Ph2 Dp Platinum

  • December 2019
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PROPOSAL: Development Permit to modify existing Development Permit (DP No. 100497) by eliminating a freestanding amenity building from a townhouse development currently under construction at 22225 – 50 Avenue. RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: That Council authorize issuance of Development Permit No. 100564, subject to three (3) conditions and one volunteered contribution. RATIONALE: The proposal complies with the Murrayville Community Plan, Comprehensive Development Zone CD69, and the Development Permit guidelines.


09-27 11-06-0174

Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 2 RECOMMENDATION:

That Council authorize issuance of Development Permit No. 100564 to Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd. for property located at 22225 - 50 Avenue, in accordance with Attachment B, subject to the following conditions: a) Deletion of the “Amenity Building” shown on Schedules “B”, “K”, “L”, “P”, “R”, and “S” of Development Permit No. 100497; b) Landscaping plans in vicinity of the previously planned amenity building being in substantial compliance with attached Schedules “A”, “B” and “C”, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; c) Landscaping to be secured by letter of credit at the building permit stage; and further That Council accept the proponent’s offer to provide to each townhouse purchaser, a one year family pass to the W.C. Blair Recreation Centre. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:

Development Permit No. 100564 may be issued to Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd. to eliminate a freestanding amenity building from a townhouse development currently under construction at 22225 – 50 Avenue. The development continues to comply with the Township’s land use policies and, in staff’s opinion, with the Development Permit guidelines of the Murrayville Community Plan (see Attachment A). The rationale provided by the proponent for the removal of the amenity building, includes the provision of additional open space with enhanced landscaping, access and playing area. This is considered to be of higher value to the residents, providing outdoor and more active recreational opportunities. The amenity building previously contemplated was intended to primarily provide meeting and storage space with washrooms and a cooking area, as opposed to health clubs, exercise equipment, pool or sauna, generally associated with larger (+/- 6,000 sq. ft.) facilities. The proponents’ market research has indicated that such facilities are under utilized and the development less attractive to prospective purchasers, due to the higher amenity fees. Staff recommend that revised Development Permit No. 100564 be issued and that Council accept the proponent’s offer to provide to each townhouse purchaser, a one year family pass to the W.C. Blair Recreation Centre. PURPOSE:

This report is to provide information and recommendations concerning proposed Development Permit No. 100564 for property located at 22225 – 50 Avenue.

Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 3


Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 4


Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 5

Site plan from previously approved Development Permit – SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT (i.e. showing amenity building)

Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 6

Revised Site Plan – SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT (minus amenity building)

Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 7


Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd. (Avtar Johl) 201, 12837 – 76 Avenue Surrey BC V3W 2V3

Legal Description:

Lot B Section 6 Township 11 New Westminster District Plan BCP29975


22225 – 50 Avenue


1.8 ha (4.5 acres)

Existing Zoning:

Comprehensive Development Zone CD-69

Murrayville Community Plan:

Multi Family Three (maximum density 41 units per ha/ 16.5 units per acre) E.S.A.# 066 – Murrayville Urban Area (Rating - #3)


The subject 1.8 ha (4.5 acre) site was previously owned by the Township and was sold to Pacific Pointe Homes (Murrayville) Ltd. after a Request for Proposals (RFP) in 2006 involving Township lands north of 50 Avenue between 221A and 223 Streets. The site was rezoned to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-69 in April 2008. Development Permit No. 100497 was issued at the same time for a 73 unit townhouse development and included a 250 m2 (2,688 ft2) amenity building at the south end of the site (near the proposed site entrance from 50 Avenue). Relevant schedules from Development Permit No. 100497 (Schedule B – Site Plan; Schedule K – Amenity Building Elevations; Schedule L – Amenity Building Floor Plan) are attached to this report as Attachment B for information purposes. The property was subsequently purchased by Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd., which applied for building permits to construct the proposed townhouse project. Platinum is currently building the initial phase of townhouses and has requested the elimination of a previously proposed amenity building from the project. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS:

The CD-69 zoning of the subject site was written to accommodate the development proposal submitted by the previous owner (Pacific Pointe Homes (Murrayville) Ltd.). Although the CD-69 zone does not specifically require an amenity building to be provided, it does require buildings and structures to be sited in accordance with the provisions of a Development Permit. Development Permit No. 100497 which was issued on April 7, 2008 required development to be in substantial compliance with attached schedules, indicating a 250 m2 (2,688 ft2) amenity building (with basement and main floor levels) at the south end of the site. Details of the amenity building are shown in Attachment B. Staff note that the amenity building as originally proposed was to contain meeting space, office, bathroom and storage areas on the basement level, with additional meeting space, bathrooms and kitchen facilities on the main floor level.

Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 8 In order to eliminate the amenity building from the proposal, a revision to the original Development Permit is required. Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd. has applied to revise the original Development Permit to eliminate the previously proposed amenity building, and has provided the following “Rationale for Removal of Amenity Building” in support of the request: “Rationale for Removal of Amenity Building The landscape plan has been revised to reflect replacing the amenity building with open green space. This change allows significant improvements to the site and neighbouring area. 1. As this development and the neighbouring development to the west are both higher density relative to single family development, this will be significant open space in the area. 2. Open space such as this will allow more active recreation versus passive uses. Younger children will be able to run, kick a soccer ball or play catch with a baseball under the watchful eyes of parents. Families will certainly be attracted to such a community. 3. Open space such as this will provide relief for the residents of this complex adding to the lower density nature of this quality townhouse development. 4. Open space will allow better views and additional sunlight into the rooms and yards of adjacent homes. Additional reasons for the removal of the amenity building are as follows: 1. The feedback we have received from purchasers of past projects is that the usage of the amenity building is extremely low and they would rather avoid the higher strata fees resulting from having an amenity building. 2. In our experience amenity buildings only make sense where the development is large (greater than 150 units) and the size of the amenity building is such that it provides a full array of recreation choices and upscale furnishings. Residents will only utilize amenity buildings in those situations where the amenity building offers feature such as health clubs, pool, sauna, steam, indoor play court, concierge services, amenity staff etc. The development must be of a large scale to ensure the viability of both the initial capital costs and the ensuing operating costs of such a facility. The size of our development does not justify the provision of such an amenity building. 3. It does not make sense to construct an underutilized on-site amenity building when this location is within walking distance of superior amenities in the Murrayville area which are underutilized. 4. An amenity building in this size of development does not allow for the hiring of amenity staff resulting in a significant burden upon volunteer strata council members who must oversee the operation of the amenity building. Issues such as administration of keys, repair and upkeep, theft of equipment, and damage are difficult to manage. It is difficult to have all residents take a high level of responsibility for the care and maintenance of an amenity building. The assessment of who is responsible for any damage lends itself to internal discord. 5. All of the units in this development are over 2,000 square feet, which is more comparable to that of single family homes rather than many of the higher density townhouse developments. With units of this size there is limited demand for additional indoor amenity areas as the units themselves provide ample space for the provision of resident needs. 6. Marketing staff feedback is that the vast majority of purchasers are very happy when they discover there is no amenity building and the associated costs and responsibility.”

Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 9 Revised Proposal: The proponent has amended his plans to include additional landscape works on the former amenity building site. Revised plans have been submitted by the project’s landscape architect, and are attached as Schedules to Development Permit No. 100564 (see Attachment C to this report). The layout of the landscaped amenity area near the south entrance to the development has been revised by reorganizing the play area (shifting it to the south) to allow better access by users to the sod lawn area. A pedestrian entrance to the amenity area has been added on its south edge, highlighted by an architectural trellis. Seating areas have been rearranged and several additional “spring toys” incorporated. The proposed revisions have been reviewed and accepted by the Manager of Parks Design and Development. Other Considerations: In addition to the above, the proponent has volunteered to provide one year family passes to the W.C. Blair Recreation Centre to each townhouse purchaser. As the Blair Centre is within walking distance of the site, the intent is to introduce purchasers to its facilities and programs (as apposed to construction of the on-site amenity building). Policy Considerations: The proposed deletion of the amenity building from the development requires Council’s approval as the amenity building was included in the previously approved Development Permit. The proposal, in staff’s opinion, continues to comply with the Development Permit Guidelines of the Murrayville Community Plan (see Attachment A) and with the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw. The subject property is designated as a mandatory Development Permit area to allow Council the opportunity to review the form, character and siting of development. The amenity building was considered to be a component of the development’s form and character. Before registering a phased strata plan, the applicant must first obtain the approval of the Township’s Approving Officer (on “Form P – Phased Strata Plan Declaration” under the Strata Property Regulation) concerning the phasing of the development and provision of common facilities. In this case, the proposed deletion of the common amenity building must be approved by Council (through approval of the subject Development Permit application) before the Approving Officer is able to sign “Form P”. Staff recommends that DP100564 be issued subject to three (3) conditions, plus acceptance of the proponent’s offer to provide one year family passes to the W.C. Blair Recreation Centre to each townhouse purchaser. Staff have notified adjacent property owners that this Development Permit application is being considered at its next meeting, and they may attend and speak to the matter should they deem necessary. They have also been provided with a copy of this report.

Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 10 Council’s consideration of the Development Permit request must be based on the form, character and siting of the proposal. If Council concurs, staff recommends that the Development Permit be issued as attached. Respectfully submitted,



Murrayville Community Plan Development Permit Guidelines Excerpts from existing Development Permit No.100497: Schedule B – Site Plan Schedule K – Amenity Building Elevations Schedule L – Amenity Building Floor Plan Development Permit No.100564: SCHEDULE A –Landscape Plan - former Amenity Building area SCHEDULE B – Plant List SCHEDULE C – Trellis Details at former Amenity Building area

Development Permit Application No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 11


Residential Development Permit Area Multi Family and adjacent Institutional areas are designated as development permit areas under Section 945(4)(e) of the Municipal Act to establish objectives and provide guidelines for the form and character of development. These areas are shown as Development Permit Area A on Map 3. The objective of the development permit area designation is to ensure safe and attractive multiple family neighbourhoods and to reduce conflicts with adjacent uses. The development permit guidelines for this area are: (a)

Development should be designed to integrate with and be compatible with adjacent development with respect to siting of buildings, exterior finish and design. Pitched roofs shall be encouraged.


Buildings should be designed and sited so that sun penetration to roads and adjacent properties is maximized.


Landscaping shall be required to enhance the appearance of the development. Careful consideration shall be given to retaining as many of the existing trees as possible. Buildings and parking, loading and storage areas should be screened from adjacent roads and single family residential development. Garbage receptacles and other service areas should be screened. A landscaping plan shall be submitted as part of a development permit application.


Building materials, design and massing shall support the creation of an attractive residential environment. The use of "untreated" concrete or "unfinished" metal or aluminum as a final building finish shall not be permitted.


Signs should be designed so that they are compatible with buildings.


Walkways should be developed to ensure convenient access to and from adjacent commercial and institutional uses. For security, walkways should be lighted and allow overview from adjacent dwellings.


Ravine and creek areas shall be treated under the provisions of Development Permit Area F, Section 3.11.



Attachment B




Development Permit No. 100564 This Permit is issued this _______ day of ____________, 2009 to: 1.



Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.


201, 12837 – 76 Avenue Surrey BC V3W 2V3

This permit applies to and only to those lands within the Municipality described as follows and to any and all buildings, structures and other development thereon: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:

Lot B Section 6 Township 11 New Westminster District Plan BCP29975 (hereinafter called the “said lands”)


22225 – 50 Avenue

This Permit is issued subject to compliance with all of the Bylaws of the Municipality of Langley applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this permit as follows: a) Deletion of the “Amenity Building” shown on Schedules “B”, “K”, “L”, “P”, “R”, and “S” of Development Permit No. 100497; b) Landscaping plans in vicinity of the previously planned amenity building being in substantial compliance with attached Schedules “A”, “B” and “C”, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; c) Landscaping to be secured by letter of credit at the building permit stage;


The land described herein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions of this Permit and any plans and specifications attached as a Schedule to this Permit which shall form a part hereof. This Permit is not a Building Permit. All developments forming part of this Development Permit shall be substantially commenced within two years after the date the Development Permit is issued. This permit shall have the force and effect of a restrictive covenant running with the land and shall come into force on the date of an authorizing resolution passed by Council. It is understood and agreed that the Municipality has made no representations, covenants, warranties, guarantees, promises or agreement (verbal or otherwise) with the developer other than those in this Permit.

Development Permit No. 100564 (Platinum Group Enterprises Ltd.) Page 2 This Permit shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION PASSED BY COUNCIL THIS ____ DAY OF __________, 2009.

SCHEDULE A – Landscape Plan (Amenity Area around previously planned Amenity Building) SCHEDULE B – Plant List SCHEDULE C – Amenity Area Trellis Detail ȱ






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