St. Vrain Roundup Club Member Handbook

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 10
St. Vrain Roundup Club

Member Handbook

Table of Contents Brief History and Description of SVRC .............................................................................2 Board Member and Officer Responsibilities .......................................................................3 Volunteer Positions and Committees .................................................................................3 Age Divisions ...................................................................................................................5 Show Attire ......................................................................................................................6 Tack and Equipment.........................................................................................................6 General Horse Show Rules ...............................................................................................6 Gymkhana Events ............................................................................................................7 Point Classes ....................................................................................................................9 Points and Year-end Awards .............................................................................................9 Supplement Pages........................................................................................................... 10 Calendar of Events Show Schedule Show Manager’s Check List Officers and Board Members Volunteers Membership List

St. Vrain Roundup Club


A BRIEF HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE CLUB The St. Vrain Roundup Club (SVRC) is a non-profit, “for fun” organization of horse lovers and families. The club provides an opportunity for people of all skill levels to participate in low-stress and low-cost horse shows and gymkhanas as well as have social opportunities with people who have similar interests. The club has regular shows at the Boulder County Fairgrounds in Longmont during the months of April through September. These shows provide an opportunity for families to show and compete together, and they help get 4-H and horse show parents off the bleachers and into the saddle. Classes are divided by age levels and there is a novice class for new adult riders. Horse shows normally include traditional western horsemanship, pleasure, reining or western riding, and showmanship classes. In addition, we top off the show with barrel racing, pole bending, and a fun event such as flag racing. Walk/Trot and Leadline classes are available for the youngsters. Points are accumulated and year-end awards are given each year to winners by division. Awards include items such as silver belt buckles, breast collars, tack bags, etc. Social events include monthly pot-luck and club meetings during the winter months (some feature equine-related guest speakers), Thanksgiving potluck, and a holiday party with year-end awards, and ride-outs such as clinics and trail rides. The club depends heavily on its members to put on shows and events, and every member is encouraged to participate in a committee. Committees include all the support roles for hosting a horse show (flagging, announcing, ribbons, etc.) or supporting a social event. SVRC started in approximately 1956 in Longmont. Some of the original members still participate and have grandchildren in the club. The club originally met at a small arena just west of 9th and Hover. In the early 1960s an arena was built on the Selby’s property, which can still be seen (a little worn, but still there) just south of the Diagonal on 95th Street. The club currently uses membership dues and profits from shows to rent the facilities at the Boulder County Fairgrounds. SVRC sponsors the Cloverleaf Riders 4-H Club. This started in 1960 when the Fair Commissioner would not allow SVRC club members to show anything but Quarter Horses at the Boulder County Fair. This eliminated some children from showing their horses at the Fair. In response, a 4-H Club was formed by SVRC, under the leadership of Ralph Petrie, which allowed the kids to participate in the County Fair under the 4-H, FFA guidelines. The tradition continues today, with many families involved heavily in both clubs, and an independent and joint identification exist with each other. (It’s nice to see parents sweating-out a performance in a class of their own, rather than coaching their children from the top of the fence!) The Cloverleaf Riders have been under the Leadership of Wheeler Family since the sixties. Every year the club puts on the Wrangler Roundup at the Boulder County Fair Grounds, which is a large open gymkhana of speed events and normally attracts over 100 entrants. This is our major fund raiser and is a lot of work and a lot of fun! SVRC operates under the leadership of an elected board, has published rules for horse shows and gymkhanas, has a lot of fun, and wants you to continue your membership and have your friends and family join in on this Boulder County horseman’s tradition!

St. Vrain Roundup Club


OFFICER AND BOARD MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to the requirements listed under each title, officers/board members are expected to work at least one show and volunteer in as many activities as possible. President – One Year Term  Attends most shows and events.  Presents meetings and prepares topics and outlines for meetings.  Shall have such other powers and duties as may be required from time to time. Vice President – One Year Term  Stands-in for president when he/she is absent for meetings, shows, and events.  Arranges programs/speakers for the indoor meetings.  Assists the president as needed. Secretary – One Year Term  Responsible for club correspondence and publicity of club.  Records meeting (club and board) minutes.  Accounts for membership applications.  Assists president as needed. Assistant Secretary – One Year Term  Stands-in for secretary when he/she is absent.  Assists secretary as needed. Treasurer – Appointed  Responsible for all accounting functions (dues, shows, insurance, etc.) Board Members – Staggered Three Year Term (as appointed by Board)  Participates, suggests, and votes for rules and operations of the club.

VOLUNTEER POSITIONS AND COMMITTEES Announcer  Ensures that all announcements are made timely and in a polite manner.  Consults with judge and/or ring steward on how things will be handled (i.e. calling classes, sign language or radio calls for gaits, gate calls, placings, etc.)  Works with office in case of additions or deletions. Flaggers  Responsible for knowing the rules of flagging speed events and working horse events for timers and disqualifications.  Indicates to the contestant when ready for the next run by raising the flag overhead and stabilizing the end of the flag so it can be dropped to start the manual times.  Cues the timer when the tip of the horse’s nose crosses the starting line and the finish line, in order to start and stop the manual stop watch.  Observes if any disqualifications or penalties occur during the run and disqualifies exhibitors who break the pattern by waving the flag overhead in a negative (back and forth) motion thereby notifying the announcer.

St. Vrain Roundup Club


 Resets the electric eye timer as necessary.  Verifies time with timer and manual stop watch and electronic timer and assure the time is recorded before next exhibitor runs.  Prepares for next contestant.  Flagger may change duties or jobs at the end of one class and before the beginning of the next class. Once a class has started, the same flagger must finish the entire class. The flagger may not flag or time the age division class they are entered to ride. Gates  Calls out names/numbers for contestants and prepares class for entry.  Keeps spectator and contestants clear of the main gate way.  Assists ring steward with how contestants should enter the arena.  Organizes additions/subtractions from classes. Grounds  Ensures grounds are clean and organized at the end of the show or event (this includes manure, litter outside of trashcans, etc.) Office  Sets up the office and prepares for shows prior to beginning of show.  Processes entry forms, numbers, and payments.  Organizes event registries and remains in office during show. Recorder  Assists announcer as needed and records all scores.  Tallies points at open shows for high point awards. Ring Steward  Assists judge with all matters.  Communicates between judge and announcer.  Watches for safety concerns. Show Box  Prepares materials (entry forms, numbers, pins, stop watches, etc.) and brings the show box. Show Manager  Obtains and ensures volunteers are “manning” the show.  Ensures show runs smoothly.  Makes judgment calls as necessary. Timer  Manually times speed events incase of error with the electronic eye.  Works cooperatively with the flagger and announcer.  Starts and stops the watch based on the flag cues from the flagger.  Assists with resetting the electronic eye as necessary.  Documents the official times.  Timer may change duties or jobs at the end of one class and before the beginning of the next class. Once a class has started, the same timer must finish the entire class. The timer may not flag or time for the age division class they are entered to ride.

St. Vrain Roundup Club


Arena Committee  Confirms arena and grounds are suitable for shows and events prior to the event.  Contacts Board if cancellations are required due to weather or poor conditions.  Coordinates parking. Award Committee  Presents ideas and decides on appropriate awards for shows and awards. Judges Committee  Coordinates the judges through out the show season and retains a judges list and contracts. Points Committee  Records and tallies points for year-end awards.

AGE DIVISIONS Age divisions for riders shall be determined from the first of the year and shall hold for the full year. The age divisions are: Leadline: Class is for juvenile, beginning riders not confident enough to ride by themselves. The rider will need a handler to lead the horse. Riders will be shown both directions at a walk and trot. Riders in this class cannot enter Walk/Trot or Pee Wee pleasure. Walk/Trot: Class is for juvenile, beginning riders to gain experience showing and who may not have mastered cantering/loping. They can enter speed events and complete the pattern at the speed of their choice. Pee Wee: A rider 10 years and younger who is proficient at all three gates. Intermediate: A rider 11 through 13 years of age. Junior: A rider 14 through 19 years of age. Senior I: A rider 20 through 39 years of age. Senior II: A rider 40 through 49 years of age. Masters: A rider 50 years and older. Novice: An adult rider just learning to ride, who has had a limited amount of riding and/or show experience. The class is designed to give beginning riders a chance to begin show careers. Novice riders are welcome to enter respective age group classes not available in Novice division and will carry points earned for the novice rider year-end totals. Novice riders are encouraged to work toward moving up to their respective age group. SVRC Board will review Novice riders’ abilities after the year-end awards and will recommend qualified riders move up to appropriate age division.

St. Vrain Roundup Club


SHOW ATTIRE Suitable show attire shall be worn in all classes. Western classes shall require neat Western attire appropriate for the class in which you are showing. Judged events require long sleeved western shirt, hat/helmet, jeans, and boots. Chaps are optional. Speed events require boots but hat/helmet and long sleeved shirt are optional. English classes shall show in English shirt, coat, breeches, hard hat, and hunt or field boots.

TACK AND EQUIPMENT Contestants must be fully prepared with proper tack in good working condition. Any neat humane English or Western equipment may be used. Any equipment considered by the judge or the show management to be inhumane or abnormal will disqualify the contestant. Western: Horses shall be shown in stock saddles and ridden in a curb, spade bar, snaffle, cowboy snaffle, half breed bit or braided rawhide hackamore in appropriate classes. Bosals and nosebands are not permitted with a bit. Hackamores must have enough play to permit three fingers to pass between the chin and hackamore. Shanks may not exceed 8 ½ inches in length and wire curb straps are not permitted. Curb straps may not be less than ½ inch wide and may be of leather or double linked flat chain, twisted flat, and must lie flat against the jaw. In Judged Events/Classes: Horses are shown in a bit and mechanical hackamores are not allowed. Only a horse 5 years or younger may be shown with bosals and ring snaffles. Splint reins are required in all judged classes and trail classes. Closed braided reins are permitted only if used with romal. Hands cannot be changed and reins must fall on the same side of the neck as the hand uses. Dull spurs with rowels free moving are permitted. Ropes are not to be carried in youth classes. English: English saddle, regulation snaffles, pelhams and full bridles and cavesson nose band are recommended. Breast plates and braiding of mane and tail are optional. Boots, leg pads, martingales, and draw reins are prohibited.

GENERAL HORSE SHOW RULES 1. Once the class has been judged, it shall not be re-judged. Once a judge has marked his/her record there shall be no changing placings. All decisions of the judges/ timers shall be final. 2. A judge may order any person or horse from the competition for bad conduct of one or both; or may disqualify an contestant for excessive abuse of his/her horse. 3. The exhibitor is responsible for errors on the entry blanks. Any contestant withdrawing from a class or show after paying the entry fee or fees forfeits said fee. 4. All entries for the classes shall be made no later than one class before the one entered. 5. Entry numbers will be assigned to the riders. 6. There will be a three minute gate call. Riders showing more than one horse are expected to be ready when called or make sure that they have their horses scheduled in a convenient order. Extra time will be allowed for schedules that call for an English and Western class in consecutive order.

St. Vrain Roundup Club


7. A person may enter only one horse per event for placing. A second horse may be shown, but must be entered in the Novice Class in judged events and go last in the speed events. The second horse may only be shown exhibition and will not be placed. 8. All horses are to be under control at all times. 9. No youth (19 years of age and under) shall show a stallion. 10. Members may invite a guest to a club horse show. Guests must sign a waiver prior to showing and can enter one show without joining; points do not count for year-end awards. 11. Any question, problem, or complaint not covered by these rules shall be referred to the SVRC Board Members available and the show manager. The cost is $25 per protest.

GYMKHANA EVENTS Barrel Race: Three barrels shall be paced 75 feet apart in a triangle formation. The rider will cross start line, ride to #1 barrel, circle it to the right, ride to #2 barrel, circle it to the left, ride to #3 barrel, circle it to the left and ride across the finish line, passing between barrels #1 and #2. Or, the rider will cross start line and ride to #2 barrel, circle it to the left, ride to #1 barrel, circle it to the right, ride to #3 barrel, circle it to the right, and ride across the finish line, passing between barrels #1 and #2. Disqualifications: 1. violating general rules; 2. not crossing the finish line between barrels #1 and #2. Penalty: A five-second penalty will be assessed for each barrel knocked over. Contestants are allowed to touch barrels with hands.

40 ya rd


rds ya 40 25 ya rd


35 yards

Finish/Start Finish/Start

Pole Bending: Six poles should be spaced 21 feet apart with the first pole set 21 feet from the startfinish line. The rider crosses start line, rides to either side of pole #6 to the left or right and then weaves around the opposite side of each pole to pole #1, turns around pole #1 and weaves around the opposite side of each pole to pole #6, turns around pole #6 and rides across finish line. Disqualifications: 1. violating general rules; 2. riding across start/finish line when circling pole #1; 3. forward motion stops for more than 30 seconds.

St. Vrain Roundup Club



Penalty: Five-second penalty assessed for each pole knocked over.

Flag Race: Two containers (preferably 55 gallon drums) will be placed 100 feet apart, if arena permits, and 100 feet from the start-finish line. A five-gallon bucket filled with appropriate material should be placed on top of each drum. The rider starts with one flag in hand and deposits it in container A, proceeds to container B, removes the flag from container B and rides to finish line, or the rider starts without flag in hand and picks up flag at first barrel and deposits flag in bucket on second barrel and proceeds across finish line. Disqualifications: 1. rider misses picking up or depositing the flag or drops it before the finish line; 2. rider circles the barrel to pick up flag; 3. knocks over the bucket or barrel or both.


Keyhole Race: The rider crosses the start line, rides through the four-foot opening of four standing poles (six-feet apart) or stays within a chalk marked “keyhole”, turns the horse around either direction then rides back through the four standing poles and across the finish line. One or more assistants shall be stationed by the poles, to place the poles upright and/or to rake the disturbed area near the poles. Disqualifications: 1. violating general rules; 2. not crossing finish line between markers; 3. starting or stepping on or over the white line or not completely going through keyhole if set with poles. Penalty: Five-second penalty assessed for each pole knocked over.


60 Feet

General Disqualifications for All Gymkhana Events: 1. Contestant leaves the course or breaks the pattern. 2. Returns across the start-finish line before finishing the pattern. 3. If the horse is out of control before or during the run.

St. Vrain Roundup Club


4. 5. 6. 7.

If the contestant hits the horse with any equipment of the event (i.e. flag) If the contestant abuses the horse in any way. If the contestant uses unsportsmanlike conduct in the arena. Immobility or lack of forward progression (exceeding 60 seconds in events that do not require dismounting.)

POINT CLASSES Judged Events and Classes: Leadline, Walk/Trot, Showmanship, English Equitation and Pleasure, Western Horsemanship and Pleasure, Reining, Western Riding, and Trail (trail pattern should not exceed more than six obstacles. Three refusals or 30 seconds per obstacle time limit may be imposed.) Colorado 4-H or AQHA patterns will be used and posted. Speed Events and Classes: Barrels, Pole Bending, *Keyhole Race, *Flag Race, and *Stake Race. Fun Events (not eligible for Points): Halter, *Keyhole Race, *Flag Race, *Stake Race, Goat Tail Tying, Goat Tying, Bareback Dollar, Bareback Equitation, Command Class, Catalog Race, Egg Race, Musical Sacks, Sweetheart Race, Tire Race, Walk Trot Run, Water Race, and Training Level Horse (a horse being ridden and hauled in their first year.) *These may be run as either a Fun Event or a Point Eligible Event dependent upon the show.

POINTS AND YEAR-END AWARDS 1. Points for year-end awards are accumulated from the date club membership is paid in full. No points will be counted prior to receiving membership dues. 2. Members must exhibit in a minimum of three shows and volunteer in at least one SVRC sanctioned show or committee in order to earn year-end awards. 3. Members earn one point for class participation per event entered, whether they place or not. Points are earned according to placing in approved point classes over the current show year. (Placing points below include one participating point.) Number of Horses Shown 6 or more 5 4 3 2 1

1st 7 6 5 4 3 2

2nd 6 5 4 3 2 -

Points per Class Placing 3rd 4th 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 -

5th 3 2 -

6th 2 -

Year-end High Point awards are presented to the first six placings in each of the age divisions based on points earned in approved classes during the current club show season. In addition, the Overall High Point is given to one individual in the Adult and Youth age divisions.

St. Vrain Roundup Club


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