Ph2 Module Exam 2009

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PH2 Tuan Jala, 59yo sdh 10 TB, 2 ank 1 istri, rmh 20X m2, ventilasi and hygience kurang, pedagang lontong, ke Puskesmas disuruh minum obat slm 6 bulan, jarak rumah Puskesmas jauh, tidak sembuh2, jarang berjualan, Ia cemas…



Pemeriksaan kesehatan sebelum penerimaan pekerjaan berfungsi sebagai a. Pekerja cocok diterima di pekerjaan tsb b. Menjaga kebugaran selama bekerja

Health problem yang diderita pak X adalah

c. Pelayanan memuaskan

a. TBC selama 10 tahun

e. Semua benar

b. Berhenti pengobatan

d. A & B


c. Stress

Health education for worker is aimed to: a. Encourage workers to accept & continue the habit of safe working

d. A dan B e. A B C 2. Risk factor

b. Using the equipment of work properly

a. Akses ke Puskesmas ↓ b. Kondisi rumah ↓

c. Compose agreement to protect their health

c. Penghasilan ↓

d. A & B

d. A and B

e. All correct

e. SEmua benar 6. 3. Penyakit yang diderita Pak Jala termasuk : a. Common disease

Ciri liberalis, kecuali a. Exploitatif b. Biaya mahal

b. Occupational disease

c. Non-holistic and comphrehensive

c. Occupational related disease

d. Advocative

d. Penyakit menahun

e. Empathy

e. -

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7. Peran Primary health service di area pertanian: Page 1

PH2 a. Mendeteksi penyakit2 umum b. Mendeteksi paparan tumbuhan, panas dan debu c. Mendeesi penyakit zoonotic d. A B C e. A B In health care system, PT askes play role as: a. Purchaser b. Provider c. Regulator d. Purchaser and regulator e. Not mention above 8. Di bawah ini yang termasuk pengertian dokter keluarga yang benar, kecuali : a. b. c. d. e. 9.

12. 13. 14.Pada kasus penderita LBP yang terjadi pd seorang buruh kasar, maka pendekatan ergonomic yang tepat untuk kasus ini adl benar kecuali: a. Max angkat berat badan untuk Asia adalah 50kg b. Penggunaan kereta dorong untuk membawa beras c. Tiduk di rumah di tempat tidur yang empuk seperti hsk busa

Holistic Continue terapi Rasiomal treatment Disvortive Empati Pernyataan di bawah ini adalah benar untuk ergonomic kerja, KECUALI

d. Tidur di rumah dengan posisi menekuk dihindari e. Rasio berat badan dengan tinggi berat badan dibuat ideal

a. Berhubungan dengan alat kerja b. Berhubungan cara kerja


15.LBP proper ergonomy appoach, except:

c. Berhubungan linkungan kerja


d. Berhubungan dinamika kerja


a. b. c. d. e.

e. Berhubungan bahan baku


10. 11.

GoOd LuCk

Min 50 kg Usage of trolley Sleep on soft soon mattras Avoid sleep on chair Ratio of body weight/height ideal

16.Informasi yang harus diberikan dari Puskesmas a. Status kesehatan medis and risk factor b. Status kesehatan medis and risk factor sosial Page 2

PH2 c. Status kesehatan medis and holistic risk factor, upaya yang sdh dilakukan

19. The most correct status below for worker with TB are: a. Bronchitis among agriculture workers mustn’t be occupational disease

d. Status sosial, eko yang memperparah e. Biaya

b. The most important thing for occupation health program is redesign of health work process

17.The importance policy from stakeholder to maintain the health labour market, especially labour of carry the goods, except: a. Implementing the recommendation of ILO for the maximum weight lifting alowed b. Required the workers to use a corset for heavy lifting c. Provide eronomic equipment of transport with effective technology d. Require lifting labour to take a monthly laboratorium check up e. Develop social health insurance for gross worker market 18. Pernyataan dibawah ini adalah benar untuk biological health risk factor pada lingkungan kerja kecuali : a. Virus b. Actinomycetes thermophylic c. Gas dari bangkai d. Insect e. Basillus mycobacterium TB

GoOd LuCk

c. The most important intervention is work environmental continued d. The most important thing is provide mouth & nose masker for health worker e. The most important health instruction for the worker is : “those who got cough for more than 7 days should get chest radiologic examination” 20. 21. This statement is correct for family doctor approach in facing diabetic patient a. Care and treatment with insulin b. Risk factors identification and behavior that make it severe in order to be intervened with rational treatment c. Rational treatment with insulin and diet

Page 3

PH2 d. Regular control every month for family doctor

d. To decrease the proportion of tuberculosis by 12% by the end of 2012

e. Diet 1800 calories per day

e. To increase the proportion of tuberculosis by 80% who have had health education about tuberculosis prevention at school.

22. 23. 24. 25.When objective, what factors should be determined a. Health promotion

27. Which is prevention appropriate I the case above? a. Increase number of student aware of public spitting

b. Risk factors c. –

b. Increase the education of health promotion awareness by 80 % among student

d. – e. …

c. – d. Decrease the case of student who get TBC by 10% at the end of 2010

26. Which following program goal is appropriate to case above a. To increase the number of students who do not do public spitting at school by 80% b. To increase the proportion of teenager who had had health education about public tuberculosis prevention by end of 2010 c. To increase health education about tuberculosis infection by 80% is by end of 2010

GoOd LuCk

e. 28. 29. Tujuan dari perencanaan untuk health promotion: a. Agar program sesuai dengan permasalahan kesehatan b. Agar kelompok sasaran tau tujuan dari health promotion tersebut c. Agar evaluasi program daat dilaksanakan sedini mungkin d. Agar program dapat dilaksanakan kapanpun e. – 30.Health problem correspond to… Page 4

PH2 a. Goal determinant

d. Penyuluhan terhadap pola perilaku sehat e. Participate in sebar informasi

31. 32.which following factor that influence in choosing appropriate method of health promotion program:

38. The way to educate the healthy people to minimize risk and lead to healthy lifestyle is called _______service a. Preventive and promotive

a. Risk factor to health problem b. Time length c. Facilities available d. Main health problems e. Communication skill 33. 34.Social support from public figure (community leader) is important achieve goal of Health promotion. Function to public figure a. Public figure able 2 mediate by the way health promotion officer and community

b. Curative c. Rehabilative d. Post-pathogenesis Pathogenesis 39.kelompok masyarakat yang mengalami masalah kesehatan utama dikategorikan sbg: a. b. c. d. e.

Primary target group Secondary target group Tertiary target group Quartenary target group Modification target group

40. kelompok masyarakat yang mengalami masalah kesehatan utama dikategorikan sbg:

35. 36.

37. Yang seharusnya dilakukan terhadap kelompok sasaran untuk tercapainya tujuan program promosi kesehatan: a. Perubahan perilaju dan kebiasaan b. Modifikasi pola makan c. Check berkala

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a. b. c. d.

Primary target group Secondary target group Tertiary target group Quaternary target group

41.Effort to increase the public awareness about the importance of immunization as prevention for some disease can be considered as: a. Health promotion b. Specific promotion

Page 5

PH2 c. Early diagnosis and medical treatment d. Disability limitation e. Rehabilitation

44.As a person with LBP problem, Mrs SIti can be target of health promotion program. She can be included in..

Siti, 50y/o, jual jamu, 7pg sampai 1 ptg, punya 2 cucu, sakit punggung belakang dan dipijat but still X sembuh, X boleh meniaga yang mana merupakan sumber kehidupan utama.

a. 1st target group b. 2nd target group c. 3rd target group d. 1 and 2 target group

42. Which action is most appropriate effort of health provider 2 help Mrs Siti, and people with similar problem

e. 2 and 3 target group 45.If the disease suffered from an employee of a company is common disease, the statement below is true:

a. Health promotion b. Specific protection c. Early diagnosis prompt treatment

a. Companies must change the cost of treatment to recover


b. Company akan membebas page employee assigned to recover

d. Disability limitation e. Rehabilitation

c. Employees immediately come to check if the company clinic doctor suffering pain

43.According to level of prevention, early diagnosis through a screening program is considered as

d. A, B, C are true

a. 1st prevention

e. A, B are true

b. 2nd prevention c. 3rd prevention d. 1st and 2nd prevention e. 2nd and 3rd prevention

46. 47. Role of company doctor in clinical system of health services a.

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PH2 b. Primary health care giver c. d. e.

d. The second care provider for individual public health e. The tertiary care provide for individual health 53. Role of hospital a. Primary health care provider

48. A clinical company doctor refers his patient to medical rehabilitation hospital Dr. Saiful Anwar to get thoracolumbal photo. What type of reference on the case above?

b. Secondary health care provider c. Tertiary health care provider for individual

a. Technology

d. Tertiary health care provider for community

b. Means


c. Operational d. Patient e. Material inspection 49. 50. conceptually referral of community health service will involved the following: a. b. c. d. e.

Technological reference Operational Medium AC ABC

51. 52. what is the role of doctor Yang in health service system: a. The public health service provider b. The first health service provider c. The second health service provider for individual health GoOd LuCk

54.What is missing in the hospital system that makes the problem occurs a. Medical record b. Observation list c. Summary d. – e. –

55.She could not afford the payment in the hospital. What should she do to claim the money? a. Social insurance b. Private insurance c. Out of pocket Page 7

PH2 d. National insurance e. General taxation


56. To whom the hospital should be provide information about patient latest condition, treatment and follow up:

61.government coves all costs of health care of medicine for poor citizens in Indonesia, so government play role as:

a. Patient b. Family c. Patient and family d. Family physician e. Patient and family physician 57.

a. Purchaser b. Provider c. Regulator d. Purchaser and regulator e. Not mention above 62. When someone do plastic surgery as a cosmetic purpose, it is include in :

58. In the film, Health insurance service in USA make an additional payment which are not covered by insurance company :

a. Public b. Private

a. Permit

c. Public and private

b. Deductible

d. Not mention above

c. Co-payment


d. Fee of service

64. Village midwife play role as : a. Primary

e. Out of service

b. Secondary

59. Patient with DM need good medical record because diabetes is

c. Tertiary d. Individual Strata

a. Acute disease

e. Masyarakat strata

b. Sub acute disease c. Chronic disease that can be controlled easily d. Chronic disease many complication e. Self-limiting disease GoOd LuCk


65.Yang termasuk di system rujukan dalam UKM a. KAden b. RS provinsi c. Posyandu Page 8

PH2 d. Polindes e. Politek spesialis swasta

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