Syallabus Iii Sem

  • November 2019
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III Semester B.Tech. (E&E) MATH-301-EC-EE


No, of questions to be set: 1 0 (2 from each unit) No. of questions to be answered: 5 (1 from each Unit) Note: Each question consists of three parts. The first part comprising of short objective type questions carries four marks. The remaining two parts carry eight marks each. Unit-I Fourier Series, periodic functions, Euler's formulae: Fourier Series of odd and even functions and functions with arbitrary period. Half range, extensions: Fourier sine and cosine transforms: Fourier integrals. Unit- II Partial differential equations-basic concepts, solutions of equations involving derivatives with respect to one variable only. Solutions by indicated transformations and separation of variables. ' Derivation of one-demensional wave equation (vibrating string) and its solutions by using the method of separation of variables. Simple problem: D'Alembert's solution of wave equation. Derivation of one-dimensional heat equation using Gauss divergence theorem and its solution by separation of variables. UNIT -III Complex variables- functions, continuity, differentiability, analyticity, cauchy-Riemann equations and properties of analytic functions. Line integrals in complex plane and basic properties-Cauchy theorem, Cauchy's integral formula- derivatives of analytic functions. UNIT -IV Power series -Taylor, Maclaurin and Laurent series. Residue theorem - Evaluation of standard real integral using contour integration. UNIT -V Vector-calculus-gradient, divergence and curl, their physical meaning and identities. Line, surface and volume integrals. Simple .problems- Green's theorem - statements of divergence and Stoke's theorems - Simple applications. Curvilinear Co-ordinate TEXT BOOKS 1. Erwin Kreyszig - Advanced Engg. Mathematics - Ed. 5 - Wiley Eastern, 2. Murray R. Spiegel- Vector Analysis - Schaum Publishing Co, 1959. 3. B.S. Grewal - High Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers, 1990. REFERENCES 1. Murray R. Spiegel - Complex Variables - McGraw Hill, 1964.

III Semester B.Tech. (E&E) EE-302


No. of questions to be set: &. (2 from Unit-I. 3 from Unit-II & 3 from Unit-III) No. of question to be answered: 5 (1 from Unit-I, 2 from Unit-II & 2 from Unit-III) Unit-I Network theorems: Linearity and superposition theorems, Reciprocity theorem, substitution theorem, compensation theorem, Thevenin's theorem, Norton's U1eorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, Millman's theorem. Unit-II Resonance- Series and parallel resonance, Half power frequencies, Quality fE:1ctor, Band width, Locus diagrams Impedance, Admittance and current locus for series and parallel circuits, current at resonanC3 from locus diagrams. Coupled circuits - Mutual induced emf. Dot ru1es coupled coils in series and parallel., transformer as a Coupled circuit. T-equivalent circuit, energy considerations. Three phase unbalanced loads - Analysis of unbalanced star and delta connected Loads, shifting of neutral voltage, power measurements. Symmetrical components - Positive, negative and zero sequence components, symmetrical components of unbalanced voltages and currents from symmetrical components, power in terms of symmetrica1 components. Unit -III Signals and waveforms - Odd and even components, equations of waveform and their derivatives in terms of step, ramp, impulse and doublet signals. Time domain analysis - linearity and time invariance, initial and final conditions in networks. Source free RC and RL circuits, step response, impulse response, response to sinusoidal and exponential excitations, Time constants, source free RLC circuits Overdamped, critically damped and underdamped circuits, Response to sinusoidal inputs. complete response, impulse response and step response. Switching in steady state circuits. TEXTBOOKS 1.

William Hayt & Jack Kemmerly - Engineering Circuit Analysis (Ed. 5)MGH, 1993. F.F. Kuo-Network Analysis and Synthesis (Ed. 2) -John Wiley & Sons, 199O.



Richard C. Don - Introduction to Electric circuits (Ed. 2) -John Wiley & Sons, 1993. Clayton R. Paul - Analysis of Linear circuits - MGH, 1983. P.N, Reddy -.Symmetrical Components and Sf1ort Circuit Studies -Khanna Publishers, 1985.

III Semester B.Tech. (E&E) EE-305


No. of questions to be set: 8 (3 from Unit-I, 3 from Unit-II & 2 from Unit-III ) No. of questions to be answered: 5 (2 from Unit-I, 2 from Unit-II & 1 from Unit-III) Unit-I Electrostatics: Coulomb's law - Electric field Intensity field due to charge distributions. Electric flux density- Gauss law and applications - Divergence - Divergence theorem (cartesian co- ordinates). Energy expended in moving a point charge in an electric field-line integralpotential and potential difference- potential due to point charge and charge distributionpotential gradient -Energy density in the electrostatic field. Capacitance- capacitance: of coaxial cable, parallel plate capacitor, two wire line. Boundary conditions for perfect dielectric materials. Unit -II Magnetostatics : Biot - Savart's Law and applications -Ampere's circuital law and applications -Curl- Stoke's theorem (cartesian co-ordinates) -Magnetic flux and field density- scalar and vector magnetic potentials. Force on a moving charge - Force between differential current elements. Magnetic boundary conditions- Inductance -Inductance of toroid, solenoid, two wire line, coaxial cable. Faraday's law - Transformer emf, motional emf. UNIT-III Laplace and Poisson's equations, general procedures for solving Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations. Current and current density, continuity of current equation, displacement current. Maxwell’s equations in various forms, wave equations in free space and material media, plane, waves in dielectric and conducting media. Power and poynting vector, the poynting vector theorem. TEXTBOOKS 1. William Hayt - Engineering Electromagnetics (Ed. 5 ) - TMH, 1993. REFERENCES 1. John D. Kraus - Electromagnetics (EDA) - MGH, 1992. 2. Gangadhar K.A. & Ramanathan M. -Field Theory (ED. 5) -Khanna Pub., 1982. 3. Plonus M.A. - Applied Electromagnetics- MGH, 1978.

III Semester B.Tech. (E&E) EE-306


No. of questions, to be set: 8 (3 from Unit l, 3 from Unit_11 & 2 from Unit-III) No. of questions to be answered: 5 (2 from Unit-I, 2 from Unit-II & 1 from Unit-III) Unit -I Review of Semiconductor physics. P-N Junction - Open circuited P-N Junction, Bias conditions, The current components in a P-N Junction diode. The volt-ampere characteristics, Reverse saturation current, Breakdown. The effect of temperature on V-I characteristics, Diode resistance, Transition capacitance, Diffusion capacitance, Switching limes, Diode specification, Zener diodes, Semiconductor photo -diode, Light emitting diode. . Diode circuits- Diode as a circuit element, load-line concept, diode model, clipping circuits, clipping at two independent levels, clamping circuits. Transistor Characteristics- Bipolar Junction Transistor, Bias conditions, Transistor current components common base configuration, Transistor amplifying action, Transistor as a switch, common emitter configuration, common collector configuration, Maximum voltage rating, Limits of operation, Transistor specifications. Biasing and stabilization against variation in ICO,VBE and β. Unit -II Small signal model (H-parameter model) -comparison and applications of the CE, CB, CC configuration (with CE hybrid model only). Cascade connections, Darlington configuration, current sources and current mirror circuits (using Transistor only). Field Effect Transistors - Characteristics of FETs, Transfer characteristics, specification, Depletion type MOSFET, Enhancement type MOSFET, VMOS, CMOS, FET and MOSFET biasing, Rectifier and Power supplies - voltage regulation, shunt voltage regulator, IC. Voltage regulator Unit -III Amplifiers -Classification of amplifiers, Distortion in amplifiers, Frequency response of an amplifier, Polar- plots, gain bandwidth product. Large Signal Amplifiers (Class A, Class B and Class AB) - Transformer coupled amplifier, Thermal runaway, Theoretical deficiency, Distortion analysis, complementary and quasi complementary push-pull amplifier. REFERENCES 1. Millman and Halkias - Integrated Electronics : Analog and Digital circuits and systems-TMH- 1992 2. Boylestad and Nashelsky - Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (Ed. 5. -PHI, 1993

III Semester B.Tech. (E&E)


3 Hrs./Week Electric Circuit Lab using PSPICE


Steady state analysis of D.C. circuits.


Steady state analysis of single phase AC. circuits.


Steady state analysis of coupled circuits


Steady state analysis of 3-Phase AC. Circuits (Balanced and unbalanced).


Study of circuit resonance characteristics (both Parallel and series circuits).


D.C. Transient analysis (RL, RC and RLC circuits)


Frequency response of RC coupled amplifier


Study of a simple differential amplifier

These experiments are only guide lines. At least 20 more experiments to be devised. Simulation of the circuits in PSPICE platform is also a part of this curriculum..


Rashid M.H. -SPICE for circuits & Electronics using PSPICE - PHI. 1996.


Irwin J.D. - Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis (ED. 3). McMillan, 1990.

III Semester B.Tech.(E&E) EE-308



Diode characteristics – Silicon and Zener diode


BJT characteristics.


JFET characteristics.


Diode applications – clipping and clamping.


Full-wave bridge rectifier with capacitor filter.


Regulated power supply using Zener, 78XX and 79XX and LM317.


Transistor circuits – as switch, as amplifier, as level shifter, as inverter and buffer.


Power amplifier circuits.


MOSFET circuits – MOSFET biasing, totem pole configuration.

III Semester B.Tech. (E&E) EE-303


No. of questions to be set: 8 (2 from Unit-I, 3 from Unit-II & 3 from Unit-III) No. of questions to be answered: 5 (1 from Unit-I, 2 from Unit-II, & 2 from Unit-III) Unit-I Transformers: Review of Construction, Principle or operation of single phase transformer, phasor diagram (no-load and on-load). Development of equivalent circuit, O.C and S.C tests, Voltage regulation, losses and efficiency, Power and distribution transformers, All-day efficiency. Audio frequency & pulse transformer. Unit-II Harmonics in transformers and its effect on exciting current, suppression of harmonics through tertiary winding (qualitative), inrush current. Three phase transformers and different connections: Star-star, Star-delta, Delta-star, Delta-Delta, Scott connection, Open delta connection, 3-phase to 6-phase conversion: Double star, double delta and diametrical connection, Polarity test, Sumpner’s test. Parallel operation of single phase and three phase transformers, ON-and OFF-load tap changers. Isolation transformers, Autotransformers-Single and three phase, Welding transformers. Unit-III DC Generators: Construction, Principle of operation, EMF Equation, Methods of excitation, Armature reaction (Qualitative treatment only) Principle of commutation, characteristics of DC generators-OCC and external characteristics. DC Motors: Principle of operation, Torque equations, Characteristics of motors, Field and armature methods of speed control, Principle of DC motor starting-3- & 4-point starters. Losses and Efficiency of DC machines, Swinburne’s test, Hopkinson’s test, Retardation test, Field’s test. TEXTBOOKS 1. Clayton and Hankock – Performance and Design of DC Machines – Oxford IBH, 1994. 2. Nagrath and Kothari – Electrical Machines TMH, 1993. 3. Bhimbra – Electrical Machinery (Ed. 4) – Khanna Pub, 1986. REFERENCES 1. M.G. Say – AC. Machines (Ed.5) – Pitman, 1993. 2. P.K. Mukherjee & S. Chakravorti – Electrical Machines (Ed.2) – Dhanpath Rai, 1993.

III Semester B.Tech. (E & E) EE-304

4 Hrs./Week

ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS No. of questions to be set: 8(3 from Unit-I, 3 from Unit-II & 2 from Unit-III) No. of questions to be answered :5 (2 from Unit-I, 2 from Unit-II & 1 from Unit-III) Unit-I S.I. Units, Dimensional Analysis. Electromechanical Indicating Instruments-D’Arsonval Galvanometer, Construction features, Dynamic response, Ballistic Galvanometer. Permanent magnet moving coil Instruments- Construction, Torque equation, Range extension with multipliers, sensitivity. Moving Iron Instruments- General torque equation, types, multipliers Electrodynamometer , Ammeter, Electrostatic Voltmeter, Multimeter. Principles of Rectifier type Instruments, Voltmeter, Ammeter. Unit-II Measurement of Resistance: Classification of resistance, Wheat- stone bridge Kelvin's double bridge, Loss of charge method, Megaohm bridge method, Measurement of earth resistance and factors affecting earth resistance, cable fault location by Murray loop test, Megger. AC Bridges- Maxwell’s bridge, Maxwell- Wein bridge. Anderson bridge, Schering bridge, Desauty bridge, shielding. DC Potentiometer: Student's type, Brook's deflection type, Applications ofpotentiometers. AC Potentiometer- Theory, operation and applications of co-ordinate and polar type potentiometer. Instrument Transformers- CT and PT construction and operation for metering and protection applications, testing- Silsbee's method, comparative deflection method. Unit-III Measurement of power and energy: Electrodynamometer wattmeter, three phase power measurement, single phase and three phase energy meters, errors and its compensation. Transducers: Strain gauges, LVDT, Piezo- electric devices, thermistors, pressure, transducers, speed measurements ( Qualitative treatment only). TEXTBOOKS 1. A.K. Sawhney- A course in electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation (Ed.10 )- Dhanpat Rai, 1994. REFERENCES 1. E.W. Golding & Widdis F.C. - Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments (ED-5) -Wheeler, 1989. 2. Stout- Basic EI3ctrical Measurements(Ed. 2)-PHI,1973. 3. B.S. Sonde- Transducers and Display Systems- TMH, 1997. 4. Rangan, Mani & Sharma - Instrumentation Devices and Systems- TMH. 1990.

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