Pdo - Loyal Check As

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Gun talk: General: Good bye to this site (All United States) You are viewing at threshold: All posts (Offensive) — There are 0 posts below your viewing threshold Change to: All posts (Offensive) | Off topic posts | Normal | Good posts only | Must read only Page 1 of 1 pages < Previous page | Next page > Author mac357


Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 6:50 am EDT

43 total posts WARNING: This post has been moderated as inappropriate content. It is User rating: the property of the poster (all rights reserved) and reflects neither the 2.15326 opinions of packing.org nor the majority of its readers. Send mail: Good bye to this site- View as Read all posts - packingEmail As a person with a background as an LEO, attorney, firearms dealer, I will also no longer post or even utilize this site. A question came from a poster that his gun was exposed to a customer and I made a suggestion that he obtain a holster that would support handgun retention. The poster even thanked me. But my comment is blacked out due to some moron giving it a 0. Most people on here are good people and support gun rights. Its ashame that Mark has caused the eventual ruination of this site by allowing a few low lifes to run this site. Mark, you can call for all the new Admins, but this site is on a downward trend. I invite all you morons to give me a zero because I do not care one bit. I promise I will not be back. I have better things to do and honestly, do not trust this site to provide accurate information. I have seen the people that are untrained and unknowledgable give improper advice on this site. Its ashame. I will say this, to anyone desiring a legal opinion, seek the advice of a legal professional such as your state attorney general's office. Do not count on this site for legal advice. Do not count on this site for technical advice. Count on this site for nothing, because this site is nothing more than a fiction anymore, a site not even helpful to gun rights. Current score: 1.43316 Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post Douglas Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 7:47 am EDT Huffman WARNING: This post has been moderated as inappropriate content. It is 480 total posts the property of the poster (all rights reserved) and reflects neither the User rating: opinions of packing.org nor the majority of its readers. 1.28015

Send mail: It's not about you, Mr. Forty-two posts - packingEmail I am sure that you will be back in some other persona. Would you like to hear my qualifications? No? See http://www.nrawol.com links to keepandbeararms.com archive of NRA loving-gun control abuses that are as evil as Sarah Brady's and less honest. NRA recta osculate my fundament. Current score: 1.28372 Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post draganof

Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 7:59 am EDT

62 total posts RE: Good bye to this site- View as Read all posts User rating: mac357 wrote: 2.99162 As a person with a background as an LEO, attorney, firearms dealer, I will Send mail: also no longer post or even utilize this site. A question came from a poster - packingEmail that his gun was exposed to a customer and I made a suggestion that he obtain a holster that would support handgun retention. The poster even thanked me. But my comment is blacked out due to some moron giving it a 0. Most people on here are good people and support gun rights. Its ashame that Mark has caused the eventual ruination of this site by allowing a few low lifes to run this site. Mark, you can call for all the new Admins, but this site is on a downward trend. I invite all you morons to give me a zero because I do not care one bit. I promise I will not be back. I have better things to do and honestly, do not trust this site to provide accurate information. I have seen the people that are untrained and unknowledgable give improper advice on this site. Its ashame. I will say this, to anyone desiring a legal opinion, seek the advice of a legal professional such as your state attorney general's office. Do not count on this site for legal advice. Do not count on this site for technical advice. Count on this site for nothing, because this site is nothing more than a fiction anymore, a site not even helpful to gun rights. Hang on, let me get the door for you. Current score: 2.73948 Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post MDess

Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 9:59 am EDT

16 total posts Leaving PDO User rating: mac357 aka "BB Gun Mac" 3.02609 Send mail: LEAVE ALREADY!!! - packingEmail Current score: 2.5859

Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post 1swellguy

Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 10:08 am EDT

404 total posts I hate long goodbyes.... User rating: Mac, 3.11068 Send mail: Parting is such SWEET sorrow. Goodbye already! Best of luck to you in - packingEmail the future. Bubye now. (move along, that's right, keep moving) Bubye! Ever notice that some people here constantly whine & moan about our wonderful website, tell everyone repeatedly that they are leaving, not coming back, and never posting again.... but then they never seem to keep their word... Why is that? Why don't we have alot more ingrates who just quietly slip away, without a word, never to be heard from again? Really....WHY??? Here's a tip for all you future malcontents who just hate PDO SOOoooooo much that you can't stay away, and can't seem to quit posting: How about you just teach all of us loyal PDO morons a hard, bitter lesson? Just disappear one day and never even tell us that you're leaving! In my opinion, that sure will teach us a lesson! One we won't soon forget! (ok, maybe we will) http://www.cafepress.com/1swellguy Current score: 2.99371 Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post ilbob

Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 10:32 am EDT

877 total posts RE: I hate long goodbyes.... User rating: I don't know this guy but I have noticed a pattern. 3.00319 Send mail: There appear to be a fair number of people complaining about the site and - packingEmail reading between the lines I get that the main complaint really seems to be they did not get enough appreciation for the hard work they did, or the wonderful posts they made, or the great advice they gave out. I see this forum more as a place for like minded people (and maybe a few who aren't to spice things up) to get together and yak a bit. I think a few take it way, way too seriously. Current score: 2.91618 Rate this post

Reply to: This thread | This post Mod 658

Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 11:28 am EDT

322 total posts Please reconsider User rating: you cannot have too many knowledgeable responses to queries posted on 3.05158 this site. Send mail: - packingEmail I realize you are frustrated and out of patience. To quote a Drill Instructor that shouted at me once when I was past the quiting stage in Basic training(many moons ago)" If you can still consider quitting as an option you can give up later". Its incredible what we can endure both physically and mentally even when we believe we are at the end of our ropes. Mac357.... give it just a little more time. I know you feel unappreciated and many will exploit that to anger or sadden you. Its childish of them and we both know it. More often than not giving knowledge is a less then thankful job. Your input is needed here. With so many more people legally packing heat these days we need your opinions when they are asked for. Whatever you decide or have already decided Mac. Thanks. Nothing more, nothing less. Current score: 2.79177 Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post astute

Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 12:30 pm EDT

906 total posts HAVE A NICE TRIP!!! User rating: All 2A forum sites are free. Nobody is forcing anything on you. 3.0447 Current score: 2.58095 Send mail: Rate this post - internet Reply to: This thread | This post - packingEmail mrscavaleri Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 5:08 pm EDT 50 total posts WARNING: This post has been moderated as inappropriate content. It is User rating: the property of the poster (all rights reserved) and reflects neither the 2.43982 opinions of packing.org nor the majority of its readers. Send mail: Site Comment - packingEmail Mod 658, I think in my opinion your post was right on. here on PDO we all need to keep a thick skin and keep on posting, whether certain other posters like it or not. Current score: 2.40664

Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post SA45Auto

Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 5:50 pm EDT

23 total posts RE: Good bye to this site- View as Read all posts User rating: mac357 wrote: 3.33786 As a person with a background as an LEO, attorney, firearms dealer, I will Send mail: also no longer post or even utilize this site. A question came from a poster - packingEmail that his gun was exposed to a customer and I made a suggestion that he obtain a holster that would support handgun retention. The poster even thanked me. But my comment is blacked out due to some moron giving it a 0. Most people on here are good people and support gun rights. Its ashame that Mark has caused the eventual ruination of this site by allowing a few low lifes to run this site. Mark, you can call for all the new Admins, but this site is on a downward trend. I invite all you morons to give me a zero because I do not care one bit. I promise I will not be back. I have better things to do and honestly, do not trust this site to provide accurate information. I have seen the people that are untrained and unknowledgable give improper advice on this site. Its ashame. I will say this, to anyone desiring a legal opinion, seek the advice of a legal professional such as your state attorney general's office. Do not count on this site for legal advice. Do not count on this site for technical advice. Count on this site for nothing, because this site is nothing more than a fiction anymore, a site not even helpful to gun rights.

Don't let the swinging door hit you in the rear-end on your way out. Nothing in life is perfect. Enjoy and praise what is good, tolerate or ignore what you can't change and change what you can. If you aren't up to the above, then hit the road jack! PDO is a Little like the good old USA, not perfect, but way better than what ever is in second place. Current score: 2.86556 Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post res1b3uq 47 total posts User rating: 3.02574 Send mail: - internet

Posted Jul 22, 2006 @ 6:10 pm EDT Good Grief!!! This is a website, for goodness sakes. It is not the Gunslingers Bible. I'll admit, I skip most of the posts, because they don't interest me. (I could care less that you prefer 9mm to 45) I usually read some of the posts, and

- packingEmail think how lucky I am to live in Texas. Sometimes you pick up a tidbit of information that you can accept, and is valuable to you. This is a pretty good little website, if you take it like it is, and I would hate to see it cease to exist. I only carry when I'm awake Current score: 3.18791 Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post Combat Posted Jul 23, 2006 @ 1:05 am EDT 61 total posts RE: Good bye to this site- View as Read all posts User rating: mac357 wrote: 2.79865 As a person with a background as an LEO, attorney, firearms dealer, I will Send mail: also no longer post or even utilize this site. - packingEmail I will say this, to anyone desiring a legal opinion, seek the advice of a legal professional such as your state attorney general's office. So Leave Already!, People reading this dufus' post should definitely not take his advice, even though he has a "background" as an LEO, attorney and FFL, he must have SUCKED big time at all of those things too. Doesn't take a Rocket a scientist to know that a State's Attorney General doesn't Give us legal Advice, they only give it to their own state govt entities. Hey Mac, like I said last time you said you were going to leave, LEAVE, and don't forget to come back under another name. You also sucked as PA administrator too. That page was replete with errors. Current score: 2.50005 Rate this post Reply to: This thread | This post

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