PERSONAL GROWTH & INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Sub Code: 08MBAHR344 IA Marks: 50 No. of Lecture Hours / Week: 04 Exam Hours: 3 Hours Total no. of Lecture Hrs: 56 Exam Marks: 100 MODULE 1 (5 Hours) Personal growth - Meaning and concepts, Self-awareness and self-esteem, Life Roles, Social roles and Organizational roles. Nature and scope of personal growth. MODULE 2 (6 Hours) Feeling, thinking and behaviours, Personality theories, Carl Jung's theory of personality types and Myers Briggs Type Indicator test (MBTI), Trait theories- Guilford Peogut, Emotional intelligenceMODULE 3 (8 Hours) Pedagogy and Androgogy. Adult Learning Process; learning styles and its relatedness to personality development MODULE 4 (6 Hours) Attitudes, beliefs, Values and their impact on behaviour. Personal change- meaning, nature and requisites. Social adjustments and habit formation. Habits of personal effectiveness. Seven habits of highly effective people. MODULE 5 (8 Hours) Basic functions of mind- Creativity and innovation. Blocks to creativity. Creativity processes and tools- convergent and divergent thinking. Neuro Linguistic Programming MODULE 6 (6 Hours) Interpersonal relations and personal growth. Interpersonal needs, motivation and behaviour- FIRO-B and Johari Window. Defense Mechanism in groups MODULE 7 (7 Hours) Transactional Analysis- Ego states, types of transactions and time structuring. Life position, scripts and games MODULE 8 (10 Hours) Experience learning methodologies-T-group, sensitivity training, encounter groups and human process labs (students may go through three days personal growth lab for experiential learning) RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Organizational Behaviour - Human Behavior at work – by John.W.Newstrom and Keith Davis Tata McGraw Hill, l1/e, 2003 2. Human Relations in organizations. Robert N. Lussier, 6th edition, Mc-Graw Hill Education 3. Development Management Skills, Whetten & Cameron, 7th Ed. Pearson, PHI. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Understanding OB – Udai Parek, Oxford University Press. 2. Theories of Personality – Calvin S Hall Et Al, Wiley Publication 3. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R Covey, Simon & Schuster
4. Training in Interpersonal Skills – tips for managing People at work, Stephen Robbins, Et al, Pearson, PHI.