Phi Theta Kappa (alpha Delta Mu) Meeting Minutes

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Phi Theta Kappa (Alpha Delta Mu) Meeting Minutes Minutes Recorded By: Dalleane McNichols Minutes Reviewed & Approved By: Nicole Schoenstein

Meeting called to order By Whom: Nicole Schoenstein Date:11/17/09 Time: 12:34 P.M. Officer Role Call: Present (P), Absent (A), Late (L) Nicole Schoenstein (President) P Tammy Medica (Vice President) P Dorothy Doyne (Treasurer) A Dominique Leotta (Public Relations) A Dalleane McNichols (Secretary) P Stephanie Mac (SGA Representative) P Tina McConnell (Historian) A Carolyn Coulter (Advisor) P . Excused Absences: Dorothy Doyne (Treasurer), Tina McConnell (Historian) Member Role Call: Please refer to the attached attendance sheet.

Secretary’s Report: Dalleane McNichols. N/A

Advisor’s Report: N/A Vice President’s Report: Tammy Medica N/A SGA Representative’s Report: Stephanie Mac Club Coordinator’s Report:  Any clubs that wish to use a table in the J Building for a club activity must see obtain permission from Lisa Givens.  There is a basketball game on November 21. Time: N/A

 Clubs are only allowed one bake sale per month. When doing a bake sale clubs must bring their supplies, do not ask the cafeteria for supplies.  The Pleasantville Police Department is looking for volunteers for gift wrapping presents on Dec. 18 at 5pm at the Pleasantville Recreation Center.  The Pleasantville PD is also holding a holiday dinner for the elementary school on Dec. 19 at 12-3pm at the Pleasantville Recreation Center. If there is any questions contact Cynthia.  The adopt-a-school event and the Great American smoke out can be considered as minutes for any clubs that want to attend.  There will be an open mike hosted by the Drama Club in Cafe B on Mon. Nov. 23rd at 7pm. Program Chairs Report:  Gift wrapping for the adopt-a-school gifts will take place on Dec.1st at 1:30-2:30, Dec. 2nd at 2:00-3:00pm and rd Dec. 3 at 2:00-3:30pm. For location contact Wanda. Sophomore Senators’ Reports:  N/A 

SGA is planning a Singles Ping Pong tournament in the student life center. Winners will get a gift card. Date: SGA wants to do an activity to increase student awareness of SGA and all the clubs within ACCC.

President’s Report:   

Thanks for those who came to the self defense seminar. SGA is trying to host another seminar in the spring. There will be no SGA meeting until Dec. 2nd. The end of the semester trip will be put off until the beginning of spring semester.

Open Forum:  Latin experience is holding a drive to benefit the AC Rescue Mission. All items are needed, but they mostly need men’s underwear and socks. They will be putting out donation boxes.  Art Club is having a holiday fair on Dec. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. They are in need of vendors and they also want to know if any clubs want to participate.  Radio Club is collecting donating for the US Troops. There will be a box put out in front of the studio only during live shows.  The Atlantic Review needs a logo. They are planning on doing a contest for who could create the best logo; winner will get a gift certificate. They also want t-shirts. Treasurer’s Report: Dorothy Doyne N/A Historian’s Report: Tina McConnell N/A President’s Report: Nicole Schoenstein President, Nicole Schoenstein asked to help in the effort to support the family that was adopted by Phi Theta Kappa as the family elicits our support. Items for the benefit of the family are being collected until the 1st of December. Moreover, Nicole suggested the club could setup a table in front of grocery stores or even conduct a coin drop to help collect goods/money to benefit the family. Anyone interested in these ideas should contact Nicole. Partylite candles packages should be turned in by December 1st, in effort for the purchasers to receive their goods in time for the holiday season. Nicole handed out a list that was signed by Phi Theta Kappa members who wish to participate in the SGA’s adopt-a-school event which is to be held on Tuesday, December 8th from 10:00 AM – 1:30 PM.

Nicole presented a list that was signed by each members of Phi Theta kappa who wish to participate in the Phone-A-Thon Fundraiser to increase membership and to raise money for the club. Those who signed up will be sent a list of names to call via e-mail. Advisor, Carolyn Coulter ordered the lollipops a week ago, and is still waiting for them to arrive. Open Forum (questions, comments, concerns, ideas): Special Guest Speaker: Pattie Van Atter, Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Advisory Council. Pattie Van Atter, a Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Advisory Council was our guest speaker. Pattie became a member of Phi Theta Kappa in 1998 at the Gloucester Community College, a sister chapter of ACCC’s chapter, Alpha Delta Mu. She emphasized to us that Phi Theta Kappa goes beyond our graduation at ACCC. She outlined that there is a regional and an international level program. She stated that, Phi Theta Kappa has four Hallmarks. (a) Scholarship, (b) Leadership (c) Service (d) Fellowship. Additionally, Phi Theta Kappa has a competitive program called “Hallmark Awards.” Pattie gave us a brief description of each Hallmark and also handed out various Hallmark Award rubrics to each member.

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Examples of the Scholarship Hallmark: All topics under the Honors Study Topic – The Paradox of Affluence - are Primary focuses. The secondary Focuses are grouping with tutoring, mentoring and launching word of mouth about Phi Theta Kappa. Examples of the Leadership Hallmark: Promoting leadership is the primary focus (e.g. the programs that we offer in the club to educate the members.) The secondary will the head role on campus, like ACCC’s adopt-a-school program. Examples of Service Hallmark: Primary focuses on all the activities we engaged to operate in a green environment, recycling etc. The service Hallmark is typically easy to write about because Phi Theta Kappa is a service-oriented. The secondary focuses will be events like the blood drive, food drives and clothes drives.

Next year the format for writing Hallmark Awards will change. Next year we will be greeted with the “Honors in Action Format,” which will require chapters to write only a single paper as opposed to several papers. Moreover Pattie said that she is under the impression that our chapter has excellent planning/organizational skills, based off our club’s Newsletter that receives from President, Nicole Schoenstein. Further, Regional Hallmark Awards are due January 14th and International awards are due February the 3rd 2010. The Regional Convention is held on February 11th- 14th Ocean Place New Jersey, and the International convention is held on April 8th Orlando Florida. Special Recognition: N/A Announcements and Adjournment: Adjournment time: 1:46 P.M.

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