The Importance Of Using A Certified Elder Law Attorney

  • Uploaded by: Joseph S. Karp
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  • May 2020
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Consult a Certified Elder Law Attorney for Effective Medicaid Planning level of recognition by The We’re all feeling disFlorida Bar of the compegusted with big business tency and experience of these days. Nevertheless, attorneys in the areas of you can be sure American law approved for certificacapitalism isn’t going tion by the State Supreme anywhere. Whenever and Court. Even after securing wherever there’s money to certification, the elder law be made, enterprising indiattorney must hold onto it viduals are going to step by staying current with the up to the plate and figure Joseph S. Karp, law and applying for recerout a way to do it. Many C.E.L.A. tification every five years. people have found just There is also a national certification such an opportunity in the graying of available for elder law attorneys the American population. With our through the National Elder Law greater longevity and the enormous Foundation, the body accredited by cost of long-term nursing home care, the American Bar Association to Medicaid planning services are in confer this credential. Like state cerparticularly high demand. In fact, an tification, national certification also entire industry has grown up around requires the attorney to demonstrate this need. continued competence and to be reUnfortunately, not everyone who certified periodically. I am happy to has stepped in to fill this need—howtell you that I hold both Florida and ever well-intentioned he or she may national certifications. be—fully understands Medicaid laws When you consult a certified or knows how to best help clients. elder law attorney for Medicaid It’s a formidable challenge for anyplanning advice, you can be confident one to understand the full breadth of the information you are getting is Medicaid law, which is mind-numbobjective and based on your needs, ingly complex and in an almost and only your needs. A certified Listen to Joe Karp with elder law attorney will understand the Anita Finley on Saturday, tax and other ramifications of various April 18 from 7:30-8:00 AM strategies like gifting. He/she will not on WSBR 740AM and on the push a particular financial product Internet at unless it is appropriate for you. Annuities, for example, have received widespread and erroneous promotion incessant state of change. Without a as magic bullets for securing Medifull grasp of the law and its ramificacaid benefits. tions, a financial professional or even If you are concerned about an attorney purporting to understand preserving your assets against the and practice Medicaid planning may astronomical cost of nursing home end up creating a legal and financial care, I urge you to consult with a cermorass for clients...the very situatified elder law attorney. tion clients wanted to avoid to begin Joseph S. Karp is a nationally certified with. and Florida Bar-certified elder law attorney The obvious and best source for (C.E.L.A.) specializing in the practice of Trusts, guidance in this area is a certified Estates and Elder Law. His offices are located at 2500 Quantum Lakes Drive, Boynton elder law attorney. States the Florida Beach; 2875 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach GarBar: While all lawyers are allowed dens; and 1100 SW St. Lucie W. Blvd., Port to advertise, only certified attorneys St. Lucie. Call him at 561-752-4550 (Boynare allowed to identify themselves as ton); 561-625-1100 (Palm Beach Gardens); or 772-343-8411 (Port St. Lucie). Toll-free “Florida Bar Certified” or as a “spefrom anywhere: 800-893-9911. E-mail: KLF@ cialist.” Certification is the highest




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