Pengurusan Makmal 3

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UNIT 3 : PLANNING AND PRACTICAL FOR SCIENCE ACTIVITY Concept mapping Planning and practical for science activity

Planning a methodology in practical



The using ICT in practical class

Process in practical class

Special needs for teaching laboratory

Objective 1.1

To know how to plan the practical activity.


To determined the teaching process during practical work.

INTRODUCTION For most pupils the move from primary to secondary school sees the move from doing

science in the classroom to doing science in the laboratory. Science becomes marked off from other curriculum areas and pupils are inducted into the strange and mysterious world of Bunsen burners and conical flasks. To what extent does that move hinder or enhance effective science teaching, there is an acute danger that this demarcation of the subject given by many seconday science teachers that what they are now embarked on is real effectiveness science teaching because you cannot really do science without a science laboratory. In reality, much effectiveness science education is carried out in the primary sector and this evidenced by the enthusiansm the pupils have for the subject when they arrive in secondary school. Within two years much of that enthusiams has evaporated – could this be due to the presentation of science as being something 27


set apart from the rest of the curriculum and a subsequent sense of alienation in pupils to the rituals and practices of the scholl science laboratory? These are question we want you to consider as you work through this chapter.


Planning and methodology in Practical science There are no easy solutions for the improvement of science instruction. We are faced

with two significant realities the amount of knowledgeable to be learn is overwhelming for students and teachers, and new knowledge his being constructed at a rate that is equally overwhelming. Given these realities, what alternatively to the improvement of science education remain viable? It has been argued elsewhere that our best hope may be in new efforts to help students so they have a better chance to grasp the major ideas in science discipline and also to help them learn how to knowledge is constructed, partly to facilitate their learning and partly to help them understand the nature of science. The two strategies presented in this chapter are examples of what Braid describes as metacognitive strategies that facilities students ability to take control of their learning. i.

Concept mapping One of major objectives of the new science curricula of the 1950s and 1960s was to encourage the teaching af science in a manner that world depart from the all common practice of memorizing what Schwab and Brandwein (1962). Concept mapping is a powerful tool to identify both valid and invalid concepts and propositions students hold prior to a segment of laboratory instruction. There is owerwhelming evidence that most science instructions, including laboratory work, does little to alter students misconceptions. The result is that they do the experiments but they do not see the meaning of the events or records they have 28


studied. Their misconception are not modified. We find that the use of concept maps not only can alert teachers to misconceptions have provide descriptions of techniques for teaching students how to do concept mapping.


The using of ICT In science teaching ‘interfacing’ broadly means attaching an experiment to a

computer. The purpose of interfacing is to collect experimental data straight into the computer memory. Apart from eliminating some errors while taking reading, a particular advantage of this approach is that it permits continuous reading from experiments that would otherwise be too rapid or too slow. For example, the discharge of capacitor can be measured, or the fluctuation in temperature and oxygen in the pond can be monitor over a week or more. The sensors are normally set running by software which is capable of storing, saving, and presenting the data collected. The variety of sensors is ever widening, example; pH, movement, light, temperature, heart rate and a glimpse through a supplier’s catalogue will probably whet your appetite, but there have a few snags. For most science department budget the sensors and interface boxes are expensive. In your school or college there may only a few sensors. They may have been brought over several years and so may be from than one manufacturer, in which case they will not mix and match. To ensure your ICT experience includes teaching with this equipment you may have to use the equipment as a part of demonstration or else have the interfacing as part of a circus of activities. The circus approach will require a particular teaching style that you may wish to discuss with your mentor in school. 28


The good news is that interfacing is rarely very demanding of the power of the computer. Even an old computer will usually be perfectly suitable to connect to an interface box to collect data. The problems may arise with a software. Interface boxes require a software that you will have to learnt how to use it. It is quite possible to a data to be collected and storing in computer running old dedicate software, but you may found that you may have insufficient time to educate pupils in the use of software. Most manufacturer continue rewrite and upgrading their software making their package more intuitive, graphical and user friendly. But then you may find that the latest versions may work under a recent operating system such as windows xp that won’t run an old machine. But don’t despair, a fallback position is to use the old 386 with the interface box and its sensors to capture the data, save that data to the file on the floppy disc, and reopen the data under excel in other machine. The feasibility of this approach will depend on facilities in school, and your experience is enthusiasm! You should learnt how to collect and storing data and how to reopen it in excel. Once learned, the principle will apply to other combination of hard – and software that you may encounter in future. Many of the problems mentioned in the last few paragraph will diminish as pupils get older and may become competent, autonomous users. At this stage, if not earlier, you may wish to take advantage of another feature of many data loggers. They can be used away from the computer. Several types can be taken out of lab, for example to make reading as part of an ecological study of a pond. Security and battery life permitting, the interface box can be left to gather data over a protracted period. The box is then brought back to the lab or plugged into a laptop and the data downloaded. In principles this is simple enough but you are strongly advice to try it out several times before undertaking anything important such as 27


examination coursework. An inadvertent touch on a button at the wrong time may bring tears (for teachers and pupils!). 3.2

Process of teaching in pratical class

3.2.1 Planning It is appropriate at times to employ simulations teaching technique that reduce significantly the complexity of reality, enabling students to work with simplified models of the system they are studying. Good teaching with simulations engages students in discussing and examining the similarities and different between model and reality. It is often helpful to have students examine the fidelity of the situmulation and discuss how they might create a better simulation. The use of simulation and practical activity provides special opportunity for student to examine investigative techniques. The question of what is an appropriate sample size, for example is one that merits attention. In conventional school labs, there is often too liltle time for sufficient number of trials or sample or sizes still in order. 3.2.1 Presenting Using a word processor is not just about improving the presentation. You can use a word processor in the many ways you might have used pencil and paper or paper only tasks. As a teacher you can create, sequencing activities, completion tasks, and error correction task. In sequencing activities, pupils use the mouse to drag and drop the sentences written by tou in the correct order. For completing task, it just need to complete the short accounts with phrases missing. And for error correction task, what you need to do is, you write the account with deliberate errors, pupils find and correct them. 28


A whole range of text processing activities is a available to you, though of course these are not science specific. Many pupils will wish to include diagrams of their science apparatus in their reports. This is potentially a great waste of time. Until pupils have reasonable graphics skills, and probably good and apopriatiate software, it will be hard for them to create worth while diagrams. It is unlikely that science lessons are an appropriate occasion on which to develop pupils graphical skills. You, the teacher, have a variety of other strategies in this area including :


Pupils leave a blank space in their report and draw, in pencil on the print out.

You provide a ready drawn image on the computer for them to incorporate.

Special needs of teaching laboratories 3.3.1 Discipline For the safety of everyone concern, a strict discipline must be maintained in the laboratory by the lecturer or demonstrator in charge of the class. A strict compliance with the standing laboratory regulations, as displayed in the laboratory, should be insisted upon. The student must not be allowed to become scapegoat for the untidy habits of other and every laboratory workers., whatever his position must be required to share the responsibilities for the state of the laboratories.

3.3.2 Laboratory clothing



All students and teachers should wear a laboratory coat. This is a proctective measure and is especially important in the case of female persons, whose clothing is the most dangerous in the laboratory. The other advantages of wearing laboratory clothing are obvious if a coat which has had a good wear is inspected. 3.3.3 Bench cleanliness During practical periods the benches should be kept clean and tidy and all spillages of chemicals and stains should be immediately wiped up to protect both the benches top and personal clothing. At the close of the class of the bench top sould be cleaned down with a squeegee and finally with a swab, before the student leaves the laboratory.

3.3.4 Waste containers All students should be trained to use the waste containers which should be provided and wide-mouth bottles or other suitable waste containers should be provided in chemistry laboratory for tarry residues. This prevents the permanent containers and also prevents sinks from being abused.

3.3.5 Reporting of damage Accidents which may happen, involving damage to instruments, may not be serious if the damage is reported immediately. No attempt should be made by the student himself to effect repairs to an instrument, for even though he may act with the best of 28


intentions an instrument, for even though he may act with irreplaceable damage may be done. This rule is particularly important as applied to balance mechanism and to microscope lens systems. Similarly the temperature setting on ovens, furnaces, or incubators must never be altered without permission. No student should handle any precision instrument unless he has received instruction in its use.

3.4 Conclusion The planning and practical for science activity arise from the fact that they are heavily populated by persons undergoing training. Because the students have reached different levels in the instruction, no two teaching laboratories, even though they may be used for teaching the same subject, are exactly alike in design or equipment. For these reasons they differ considerably from non-teaching laboratories. Certain basic needs are, however, common to all teaching laboratories.

Question 1. Why must have plan during teaching practical science? A. To guide teacher do the right things B. To help teachers prepare the practical class C. To enhance student with the ability in science lab D. To help student to have a better chance to grasp in major idea

1. Two strategies present in this chapter are 28



Concept mapping


Science curriculum




Laboratory instruction

A. I & II


B. I & IV

D. I & IV

1. The using of ICT in practical science is; A. To make the learning become more attractive and convenience B. To help teacher present the diagram or video that related in the topic C. To collect the experimental data straight into computer memory D. To complete the lesson

1. The example of sensors are; I-



Science curriculum




Laboratory instruction

A. I & II


B. I & IV

D. I & IV

1. The advantage of using ICT? A. To make teacher easier to explain about science situation

B. To help teacher enhance their teaching skills C. To make student feel curios while study science D. To complete the need of teaching

1. Process of teaching practical in planning is best teaching, why is so?



A. Engage student in discuss and examining between model and reality B. To let student investigate about biology in their life C. To make sure that student are ready for their lesson D. To plan wisely so student can enjoy during their practical class

1. What activity teacher can do during presentation? I-

Sequencing activities


Error correction task


Completion task


Question and answer

A. I, II and III


I, II and IV

B. I, III and IV


All above

References Amritage, Philip and Fasemore, Johnson. (1977). Laboratory Safety: A Science Teacher’s Source Book, Heinamann Education Books, London. Chisman, Dennis (1987) Preliminary Issues, Practical Secondary Education: Planning for Cost- Effectiveness in less Developed Countries, Commonwealth Secreteriat, London. Fahkru’l-Razi Ahmadun, Chuah Teong Guan and Mohd Halim Shah. 2005. Safety: Principles & Practices in the Laboratory, Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang.



Hegarty-Hazel, Elizabeth (1990), The Student Laboratory and the Science Curriculum: An Overview, The Student Laboratory and the Science Curriculum, pt.1, pg.3. McGrath, Dennis M. (1978), Some General Considerations, Laboratory Management and Techniques For School and Colleges, Anthonian, Kuala Lumpur-Ipoh-Singapore. Woolnough, Brian E. (1991). Setting the scene, Practical Science, pt.1, pg.6. Woolnough, Brian E. (1991). Setting the scene, Practical Science, pt.1, pg. 13. Woolnough, Brian E. (1991). Setting the scene, Practical Science, pt.1, pg. 14. K. Guy. Laboratory organization and administration. London Butterworths


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