Performance Management For School Improvement Sindh

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Training Manual Director Education Program Islamabad Pakistan

Table of Contents S. No


Page No


Performance Management System 1.1 What is Performance Management? 1.2 Input, Output, Outcome Indicators 1.3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 1.4 Ranking of Schools based on KPIs 1.5 Selection of about 30 Low Performing Schools 1.6 Target Setting & Action Planning

04 04 04 05 06 06 07


School Action Planning 2.1 What is Action Planning? 2.2 What is School Action Planning? 2.3 Who are the key stakeholders? 2.4 What are the Major Steps? 2.5 What is Monitoring? 2.6 Monitoring School Activities 2.7 Introduction to Monitoring Tool- School Rating Scale

09 09 10 11 12 15 16 16


Performance Management for Schools Improvement Through Parent Teacher Councils (PTCs) 3.1 What is the role of SMCs in School’s Management? 3.2 Monitoring of Schools through SMCs 3.3 Development of School Action Plans 3.4 Effective Monitoring Through School Rating Scale Annex-I School Action Plan Annex-II Schools Scorecard Rating Scale Annex-III SMC Guidelines 2009

18 19 19 22 23 24 29 30

Acknowledgement: At the outset, I would like to acknowledge EMIS Consultant Mr. Malik Basharat Ahmad Awanfor their technical input and assistance in developing Performance Management for School Improvement Manual. Performance Management using Performance Management Tools is a new concept being introduced in Pakistan and it will help management at all levels to improve performance of the schools.

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Performance Management Tool

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1. Performance Management System 1.1 Introduction to Performance Management A system for helping to focus on improving the things that is most important for the organization to achieve its aims. It helps organizations to achieve their strategic goals. Performance management is the practice of actively using performance data to improve the performer functionaries. The overall goal is the strategic use of performance standards to establish performance targets and goals. Performance management practices can also be used to prioritize and allocate resources; to inform managers about needed adjustments or changes in policy or program directions to meet goals; to frame reports on the success in meeting performance goals; and to improve the quality. A performance management is a system for helping to focus on improving things that are most important for the organization to achieve its aims and further to facilitate organizations to achieve their strategic goals. Performance management tries to develop skills of people to achieve their targets. Its benefits to Local Governance are as under: •

Improving service quality and outcomes;

Improving resource allocation and justifying agency budgets or service cuts;

Making public agencies accountable for results to elected officials and the public;

Increasing the citizens’ trust in the local government; and

Making work more interesting and satisfying for public employees because of its citizen focus.

1.2 Input, Output, Efficiency and Outcomes An outcome is the result of a service, from the point of view of the citizens, especially the customers for the service. We can start by thinking about various steps that go into delivering a service: •

Inputs – these are the resources we use, for example, Rupees budgeted, No. of staff days, equipment.

Outputs – these are the products that the organization produces, such as Number of schools maintained, number of students served.

Output Efficiency – Cost per school maintained/student taught.

Outcomes – these are the results of the service: % of students passing grade 5.

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Sector/ service



School maintenance

Rupees, Staff

No. of schools Maintenance cost % of parents rating maintained per school the condition of the school as “good” or “excellent”

Test / Exercise 1.1

Output Efficiency


Differentiate between Output and Outcome? 5 minutes

Duration Individuals

Undertaken By Pencils, Papers

Material Required

1.3 Key Performance Indicators Performance indicators are measures of project impacts, outcomes, outputs, and inputs that are monitored during project implementation to assess progress toward project objectives. They are also used later to evaluate a project’s success. Indicators organize information in a way that clarifies the relationships between a project’s impacts, outcomes, outputs, and inputs and help to identify problems along the way that can impede the achievement of project objectives. Key Performance Indicators also help an organization to define and measure progress toward organizational goals. Once an organization has analyzed its mission, identified all its stakeholders, and defined its goals, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals. Key Performance Indicators are those measurements. Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. They differ depending on the organization. A school may focus its Key Performance Indicators on promotion rate of its students.

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Test / Exercise 1.2

What is the role of KPIs in performance measurement? 5 minutes

Duration Individuals

Undertaken By Pencils, Papers

Material Required

1.4 Ranking of Schools based on KPIs Performance Management is used as an effective tool/yardstick to improve the performance of the district education officials to integrate planning, review, financial management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of schools. Performance standards are set through defining ranges from the maximum to minimum according to the actual data of schools, based on 2-3 outcome performance indicators as mentioned below: •

Promotion rate

Repetition Rate

Dropout Rate


1.5 Selection of about 30 Low Performing Schools After defining the ranges from the maximum to minimum according to the actual data of schools, these (schools) are arranged in descending order based on the results and scores obtained from the performance indicators for all the schools. Then about 30 schools having highest value of performance indicators (high repetition rate, dropout rate, low promotion rate) are selected. These schools are considered as low perfuming schools. These 30 schools are selected by using Performance Standard Tool. This tool is used as a key performance standard yardstick by using the real time Education Census Data which is being used by the Education Department. In this tool these schools are shortlisted on basis of highest values of repetition rate. Following steps are followed in this process:

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Step-I: Selection of accurate data, which should be in a complete/organized/approved form and based on at least 2 years records. Step-II: Selection of the Schools with the classes from “Kachi (Nursery) to 5th Grade or 8th Grade”. Step-III: Calculation of “Repetition Rate” by using the following formula for each school:

Repetition Rate


Current Year Repeaters X 100 Last Year Enrollment

Repetition Rate can be defined as “Proportion of pupils from a cohort enrolled in a given grade at a given school-year who study in the same grade in the following school-year” Purpose: It measures the phenomenon of pupils from a cohort repeating a grade, and its effect on the internal efficiency of educational systems. In addition, it is one of the key indicators for analyzing and projecting pupil flows from grade to grade within the educational cycle. Calculation method: Divide the number of repeaters in a given grade in school-year t+1 by the number of pupils from the same cohort enrolled in the same grade in the previous school-year t. Step-IV: Selection of 30 schools having highest repetition rate or defining range of repetition rate and then selection of schools fall in one range having highest range of repetition rate.

1.6 Target Setting & Action Planning After the selection of low performing schools, basic factors (from EMIS and Non-EMIS data) responsible for the low performance of these selected schools are indentified. Targets are set for these factors (indicators) based on one year time frame.

Like if we think that low performance of these schools is due to high student

classroom ratio, we set the target to construct new rooms to standardize the student classroom, ratio. To achieve these targets, Action Plan based on evidence based decision making are developed. These actions plans are implemented at district and schools level.

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School Action Planning

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2. School Action Planning 2.1 What is Action Planning? Planning in organizations is the organizational process of creating and maintaining a plan; and the psychological process of thinking about the activities required to create a desired goal on some scale. This thought process is essential to the creation and refinement of a plan, or integration of it with other plans. This term is also used to describe the formal procedures used in such an endeavor, such as the creation of documents diagrams, or meetings to discuss the important issues to be addressed, the objectives to be met, and the strategy to be followed. Action planning is the process that guides the day-to-day activities of an organization or project. It is the process of planning what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, by whom it needs to be done, and what resources or inputs are needed to do it. It is the process of operationalising our strategic objectives. That is why it is also called operational planning. To analyze the situation or set up a diagnostic is a necessary and fundamental step in the planning process. How could one define objectives, formulate policies and strategies without knowing the present and past situations? In other words, for a plan to be effective, it should be based on a detailed and critical analysis of the situation, identifying the problems and causes, on which new policies and programmes to be implemented are supposed to act. Consequently, the choice in matters of education policy and planning should imperatively be made in the light of a solid information system which makes precise, relevant, reliable and updated information available to education managers and planners, and more conclusively for decision makers. A plan can play a vital role in helping to avoid mistakes or recognize hidden opportunities. Preparing a satisfactory plan of the organization is essential. The planning process enables management to understand more clearly what they want to achieve, and how and when they can do it. A well-prepared organizational plan demonstrates that the managers know the organization and that they have thought through its development in terms of management, finances, and service delivery. Planning helps in forecasting the future, makes the future visible to some extent. It bridges between where we are and where we want to go. Planning is looking ahead. Just as no two organizations are alike, so also their plans are dissimilar. It is therefore important to prepare a plan keeping in view the necessities of the organizations. A plan is an important aspect of organization. It serves the following three critical functions:

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Helps management to clarify, focus, and research their organizations or project's development and prospects.

Provides a considered and logical framework within which an organization can develop and pursue organizational strategies over the next three to five years.

Offers a benchmark against which actual performance can be measured and reviewed.

Steps must be taken, and activities must be performed well for a strategy to succeed. Most action plans consist of the following elements: •

What must be achieved (the outputs or result areas that come out of the strategic planning process) (what);

Steps that have to be followed to reach this objective (how);

Time schedule for when each step must take place and how long it is likely to take (when);

Who will be responsible for making sure that each step is successfully completed (who);

Inputs/resources that are needed (what, how much).

2.2 What is School Action Planning? Educational planning is necessary if organizational excellence is to be achieved in our public schools. Without knowing where we are going, it is unlikely that we will get there. Educational planning is the roadmap. It focuses the attention of administration, board of education, teachers, students and community members, and helps determine where the school should be going and how to get there. It helps identify where the pitfalls are over the short-term. Without planning, the operational and functional performance of the school will be less than optimal and the overall objectives and goals of the school will be difficult, at best to achieve. The preparation of an education plan is an exercise, which requires not only specific skills, but also the availability of reliable and relevant information, which reflects the exact situation of education in the country. In this way, EMIS can feed reliable data to different simulation models allowing reflection on objectives defined for the medium and long term.

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Test / Exercise 2.1


What is the difference between action plan and action planning? 5 minutes


Undertaken By Pencils, Papers

Material Required

2.3 Who are the Key Stakeholders? Key stake holders of Performance Management are the following: •

Provincial and District Government officials

Supervisors and Department Heads

Head of the Institutions

Parents and local communities

Non Government organizations and local CBOs

Local citizens

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2.4 What are the Major Steps? Following is the action planning cycle at school level:


Implementati on

Need Analysis


School Action Plan

Define Outcome Indicators

Rank School using School Scorecard Rating Tool Data Analysis & Target Setting

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Step-1: Need Analysis Each school should have to define its major needs and to identify the priorities for the school’s futuristic approach. Step-2: Define Outcome Indicators Then the school has to define the outcome indicators that can be measureable from the baseline data. For example:


Dropout rate


% of students who drop out rate






(January 2009)

(January 2010)





Step-3: Rank School using School Scorecard Rating Tool Rank schools using School Rating Tool (Annex-II). There are weights allocated to each facility / quality indicators at schools. We analyze the status of current facilities and rank them. The cumulative score is the result to rank the schools. There are five ranks as following: Category Rank-1 Rank-2 Rank-3 Rank-4 Rank-5

Description Poor

Below Average Average Good Excellent



1.0-1.9 2.0-2.9 3.0-3.9 4.0-4.9 5.0

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Step-4: Data Analysis and Target Setting Analyze the results of Step-3 by comparing the factors responsible for low performance of schools, identified by the district. If the school identifies more factors, add them to the list and set the targets for each factor for the next year. Also set the targets to promote the ranking of the schools. For example, if the school falls into the “Poor” category, set the target as “Average” for next year. Step-5: School Action Plan Develop a School Action Plan for targets set against the category of indicators using the Proforma at annex-I. Set the targets clearly and develop the school action plan by defining:


Steps to reach this objective;

Start time and completion time


Resources required

Step-6: Implementation Implement the action plans by shifting responsibility and allocating proper resources identified in the action plan. It is necessary to communicate clearly with all the stakeholders. Step-7: Monitoring Monitor and evaluate whether the target(s) have been achieved or not. Use the School Scorecard Rating Tool to rank the school again. If the target(s) have been achieved, use the same cycle to make it higher rank. If not, identify problems and take corrective actions.

Test / Exercise 2.2

What impediments can occur during implementation? 10 minutes

Duration Individuals

Undertaken By Pencils, Papers

Material Required

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2.4 What is Monitoring? All organizations keep records and notes and discuss what they are doing. This simple checking becomes monitoring when information is collected routinely and systematically against a plan. The information might be about activities or services, users, or about outside factors affecting organization or project. Monitoring information is collected at specific times: daily, monthly or quarterly. At some point we need to bring this information together so that it can answer questions such as: •

How well are we doing?

Are we doing the right things?

What difference are we making?

Monitoring is routine and ongoing while evaluation is an in-depth study, taking place at specific points in the life of the project. Program implementation evaluation is an extension of program process monitoring in which data are systematically collected repeatedly over time for monitoring. It is the systematic documentation of aspects of program implementation that is indicative of whether the program is being delivered as promised and is functioning as intended, according to appropriate standards. There are two common forms of program process evaluation: Process or Implementation Evaluation: Here the term process evaluation is used in a narrow sense to refer to an evaluation of program implementation of the service utilization and organizational plans, but this evaluation is not regular or a continuing part of the data collection. It answers the question, “Is the program delivered as intended?” It provides a check on program process performance and provides formative information that can be used to further develop or improve a program. A process or implementation evaluation can be a standalone evaluation; it also can be used to complement the impact evaluation (to help understand how and why impact did or did not occur). Continuous Program Process Evaluation (i.e., monitoring) and Management Information Systems: This refers to the continuous (i.e., periodic) monitoring of program process. The data are usually computerized, and periodic reports are provided to program management and others needing the information. Some examples of what is monitored are delivery of services, costs, diagnostic information, background data, testing data, prospective and retrospective evaluation by beneficiaries, and any additional information that is needed for the

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routine operation of a program. Continuous information is useful because it is built into the data collection system, and it provides repeated information that can provide information about trends and provide data that suggest when corrective action is needed.

Test / Exercise 3.1

What are the benefits of monitoring implementation? 10 minutes

Duration Individuals

Undertaken By Pencils, Papers, Flipchart, Marker

Material Required

2.6 Monitoring Schools Activities When the action plans are developed and implemented, their activities are monitored on regularly basis. If we are implementing a one year plan, we may develop a monitoring system on quarterly basis. During monitoring, we find the gaps between planed timeline and actual timeline. If there is a gap, we may develop a plan to bridge this gap by allocating more resources. A monitoring tool should be developed for proper monitoring of activities. 2.7 Introduction to School Scorecard Rating Scale The School Scorecard Rating Scale is used to measure the progress of each low performing school. This low School Scorecard Rating Scale is designed on the basis of 10-15 low performance indicators which are selected during the brainstorming session of the stakeholders. This tool is designed in simple Microsoft Software using Microsoft Excel (Annex-II). In this tool ranking values are allocated to each indicator (dropout rate in following example) as:

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Sr. No.

Ranking Value

Value Range






01% - 10%



11% - 20%



21% - 30%



31% & above

User selects values from range on base of the Repetition rate and Dropout rate, the ranking value is multiplied to its value to calculate cumulative value. Cumulative values of both indicators are added to calculate Total Value that reflects the performance of the school. Total Value will be between 1 & 5. These values are matched with performance category as under:

Performance Result 1.0-1.9 Poor 2.0-2.9 Below Average 3.0-3.9 Average 4.0-4.9 Good 5.0 Excellent

Result is displayed automatically matching Total value with performance category:


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Below Average

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Performance Management for Schools Improvement through School Management Committees (SMCs) and other stakeholders

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3. Performance Management for School Improvement through Parent School Management Committees (SMCs) and other stakeholders School Development Planning is essentially a collaborative process that draws the whole school community together in shaping the school’s future. Accordingly, it requires the appropriate involvement of all the key stakeholders: SMCs / PTCs / Board of Management, Head Teacher / principal, teaching staff, support staff, parent, students, and local community. 3.1 What is the role of SMCs in School Management? SMCs have a particular responsibility for the ethos and status of the school and for matters requiring capital and or development expenditure. Accordingly, they must be consulted on topics that pertain to these issues. It is the responsibility of SMC to seek approval of the members of needs identifies to address in the planning process. In many developing countries there is normally one council to address governance issues and this is not separated by two separate governing bodies such as Trustees and a Governing Board as in the western countries of UK, Ireland etc. The SMCs are to also arrange for the preparation of the school plan, and to ensure that it is regularly reviewed and updated. Accordingly, they must ensure that the planning is done. Most of the work involved will be delegated to the head teacher and teaching staff, who will keep the SMC informed on progress. SMCs often have statutory and legal responsibilities and on aspects of issues such as planning priorities. The Board may participate directly in the planning process through its establishment of or representation on planning teams. The Role of Other Stakeholders: The Head Teacher / Principal The Head Teacher plays a prominent role in the leadership and management of the planning process. Some of the responsibilities are shared with the SMC / Board of Management. Some aspects may be delegated to members of the teaching staff through the in-school management structure or through the establishment of planning teams. The Head teacher has a responsibility, under the direction of the SMC / Board, with the collaboration of the in-school management team and the teaching staff, for •

the initiation of the planning process,

the creation of a climate conducive to collaboration,

the motivation of the staff,

the establishment of the planning infrastructure,

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the organization of activities and resources,

the arrangement of consultation, communication and approval procedures,

the management of the plan’s implementation and evaluation.

The Teaching Staff The whole-hearted participation of the teaching staff is crucial to the success of the planning process: •

The whole staff should be actively involved in the clarification of the school’s mission, vision and aims, in the review of the school’s current situation, and in the establishment of development priorities. The process should be designed to enable all members of staff to participate in discussion and decision-making.

A steering group of staff may be established to oversee the process as a whole. A steering group could be constituted in a number of ways; for instance, it could drawn largely from the in-school management team, or it could be established on a broadly representative basis, to include a range of interests and skills. Ad hoc staff teams may be established to undertake tasks related to review, design, implementation or evaluation. Such teams represent one possible model of staff participation in development planning. Ideally they should be constituted on the basis of interest and expertise. They provide a professional peer support structure within which teachers can share ideas, work collaboratively, and learn from each other. Accordingly, they can play a major role in the process of staff development for school improvement. Over a period of time every teacher should have the opportunity to become involved in the work of an ad-hoc team.

Some schools may wish to integrate ad-hoc teams with the in-school management structure by appointing members of the in-school management team as ad-hoc team convenors.

It is essential that the full staff be kept informed of the work of all teams and that the draft plan be agreed by the full staff prior to its implementation. The Guidelines will offer suggestions concerning staff structures for school development planning.

The Support Staff It is advisable that the support staff be consulted during the review process on aspects of school life that are relevant to their work. They should also be kept informed of the school’s development plans.

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Parents It is important that parents be involved in the planning process. Through their representation on the Board of Management and through the Parents Association, where one has been established, parents can readily be consulted in the clarification of the school’s mission, vision and aims, the review of school’s current reality, the establishment of priorities, and the development of policies on issues such as discipline or homework. All parents should be kept informed of relevant outcomes of the planning process. Students The commitment to the Convention on the Rights of the Child by member states of UNESCO provides for consultation with students in the preparation of the school plan. The review procedure may include a Student’s Questionnaire or a Group Discussion of representatives to ascertain the views of a representative sample of students on aspects of school life. Where a Students Council has been established, mostly in senior schools, it can be consulted in the preparation of aspects of the school plan and can be invited to participate in the dissemination of relevant sections of the school plan to the student body. Students should be kept informed of relevant outcomes of the planning process. Local Community The local community can be involved in the planning process in a number of ways. The review process includes a consideration of local context factors that impinge on the school, and this might necessitate a survey of the local community to establish views, requirements, or opportunities. Representatives of the local community could be asked to participate in planning joint school-community projects. The school could draw on the expertise of relevant members of the local community in planning to address particular issues. In many places, the local community is already involved in range of specific programmes. The Role of the Department of Education The core functions of the Department of Education in decentralized systems include strategic planning and policy formulation for the system as a whole, budgeting and the allocation of resources. Thus, the Department plays a major role in establishing the context within which individual school development planning takes place, in terms of the nation’s aims and priorities, curriculum development and implementation, and the availability of resources for implementation. Advice and support may be sought from the named education field manager for each school or from supervisors / managers with responsibility for the various subject areas. The Department

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also promotes quality enhancement though the provision it makes for curriculum and other support services and for the in-career development of teachers.

Test / Exercise 3.1

What is the role of SMCs in school action planning? 20 minutes

Duration Individuals

Undertaken By Pencils, Papers

Material Required

3.2 Monitoring of Schools through SMC The Community has a positive role to play in ensuring the educational institution’s efficiency of the educational institutions of the area. It has been a proven fact now that quality of students produced by the education system in an area has been contingent to some extent with the community participation and accountability mechanism. In order to revive the interest of community the Provincial Governments has revived the institution of School Management Committees. The School Management Committees in Sindh were created by the Government in order to involve the main stakeholders i.e. parents, teachers and local community in the development of their school. The following guidelines briefly outline the structure and role and responsibilities of SMCs. The major working strategy for these SMCs to improve, monitor and enhance the capacity of the school working teachers and learning environment. 3.3 Development of School Action Plan (SAP) School action plan has been designed to improve the school structure and it is been used as a monitoring tools for achieving the school target. This is particularly designed for setting targets and then planning the goals for the betterment of the school. This tool is attached at Annex-I. In this tool, we at first define our strategic targeting through outcome indicators; these outcome indicators should be in a measureable format for the qualitative analysis. After that we’ll define, strategic targets for the school improvement/betterment and the Plan to achieve those targets. The success of the SAP is only possible if we set small targets and try to achieve them periodically; this step wise follow-up will improve the activities of SAP and will lead to a successful completion of SAP.

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3.4 Effective Monitoring through School Rating Scale This tool particularly prove to be as a yard stick for the continuous monitoring of each specific school, this Performance Management Tool will be used for the Performance Evaluation of the lowest performance schools on the basis of 15 lowest performance indicators . This Tool will act as a Individual School Monitoring Tool and it’ll help to monitor the school performance to update the authorities about Target Progress. User selects values from range on base of the Repetition rate and Dropout rate, the ranking value was multiplied to its value to calculate cumulative value. Cumulative values of both indicators were added to calculate Total Value that reflects the performance of the school. Total Value will be between 1 & 5. This tool can be effectively used as a school performance report.

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Achieving Excellence in Quality Education




School Action Plan (SAP)


EMIS Code:_____________________________________

T School:_________________________________________


Union Council:___________________________________

N Tehsil/Taluka:___________________________________




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School Action Plan Section No. 1: Present Status of Enrolment and Repetition / Dropout Rate a. Enrolment I B-Boys G-Girls 2006 2007 2008








b. Repetition Rate

Class-wise Enrollment V VI VII VIII G B G B G B G B G





Total B G

Repeater in Current Year x 100 Enrollment in Last Year

Class I II III IV V Total


c. Dropout Rate



100 – (Promotion Rate + Repetition Rate)

Class I II III IV V Total



Section No. 2:

Data Analysis and target setting



Data Source

Decrease Repetition Rate

% of students who repeat the class % of students who drop out from school

School Record/ EMIS

Decrease Dropout Rate


Baseline (March 2009)

Target (March 2010)


School Record/ EMIS

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Section No. 3 School Action Plan

i. Construction / Renovation of Rooms A Details

B Current Status / No.

C Targets





E Responsibility

F Resources Required

G Source of Funding

H Collaboration

I Timeline Completion Start Time Time

J Remarks

E Responsibility

F Resources Required

G Source of Funding

H Collaboration

I Timeline Completion Start Time Time

J Remarks

New Construction Rooms Renovation

New Construction Veranda Renovation

ii. Provision / Reduction of Basic/Missing Facilities A Details

B Current Status / No.

C Targets

Category New Construction

Boundary Wall Renovation


New Construction





New Provision Drinking Water Repair

New Construction Electricity Renovation

iii. Repair & Maintenance of Equipment and Furniture A Details

B Current Status / No.

C Targets





E Responsibility

F Resources Required

G Source of Funding

H Collaboration

I Timeline Completion Start Time Time

E Responsibility

F Resources Required

G Source of Funding

H Collaboration

I Timeline Completion Start Time Time

J Remarks

Provision to Teachers

Equipment & Furniture

Provision to Students

iv. Teaching Staff A Details

B Current Status / No.

C Targets





New Appointment Teachers Rationalization

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J Remarks

v.SMC Activation A Details

B Current Status / No.

C Targets





E Responsibility

F Resources Required

G Source of Funding

H Collaboration

I Timeline Completion Start Time Time

E Responsibility

F Resources Required

G Source of Funding

H Collaboration

I Timeline Completion Start Time Time

J Remarks



Utilization of Funds

Active role to achieve targets

vi. Any Other (Please specify) A Details

B Current Status / No.

C Targets




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J Remarks

Acknowledgement/ Declaration

















E mail:


Thank you for your cooperation!



Schools Scorecard Rating Scale DTW-USAID Date: Name & Type of School: Indicator # 1


Category School Building


Description Toilet Functional Boundary Wall Electricity




SMC Quality (EMIS)


Furniture Availability SMC Formation

EMIS Code:


24107 Ranking Values

Cumulative Weightage 0.25 0.05 0.05


Yes No No Not Reported




0.13 0.12

NULL 37.00

0.13 0.60

Weightage 0.05 0.05 0.05


Student Teacher Ratio Student Class-room Ratio

Total Weightage


Performance Result: 1.0-1.9 Poor 2.0-2.9 Below Average 3.0-3.9 Average 4.0-4.9 Good 5.0 Excellent





SMC Guidelines 2009 1.1

Introduction The School Management Committees in Sindh were created by the Government in order to involve the main stakeholders i.e. parents, teachers and local community in the development of their school. The following guidelines briefly outline the structure and role and responsibilities of SMCs.

1.2 • • • • • • • • • 1.3

Aims and Objectives of SMCs Assist in raising and sustaining the quality of learning outcomes for students Protect and enhance all existing school assets. Sustain and increase school enrollment and reduce drop outs as much as possible. Monitor the class room performance and attendance of the teachers. Utilization of funds (local and Government) as per the guidelines given below and look for alternative funding sources for the school development initiatives. Liaison with Local, District Government and Non-Governmental organization for the development of the school. Develop a School Improvement Plan (Format Annexed) with the endorsement of the SMC General Body. Disseminate information on, Government related schemes for improving the state of Education especially those to promote girls education, to all parents. Facilitate the collection of data for annual school census undertaken by SEMIS or for any other purpose. Composition of SMCs SMCs comprise of two parts i) General Body ii) Executive Committee. SMC General Body The General Body consists of all the parents (Mother & Father) whose children are eligible to go to school. It is responsible for: • Electing 2 parent members on the SMCs executives committee, i.e. Chairperson and one other member. • Endorsing the School Improvement Plan

SMC Executive Committee Members Serial Designation no.




Chairperson of SMC shall be elected by the parents whose children are eligible for being enrolled in school; however SMC chairperson can only be from parents whose children are enrolled in the school.


General Secretary

Head teacher shall be the General Secretary of the committee.


02 Notables of Area

These are nominated by the UC Nazim. These persons can be Member of Union Council of the area, retired Personnel, NGOS/CBOS, experienced Educationist interested in education.



Representative) 4

Parent Member

A member of SMC shall be elected from the General Body as the second representative from the parents and has to be parent of student currently enrolled in the school.

Note: For girl school SMC the Executive committee should have at least 3 female members.

1.4 Election Process The General Secretary/ Head teacher will arrange for the elections of office bearers of SMCs Executive Committee after every two years. Ten days before the elections the General Secretary will invite all parents (mothers & fathers) of those children enrolled as well as those eligible for going to school, Union Council members of that area/ NGO/ CBO representative / notables. The respective UC Nazim, ADO and EDO will also be invited. All those wishing to stand for respective office i.e. the Chairperson and one other parent member, have to be a parent of student enrolled in the school and will be required to introduce themselves to the majority of the public. There are two ways in which voting can take place i) Ballot ii) Show of hands In the Ballot method the Head teacher will distribute small pieces of paper to all those present. Voting for Chairperson will take place first and once the participants have filled the name of the person they will submit it in a box. The Head teacher will count the votes in front of everyone by reading out a loud what is written on every slip. Once the chairperson has been selected through this process a ballot of the second parent member will take place in the same way. The method of Show of hands can be used if majority of the parents are illiterate. The UC Nazim will appoint two people from the community. Once all executive members have been nominated their names along with NIC number will be submitted to Executive District Officer (EDO) Education for formal Notification of the SMC. 1.5

Tenure The tenure of Executive Committee shall be two academic years which will be extendable for one more academic session (12 months) by a majority vote of the General Body.


Termination of membership • On death. • In case of parent whose child ceases to be a student. • On permanent insanity. • On resignation • Failure to attend more than three consecutive SMC meetings without valid reason. • Failure to observe any rules of regulations of the Committee, intentional act to discredit or deceive the SMC, conviction of an offence involving immoral act or controversial activity. 7


Power and Duties of Executive Committee Powers and Duties of Chairperson Convene and preside over monthly Executive committee meetings. Approve the agenda and confirm the minutes of all meetings. Convene at least an annual meeting with General Body, teachers, students and local community to discuss matters relating to the welfare of the school. Promote a learning culture within the school. Monitor the performance of teachers and students, assess the same and take the actions in overall interest of school students and community. Utilize the funds with the approval of Executive Committee and in accordance with the SMC fiduciary and procurement guidelines Develop a School Improvement Plan with the help of the executive committee members get an approval from the General Body and ensure that the Plan is executed and effectively monitored. Display School Improvement Plan at a visible place in the school

• • • • • •

Powers and Duties of General Secretary Co-signatory on SMC Bank account with Chairperson Prepare the budget of the SMC in accordance with the School Improvement Plan. Conduct all correspondence, arrange all meetings Record and maintain meeting minutes and financial records of SMC. Share all the communications before Chairperson as well as Committee members. Arrange elections of the office bearers of the SMC.

• • • • • • •

Powers and Duties of Committee Members Provide support to the Teachers and Head Teacher in preparing for extracurricular activities. Identify those parents whose children are out of schools and develop and implement strategies to get them to enroll their children in school. Meet parents on regular basis to hear their issues and update them with the student’s issues. Assist in the self evaluation of the development needs of their school Monitor the implementation of the School Improvement Plan

• • • • • 1.8

Meetings & Quorum • The Executive Committee will meet on monthly basis while meeting of the General Body has to be convened at least once a year. • For Executive Committee meeting, the proceedings can only take place, after quorum of at least three members (60%) has been ensured. While the quorum for General Body meeting is 40% of total members. • Decisions will be made by majority vote of the SMC members present for the meeting, by show of hands. • The minutes of all meetings will be recorded and (with the exception of items designated confidential by the Committee) will be publicly available within 7 working days after the date of the meeting


SMC Bank Account SMC will be required to open a joint bank account operated by Chairperson and General Secretary. The title of SMC account should be in the proper and complete name of the school and should include the school prefix. The Chairperson will be signatory and General Secretary will be co-signatory. All transactions into and out of the SMC funds will be managed through this account.


• •

Direct grants, donations received from individuals or organizations apart from the Government must be deposited in SMC account and recorded in the financial books. The Annual Funds given to each SMC will be directly deposited from Acc # 1 to respective SMC account after the District government has confirmed that the account is a joint account of SMC Chairperson and General Secretary.

1.10 Annual Government Fund for SMCs Every SMC is entitled to annual grant by the government depending on the level of school. This amount is to be utilized by developing a School Improvement Plan which reflects the needs of the school. The sum allocated for each level is below: 1. Primary

Rs. 20,000 or as set by GoS

2. Middle

Rs. 50,000 or as set by GoS

3. High/Secondary Rs. 100,000 or as set by GoS

Note: SMCs from functional and main schools are entitled to GoS Fund. SMCs from non functional/ branch/ closed schools are not entitled for this fund. 1.11 Minimum Fiduciary & Procurement Requirements In order to ensure proper utilization of funds by SMC, every SMC is expected to adhere to the following guidelines: a) b)

c) d)



g) h)

The signatory and co-signatory operate the SMC Bank account. So every transaction from the account shall bear the two signatures of the Chairperson and General Secretary. There should be a School Improvement Plan that includes the physical and non physical needs of the school. The final version of the School Improvement Plan should be displayed on the school notice board and adhered to by the SMC. (refer columnar proforma) For procurement of any item valuing Rs. 5000/- or more the SMC would require minimum of three quotations. A single quotation is only allowed if expenditure does not exceed Rs.5000. In case of at least three quotations, all the necessary information should be passed on to each of the vendors from whom quotation is sought, such as specifications, quantity, and date of delivery. The request for quotations shall also be posted on the notice board of the school for 7 days. Information of the selected supplier/contractor as well as progress/completion of the contract shall be posted on the school notice board for a minimum of 15 days. A quarterly summary of the procurements shall be sent to the office of the EDO. In case of a single quote, all SMC members shall endorse the cost after making sure that the vendor is not taking advantage of the single source selection by checking market price of the same commodity. All SMC documents shall be maintained for a minimum period of three years. All physical items purchased/ constructed/ maintained through Government of Sindh SMC fund should bear the following inscription: ‘GoS SMC Fund – Year of Purchase/ construction/ maintenance’ E.g. GoS SMC Fund – 2009 9

1.12 Eligible Expenditure Areas a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Rehabilitation / construction of school building including rooms, rooftops, wall repairs, latrine, library, shelter Provision of utilities such as electricity, water Payment of utility bills Purchase of furniture, stationary and other consumables for the school and any other material or equipment, demonstrating direct benefit to the school and students Repair and maintenance of school infrastructure/ furniture Temporary appointment of teacher on voluntary basis with an honorarium that does not exceed Rs. 2000/- per month. NOT ALLOWED: Any expenditure that demonstrates personal benefit of SMC member is strictly prohibited. Such action will invoke disciplinary action by the concerned authorities

1.13 Financial Record Keeping: The following financial records have to be maintained by the SMCs: 1. Receipt Memo All receipts obtained as consequence of any transaction will be filed by the SMC for record. 2. Payment Voucher All payments made by the SMC will be supported by a Payment Voucher that may be in the format attached. A copy of the Payment voucher has to be maintained by the SMC.



Serial No. :

Name of School:


Through Check/DD/In Cash


Serial No.

Detail of Expenditure




Signature General Secretary SMC

Signature Chairperson SMC

Received By:

Name: Signature

3. Cash Book SMCs have to record their income and expenditure in a Cash book.



Details of Receipt


Rct. #

Amount Rs.


Details of Payment


P. Vr.#

Amount Rs.

Balance Rs.

Stock/Asset Register 11

All SMC assets have to be recorded in a Stock Register that should have the following information.

Serial Number

Name of




Shop name/

Order no


and date

Date of receipt

Receipt no

Location of


asset & User











SMC should display, on the school notice board, a summary of receipts and payments from cash book and a list of stock items/assets on a monthly basis. SMC accounts would randomly be subject to audit/third party validation to examine the effectiveness of expenditures and performance of SMC. Furthermore, SMC performance and SMC accounts are subject to review by parents and general community during the annual General Body meeting.


School Improvement Plan Date: __________________

Name of School





Personnel Needs

What does the school need to be a good school? (1)

SMC Bank Account #



Success Criteria

Target Date


How much? Which budget?

How will we measure the effectiveness of this activity?


How Successful were we?






What will we need to do to meet our objective of an improved school?

Who will be responsible?

Who will be involved and how?









Signature SMC Chairperson

Signature SMC General Secretary/Head teacher



NIC #:

NIC #:



GoS Annual Submission of SIP to GoS

Fund for SMCs

Vision of Good School

Evaluation of SIP

Implementation & Monitoring of SIP

School Need Identification

Endorsement of SIP

First Draft of SIP

School Improvement Process (SIP) will be lead by the SMC Executive Committee members. Therefore in the following document the word SMC refers to the Executive Committee of the SMC. However the cooperation and support of the General Body and Education department specifically ADOs is also very integral for the SIP to be realized.

Release of GoS funds: The annual GoS funds will be disbursed to SMCs once ADOs submit a copy of the previous year’s SMC fund utilization report in the form of a School Improvement Plan. For the year 2008-2009 the ADOs were required to provide complete information on SMCs for input into a centralized SMC database.

Vision of a good school: The school improvement process is to begin with visioning exercise of ‘what a good school is’. This part will entail asking the stakeholders i.e. General Body what their vision is. Followed by question of whether this is true for their school in case of any answer, yes or no, ask why. Team work and participation of community as prime stakeholders for taking forward the school improvement process will be 28

emphasized. The visioning exercise as well as the next step of Need identification will take place in a General Body meeting of the SMC.

Need identification: The discussion will be specific to the concerned school. The needs of the school will be identified by the SMC through a physical verification process. The needs of the school will be listed down into categories physical and non physical. The needs will then be prioritized based on urgency and resource constraint.

First draft of SIP: SMC will develop the first draft of SIP based on the Need identification exercise. The Needs Identified by the SMC should cover both physical (furniture, repair maintenance, construction etc) and non physical (teacher absenteeism, school dropout, quality of education etc) needs. The SMC will at this stage fill the first 2 columns of the SIP on their own and then share this with the General body for endorsement.

Endorsement of SIP: The first draft of SIP will be shared with SMC General Body and rest of the community for endorsement. Their concerns will be addressed and if need be changes will be made to the first two columns of the SIP. Once the General body is aligned on content of the first two columns then the remaining columns will be filled by mutual agreement of the General Body. For needs such as lack of teacher, could be addressed by soliciting volunteers etc. The filled SIP form will be signed by all Executive Committee members and will be displayed in the school where every one can see it.

Implementation & Monitoring of SIP: For the implementation and monitoring of the SIP volunteers from the General Body and community may be sought. The monitoring at this stage is very simple the General Body and SMC members need to ensure that activities that are listed are successfully completed or that reasons for noncompletion are understood and measures to rectify this are developed and implemented. They also need to ensure that the cost and deadline outlined in the SIP is adhered to. For implementation volunteers may be sought for things such as maintenance, repairs to school etc.

Evaluation of SIP: The evaluation of the SIP will take place in the General Body meeting. The SMC Chairperson will Chair the event. Column 8 of the SIP for the year which evaluates how successful was the initiative taken to address each need is filled through discussion with the General Body. If certain School Need(s) has not been fulfilled then that will be highlighted and will be included in the next SIP.

Submission of SIP to GoS: The SMC will have to share a completed copy of the SIP with respective Assistance District Officer (ADO) Education. The ADO in turn will forward this to Provincial Government for review and analysis. This document will be one of the main factors for the release of annual GoS funds to the SMC.


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