Peeda Profile

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Organisational Profile October 2008

Community Poverty Alleviation Renewable Energy


People, Energy & Environment Development Association (PEEDA) Contact Office: Bhanimandal, Ekantakuna, P.O. Box 8975, EPC 2157, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: +977-1-5540792 , Fax: +977-1-5529873 e-mail: [email protected] web:

PEEDA Organisational Profile


standard of poor people of Nepal. There are several possibilities as well as bottlenecks and hindrances. Few activities and favourable policies have been put forward by the government of Nepal in recent years.

HISTORY OF THE ORGANIZATION a. General Background Energy is the prime mover of all the activities of an individual, an economy, and a whole biodiversity. One Ton of Oil Equivalent (TOE) per capita year seems the minimum energy needed to guarantee an acceptable level of living as measured by Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.8. The energy cost of satisfying basic human needs ranges between 27,800 to 36,400 kcal per day per capita i.e. between 1.0 to 1.3 TOE. However, the average per capita energy consumption of Nepal is reported to be 0.340 TOE (14.2 GJ) and this includes traditional sources of energy like fuelwood, crop residue and animal dung. The scarcity of these will increase as the population increases either the average energy consumption will be reduced or fossil fuel will be consumed in the absence of fuelwood (if other alternatives are not available for an increased population).

b. PEEDA’s Background People, Energy & Environment Development Association (PEEDA) was established in 1998 jointly by various hydropower related organisations developed by the United Mission to Nepal (UMN) for the enhancement of the renewable energy sector in Nepal.

The condition of "energy poverty" (i.e. extreme fuel shortage) is compensated with less valuable fuels such as leaves, straw and dung. Such shifting action from fuelwood to crop residue and dung will reduce the nutrients needed for the soil. Therefore, the energy poverty can reduce the number of cooked meals and increase malnourishment and thus overall poverty. This situation of energy poverty in Nepal is hindering not only economic activities but also overall development of Nepal’s living standard physically, socially and ecologically.

PEEDA aims to mobilize local as well as external resources to harness the indigenous resources of the country thereby promoting poverty alleviation activities. It focuses mainly on institutional development, participation with stakeholders at grass root levels in development activity, research and lobbying for policy change. PEEDA’s team, with its gained experiences in the energy and development sectors, envisioned that economic development can be achieved through sustainable energy development activities, with the particular emphasis of seeing this development reach the poor. PEEDA has also been supporting institutions which have a goal of serving the needs of those developing the water resources of Nepal. It owns 100% shares of Hydro Consult Pvt. Ltd and 30% shares of Hydro lab Pvt. Ltd. Both of these companies are serving private parties, institutions, as well as governments agencies in their respective fields PEEDA has also conducted several training events related to management within the energy sector with the aim of building the capacity of people involved in the development sectors. It has also collaborated with other organizations

Paradoxically, Nepal is rich in natural resources when looking at renewable energy resources. These resources could be utilized by giving due care to environment to uplift the living PEEDA_Profile- Oct 2008.doc Date: 13th October 2008



PEEDA Organisational Profile

in the research and development of Pico Hydro and has regularly been organizing workshops and seminars to promote such activities.

PEEDA is committed to the values of empowering individuals & communities to help themselves, non-discrimination, and maintaining good relationships. d. Vision Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. Large proportions of the population live in the mountainous regions of Nepal, surviving on subsistence agriculture with no access to electricity with which other economies may be possible. Deforestation is a major environmental problem in Nepal, and is made worse by increasing population densities and the subsistence economy.


Hydropower and bio-fuels are some of Nepal’s renewable resources, which could be harnessed to provide power to a larger proportion of the population and/or be sold to provide a source of income. This would raise living standards, reduce the current human impact on the environment, and provide general welfare to the people, and particularly the rural poor.

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE ORGANIZATION c. Mission PEEDA is an NGO dedicated to improve livelihoods of communities, particularly the poor, by collective utilization of renewable energy resources, while ensuring due care for the environment.

PEEDA’s vision for Nepal is that poverty will be substantially reduced through, among other initiatives, effective, socially responsible, and environmentally sustainable development of renewable energy resources. Its ultimate vision is that all the people of Nepal will enjoy economic security as a result of the effective utilization of Nepal’s renewable energy resources.

This is achieved by establishing institutions active in the renewable energy sectors, promoting cooperation between relevant stakeholders to undertake development projects, advocating for policy & regulatory reforms and undertaking targeted research.

e. Objectives

The principle behind the activities of PEEDA is that the poor of Nepal, who live mainly in rural areas, should share in the benefits of Nepal’s renewable energy resources, but this will not happen without dedicated and sustained effort.

The objective of the organization is to improve livelihoods of communities, particularly the poor, by communal utilization of renewable energy resources, while ensuring due care for the environment. The main objectives are:

Bio-fuels Project Jatropha plant growing in the hills of Nepal

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This project aims to help poor villagers develop alternatives ways of creating a livelihood by harvesting inedible oil bearing seeds, particularly Jatropha seeds (see photo). The project has been launched in Okhaldhunga District in East Nepal. Seeds will be harvested from existing Jatropha plants but the project will also have a component that encourages high yielding hybrid varieties of Jatropha to be planted. A cooperative will be set-up to process these seeds and expel the oil. The jatropha oil will then be used as a diesel replacement and will hence reduce the need to transport an expensive fossil fuel into the hills of Nepal. The final component of the project is to create a guaranteed local market for this fuel by converting one or more of the generators at Okhaldunga Community Hospital to run on this bio-fuel – thus replacing diesel and saving money. 2


PEEDA Organisational Profile

¾ Research and assess the physical, technical environmental, economic, social and legal aspects of renewable energy resources;

renewable energy. f. Activities

¾ Facilitate and empower Nepali people, especially rural communities, to harness these resources; ¾ Provide information to the general public to raise awareness about the exploitation and use of renewable energy and other energy related issues; ¾ Implement and promote projects related to energy and protection of the environment to improve the welfare and economic development of poor people; ¾ Promote small enterprises in rural areas by encouraging the local end-use of energy; ¾ Promote the transfer of technology; ¾ Serve as a medium for transferring foreign financial support to projects related to

Identifying institutional gaps in the hydropower industry

Channelling finance for the founding of institutions

Forming institutions

Providing Board-level governance for institutions

Providing advice / assistance on legal as well as policy level issues

Advocating for policy change

Conducting training for capacity building

Facilitating the establishment of community organizations in appropriate areas to perform socio-economic developmental works

Pro-Poor Hydropower Pilot Project Pro-Poor Hydropower (PPHP) is a concept by which the rural poor of Nepal are facilitated into the profitable ownership of their water resources. This is achieved through development of commercially profitable and socio-ecologically acceptable hydropower projects with the local poor gaining significant ownership of the projects. PPHP is promoted by PEEDA, along with various partner organisations with funding from NORAD. The key outcome of a successful PPHP project will be that a large part of a particular community – particularly the poor of the community – will have significant ownership of a profitable hydropower company that uses that community’s river for hydropower generation. They will then receive regular and long-lasting cash income through dividends from their ownership. The community will also receive many spin-off benefits, such as having its awareness raised on various social and economic issues, training, jobs during construction, infrastructure, and some rural electrification (remembering that this is not the main purpose of the project) as well as skills to create small enterprises. .

Soft loan facility to purchase 3 shares

Grant for the purchase of 2 shares Normal daily wage

Wage sacrifice to the value of 1 share Wage paid to labourer

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The mechanism by which the local poor attain their ownership is by building on the labour component of the project’s construction and operation. Generally, the local poor have nothing to invest except their own labour. In PPHP, opportunities for the local poor to be employed on the project are maximised. Their labour is paid for in both cash and equity (shares) – see figure. The labourer earns shares by sacrificing part of their wage. This wage sacrifice is then multiplied through a grant and soft loan facility. For each share that is earned through labour contribution, a second share is purchased through a grant (from international donors / government). Two more shares are purchased through a soft loan facility. The pilot project is currently in a feasibility study design phase – during which time it is aimed that all the components for the project will be put in place and risks minimised. Following successful completion of this feasibility stage, the second implementation phase will begin. If successful, this model may be replicated in various locations throughout Nepal (and abroad) and have the potential to have a massive impact on poverty reduction



PEEDA Organisational Profile

Collaborating and conducting necessary research and development activities related to energy and hydropower development sectors, fuel substitution, energy efficiency and climate change mitigation


a. AT CDO’S Office : Registration No: 85/ 54/55 Date: B.S. 2054/5/1 (August 1997) b SWC : Registration No:19445 Date :

Motivating entrepreneurs for electricity based enterprise development

• Networking with other stakeholders PEEDA also conducts research type studies for other organizations to replicate and share the best ideas and experiences and provide valuable inputs, which will build its capacity to enhance the efficiency and contribute its expertise in the energy and environment field. It also provides trainings related to energy and environment development activities that would help to promote the sustainability in Nepal.

Recent renewal date: B.S. 2063/9/28 (12th January 2007) Last date of general assembly held: 21st January, 2008 (10th Annual General Meeting). At this meeting a new Executive Committee was elected.


SISTER ORGANZATION Since its establishment, PEEDA has set up the following companies to serve as infrastructural support in the field of water resources development: •Hydro Consult (P) Ltd -100% ownership •Hydro Lab (P) Ltd -60% ownership

g. Geographical Working areas covered by the organization PEEDA's working area includes all the districts with in Nepal, but especially the rural areas. The Pro-poor Hydropower Pilot project has a particular focus in South Lalitpur, Rasuwa or Lamjung where possible pilot sites have been identified. The Bio-fuels Project will be implemented in Okhaldhunga District.



REARCH ACTIVITIES PEEDA has undertaken several research studies in the energy field for clients such as The Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), Centre for Rural Technology (CRT) and Winrock International (WI). We have also worked with other organisations in disseminating the research and development of Pico Hydro

h. Target groups of the organization Community people, particularly the poor, residing in remote Nepal are the target groups of the organization.

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PEEDA Organisational Profile



Main Achievements


PEEDA has developed innovative projects, with the Pro-poor Hydropower and Bio-fuels Concepts that are now being tested through pilot projects. Should these be successful, these concepts could have a massive impact in reducing poverty in Nepal and also internationally.


HCPL, with input from PEEDA staff, over the last 3 years have successfully completed 6 studies for the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) which have examined the various aspects of the micro-hydro sector in Nepal. These studies have included looking at the sustainability, costs, impacts, end-use and capacity of the industry. Knowledge from these surveys has made PEEDA one of the expert organisations in this sector.


PEEDA, through the projects commissioned from the Pro-poor Hydropower Pilot Project, has developed a ‘Costing Tool’ for the Pre-feasibility Studies of small hydropower in Nepal. This excel based program allows the user to quickly design and cost a hydropower project in a consistent manner to allow the IRR and NPV of the project to be derived.


PEEDA carried out a research work on” Market based demand management of electrical energy in Nepal: A study on means of changing urban electricity consumption pattern and behaviour” after signing the contract agreement with Winrock International.


Institutions development: PEEDA owns 100% shares of Hydro Consult Pvt. Ltd (HCPL) and 30% shares of Hydro Lab Pvt. Ltd. (HLPL) which are now functioning independently. HCPL provides an independent quality consultancy service in the engineering and environmental sectors. HLPL is a hydraulic modelling and research facility that particularly serves the hydropower sector by allowing physical scale models of headworks and stilling basins to be tested and optimised.


Trainings & Seminars: successfully organised 4 training programs and 2 seminars


PEEDA has become a respected, well known and influential NGO working in the energy sector with excellent links and partnerships with the wider industry.



Name of the programme/current activities


The Pro-poor Hydropower Pilot Project (see second call-out box for more details).


Bio-fuels project in Okhaldhunga (see first call-out box for more details)


Possible Ways of Minimization of the Rural Electrification Cost in Nepalese Context (project for Winrock International Nepal (WIN) on behalf of the REGDAN group made up of WIN, Butwal Power Company and South Lalitpur Rural Electrification Cooperative)


Pico Hydro Promotion Project is a project to promote the use of low-head propeller type picohydropower technology to the benefit of the rural poor of Nepal. As compact fluorescent light (CFL) technology has become cheaper and more affordable, a small amount of power from a pico-hydro unit can provide power for lighting a village – at an affordable cost.


Climate Change Adaptation Project: PEEDA would like to develop projects that engage communities affected by climate change – in particular those related to water resources changes or GLOFs. Currently plans are at concept stage and still being developed. However, PEEDA is active in various in-country working groups (such as Formulating National Climate Change Policy Working Group) and participating in seminars.


Gatlang Rural Electrification Project: This is a feasibility project examining the best way to provide or upgrade the rural electrification to the communities in Gatlang VDC in Rasuwa. The project is likely to involve development of a mini-hydro project on Chhedingmo Khola that will supply the community, but also sell power to the national grid.


Melamchi Multi Purpose Project: PEEDA is managing the funds for this project which is undertaking studies and lobbying for the Melamchi Water Supply Project to be designed in such a way that it can be used as a multi-purpose project. Exploiting its hydropower, irrigation and environmental mitigation potential.

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PEEDA Organisational Profile




Name of the programs

Project period


The Norwegian Embassy

Pro-poor Hydropower Pilot Project – Pre-study

1st January 2006 to 31st December 2007


Evangelishe Entwicklung sdienst (EED of Germany)

Improving livelihoods by realising the potential of inedible oilbearing seeds in Nepal (Biofuels) Project

1st November 2007 to 31st October 2010

Okhaldhunga District


Rairang Small Hydropower Company

Rairang Khola Small Hydropower and local community conflict resolution project

January to November 2006

Dhading District


Location of implemented program Dhading, Makwanpur, Rasuwa, Lalipur, Nuwakot



First phase of this pilot project examining the feasibility of implementing the PPHP concept.

Second phase funding application approved for 1.5 years Project in progress

This project is in the planning phase and has agricultural, community mobilisation and mechanical engineering components A project to help both parties to come to a negotiated settlement to allow the RKSHP company to use an alternative source of water while providing the community with guarantees and help in rural development.


Type of Consultancy

Consultancy for


Micro Hydropower Functional Status - a study surveying how sustainable micro hydropower projects are in Nepal (Project via HCPL)



A research study on “Market based demand management of electrical energy in Nepal. - A study examining the means of changing urban electricity consumption pattern and behaviour”.



Assessment of current water usage in water mills (Project via HCPL)



Impact Study with Consumer Satisfaction Survey Of Micro Hydropower Projects in Nepal – a study which looked at the wider impacts a micro hydropower plant had on the wider community (Project via HCPL)



A Study Of the Operational Status and End Use Application Of Completed Micro Hydro Schemes – a study looking at the non-domestic lighting applications and how they can increase MHP sustainability (Project via HCPL)



Cost Analysis Of Micro Hydro Power Projects in Nepal – a study which has broken down the costs of MHPs and analysed these to develop a simple costing tool. (Project via HCPL)



A Study on the Analysis of the Mini and Micro Hydropower Sector in Nepal – a study which has examined the capacity of the sector and measured just how healthy it is. (Project via HCPL)



Possible Ways of Minimization of the Rural Electrification Cost in Nepalese Context (project for Winrock International Nepal (WIN) on behalf of the REGDAN group made up of WIN, Butwal Power Company and South Lalitpur Rural Electrification Cooperative)



District Energy Perspective Plan (DEPP), Kalikot District (project via HCPL with

Human Rights & Env’t Dev’t Centre

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PEEDA Organisational Profile

funding from SNV via AEPC)



Type of training/Consultancy


Organization Management, Training Cum Workshop


Project Construction Management Training Cum Workshop


Rural Electrification Consumers Services & meter reading training cum workshop


Training Cum Workshop- Organization Management for Mid Level Manager


One day Seminar on Small Hydropower Development – in Kathmandu, April 2003


Two day seminar in Butwal on the advances in Low Head Pico Turbines






Responsibilities held in organization


Dr. Narayan Prasad Chaulagain

Executive Director

PhD, MSc, ME

Lead and plan organizations’ activities. Act as Project Co-ordinator for the various PEEDA projects.


Muhan Maskey

PPHP Programme Manager

BEng, MSc

Managing the activities of the Pro-Poor Hydropower Project


Shiva Dhungel

Bio-fuels Project Manager

BCom, MA (Rural Dev)

Managing the activities of the Bio-fuels Project


Brian Darling

Engineering Advisor

BSc, MSc, CEng, MICE

With particular responsibility to support the manager of the Pro-poor Hydropower Project, but also providing technical and management advice to PEEDA.


Alex Lloyd

Mechanical Engineering advisor to Biofuels Project

HND (Mech Eng)

Part time advisor to the Bio-fuels project with particular regard to the mechanical engineering aspects


Mr. Pawan Baral

Accounting & Admin Officer


Look after organization’s financial matters and office administration


Mr. Manoj Pyakurel



Office support

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PEEDA Organisational Profile






Total years of experience


Executive Members of the Board 1

Mr. Balaram Pradhan



Mr. Shiva Kumar Sharma

3 4

Mr. Gokul Prasad Sharma Mr. Govind Devkota

5 6

Mr. Chandra Kumar Shahi Mr. Ajoy Karki

Vice Chairperson Secretary Jointsecretary Treasurer Member


Mr. Murali Prasad Sharma


MSc , PG Diploma in Electrical Power Sys MSc, PG Hydropower





BSc (Civil), MSc BSc, PG Diploma (Env Sc), MSc`(Econ)

30 30

Engineer Engineer


Engineer Engineer



BSc (Civil), MSc (Hydraulic) MCom, BL

Invitee and Co-opted Members of the Board 8 9 10 11 12


Dr Narayan Chaulagain Mr. Purna Prasad Adhikari Mr. Brian Darling Mr Egil Hagen Mr Tom Solberg

Co-option Invitee Invitee Invitee Invitee

PEEDA Executive Director Former PEEDA Chairperson Secondee from Interserve (England and Wales) Stiftelsen representative to Joint Sub-Committee Stiftelsen representative to Joint Sub-Committee




a. General Members:




b. Executive Members





PARTNERSHIPS PEEDA seeks partnerships to maximise the utilisation of its resources and the assimilation of its outputs. Currently, PEEDA has a partnership or cooperation with the following organisations:


United Mission to Nepal

Norwegian Himal Asia Mission, Norway

Interserve England & Wales

Evangelishe Entwiklungsdienst (EED), Germany

Stiftelsen Hjelp til Selvhjelp for Nepal, Norway

South Lalitpur Rural Electrification Cooperative

Himali Micro Hydro Entrepreneurs Association, Jumla

SAHAS Nepal (Group of Helping Hands)




PEEDA Organisational Profile


Membership fees : Annual Membership fee Rs. 100 per Year, Life Membership fee : Rs.1000, Application Fee: Rs 50.


Donations and Charitable Income: Stiftelsen Hjelp til Selvhjelp for Nepal of Norway is supporting PEEDA in its administration. EED/DU of Germany is sending Nepali students who have completed their studies in Germany and are willing to return to Nepal as volunteers. EED is also supporting the Bio-fuels Project. UMN is providing capacity building support to PEEDA by seconding expatriates. NHAM is providing seed funding for the Gatlang RE Study.


Income generation activities: Through contracts related to execution of research studies and providing training.



Type of account

Account no.

Name of the Bank and Addresses

Name of Signatories and position




Standard Chartered

Mr. Balaram Pradhan - Chairperson Mr. Chandra Kumar Shahi - Treasurer Dr. Narayan Chaulagain – Exec Director Mr Pawan Baral – Accounts and Admin Officer



Current Strategies of the Organization:

¾ Lobbying for better national policies ¾ Build capacity of institutions ¾ Facilitating and /or implementing local level poverty alleviation programs related to energy and environment ¾ Continuing research studies and training activities to mobilize the resources b. Structure of Organization's Institutions: Stiftelsen Hjelp til Selvhjelp for Nepal


Sub-Committee 60% shareholding 100% shareholding

Butwal Power Co

Hydro Consult (P) Ltd.

Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering


Hydro Lab (P) Ltd.

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PEEDA Organisational Profile

As an owner and governor of institutions, PEEDA has experienced and reputed board members from the field of hydropower, socio-economic and human resource development. It has long-term partnership agreement with Stiftelsen, a Norwegian Trust established with the vision of helping people in Nepal to help themselves. The executive committee runs PEEDA. However, major policy decisions are discussed in PEEDA Sub-committee meeting, which consists of 3 members representing Stiftelsen and 2 members from PEEDA, to recommend its view to PEEDA Executive Committee for decision making. The executive members represent informally or formally several organizations that can work jointly or cooperate or support activities of PEEDA. PEEDA being the major shareholder has so far established two private limited companies namely: Hydro Consult (P) Ltd. and Hydro Lab (P) Ltd.


FUTURE PLANS Plans regarding different services of PEEDA are as follows: ¾ Establishing more number of institutions or own equity shares in companies having a similar development philosophy ¾ Enhancing the governance of institutions ¾ Coordinating and managing the Pro-Poor Hydropower - Pilot Project implementation ¾ Implementing the ‘Improving livelihoods by realising the potential of inedible oil-bearing seeds in Nepal’ (Bio-fuels) Project. ¾ Developing the Pico Hydro Promotion Project to implementation stage ¾ Disseminating & promoting the knowledge and skill thereby making an environment which intervenes for the better policy ¾ Providing Research and Consultancy works relevant to PEEDA’s objectives. ¾ Work in lobbying and policy formulation with regard to climate change. Develop and implement projects that help communities adapt to climate change


CONTACT PERSONS Name: Balaram Pradhan or Position: Chairperson Email: [email protected] Telephone/Fax: 98510-53574 Fax: +977-1-5000211 Address: Bhanimandal, Lalitpur, Nepal

Name: Dr Narayan Chaulagain Position: Executive Director E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 00977-1-5530337/5540792 Fax: +977-1-5000211 Address: Bhanimandal, Lalitpur, Nepal

Dedicated to improve livelihoods of communities, particularly the poor, by collective utilization of renewable energy resources, while ensuring due care for the environment.

PEEDA_Profile- Oct 2008.doc Date: 13th October 2008



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