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  • June 2020
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Toilets are situated in the Church Hall which is adjacent to the Church (Holy Trinity, Pennant and Llanddewi Aberarth). Toilet facilities are also available in Henfynyw next to the Vestry. There is Pebbles (crèche)/ J-team/Rock Solid (Sunday School) in Holy Trinity, on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th Sundays. Please ask for details. The sermons in Holy Trinity Church are recorded at the 11am service. Please do use the tape lending library which is situated in the Church Hall. A wide variety of Christian books to borrow and to buy are available in Holy Trinity Church.

This parish is a Safe from Harm organisation and works within the guidelines of the Church in Wales. If you are visiting us and have children, they are very welcome to attend one of our Pebbles/J-team/Rock Solid classes. Please see one of the wardens or clergy for more information. Giving If you are a taxpayer, please consider letting the church reclaim tax on your offering. This will increase its value by 20% at no extra cost to you. Use the envelopes at the back of the church, making sure to fill in your name and address. Thank you.

Services for the next few Sundays 1 November - Kingdom 1 Holy Trinity 9am Cymun Bendigaid 11am Morning Worship & Pebbles/J-team Guest preachers: Daniel & Gail Castro 6pm Monthly Prayer Meeting Henfynyw 10am Holy Communion (B) Aberarth No service Pennant 2pm Holy Communion (B) 8 November - Kingdom 2 (Remembrance Sunday) Holy Trinity 8am Cymun Bendigaid 11am Morning Worship & Pebbles/J-team/Rock 6pm Holy Communion Henfynyw 10am Family Service (B) Aberarth 2pm Holy Communion (B) Pennant No service

The Parish of Henfynyw and Aberaeron with Llanddewi Aberarth and Llanbadarn Trefeglwys A very warm welcome to our service today, especially if you are new or visiting. If we can help you in any way, or if you would like to find out more about any aspect of church life, please introduce yourself to one of the churchwardens. May God bless you / Bydded i Dduw eich bendithio.

Today’s Readings

Next Sunday

(1984 readings on page 201)

O.T. Isaiah 55:1-11

Last Sunday after Pentecost (Bible Sunday)

Services Today Holy Trinity 9am Cymun Bendigaid 11am Family Service (followed by coffee)

(362, 40, 921, 1198, 42) 6pm Evening Prayer

O.T. Deuteronomy 6:1-9

(page 742; tudalen 671)

Henfynyw 10am Morning Prayer (E)

Psalm 19

Psalm 119:1-8

N.T. 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5

N.T. Hebrews 9:11-14

(page 1197; tudalen 235)

Gospel John 5:36b-47

25th October 2009

Llanddewi Aberarth 2pm Evening Prayer (B) Pennant No service

Gospel Mark 12:28-34

(page 1069; tudalen 105) HT - Luke 14:12-15 (p.1048)


For more information about the Christian faith please contact: Rev John P Lewis, The Vicarage, Panteg Road, Aberaeron, SA46 0EP.

 01545 570433

E [email protected]

Rev Richard Wood, Dyffryn, Lampeter Road, Aberaeron, SA46 0ED.

 01545 571579

E [email protected]

Today 6pm

Evening Prayer in HT Church Hall

Tuesday 27th 7:30pm Homegroups meet (Glyn, Gwynne) Wednesday 28th 7:30pm Homegroup meets (Richard) Thursday 29th 9:30am Parish Communion in HT CH Saturday 31st 7pm Saints & Sausages at Holy Trinity 9pm Church Hall GSUS Live! This project is a wonderful opportunity to share something of the Gospel with schoolchildren, and it’s coming to Aberaeron Secondary School from Monday 7th - Friday 11th December! We’ve been asked to help run it for the week, and so need a team of willing helpers who would also need to be available for a training day on Saturday, 14th November. If you’re interested in helping, please see Richard. More information will follow soon! (

Saints & Sausages at HT On Saturday 31st October, 7-9pm, at Holy Trinity Church Hall, there is fun and games; no tricks, just treats, for children of all ages. For more details, please see Sue Williams.

South-East Asia Disaster Collection Last Sunday, there was a retiring collection for those Christians caught up in the Pacific Rim Disaster. This money will be given to the Barnabas Fund ( If you would like to give, there is a further opportunity to do so today. Visit of Daniel & Gail Castro NEXT SUNDAY’S 11 o’clock service of Morning Worship, will be a special one, where we welcome the return of Daniel and Gail Castro. They are missionaries who have been serving in Bogota, Colombia for many years. They belong to the OMS International missionary society. After the morning service, there will be a Bring & Share Lunch in the Church Hall, to give as many as possible a chance to meet them. Choir for Parish Lessons & Carols On Sunday 27th December there will be a Parish Service of Lessons & Carols. This year it is hoped a choir will be formed that will sing a few musical items. There will be a short meeting of any interested parties after

the 11am morning service on 1st November to discuss rehearsal times and dates. Please see David Moss for further details. Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes Now is a good time to buy for this year’s Samaritan’s Purse “Operation Christmas Child” shoe box donations. This Christmas, you can share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with a needy child in a country like El Salvador or Guinea by packing a simple shoe box with personal gifts. Operation Christmas Child ( is an easy missions project that every member and family can participate in by bringing a gift-filled shoe box to church on Sunday November 15th. Complete details are outlined in the OCC brochure. (If you are unable to do a shoe box but want to participate anyway, there are donation envelopes in the brochures).

New Canon A former Vicar of this parish, Rev Michael Rees has been appointed a Canon of the Cathedral. His collation is at St Davids Cathedral on 19th November at 6pm.

The Parish Christmas Lunch... ...will be held at the Feathers Hotel, on Sunday 13 December at 12:45pm. Same prices as last year. th

Congratulations!! We rejoice with Gavin and Judith Simpson (HT), on the birth of Iolo Edward, born on 12th October, 9lb 1oz - a brother for Heulwen.

Holy Trinity Gift Day There will be a Gift Day on Sunday 15th November at Holy Trinity. Please begin to pray about this. More details next week.

Recipes Holy Trinity is putting together a recipe book of unusual recipes, to sell on Festival Day next year (Saturday 31 July). If you have such a recipe, we would like to receive it by the 31 December. Please give them to Lynn, or send them to The Vicarage. Thank you very much.

Bonfire & Soup... ...will be held on Thursday 5th November at 6pm, at the Vicarage grounds. If you have any wood for the fire, please drop it off at the Vicarage. Thanks.

Forthcoming Wedding We remember especially in our prayers, Martyn Pugh and Lowri Evans, getting married at Holy Trinity next Saturday.



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