Museum of the Origins of Man PALEOLITHIC ART
Fig. 4,1) Lithic sculpture. It represents the head of a hominid, probably Homo habilis. Height cm. 4.5. Obtained from a pebble of silex. Place of origin: S.Severo, Foggia, Italy. Material culture: Olduvaian (Pebble Culture) The head is represented without jaw, or perhaps the jaw is just pointed out; it has been found in secondary layer with lithic tools, it is a little damaged from alluvial tumbling. Collection Museum of the Origins of Man.
Fig. 4.2) It represent the head of a hominid. Height cm. 6. Obtained from a nodule of silex. Place of origin: Rodi Garganico, Foggia, Italy. Material culture: Olduvaian (Pebble Culture evolued). The working concerns the face, the skullcap, and the posterior sides of the nape. The represented species of hominid seems to be near the Australopithecus robustus, and however to others hominids, that have preceded Homo erectus. The sculpture shows tumbling traces, but is not disfigured. Collection Museum of the Origins of Man. By Pietro Gaietto.