Performance Checklist Aseptic Technique Update

  • June 2020
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Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Aseptic Technique

PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Aseptic Technique (Index i.Asepsis- Sterile technique, ii. Dressings)


Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Aseptic Technique

Equipment commonly use: (It may vary in different patients and different wounds) Yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.. 11. 12 13.

Assess client’s need for dressing (e.g.Check medical /nursing orders) Ensure right client Explain procedure to client Provide privacy to client * Hand hygiene Assess the wound After assessing the wound, arrange patient in appropriate position, move up the side rail if the patient has the risk of fall, otherwise can leave the side rail dowm) Hand hygiene * Put on face mask Check/prepare items for performing the procedure Arrange client in an appropriate position, and expose the wound * Loosen/ remove the outer wound dressing Hand hygiene Open sterile packages. Arrange equipment in an orderly manner Use appropriate antiseptic lotion Check the expiry date and opening date of the antiseptic lotion



Lotions commonly use: Normal Saline Aqueous Hibitane 1:1000 (Chlorhexidine) Aqueous Savlon 1:100, 1;30 (Chlorhexidine + cetavlon)

14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Remove inner dressings with forceps (and place in bag for disposal) Maximize sterile field Clean wound with special attention to: - Use one swab once only - Clean wound from clean to dirty - Keep the tip of the forceps downward - Ensure no dripping from swab* Does not contaminate equipment/field Response to client’s verbal/non verbal cues during the procedure Dry wound properly Apply gauze pad over wound Secure dressing Arrange client in a comfortable position and maintain client safety Tidy up equipment and proper disposal of equipment/material Hand hygiene Documentation and report: observation on wound condition and client’s response (See sample)

Observe and compare wound condition

Check the exudates of the wound ( serous, purulent, serosanguineous, sanguineous)


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Dressing set Face mask Antiseptic lotion or Normal Saline Extra packs of gauze and swabs Micropore (adhesive tape) Gallipot Alcohol swab pads Scissors Plastic bags Waterproof sheet Alcohol hand rub

Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Aseptic Technique

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