Petrol Engine2 Wadali Guru Amritsar

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 226
  • Pages: 2
The internal combustion engine was invented by Nikolaus Otto and Rudolph Diesel. The fuel in an internal combustion engine can be petrol or Diesel. In petrol engine the petrol is vaporized and mixed with correct amount of air in the carburetor . This mixture of petrol vapour and air is passed into the cylinders fitted with movable piston , where it is compressed and then ignited by an eclectic spark from a spark plug. The petrol and air mixture burns rapidly to produce a large amount of hot gases in the cylinder due to this high temperature, then hot gases expand and push the piston outward. The piston pushes the rod called piston rod. The piston rod turns a crank shaft, and the crank shaft turns the wheel, In this way, the up and down monument of a piston is connected to the motion of wheel.

In this figure there are two valves v1 and v2 Here v2 is opened and v1 is closed. In this case the gas in the tank goes outside from valve v2. Due to this reason the pressure in the tank decreases and wheel goes inside When v1 is open and v2 is closed then the petrol mixed vaporizes enter in the tank and the spark plug sparks. Due to this the gas become exploded causes the wheel to move outside.

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