Unit 2 – Verbs, Sva, Adjectives

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Unit 2 – Verbs, SVA, Adjectives & Adverbs

Verbs   

What is verbs? E.g. ? 3 types of verbs:Firstly, it is known as ‘Action Verb’. 1. Regular – verbs end with-ed (past tense) & past participle form. E.g. jog→jogged → jogged , cook →cooked →cooked, etc. 2. Irregular – E.g. do → did → done, read →read →read, eat →ate →eaten, fall →fell →fallen, dig →dug →dug, etc. 3. Transitive – action verbs which require an object in the sentence. E.g. He rides motorcycle , My mother prepared dinner, etc 4. Intransitive – Do not require object in the sentence. E.g. She sang her heart out like a mad woman, He jogged along the field, etc.

 Secondly,


1. Linking

it is known as ‘Non-Action

verbs – join subject & sentence. E.g. These peanut butter and jelly sandwiches taste delicious, He looked tired from the football practice, etc. 2. ‘Be’ verbs – E.g. is,are, am, was, were, has been, have been, had been.

3. Auxiliary verbs – give support and meaning to the main verb. E.g. can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, ought to, had better. Express ability – can, could Express possibility – may, might 3. Express permission – may, can 4. Express advice – should, ought to, had better 5. Express necessity – must, have to * Make five correct sentences for each auxiliary verb. 1. 2.

Thirdly, it is called as ‘ other part of speech as verbs’.

Verbs which take the same word form as nouns.  E.g. Peel the apple before you eat it, Throw the apple peel into the dustbin. * Turn page 47, do exercise A & B. 

SVA (Subject-VerbAgreement) A

singular subject takes a singular verb. A plural subject takes a plural verb.  Sing. subject & verb → The injured cat climbs the wall.  Plural subject & verb → Shafiq and Aqim go for basketball practice at the nearby court every Saturdays.

The subjects below take singular forms of verbs

Subject Each/Every + sing. noun

E.g. Each student receives a mask during H1N1 outbreak.

Everyone, anyone, Everyone takes turn to somebody, someone, wash the corridor anybody, everybody & before the inspection nobody is conducted there. Uncountable nouns

The permission for doing replacement class depends on HEA

Infinitive (to+base verb) Gerund (ing verb)



Sing. noun+ with + sing/plur together with nouns as well as like besides



To strengthen your muscles is the aim of this exercise. Singing appears to be very popular as a form of tension relief especially in Korea. The manager together with his staff works hard for the upcoming campaign. Ariff and his brother enjoys listening to rock music.

The following structures can take singular or plural verb forms. Subject


Collective noun – e.g. a bouquet1. of flowers, two bouquets of flowers. 2.

Neither…nor (- statement) Either… or (+ statement)

A bouquet of flowers is insufficient to decorate the house. Two bouquets of flowers are sent by the his lovely husband.

Neither the president nor his deputy is coming to the ceremony. *plural statement Either Farid or his friends are in charge of the surprise.

One Five + of the + plur. nouns None (the verb follows the determiner)

1. 2.


There + ‘be’ + noun



Some A lot count. N Half + of the + uncount. N The Rest



One of the sources of protein is meat. Five of the experts in the advertisement department agree to accept that housing project. None of the books on proper dieting is available at the book store. There are different opinions to conduct the class seminar. There is a way to overcome this problem. 95% of the residents want to claim their property from being used by other people. Some of the milk tastes

Irregular structures Subject Subject * plural in form but singular in meaning and verb. **always plural takes plural verb.

E.g. 1. 2. 3.


The bad news is too much for everyone to handle . Three hours is enough to complete the whole test. **The policemen patrol the crime scene to avoid any attempt by the previous convicted criminal. **The people involved in the riot are taken to the police station.

The number of + plural N + sing. V

A number of + plural N + plural V

The number of students involved in the ‘Independence Day Festival’ is around 3000.

A number of companies agree to sponsor the event.

*Answer Exercise A, B and C (page 51 & 52) NOW!

Adjectives  What

is adjectives? E.g.?  Describe qualities of people, things,places,so on.  Describe this picture with five characteristics.



1. Describe a noun/pronoun.

Fresh fruits, stale bread, yellow pickles, etc

2. Express quantity.

Ten oranges, a tenmile hike, a hundredmetre run.

3. Point out things or people.

-Those books are boring. -This doughnut is scrumptious.

4. Nouns can be used An orange cake, a as adj. These nouns garden wedding, are in sing. form carrot juice, a duck egg. 5. Can be in the form cooking of present participle ‘- demonstration, ing’ appetising meal 6. Nationalities can be English pudding, used as nouns. French toast, American breakfast. 7. An adjective can be used for comparison by adding ‘-er’ to the adj.


knife is sharper than mine . -Give the child a smaller portion of rice as he couldn’t finish it.

8. Adj. can be used in the superlative form by adding ‘est’.


9. If the comparative/superlative adj. ends in ‘-y’ change it to ‘-I’ before adding ‘-er’ or ‘-est’.


10. Some comparative/superlative adj. uses ‘more…than’ or ‘the most….’




2. 3.

This Nasi Ayam is by far the tastiest one in this town. Select the biggest opportunity for next year’s promotion. Amirul is hungrier than Syafiq. This is the dirtiest class I have ever seen.

….more nutritious than…. The most appealing…. The most attractive….

Position of adjectives Position


Before Nouns

A delicious meal, a strenuous exercise, a lovely woman,etc.

After ‘be’ verb.

-He is thirsty. -The people were awful last week. - I am ravenous.

After intransitive verbs (feel,taste, smell, appear, look, sound,seem)


milk tastes awful. -The fish looks fresh. -The students appear exhausted.

List 5 adjectives from this video of a clown. After this, do exercise B & C (pg. 55)

Adverbs  Adverbs

give more information about verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Function


-The salesman talked 1. An adverb tells us more about the verb. It enthusiastically to sell the new explains how the action product. is carried out. -The doctor treats carefully the patient’s broken arm.

2. Tells us more about -The manager was an adjective. extremely angry with the careless worker. -She felt terribly sick after eating the wild mushrooms. 3. Tells us more about -The secret to bake a another adverb. good cake is to pour the mixture very slowly. -The house was very beautifully decorated by the interior designer.

4. Most adverbs are Quick+ ly = quickly formed by adding ‘-ly’ Healthy+ly= healthily to an adjective. 5. Some adverbs do not end in ‘-ly’.


man was late for work. - We did expect the price of masks to rise so soon.

6. Some words can be -The old lady had deep used as both adjective lines on her face. and adverbs without - The early bird any changing of the catches the worm. form.

7. An adverb shows the frequency of how things are done.

I always have a glass of milk every night. - Ariff sometimes goes to the gym. - The wealthy man goes for holiday twice a year. - I go for medical checkup every 3 months. -

8. An adverb can be used in the -A professional athlete can run comparative and superlative more quickly than amateur form by adding ‘more…than’ athlete. and ‘the most…’. - This is the most artistically old painting I have ever seen. Do Exercise B & C (pg.58)

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