Photo Media Workshop Vadea - 2009

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More details

  • Words: 603
  • Pages: 2
Course Location

Wyndham College Nirimba Precinct Eastern Road QUAKERS HILL NSW 2763

Photomedia Workshop In recognitions of the developments in digital media within the classroom the Visual Arts and Design Educators’ Association has arrange a number of workshops to assist teachers in their classroom delivery. The photo media workshops will present a range of approaches to consider in the use of photographic and digital technology and programs that will support teachers in extending their use of ICT in the Visual Arts classroom. The workshops presenters have been selected on the basis of their extensive experience in the delivery of technology within the classroom. The size of the workshop class is limited to 10 attendees to ensure an optimal educational experience. Resources such as programs, sample CD and specific work samples produced on the day will be given to attendees. The workshops are design to provide ‘hands on’ experience and a supportive environment that identifies the needs of teachers. Presenters will assist in the guiding teachers to develop effective strategies and projects in digital media. All photo media workshops are designed for teachers at a fundamental level on completion of this workshop extension courses will be offered.

Course Date

20 June 2009 9:30am – 3:30pm Course Price (incl GST) Members $110 Non-Member $165 Courses on offer in the Digital Media Workshops available are: Lomography crossing new with old – Ron Pratt This workshop seeks to explore the creative potential through the use of lomo cameras. The workshop presents projects which employ old and new technology to produce innovative photomedia work. *** participants will need to purchase their own lomo camera prior to the course. These can be purchase through S&S, MCA and on the lomowebsite –

Photographic Printmaking – Craig Malyon The use and application of a number of photographic techniques employed in printmaking.Participant will make their own screen print to take and use back at school. This workshop will provide a range of approaches of using photo media in screen print of tshirts, decals for ceramics to solar etching prints. Participants will construct and take with them their own photographic screen to be used in the classroom. Digital Photography and Studio Lighting – Gary Poulton This workshop introduces the participants to the use of studio lighting and the use of digital camera. Participants will be guided to the effective use of lighting and be given instructions and how best to apply this in a classroom situation. Digital Photography The Basics Sharron Mountain This workshop is to assist participants who are unfamiliar with digital photography. It will explain and demonstrate differing cameras, use of technologies and the application of programs.

Wyndham College

Application form Name_________________________ School________________________

Photo Media Workshops Program

9:00 – 9:30 – Welcome and Registration

20 June 2009 9:30am – 3:30pm These workshops are designed to support with teacher’s professional development and provide a range of resources that can be effectively used in the classroom.

3:20 – 3:30 – Evaluation


Studio Lighting & Digital Photography

11:30 – 1:00 – Workshop Session 2

2:00 – 3:20 – Workshop Session 3

email ___________________________ Workshop Please tick one selected workshop

Photo Printmaking

11:00 – 11:30 – Recess


School Fax____________________ Mobile/Home number ______________________________

9:30 – 11:00 – Workshop Session 1

1:00 – 2:00 – Lunch (basic lunch is

School Phone__________________

Digital Photography – The Basics

For further enquiries please email to Craig Malyon [email protected]

Cost Member - $110 Non-member - $165 Please make the cheque out to VADEA (Visual Arts and Design Education Association of NSW Inc) ABN 21386957963 Post – PO Box 577 Leichhardt NSW 2040 Deadline for courses is 14 June

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