 d .... l witb In Iraq: a war according to

!Ie[!"t Ru[. Or lI
TIt_are th" rul .. thatlPply when national armi ... occu py["3 fo...,... or [ntemational JMlI'C'lkoopon try to maintain order alld lCCurity and try


);''::S~:::~;'':\;':~':~~'':~;::~~::~;( ----------~

PC Myth: Kill Zvqawi .... W. Win


n )uno 7, 2006, .t.bu MuWlII-wq.awl '"is killed by I JUtision U.s.

,;, u,i~ on. "'JIPOIfd I.lt. house whm! he ~s plott,", fNYhtm -' !he r...... Hi< till.,. w;a. I triu'nph for tilt '-I'p/me
hit dut~ Wool no r«Iuction in !he insI.r"rocf'
bil,tiH to elIlI)' out Idtwol bombiull iVins! Shoile dvilft Ther. wm wily This ..is W. ~ WillS I r..... eof lhe bnd ofIf!I fco.ro:l in .".i-<;oIonio! ord prill"

importlfl! rN!.OftI

WoIB of !he poll! (tf1tury. He lOti 11 mrr
kiIIlna MOd his bloodlust ''''''ltd Itliow Muslim. ~illty Wit ... fIvNt· «oM to i50ble !he Ir6iI"IfIlC)' by "lObitil" tilt $hitl! .......111 in Iroq. wt.ch ~

tIYff lirnts tM popubtion of Ihf Storni$. w","wi .1", prioritizod "nom

00 U.s. loren;" I'~ .• Z~QIWi·.

""'ep: polity !h.ot hist~ tin own Ormiw.

dellh immfd~tly IIIide heldline!...,ound !he world. But !he

ItwI of .n,itOoo inflicted on U.s fotcnin Ifoq b)' x.m; ~t\ ' ..... inod hi&iI. iIIld the ilmrCt"lI wm ~ to ~~ ~ thr (~ty ,.to!'

.....,..,. dod tilt lKtal U.s. WC(ftIe ipll'llill Q.edI witt.. nq fl~ to qtI"Il tilt inIIqt<'qJ Pirt of !he _ i\ tIw 01 0-10 ord in oIliH hid oIrudy

SUCCHded in pIoi'<'triirc thr (~ allroq', rm. dtmacrillcilly "'KIM

Pf" ..... ,lS b)'!he linr u.s. form could ..... rul inroad!. itolins11hem. The U.s. 00srnl0n witt. ~ nmbo1_ (OMliMioNl prO
w.," "' h.... MOtJ:CIt ffl~t U.s. ~

-"" .....


---,. illltd IJOC$J II) ~ .... Ind order. As I


01 ~ tIwft cMIiIn

piWi"'IfI«j 01 Qq ~ .", &QWOOtS otditIolr!J Thry _1NbIt II) dtllwr bmic ""OInt ..... ' 01 rellibk Sff"rito-s to I ~ portion 01 ~


E_ In ~y ptlceful Shi,tf lllijafity jOWO\'in(K KfOI.IloOU1"he
kaq. ~ lO"f"O'IfI~ 10ft" opo!Iltf In illiMKf "I!tt-o< -' 1IIf wfftflllCf

01- 1 pl\clM:ri: of Shi'lf miI~its lhM !hey do tIOI (OIUrd.

KlIIIo:1: ZMqnri~~ tome nut tomdirc 1IIf "Ii ~ iI 0IrdI_ II!\Ie TIw onIJ.01 "'" !hot IIIM\ arm of ~ Sum 0Ki\1IOI(t. a, TIw tlmf ZMqnri _ kII~ he"IQI fnI--. eqJIk In I ~.. co.!'toon 01 ...1AmericIi; Stmi miilillfOUPl. And when brQMI wc~ In PfO'I'Okrc ill ~ Shiilf rNCtion Iftl!f ~ iI·AskMOJIO Ixooubo" he ~ Ion lAl....lf ItrlttP: pi at ...... Qq ~ lhoooch ~ lU.-pdfd dttnoc:m~ paIiIitII piO(m.ll_ IfII"4)I", 10 ttrilM TIw Qqi people -auld be "at~ W IYd ffftd TIwm 01 thfi< brutil dictator Indlhat democ'K)' ind The pn:otr"Iiw at . brichll!f fut\n wooId _!\tim "'"" bit ·


lemm ind l,lbaHsm. b.ot wch hopeful Orums "II"IIIocM!Ktm.tl'd" I~ hql Ul. crJIld u.-'~ In kiq. In itJ ~ wItIt llfqllri ind AI ~

coroIlOiIlfd The rnruy relCW ind fttwoIc paI.1icii Ind PIOIiMJI.-y tNllllrsoltlwCOlrtIJ ~ Gtor,e w 8usII. Vlcf~ (lid:


0-,. Ind DtfenM! SKfttIiJ DonoId Ro.msfeId remained conrincfd rtwI COl"« ~ ....8

Ivotfd down Ind killed Ind II o.tda·1 operaIionai com-

fiIItId 1\J\ICt\Or'f _1II'IIIhfd. ...... ~ So.nII inlY"JeICY..auId to I 'If Ind ~efIoI. dttnoc:mIc poIiticiI pnx::~ ..auld 11181 ~ In ka!4



dkI 111M IIIppfn tho! - t


no. I'IIII!Leally 110 _ GuIde t.


Wlddl . Eut

t., p ... vent the mas~ ofth ..... aando ofl'M'ple when the centralgovem . ment has totally broken down. Beirut and Belf.,t rul ... apply when sec· tarian·hued mHlllol h.,ld powe. in naHon.that have .l ...... dy I pllntered 0<

frtIgmented InlO conditionl of ci"il "'... They Ire whit U.S. soldle,.

now fow;e in Bogbdod.

Why th e surge couldn't tam e Baghdad The... we ... many ......,n, why the much h ..... lded 2007 "'"rge- of U.S. tl"OOP' In Iraq. foc!Ioed on Baghdad, could neyet hi"" wo. ked. Owing the firat few month, of the,urge. mllllll l
lignifico.ntly. aul l i tho ...... time. Baghdad £.til eve. m<>re lightly under the oonlml of 0 web of "iolenl ShiHe mlliUas while Ihe Shlil....oomlnaled natlonalgo"emment

w ,"

l ively compHcit In Ihe

.Im" ltaneou.ly powe.l ..... to ,lop it Ind INI-


"nd In Ihe lummeT 0( 2007, eyen., ,,10-

lence Will dropplOJl ro pidly in "nbar Pro"lnce. il waf rili"ll ogoin to ilJl old levelo in Baghdad. Th. , utge I I", demon.tra ted lhe fu illity of IhOM armchair llrategllli ."d " worrior'" p" ndilJllnd politicians back In the Uniled SIIII ... who hod IIlked


glibly about "unleashing" the U.S. ormed

r,.,..,.. to bring MCU·

rlly to a ,gIIdad. for neithe. the Amerlcln armed fon:etl not the ram.h..,lcle Iraqi parliomcnlaly-democraUc .yotem that U.S. lutho. ili ... Impoled On Iraq could

btlna pMOII. P""pllrlty. oecurily. or basic 1JUl11',,",ed d.o.lly ",...iem

to the Iraqi capUal. f or th_ 1fII'VIcct, Ihe I'M'ple ofBeghdad In 200II and 2007 came to ...ly on their I>I!lgItborhood militiu. Like the mafia in crimo-

ridden dUM of old . the SlUile milit ... boca ..... the .....1go-;
" nd whan militia fD""" Irn d .... ply m<>ted In th.lr own ]OQ] commu· nlty .tro",hold, and .... _n by enough oflhe ir inh.abltanUl IlIlhe oom-


mu n!!,... defenden . ..... .,In.t them I. _n ....... ,...Inll Ihe .nll ... community.

"""* ......

n..t II 1M I1i&btmare ..-ario U.s. .........t fad .... In &,gh. did In I"" 0.-;.... monlho of 2007 wb.i fon:.d to light • <:ampalp 01 anni· hllatlon or ~1or1 .intl the do:ntlnanl Shille militilotlin &,ghdfd.

In theory. by buttl .... up militlu. U.S. ",ldlM'll ... ould "" canyl"3 oul I'" ... or~ of the demOCfftic IJOvemment of llllq. and Ihul 1101"3 the people'l will. In Ihe people" eYII. howeve •.• '01'1111" occu pying fOrQ! WU w.nil\jj ,...Intl Ihe only In",!UlioM holding their oommunltlN logether. Tba more U.S. llrepower .nd mil1l ...y ron:. "..... ,,&"I nlt the mllili_ and the mont clvUl.n u.".hleo COl1<;C)mllfntly Inlllctfd-the more the Shille pop"iallon ofBafhdad wlHlld t.:ome bitterly op.-ed 10 lhe u.s. p.... nce. AI tb, conflict etefllled. U.s mlillary '0"- would !.:ome ....""111. . .nd bell. . .. Thelnoql SOvemmelll_ .........""nt In little more th.n n.m_1 beol ...lHIld Iry to help Ineffect".lIy.• nd" ... onl

could _Ily become. <;C)nd"U for InlelU.,_ ",d .. bot ... on ""...1, of lhe SbUle mi lilllll. The U.S. Anny hllto,lully h.. h.d little ""perl.nce of Ii.,. CIOmpl""i· tI ... vlcloliinou .• nd ononno" . aosualTI .. Ih't fuLl ._Ie II""" lighting In .n ,,!'bin envlronmenl can 8"nerole. AmoricenllhlHl ld pnly Ihey_ ha .... ' o leArn.




he MlI.llm n.tlon, of th. Midd l. EDt look an itnvonbl, lum

Guess wbat?

IOW.rd ..dlClllllam no! in the tenlh .,.nlul)'. not ane. Ihe fan

• I\l0l01 bIo_

of Bochdld to lhe Moncols In the Ihlneentb .,..,IW)', bul In 1979.

n.. ~II)' .".."

w.. A)'1IlOnab Ruhullab Khomelnl'l I.Lamic Ilevolutloo In Iran and bl, .lICCeUfuI d.na".,. of the Un lt.-d 51 . . .... Two oIh ....

....ml. fu.ledlhe IMnd. 51...,. 1973. tbe Saudi mOlUlrchy hid beau onak.

I", .uch hup 011 pmn"lhat It could alford to uPOI'I radlClI V... IOM of It, own fundamenlelill Wd.habl v...lon of .. lam Ihroushoul Soulh and SoulhNJI A.le. And aloo in •tan Inspired

19 79.1h~

Sovl"l InvB.lon of Afglanl.

""",n.l"" U.S. edm in i,lnllonl. OemOO:"II~ and Repub-

lican .lI k• • 10 fund I,lemlll mujabedln luerrill.. In Ih.l. d.n." .,. of th.


The wisdom or Prince lurid The new. radlco.l. and un-islamic ...ture of tIM modero w.... of .. Laml .. tenur _

."plalned In Augwt 2005 by PriDOO Thrir.l aI-Fal..l. It.. r.::nr-

'-Ior Saudllnlllllpnco. TUrli. who hod ........-d foralmool four yea ... Ih<e k.Inadom· ..... baaador 10 Brltlln. told I worQhop In London tbal the ."ll'IIm" 111.ml.1 lerrori... WUI'II IM p lied by non.lslamlc cult p.ychoIO!lY. lie "sued Ihal th " _I



tItk1J )'ND


• .......,.Caneri l\illdllnlj • lilt

,- ......

crhillitled tilt rIM of rodl
Tbe I'Dlltlully lftClN'K1 G~l d .l. lb • •" ddl. u ll

nalure of terrorist organizations like al ~ was nol lolunlc. bull'llthM • cult Jnychology thai had borrowed IslAmic Iinguag@ 10 propagala d ..",ng"d m_1I'" and luotify 110 actloru.

-rbl.lerrori,m IIIKII buod on IsI.m. but i. a p"rverted cult Id""I"I)'. Itl followe,. haw~ .bst:nlud IhemselVf!Ol from nonn,1 society ... d from the family. and placed IhemselwftS oUllide of ..... lily 10 fulfill fa"IviOl t .... t hawe nothing 10 do with th .. rual world." Thrkl ... Id. "It I. I l.......nst cult. ",thar ltoon a c1anic terrori'l ""'8Anlullon like Ihe IRA or I:,,.A." Hi. oommenu wem nO! original 0 ..... Many pundits and Islamic schol·

an have made l imita. lKIinlS. Th"y have not&(! thai. far from being I ny ki nd of logic.l exlen.lon nf tradhlnn,llolam, the kind nf ni h ili.tlc vi.,. lence Il1\d mvnlutlon Qd vocaloo by o...ma bin


ond oth.,. I•• kln

to , he ",wollitinn",), ulnpi.nl.m nf IIobhevbm I nd Ihe Muulon Ind Chi· n_ mvolution •. £ rel="nofollow">
81 "'61

Ihe ca ... wilb

Manel,m. are nOI Ihe ."I\IIIIIOOII"d ,uffering. who Ire overwhelmingly p"""""'pioo wilh maki"ll end. meet and securing betlcr liv ... for Ihem-


.elv,," and thel. familleo. They .." the .I i. placed, rootl .... intellectu,I..


the -,uperl1unu. men- described by the 8""'1 nineteenth..:entu,), Run·


Ian 1I0velist Fyodor Do.t""".l:y at being Ihe drl~lng f,,"'"

"r the "",olu'

!ionary movement.


Hri, ish """'"' y .ervl... MI5 certainly Ih ..... Prince Thrld·.a_mollt


Their In)u,ologlcol prom.. Mve prodlClod IMI dangot'OUA. oIien""" "",.


mOre like ly In be recru ited from middl ...d .... unive...




. i,y backgroullm IIwl from m...n . Ium..


But v ' he July 7. lOO5. au iel d" tl(IInbingo In London .howed. the


Brlli.h _urity "''''I..... unlike Iheir Fmnch, RlLHlan , ... d ,......U ooun·


leopana, t.d.ly IInd_Il .... led the poI:enlL.1 _Ie ohIM probLem, After lhe dl.CCh8l)' IbM lI,hlth·bom Mlllli .... of Paki,wll d..,.,nl h.-d set off the bombilMI killed IIfty...tx P-'!'leand ...... nded ..... hundrfJd--.

the llrillsb NCUrily terVices tDIIllipJied their ..l1 .... le of Ibe Dllmber of P-'!'Ie In lI,i,eln coopllble of coonyi"ll oul ,uch allso;Q by. fOlClOT of one h.. ndtfil: from Ihlrty 10 IhrM tboIuand. Prince TU,kl', _menl "",_led th •• lhe Soudlll""C"'rnent c:orroctly

underslood Ihe compl"" Ind serious nal ..... of 1ho " roblo .... Tho)' no
The cycles or Arab blstory I.ooki", I ' m. Middle E1Jtln the finI decide of the IW1Inly.llrs' cenl .. ry, 11'1_), In 1.....1... IM I I... sr- drivi", foroo tldk:lltd"lllhe";oo end turni"llit IfI&lnst u.. 1'0'... ltlild l 'wI,.. wu Ih • ..,ll&Ion of lsi.".,. II I. cerl.lnl), Ih' CIa, II ,b, tD.-teno,iol IUacU of Sept.mbe, II 10 . wfully IlOO.llnned. Ihli l f.natk:lle"Ii·Ameri<;an, anll, W",Iem . and ."Ii· IIl'MIi dylllnlic _ hed through the I'9810n, .nd Ih...... tre"'. bl.m hod become lis driving force. II UI,hl. wu an ucepllonaJ ly 1.1. d.\-elopmenl. \YMI II ulrlordln.ry aboul Middle EI .. hi,,,,,), Ihmush tIM IIrsl th.qUlrten oflhe Iwenlieth century It not lhe dY1llnl1c power of IIllm bul

I...1......IIOI.I.t.eno.. 1.1_ _ ........1.....1.. 1 motiYlltin& forca r",!be M... llm P-'!'I. of the Middle E.II

throutb boIh world WIrS. The ...ltan.....lpho InCaallla·

lloopl....11ed upon M.... i.... af the world to ri. . . .11U1 lhe B,ltlsh £rap .... , None of them d id. The British i..... ined lbel If tbey could pi Shfl'ri' It .....ln of MICCI, the,uudlln of lh. moot MCree! "Iemle holy plac:eo. WhOM line of deteenl wenl bed: In the ptophe1 Moha"",,'" him. Mlf, on Ih.l r .Id e•• hey wuu ld be ,ble 10 pl.y lb. MUIUm Of II hld .... d .".llUllh.Ouoman•. Thl! dldn ', work elthu.,


The only Arab I... der who Itood otrollJl and indel"'ndont through


World War I will Abdulniz ibn Saud. And while he championed a m,,", tradi.io .... Lform of d_rt lllam ...... ppoollied only.o bl. Own

tnt-men .od 10 I"" population of thu Huju waltal roglon of A",bla "'110 h.d had .hei. fill of old Sheri f HllIHin . Ibn Sa.. d never d_med of playlllJl.oy Ilbad holy war CArd ag.oin.' tbe Brit;lh and the F....""h. He wan" ,bat , 'upld. Aft ... World War I. lbe parillmentary

d~mocrac i ...

of Bri..!n and

France. the IUIUon. that bad won the G..... t Wa •. _moo 10 the peopl ... of Ibe Middle Ea,llo offer Ih" besl palh 10 Ihe _ Ioration of Ihel. nallonll Indep"nden<:e. """,,1...1 p ..... pmily. and n.tlonal dlgnily. The charbtn.llilc example and 11Ict:el1 of Mustafa Komal Ateturk in neighbori ng lUrkey

,Ifo '''88'''led thl. wu th" way 10 SO. BUI theo, In the 1930.. th" riM of FucllJl Italy II1d NazI GennII1y teemed 10 h .. mble Ibe ""b..... ed parlli' mentlry democraci .... Al1Ib politlcol l.... de .. we ... far from unlqu" in being Impnoued by lhe Fud.\f; and Ih" Nub. The mlH\lry leaden In tn.IIDy Lalin Americo.n co .. ntri .... in jlpart. II1d even Chiana Kai •• b"k in Ch;nI mad.lh, ... me mi••• k. .


Co.tn.IIl Abd,,1 Nauer"....cee ... 10 defying Brhlln and




SovIet I .. pport In Ih" 1956 Su"z crl.i. con vinced mlllloni of poopl"


_ . th •• eghm th.t Arab IOCllli.m modeled on Ind bKked by th"


Soviet Union wu lhe way 10 80. Naue.·.


flllu," and hllmlll..


lIon with Syril. in Yem" ... and rel'... tedly It Ih" h.lndo of the 11.... lil in


Ihe 19601 helped dena'e Ihalldeot. StobIe Sa'lIh IOCl.1l11 reglmee weren't ...tabU,hod in Iraq Rnd Syria until 1968 and 1970, Rl'Il"""lve ly. BUllhey


proved 1_ than attract;ve to neighboringcountn....


Thl' Arab lOCillist cycle bKked by lhe $uvielf 1.,1I.d .bout Ihlrty


y... ..-from Ihe f1Slabll.hmenl of Ibe SIll" of 1.....1 10 Ih" alart of Ihe


lsllmlc Revol .. tlon In Iran In 1978. Since then. the mlln focli. for the


frull .... Uon., upiraUoDl .• nd .mbltlODl oflhu Arab world hu been fun·




damentali .. r.lami.m. Thll bun'l h.ld a ItNdy """nrd of failure 0.

Tho Truth .bout ..10m

elth .... The ea.ly p .... llge of "'yalollah Khomelnl and hll followers

In Iran was denied profoundly by their reJMHIled military def... tl II tho

handl of Ihe Iraqi anny during Ihe lran-I",q Wn. AI I.... " hIIlf. millien I... nlan SClldiers. many of Ihem iuOl I... nage .. or even young8l". died In c ... zed and fuille luiclde aUacu. The ltcIu. 1 rlgure may even be 'ar higher. But at the ... me time.


new gene",tion of young 1.laml.t. was

wlnnlllJl credit IlCfOII the Arab world. eopedally In tnlditionai lOCiet.l... like Saudi ...... bi •. for their bra very and effoctiven... in fighti ng th .. Soviet Red ... nny in ... (shaniltan. Ironically. Ih. government of P_ldent Ronald R"'8"n Will their moot Imponantlupponer Ilnd lup pli ..... When Saddam H"H

pop"l .. wlnior-h"", thlt

N....... had enjoyed in the y ..... a ft ... Suez. But II dldn', last. Saddam will neve •• ble to undermine or d ... tabilize "'l1Ib 8""""'menu around ,h.. NlSion t .... wly Na~ hIId man·

Whit's a wahhabil

aged to do after Suez. Un Ibe coni,..". not only Saudi ..... bia and Egypt. but even Syria .. Wed to the United Stat ... to con tlin him.


lo .id I~ loOCiftif!. of SI.WO'\'

lb8y had (IOOd .......n to be .........J of him. So

filly la. culturlll prKtkH Ind

s.ddBm·1 pan· ... l1Ib and quui·Muolim rhe!· oric.lIke that of SCI ""'ny before him. feU rlat. Ooama bin Lad .. n did a 101 bette. than tbat when hil


in killing tlmle thoulllld

... merlca ... In I ' ingle day. maulins tho

r .. n-

r.gon .• nd d8ltroyln8 tlwl Worl d "thode Cen' ler mlde him I populv hero


tbe "'rab world. "'U of. ludden.

extnm>e 1.lamilm looked Ii..... I>OTO;c ouo::us. ftory .;n. Since lben . u.s.

Ilunsl'" In Iraq and Israeli miMtepoo with !be Pal8llinlllli baWl _n HIlIllU ... Ize pow .... in GRZa Ind 1.lunllt gueni llu continue 10 terrorize 1nIq.


Ttl. I'olltlcan, IIKWTKI Geldellth Itlddl. EIII

The th ...... t 1.....00 by ""t",mist Islam and It, prolifomoting group" II "err ,.....1 and shouldn't be dilMXJunted. Our plenet" lu t hundred y""" .how ... claarly that "","ceful notion, lOmedmeo d loeounl fringe nd lul"1 Ih"i. own "".11. Nobody baldeo Ihe CIIMI look .eriou,ly the oI»cU/'1l. f..... ding. nlYolutionary .db..... n", of KArl Morx In R.... I. hefono World W.... I. But then the Sovio1 Union wa. c""'ted and the Communill fringe COn·

lrolled the larH"'l llItion on earth. In 1920. i"' .... mi ... ,wept weiland untillbey wel'llitopped by tbe Poles in the Bailie of the Viltul. Rive. looked.....dy to tum Germaoy Communilllnd Iheo dominale Ih" ... t of Euro"". Similar ly. In t923 ... d for y..... 1.10•. Adolf Hitle ...... med li ke nothing m""" th.n • INod joke to the govern ments ofthe world . includi"3 lhat ef hi' Own country. No one d,.....med he would become Ihe gmalesl contlnenuJ conquero • • 1noo Napoleon ... d the mOIl mercil .... kilier.inoo


G8ngh l. Kh.n.


Bin t.&den ·••1 Qaeda and It. related group •• houl d be 1ee0 10 Ihb


light. Ihhey can be COrtllined. ond ihbe nllionoigoYemmenlll commi t·


led to e....Jicatillll them Ire not undennined. the prolpeCl' for margin.l·


ld"3lhem remllo ""cellenl.

. hUltlon 010 npldly chaoga. AJ il

il. Ihe gu.h . dminillnliion '. f.teful enthu.i •• m 10 • • p ..... ding Western·


rtyle democracy U nlpidly Ind com pletely," pouible ICJ'OI.I the Middle


Efost wa •• rguably. hUlIlIlo II lout a. fateful III I::if(lnbower moeuln.


N...... in




or Jimmy Con e. undenninilllll .... shah in 1977.


The bottom lin .. II that th .. Arab Middle Eal! went through two full


polltlcal cycles efter lhe fall of lh e Otloman I(mpi/'1l. The fi ..l. lrom 1917


lo ....... nd 1950. lOW il l1)' on lit-.l pIIlliamentary democracy. Wb .... th.t


d idn't fit .... d when th .. main Mmi'parlilmentlry ,tat .. of EflyP!. Syril.


and 1""1111100 10 6.... dicale t....... l ln the 1947- 1948 war. Ihe -.nod Ihiny·


year cycle beg.on. Th ol w u tbe cycle of myolutionary A .. b 1OC1,lIlm


backed by the Sovl.! Union. The Illamle Revolution In Inn and the


Soyiel inY •• ion of Afih.niJlan PUI pooid 10 Ih.1 and launched Ihe Ihin:!

. lt e

cycl ..: the period of exll'IIme 1.lomk fundamentalilm. Thi' "pptlO&M

n..nuth ....... t l ......

be .. ery much on thot _ I .. ntH Sept...... II. 2001 ..... Ill btn l.adttO'1

-'Iacu Ind Am.nc.·,loo" painful occupation of II'M! reiu""",led. il.

The Middl e East gets religion: 1977- 1980 II you .,..",In. tJllhot conDIcu the Middle EaII end .. red. In I.... ,ixly ,..... lollowlna the f,JI of I.... 011.,.....11 Emplf'll, you would be Jttuck by tit. how • ..,.11 • role f'IIUglOII pllyed. In motl of them. in only tluee.hort )'MI'I du ...

in3 the Carter I dmlnl"..tlon. Ihil ehanp
wllb ..110 Ihil dly.

FI .... In !ale 11118. lhe 1I11mk: bYoIutioa loppled. tIM ,bib In l1IIn. The form of Shlfllll.." that A)'1IloIlah Ruhull..h Kl>omelnl cnfled.1n tit. bOUt of his .. k1ory ... GOt rert'IOIIly """,um to trl.:l-aDd·tru...ll&IOUI pn<> " , * , . be ~ted. II. Ub


aDd _

lomlidabJ,e ......tution·

...... thrGUlhout hillory. "homel..1 pl'O>'ed. 10 be. mul .... I I preMnll",

r.dlcally new wey •• ulually lhe very OPl""'lt. of the old on. h. daimed

10 I'1IItont. In lhe camouO"" of old . comfortlna I.".... Th. Nul. eh.mploned. the wholetOme vII ... of palriotllm .nd rem·

Ily life whll. p.. parillg genocidal w.,.. of hitherto unllltA8lnable horror. U kewill. "homel nl turned ShI, IsI,m. fo, morelh.n. millennium Ih. mOlt qul...:enl I nd polltleally

pull'' . form

of l,l.m. Into the prototype

of . Here:. new ..... olutlonlt}' linati<;iom. He claimed lhot .... ntl. of fundamenttJlam . bulln _Hty 0111



benily inOuenc.d by the _


..cuIII' ldeolOS* ol ille CftIlury. TIll. would oot h....

been poulbl. If. will or COIIlpMenl pnooiMnl kid been occupyi", the While tiouII, PnNldllll Ilmmy Carl .... dllplly«! con.llIlIl' lanononce. COIJIp~I(:' .• nd

ineptitude In n.Ii", wllb .he moun"", crbilin Iren.

The end l'1IIull wlI the worot bumm.Uon the United Su,.. bed ev .... ",pe,lenced In lhot region end III "'Pul.lon from [I'M!. 1_ than. deo::.d. ' fler " "",Ident RiCherd Nb on h.d deci ded. b. would buil d It .. p II I majo' ,.10fl.1 p
Th.. 1.IRmic 1t..."]U![",, WIlS ...... Jly IWillhe slart of thl"g" to con'8. In

November lIHII.• ye.r li t..... [BniM extremi.t l inden," b.cked by I(homuini'. ",vo[utionBry g
Teluan and oeized fifty-two American. I . ...,.' 808.... They w~ ... held ClIptive, ab,,-', and in many coteS tortured rOt



Poisonous Prophet


iJYid Qutb. or.e eI tilt fOOJnCiets of modern '~illsl¥n. \Io.died in !he United ~Iit~ iIId ~_ C<)INfII(td .t.meric:, WjI\ ,


01 depI';wed

wlualllllq.."ty. He diOO', come to ,101 conclwon ifter '!lit"" Ys 'kIiS. Mrilaltjl\, Of los Mcetn. but 'fler iltf"drc PYotOl'lUnt chu
eIot 1IinMIf.

Outb WitS !he dri • .., tOfU ol the Mull'" &r~ in the e¥1y I9SIh MOle rldicil thin E(ypt~ pt~ G¥nII AbOeI ~UfI-....t.J wouIdn) NIl .kohol. ¥Id whom the 8;"s, whetf ~ W'Olf lit! boot Mi/n10tW<. In it lit ....ced the ",,;","wI


~k~ion oIlhu/Q (I~ Ww~

f¥ .......KUlO'd in 1966. but hi. writm,.

I'JicIPd tIw ,odM:~ ,eo;'.1 01 Sumi klom in Iiw t.t. 197O!.. wi impftod Owmo





The lhotb about III.",

Can.. uMni"'y IMde I"-Ctbit

worM ..... t .

of pttblicly downplay.

I.., II ... d lll.nclll8 hl ...... lf from il. wbil. worlJlI3 privately 10 el,her

thrMlen 1"- 1m>!.... or brina ruth .... mLl11IIy force '0 1...-0001hem. he p-IJIdl __ ly pror:Ielmed hl. penonal ded ication 10 ptl;1I3 Ihe hnltUiAfll freed. WTOn&ly Iml3lnl ll3 he could ride '0 ..lecllon on .suo;;esaful .....· olulloa of lh • • 1Wr. All be d id wa

bot! down the mot. powerful nRH"n

In Ihe world In.n aPP"renlly unendl"8 810b00l humill.tlon. MunwhLla, Kllomelnl '. poI...,n.l p,....tllI" .nd thaI of hi. rovolutlon _red


Iha Middle Eut. I,'"mie fund..",nlolllm.lOOn 10 halch In

Ih' Sunnl wo, ld II .... 11. .uddenly replK«l thl dllCredlled model or NaH' ·' 1.... IOd,Il,m and alignment witll So"lel Communl.m. Thl 'o..p, ruthl_. wIII_t.bli.hed did., .....

I1I"" of


. .....d In Syria

..wi s.ddun H..-in In Inq .... DOl ~ ... Ih .... t....... aut they bed DO Ippllli beyond thel. own borden. Khomeinl d id. In Oeoeml.- 111711. Soviet prMldenl Leonid BI"Mhntrv poured psoUne

oa thtt aJJ.dy bumlllS fundame.ualiot fIameo. ""dina lhe Ited Army inlo "'fBban l.lln to pI'"

So,,1eI favoritl becL Into po ...... I. pmved to boo the

moth .... of , II Soviet m. .·up'. For 1M rurs ... fHM.
bold . Th. lin ' l,h Empl .... conquered il Ih,,,,, ' i",.. bo,lw",n 1840 .nd 11120. n.. 8n. ILm. Ih.y ....de the mlotake of 'ryln,'o hold I•. 1.i,.".,lIy

... tban. handful-tew. . han Iiv ........ r tlMt 10.000 men _Ie It beck to Indl.lllvl.

n.. Red ... nay luffend. very similar ..p.......,oa. They .oollCabul Wilhln houri , and tbetribel...- ...inollh.m. H wa widely _n a . jibed ...1",. sod- athttlota. n.. Sovieto .... n,,,..Uy ..... 15.000 dead III

...... ,ha, did much 10 dltcredlt ,lIeU "'&Imeand P"'paM tbe w.y for III f.U. For Preslden' R...... and bis adviwn . It _med a lI ... v.n·... n' oppo ..,."tlly 10 p"Y the Sovietl bad:: for bleedlng . he Ullltad SI.I... 00 t..dly In Villi ...... . lull a, M ..,.,... lIad",,1 ,h .. North VIe1nam_ oll.h ..

annl th"y needed. Reagan I nd hil "nerplle dll'1lCtor of Central Intelli· gence, William Cuer. did th" ... me thing for the mujBbedln. It wu claule Rug.on-«:tlng Ih""wd ly...,d lubtly wi lh . louch Ih.1

8ilmal'd: II hil bell oould nOI "'Iual. Rut in the Inng run Ihere wa •• totany unanllclpaled Ind Cllulrophle "blnwboct" effGCI. Tholl5lnds of ldealisllc young MUlw... from IU'OUIId the Middle East flocked to IUPport the mujahedin. Whollh$ U.S .... w ... I strike .

Irul Out rival fot global

power, younS Arab Muslims ... w ... I baule .In.1 ROdl_ Infidel occu· pi..... The mujahedin t-:.me radicalized by the experience whil"settinS In ncellenl smundl",ln modem Suerrilla warm.. One of thrun ClJl]e

from one of the wlllllthl,,"l. moot pl'llltiglous liunili... In Saudi Arabia. Hil nlme wal ONml bin Laden. Saudi Arabia, wllb Ib" full appmvll Of lhe Unlled SIOlet, uMod IIlI VIl$I 011



fund Ihe mul-bedin. Nelthe'lI""emm"nt dmllDed ofth"

tru" nalU"" of Ihe fo..,.,. th"y w""" unl"".hi",. Iron hId IU<XeU fully

defled...,d humlll'led one of Ibe 110'0 \hennonud ..... ,uperpowe... In th" hO(lIaJ![e crills and lived


leillhe lale. Now Ihe "mui" in Afghani"an

were withstonding th" Red Army, Ihe mOIl powerful military ground fon::e on oarth,.n anoy lhal had nor known def""'l in war for

mo"" lhan

oixly years. The revolution drew blood in E8YPlln 1981 , Presldenl NauerofEgypt,

In 1966. bId hanged Sayyld Qulb, tbe visionary prophel of Ihe Sunnl Ithwan (M ull im llrotbe,hoodj, wilh Impunity. rlft""n y..... 1ft ... Qulb Wa' hang&d, fOldl .... In Ib, Egyptian .noy broke renkt dun",1 parede 10 "",leb..l.,tbe 1973 Yom Kipput War Ind Sunnoo down N....,t'"uc. ceuor, Anw .. SadaL They

10' .....

mol!v.t8d by QUlb', 11....,. dl'MlDA.

Nauer'. brutal . Iale .upp..... lon of rellgloll w", Ibe norm in Ibe region. The blowboct would hove boon OOJILllned 10 SadaI',UIIAI.inlUon-.nd ~Ib·.

idea would not bav.t caushl flJ'll-if not for the bun&l... of the SovI-

eu in Afshanutan in 1979, Ind Ib. - of jimmy Cel1er in undennlning the 'hab Ind luumi",lhRI democracy woul d oUlomRIICllly.ucceed h im.

("",,,Id, nt c-p w. Bw.h. nefen.. Se!nt.lly Donald Rumoreld. and their poUcym.~.....a. ....aI, the

Mml mWili about Iraq Ifter Saddara.

quarter century later.) Donrr OUl .... W

Id_ .... on the m.ucb.

Chapter S

••••••• IRAN

n II I COtlntry m.ny Amerio:an. th ink th.,. know .1I thout. but in


,.]Ity lhey don't ha.... the Illghteot clu ... Tbat I. hM:au ...... r me
Guess what? • The dNI " " " -

""""'''''' tbo. wIIh


191) ,. .olau ..... '_111....·• gIoNI lllllnl ev1

The PerS\iilD Empire: Wheo Iran was good Th'''''' thl ...... )' O " btWl or ,ew ..I..... "" the IIlbl, know. .bout Iran Illh,llb .. Penl ... Empl .... Cl'Mte

iu. th.e ..... t. w.. IIJOOd Ihing. 11 .llowed the ""ned ,_. 10 ro1urn hon ••

from Btbylon ... d rebuild Ih.l, lempl. In '.N..lom . In the ..... nlh century. however. the Penl.n Empl.. ""U.pMd .... d Ih, lind tlut II now Inn became • ShUte M..... lim domal .......... nd It h..

...",.Ined thUi for Ihh1een ...d • half c:enluri... Unllklt S.udl Arabia. which did 001.,.1 ... uoliiAbdululz Ibn S.ud cnted h aft. w orld W.,1. Iran hu bMn. c;:obennt ",UOO-lUlte lor man Ih ...

av, hund,,", y.......

U...s. the S.... vtd dyrwty from ISO I ID 1736. ruled by _I""""'" known

_ .bah•• Pen!Io

w_ one of the doztm or 10 .mpl.... thai ItJIOIljIlhem """.

trolled noarly lhe .. nU ... hum.ltl ....::e. Under 1.1.... dynutl• • ft ... the

S.or.vl.... the PenI.".n,.nltJu w.... I.... formldabl •. bul they ....Inl.lnod Ihel r IndependenOl proudly Ihrou,glloul. They '""" OM of only I h.and ful



• Who! hlppeM whrrI the u.s. lMddles In I....•• poiMkll


AJotcllih IOIomeIlll and IWIIIIIMd


of net ion. in the Middle EIII and lui. to do 10 in Ihe face of the global _weep oflhelV'*'l hillh·t...:h empi ..... of the W... tem world.

Clash of empires: U.S. ¥s. Britain Iren wu a backwaler through Ihe nlnellHln lh CMltury. In 1903 it. cen_ lurieo of quietude ended with Ihe dllCOvery of li(!Olficanl _rv ... of " II. Within f"", yean. the dynamic and rislonary young Wimlon OIU",hlll. then fin" Ion:! or th. adm;nolty. had se1 up the Anglo-lAnlen Oi l Company 10

-=...... and develop Iran'. 0 11 ................ a ...Uable Itn.loglc fuel _rve

fOl hi. novy, IMn rlill lhellJ'ongNl in the world. Anglo-iranian 011 1. _till amund tod.y. h.vlng c hans ed it. name to Brili.1t Pelrol eum (and now lim ply BP). And Churchill', bold move, done 10 the t .."i:Jine e nSi ..... of Britain '. ",volutlonary

teCIl ...

th, 0111 0 power

Qu""" Elizabetl\-dua bf,t.

tleohlpI , became one of the handf.. ( of government In ltl.tiveo that .... M turned a fal profil for Ihe tupoye •.

for the next forty y....... 1M Brili.h luPOy'" and Anglo-lranian'llh.... hold .... ma de .",mendOUI money from thei r Iran ian openotion •. lAO

Ayatollah Khomeini's 'Jhouchts on the White R.....ution , 11M I~iltd(y poit1t«l out tNt .... ~t

~I ~W

intentions ¥Id iI

CJ9PO!o«IIO .... nrdi'Ioncft of kIom. ... ~ MOIl/lily of juna hII....ot tlUI its

OWOSiTion to tile ~H of IIWn by firm """"""H (i~ tile iIboIrtion 01 tile ~emem tNt

JudtH be Muslim iIOd rNl~ htnctforth. inn. Or-illiMI\. iIOd TIle ~ 0I1Ibm ¥Id tile Muslim! ~ 10 eire. 00 I ffM (Qr'lCffI'IinI .... hera nI Pft'OIl 01 tho: Muslim\.' ",atoIlItI ..... lItI n _i00i, ~ "" MueI1l2. 196). ill Qnm. Irln


, o



,..Ined IU poIlllclllndependenc:. and tIM Britioh pretty much Iponod

.w.....1c developman~ .. Ions" tIMy c:ould ~Iop and hlBCt the oiL Warid War U boU ........ tr.n .. importanQl booca .... the country provided

• Mfe .nd HCUrlllnd bri
mid lieu P.hlovl. wu "'!lbl!.hed 1.1 h.nnl .... nguft!heod. So


wu Il1In lbol the ... 111... ChON IIJ eoplul, Tehrln. for tho fin! lila Thnoot ..nunl. In 11M3 betw..,.,

U.s. p. .ldenl F~ln Roc».vell, llrill.h prime

mln!ll. Chun:bill. ""d SovIet diCl.1Or ....fS..Un . Until lhellliy 10so., lranionl knew liull"""t the Uolled Stal... ""d o;aNd 1_. and Amerkana

r,lt lhe ...... wly .bout them. Thot c:honaed

duri,.. the rlt , ful P""ldeocy ofDwJabt D. EiMnhow...

Mob.amrned MOMddeq, ' conlemporary of £&ypliin p. .ldent Go ....1 "bd,1 N• ....-.nd Uk, him I romantic, Id.. UIlIc, I,fl·wlng. onU· dem'SOIIu~ook

po.... In Il1In In

19~ 1

ond n.llonlUm Ihe 1I.III.h ollindullry th_. The Brltl'h (Churchill , lronleolly. WII prime Wutem

ml n ill ..... In) we .. furlou •. but hAvln, lull IIquld l llKi thei r Indlon en1plrl .nd t-n fon:ed out of lbe!r Plllllllln, Mandlt,. tbey w..... In no . -Itlon to do Inytlll", aboUI It. FIIliDa an antl· ... mari""" Iran. EiMnhow.. "VI the a ... the ween U"'I to otpnlM I military coup tn lappl. M..addeq ond a1Ye ,ff..alve

power b.;k til Pahllvt. wboon the Britioh hid In.otIlled b.;k duri"8 World W.. IL II worbd liked 0 chorm. II", the n Ihe W..tem .m.. fell out. Irln ', 011 wu worth hla bucks. rivoll.., lreq .. the holder of the _d·lugetl

l'MI,..... of lhe Iluff. The

oll WII altu_lIy ."..,1bl, ""d of hl&h quality. EI.. nhower mad. 'Uft! the U.S. 011 m.olol1l (!lit favored I>CCeII to it . Th, 8rill'h the prlmlry I""lIlon


w'"' foroed out of

had enjoyed In Iron for more thin forty yMl1I.


and Churchill. who had made il all po.. ible ...... forced 10 110'.110'" Ihe

doal. The Brill.h ........ furio., •. b." th ...... wu nothing Ihey could do about it. From Wuhington'l poinl of view il .1I ..... med hunky-dory. But EI... n_ hower iuod planlOO Ihe 0Ded1 for futu ... deolruction.

Uberal busybodies s park the Islamic Revolution EI... nhower thun p.,.hed ahMd and got the you"3,hah 10lpprove Inln', part icipalion ...·ilh I.... Thrkey. end Pakiltan;n the Oonlral Truly Orga. niudon (CENTO). Inlended to be a Middle Ea.'em and South Alian extonllon of NATO (I.e .. a tool for blocking the SoY lel Union from expanding to the 1O"lh intn Ihe Middle Eul and ita oil fieldl). Although Shah P.hlnl remai n ed pro-Weltem lhe had a lule for beau lifulW""tem woman. Wollorn nlghlHfn. and pBrtl .. on tha Riv_ Ie,.). hls people did not. Th e hal"'" ond "",.noia lhey had felt toward Britain for fony }...... wallhen Ihl ftoo loward the United Slat ... for lopp iing MOOIIddeq. Thet mighl not hive mine"'" 10 Ihe long la rm If the Ihah h.d left ... ell enough Ilone and limply .Uowed f...... marke t fICOnomi"" and hi. hulging 011 reYen " aI to "",,rlUy rai ... living Itn darda. Or if h. look uno to ....""'" hil peop le', t,.d illon_1 way,. a, Ih. far wiser rulers ofS." dl Arabll and Kuw ai l we", doing..,..... the Gulf. But he dld n·t. For Iha Ih.h hid t-o in fected by other W... , em pu.lono. He Wal. 1t1le,.1. IOCI,I-", fo""lng do-goodar. Ha Imbibed the domi nant poli lical fa.hion of Ihe lime In Hritoln and America for IOClalism. bill government. naUonal planning. and IOCI.I engin"";ng. He called II hi. Whila Revolution. MilllOJUl of lranllllll we ... uprooted from the land and forced 11110 tIwo lo ... nl and cili... While IMir "andard of IIvl"3 ro .... they mluod their old, ,low-moving. cherilhed ... ay of lif•.


American liberals. 8Ipecl.lly In tb mfHiia. loved II. and Ib, ,bab was played up", mix· lure of Winston ChurcbllL. Fnnklln ROOHveh. and Moth.r TIl ..... He wa.launcblng bl, own New Deal and curing tb. beckward folL< of th.1r .. p.... lv. ttadltlotlland ..liglOtl. 11me magllEine was. particularly enlhu,lutlc and wid ... LK-Ier. Only tb, lrenlom peopll dlugrMd. Th. Ihah'l dependence on Ih, Un ited SU.'8I and bl, honeymoon with braelln the 19S01 ""d 19601 deluded lea
At Least Somtlhinl Good Came Out of It

'"J""he (,!lin 0I1he «II!'fNI'do ,,0:1 on L Tdnn to I,", rlIt t.o.t~ rml.cl "1hr 09I1on 01 u.s.~~ Optrilions Corr'tr¥d ¥Id !he Armis I60th ~iil

Opewions AvWion Rq:imenI: 1hr "Ni<l S,,1ters,•

wrona. Anti-American and antl-

[mell popular Hntlment grew dnmallcolly In [... n during !hOM yeAn. M"""wbU •• U.S. rt.t .....I·!h.ert IlrcrefI:. '-"Q, ""d .utomatic -JIOIlI nowed to Ih' shah In anlll\llnding Itream, with Prelldent Nixon', bIen· Ing. BUI withIn two years, tb. , hah b.d turned upon and bluen th. hand tbat fed him . H'lOllled forcet with S.udl Arabi., hil nation'l historic rlvallnd enemy on thl oth ... side of the Cull. and su pported Ktlli r abal In impllmentilli an unp""",,",nted quadrupllll3 of the g]obAI prl ... of oil In the winter of 1913-1974thro\l&h Ihe Orpnlutlon oftbe Petroleum

£Xportlll3 Countrl.. (OPEC). The U.S. dom8llic economy dropped .. if polo-ned. Fal ..] an d the lbah overnlllht cauted more dam'8e 10 the United St,t81 thin Ih' Soviet Union, Communi" China, and th, Korean and Vietnam ...an combined. Amulngly, futu .. p...ld,ntl would men up the [rln lituition .v.n more. In In eerl, fOl'Uhadowllli of di .... troul U.S. policl... 01 the ...Iy


t ... enty·f\rat century. D&mOClllti<: preoident Jimmy was toO o~ i8l100 with f,,"I""IIi dem<>
ne h lltkally 110 _ GoJ •• It tb. " toldJ. bol Uk, .., many olh e. blgi!Ovem menl. I'IIfonn ·mlnded tlberll. befoI'll him. Po.hlavt did nO! reatl:te that by deltroyll18 th. old tradltlon. of aocl. ely, he w . . . looru..lroyil18lh, foundation hi. Own ,..tme _ led on, The 1D00t cOlUeTVaUv" backward (In Ihe very bett . en ... of Ihe word ). and peaceful aoclety In the Midd le Rut was Irlnofonned and modernized. pitched InlO _II ... motion . Iran wa. cui off from III own IlIhle paS! , 101181 118 for II and yat ripe for rldic.oJ c;hange. Enter Grind Ayatollah Ruhul1ah Kbome\nl. 1M Man In Black.

Ayatollah Khomelnl: The fruit of American meddling In 1917_1978, popular prest,,_

on Iha .h.h .n d prol..l.



' INdily grew. Preaidenl Coner was In'Ullenllhal lhe .hah div"l hl"""l f of m"ch of h i. power end . Iart 10 demOl7lli:te Iran. At Ihe very INlI, he had 10 min In hi. own ellte .pec:ill fOn::el and bi. _


Meanwblle, Iran wu t ... nofonnad by. ,udden w.... of extreme Sblile iJlaml.u, 1I1rred. up hy Ihe endl .... recorded hith_


of an emlnenl bUI

ob.c""" cleric, one Ay.lolllh RuhuU.h Kbomeinl. already in hi'

lole .. venti.. and livil18 in exile in Pari •. Khomelnl wu becl::ed by Irln· Ian extreme lefti. It .upported by motley .....""'" rangina from th, Soriat

KGD 10 the PII..llne Libolrliion Organlullon_lI of Ibem biUer enemi... of the UnUed Stat.... Yet IU Con.. ......"ad 10 care .boUI WU lecturing the .hah 10 Improva hll human rightl...:ont. The U.S. government .,.rtaln ly d ldn 'l wanllh, Ih.h to f,ll, and if he d id .•enln. U,S. pollcymah .. hopad Ih&1 1 I llble, democtttlc, proAmerican cOIollllon could be Ihep h. rd ad 10 power in hi' place. Thl. fanlalY wu, . trlki"ll oontruito whit. more confident. compet enl (lA .ervll18 I vUlly mo ... colDpeteo t p .... id.o t- Dwighl EiJeI\hower-h.d ma n~ed

10 pull off In loppling lhe democrath:aUy alllCtad Mobammed


w" al", mmarubly Ilmlll.1 to the fanla.l.. Ib.al U.S. policymak'rI On

the Nltlonal Secu rity Council and wilhlnlho 1'0nl"3on



Iheir f.n tllly o f a democralic and pro-American Iraq a qUIl1<>1'-C
tho nalion'lg"",I""I hero. A beaming VUler Arafat new in


from lOu them I....n.non. Khomeini a imOlI never .miled , hul h.. wu all (VIn. and bugo for the Pal""tinian rovolUlionary l...m",. Amanca'. humll· iaUon

w ..

only jult baginning.

While .1I thi. will going on. Incredibly. Carior dnliv....oo far mo ..... ffort to b,okenng. fina l pea"" I"""y bmw ... n 1. ",uJ .nd Egypt (wblch we ... al"",dy;n. II." uf de fecto peace. and both oounlries we ... al"",dy In Ihe U.S. oroil l. Cuta"l ... nding In Ih .. op inion poll.


Iteadily declined. It dldn't halp Ihal Ihe

Fi&:htin&: Words

dl1l8on of Inn.lion. b,ieny defeated by Prelident Gerald Ford.


riling "pin. And In

"If )'011 wookll~ 10

Ihat "me f8leful )...., of 1979 Ihe OPEC

fIM &ood rNllons wirtl

nation. pu.hed th rough another maolive oil

lho! " . . . flilion in lho! fl.rnn, ~I~

price hike with newly ndicaJlMd I,..,. eagerly

tho! """'" flilioni ~op-oiu ~ Io'lni¥ll"lltion', I'Ulnrss, And bow down



A. It hod done.ix y....... ""fore.


bei"Ofe t!\f ~~IItS, cI ~ ~.,;.., N1ion

Ihe U.S. lIIOOoomy ...... Ied.

.-.d so.orrerode<. If)'Oll don" Ke.p!. t!\f 1.-. lin I"lllion willl"e< fOlu )'011 10 ~

wera 1>I:1"811y ... volullonary paramili tary


fore ... KUng w ilh the full IUppori of t heir

on AusulllS, lOO6

Carter and the bostage crisis On lop of aU Ihal . [nnion

-" u.J~nl' ·

.-.d bow down." Ilhay

gOV8fDmOnt) .t"rmed Ih. U.S. anlba .. y in Tohran and beld fif'y.lwo diplomall and



Geld. I.


Wlddl . Ell'

olher Americo.n cillten. ho.IIIlIe. For 444 dl,l Ihe ... America,,. were pri..,ners. regulerl,'ortured .nd ahu.ed. Carter couldn'l gul Ihem oul. Alone point . be IpproVed I plan for U.S. Spede l Fore.. 10 leunch 0 commllldo reId In Ihe b..n of Tebren to r1M tbem. It wu an excepUonall, dllling. dongeroUA. Ind ..uk, concept 10 lion

with. U.S. lroofn w ..'" being ... nl lnl" Ihe h ... rt " f . ""[lilal cil, "r elghl million people. I1mOlt.ol.1 of wbom holed them. We bid ne"", tried thl. IOrt " f Ibing bef...... Tn meh th Ing. even wO ..... Caner micromen.ged ogoln. AI Ihe Ilfl minute. be Iluhed the numberof heUcopt ..... for the million. For twenty , ...... Ihe fOCI'" of U.S. mHi tlry operellon. hod been In Ihe dam p nln fOrel~

of South&aft A.II. American force' bod done no Jerio", desert


Ii""", lh" Itllian end Nul fore. hId 'UJTen dered 10 EI ... nhOW1ll".

Plllon. Ind Bnldley In Thnilil thir1 y .. ix y ..... before. So Ihe ... nd of the d_n tbollan>med key bellcopter mecbanl,m, and coUJOd one of Ihem I.. cn sb come .. I .urpri .... n.. miaion wu lborted. Detai l. of it were lOOn dlilCOvared and reVelled 10 Iha world . The U.S. nalional humI1l.· lion Will complete. To odd I.. Cart.... •• w.... and 10 underscore thecomplete contem pt lbol Kremlin pollcym.a ka.. nOw hid for him, In December 1919 Soviel p ....l· detll Leonid Bruhnev approvad Ihe lnvali .. n .nd e ffective takeove. of Afghani.tan. In 1... lhan nIne mon lluo.lhe .blningochlevemem of Camp o.vld (ill il lOOmed IIlhe Ume) hid been enU ..ly OV8n1h.dowed. The U.S. ond Weotero position io the Middle East ..... mad 10 be crumbling by

the hour.

Post-revolution Iran The hlOlot)' of Ihe 1,1.",1<: RflpubHc In th. twenty. nine ,......Ince AYI' \"Uah Kbomeioi ... izad power fill into four gene..1 perioW:





1. The . . of war Uld <XIIlfrontation

4. Tb.... ofnmewed""l1~ Khomeini wu"'"8" for war and confront.HOIl. UkelO .... ny 1....'1""1

...-olutlonarllll befun him. from RobeI!,iemlln Ihe French RevoluUon to lenin In the Iklllluwlk Revolution. Khomelnl wu oonvlnced thaI the per_

fwc:IJon of hll revolutionary Idea and t...c:bI"81 wouLd


'_pup milllont.

of people In In ItTellfllble tid,. And Ute Robelp' ..... end IAnln. he w U for I0I0_1..1. Cart ... •• folly ... u en ea •• Uc vlc:lory over the United

5"" .., ~hlna like It h.d been _

linot N _.. dfly



conlury b.f..... lIut tbe ti d, wu about 10 c b.n .... thank.t to A1moico',


....poa In tlMo Middle Eat.


name wu Saddam H..... ln.

In Seplembef 1980, SIoddam Inv.ded Khu_'en , en oil-rich coulli province of Inn. H. thought I"" iranian .... olutLonary rwgIme ... u totter-

ll\ll and HI.t the lnmta,,' would fallepart. Jt wU lhe Ame mi.t,k. AdoLf

liltler had mede Wbfll h. Inv.ded Ihe Soviet Union end Nt off .....,. to the

hero !<»erSt.lIn.

What uppwec! next Ihould Slve any IunIricanI and ....liI..,lhUJi». tlc: ..",." In.-.d\.nt


p" .....

Inl . end .. han', popuL.tion _

The iranian peoplfl ...tIled behind


....... tbaa four U_ lnoq·•. all ... a few

monl'" lhe lide 1\II'1Md Md \.he lraqia wa-e ~ bIck Inlo \hItIr CXIWI\ry. SMld.om Mflflbly ~I ~. bul ~lnJ Wat hnpllabl . ... ben


..,.,..Md. It. detennlned to CI'UIb the iraqi at.la and thea...--p on ..,..,..the Middle Eut. He«ll_ or thecort 10 bl. own JMOPLe. he puabed lorw.,d. TlMn... boy •. Incl"dioS many •• YO""I at

t .... lv •. went

nICnll!ed Inlo fanallcal.uIcld. a\leek "'1,,111 •. BellO''"'" kill. million .lId


• million iranians w .... Idlled In the war, and

~Ibly U

Inany a,

100,000 [raq[1 dlod, Al101ll! III Khomeinl lived., any armistice or r:omp,..,. ml ... wu o .. t of the q .....tlon and the ... icide atllOl;b Ind ma.NC ... of innocent. con linued , The lreqillhowed no lI ... it.lion in ,,"ing pol..,n sa-ImOOlt unknown In

w~rfa ...

,inee World War l-sain.l t .... lreniaJu

and Idlled ""rhap. 100,000 iranian lO)dien with 11, FllU.lly, in


even Kho"",i n i wM Ioroed to recogn i:r.e th" inevi tahle

and accept I compmml•• CU,.f1 ... , Th.1CI 01 pea<:l-m. klns prohebly pmV8d too much for him; he died the followi"ll)'8ll' at the ripe nld. of e13luy·tix.

Moderation (relatively speaking) In Iran For the next eisht y ....... Iran film_I ned very much [n the International dasho ...... Kho",eini'. ne ...... i •. Saddom, emboldened by what he


The Roots of Persian 8elliprlnct1 "'For these rnsons.lbet eloof. , iIm bent upoo this w¥. ind , 1ft liI:""'i'
rne"'" ~ l1li will Thtn !/WIt on no lind btycnd our borden; !Of I will pm Il'Iroush £uropf from ont md 10 tilt OIher, ind w~ h )'OUI' ~ mike of ilil tilt lind! which

~ contilln!

ont CCiUIlTI)'. fof

thu!., II wNI I htM tit lrut. ilffilirl SfiloDd: tilt lliltion! whrr«lf IIIrwt spobn. oncf IwtpllW'1. tlwrt

is no city, no CCiUIlTI)' left in ill Iht world, which ..,11_turf 10 much is 10 withslMlid US In WIll. By

this eoo.rw Thtn we l1li11 br~ ,II ...."u.j I.WIdeI OUI )'IlQ, i/ikt IheM who 1ft JUilty ilIAd !host who " f imo<;~1

of dIOinc US WI"",,"

rwniM kiIIa X....IH, fililrinl his people 10 illYMie ATiwnI ind SpilrU . iI\ r.porttd II)' Hft'odoM In 11w H/stotln




IDed wU ~ II bad COf\ b.ls IXIWlUy _ _ of bill ..... of dol·

Ian and ....... 100.000 U......rolJowed u...., by In....tlfll K"WlIilonly

u.. wnoth ofllHo United sell.. 011 b.ls bead.. Sadri'm" bu.m.Lllatlao and u.. rift ..... d.tJw:tIoa of b1.o.,.. army. lhe fourtb IIfP'IIn the world 1\ u.. timto, In tha IIKII C,,!fW., w.. _1come

lWO ".....1.01. and brlngI",

"ew, 10 Ih. lyelolillui

rul1n.1 In TBhnn. Bul now !he U"lted Silt.. WII

IlfOn&II' In lbe region thin ever... pedally foliowl"3 the coilipee of the Soviet Un ion Ill he end of IIMII . Th. [... nlln. Nlmllned IJOIlted ,,"til 11197. when. TlI.II .... mod . ... I•• PrMldeol Mohammld Kheleml. WII .llCIed U pnoldenl of lbe lllamk Rap"bl.k:. J(h.a,taml·1 two lenni of leedenhip &om 11197 10 W05",..rked 11M third

. . oftbe blrtoeyolthe islamic R.pubIIc. The United Stet........ Ioed the lavlnclbl, ...... poWflr.aod Saddlm tbougb blUllbled. continued 10 rule I" Boshd..t amid

mill)' !DId;"

repor1l of hb .. nlWMl pl"D8JUU 10

d.... lop powetful W_poDl of ....... d.. uucd..... IrInlln.-botb In the leeden.hlp and ..nen] populalioo-w,,", ftilllerrlfl..t of the .... who

bad Inflicted 10 mIlCh .utJeri"3 on them. 10 irlnl ... leedenconlloued 10

I.... d uTlfully between Bl,8hdld Ind Wllhl"3lon. They pngerly Improved Ih,lr d lplonutlc Ind lrad. Ii.. wltb Ihe nilloni of A.I I Ind W..llm europe. China .nd india both bad srowt... d.",.."d. for th.lr oil. And KMt.amJ """" 1OII&h1 10 mend hb country'. Iong.deluoyed Ii.. with lhe United Stet... He offered 10 both the OlnlOll and Bu.h edmlnlsl"', Ilona 10 ICrlp IrIn', nucl .... P......... In T111,U1I for I IUI",nl.. that I.... Unlled Stet.. would I'IoCOI"Iu the lal....1c Republic and _poet III lOY .

.....ty. With lhe beIIefll of bincbi&hl. Ibe d ..1 could be ... w",led. It wD
ha... been oubjec:t 10 verif\c:Mioo.. Pr.id""l Georae W. Buah would.....,·

I.... lly ...... 10 I fat monllm.llMl and prob)enwk: ... _".nl with North Ko ... on .... ulct .... Itl nuel•• ~elopmoml. Such I dIM) woul d hlv. been of cruelll benefilio linei. In the flnt ~ of the

Iwenly·1Int century. It became eI.... lhal the [nnl ... nuel ....


program posed probably the gravost threol 10 the existence of the Jewilh Iiale l ince!ll aeolion. Bul ironIcI.l ly. pro-Ilntel adivllil in Washington we ... Ihe 10UMIIn u>gins H. ",;..:tlon. KhllJunl hod humbled lit. COun· Iry ond bessed


but wu Mnl


from the I,ble.

Democracy's blUer girt: Mahmoud Ahmadloejad Unlbl. 10 d.H .... c Impcoved II. wIth lb. United Sill•. [",nlln vole" look, new dIrection In 2005. elocll lljlj I p..... ldenl fond of I mock lurtleneck ond bl.Uf. Mahmoud Ahm.dlneied broo.s.h1ln the fourth ... of th. islamic Republic' ",n.wed helllge",nce and confr.onlltlon with Ihe Uniled 511181 Ind 1.,...,1. Ourlng Khallmr. elghl yean ... preoldenl of I,..". Ih, u,,,"1 hebbHn8 pundl" .nd Il1IlChllr .tnolegl." In the United 5111.. endl_Iy _rted lluil il did not ItI.IUer who wu ch ief eJlIOCUU"" of I,.." and thaI .11 1,.."i. n I..den wer. _ lIy Idenllal hvd·Une a:cb_vm.ln.s who should never he mollified. Bul when Allm.dinejad "'placed Khol.mi. It lOOn became eI.., Ihat who the I..del" wu m, uered. ~I d..l. Ahnuodlnejad wu open In b;' determination 10 d .... elop Duel ..... W Nporu and .... dy 10 defy Ihe whole world If nece .... ry. He toughl to delOfjiUmiu Ilful·, exillenee Ind


bouled .boul obHle"tlng II In 1'lI3uage not beard . Inee lhe hoydayo of and Saddam. lie pursed the iranian sovemmeni of ... llIive mod·

erate' .nd put hi. ha,d-Hne .1Ii.. Into .very key naUon.1 _urily Ind military posl he could. H, al!lO mlde no _ 10

of b1. pas,lo""le loyalty

the vanlilled Twelfth Imam of Shlhelolam. MId ..... n orde.-.d mlnul ..

of every [,..nlan ahlnet meot1na to he dropped down the well whe ... the Twelfth Imam wu ..id


hive v... loh8
Ahrnadinejad WII Ibl, 10 881 IWlY with thll outnogeou. behlvior because ooe enormou. ml_lculatlon had ",vened lwenty-fou. Y"" of



contlnuol mllLtary dereal. mu.ln cuuaJ tl... diplomatic ltollllon .... d


lear. the Unhed SII"'. hid Invaded Inoq .nd loppled Saddam

lluuein In 2003. By doi"8'" the Bush .dmlnlltnllion IbI.".. ' " both eM-

mi. Ihe ,y.lollahl mool f....-ed II • li"llie lirok-saddam ud lhe Unhed SUI_ hMlf. For In lhe ,...... rollowins the loppli", of $odd,m . the 130.000 10 180.000 U.S. lroopo In Inoq were lied dnwn. lufferl"ll .low bullt ... dy

CQu.lll_ from S""nl M., l lIm Im"flJMlS. Following Ihelml'lMriMll.llion or new


ooopon" with

by Gen@nl(}ovidPol .....,lln 2007. whleb lOugbl lo


Su onllnl u'l"ncy


locol Sunol IN
loll began 10 run oUl or I'.m. BUI by Ihen .•11 or

IOUlbem Iraq w.. run by local Shiite miUtlulympalhetlc 10 and becked

by u.n. • "d Ih' Shli l&-
dco-. the U.s. pouPd b . - In Inq , with thelroommunlcollonlo 11,..10 K"woIt 10 ,l1rortIuly.-t

and lhe Gulf runnlfll,hmugh Shii\l mlllti....:onimllod lomilOry. w ...... Increuln&lY'1 the men:y of Sblile SfOUpllympelbetk: 10 Inn. No woo· d... Ahmadlne\o.d


bold and conlld@nl.

The U.S . Invllion and oox:upotioo of Ir.q Ihenron...........oo • highly luceenfu] proceo. of Ittrition. ",hlul llon. an d conl.lnme nl Ihll h.d IiIndl<;ap.,.d Ih, l,l.",le Kevnlullon In I.... n lor )'811"&.

u.. pnovIoUl [email protected]

N_Wlloonlan ILt-.J IIIlion·bulldl.,. bod f.lled y..t ...In .

Iran on borrowed lime BUI by 2008 Ih .... WU UIOther r.:tor driwlfllihe hvtl.iIIlO mono hard·

liM pollcloo: lhe 111om1c Republic w.. runnl", <MIl of oll-..d ' ....... r.... oull>ftim • . I...... ·' 011 field, hid


d"",lnped .tll.,. .nd more v\tOt"O",ly lhon

I....... of .ny Gulf n.Uon. They wen en''1,U<;alLy pumping 011 for IIi@ Anglo· l .. nl.n 011 Comp.ny end Brlleln'l Royll N.wy for twenly,....n


bef..... Ibn Saud even ligned hil e poch"lllfl.l""'mem with St""dard Oil of C.lifornl" 10 "ulhori,... Ihe pl'OIpecting Ihal led 10 Ihe diocove'1' of Saudi A ... bl"·11'M1 Dhah ... n olllleldi. By Ihe M rly y.... ," of the twenly.fil'll cenlu'1', Ihe [... nianl w,,'" already Importing n81ural g.u In pump p_. 101... Intn their dep leled field •.

r .. from Ih ....lenlng In becnme •• wlng

producer. It will cI ..... that .ft... " few mono y<MIl'I of ~k production. 1I1In wnuld be lucky 10 be. dangling producer. holding onlO IU m.,ket shu

the """,,Imum profiu Ihey could from their remain-

inS oil. And il m$Al\t they had. f.. o,ora preuing motive to try to ..,iUl the I till enormoul oil..,..".,.. oflraq..,d Saudi Arabi" fo r thelIlHlv81 by exporting Ihe Jllamtc Revolution to them lf thll)' 801 lhe chance. NNrly . cenlwy aft .... he made the d .... l. O!urch ill 'l epochal Angl ... lranw. oil """. tura wu . till drivinS daliny in Ih. Middl. Eut.


Chip'" ,

••••••• THE ISRAELI-ARAB WARS 1947-1973

O. th. fI ..1 qUllter-century of it. extstence, the State of 1......1 WII

Guess what?

locked in I con tinu.1 Slrosgt. for , UNI".I "lI-linlt III hOlHle Arab

• bnd'. ~rutnl


neighbon. In twenty.fi"" y....... 1.....1 fought five m.jor war"'_'llld

Won.n of lhem. How di d the J.... elil do It?

t."",I ....... '" oft .... told. LI either I puppet Itel_ the puppet malt_ of the Untied Stat.... and demol;.bed it. Mb neighbon on Ihe ""'ngth of an American-crelltoo military l uperiority.

You uMd to h.., thl' only from A.. t.. bm the myth .... now_pad

geMnII ..,ned key tactlUl lnsom 'ro", 1M Bible and from ~ni'be!.t

POl1m' 9"~1 • F~ne.. 0(1\ Ihe UnllOd SUta, _

Illto the writings of anti· Zioni.t jewilh In, elleclual. and Amori""n I,ft ·

Isner. best friend

winy polem idlt.. Any evtdenot--end th_l&. IOfof lI-th.1 dil pro".

for lbe nrsl !wonly

their thaill •• upp..aed or .Imply tgn.ored. Th. I._II. won thelt WI" hecluse Ihey hod l<>-IInd Ih,l. mtlll..,. thl nktng Ind execul;n" wu of

• Gold" IItlr _ I bo.mgllDoj poU\JcIin

... _'"

Iho high ...1 ""tihoo •.

do$Iroyed her own

Death almost at birth 15..... 1·. fint war we. by far lb. wo .. t When th. I...... U' drovelh, Bril;'h "ut In 11147. Ihey foolilbly thought th"ir troubles w.... nVet. They w.... now an Independont country. BUllhe Briti.b II..!. been th,l. protecl"..... well



, " " of lIS

occuple.. of p.l... line. H.ppy to be rid of that. troublesome

UnIted Netl""" mand.te In P, lllltlne. Ihe flriU. h were confident that the


aruntry In lho 1913 Vo .. Klppu' Wu.

/\rab Legion ofTno",jo

Jews wnuld bacnme dhlmmi-= .. 101e",100

minority Infurio. In polilical, human. end ,ellglo,," .Ighe.,o Ihe M".lim rnojority. Fiel d M..... hal Bernard Montgomary. the great
hil view.

11 d idn', work out that way. The A",bo laWlCt.od a multi·pronsod attad on 10"",1. Mlllt Impor1ant. perhaps,

w" when the Areh Legion



Jordan River. 11 w.. welcomoo by rapturous crowds In the hill I'8810nl nonh and south of Ja"'Nlem [now known .. the

w...t Bank). In )crm.o_

18m, it w . . . different ItOt)'. The Legion co"ldn', make .. direct move as.in.t tha Of8IIniUK! Jewish majority in W..., Jerm.olem. but did, receive IUpport from tha A",b majority Inlo th •• ndent Old City, whleh iJ ,ur_ round...! by a formidable, 'furklab·bulh wall nearly four hundred Y""'" old. The Jewi.h Quarter of the Old City w.. '-iege

mililary groupo In W..I jeruNI8m couldn',

:L, :.>


b .... k throtlgh to relieve l!>em.

A Book You'.. Not

El ...where . the mein th .....! to the

Supposed to Read

I,,,,,,n. came from Pal.. tinian Arab i""8' ul.", lad by Abd .I-Qa.dlr ,].Huuelnl.

Thomu ( im\in .ou no kMI of litH! or tM

nephew of Haj Aminal·Huuelni. lha pro-

Li ke all S""'t military ]""der" Abd al·

Notton.I976) . 11 1M molt cit'wtilili1&-

Qod ir lrnew tile .InIng,bl and w..n., ........

~....,.. "'ifit'11NIl)'

of the P"""nl irresu1.", ha led. He knew

(ind UlUilly

Nul mu fti of the P.lellinian M".IIIm.

f....-.rcJ biosr~ KitI ...... qutlliooed

thlt while brave. feroclo .....nd del .....

m. oIflCitl \IffsionI ~1c~ly and 0Jt

mined to fight for tbelr homel.nd. they


.. ~ people who I>id

Ia-. """'i! ill I boy.

lact ed military difCiplina and could not

be orsanlzod to carry o .. t .mbltl""., complex mlli ' .ry operationl. He knew that

u..,. abo Iacbd. u.. t....... _pont WI .....U boN bM:I, thanb 10 the !onIl&lu olluMl.. DI>'Id 8eft-.Gurion. who bM:Illockpl*l...d! _pons

knowtnt that .ud! • w.. w.. InevltabI.. Abd .1~,lIr ...Hud thai hi• .-ant \mIsU .... wen.t their belt In cutt1na off u..land communM:. doni that w.... thclleWi' _

"",lnenble point.

Tb. wllldina. twlJtlna. ocm:Uc....d lip 10 ).,....I. m ooon lMcam. , ... • tn1'llc pl. of Ih . ... .. The p.lealln l",. CUI off the 100.000 je..1 In ..,.....1.'" from nol Aviv .nd flfIll OMllemomll.round tbecounlry._·

Ina the .... ppl)' Une. The Infant jewlah provl.lono.llJ<>"""lffi"t In Ta\Avlv hullJ)' o .....lud tnlkeahll'llfIllond """,voy' (riv .. l", ImKW pIli. on

JUII"I PaIINd> &I ...d.---mIle ami female ... Idl ... burnt .11.... In the

tnICb thai hid been.mbu.dled while cnwU", ... p 10 ..,.....Iem.

The tide turns Event ... U)'.

'e..lIh oommanden.lncludlll8 ylt:r.hc!k Rabin. denllded other

fronll to brlnJ. fonnldlbl. force 10 clear the bill. on .lth...Ide of the ....d 10 ""'MI_ TlM Il&htina ..M ferociouI. TlM key hcIltbtl .tJoye c.. tel c:IwIfIed hando .......1 lima. Bllt dllcl pllne ... d moUv.llon .....

mud! hlJbllt 1mO"I 1M ..... U .nidi... theln 1M ...1_1""'" Anb _


Mlny of 1M Al'Il» ...., ........ 10 their 1'ImI1_ wlthoul Iaillna """lor offI· - . An IIIGI'MIIntly apenl. Abd tl-Qo.dlr .... killed 1\ the fronL Hill

"t1'" blow 10 the P.I..tlniln., .. ho ....... ""Vllt h.d

d..lb ..... d .....

.....u- IMder to ..... tch bim for milituy Iklll ...d cl>ar\...... M...... hn •. ,.wI.b ""11, menll held nlf II... numbe .. of ..... b mill· !lry fol'Olll. botb conv,ntlonal . nd Irresll iit. Surprl.lngly. lhe Arab IfIIllu d"bd from the Fertile er.cent wd openUII8 from S)'rI. hid I


negligible impKt on the WIl. in fact. the p"rformanoe of the i.-.q!. Syr. ian. and Egyptian vml_. aU of them conoc:riptod. peuanl fore ... that had been ml..... bl y t ..inod.. equipped , and Iod. ...."," very di ... ppolnUng. Only the prof""'on.1 A..b !.eg'on o fTnn. jordan acqui tted it... lf well . Nol only d id the LegIon conquer and hold the We.t flank (a walk-oyer].nd Jecu ...!em (a comlde .. bl. achleyement In term. of th, fierce f1ghtlnJ th_ l, built alfO he ld the key fo<1 .... of LAI"",n. a monut"'Y lookingoul OVM rolHna wb .... t field, In the Judean hlliJ. The 1....11 fo,,*, foughl and lOll th .... I>otd81 tryina to take LAtrun. Dr.v1d Ben-Gurlon and hll fll too lnfluenllal Amer/c.n . d "l,or, Mic key M• ...::u.. ... ere ObHUed wilh It. Hundred. of young 4raelifOidiers died Ihere fo. no .u.leglc purpoMl. oy the end of Ihe ... ar. large IUPPU", of "'... ponl primarily from an Iltm



w""'Jlvlna thels...n f_superior Ii..

power and moblilly at long Iae\. Ylpel A1lon. the oulltandlng Israell com· I>ol ll"neni of the "'"' .• wepl inlo the Negev and oecUJ1Kl [1 .....1·. claim 10 It. He outmaneuyered and tnpped, large Egyptian force .nd WIS hl 1

pooitlon loconquer Ihe Si nal Penh,. ula a, well. The Anb f1at8l.ued for an annllUoe, and 1115tins One ... u fi nally concluded on Ih. C.... k Iliand of Rhod... In 1949. The war ended in victory for the new Ilate of urae!. bul the coot wu enon'JlOUlly high. Of the populaUon of !he infant lIal......&XI.ooo Indudi"ll men. women , and chlldren-«""e 6.000 died In the Wit.• full I pen:ent. In the Iwenty-fint..,.nlury Uniled SI.II8I. that would boo the equivalent of

• war In which three mHllon fH'Ople died.

Who's a Palestinian? If you u ked anyolltl in Pal...tin_Arab or Jew-from 1920 to 1947. "Who , ... Ihe Pal...ti nien.!" Ibe Inl"'8.... oul d boo unequiyoc:o.l: Pal8ltin lanl w""' Jewl. not Anbo. The quickly growlns ,. wlab community in PI I. Une during thll lime alwl)'l deocrlhed IIMU u Po/minion. Th l, u'""8e

The ...... 11·Arob w.,. ~......... ~'~".' -:<~;;;.':-' ' .... ,":'.~:-, ~7'.'"':".':-'.'; .",,~,......... ',,' ........... ' .......... . ----~

.. F


~~..,.,-,~ ~outi'llllll'(lryd~


__ thr

d the oNt ~ F 10 GrIt ..... 1tOd, I(QIWlIIIII' M.I)'OO' Win d,"""",,",,, HI- bto:..-.: fII¥)r i'l196S, '"" ., iI~ dlsl~ poIitiaI CMftI'. MOlt' II1II' 1967 _1hM lI'IiI@dthecity, ~ WlII dMcIed hkt ~i\ loot'otli'iH ~ !.OIdilol 0Md _1tId chiI· drtIi In the pCIQ' I!.rMlI ,wJtlibooloood, (INdr '41 of ~ [email protected]!tdfrom forty '""' and _

Alib COUlIrIo!!) far lIoIfI: ptKta--and they 1I'00I10 kill The)oldinllnl far·

bade I!.rMII ~ fn:wn CJOISir1: into II1II' Old City (If 'rilil0I\I ~ cr- Oi'i lilt McunI of 0Ii0e.. Samt Mb5 0Md lilt iI'iOMIplWllonft alOilft INtI. lilt II1II' !oa-o., Wit ~ the or,. -01\1 ROi'i III-'i Ifm'II.. I:aIrio ~)fruIMn with ~ fn:wn _1okIiIII ccn:", hAIl!. thrlien. pMb. and -... ~ IMrir'II!:I. HI- _ tilt ClftlnI IUIdef in

Jen.uIem\ h,,,ory WlCt ~ SoIamon and HoIOd the GIftI"l)oI. chtm.1w _ "II 'Y'IIOI or ., fICli'NIi"WC. but mtrt'IywwO!d I bNu\ifui. pN«foA cl1y; mod!ltd iI bit Oi'i hi!. nil.... and beIowed V"oertOiI" 10 lilt poInI of ..,...,~C

.ltMil1em .. ~h Rower diIpIrys. HI- illlO '"iIS drtermlned 10 p
the old MlrIin "'"9ft fn:wn whIcIo he !p"iIf"C. he hoooooed Ihr idN of Ihr moIoIOC and ccuId bt.., II f"o'tI')' cNbmIon (If fel"'. of Ihr d!y\ III)'Nd

me- and tttri: commo:.m.OH. HI- obsessed _

thr linint cletilih d his

meti\"....k KoIItk Will touch Oi'i ..... and order"....
hosjliuh iII'd Idoooh 10 Iottp thr bureiutrJtl Oi'i ~ 10ft.

.IeMiI1ftn ...,In ~., ilSlcrisIWc hMn fA ptlCf for ItWty-Ihret '""' !.I!I~ 1M I«OIId I'1letriin intifldl btpI in filII XIOO. woen )'I!MI ifl" loll" hid left the Il\I0)'0I", off"oc:t" Ont tiIIi"1 help but tNnI: IhI! .ItMiIltm" l'1Ielinliln NJb! dGl"' WKLillf how rood !toe)' hid ~"

T1uo ""UIeIII, I..arrect Geld. t. tb. II:lddl. £I0Il1.

wu rlill recognlZlld In '960 whom the hil movie U OOII. wu modft. Pal ... • Ii"ian Arabi invariably mfel"Tfloti 10 'hemselv ... u Arut.. The war of'947-1948'o eliminate the Iewlsh OII'e "' blrlh wu foughl by lhe Pal ... Un l. n Arah communlly nOI .. PIIlellinU",. bul .. Arab.. A dl .. inct Pal ...lini_" Arab Identi ly mnolnly emerged.,. reaclion 10 the tnaQive jewlu. Immigoalion Inlo Pa l... tI ..... bul il wu nOla mlll8nnll~ld aHachmenl 10 Ihe COUI\IJ)' or the name. Paleetinlon identilychanged dramatically dl1rin3lhe 1950s. The P. I..... \inion Jew. who had ca lled Iherruoel_ I'o11<51;n;"lI. for ......ly tbJny y..... now dropped 'hal label and called themNlvee luuell. inll ... d . MNn· while. the bundnl
c. ... Ihe

West Ban t . and to a Ie,", deg>" In Mu lhern

The 80vernmunll of £gyp!. Jordan .•"d t.abanon did not wanl

10 rilt d ...tabiliring Ihelr fOCleU ...

by glvin81he "'(uS- fu ll cltize".hlp.

ond to ,h_ Arabi had no home bu t the mfugee CI.IlIp$-whlch, Lnt_l-


Il«I U'!>. pmiIifnt 8il1 dinton embrKed P\.O (Nimlin YH!.tf

ArMot on ~ White HooH llwn in Septernbfll9\ll w!ltn !tit 0.10

f'fKe A«ooIs -1iIned. did ~ know. Of ~. tNt ..... M.. Nd pmoNlty

orde-red lhe "KIllion of U5. amb.HWoIb" C~ Not! in J9711 We know thn ~ the CIA, whod1

C.'tI. '''is lolflIlinc ArIII!"1 phono .cd m:orded him I'vFc !tit ordtr. Prei· dtl\I RkNrd Ni.lOn·1 rHCIion WlI. to ...tty in(fene (ooptrJIlon bt~ the OA itld lilt! 11I"~1 MoUld 10 f'!ht ,..lfSI ...... If
lnaly. p..,..ldId "01111""1 ed uCOOlion for the youth. Ullhed N.II"". Reli.f end WOfU



ArDCJ ....Int.lned lhe _

I .--lble

u..- <:aIDpt'. GondltLnnI wen .:IuaUy belt ... lh.n endu.....! by the runl ~uy In Syri. and !:Crpt unlillhe

bNlc ..enderdl of'-llh care In

19so. . nd .ft..... And wil"ln I decade the Pal .... inlan A.....

beirne Ib, beol...tucooled etbnlc group in the ArIob world. If lb, Un ited N.llon. of Ibe 19M11i w." lhe benilln hnd of poJIWI. W... lem ImperlllLom. the 1'.I... tlnl." A.. bo benefiled "'"tly from III emphatl,


Improvlll3 ed,,·

IlId heallh can. Dy the mId 10 I.te 19601. wMIlby nation. Uk. Slmdl Anbll and Ib,


Gulf 011 ...1........... Importl.nc I.,... 01 tbouIIn
I.... The ".I_lnlan AIIbt became the "am..!o" upper work!. . dut and profeulonal middle clut of the ArIob world. Bul "Ill. the vat .... jorily of them c:onUn...ed

10 faa...

in the """pt'.

The old ........... UOni of Pal_inLan ABbI who hid f
III 101""".1... and fVOwlnll Jewi. .. ... n lemenl 10 lonll ibrougboul Ibe Brill . .. Mind... period hid ' - " overwbe lml",l)' ru,,1 peuanll. EvlO wblle Ih' oy ..... lI l l. nd.rd o f liYinll In P,I"'llne .nd oppoo1unlll ... for mo.., pl'OIperou.ll yet In lownlilid dUM gre .... durins Drillill ru le. Ibe n....,.1CIfII .... of Op~!UOII to Ihe I_lob "'!lIIm",,1erupled 111 rwKIion 10 \egIolZlonllt Jew1'" oopnbJllions purchuhtll ulUllly ..In,,,,,l), low.

p e Lend. like I'" . w.... pt' of !he ",,.....,1 V.lley Of on lhe coati." the .... ill CIfII.... for buJld.i.,. k!bbul:rim [collectl... firm.) and othet Mltl..

menr.. Thul Arab oppolillon IIMDJD.t from the peNADtry.1Dd lool: the form oI ... I.U .... I)' "n
11111 ",lIem continued. though in mucb Inlemlf\ed form . In lhe Ilnl ....,.... Uon of IIUerr!II •• uocU dun", the 19su.. AI n .. t. the lnfanl l..... U . mlY pruved lneffllClu.l.t deu...i ",


_pGIIdln8 10 theM .UocU•• lId

w", u n,bl" 10 knock oul the boo... they came from. Du.lnll hi. cruel_I


n. Pomlcloll' lec..... ct Geld. II Ibl Middl e £alit

y...... u lhe I.,nli ermy chlehf staff (l9~J 10

19 ~7).

WeuI"n.nl Cenenol

MDOhII Dayan reshaped the mililary 10 combol such aU""u . In 1956. in COOrd iR8lion witb Ibe AnsJo- F... nch mov. agaIn •• F.f!yp". 111. .1 ... Iion_ alization of the Suez Canal. [,rael Mhed the Gua Strip and Slnll tn .... pon ... to crou·border tMmri,m and Egypt's dosing of the Sue... Cuul 10 [..... Ii . hippilljl. Afte, thai campa ign Rnd Ibe dem ilituiulion of the Sin.l Penin,u l•. guerrilla auacu we,e dramatically reduced Ind .b, Pa l... tinian Anlb gu.",.illa movement appeared to be over. That c hanged In 1964 when a young Pal ... tinian Arab ... Ieted to Hille,'. old . Il y. Haj Amln .l- Hu .... ln!. created tbe ~'•• ah O'llanl:utlon. He wou ld lale, m8ke it the domi nant faction nfthe P. I... 'ine Liberation Oraanl ...!!on. Hi. ruome wi. Y.. _

A",r" . A... fat·. fint tactical victory

in 1964 was • purnly yerbol one, but in.pire-wh ich h.d!Men UMdexclu,iYely by Pal ... 'inian Jew_fo, th. PII.,.tlnlan A... b poople. Jt has heen uchulvely .pplied and uoed In thi' wly ever ,tnca. AdopUng .he term Polttl/injon ,barpened and l"IIitimized Ihe nat u ... of 'he I'al ... tinl ... Arab o pposition '0 Ihe very ul"ence of 'h. Sla.e of lfnIel. It .100 oerved 10 , hroud t .... _nlw underlyinll ... Iiglou, ""d axl,. tenil.1 nature of the con mct. It wa. cert.lnly true Ib.t tb. P.I""Unla .. Arab people from Ih. very beginning overwhelmingly oppoMd. lb. Jewtlh return to the anceotraJ Land ofbolh peoplM. The 1948 1,,,,,,. lon ofP.IMtine by the Arab anni .. was ... p ....... llted 10 the WMI a.1 cam""I,,, '0 ,.....,ue P&I""I;nl&n Anr,," from Jew;.h oPP"'-

son. III Arab countrieo it WI. preo.lllted un"m blsuou.ly .. & war '0 d""troy Ihe Zlonl. 1 . I&to. In Ih. WMI. Arafal downpl.yed the underl yIIIjI ... ligi ...u and potent ially genocidal upee .. ur bl. an.I·Zlonl .. cam· ""igo. If Iho PaI Blli"i.n Arabo we ... Ihe P.leotlnl all peopl • . ,hell they were obvloully eligibl e for natioll81

'ighlsnf ~ ... lf·delo""in"tioll.~


varlou. We.tern·built empireo crumbled . Ihe United Nation. and the


Uall'" Stlt... botb prof......! to .uppDl1 ... Uonll " ..Jf-dotennln.otloo" around tbe sJobe. I!edefInl..,!he ..... I>-bnell otruaIJ.kIM I nillonal conOid .......... twa diff... nt nltlonlli..... changed the debooto from MIl.lIm..... JeWL It became dlplomallcally respectlble. It put lhe I'1.D and


flnnly in the

ClOmp " I countl..,.. other n.otionellibentlon m<MI11Ien'" .uppo
I, ",., It W,",I.

The.. h. d been na p.I ... Ilnlln Arab nltlanlli.m dun.., Iholonl cen· turi ... of th Ottoman Empl ... aul Ihe <:ondltla ... of llvlnaunder a riU.b rule I fl.r World W.,.1. whllo I n_ Jewllh ...110...1 ....:lety WM beinl built up II brMkned """" ....... nd Ihem. h.ed _Inly sI- the P, I•.

tinien AnIbIo vet)' dllfereol uperience from lbel oIpeop"'ln any 0Iber pert oHhe Arab world. And the ex,-i1DOl of lhe hund .... of tt.ou.nds

wbo Red lbelr bam.. or w.... expelled by ",. .II Ion:eI in tbe I Q-Ie


Lnto the ml ..... bL • ..,fusee cam~. with their bUamI bul llJnlRcant combLn.otlon of """,lIenl b.lle ....11h care .• uperil edUl;lltlon. Ind otherwl.. IWfll1 cond ltlon •• mad, tbet nlUo",1 experienoe more dl, ' lnCllve 11111. If 'he Pllutl ola" .....h I*-'ple were nOl' cohellve nlllonal sroup In 1948. they oertllnly

twenty YIIf'IIRte •.

The real Vasser Ararat y........... fll domloll\ed Ihe rll.linlan nillonil movement lor forty yare. w]Ib din .... ulu lor his owa people. in many Important .... pocU. be WM not II ,II wbet he IPpeared to be.

ArlI.t cl.lmed 10 have '-" born ill }eruAlem. bul W. Klually horn In J:.aypt .nd ,",W up In Gnl. II. PI'MIDtad Ih' Pl.O u . fuhlOlllhly M."dlt.....:lell.t ...... olutlonary mOV'MIlelll_1tancI thet won hIm I qu ...· ler-conlury of )oy.1 ,up port from tho Kremlin. Hut thor. Is convlnc\na


ev\dMlal thai he rimed hi. und""S""'nd carooer. and made hll firsl p<>w\!r

ba ... ln revolutionary A",b p<>lhlel. wilh Ihe Ikhwan. Ih.. Mu.1im Bmth· .. ,hood in c;" ... Ind Egypt. He presenled 10 Ihe world an im. of beins an incorruptible .... m ..... ",volutlonary, bul he Ilubed oway billionl of doHan during hli long domination of Ihe PI I...linian nalional mnvemenl. an d hll Falah wII .olwoYI mirt!d in <x>rrupllon and in<x>mpelenOll, Arafal p.-nled 10 Ihe wnrld Ihe f""" nf .n A",b reginn unified in ill op~hlOll

10 1."",1. bul he killed many A...b. during hillOllg ""ree,. In

hil heyday, every A... b COUlIlry thai g"ve ... fugllio him and the PLO wu ruined and plunged Inln civil war ......,u lt. King Huuein nf Jordan drove !he PLO 0tJ1 efhl. country In September 1970. Lebonon tben took Ihem In, Tbey etlUblbb .... a powerful enclave In soulhern L.ebanon knnwn lOS "fat.bland." But unlike lhe much more furmidable Hezbollah. which eventuIlIy .ucceeded them.tbey proved mililarily u ... l_ 19a1n" Is""",1 ucepl for a handful nf raldl lhal Ilaughlflt8d Isme ll civ ilian •. Including mo ... than twenly children In at ..:hool in Ma 'llot in 1914. Starting in 1975. Ih' PLO plunged L..b,mnn inln fifteen Y"I'''' of civil


and .narchlc vlolellCtlthal eventually took 150.000 lIv .... Many Alab I_den haled A",fal or dlstru'ted him ferociOUlly--

gave evan

1nO"'. hut for

all the;r tllk. they never ",iood. finger to ",ake luno the molMlY w .. heine lpenl I'rope.ly. (In f..,t . It wu being l iphoned off Into Swlu bonk acco"nl, 8nd uoed to creale the terror __ ... 1 that 18t8r kliled more Ihan

a IhouMnd I_II clvm .... dw'i"ll Ih. Second Intlfad..) Th. Clinton Mitttln iltntlon &DC! It. ..:delmed ~ dlplomet. wen tOlally"lMp a'

tIM ,witch .. well. Anfl! w...1m.... I diplomat of p Rill', but be "'I"larly oV"'l'lay.d

hll bend. II, won pen,Anb .nd !Jloo.l reoogIl.hlon b hie ...lIonal.nov. n",nt. only to provob rerodou' I...... U nteUatlon . He rero-l to<:OmpromiN .. ntll he WI' forced to. wh ich doomed him ,tid Ihe movement he led


IlmOlt th ...... dllClld" of endJ eu mllltary ... d .. ltlmately poUtlCf,1


An.. tha •. however. th.

0010 I'...:e Proc... nnally I"n him

political po_. which heoq ..... dered _

the ...... detade.leovl"ll fatab.

and . he Pill uha ...ted , d~hed. and ...... krupt In lbe faao of a new. far men ImpIlClbLe. and Ionnid8bIe I"IIlisiowo nrvol .. ,!onery orpnLatiou:

H.mu. tbe I,lamlc Rell.tance Movement. Ho w....... throuihOlit hi. ':-'-"'-~ "",-'.'.;.' .',;-' -..' .... ....... ~



"" ,.

_ Did Romanion Intellipnct Know about Artlatl



Gtne!iI DI MihII P)c~ tilt ~ '-I of me~



MMcf. 'MitfS oftffl

*"" NfI:rt

In Ilk ulfTt. . book. ~

HIe meod~1I how tilt Corrm..nu-m ~ '-i'ilri~ ~


an NII:rt and lipid .... in a ~ dMlWnce ""'" lin bodJ· f*d. Thr RorNnin 'ho ~ .... \nfIplI"ptfd ". an Nil.. -...ch dox\rnenIfd alit"."of I.qIfd oritnliI poIItnl ~ of lift. d tmbtultd flO !wICk ~ in s..,.. b.nb, and of homoitWII rNi:ion~ bti~'.' wit!I lin \ftdIer and rnotw.lfI'iIII Ilk ~ bocIycu¥ds.

Aft .. rHdirIC thit ttpnrt. 1ft'It ~ ~101Ktalhowt! . , , ' " I hid been killed by Nif.., Of"'"' jul.! Wi:fI'I his Nnd."


ct. ...... , .

Ant.t could alwaYI count on hll political chann and guile to

carry him Bnd the pU) from one de,...1 and exile inlo anothur.


A",fat. Fatah. Ind the PU) did not hold national dernocnt lc aloction. In the CI.JJl p . (0' anyw he", el..) to confirm themselvM nBtional rep.....,to tlvM of the PolMtiniftn (IOOple, In 1964


Ihe named in the y...,..

thot foll owed. They couldn't. The r alMtinlan ",fug" CI.JJlpt "'mained un do. foreign contMI: Egyptian and Jordan ian unt il lQ61 . and I. n eli Ih. _fter. Araf.t and hil Falah we .... hy no m •• nllhe only gMUp daim;ng the manti. of revolutionary rep ....... nt.liv ... of Ih e Pal.fllnl.n people. The Populo, FMnl tor Ih. Liben'ion of Pal •• dna. Ihe P.lull n. l.iben l ion Army. and olher Im.lI.r grOUPI ....,n "P"'lIA up. Ir",! a nd Syria hoth .i lher MIl up or pvo .holter Bnd lim;Ie
Egypt's fight to destroy Is rael Gamal Abdel NBlser took Egypt'.,..ln. of powe, publlcJy in 1954 and quic kly ICCl'\Led one triumph after another. H.. boldly natlonallud the Sun Canal and defi ed Ihe AllAIn- French mlUtary f1KlCCUp8t1on of the Canal Zon. in 1956. Within a few weeki. Soviet and American pJ'Bl,lure for<:ed Ihe DriUth and


10 I... ve the CBn,II and foreed the 11"",11. to

pu ll ou t of Sinai. Thi. d iplomatic "victory" . r.sed. in 1he eyM of the Egyptian peopl •. Egypt'. obvioul military de,...1 and IOlidifiad NasH,'1 sIBtU. " a hero. NalHr llood in Itn king contrut to Iho lo.de, he hHi depoeod: the fal, OOTTUpl. and . alflsh KIng r OM .. q. Na ..er Inaugunlad ambiliolUlOCi.1 pnliciM to bring education and Mile h ...11b care 10 the Egyptlan (IBOpla, 10cl.lIzad the economy, a nd lreated political crilico wil h ",latlVfllenlency, wm~ t" later regiona\lyr&ntlliu Hafez A_d and Saddam H..... in. Still , NR$M!' was , Soviet-Ilyle lOCialifl . nd pMud of It. While wrecking hi. counlry'llKlOnomy, he lOughl to conqner hil neighbors. H, pu,..


.ued IhI .....1""""'..,.1 policy of dMlAblllti"ll and Ihen ...""Hnlthe NfDIIlnlna pro-W..tem. lDOd..... t. monardll.. of Ih. A.. b world . .. pec!.lIy I t - In Iteoq. Ubytl, Saudi A..bia, and Jordan.

IJO In h!. fnot, The roy>ll f.mlly of Ir.q w.. • I.qhtef'ld In the bOrriflc military coup of 19.se. An .I.nned Syria .,.....


no dlanoI..,lrul


E&rJ>t'. new legiona.

N.- .... I FcYptIID ~ 10 IfIIbIWl and IUppon. puppet ~me In ""moIl Vl mln , II lhe oppooite lod oflbe Red s.., while hi...enl. malnl.lned I ClJnpolgn of lem:rism In the 8riTloh-controlLed Prated"",tl of Aden IMt ~nlu.Uy .ucceeded In drlylnlllhl B.1U.h oul . Becked by hi. mlllhly Soyilt IUy, N..... ' lookOld well on the WlY 10

oonquerinllh, ,n il,... Mlddl. Ea.\. The w..k, .t.ott" lghtOld HriUlh goy. "nmlnll of H.rold WII..." lod Edw..d H.llh , who w...... det.rmlned .... Iy 10 pull out of thl region . offlred Unll oppooili on. Thl United 5111_, ....... whll. , WII c.e..p.t up In lhe Vlet""m Wir Ind dom ..lic UphM""1. h _med thlt no onl WOIJld or could 1101' N _. E.. IIO the Saud!. trembled. In 1l1li7, how . . ., N.- p,,",eeI lanel 100 far, ... d all hi. pteleru.1on. .... lpectfCU!.rly and cnNIJJ,. IUlpr...t. The !i&Yptlln. d........ ded , .""•


.-.fully. lhal United Nltlonl v-;ekeepinJ Il'OOpi be withd .. wn from 51",,1_ el... proYOCIliun IIId pn:tlude 10 war. moved 1 ,(01) tant.o and


!i&YpUln IOldlen 10 th ...len 1....1. In d In. 1IMn1''''pl,y of

the Suezcrlill of 19M!, doted Ih. SInoI,. of Than


lanell . hlpo. H •• bo


knew thai Syria (which Will p
be doubted.. HII 'p"""h ... Ind the overall rhetoric of hil "'8iml w.... unreltollllng ill their detenni""Hon 10 annlhtl.le the Jewish l tale. His mil· 1I1ry buildup, lupplled. by Ih. Sovieta. WI. focuoed I"ti ... ly 011 li rael from the ~ i><1IinninR MOIl of IU. N_r·. d.r..... ' and m<»t IlIIIbido,," milit.ry program had literally R'lnocldlilmbitlolll. He "",ployed III meny Gennan former Nul o<;lenllll.


be could on twin program. to

develop belll.d c milll1 ... """"ble of ......:hillR Israel .nd blolOSlcal w.... hllldo for tllem. Tb. [Iraell ae<:rel te",ICOl. the Ml)Mld. managed to kill " couple of tbe odend lll Invol'ffl
1 1H~1 1H7

lIuaniUa war "II'ln.1 th. a rill.h.

The ... will no.....,n why N _ could not hove curled out. ",," \lou. ~mmodltlon

with Israel. Illhe very 1....1. throUJh the 19so. and

19601. For mOlt of th.t tim •• J(ing HUlte!n of ,oMon, fmm I vlllIl, weaker pooillon, hod .ucceeded [II doinR iUII thai. FcYpl'. huge and .. pid ly R""w[ng population Ind iUl1\IIIlve po""" ..oou ld have been Nuter·. m.[n ItN of concern. Had he opeMd. Egypt'. borden wllh Ihe Pl lcllini.n ... hlp nml" In Goza. he would b ..... helped Ihe plighl of th_ Arab ...fuJ- and enriched hIs country with ""ceUenl younR Pel_tin ian prof_Ional. Ih,," 'tartlllg 10 be mined III lhe w"lI.fun ded. well ·run ... hlp nmp o<;hool •. If be had truly been .ookl llg a fter hi. """pie'. w elf.... Nailer would have welcomed. from

thole CoIm!» the doct ...... teache.. , plumbe... aulo m«:hanlca. CINlI!ruc' lion enRin ....... ond electriciano FcYpt"" d ... ~tely needed,


Inst ... d , N..- opt",1 fur a""8"nC1I. ambi.lon. and Wllf'I of conques. and e><1 ....... ;na!lon. He doomOld his people.o. cycle of three more wan. the

d""ul.ltion of many ofthe OUi


laJ'lI"It and pnovioulLy moot prulper-

citi .... and the w_t mili.ary humillatloru;n their modem history.

The Soviet Union vs. Israel In Ihe Six.Do.y W.... the Israelio mew they couLdrI'. wait to be attltCked. They I'n,ck fint . d ... troying ...... dy th'-""]uanen of the I':gyptllnli' fOrQI. routing the EaYptlln army of Sinal. ",,,,,lIIng!he Jordanian att""k

and capturing !he W.... Bank. and hurlilql bock the Syrianl and takilql the Colan

H u~htl.

All thll 10 well mown. What I, I.... well mowlI II tho. the Soviet Union colIsldenod . nlCking 1......1 i_If. The Soviets hod warned N...... lhat the I... ell. mighl launch I preempUve flrlh. hut .he Soviet role wenl fRr beyolld .upplyl1l8 ormland illtelligence 10 the A....b.. A book publi.bOld in 2007. Fox.bot. 0 ...' Dimono. document..! how Soviet MiG-

25 flghten had n own r1IConnalllance ml," Ilonl over .he Is raeli nuelMr plan. a. Dimon •. The Sovl",. mew the 1...... li. W1I", developlngnuclM' wlNlplln. and wan •..! to ,top .hem. The Sovl",. w"'" """n pnlJllring for. major om p hibioul I.nding and p .... emptlve ,trik.,. of their owo 10 d .... roy the Dimona ....."or. In the end. the '-...... Iio won the


quickly the Soviet. never 3"t a

clutnce.o lump In. Li ke hl l Soviet mut."... Na ... r Wal not



Y ••


Boob You're Not Suppased to ReId

Sit t:loyl of WGr.~ I96l 0tWJ ~ ~ oI~Modtm~&>I1 byM~ BOren; New ¥oR; Prnidoo I'rrn. 2(0), Nooo fctto!ten In MlffiCI but W!f'f rftellifC

Xoout lilt proI"ftSIonIl fKf4~ TIIf lsIiWlb wOOted SO hird 10 c/Ult In tIoeIr

rM TontJ ~ Tommw

fearful of the lor.oU ..my a nd g.... vely

¥my In Ihf I960s II

und ...... t;meu'd It. lie .nd hi •• op con,'

by SNb{,,1 T~ New York: v.... 1969.

mOllden .110 completely unde .... tim.ted


Tbe Polmalty lac..-red h id•• llh Wlddl. EoM

11"",1', II. ,.ri ke "",,,"bUhy. They MpeclalJy had n" c"nctlpli"n " r Imw

the I...ell, could multip ly Iheir .ir . Irikins p"wer by ",pldly refuelins . nd ....... m;"3 tbelr pion ... Ind ..." dl"3 them "". r" r ...,.,nd Ind third .trik.. "n Iha nme day. Nuser·. bh:,,)d -curdll"3 threau " f 8Xtarminatins 1.""'llum.... inl" , '"rk A.. b humiliatl"n.

Wo s isroel (11(111, In donger In 19671 II loa. bec"me r•• h i"n.bl. am,,"3 1.....11 lefti.l. and Jibe..l. in rocenl dflCl.dM I" acclaim 1...el·.lhon prime mlnilier Levi Eshk,,1 I •• wi ... "aIMnum. resl ..ined IIld mod_taln peIIOIIlIld brilliontly lu.,.,..full n wlr. Th, Imth WI •. u Ihe I...ol i public woll rocosniu

....-.I"n. 'pirlt ... 1 dep..... lon. Ind . ull... I"3 from m"re emigrant. than ImmigranU. H•• 1", fol ded undor presIU.... Whon 110o Egyptiln ..... y flooded 1m" Sin.ai. Eshkol ..Jd n.JJed the naUon. It WU' dl ... OIo •. He trembled and fluuered and look.... Ilko whal ha wo_bumed ""I. lnef· fectual. and very frls/lten .... lIttle old mon. AI .hol momenl. Ihe mOIl [mpo".nl fisure In keopinS Iha 1... 01 Defense


mnnlns Ind on 010" wu the chief " r ol"'",lion' .nd f0r-

mer II. force com .... nder. Gene .. 1 Ezer Welzm.n. the nephew of the nation". finl p...ldenl. OIolm WelUlllnn. IE,..". . ""11 .... bil nome wilb on. n In.t" d oflwo 10 Indll;lta hl l dinpprovol " r hi. uncle. whom he resarded alloo dovi.h ond ..... dy t" rely on Ihe Brlli, h). He knew tbat IInl .... he acled. 11"",1 coul d e>CJHlCI len. " r thotl ... nd. d ... d from Egypt. I... ai r .Uackt Ind 8'fMlnd ....... ulL In d.esperotion. Eohk,,1 c"r>Ceded tb, n-a to c...... te. new n.UonaJ unity II"vemmun l. Longtime chler "ppool. lion lOIder Monachem lIoSin of the Heml Party. whom the ruli"3l11Cie1I,ll "'8"rd"" u. UNla ... melod.. m.tic bl"wh.rd. wa. broughl in ••• mlniola. wlthoul JID"folio and proved I" be a hawkilh but OOMlmCII,... ..,d "ablli:r:I"3 p....... ru:e. Hut the key , pJIDlntmenl wenl ln Mo.ba Doy.n.


lull .. Neville Chamberl.in In 193910'11 forced I" bring back Winllon



o.urchlll u poliUCOII h.... 01 Britaln·.1loy101 N.'i)'. Eahkol_ r...::.d 10 band 0..... hi. mlllW)i' portfolio& aod appoint o.yan aoInUt ... of defenJll.


im.,.c:t wu Immedi.t. and e lectri fy'''', H. t ...nIfOl'med

nMl.....J moral' ,rid pI'(Wided • dooc:W .... 8dl..!.I. poIltlcal.. l1fIlop: direc-

lion to the Mltlon tn.1 Eahlr.ol. Abb. Ebron. Golda M,I •. and Rlbin had uHeriy f.lIed 10 provide. prill conference .u~~he

11'111'" •

,...1 ,,,,,,,,,,b of the

......11 Imled fof'C

IXII'..::tly ...

btl",Un, the


""'* 10 prolKl It.

(0.)'l1li had .. lilted V... nam aod

how AIII«iCOI', polillCOll and mill',,), l...denhlp __


American public bre.tbed. ,'''' of ,.Ilef thel

Amerk.an troop' would not be nM
brMthed In e".rI b..... one • week II,e. when o.yan unl ... hed the 1....11 II. fon:e on th" EcYptlan. I nd Im..hed fore ..". N.._ ·, dark


The miraculous 'flctory The 1.....11 military ¥idOl')' hi Ib, S\.O;-Ooy Wlf wu ...... mON .uddln

and overwhelm l", than Ib, brilliant U.S. victory In the f1 .... Gulf W....... and ..u do ... wltbotIt III the time for Pl'IJMfliloa the, Ameriao aod I.. 1111.. had. The 1.....11 ddOl')' WU I tribut" 10 lhe.-v. 'yJlem Ihl'

Gan....1 Yl. . .1 Vldln bod deolped .I...o.t t ..o deaodlf before. aDd II .... eltlCll,ed with. brilU,nce ..Idom _ n In tb, cb_ of "If. Itlfpondl"llio d.,... t. N_. P"'P'8'leci Ih" blSIle: 1.....11 military lur:e....... y.t .noth,. Briti.1i . nd American plot . H" m.y " ... n b.... belle .. ed It. BeaouH Eayptian .il'Cnlft couldn ', ny multl pl . IOrli.. pel'


dlY. Ihe E&)'pU.nl never dT1Hlmed tbe lorull. could. They Iherefore ... umed Ihallh Wlvef of plan ... that h.d wiped out theIr . Ir fMal and their .Ili...· .I r fore .. cou ld nOl poulbly IU hu .. com .. from 1. ...1. Th. U.S. Sixth FI_ In Ihe Medltenan""n mUl t have provided It •• in:noft carrie .. and plan .... and probabl y Ibe Brill.h b.d 100. Wild anll-American riOlI"3 immedia tel y broke oul .n over lhe Arab world. whlcb U I r$lldy markel for conspiracy Iheoriu 10 CO".r up Anlb ignominy. feilure. end de'",t. NaMe' W.I dilhon ...1 eyen with hi. Anlb

.m.... He called KI"3 HUI_

... in of Jonlanand lold him thellonleli, hlWi 1a.1 the fI .. t dlIy of air fight1"3 and therefore were now doomed 10 be d ... trn~. Be urged Hu ...ln 10 enler the war Immediately. The king. ironically. owed billurvl".l10 11.....1for IIBring down Syria In 195-8. wben Ihe Syri8JU Ilad thrMlened to

Invade Jordo.n. He el.., owed hu own inlelUsen""

...,..1"", wblch luod pro-

IGCled blm from numerou. Nuse,...m.stennlnded _ination luempU. But King Hu .... ln .1"" \:new hli public baled Is ..el and b. could be toppled by popular rage If h. I tayed out of the war. So be lemporlUld by .Ilowing bi. mllitary fon::" In and around Jm.lAlem to bombud the JewIlh hll f of the cily. Th' bombardment WI' relatiyely lishl .• nd boIcauoe unlel', civilian Iheher m..... u..... In loru..lem were good . casuahl" we .... negligible . But for . country Ib.t had .ppeared 10 be .urrounded by Implac.ble enemi" and on the brink of being extlngui.bed by Ihem. it proved 10 be Ibe iql IInIW. Dly.n approved I _ponle •• ltbough he hid Ini tially opposed invading and oc:cupytng the W... t Bank.. 8 ul .. the Egypti..., army In Sinal du inlag .... led aftor only th ...... deYI of moppIng up ol"'.... lio" . folluwl.,. the initi.l

hreU.11lrotisJu. be allowed 1s.....11 fon:"

to .trike _

u well_

The c.ompaign on th. W... t Bank wlltb. eXACt oppnohe of Ihe rerodou. and h... r1b"",king.truggl ... there in 1947-19 48 . Theo the Arab LegIon h.d proven m"", thIn I milch for Bnyrhlns the Jrnaleuri.h and ne ...·ly cobbled t"!luther lor...li fol'Cel could throw . ttbem . Every 1......1i





. , ' .'

"".' -',,'



.. ,.

'~,.""""7', ...,~7" ,



Too Good to .. T....?


n!hIT tint. trtI'lOfdNoy dor d the m7 _ . MIdIMI £btl. the CIS ~Htws~"~ flied lI\~wnutoanal

viet.,..,." ~ 10 ,i II. TN IriTIih

MKnI'lIf I«CIl.tW d the "'~ of kfMf\ inltLiI IudkrooA 1o ttw win .. ~ifI tNi ItIf)' ftfUHd 1o rwo.
101' whom likinl 1110 WOfUd. ~ _


ble. ".,. broIdult hi! ~ which is how the &
at ttw E&1PtLlnl ~ the NnffIc_ did.

TN 0l'Il)' ~ miIit.y.trib in histOl')' ow thr lMitOIMian at ttw Sorift Ak foo:t t, lilt ~ on);.w 2l. ~~ II tht at Opft• .

be,. •• ,

loon a.rtNnls1l. HiTItr's iTasIon of RIaw. Mel j \ lIijOijit
w\p@dout."," .... paonl

r.xus p!O'I'l'd 10 be WIt... ducb for ttw IO.IptfbIy ~td IIrMii blittblt& IKTIt\ N til ~

offen.lv.. operltlon aSllnlt the I.etIlon fore" In 1948 Illlood. In 1967.

''''''1 on. of them


The Arlb I.etIlon ...1•• Ull uceUently t ... lned and led.. Of III Ihe Arab forcg, they fOll&hI the InnS... t. ham.l. IJId b...t In lhat W it Ind lnnlcted tbe mOllt ulu.I!I" nn , ... t. ....U llttIy. Bul they .. _outnumbarood. oul-«[ulpped, OUI·U'Il...!. and al In opMI' tlonII t.e¥.i ..tirely oul«>ld~ 11M Old aly of ~ rell to !sneli

ron- and Ih. _loft"," w_ Banlr. did II well. Fi... Uy. 0.)'1" wu elMenni...! \0 end n1.... _

,...... of bomt.rd..-.u

of Iataoll .... Ilement. In the rar oonh from the Syrian Joto. oa the ..ppooedly lmpregntobt. Colan Ilel&hu. in 1948 I nd ""In In t1l61 . the Syrian army prov.d totilly lnao""bl. ofany -'olIO .UICO whl~ ... Thnugh

Syrian ooldlerl folJ&b! hard in theirdefenol ... pwhlOlll. they hid no.,.-. Itional or IlCtlal..,IIItIOlll 10 the 1......11 I rrnored !ugenlllll. 1_"",1 took


!he Golan Heigh!•. lUI!


il look Ihe Wal Bank and Sln,,1. In IU d"YI.

lsnoel', eneml. Iud '-n IU\Ited on th"" major banle !run",. larHli forca

Iud Iwept to the Sun c:en.!. and the Old City of ' eruMiem w.. ruddftnly In jewlsh ..... df Fot th. Ii ,..t !Ime in mora than two Ihousand yeal'S. The wlr we." stunning humiliation nOI on ly for No.ne. but for the SoYIe\ Union. which Iud poured 00 much mllUasy hardware Into


and Syria. The point w.. not 100t on Ihe American pubUc and on poHcy_ mabfl in Washington.

Results or the Si.I-Day War The SI~-DIIy Wilt did not """,Ie todoy'l Middle EllS" The nogion h .. ' -n through plenty mOnt chanaet-Wme of them far bloodl ........ lnc. then. 8ul the war O$l1al nly tflnlformed the region. lonel luddenJy appeared not ...n Id&llll.uod Ilnle"ale t.... tering On th" brink of dat",cUon but .. .. regional mllitllt)' 'UperpoWM . • kosher Y.... lon of SJ*UI. The JlJ,t.ltMlf w.. ,,100 Innofonned by Ih" Wilt. I", citizenlgrew proud end far mono macho. While ","tly plOud of lhelr cltlzen-anny and Itt .mulng prow_, they Ilerted d"yeloplng .. wl dlllp .... d contempt for Arab ml!ltasy ()liP"_ billti... Th"t altitud" would coot Ih"m d ... rly in "nother


only IU

yaan later. For the fint time lonoel had conquered t,triton ... 10 administer and develop. Levi Eohkol, Gold" Melr, end YiIzh.eJ:. Rebin, the three Lebor party prime mln;"ten who Inherited wbatlJJeeli .uthor Shabtal Thvet ""lied the

"cuneo:l bl.... ing." tried 10 preYenl llgniflCllRt !ewi.h oettlementln t"'lerrl ton .... They wanted 10 nolain OOlItrol. pnmuily for JeCurity......,.,.. bulas far ..


10 I", the PaJeollni.ruo the ........ dl" their ownl!r.l,..

Th, war ,,100 tnln.fonned Ih, ""lol'ntl,,1 n"IUffI of [.rael. Throup.out tb.twIlIIUe\b cenlUI)\ Ih./ewish community In r al ... li"" had grown_ The IOCI.lI,t democracy Ben-Gurion had """'ted and led

p". a 101 of lopl

protection and I p,d,,1 righ", to tb, origin"lly ,m"ll Orthodox )awi,h


minority. but thlt had ' - " grantfMi on 1hto comtort.bl. 1MIC\l1., ... umpo tlon that the unworldly "Iigiow would .t.y In th.lr own com.. and probobly quietly ...Imil.t. Into the sen .....1 popu lltlon. In ..-.d. they Bourbhed end ...- It I rapid pece.

Ira the Arab world .......,. melor Arab IMlier ...hoM counuy foupt In tb ..... _r.,ypl . 'ortlMn. Syrie. and lnoq-w •• loppled ... lthln Ib ..... yea .... with thlt nceptlon of Jordln" KIIIR lI u.... ln . Syrll Ind Ir.q becIome ItrollRc, So"Ie1 IIU ... und... tb, rnoro Itlbl, (Ind brulll) 1Ie'llh Arab "odIU'1 dlclll ...... bl~. with tOTl,,_ Ind hit man Sadd.m lIu...in corn·

iD& to ,ffilctl ... power In s.ghdad in 19611 ..w. former elf fotce chl,f Hefez AJ.Nd \.lUna power In o.muc:ul in t 1170.


n...l. N _ thoushl he could contln ... 10 l..d the Arab world by

1~1 .... lu

bOIItlllty toward iarHI... b, bed before. Heorpnimd I

m_I". JMln.Arab. Inll·Zioni" conr..... nee In Khlt'IOIIm . Ib, capillli of Sudan. 1M rapidly /"IIbuUI hi • ..",y end aI. ron;. ...11b bl, Soriet INIcken.. By 1969, h' ,.11 .tmn, ,nOlJth 10 Itar1 bomberd ln, the d.f,n_ th,

1_110 had built to hold the eulem benk oftbe S ..... ean.1. In 10 doins.

h, Ilunched tb, War o f Attrition. It proved 10 be the 1••1 end In o-om, 11"11 "'011 OOftly of .1I hi. bunsl ....


The 10,"110 b.d now I 101 more power 10 _pond 10 N.......·• pfOYOCOI' Uono then lhey had had bo.ck In 11"11195-00. II,"UIln:.. /\ d.....llte
the Idditlonal burden of b.elt a million ..

rua-. N _ ..

• politician ..... finished Iona before he di
NiJ:on: Israel's best friend In 196&, levi Eohkol ... nt LI,ulenl~ Gen ....1 Vlezh.k ltebln \0 Wuhl ns· Ion al 1....1·. I mbuudOlln ordor to sot him oul of the wly. II, wu I


PC Myth: The U.s. locked 1....1from lirtll '""J""M IkIilfd Sln~ Ills rIOt ill,qys ~ IIlH'l's ptOIKiOI ond lI1if.1d. In 1 loct. IoUCCH~ us. ~1~'It, whll~ pmi¥tlYll"'l"lthflio: 10 til. JrMst. Itn~.lf&olrdrd it JftltfilUY is ill ~~ rod ~ it 11 Mm',

IffIIt!l fat 1M first Iwe!I{y )'ellS 01 '" e, illonf. DrmoClitic prtsldent twf)' S T' ........ priQt~1 the """, .in.oI..,! Int i· lofmolf t'
to !oil In the ()Yill OffO:!. 101.. ci.Hnfd 10 boo i WoIlm. iIIpprK .....

1M r.;md of bliotl but in off"r ~ wu"t. T....... ·• ,...., >«rftM~ of mlf.

Groo-,.1oWIN1l and DoNn "'hew:wI. Ul'lilny _oen'!. Truman dod 00I1if1 iI fOllCfltO provide I/l)' ~ off".., Us. milnuy Of c;'il ... ilK! to mH!.

The skies of The fMly )ewilh lIilt wm PfOI«Ifd by ~i-dH;s:nrd Mm«Wvnitt 8H09s built in iIIld sold by ~HW. • ~ wtrll~. f..-r. noI

the UlIl!fd SWft, w.s The W~tem d.moolq tNt fmt CiIITIO! 10 ISIMfs

iId MId sold it tilt .1It.." .nd I.nu it ~trl, r'ftdfd. Mtilrr.ofoOle, lilt COlt 01 ~ f~ one! clothirc the I'uIdredI of

lhovsinck 01 Jewish m~....xlrnly kkkfd
Ir~ Er1PC. iIId ~ WiS crWWnc. mi tho $tilf 01 "'HI. with only \.S milliofo people, il"""ll\iIlf 01 rMm
the modern wnpons it ....~Iy ~ 10 dtftnd itwIf. RHrur for thr

Jewish Ililt ume from The t..l o;~ian lIrfOt't ....auld ~ tJ;peo:ted At rwn. ~ Dwism O. [Mo."IO"" hi IIh WC'flirY oI,llle, Jo/ln fo\tfl' 0uI1t1. _If''ll~i frim:h ritlwf. Thry CI;ockN down hird on !!.rift In The I9S6 Suel tiM. But ..m.n litH! dmf,fd S,1iI from IIMcIinc lofdio In I9S8 ill U.s. "-'Mine!. _~ lind." in l~ to prIMM I hOfrl!fldous civil infMII







WII, Elw;J .. tI'.-.d DuflHlNliHd Ihr bllelislOCl onyadd lib.:. 01 1tioemIeI_ bur add NndII om.r. poIentiIIl'""*""'" illhr ..,., ~ well. Re!lli0r5 beumt , 101 WIImtf Ifm tNt, The IftdI 01 """"'-t ..auld become illIIiI/OI' ~ IH~ beI_ AIne'0\ CIA lAd tilt I~~I MOSl~_1IIcI1n the "",~ The ~ fil\ftS In (~JlIrc ~ __ )omf:I jHuI

An&lflon. lhe ~, lAd MtlIl.lAl~ p111!101d

CIA (O\jflIIIf'In1~li~f thief, lAd leddy KoIItl iI (\oM' ffifncl of D..-Id &en-


~>CI'4 I"$iMd ~

when John f

KeMfdJ fI'\I:~ the WNft

HolM, r.tMtdy\ fJlhrf, JcMpIII:fmedy.IIid bftn.,
fW\I )'NO 01 Worid w. I. The e& ~ ~ WiMtcIft CIucMI w<1tI COI'IIempi lAd ~ Nlli ~ 0I00Uid ~ the '''Ilitlil ~, lui .. son ~ 10 be I "IIf)' different krod 01 mill. fllOid ~...hntl,ilitcrilft IIIbsIIts-1hr bnI_' j II 1)'Ilem of IH ~ In tilt worid ill the lilM-fO bltri. And 1ft" louch oIdrllfloell ~I GIIf, ...., d'l¥l(~!o< Konrid .+.dtr'IiUtI rfI«d In 1963. ~ Ifill p<e~f on ~'I f.

-.!Rf IUCtmOI', Ludwi& ErhIId. 10 honor AdeNuto\ pifdfr

10 lofII Ul.~1 hnon 1m fO "'-L '!'how 1m ~ oIpM ~­ l¥I(f 10 IIrioeIIn

""""*'C In ~ Su:-o.,- W. 'Iictory.

~ 1UCUISOf, lyndon Jg/rGQn, __ ..,., I~

10 I!IieI, bur

ht _IOOpre«C F'ld with Ihr~W.1O beKthotil tlltMidllt t.I-~hfanlinly ulico.oedlhr ~ for Sorift ~ iI tilt

rq;an f.cm blitfl SI. -o.,- w. '+'IttUJ. !ut it __ ony II'IC!er P'mIdtnI Rod'IIrd Nhon dIM tilt I.nt!d SUln tKt~ dtciWwly iI f_ 01 wpjiOiliC



war hero and Ihorefore. polillQlIIhreol10 Eahkol alld 10 Golda Meir. who would JUCCOod Eshkol ••




poll of envoy 10 Washllll!'

ton In rhOlMl dayo was lI.ilI_n as IOmllthllll! of . t.ckwale •. france had t-n Is ... ul·. "",in . upportar and lupplier of armo .... peclaUy tircrdl. oince Ihe Cl'1llIt!on of 1M OIala. The Unil"! SI.I.. was HUll .. Impo"&nl more for the private fund· .. ioilll! from It. Jewish communlly. Ih"largetl and w$llhhiUI In [email protected] for IlIltnlegic ..,Ialion.hip. Thllll!' ehan~ ... pldly oA.... Rabin arrived In Washington. FI .... t. """-, iden' Chari .. de Gaull. of France. who had always had IOmething of " latenl eontempl for Jaws (he had ... rved clOlMlly with Ganeral Phlll pl'" Peu.ln after 1V0rld War IJ became furiou, at [,rael for going 10 war to .."" 1I...1( in 1967 rather than heed hi, QOII for ....tralnl, 0.. Gaulle fint mBde lOme nOloriOUJ public Ilurl agalnl l Jewlat" p.... ldenU.l ptUt< confer. anQl. and then he followed up his words wHh acllon by Impooing an ann, emb'''lIo on [,,"I. Tha artnII embargo came lull. as the Sovi81 Union. pouting good monay aft.r bod. was ... nding even more new arm •• etpedally .tat..... r·th ...." .lrcraA. 10 Egypt, Iraq .• nd Syria. And Iln.l was runn ing oul or .pare paru lor III proclouo D.... ult Minge 1111. To add IlIIull 10 Injury. wilh d. Gaulle', bl_lng. the Duuuh company began ... lIi"8 Mingeo to A.. b nltion' like Iraq .nd Libya. Britain under Harold WillOn w.. gene..lIy ,ymp,"h8lic 10 .....1 but un w;Ili"ll to Incur Arab anger by ... lIin8 II advanced anno. And betide.. the Brills h althal lime

h.ad no fighter-bomber to compare with Ihe Mirage. The Un lled Stat.. did, In I" .uperb McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom. In J.nuary 1969. Lyndon john...., stepped down u p.... ldenl. worn oul by rhe Vietnam WI1. race riOll. end IhechaOlic antlwl11"88f1 on AmeriQO'1

coli. Qlmp" ..... liillllCalUOl". Richard Nixon. wu al.-dy • friend end Bdmimr of Rahin·o. When Nixon vilit..! Ilrat,] in Ih. 19601, hll political career _mad 10 be 0....,.. d l"r hll defeot In C.lifoml.·lgubematori.1 race. Rabin w.. IhM chief of l1aff of ,b. [...,,1 Defen" Fore... and hG


Ihe form.r U.S.

w\ce prwldent tb, ...,;!-carpet u..tmellL A ..,.... hed NbOft ...... ined f...... ....r sr-ttful.

N Nbon bM:ame prwident of the Unlled SI.I... .., Gold. prime mlniJterof I _I. Wilb

t.fe; • ....,..,..,

EcYPt a rel="nofollow">nUnulll3 to w. . IU W.. of AItrl·


Uon 110113 the Sun Canal. and wilb lIrIeli .u perlorily In Inc:rouill8 dou~,....,.., Mol . ... Uzed bow Importanl ...11011011. wltb lhe Unlled SUI ... hid become, Belld",lh, .. nelblng Melr. ... II«! In Mll .... uk.... , ... u good . 1 wU l,lklng 10 Amerl.:.n•. She hit U off wllh


from Ihe wnm go-

IHtn"lh h", lov.ble Wlndmoth'" ven ...... of courH,.he w.... 10ua,h. IlDCOmprom\Ilna. hard·headed.

1IIeUI . . . Iruh,

. nd vi<:lotu .. b"wH. He

liked 1"'1.

WhiLe billorianllnd lhe medla \lite 10 ",Inl Richard


hal ..

fulanll·Semlleiand he emanly bad hg prefudlCMI. II', un"""lIble IMI be ...... ' - ' In 1973. The a-uo:Ml C5A c....Luy airlift thai Ni.UJn .uthor· Imd. ... d Dlfente 5ecI'etIry Jam.. Schle.i.npr brillianlly lm plemenled I I tn.kneck .~ "nd brael durl"llihe Yom Klppu. W••. II .110 broughl home 10 1_11 pollcymllke.. how crucl&1 the United. 51.1.. bad become 10 , n. urlna Ihe very 'Ul'Ylv.1 of their 1t&1•. Thil1 y·fjve r-n laler. thai I...

IOn IIIll hold. good.

1973: The Israelis mess up big The 1173 Yom Kippur W... or w.. of Ramedl ". beatn II • direct conltUt 10 Ih. 1961 SIlI·Dly W... And ...uch. It ..... ,lObtrllllll....,.. of how



fII ... can chanp, win.,.... becomtt I...... and dupll«!

hw;:ompet""UI""'fonn tbftmMlv .. InlO fonnldobl,th ... u . After th, 11le1 ...... the bnell anny becIm, compllOlllll and ""'Pili, I'tlnl~

by the fact thai II e r.cti.:.I I""I.lb, 1, ....11. won every , ki,..

ml.h. bett i" . nd com m. ndo op'''lion III the WI. IIf Attrilion from 1969

to 1910. III 1870. they .vell i lol•• n entlr. Sovlll·bu lit ..d" . lllIon from lhe Efyptlloll •. DUI Egypt.:.me OUI of lhe W" of AII.itlon wllh one

TIle hIlUcIU, 1MW1'Kt '014. tl Ike 1i114dll bel

101lJ!·Ierm Itnl"llic .dvanl"P. The loraeli air foroe had not been .ble 10 di,lodge. new gene..,lon of Soviet·made 8'Oulld·to-.i. ml .. l1811 . Iong the WMt Iide of the Suez c.nal. Mono Important w.. the evol ution In Egyptian equipment .nd combot tactics that took ploao ofter the 1967 war. Egypt'. new p .... ld.nt, Allwar Sod,t. who came 1o power In 1970. tnn.-

fOl'Tlled EsYPl'l military Ind.tlh ip. includi'41 elev.tillg AI. Matlbl H ... nl Mubotll< to chief of Itaff of the air force. Mubanok and Gelleral Ahmad I£mall Ali (appoinled war mln i.ler) and Gene",1 Soad II·Shuli III/pointed army commander in chief) CAnOfully ..... Ir-l the Cllutrophlc def... t of 1967. They tool< .....tou.ly Ih. oathlng ;ntem ll ailid.1III from ... nlor o fflcen In t .... Egyptian I rmy. They cl .... rly


the need to

neutraUze the I't.ell f"poerlority In pliOll .lId W1lr. "",wl ... d to equip

large lIumbetl o f their ground ~ wi th Ihe Sov;"'.· ch88p new mIll' produced .. ntl·t.nk millil .... They we ... nD\ political plott.tI .nd Illtriguer1 like N""'-, f.ovoritee and <:rOnlee. llmo.lI Ali and Sh.uI.; In par. ticular later fell afoul of Sadat. oPl""'llIg hi. mo ... moden" ponCiN toward Ilnel. They .nd oth .... officen were e.:pelled fro", poWet, lolled. o.e:dled. Mub&nolr.. who remained qulM[y 10YII.luoo::eMed Sod.I .. P' " Idelll i nd ru led Egypt &0 well .. I nyone could for mo... th.n I quarter of • ""ntury. AU th .... men w.... Intelligent, energetic •• n.lytlcal, and 1"""

-.ad ofgmot profeulonallntegrity. They we ... ligllt y........ w.y from tho arrosant.


Field Man-hal Abdel Halr.im Amer. who h.d led the

EfIyplian Irmy to shameful huml1laUon twice In the 19S6and 1967 w.... And unli ke A",er. they learned wellth. 10lI001 or der... t and put them to good u ...... the [0.....1;. lOOn I... med to the[, COlt. Shu n t ..ined Ihe Egyptian army to "ndertake careful. IImlted·",n"" ofr.llol""" under the p..,.ection ofthe IItIW lurfoce-l

'.' .... ';".':-'~:-' '7-":--~ ...',..... ,"' '.' . - ' ..... ,-

.'.','.','.',', ,"'," ---




Ismli Cyclops '""T"I- hrJrIl.....,. didn~ ItJfl lIS thf Wrrin(ibIe ~ iI: wcdd L ~, Ont..J., INdt thf difftlt"U,' thf "MM.OOot tyt d IontI' OIl{

MosIlt ~ whom I'time MIMlfI o.'fid ~ liked 10 chitf rI mff cI!he "'wil ..,-,y. P ... 1tI"b ~·worc offlcen in !lot lOp Iudtr~ Dlyil\ IqIrt !lot infilll I,",y 1 tidiully _ cambit ethoI. ~ InW>ttd 00

!lot rud'IIN IItlllYlltflt cI corrt>.t ~iYft. rqloldlm cI ClI~tlt1; m il· IIfory mKb

acml Aljj) ItirorGn ~ hooifitd dooriIh I\rIelI pall!\-

shott mlCb midt II ncht ¥Id viii irdtKt ~ jInot otfocen..d oodNr)' sdditIl ~ Iht irotiItnoe in !lot f\rId; ¥Id (ombII dn~

tt. . . thM "'" fiflfllC/otr thin iI hid bftn. DIpn\ cw",...J ItyIt C7Md

1 lot. ~ 10 IhM 0I1'i11let Gentlil ~ GucIrNn. ..t.o dt.elcptd !he . . 01 !he IIMlinfI. TM ~ imIp 01 !he blwil sdditI lIS InfonNL I!ropnt ¥Id \l'bHtibie come fmm CloyM'I.

t.ella wlih Ih.m, I I Amet had. Shazll mftde ,,'re hi. ooldlen were equipped on ly wllh weapon. ,h., were well whh lo Ihelr lechnological ca""bIl IU... lie s-ve ,hem a new senentlo" of ...... U wl,...u lded 0011· la .. k 1111..11.. a nd [VOUnd'la-ei, IOtl ... ircnh ml..I1... H. ,110 worked b.ud 011 plennl,. bow 10""" lb, S ..... C. ....11n _helmlna form and

.... k. lhe _ , benk. wb ... I_ I h.Jd ........ed Ipparenlly ImPNtIJIlble new def....., lhe Ilu-LeY Urut.

o.YIO objecled ,0 ,he Dew lin •. end 0 _ ...10 hll Intl lncu were oound. 8 1.1, he bocame In IllCt"eQlngly pa»lve ft81.1" II min Iller of

deren .. In ,he nv ... y..... buildup ,0 Ih. Yom Kippur War. OrlpnaUy, llIya .. hed rIO! WI",ed th. I_II army 10 . w""'p aU lh. wly ,0 ,be Suez

Dnieper CJtJAi"8. the greet ...! amphibio"" operation in b;'tory against a hoatil" defendl!d .ho... in tennl of combat IrooJn Involved . ..,., cornK:t, be had """" Ih ..... defen_ vastly nl"'" irn pmMlve than tho ua ... t...v Line smuhed.) Hut o..YIII Will outnankOO. He oouLd nOl 8"\ hll own way wilh Goldl

Mal •. end he hed .l .... dy "",,!uieoced in the din.lron. "I'pointment of LIeutenant (An"",] OI.lm Oar.Lev, • Labo. Pany 10yallOl, as chief of ,Ialf in 1968. Bltr-Lev ... a. far m..... rigid , """8""' ,."d doct.;,..i", tha" the in fonnal

o.yan or tb. I hy. low-key. but fIX"" ptlonaUy Intelligent and analytical

woruholic yltzhak Rebln. He wal convinced he had tb .. anl woro 10 ~lng.

iii, family originated In

the Yuplav Jew;lb com munity.


did thaI of hll prot'g6 and .uoxe.w. LI"ute"ant General David Ille U!'. Bar-lev and EI ....... unlike Dayan . Ariel Siwno, and Rabin. put their faith In .Ulle deren-. Tl rel="nofollow">ey di d nOl t>e«I Ih, w .. ml"!! "r Geo'll" S. PoUon t hot

Italic defon_..,.,. laltlng monument In Ihe "upldhy of man. They Ihn .. ght the An bl we ........1"... that Israel cn .. Jd lit back in ita mighty D{lW


and mUSK ... ttt enemies at wilL The I.raell Inny h.d

fallen Into the ha .. doofrn ..... ll who WUlted tn ... vlve the Mo.glnnt Unto HUllhe Bar-Lev Une w... lK>lIow . hell. H ..I... nlike Ihe far mOf'll formidable Slegfried.and Me.gInot Un", during World Wu U. it wasn·' . 11... • t .11. It w....... rleo nr "'p8I1Ile llrongholdl conJlructed . Inns Ihe


CIo ...1. HCh .upp<>HdJy .o.ble tn live the nth .... covering fi ..... Second. lhe whnle Ideo of the line wuth&\11 required aoldte... nd 'Ignlficant mobl· lized ......"'" forceo 10 man II. But before the Ecpti.an . !tack fi ... Jlycam" on Oclober 6. 1973. Prime Mi .. ioler Melr. deoplte mauy wamlnlll. hed natly refuMHi to call up any ........... eo. She w.. convinced the . ttack wo .. ld neve, com e. [n tbe event . • few hundred 1'1"&0111 anny IIOIdlen. mottly regular conscrIpII lining thel. tw--Y8lltour nr dUly. we ... hil hllld-on by.an Ecptlan anny of 60.000 men. The "","ive .... phibio ... opention 10 emu the canal had !Men p ....


pared melLc:uloll.ly ud il we.1I off lib • drMm. Mel. ""d Bar-Le>o ', itntagic COOM»pIlon .... ponted in .....n. of bounE..... WortOl Ia)' La .Iore for the 1....11,. The mobilized 1....11 ..",y

rolled Into 11M SIMI ~nhu,,1a In lCIIn.lbe £cypll.ru .. they had done th_ U_ be'-"-in 18411. 11156. and 1967. aul thl. _ . V1II}' different ElYpll ......... , . It had been e!
cheap, ... Ily produced .•nl;·te.. k end enli .• lrcnfi mluU... thet It dftpLuyetlch,npdthef_ofw ... Thepl'1tVloUilylnvlnclbleiJrMllWlka

we •• kDoclr.ed out by tb,

eventually by tbe hundred •. The fin,


bnell count_It..:'" were l.WIChed fv 100 ~ wllhooJl .-,Iy . .. r. flel"". pl.nnl,.. The


cbolcM of Bar-Lev and Eluar ......lor

front commander. poo....d uniformly di ... trou_ JlriU"I conI.... 10 o.yan and IUobln. who .. chie& of . .1f had both ' - " .... utandl"l ju . of IIMID. The IarMlilln th,lr eUacb ...... ....0. 1M _ . I..... otuy


...un that hM! COlt u.. Briliih and Soviet ennl. to ......ily . .1,,11 the Wehrm..:hl In IIMI end 1942 . They ooun" ... u..:ked with ten'" In me.'" fum,Uon wllhoul fin, doarinl the wly wilh In femry ..... ult troopl. AI I relu ll . lh8 llnu W8re ,'lIillll d ueu for h"lVy .nll-ll .. k

w,,"ponJ .nd Inf.ntry .rmed wilh handheld Intl.W\k WHporu.


A wlNlk InlO Ihe WIU. wlth 4 .....1·. finl counleHllacU hod Ind ommunillon Ind ..... pono ......... ronnlns dlllll""O\'.ly 10.... the JewI.h Itote ...u III ...., .. cIanpr

ofbel"" 0\'ImIII by tho Efyptlllll thin II hid

beom In 11MI 00' 11107. In the t956111d tl107 ........ the "",",II .It force hid

--.; .. nyl"" .....1I!.ry oft... quickly lIIdopponnlly _lIy wlnnLns COla>mo.nd of the akl. . eor.-.uently. the '-11 ...... y hid ........ In"OIted 10

heavy ol1l1lery. It 0»1100 ",ucb IIId .Iowed down lhe (q1·1IKWint InDy. And who needed it wlNon the oir force could do the job betl"'IIIY"".y1 !:Iut 10 11173. the l...... n .1. fOlUcould no IDrlll"" do lhe job. "'elicYp'

U.n.' new . urf-.tQo.I. ml.. HOIu ... 10 Ihll . There ..... I turkey .hoot of 1. ,.eI·lelite pllou .nd expenJlV8llrcnft.

n . hllUnlly l_rTOd GoJ •• t. th IIJ4dJ. F..o ..

With Syria and Iraq . ttacklng from the nnrth and Egypt moving ripidly aero .. Sinai. [onel looked 10 be imperiled. Supportina the Arab st.llel we.. the Soviet Union. S.udi A",bie. Kuwait. MorDlXO . Whya. Algmi •. Thnl.io. SudlJl. th Pol ... Unians. ""d enn P&k.iJlIJI and Cube. two thl"81 IVlllltuaily And [0""'] from diSllSlor. The fI ... t ..... lhoe gtGAl

O·A Coluy airlift. d ubbed OperatIon Ni ckel Crus. It wu 0 .... of Ihe

lorgMt. qulck..t. most IUllOOllllful .lfMW88ncy .....upply ope",tionl lhe U.S. Air FoTOl! bad ev.r carried out. Many of America', NATO 0111.,. "lfu"" to lei the ot",nfl l.nd for ... fuellng. but the PonUJllu ..... gov.rnment helped. .. VI the Jewi sh ,t.lte hyollow;ng the U,S. to uN lhe Lo~ lir baM on the Aw ..... i,l.nds in the western Atlontlc. The second factor Ihlltumed de""'! Into viet...,. In Ib.oouth WHIM man who Inherited [}oYln', old mantle .. [1... 1', gr&at ... t combet com, ITIIIlder.

c..n."" Ariel Sharon. Ue had oo.n lK[ueoned out of the .....y Into

early I'9llremant and hId Immedlat. ly turned hIs boundl_ energi.. into traruform illfl dom ...tic polit lct.. convincing Ih e nOlorlolllly .m.lI.thlnk_ illfl M.. n..chem Ilegin 10 e>
Results of the 1973 war [n 1967.0 mlraculoul, ov.rwh.lmillfll.....li vIctory ot low coslled to more wer. [n 1913.0 fa. mOM fmoclous war .,.,.tlllflolmOOI fom lim.. I I mony liv... led to more thon thirty y ..... of peace wilb the two Arab antagonllll.



Both bneI and tb ..... jot ArM> combool , '"1. wen P'Mtly lObe,ed by Ih' war. The la..,II. j.uned that they could nOi underestimate Ib, mUl-

.ary c.o.pooblllll.. of nelshborlng ARb stat... Once tb. boord.h ......... Ind nthe. bnlnt.. Golda Mel, wu fon:::.d oul of po ....... . yoo"ll"'". m"cb pnISIMUc ........Uon o, ...... U l...den.....:ly \0 make polhlcal com-


prom l_ wllh Ih' Anhl took over. 111.'.W"IIlh.llh" .......... , ,,,,,.1100.1

O'mc...lonl wM1I liven by the l .. p~ly mOIU rt,.h,-wlng and lntranllgenl J•••• IIIMdM o f them oil. Men.ach"", Besln. when ho m1u.n.,d th"

In lln Sln,1 Penln.ul. 10 Egypt by 191!1 . Th , ml..,.. ARb .. I tlonl had

I..mld I IfIUOn .. wIlL Eu"pt Ind Syril had caught tb, linen I nny .(Ull), by • ...-prIM. lbel. _poruolnd """,bol t..:llea, ... peclally thoM of the FeY","n Infantl')' In.he

nn. _

I. of Ih. war, "en yutly ... paior.

Fot IhoIllnI II .... lo ... y war. they had _inDicted. \KIical der.... on

the '-11.1, ron:. and prevented it from proYidi,. der;i.lvl t.or;tlooJ .up. port to 1.... U"""od ton:.. y~ detpire ,II HI_lMIv.nt. . .. the Anb Innl.. JllU 1011. Ind lhe CMM-fires In the nonh Ind fOIlth Qrne wilh 1..... lI oombllt fon:.t On both frvnto poi..! to toke OoomU<;1JI _nd Qolro. Senior lNod ..... ln f:aypuJld Syri_ ",,,,,,lned In power forth ..... d""""'-

.net the WU, and In both wtlnlri81


look th.- 1_ , . very much to

h... n . Syri.n 1,. .lde"1 H.ofu A...d .... Id POWft. for.n.,. ..... I...... ly......,., yMr1

unlil hI.. d .. th In 2000. HII defente mlnl.ler M,,,I.f.


In power unI1l2004 . Deoplte their openly u~ FerocIou •• nll·Seml· lilm ond utl1 t-.cOrd of tor1 .. ri"8 .nd kllU"II ...... U prioon .... of Wlf In

1913, neither of them ........ doted risk btooakln8 I.... Cc>Ian Helahll INmloticr

by kllIi ......1...... lJrMIl..,jdler on \hot &ont "100& .. they llved. And In f:aypt ••1t rore. chief of ItIIf M .. barU. who peofcwa..d ... ""I, 'lIndlnaly before U1d dllrine the


""",I,.. pretldent ofEgpl In 2007

.ner tul"8 power In 1981. And 10 lor ho hili".... ri,ked brookl .... the 1979 ...... I.EgpI peoce t",..y.


Chi p,,,,


The enemy of my enemy Is my fri end


lchlel Moon', FoloNnlo.ir _Ill

Guess what?

swm, to

''11". thl! lbe

.... ..,.- ...


• III tho JoIill,,1t ItIddlt

Sooudl royal Wally .... tlM .... I bIKI JUr-ln Ih. Anb Wi)l'ld . When you COMlder Sooudl

~bI. ·.

..u;rdJ' "

hutQt)'. 11M1_mI add.

Of all the "nob .... lIonl . s..udl Arabi. bas the .... t.t dum". ofbringl".

JIMOIlnd ItIblllly 10 thl "'IlIon. Hlltorlc.lly. the s..udl, h .... been on our .Id. mGf'I often Ih.n Iny other "nob nit Ion. But when you 100k .1

• The Saudis hIwe tho ~ t1ItfII!n:


them IhroUih the I,,,. of I.fty pollllClll corroctn.... It mlk. NOH:


El.menll of the s..udl roy.1 f.mll y have. dlplom.llc. per001111 .• nd prof_lon.1 ...1.llon.hlp with Ih e HUlh f.mlly.


II _ .

pIoj.l.... tho Saudis _

Thl.lJ proof enoUih to many that \bey ... evil. o s..udl


..:anomy I,

hi"'" on aU.

which . u we.1I

know. I, evi l.

o s..udl AnbIlo·'18Iden .... devoutly nollaloul. but theydon'I hole Americ:.I.

The 011 coooectloo The ki ......... of Saudi ArIbII hoi been the IIfptIIDd _

luaMive put-

... of ....jar U.s. oIl_P"'* In the world lor .......Iy·6ve ywn. [)ur-

I". thot time. U.s. aU ggmpan_IM ... proapared &om the pertnenhlp. u


000U .nd Wlclud


could", hIwe

...... ..

• We





national lnl .. resll. Since 1967. Saudl I\l1Ihlo hu been the

wo.ld·. crucial "awlns" produce. of oil. nu,t mean. It il the <)1Ie cnunuy wllh l uch "normoua and MIlly accfIflihle nJ!

g1obol oil


pnce. mo", than ony other nation by

Ihat it can offllCt

Inc ...... lng o. decreulng

production and oo.l ....

the United Slot... II bargain. boo ... ment prioes. Afie. the t973 Yom Kippur War, Ihe Saud i. joined From 193 3 I" 1973. Saudi oil flowed


r"""", with Ih" Ihah or Iran (Rickard Nixon·, favorit. d ... pol) to quadru· pleglnbloJ oil p",*,oHul evoo then. the Saudi' d id not ..... thel. hup new ",""nuIII to undermine o. oppn ... the United Stat...; they Invesled Ih e lion ·, . hare of lhe mOll6Y in America. In the 1980s. U.S.·S.udi relalionl '-:01 ..... mont impon anl Iban eYfll". K1IIjj " .hd ,oo k Ihe Ihrone In 1982 . fte. Ihe d ... lb or hll brolhe. King Khaled . but he had been Ihe ...... l powe.ln the ldlljjdom ,Ince Ih' ........ alnation of KlnS faisa! in 1975. "ehd loved Americl. and Will cnnvtnc.d the Saudi. n.....ted U.S. pf(Jlectlon from Ihe 5o"let Union, 11110. end other poIenti.1 Ih ...... 16ni"8 poW..... Fahd Ilepped up Ihe already dote cooper-

Local loy Done Good "In orclrr 10 be II Iudef of m«I.' tnII"Ii"IlS to rf<;~ on ~;jIion in his own coonIry. ifTIOO& his own p«IpIt. ond 10 VOW up in surn:o.nI~ slffped with tht lOOl~ ond ~ of his coonIrymtn. Not only did Wnlem ~iI· lion no! futfil tNt condrtian. but it Itnded 10 _ iI )'W'IC tnII"I from tht CIIIlorns iIId I!iditloos ofllis clUll!)':

_ . . AWIIIaIiI .... Satod, ill ~ted by ChI,ln Cflnt.19)1. inc! IS cited by

RoniIld 1.iIc~ in T1wKintdom: Atobtaoodfhe HorMofSoud


The Soudll A,.

Pan ohM Solution. No! ,he


1.lon ..lIh Ihe R...., Idminl.tnotlon 10 fund thl mulloiMdln ,uerTiUII .. ho weft flthtl ... the Red /Unly 10 I ..... dIUllln Afsb-nut .... Stoud; wlmna-'o keep,JoboJ oil pr;.c. \OW .....11O .....1or _ for 1M IlM1IIin.1 crllli IMt .oppled the Soviet U.IlOllln 1M llN101.. The SovIetl IMn (Ilk. lI.ulIlI no.. ' ...1 dependenl 00 proflll from III oil Mnd ... nporu 10 .,oy .n""t. The Stoudi role In toppUna communllnl _. Ih_ m o'llUibly IfNter \MIll thon lhuH of mllor U.S. alii. like llriul n. Cor-

tnIIIy. Ind l'pIon. "'"y we... friend. when


n~ed Ih~I" 10 be.

In 2002. Kin, Abdullah Ibn AbdulozlK chanll
..I.... IMn .uble lower 00 .... They needed the IXln mooney 10 buy p«>tperily tand tb ul pMCe ... d MCUril y) 01 hom •. Thl rill ... thrtlllt of I.... acrou the Gulf ~ tbem. And ..llh Chino'. thlnt 100: 011.,....1 ... by l.,.pI Ind bound.. and japln, South K.,.... and Ind .. not

r.r !.bind.

lhe ptMI!uN IObep slobool pries bitb and outpul low .... powt .... But \MIll then. the Stoudl .......... d ... ermlned not 10 kill the 100M IMtlald I.... ",Iden.,.: ,.... h... lth oflhe,lobool economy. The blJlKflll bottlened In slobool oIl."ppli. 1.lhe d...... h 01011 refln .... I.. around Ih" wo.ld. "p"dally In 'h e United St.t.... Succ...I"" Amer!·

call ~dmlnlllnlion •• Republican and Democnl .1Ik•. ha"" blithely

ignond 'hil flC! . M a'l major internatiooal 011 COnlponl.. ha" conc;en· trII,ed


pIoyl ... lhel. b.,.lthy profit mNgl",



w ...holden: lhey

ha¥",,·1 In ....ted In new refinery In'-trUCIuN. The only ..... ior Hap" 'Ion to ,hi. rul. In I"IQIInl y..... has been Stoudl-ow...d Anmco.. Once .,...tn 1M s.."db turned oul 10 be the retponllible...,o ...".. lhoouJh you wouldn" kftow It by Ibleni ... 10 the ....1If'IMi IAn. who - " In thInk the Stoudl..... the ooly I.-d Ant.. Stoudl A...bIII h... In ab.Ilul" numbert, the Wrel.nd ....,.lthllllt mid· dl.cl... 10 Ihe Anh world. A !atge.lllble. pf"DlM'llld ",Idlil. d ... II lhe 01I0Il1 1&1 P""'"'lul.lle roo: any country·"ucceuful ,",n.ltion 10. hMlthy

democncy In the Ionjj term. That wu .. true for England In the elah!eenth

&rid nineteentb centurl ... u it was for South KG ..... and Mal.pll. In the tWflllllfltb """tury. It was o!wlou.Jy better for ... meric. when TUN wu Our chIef lOurQI

of oil, but our own endl .... thl,..t for"TexaI t ... • d ... nk the Texu gush.... dry. SUppoH Sludi ...... bi.·' well. ..... dry or the k1~ WU 10m .pan.

Who could ... pla.ce II &l lhe world', nexl dominant ·.wlns· produo:et? Th ........ only Iwo ......1cand ldol ...: Iraq end Ruule. 1raq h.u IlveMHll"' mou. flel d.lOuth of Degbd.d that heven't even begun 10 be developed yet. R... ul, under "'-Idenl Vlad Imir Pulln I, 'lt$lldy the world', num· beNwo exporter o f crude oil after the Sludl. end the number-one expone.ofnat ...... l gao .nd oil combined. "' nd If you thin k Ihe American people .nd the n.lIon.1 lute_It of Ihe Uuiled St"N would be bel1er

... ~ by .wttchl"3 from th, Sludl'IO the ~mlln or Degbded , Mlch..l M.,..,..., .... y love you. bul nobody el .. will.

Michael Moore's mania: The Saudis were behind September 11 TIIi, "BiS We · wo"hy of Jote ph Coebbel, ha, probably been the mOil . ua:.oful end d..truc:ti"" myth to come out of Ihe September I I elroc:i· UN. The .lmple end obvioUl truth li lhet ClAm. bin lAden,' nlllegid.

from one of Siudl ...... ble·. wee!thlesl .nd moot . .peeted famlll•. deUb..... tely ... Iected II meny Slud l netion,l, II he could to bii""k the four .lrllne... nd Cflrry out the . ttacu becaUM he w.nted to dNtroy Saudi ......bI.·. dote II. whh the United SlAt•. He CIIOe. 101 clote. \0 .uox:eed. Ins then mo.t people .... Uze. II W&I!lue that up 10 5eplember I I , the Saudi. had complacently 101·

..... Ied the moot """'e me .ntl·... merican .nd 1IIt1·IJ..... II ...ntlmenu bel"" t.ught In their mooqu .... IIId they look no e£JorU to cnck down on them. Even afler the eUacu. thl"t&te of .£J.1n continued for enother y..... The

S.udl. HlU"*' lmol 01 QMdo ond .Imll.. SfOUplwOIIld nOl .Ud lhem If

u..r ..,..

no offe ..... Th .. policy .... not unlquoo 10 al Qoedo.1IJId It did not ...... lhe S.udis I ......

In ony w.y f)'llIpothlzeci with.1 QMdo" .imA. Aft ... 011 ••1 QIado·••hns w... very upllcitly Ih. d.lrucdon of lb. S.udl monorchy ond Its repl_ .... nl wllh .n ul ..... I.1 ""Uphlle Ihol I;OfItrolled S. ... dl oi l _ .......nd Ihe IWO mOIl holy pi",*, In the M ... llm world. MOIIXlI ond Medl .... bolh of which lie In S. ... di Ierrltory. Kul the S.udll wOnled. quiet kingdom ."d Wtl .. prefN'red look the nthtl. way In order 10 get wab-up coolilO the S.udl lit predNn and on

II .

10 pey


s.ptember 11 ."'-'uld h.... been I

~11o cred;

down on III own Wren>·

u.. cII..rI(Ier r:A al Qoedo NllbUobln& 1l1li1 In lhe "-<1

klnadom. 8uI for 1.....ly IDOnIM 011... the oltKU. the S.udl. w.... rell· lI .... y bIuf oboul the threel bin t-\MI p<..d to h .. own borne counlfy. Thol d ... o.... on Mey 12. :HI03. whet! nine al

QMd.o IUldde bomben

o\locked. Klyo.dh ...tderilill compot.md where W.t ........ w.... livl"" klllil\lllw,oly ..l. people. Al Qqda bad obown III ~ .....I...tlon to loppi, S.udl A.. bll. Jt proved 10 be • bill ...1,1Ib

Why separation of mosque and state Is folly To Ibelr credll. the S.udl •. under the .ble ene,..lc dlrec:tlon of King Ab,h.lllh, wob up loot. The ...y thtIy hlndled lhe Irnmediote thrett from .1 QMdII 0\'1If Ihe .....1 four r-n bu beta.!moM

Jc:Dored In tM Ameri·

can medII. 81,1111 "on object Ieuon In the _Ibl, and .-ofulworIn whldl Middle EMI ARb p""""""'u can deftoIl ,uch mumerou. ODd nlhlHatLc: lfOuJ». Yint. the S.udl • ....,....Ized the ne..t 10 toclt.l, Ih' problem 01 its IOUn:t.

They ".l1 ed monitoring ... rmon. glv.n In m'*lu. throughout

Ih. kln,dom by q<>dl •• locol ..Ii&\ou. INd ... ond p...ch.... Ext ....... 1.1010111. who e.pouoed . 1 Qled.·. wild "",I. Or p...ched oed ilioo





RiyAdh gtWMTlmftnt w_ Identified And ... moved from


wo ..' on ... we", u""lIed from





Saudi •

• 1... inltitllted • grldll"1 but Ina..oingly effective pollcy of impoolns ltate control over ",lislOIlI inltltutiODJ IlIId tucbe .. of 1.lam to """1Iln· .tim IlIId diJCJed.it 1.lami,1 I.... do ... Thi. policy wa' lIudied and Ctlpled wilh greal

,"cceo. hy RUNian p_ldent Vlldlml. Pudn. lndMd. Britlln

wu th~ only .... jo. country thaI allowed I"IHllcal Islaml,t, 10 p""",h thei. ""troml,m unmol",ted. Th~ Saudi' found thomMlve.ln Ibe Ironic poIIltion of privalely Mh"3. In vJln. Prime M1nloter Tony Blair IlIId the British oecurily M. vic ... to muzzle lhe radiCII1 •. On luly 7. l... mOO

I h~


Ihft B.it l,h

I'noo of not h-tinS Ihe Soudi.· warn I"".

The aritl,b w""l<0... ",.ulted from Ibe wl.h to apply Western tlllII ' dud. to lhe Mllslim world_ wid"'j>fMd folly ai""" Sep4~mber 11. and ,h~ aam~

one the B.ilish hed committed in Ihel. empire doy •. In Illdeo-

Chtlltlln connt.le., cbuteb.llIId ".te O'4lbt to I...."" one another IloIM. After hundred. o f yean of w'lnsllns. lbat I••t.ndar

19Z00 Ind

19301, they allowed him 10 Iprearl hli doctrine of mll.doroll' violence. All the mufti wu Illowed 10 preach. the PII ... tlni ... Anlb populltion """. eluded (not Ilnreaoond . lyl thaI the B.iII.h .pproved of him. Afte. lhe Zoo3 bombi"". lhe s..udi. didn'l make Ihe aame mill.le. The Slu dll 1100 unl .... bed Ihel. own domestic securi ty ..",Ie... In


Wlyl th.t mlde the Bllih Idmllllslnlloo 'l dom ... llc ",spon.. 10 Sep·

tembe. I I _m Ilbe .. l.n d wim py. And f.r from belnJI corrupl.lym",,Ihelic 10 the torro.ill •. or InCl""ble. Ihe Saudi fore .....'ponded IUl"'rbly.

How 10 fight Muslim terrorists: Build walls and monitor the mosques !snored by vh1u.olly Ih. enti.. American do"","1ic modi •. I"" Sa.,di teC\L.Uy ClmjH13n ,&,-Iml al

Qaed.o from

2002 through 2006 proved to be.

IQtal.U.,..... in marked conlraft lO the R _ wUoIding nexl door in Iraq. In th.- yeo ... to be promoted to the pooilion of.1 Qaeda commander or direclor of optlratlonl In Saudi Arabie wu. guuanlM!i dealb oen· te""". The Saudi. killed h,lf. doten of them In. row. By 2005. th, Saudi. w," buUdlnJI IIat....,f·th .....". hiJIh-lecb NCu.ily

berrie.. along thel. bard ..... with Yomen 10 I"" ..,.,Ih and Iraq In the nnnh· !lUI. These ly.tem. were inspired by the IU~ offom •• r b ....1i prime mini.te. Ariel Sh.ron·1 NC .. rfty fftlll;Ol. whicb proved to be the decl.lve w.. pon In be'linJI the bloody .ukid. bomber onll.ughl of Ibe """ond p.lealini.n Inlifad •. AI ..... lbeU belatedly, Ibe Saudi. II."ed to monitor and rewtUe their own lradltlol\ll..,hool 1."l boob 10 remove jHlI . . lh" w(Mlld gi"".l d . com fort .• nd l"8itlm..:y 10.1 Qa.edI.ymjHthizetl. II al.., helped Ihal _ring 011 pticeo In the flnl dtcr.de oflhe twenly-

fI",t century c.",ne ... new windfall for Saudi Ar.bla. King Abdullah'l 1999 IOOOrd wUh


to bootl g10bel oU prieM h.d worked exlnlmely


The Saudlg and Ararat: From appeasement to realism The orig[n.l S.ndi policy of IOOOmmodalion 10ward.1 Qoeda was nol .dm[.. ble. but It wu. far cry from "'8o"[Y luppo"lng thalerror group.


let alo .... coop"",ting In it. September 11 en..:b on the United Stlt ... It WI. con,btent with the d_des·old Saudi po!lciet of ..:commodetlon loward Vuoer Arataland bls Palestln" Uberallon Orpnlutlon. For more Ibln • quarter of I century. th" Saudi. plld Ihe PLO hull"

'"/Ill of prolllCtion money 10 A",fal and hi. guemllu would leov" them .lone. But even thAt policy didn't lut forever. 10 11190. efte. Saddam HII'Hin conqllered Kllwait .nd looked poiled to a;mquer Saudi A",bia. A",fRt ""8"'iy illmred on Saddom', bandwogon ... d offer.

to u ..."ll forelJII mini".,. Shimon

P....... ·• protx-I'ID enle. Ihe 1993 0.10 P"",," Proceso.

Understanding the Saudis In Ihon, whil" IOmeUmeo Ihort-lighted, the Saudll have neverthele .. Ii ded with the West mnre often then nnt. 10 fully undent... d the Saudi l'Iycbe ""lui ...... of cou ...... delvillfl into th"lr billOJ)'. For our p~. w e need only go t.cl; to World War I. when Saudi Anobla and the Wlllt became fully Intertwined.

A lJIlle Saudi hlslaT]": The myth of Lawrence of Arabia T. E. Lawrence. lr.nown I. Lawrence of Arabi., Itod ,n ennrmo ... 1m,*"

on W... lern concel'tion, o f the A",b world. He even edvioed Wimtoa o.un:hlll in d",willfl up wltot became the map of the modem Middle Rut IIlhe Cairo ConFerence of 1921. 8uI he we. neve, the 8..... t beneF...,..", ... d libe",to. oftb" A",b penpl .. bl, .dml....... m.de blm 0111 10 be. He we. I potentially talented arch...,IDgilt .• wri ter and ..If·drlmaUze. of gtreordinary 8enlul ....d' wi ldly IIIIItlbl" Individual with. bewilder. ing variety of highly "merllinillfl fetish .... He wu. however. fll from t'"


The Soud!. A.. PO" of tile SoJUUOfI.


.he l'roblem

proph'" of the Arab Awakening he imagined hlnuelfto be •• nd he was a military geniu. only In hi. own d ..... ms. In hla wonderful book Seven PilloR of Wisdom (besl ..... d as. highly coloNd work of pure fiction! ..... wrence pMM!nta Ihe Arab .... volt In the desert as. natio",,1 uptblng Ignored by Ih8 poodamic Brili.h .uthorities In Calm bul fanned by him. In his t811lng. it W81 the crucial epi.ode of World W8t lin the Middl e Easl, destroyln8.11 Ottoman po_through· out th" Arabl.n penln,ula. In rulity. the """,h W81 mid .. ~ibl" only by ""onnOu, Briti,b suI>-

li di ". ond btiholo paid to th" Huhemlta family. led by Sherif Hu .... in. who wAS th" hf!>WIlwy Ruan:il"" of the Mwrlim hol y pi...,. in MOICQ. lIul Shetif Hun.. in Will despiood . nd di.tnrlled by th" general popul.tlon of the lIejaz. Ihe Red Sea co.SI region of ArabIa. I nd hi. writ n.. ver .. n In.lde Ibe desert V"Slne.. of the Arahian penln,uta. wh" .... the dynam ic youlI3 Ahdululz Ihn Slrud wa. Ihen .lready mUlet of .1I he ,urveyed. The triholomen

..... w"' ..""

WI • • ble to bribe Or buy, who

Pet.r O'Tool. COUldM....

agNed 10 work with hlm on behalf of the


.herl f .nd hl, fOn •. did ""rry oul Ihelr


fernous raid on Aqab.. Bull hll wu. tiny


lideshow miHlarlly Imlev,nl lO the buge

"l.iw'e!I(f.! .ecOld. then. ~ ~

duh of the Btitl.h and Otloma .. imperial

iI 1'91

umi ... of mo", than 70.000 men NCb tn

ity ~ ill'Je"'~liI Ietdt<, rd lit.. ~ l~ff"Y

th" 1917-19 18 beulct for Palctll.. ".

tllent &utlt ibo ~ t~ he WoIII'eIf·

In 1920. al the urglnR of IItitilh poliU·

""I officiall. Briti.b miliWY commanden

UjlICity for phYliol ~_~. ~

CI!OI~ melcur~

lnd .iohenlly UfI'Iu/M:




Syri. n upi lll of DAmlseul. In order to

La"'tt1lCf mel His aiosrl· ~l,. in Warn.., 1M

d .... th" way for Itl flctio .. al UberaUon by

M«k." World

quielly wilhdrew their


wm tha

Huhomlte Arab forc". Thl. w.s •


dum,y ' !tempi 1<> undennlne the r ... nch .u lh....;Ii ... from occupyIng Syria In ItCWrd wilh Ihel. pf'llYlOll' ","",enu wilh Brllaln, . nd 10 rOfIf"

Ihe myth Ihal lhe Btld , h w e ... Ihe chlmplon, of A... b n.llon.lI,m

while Ih, ~'... ncl! W&Nlta crue l eOftm! .... The r ... nch InIoIled Ihe Brlti.h ploy wllh ronlempt. A Pan-A .. bcongr"llll did meet in Oemascull n 1920 unlil theoocupying rrench expellOld II. Lewreru:e.ln ........ n PiJkJrso/Wildom, did mono than any other 'In&le penon 10 ,,",abli,h lhe myth Ihllt Ih,

Dri llsb h.d evlcled Ib, Otlom.n. Ilh.nk. 1<> Ih' Areblo) .nd hIId then bool .. yed the nation,li, 1 movemenllhey l.unched_ T hl. Inlerpf'llt.lion wllS "!I'fly adoptlld by ,.........,t1onl of Britil h en ti..:ol<>niallntellectu.lo and wI. I leilmotlf of the ROYI I lnltilute for In\el"l1lllo","1 Afflln .1 Chathllm Hou.. in London fot around hIIlf . cenlury . ."....111111 whllt


late hillorl&n Elle Kedourle ""lied In , famou • ..... y "The Chatham Hou .. Venlon " of modem Middl. Eallem hillory. In ..... lily. A.. b natlonallom grew In Ihe 8"""1 cltl... ofCairo.llajjbdad . I nd I)am...,lU. and it w •• fueled by • pe.feclly undentand.ble and

lin Laden on Saudi Arabia WiS !fw s...di ~ behind ~ember mIn (ontl"l)t , OWN bil Udrn kIt.ndfd

II Qiedi is a reKlion qainn Sludl ArJbil"s ptO-Amfrb ~ Hfflo'! UI eo(fI'pl from iII lnlen1ew bin l.mI did with CNN'! ""Iff Arnett In March 1997: The SIutIi rrpne b but I brlD(h Of .. . . - of tho U.s. 11 btirc to,-ol to tho Ill...p.... tho SIutIi rrpne .... ,,...,,ined .. act apinR bI-......, thio, blood 0tI1I'It ....... of """,*" am II'It ...... 0UhicI0 rho fWlip>uI ,............,. !O"I1 •• ~ '""'IJo, tIw..p... .....\Op9td ....... P"PIt o«ordinIIlO whit Alloh ,e.e,I.", prol$c ond llory be 10 Him, iIOI to _Ion "*'1 aonmdiet"')' om. .,.".,.,. tIIiI ....In IoundIIIon _ oio4owd. torrupt 1(1$ fd~ In w«y MpKI


cI tho _ y, tho ............ tho _ill. ....... '.'.'" ...-ricn ODd >0 .....


no. 50....10 AnI Pari '" the S<>Iutlon. NoI lhe _

.... IAbtf.......... ....,tment "'British ... d French OC:CUl"tlon ofthe IV""'t I-"Ioriel of £sypc U1d wt..l bec.me modtrm Syria ... d Ir.q. F., from bei ..... villonuy prop/let for the AnlhI.. 1.1 _ _ ...... c .....

lie o.mpl. of an .11t... ted yoW13 .dVIOIU,.,.. who projected hio own flnlul .. onlO. fonlgo people h, did noC und.nl,nd end who "nd.,· oland,bly had UIIle time for him. H, had aro ,ffllCl on th' hillOl)' . nd 1VO" 'lh of Arab ....tI"""Ulm. E~erythlll3

he d id. for Ille moot bium! Ind ..lfIlh ......,nl. _rued 10

flMld hll lesand . li e .t.ndoned hi. f.me to Ie""e AI I humhle .Innen In

Ihl BrllI.h Royal AIr Foroe llOder.n _umed name.


"" uned1,W;llled

youna Ilrlllen to whip him IIld to otherwlle physlcelly .h".. him. He

.v.... had them write ..porto.boul hi' .-:tlon.o 10 bei.... lorl"red.., thet he could ..... them


He ..... uUed In I lDOIOI'C)'C1e IOCident 10

1935. CIYCl the wey bot rode hie bib I I hiah 1pM
throu&h Ih, DIfI'OW

EncIllh country llnM. the only,..."rI""," It had noC heppened yean

...Ii.... NlMIdl-.o 10 .. y. COftIIpirecy Ihenrl ......... I... lly .wlfled uound hi, dem l... HMI he lived. he might well be ... """"""I man mlocblttf",d chlOl wllh Ih, teh,m..... would IuIv, whbperwd Inlo Churchill ', ... du.lna World IV" II. In Ih, 1!1601. e I ..ptlrb movl. l1eni,.. Vete. O"Toole ..... I~"d IAwtence',

.11"... OTool, WII 1111 . lmu.lnaly h,ndlOme. Ind

1..... lllIbl . to tbe l.dIM. I.Iwrenee wi, non. of thOM thlnSt. H, WII . horl . ooyly lnlellect ... I·loouna with e I. , .


In 10 0....1 f _ .•od

fwnd the female form ",pllloiv • . HI, Indurl",tep"tetlon confirme th' Id.. ,luIt old leaend., lib ol d ",ldi _ _ dl .. BUlliolib old eoIdlere, ....... cb lib Le"'ella'e don't fide IWI)'; they juIt _

beck with IDlII'I ell.... end ""IMy then


Tbe Arab revolt tbat worked The ...1 A'" revoIl ..... led by Abd"IuI~ Ibn lNud. Th' oontrvtl betwwn Ibn Slud end LeWJ'llOCl. end with l.eWJ'llno.', loooe Shtlrlf Bu.... ln of


Mecca and hi. younger ..... Fat.. 1. we ... I'rofound. Ibn s..ud ... u. !"HI prir>C8 •• IDIIII of.ctlon and a wurior hem. With hi, family he ned K')'lIdh

and went into ""He when he ..... only I loti"", In the Arabian he&rt· land, he .bowed ""Imeal ......en .. mil itary geolu.ln mnrgl"i hl' loyal Bedouin tribes whh the W_IIb.bi pUrll!1 of the ItLamic faith. He led what amount"" to both an Anlb nationalitl and Ittamk: fundamen t,U. t .-eRon·

Unn movement. HI B... torily. integri ty. and ... 0 ... of justice m.od"U popular. ond hy 1914 he ... at lhe

m.,'.ro f the Arabian h.... rtland .• deMrt

.lm,,"! I. LIlf8'I III Indl •.

Ouring world War I. Ibn Saud pru dent ly Iteenld cI ..... of botb 1M British and the OtIOllUlns. H, did not Ilk' Or trust the teeu)" You"lI Thri:; I1IdiCiI. who had Hiu
.dvl ..d and lubll d ized by th .. DrUid•. h. took hll own 00 ....... In 1M 1920., he completed hi. """'IU8J' of A",bla by ..... dina hll fOreef 10 capt"..., tl>e

two holi ... t cltlel in Is lam. Mecctl lod

A Pilluof Wisdom

Medin •. M"""" Ind Medina we ... run hy Sl>eti f Huueln . the Britllh idol Si r Henry McM. hon .nd Sir Ronlld SIOITI hid 10 I rdently wooed In their In fl mo ... Ind

T. I. u--.

hu"llied 19U McM.hon· H ....... in leu ..... And i.awrenOl and Gertrude Bell hid worklKl 10 hard ond 10 well to pretenl HUI ... in'llOn Fli..1 ••


great WlrriO"

prinOlllld IlIt",,,,"n 10 (lo,Yld Woyd Goo;np .nd Winston O:nrn:hili. But In rNlIly, Sh.. rif Hu .... ln wu d ... p loed an d _nled.1 I ...1'..... IIY8.iJr8tdy bumbler by hillo"ll'lu fferlng lubfec1l, Not only could tb. Hub"",lt ... not ... t lbe Arab M... llm world an.me .salnl t H.8 OttOIIlllll, but tltey coul d not .Y1In protect tltelr own b.ckyord, Sb"';! Hu ..... in w... Mnl I*=king by Ibn Mud in



... his ,"""'" . .. bje<:t. Mgefly OII
nOilhel. conq.... bul Iheir Hhentioo.. By theo. Churchill." Lawrence IlIId Bell'. WJiI!&, bad a .led. the I
Tbe founding fatber Ibn Saud buIlt Ihe KlDljdom of Sau d i A.. bl •• nd u nlOed It. Irlbet throny. Ihe Impooillon of pur it Inia.l W.h h.hi ",Lim II. rHC1lon 10 the Illepd.ly co.mopoLh.n, COrrupl .• nd dllClyl"ll Ouom.n a.Hphete io Coruotlllltlnople. BUI It '" • wild distortioa to USUe liull tndlUDniI Saudi WlhhIbUm I. ",ulnlent to the lllamic radlcal"'m thet .wept the Mu. 11m ... orld iD the \9801. n.. ........,. orthetl.t.. radlceil ........ u A}'1ItolIeh Rubull.h II:homelnl', I.Lemic Revolution In I..n. Bolli Ibn Saud'.

W.II""bl. t .......1I IIId Khomelnr. Shme...-.oll


be _ n li the «Iulv-

Ilenl of ,'''' Prot"tllll Reformllion. but th, Iluer"'N far ....... radia.l lluin the lonner. Ibn Saud ,,' out both ... orld ...... bul """er.ho... ed the partiality lor Ih, Nul. Ih.t otller " .. b I..d...... (like " '1 Amln .1· Hu ..... lnl. the com· manden of the Drll;.b.Irl.IDed tr.ql .nny, end ~en An ...... Sadatl nOlOrloully did. And II. "'1.lmplllClble In hl.Mtred olCommun l.m


dl.hollaol ",volnt lonuy I""",. He felt tb, ....... "'IY lbooJt ZionJIm . for thel milt•• But M ... N at.o throu&boul hla life I I""t IlIId ,ppnocllth-, friend 01 the U.. Ued ~. tie IoetlwI ........ but he "'11 IPPIUed and dielulted. by the UOloclUIIL Ibn Saud buill hi. ki n"'"", DOl by d.troyl.... old n l... end WI~ but by ....,orlnl I nd chrl.h i"l Ihem. H, ..... the ",.mpl,. of I d ...1e Bedouin Ihelkb. Many 01 the (!rUe) It...... told iboul him would fit cIuo.r.cle..

llb lethro . nd Abrehlm in the I:I lble. o r Ih' fi ... lene.. tlon of

A.. b l...d ....... fle. Muh.ommad. Unlike Gamel "bde' Ne_ln f".cyp1.1bn Saud never tri ed to d"lIhlliu or . ubvert nelghborlnl nllioni. W.tem


Ityl_ ofparUamentary dcmoa..:y were IHen a nd I.. dleroul tn hIm . bUI he carefully practlCfld the Inditinnal


Anb fomu nf mediation and

colUululinn within hiA trihlll and .ociety. It iA becaUH hillOnl III have continued Ihat practIce n\'8r Ihe fly. and I balf decad ... II""" hll d ... ,h Ihal Saudi Anbl •. agol.,.11O many p....dictinnl nf doom In Ih. conlnry.

hu romained al lIable and ,uCCIIIJful u II hu.

King Falsal and Ihe 011 weapon FalMllbn AbdulllllE becam. ki"i nf Saudi Arebia in 19fH . Hil8lO!lnlln th.lhro .... hlKi not


enlUJ"ed-..cepl by h~ Illenl. He

'"'*' nnenObn

Saud', nlder ION. bUI nOllhe heIr . pparenlln theUne nf 'UCOIIISlon. lIul It was cl .... long befnm Ihe d .... th nfhll fllber In 195Z that h, was tb. nld

man'. foynril8. AI We Suam.s In 11H7. the young Prince F,IM[ hid led lhe Anb .... liom· fierce oppot.lIlon to the UN', partltlnn pLon 10 """,Ie the SUle nf In..,!. Of III the dlllen

kinadom', "'I...... OVM the next , lxty yean.

he wnuld proye by far the mOIl Implacable In hi' nppot.iUnn In the YOl')' exlllenee nf tbe ,ewll h lIate. lIul when Fli..1 came In power. Saudi ArabI. appeared In be In lrou· ble. llil u..,I ...1 brolber KillJl Saud ibn Abdulnlz hid squandered Ihe killJldom '. growing nil rev.n ..... while 1.... llng lhe COIUOn lum nf U.S. nil companl ... In Anomco enloy a free hand . Saudi Arabla appeared under 1h....1 from novolulinnary Communlll and Arab ooclaliit . ubve ... lnn. 11>0 ehvbmatlc CIom&1 Abdel Nu"", wal riding high ..,...,.. th8 entire ragion after defying lhe IIrililh and the Fmneh In 1958. ConH",atlve mnnarchi ... _med tn be Inpplin8 I e""" the Middl, East, Revol .. linOllry "'8lmM Ihal wanlOO In nyenhrow the SaudllllOllll"

ehy now exiAled nn th8 country', northern and _tam boni....... Tb, 1""11 mnnarchy hid been moreileo.ly m • .....,red hy. mililary coup in 19S8. N..... r W&I mlklng Egypllh8


mllilary mlnl-Iuperpow" with

Soviet w .... poru. and Syril w.. It. ally. Fai..!. deyoutly MUIl im .nd



Soudl. ,,'" Po., of II.. SoJ~,Ioo>. Not ,he Problem

. ionRtc1y 10YRllnihe d"""", Ir.dliion. of hi. lJ.etlouln .-.ple IlIId 10 the memory of hi. lale f.lh ......... med • ri d iculou.

Un-PC History: Great Men

Bn""hron i.m in Ihe modern " ... b world.


InSlead. he wa. about 10 Iransform it In


hi. Image. o.o..,r,I" ... lib

~·.lsa l·1

OlUlled bmther

KlnM Saud. Ihe obe.e pl.yboy King rorouk of EArPI .• nd King r .i..l lofl-t. the darling ofT. E.



"It ~ not f~ today to construct ~tor)'

0ItIU"Id ~ ~~. wciolocY. ond ~anamKl of NMlii In the .... Iy ~ilrl of this ( ..... tury 1houId. In throty. flpQin how the

and ea.,ruoo llell , had led many W""lem ' ...... nd Commu ni.t. to ... ume a U hered· ilary Arab monarcltJ could be wril1en off a, weal< .nd decadent. lIutlho ....14Iiou.1y

only loIti,fKtory ___ rfIide! In the unique

devout 1"01 ...1 w .. nol. He wu • quiet,

mion MId !kill! of .o.tdJIuil hirnstIf,"

methodlClOI. and even , hy workaholic who _

about cleaning up the wnocked

finance. of hi. country .nd lIudylnglhe

Roald LK.,. IMKqdam; AtlIbicr and rhf HotMofSoud

lerml of III .... IBtlonsh ip with the Ameri, CIOn oil com""n i.... He w.. not given 10 "",n d iOM. emply lpeech"" like Na ..e r. He haled Communi.", with ., I_loS much pousion .. he did Zlonl.m. He proved. formid.ble enemy

,u boI h.

FaI ...1 realized Ih" the Hashemite line no lon8er pooed .ny Ibreat to oll.rich Sa .. dl Arabi., The Hashemite ro)'lll hou ... had t -n oxlingul.hed in l-t, . nd Killflllu ...in·, Jord.n wall"" Imalllo wDlT}' about.


Fai.. 1 ...... Iind the .... v.nt.se of k""l'lng Jordan I" KlnS lIu .."in'l CIOUtlu .. 8 an d J'ftIpon.lhl e hondl. Th.. w.y 1".1..1 could IU pport ya .... r Araf.t and hll young PW agaln.II ......1. bul.lso u .... Jordan ... buffer. p",ven lillfl II from being anolher


bridseh ... d li ke Iraq.

Syrl •. and f.&ypt.


faiNI wu helped by wl)rld even! •. In 1967_!he nme epochll y...,. !ba! l.ra.,1 Im.,bed N......".·. dl"1l&DU -..nd conquared the Weol Bank. Gau.. Uld !he holy cily of raruNlem-tbe greel

011 JWe""'"

of TUN

.'.. r1 ed


f.1I MOn. F.INI b,,,,.. lIled from hi. vut experlen.ce a I diploma! IerYl"(l

hi. lal .. fatherand a the RKJIt ,wpeeled ..... Ior IIgute In the k1"l1dom dill' ing the ... ign of h15 worthl_ brotber. In ...!um for richly fundinR the PW In III guerrilla auacb &pin.1 1....... I.nd 1""",li and Jew\lh 1'~lIa"'und

the world. he won Immunity for hi. country from PIO troublmn.klng and .uhYe... ion th.t Imlcted Jordan and Lebanon. He IUlborlEGd


hi. oil ndnlllen!O liar! negotltdinR with Shah R...... !,ohlavl.lhe IU!OCTIlic dldator of Shiite


iIbouIli '''limo! is not wNt II isClil1ed buT how II xu.. Thmm

'0i"iW\ ~ic.. ftSlmH iOd SIUId mot"Ii
iOd !hi! InltSflty of its ruItn..

lIRa ,alsaIiIMI Al~""Ir. ~ In

Ronild licey. Thr

Km,dom: Nubia and 1M /l(IIM' of Saud

Iran acroa Ihe p_lln Gulf•• boul coordl"..!. Ing !helr policlea on fU;1"lI 011 price.. After Ihe d ... !b of N....., In 1970. FIINI found hil.uccetlOr. Anwar Sadiol •• welcome

change. Sadal dId not have N........ grandl... Imbltlon. to WfHk ... volul;on Ind hlvoc throughout the Arlb wl)rld. L1lr.e


h ..

w .. ready II) work <:oope...!lvely wllh tbe Americlnl an d WI • • nU-Sovl.t. And h .. I)ffered lheonly reall.lle Arlb mlillary option agaln.1 [.nel. Tbe IWO men e .... led • new Saudl'EAYpllan axll thaI remalM. key faclor for IlIb!lily in the Arlb world today. In 1973. when Sadal threw 80.000 Eflyptl ... IOldl .... ,..Inll [In.I·1 hollow .hell of •

defunalveILne "'" Ihe _I lide of Ihe Sue", Canal. FIINI'truck roo. o.er the foll owi"(l woeu. II) !he ,hock an d then borror oftbe world. Saudi Anbla Ind Inn led Iraq. Indon ... ' •. Ven .. ~u .. I•• Ind the other main 011.

TIM Solid .. A", I'M! ollh, SoIulloa. No! tho PmbIftn

produd.,. .... tlonlln .mtIrViJy ",111.,.lhe prlco of oll. In a r- monlhs. they ..... quadrupled It. Driliin . nd fr.nc. had fully wHlldrawn from III, Middl, Ea.I. Tho Un ited SI.". wuuh.a ...,ed ond domonllz.od &om the WI. In Vi"'nam . NoIII ohbe .... tor W..tem pow .... bid .llber lho mIIHI.,. Cloul or lbe IIIrvl 10 I.,. 10 mo'" ...Inll th' uy oll-pl'Oducl.,. nollon • . ,ltb'r by

tn ....1on or by """"II",. ODU p. s-Id.. Sooudl Anbll and Inn


."ppoMKlly-th Unltltd Silt..' main .111. In lhe rIIlon. Nixon .nd Hen.,. KI"'nser b.ad .....1)' wil l .. p 1M , h.b of Iron u their ..... anal poliDBmLa 10 k.ep the 5<wieto and ........ rnoI ..ILnnuy ..... m_ nul oft'" Soo .. di .nd KuWIIII oU n.ldI. Th' Soo"dl" how ....... bad rl3hlly j\ld8ed thlt the ,hlb wu.n " ....tol)l, ond "npredlct.bl, ",..,Iomanlee wbom lb. Americanl ""uld DOl 1....1. and 1".1111 orr...... Ihe .h.h • deal hi couldn't ",fu..: vutl)' Incno.1MKI oil ",.... n u... Th. "oLl wHpon " wu born .

F.i..1 did nOl .... ltlle to ... II on I aJobol..:ole. Th...te,,1td wilh lbe

blllltick of _.till! 011 pnceo, or h.vl"l crucl.1 oU, .. ppU .. withheld . dOlan. of nol lo". endo-d th,l ' dlplomallc rel.llo". with 1......1. Third Wo,ld co"nln.. u""Ued I. rlell deyelopment tllml who were part of Prime Minl.IM Gold. Mel,'1 falunu•• Hempt to mike 1......1the loader of I new Third World pow ... bloc. .... o Ihe AfrlClln .... tlOOI fell obediently in line behind the Sooudll. tho United N.Ii.,.,. wu lranlfonned oY1lfJllghl into. ",Ientl_ sloboJ m"ll-lphone of ..lectlo" Ind "'" lpinlt larMl ."d tb. United St..... F.INJ made .... _ of hll dirk .Id.. H. wu not


ImpJlClbl)' ."U·Zlonll' a"d devoted 10 IMlonnlh llllion of IJ.rHJ. bul l'Iu.Uy .nU-Som il ie. He belle .. ed Ihllnel,n l. 10na-dIJCfldlted "blood Libel" thai II'" kill" MuolLm IlId CIorllllln chILdren IDd \l1Id thoi. blood 10 bake PI_,._ ....t-. He belleYed TIHI Protocol. oflhe Eltkn

of Ziott. th forged Io...I,h

plot 10 conqu ... Ib, world coOOXlCled by lbe Okhrona. thocurlll Kuoo.Iao _ police. IUtLor bod uIMKI the ?leA,"""",

•• on .. of hi. jUl Iifi""Uono fo, th .. Hol"""u. I. and hlltori." N""""" Cohn .lghlly called lI. "warranl for

g~nodde.· ~·.I .. I

e nlhu.lUllcally gave

copl... of It 10 his vlllIon u gift.. 1'11..1 10'11. II It lurned 01,11. fl •• h... d of hi. lime In champlonlll3 I revived JHln-Arah movement bated on religiou. exll'9ml.m. He drem.atiaolly Itepped up fundl"3 of ....,dmuo'. Illamlc religioulocbooil. acmu the b!amic world. He wu not t)'plal ofhl ...,cceolOri. but he .... Seudl

policy along fat .. ful path. that hi"uo:ellOri did


d.re to change.

There I, no t81l1"3 how much further FIlsaJ mlghl have gone. Would he have made common caUM with Ronald RHgl n 10 hri"3 lb. Soviet Union down. II hil luCcellIOri did? He might b.v......o. he might b..... refuNd hecaUle of Keagan'l "tOII3 IUPpott for Is...,l. He might well h,o"" made common atu ... Inll""d wllh Ay.tollah Khomelnl

.1\..,. th. 111.mlt

Revolution In Iron. The pm.peel of Saudi Arabi •• nd [ran united In Irnplacf,ble Oppoll ition to the Unlted Stlto.. and 1...... 1COtlld have tre,,. formed I.... world in the .... Iy 19801. and nOl for Ihe better. But on MlI'Cb 2S. 1975, at a mapil. I tradltlOlUlI gathert"3 of Seudl roy. • 11. whe ... even the moot ot..cure and lunlor m.. mbeR were g.. nted ICC1IIN and allowed 10 P"'"""t their gr!evanC1lllnd concernl, King l'aisal w u tho! dNd. He fell victim not to. Communist, NUllerile. o.extreme IsII,nl.t revolutionary, hut to hi. own nep .... w. I "",,,lIlly de"II3ed dN« add ict who hId hung oul In California. The killer was convicted of regicide and behOlded throe month.lale •.

Saudi Arabia's Ihree threats KlnS 1'.1..1 wu followed by King Kh.led


Klns fohd

(1982-2005), Ind King Abdullah (1<:lill3 •• crown prince and regent, 1 99~200~),

Ourill3 th_ )"'111"1, Seud; ANbia resard"" th .. thNMt ""'"tM!

thrMu to lu existence I. I ftlvolutlonlry Inn,'" . . . . .iv.. or un.table Iraq, and 1.lamle rediatlilm.


The Soudio An Port ohho Solution. Not the Problem

Saudi allltudM toward


had fluctuated wUdly .Inee the t979

lalllIIlic Revolution, Ilnally cu lmlnAtll13 In r...... of the nld icel ShUtes, which pushed the kingdom Into the Bnnl or Ronald Reapn. U ke the Unlt8d StBtM. the Saudil under King Fshd financed Satldlm Hu .... in in hi' War . inlt lrml until 1983. When, however. Satldamow.ol-

Iow8d Kuwait in July 1990. the lemlled Saudi

leadon ..... Had they oould very eASily"" nftXt. Relatio ... with the Unlt8d St.too became even d .....r. Bnd Saudi ABbia hecame the mar_ ohallillJl yard for th' U.s,lod 700.000 llrong allied army-the gnII.tMt ever p thered in the Middle Eut~hlt .muhed Saddant'. mlHtary power In Ihe 1991 CulrWar. Relation. with the United StllM .lowly det8rior&led d urillJl Ihe Clinlon Y"", how_ ever. 1\ dldn'l hel p when ClutiOll' and lactful W.""n Christopher WI' ",placed .. _ary or , t.te in Cli nton'INCond term by In_yourr.ce. pro-democracy MadeleIne Albright. Aho. KIng Fahd wal,lowly dying. and by the Ille 11'1901. e ff&Clive power In Ihe kingdom bad pUlled 10 hi. brother Cmwn Prince Abdullah Ibn

Abdulazi ~.

pro-American. Abdu llah

While coutioully


much mo", tB_

ditionol.nd incarrul>tlhle than Fahd. He lOll conllden"" in Clinton IIId Albrlghl Ind ...... concerned aboul lhe Ilnandal elfect of plum-

Saudi Arabia

... dIo Terrorists ',1,1

QHdIlIlde!ntimi1!(] tilt efricK)' of

s..udl inlrlli&«Kt iWld seal!it)' jOltn IIId 1M, ibiIit)' 10 idipt to fItW typn d t!YNt lind IItiKk. Whol t ordiNry polite ~ not ~ipptd 10 dtiI

thrNt!iMdi intrlll&«Kt

.. im the new

"'I .tile to K<\I"

"Irlr ido!ntifr thosoi! miI~""1 ""'" comprised the twtnty-sl. most-..",,!(] IItt .. ~~I 0( II

QHdI ,Ntlvtly quickly. lind

the seaI!lty stfVim _t ,bit to lull do..n iWld dltn4lI mosl 0( the CtU\ mey


Cot" ....

AntItoft, R .........'OMIII.of W.~('''I (fflltf

for Strllqic Inc! InternltioNl Studies, "AI QHdf, in Sioudl Aribll :

meting global 011 pri""" on tha klllJldom·. flo-

Myrrrnt1ric Thrml ..no:t Islmil1 Exlftm-

""I Itahillly. Ha .110 no1ed Ihat 1"'0 hed

;111: lOGS

.Ieeted ill mo.l mod .... te Iellde' l ine. bemr&

the 111111 fflvolutl" .. , Mohammad KhatamL So In tlllXl Saud I AbdulL.h

concluded an 011 production lI mili"ll and prioH:onlrol-sr-menl with

I..... The two giant. quicldy

.how"" they Ilill tuod the cLou' within OPEC.

Harry St. j .... Pllilby: Tho Anti-L~wrence

' T

t Uw"",e ""'" i rorn.oIk drum•• who KIfnt dIlle Middle [;1\1 of ~e', lime ~

HuI)' ")Kt" "'iib)'. Phllby wu ¥!Other EncIlsIm¥lror>f ~. but o.rIIh

Uwl!flCe. who ~ the ~ ¥Id ineff~ Holhernlte Iomily. he ~iended

.t.bduIuil ibn Siud .-.d beurnr the hichly infIuem~1 tcMso< to the fNl p<7We< In the Ar,bIin ~t. In tIlu¥ly I9JO!, to lib _'1$1 peoorwoI

p'" he helped


bttwftn Ibn Siud .-.:I $I;nj",d Oil d UI"orrU.

pl"'( the <:OIIlp¥l)' the ptOSf)«tirc conmJ.ion lot oil in the u,t~ PO"

d the kiI'Cdom- pt"lby nmed hi!. t>.ck on Encland and (~fd 10 hi.., [.-.d O«(~f
who ~ 'Of the Btitilh ~r" ~e. beuorne ~ _ hi!. f;nhtr, ~ n



inf_ thon

spy fOIl the SoIriflUnion fOf • ",,",,"-<:",,\0')' o,m,1 he

de/"I!(tfd t~ in 1961 If notIWII fllOe.1Id Phllb)' WiI$ • fNli\t fif did noI try to iInpo;:M h" own .il.IOn 01\ the Middle £.HI but clNtly ~ocni~ in wir"ner$ and 1CMf' MId

the U\It~1

~_e 01

oil fW ~ h" .....1" Ibn Siud koy.illy ft.I ~l

Inc! in the proem ~ the ",00nII int"em d the I,ftled Stirn ~y. ~ died • ~~thy ....... in hiI own bfd. 1\ , f~ old ,.. ~ ~Id

lK'Y notn in hr$ book

11If'~' NoboQ t:nd the ~ 01

SQc.od, ~ ""'" m,o;h ttw! WiIS ~. lnl~ rtwt wu pioM. obcIo.rt fW,,1)' !It. JaM ""I~. Tho! w", pr~y why M &<>I on 1(1 ~I woth lh10 AribL·


, 'Tho Soudlo AN I'lln of the 501,,1100 . No! the Problem

r\tht cltcuom_. to make I diffM1lnDI. Over the ou' I" .... yeol'l. oil pn.::.. •....,Ied from UI:Iund Ie", doll ... I IM ... l 10 ..-. lban

AlVitO the

thirty. II Memed like. 101 of 'DOOM)' I ' th. lime.

'erm.I In pow... but hi, "W:' I ,or In

2005 wu. very ditfeter,t kind of milO. KIna Abdullah met with Prost ......, Mahmood AhmadlnejMI and, K:ODrdina 10 S.udllOUf'C". quickly became

alermll(! a. hu... 1.... '1" ... 1 end unpredictabl. h. could I.. II wu 111"""1 R'lIum"n l for ••• bnldng .... lalloo. wilh Ih, Unhed S'ltlll. Unfol1unl'ely for th. Siu d l•. from the ir poIn t of vlo.... Ih" United 5,"." watn', -.;tIn, caullo ..... , Or _poo,l bly In th. Mlddl. Eul ..Ither, . A... th. 200linoq 1'1.. and Ib GlUtl ... of Saddam H Ulllllln. They prh·.tely IuIppy 10 _


s.dd.m .,..... but they ~ from n.......nd ""p&-

n.....,.'h.' 1'1...,.... 11'*"1 dernoc:ncy dOlton', work In their pan of tbe world.

The Saudi.


.110 ....1}' wary o f I..... '. Sunol ·Shllt, hud .pillin,

IniO !hel, own COtlDUY. Popular Ophlion



amoaa SuMI ~h..llma 10 S.udl

ttrongLyenppd on \bulde ofthe Sun nl,ln I.... Hut oil-rich

Ohaltra .. I, hom, to mlny ShUt .... po!.h.po ...... n ,malo.hy. The Soudl' relponded by building. mUlive. OOItly security bam .... Ofl lh,ir nonhem bordo •.

Th, Soud l. h.d on even mOR Immed il i. ooncem. By 2006. lhe U.S. Inlillary wu noll", III II>CI'eNI", number of rouna Siudl. octi .... In lIMo Sunnl IMUIJFICJ In tr.q. puticularly in I.... rankt of t .......1ckIe bomben. Thl. IdentlfialtiOfl wu predlct.bI,. bul II fri&bt.ned the Soudis. Soudl IUppoI"'I forthe ... tl~unlll mujahedin In Afghoniolon hod produmd bin 1...den ••1Qoeda. SeplfIItI'- II .and the 2003 bombl,.. In SiudJ Nabla. Tb.o Iraq dvU war IhrMtened to prod""". far ......... number of ....1·

aollmd Soudl. commlued 10 toppli n, th,i, own I!'>.... rnm.nl. So the Soudl. cnckMi down on the radial relis""'- lINCh," within their own borden. While 11')1111310 _I their northern bord ...... they . 110 lried 10_1 their lOu lhem bord .... with Vern"" . wh""c.' n estlmoted 400 .000 people

n . hlltlCcloU1 1. ~_ G"ld.


u.. .... ddl.


• Y"'" we", trekking IIMh for I bett""lIfe. The Salld iA.IIlIp«:tlng...Jk:o.I elementoln ImpoV1ll"ilhlKl Yem"" we", Infiltn tillS their kingdom . ...:t1Kl to shut them down by buil ding InoIh.". -:urity f"n<:fI. The Saudi monarchy wllll iway. hllle Its OWII IUIllo ... llm ....... ts. but

the ioto ..... t. of . COIIH ...... t;V. monarchy are much mo .... likely to align in the futu ....... they hove III the pall. wi th A.....rlu·. d""i", for. II.ble, non-Commullirt. 1I01l·ndlcal Middle Eatt. And If we wilL lab the Saudi.· advice. oo....".....tl ..., trod.hlon·mloded monarchi.. are. better bet for the fu t~ofl

p ..... W... tem Middle EMt thon ..... lllamiC democrocl... and the

Illaml.t. they might elect.


Chl pt" •


1975- 2007


....... ........

t', pop ... l., 10 _thatlh, MIddle Ea.1 hli .IwlY' '-n I blood·

Guess what?

!Moth. INt 11". not lrue. Indeed. when the 11173 YOIII Klpp ... , W.,

....Iood, • ,.nod 01,-00 MIt ;n lintem>pt.,;!, of COWM, wllh bou.llI of

wiol_l. II "'I.,;! _Iy thirty yeon. latMJ 'l nlollonl wilh IIlI n'~ Anb lUll. w_ dominol.,;! by dy ...... iao of.-. no! war. Anwar s.dil mode,...::. wllh I_ l In tIM H111-U1711 period. A - . . mteoitheorel.laoJ .... ' thot ..... -.lly . -

operated on Ih. Golon U'!&hlll betw""n 11....1 Ind Syri • . Lebanon 001. II~ Intoo homtndouo eMI

hI. PLO. llld

war largely 1",lllI'u";! by V _ A",fol ."d

n..t Syrlo ",d Ihen 1.1.... 11'" IhemlMl~. set ,ud..! Inlo the

In f~mel brew, w ll h Syrio fKll "ll by r... the betlor of U. SO ... dl ArIIb1"

Jot •

don. EtiYpl , Ind lbe A",b Culf 1111. III enjoyed ~. Ind III of Ib ..... except f:CypI p .... pond. Ewen In Egypt. th .... w .... welcome dllCldeo of ,...::. Ind ....elOJlPlIII' In Itrikinjj c:onUUI 10 tbt bernie INI hyllori<:al

ODd ru;nout ..!....., ..... of N_·. era.


a.'1Ib !'any _



)oIIh aM_1Iot

• s,-m" po HId III Horn AsSI4 I\II~ IsfK'I bul ~I~ YhzIIok IIIbln. 1M M ""'" ""lostIne

...... """ '"" .""...,. . .... "" .?N._ .. po !1tlll willi



Arabs can nght Amerk:onl ond 1.",,11. In po.rtlcul ... In lbe d.cad...10000Ih, d",mol;e

t. ...11 wiclo.-l .. ln Ib, 11M!7 Six·D1y Wa, My. wld'ly embraold the myth thol A... bI un'l win w..... 11Ii. I tl il ... d, 'PP"'"" 10 MYI been ,hued. by




Vice J'r.>lldenl Di ck Cheney. Defen'" Secnolny Donald Rumsfcld. nd

their handpicked IdvilO" when they..,nt Ihe U.S . ....,ed fo,,*, ow,,",!>" ins inlO 1""1 in March 2003 and thoushl they cnuld redraw the political map of Ihe counlry II wlll . In

r""•. Ihe milit.ry his lory of Ihe twentieth century .howl that nol

only can A .. b8 flghl. but Ihey can do SO vtlry well. The A.. b Middle wI w.. one of lhe 1. .1 " ' - of the world 10 _lit conquett .nd colOnlulion by Ih" I'"""t [ uro!""'n powe ... Bri tain .nd

F.ance SOIlhel. !!.and. on It only when the Oltonuon Empi ... fln.lly colIopMd aft", . Iong.loush. biUer f4lhl in late IIlt8. II .houJd be noted that

mOIl of lhe soldie.. " 'ho lurrounded. IrlPped . and ultimalely Clplured 1M Anglo-Indlan....,y .. Kut in 1915


AtlIb8r9Cn1lted by Ihe Ouo-

manl from wilhin Ihe nogion. And Ihey w...... mOflJllhe v..,.r. .. t 10 dri .... oUllhe Brilis h ond French. By 11MB """'Y mato. Arlb nBUon eJlcepl AI.ria WII Indeptlndent. and by 1958 everyone of them h.d luccetdully ejected.1I B.itis h .nd F... nch Influ ...."" ov'" I....i •• ff"i ... Thi. w.. not the record of n.llom of cowuw. IncomptlleJll •• 0. defeoatlJlI. 1111 true that 11....1 h81 won 811 the major conventional military waro ~al"'llti

Anlb nel&hbon.. often apinJl formidable odds. BUllhe [• ...,jis

were .Imosc JJw.ys flghtlng for Ihel •• urvlval. MaD conllCripl Arab ....,illl we ... ..,01 InlO WI .. fi r from home, Uke Ihe luckl,," Egyplian .rmlet Nasserlelll In lo Y"",en In the 19600 and Ih ..... d ... troyed by Ihe 1...e1ls in 1948, 1956. and 1967. But the perfonna""" of the Iraqi a rmy agalnll Vlltly nUlneriCilly superior [rlni." fon:eo during Ihe e!&hl-yar iBn-iraq WIlT w.. """"llent The 1'''''Ii. hId b ..... e and ucellcnl flold comm8"d"..-untll S.ddllD HUI..,ln, murderoul and wille.... eve., killed the bell of Ihem h im· ..,If_"d ordinary Iraql lOl dieTI foughl 10lLjj and brlvely with IP"""I dis· clpllne. MOlt Impo"anl of Ill. they won . In conventlon.1 w .... whenever An.b soldl".. hove bee .. equipped. I.ained . and armed 10 fIgh l modem Wellern armi ... on . nythlng li k.


Middle &.or w.,. oM PMot

.quil tenn .... pecLtlly in defenH of tm. homeland . they Iuo ......... lly foo&hr tn ...lyand ....11, Th. IJtMllltOOpIl who fooght lhe Iofd,anlan ... d

Syrian .nn_1n 19117 ... d tbt SyrlanI and fcyptLtnl in tll73 ba... !Mi, fled to the 10ugh_ of lheir opponent ... It _

true IMI U.S. forcet qulclJy .,,,llhIJ.led Ihe 1'*11 COfIVMlI10l'll1

""'- In the 1l1li1 .nd 2003 Culf W.,... But th.ot wun't ""","u.. they w..... f1shlln, AralK. 1\ ..... be<:1 .. M w ... k . .. nderd.¥.loped nillon. u,uIUy c.o.n·I.t.Jnd up 10 m.)or IndUlirlalllll... let lion. '''l'''rpowan. In quick.

1ln.l&btforw..d co.mpa!gn •. Out ... hen It orne 10 , .. em UI ....T. M.. sH m Anb /IIollom proved 10 be fORWt of tlul

DIIIt ury.


m.. In the world In Ih. oecond h.I' of the twe1ll1eth

n.. NIH"""I Ubention ~'ront of AJseriI po""ed for tDOf1I fen>.

clOUli Ind rulhi ... Ih......en the Vletn._ "Ilhel •• Iabt.,.... ...... of Indepen~ . .I......'rano:;e from 11IS4 10 19IU. n.. IJtMU ....... yet 10 dMlroy HuboU.b. wlw»e f _ ..... nluo.lly drove tbem oul of_u-.. LebaOOl1. n.. mu!alledln ,...",;11.. In Afsh.nmln ... enl .... Uy drove out the SovietJ

"t.,.. another .Ishl.year war. And Ib, Sunnl M...lim ,ueml,

I.. In OIntnl 1'*1. I t Ih. poweot tim •. hoy. yet to be operaliolUllly defHled or dellroyed


U.S.•nd OOII llIlon fon:eo.

Thll I, . pl'1llly Im l''''";''' re<;nrd by .nrbody·, ".ndlrd•. Ove. th. pul wty y..... Ih. niliom of Contln.ntll Europ., Lell n Amerk:oo. """ ,ub-SaII... n Afrlo co.nnOl begin 10 compete wit h It.

The Ba'alh Party's socialis t roots Even opponenu of tbt Ireq W... ..:Imlt tMI SooddJom HII-'n _

dletOlor. end hit HI' ltb Puty


I brulll

I totiliter/in opp.-->r. w hat YOIl

won't fi nd the lIfi IIimlnl", I. tbl,: B!I ·.tbl,m hu IUlUu",,"In tbe Ide.1I.lie pipe dNlm& of ,lite. ed"Clled M."d.LI. Throughoul Ih. pul


d"""dCl. Syril Ind l.-.q. lhe Iwo great Am.

nation, of the Fe.tll.~nt. h.o,·e '-" ruled by Ihe BII·.l h R.ul'nIdlon


(Arab Sod.alIA Party). s.'Mb rull brou&bt end l... ...::onomk: ItIpItlon. WlIB 01 forelgl.v-Ion. IUPpon for ",urdt!taua to!ff"Drilt orpniUlIonJ.

'ppr... ntl, Indl_ dlctatonhlpr.. _

poilu tynonni ... ........,.... 01

luna 01 Ihou.. ndl of dvlli.JU in rebeliioul popul.tlonl .• nd thou .. ndl of halr-,.I.lnSUllffipl... ol MdI.Uc torture In underground dungeon •. YeI: tbe Ib '~ h P'rly wu founded by ",1'ly~. rolUOtlc revolution· ari.. (one ",Isht ... en coli them InnOOlntl) who I....... w IKMhlna but. btl"'t SOIMn . . o f petIU. protperity. Ind undlnt.end ina 10.- tbe ArIb world under Ihll. enHpleruw:!. ",II. Pmvldtld no 0 ....... In I'" wly. 01 COWN.

Jt wll the It Of)' of the Youna Thru and tbeil Commltt", of Union

and J>rosrw. ,II over 'pin. L1k, the VounS Thru . the Idulil" 01 the o..·.th Perty pl"'OVfH! the wlldom of Brlll.h polltiCli phll'*'PMr Sir I.., i.h Berlin: ...ery.u .....pI to cre.... perlect ulopl. on ..rth il guIIUl,1I'MI 10 cr-e... bell on ..rth 11\tWOIId.

o.m..cw oo;bool'-"'e..

Mlebel An.q . e 0lrist.Ian.1Ild Soollh ad,Din ,I·BI,..., . MUlllm--co-founded the 1II'lth Pari)' In 1$40. Tbey Two

wanted In end blind and dlItnat belw_ Qllutllnlltld MUlIirM. They wlnted 10 c.... te. Iinsle. unified ..... b _Ion ICJ'OU Ihe Middle ENI foun ded on JlUCI and toela) jUltiCI. They w.nted to .bolllh povert y. TIKIy

Wfl . .

III In flvo. 01 freedom Ind dlmocracy Ind, 01 CO
lOCI.."",. They hl ted tynmny in.....,.


Ih""shllbey did.

au' far from unllla& the Arab world, .... OII'ath movement .... ttered it F.. &om ..uoblWllna r.--:bD and democncy. 11 ..uoblWled 1... 10..... · luti"ll . ....... Itabl •. and hloody tyrann ... In mod............ b hiliOf)'. n.cont ..... willt IClns Abdull.h and ICh"ljj HUIMln In Jordan . or with ICI... Abdulub and hi. O'OCC'",," In Saudi Arabia, could 001 be JVOI'Iter. Fill" &om 10101"8 losetb ..... the Iwo ""Ionl wit ...... 1II'.th pani.. took and held power--SyrLti end Irtoq-w ... the mOollI hltte. rival. and """ml.. for 11"" ...llono . ...:h of Ihem cI,lmlna 10 be the onl, bei. end embodiment 01 true 1II'lthl,m wlUletheother _ ... U ' - y. In the,... 11184.1.......


MiddLe East w ... on
.io... of 8 iH 8ro111er th.t George o.w..11 would b.ve """"IP'lzed o .. ly 100 well w"re ali ve .nd tulill3 in I1omaocu. ... d Baghdad. Thoy w..... ld ot.y th ..... for decod ... 10 come.

Arab tyrants: Assad and Saddam Aft .. r II. humlli.ti llll de r...1 .1 [I ..el·. ha..d. I .. Ih .. 1947-t948 war. through 1970, Sytb e b a . Hovernm" .. I. f..t ... Iha .. a revolving door I wlngo. Th ..... w..... tl .... llw .... ty.fiv.. dl """,nlHovemments in twenty· two y.,.. Th. Syrl,n rel'ubliC bectom .. . laugh[ngstock throughout Ih .. MIdd le Rul .• nd Its armed fore .. w.."' .. byword fo, I"'"ive incoml"'"" te .. ce. Th .. Syrl ... army pl .yed .. o role wbat_verln tb" 1956 b .....n. Egyptl.n Sinai wn. [.. \967. aft .. r Ih"i • • i. force ground In Ihe

n..1 houn


d ... troyed on Ih ..

or Iha war. Ihey ....1 p-IIUiv .. ly until Is .....1i

d..r.. n.., mlniller MOIlle o.yan wu .ble loam,," overwhelming fOl"O!lt 10

tUo Ibe Col.n Halghll from Ih .. m. But i.. th"lhlny-elghl years .Inca 1970 , Ih .. Syrian governmenl h .. 001 fallen once. Th .. only ch""8" i.. ill I.,.d ... hl p came In 2000. when tough ol d !'resIdent Hafe! .... Ad dIed In hll bed.1 Ih .. "8" of .i~ ty·nin .. .


thirty yean of unoon te5led .upreme power. Hi, rnrvIvi.. S ..... Bashar took Over Immediately .. p .... id .... ' ... d nol . wh l. pe. of dl ....n'



.hUI It. Auad.1oo left behind .. hl,l"ling legocy Ihe l..... gh ...1 military force In Ih. Arlb world . one th.1 h"d fKed Ihe lo.....li army In full I.nd com· bot more ofton and performed more .. ffoctlvely .inll il th" .. any other. A,Ad·. achiev.. m.. n, conUU," no' Dnly with Syri.·, pul. buI .110 with the fa'e of hll fellDw . .. d rival lJ.o ·.th dictalor. Preoid .... ' Saddam Hussein . I.. IlfIlghborina l.-.q.

IIot.b men came 10 power .t olmoo"he .. me ' imo. A_d ..,ized IX'we, I.. Oo. .... ocu. In 1970 . dolonnlned to ........ the humlllllio .. ond shAme hi"



u. armed


and mos\ of III hll air force lutd .uff.......1 .,

I,rael', hand. In 1M 11167 Six·Dooy War. In 1968 S.dda,n lw:Im. tlut numbeN"'D m an and ......1 power huhind th. Ihm" .. In th. Second BI"th

R,,!,ubllc h,d by Prelldcn! Ahmed

tt.".." al·Bah.

AMlld and Sadd8m we", both mere;l ..... tyrant. who rou'inely employed tortu", on an unprecedented ..,.,1... Both of them



of "",,,,"Iioll and conquest ~.lnS! th.l. nelghbo ... And neither of Ihem

heoila".d to .Iaullhler many Iho .... nd. of Ihel r own d1izen. whenever Ih.y f.1I


naoc"uat)' or " xpedlentlo do 00. BOlh of \h~m looted



Soviet Union for _pon. and .o ppon . and both of them h8tod the .ule

of 1."",lli k. pol..,n. lroniCOoHy. Ihro .. gh Ih. 19800. II was $addam who w ......... In Amo ... ICOon

")'111 (•• p"cI.lly

th ...... of R"8An adminislrallon policym.k... ) ..

by far Ihe mora mooe.". of Ihe Iwo. $add.m w •• boulill3 the ShHte 1.lamic fanallco of Ay&loJl.h Kh""",inl". Iran from .we<>plll3 acrou Ih. Middl e E.,I. A_d. by oonlrast. waS fOrfll"8 • 10"8·1.rm .1Ii.""" between Syria and Iran .


Am.ricon pollcymak... &.O w Syri •. nnl Iraq .


.. dlrectln, and pro\!ldlnll the mOlt danger. 0011

lerrorist fOl"CM in the region Ihro .. gh


19300. In 1983. Shih" Hezboll.h ... Iclde

bombe.. blocked by both Il'IIn an d Syria killed

come to ill end with _


.-norc ~ poIiticiM'l$ltId tNt we _

mo .... than 250 U.S. Marinu and mo ... tho"


00 FI'II"ch pIIl'llttoOl"'.. .. they .Iepl in thoh

IIOIW bqmrc <:II nfW dviliution, when ~ _ ... foc;t the 10" t . mlpIin of

t.>a,.",cu on th" out.klm of Detrot

b«kw~ltId. ~

hi' SOn ."""Ivlna to rule .. hi. h.i. and hi.



lIut It wao A...d who died In hi. bad . with

""Sime Rnd fannidabl ...... y """,,,,Iy in 1'1_ Saddam. who had inherit ..d " fM' II'S"'" and monI

populo... n.otlon wilh the oecond·]arpI

011 reoerveA on Mlth and a far lalJl'l' and more


powwful_r-tbe fourth

larw-t in tlMo world by 19l1O--tquandertld.U

of .hoIe ...... before dylll8 on Oec:ernbat lO.

woe. _ ."" end 01 ........


Auad', luti"l'uc::c.u remai ...


Or Und ..... N by U.S . ..,d

l'rHU pollcyml ker1 to thl. doy. nu' .here an toberl"ll ......... 10 he

leuned fmm wby be.U<:Oeeded w"",", Saddam . nd N _ did not. The f
minded Ih' Syrian li r fo..:, in \11, WO ..I d,f, •• In I.. hl. Iory. yel used thl' der...I .. I .pring'-td 10 power. H" Inheri.ed III Inny reprded u • bid lOb throu&houl It, own region Illd wilhln thrM y..... mode It for.. mldobla. II I'IImlln. to 10 Ibt. day. AUld I..! III Arab ILIItlonollH . .I..... r-t b. 11'u&J!11I'1MI b .....ic

bell............ fu ndomen ..ltH. more rulhl ...ly and oa Ir.r wider ~ Ihln Sedd.m " ' . dored 10. H, b,ld po_ lot Ihltly)'M" IbrG!.J3b the

.... of lOtI .......... I....... and be came from • tiny etlutlc Uld NllfIouo -=t lradltlonally dlotruo\..! by hi. nalioa'. o .. _belm lnaly Sunnl MII.lim mojorily. Vet he 'p~ .o hi .. , enloyed ....1.uppOtllJld _pect,lJId hlJ

...., hu fill..! reillively -=urely lince hll d ..th. A...d WI' the mOil dlngerou. enemy the 51'1' 01 IlrMl hid .!ler Ille

d""'lh ofGamaJ Abdel NINer. V"" b, lorged . lutlnl bond of_pect with one 01 1....1·......tlll IMd, .., Yltmok Robin. whom he "".... m"" In per1IOtI.

Hechlmploned \be PIl.. tlnlln ao .... plWlonalely. bul he hlIN IJId


d .. plMd the


The lint _

wbo w.. lbe U.. I", embodlmenl olthal ClU..' V.. _ of Hafez MM(\', • ....:cM*


Ihll be filled eox:ordi"l

to Niocolo MOIlo...IU. not Ja- MldIM>n. He would "'"............. !be IICOnd lIud> odmlnlotrel\oo', . . . .lon wi lh C>'MII", I",t,nt full-lCIl,

W"'em rePreMn ..II .. , dOl"J>()(;NC)' , nd freedom

'hroufLbout Ihe Middle

EIII not only .. '"",,,"nina hil own power. but . . . f;OIIlemptlbl'loke

fur Ignotlng the power ....11Ii.. of the "'Sion. It, hiliOf)'. IJId polltlcal and

military ... Ihl...


LD lbelale 19901. fulure Bu,b admlnl11tl.1lon pollcym.aken and intel· lectual •. led by [}ovid WunIlHl. VIce Prsldent Dick Cheney'_ chief Mid· die EM, Mivio&or. of'8"ly deM:ri'-l ""lionl like Iraq Uld Syria II "f.lled .ta' .... " Ignoring the feet the' Ihey had been around a, dlllind national antltl" Iinee Ih. N-rly 1920.. And Sadd,m in Iraq and A.... d in Syria both IOlvad 'he problenu of cbronlc In.,. bIU,y Ihat h.d plagued both nallon. for 'he twenty y...." before .. ither ofl b .. m took power. A.... d. heed ing MlIChlavelli·. counsel ..... rdad bei"ll rN-red .I vlltly more imponanllhln bei"llloved. 11111 tho"3h ha killed widely. he did not, .. Saddam did. kill contimUllly or ind ilCriminately. [n Iraq the wi".. Uld even children of those who crotHd Saddem, .... n by cont ...diding him oro .... of hI_ murderoullOnl In. con_lion. W"",, lortured, "perl. muUI&ted. and mu.deNKI, An.d did IhOMl lhi"lll on ly 10 hi, eneml",. although there

.nough ofthem.

In 1932. AMIMI crulhed I popu Lar up. i_Ing on behalf oflha lilamb' MUlllm llroth•• hood In lhe WMlem Syrian city of Hame by annihilati"ll Ihe entire city. TRnu and h"vy , n lllary w.... sent In to pulverize Ih, ... maln" w ben U.S. inlelllpnce anllYl1I compared bef"", ... d . fter pholograph' of Ih. city from ,u""lllance .. teillt" they could nOI believa Iheir own er-. The death loll o f c1vman. I, generally Mth""Ied at 20.CMlO. end it may even have been much hlJlher. Rifaal A.... d. H.faz'l brothor and longtime secret police chief. late. cialmed 10 U.S. lnumelil t

n.om... Friedman thai the oo.lh loll w.. ,...lly 38.000, Not even Saddam ""a. authoriud k111illjj apIn,t hi, own people with luch inlenoily. Bul where Saddem killed endl_ly, and appeafl to hIve had I JnY' chotle need 10 do It. A»ad killed on ly whIm i, ci .... rlY MIrved hi. inl.,· "'", The domMlic nature of th. two ragi ..... Wli wry dlff..",nL Saddlm ran I grim . una.ly 101.lila';' ...tate lhat .urvlvan of IoMf Stalin', 19301 lerror would have """"8"lud all 100 _ II. Every public ullOlranCO!l OIl


Ihl"ll h.d 10 be In total conformily with the d~ of the C,...I Nallonal Leader, othorwiae the ' ol1u", chamber. th .. firi"ll oquad. or the hangman

Mlddloo EMl W.,. ond


beckooed. 1n Syria. by COIIUUl. u..- wbe> -)""d. 0111 of poIIID aNI put.. lie dJ.;:oune _Id upeel 10 liva Ihai' own

Ii". Ind ....'0 modMlly

""joy lhei,own private propor1y.

The IonIsn poIleIe. and pMl"",,, oI .....lon of the IWO I'8IiIl18l W,,",

..., d lfferenl ....... d cnved loconlrol Lebanon. U "'..". 1""lJectual Syrlin rul .... befON him hld.lu$! u Sadd.m wu detannlnod 10 relncorpo. IIle Kuwell u Iha nlnel ... nth province 01 111'1.. u I,." ,..110",1" 1' before hi m had. Bot h of lh.m d id h. bu t Sotddam open ly .nd brul.ll y Invaded Kuw. 11 In July liDO and bro .. ghl Ih. e nll ... military might of lhe United 51. 181 and Itl eUI. down on hi. hNd only .ix montht I. ' ..........d cnl'lily ancourlfled dl.wnt. dvll war, and ch.ooo In LAblDOn bef..". ....,lina III h is arm~PP*dly 10 .-10l'Il ... dot in 11176. H, _ obi. 10 JUly t.hent for Ilx,...... unlillhe Is ...II. d...... him out.

Sotdd,m wu IIIercll. .ly invinr;lbhl In ' ..... for Iblrty·fln yean from tbe ..lIbllsh .......1 orlbe MCoIId o.·llh Republic: In I "". wh_ ba beld 1M ...1pow •• for elav"" )'MfS bef..... oulUna Ih, lneffeo;lual flg.....h_d I I.Bab. tHa had n. b mllrdered by being pun,pad f.. 11 of Inluli n lh..... y.," llIer.1 Bill Sadd. m kMw nOlhlna aboul Ih. worl d oUllldalraq. and h, mls· Qllcu ll tad COIlu lroph k:oolly "'MY tlma be proyokad It . .-.....d naver did. He relalnad Ih' ~I'OIl3IUppori of lhe Soviet Union .nd I.Iler Ru ..... from bestnolnllO ""d. The Spblnx of DamUCUI defied the Ullited St". and undermined III Inn ....... I....,..r.. lly for dec:.Mltta, then _ 1 0 . kind 01 aocommodallon with Wu.hloglOll durina tha Clinton admlnlll"lioo

wben ha had 10.. Ha .... n Nixon .nd 9111 Cllnloll,

h .... ed l wo

u,s. p...ldentl on viii,,: II.k:han:I

......,j'1 ftlllllOOI with b,.,1 W,,", utr.ordlnary In thalr .cl>1....,."enu

.nd compla.lty. Within th .... yea,. o f ,aking powar. h' unl .... hed tba Syri ln army to Ilk. the 'awllh It"a by lurpri M In Ih. n,.1 I\ou,. of lhe 11173 Vom Ki ppur War.


n.. .....11............ Uy .umed .... llde ...h... ovwwbftlmi.nt ron:. In thoe GoI.n fLghtlna ...,Inat Syril and drovi b.ck 10 within .nillery ...... of Do.m.ucu. when I _fire.at fI ... lLy 1m.,.,.... But Ihh.oullh Ih, l.reeU. could prob.bly hive tlken th. Syrlln u pl ••1Ind could .,.nllnly hlv,


It h.d 110...... contInued, IMYn _ • ....xeeded In rou!Lng

lb. Syrllna nr In .urroundl"4llbem.


Arlel Shlron w.. Ible In do

...llIItlhe £ayplian Th ird Army on Ih' WII' benk ofl'" SuuC.... I. AI ,..-ri)III1r.cb. llpedally from HnboLllh, pew In 19112 ,II« lhe ..... i milltlryamq.-al_tbem 1Abuxm• .-.-I_ ..... lOwill bee"through ,..-rill' ...... ."d diplOlTlll1c JklU what bft hid Ioet In dlNe!_. lIy llM14 Iinel w.. fOtted OUI of mOlt of JOUlh"" t...IMonon .xce~ fOf. buff... '""IlIon north of III border. Some .IxltHm Y""" 101er. I...... ll prim. mInister lihud Berek pulled OUI of there 100. H.. Won.h wu .b11 10 ... Ioblish ....te within I ..... In the JOUlbftm poll oflbft country, and Syrien


military ron:. and orpniDllont ........... bM:Ir. in In domln... e m\ldl oIlhe counlry for II_the 111>(1 q...l1eraonhuy. Soddam, ." COlI1rIIt.

had .... n UfIIbIe 10 hln&on 10 KuwIll1nr _Ihan ,Ix monlha.

Bul-.. while he ........ pportlna I.,..t.. ruth ..... and finnly 1/JedIYi

lIuerrlll. fOtC .. flllhllnlllhi ',,-.ell. u Syrl'n land 'nniln) "ro~ l .. In JOUllwm t..b&non. Auld. nn .... rllk.o with provoking them (HI Ih, Golan Heigh ... where I....,.,. ofboth IIItioDscontlnued.o!.co..:b oth.. In the Iwenly,flYI y.... from the '!Fill8 of Ih' .....II-Syrt.n dlM11flltlnllnt ..... _nlln 1175 10ANad', dMth 10 2000,Il0l I ,Ingle ~U or S)'riaa ... Idi... died In Iny Inddenl on I'" Golon front, The 10"« pili» ...... Ihmuch lbe flrst _ YMn Ifter hi. d""lb, lhougb then I .... now mlny IndlcatlOlUl It


not lui for much 10113".

Ford'! Middle East successes If you bell_)'OW" PC blalOl)' boob, there hen been only I....... kind al



RltpliblLcaa p ..... ldenll since Uncoln : ,vII 0 ... (Nillon .nd HOOYIrI.

Mlddl, Eut W... ODd _

dumb on. (ReIpD ..... CooU.). and Teddy R_elt .


th' med"

.t t .... time and IMII1ftI'll.m historimuo u... cIIoy •• there WII no cbok:e but to 1IIk:k Cenold fon:! Into t.... dul>Ce c:.t"ll"l}'. He WU


to be. bnlnl_. muddUIII- old fooIbroll p..,.... . nd

polilic:.llud; who MIl l'1IOOiveci ooe blOW' to the tte.d 100 many. Genld ford .ank. w ith hi. rellow mod_Ie Rep .. bllClon W.rren C . Hudi"ll U the mOil .. nde.uUm.led American p_ldent of the Iwentle1h CIont .. f}'. And hi. Middle t:.ut record w •• pOIIlbl y the bul of eny prfIIldenl. Dwight EIMnhower "lOll" EsJ'~ to tbe R..... I.n .....d I'o.d . by hI • • ppmv.J of H""". KI_I.....·• moot COOlpllcloted....bt... patIent . and._ .-.ful dlplome1lc ""'''''''....... brou&htlt bect Into tIM Arnericul orbit .. _er bero.... H• .J"'l"lded Ih, Americon ICXlnomy Ih........ the w.... t "pec!I of the 19'3-1974 quedruplm, o'&lobe! 011 priceo and otabIllled

tho ICXlDOrtly with ........ of the ItJ'Onpst. mOlt cou.....,ouo • • nd moot unpopuler l-.dorohlp II bd ..... hI dec:odeo. On boIh the home ond fonolJn .fr.l" frontl. Ih' q.. let. herdwOltlng ford provld«l decl.lve •• ucx-oful I...d""hlp that w ... Inc ..... lnaly .... pecu,d .rou nd tho wo.ld. Only th' American peopl,. led by 11 ....... 1 p .. ndlt. foamIng" the mo .. th


ford ', pardun rOt NIxon

lona national nlghlm .... or the Watergate ocandlJ. oouldn', _


en d Ihe


KboJ ....... curlou,ly. dId for bet,er runni"ll around the region .. f ord', - . . , . of IIII' e!.han .... hod _ Nixoo ·. ri&hl·hond /MIl. It m..,t ha"" beer! that Nixoo kept KI ..lnpr on • much light'" I.... h Ih.n .n)'Ontl .... limd whIle Ford

too.. ... tlMo rei .... II mlght aloo Iwo", bMo !hot !be a1rnott CIII·

.d)'RII1c contequ_ of !be Yom Kippur \v...-..IM th ...,1fMId dMtruc-

tlon of ......1 IIId tho rilt of. tbermoaucloer ..... wdown beI_ 'he United Stot. and the So¥Mt Union-follo-.l by tlMo OI'!-X: IlUlbatgo hod conoen,,,,ed U.S. pollcymat....• focu. on Ih, region. for lIMo 8M time. KI ..ln"" ...... not dealing primarily wi th 'M Soviet Un ion. OlIn • • PUIrian. Iran. or the Vietnam Wer. The MIddle


_. the bllRl""l !hue on

h1IIf1!OOWo. In any cue, with Ford t.ckl"ll hIm 10 lhe hIlt ..... dId v"'Y well. ,~

Fi.. t. KiMlnger ell8"8'l'1 11I monl"" of end l.... nflgOlloliono. charmill8. lieo. flanery. brit-y, and Iru...U with 10......1and Egypt to brill8 about the 1915 SllIalli Disell&"8f'"",m ~nt. Thll proved to be on. oft"" ..... • u(:o:<.",ful . far.ftIoIICbl"3. and oVMLooked diplom.tic a.;h1(t1.·_U In mod_ em hmerican Imtory. It ended tile 8Pl"'rently ill
of w.... OOtwoon 1.......1 and Egypt_fivo w.... In Iwenty·r."" yeo .. 10 thot point. It go"" 1......1a vlul bmothlng "I"""" for nooovery aftill' Its heavy <:as\I. altl ... of the t913 wa. but without pjIIyillg anything like th" price lMaeli prime mini.ter MenllCh"m IlegIn hId 10 I"'Y for I full Egypt. Prim" Minlllt'" Yi tu.ak Rtlbin


t .... ty wilh

won the far.l'(!IOChl"3 Matmon C""""

pjIIcbgq from the Un ited Stol ... that forevq. changed the eo..,ntial cOn' . trudion oflh, I _Ii anny. In pjIIvlll8 the wly for Mot""'" C. the d iHSlgarment agreemenl 1110 lai d the !No.1. for Ih, nut thirty yean of unqueotlooed I.......li OM:Urity and military predomlnanc:e In the region. Sinal


,110 prepjllred the way fo. KI ..;nge, ', triumph of nflgOllaUIIII a

.lmHo, annlltioll "8"""ment be1w",," 1.......1.nd Syria, which proved u



and long-luting, It ,ven pjIIved th" way for In un likely

ISraGlI·Syrlan.lralcgic undemlndillJ! Ihal I.,ted for twenty·five yean. Finally. Ford g"'.ped the oppol1 unlty with Anwar S.d_llhal Nixon hId ignored afle. the expul.lon of th" Sovl"t diplomals in 1911: h. 11.1100 .lonS·wnlllll U.S. ItnllegIc relalionship wilh~ , Sad.1quldly knfIW the United SI"leo could gi"" him fa. m,,", tluln I"" Sovleu had ........

provided. And unlike Nuse •. Sad.t .110 .eaH:t.ed Ihat Soviet economic wltdom was lhe fas, road 10 """" worse po""l1y and deotituUon. U.s. econonlie aid and Waslem tourism were sel to flood In 10 l:oep Hgyp' lIabl. and IflOII for I t I.....t Ulolher th_ d..cod .... Given the huge ral. of populailnn Inc ......... during Ihe


lime. it w... Im",,"lhle to hoI'" for. let

lion" achieve. anylhing more. Skill ful


, u"",,"fu l in Ih"ir deaHngo with Egypl and Syril. Ford

.nd Klulnse' w....... loo lucky In th"ir experience. with Sau d i Arahia. In



19n. King Flhll. the moo rucceufuland


nJ le. lin"" old Ibn

Saud hhuelf, wu ~nated by, _11011), dlft ..ro.d nepMw. lIiI....,. C8U0.lnd half·brother, King "haled. wu , di"-nt kind of mand_t. Clutloul. ""d Low.by. He in t .. m boq_thed affective po_ to hil 0 .... hell" tlIld half brother. CrowD Prince Fabd. And Fed. while bril. IIlnt ..... Iomorul Ilk. fll ..l. _ profoundl)' pro-American. IIU tabover oI,lflCllve po_ In R1)'11dh eased ... IIUoruo with the United St.t.... tool< mUlt • .,. confrontliion with 11.....1 off the front bume., Ind p... pared the WI)' for the .t... t.11; pattnerlhlp betw""n Saudi ..... bl. Ind the United Stlt. under Ronald ~ that would plly ouch. II..... role In b.inging doW'll thl Soviet Union. 011 prt.:. ....... IDed high , ti m. In the Uniu,d St.t ..... m,lned ... 1,· livel)' tou&Jt , Ind Khaled and Fabd weno not dllpoaad to Nd_ the oil pricIoo and cutotflba Ilnancia1 ..... DU Falal had Pf"O"lded bthom. For

that mati•• INII_ did the Wh of Iraa. But when Gertlld F..-d left off..,. In J.n .....,. 11I77--

h......... Ind hMd held

high. the w')' 00 ... merlun p...ideol Iutd l.. fI tha Ov,1



Owlght Eltenhower', depll"lwtlln 1961--t.. lefl beblnd a.ublllzed Middl, Ea.t. full of opportunity lod hope for hi....COBIIO •. Jlmm)' Coner would .... p the ... ward. of Ille good.....d. Fo.d h.d IOwfld. but 11 .. ,110 wrecked n..... ly ,II of It.

lCInlllger's realpolitik Th .. key to Ford ', lue<:eN. Mimilledly. wu lI .. nry KIMlnger. " Gfiman Jew w'- famll), lied the NazU In World W... II , K_I ...... w ... hrilll.ani Hatvard

pror..- of dlplomatk: hiotory with. reonatbble"fI for politi·

callntrltue. So IliliM w.. he lhal duri"ll the 1961 pr..ldentlal U rn· I"lgo he w... front·runner to bacom.. n.tlonll MlCUrity adyilOr with

boIh mIIln candldat.. 'I lha 11m. tim_Republican Richard M. Nbcon and DemOCflt Hubert. II. Humphrey. When Nixon edtfId Oul Hurnl'h .... y In I oquMk,r , lectlon, Kiuloger got the job. In 11173, II. rOH lUll high.,.. to II",. II ..,...,tl.,. of .-.Ie undlll Nixon and then under Ford.


Tbe hilUcall, IDCtfTKt '014.

,.th, WtddJ. totl

Killinger I ped.lized In rea/poIftfA: polich.. lluo. l<X:omplidJed moral

pl. while &P~ng IIneny cyn;c.oi .nd confounding 'ppat'M ! common Mn ... Befo", he eR!et
confl ict, u d If \b, Unlled Silt ... booked [. ...1. il would continue 10 "," dily I"", pow .... and Influence K..,.. the Arab world.


umf. ,",IS Wts SI"if,', ~!~ 01 def...... (Of thirty-hoO ~in

(from I9n to 2004~ So it ~ ufe 10 '>If !hot hi. IIMnp ~ on ItIo!

country. WhlI does IfIillllNlll Well 11m p,t,Iidy bo",NI.bout Iorturir\f: ind c.m.h''C IIIMI pr~. ,hI!< ~ 1973 Yom Kippu" WM. In tilt 1980s M

_e iOd pOOIMoed I book proo.mirc tilt truth 01 !tit _ifni .ntl-Sfmi\k: blood [jbtl tlwl Jews kill (ly~Ii¥l ind MuIlim child!"" Jnd 1M thtJr blood

He r'PO'T~Y kf.pt • l.I,1" pin"", 0( the fMllOlA ~lli¥l """,Ie Klft'lOl Girw loIlobripio in his oifOCf few many )'Hr1. BKMM of his 10M fOf ne.. M 1iIk!. he fNde .an tho 11.1 .... pHC8~ foru om splIred from lilt dtmtMirc I9Bl ,••J.w mrl bomb iltKU Ihot kIlled more m.n tIYft h.Irocnd Amtriun and F~ ..,/dim in ~

10 bike f'lI,lO'O'fI mlfZQ!,.

It ""'lIUId I>f U'Y 10 ' .. bl ....

ht WJS the ...""


no" II I t.ut..ric


Of •

btIfootI. But

SImi Mu
AMId. ind hr 100000IIy ~ped '"~ ~ IU(~ d ~s UII'I BuNt. fir lisa . . . Sl"io • f., rnr:n fonnidlbl~ m,lrllry pcwfl in ~ Middle Last (model· Irclri! fcrtu on Soviet ~ drxtrirv~ In Ilrf futIn ....,'- S)'fIi ..;11ct!· lilnIy no\" fi"" b)' M¥qr.ri$ d ~ or Gtr"rM c:arr-iolt ruin. m,,*, (0 n.u.


Kluln.,. confounded Ih ~ ",u"'plion. By .... Inla/nlna Ind llrength· enilll the U.S. rol. u !arMI'1 chief ... ppnrter. he mad. lVuhln.I .... lhe pllOO Anb l...:Ien had til II" if they wanted any

001'l0III1 .....

&om Ibl

luoeU •. A. 1..-1 wu depend""t only on the Unil .... Stlt... It followood that .... Iy lhe Unll-.l SIII... CIItIld btl... pnullN 10 !.or. 11.11 _med to obv!OUlonot you IIlrt-.l to thin k .bout h. Klulnger wenl on to dl.ploce .nd nlp l"""


In nllenCilln EsJ'pl

with American. Helloo brouabt nll.tlve pMOIlnd ,,"blilly to Ihe "'lIon by ..,lIl", Inn. In b"lh ,Id.. in the 1...... I·Anb connlct. Tnll wu


for mator U.s. companl ... hurting from lhequadrupll"l of 011 pri<*


III 11M 1970.. It ,110 d ....... lJ.cally ..... Ived 1.....· lulI ... U.S. ln n uence In



KiHl .....nd Nlxoo won by no meant Inr.Uib!. w~ 11_ to deal· 1"1 with t/wl Middle F.ut. Tbey _

up with lhe NIxon Doarl... to maln·

lain MCUrlly In the oll·rich ....... ian Gulfby .... lIdl ....... p tt.. ..... h of Inn

u I

real_I mililuy pow... oompuable to 1......1. But 11M obIh proved 10

be Ii .. t "" un&rfItefulllld btcbtlbt!ing I ll y. and lhen •• lInt with ftet of elly, He pl.yed. crucl.ll..dl", role In theClll,1 with Soudl A.. bl.and oth ... Anb Ilftll ..... In qu.drupllngllnIMloll prl.:... IVlthln another five y....... 1M wugone enlll'llly. toppled by. fu,loutold Shill. M ... llm cleric he bid banllbed to Pult. Kluln,... .110 mi.alculated In dellyl ... cruel.1 ,Id to 1t..,1 during tho 1973 Yom Klppu, IV... Ite wlnted ]...... I IO.u"'l ... lhe Wlf bul 10 he chulened by h. to I.. I..den would 1M mon wlllln,locompromi.., with tho motor Am 111,.. .,11 bi.lenn .. 8uI tho Wlf mO\..d III fut Ibtl the 1o..... I1..,.,y rllUd runni,,&""1 of"""","n ll!oa and W"PO'" "",11IIt tbe E,yptl ..... 0..."...., 1...... li .p~I.lo PNoldent N],,;on fin.Uy coo· Ylneed Klulo8er 10 "'''pply. Bu. Defe..... Secretory Jo.m ... Sebl...!n.... pl.yed tho k.y role In pUlhlng1hro"lb tb. 0'1"nl .. tlon o f lhe f.m ..... C5A Gtluy olrlln Ihlt lot Ihu cruci.lluppll ... 10 the 1.,1111 troov- In tlo".


n. ,.IIUc.II,

lanrred Gul •• I. I" 1114d1. E..I

StiLI. Klaolnger·. ",blJ~. cynicool. m~. hyper-.ctl ..... and ...If~ rifyi"ll diplomacy woRed. Laundllng the first reaI»MOI! P""-' boIWWII

L..-I and ItA AnI> neI&!tb:nand _ i s . The

1 97~

Sln.1 II d~1

agroomenl he Ilbor\"",ly brokMtld bMw .... n 1."",1 and m


l..d, In liUle

Anwa, Sedaf . remarkable visil

10 )eruooJem and then 10 lhe 19791."",I-EgypI»MOI! trftaly. And the.men· pgom8l11 ~menl he hrotertd boIWfIMl .......1and Haf"" Assad ke~ lhe ~ on

the Golan Heights fat the """I th ..... and • half deo:adel.

I'M mof'll Ih"n th ..... d"""d.... KI.. ln8..·• record of Kh i....ement in mlnlgins the Middle Rul ",mlim one that none of hilluccetton ....e' neered . When It came 10


f1I8ion . he wrote the book.

yltzhak Rahln: The dove who armed Israel Yilrllak Rabln'l fi .. tth .... year tenn u prime mlnLaI'" of La"",1 wu vutly und"uled. HiJ l$lXlnd. far mof'll fimoul on •. wII vastly overraled. Rabln'l fi ..1 prnmie.. hip Ilunched. peoce proc... with Egypt. Hi • ..,· ond launched. peace proce.. with the PI I"'lin llnl. Thel, outcome wu very different. lafllely boooUM v ....., Arofat will not Anwar Sadal. In 1974 Rabin inheriled the ...... t ominoUll8CUrity .llualion any 1.......11 prime mlni.ter had faced l ince the fi ..1 hloody llrusgje 10 ... ,.bH.h Ih. 1I0te. When Mosh, ORyln became minl.'6' of demnN in 1967. he knew he Inhe,lt"" Ihe mOIl powerful,noy and Ii, force In the Middle Rail. fresh and poloed 10 .trlke. BUI MY"" y...... 18Ie•. Rabin inheril"" an 11"",1i ..-my thai hid 1000t mono lban four lim ..... many toldl ..... in the Yom KIppu' war U had died in Ibe Six·ilIy War. T1uva IhOUllnd 1...... li toldJ .... had died out of. lotool population of onl y Ib ..... million. ThLa \Val pmporII0JUI 10 Ibu U.S. 1000Ina 300.000 dead In 0 war of only throe wee"": Ih"", Ilm ... lhe d ... lh loll of the KonIIJI and Vietnam

w.,. combin8d.

Abo. the prewllJu.ly Inw!nclble I,,,,el! onoy found thllthe lank ond cl"""alr .u pport slri ke fo""," Ib.il b.id ... rved il 10 well in 19:5-6 and 1961

we", oo.oleto. The h.ndheld, wil'01luided. Rn!l".n k miMU", .. nd IuInd· hold lurf...,. ..... I. ml ..l1 ... supplied by.be Sovlet Union to £syp. and Syria b.d IDflicted cutI"8" on 1......1·. elite. Imlpl..,..,bl. pilot. ... d tonk C",WI.

StHI m ... lvely outnumbered [n m.npower. I,",el had 10,n the

long.tono tactiCAl ,u""rlority It needod to .urvlv • . !tobln'l IOlutloo wu to look.o ••udying .nd Jen'ing there




b.d ad ml"'" ever .inee

as. young lI..... n olfLQl1' In the 1950.. Pra.1.

dent Gerald Ford ."d Secreury of Slit. Killinger weno putli"3 enonnoUi p .... IU ... 00 1. ......1 10 withd .. w from .h. w8llem oectiOJUt of th" Suez ean.l. Doya n had been ...dy 10 conlemplote ouch. move .fler the Six· Doy War. "lIulDg [D voiD 10 Gold. Mel. ,h • • 1....llhould not k""p III front line on the canal in any ce .... !tobin cern" to the ... m. con<:lulion. bu' he decided 10 ~ """.thlng for lhe conc .... lon. !tobin', price for 11",lnlllhe 1975 Sinai II dl..,ngagemenl all""'m8DI

wu .. U.S..!...... li .nol deal quit" unli ke any ..... n before. More Ihan."y arnu d.,.l I.oroel had '[gnod befOl"e.lh. 1975 d.,.l I.....· formed Ihe Dalu,," of tbe .......Ii armed fon:ea. The I... uli force had


"You Will Me"r UnderstMd" "l'lwy Mfltlf'd f« 1M ICrnfI of 1M • .«
blood pcuirc gut of IM......m. ~ u-.. foklontllFder 1M viet"" hi!. body Inni,.,. forwMd II ~ cor
if1&. I-,I gut nj.., oirO:;ff ~ ..... S.ny. 'How did )'O'J l,ke ii, Doctorr I yid. 'h thiI 1M a."thr fW ...id. 1 donof ."';mund.'I\Iid. 'Ycu will ~ lFder>'ond.SMII a/ ...... by thtn Syriill minister of infOnt'llltion. de!c.ibil'll tht tiecution of lIIpportflS of EuPtiin pl'nident wlNl Abele! NiSHI' .ft!'! tht UMU(cnlful coup m~1 of July 11, 1%).111 o.mlKUS


oe",ed u flylnS""m@ryforlheero'y.provldinglheklnd ofd,*,,*=Ucal ground luppon Ihlt proved


d..,lliye for the U.S .. Britl.h. 5<wi8l. Ind

German arm lu In Ih. IV""t land boltlu of World 1'0'• • II. Rutl h. helVY I _ t o limpl. lurt.c.to-ooir guided millile:o from poorly trained Egypt· lin and Syrian combot ool d len during the 19'3


proved th.1 thON

dara we", over. to_I would he"e 10 rely on .....1 hea"y e.tlilery now Ihel

II. flhlOKl "flying I nill@ry"


hed boon brokon . Ford . Kiu ingor. and

Sehl ... Ing",. provided Ihal anillory-lhe heovl ... lthere

w",. They ' "P_

plied every co.llbf,. of artillery h .... vy gun !he lirael;' needed. Includinl maulvo


mm """". Before the 1973 wa •. 1...,...1'. oonvantional II1111ery

ann hed boon

nont.~ill enl .

Afterlhe d ...1 in 1975. il had Ihe m",,1 POWfll'

ful anlllery In Iho Middle Eall_

n... giftl In the gigantic $900 million package (mono than 53.S billion In loday·. dollanlaloo Included. new (jen_lion or main bIIttie "nu. In follow_up

~e n",

U.S. funding flowed 10 finanOlO deveLopment..,d

produdlnn of the MeritavI (Hebrew fOt "ch.riot "l. br..,I·. own hom.prI'>duced mlln beu le lank. Ford aloo

"8J""d 10 suppLy Israel

wllh the flnest

comlMll aircraft in Ihe U.S. arsenal. Ihe McDonnell Douglu 1'-15 Eagle.

n.. 1975emut deollranlformed tholuaeLi lrtny in way. tbat conlinue to thil dey. It would nO longer be Ihe lightning-fall fon:e of llgluly armed ulilu lroopo an""lclng boldly by nlghl ... unvloloned by Orde Wingate end tbe bl itzkrieg-influenced mllitlry commande." of tho 19505. It would now be. huge ma.M de rMlenel. mono ,low-mOVing bul overwhelmll18 In Ihe firepower il could hriny 10 beer. Rabin Ame.icanlzMl Ihe [.raeli army. and II remlln" 00 to thll dey.

I_Ii pundit ••1 the time and hillon,n, II""" have


Rabln'l flnl

premlenllip u I "Iudy in w..u.n .... end ineff..,lualn851. They could not b ..... been


wrong A.


Poi,'. Philip Gillon p.-..ciontly

noted 81111e time. Rabin , howed . delurmlnation and ..... din_ 10 make herd. crucill d..,l.lnn. worthy oflloYid Ben-Gunon hlm ... lf_

[ronlc.loll),. It wU lhe

P- I S~ ..

he.., COveled for hli country 1b.1

brouJhl Rabin down. In 1917. he held. ptOUd _0lI>0II), 1\ IaM['1 Ben·

G.llion Airport 1o we!co .... I... lim of the f -1S. from 1M United BUi ll w... friday afteruoon ...d Iloe Iin:nft _


flrt.. behind ocbed·

uJ.. The _ ) ' Itmcbed into the early bou.n of Ibe ,lewlob s.bb.th. jew[.h ..IW ..... patti.. Rabin depended on lor h i. """Iillon ....;.. ..lIy in I'" 1(0 1 _

pulled OUI of Ihe Rovem monl In prolal Ih..... nl runnlnR

10110 lhe Slbbe lh. Their I... de ... expected the u.u.lJy mil d 'mlnnered Rabin 10 limply practice buolnet4lu ulUlllnd pl ... d wltb th"'n tn nom.

heck. wt..c!. the Infuri.ted prime min iller -l&ned .nd aLied '1I"1>8fII1

.!edion. Thto led to the r.1I of hilll""8f1UJl'lfl In.d the end orthe lAbor Plrty'llhrll ........ 1"'" OOOlttol of In. ' ....11 Nt • • Robin hod *-Ied In the weI_In, ceremony for Iloe f-Ullho \ they w.... ld usher in . vully clo.oonpd I_I. Even he did _

drMm how vully ehonpd il

w.... ld lruIy be.

Did Jimmy Carler really bring peace 10 the Middle Easl? In four . bort ,....... I'reoldenl Jimmy Cart .... II U«lu th. world . nd hi. P"" Idftnllol"'CCMIO"S.n unr.lIl11j Inrmulo tn wrtdt Ihe Middle Eut: Incul ",-"Ivelyon brlnaJrIA ~ bet_ the 1.....lto and the P.I.. tinl..... u I'God ~ only you . nd your

pwoooaI wupeou " '0 do It, and


frl. .dly IO"m .... nll to .11, Ibel. OWl! Ihl"OOltl by lnll.IUIIj full-aco.le

I\merkan'llyl, democ:rac:y iJruna:Iillely. II fIIll• .....,.II...., Carter Pf'O'I""d ClOIIcl .... '...ty, u Drillin'. N..... U.OwnberWn bad forty y.... "'Iott hIm, ilMI lb. rood 10 hell .. P'yed wilb toad Inlen,;on ... A pel'lOnoll)' d_nt. bononoble, iDOOlTUplible .... ns-llal Oubltln , he wanted nothl.,. ""'" or I_ It...> to bring .. _ l


beI_ Ib, 0,11-

dren of Abnbom, lhe Jew. and the ABbe;.


Than"" to Cen.ld Ford and Henry K1 ..llIgtIr. Cuter came Into omao with .n . wfullot goi ng for him. Even


hi. bungling. nth.r than h i•

• klll . san him hi. big bn>akthrough. In 1977 . a.rter wlnlM!lhl Union to be tboI Unl~ 51.0.1 ... • partner 10


ruJ1J1Ina I Middle East ~ con-

fereooe or diplomotic inItiotin to IIIItie the bneli-Arab conflict.. Egyptian

prwidellt Anwar Sad,t con fnNltM! the ide. with .. ndemandable horror. He ho.d rlAkM! his life and I~ fum", of hII country 10 kick Nu ..... •• 5ovl~ .dvi...... OIIt III 1971. The I..! Ihlng he noedM! w.. lOme utnordinorily n"WI U.S. p .... ldenl letting th.m com. boock. bound for ",veng •. $0 the

mon who h.d confounded III Upeel.tlOII. by u""lling the 50vleu l il[ )"IiI" ... rlie.

Innounoed thet with in day. he WHI!DinII to vi.it /aruaoJem.

Thl mOvl


Illoundlng beyond Im.glnation. Nothing li k. It hod

ev.... 00e1l _ n ill Ihe hlltory of the Middle Foul. S.d't wu 8"lng to m_ the (lu pjlOH'lily) mool herd-lin •. ferodoua.ond Im pllCllble l.....li 1II1II", or them .ll:

M e~em

Begin. whOM Ukud bloc had finally won power

ill the 19n 8""0",1 ellllCllom . 11.", he hId endured lix p",viou. ellllClonJ dor..... In No.



enough. He

row H IlIIIIe. of the Herut Ind Gah.1 ""rtl... S.d. t lu.t gol"3 to Tel Aviv. which would have OOen ndlcal Wilt

8"i"3 to /eruMlem.thedty whOM lJlounic holy lit.. hid

OOeo In I..... U hand. for ........ thon. decode. to the u",,"di ng fury oft .... entlre .....b . nd MUIUm world •. Friendllnd enemi...Ilk. we.. "unne
undo of "'pone... nd tel""lolon ""w.tMm. flooded In f",m ermutd t .... world. Bezeq. [,nel·. jUllly nviled n.tlonallzed telephone oom",,"y. which ulu.lly ""uldn·lln.ull •• hnpl" phone in 8n I""rtment without . tru----y ..... d"l.y.




up flawl_Iy working f/"1Hl gJobIl communiaotlOlll

of them in I... than I week.

Sada!'. jenualem vlJit wM the hl8ll'l'1 thing ofitl kind .ino:;e the Quoen of Sheba hid come to wDO KI"ll 5010moll. S.dat WM l_lmprnued. And

Mlddlo EMI Won ... d I ' - .

th ..... wll camlllly no lova affair betw.. n

EcYpt and 1i...1 to rival the

famous biblical OM. Bill IMy did .hare Ihalr h ...."· dlflre: peeDI belWIlft lhelr two COIIntri.. and. for Sed.t .• danuond that the .. tire

demItU ..b ....d Sinai Penlnlllla b.l'llllImed to


What follo ... ed ..... more than fifteen month. of 10"1. exhausling. IIIMn •• nd ob.eaolw ~;'Ho",. Can ... thBw bimMU Inlo 1M t-rt of them and OOlllled ov.r avary detaa, (Lih Hurborn lloover. COrter....hn penonally plan"ed Iha ",hod"l", fn r 1118 Whll. IIOUM ten nl. COllrt. Ihri ....1 Oil detan •• the mOre tUo&l ... Ihe belter,) " ... nl u.lIy, It all cam.

I..,.u- al the 1918 Camp o.vid ~ co"ra_.... h«to Caner bulcally locked up 1M .ov.,...11" l-ten oftareel and £cypIln .. luIt amounted to

.I ...... ry pri_ . with the Secret ServJ,oa .. their ~11ere. unln they finally

..... CIa' peeDI t...ly. The ItOIIy I. lhat non. of it WIll o-...y. and lhat lutl", peeDI

bet ....... luMl and EtIYPt may ....llha ... 1.en puMibl •. on rat ....... favor-

abl, lenna fot .....1.... ilhout it. S.d" frenkly refuoed 10 mlh peace ... lthout ptUn,,1l of the Sinai hK.k. but.loe. Killi nger" monumanl.1 Sln.1 n I8fIIm.nl In 1915, he had Iha I1NIlily or peace anyway. T h ..... ntu.II ...ly


oul at

COmp o.vld ..... m.da pouibla only ... lth ""onnou•• nnu,1 pIoy" ... nl. of more Ihan $4 billion from the American IUpooy ... 10 1....1 Ind EsYPI

alilr.a. 1....1 paUIII. tmWtIlban Egypt In ,baolu~ \....,.. but .. It IuId. much IrIIIU.. population. vaatly mote In par c:aplta lanna, 8uI by ,ivl", up th, Sinai. I. . .lloet 111ft Jlret.depth It would detperel.ly r-t Iflt

madtt any '""'·term ............t with the PaleJllnl..... II abo 100t 111ft I.... ritory It would ultimately need If It ..... rilOld 10 Im pllQlbl..... my

determined 10 ..:quIre nud.... wilpon •• Th' _

4 ...1', population

w.. concenlrelad In th. . . . of greate .. T,l Aviv. tb. more tamptln. II ... ould II. for &fly poocldal·mlndad mlnlac 10 wipe oul Ih' bulk of lh, population al ,.lngle "rot •. By g;vl", up tha SI".I. Begin m.de Ih" nJ&htm ..... ,lot _I ... 10 Khlava.


Rel.iolns much of SIII.I would .Iso have made It fa, .... ier to moin· I.in control of the ea:u Strip. The Pal ... Un l.... we .... dept. o. the Viet Cona had been before them, In conSl ru<;llllR .ndl.... arnoyo of lu ...... l1 to .m uggle w... ponl intn Goo:u from

EsYPt wtlOln the ' "ra&lI·Egyptian bord",

wu right bMldelhem, And In .h.rp contrast to Ga:u and the WOIt Bank. Sinal wu olmool uninhllbit&d, ~'at from hri"3i"ll """"" with ill neighbon, the ... I••

good .rgument

to be made that Carte,', wo,1:; enobled Bagln to "art • di l8.l ....... waribat hi' ooontoy ba. been poo.yl"ll for ever .1I>0Il, p...,. with Esrptln the oouth

PC MytfI: Ronald RoOC"" Didn" Know Who! He W., 001",


u- Hmty Kis~ wil i &ell1UI, ¥Id if ~ didn't, ho! r-. hnitilfd to ttll 10. &u! Prnidfnt I\cNId lItilpll tot ~lIy impm.w moult. b)' ilWWinC 10 be 11\


inpoIMtt tNr! it Net bHn
~ in Inn



haIdIrc ftly·twIJ .t.meriun difIomob ¥Id atho!t u.s. dlllf!lS ~tI&e ¥Id it

home tho! lII1ionol wil 10 IICt u~l Net no!l~l
IUU-wd b)' ul ..... toucb.lClirc (ilUlkMly, ¥Id ~ b"lliirotly. !-If ond hit top

"HItJ"I, no! only ,rstortd MId Ittqtheord ,t,mer;cil 60miNnt pmiloon in tho! Mkidle £ilt, but thty f'OerI ~ it IUUrsWIly 10 «OtlomlCllly "ocIermirlf tilt So

prim. jo.nt 1\ thty _ " l'IIcf'rtmlte fof tilt Lnilfd St"fI.;.p..,.1IICI tht other mijof industr~·

lIed "",ion! of 1M flft wot1d, He therefore workl


freMI BoIsln to l.unch hlI _ y Into Leb&oon to the nol1b in Iprina 1l1li2.

But DefenN Mlnllte. Al1el Sharon'. grand d_1an for l.eb.oon quidly went dlMotrow.ly wrq.lJnotIluffi!red hundredJ of deed and IhouMnd. of wounded before II rmally withdrow from much of IOUthem Lebanon

. 11.... broken RosIn left offloo. H..:! Eflypl re .... lrlld _Mnti.lly powe.le...nd In tiM U.S. orbil . but wllhout. flnal peaI:8 IrMty with 1s....1. ... d had 1.....1 m.I .... ln.... con· lrol o f ... 011 ofthl Sinai. hut forc":! to bot on 8,..«1 In Ih' lOuth. Desln would never h.... da.-IO


"poo" up an Imblllouo new r.onl In I.... nort h.

P'rinI:f fotld 01 Wudi AlJbW to _

m. U.s. moIII.y pow!I' ptOIKHd tho! bcdoo'" boIh fn;wn

tho! Sondl and hom the ....... ~iH ~ Itof Gulf who hod ,." TOpJHd the wtI. lIt.Ip'I·l _ i f f hfro,

lIriuin' -.tone prWnt rnirvltff WI'ISIOfI 0utt0ilI,1\od IIOl .......

tlltd 10 I!4IPOI1 SO¥iff ~ )owf SloI ... the IIQI proIik killer 1'1 tu.... hi$tOlJ. wM! the Scwtftl_"IM;kt
lIwil 01 Nill ~ Itt 19011. Rtqon ~ tquiI mIon. boIdo:1ffi. ¥d ,n4>06til cyni<::ivro Itt IUPPQft.... the _It ~t .. Itof Middlf r.ut. s.a.:IdMn ~ ¥I'l'Iffl Siddom 1ItII:Rm hts_tJln. ~~ tilt pt(Iplt ~. and I'fOIdtd pl' till wciotd l1'li0;1 _Iw did IIOl ....... Hi! brilliltlt ,,~dntrvt1. r., dow;r ~ from ~

_"lebnn ...


It his ,fCt'i

lie Ind Shlron mlghl"ilI have _ .. piihe PLa oui oflba large andave 11 c:ootrolled In aouihem Ulbanon, bullbey would


t.."" dared 10 J>ulb

on lnlo Ihe ...... rt ofLeboonon. lIazbollah, C..... led by Ihi .... riM ofmaneu_ veri. J>roved I far mo ... formi dable and 10"S·I."lng enomy of the )ewi5b .i.i. ihln ihe PLO had aver t-n, The

iSr&f! n_~:gypHan ~

i ..... iy abo COlt Amaricllh" life of lilt m ...1

important and COllltructive Illy In Ihe entl", Middl e 1981,


On October 6 ,

Anwa, Sadat proudly ... vlewed hli armed fo..,. .' Ihey man;hud

pall blm In maloed .rn.y. A .mall groUJ> of lilamie extnomlll conopl,.._ ion In hil own army, furloU'11 Sodal". p8IICe wilh [.,...1, broke rlnb al ihel . unit marched by tho ... viewing atand and 1I0rm<>
moul decoration b" wont on hi, ch ... I, ihe Star of SinaL 11 w .. JUII 100 bi.JI and sa.bh 10 mill,

Had Ib" 1975 Sinai II diNngagemenl "IV""menl t-n aUowM 10 deO~

llraeli-Egypl ian ..,lallOJ1l, Sad.ol would hi"" lived I nd

e~I "'m"


would neve, IuIva won It, 8"""lell ula"lnallon cou p to dale, OuI by Ihen, thoOlher IUppoeed greel allyoflh .. Uniled SIal.. in Ibe Mlddl" Eut had .loa fall"n, even more • victim 10 Carter'1 romantic Ind farciCiI ... n .. of pnOliU .... Carte, ', "S ..... I .chl"vemenl" of peace belween Israel and " 8ypl CAm" at 'd l.... lrou. price, il ","uhed In lnon ', f.lI lo Ay"lollah Khomaini , bunc hing ' vindent neW form of Illlml.t exlremllm hlthe<1o Inconceivable. From November 1917lhrough March 1979, Carter wu 00

"""""-I with .chlevlns an [lraeU-EgypUan


InIIly thaI h" IgnOftld

ib" increaling evldonce Ih.1 Ihe 'hlh of Iran', poIlUon w.. crumbling wllh amui"lll~.

Clinton: Carter all over again AI Ii... 81"",,", Hill Cllnlon', dealings with the Mlddla Ea.1 ap]>MNld Ih" abanlula Opl""'ile of Ib" h.pl_ Carte,', e.:porlence. And com""",,, with

manyoflhe bun&!_ \be oubHquelll BuaI! .dmllllltniion would make. il

....... bly ttlllloob flOOd. Uoder OllltOOl. ~ ..... telatl .... .uobllIty WIIf'II ~ IlIroughout lhe .eaJon. and 11M bneli·PaIemnian


p.....-. ......... 10 .dnnce.

EYeIl Inll . ppMNd 10 I!eoome IIlOf1I moderatl. wllb the 1l1li7 I loction of

the ..,.,..,kably modent. '111_ by blamlc Republ ic fIfIndardo) Moham · mid Kbl '"ml. And 011 pm- until 1_lIlyed u lonlllll Jl3ly low. Com· pa1$(\ to Cutet ', nightmlrlill """"d of buffoonl.1I Incom petencl. tbil wu. wllcome cont ...l lnd""". BUI ult lurned 0111. Ointon "'pelled Carl .... ·1 bIIlc ml.uoke of fOCllI' I", obMnlv,ly On the Iln,li.A.. b pHOI prOCMlo. H, .Iuored Carle,'1 m...1oman1lat1 delUilon IbM he OOIIld

forte the INtl"'.- IbM "-d

.Iuded pNVtou& a--tiOlll on either lide. Iu I _ult.lib Can ..... Oin· and bl. lop ~ on the region;pond or o:atutrophla.lJy UDder· nted tbe nm_leoo-bu.t otherwiM "lthly pnlv.nl.bl......n.. of •


feroc:lou. enemy tlMt W<MIld kill more A..-kana In Illntledey I.be.n!be ,,~ n.vy

did II J>etlri Harbor. Clinton unnot l.....Ith.... credit or bleJ", for lhe 0.10 Peeoe Pt-ocM.. It WII fo,me, I..... Ul llpe... b.wk (now Ilimed uilnl-dovej Shimon ........

who u,ld Ihll "l1li. And It wlI Rabi,,-haunted by m,morl_ of the dlllth ai_ of hll youna <;otnnd_ 1II IIIe tIM7 flghtl n, for jet"llNII",-who ....d. thl auclal decl.1on 10 ....1""11 with " - .

Bul onCl Rebln end A..flt beld thet remoUi ",IIIt IIl, and . honk beod. on tbe Wh ile Ho.... Lt.wo 10 1l1li3. Oloton .od hi' ,_


tumpod .hoerd 'he "Pee.,..t Lul- up, .... Wbe .. Cut" bad . . .• .1" . ly Ibrown hi_If Inlo .... try nook eod cnnny of '1M I.... U·f:«ypt· 110 "'I0Ulllonl for , I,b'III" moow. 0111100 did 10 fo, • full ..",n

y...... Th, cUmu uml in l u.ly 2000 wb.., . wllh lbe Nodi of time run· nina ou.t on hi. IICOnd 'I nn . Oinlo .. convened. Camp [Mvtd II peea I .. mmlt witb 1o,... U p,lme mlnlo' e, Eh .. d Bo.. k ood ,h, old on d elll",



Ullng Jimmy ('.r,rter u a moo&L for anything. even fnr what It ill appeared 10 be hi. one undisputed grtMIt diplomaUc achi""""'ent. Ihould have s1ven Ihe Clinlon t...", plu .... but cI .... rly 11 d id not. The id"" and drlvLI\3 fon::e for Ihe mnfe",,,,,,, reportedly came from BarU. whn capped a brilllanl carMI' U IMHl'l top lpeelal foreeI comrn!l nder (during which hll exploill ex.-dod evan th..... ofOayan and 5 ....... n) with alhort Ind utlerly trul\3led p",mle.. hlp. BllIlhere 11 110


th. t Ointon and hb

lOp psaoo nf!gOllalon were exOllptionllly eager to make the effort. For luch en ambitioul end ... vor. Barak and hlllllLlll bungled Ihe I",ff work for Camp Oavid II abylmally. It u difficult to i""'3ine that Ih. man who hId been Ih. legendlry commendaT of .peelal fol'<::" and Ih&1I I . .peeled IOF ch ief of ,taff could h .... proven.., lJoppy In pnopari"ll for

hi' g.w.IGSI challenge RI nalionall ... der. Bul Blm.


hll intlmal ... llter ",vealed. d id not even do the bRllc

dipl ...... tic P"'P"retion of IIOUndil\3 out the Pal",llnlana' It.olule bottomHoe \emu for a MlII. menl. Whll heoff.....d wRl. from the llraell penpecU"e. Lmme....,ly senerouo: mono than 90 percent oflhe West a.nL DUI he d idn't yield on the right of relurn for Ihe dMCendenll of PII ... tinian re fugee. from Ihe IIM7 war. l boUI wb ich Aflrat wu ill.i.tent. He al$O Inlilled on mainllining totll 11...li control ov. r the .ntlre c h y of Jerunlem. Ind on retal nln8 the relall vely I mln amount of territory beyond the 1961 borde.. on which \80.000 llraelil had built tOWIlI and ..".tlomenll. Th ll wa. 80 JHl'l'OIInt of tb. tot.I I.... H HIller populallon beyond the Creen Line. Over the pfflvlou . ... ven y ...... Anf.t hId gained I VRlt amount for him ... lf. and hId mad. hi. fi .. t pin. for hi. 10"ll·..,ffering people. hy com promi.Ln8 for the fl111 time In hl,life. lIulllCamp Dovid II. when he coul d have won


much m""". he turned It down. Oemandi"ll nothing

bul the enlirll cake. he 100t the much Ilrser oJ ice of It he would olh_l... b.ve bId. Hi. deci.ion wI. true 10 Ih. plllem . o f bizarre beblvlor Ind logic thaI had sovetned h tlen ll ... IIf... It II.., condemned Ilrwlll and


MIddle Eu. 1'0'....... d "-<:e

Palestinian••li ..... . o I new round of war and luffering g..",ue • •lton InyIltlng Iltey Itld end Ul"lld In more than fifty y$ll ..... Fnr Clinton. th" fl!lure ofCoomp O' ... ld n duhed hll druml of NCU,... ing I lal.i ng en d NCul"1l I"""'" (or botlt lid .... But w orM by far, Clinton and Iti, chi~ f Midd le &..1 p".ce en ... oy. Dennis ROil, Itld fnld no ,uendon to the mounting evidence that.1 Qaedl,. onceobscure but inc....ingly formidable u,",me 1.I,mlet


group led by Saudi renegade ClAme bIn



become emboldened. EncouAged hy III pmvioul impunity from .... al latlon by the U.S. anned 10...,.... it wa. now prepl>rlng a t"""rllI .\lack of unprecedcIlIed 1aI1. on 1M two of the gmt.... citles in the United States.

Clilpu. ,



M tltrroriJt alllCu of ~ember \1 , 2001, had I profound effed

Guess what?

on lhe Amerio:an payche. Tha &10')' of ll..11 ... )'. whalled up 10 II. and wluo' ... uhed from il ;' .Iowly .tartl.,. 10 loUdlfy. It _ _

• 0tfIdab III Wlo the CIA .... flilaw

OIIly ",""pia qu.lioni.,. 1M omclal venlon ... 1M Mld>M1 Moon 1)'pM conrirw:ed IM I....-how Bush and

Ii ..... - . t i l lbe

Ilut .t o.GI

~ ltUtben~-tha

I .....


1hnII. lout


Halliburton . togtotha. wilb Iba C.rl)'la Croup and problbly Wal·Mart ,

~Ic M. tloeJ

Itljj"llOi Ih' allKk.

wtm't .t~1O

HUlth, omct.1 hlJlO')' of Sl!plambe. 11 h.. baen Infaoted by political comK:ln... and we do..-l to ..,llhe..cord It ..lghl. MooII),. if a imporIlnl 10 remembe. lhe bu'4lJing of the Cllnlon Idminillril ion .nd the co.......,,"'" b), Cl inton .. nal10nal """uril), adviM>r Sandy Be..... 11.110. it'. crudal lo debunk ~plrlqr tbeorieo aboul Saudllnvol ... menl ; one of bin Lade n'• ..,.1 .... 10 weal ,.., Saudi A ..bla b)' h.rml .... U.S.,Saudi 11.... W, abo need 10 lqu,lch the c1al mo oftba bllOl.. II.maric:a,firiten,

o..m. bin Udao and hi. pawn. ant the only paopla ...ponoibla foo- September 11 .

[lInlon', team missed the al Qaeda threat II"I crucial for the Left to cllJm thaI und. CUnlon Americ:alll ""joyed y...... of paac;e and pfOIIpe.it)'. Th. economy gaw. tbey .. y. and 8"vemrrumt


lhire 1...ronutlGa.



10)01... t~ Souodll __ Hy tiemeM


. ...

!.IdH·1 Sr,umlle.

spendins w.. """"


und .... Clll"Jttol. They admit Ointon may have had

pel'SOnallhortmmi"lP. but he governed well. To pfflServe thl, myth. you n....d to bolieve that September 11 came out nr nowhere. with no warn-

11111 .1.11. To belle"" th.l. you n....d tn lanore history. AI Qaeda wu hardly unknnwn In U.S. policym.kel'f bef..... Seplember

1 t.

II had al .... dy carTied ou t Iwn 8mbil;0", and dovaflBling all"""

on U.S. largell. well nul.lde Ihe norm.l

of Middle Eutern terTM

groupo. On Augusl 7. 19ge. Ihe group .imu lt.n...,ully bombed the U.S. emhuol... ln Nairobi. Kenya. and Oa.... Sal .... m. Tanzan ia. Togmher, zn poople wel'llkilled and mono than 4.000 were wOUJlded. land tn.I.lly Olb ... American joumalioll corTeCtly aocribed Ibe bnrnbingo 10.1 Qeed••1 the dme. The IIAme wu . p"..endy


publicly u...,.j (Ipellf!
Preoidonl Bill C1inlon nnly Iwn wec" after th_ 811acn. On October lZ . WOO. al Q.teda membel'f ulill1l nothing mol'll hlah-tech

Ihan. rowboal filled with explnslv ... sevel'llly dam.ged Ihe USS OJle In Aden. Yemen. Sevenl... n U.S. ulln", w8l'11ldlh,d and annth... thLny.nlne wenl Injured. Th8groUp wu d ... rly .I ....dy compelent. and dangel'OUJ. The . nacu on th. embAJsI.. showed a capablllly


organlM ambitioul

aimultan""uI aUltCu agaill81 d iffemnt t""8"l', II later emerged th.t d ifferenl".ru ofthe enormoul U.S. intern.tional

inl"lHgence and domet11c MCUrity organluUOIII had received dl'pe.<ete pi"".. of Inform.lion in d icotlng that . 1Qaed. wu organizing an,cu wilhin the Unllf!
t-n .ble 10 do. A number of Nnlo. U.S. offici.l. were alert 10 Ih" d.ng.",.1 Qaad.o poHd. On" w•• Jl.lchard C1Rrke. who w.. In charge of oounter-terTOrllm

in the C1inlon .dminlltnltion. whieb Cli nton rightly made a coblnlll·I_1 job. Another wal John O'N" ill, • brim.nl. .br.. lve. 8<>1Iettill1l deputy dlT1lClor81 the FBI wbn wu fon:ed oul of office In 2000 beclUN he made


.Uck. .....1.... bu .... UCJIIIs uncomfonahlft, A thin:! was GIlorve Tenet. Clin .

100', own director of c..ttai Inlellipn
biI a.:iit, Ceor&e W, BUl h kept both T _

Ind C"r~' In thel. poolli""-lliahly unu.u.] for Iny tncomllll oppooilion p..,.l. denL {Cuk.', pooitloo wu dow~, 1 However. who! foUowld

wu. hlpanllan

CllAIll'Oph., Olnton Ind hlJ Nlti"",,1 Secu. rity Coun<:III&am, lI... dud by IUItlon.l_u-

• .. rel="nofollow"> BooIcs You',. Not , .> Supposed to R.ld The QI'\lfophesd~ttI1ber II "-procb:td , Iibr;wy of boab. mony 0I111l'11 "">' fXId. T_ 01 ~ "">' bHI" M• AI Cntmin: hsIdr Amfml) Wdr on rfffl)l" by


!hr.t of.1 QHdoo .,,,,,,.Iy e"""'l!h, Aft .... Septemt- II, well.fterth. O lnlOQ admin-

kidIMtI ClMh: Ne\oI York: F~ Pm" m4. MId rht I«riw r - AI QDtdu r;rnd!ltt bid ro Stpftmbfr Rby ~ Wri&ht

1,I,"lion len olH.,., aers... In In unprece_

Ne\oI yQtt: Vint. , 2001.

.hy 1d ..11O. Sandy 88t1«. ....... look III,

dented Ind h!&hly Improper Mi. of d_Iy

Hn one Wfi in iI hftl8 poUtIon !kiln

J>f'1I'DI'diuuod liClioni boIwwa Seplembor z and October Z. 2003, withdrew hund....u of

CliIRt to ~ me Int.idOI' lfOr)' on me r~pu'td ~ 01 top-'-I U.s. pullc)" rnHm ~ bodI ainlon ItId But.h. Alltil-


of documenlJl d",UIII willi lJlamlll

te ...... Ih .... \11 to the United SlotOl from Ibe U_S. N.II"""I Ar<;hlv. In Wuhl"ll04,

Mloy uf IhUM documentl we .. n..... returned, and Berger. ,fter contred lclln.

iIw. opi'"oorwttd,lcroc1edc'-" ~ MId CIlll"IpOQn. he _IN! ~

m..c. ,

wil!.hoflcton memoN thiIt (MliH (omiwon. If II iIbo ill'~ IUd. So II WrlcJW'I book. fOClMd 1\ i{ II on the tr"CiC "-Iotrn 1 O'Nril. who (cdc!

hi_if In prn1"", • .:counlJl ..... n' ... U' Idminod 10 dOllroyin. mony of them. On September I, 200.5. he wu Hned S.50 ,OOO

" - IIQPI)fd the Stpt~ n ,.. tOt plot iI1

ond Mn lenced 10 on. hund.-.d boun of

III trotH.lIut no _

community ..,.,.1.,. for theM IiCIlo.... Con •

t. . . ., MId Ih 0iIrb. O'tWIQI s/'wuq«I 011 by me Iurt! in bo!tr me CIo1tofI

• tdert"l tho, Ihe docu .... nlJl be dettroyld ml,hl well hIVe IIIrvod at e.. idon ... fo, Impeechmenl .iml him by .orne fulure U,S,

Conar-, Ibe ",...It, _mo • chllP

prke for him 10 poy. II _m •• ......,n.bl.

preoumpllon to conclude that Be.....

w. /lUI !Itt ple(fI

MId 8uI.h illlrnrmllillloni u t-,. 100 bird· dIM.... Whit !hillmurrt _ !hill he _1\ ~ dyrfto:. inlrIIipm. honftt.

ItId ~"'" • ..-d to pmI«t tv. C(lO.I'II'"1


dattroyMi the document. beau ... they cont.iMd """eptlo.aUy Inctimt· lllltins or embutualns evidence .bout bow he .nd top Qinlon offid.11 unde_ti .....led.1 q.ed&.

Bush drops the ball on al Qaeda too Unforlunately. Ihe incom ing BUlh ad mlniliretlon w.. lUll .1 com· placent. A f",'t,.ted John O'Nelll was tqueezed out of lhe FBI. Hi l ... peated wArnings .bout cltestropbe


the borizon b.d dlJCfftdlled

him In thecompt_n\ eya of policymake.. and move .. end .halwn in both partl". He look. job n.tnning.ecurily for the World 'f'I-IIde Cente • • nd w.. In hli office on the Ihlrty.fourth floor wben the hllocbd .1.· liner Itruck h il building_ He .urvive
ACLU·lnlplred qu_Inea lbout Int.lIigenoo plheri"ll kept ...

from Kling before Sept.. mber II . A. 1."., Sept.mber 10. Defense


Donald Rumofeld lold.

group of U.S. IGn.otlH"l who wanled 10 Iwltch S500 mllHon_ ... Iat ively IImIII lum by Iwenly·fim-cenlury defe.,.., budgel.tand.rd_from blgh· lech _ponl. IncludinS balllllic mlNUe defenM. 10 InU·lerrorill opere· Uono th.1 he would "'8" """'ident lIush 10 veto any l ucb "'_u.... Nur i. Ih ..... any ..... 1 Indication. deopHe much luboequenl Ipin to the con·

lret)'. tMI ellher BUlb Or Condoleeu.ll Rk:e look Ceo'1!8 Ten"f. waminp .boul .1 QHd.·1 gmwlna capobLHtleo and wldenl Intenlioo. to carry oul



lemlr .llIeb within th. United St.1 ... eny more oarioully. TIInet tried


n.. Hiotory 01 s.pt.... bor " _

botb Clinton find Su.h d_tly, COP>pelAlltly, and bononbIy. But

If 'hen ..... on. ch&"" '~I CollI be telli nslY .... d.... In.t him. u • ... p«tt>d form. r ... olor coo....... lon.1 offid.l ... ho d... 1t .. lth maoyof th_ IUUM lold me. i. Wfl' th., h. Klmetlmel .hronk from lelUns truth

lopo_. Thou.. nd. of Am''''"an. .........bou. to die t.:.UIOI of .ll 1M compt.· aortCy. Incompetence. and bull3ilna.

Heroes aDd lessons Only on. h W>·t..:b .)","'" ... orked effiM:tl.,.ly 10 ..v. , ........00. of Amorlean llv ... Oil 58ptember 11. end I. dido ·, ".nt from the S360 bil.

,.ke .

lion l'en tllllon budget. Thet .,.te'" ...... ' h, ord inary cell phon.. .-....... on United Atrlm. FU ....,1I3 from Newerl<. New )«My. 10 San ~'rencl_ u...t. 10 report lbel thlr plane b.ed!.en hljecbd. IIMUd"ll they ... en l1li.0....1)" trip, end ... ilh nothl"llieft to 10M. .. venl pattengen lnfofn>ed their loved Ga . . ,hey ...... goi"ll 10 lIorm the bijecken. ... ho bed . l.-....iy .Ii' the Ihro.tJ of the . 1... Hn. pHot •.•• their co-plolle.. d Id on Ihe ot her . h .... p....... No 0'" will .....,.. know

,he cMtaIt. oI ... luo, folio..... bul the


_4" .'lCC8M!ed III thel . p i: the .1... liner cruMd Into. l'enn.)"lvenl. nel d. kllllIII .veryon. on board. It. lot.nded t.rget to hlYI been ,h. Un ited


SI.'M C.pUol, ... h... ,he U.s. 58l1.li1. end H OII ...

of lIep...... nt.U v.. ....... boI h In the lime.

BinUden W...... US In his IoWdt I991 lntet ,Ie .. ,.;i1fI CNH"I ~tI Amm.

0iimI bin Ude!t ippOIed 10 rm. dwKII, 10

me Il tKki of StpIembtr It



lIad 1~1 .. pee! of 1M pICII.~ed. • 1UI11"",,1 aolutropbe would hove...,...

.... lADOt 't'ooo'lI '" ..... ..:1 ..... - - . !'-_tIOO ..... GoII ......

.u.N£TT: WhrI . . _

""'" plwl

I.ted loto • n.llonel crtltl. WMt .. ved


the nation from....:h .n unpl'9OellenlOO crb i, wei the heroilm and ifill· sacrlf..:e of. handful of ordinary people.

The Iwo hijacked plana targol&

10m. m..... c.... d"" con·

'piracy null laler claimed: I Uniled Preu lnlem.olional COI'reOpondem io Manh. tlan ... pone
been d ... lgned biof..... the lint wide-body end "Iumbo" a;,I;n ...... nd the hlja.o:ke.. had deliberately planned 10 hijack plan... at the begInning of theIr croea-country nigh" 10 that lheir fuel tlob we", ltill allllOll fulL Ooarna bin Laden had tnllned ... ci"HIAn engineer, and he boated I", ...

that he had calculated that the Inte ..... h ...1 of

y, .


the bumillfl guoliM would pro.... l ufficient to


A look You're Not 50""".... to Read

; :docu-nonfuiQn <:i \fflCf

~ lO!'I'iIl inc~·

iDd bI~ oIl~ O""on iId!rOnis.

\"lIIon on ~ ~, Ihr ~ 10 rNII is ~, H:Jw Amrrito', "'f~ fail-

.". LN fO Pili by &ill ~l; W'liWtcIon. DC: ~, 2002. ~L ~ ~!ff~ 1n!~11-

JfIlCf corrnpondtnt M ~ ~on rmn, productd .1IMn-eI...... in itl docu· mffItMion ItId Mtoil

melt tho tow ....· """I Itructures, The Iwo buil d i/lfll we ... allO more ""lnarable becou ... In I

d.Jsn exceptionally unu ....l for any oky·

acra.-. thel. """I abletont had been """",ed on the oUUlide. mthftl' than In lheir inner co .... Had the Twin Towe ... t-n built in the Indl· tlonal manner. they mIght ha .... lurvl.....! . The iourth hijo<:ked plane wu cruhe
the Pentlgoll. n...lul'ftl"\orily of World War Il .",hhOldunl plenntng hut ... d of 11l6Os Iky· ocnpe'" 'ppro"ed by Ihe Rockefelle.. w" r'pid ly demon,ltl ted. The P.. magon death toll wu 1".1000"" 200 " frlctlon of the 2.7M1 who died inlhe Twin Tow ..... The Penlagon

d.-n·1 ewen .PpMl' 10 h..... been the Inlended lerrt. Th. hiliecbn .PpMl' 10 h.I... JOU&hllo d8llroJ' the \Vblle Haute. bullh.,. dldo1 ...1im W I u.. WIIlt. HOUM b carefully Qlmou.llafIed from ....1 rec:osnitlon end h.. '-n fo.,....... Un.bl. 10 ideolify 1M WIl lIe Hou... lhey then llruck 1M P... I..... u the ~I eui ly Ident m.bl.. " .... auum.lngu..1 thel. comnd.. on United 93 ... ou ld dettroy the Capitol. Del~nlfl

Secnllery Rllmofeld Ibo...ed......, • • l'lM" red 10 I ho"'"""W'M1 cooln... and MII-eonllden,," whon wiliting the . lIe of Ihe crllhed .I.llner In hi. own PenH'gon hNdquertero. Ho.... v... Ie'.. ""PO"' ..,...... Ied thaI Rum.r..ld ITUIy not Mve '-n fu lly I wan olwh., W.,goinAOII or how 10 _pond. H•• ptnI IM real of lMI "'Iwl moming pahulakingly dnfli ns 1.... 1 rul .. of ""....m • •11 under which 1"- U.S. AI. f o_ <:O
The Saudis weren't compllclt In the attacks Cawltoph.. end .. _

hution ••

Iw.,.. produce con.plrlC)' lheon... .

moe' o r th. m abtll«l . ... d Sept.mber 11 WI. no • • c.ptlon. W.. h... ", who WlJnled to Invad. In<) lried 10 hang the blame on s.dd.m H"...in. Th.,. w•• n·, •• Ilred of _I 'vidence 10 .upport Ihll OOlI lenl ion. Ihough depuly ""fen.. - . r y Peui Wolfowlt.r.

w., " 'llng.n Invulon of Iraq

wllhln " Hnly·fou. hours ol th~ .11Ido. At Ihe other ..,d of Ih' .ptoCIrum were 1M lef'l-wl ... nul. led by MIch.I Moon. Woo a1W11)'l1 bed haled tboo Sooudlo '-'-!hey ..... rich.

o::on"""'.I1 .......lIp",,". tndltiOll.J. and-wonl of all-frMlDm of Ib. Unlted Stlt.. and lhe BUlb fl.mlly.

Ma.t of u.. hllodrn Wfft 1""-1 Sooudil. tboo IWI ...... ~Iana. This wu no II<X:ld~nl. Bin Lad"" w. nted 10 torpedo Ihe U.S.-Soo" dl alii.,..,. . .., h, wanled .. ITUIny Sudi nltional. u poulbl, Implica led in ' he . lI ock. H, wa, dOl erm ined 10 ......,. bli. h the callphel. \ha, Mu,l. f. Kem.1 Aillurk h. d . boli.bed in 1924 .• nd bll fin! and primary lerpu


nol "'Ulk lll, IKI....
......... Ih" rul .... of hll own nlli"o. whom h. halod with. virul"DI POl'

lioD. The Soudll' main IOU"'" of Income rnmolned Iheit oil u~port., and U.S. mllllll")' .upport ........ lnod _ntl.IIOlh" klngdom'l.urvlvlJ In tho

r""" of Ihe Inlnion and Iroql tw...ls. Th"....fo ..... bin Loden', ItnlegiC g00l on

s..pI ~mber

11 . beyond .loughleri'41 thounnd. or Arn .. riCUlI Mnd

decophlllng Ih" "nli .... U.S. pnlilia l ly,lvm,

w" to d estroy lhe U.S.-

Soudl elliancu. He didn't quite I lIcceed, bUIIn Ib .. sbort I" rm, h .. dom_

The Heroics of Flisht 9J The hijK~1 rJ RI...., 9J hid witMd tIIr ~ to III)' still but 0l'Il:0 tIIry


TOM: We',. wtltinl UI'It~ ~',. _

I nnI-. We', . ,..,.10 toke bock the oirpIMt..

DUN.I.: Not SiI dowft. be still. be quiet ond don't drJw """",ion 10 _"",,I [the to hot" b7 0eIt. Aifl .... fIi&h1 omnd&oIt tr .....J

TOM: 0eeN. if tI\ei........ 10 <mil thi< pbnt into the pOlrId, ...... JOIn. to _

e"" -'" to do


TOM: lIN <111" _ rOf the....rhotttieL I don~ __ ......1 It.., could do tn)'WOJ. II·, up 10 .... I IhiM ... (I" do ~ . DUN.\; Whol do)'OU WIllI "" 10 dol

TOM: ""Y, 0eeN. "", pu,.. DUN.I.: (ofttr I ~ _ I I ",")'0\1.

TOM: 1IofI~ WOf11, ...."" ...... to do >OIloetbi ...


IIln Laden w .. I renepde. but he w .. I ,.Mpde from 0111 of the _Ithlel!. -':-wo-*'CI. _ lnn .....u.Lal • ....t mOlt ... peo;ted £.mili.. l.D &ludl ArabiL Immedu,I,ly .tier Sept_be. 11 . lhe &I .. dia ...:led by

rushl ..... m.ny of their nollbl_ 0 ..1 of the UnUed Stet.. u pos.ibl•.

uter exteml ... ~ JIll'" 00 indlculon that lilY Ilgnlflcanl r'll1J'et in

the Seudl roy,1 family. sovernmeol. or ....1or wlltutlon. w.... In~oI....t In the pin!. but the meN n l&ht did pLly inlOlhe hendl moon.pl,..". mono 8"n. Much d.nuop wu .110 done by Michael Moo ...·'lmm_Iy popu ·

Iar dor:ument.ry Fahrenh,11 9i ll.In the yeor before lhe 2004 prwiclen\l.J .IKllon Ih' movie ml de man Iban $100 miLU....-n unp_edented


..:hl_nt for .ny A..-ican doc\uneowy DD Ihe.tricf,I ... though the _ of I.. w.cc... wu the IUltl·&ludi Ind Inti_II company pare. nola with which M..-. l..:ed it.

Th, United Stll .. paid. h.."Y prke for the .."l.studl pann .... finned by Moore IIld hi. fri.ndl. The &ludl. were Ilermed by.ll tbe rhetoric:. end tbey f...,.d thel Ihe loush m......... In the USA "ATIUOT Act th.1 could

rr..... l...orilll CfoplUoI could freeze Siucll Cfopltll II weU.

Th,y mo....t mOil of th e liquid e_llh,y h.ad tept for deced.. In tbe Un ited SIll.. 10 ",b.. putl of the wOlld. No one know. thu



In volved . b\lIIlUmltll bivi ",to .. high .. mlny bUllonl uf doll ....

Why did It happen? W.u.... I". &ludl Alehll wu e ....Ior elm of bin udeo . bul he had no ~

of ......... to bete !be U.s. Self·het!.aa Americene Ill<e 10"y bin

Ladet! IIlKked the U.S. becot........ opp.-l lhe "el..!lnlan.. or

hM;eu .. of our c.piUon ............. Others blanM 0\lI' cornapl cullure or our mUltery 0VII'I'MCh. In IOGII weyl. Ibey'" ~I rtshl! hln Laden IIUci::ed UI bece .... 01 everythl". eboul w-

If you look II bin uden 'l vui"". public 1I.,emenll. botl.,..., end


September II . )'011- thel the li.t of compleln.. I. 10111' In '996 •• n... he


I.. ued b ll "DecIIll1lUon of War Agalrul1 the AmerlC&llI Wbo Occupy" S.udl A,.bi •. he 11trlbutod the jihld to the fKl th.ot the U.s. government II "IInjlll l. criminal. and ty .. nniCl!'" H~ o;lt'>
breeU occupation," .. well '" our Il""nee Indll. try h:h a'lli"ll int......t. you

know!. and ou. con.umptlon of .lcohoL In. post-September 11 . tat .... ment. h. IltIclted the U.S. for Dill blockade "lI,lnat S.ddam U

Hiro&hlm'll1 d Naguald •• nd Ih, very ,xlllence of 1,_1. Very l imply. the on ly way we cou ld have .voided Ihe Ittack w .. by

preVl!nling It


Intelligence . nd counter-terrori. m ",...u ....


an anytbl"ll 1M do"e aboul Ihe Middle £&lIt Can .,..,. 1M


.nalnedf Can ..... I.."

u..m 0010.... and bop" 1"-1 don'


Guess what?

...... -...

• • ..tor.....

,..",.*,. ..., •


jimmy Cuter ami c.q. Buah ' - - ohown .. 11,.1 plOt inlellu.... ""d

W.tom LLb.n1 Ideal, won'l lOl" MlddJ.

FMt·, pI'Obieonu. [nd_. th.y

te"d to ....1:.. Ihl .... wone. ThIs hili cau ..... "'.... AmmcaDllo call for


ul 10 1101.1. OWHIYH from Ihe "'Ilion ,,,d let them 8gbt it oul Ihem· ..,1 ..... ThAI mlghl have w~ )ewe MIlled I" the "'IlIon and hId oil " ",,,. bee" dlt<;ovlred .

I,. m.... but "ot a hop"l... m.... Looki"l1 ,t th.

The Middle &lIt "'Ilion "Ml.oy, '" can _

whet workt and wh.c dONn't wo
Hope at the end or the millennium


awps. 'NIt1oaul til


LollIiDo pcopIo ..to!

""rte II dUlh.

• [..,n if bfHI we~ dtsIfV]ft. UlrtfIIIII hJ.omlsll _ld IIIlI


...... 10 COIIquef till

• r.ltJ III ""bit

AI the..,d 01 the Iwentktb Qe1llury. 11M lmmedla.. proIIptCU for the Mid·

IlIoWLo Ull II . . I dt/lllaMIc bit lIOII

d ie Ealiloobd hopeful. Saddam HuaellllULl ruled I" IIWI a"d Harea A-.d In Syria.. bul Seddam Iwd no Inn _ _ """Ide 1ttIq. ami A-.d _


playl", Ilf;IIUd",,". Even Iran Iwd a ",ladvel,. moderate lMder.l'reold,nl

Moblmrn.d Khallml. a"d tJw ",UgI..... I"U-\\I..lem fervor ohhe blem!c R"Wllutlo" _mad 10 be runnIng oul of ' INII! . KIu"mLe ven offured


• POUI'" s.uott

Presidents Bill Clinton I nd George W. BlUh I d .... l to ocrap hilnuel ..... program In retum for diplomatic ... laUonl &lid


end to amfrontltlon.

bul neilher p_tdenl dar$d. 10 gralp thot portleular nou l•. Khill mi', attemptllt ...1.Iive modoration go! nowhe .... end in 2005 •• very d ifferent man ... p18Oild him ulNder of Iran: Mahmoud AhmadlneJood. Ahmad lnejad', emergence was only one In e _leo of grim developmentlthat made the Middle East a vUlly mO ... ominou,"nd threatening plactlal the heslnnl"ll of the twenty.fint century thin It hod t-n


few .hor! y ...... befo .... Oil priceo. which had t-n lowe. than len dollar.. benel ln 1999, had climbed to mo ... thIn ninety dnlll"" A.... d we ... both gon •. bUI



by lite 2001. Sodd&ll\ ... d

w.... vutly WOI"H in botb countri_

lhan ",hen the Iwogrim old Bo·.thl.tl were .till.live. In l.-.q . U.S. f _ quickly toppled Soddam . and" the end nf 2006 h, WI, deoervedly hansOO for juol. friction oflh. monotrou. crim ... be had. committed. But U.S. pol icymake....... ddled witb libe.. l. do;pxIer dreanu .oout equal· ity and democracy. bungled the peace. In 2006 .nd 2001. more [..cju


w..... dying .nd at I fOlter rate Ihan Ih.y had durillJl the Iwful Soddam


In Syril. Auld 'llOlI Bul\Ir ruled NCUrely as pretldent. bul he proved fM mo", th ..... lellil18lh ... hi. alUlioul f.ther had. Syril 00U&h1 ""'" mi... oil ... froID Ruui •. and by 2007 IIraeli military In.lYltljudsed Ihe dlllglr of In outbrNk of direct "'a. be\ we.:m Syria.nd 1Jr&e1 greater lhan I I Iny limo .ince 1913. Under Ahmldillejad. I mall who publicly denied the Holncaull. lrIn pu,hed IhNd witb it. nuclear I rmamenl development program r.ster Ihan ner boof" .... AlunlKiinejad openly bouted of Innl hll.tlng 1.....1. The Ib ..... t of In 1•• lell 0. American p ...... mptlve ,Irl k. 18111111 the lranlla lIuclea. facilitiOi sleadlly grow. The P.l ... tln i...· l..... li . i!Ultioll ,100 IIIW.orne bad IUI1lI II the lum of Ibe millennium. In 2000. V....... Araflt ... fu..,d to Iccept mljor lornli


p..,. In tt.. Middle EMt

......"..,..1""" It the Camp Oorid II ~ DDnf_ _ aDd ttwm un'_bed • bloody new terror _ult on

'-I. Befon dyl ..... b. went bold: to w....

b. knew bMt:, ¥Ii,.. Beginnl"8 ill ZOllO. Ib. ~ "'~lru.n Intifada

lIbook 1....1 for nv. y..... with It. meln t.:tic: .ulcld. bomb ett.a. ",l ... t c1vlllllU I.. public pltcea. M.... 1.... 11 cMlla... died durl", Antfel'l Lut bu ... h than In any previowo connie! ""oept lor the 111411 w....


f,. "1'1_ " to b........"u i...ly beU,ved Ihlt i.,.. 1 w..uld fall.part

under the IIIIUlt. In l teed. 1,...11, •• llIed tOfjethe •. Are f.1'1 old lreb·

""I"30nlll A.I,I Sh ..... n beclme prim. minuter II lall end ... joyed hil n .... t bour. He beld bl. country .ogether and _ponded f,rocloully In .... llatDrY lIr1ke1o ...Inll both ('.au and the Wei' IlInk. Th' lmelu kept killl", off Hemal lHderJ. but il dldn' t dn any pd. Th. F ..... ch had

found.'" IIDIIth\nc w..... they ......od!be National U'--tlon Front 'l bl&b commatKI dllri"8 !be A~ war or lndepeDdenca. W.... did ....,... tually work. OO_er, .... builq h..., ~ 10 cut off ....... nllhe Well Bank and ('.au from Is ....l. lIy 2001. th .... wu I good cue to b. mid, Iblt the Middle EIIt bid

I..d-' n"'lly become the world ', mOlt dl"._roUI nelghbo. bood. Th' lrony .. u tbal, apl.. 111 ..,pule1ion, It had .. ever bee" to before,

They are here to stay When .... 10010: II the diffICUlty nltetli", up .... bl. dtomoc:recy In I,.., min)' Americ;anl_rt lhat !be Middl, Eulil nearly I_poob ... nI per.

m.went or I..ltlm ............ menl. Retpec!ed joumllill CharI. Cl .....

hardly In unco!ldhlonel admirer of !be Unit" S .... and '-I. OIIled tM countrlill of lha ,..;on Mu'iI_ with f1 • . w And It II ceruolnly th. CUI In !be ••1), Iwenly· nral OIIIltury th.tot tha ""'" w.... of Islaml .. ext ...... ,..... enA.med 1»' lhe dl ...troully bungled U.S. military COfI'mll ..... nt in lreq. put prevlou • •)' I!.bl•• eglm81 like thDM of lord .... S.udl Arlbll. end

Egypt 1\ new tllk.


Th" facl "'lI'I.Iln. thaI by Ihe beginning or Ih" Iwenly,lInt cent .. ry Ihe notlon-ltatu of Ejjypt. Syrt... Jordan . S... dl Arabia. and IIVMI Iraq had aU ~n

In Ih .. lr C...... nl hordon and ..."""li,,1 rorm ror mme than """""Iy_

five yean """h. That makeo thom olda. than Ih!'llOH[uarten of the mem-

he. Itatel of the United Nation •. Mosl of the nallon. O!lhe Arab lea&ue !Lad won the;r IndepMld8JI,," befono India and Pakiatm became Independ"Dt nalion. in 1941 and before the Peopl,,', R"public of Ch ina was ..labl\t.hed in 1949. The Il'l.lIor o!l-produclng ,tot ... with the """"plion of Iraq (S.ddam·, m .. rd"m .. s h .. ngl ...


hav" pmven far more genem ....

"""ially luo1. and Ikillf.. 1 at ,haring their vast wealth w ith th"ir people and maintolninglOClalotablllly. Compare thaI 10 other oil majon around the world. s.. cb


V"neE .. ela. Iran (wbe ... th" lbah wenl .. nder) . or

Indon ...... which under the long rule ofPruldent Su harto w.. p...,.,.bly the mo.t COrTUpt nation on ..rth. Even Gamal Abdel NBIN r'l regime In E8YPI. th" moat mil itarily incompetent 80vernmen t in modern Middl" EaSt hiSlory. dldn't f.1l after three consec .. tlve h .. mlUatlon, at Israel', hands-th" 1956 Sinai Campaign. Ihe 1001 Si x·Door W... end tb" t 009-t970 W.r of AUrilion. The Second a.·.Ih Republ ic in Irl

thrown atlh" shrewd

an d cautlou. HOUle of Saud over Ih" pall hal f-cenlury have not b&on worth. conI. Thi. obvioUl record of politicol and even lOCial achievemem should


bave giv"n th" ambitious armchair .tn.tegilll of th" r""t BUlh "'mini ..

l"'lion. who .u..m.t of ....... wina !he .... p of lbe Mlddll EuI. au.. for

pooutt. UnfothIMlII),. II didn't.

Arab democracy " n:lremisl rule Aft.! Ib, ,uac'" of SeplelDt- 1 1 killed th"", thou .."d "'m,riallu. II become fll hlonabl. In lbe Blllb Idmlnl,ullion Ind U.S. pllndll eln:l ... to tllk .bout ~d ... lnillfl the IWlI1Ip· of the Mlddl. Eall by fordn8 corrupl. lup~ly 01l1-of'101lcb ""IIim.. 10 lnltl.t. cnlh·d.mocntlutlon refo:JnM . ... key fl«un In penuadillfl a",b Idmlnl.tntlon pollc)'INIken to .... tnao lbl.ld. WIS Nat&rl Sb.renak),.lbe rom- Weal l refuMnik hero who bed dIoned _ 1"'-" I decide of hnprilOO.lDlnt &rid .bu.. by lb. bill KCB to ....'8* IS I ~lh bero. He .v"lIually became. poIltiaol

IMder .nd r!&ht·wl"l .... emmeol m1nlltM In 11,,"1. Sh.,.nsk)'·. book T1Y CctH ~ Dorrnoa-ocy ...d bll.mbrKe ofthll ...........1 proved lnot· mou.l)' Inn ..... II.1 with "-Ideot c.orp W. BUI-b .nd Secretuy o'SI.t. CoodoI_ KIC'I. who"""",t toen.lorc.lt.t the '-I!nnl,.ofBuNI'. 1ICond 'Inn In 2005. Th. rellll li w .... unlfOi'mI)' dllUtroua for lhe United Stat.... nd I.. m.n), frieodlllld 1m... In tb. ""IlIon. I.llmlt utremlill I nd f.rodoully Intl· ... m..lcan poortl_ end mov. IIIlnll IlIAd. huae pint In electkinlln Kuwllt and fcypI. U...... won 1"1t" 1I11t1w.JiICIIonto In Cua that lb. UnIted Stal... hed pil .und p.l..tinu,n ..... thorlty pNlldent Mahmoud ... bMo to hold. \~ ten ..I ....ly free democntk: "-':Ilona _ held ICI"ONI the ......,. ...1"""" 1I11mial PI"" Ii... '""' 1m_1)'~.

There ahouJd b"". been no owprlM It &rIy of thll. Demoaecl..... ,.,. from liw.ys I"'"C"fuJ. 0uri"8 III flnl forty yean of pop .. lar democncy

. fter 182 •. the United SIll.. upended.,..,.. bIlh continent and Joupl the bloodl.t d .. U war In modem WISt""' hlotory. Th'lI""tett powth of the Brlll.h Emp l.. ..:rwt ,II of "'frlu end the Middl e EI.t callte only Ifter unlve ...l malfl.u f&.ge ..... Inlroduced In 11161.


Fa, from "dnlinl,,!! th e . womp," the policy of undemtlningauthorirol' Ian 0' cautiously conM",atlv8 Nlgim ... w" much mon akin tn blowi,,!! aparl tbe watertight dODl'l on the 11tonic, The ,umpl, of Soudl A.. bLo. 'Inee Seplember II sbow. th.t ,un"!!. trldltlonol. and liable govern, manlll In the Sunni MUllim Middle East, given """,,nabl. Ilabilily ocroII

their borden, ..... parfuctly capable of .u pp.....,i"' I.I.mic ut .. milm and lenwi.m, and IIlI


they a... lot bMte. I t doi", it than the UnillKl SIal..

urn...t fo""", bne prov"" 10 be in Inq,

[n Ibe yur aftor Seplember II Ih. mont uluoble Intemgenee the UnltlKl S\.Ites ....::elvlKlln IIlI fight IfIII""t al QolKIs came from I b e _ ......Ic.. of Jordan and Syria, {The [... eli inlellilienOillimply waon't very

llood.1 Bul t .... Syrianl became furiou •• t Ibe Bu.b ""mlnl'trltlon', con· Unuing bostility tn Ibem and broke off that valuable conperolion,

Still, polltlc!anf In both parti.. \.Ilk u if functioning democracy in Iraq can 101"" our problenu. in the region. The fectI on the ground.u.sgest_ tbing very dlffe",nt: the character nr blam and the Anob people "",ul... tough, autor;notiC8"vO)mmetlt like Soudi Arabi_the Otloman Empi""

Why solving the Israell·Palestinlan conflict won't solve the problems The", I, no dou~ that 1M Arab world and the wider Mu.l im communily I, enflamod by contlnulKlI ......li conlrol of the t.ol y plOOlll in Jeruoalem, md by the very conlinued tuse eve. since Hoj Amln al.Huoselni, the mufti of JetuAIIlem bet_n the world wan, auO<>!lllded.., weU In IIlamlcizin3 hll

local, blttor conflict with the Infant Jewuh communlty In Pal.. tlne, 1'0' se""nty yean. ambltlous peACemu.en, ... pecially AmeriCIJUI and 1I.... li. with viliollS of Nobel PlIIICe Prizea dancing In their headl, have punued a IW<>-Itale ..,Iution like the pot of gold at the end or the rain· bow, The unending notura of the conflict h .. convinced mOrB than a few


peoplit In the W-' thai wider ~ In Ih NKi<>n CUI come ... Iy Ihroufh

I 1a,1", I_H,Pllett;""',, ~ tettlemeal. Such I t-fl!ltl. j... t. I"d fli, d_IM,lffyl"l every .ide WO\Ild ctl1ll"ly b'l " Ice. But with Hemu takl"lOV1lr In 0 . _ dlMllopmmu IIIlOOtlnrd by bungled Isnell and U.S. pollelllll In th "'Ilion over the jMlI 1I1l""" yean--that dfMtlopmen.t loo'" furt .........y .nd more 1.UIlibly llIan_. But ...... Iflt could be aI.......J.I... thr-.t oflllldXbww ....ml.t w.......... of .... jor A.. b MUon., lneludl", Ih wMltltl"'lonet. wouldn'l v..,ltb

........I&bt. And Ifbnel_-now~ elm-by ItanIan nucl_ IllICIt or by combined Syriln'Pl llIIIllnlln 01' Hezboll.h·l",nlan mllil..,. 1oCt1on. 1.llmltt oonlidence and pow_nd the d.ngen they poM 10 lhe United Stll.. Ind W.... em EutOJ»-would .......tly WorM. ,,'" boIlta •. 11II_1IOn for Ihll '" 1.lmple and abvIoul 0"'" thot o..ml bln lMkn

und_ood very clearly. With. cynlcel clarily WOfIhyofNlc:colo Mal· ....111 or Adolf Hitler. be wfOle !hel people lib to follow I llrona horN.

He w.. ri&ht. Th, whole IdllOl')' of the A.. b world Ind the modem Middle Eall NCOrded In Ibb book conll,..,.I""t when W",tem &... mark.. deln(l(n' el", mllltlriLy COII
.hapS.,. Middle Eutem polilicel pert... and then runnl ... nallon_t",. " " _ ........ not the re1laloa "" hM tnodilionally been pncILc.d foot-t ....... hundred)'IUS. w.. _ a d by Ayllollah Kbom.tnlln


,..." .nd S.yyld Qutb In EIl'PI. But If Him... Syril. end thel. lran ilJl .111..... ,~bow ~ to dettroy Itnoel, would II Qooed_ m"llk:elly dll'

IPP"' from Ihe o<:ene1 Woul d Ihe utf'llone IoL.",llt terror th ...t to the United StallllllJld Wettem Europe ,,"nllh ovemLsht1 It II_y 10 _thlt It would


Reo:IlcelllLua would be _boldtoned. IWIlMtiJfied. by !be deowuctlon

oIl1n1e1. Tenor IttKU ud the IXlnIme .. Iamid leaden' demand ..... !he



nllloni of W$ltern Hum"" would In"""' .... not dec ....... EUmlnl!llll! ISI'1I.1 would 1.ld to I rapid InCI'NH In the popularity and prestig. of e~trnme

Il lamle movementl within p"",loully fBr morn mod .... t. Mua-

lim commun iti81 lround the world. The bust way 10 eliminate popular ,upport fur , uch group' ",mlin, to etarve them of I UccesS. When Adolf m tl er IUCCf!fIded In conqueri"3 or otherwise ab.orbinll ooll German IIl.Ijority mgion. in Eum"" into hi' Third Reich . he did not becom .. 8 " lie fled . peace-lov ing moderate. inSlead. he Icculerated hi. "lam to Invade Pollnd the followlll3 yu •. And when h .. l ucceeded in wiping out the F",nch anny Ind Iweepilll! the B.Hllh army off the Euro""en mllnland in 'ummer 1940. he did nO! pelr. the end of the war. lnstMd. he pUlhed ah... d with plannllll! hi' gtIIIIu.t crim..: the genocide of th.. ",wilh


in Euro"" .nd the conqu8l1 and en.lnement of the

1*'1'1 .. of the Soviet Union. o...troylng t....... I. thcrnfu .... would not rn"llically ..rad icate anti·W..t· em and enti·American Mntimenl from the Middle East. It would u~d it to U
"-" in the Mi
verifiable compromise. Would IlL Ibe O1her IOClal, "'Hgio.... political. terror. economic.

The Ettunot Economy

lod H<:urity problem. of th. Middle Eaot vanl.h overnight? They certainly .... nuld 001. II i. "rildng to recall that .... hen bin Laden



psdft COIl5I.I!IpIIon ,.i\tI E-

the 19900. they I"'id I lmoot no Itlentlon 10

85.1 fwI C<:Imbt'" of 8S pen:ent dhInol TIll' countl)' miCht loot I hili!

the 1.reell·Plleatlnian connIe\. 11 limply

MfMnt. thoucII:

and his llIi. got al Qood. up and running In

...... n·, Importanl 10 Ihem . They demanded

lhe TOIlo",lion of th. cali phate to polillaolly and rellgloully rule I U MUll iml. pu", Ind limp l•. 11 would he. cal iphte armed with nud ..... weapon., conlmlling ell the mlio

". rht " .. ZOll•• Urht ~ cropIMd of rht Utoited StHn would be ~ fOf (Offt procIyctlon. .•. If lO4I. -.in ... lly rht -..itt. rht e....... of
'"'"'* _,.

oll.produclng ....... on Mrlh. It would not be I

"""",,""_Idng Or In loCCommodatlog ooe.


Ihe OIlom.n sul1an-callplul """n lUllly

I:>ecIme after they ......... thrown bec:k from the

gat ... ofVienlll for Ihe JIICOIld tlme in 1683.

Mon:eio l DIn de Ol",""l. et oL "E1hlnaI hod: c.t.on Diooide &;il¥u!, ..cI Ecolocol ~"",. !ioScitru. My 11\



Bin Llden-"d the ftXt ... me 1IIImiit groupo thot bove mUlhroomed


lIOU\h&n\, I(Mltheul&rn. Ind cent",1

Alii over the "".1 decade and. half-tlrive loward I mUltlnt. extreme caliph"e lhat w(MIld make the nationl ofEutlnd Wett .Il k. bow dowo 11111 f_. They envilion I luprame sovemment .... lentleu In uoltl"llthe anti ... worl d under It. Own vlelon or 101..". Eal8bliehlng a Luting. rair. Illd lUll I..aIlI!""'ment belween 1s"",1 and Ihe Plleotlnlanl would n01 elhn ln". Ihe grinding poverty of Egypl . 11 would


end the ambttiona of a l Qood. 10 deolroy the kingdom of Saudi

Arabll and ..... all iu oil w .... lth to finl""" endletS. unllmi ted. jihad lround the world. It wnuld


end the .fforu of 400.000 poor Yemeni, B

y ..... 10 try 10 .n.... k into Saudi A .... bl •. adding 10 the i"'ll". potonU.lly


TIll p.,IIIlcIU, I _ ' HI 1i'o1. 1 11 lho MloIoIll Eatl

Ih"",18nl"ll. UIlIlobl. undarel... In thll country. II would Dol end the .mbilionl of the I.lamlc Ropublic of Iran 10 conlrol Ihe onti", Gulf. No< would Ii end or I U""llle In any way the cootlnul"ll anarchic chIOIln lroq. The bloodi".1 conflict In modem Middle Eaal hlllory--theeigb.l-yeor Iran.l,..,. Wor----h.d nothing 10 do with the 1...... U·Pal ... tinian conflict II

all. And when Syrian p .... idenl Hafez Aaod oblite",led hll own cily of Ham •. he did.., 10 kHlI.llmlau. nOl jew •.

Tbe American pipe dream: A world wltbout 011 The United SlIl.. lIill imporU Iwenly million ham!ll of oil. d. y. I nd o,l na impor1l 5.6 m illion I nd


fa.l. Indi o il h... dj~ lowll
hnporu I I well. Yt!!. Ih. ldea of . "hydrogen economy" ",mol,.. . fanllly. Hyd ......... powemd I UlomobU.,. .... yean. probably decad ... OWlY from bei~

c h ... p .... fe .• nd co.H, ffoclive. Elhanol. of cou .... II complelely

unprontoble wllhoUI mammOlh luboldlel. and expondlnilit beyond 0 nIche fu. 1 would

Inyol ~

Ung lhe U.S .. much 1..1 the p lant!!. . off oil I"

pipe d ..... m.

W. ueed oil nOI only 10 power our carl and heal our hOi" ... hUI Ibn 10 m.ke pllOlicl (li ke you. kilche n ule,..ill o. YOlJ. d .. k choir) an d to grow food .• 1 well .. lran.port it. Mauy pl.IUeo 1m "pelroleum dl,UI. laleo. ~

meaning lhel. raw lngredlenl I, h1ocl. gold. If l ..... h"83lnll envl.

ronmenli lioll wBnlloconlinue the imp ....... iv. protllClion and growth of f.,.....led a"'" in Ih. Nort hern Hemil phe", and fiu.lly get I hludle on the conllnued COI$Slrophic deplt!!.lou of Ih .... In fO,..lI of Soulh Americo . • ub-SAb.",n Africa. and Sot.olh....1 .... i•• Ihen they'", ""Ing 10 ItIll need loti ofpluUc for fumitu", .nd concrete fot buLldlns-»d 10 80 00 hav. 1"3lhoM olcelhl"8". y.... ·ve .... 10 have oU . lIovi"3 plentiful food ""'lui. . oil. becou ... fertilize. ""'luimoo o ll--end Ihe gJobol food crunch II even mo", Im placable and unrelenlinglh .. n Ih. 011 crunch.


one-lhln:J of the hUmlll belugo livlna lodoy-two billion

oIl"""'-wou1d tNo 1tatYi", weN il not for lhe ul¥enlloa of n_ rertlH". ..... Two Germln.. chemUI Frilz I'llbet' Ind Indullrilllll Co.I ao..:h. innllltllCi lb, Hoobor-Booch


ror u u,,,,tI,,, "dUIII. from Itm..-

pberic nllnlll'" lull tNolon World WII" I. Thil enlbled II.. production of nll ..," fMtIlIU1'1 to .... u... bumper crope


_Ie .nd qllllltY-"d

Ifford.bilLty-p"""lowl, inconoel".ble. f or thu utnordLnuy ocbl"" ... ment. widely dMCribed .t the lime u • ..... ki "ll "'-l

dlmmad , few y.,.,.. Illor when

he wu thol .qullLy OIIthUJlulic genLu. behind Ihe IndUJtrial production of polIO" p i foe- 11M by Ibe Gemo.on Irmy In World WII" I. but tholt ·,

anotb. "001.) But th, H1bor-Booch p"""" NII" i. . h".. q... nIIlL_ of oi~d unIlb .1ectricfI1 pow ......... _i"ll _10M. th_ aN DO aubotltut. liloe hyd..... 0»101.



nucl ... pow. lhal

can" u-' ICO tlwt;ab.

CbemJc.o.I "'I"lIt loCOI .nd '""""I.-Ilk. .....Ihorm.tlul 0 ........... unch"'5i'" I nd ImpllCloble. WIth the &lobll popul.tlon hllllcon . nd 1\111 ,bl"3. the world needl H,bet .nd 1IoIcIt'1 nl t .. te ',nlliu.--

0_ .1"

and IhoI'lIIIIn. It'l gol"3 10 go OIl n~ I"3 011. Thll meanl Ihat_untl l they run oul--

1.upIt. ch.poot. moot . .Uy .....M·jbM. ODd bl&hett-q... llty peII'O\.eum ,....... In tho world

.......un in the Middl. Eal.

Good fences make good Delghhors When ItrIeU primo mlniIter Ariel Shuon lWIed buildil'll! hl.ienco In 2002 10 Mlponte l'.lettinlan ...... ortlwt W.... Blnkond Guo

from WoeI'1 '-n·

I.o.nd. ntoll ..... JChal'I\tIIleglsU ond pundJulIOIInd lite world did ~ think

it would wwk. Ubonol. woreconditionOO to wony about the "root .,...-" bol~

of connlcu talher Illan the nut. I nd

of .:tu.lIy winnir\3 the",. And

many IXlmMVItI"", clllioved the mmantlc Ideo. ofbold. thriIIl.nfI ollensl~

.rmoted &I1d blitzkrl • • trlkM. lib It..- that won tIwt 1991 &I1d 2003 Gulf War military campalgnl. Security fenceo .lonS notlon.l borde.. and ~

border control. wore g10b8lly out of fMhion. l1>e Berlin Well wu

tom down In 1939 by e<;StatU; Eul Cemwu In the nonvioleOl upb .... vol that beralded the collapse of Communi 1m. Tb .. l8CUri ty fence. that lont Europe in two fDr forty-four y...... coIl.~ u



A new en. of g10balilm powerOO. by worldwide economic growtb ",d 1m. informalion technology revolution followed. New Yorl; nllMl pundit Thom.. Friedman herelded Ihe IlTival of. IU Ppoted "n" ..rtb." The EUlOp""" Community con.olJdated I_If InlO Ihe Europ""" Union_ Int...... nal"""ur!ly bani .... with in 1m. EU we", lorn down .• nd th .. cu.toml. MClIrily. and Immignotion ehecbon


perimeter beoc.ame. )ob .

lI ut u Edward Gibbon. Ih".,....t "igbl""nlb-centwy Enali l h hillorian .nd OUlbo. of the monun,ent.l DtK;/ine ond Foil o/lh. Roman £mpino. could n.ve lo ld Friedm", and tb .. EU pollcynuoken.• n.t eartb whboul bord .... was .110 . pla nel wit houl der.." .... 0s.inll barbari.n inv.d .... • triklfIJI from .very direction. Even Ifter Seplember 11. "'01'1 "'ed .... lilet In lb. U.S. belJ.".lh .. ld .... of. Will il lO(l Ilarb.oric. Thi, II.


In which th" Wett cou ld 1""n

lOffielbins from the Middl. Eul. II WU lough old Sharon, . Iway."*'y In pu.h liberal bullOIU. who pul ....,..rity f..n""" . nd d.r..mlble

bord~ ..

b.ck on the g1obolllnllogiC mop.

liraeli bard-line rigbt-wiflJle.. and liberallu pponen of tha PoI ...ti" ..... a lik.. derided hil concept of . """u.lly f.. n<:e to cut tbe Gooza Strip and Ih. p.l.. Unl. n .. IOU of lb. W..I Sank nff from 1....1 in nrd • • In Itnp luldd" atllCb.

Th. f"nce worked. In 2003 ..... fora h wu even completed. the number nr terrorist atu,,::"'" os&ln" I..... eli civill.ns f.1l by 30 potrcell!. and the

"-'0 In the Mldd .. &oo.

o ... mber of clvm.... killed by such .ttaci.. foil by ~ poI'OIInt. In the foI.

Lowt..,,..,.. lIMo lmprov.rnenr.continlled..

s...x-.",.. .... icide bombw anac'" rail from Ilf'IItI.


10 Ii..,t. lit.

Hund ...... of clvUlan Ii ... per y_ we .. M.. ed. And .uddlnly. ..-I.

..... border dor- were bock in fuhlna.. Tlwlndlan amy wu 10 Impf'ellMd hy Ih.,ue<:ellofllw l.rHlI butler I"'t It built a .Imlla. 0". 111,1", the Line of Cootrol .. pontlnl Indlln..,...,. lrolled jamm" Ind K.lhml. from Ibo m ... ch IllUIlier part of the .ute h.ld b)' Plkl.tan .Ine. 11147. Soon thl Indian ....... "'ponlng that Illambt

11,11..111. lncu.ntOlUl """" Ih. Una ofCootrol had fall"" by 1IO peromL

They followed up the KQhmIr fence with In aven

IonfIr ""'" 10 OUJ'1'OUnd

th. Inll.. MII,lIm ....1100 of Bang,I..:t..h . alntladelh. like lndla. II I

diIDOCnlCY. bul I.laml" ..,I.. mut. lhe ... havi *a muc.h more actin Ij...,. they ~ drl...... In IalllOCl l .


of Af&hanillan by U.S. r.:..:- and !het. Illi.

The S.udl. 1100 took nOlIce of how well 11...1', fe_ wort.ed. Th.y encled one nf Ihet. nwn to try to """lml thel. IOUlhero borne. with Yemen. whLeh 400 .000 iIlegollmmlaranll lookt"l 10' wort. Croll.very )'1IAf.

They ItnI now buildIng OlIO 010 ... thnl. nMhBUIMn border ... Ith u.q.

Sharon'l f"108 I... n.forme
borde.. ll'OlInd the world. And it I•• fen.ce. not I concrete w.ll. oontrery 10 much lnaccu ... t. IntemallOlMI repont ... on lIMo IlIbject. Accord'.., 10 official IuMU nlllf'lltl. onl)' foboul' ~t. or twenty·four mil •• of tb. rou"hundred.mllo fenc. b I thiny·foot·hlJh coocret. w.11. Such barrio

... were...::led to protect IuMli clvili ..... from anlper fI .. on the otbor .Ido. In onllncldenl n ..... Bo,thleMm. .....1"'t·,......,ld 1....11 Jltl ...u

.bo! deotd In onl .o.>ch I l t a bef"", the wall wu built. Th_ HCtioDi look no dlffi!nml from tlMotound t:.m.n 10 famll"'atona-Idt fteewlYO Ind I... n'pllr.el tn th. United Sta,,,. Ind 110"1 mOlotW.yo In E... rupo. Thl bIt ..l.. I. therefo ... low·key and ... nrema.bbll. II II not. h ...... &WfltOD'Ie CODltructl"" like I n Wlderground mllllU. fin ... bate. It hu only

• fnd:10Il of lIMo concnrc, and .....w of Ihe IIIOmIOUI

t..vy vUU..,. II"N

tlMl w"e buill lrolo Ihe French Maslnot Ullfl 0, Hiller's All.lnllc .nd 0..1""", w.lll durl rog World Worll.

Shanerllll lIlOIher populor myth, Ihe bonier Isn't ""'" hliJh·tech. Non, ofu.. lechnolOilltIIJ uNd


build or guard It


leu th.n 'lxly)'Nn old.

lwp-lik,potrol "hid" . 1.....1 klenllao.l lothe """" the U.S. Anny ..... In W",ld Wor II 'weep elOlls lu din roedt. TlM berbed wi.. It .... wu In....,I'' 120,...,.. .... Onl., the _ " " " 'I.(I..«I.lon ...o-. .....Je. ti .... ly oophi,Uat". and ....... th ... tlMo .... phull II on lau&hn. . and

reliablllly "Ih" th.n Inno .... tlon. The

rene. doe. not

tlql.llrt any new

lechnol"lll... only old .fuhloned bUI curloully ,rrlClive oppllcal loro of old


0..0. the feroce heco.me fully furoC!lonalln 200S. the wove of .ulcld. bomblnp Ihol killed mort than. Ihouund iJ...1I elvill .... durlllj Ih_ five,..... of tlMo Second IntLfado wu "opped d...t ill iu t.-.cu. SIDoo th ... DOl 0 .llljle .ulcld. bomber from eilber Gn.


Ih, P.I.. Unl.n

Aulhnri t)'""GllllroLled ...... rof the W.. t Bonk hu. bMro Ibl_ 10 klll addltLontll ll,..,U cIvi lian . In the


."m.......nd f.U of2007. the ""f........

the moin ."....... ofTel Aviv and jetu..1em WII'I lbronged with CUltomeft doyand nLs11I u!hough lIMo Second Intlfo'" hf,d !lIVer happelled. Evero tourl.m h.. _red t.ck to p. .inUfodo 1......1a.

Sharon ', fence

• monllmenl to poUIIClllncon-ectn _ _ w•• dolna

iu )Db.

The Saudi solution When 1,l.mlll' delon.ted two bomba OIltll .... S.udl Arabian MCUrity """. I, .. II lbe _rod of December 2~ , wl thiro bou.. Ibree or lbe ',,'peelad ri"llleeden had '-n 1<111.. end Olhen opprehended.. V.... when Lmwpntl

In lnoq k.llled Ihlrt., govem:menlIIOldierlIn .tlllcb oa "K~n ...

IlMoy did 110 with Impunity.



" - h. tho MIddle EM!

... cc:onl.l", 10 much American c:ooveollona! wbdon>.t Ibe tlml. nel·

'"ppoNd 10 !Mppeo. The klnpIom • ...,llIbed by old KI", Abd"lub Ibn 500 .... _ ... ~ 10 be I ........ 01c:vdo, and

ther of Ih_lhl ... _

the SunnllnaurNCllon In nq _

ouppoeed 10 M • mhlOt IotaI dllfk:ulty.

Inq lwo r-n .fter lhe lopplina of Saddam WII I

."ppoMd. to IlrMdy be

plll.r of I'I8l0nalll.blllty, I'''mplna oul eo""'" 011 10 br.k the power

of the OPEC Clnel; &'"dl .....,bi. W.I ""ppoNd 10 be Ihe d.ngemul

breedl"ll Jp'OUnd for ICIlve 1.lemlst Iern:mSl •. Yet by Ib, ...,d of .........1 2007. mono than .!&bleen Urn. Ih' numl>l!r 01 "'merican IOldl .... h.d been killed In 1'-'1 .I n.:. Prwldent George W. Ih ... h decI.aNd " Million "'ClXlRlplW>ed" on May I . 2003 . lhan lhe num-

ber of !hoM who died d"rlnalhe II,.. thr. ~ of OCX:Upllllon. And the

banb • ...u.leoliajj facI ..mai ... I.... ' the ...... lnql MCWily ~ .. pidly fUlbed loto ... 1. 1 _ 10 uke the burden oR Ib, ...!M,,"ed and under....... ned U.s.


.... ve 10 far obown no eblllly 10 do tbllOb.

Their monole to poor, Ihel, eq"lpment m IM .. bl. , .nd their 1..lolna

I Wful. U.s, mJliWYlllfoly.u farth, n_

ror.:. ... riddled wHh 111.mill

and former Be'llh ..... u Uld !bello inlell\seoOl I.nnllhey Iher.fOfe leal<

like. II""", In Wuhlngton, many Middle EaslllCpetU now orl .... lh" the U.S .• hoo ld Inll_ b.v, opted for bulldl", . Lowly and I.. mono uMfully Ul , lite. carefully ICJ1IOIned. and much .",.n.. lnoql fon:e.

By a>n1lul.1he "'f*Ied predicllonl of u\.IIuophe and doom In s."dl ..... IM ","ve been pl'O\'lO complMely wn:NII- Ei&ht ,...... .... with gIobel 011

pnc:. dow.. 10. biItork: low of.-ty .... doIlen pW t.n.I, there ~

Indeed wlo..pr..d ~ tbII the Swdll m\shIM Nonl,. oul al CMb 10 fund the . . . . - ... d expeosl'" fOdr,l c:ootrecl tbel bee


der:edee of....,. and l""llily to the deHI1 klnadom- But today, witb &lobel 011 prlcee It ill weU .hove eighty doll .... barrel .nd In eoergy' huflll')' Ch ina ""'l\OUIly _kl"ll new 011 'UPI'll.. from u far away u

C.n,d. and VeneE"el •. Ih. Sa"di. cerllLnly do nlM lack for Ilnandal .... urcee to fund eHher theLr IOClll pf08>1lml or theL. _ u.hy ..... Ie •.


hwMd. over th pul,..... their ..... tallzed MCUrily ...... Ic.. which - . . alw.,.. far ........ eflecti"" than bmtlle cilia in th. ~ media oft.... poolnled lhem."""" 1CIOI'tod.,... ~ IfI.,. .notber.inM Iolamlot

iJUUmlCl\onllll. AI QMda'1 orpruz.lion In Stoudl Atlb\a hal been _111\3. with I t I_I fI"" of III IMdeti kllled by Stoud t Ncwlly In only 1"",1"" monlh ... AI'

...w.. !he Stoudtl did ........ 10 dent I'" 1_

IFOUP·' ..... nf lnvllldbililY

than ..... ...d • ball,.... nf U.s. military 01**1000 in tr.q ha"" _n & I

The _

~ and

e/Iectl"" _1M ,I Q-Ia hao r.:.d

two"" been

!he lnlellJrnce..vl<:. of exillil\3 Arab JOY1InI..-II. w........ they '-!he ulen ..... r>elwork ollbe Saudi monan:lly. Ihe .moJl but highly efficient ..:url ty forceo of k l"l Abdullah II In jordan. or lbe Syriln IntelUgence ...n-ico of Bubar AIMd. Inde.l. Syri. provtod 10 be.n inval ....hl.


of inlell~ em .. Qo.t. 10 the y.- . fler lhe Seplemher 11 lnocU. AI 1...1 for lhe ,non"..". !he Stoudl NCllrily lutborili.. !:Ontl n ... 10 clamp down on Iheir own mlillanil. BUl lo lIIigbbori"81noq. \h,lmu .. genII IIIIl hav.!he BUlb admlnbtnlllOlllnd their own p:wemmenl by the throat. 00;11: the other WlY around.

By coni 1'111, _ ,Inuory ZOOS report lltled "AI Qaed.ln Stoudl Anbl" Alymmetr1c Th..." Ind Illambi ..,,1......."" from Wuhl"l'on'. c.nler for ond Inlflmltional Sludl.oonflrmod 1M Stoudl.,,,.,... 'The


. 1 Qoe<J.- orpnlutloo in Stoudt AnbI.,· IhI paper repolU. "hu done I00I. d·m·ge 10 Ih. kingdom" _nomy and hal kliled many Innocenl """p lo,- How ...... - Ihl. h .. bod IlIllo ImpKt on lho d.y·to-doy life 01 ordinary Stoudi.,AI QNdI hal been "'>D'uo:
continued. "II f. lled 10 I rticul.te a viable .ltem aliv. 10 the exillll\3 BOV' em""",1- and "II Iocl ed fundlna and _

forced 10 channel

"'*"""'* IniO

the one pbtl", OIU-UtUi unobIe 10 -.bibb. other lndopendenl 011 .... -

The roporIal.a disputed the widely held popul.. bellef l""' ol QMdI .. In'flodWe t..:. .... il il deamtroli .... and can reorpnl. and regroup


" ... Ul. Thl. 11M no! been the cue In Saudi Arabia. -DMplle the popular


lIOlIon or,1 QNda _ , hydro. that cen oocutanliy ....... """" beed •• there I n IndlQtlOIlI that the orpniulion hal nOl .... n .bl, to f..,m ,1I..,lq. AI it.



S.II,dt .1 QNda cl.lmtd betw.....

500-600 mtlmben ..,.,ulllt'fld .."onll the QUI. OftheM.l"OIlJhly 250 WeAl

dl.. h..-d.. l:ly the end Of 2004 . beI ....... n 4Q0.....500 mlllt~ntl hld .... n a:oopI U~

Ind killed. Indudlna , II ofitol.....--Ihilin !addition 10 the lhou·

Jand, of III .ymp.tht ...... who .... '" • whom h........n freed .-

.,..,,,.1 In d 1,,'n''''lI"lod. m.,.' of

Once 18&ln. the 1"'1""" found. bordn. oonl..,l l. kll)'. - In 2004 , Saudi

border lUItd. detained ....... Iy. million peoplio 'lIemptl", 10 .. ln 111"'8"1 .nt~

Into Ih. kl",dom Ind a:ooplured _

than len 10... of drup (the

Jal. or which IN oft... uoed to fund JUllni lla opentlon.l. In ..!dilion. 0-. __ 2,000 _pono oeIzweto ...d , In IJlIII.OOO""ugli", Il1emptll were foU..! end '.000 .... uglen UTIIMed.. -

...... ,'.p ..

'.' ,.




~'£..... '.'.'~


... '"... .. .

',' , - ••"".,:,.,',.",.,~


Public Opinion in the Middle East


f )'001 wendt< ibcuf the f.II\ft r:J d!emoo;'K)' in the MIdcIt bu, dwd: CUI

Thr Grt« DMdI: How Wnrfmon cnI MusAms Vifw lDdl Orhtr.

lOO6 II,- me,.... C".Iob.l Attiturtfs 1'rojfc1. 1fIow Is, ~ r:J me $U pAtod from , pol r:J Muslim ~ Ihr-..oriel: jUlI~ in



-- ''''


"" '"

'" '"

M.,.I Important. hDwe ...... the .ulh..,.. concluded. wu dUll "Ihe D'8"n. IUlion could not win popular oupport . While il wu .blelo ""plDit ul .. f""U"ll and anger On IOm"I ....


"".uch .. Ib, .....I>-I...eli conmct. It

could not win oignine.nl ouppol'l {Dr il' actual activUl ... from either Saudi """pi e or Ih e Saudi clergy. Above all. Ita empha.io Dn violence f.lled 10 .....,n. l. with the people. Saudis we.. ohocked hy th' Inlti.1 attacks. and Ib ..... th"l largeted Muslim. and .....111 furth... ali.n.led and diminished support for Ih, <»pnlr..otlon." Neverth"I_. the 1"'1"'''' authDn ","u1l0noo againlt undue and p""".' lUff! compl..",ncy In u ....i"ll Ih, con tloulns al Qa.ed.lh ....,. "S.udi Arabia II 81. crillcollum;tutfl In Ita IIghlapinot lorrorilm. Th, th_t I. u .. likely to dl .. ppear for y....... lo come. Al Qow.d.a


dnw 011 SaudI. In

A{ghanislan. Pakill"". Vemen. and Cenltlll A.I•. a. woll"s other memo

ben of.l Qaed. who may be able to en ter Saudi Arable. The lrlqand Vemeni borde" present ..,riOUI probl'''''' In terms of lnflh n tlon." [ronlcally. whllo P.... ld ....1 Sad dam Huneln conlinued 10 rule InK[ with. terrifyi.. gly iron hand . the Saudil foatd no th ..... t whol_ver from al QMd.·'lnfllltlltloo..,..... that bonier, 11 wll only .tier the U.S. occu' pAtion of Iraq and Ihe ""'plion of. formidable wid ... p .... d Sunn ; M..... 11m popul .. i"ourxency Ihat thl, problem b.u ""ploded. Th, repol'l abo noted the wll'Dinsthol Saudi Inlerlor minister I'rinee Nayef bin


issued . I • hlgh·]evel ,..tonal -=urily meeti .. g In

Tehran: "Iraq muJl not he a place for t ..lnlng terrorist•• and they could he S.udif.llI<e whal happ"..oo In AfghantIIIn .. , ,1l>ult\Ultlnn in Iraq end ....· sera not only the 1lOO"!Jy and III people, but It baA beooo ..... ch...... nd dan· gerou. Ih ...1 10 oecurily and ltablllty in the region."

A safer Middle East Amerlcano and


frlnkLy. everyone-n"",b to wOlTY

.boot the MiddLe EIIt. l1's not 801"11 10 go away. and It's not gol"ll to I..ve

....... in tile Mlddk """

... aIone. W. will

~!be ,..; .... '. 011

for the forlll'pbl.l'utw. . ....t IIV8D

Ifw. didn',. IJlMI.,uw. aDd 10 Anb anger will penbl:.

W""t .,.n on do .bool il? Beron WI can begin 10 .w...lop e wtdable vision for I-=- In the Mid· die Eatl, we need 10 ,l,y. few polilicr.lly oornct d f1l8OlII. Flt'fI. on Deed to ntjecI MI""""I 10.1"""" end b!. crvniet wbo have d""lded lhat Ib, S.udi ~for Ib, altne ofbein,;

friendly with the B... h femUy-I, the bean

of.nevn. Second ...... nMd 10 I.... e.id"lhe f""I-sood Id..ll.m of Jimmy Cart,r

Ceorae Bu.h Ihat WOIlem·,' yl" llberel d~moc'KY can wo.t ~on ltke II hal In tb, w.....


In Ib,

Third. on D..I 10 adjUlt our J\AOdardo of ~ncy. and doNi with the feel 1""1 Ih' OIlo .... n Empi...-bnllal. Inlol,nnl •• nd b..vy·handed-

wuobd. AI .... how_unpa-nl the ..:wily Mnct ..... y be In lRMI. il', I

by 10 pMCe. If w, ""'"er Ib_ PC Idol. and embnce ....... politically h..;o"eu

trulhl 1""1 h!.IOI)' tMCh. .... ....,.,.., lIaIl 10 _

lhe I*h 10 ...1Iti.... peM>e.

Th, key 10 • "Ibl, regime \. not • democnlk: 1'""1 bul a powerful S.udt Arabi., Whll"h, klnsdOlu may nol become In empl ..., II an......n 111

Influeroce th~llhe "'Ilion. lmagl .... Ifolher countrl. could control

at QMd. Ilk, S.udl ...... bt. doe;. Th, S.udb. like the Ollo.... n. Ind In """lIul lo lhe IInt!.1I or Americano. """'1 arnold 10 II" Inlo '"'*Iu" aDd utrt Influeroce.o quub the ulnlmioto and defend "'ablllly. W, ..... need to .... pport.1IronI but renttalned Isnel. Ariel Shuon. the


fi....::. wurior wlto .......... b the model for...,..U 'I' tlNlhlp. h o _ tevlltd by the Left .,..Iooked dowu upon by W....... ell,•. in eli upeclol of life. polili<;ll COllleu.- c..... d. true poIfCIption, but

In ttle Middle "'.. t. IMI"hII down PC myth, becom• • miller of life IOd _III for A.. b.. luull •. Europeem.lnd American ..




boo'" could

not have been written without the I'rlend.hip.

~_t. unllorgi"ll~.

",ppon. and ",pert. pror..lon.

allsm of H.rry ero.:t., vice pnal
dr.m editor II Rejp .... ,. &Dei myoid. de..- friend John O'SUIll ...... "'"'edltor-I.o-cbleflt UPt. who sot the wbole thIna movIna. Myoid t..cher. thl ll'l, grMI Prof_ _ EIII t::edourie. provld .... DOl ju.t Ihe fruit. of hi. unrlnl
IlIId f,,",11l" comoIpondoml. hu ,I",n me Ihe Sift of hll friend,hlp .. well .. hi' ulonllhlna . I"ty· plu. YN .. of ""pe.lence Oflh, region IlIId pre. .ocIeot c.U.lh....,.t. I II of It. It wall beao ..... I worked for him for 00 many ,.....11 the "luMn,tfon 17..-th.oll ..... Ibll 10 MlCUmul'le lhe ""peri_ once II..I I did. Thlnb .1.. 10 Tobin IIecI:;, aaude Sr.l....... M~ MIrIIwIl. Martin


W.l ...... IlIId Kri.hn ....... C.ll.tnm. my Lonstlml coll... u... Ind friend. 1\ UP! und .....hom I conlin ....... 10 ....10 Ind monitor the region IlIId ...ho merle every dey of coverina 0 - thin • • loy and. pnvilep. "bOlO Holpt Jen ... n IlIId the lite Woody Waol . who unl ..,h
fOnlI", IMIltOf, who Nnt me OUt th_ 110 often. to Martin HutchlllOn, <;OIwnnbl: 011 emerJIng marleu In the 1\\11/ S,,...., /oumalwho helped ....

un, nel 110 many economic conundruma. and to Sttnt •. fo. p.leal... advlce."d encounogumunt at ufIoCtly the tlghl Urne. Non .. of th, OUI'po-

bn ludgmenlf In 'hi, hooI< , houJd he attributed 10 any O!lhem.


••••••• INDEX

AbbM, Mahmoud, I" Abot,,1 H.mld II, 10, II , 13 AWuJ.uI.&. Abot,,11lob Ibn, 131. 1:)9.


Vi3MI, ~~,


oJ QMd.o. 12: bin lAden, a...... Md. I~~ , Ill: Buoh, G.orp W, and. 118-0: OItoIOA, Bill and. 1 _: Sooudl Anobia and. 135,


AbcluJu:l&. F.IMIltm., 141-51 Abclului&. NIo,..,W ... 1 12 AbcluJJ.h. -s.yykI. 34. 35. 37_:)9 Abdullah, Crown Prh'QI. $6 AbcluU"', KI .... 152-5/1 AbeI"n ... U, KllIfI, 311, 1l1li.210 Abtohom UncoIn, USS, I' AdenII".,., Konrad, 125 Afsh.nlotln, SoYIIIII InvuklR o f. 71,

I _ I , 1»,

1 5~,:lOJ,


Syrl.I and, llO: lllbAu, 115: z..q.wl , Abu M"""" .1· and. 12_13


A.. AlkMl lla ."n . 121, 129 Amem, StM United SUI.. Am~rlct.n Clvl1 l.l bml .. Union (ACLU ), III ... merlun 1._1 Public AlTai .. Cam· mln_,I05 . . . .011 , IMIU ,"",u •• 12~ AqIo-IlaIlLan OU Company, 110. 101 anTl-5emld.... , 11. 31, 124

U,I~ , 131

An.q, MlebeL , 1110

.4.I<>lnll All CtMlmlH: Ir1Ii~ A __ ka" I,'a,on TMmr(et-u), HI7 AhmMil ...... ""h"",,,d , 811, ~, 101)-101 , 1~5 , 1l1li oJ.""", ""*I.... ~ 31. 33 oJ·Aok.i,. Mo.que boonbI ....

10....1....1connlc1. 58 ........ Palulhl .... connld ........ ........ 52, 1l1li

116-71.13 Albr\tlll. MMleIo1.... I ~l AlpN, 7,'. 1$6, 1511, Ii? AU, AJun.d 11.... 11 , 121 10111",54-51

............... ' 37. 41.". $6, UN. 120 A....... l ioMU.m,5, III , 144 .....to lIevol! (1113&), n. 33, 42~', 54. 145 A.. b Soclalill 1'&11)" 1&0


T J\mbic PoJIdoaI ,\.Ie......... (Kodouri.j, SII J\tofol ; T"" Mon and ,.... MytII (Kleman). 104 Y_. 115: t!.or•• and. 151. 18l: c."'P llovld II pMCe """fel ~11COI and. 1!III-lI1; F","h orpnl..,I.... nd . 110. IlZ-I . ; Huuela. Sodolam and. 142: H_ ..Inl. Hal Amln .1· ""d. 30. 32: ......11·" ... won and. 111-14: t.et.non. dvll ..n In..wl. 151: 0010 ~ Aa:orda ""d. loe. 181: PID ""d. 111-14: Soudl



" .. bI •• nd .

"nom"". III


"""""j..... 10. 11.25 "'''''',. Pooler. 1U . 119 ANI


TI>e Ba",10 Oundl). 161 So ·.,h Pany: a.rton of. 151; H_ ";n. SodOom and. IS.; in Iraq. 5&-69. 161. 1M. III, .ooIH.. """" of. 159-11 .


Bobylonbul Empi .... 35 Bobylonlan t:..U•• 89

s.pdood. tr.q. 17. 22.1..... 75 SoUt. lam_ ..... eo Oller, ... hmed H ........ I•• 112. 1&5 Bolf..... D.claralion (lgI7). 25-26.

Bllkoot.o. 11. 13. n Barak. Ehud. 1M. 111 ..... 2 Bat-'-.CI:!.llm.lJO-,)I

8ot-'- Unt. 129-30

IIfotIln. Men.oclMoOl; E«fpI.I ..... U ~

and. 11Il-10; WMI. <:...Irion of Ind. 46; Slnol II dl_· ..... 01..,' liWMOItot (I .,,) and. 167; Su..tloy Wit ""d. , "; Yom KJppur Wlund . 132. Ilil So""t..wl 1Iotlr..t Ilu.... 7t. 7t IIotlI. Certna .... .14. H. 146 Boa.c..na... Doo~id. 125. 12.: Churclllll. Wlo!.o'OII and. 47 . 46; Ho Chi Minh ""d. 17; i&l1iooi and, S: IoroeU· l'olootinIon """nkt """. .'-41; Ottoman Empl..,."". 6; .... of 1147_11141 and. 1M. 106; Wlloon. Woodrow and. 27 1I«pr. Sandy. 11.5. 117..... (wlln. Sir tt.oo<:. 160 BeIilliCl. 1ft Bib"'. 26. H . 147, ionooolJ.iUQ Win and. 100; bno!l·l'alMtlnlln """. nLo;t..wl. 41-44. 46 Bli Throe oummil (11143). " bin Loden. OMnIa. 66. 201; II QooedIo and. 144 . Ill; I..... U.pal.,lnlln """nLo;t and, 203; rMik:lll,1am and. 7'.61. &4 ;S.udIJuab~ and. Ill. Il •. 144. US; s.pr.. ~. _ II and. II . 63. Ill. 115. , .....1. 113-44 bIoIop::lol.....w.. 1111

,..., BWnatd. Ono _ , '3, 11& BIIar. Sel&b ai" 160 81.od s.pt...... 116 8L11•• Tbny. 140 IIoIJ.IwwIL RevoIIIII.... :re, 87 liard. ,,,,,,Il0l . ZIlS-3 ao-h. Corl. 20S Bradlooy. Omar. l1li B"",kd<>W1l: II""" Ame';';" ', In/elli· ~nao f'ollu_ Led 10 ' " r tGwlzJ. 100 8"""e •• t. PIIiI. 65, 87 lI.....u.n.v. a-Id . 65 . l1li Bnw.. : Ani> ... ,IonaIlJ.m and, 144; 8&1""" Ooc:lantloa (1'171 ond.


2So-2e: c..Lroeoa ....... (1121) aod, :J.4-37: den.......... IIIWI, 2.

51 , CoJUpoIl cempe'cn ..d. 1&-23: ..... and, _ 2: INq aDd. 50-5): 1atMI, of and. 25-27. u ; bnel, withd .. wal from of, ._7: t-1I·PaJe.tinian """nlet and , 15, 28, .1 ..... 2: Kill. ."d. U - Zl; Low and


II""f'I"lI'MI In. 2; Middl. Ea.l rull of. 2. 7.... 10; ... val power of, 15-18: 0110 ...... Empire and. 16-1): On....... Empl ..... fall of ""d. 1l_1l: J>aJ.tioian Mandal. of, 15, ~ •• I_f2 . ~ : Shliltr

.......at \1820) and. 50-53; s.criN aDd, 10; Trip .. Eat"" .. and. 12-13: _ of 1e.47- 11M8 and. 103-5: World Ww I and. 16-21; World w... and, ~7 : Zion ...


Brilllh B...oc...I... Coopontioll (BUC). 111

Brill.1I CoI",,1aI Offlco, :ttl Hridlh P,"nlwm (BP). \10 lIumflu. Ileo .... '92 Burn"lI. Tom, 1112


bIll. Ii. W.O eo Bu.h , C-W- w.. • oU . 1l1li: al q.do and. 1.....: ...............

"""""" and, IMI, Inq _12OOl) aDd, 57. U . :lOt: poIlUcal-. I'ICI_ and , I : pott·s.ddam 11'811 and. 87, Sept .... bar 11 and. 185; z.~w\. Abu M.....-b aI·

.nd, 73

coliph.tc abolition 01. .: OttODWl Empl ...nd. 5-8. 10- 11

c.up o.wlcl


(1"81. 177

c.mp n.¥!d II ~ _


181...-J , 1116-97

c.n.. ,imra,.13. 82. lIA: QA ....... 10.; bu ...... n,bu.ucl. fl. N : l..n ..,d, fl . N-e5. ~7, IruLuo '-ttpcrilll and . 77. 84-aS. _ , I.llmlc i!e¥(ll uU.,., Md. Mlddl, Eat, ~of. 157. 169-71). 17~, ""'II¥!.


Moh.n' mad l!eu 10<1.114

Tire eo.. fo< Dl'I>IOCfOC1ISlwu· I kyl. 1l1li

c-y. W1l1Loom . 86 CBS Rodio Newt, IZI

Ceo". for S!rIj.p: and "'I.......

tioMl S!ucllooe. Ul. 210 CDn'O. 'J Cenu.llnteUIpact A,...c, lOA): QoecIo. and. 1&5. AnlIIt.



y_....J. 101' 0..1 ..... AhnMd

and. tlZ; MONdd"l. Moh°m.w and. II I . Got , M~ and. 125: p*·Saddom lroq Md . 81

Ceyloo. '9 . 40 Cbalobl. Ahmed. 3e. 52. !a. &I~3 o..mberlolo. ~IU •. lie. 115

,.... ~.KI~~'7

110<1.. \'...non..nd cUrer MiddJ. ""fem Sfudies


and. lSI; z.a,q..wi. Abu M.... b "J. ... d. 13

CoelIIiOll ProYb"-l Authority (cPA). I I . 6J. IS. e7

Cohn. N

USS bomb"'" 1811 Colli n •. Latty. 31 ComDlll1.. of Union and




Chw., KaI-eW. 80

C>OmaIunIJDI. 9. M. 135. 137. 141

a.;.... till. 137. 1118. 204

enn.tanUnoplo.. I. 20. ~ ConItltutloo. U.s.. 10. 17

Oubtopbw. Wan.. 1$3 o.u.n:hlll . W!Ju.IOII: Abdullah ....


ConIee"".n. lultbooy. l53 Chat. . 136 ~.'O b~ (Sybil). 41

Soyyld and. s.n.(;uri_. Dovid and. 41. 41, B~ non.


aummU ... d . Il l ; Bri\llin', R.:Iyool Navy ... d. IIe-lD, C.lro Confer..

CruNd •. n Cwchoelov.kl •• 108. 114

""'" ( 1\121) .... d. )4-37. 4 1. 14 2.

-1""'" . .

1M; d _ocy lJId . 51; Cal· lipoll d. 20; ~. 011 iDdu..try' ohDd. t. ft. _~. f l; Inq ...... » . 4\l; '-I. cnMIoo!. of ...d. )4 : Kenn.dy. joMph ... d. 125 ; Law.-. T. E. ...,i, I U ; Middl, fMI."".p of and. 34. 35-3.; Nul Getmany ... d . 31 ; Pohl.~I . Moh'D'l m~ R.... and. 03 ; Soud. Abdul • .u Ibn ... d . 39; Su.·Doy W... and. 11.....19; l\arby and. 22 ; WI .... ' •• Ordoo and. 42: World WUI..-d. 14-1'. 17. 20. 12;

Wortd Wu II ....t. 55

Clarb. 1lIcbud. 1""7 a._Ita. Catl ....... 43 ~land . WllliAIII 1,.. . $0 Oln' OII. 8il1. 13. 113; .l q..d. and . I IS-I8; A_d. H.ofe. and. 1&5 ; Iran nucJ_ PI'OI""" and. W; M IddJ. ....I~of. 157. 110-1), 0<110 " - .tu:ardo and. 101. III , 5.oopI-"-r 11 ... d, 115. 'M

om. 10. 144

... c..-.V...... 9

0erdaneIJef. 17 1)arI",


o.yu. Mothio. I n , CoIaa HelPu. \aMI .. ""'ftI'- 01 and. 16t: mUlWyiol MId. 110; WMII·


PU.eIlniAn .... nict and. 44: Sbc·

c., War and. II'" Ill. 172 : YODI Klpput w., ... d. I 29-32 n.clillf ond Foil oJ thII Ho"",n EmpfN (CIbboo). 201

"'C.ul'-. Owl•. 126 ... Mello. s.po VIfIIn. 55. 64 . II1II


nd ...... 2. 51 : 2; h _ fiAhU and. 10: 1tIq ...... 49 . 51--54. 57-69. Ill. M . 1117. 1\li--2OO; ' - ' and, 3: "'''''''

and. 2. 58: lu~iAn roun· datlono 01. 2. 5 1: MlddJ. EaoI and. 1_2. J. 9. 51-112. 1911-200.210; ()noman Empinl lOUd, 6: ~

and . SI ...s2, IW: nuby ...... 3:

lhollad sw.....:I. 5 1...s.z DbahnIn, Saudi AnbIa. 5 ~

of 0.. Roo:k. ,.......u-. U . J3

l.IwI.....y. Fyodor. 1. DowbiSliIl.. H...t.o1. _

1'_.111. k l.... !WI. 57 , . GO

DuIl. .. )oIIn 1'....... 114-25

e..t Afrka ...w-.y .......bi... (111N1. UNI

Eb.n. Abbr.. " g

Farouq, kI .... 114 . In

f-'ah. 110. 11'. , '2 . 113. 114 Feo:IenJ B...... u of I.a...... lption (FBI). ,15 . 111 FlF>t~ far I.....'r.dono of 1....1 (I..ehl). oWl. 11 8

F.uJ>I. 7. 55: 8rldlh rul. _ . 7....: b_ll· Anob w...... d. ,,4-17; bnoU ..·.I.. tlnlan conniel ."d. 32; I, ... ll p.-ce ".,y with. liS.


'7&-1O: N~. ~

Abolel end. II : ~ In. U7 ; SI ....1 II dllenpeecn.ont .......... t (' II" ) ... d . 117. 172; S.- criJU Md. , 10 . 114: W.,of Attrilion ... d . 127_ 21 [irb_n". Adolf. 34 . It

Dw!&h' 0 .• U . l1li: I.." ... d. 1I1-e2: bnol and. I Uo-25; Mi.ddJ.o EM!....",..j of, le7: ~. MoIwamod ... d. 1I4 EI ...... Otvld. I II IUkino. MlchMl. IZI ""'- Em~IJIIf"'" of II,. Middl. E<*. 191f-ll14 (s.cbu). 8. 15 Kn_ Puh • . 12. Ift: Cem>any and. 1)-14: N~. C.mal Abolel VII .• 111: Worid Wu I ... d . 14: V"""I!I 1\ubend. \I £rIwd. Ludw" 125 EthkDI. LrtI. ""'111, In . IU. U8 ~.




u....... 1M. 5. 20$

t - _ 11M Middt. E
11I36-1lS4ISoochMI, 7I EJt.txiu•• IOII

foM. kl .... 1:M1. 152, 1n , 11511 Faluwnhftlll/ ll . 135. 1113 f.lMl. PrInce lUrid .1· .nd, 77_7\1 falMl l. k ina. 35. :te.37. n. \4\1

Flm InUfada.


fl.her. LQrd lob .. " JackJ.o." " ford. Cerald. 115. 173. 178: Middle Ealt record of. 157. 166-72

"'ru:/xrr. <WrIt Dl"1IlOIWJ. 117 F..-: Alprian wu of In.depmd· ...ao 1lIMI. 117: Areb ....,lonell.... ...... 144: dom inion _ MiddJ. EM! of. 7; luMI and. 1%8: bnoli· AnI> ........... llIl: MlddJ.o EM! ",I. of. '0; .... va1 powwof. 15: Ott......... Empl ... loll of ... d. IZ- Il: S..... crill. II _I and. eo F~ F.-dllWWl . Archduke. \4 Ft.nz _ph . EmJl"l"O". 13

FriedmllJl . Thom... 53. 184. 2011 Fromkln. Otvld . 28. 35. 43

Go.lUpoIl CIompool"". 111-21, U Go.z.o Strip. 25. 1 10 G.rw/I I14', ""'-1'1.., A~/ur:Jelj W.... (K ............ '. 11 c..n.nGoavmllon. 170

c.o... David lJord. %8, lI. 14{l c-,.1'IcGl. ~. 44-45

Cenrwly: conUol..-1 of. 13: de......"..". In. M; En_ pMho ... d. 1)-14: Nul. n , 33. 40-60. 54. U . !WI: "J"Hple and , 13; y"" ... TIotb .Ulanoo with, III


Cernt. Bill . I to ClIlI>on. Edwud. 2011 ClIlon. I·hlilp. 174

Ct.., a...1-. 107 Clubb, Iobn, 31 GoobbeU.Jc-pb.l38 CoI.n Haigh" . n . 117. I2 I -ZZ. 1~7. 1&1. 1&8 Golden Mo.q ... bombl ... 6&-71. 71 TIt. 1 OM"", How W.st.......... ..nd Mu~i"'. vs.w &xii 00..I"- ~ AIIItude. Pn>jIocI).



er-:..2.51 GudiOtlan. IWiDz. Illl GulfSt&t ... S.117

au" Monlecl\f,I, l7e HobfK.




IIabJr.BotclI 20:1 ~ EJaplre, Il. 14

HUlm. MoboHned llaql. al-. M . I!I& tt.mM. 81 . 113. 117. 1l1li

Ham.I!lOIl. SI< \.ln, 18 Hpdl-ns. W......, Go , 27. 167


HM ....... It... 34 , 57 . 110, 143. 14e , 1411, 154 Heooth. Ed_rd , 11 5 Herod the G.... t. 107



l-*ul P""y, I Ie H4ozboI1ah, IlJ . UII, In. 106, 1110 Hlmml • • Heinrlcb. 34.38 Hi..... Adolf. 201. :108: H.-in!, lUI Amln 01- ..d. 110: Inq ... d. 55, $I: Orl ...... Empire ..... 10: TINt ProlocoJ. oJ 1M EJd.... oJ Zion Ind, 151--&2: RUffll, [nv.· .Ion of by, 12 1; Third Reich O{, 202: und. . .U .... ti . . of. 6Z Hoot.., Thomat, 67, 11 Hn Qt.1 MiI.h, 27 ~. ', , 4e , 147. 152, 198 Hno:wer. lhrbtrI. 11\0, 177



.. , and , 60;

In 1..... 13, 114 lIumpllrey. Hubert H., 1119-72 lIu ... ln. Itl. . oriordan. li Z, 116. IZO, 123 1I .. _Ln. s.ddam. 10.~. 57. $1,115. 114. 143; Are"I, V _ Ind , HZ ; AOMd. Hafu ... ~ . lel __ ; Bo 'IIh Pwt,lnd, IW; ....... U".. of. 198; rr. .. and. 51, 6IHII. 07; !na.1req W.. and. IS3; 1nq ...... S_I ; ,"uwILI and. 59. 81 . l1li. 1M: ...... 01.., C<>lfW... (1l1li1 ) .00, 2; Seplember II .nd. 511. 191 Hu_I ... Sherif. 31. 35. 311. 44 ; Coiro Conf.......,. (l1l21).nd , 34;

McMahon· Hu ...'" lilian ... d. 0 ; rwllcall ...... Ind. 711. 60; Soud. Abdulozl. ibn and. 145---46 II_IDI. Abd al-Qoodlr aI-. 104. 105 11 .....1..1. Hoi Ami ...1·, l7 , ICH , I I O. 140; HoIocalUt ... d . n . )4 ; IlrMU ·".leolin'.n connie! ... d . 30-34,46,200; P.IeoUnl...

Ant.. Ind.l l -33; World W.... II ... d . ll

ltIdl ... Antly, 17. $0. l1li, ro4 In_n16 Abrood (Twlln). 1 Z ~u. 1amoI. 14 /"./<10 11M An,tIc>-Am" IAhrrinlh (Kodourlel. 13 11.... , ' . 7; Alllnodi...;.c1. MohlllOUd .nd. n . 100-101. 196; Con",. JImmy .nd.1I7; CEm'O 100, UZ;

Churchill, Win.ton ... d. 5; humon ri8h"ln. IIJ.II4 ; H..... ln. Soddom Ind. 511. ~1.1I1--M. 11&-1/9; 1..... -1""1 Wlnnd. 22 . 61.

61, 15'; "1amic Republic: ltI. 11&-101 ; ....... Ic: RoMIIurioa In.


,.... SO. 77 . Il0-l1 . 13-64 , 85. 112-+1:

22. e3-64 . 06-71 . lOll: s.. ....1

KhIo_I, MohammMI aDd,

<XIIIIJ'OI 01. $0. ~I~': SyN and.

.... 100. 1M-8&; KJoomeinI. Ay. IDllah Ru.huilioh .nd. 71. II . 1)-15, til. 00.

III ..... w ... 1947- 194' ... d • 12: w...ld W",II and . 4!h50.




eon..- (INC). lI.

IIvclMr"......... of. _lOll, 1116; oll l n, 5. MI, _ 2. 101-2:

Jnoql N.IIU""-I II-oJ

Pahlayi . MOMmmad Roa and, 1lz-..94: ...... Ian Empl..... d . 8t-90, pot1 -nvolutloo. 116-W, S.udl ",.. ble end. 152-64: Syri_

Iraq war (llOO31. 17. 2 I . 57. 1Sf!: Buth. Ceo. . W. and. ~7. 63 . Z09: den>oXrtoCy Ind. ~7-S': PC myth.o

ilDd. 162: U.S. YI. Britoln and , 00-02: World War II Md, 91 1...... In.q w• . n . II . II. 153. lSI,

"" boll.

atoll. U : c.n.. jlm.my..-d. K-M: -'Ieol islam ... d. 77. &+-65


..... 5 . 7. Il: .1·/UUrir' ""*tue bomblal In. M-71 ; ........... JewUh r-..q.- of, 411-&0, 71 : ArIb

....... and , 52: /\xII and.:MI. o." th Pu1r In , I!. 151H11: BriUlh ... 1

Cairo COdferenoo (1921) Ind. 35: OWTO lJId, Ill : o..llbI. Ahmed and. 61-43: CblllChlll. Winatorl Irw!. 35. 4" civil Ln. 71 . 7. :


d e ........ ' In. 411. 51-&4. 51-69. Ill. tie. I'). 1W-2OO;.1ec:tionI

In. U . 09, """·Ir.q War and. 22 . 6 1. '1 . 153: ItneII-P.IeotLDLan connk;t Ilnd , n . 55; military coup oIl~ III, 56. 51 . 10, 115. 141: "I( 1 "Ion la, -"'100; Nul

CArnwlyand. 4\1-60, M : .,.... Saddam. 5$-81, 65: Soudl Ar8b1a ... d. 152: Stcond Sa'lth K.publlc In. M-$9. 182, 1115. \\18: Shll,. ....... 11 Ill1l0) In. 35.)6, 411. SO, 52_$3.17: Sunnlllllurpncy In.

_boul. M . 60: Sunnlln,u'll"""Y IDd . n

Ireland. 40. IJ . eo. 202 bJun Z.,.I I.Auml {N.II11on.I1 MU lwy o..-n lo.llonl. 46 IrUh llapublicu Army. 40 "lam: d l>"On::llW . I4 : On ........ Ealpl ...... d. 10-11 : .. relJ&loa . l : Sht.. 63: W.hlwohi . 77. 11. 147. !iN aho...tlcal ..Iua ,01..", 1M UoIhm World (Kedouri. ). 143 lliamk; Ileol,tIonao Moveme,," s... 11,m.. 1IIImIc RevoluUon, W. n. lI0-II 1.


13. 15. liZ ....

luMl: AMId. llafn ... d. 151. 163 . 1Is-ee: Ben.(:urion. Iloovld .nd. 6 . • 7-4': _ lIon of. :l5-1I: d_ : :0K)' and. 3: deotnlCllon of. 201-4: FeYpt peKII, .... Ywith. 1115 . IU. 17$-80: l..:j. Nazi tab"". oI ...d. 411-60; 1IfMI1·1'aJM. Ilnlan conAia MId . 15-41: Jew;oh popuIotion 01. \ : i«e_.d.. 11 wat 10 ... d. 157: N _. Go ....1 AhoHl."d. 13: Koobln. YlIzhok ... d. 172-75: Sadol . An .... Ind . 151: 51",,111 dlNnpprnenl ogtMI'JIorll (1915I.nd . le7. In. 17): SoYI", Union ..nd. 11 7- 11:


1....1 h:on1 ln uedL Syria and. 157. 163. 165-I!e; United 51.1... nd . 124-25; U.S . •rm. d ..1 wllh. 172-75; war of 1901 7-1946 Ind . 82. s.e pi.., I.,...U·Anb w. n ; 1.....Il·PaI... Unl.n coon let 1.....1 o.f"n.. Po..."... 44 . lIB. 126 I..... U-Anb won: A.. b n. l lo .... l;.m I.IId . III; Y _ and. 111 _ 14: EiYPI and. 114-17; fllahand.IIO,lll; .. notlDDlJ ""nnlets. 11 1; NI~on . Rl~hard and. 123. 12&-27; Pnlutinian. _ n lng o f ."d. lOll. 10&-11; PC mythS.boUI. 124 ; PLO. 110. III: Sinal Campaign. 1\111; Six_Ooy War. 101.115--11. 1Ig...2l. 127. 1911; Soviet Union Ind. 117_16: w•• o f 19oI7-I \I4B. n. U)J-6: War of Anrilion. 123. 1911; Yom Kippur War. 86. 103. 127-3l 1Jo ....1I-1'.1.. llnian ""nmet: Abdul_ lah. u·Sayyld Ind. 37-311;.1 Qo.edllnd. 20 3; I nli-8emili.m • nd. 26: IMIn-Gurion . Oovld Ind. 47-48 ; Bible Ind. 42-44 . 46: bin !MIen. o...ma Ind. 203; Brili.h Imperiollsl w..kn_ and. 41 _42 : Coiro eoor"",,100 (1921 )and. )4--37 ; Dowblgl ... Herbert .nd. 3_1 ; Huueini. Hal Amln .1· Ind . 3()-3.4 . 200; 1.... ·1""1 WIU IlOd. 204 ; 1""1 &lid . 5S; 1.,...1..,.... .llon of I .. d. U-2ft. )4 . _ 7 : 1(1.. 1,,8"'". Henry Ind. 170-71: McMahon·H u....;" let1".. Ind. 45; media .... d. 25; orisln. of. n. 29-30 ; Ani> Ravoh 119J6j..,d. 32.33. 42-43.54 ; PC myth, aboul. 211. 44 ; nd.lcalllilm and.


20 1-4; IOlvi"8. 200-204; Syk... Picot AgroemMll &lid. 44-45; UN and. 46: Unlled Sial.. and . 25-28 . 110-71 : " ". of \\147-1 \14 6 I n d. 31 Italy. 7. 33 . 58 lipad. 2. 15.58.80 lenIMlem. 7; 1929 riot. In. 32. 39. 86: lonel·. oonqu.t of, 25. 106: lJo_ll-P.llIIOtlnlon connlet Ind . 2&-29: )ewb b mysdclom In . 29 : Meljl R" lonliion o f 11169 and. 58; .... of 194 7-1 948 I nd. 1(\4 .....1.h Awlncy. 30 JohllAOll.l..yn
Kodowie.Elle. 3J . 45.5tI. 59. 61. 143.1 44 Kennedy. John 1'.. 125 Kenned~~h. 125 Kh. led. Klns. 136. n~. 1611 Khan. Gellf,hl •• 82 Khal.ml. Mohammad. 99-100. 15-4 •

155.195-96 IChomel n l. Ayoolollah Ruhullah. 77. go; Hu .... ln. Saddoom Ind. 97-93. 98--!19:lrInand . 94-115 . 116-98; IJoI.... lc R.volulion Ind. 8 1. 83. 114 .85; U.S. medd ling in Innlon polilica Ind. e9 . 94-95 Khu;u,otan. 9 7 KIernaII. Thomu. 104 TIIII /(insdom: Ambia ond 11ou.. of Saud (Locey l. 136. 149.


150. I S4

KIOII"8"'". Henry. 17&. 178. W 2; to .... lI·PII..linian conflict ood . 170-71 : Mld d t. E.!l 011 Ind. 151;


dl_.. ..

I'Nlpollrlk of. 1"-70, Sla.alll 1... _ 1 1111$) Md. 111. 17J-71

KltcMotr. LonI, \7 lCoIlel. 1Wdy. 107. In K....... W". tJ . 17Z Knu'"-",,,,,,,, 0...1-. M Kwunan.u.n . ll

Ku .... l!. 5. 22. SO. II . 99. '155 uaoy.l!onald. 136, 149. IlIO. 154 LoplKno, Oomlnlq .... ll "',In Amerk;&, 12.110 Lo ......,,_. T. !!. . 34 . 39, 49. lH.... 5 . 14fl. 1$4 ' ... _ . 7 . &11. 112. U7 , 1M IMII (F1p,... lorthio F._10m 01 iI<'MIl. 48, 111 ~. Vlodimlr. !II. 81

Ubya.', U LoIlobrIfIdo. Cl ..... \70 London .ukld. bombinp (2005 ). ,~~

TIItJ I.ooml", To,.,,,,, Al Qo«Ia ""d 'hit Hood It> S.pl"",oo II (IV"""' ). 111 M..,hll •• UI , Nk:c

M..!J.on . ).om. . 113 MIllliIlOl U .... 130. roe Mahdl ....... ,.. 70-71 ManU , Nouri oJ " 70. 101 ~MId.ty. ... l00

ManhoJJ , c.u.p. 1U MIn. karl , " . U

t.ic:MaboD.. St.,..",.. 45. 1018 Mc:M&boa· lt ........ l.u... 45, 146 medII: ' _... Ii· P" tWlI,,"' .. con n icl Ind. 2S: Mlddl. ~ ""d, 1; reU· &JOWl fundomenUoliJII .nd. 1 M
MtIir, CoIda, III. 122. 120, 127. 151. 173: a-I1.AN!> _ _ 103; Nlmn. IliI:bMd aftCI, 127: y_ KIppur war Ind.. 103. 1:JiO-.J1, 113 Mlddll EMI, AnI> Mllo....U.... In. 5; blnh .., . lA. 5 • • ; BrlIW, ruJ. <WfIr, 2. , .... 10; CoaJI'",IIam...d. e;

Iran and. ~102: Lelanlla. 0: J..... II ·A... b w... ill. l(l)-a3: l.....ll ·P.!.Ilnl... canBict .... d. l~: - . . l ily ...,.. ill. 0: OtIOmad Ealpu. and. 3. 5-23: PC lIIythI-'>oul. I _I: J*'O'....t _ billly III. 2-3. 5: poIlliQoIlnoIoobil. lIy La. 7: poput.aloa .... 5: po.at) In. I : tadlc:al LeINa ...d. 77... 7:

... li&loII. fJ-'om 01 ill. US : bibel cullu ... In. I : World w.. l....t. o. 1... 10: W(Jf\d Worn -..d. 14 MilM_ lQulb). f4 MOlillJOITlery. Be ........ 43 . 104. 115 Moo .... Mlch ... l.l. IS5. 138. 185. 1111. 18l. 213 MOMd ...... MohamltWld. 81. 12 Moaad. 118. 125 M"ban~. ~I .

12• • I n 11 . 79. IIIujaMdlll. ... 137. 1". all Mua/hll 8t0theth00d. ,",. " . 112. M~hunmad.



Nofllll-. 13. 12 NaabaabJbll. '1-32 . U ~. Camal


147: bIoIopcal wWre ond. 110: dellh 01. 103: Kn_ P.ooho ¥o .• Ie;

line!. w.....In" ... d. 13: ' ..... Ii· Anobw ...... d. 11 ... 17. 117-18:


NUlflf, Gamal AW el I<XNlUn uod): mlUwy buildup ...... 13: Qulb. Soyyid. _lion of and. 86: reli·

&Ion ........ upp.-lon nf ...... M: Stx.lloy War and. 115-20 : SovIM Union ""d, 13: S1M" crioio and. 80.11. 11 5-16 N.Un ...1 U bl!nUon Froot IAIgtori.o1. 159. 191 N.tIonal Millwy Otg.o.nLtaUOIl Orgun Z ..i Leumi). 48 NATO. North At!anUc l'rMty


Qrsaniution NHi Germany. 33, 55: Chun:hUl. WI... tno ""d. 3 1: Ireq ""d. 4G-60. 54: Middle Eut nil wMlth ... d. 56: Soviet Union. lnvwno of by.


N"", U.1... d. 11. n "Night St.olb ... " i3 Nlxnn Ooctrine. 171 Nixno. Rlcbard. 1 3. 108 . 136. 151. 188: MAd. Hal... ""d. 185: Ford. Gerald pardon of. 16 7: luael ... d.

125: 1..... II·A .. b 10'' ' ' ""d. 123. 126---21: Melt, Golda ""d. 121: Middle Eaot I"&OCXII'd n l. 169. 171: Pablavl. Mohammad Ru.o ""d. 93: Rabin. YlllthaIr.""d . 123. 126---21: W.IMpt. Ilnd . 187 Noel. lOB North AII.nllc l'rMty Qrsanltation (NAm), 92. 132 North K""",,, 88. 99 n""l ... _pont. ~ 100. 196


ot.id. N.wof. 153 Ooxuplod Ic:nemy Torrltorl .. Adml nlotntion (OETA). 28 011: .homativ.. 10, 204_5: China and. 137: It&n ... d . 5. 89. Ql)...Q2,

101-2: In Middle Eut. 5: 0Pt:.C ...d. 93, 115. 102: SoudJ Arobl.o and. 102. 135-36. 14&-52: world', food , upply and. 195. ,~~

o ,.t1Juilltm (Colll"" ""d l.opl,"",,).


O"Nei1l. Joh n. 188. 181. 1l1li Operation Barbatoua. III Operation Nlcbl GraN, 13 2 (INn. MlchMtl 8 .. 117 OtganltaUon 0 1 the PItItO!1tWd Exponl,,« Cou.ntrl.. jOPEC). 93. 95. 102. 154 . 187 0.10 PMCfI Ac.:on! •• lOB. 112. 113. 142. 161 OToole. P"' .... 14 5 OItomlln Empire: .. all... con· que,..,... 100 ...... b ... Uonall.m ""d. II I : callph.ote ""d._.

10-11: democncy and. 8: down· !.oil of. 11_1 4: fall o f, 113: 1.1.... ""d. 10-11: loca.lo ""d. 9: Middle Eut and . 3: Middle Eut. pMOO ""d Ot.Iblllly In ""d. 3. 4. 11: ruthl .... - of. ~IO:."""'" o f, 9- 11: World War l ""d. 14- 18, lf1.-2 1: You,,« '!'wi: Revolullon o f 1908 ""d. 11_14 , 15

P""po.. Ion Mih.tl, III Pack .... Ce

Po'-th.. UbtntIOll Anay. 11. ... J.tll.. UbtntIOll Orpnlulloa (P1.OJ. IM . 110. 11K!: A .. fli . Y_Md. 111 - 14; Saudi Af1IbIa Md. 142 .......lD.1M AIQ; Huuelnl. lUI Amln 01· ... d . ll-33; 1de1!llty of. 1011 . 101- 11

Poleotlnlan Authority. 1011 Paleotlnlon Mandato. n. 111-30 . n_.l.48 1'. 11<",. S.. 8$. \leo 130 A Peot:. 10 End A// Po!o>CII ( ....... Unl. 35. U Pw.. SIIImon. 141. 181 . 1113 fWsIan Empl ... ...... ...."'" Gulf W. (11191). 1. W . Ilg The 11;"_ (~I. " I'total" . Philipp". I Z8 ~ ...... D...ld . 101 ..... CIoi>eJ AIIII~ ProIKt. 1 10 pbllby. llatry 81. John. I~ I'In. William. 1M You...,.. 14 I'opul •• Front fur tM UhonU"" of ... 1.... 1..... 114 Pow.II . Colin . 110 Princtp. C. ...UO. 14 ~..unllte ......... lloII . 8. 147 The ProfocoJ.

"·Karim. 57

QMIID. Abel Qutb. Sayyld. I4 . •

Rabin. Yllzhak. n o. 1)1 . 183; .-.....d. 11.II......d. 1$7 . 183; 1....II· p. I..1InLan _nlcl ...d. 44 ; NI""". Rlchard . nd . 123. UI-H : 0.10 " - Acoord • ..,d. 181 ; 51 ....111 dL~nl

.. _1 ( 1I175J and . !&7. 113; SIx.Day W.. ...d. 11' . I n ; U.S.Io_li ...... ~ 112- 75: warol I1M 7_ 11M. and. 105 radical ........: Anob hlMory .nd. 7t-al: bIn t...d .... o..m. ond . 71.81 . &4 : cuh ~ ... d. 77_71: 1'.....1. Prin", ThrU I I· ""d. 77_71: LmlI... hoM. . ailla I nd. 77. 14-115: IlIHlL ·pl l.... I.. · I"" connlcl ... d . tO I.... ; Saudi Arabia ... d . 152: t........u....lnd . 7': tll_t poMd by. 12; IMh aboul. 77-117: w .. oa •.....nom and . 2. s.. ,,/1'0 Lalam ~. RDnold . GO. II . 15-18. 137; LanoIIIId. 152; Mlddl. EM! ...".... of. 187. 17..." tfIdIpDlil.It. 16I-7V. 1711 Red Anay. '5 . • . 1S7 RMI HotimIU (1'-.-1. 113 NlJ&Ion: r.-lom o f. I I . 1» ; lalamlc UIl'OmIim and. 1: 1omIri.... and. 1 Rioo. Condol""lZII. 181. I W RlchmOlld. SI, 1irnM1. 3 I lIommll . Erwin . 36. 55. 115 R _ h . •·,...,Uln D.. 111 . 113 RoM. Den .. I• • 1n ItoyIoI tn.1ltUtl lOr 1.. lemot .......


Affalls. 144

Rumlleld . OooIaId. 51: " QoocIo ond . I. .; lnq_(ZOOJlond. 151: ...... -&ddanI lnoq and. 81~ . fl-87 . 17 : SopMmbor II and . 1111 : Zarqo ..... AtNM ...... II · and . 73 RIlNlo. 5 . 20: BolaJ>eyrl ltevolulion In. 28; 11lI1.... Adol( Invlllon of. 121 ; (,_1. .,..1I0Il of.nd . 21-27 ; ,,"w l.h Immigration from. 21--211, Triple Enl . .. t. and . I J;

Ru .." (continued): World War I and , 21:1 ....... SovIet Union Ru .. ian Revolution. 20, 71


s..:1w. Howard M.. B. I~. 71 s.d.t. Anwa •. 81. 128, 147: Abdu· l.ul~ ~·.I ..l Ibn and. 150: A.. fal. YaM. and. 112: 1.... I.nd. 157: lmoeli ·f'.sypllan ~ IrMly and. ,,~

Sad., C .. nd Ayatollah MOh.&trIJJlM Sodl" .1·. 61 Sod •. M"'Itld. II·, 70-71 Safavid dynUly. 89 Salam6. Ch.uMn. 55 Samuel. 51. H.rben. 31. 42 Saud. "bdulul. lhn. 37. 136. 154, 2(1';1; A ..h Rnolt 11938!...,d , 14$: Huuein. Shen f and. 39: lawnonce. T. E. and . 143. 145: oil and I.. n Ind. 102: Saudi A..b/& and. 19. 147-41:1; World War I and . 110 Saudi A.. bla: AbduILZI~ r.1Mllbo and. U &-52; al QMda ...,d, 135. 139-41 . 153. 155. 203. 210-12: ,0.",101. Y_ond.lfl-42;bln laden. o...ma and , 131. 139. 144. 155; ""nullunllm ...,d. 135. 131; JlIln .nd . 152-54: 1nuI.1raq War and . 153; lrM\and. 152; [I_II· Pllutinw conflict and , 32 ; Mid· die East. ~ and lI.bility In ."d. 3. 195; Moo ... MIchael and. 3,135, [31; mulahedln .nd. 81. 137, [ 55; N_ •• Gamal Abdel .nd. II. 115; oil and. 102. 1l$-31. 1411-52;»MOO In. 157; PWond. 142; radlcallolam and. 152; Saud. AbduLui~ ,bo .nd.

147-41; Sepl~mbft. I I ...,d, 135, 1311-39.142.144. ISS, 115. 191-'13; l6m>ri.m .nd. 3. 153. :roo;t. l 12; th""'t. to, 152...,56: und ... t.nding. 142-45: Wah· hohllm In. I I ; wMithy mlddl. d ... of. 137-38: World War I .nd. 142 &:hI_Inger. )arneo. 127. 171 &:holem. Genhom. ZII-ZQ Schwankopf. Nonn.n. 21 Scimitar Hill, batlll of. 20 Soowcrofl, B.... t. GO Second Bo'.th Republic. 5&-59. 16Z. 115. 198 Se<:on d lnUflda (ZOOO). 101. 113. 141. lal. 197. ZOII Sephardic )e ..... 29. 33. 101 September I I : bin lad"". o.ama ond,II.I3. 138. 115. In-'ll. 1113-94: BUlh. Georsot W. and. 115; Clinton. Bill and. 115. 181; ' - pro119-90. Illl; blttory of. II~: H....... ln. Saddam and. 59. 191; Saudi A..t.Ia and. 135. 131-39.1 42 . 144 . ISS, 11 5. 191-93 ~n Pilip,. of Wisdom llawrenoo).I43.1 44 Shah. R..... g l Shoml •. Yltzhok. 46 . 116 Sho,....ky. NIlan. 1911 .!to,;., {I.I.mk Iawl." Shoron . Ariel. \30. 132. 166. 1110. 183; 1._II·Pllutlnlan conflict and. 197; MC\Irily rlDOl of. 141 .


Shnll. s...d .1-. 121. l2i Shlile """,It (1910). 49. SO. 5Z-$3.


Shultz. George. 60 '

,.... Sidql, &kr. 53, 54 51.,.1 lAm....... 1M Sinal~"" 110. III 51""i n dl ..... £ uwt .... , __ . , 111175), HI'. 112.173.17$-«1 Sim.nl. Crand Ay.uollah .... U MI SilI·C.)' W." 25. 107. 11,...17. 11"23,127. IN She Da,.. of "'I1"/UM 1967 Ont/ Ihe Making a/1M MotMm Midd'" (Oren). 117



S .... l h..... lohn.67 Seal ..... U.nJ. of the. 44 SoY!.! Union ••• , : ,,~itlaa.

Invulon ofb),. 77.12. ,~. 137;ooIlap.of. lMII: ~, c.-l hbdel and, 13: NaU in ...... IIoa of. U: Slr..o.y w... NId, 117-\8: s.- aiab and. IKI. See

01... 110 ..11 Special NI&bI Sq ...... (SNSJ. 43 Sri Lanka. 31. 4(J, &t StUln.~.

TIN 1bnb of Thmmu~ rr....u.J. 111 ~ .SI,a- •. 4(I ~.

r........ 1l16-li7. 1 _

,...., M
m ToMIIh.ShlbI.! . 111. 122 "beriu'.511

IT''''' m"&,,oJna. 9l ".... MUlt.",. 133. 1m Townobend. 51, Charlel.. 22

........1ord&n.)4. 35.17.31. 55.



Thluk y.~.





'Ih"",". Hany S. 124 'nuUy: C»nU ...... 112, Olluchlll. WI ...."" ...... 14-15; de"...,,6CJ' ..... . 3 ; "'Illtar)' llol' of. 3

,..,..1". MMl. 12

10.11. 1'. 164. 17'

Sland ..... Oi l of(:'Ufotola, 102, 154 SUit OO""rt....., •. U.S .. 1U~2 51 ..... , SI . ROII.IJd, 31. 45, 146 StroU of M.... ln •• HI SUUcrilll.IIO,II. 110, 114 . 11 5.


Suvll Bay. willi of. ZO Sr_. OoMopbw. 41 5r.... Sir ........ 21, 27_211. 32, 4+-4S.48

Syk.-PicoI .......-1. 44-4$ Syria. 7• • • 341, 10; III QMda and, 2 10; a.'.th hny In. IS_I , 1118: '''''n end . UIZ: lnq..wl, ' IH~: ....... o d. 157. H13. I ~: t.boonon. civil we. In ... d. 157:

N_. CamalAbdel and . II. Il S; Sl~·n.y W. , end. I HI. 1\7

Unit ..! "rab Republic. 115 Un ited NOllonl rUN) . 84. 151. 1911; 1....II.".I.lIlIlon connlcl ond . 4&: Slx. Ooy W• • • nd . 115 Unlled N. tl..... R.!lllhnd won.. ~.II)9

Unlled " ' - Int_llonal. 1l1li Unll"" 51",.., .. btd. I: deaKcJ.,y Ind. 51-.52: I..... nd.lIO-Il; bnol. ",..I0Il 01 ...... 25-11; l..... I·Az.b won ...... 103:_11 orma de&I wllh. 111-75; bnoll· ""I.-Inion _nlel ...eI. 25-11. 11G--7 I: Mlddl. EuI. pooIIQI Ind Nlblilty In .... d . 2, N....... ea....1 "bdel and. '1 : 5o"d l " .. btl .. .1Iy of. 3: Vl"'" l m Wor ond . 115. 151: Yom Kippur W... nd. 132

'""" u.s. N.!ional An:hiv ... 181--38 U.S. Spe


van Cre.ftld. Marlin. 40 V~n ..... l•• ISO. 1118 V_Ill.. p- . . eonr....""". 21 Villlna"'. 27. 119 Vielnarn W.... 113. 115. 126. 15 1. 112 von SanOOn. 0 110 Urn.n. I ~20

W...... hi.,.,.17. 81. H 7 W... of AUril ion. 123. 127-l8. 11M lVa.Most0n 100 W. 1e 'lP'le.187 ",,,",,,,n. of mau destructJ .... (WMD). $5 Welzman. Ezm. 118 Weizmann . 0..1 ... . 2~27. 41. IHI W..I &onk. 25. 106. 111. \l0. 122 Wilhelm II. )(&1.., •• 13. 14 Wil""n. Harold. 11 5 lViI..,n. Woodrow. i. 13; BenCutlon. David and. 27: 1.....1. (reaUon or .nd. 25; "' .... li·I'. I__ Unlan connie! and. 25; Zionlf1 movo ... onl and . 26. 21 Winp!o. Orde. 42-44 . 46. 114 Wi.li"",y. DlelfIr. 311 Wolfuw ll1. Paul. 20. I i i TIHo lVorld Crt.;.: 191 1_19111 (o.u n;hi ll). 17. 20. 41 World W.. I: Brltaio ... d. 1&-21. 21_22: o.urchlU . WIOI! ..... nd. 14_16. 11: Galilpoll CIIml"'ign


.nd. 1&-21 : Indian Anny and. 11: MIddle East.nd. 8. 14_ l tI: Ottoman Empire and, 14-1 8. 16-21: K",,1.0 and. 26: SAudi Arebi. and. 142: Scimitar lUll. bailie of and. 20: SUlIla &oy. bailie o f and. 20: YOUI>& l\uk.o and. 14 . 111 World War II. 1: Britain and. S4-51; o.urcltill. lVinston and. 55; H .... Minl. ...1 Amin al· and. 33; InIn and. 91: Iraq and. 4 11-&1. S4-51; Middl. East .nd. 14 IV';"'I. Lawrence. 181 W.. [lallld. 1M


'(adlo. '(ipel. 1111 '(eme" . II. IIO . 115. 155-66 Yom Kippur W... 86 . 103. 121-.12.

13M3 YOUflll Thrk RtYol .. Uon of 1_. 11_14 . 15 Young Thrk.o. 12_1 4 . 1411. 160; Al.olurk. Muttal. Kemal .nd. 111; German .1Itano:e w ith . 16: World War I .nd. 14 . 16

Zorqawi. Abu M""b .1·: .1· A_kaliy. Mo.que bombl"3 and . !WI. 73: d_lh 01. 12-13: Sunol I"" .. ,.ncy and. 12_13 Zi.... l_t onl. Zlooltm. 2So-Z6. 147: BoI,hevik R"""lulion and.


211: Britain ... d. 28 : wtloon. Woodrow and . 26. 21

The Middle East is always in the news, but have you heard:

o There has never been separation of mosque and state: Islamic governments control religious leaders or are controlled by them.

o Ariel Sharon's security fence in Israel-a monument to political incorrectness-has saved hundreds of Palestinian and Israeli lives.

The Harsh Truth about the World's Roughest Neighborhood Combine religion, race, the Cold War, America's enemies, and a history of colonialism, and you've got a breeding ground for the most virulent strains of politically correct mythology, distortions, and cover-ups. Welcome to the Middle East. In the Middle East, the cost of PC distortions can be measured in the lives of American soldiers, Iraqi civilians, Iranian dissidents, and Israeli Jews. Faith in the magic of democracy, a blind eye to the truth about Islam, and a fruitless search for terrorism's "root causes"-all of these PC delusions weaken America and draw out the violence there. The Politically Incorrect Guide'" to the Middle East is not an academic exercise;

it is crucial reading for understanding the most important conflicts of our time.

o Jimmy Carter's dogooder meddling in the Middle East is to blame for Iran's Islamic Revolution.

o Oppressive Arab regimes like Saddam Hussein's took their guidance from leftist ideologues.



Israel achieved peace with Egypt and Jordan through military might and a willingness to use it. Israel's greatest generals based their battle plans on the Old Testament.

Martin Sieff is the managing editor of international affairs for United Press International, and he reported from the Middle East for forty years. In addition, he has reported for the Washington Times, National Review, the Belfast Telegraph, and the Times of London. (over design by Kristina Phillips Cover illustration by Sam Ryskind

Praise for


Politically Incorrect Guide'" to

the Middle


"The mysterious Middle East is no longer mysterious when the distinguished commentator Martin Sieff has explained it all with his inimitable blend of scholarship. wit. and inside knowledge." -John O·Sullivan. author of The President. the Pope. ond the Prime Minister and editor-at-Iarge of National Review

"Martin Sieff. an especially incisive analyst of international issues. puts his formidable skills to work demolishing an array of myths about the Middle East." -Ted Galen Carpenter. vice president for defense and foreign policy studies

at the Cato Institute


Since 1947


Current Events u.s. $19.95 Can. $24.00

An EagIB PubIIsbIng Company • WashIngton, IX


A Main Selection of the Conservative Book Club

I SBN 978 - 1- 59698-051 - 8 51995

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