rgp clairnan
of thi!,Iiiiise diiiiiiji:iiitliia.o?iiii;."pfi;tioo"
y_esf91faV expressed optinism that the nnai virl-ion ot thd 2019 P3.757-trillion-national nudgei-will b"-i""ai," t""
transmittal to the palace by March
Canarines Sur
before tbe 29th,magka- otber May punto sila. common ageDda. tbal,.s t^r.,t yo ng budgpl," may punto' iin namao tt. tit.t oi- odi"kue to lT9 aarq Andaya. kaoi at bottom line we have this 2olg-Dational Anda.ya added .rhey wanred u b,iJs;. were abte to erplain to Tama i5rung sabi ag aEng cana-;g ioi-tti i"u"rthe senstors tbe side of Panguio ia get"your: d.r,t."' tt" "p?"iif,r.' "ienaLr"etr_" Fq Houl" of Represen- selve-s comf_odalle. "r'ii"i, mas.u6ap kayo, ngayong ""#""t i""i[i'a"r.y,. 1*i:"":31}Tt-_qq9e rnerr p-ait too regardrng maayos na anq usapan. said Lacman *u-,tF:e! 1rs-39T.Tlot: we had a very good meal Aod;ya added rhal. rkamrvrag?e-report . tang together aDd sbared a concerns-of conqressmen at na-exptain oa few-laugts,. said Andaya- will be uaar.ji""t 6v tne nralnrn ang paorg Dg Lagman said be is Flouse leadership ;hile House at ns-explain boping to finally end the rh; S;;G-;U-#1" ,oa rrn ng Sen€do ang ka- budget deadloik during of the senaars--- "._." nlang stoe. And ol' tbeir mFcting tonig}Il,.- -l thinl we came to Jeadership "The crarogue ra lD aD agreement :1""",", 1y.-g we ng .r.ous-e karlangan progress and we are go- will Like care of that our own.
Rolando'Nonov" Anda'is Jr., the panel chaim;n. bared t.I.'is alter meetinE Senators Loren Legardal Panfilo Lacson- arrd?rirgo Honasan vesterdav in 'the Senate' with iJan Juan Cit! Rep. Ronaldo Zamora and fubav Ren Edcel Lagman in a-ttemit to end the butleet deailock. "Hopefully we can transmit it (by March 29r. Actually ASAP," Andava said in an arnbush interview as he added thev will meet aeain thi:s eveniDq. "We ire iJI tlre finishing stages ng am-
tfffltr#:tr"H. 5Hg
at thh poinl in time very posrl,rve tbat we can come Lo ao asreement hopefully. tom_orrow we liere.", said Aa:an _seradqrng oaya, that tump
ized tlre lump sum fimds
as agreed upon durins
i"iri*ai.lf i""ii.r.-
the bicamerai conferend committee. 'There's -iu,st oDe ner-
no other version na pi-
?^1r&;,':t,r* *;"-_u
pe-._Tbe S6nati.panel ":"J:ltr; - ".U"-?"-i1-i!?!,*^ will hrvc rn t€lk wiiF-the .ng paraan. ihe- p'ril"cipte Sp (Spnare presidgg! M- ;f- i;-t k"-;.';fyour cente .fiLo'- Sotto tIIr so piaie-,-6e--$"?t""#l a* -"*",,. hopefu y by -t-omorrow Gk;';;;iil;; -
sioD to
talk about. lhere's
nag-uusapan. Tilat's why
we have to talk about it and explain what it really contains and what it meaas. Yun ang kailan-
gaD naming ipaliwanaq sa bawat isa-" said Andaya.
Earlier. the House leadership appointed Andaya, Zamora and Lagman, who ard all Lawyera, to represent tbe Chamber in- a last-ditch efrort to bl€ak the budset deadlock witb senatorsi
"Our represeDtatives are not only Lawyers; tbey night we could resolve Andava are also experts in all asing usapan." sum lunds oo tbe na- l.hc imnrsse..As long as "d;J Bifore tle meeting, pects of the budget pro'We'll come up with tional budget sftre set we ..b t.lkiog. ft a,"a-ryi'irJi"i#"i", cess: preparation, authoan uDderstandins that asi_de in yesterdays meet- Lhere s r;ghr ar iie ;e "" ;;;;'.[ iiiii]i"J'trrt ," rizatioa, legislation, and we will really havel new ,tt;Ilr^ ot the tunnel," said the Ilouse of Represen- accountabilitv," said tle --. budget. We want to hur,,,-. j_yj Lagman. _."."a"d _ ,, .: House leade*hip. ry it up aad hopefully prace . -^]1vf^ to exprara to eacb "Hopefirlly l,hat is the anytnag a-oa ontv-iten_
- i#";tii;;ii;;.s"