Phd Ilirjan Lipi, University “ismail Qemali” Of Vlora Msc (student) Rudina Lipi, “crystal” University, Branch Fier

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PhD Ilirjan Lipi, University “Ismail Qemali” of Vlora MsC (student) Rudina Lipi, “Crystal” University, Branch Fier

You get more of the behavior you reward. You don't get what you hope for, ask for, wish for or beg for. You get what you reward. Human capital is an important part of the organization and can effect with import impact over the productivity and their results. Human capabilities will determine the winners and losers in tomorrow’s global markets. For most organizations today, people are the major source of value. In order to maximize the organization impact of any key asset, it is necessary to understand its contribution and how it is built and deployed over time. For ‘tangible assets’, such as buildings and money, the value is easily shown in the balance sheet and can be monitored over time. However, much of the organization’s share value is made up of ‘intangible assets’ including the value of people’s potential and actual contribution. This value can be described as human capital, human resources, and human assets – or simply as ‘talent’.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


An intangible asset at organization re-categorize in different groups’, one of them is the intellectual capital, and like element of this group appear the human capital. These classification have the purpose to emphasize the activities and intangible assets hereby the organization can produce excellent result and generate competitive advantages. In the organization, human capital together with the organization and relationship capital, effects the financial results of the company and affect the advanced value. In relational capital begin from the rapports with the clients, suppliers and other subjects external like Universities and researches center. The elements of relational capital are: image, reputation and satisfaction. In the Organization Capital are included: complex procedure, instruction, organization model, instruments of communication and elements that consists in the individual and organization sphere. Element of Human Capital are: the product of knowledge, values and competence of different persons.


PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Human Capital, an important part of assets of the company.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


The relation between human capital and the performance in the organization has been analyzed for the fist time at 80. The importance and the impact to manage of the knowledge of the human capital has grown up and different countries have begin to make and publish guide “how to help enterprises” like Denmark, Germany. An interesting example to show up the value of human capital will be the university, the staff and the name formed from the work of these staff.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


The equation is very simple, equal with the value of one build plus the materials that stand there. May be this is not a little, but this is more than a little if we add intellectual capital. Human resources, like other resources, are finite. What makes them especially unique, however, is that they are intangible. Human capital can be developed and cultivated, but it can also decide to leave the organization, become sick, disheartened, and even influence others to behave in a way that may not be to the advantage of an employer, thus usurping or siphoning off resources intended for use elsewhere in the organization. In other words, the performance of an organization’s human capital is not always predictable and/or within the control of the employer. So, the measurement and the management of human capital becomes part art and part science.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Senior management requires a reference index, therefore, for valuing human capital within the organization. With the right tools and context, management will be in an enhanced position to make decisions that will drive how this resource, along with other finite financial, product, and customer resources can best be allocated. Are identified three levels at which organizations can measure human capital, or capabilities: Level 1: Basic Measures. Concerned with headcount, salaries, staff turnover, recruitment costs or training days, these measures tend to relate to costs associated with people. Although they are relatively easy to obtain and compare with other organizations, they are much less useful than Level 2 or 3 measures. Level 2: Strategic Capabilities. These measures aim to assess the value of human capital and how it changes over time. For example, staff turnover split by high and low value capabilities. High and low value capabilities could be identified, in a simple way, by appraisal or performance rating and/or by the value of the role. So, for example, 20% turnover of low rated personnel combined with a 1% turnover of the best might be a cause of celebration, even if the overall rate was therefore higher than average. Level 3: Differentiating Capabilities. These measures focus on those capabilities, which will add sustainable competitive advantage to the organization. Any organization operates in a unique competitive situation. In order to achieve its goals, it must develop and build new capabilities, which are rare, valuable and difficult to copy. Human capabilities fulfill these requirements as they arise within unique organizational cultures. PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Human Capital, an important part of assets of the company.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Human capital in organization, keeping in consideration “development potential” and “performance”(two dimension of the above matrix), take one position of week branches, horses, problematic or stars. Manage of knowledge of human capital effect not only the planning of work position of the employees in the organization but also the perspective of different ways of treatment of human capital. If human capital occurs a week branches position, it can be the result of the nomination of one wrong role (re-nomination role) and if not it must be removed from the organization. One horses or problematic position is discomfort and is duty of management to think about the training, orientation of the employees at work because they have deficiencies at knowledge for not being updated with the latest development. In problematic position is needed a strong discipline for the staff at organization, in way that it can serve in the realization of the main goals. Stars position is the most favor position for the human capital at the organization. The management must be focused in: ◦ ◦

Keeping the stars position in the organization. Application of theories like Long Live Learning for Stars to learn how to be and stay Stars (this employees typology appear in high technology Company like Nokia, Google).

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Long Live learning their impact in “stars” attitudes.

When planning for a year, plant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees. When planning for life, train and educate people. All learning activity undertaken throughout life, with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competences within a personal, civic, social and/or employment-related perspective. In addition to the emphasis it places on learning from pre-school to postretirement, lifelong learning should encompass the whole spectrum of formal, no formal and informal learning. The consultation also highlighted the objectives of learning, including active citizenship, personal fulfillment and social inclusion, as well as employment-related aspects. The principles which underpin lifelong learning and guide its effective implementation emphasize the centrality of the learner, the importance of equal opportunities and the quality and relevance of learning opportunities.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


These proposals principally contribute to or involve ‘creating a learning culture’, ‘facilitating access to learning opportunities’ and ‘striving for excellence’. Creating a culture of learning requires that the question of how to value learning in formal, non-formal and informal settings, must be addressed in a coherent way. Enabling citizens to combine and build on learning from school, universities, training bodies, work, leisure time and family activities presupposes that all forms of learning can be identified, assessed and recognized. A comprehensive new approach to valuing learning is needed to build bridges between different learning contexts and learning forms, and to facilitate access to individual pathways of learning. All contributions to the consultation stressed that progress in this field, particularly in relation to no formal and informal learning, will be a crucial step towards a European area of lifelong learning, building on the existing right of free movement within the European Union and making the concept of citizenship more concrete.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Substantial work has already been done at national and European level to facilitate the transfer and mutual recognition of formal qualifications. For example, the Council and the European Parliament have adopted a Recommendation on mobility for students, persons undergoing training, teachers and trainers, and Member States have agreed to an action plan. In addition, a set of Directives has been produced, designed to guarantee the recognition of qualifications to ensure access to regulated professions in different Member States. This has not, however, led to a comprehensive framework supporting the overall transfer of qualifications and competences, either between levels of formal education and training or across institutional, sectional and national borders. It is essential that learning providers, employers and social partners are involved in the development of instruments for valuing learning, and that all those involved, including individual users, find methodologies and systems valid, reliable and legitimate. Instruments should also be introduced to help citizens – young people as well as adults – present their qualifications and competences anywhere in Europe in a transparent manner

Education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living. (John Dewey) PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


These proposals principally contribute to or involve: ‘insight into demand for learning’, ‘creating a learning culture’ and ‘facilitating access to learning opportunities’. The European Councils in Lisbon and Stockholm underlined the importance of improving basic skills through adequate education and lifelong learning policies. Basic skills include the foundation skills of reading, writing and mathematics, as well as learning to learn and the new skills set out at Lisbon – IT skills, foreign languages, technological culture, entrepreneurship, social skills. The consultation feedback underlined the fundamental importance of basic skills acquisition in allowing people to engage in further learning and as a basis for personal fulfillment, active citizenship and employability, particularly given the demands of the developing knowledge-based society. The foundations for lifelong learning must be provided by Governments through compulsory schooling, but adults who left school with ongoing literacy, numeric and other basic skills needs should also be encouraged to participate in compensatory learning. PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


These proposals contribute to or involve: ‘insight into demand for learning’ ‘partnership working’ and ‘striving for excellence’. The consultation feedback emphasizes a shift from ‘knowledge’ to ‘competence’ and from teaching to learning, placing the learner at the centre. Such a shift implies that as early as the pre-primary stage people ‘learn how to learn’. Learners should, as far as possible, actively seek to acquire and develop knowledge and competences. Different methods are called for depending on the situation of the learner, the learning facilitator and the setting (e.g. community centers, workplace, and the home). Work-based learning, project-oriented learning and learning organized as ‘study circles’ are particularly useful approaches. New teaching and learning methods challenge the traditional roles and responsibilities of teachers, trainers and other learning facilitators. PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


These proposals contribute to or involve: ‘insight into demand for learning’ There is, therefore, a strong need to develop their training, including in multi-cultural competences, to ensure that they are ready and motivated to face the new challenges, and therefore to promote tolerance and democratic values. This should also include further reforming and improving pedagogical approaches in formal, as well as non-formal learning. The exchange of experience between schools, adult education and voluntary organizations, ethnic minority centers, universities and companies should provide insight into learning needs in this area. Higher education, and research institutions, for example, should introduce or increase research and training in the field of lifelong learning. All contributions recognize that ICT supported learning offers great potential for rethinking and redesigning learning processes, whilst also recognizing the risk of new technology creating a ‘digital divide

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


The learning initiative and the learning Action Plan address a number of important issues in this area, in the context of coordinating Member States’ efforts to adapt education and training systems to the information society. Many reports stress that ICT based learning should be combined with other, more social modes of learning (e.g. learning groups, family learning, tutoring or collaborative learning at work) and regular individual and technical support services. In a rapidly growing market, quality and relevance of learning material, services and learning processes is important, particularly in terms of consumer protection, motivation and effective use of resources.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


“Brain drain” terminology is used from the 1950, symbolizing the lost of qualification human recourse that could have been more productive for the economy of their country. The phenomena “brain drain” categorizes the remove of the brain from one county toward other development country. In this way is prohibited and slow down re-generations of economic of countries and also their constant economic development. In Albania is discussed a lot for the platform “brain gain” to gain the brain abroad. The latest development that stands this theory is the strategy of “brain rotation” or “brain circulation”. Sample that illustrate this are Albanian universities, where equipment with staff of the “star” category is something difficult. Normally rise up the question: where can the universities found stars, especially those who have a few years that are shown up? Via agreement between universities stars rotate and can serve to different universities. .

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Positive effects of “rotation of the brain” are: Stars are not contingent to remove abroad, controlling this way the exit of brain. Social effect. The individual revenue of stars gained working will be increased if they work more. Quality Effect. “Stars” will be more stimulated to stay “stars”, because in this way their revenue will be increased. Self-realization. Serving some universities “stars” perfection and realized completely, becoming this way more motivate to work. Experience of Stars. “Stars” in Albania have the Albanian and foreign experience, but those that came from abroad have only the foreign one. In this way Stars that came back have the need to be adapted and to work in groups together with country stars (home talents), to avoid willingness and sporadic mistakes that can bring their removal like the fist effect.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


The universities in Albania must give their contribute in the braking of the phenomena of the removing brain towards composition of the quality projects of “brain gain”. The Albanian government is propaganda a theory like this. This is positive, but must be careful, because from one ambitious project can be conclude only in one good speech, letting behind the mission of the project. Today, there are a lot of Albanian professor, who are abroad and have a lot of query for the project “brain gain“showing doubt in it. The impact of the theory “Brain gain“ above Long Life Learning is very essential, because it emphasize the importance of keeping the stars in the organization and the reverse of those gone. In relation with these theories, their impact and their implementations we must be careful about the down cases:

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


In relation with these theories, their impact and their implementations we must be careful about the down cases: Must be analyzing the phenomena why people go abroad: bad work conditions, wage system unlike, low estimate at work place, infrastructure deficit in reversing the brain back, deficit in information for the country institution. Albanian reality: that this theory to be successful is needed that country stars must be happy with their work and have no intention to move abroad. Before we take a decision to come back in Albania we must look the Albanian ambience and the elements so we can be adapted and performed at the best way in the moment that we will be part of this reality. The promotion of the returned from abroad or their marketing. Is absolutely needed a marketing program for their integrity, but we need a lot of caution not to violate the human value of the country that has resist in time.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


In organization is important to valuate the existing talents and also to valuate the predisposition to absorb new talents. Talents that exist in the organization are recommended to be oriented direct stars position. In this way both will be win, the organization and the talents. The creation of a positive culture towards existing talents in the organization, will make it turn in the “promise land” and will make it very attractive for her abroad talents.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Design of the effective system of motivation and stimulation of the talents will covert them in a big competitor advantage for the organization. Is very important not only the wage system of the talents, but also it must be based in the Principe and objectives of the organization the valuation and the care for the talents. In country where the competition is consoled “war for talents” is war for the future of the organization. In development country like Albania, at the begins wasn’t understand “war for talents”, seem like something abstract. But in those industries where the competition was grown up, was grown up also the demand for talents for ex. In the education field, universities have increased the demand for talents and training persons with grades and degrees because these effect in their accreditation and also in their difference against the thirds. (Most likely from the clients or the public in general and the competitors).

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


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Why are so important talents in the organization?: The placing of the talents in “key managerial position” effect in her turn towards the success. Talents are very important element for the organization in way to transform it in competitive advantage. The marketing of the organization is supported at talents ( intangible assets, intellectual capital, human capital) They produce a source of ideas and important thoughts in decisive moments of the organization.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi



Make your top managers rich and they will make you rich.


……in Vietnam War the slogan of the USA army that was use to simulate the solders was: alive or died, we must win the war”….in the II world war the slogan was “to be back home, we must win the war” (management by objective). The first slogan caused a lot of demotivation in the army, but in the second cause the people where more motivate that the war should be win, because was the only way to come back home. (the only dream of any solders in the army). Robert H. Johnson

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Stimulation system of human capital.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


Hygiene factors together with motivates one effect in the happiness in the work position. Hygiene factors .Hygiene factors jointly with motivates one effect in the happiness in the work position. Hygiene factors only reduce the dissatisfaction in work. People in the organization are motivated mostly by a group factors like: job design, achievements, learning, distinction, rationality. The effects of satisfaction in work (presented in the illustration 3) bring better results in the organization.  Human competencies are dependent on:  Tacit knowledge: tacit knowledge consists of what we absorb and learn on the job without even realizing it.  Explicit knowledge critical to an organization normally exists within the context of structural knowledge, i.e., it is generally documented and available in some form.  Core competencies generally refer to those competencies that are unique to the culture of a particular organization; as such, these competencies are considered “nontransferable” and/or would differ in order of importance from one organization to another. PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


The acquisition of competencies and/or “up-skilling” enhances the employability of an individual. Individuals who are highly skilled and/or who possess highly transferable competencies are not tied to an organization. In a knowledge-based society, with scarce strategic resources, competitive advantage will depend to a large extent on the caliber of the people working for the organization. Following are what some of the top HR strategic business partners and their organizations are doing to build and maintain their human capital investment:

1. Management’s stance in relation to continuing education and onthe-job training for employees is the single most influential factor in the success of workplace learning programs; the president/CEO holds the key in this regard, i.e., if the CEO is convinced that the return on investment (ROI) justifies the expense and stands firmly behind a program, the rest of the management team will follow.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


2. Executives have long argued that superior “people management practices” will result in “superior business profits.” The question remains, however, how do you go about measuring progress? Thousands of texts, theories, articles, and working papers have been put forward and the best thought leaders of the past decade have offered their opinions on this subject. The good news is that it appears that we are making progress. The answer has to do, in part, with the universal acceptance of the “language of numbers.” This is a language that can be readily understood across organizational and functional lines.

PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi


The organization’s objectives, fulfillment and their effective excess is the main purpose in every organization and will be stimulated and well directed if in the organization applied even the MOB approach. Peter Ducker has treated the management through the objective in the 1950-s This type of managing hasn't been around forever: It's an approach called Management by Objectives; a system that seeks to align employees' goals with the goals of the organization. This ensures that everyone is clear about what they should be doing, and how that is beneficial to the whole organization. It's quite easy to see why this type of managing makes sense - when the parts work in unison the whole works smoothly too. And by focusing on what you're trying to achieve, you can quickly discriminate between tasks that must be completed, and those that are just a waste of valuable time. Setting performance targets is a crucial exercise in the operation of any incentive plan. If the probability of achieving some payment from the plan is seen as too low, it will not motivate participants to change behaviors. On the other hand, goals that are set too low provide inadequate returns to the organization and an entitlement expectation among employees, which may not be reversible without damage to morale. The definition of precise performance targets, triggers, performance periods and other Ilirjan Lipielements requires data MsC (student) Rudina Lipi administrativePhD design analysis and23/06/09 modeling with 29

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If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings—and put compensation as a carrier behind it—you almost don't have to manage them. Is recommend for the organization to take in considerate: Value and human capital contribution in the organization is an important part of it. Universities as “intelligence factories” have to give their contribution in approximation of human capital. Universities impact have to be orientated in this directions: ◦ ◦ ◦

Giving their example related with knowing and value’s stimulation that descend from human capital. Contributing in specialist’s preparation evidenced to them their human’s capital in the organization. Their project for the application of Long Live Learning’s , Brain’s Gain theory, “Star” employees keeping , have to be example and stimulation of this approaches in other organization’s.

We have to attend more importance to the incentive systems of human capital’s design, because only in this way we can keep star’s and the organization and only in this way we can recoup our lost stars. Incentive systems of human capital have to be design with clear elements and not forked estimation performance of organization “Give to Cesar what is Cesar’s” Intellectual capital is the present and the future of organization. PhD Ilirjan Lipi

MsC (student) Rudina23/06/09 Lipi




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