Performance Checklist Neurological Assessment

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 481
  • Pages: 3
HKCC 2433

Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills

Neurological Assessment I Yes 1. 2. 3.

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Identify the client (verbal) Wash hands (verbal) Maintain patient privacy (close curtain) Provide for proper lighting Assess mental status Level of consciousness Thought processes Appearance and behavior Speech Obtain history Provide for exposure of areas to be examined Test cranial nerves Cranial nerve I Olfactory (sensory)  Smell (omit)(verbal) Cranial nerve II Optic (sensory)  Visual acuity – snellen chart (omit) (verbal)  Test for visual field  Examine with opthalmoscope Cranial nerve III Oculomotor (motor)  Six cardinal gazes  Test for fixation and accomodation  Papillary constriction- direct and consensus  Observe for ptosis of upper eyelid Cranial nerve IV Trochlear (motor)  Inferior lateral movement of eyes Cranial nerve VI Abducens (motor)  Inferior lateral eye movement Cranial nerve V Trigeminal (sensory and motor)  Corneal reflex (omit)  Sensation of skin of the face (eyebrow, cheeks and chin), using a wisp of cotton  Motor – chewing, biting, lateral jaws movement, against resistance Cranial nerve VII Facial (sensory and motor)  Taste – anterior 2/3 of the tongue Sweet/ salt/ sour/ bitter ( omit)  Motor – movement of forehead and mouth Raise eyebrows, show teeth, Smile and puff out cheeks, close eyes tight and against resistance Cranial nerve VIII Acoustic ( sensory)  Hearing, balance  Weber and Rinnie tests  Whisper test  Otoscope Cranial nerve IX Glossopharyngeal (sensory and motor)



HKCC 2433

Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills

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swallowing and phonation (saying ahh)  taste – posterior 1/3 of tongue (omit) Cranial nerve X Vagus (sensory and motor)  sensation of posterior 1/3 of tongue, throat (omit)  motor – gag reflex  swallowing and phonation Cranial nerve X Spinal accessory (motor)  shoulder movement, shoulder shrug, head rotation – push against examiner’s hand Cranial nerve XII Hypoglossal (motor)  tongue movement – protrude tongue, push tongue into the cheek  saying sounds of letter l, t, d (e.g. letter, dinner) Assess motor system Muscles (inspect and palpate) Size Strength Tone Involuntary movements Assess cerebellar function Balance tests Gait (including tandem walking) Romberg test Coordination and skilled movements Rapid alternating movements (RAM) or Rapid finger-to-thumb Finger-to-finger test Finger-to-nose test Heel-to-shin test

Assess sensory system Pain—sharp and dull Light touch Vibration Position (kinesthesia) Tactile discrimination (fine touch) Stereognosis Graphesthesia Assess reflexes Stretch, or deep tendon reflexes (DTRs)

HKCC 2433

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Biceps Triceps Brachioradialis Quadriceps Achilles (ankle jerk) Plantar

Hand hygiene Document findings (verbal)

Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills

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