Pengurusan Makmal Sains 1

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 14


Concept mapping



Objective : 1.1.1 knowing the National Philosophy of Education and Philosophy of Science Education 1.1.2 Knowing the needed for the curriculum 1.1.3 Understanding the element in science curriculum

National philosophy of education Education in Malaysia is ongoing efforts towards developing the potential in a holistic

and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious based on firm belief in develop to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizen who are knowledgeable and competent, who posses high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well being as well as able to contribute to the harmony and betterment to the family, society and nation at large.


National science education philosophy

In consonance with the National Education Philosophy,



Science education in Malaysia nurtures a Science and technology Culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency


Introduction Malaysia is cognizant of the priorities being given throughout the world to science and

technology. As the country prepares to join the ranks of developed nations by 2020, it has placed on its national agenda the creation of a scientific and progressive society that is innovative, forward looking and one that is not only a consumer of technology, but also a contributor to the scientific and technological civilization on the future. With the advent of information technology and a knowledge-based economy, it is imperative to produce knowledgeable workers. Mastery of science and technology among the young is crucial, as this will provide the necessary pool of technocrats who have the capabilities and creativity to take the lead in the various technology related activities. The implications on the school curriculum are obvious. Science is a core subject in the school curriculum and comprises science for primary, science for secondary, physics, biology, chemistry and additional science. The science curriculum is developed centrally. At the primary and lower secondary levels, science is compulsory to all while at the upper secondary level, students either take core science or choose science electives.


Aims for the science education The National Philosophy of Science Education states that, ‘In consonance with the

National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a science and technology



culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency’. With this philosophy, science education, therefore, is aimed at developing the potentials of individuals in an overall and integrated manner so as to produce Malaysian citizens who are scientifically and technologically literate, competent in scientific skills, practice good moral values, capable of coping with the changes of scientific and technological advances and be able to manage nature with wisdom and responsibility for the betterment of mankind. The main aim of science at the primary level is to lay the foundation for building a society that is culturally scientific and technological, caring, dynamic and progressive. This is to be achieved through providing opportunities for students to acquire sufficient skills, knowledge and values through experiential learning that inculcates the sense of responsibility towards the environment and a high regard of nature’s creation. Emphasis is given on the mastery of scientific skills needed to study and understand the world. Scientific skills refer to process skills and manipulative skills. Science continues to be offered as a core subject to all students at the lower secondary level. The curriculum at this level further develops, nurtures and reinforces what has been learned at the lower primary level. Particular emphasisis given on the acquisition of scientific knowledge, mastery of scientific and thinking skills, inculcation of moral values concurring with he premise that man is entrusted with the responsibility of managing the world and its resources wisely. This will enable pupils to understand and appreciate the role of science and its application in daily living as well as for the development of the nation. Technical education is aimed at developing the potentials of students who have the interest and inclination towards a technology-oriented program in an effort to produce a highly knowledgeable and competent workforce in various technical and engineering fields. Vocational education aims at providing students with general and technical subjects towards providing them 3


with employable skills and a good foundation for admission into polytechnics and other institutions of higher learning.


Elements of a science discipline Although in a wider sense, cultural content is seen as a source of curriculum, we shall be

concerned only with the elements of a science discipline as curricular resources. We suggest that choices from the elements of a science discipline are potential resources which will have a cascading effect on all other stages of the educational process to extent that potential is realized. It may be observed most directly in statements of intended learning outcomes. For questions on the role of laboratory work, one needs to examine the results of instructional planning decisions about which goals are to be met in laboratory class work versus goals met in other class work. The elements of a science discipline are many, but Schwab identified the structure of science education practices to date. This knowledge is two kinds- ‘knowledge how’ (labeled substantive knowledge and syntactic knowledge by Schwab). In a very important sense the laboratory in professional science is where much of the structure of scientific knowledge is made, modified or radically changed. Questions follow about to extend to which student science can or should reflect professional science. However, we have to understood the need to move beyond the traditional elements of a scientific discipline into one of the areas describe by Schwab as a significantly neglected. Part of the scientist drive may come from a deep love of the subject areas being investigate, a desire to find out what makes them things work, or believe that scientific procedures provides at least one avenue by which dependable knowledge can be generated. Within the cognitive apparatus of a scientist these dispositions or commitments provide the motivation to use successfully what skills and knowledgeable are possessed. 4



Technical skill Technical skills are the sine qua non of the laboratory. If students technical skills

fail then it can be difficult to retrieve the experimental technique, manual dexterity and orderliness. If this is done then it becomes easier to establish performance criteria, to plan teaching permitting practice and feedback and to plan evaluations. Several research-based studies shows that improvement of technical skills may be obtained via manipulation of the condition of learning (such as provision of criteria, practice or feedback). Schemes for content analysis showed a great variation in the extend to which different aspects of technical skills are emphasized in science curriculum materials. This can be linked to the earlier observation that secondary and to a greater extent, tertiary teachers regard technical skills as a relatively low priority and perhaps not fully worth systematic attention in curriculum materials. This can be linked to the earlier observation that secondary and perhaps not to a greater extent, tertiary teacher. Students, on the other hand, seems to regard technical skills as scientifically and vocationally very important.


Scientific inquiry Here we focus first on student learning activities to be provided when intended

learning outcomes stress scientific enquiry. Lucas (1971) differentiated four different meaning for the term scientific enquiry : (1) scientists’ techniques and procedures for enquiry, (2) scientific logic, (3) teaching-learning emphasizing probing, questioning, designing of technique to gather information, (4) combinations, e.g. using technique (3) to teach about enquiry as in. Tamir (1983) reported considerable confusing by teachers 5


amongst these different meaning. In laboratory work, what is needed is for course planner to choose or design exercises which require students to utilize enquiry skills such as formulating hypothesis and designing and executing experiments. As well as such implicit teaching, there should be explicit teaching about enquiry. Content analysis techniques provide course planners with a tool for monitoring the level of scientific enquiry in intended learning activities (and thus the match between intended outcomes and activities). The scheme developed by Herron (1971) describe laboratory exercises for their levels for openness for inquiry


Scientific knowledge Science educators are increasingly to understand how laboratory actually

influence the learning of scientific knowledge- particular symbols or facts, concepts, laws, principles, theories and generalization. with the greater understanding of this, teachers will be able to develop more effective instructional environments that should result in intended student learning outcomes being more likely achieved. It is now recognize that different instructional strategies are needed to promote the learning of different type of scientific knowledge. For example, learning a new concept requires the prior learning of subordinate concepts, where are facts more readily learned if associated if meaningful context and need not to subordinately related. Simply including a laboratory experiment in the instructional process is insufficient. Of significant importance is the need to clearly identify the intended learning outcomes for students. This influences how the experiment to be conducted, the nature of the questions to be asked and the kind of student involvement. Recent studies, have explored the student perception of science laboratory experiments and have highlighted that often only 6


able students appear strongly link the appropriate scientific knowledge associate with this, rather than leaving the students make such linked themselves. When students conduct in an experiment in a small group, each student has a somewhat different experience. There is no standard laboratory experiments. Exploring the impact of such differences on the learning of scientific knowledge is a significant challenge.


Scientific skills

Science emphasis inquiry and problem solving. In inquiry and problem solving processes, scientific and thinking skills are utilized. Scientific skills are important in any scientific investigation such as conducting experiments and carrying out projects. Scientific skills encompass science process skills 6.4.1 –

Observing Using the sense of hearing touch, smell, taste and sight to collect information about an object or phenomenon.

6.4.1 –

Classifying Using observation to group objects or events according to similarities or differences.

6.4.1 –

Measuring and using numbers Making quantitative observation using numbers and tools with standardized units. Measuring makes observation more accurate.


Inferring Using past experiences of previously collected data to draw conclusions and make explanations of evets.


Predicting 7


Stating the outcome of a future event based on prior knowledge gained through experiences and collected data.

6.4.1 –

Communicating Using words or graphic symbols such as tables, graph, figures or models to describe an action object or event.

6.4.1 –

Using space time relationship Describing changes in parameter with time, example of parameters are location, direction, shape, size, volume, weight and mass.

6.4.1 –

Interpreting data Giving rational explanations about an object, even or pattern derived from collected data.


Scientific and thinking skills Central in the teaching-learning approach in the science curriculum at all levels is

the mastery of scientific skills, which comprise process skills, manipulative skills and thinking skills. Process skills are mental processes that encourage critical, creative, analytical and systematic thinking and include observing, making inferences, classifying, measuring and using numbers, predicting, communicating, using time and space relationships,







hypotheses and experimenting. Manipulative skills are psychomotor skills used in scientific investigations such as proper handling of scientific equipment, substances, living and non-living things. Thinking skills comprise critical thinking and creative thinking, which when combined with reasoning lead to higher order thinking skills such as conceptualizing, decision-making and problem solving. The operation of these strategies 8


can be seen in Figure. Various methods can be used to inculcate scientific and thinking skills. In the science curriculum, the infusion methodology is recommended. Scientific and thinking skills are infused through science lessons in various stages. These stages range from introducing scientific and thinking skills explicitly, applying these skills with guidance from teachers and finally applying these skills to solve specific problems independently.

Reasonin Critical THINKING Creative Thinking Conceptualizing Attributing Generating ideas Comparing Decision making and thinking g thinking SKILLS Relating strategy contrasting Problem solving Inferring Sequencing Predating Prioritizing Hypothesization Analyzing Synthesization Detecting bias Evaluating Generalization Making decision Imaging Making analysis Inventing

A model of thinking skills




Attitudes and moral The infusion of desirable values and attitudes is also emphasized in the teaching



values include showing interest and curiosity towards these

surroundings, honesty and accuracy in recording and validating data, flexibility and openmindedness, perseverance, being systematic and confident, cooperation, responsibility for one’s own and friend’s safety, and towards the environment, appreciation of the contributions of science and technology, thankfulness to God, appreciation and practice of a healthy and clean life style and the realization that science is one of the ways to understand the universe.

Question 1. What is the philosophy of education in Malaysia

A. Developing the potential in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious based on firm belief in develop to God. B. To made a new generation that will contribute money and knowledge to country. C. To produce a human capital that will be professional in the worlds



D. Developing a potential in a innovative and successful races, and to produce individuals that can be independent with the patriotism in their heart and to have a 1 Malaysia pupils in future.

1. What is the aim of the science curriculum in Malaysia? A. To lay the foundation for building a society that is culturally scientific and

technological, caring, dynamic and progressive B. Every student must have the values include showing interest and curiosity

towards these surroundings, honesty and accuracy in recording and validating data, flexibility and open-mindedness. C. To produce Malaysian citizens who are scientifically and technologically literate,

competent in scientific skills, practice good moral values, capable of coping with the changes of scientific and technological advances and be able to manage nature with wisdom and responsibility for the betterment of mankind. D. To focus on student learning activities to be provided when intended learning

outcomes stress scientific enquiry

1. Which one is NOT the focus on student in scientific enquiry; A. Scientists’ techniques and procedures for enquiry B. Teaching-learning emphasizing probing, questioning, designing of technique to gather information C. Combinations, e.g. using technique D. Using the scientific skills to solve the problems.



1. What is main objective for the scientific skills in science curriculum? A. To produce a good scientist in future B. To made students become expert in scientific skills.

C. To use the correct scientific skill while doing the experiment D. To make a student become master in science subject.

1. From the list, which one is NOT the critical thinking elements: A. Analyzing B. Attributing C. Problem solving D. Making desion

1. Which are they is the main objective for the practical practice in science education? A. have the interest and inclination towards a technology-oriented program B. providing students with general and technical subjects towards providing them

with employable skills and a good foundation C. pupils to understand and appreciate the role of science and its application in daily

living as well as for the development of the nation D. to develop more effective instructional environments that should result in intended student learning outcomes being more likely achieved

1. Three element in thinking strategy are: i.

Concept mapping


Decision making




Problem solving 12

UNIT 1 : SCIENCE CURRICULUM A. i, ii, and iii

B. ii, iii, and iv C. i , iii, and iv D. all above

References Amritage, Philip and Fasemore, Johnson. (1977). Laboratory Safety: A Science Teacher’s Source Book, Heinamann Education Books, London. Chisman, Dennis (1987) Preliminary Issues, Practical Secondary Education: Planning for Cost- Effectiveness in less Developed Countries, Commonwealth Secreteriat, London. Fahkru’l-Razi Ahmadun, Chuah Teong Guan and Mohd Halim Shah. 2005. Safety: Principles & Practices in the Laboratory, Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. Hegarty-Hazel, Elizabeth (1990), The Student Laboratory and the Science Curriculum: An Overview, The Student Laboratory and the Science Curriculum, pt.1, pg.3. McGrath, Dennis M. (1978), Some General Considerations, Laboratory Management and Techniques For School and Colleges, Anthonian, Kuala Lumpur-Ipoh-Singapore. Woolnough, Brian E. (1991). Setting the scene, Practical Science, pt.1, pg.6. Woolnough, Brian E. (1991). Setting the scene, Practical Science, pt.1, pg. 13. Woolnough, Brian E. (1991). Setting the scene, Practical Science, pt.1, pg. 14. K. Guy. Laboratory organization and administration. London Butterworths




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