Pengenalan Perawatan intensif Muhamad Zulfatul A’la, M.Kep
Capaian pembelajaran 1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami ruang lingkup keperawatan kritis 2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami kompetensi perawat kritis 3. Falsafah ruang ICU 4. Mahasiswa mampu memahami kriteria ruang intensif 5. Mahasiswa mampu memahami tentang kriteria pasien kritis 6. Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep etik di ruang kritis 7. Mahasiswa mampu memahami tentang brain death
Ruang lingkup kep. kritis • approximately 119,000 admissions to 141 general intensive care units (ICUs)
• in Australia per year; this includes 5500 patient readmissions during the same hospital episode • critical care treatment is a high expense component of hospital
care; one conservative estimate of cost exceeded $A2600 per day • Critical care as a specialty in nursing has developed over the last 30 years.
• Critical care nursing is defined by the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses as:
Specialised nursing care of critically ill patients who have manifest or potential disturbances of vital organ functions. Critical care nursing means assisting, supporting and restoring the patient
towards health, or to ease the patient’s pain and to prepare them for a dignified death. The aim of critical care nursing is to establish a therapeutic relationship with patients and their relatives and to
empower the individuals’ physical, psychological, sociological, cultural and spiritual capabilities by preventive, curative and rehabilitative interventions.
CCN Competencies According Canadian Association of critical care Nurses (2009) : 1.
Critical care nurses use advanced skills and specialized knowledge to
continuously assess, monitor and manage patients for the promotion of optimal physiological balance. 2.
Critical care nurses promote and facilitate optimal comfort and wellbeing in a highly technological environment that is often unfamiliar to patients and families.
Critical care nurses foster mutually beneficial partnerships with patients and families based on trust, dignity, respect, communication and collaboration. Family is defined by the patient.
4. When providing care in a high risk environment, critical care nurses participate in safety initiatives and adhere to
best practice. 5. When life sustaining technologies are no longer beneficial, critical care nurses support patients and
families through the transition from active treatment to a peaceful death. 6. The critical care nurse promotes collaborative practice in
which the contribution of the patient, family and each health care provider is solicited, acknowledged and valued in a non-hierarchical manner.
7. Critical care nurses provide leadership by fostering a critical care culture conducive to collaboration, quality improvement, safety, professional growth and responsible resource utilization.
Pendidikan keperawatan kritis Ners generalis/perawat vokasi
Advanced practice nursing
Ners generalis
Spesialis keperawatan kritis
Etika kedokteran
Indikasi yang benar
Kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan pasien
Kerjasama multidisipliner
Asas prioritas
Sistem manajemen peningkatan mutu terpadu
Kemitraan profesi
Efektifitas, keselamatan dan ekonomis
Kontinuitas pelayanan
• (KMK 1778 tahun 2010)
Kriteria Ruang Intensif ICU PRIMER
ICU Sekunder
ICU tersier
Harus ada ruang isolasi
Harus ada ruang isolasi
Harus ada ruang tunggu keluarga
Harus ada ruang tunggu keluarga
Lab 24 jam
Lab 24 jam
ketenagaan Jenis tenaga
ICU Primer
ICU Sekunder
ICU tersier
Kepala ICU
dokter spesiaiis anestesiologi 2. dokter spesialis lain . yang teteh mengikuti Pelatihan)
1. Dokter ntensivis 2. dokterspesialis anestesiologi fiikabelum ada. dokter intensivis
Dokter intensivis
Tim Medis
dokter spesialis Sebagaikonsultan 2. dokteriaga24 jam dengan kemampuan Resusitasijantung paru
dokter spesialis2. dokter jaga 24 jam .dengan kemampuan ALS/ACLS, danFCCS
dokter spesialis2. dokter jaga 24 jam .dengan kemampuan ALS/ACLS, danFCCS
Jenis tenaga
ICU Primer
ICU Sekunder
ICU tersier
Perawat terlatih yang Bersertifikat BTCLS
Minimal50% dari jumlah seluruh perawat di ICU merupakan perawat terlatih Dan, bersertifikat ICU
Minimal 75% dari jumlah seluruh perawat di ICU merupakan perawat terlatih dan bersertifikat ICU
Tenaga non medis
Tenaga administrasi, pekarya dan kebersihan
Tenaga administrasi, pekarya dan kebersihan
Tenaga administrasi, pekarya dan kebersihan Tenaga rekam medik, lab, farmasi, ilmiah
ICU Primer
Kemampuan pelayanan ICU Sekunder
RJP, airway management, terapi O2, pemasangan CVC, EKG, titrasi, nutrisi enteral dan parenteral, lab khusus, penggunaan alat portabel, fisioterapi dada
RJP, airway management, terapi O2, pemasangan CVC, EKG, titrasi, nutrisi enteral dan parenteral, lab khusus, penggunaan alat portabel, fisioterapi dada
Prosedur isolasi, hemodialisis intermitten dan kontinyu
ICU tersier Prosedur isolasi, hemodialisis intermitten dan kontinyu
Kriteria pasien masuk 1. Gol pasien prioritas 1 kritis, tidak stabil, perlu terapi intensif (ventilasi, obat-obatan vasoaktif, antiaritmia dll)
2. Gol pasien prioritas 2 perlu pemantauan canggih peralatan ICU, contoh pasien dengan pulmonary arterail chateter 3. Gol pasien prioritas 3 kritis, tidak stabil, perlu terapi intensif
akibat penyakit yang mendasarinya • Pengecualian : pasien dengan keadaan vegetatif permanen, pasien yang menolak terapi tunjangan hidup, karena adanya donor organ.
Kriteria pasien keluar 1. keadaan pasien telah membaik dan cukup stabil
2. Ketika pemantauan intensif pada pasien sudah tidak bermanfaat
Alur pelayanan ICU
Konsep etik diruang intensif 1. Ethics deal with all aspects of human behavior and are often complex and contentious
2. Ethics involve principles and rules that guide and justify conduct
3. Key ethical (moral) principles include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice and paternalism
Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents
To respect autonomy is to give weight to autonomous persons’ considered opinions and choices, while refraining from obstructing their actions unless these are clearly detrimental to others or themselves. According to the principle of autonomy, critical care
patients are entitled to be treated as self-determining. Where the
patient is incompetent, healthcare professionals ought to act so as to respect the autonomy of the individual as much as possible, for example by attempting to discover what the patient’s preference would have been in the current circumstances
1. The principle of beneficence requires that nurses act inways that promote the
wellbeing of another person 2. doing no harm, and maximising possible
benefits while minimising possible harms (non-maleficence)
JUSTICE • Justice may be defined as fair, equitable and appropriate treatment in light of what is due or owed to an individual • In health care, egalitarian theories generally propose that people be provided with an equal distribution of particular goods or services
Consent to treatment 1.
A competent individual has the right to decline or accept healthcare treatment
Consent is considered valid when the following criteria are fulfilled; consent must:
• be informed (the patient must understand the broad nature and effects of the proposed intervention and the material risks it entails)
• be voluntarily given • encompass the act to be performed • be given by a person legally competent to do so.
End of life decision making • A common ethical dilemma found in critical care is related to the opposing positions of ‘maintaining life at all costs’ and ‘relieving suffering
associated with prolonging life ineffectively’. • The withholding or withdrawal of life support is considered ethically acceptable and clinically desirable if it reduces unnecessary patient suffering in patients whose prognosis is considered hopeless.
• Lack of communication creates a potential for patients to undergo burdensome and expensive treatments that they may not desire • End-of-life decision making is usually very difficult and traumatic
Brain death occurs in the setting of a severe brain injury associated with marked elevation of intracranial pressure.
Determination of brain death requires that there is unresponsive coma, the absence of brainstem reflexes and the absence of respiratory centre function, in the clinical setting in which these findings are irreversible.
death isdetermined using the brain death criteria, it is certified by two
medical practitioners as defined by local legislation 4.
Brain death cannot be determined without evidence of sufficient intracranial pathology
Kematian batang otak didefinisikan sebagai hilangnya seluruh fungsi otak,
termasuk fungsi batang otak, secara ireversibel. Tiga tanda utama manifestasi
kematian batang otak adalah koma dalam, hilangnya seluruh refleks batang otak, dan apnea(3,4). 3.
Seorang pasien yang telah ditetapkan mengalami kematian batang otak berarti secara klinis dan legal-formal telah meninggal dunia. Hal ini dituangkan dalam pernyataan IDI tentang Mati dalam SK PB IDI No.336/PB IDI/a.4 tertanggal 15 Maret 1988 yang disusul dengan SK PB IDI No.231/PB.A.4/07/90. Dalam fatwa tersebut dinyatakan bahwa seorang dikatakan mati, bila fungsi pernafasan dan jantung telah berhenti secara pasti atau irreversible, atau terbukti telah terjadi kematian batang otak(5,6)
Koma dalam • Tidak adanya respon motorik serebral terhadap rangsang • nyeri di seluruh ekstremitas (nail-bed pressure) dan penekanan di supraorbital • faktor perancu, seperti intoksikasi obat, blokade neuromuskular, hipotermia, • atau kelainan metabolik lain yang dapat menyebabkan koma namun masih berpotensi reversible.
Tidak terdapat respon terhadap cahaya / refleks cahaya negatif
Ukuran: midposisi (4 mm) sampai dilatasi (9 mm)
• a.
Gerakan bola mata /gerakan okular: Refleks okulosefalik negatif (pengujian dilakukan hanya apabila secara nyata tidak terdapat retak atau ketidakstabilan vertebrae cervical atau basis kranii)
Tidak terdapat penyimpangan /deviasi gerakan bola mata terhadap irigasi 50 ml air dingin di setiap telinga (membrana timpani harus tetap utuh; pengamatan 1 menit setelah suntikan, dengan interval tiap telinga minimal 5 menit)
• Respon motorik facial dan sensorik facial: a.
Refleks kornea negatif
Jaw reflex negatif (optional)
Tidak terdapat respon menyeringai terhadap rangsang tekanan dalam pada kuku, supraorbita, atau temporomandibular joint
• Refleks trakea dan faring: a.
Tidak terdapat respon terhadap rangsangan di faring bagian
posterior b.
Tidak terdapat respon terhadap pengisapan trakeobronkial / tracheobronchial suctioning
APNEA Prasyarat :
• Suhu tubuh ≥ 36,5 °C atau 97,7 °F • Euvolemia (balans cairan positif dalam 6 jam sebelumnya) • PaCO2 normal (PaCO2 arterial ≥ 40 mmHg) • d. PaO2 normal (pre-oksigenasi arterial PaO 2 arterial
≥ 200 mmHg)
Pasang pulse-oxymeter dan putuskan hubungan ventilator
Berikan oksigen 100%, 6 L/menit ke dalam trakea (tempatkan kanul setinggi carina)
Amati dengan seksama adanya gerakan pernafasan (gerakan dinding dada atau abdomen yang
menghasilkan volume tidal adekuat) •
Ukur PaO2, PaCO2, dan pH setelah kira-kira 8 menit, kemudian ventilator disambungkan kembali
Apabila tidak terdapat gerakan pernafasan, dan PaCO2 ≥ 60 mmHg (atau peningkatan PaCO2 lebih atau sama dengan nilai dasar normal), hasil tes apnea dinyatakan positif (mendukung kemungkinan klinis kematian batang otak)
Apabila terdapat gerakan pernafasan, tes apnea dinyatakan negatif (tidak mendukung kemungkinan klinis kematian batang otak)
Hubungkan ventilator selama tes apnea apabila tekanan darah sistolik turun sampai < 90 mmHg (atau lebih rendah dari batas nilai normal sesuai usia pada pasien < 18 tahun), atau pulse-oxymeter mengindikasikan adanya desaturasi oksigen yang bermakna, atau terjadi aritmia kardial.