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Future Events Monday 7 September - Standing Committee

The Parish Church of St. Swithun, East Grinstead with St. Barnabas & St. Luke

NOTICES SHEET For your prayers this week: Each Day The tasks of the day, the needs of the world, God’s guidance and taking time to listen. Moat United Reformed Church. Waterside, Maple Drive, Sycamore Drive

19th July 2009


The duty warden at 10 am at St Swithun’s today is:

Anne Ivorson

Mon All playgroups and schools in our town. All who are homeless or without jobs. Tue CARE Credit Union. The managing change group. Wed Tea and Toys and Jolly Tots. The unemployed and Carers at home. PCC Estcots School Leavers’ Service Thurs Youth Group, our Youth Worker and those working with children and young people. The Good News Club and Link. Fri Baby Club and all parents. All who are sick in hospital or at home. The housebound and lonely. The homeless and those struggling at this time. Sat Our clergy and readers Those who prepare for our worship each week. Parish musicians. New Bishop of Horsham

Collect Merciful God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as pass our understanding: pour into our hearts such love toward you that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

The Eucharistic Readings Jeremiah 23:1-6 Ephesians 2:11-end Mark 6: 30-34, 53-end

The coming w eek Wednesday - PCC meeting Saturday - St Barnabas’ Coffee Morning

Next Sunday’s Services Sunday 26th July

DUTIES TODAY (19 July) St Swithun's: 8 am: Revd David Ivorson 10.00 am: Revd Mark Eminson, The Vicar 12 noon The Vicar 6.30 pm Mrs D Matthews St Barnabas': Revd Julia Peaty St Luke's: Revd David Ivorson

The Parish Office St Swithun’s Close, East Grinstead, RH19 3BB Tel: 01342 325026; Email: [email protected] Open: weekdays 9.30 - 12 noon Saturdays (wedding enquiries only) 9.30 -10.30 am Notices sheet deadline: Wednesday 10.30 am Notice sheet email: [email protected] Parish website:

Trinity 7

8 am 10.00 am 6.30 pm

ST SWITHUN’S The Eucharist Sung Eucharist Evening Prayer

9.15 am

ST BARNABAS’ Worship Together

10.30 am

ST LUKE’S The Eucharist

Next week’s Eucharistic readings: 2 Kings 4:42-end Ephesians 3:14-end John 6:1-21

N OTICES DAVID’S FIRST EUCHARIST David offers his warmest thanks to all who participated in his first Eucharist, as well as at the Ordination service. On both occasions the servers, welcomers, readers, intercessors and musicians gave their all; the continuing celebrations afterwards were greatly appreciated, as were the floral decorations in the church. Thank you for all your love, support and hard work. Many thanks to Lillian Allerton for her beautiful work in restoring the gold Altar Frontal. Also, thank you for the lovely water colour of St Swithun’s church from the Fair Field – a fitting gift to remind me of my many friends in the parish.

OUTREACH COMMITTEE We are pleased to announce that Kate Mooney has agreed to Chair the Outreach Committee. Please will you offer her your full support. FOLLOWING JESUS Starting in September Mark will be leading this course, which is the first half of the Bishop's Certificate (but it can be done on its own). Over 26 sessions it covers the range of the Bible, Old and New Testaments and our own calling as the Church. It is a superb opportunity to grow in knowledge and faith. We will be meeting on Monday evenings. There is also a reasonable cost for the course materials. Do please speak to Mark for more information and to sign up (311021).

THANKS My sincere thanks to everyone who helped with all the catering, moving furniture, clearing up all other outside arrangements on the last three special Sundays. It was most appreciated. Jenny Peters

St SWITHUN’S HALL BOOKINGS 2010 The new Hall diary is available during July exclusively for church events to be booked before it is opened to our other regular users on 1st Aug. Please email [email protected] with any key dates ASAP. Robert.

THANKS A very big thank you from Clive to everyone who worked so hard in so many ways to make the last three Sundays such a special occasion at St Swithun’s.

OPEN HOUSE CLUB MEMBERS Please note that there will be no meeting in July, due to unavoidable circumstances. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 25th August at 12.30 pm when we will enjoy lunch together. Wendy Gould

BISHOP OF HORSHAM Please pray for Fr Mark Sowerby as he is consecrated Bishop of Horsham at the Cathedral next Saturday.

MOTHERS' UNION Mothers' Union members are invited to a circular walk (approx. 2-3 miles) on Wednesday 22nd July starting at 8 Byron Grove at 7.30 pm. Barbara Jones.

PARISH PILGRIMAGE There will be a parish pilgrimage to Chichester on Saturday 17th October. Please keep the date free and await further details. INVITATION Pam and Richard Mansfield would like to invite members of the congregation to join them in St Swithun’s to celebrate the marriage of their daughter Natalie to Gary on 1st August at 3 pm. ST BARNABAS’ COFFEE MORNING The coffee morning at St Barnabas’ is this Saturday (25th), at 10 am. Everyone welcome

PEWSLIP NOTICES During the holiday period, please will you ensure that any notice for the weekly sheet is delivered to the office or emailed to [email protected] no later than 10.30 am each Wednesday to ensure its inclusion. PIGEONHOLES Please do not forget to check the pigeonholes in St Swithun’s for post. SACKVILLE COLLEGE FLOWER FESTIVAL The Flower Festival to mark Sackville College’s 400th anniversary is on 31st July - 2nd Aug, 10 am to 5 pm each day. Admission £3.50.

YOUTH BARBECUE Today St. Swithun's young people are enjoying a barbecue at the Mark’s house SPONSORED TRAX EVENT the young people of our TRAX group will be spending the night in church on 19th Aug to raise money for the Queen Vic hospital. We will be exploring the Eucharist through art, music and other activities, celebrating the sacrament at about midnight. This will be followed by some sleep! If you would like to sponsor the group, please see Deborah after church. TINY TOTS SERVICE AND PICNIC Thurs 13th Aug, 10.30 am in St Swithun’s followed by picnic at East Court. Older children welcome to join us. Deborah

CHOIR CD The Choir has recorded a complete CD of hymns and other music from Holy Week and Easter, and it is available now. The minimum suggested price is £8 - which is great value for about 75 minutes of lovely music. Proceeds will go towards development of the choir and other church priorities. Andrew Milton-Thompson

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