Phpi Member Handbook

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 13
PHPI Member Handbook 1st edition 2009

By Justin Brown [email protected]

Index 1)Index, pg 2 2)Introduction, pg 3 3)PHPI community, rules pg 4 4)Investigation standards, pg 5 5)Investigation time line, pg 7 6)Ghost interview (20 questions to ask), pg8 7)EMF, pg 9 8)Med release/emergency contact, pg 10 9)Liability waiver, pg 11 10)Property owner liability waiver, pg 12 11)Investigator copyright contract, pg 13

Introduction Park Hills Paranormal investigators is a group of individuals dedicated to professional and scientific study of paranormal events. The following information will outline how you should conduct yourself on inside/outside investigations, and when publicly representing PHPI. Investigations can be and almost always are an enjoyable experience, but as many things in life go, in order to obtain the best evidence possible we must maintain order, and work together as a team. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Prior to any investigation PHPI will select the investigators needed for any given investigation based on expertise, ability and availability. If you are not selected, do not get discouraged. We will fairly rotate team members so that everyone can participate. For investigations our team will consist of no more than 10 at a time unless required by the situation. PHPI will conduct monthly meetings and training sessions. If you do not attend these meetings for 3 consecutive months you will be placed on alternate status, and you may not see much action. PHPI reserves the right to replace any investigator who does not on a regular basis participate in group activities, or contribute to the group. Some locations may charge a fee for our group to tour or investigate the property. In this even each member will be expected to provide his or her portion of the fee,

if they are attending. PHPI can not, as a non-profit organization pay your way. PHPI will never charge a fee for our services, but will accept donations for equipment maintenance.

PHPI COMMUNITY RULES 12) Safety first! 13) Respect others and their opinions, belongings, property, the dead, and respect the chain of command. 14) Conduct yourself in a professional manor. 15) Absolutely no drugs or alcohol will be tolerated. 16) No guests are allowed without prior consent.

Investigation Standards The following Standards are necessary to ensure the safety of all PHPI Investigators and that their findings are of the highest quality. At all times safety and collecting untainted credible evidence should be our first priorities. Mistakes can always happen during an investigation, but these Standards are designed to reduce the frequency and seriousness of those errors.

1. Never go alone on an investigation. Use the “buddy system.” Do not go to locations alone and do not separate from the group during an investigation without having someone with you. Teaming up with someone will increase your safety, and also provide a witness to any evidence you gather or experiences you encounter. 2. PHPI members will always be prepared for investigations, by carrying proper ID, checking their batteries and film, and carrying spares of both batteries and film. 3. PHPI members will understand and be familiar with their equipment prior to going on an investigation. Once there, base readings will be taken with the EMF meters and other sensors to avoid false positives during the investigation. 4. Members must ensure that all dust, spots, and fingerprints are removed from camera lens before and during investigations. Camera straps should be removed and long hair should be pulled back to prevent obstructions in front of the lens. Fingers should be kept back from the lens and flash. In cold weather, always be aware of or hold your breath while taking the photo so you won't produce false "ecto" photos or other false anomalies. 5. Members should always refrain from taking photographs outside during bad weather. Do not take photos during rain, any type of storms, mist, fog, snow, heavy winds, or dust. If a dirt or gravel road has been disturbed, members should wait at least 30 minutes before attempting to take photos. Dust stirred up from a road can take a long time to settle back down. 6. Members should refrain from taking photographs directly into any light source or reflective surface such as glass or a mirror. This can cause light refractions in the camera lens, and results in photo anomalies that can be mistaken as paranormal in nature. 7. PHPI members will speak clearly and at a controlled volume during investigations. At no time during an investigation should any group member whisper or make strange noises/voices for any reason. Doing so destroys the credibility of all EVP work done on that investigation.

8. PHPI members will take notes throughout the investigation, recording their research efforts and any activity they encounter. These notes will describe the efforts and/or activity, along with location within the site and the time of occurrence. Attempting to use just your memory later, rather than notes, is an unprofessional way to work. 9. When encountering paranormal activity first-hand, it is preferable that the investigator say aloud, “I am experiencing something,” and then write down what they are experiencing. This prevents the power-of-suggestion from becoming a factor for the other investigators. Other investigators in the area should make notes about what, if anything, they were experiencing at the same time…and their notes can be compared later. 10. PHPI takes a professional and scientific approach to paranormal investigation. Mediums, Psychics, Ouija Boards, and/or Séances are not to be used unless specifically requested by a distressed home or property owner. If requested, Ghost Vigil will facilitate the location of individuals credible, reputable, and trained in those areas on a consultation basis only. 11. Smoking tobacco in only allowed in designated areas. Smoke can easily lead to photo anomalies that can be mistaken for paranormal activity. Drinking alcohol or using mind-altering substances is also strictly forbidden. 12. No Perfumes, cologne or any other scented products may be used on your person before and during an investigation. This is to rule out any unusual scents that may be encountered during the investigation. 13. Always clean up after yourself. Do not leave trash laying around.

Investigation time line

This is an ideal time line for an investigation. We will operate under the assumption that we are following this flow. There may be some drifting of schedule based on events at the time, or senior and lead investigators may decide to deviate from this schedule at any time. 17)Team arrives at location. 18)Senior and lead investigators will do a walk through of the property to establish baseline readings assess possible safety hazards, and determine areas for equipment placement. 19)Equipment is loaded to command. 20)Senior and lead investigators will separate into teams and delegate certain task to each team member. 21)Senior and lead investigators will determine which team will take which area and for what amount of time. 22)At the end of designated time, lead investigators will bring their team back to command, to re-assess the situation and determine the proper course corrections. Most likely rotating teams. 23)At the end of the evening, paper work is handed in and equipment loaded.

Ghost Interview 20 Questions to use when recording for Electronic Voice Phenomenon 1. What is your name? Do you have a nick-name? Were you named after some one? 2. How old are you?

3. Do you have any relatives? What are their names? You may want to simplify this further by saying what was your father's name, your mother's name? Etc.)Did your family move to this country from another country? If so where and do you know what year that was? 4. Are you married? What is your spouse's name? Were you married more than once? Do you remember your anniversary/anniversaries? Do you have children? What are their names and ages? Where and when were they born? 5. Where do you live? Do you own the place you live? Who did you buy it from? If you rent, what is your land lord's name? Did you build your own home? If so where did you get supplies? If not do you know who built it? 6. Where do you go to church? What is the pastor/fathers name? 7. Where do you work (or go to school, if the ghost is young)? What do you do to support yourself or what does your husband/father do to earn a living? Do they own the business or have an employer. Who is the employer? 8. What are your hobbies or favorite pastimes? Who is your favorite author? Politician? Performer? 9. Do you belong to any organizations such as The Masons, Knights of Columbus, or DAR? 10. Who are your close friends? 11. Where do you most like to visit? What stores do you buy your staples from? Where do you buy your clothing? 12. Where were you born? Was there a physician at your birth A midwife or relative? Do you know what their names are? 13. Are you attached emotionally to a possession? 14. Have you ever spent any time in an asylum, prison, or military installation or in the armed services, served as a law enforcement officer or held public office? A spirit may or may not know that they are no longer among the living. Many hypothesize that it may be dangerous to tell them they are dead while others believe that is the best way to try to convince the spirit to move on. The next questions will not necessarily be ones that you can research for documentation but many have good luck with spirits replying to queries along these lines. 15. How do you feel right now? How do you generally feel? Are you happy or sad? Physically, how do you feel? Are you in pain or emotional distress?

16. Are you ever tired, weak, hungry, or cold? 17. How is your long term and short term memory? Are your memories clear or do they seem confused? What is your strongest memory or experience? 18. Are you alone? Are you lonely? 19. What year is it? Do you know today's exact date? 20. Where are you?

EMF Meters Electromagnetic field detectors are very useful tools provided they are used properly. There are instructions with each type that you should read. These meters detect fluctuations in Electromagnetic fields. EM fields are normally generated by electrical appliances and other items such as computer monitors, cell phones, etc. They are also created by the weather in outer space such as geomagnetic storms and solar flares. When you find an unexplainable field, normally between 2 to 7 milligauss, it is associated with spirit activity. These meters are will not always detect a spirit present, but they are another helpful tool is tracking ghosts. EMFs are measured in units called milligauss. The things listed below can give you false positive readings when you are near them. Some of these things generate EM fields that surround the object and are a few feet thick so you do not have to be right on top of it to get a reading. Even a 2 - 7 milligauss reading can be given of by something natural so try to trace out a source. This is essential indoors. Computers Clock Radio/digital alarm clocks Microwaves Electrical outlets Electrical lines in walls, floors and ceilings Lamps Refrigerators ,Some pipes, copper Ballasts in fluorescent lights, even if light is off Batteries regular and rechargeable

Medical release form Name: Home Address: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Email Address: In the event of an Emergency, please list the names and telephone numbers of two individuals you would like us to contact.

Emergency Contact #1 Name: Phone: Emergency Contact #2 Name: Phone: Do you give us permission to transport you to the nearest emergency medical facility should you incur serious injury or illness during an investigation? Yes No If yes, please indicate the contact information of a physician or health care provider you would like us to contact. Name: Phone: Heath Insurance carrier? Are you allergic to anything? Do you have any pre-existing conditions about which emergency medical staff would need to know before treating you? Are you on any prescription medications that emergency medical care providers would need to know about? Contacts? Hearing implement? You are responsible for informing your lead investigator of any medical conditions that may need emergency treatment. Medical information is confidential; it is your decision and responsibility to inform other if you believe it is necessary for your health and safety while working with Haunted Missouri Paranormal Studies. Dated and signed this ______ day of _________________, 200_. Employee Signature IMPORTANT: THIS INFORMATION SHOULD BE STORED IN THE EMPLOYEES PERSONNEL FILE. SUPERVISORS OF EMPLOYEES THAT WORK IN THE FIELD SHOULD HAVE IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION.TO BE COMPLETED BY EVERY EMPLOYEE AND KEPT CURRENT

Liability waiver PHPI is not responsible for accident or injury incurred while on an investigation with PHPI as a team member, guest or observer. I, the undersigned, proceed at my own risk and take full responsibility for decisions pertaining to my own safety, health and welfare waiving financial responsibility for accident or injury which might occur during the investigation.

Signed_________________________________Date_______ Witnessed______________________________Date_______

Liability Waiver-- property owner Park Hills Paranormal Investigators agrees to waive responsibility on the part of the property owner, for any accident or injury occurred while on site during an investigation. PHPI members, guests or observers do so at their own risk. PHPI members will be responsible for any damage or injury that may occur, as set forth in our contract.

Location:_______________________________________ Signed:_____________________________Date___________ Witnessed:__________________________Date___________

Investigator waiver As a member, guest or observer investigating with PHPI I agree to use my own equipment (when applicable) to take readings and gather pictorial, audio or video evidence. Original work (photograph, audio or video) taken on this investigation will be copy right of the original owner and PHPI. This joint copy right will preserve PHPI right to copy, post or publish the work as part of investigation reports, data collections, compilations or anthologies (with full credit given) made in the future and based on this investigation. Neither the originator of this work nor PHPI will have to gain further permission from the other in order to post or publish this evidence. Your likeness, and works attributed to PHPI activities are subject to be used at a later time for television, radio, or internet broadcast.

Investigator: print name____________________ and sign:____________________ HMPS representative print name_____________________ and sign:____________________ Witness:_________________ Date:_________

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