Personal Story From A Florida Elder Law Attorney

  • Uploaded by: Joseph S. Karp
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  • April 2020
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Notes From A Recent Caregiver By Debbie Chatsky Karp two days at the office and If you keep up with within weeks, he’ll be like my column, you know new. And he tells me “thank that I fell recently, leavyou” often, a phrase many ing me with two broken helping those with cognitive feet. Being a Type A, I’ve disabilities never hear. kept up my usual work So what can I share with schedule without skipyou as a result of my experiping a beat. But that’s ence? I strongly advise everynot the case for my one to think about getting wife—her duties have Joseph S. Karp, long-term care insurance. expanded exponentially. C.E.L.A. Several years ago, Joe sugHer burden is getting gested we get a policy, and I am gratelighter as I get more ambulatory, but ful that he was prescient enough to do she’s still driving me to work, hanit. If I am ever needed to take on this dling all household chores, and helprole again—or should Joe ever need ing me around the house and at the to help me—I am thankful that we office. This month, I pass her the miwill have the funds to get outside crophone—well, the page—because I help. Based on my recent experience, know my readers will find her perpaying those premiums is no longer spective very valuable. fact, it’s practically a Hello! I suspect many of you readpleasure. ing this are caring for disabled loved Joe is a planner both in his personones, or perhaps you’ll find yourself al life as well and professional life. doing so in the future. I’ve witnessed So upon leaving the house for the the efforts of many caregivers in my emergency room, he reminded me to family, but this has been my only firsttake his medical power of attorney. hand experience. As a result I have a That piece of paper smoothed out what new respect for the role, and some obwould have been a far bumpier road. servations to share. I was able to do his paperwork at the hospital, and deal with the medical Listen to Joe Karp with supply company and the insurance Anita Finley on Saturday, company late Saturday night, when I April 18 from 7:30-8:00 AM placed rush orders for a walker and on WSBR 740AM and on the wheelchair. If you don’t have a medInternet at ical power of attorney, you should: it may seem like something you’ll nevAs our ex-president used to say, er need, but when the bureaucracy “I feel your pain.” I certainly feel my asks for it before they’ll assist you, husband’s pain, and not just emotionyou’ll be relieved you have it. ally. My back is in shambles. For a And lastly, remember my husband few weeks after his accident and surJoe Karp, the poster boy for his own gery, his limitations required me to good advice: look where you’re gopush his wheelchair, lift it in and out ing and try to avoid falls. They can of the car, tie and untie shoes, stoop be far more medically, legally and fito bandage his feet, and on and on. If nancially serious than his was. you’ve ever suffered from sciatica, you know what I mean. One of my sons is at home right now, so he’s Joseph S. Karp is a nationally certified and Florida Bar-certified elder law attorney pitched in when he’s not at work. Still, (C.E.L.A.) specializing in the practice of Trusts, there are times I’ve wanted to clone Estates and Elder Law. His offices are locatmy son—and me—because it would ed at 2500 Quantum Lakes Drive, Boynton be great to have a little more help Beach; 2875 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens; and 1100 SW St. Lucie W. Blvd., Port and a little more respite. St. Lucie. Call him at 561-752-4550 (BoynI can’t complain too much, though. ton); 561-625-1100 (Palm Beach Gardens); I recognize that Joe and I are luckier or 772-343-8411 (Port St. Lucie). Toll-free than many. His disability is tempofrom anywhere: 800-893-9911. E-mail: KLF@ or website rary and limited. He’s missed only

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