
  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 12

Hey! The month of April was a much needed break from the mundane routine, giving a vent to the creativity of some and the critical appetite of the rest. Inaugurated with a sparsely crowded Hasya Kavi Sammelan, the second day of Infest’09-Udaan was happening with the Student Faculty Meet which mobilised a sizeable crowd, many of who discovered an adventurous side to them. The Fashion Competion the following day was a treat to watch and a challenge to judge. While the 2nd semmers stole the show with their panache, the 4th semmers were not far behind their juniors with their innovative and swanky costumes. It was an exceptional year with both the semesters displaying well rehearsed choreos with the conspicuous absence of major goof ups. The 4th semester’s TF surprised the audience with an hour of laughter and of course, the sensational TF by the Interns definitely does not require a eulogy. D 2 O, the Heavy Rain Dance Party was an apt finalle with the revitalising dash of water adrenalising the crowd who grooved to the beats till the wee hours of morning. Here’s bringing you the second edition of the wall magazine. A copy of the same will be available in the Page Turners and also on the official website of the Students’ Union I’d like to thank all the contributors and urge everybody to contribute generously for further editions. Suggestions are, as always, more than welcome. Hope you enjoy reading The Phoenix.

Ankita Chakravarty Magazine Editor 9999258294 [email protected]

Top Five Reasons Why i Am a Geek When my brother called me a ‘geek’ for the umpteenth time last evening, I seemed to have realized that I am now, indeed, immune to his chaffing. In fact, with the advent of shows like ‘The Big Bang Theory’, people have finally become privy to the fact that we geeks also have a sense of humor. And it has mass appeal! Of course, some people try to run away from this status as if it’s some dubious distinction, but I, bearing no inhibitions of such sort, proceed to present to you the clinching evidence. (By the way, this list is in no fixed order. Rather, I invite you to arrange the points in ascending or descending order!) 1. Well, I not only have two left feet, I must be having a dozen left feet. As is inevitable, I have received numerous invitations from my ever-so-caring friends to join them on the dance floor, but I always manage to wriggle out someway. But my excuses are getting really bizarre now, the latest one being, “What is dancing but merely an act of gyrating the body in a rhythmical manner synchronous to sound waves leading to nothing?” Quite understandably, the people prompting me to dance had vanished halfway through my monologue! 2. I have been a regular on the Delhi school quizzing circuit and though I can claim that the experience has blessed me with the ability to think laterally, I certainly can’t see the point to learn up random facts. (Obviously, the prizes! With amazing teammates winning isn’t really such a big problem.) I mean, seriously, who needs to care that Mogambo in ‘Mr. India’ was actually named after the Swahili word for ‘Passion’. And only someone like me can correctly guess “1-1-18, Toyama, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0052 JAPAN” to be the address of… brace yourself for this… The Japan Cricket Association!

3. My feeble stabs at flirting can be best summed up with a narrative of the following event which is a classic representative of my dealings in the realm of romance. There was this girl I fancied in school, so once during a school function, when I thought she was looking really pretty, I decided I’d go and tell her that she’s looking nice. As I walked up to talk to her, brimming with confidence, all that I managed to blurt out was, “Your contact lenses are really Phoenix Page 2

neat!” Seriously, where did that come from?! All I could do after that was smile foolishly. 4. People often tend to associate me with needless verbosity, which according to one of my friends is “spreading much like an effective pathogen”. Well, it is true that I even write messages on my mobile without abbreviations. I consider it a challenge to use as many three syllable words in a 160 character SMS as possible. All I can say is that my ultimate aim is to make my thesaurus the reason for the existence of your dictionary! 5. I landed myself up at AIIMS. No offence to anyone, but I guess that’s reason enough. Tejas M. Suri 2nd Semester, M.B.B.S.

Phoenix Page 3

bdjkj ;w¡ uk Nwuk eq>s dHkh dgdj] mUgksus eq¡g cuk fy;kA ge rks Mj gh x;s Fks] fd uk tkus geus D;k fd;kAA eq>dks gh Mk¡Vdj] vius I;kj dks Nqik fy;kA vki cMs+ [kjkc gks dgdj] eq>s ;w¡ gh :yk fn;kAA eq>dks jksrk ns[k] fQj muls uk jgk x;kA esjh Hkkoukvksa dk iru] muls uk lgk x;kAA fQj fny dh ckr cksy ghs nh] fd ge Hkh vkiis ejrs gSaA ysfdu dksbZ xyr uk le> ys] bl ckr ls Mjrs gSaAA gk¡ esjk Hkh eu djrk gS] vki dks Nw ysus dkA bl tknwe;h ,glkl dks] viuk cuk ysus dkAA ij Mj gS fd dgha vki eq>s Hkqyk uk nsa dHkhA dgha cg uk tk;sa ;s ttckr vk¡lw cudj lHkhAA C.S. Singh B.opth. tech (Phase-I)

I still very well remember


The day I became a member

It felt no ordinary being a part

Of an outstanding 250-something family cart. Every one came, well almost

Breaking shackles of all sorts Unperturbed by all excuses

Exsanguining me like leeches

They would encircle me glaring

Shrieking and baritones blaring All driven by a common motive

Some being protective, some provocative. All those tasks and tantrums

Then the sudden about turns Would leave me all perplexed

Was I being rescued or axed? I felt miserable indeed

For I thought, I deserved heed

Unaware of the process and projections

I stood and sat as per the spooky directions. As I shivered through the chilling winter My fates forecasting no shelter Even a distant light

Would evoke hope, though slight.

Phoenix Page

The fun moments some call might In the odd hours of gloomy night Slumber trickling down the eyes Would hastily hide in a crevice On the rare mention of some

Soul-cheering words like “Comesum”. Perversion soared higher than Tsunami When Sasaram welcomed Kesarwani And torn undies flying high In not so bright a sky.

As the Mayhem approached its end

Mercy was nowhere near what was about to be lend It surely lived up to its name,

Of the ‘healthy interaction’ fame. After anda-tamatar and freshers’ fuss ‘I’ became ‘we’ and ‘me’, ‘us’

Nothing seemed personal or private

For we had shared more than food and fate. Sirs and Mrs got shed

As we slept in their bed

The familiar old devilish smile Got reciprocated in a while

And the undeniable offer of cocktail cup

Fortunately changed to “Hey Dude! What’s up?”

Anurag Chahal (THE POET)

4TH Semester, M.B.B.S. Phoenix Page

LISTEN… The path I tread Leads me nowhere The days I dread Beckon me there The dreams I nurtured Are fading out Only to reappear And mock me aloud Though being invisible I see you everywhere Gave myself to you Yearning for a share Though being inaudible My music is you The pain engulfs me I can’t bid adieu Sweta Subahdarshini 4th Semester

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