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Part 1


1. Home/ Accommodation .................................................................................................................. 4 2. Study................................................................................................................................................. 7 3. Work................................................................................................................................................. 9 4. Cities ............................................................................................................................................... 11 5. Holiday ........................................................................................................................................... 12 6. Morning Routines ......................................................................................................................... 13 7. Cooking .......................................................................................................................................... 14 8. Drink water.................................................................................................................................... 14 9. Sunglasses ...................................................................................................................................... 15 10. Photos ............................................................................................................................................ 16 11. Colors ............................................................................................................................................ 17 12. Weather ......................................................................................................................................... 18 13. Paintings........................................................................................................................................ 18 14. Movies ........................................................................................................................................... 19 15. Shoes .............................................................................................................................................. 20 16. Save money ................................................................................................................................... 21 17. Hometown..................................................................................................................................... 22 18. Daily routine ................................................................................................................................ 25 19. Punctuality ................................................................................................................................... 27 20. Rainy days..................................................................................................................................... 29 21. Celebrities ..................................................................................................................................... 32 22. Traveling ....................................................................................................................................... 34 23. Sports / Physical exercise ............................................................................................................. 36 24. Music ............................................................................................................................................. 38 25. Plant............................................................................................................................................... 43 26. Map................................................................................................................................................ 45 27. Teachers ........................................................................................................................................ 48 28. Family............................................................................................................................................ 50 29. Watches ......................................................................................................................................... 51 II. PART 2 & 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 53 1. Describe an activity you do when you are alone in your free time ............................................... 53 2. Describe a time when you were scared.......................................................................................... 57 3. Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh.................................................................. 61 4. Describe a book you have read recently........................................................................................ 64 5. Describe a good law in your country. ............................................................................................ 68 6. Describe an occasion you wore formal clothes. ............................................................................ 72 7. Describe a time when you took a medicine. .................................................................................. 74 8. Describe a skill you need a long time to learn. ............................................................................. 77 9. Describe a time you looked for information on the Internet. ........................................................ 80 10. Describe a successful family business. ........................................................................................... 82 11. Describe your favorite city that you have visited. ........................................................................ 85 + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


12. Describe a place away from home where you stayed. ................................................................. 86 13. Describe a place you have studied or worked ............................................................................... 88 14. Describe a time when you borrowed something from your family or a friend. ........................ 90 15. Describe a time when you received money as a gift ..................................................................... 92 16. Describe a plant growth stage. ...................................................................................................... 95 17. Describe a dream you have had .................................................................................................... 98 18. Describe something you made that you gave to other people. ................................................. 100 20. Describe a person you haven’t met but you would like to know more about. ....................... 104 21. Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school. ..... 106 22. Describe a party that you joined................................................................................................. 109 23. Describe someone who is very professional. ............................................................................... 112 24. Describe something important that you lost ............................................................................... 115 25. Describe a time that you had to change your plan/ changed your mind .................................. 118 26. Describe an interesting animal..................................................................................................... 122 27. Describe a building you like ......................................................................................................... 126 28. Describe clothes you wear on special occasions.......................................................................... 130 29. Describe your favorite song......................................................................................................... 137 30. Describe a holiday/trip you want to go on in the future ............................................................ 142 31. Describe an interesting subject that you learned at school ....................................................... 146 32. Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future .............................................. 150 33. Describe a time when you received your first cellphone ........................................................... 159 34. Describe a time you were shopping in a street market .............................................................. 163 35. Describe a website you like to visit ............................................................................................. 166 36. Describe someone who is talkative .............................................................................................. 171 37. Describe a popular comic actor/ actress you know .................................................................... 174 38. Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t done ................... 178 39. Describe a game that you played in your childhood. ................................................................ 181 40. Describe a complaint you made and you were satisfied with the result. ................................. 183 41. Describe a game that you played in your childhood .................................................................. 185 42. Describe a person who helps to protect the environment .......................................................... 187 43. Describe a teenager you know...................................................................................................... 190 44. Describe something given to you that you really needed ........................................................... 193 45. Describe a language you want to learn (not English)................................................................. 195 46. Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it is easy for you ................................................... 198 47. Describe an interesting person you would like to meet ............................................................. 203 48. Describe a magazine you enjoy reading. ..................................................................................... 205 49. Describe something you own that you want to replace .............................................................. 211 50. Describe a sport that you like to watch and want to try for the first time. You should say: .. 214 51. Describe a competition (talent show, etc) you would like to take part in................................. 216 52. Describe a famous person that you are interested in ................................................................. 223 53. Describe a quiet place. .................................................................................................................. 226 54. Describe an important river/lake in your country ..................................................................... 231 55. Describe something that can help you concentrate on work/study .......................................... 233 + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


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Part 1 1. Home/ Accommodation What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? I live in a terraced house that has a living room, a kitchen, three bed rooms, two bathrooms and a lovely back garden. It’s not really a spacious house, but it’s just right for me and my family. Who do you live with? I live with my parents and my siblings. We always get on well with each other and have a lot of fun. How long have you lived there? I’ve lived there since I was a child, until I graduated from high school and moved to the city to enroll at university, where I lived in a student dormitory during the semester. (If you answer you haven't lived there long) What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? Living in a dorm with other roommates is totally different from living in my own house. My current residential area is quite small and it’s very noisy because there are a lot of people there and I don’t have my own space. Conversely, when I was living at home, I had my own spacious room and it made me feel comfortable. Do you plan to live there for a long time? To be honest, I intend to buy an apartment in an urban area after I graduate from university. I can decorate and design my ideal home with whatever facilities I want. Which room does your family spend most of the time in? It’s definitely the kitchen. Not only lunch or dinner time but all our family reunions take place in the kitchen where all the family members get together to eat tasty meals, and chat to each other – it’s a really harmonious atmosphere. Are the transport facilities to your home very good? To be honest, most of the transport facilities to my place are not very modern. The bus service from my work place to home is irregular and usually overcrowded. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


I prefer living in a house to a flat because I value my privacy and need my own space. Owning an independent house, I can plan and design a house layout to suit myself. Moreover, I can modify a house according to the size of the family. Please describe the room you live in. My current room is actually more like a bedsit. It is a multi – purpose room, I use it to sleep and study as well. It is painted in pink, that’s my favorite color with a bed, a cupboard and desk. It’s not really spacious but it’s just right for me. What part of your home do you like the most ? I prefer my bedroom most due to its convenience and privacy. Because of my stressful work I want to be in a quiet place and concentrate on my work. In my own room, I’m never disturbed by anyone else. Moreover, in my own space I can do whatever I want without bothering others. VOCABULARY Terraced house (noun): (ngôi nhà trong dãy nhà cùng kiểu) a house connected on both sides by other properties Ex: In England, most people seem to live in terraced houses with lovely back gardens. Back garden (noun phrase): (vườn ở phía sau nhà) a garden at the rear of the house. Ex: I live in a terraced house that has a living room, a kitchen, three bed rooms, two bathrooms and a lovely back garden. Spacious (adjective): (rộng rãi) (of a room or building) large and with plenty of space for people to move around in Ex: The hotel rooms are spacious and comfortable. Sibling(s) (noun): (anh/ chị em) a brother or sister Ex: The younger children were badly treated by older siblings. Get on well with sb (phrasal verb): (hòa hợp với ai đó) to have a friendly relationship with somebody Ex: She and her sister have never really got on well with each other. Dormitory (noun): (kí túc xá) a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other institution + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Ex: I’ve lived there since I was a child, until I graduated high school and moved to the city to enroll in university where I lived in a dormitory. Residential area (noun): (nơi ở) (of an area of a town) suitable for living in; consisting of houses rather than factories or offices Ex: It was not safe to locate the chemicals factory in a residential area. Urban area (noun): (vùng thành thị) connected with a town or city Ex:Pollution has reached disturbingly high levels in some urban areas. Reunion (noun): (tụ họp, xum họp) a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who have not seen each other for a long time Ex: The College has an annual reunion for former students. Harmonious (adjective): (ấm cúng, yên bình) friendly, peaceful and without any disagreement Ex: It is important to have harmonious relations between the country's ethnic groups. Irregular (adjective): not happening at the arranged time intervals Ex: His irregular attendance at school resulted in his failure in the final exams. Overcrowded (adjective): with too many people or things in it Ex: The train was so overcrowded this evening that I was unable to find an empty seat. Privacy (noun): being alone and not disturbed by other people Ex: I read the letter in the privacy of my own room. Suit oneself (verb): to do exactly what you like/want Ex: Everyone had a different opinion about what colour to paint my room, so in the end I decided to just suit myself. Modify (verb): (sửa đổi, thay đổi) to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more suitable for a particular purpose Ex: We found it cheaper to modify the existing equipment rather than buy new. Bedsit (noun): (phòng vừa để ngủ vừa để học, tiếp khách) a room that a person rents and uses for both living and sleeping in Ex: He lives in a tiny student bedsit used for both sleeping and studying. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Multi-purpose (adjective): (đa chức năng) having many different uses Ex: This room is multi-purpose – we use it for meetings, interviews and taking breaks. 2. Study Describe your education I started primary school when I was 7. 5 years later, I went to secondary school at 12. Then at 16, I made it to a high school for gifted students in my hometown. In my country, highschool education lasts 3 years, then I went onto higher education at the Foreign Trade University where I’m currently studying economics. What is your area of specialization? Well, my major is External Economics. I have mastered the basics of economics and socioeconomics, combined with business knowledge mainly related to the import and export business. Why did you choose to study that major? I think it would help to fulfill my dream of introducing my country’s agricultural products to the world. Vietnamese goods have a real potential, but they still struggle to make a name for themselves, you know. Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?) Yes, of course. Studying economics, especially external economics is interesting and practical. It helps me to keep up with current affairs and it improves my analytical and problem-solving skills as well. What kind of school did you go to as a child? As a child, I attended a public elementary school. It’s quite a big school in my hometown which provides both high quality education and a supportive environment, so I think I was quite lucky. What was your favourite subject as a child? Well, I used to be very passionate about drawing when I was a little girl. It was fun to work with brushes and colors, you know, as it was the time when I could indulge in my own creative world. Do you think your country has an effective education system?

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To be honest, I don’t think so. Our system has somehow become unduly stressful, does not promote creativity and the ability to be critical due to the fact that our society still cares way too much about grades and schools consequently focuses on an exam-driven curriculum, which I find quite impractical. (Possibly) Are you looking forward to working? Absolutely! It’s great to join the workforce, especially when I can do the job I love. Not only will it pay the bills, but it’ll also give me the joy of making a contribution. It’s hard to be happy and fulfilled without working, you know. VOCABULARY Higher education (chương trình đại học) [n] post-18 learning that take places at universities Example: According to a research, nearly 50 percent of Vietnamese students in U.S. higher education are studying either business or engineering, with business-related majors making up 38 percent of all enrollments in 2012/13 Master (tinh thông, nắm vững) [v] learn how to do sowmthing well Example: She lived in Italy for several years but never quite mastered the language. Make a name for oneself ( trở nên nổi tiếng) [idiom] become famous and respected by a lot of people Example: By the time he was thirty-five, he had made a name for himself as a successful railway contractor Keep up with (cập nhật thông tin về cái gì) [idiom] be aware of Example: Even though he's been travelling, he's kept up with what's going on back home Analytical (thuộc về phân tích) [adj] using analysis or logical reasoning Example: Analytical skills are essential in the workplace to ensure necessary problem solving occurs to keep productivity and other areas of the workforce functioning smoothly Elementary school (trường tiểu học) [n] primary school, school for children between 7-11 years old (in Vietnam) Example: It’s essential that children at the official entry age for elementary school attend classes fully. Unduly (quá mức, không chính đáng ) [adj] excessively/ to a level that more than is necessary, acceptable, or reasonable + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: For every new parents, the decision about whether to vaccinate his or herchild has been unduly stressful Exam-driven curriculum (chương trình học để phục vụ cho các kỳ thi) [expression] the courses taught a school, college, which focus on teaching what will be on the exam Example: Many parents believe that exam-driven curriculum can change their kid’s attitude towards school in profoundly negative ways. Pay the bills (trang trải cuộc sống) [ idioms] provide enough income to sustain one’s lifestyle Example: Being a dentist isn’t so glamorous, but it pays the bills.

3. Work What do you do? I’m currently working as a graphic designer for a fashion magazine for youngsters What are your responsibilities? Well I’m mainly responsible for designing the cover of the magazine. I normally work with the concept team to make sure that the final product will both attract the potential buyer’s attention and express the theme of the magazine. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)? I guess it’s because of my artistic passion. The process of creating beautiful things is somehow intriguing to me, so I chose to be a graphic designer, which combines both art and technology. It’s quite interesting, you know. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do? Well, if possible, I’d like to be a freelance writer. Actually I’m a big fan of action movies, and I also care about healthy living, so, I’d love to write about these topics and share my stories with people of the same interest. Describe the company or organization you work for My company is not huge, it’s just a small art designoffice, but is definitely an inspirational workplace with a young, creative, and extremely passionate team. We work on the basis of mutual understanding and respect for each other, so it’s kind of an ideal environment for me.

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Do you enjoy your work? Most of the time. It’s rewarding to co-work on projects with amazing people in an open and supportive environment to bring out an art production that will ultimately give me a sense of satisfaction and pride. What do you like about your job? Well, the perk of being a graphic designer is that you’ll surround yourself with inspiring images everyday. My daily working life involves seeking out inspiration in all sorts of places, researching incredible illustrations and graphics, and creating them too. It’s great, I think. What do you dislike about your job What I don’t like about this job is that our personal taste in design varies, and normally I’ll have to do a thousand edits to get the final product that meets the demand of my boss while still * relating / staying faithful to /remaining trueto the initial concept. * conform means ‘to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are expected by a group or society’ – this does not relate to things like ‘concepts’. (Possibly)Do you miss being a student? Sometimes, when I’m burdened with heavy workloads or the pressure of everyday life, I recall the memories of being a student. We were all carefree and innocent back then. It’s a precious time that I cherish. VOCABULARY theme (đề tài,chủ đề) [n] the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc Example: The father-daughter relationship is a recurring theme in her novels. Intriguing ( hấp dẫn, gợi thích thú) [adj] very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious Example: The Huns are intriguing not only because of their notoriously hawkish history, but also because of their place as middlemen between Mongol and Turki c ethnicity On the basis of (trên cơ sở) [idiom] base on Example: Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed. Rewarding (bổ ích, đáng làm) [adj] giving pleasure, satisfation

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Example: The most rewarding aspect of living forever is you have unlimited time to perfect your abilities and accumulate wealth. Ultimately (cuối cùng thì, rút cục) [adv] at the end of a process, period of time, etc. Example: Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week. Perk ( đặc quyền, thù lao thêm) [n] an advantage or something extra that you are given because of your job Example: A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job. Conform (to sth) (tuân theo) [v] obey the rule or reach the necessary stated standard Example: Before buying the baby's car seat, make sure that it conforms to the official safetystandards. Cherish (yêu mến, coi trọng) [v] keep hopes, memories in your mind because they are important to you and bring you pleasure Example: I cherish the memories of the time we spent together. 4. Cities What kind of cities do you like? My ideal city would be a place where we are provided with good transportation and entertainment so that we can let off steam. Do you like the city you are living in now? To be honest, Ho Chi Minh City is not really my favorite since I usually get held up in traffic jams and have to put up with noise. Which city have you been to recently? Well, I just paid a visit to Bangkok last month, and I have to say it is quite similar to Ho Chi Minh City. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?  Personally, I prefer the countryside because I like to stay away from the hustle and bustle of life in densely-populated cities. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Good transportation: Hệ thống giao thông tốt. VD: Singapore has a really good transportation system which I can get to most places conveniently. To let off steam (idiom): Thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi. VD: You have worked really hard recently! You should go karaoke to let off steam. Be held up (verb): Bị kẹt, bị tắc. VD: Sorry for being late! I was held up in a traffic jam. Traffic jam (noun): Kẹt xe. VD: Traffic jam is one of the hot-button issues that we need to solve. Put up with (phrase): Chịu đựng với cái gì đó. VD: I can’t put up with this noise! Please close the door!. Pay a visit (phrase): Ghé thăm. VD: The president of the USA, Barack Obama, paid a visit to Vietnam last year. Bustle and hustle life (expression): Cuộc sống hối hả, bận rộng. VD: Time to get back to the bustle and hustle life. Densely-populated cities (noun): Những thành phố tập trung đông dân cư. VD: HCMC is becoming one the most densely-populated cities in the world.

5. Holiday What kinds of places do you like to go to on holiday? I like beaches; therefore, I would go to a peaceful island or beautiful beaches so I can let my hair down. Who would you like to go on a holiday with? Well, I prefer going on solo trips rather than holidaying with my friends or family since they are annoying sometimes. Where you plan to go for holidays in the future? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


 I’ve always dreamed of going to France, where I can taste delicious croissants and contemplate the sunset from the Eiffel Tower. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: To let one’s hair down (idiom): Thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi. VD: I’ve been too busy with my new job. So, tonight I’m going to let my hair down and enjoy myself. A solo trip (expression): Đi du lịch 1 mình. VD: I find it strange when you are making a solo trip to Europre. Contemplate sunset (expression): Ngắm hoàng hôn. VD: This is the best place to contemplate sunset.

6. Morning Routines Do you like to get up early in the morning? Well, I don’t really like waking up early in the morning because I’m a night owl and I work at night. What do you do in the morning? What is your morning routine? I start my day with tidying myself up and then have breakfast and a cup of coffee. After that, I rush to the bus station to go to school. My morning routine is almost always the same but I sometimes do yoga if it’s the weekend. Is breakfast important? Yes, I believe that breakfast plays an important role in our daily routines since it provides us with nutrition to work and lifts up our spirits. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: To let one’s hair down (idiom): Thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi. VD: I’ve been too busy with my new job. So, tonight I’m going to let my hair down and enjoy myself. A solo trip (expression): Đi du lịch 1 mình. VD: I find it strange when you are making a solo trip to Europre. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Contemplate sunset (expression): Ngắm hoàng hôn. VD: This is the best place to contemplate sunset.

7. Cooking Who taught you how to cook? Do you like cooking? My mother is the person who inspires me a lot when it comes to cooking because she always makes mouthwateringly delicious dishes. I also enjoy cooking. Whenever I have free time, I always don my apron and make traditional dishes as a way to reduce stress. Is it difficult to cook? I don’t think so. It mostly depends on how passionate you are about it. The more you cook, the more delicious your dishes are. Do you want to learn how to cook?  Absolutely! I’ve always been curious about different cuisines, and it would be great to have a person who shares my interests and could teach me more about it.

VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: - To make my mouth watering (expression): Chảy nước miếng (ý nói về đồ ăn ngon) VD: This dish really makes my mouth watering. - Apron (noun): Tạp dề. VD: You should get an apron so that your clothes don’t get dirty. - Cuisine (noun): Nền ẩm thực. VD: It is a fact that Vietnam has one of the best cuisines in the world. - Share my interests (expression): Có cùng sở thích. VD: I really like travelling. I’m looking for a person who shares my interests.

8. Drink water What kinds of water do you like to drink? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


I mostly drink mineral water because it keep me refreshed and comfortable. Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines? Well, I usually choose bottled water because of its price and cleanliness compared to water machines. How often do you drink water? I drink water on a daily basis since it’s one of humans’ basic needs. Without water, people cannot survive.

VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: Mineral water (noun): Nước khoáng. VD: Mineral water is the most popular drink in the world. Refreshed (adjective): Tươi tỉnh. VD: You should go wash your face to keep you refreshed. On a daily basis (expression): Thường xuyên. VD: He goes shopping on a daily basis.

9. Sunglasses Do people in your country wear sunglasses? Where can you buy sunglasses? Yes. They are a must-have item when you are on the street because they protect your eyes from the sun and dirt. Well, you can basically buy sunglasses everywhere, from a local market to a luxury brand shop depending on your budget. Do you like to wear sunglasses? Definitely! They make me look fashionable and protect my eyes from dirt when driving outside.

VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: - Must-have items (expression): Phụ kiện phải có. VD: Jewelry is a must-have item when you are wearing a dress. - Luxury (adjective): xa xỉ. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


VD: They have a luxury life with many maids. - Budget (noun): Kinh phí, túi tiền. VD: My budget is quite tight. Can you choose other shoes? - Fashionable (adjective): Thời thượng, sành điệu. VD: These shoes are so fashionable! You should buy one.

10. Photos How do you keep your photos? Well, I usually store my photos by printing them out and making an album if the pictures are important. If not, I keep them on my iPhone. In what situations do you take photos? I snap a photo whenever I see something that catches my eye when I’m in a good mood. Normally, I take pictures with my friends when we hang out or when my family go to a fancy restaurant. How often do you take photos? Not too often I have to say. I’m an introvert who doesn’t like to share too many photos, so I only take photos when I find something interesting. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? To be honest, I have faith in my photography skills, so I choose to take photos by myself. In addition, it is more comfortable to see my expression, which is unflattering sometimes.

VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: - Snap a photo (phrase): Chụp ảnh. VD: He snapped a photo of me while I was sleeping. - Catch one’s eyes (phrase): Thu hút ánh nhìn của ai đó. VD: This costume really catches my eyes. - In a good mood (expression): Trong tâm trạng tốt. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


VD: Dinner is on me! I’m in a good mood today.

11. Colors What is your favorite color? Red is probably my favorite color since it reflects my dynamic personality. In addition, red also inspires me in many things. Do you like dark colors? Not really because they are usually associated with bad luck. In my country, people wear black when a person in their family has passed away. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color? No, not really. I just wear red clothes in when I’m not in a good mood, which gives me confidence and perks me up. Are there any colors you dislike? Well, if I had to choose, I would choose brown. Although it’s a nice color, for me it does not hold any meaning and I really cannot associate it with anything.

VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: Dynamic (adjective): Năng động. VD: He loves socializing with people. He’s a dynamic person. Associate with something (phrase): Đi kèm với, xem như là cái gì đó. VD: People usually associate same-sex relationship with sickness. - To pass away (phrase): Qua đời. VD: My grandfather passed away because of heart attack. -

In a good mood (expression): Trong tâm trạng tốt. VD: Dinner is on me! I’m in a good mood today.


Lift up someone’s spirits (phrase): Làm cho tâm trạng ai tốt hơn. VD: These advice really lift up my spirits.

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12. Weather What kind of weather is typical in your hometown? Since my country is located near the Equator, Ho Chi Minh City, where I live, usually has boiling hot weather, which is not my cup of tea. What’s your favorite season? If I had to choose, I would choose winter because the weather gets much warmer, and I can wear fashionable clothes that are only suitable for this season. What kind of weather do you like most? Do you prefer dry or wet weather? I like sunny weather, but not when it’s too hot because it gets a bit humid after a while. Personally, I’ll go for dry weather since I don’t want to get caught up in a rainstorm and soaked to the bone.

VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: Boiling weather (expression): Thời tiết nóng. VD: Don’t go to the North in summer! It’s boiling weather. Humid (adjective): Hầm, khô. VD: The weather is really humid, you should drink a lot of water. Get caught up in a rain (Idiom): Bị dính mưa. VD: It suddenly rained and I got caught up in the rain, Soaked to the sink (Idiom): Uớt như chuột lột. VD: He came home with his outfit soaked to the sink. 13. Paintings What do you know about painting? Well, although I’m not really good at painting, I do believe that painting is a form of art and it’s also how some people enjoy the pleasures of life. If someone wants to draw a picture of you, will you agree?

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Why not? It would be such a great opportunity because I’ve been curious about how I’d look in a painting. What kind of paintings do you like? Personally, paintings with a great mix of colors are my favorite because it’s a way people express themselves better. Is it important to hang pictures at home? Yes, I believe that pictures should be a part of decorations in your house because it makes your house more lively and can reflect your personality. Have you learned drawing or painting? Yes, I joined a painting class when I was in elementary school. I still remember drawing a picture of my family, and I got an A. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: To enjoy pleasures of life (expression): Tận hưởng cuộc sống. VD: Going fishing is a way of enjoying pleasures of life. Curious (adjective): Tò mò. VD: Tell me about it! I’m really curious about how you guys got to know each other. To express oneself (verb): Thể hiện bản thân. VD: The conference was a great chance for me to express myself better. Lively (adjective): Sống động. VD: Look at these pictures! They are so lively as if they were moving.

14. Movies Do you watch movies? Absolutely! I love watching movies. Whenever I want to let off steam, I spend all day watching movies. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?

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Well, I prefer to watch movies at the cinema with a large screen and better sound system, which make the movie come to life more, you know? Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others? What kind of movies do you like? I’d rather watch films with my friends since we always hang out together, and we usually talk about the movies afterwards. How often do you watch movies?  If there is a movie gaining popularity, I’ll definitely see it. It would be great to have some friends with me and a big screen. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: To let off steam (idiom): Thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi. VD: You have worked really hard recently! You should go karaoke to let off steam. Lively (adjective): Sống động. VD: Look at these pictures! They are so lively as if they were moving. To gain popularity among people (expression): Được nhiều người biết đến, yêu thích. VD: Dien Hi Cong Luoc has gaining popularity among people recently.

15. Shoes What’s your favorite type of shoes? Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes? Well, I mostly wear sneakers rather than other kinds of shoes because I find them comfortable. I also go for flip-flops so that I can slip them on and off whenever I need to. I have a friend who buys shoes as if money is no object. I think she must own nearly 40 pairs of shoes. Have you ever bought shoes online? How often do you buy shoes?  Yes, I buy shoes online on a regular basis because of the convenience and the diversity of options. However, I don’t have money to throw around, so I only buy shoes if it’s necessary. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: Sneakers (noun): Giaỳ thể thao. VD: These sneakers look so fashionable! You should really buy one. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Flip-flops (noun): Dép lào. VD: You shouldn’t wear flip-flops in formal situations. Slip something on and off (phrase): Đeo vào hoặc cởi ra dễ dàng. VD: I choose shoes that aren’t laces-up because I can slip them on and off easily Money is no object (Idiom): Tiền bạc không thành vấn đề. VD: She goes shopping every week as if money is no object. On a regular basis (Expression): Thường xuyên. VD: You should go to the gym on a regular basis so that you can lose weight. Have money to splash around (Expression): Có tiền để phung phí. VD: I don’t have money to splash around! Don’t ask me to hang out anymore!.

16. Save money Did you save money when you were a child? Yes. I still remember doing a part-time job to save money for a little toy. However, I found out that I didn’t end up saving enough money for it. Do your parents give you money for house cleaning? Well, I used to get a small amount of money as a reward after I cleaned the house. I still remember using that money to buy snacks and comic books. Have you given money to other children? Yes, several times. There are many children on the street who live by begging, and I usually give them money so they can buy food. Do you think parents should teach children to save money? Absolutely! I think that it is important that children should be taught about being on a tight budget by their parents so that they can learn independence and self-management skills.

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A reward (noun): Phần thưởng. VD: I was rewarded a certificate for my dedication and leadership. Live by begging (verb): Sống bằng việc ăn xin. VD: Having been jobless for almost 1 year, he mostly lives by begging. On a tight budget (expression): Thắt chặt chi tiêu, tiết kiệm. VD: He’s on a tight budget to save money for his trip to Thailand. Self-management (noun): Tự mình quản lí. VD: This course is mostly about self-management skills. 17. Hometown 1. (What’s (the name of) your hometown?) I'm from Hue, which is a city in central Vietnam. Talking about Hue, people immediately think of the capitals, golden palaces, temples, shrines, and gorgeous dancing stage, majestic tombs, and ancient meditative landscapes. 2. (Is that a big city or a small place?) Well, the city is quite small as compared to the vast cities and provinces in my country. Hue city covers just about 70.5 square kilometers, with a total population of roughly 360,000 people. 3. (How long have you been living there?) I have been living there ever since I was born, which is 19 years until now. It is a relatively long period of time, so I’m really attached to this quiet, tranquil city. 4. (Do you like your hometown?) (Answer) Yes, absolutely. (Give a reason for your answer) Hue an area of outstanding natural beauty and for me is one of the most beautiful places on earth. It has everything; historical sites, fantastic beaches, rolling mountains, dense forests and picturesque countryside, extraordinary cuisine and hospitable people. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


5. (Is there anything you dislike about it?) The sole thing that I dislike about the city is probably the weather. In Hue, it invariably rains from September to December, which somehow adds up to the blue atmosphere of the city. Sometimes, when the rain is so heavy and persistent the city even floods. 6. (What do you like(most) about your hometown?) The greatest appeal of Hue city, to my thinking, is its diversity of cuisine, which makes it wellknown domestically and even internationally. Hue culinary traditions demand that meals must be presented aesthetically, harmonizing food elements, decorations and colors to create a gastronomic work of art. 7. (Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?) (Answer) Actually I’m not quite sure about that. (Give a reason for your answer) As I’m planning to study abroad, I may have to live far away from my hometown for a certain amount of time. However, if possible, I still want to settle down in this beautiful, peaceful city.

Vocabulary: 1. majestic [adj]: beautiful, powerful, or causing great admiration and respect: hùng vĩ, tráng lệ Eg: The m aj esti c Mont ana scenery wi l l l eave you breathl ess. 2. vast [adj]: extremely large: rộng lớn Eg: Navigation across vast stretches of open water was no longer merely as daunting. 3. roughly [adv]: approximately: khoảng, xấp xỉ Eg: There has been an increase of roughly 2.25 million. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. relatively [adv]: true to a particular degree when compared with other things: tương đối Eg: Sales was relatively low last summer. 5. (be) attached to [adj]: to like someone or something very much, because you have known them or had them for a long time: gắn bó, gắn kết Eg: Regular babysitters can become deeply attached to the children they take care of. 6. outstanding [adj]: clearly very much better than what is usual: nổi bật Eg: Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world. 7. picturesque [adj]: (esp. of a place) attractive in appearance: đep như tranh Eg: The city is known for its picturesque surroundings and pleasant climate. 8. invariably [adv]: always (in a negative way): luôn luôn Eg: High blood pressure is almost invariably accompanied by high blood cholesterol. 9. persistent [adj]: lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of: không ngừng, dai dẳng Eg: Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough. 10. harmonize [v]: to bring ideas, feelings, or actions into agreement, or to be a pleasing combination of different parts: làm hài hòa Eg: We need to harmonize the different approaches into a unified plan. 11. gastronomic[adj]: relating to the preparation and consumption (= eating) of good food: trang trí, trình bày ngon miệng Eg: This dish is a gastronomic delight. 12. settle down [v]: to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with your partner: ổn định, an cư lập nghiệp Eg: Hung settled down after his marriage. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


18. Daily routine 1.

What is the busiest part of the day for you?

Well, it seems that I am up to my ears in work most parts of the day. However, as my part-time job as a private tutor usually starts in the evening, I guess that is the busiest part of the day for me. Each day, I have about 3 to 4 different classes to handle, and the job only finishes after 9pm. 2.

What part of your day do you like best?

To me, I love the morning the most. A beautiful morning, full of sunlight and fresh air, is the best start for a day. It revitalizes my energy by giving me the chance to take gentle exercise and enjoy a brisk walk in the park. I am always in high spirits in the morning, feeling ready for a brand new day. 3.

Do you usually have the same routine everyday?

Yes, I do. From Monday to Friday, I will take university courses in the morning and undertake teaching classes in the evening. Only at the weekends can I spare time to hang out with my friends and family members, which without doubt breathes new life into my daily rigid routine. 4.

What is your daily routine?

Well, as I have said in answer to the previous question, most of my time is dedicated to studying and working. In the morning, I wake up before 7am, do exercise and then have breakfast. My classes last from 8am to 11am. After having lunch at the university cafeteria, I take a quick napat home before startingteaching. 5.

Do you ever change your routine?

Yes, sometimes. When I have no classes at the university, I often study IELTS at home by listening to authentic materials on the Internet or practice speaking in front of the mirror. Besides, I also read books and play chess whenever I am free of classes. However, as I don’t have flexible hours for studying and working, I rarely have the chance to change it. 6.

Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?

Yes, it definitely is. A proper daily routine will assist you in arranging your activities in the most sensible way. Without a daily routine, one usually does things on impulse, which could reduce your work efficiency and productivity in the day. I think those who are disorganised can benefit more from a daily routine. 7.

What would you like to change in your day to day routine?

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Well, if I was given the opportunity to change my daily routine, I would like to have more breaks at night. Instead of teaching in the evening till late, I would like to take classes in the morning. This would be good for my overall health, as working at night is fairly demanding and exhausting. 8.

Are all your days the same?

Not really I think. Because each day, I can learn new things from new people I meet in my school and workplace, so I don’t feel like my day is repetitive. Each day brings me new experience and valuable lessons, which helps me to broaden my outlook on life. Days only appear to be the same and tedious when you don’t put energy and effort into things you do each day. 9.

What time do you get up?

Normally, I have to wake up quite early, at 6.30 am to have more time for exercise and breakfast, before starting classes at 8am. However, I can stay in my bed longer at the weekends, until 8am or even 9am when I want to put my feet up after a hardweek.

Vocabulary: Từ vựng trong chủ đề Sport and Exercise 1.

to take gentle exercise

Meaning: to take exercise which is not physically demanding or tiring Example: Even the elderly can keep fit by taking gentle exercise, like jogging or even a walk in the park. Từ vựng trong chủ đề Work 1.

flexible hours

Meaning: hours of work or study that can be changed by agreement with your boss or teacher Example: For some employees, flexible hours of work are more important than a high salary. Từ vựng khác: 1.

(to be) up to one’s ears in sth [expression]: be too busy with sth: bận rộn, ngập đầu với

cái gì đó Eg:Recently, Professor Tim has been up to his ears in research work. 2. (to) revitalise [verb]: to make sth stronger, more active or healthy : hồi sinh, giúp lấy lại sinh lực Eg: Jane is trying her best to revitalise herself after the shock of her father’s death. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


3. (to be) in high spirits [expression]: to be in a cheerful state of mind : cảm thấy phấn chấn Eg: Thanks to the astounding championship, the whole team is in high spirits. 4.

(to) breathe new life into [expression]: to improve sth by making people more interested

in it: thổi một làn gió mới vào cái gì đã cũ, nhàm chán Eg: Minh’s ideas are really innovative and they breathe new life into the project. 5.

(to) take a quick nap [expression]: to have a short sleep : có một giấc ngủ ngắn

Eg: Bob took a quick nap after 9 hours working non-stop in the office. 6.

authentic [adjective]: true and accurate : xác thực, chắc chắn

Eg: She made an authentic translation of her book into English. 7.

sensible [adjective]: practical, wise, advisable : hợp lý

Eg: I think the sensible solution is to make a concerted effort to prevent the war.

8. repetitive [adjective]: saying or doing the same things many times, so that it becomes boring : có tính lặp đi lặp lại Eg: Ryan is really bored with his repetitive tasks in the company. 9. (to) broaden one’s outlook [expression]: to increase one’s knowledge and experience Eg: The year that I spent studying in China really broadened my outlook in many ways. 10. tedious [adjective]: lasting or taking too long and not interesting : tẻ nhạt, nhàm chán Eg: We have to listen to the tedious details of his operation. 11. (to) put one’s feet up [expression]: to sit down and relax : thư giãn Eg: After a hard day at work, it’s advisable to get home and put your feet up.

19. Punctuality 1. Do you think it’s important to be on time? (Answer) To me, it’s vitally important to be punctual (explain) because this is a way to show respect to my partners as well as make them respect me. In fact, I always try to turn up on time. 2. In your country, is it important to be on time. (Answer) I don’t think so.

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(Explain) In fact, apart from formal situations, people in my country usually turn up 10 to 15 minutes late. Because of this, parties in Vietnam usually start around 30 minutes later than expected. 3. How do you feel when others are late? (Answer) This really gets on my nerves to be honest. (Explain) Being 5 minutes late is acceptable but I really do not like the fact that people usually turn up 30 minutes late without notifying me as it’s a sign of disrespect. 4. Are you, yourself, late often? (Answer) Honestly speaking, I am hardly ever late for unacceptable reasons such as oversleeping or being lazy. (Extend) But in some cases such as heavy rain or bus breakdown, being late is inevitable. 5. How do you think you could improve and be on time more often? (Answer) I believe that I could avoid being late by being more aware of bus breakdowns and bad weather conditions. (Extend) For example, on rainy days, I will leave for school a bit earlier than usual. 6. Do you wear a watch? (Answer) Yes, I do. (Extend) wearing a watch helps me to get time under my thumb to avoid being late. Also, it is a great accessory which makes me look better. 7. Do you think everyone should wear a watch? (Answer) Well, I don’t think so. (Explain) As technological devices which can give the time are now increasingly used by more and more people, they do not have to wear a watch to know the time. Vocabulary + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


1. To show respect to someone: tôn trọng người khác.  We should show respect to the elderly. Chúng ta nên tôn trọng người lớn tuổi. 2. To turn up: có mặt.  More than 100 guests were invited to the party but only a half of them turned up. Hơn 100 người được mời tới bữa tiệc nhưng chỉ một nửa có mặt. 3. To get on my nerves: làm tôi bực mình.  Her snoring when sleeping really gets on my nerves. Tôi rất bực mình vì cô ấy hay ngáy khi ngủ. 4. breakdown: hư hỏng đột xuất.  Due to a breakdown, all train services to Changi Airport were delayed. Vì hư hỏng đột xuất, tất cả các chuyến tàu đến sân bay Changi bị hoãn lại. 5. Inevitable (a): không thể tránh được.  Death is inevitable. Sự chết là không thể tránh được. 6. Get someone/ something under the thumb: kiểm soát.  The French got the Vietnamese under their thumb until 1954.

20. Rainy days 1. Do you like rainy days?  (Answer) Generally speaking, I have a fancy for raining (Give a reason for your answer) since my childhood is filled with memories of events which mostly took place in the rain. 2. Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?

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 (Answer) I prefer rainy days to boiling weather (Give a reason for your answer) because the weather would be too hot. However, there are points when raining is really annoying like when I have to go to school in the morning. So, it mostly depends on the situation. 3. What do you do on rainy days?  (Answer) It was the time when me and my besties did some outdoor activities such as hideand-seek, football, (Give a reason for your answer) but it was a thing of the past. Now, rain is the opportune period for me to take a quick nap and eat junk food. Topic vocabulary To have a fancy for something (Expression): Thích thú với cái gì đó. Example: I have a fancy for her determination. To be filled with (verb): Chứa đầy, lấp đầy. Example: The shopping mall is filled with people queuing to buy clothes. Boiling weather (expression): Thời tiết nóng nực, khắc nghiệt. Example: It’s been boiling weather for the last few weeks. Bestie (noun): Bạn thân. Example: She is my bestie. We have known each other for 10 years. A thing of the past (expression): Một cái gì đó chỉ còn trong quá khứ. Example: Thanks to my Math teacher, my fear of Math is just a thing of the past. Take a nap (expression): Một giấc ngủ ngắn Example: He decided to take a nap since he didn’t get enough sleep last night. Junk food (noun): Đồ ăn nhanh. Example: Don’t eat junk food! It’s not good for your health.

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21. Advertisements

Are there many advertisements in your country? I would say yes. You can easily see a wide range of advertisements almost everywhere in my hometown. For example, almost half of a newspaper is made up of ads.

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now? I guess it’s due to their benefits. First, advertising is an essential part of promotional campaigns for companies to reach their end users. It helps raise the visibility of a company's brand. Second, advertisements can act as decoration on the street. I find a street better-looking with advertisements.

What are the various places where we see advertisements? Today advertising gets to people through different forms of communication, from print media to electronic ones, soyou can see advertisements on websites, social networks or in the newspapers and magazines. There are also ads you see outdoors as well, for example, large banners and posters hung on the roads, on the buses or trains.

How do you feel about advertisements? Most people may find those ways of product promotion annoying, but I’m an exception. I’m quite into advertisements. They’re colourful, brilliantly designed, illustrated, photographed or typeset pieces and often have useful, informative contents.


Promotional campaign: [noun] A series of advertisements using various marketing tools

that share the same message and ideas to promote a business or event to a target audience. Example: Promotional campaigns play a crucial role in the marketing strategy of a company. 

End users: [noun] Person or organization that actually uses a product

Example: We provide the best quality products to our end users.

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Print media: [noun] refers to paper publications circulated in the form of physical

editions of newspapers, articles, journals, etc 

Electronic media: [noun] refers to television, radio, etc

Informative: [adjective] giving useful information

Example: The professor’s lecture was very informative and I learned a lot from it. 21. Celebrities 1.1. Who is your favorite celebrity in Vietnam? Well, to be honest, I adore quite a number of Vietnamese stars. Regarding music, young and celebrated singers like Toc Tien and Dong Nhi are definitely my top choices whereas if it’s acting, veteran actors like Binh Minh or Manh Truong always give a really convincing performance. 1.2. Do you like any foreign celebrities? As a matter of fact, yes. I’ve been an avid fan of Western contemporary pop singers for quite a time now, especially those who have excellent vocal skills like Adele, Bruno Mars or John Legend. I even created a special playlist on my phone which contains only their songs to listen to whenever I want. 1.3. Would you want to be a celebrity in the future? I’ve never given this much thought but I’d have to say that entering showbiz isn’t really the path I’d choose. Rising to stardom means losing a great deal of privacy as well as having less time with family and friends, so I guess I’d prefer to stay as a part of the general public. 1.4. Do you think we should protect famous people's privacy? Well, definitely. It’s a human right to have your private information kept confidential and to have freedom in whatever you want to do, without being followed by paparazzis all the time. Just because celebrities are public figures doesn’t mean their private life has to be exposed to everyone for gossip. 1.5. How do celebrities influence their fans in Vietnam? In Vietnam, as in any other countries, admirers consider celebrities a source of inspiration as well as consolation. For example, they might watch videos or read articles about their favourite artists to cheer themselves up when they feel down. Additionally, fans can be affected in the way they behave or dress, since most of these fans are impressionable teenagers who want to appear like their idols.

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VOCABULARY To adore [v]: to love or admire (someone) very much Eg: He's a good doctor. A ll his patients adore him . Celebrated [adj]: known and praised by many people Eg: He is one of today's most celebrated young writers. Veteran [adj]: someone who has a lot of experience in a particular activity, job, etc. Eg: He's been an event organiser for over 20 years and, as a veteran, he is widely respected for his vast experience. Convincing [adj]: that makes somebody believe that something is real or true. Eg: The actor gave a convincing performance as 007 in the latest James Bond film. To be an avid fan sth [expression]: to be very enthusiastic about sth Eg: I like to play the electric guitar as I’m an avid fan of rock. Contemporary [adj]: modern, happening or beginning now or in recent times Eg: ‘Vogue’ is a magazine devoted to contemporary fashions. Vocal skills [n]: singing skills Eg: Having great vocal skills is the most important talent for a singer. To rise to stardom [expression]: to become famous Eg: He rose to stardom in such a short time after winning a TV talent show. Human right [n]: The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are considered to be given Eg: Everybody should be entitled to free medical care as a basic human right. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Public figure [np]: a well-knowned and notable person Eg: She is a famous public figure as a result of her appearances on TV. To be exposed to [expression]: Make (something) visible or know by uncovering it Eg: The real truth about the war was exposed to the public through a series of newspaper articles. Gossip [n]: an informal talk about other people’s private lives, that may be unkind or untrue. Eg: He had been spreading gossip about his co-workers. Consolation [n]: something that makes a person feel less sadness, disappointment, etc Eg: His kind words were a consolation to me. To feel down [expression]: to feel blue, to feel sad Eg: I listen to upbeat songs when I feel down. Impressionable [adj]: easily influenced by someone or something Eg: Teenagers are at an impressionable age and they often copy their friends or even their favourite celebrities. 22. Traveling 1. Do you like to travel? (Answer) Yes, absolutely. (Explain) Travelling is my top hobby because whenever I travel, I can meet and get to know many new people from different cultures and nations, which helps me to broaden my horizons. 2. Do you often travel by air? (Answer) No, not much. (Explain) Travelling by air too often is out of my reach for a student like me. However, I do travel by air once or twice a year to an ASEAN member because the airfares to these destinations are quite affordable. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


3. How long was the longest trip you took? (Answer) I went on a 9-day trip to Thailand and this was my longest trip ever. (Extend) I spent 3 days in Bangkok, 2 days in Pattaya and 3 days in Phuket. The remaining one day was allocated for moving. 4. Which country would you like to travel to in the future? (Answer) Italy is my dream destination (explain) as it is home to the most stunning churches in the world. Also, I love the Italian culture, language and friendly people whom I’ve met in Vietnam. 5. Would you like to travel to space? (Answer) Yes, it sounds a bit weird and scary though. (Explain) I am curious about how other planets look and how I would be when there is no gravity. This idea really scares me off but as it sounds pretty intriguing, I would like to try travelling to space once.

Vocabulary 7. To leave for: rời khỏi một nơi để đi đến nơi nào khác.  Before leaving for Singapore, we had to check if we had all the documents needed at least twice. Trước khi đi đến Singapore, chúng tôi đã phải kiểm tra hơn 2 lần là đã có đủ giấy tờ cần thiết. 8. To broaden my horizons: mở rộng tầm nhìn.  We should go to other countries, getting to know more people and their cultures to broaden our horizons. Chúng ta nên đi nước ngoài, làm quen với nhiều người và với nền văn hóa của họ để mở rộng tầm nhìn hơn. 9. Out of someone’s reach: ngoài tầm với của ai đó. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


 We should make sure that all the dangerous things are kept out of children’s reach. Compromising on safety can make us pay a high price. Chúng ta nên chắc chắn rằng tất cả những vật nguy hiểm được đặt ngoài tầm với của trẻ em, việc Xem nhẹ sự an toàn có thể khiến chúng ta trả giá đắt. 10. To go on a trip: đi du lịch.  We went on a long trip to Thailand last summer. Chúng tôi có một chuyến đi dài ngày đến Thái Lan hè năm ngoái. 11. Be home to: là nơi ở của.  A rain forest is home to a wide range of species of animals and plants. Rừng mưa nhiệt đới là nơi ở của nhiều loài động vật và thực vật. 23. Sports / Physical exercise Do you often do physical exercise? (Answer) Yes, I do, and on a regular basis, (Give reason for your answer) though I wouldn’t say that I’m a gym junkie, I have to say that I put great emphasis on getting into shape and always spare at least 3-4 days to work out at the gym. How do you do exercise? (Answer) Personally, I alternate between hitting the gym or taking gentle exercise at home. (Give reason for your answer) On days when I have more free time, then I like to exert myself by running on treadmills and lifting weights at the fitness centre, while on busier days, a simple morning jog or yoga at home would do. Do you have any plans for exercise in the future? (Answer) Actually, I do have some in my mind right now. (Give reason for your answer) Firstly, I’m considering taking up a sport, something like boxing, but only for leisure and not competitively. Additionally, I plan to maintain my current fitness regime in order not to be out of condition. Do young people in your country like to do exercise? (Answer) I suppose yes. (Give reason for your answer) Being fit rather than being skinny is a mindset that is recently catching on in Vietnam. Therefore, many young people are trying to + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


incorporate physical activities into their daily routine as well as adopting healthy eating habits to achieve their dream figure.

Vocabulary Từ vựng chủ đề Sports and Exercise 1. to get into shape Meaning: to become fit Example: If people have a sedentary lifestyle, they must do regular exercise to get into shape. 2. to work out at the gym Meaning: to train the body by physical exercise at the gym Example: As part of a healthy lifestyle, people of all ages should work out at the gym on a regular basis. 3. to take gentle exercise Meaning: to do exercise which is not physically demanding or tiring Example: Even the elderly can keep fit by taking gentle exercise, like jogging or simply a walk in the park. 4. to exert oneself Meaning: to make a big physical effort to do something Example: I believe that sports professionals deserve high salaries because constant hard training is necessary, so that they can exert themselves to the limit when they compete. 5. to take up sport/to take up exercise Meaning: to start doing a sport, to start doing exercise Example: Governments should provide sports facilities to encourage more people to take up sport. 6. to be out of condition Meaning: to be physically unfit Example: One of the causes of obesity is that many people are out of condition and fail to exercise regularly. Từ vựng chủ đề Health 1. a fitness regime + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Meaning: a method or routine of taking regular exercise Example: Even elderly people can adopt a fitness regime by taking light exercise such as walking or jogging. 2. healthy eating habits Meaning: eating healthy food at regular times of the day Example: Health education involves teaching people about healthy eating habits, such as regular mealtimes and eating fruit and vegetables every day. Other vocabulary 1. to alternate - between something and something (thay đổi luôn phiên giữa cái gì và cái gì) [verb] Meaning: To switch between two different people or things. Example: His marks this year have alternated between excellent and very poor. 2. to catch on (trở nên thịnh hành, phổ biến) [phrasal verb] Meaning: to become pupular Example: Leather jackets are really catching on these days. 3. skinny (gầy gò) [adjective] Meaning: very thin and weak Example: When I was a child, I had skinny arms and legs. 24. Music 1.

Do you like listening to music?

I love listening to music, especially US-UK. My favorite artists are Miley Cyrus and Troye Sivan; their songs always sound awesome to me. 2.

When do you listen to music?

Basically I listen to music whenever I feel like doing so, but maybe I most often do that before going to sleep, when I’m on the bus, or when I don’t have any important tasks to work on. 3.

Did you learn instruments?

I didn’t take up any musical instruments, and haven’t still. I have always wanted to learn to play the piano ever since I was a kid, but never got the chance too. I’m planning on getting some piano lessons this summer. 4.

Did you have any music classes in school?

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I used to have music classes back when I was in primary school and secondary school only. I really loved my music class in secondary school - for our midterm and final tests, we had to form a group of at least four and perform a certain song that we chose ourselves. It was so much fun. 5.

Do you think it is necessary for children to have music classes?

In my opinion, children should always have music classes. Music has been scientifically proven to have positive influences on one’s way of thinking and feeling, so it will do people good if they can experience music from an early age. 6.

What do you think of Vietnamese traditional music?

It’s not really to my taste, to be honest. I literally cannot listen to traditional kinds of music such as “ca tru”, “cai luong” or “cheo”. I really like listening to songs created during the war though. Maybe because my dad was a soldier, he often told me stories about his years in the army and so I can somehow relate deeply to those kinds of songs. 7.How much time do you spend listening to music every day? It depends. I often listen to music when I’m doing the housework or when I’m on the bus. At that time, I feel like I can immerse myself in my own world. When I need to really concentrate on school work, I don’t really listen to music as it can cause some real unwelcomed distraction. 8.What is your favorite kind of music? I don’t have a particular taste in music. I can pretty much listen to everything as long as it sounds good to me. Still, I can hardly listen to Vietnamese traditional music, some countries’ folk songs and several tracks belonging to the classical genre. 9.When did you start listening to this type of music? [Let’s just say I’m into rock music] The first time I heard a rock song was when my dad turned on the TV and there was a performance of a very famous rock band in Vietnam called “Buc Tuong”. It was amazing. I started searching for more songs from the Vietnamese band, and songs belonging to the same genre, and have decided ever since that rock music would be a part of my spiritual life. 10.How do you feel when you listening to music? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Relaxed and free, I guess. Music, to me, is a way of hiding from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I listen to music when I’m under a lot of pressure, and I just feel so fine. It’s the feeling of finally coming home after years and years of living far away, I think. Vocabulary Từ vựng thuộc chủ đề The Arts: folk songs Meaning: songs in the traditional style of a country or community Example: Traditional folk songs are part of the cultural heritage of a nation or region. Dịch đại ý Folk songs: nhạc cổ truyền/ dân tộc Nghĩa: những bài hát theo phong cách truyền thống của một đất nước hay một cộng đồng. Ví dụ: những bài hát dân tộc cổ truyền là một phần di sản văn hóa của một quốc gia hay một vùng miền. to take up a musical instrument Meaning: to start to learn to play a musical instrument Example: Schools should encourage all those children who have an interest to take up a musical instrument. Dịch đại ý To take up a musical instrument: học chơi một nhạc cụ Nghĩa: bắt đầu học để chơi được một nhạc cụ nào đó Ví dụ: Trường học nên khuyến khích những học sinh mà có hứng thú chơi nhạc cụ. genres of music

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Meaning: particular types or styles of music Example: Different genres of music tend to be favoured by different age groups, with classical music more popular among the elderly. Dịch đại ý Genres of music: thể loại âm nhạc Nghĩa: những thể loại hay phong cách âm nhạc cụ thể Ví dụ: Những thể loại âm nhạc khác nhau được yêu thích bởi những lứa tuổi khác nhau, như là nhạc cố điển thì được người cao tuổi ưa thích hơn. Từ vựng khác: Do sb good [expression] (to improve someone’s health or life): ảnh hưởng tốt đến sức khoẻ hoặc cuộc sống của ai đó E.g. You can't work all the time - it does you good to go out and enjoy yourself sometimes. Be to one’s taste [expression] (be something one likes): đúng khẩu vị/sở thích của ai đó E.g. I'm not really into new cars - old vintage cars are more to my taste! Relate [verb] (to be able to understand a situation or someone's feelings because you have experienced something similar yourself): hiểu được, cảm nhận được E.g. I often wake up very early - I'm sure most readers over 50 can relate. Immerse yourself in something [verb] (to become completely involved in something): chìm đắm trong cái gì E.g. She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewishhistory and culture. Hustle and bustle [expression] (noise and activity): sự ồn ào E.g. I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace. Still [adv] (nevertheless; on the other hand): tuy vậy + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


E.g. I don’t really like weddings. Still, I’ll have to go or they’ll be offended

24. Letters Do you like to write a letter or email? I really like writing letters to other people, especially on special occasions. I remember writing many letters, like birthday letters, or farewell ones to any of my friends or relatives who had to go somewhere far away from me. Do you think emails are useful? Yes! Emails are really useful and important to me. As I am a student so I have to send and receive email regularly. The entire process of communication between me and my teachers takes place via email. Moreover, I can receive notifications of special deals or interesting information through emails by subscribing to any online channels that appeal to me. What sorts of letters (or emails) do you think are the most difficult to write? Formal emails, like the ones you send to recruiters, to your boss, to your professor and so on, are very difficult to write. You have to choose the right tone for the emails so that they do not appear too casual or too serious, and you have to pay attention to the format of the emails too. Do you prefer to write letters or emails? Why? It depends. For special occasions, like on someone’s birthday, I prefer writing letters to congratulate them as handwritten letters can show my sincerity. However, if I need to write something formal, say to a recruiter to apply for a certain position, email is my first choice. It’s instant, easy to format and I can attach different files with it so it is very convenient too. Do you think email might one day replace handwritten letters? I don’t think so. Handwritten letters still carry in themselves special meanings, one of which is that they can show a writer’s sentiment. I always think that it feels different when you look at someone’s handwriting, like you can actually sense their feelings when they wrote the letter. So handwritten letters are irreplaceable, at least to me. Vocabulary Cherished [adj] (bringing the pleasure of love or caring about someone or something that is important to you): cảm giác được yêu thương E.g. Her most cherished possession is a 1926 letter from F. Scott Fitzgerald. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Tone [noun] (the general mood or main qualities of something): tông E.g. I didn't like the jokey tone of the article - I thought it was inappropriate. Sincerity [noun] (honesty): sự chân thành E.g. So when I sat down to write my public letter of apology, it dripped with venomous sincerity. Sentiment [noun] (tender feeling or emotion): tình cảm E.g. That song is full of patriotic sentiment. It moved me deeply. Come in handy [expression] (to be useful): có ích E.g. I’ll keep these bottles - they might come in handy.

25. Plant 1. (Do you like plants?) (Answer) Well, yes, I really love plants. (Give a reason for your answer) Because I’ve always felt connected with nature, and I think plants as a whole play an essential role in our life. Different varieties of plants have their own appeal, but they all bring us a feeling of freshness. 2. (What plants do you like?) My favorite plant is the cactus, a member of the succulent plant family known as Cactaceae. There are more than 2000 varieties of cacti that grow up in various shapes and sizes. Several hours of sunlight each day and well-draining soil are vital for the cactus to thrive. However, some varieties of cacti can even be planted indoors as they necessitate little sunlight. 3. (Have you ever grown any plants?) (Answer) Yes, quite often actually. (Give a reason for your answer) Gardening is one of my pastimes. I usually buy the seeds online from reliable gardening websites and then grow easy plants with my sister. Right now, I’m taking care of a small tomato plant, which is a demanding yet delightful task. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. (Did you grow any plants when you were a child?) Yes, and it was my father who instructed me to grow my very first plant. I still remember clearly; it was a mango tree. At that moment, I watered the tree on a daily basis in the hope that it would grow rapidly. It has been 12 years now, and guess what, the mango tree is still alive and bears fruits every summer! 5. (Do you know how to grow any plants?) (Answer) Yes, of course. I know quite thoroughly indeed. (Give a reason for your answer) There are plenty of steps and techniques involved in growing plants, from selecting quality seeds, soil; providing sufficient sunlight and water to spraying suitable fertilizers. Gardening requires a lot of effort, but I think in the end it is a rewarding experience.

Vocabulary: 13. essential [adj]: necessary or needed: cần thiết Eg: The books on thi s li st are essenti al reading for t he course. 14. freshness [n]: a state of being clean and cool; found outside rather than in a room: sự tươi mới, sảng khoái Eg: The garden is full of freshness. 15. succulent [n]: a plant such as a cactus in which the leaves and stem are thick and can store a lot of water: cây mọng nước Eg: My father is fond of planting succulent plants. 16. necessitate [v]: make sth necessary: đòi hỏi, yêu cầu Eg: Recent financial scandals have necessitated changes in parliamentary procedures. 17. reliable [adj]: deserving trust; dependable: đáng tin cậy + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: Most of the main lines are fully electrified and service is generally efficient and reliable. 18. demanding [adj]: needing a lot of time, attention, or energy: đòi hỏi cao Eg: She's hoping to find a job which is more demanding intellectually. 19. instruct [v]: to teach someone how to do something: to order or tell someone to do something, especially in a formal way: hướng dẫn Eg: I need someone to instruct me on how to use the computer. 20. on a daily basis [expression]: repeated everyday: diễn ra hằng ngày Eg: I go to work on a daily basis. 21. fertilizer [n]: a natural or chemical substance that is spread on the land or given to plants, to make plants grow well: phân bón Eg: Agriculture companies offer bundles of pesticides with seeds and fertilizer, with incentives for volume purchases. 22. sufficient [adj]: enough for a particular purpose: đầy đủ Eg: It was thought that he'd committed the crime but there wasn't sufficient evidence to convict him. 23. technique [n]: a way of doing an activity that needs skill: kĩ thuật Eg: She's a wonderfully creative dancer but she doesn't have the technique of a truly great performer. 24. rewarding [adj]: giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well: xứng đáng Eg: Textbook writing can be an intellectually and financially rewarding activity.



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1. (Do you (ever) use a map?) (Answer) Yes, of course I do. (Give a reason for your answer) Normally, I would take advantage of Google Maps on my phone when I do not know the position of a road in my city. Besides, I also plan my journey to foreign countries with the help of a map. 2. (When do you use a map?) When I want to find out the fastest way to get to a certain destination, or when I travel to unfamiliar places, so I would never have to worry about getting lost. Sometimes, I also use maps in geography lessons to complete tasks given by the teachers. 3. (How often do you use a map?) (Answer) Quite frequently, actually (Give a reason for your answer) As I have a lousy sense of direction, I find using maps extremely helpful. Moreover, since I’m also a great fan of travelling, I usually keep a map with me for handy use. 4. (Who taught you how to use a map?) At school, my geography teachers sometimes instruct students to read a map, but not in a detailed way I think. When I was a child, I asked my parents about the symbols on the map and tried to learn them by heart, which gave me a lot of fun. 5. (How did you learn to use (or read) a map?) When I get older, I actually figured it out myself. In fact, nearly every map is well-designed and tends to be self-explanatory, with common symbols and images. Using a map is such a necessary life skill, so whenever I’m free from work, I try to learn new things about them. 6. (Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?) Generally, an electronic map is a better choice for me as it offers more advantages. Firstly, you can search for a place in just a minute with electronic maps. Besides, an electronic map can tell you the current traffic flow so that you can steer clear of the terrible traffic congestion. In addition, it can position you and guide you to your destination more quickly as compared to a conventional paper map.

Vocabulary: + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


24. take advantage of [expression]: make use of sth: tận dụng Eg: Let 's t ake advant age of the good weat her and go hiking. 25. destination [n]: the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken: điểm đến Eg: We had to change planes twice before reaching our final destination. 26. unfamiliar [adj]: not known to you: không quen thuộc Eg: He sounded very much like someone I knew, but his face was unfamiliar. 27. sense of direction [expression]: the ability to find places or to know which direction to go: phương hướng Eg: Which way is it? - I have a lousy sense of direction! 28. instruct [v]: to teach someone how to do something: hướng dẫn Eg: I need someone to instruct me on how to use the computer. 29. detailed [adj]: having many details or facts; showing attention to detail: chi tiết Eg: This is such a detailed book. 30. well-designed [adj]: made or done intentionally; intended; planned in a good way: được thiết kế tốt Eg: The well-designed building is open to the public tomorrow. 31. generally [adv]: usually, or in most situations: thường thường Eg: The baby generally wakes up three times during the night. 32. traffic flow [n]: the flow of traffic: lưu lượng, dòng giao thông Eg: Police are trying to regulate the traffic flow in the city. 33. steer clear of [expression]: to avoid someone or something that seems unpleasant, dangerous, or likely to cause problems: tránh xa cái gì Eg: They warned their children to steer clear of drugs. 34. position[v]: to put something or someone in a particular place: định vị Eg: The army had been positioned to the north and east of the city. 35. conventional [adj]: traditional and ordinary: truyền thống, thông thường Eg: We were raised in a conventional, middle-class family.

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27. Teachers

1. (Do you like any teacher of yours?) (Answer) Yes, I do. (Give a reason for your answer) Throughout my academic life, I was instructed by many lovely teachers whom I love and respect a lot. Among them, the person who inspired me the most is my English major teacher in my high school. 2. (Do you still keep in touch with your teachers?) Well, after high school graduation, I still contact my Physics and English teachers from time to time. Besides, on special occasions like the Tet holiday or Teacher’s day, I still visit them with my friends to express our gratitude. 3. (Do you think it’s important to like your teacher?) (Answer) Of course yes. (Give a reason for your answer) When you have a good relationship with your teachers, you may find their way of teaching more understandable. Most importantly, you will feel more motivated in studying and in the end perform academically better when you feel deeply attached to your teachers. 4. (Do you want to be a teacher?) (Answer) Yes, hopefully. (Give a reason for your answer) I’m quite enthusiastic about conveying knowledge to others, especially those who are willing to learn. As I’m capable of explaining things in a concise and appealing way, I’m quite cut out for teaching. 5. (What qualities should a good teacher have?) Well, one needs to have a lot of attributes to become a decent teacher, in my opinion. Besides a good knowledge, you also need to be patient, diligent and highly disciplined. Unless you are passionately devoted to teaching, you cannot call yourself a good teacher. 6. (Do you have a favorite teacher?) I had so many favorite teachers and it’s a bit difficult to pick one, but I would say English major teacher in high school was the one I love the most. She always delivered engaging lessons, and unlike other teachers who compel students to learn to get good grades, she showed the beauty in learning and encouraged us to pursue our own interests. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Vocabulary: respect [v]: to feel or show admiration for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities: kính trọng Eg: I deepl y respect David for what he has achi eved. inspire [v]: to fill someone with confidence and desire to do something: truyền cảm hứng Eg: Leaders that follow the transformation style of leading, challenge and inspire their followers with a sense of purpose and excitement. from time to time [expression]: sometimes: thỉnh thoảng Eg: I meet my old friends from time to time. gratitude [n]: a strong feeling of appreciation for someone or something for what the person has done to help you: sự biết ơn Eg: I would like to express my gratitude to the feminists, both male and female, for their work in the past. understandable [adj]: easy to understand: dễ hiểu Eg: You have to put the facts into a form that's understandable to everyone. motivate [v]: to make someone eager to do something: cổ vũ, tiếp động lực Eg: She managed to motivate staff to work together after the merger. (be) enthusiastic about [adj]: showing enthusiasm: hào hứng về Eg: Marcia’s lifelong interest in science learning stems from growing up as the oldest child in a family enthusiastic about learning. (be) cut out for/ to be sth [n]: have exactly the right qualities for a particular role, task, or job: phù hợp Eg: I'm just not cut out to be a policeman. attribute [n]: a quality or characteristic that someone or something has: phẩm chất Eg: Organizational ability is an essential attribute for a good manager. diligent [adj]: careful and serious in your work, or done in a careful and determined way: cần mẫn Eg: He is also known as a documenter of literature that is persistent, diligent, and dedicated. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


engaging [adj]: tending to please; attractive: thu hút Eg: He has such an engaging manner. pursue [v]: to try to achieve something: theo đuổi Eg: Liam plans to pursue a career in advertising. 28. Family

How often do you meet with your family? It’s normally once a month. At present I’m studying and working in another city, which is quite far from my hometown, so I can only set aside time for my family at the end of the month, because of the distance and heavy workload, you know. How do you spend the time with your family? We often spend quality time together on eating scrumptious meals prepared by my mother, talking with each other while enjoying our favorite delicious foods. It’s a precious time when we can momentarily get away from the hectic whirlwind of daily activities. Do you want to live with your family in the future? I’d prefer we live in the same city, so that we could take good care of each other, while making sure our family’s bond is secure and will not suffer from potential discrepancies in our individual lifestyles or the generation gap. What activities do your family like doing together? My family often gather around the table enjoying a cozy mealtogether, communicating and sometimes busting into laughter because of my father’s humorous stories. We’re also particularly into family game nights, when we huddle together to play cards or other family favorites. Are you close to of your family members? Most of them. Actually I’m a little bit more distant with my brother as compared to other members. We have personality conflicts, and different viewpoints so we often have arguments over even the smallest things. How has your family influenced you? My family has definitely shaped who I am now. They have imprinted on me proper principles like respect, moral values and good manners. I have also inherited humbleness from my mother , and determination and patience from my father. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Do you want to be married or to be single in the future? Yes, I do want to get married. We all ultimately find our true love in life, you know, and marriage is the ultimate commitment that we can make to our soulmate. Moreover, I want to build a loving and supporting home for my children like my parents have done for us.

Vocabulary Set aside (để dành ra) [phrasal verb] reserve for a special purpose, put to one side Example: Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for excercise Scrumptious ( ngon tuyệt ) (thức ăn) [adj] very pleasing, delicious Example: From breakfast until dinner, hawkers sell an infinite variety of some of the world's most scrumptious snacks. Hectic whirlwind (of activity) (vòng xoáy bận rộn của công việc ) [expression] a busy schedule Example: Within a hectic whirlwind of activity demanded by her vast portfolio, Powell makes time for personal life with her husband, Richard. Discrepancy (sự khác biệt ) [n] lack of agreement or balance/ difference Example: WFI called in police last November after spotting apparent discrepancies between donations made to the organisation and its expenditure. Burst into laughter (phá lên cười) [idiom] suddenly begin to laugh Example: The situation was so ridiculous, they simply burst into laughter. Huddle together ( túm tụm vào nhau) [v] gather/bunch together Example: Four teens huddled together for comfort Sunday at the memorial service to honor victims of the attack at Columbine High School. Imprint ( cấy vào, ăn sâu vào) [v] to establish securely, as in the mind or consciousness Example: It’s believed that most of our habits are imprinted early in childhood. Ultimate ( cuối cùng, mang tính nền tảng) [adj] / fundamental, elemental/most significant Example: Of course the ultimate responsibility for the present conflict without doubt lies with the aggressor. 29. Watches + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


How often do you wear a watch? Since childhood I have had an affection for watches, so I wear my watch all the time. In fact I’d feel naked without my watch. But I usually reserve nicer watches or the ones with sentimental value for special occasions or when I wear luxurious clothes. What was your first watch like? I developed my affection for watches with a little cute Mickey Mouse dial shaped watch. And I guess everyone around my age used to own one like that as it was quite in at the time. What kind of watches do you like to wear? I’m a big fan of dress watches with a leather strap. It completes me. It gives a classic look and complements my outfit irrespective of the occasion. Do people still wear watches in your country? There are lot of watches being manufactured or imported and sold in my country since there are tons of people who love wearing them. Some would love wearing them for their utility while others would prefer to wear them as an accessory. Did you receive any watch as a gift when you were a child? Yes, the one I mentioned above, the Mickey Mouse dial shaped watch. My father rrecognised my enthusiasm for watches and he gave it to me as a birthday gift when I was about 7. I remember jumping around because of the excitement.

Vocabulary 1.


[noun] a feeling of liking for a person or place: Eg: She felt no affection for the child. 2.


[adj] without considering Eg: The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins. 3.


[noun] the usefulness of something, especially in a practical way Eg: The utility of this substance has been proven in a series of tests. 4.


[noun] something added to a machine or to clothing that has a useful or decorative purpose + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories.

II. PART 2 & 3 1. Describe an activity you do when you are alone in your free time You should say: - what you do - how often you do it - and explain why you like to do this activity (what you do) What I like to do in my free time when I am alone is reading. I have had this hobby since grade 7 in 2013. From then on, I spent a lot of money on my hobby, and I’ve read more than 70 books, which means that I read 10 books a year on average. (how often I do it) Since I do so many extracurricular activities in hopes of sharpening my skills, as well as putting what I’ve learned from reading into practice, I hardly have time to read regularly. But normally, I try to read at least 15 minutes every night before going to bed. I also spend every Sunday afternoon reading. I believe that self-help books can really help my life and studies, so I often read self-help books to make me a better person, although they are not as fun to read as fiction. (why I like to do this activity) There are two main reasons I like reading. First, books pave the way to success if used correctly. By reading books, my knowledge is always on the rise, which I believe will help me pursue excellence. Second, I find books especially helpful whenever I am down in the dumps. When I’m engrossed in books, which are a great source of inspiration and motivation, I can easily get out of stress and negative attitudes. 1. To allocate (n): dành ra Example: The government is allocating £10 million for health education. Chính phủ sẽ dành ra 10 triệu Bảng Anh cho giáo dục y tế. 2. On average (phrase): trung bình Example: On average, people who don't smoke are healthier than people who do. Nhìn về mặt trung bình, những người không hút thuốc sẽ khỏe mạnh hơn những người hút thuốc. 3. In hopes of something (phrase): với ước vọng gì đó.

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Example: Police are carrying out house-to-house enquiries in the hope of finding the missing girl. Cảnh sát đang điều tra từng nhà với hi vọng sẽ tìm ra cô gái bị mất tích 4. To put something into practice/action (phrase): đưa cái gì đó vào hiện thực. Example: Our plans aren’t quite ready to be put into action. Các kế hoạch của chúng tôi chưa sẵn sàng để được đưa vào hiện thực. 5. To be of assistance (phrase) = help someone: giúp đỡ Example: Can I be of assistance? Tôi có thể giúp đỡ được gì không? 6. Strive (v): cố gắng rất nhiều để đạt được cái gì đó. We strive to be accurate, but some mistakes are inevitable. Chúng tôt rất cố gắng để chính xác, nhưng mà lỗi sai thì đương nhiên không thể tránh được. 7. To pave the way for/to something (phrase): dẫn đường tới cái gì đó. Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars. Các nhà khoa khọc hi vọng rằng dữ liệu từ cuộc thăm dò sẽ dẫn đến sự hiểu biết chi tiết hơn về Sao Hỏa. 8. To be on the rise (phrase): tăng Police say that youth crime is on the rise again. Cảnh sát cho rằng trẻ em vướng vào tội phạm đang tăng trở lại. 9. To be down in the dumps (idiom): buồn She's a bit down in the dumps because she failed one of her exams. Cô ấy khá buồn vì bị rớt một môn trong kì thi. 10. To be engrossed by/in something: say mê vào cái gì đó. She was so engrossed by/in the book that she forgot the cookies in the oven. Cô ấy quá say mê với cuốn sách mà quên luôn mấy cái bánh đang nước trong lò. PART 3: FLEXIBLE WORK TIME + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible work time? (Give a direct answer to the question) Intended to attract better talent and motivate employees, flexitime has both advantages and disadvantages. (Explain your reason or reasons) On the one hand, if employees are entitled to a flexible work schedule, they are able to maintain a better work/life balance. (Give an example (often a personal example)) Whether it means attending their child’s parent-teacher conferences, picking them up from school, or taking up yoga on Thursday afternoons, it’s no secret that having a little extra time in your working week for yourself and your family makes a mountain of difference. (Explain your reason or reasons) On the other hand, employees who thrive in an office environment may find it difficult to work when his colleagues don't hold the same schedule. (Give an example (often a personal example)) In team-oriented departments, it may be nearly impossible to implement flexible working schedules as teams must meet almost daily. How do you usually spend your free time? (Give a direct answer to the question) Well, I do quite a lot of sport actually. Whenever my free time is available, I go swimming to relieve myself from the pressure of work and study. (Explain your reason or reasons) You probably know that swimming is one of the healthiest sports because it strengthens all of the muscles equally. I also cycle to work when I can, as a way to stay lean. Apart from that, I used to do a lot of reading and photography. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Unfortunately, at the moment, the workload I shoulder is highly demanding, so quality free time is quite an unfamiliar term for me. Do young people in your country work longer hours now than in the past? (Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, the case is probably so for most young adults nowadays. (Explain your reason or reasons) With employment opportunities for young people still thin on the ground, employees might be tempted to make themselves available 24/7. In a society where people whose careers have achieved resounding success are treated with respect and appreciation, if not reverence, young adults have no choice but overwork. (Give an example (often a personal example)) Apart from the standard working hours, they are constantly connected to work through their smartphones and digital devices. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Yet, extra desk time doesn’t necessarily translate to better productivity. Adecent work ethic actually comes from a genuine passion for the job.


motivate [v]: to make someone want to do something well: động viên + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: Teaching is all about motivating people to learn. thrive [v]: to grow, develop, or be successful: phát triển Eg: By serving and creating a healthy-whole community, the businesses would naturally thrive. colleague [n]: one of a group of people who work together: đồng nghiệp Eg: We're having a small drinks party for one of our colleagues who's leaving next week. implement [v]: to start using a plan or system: thi hành Eg: Local councils will be given some leeway as to how they implement the legislation. relieve [v]: to make an unpleasant feeling, such as pain or worry, less strong: xoa dịu Eg: Rubbing dock leaves on nettle stings helps to relieve the pain. muscle [n]: one of many tissues in the body that can tighten and relax to produce movement: cơ Eg: These exercises build muscle and increase stamina. stay lean [expression]: stay healthy and fit: cân đối, khỏe mạnh Eg: Staying lean is a challenge for office employees. demanding [adj]: needing a lot of time, attention, or energy: đòi hỏi cao Eg: The last part of a piece of music is often more technically demanding than the rest. thin on the ground [expression]: to exist only in small numbers or amounts: ít Eg: Traditional bookshops are thin on the ground these days. resounding [adj]: very great: xuất sắc, vang dội Eg: The plan was a resounding success. productivity [n]: the rate at which a company or country makes goods, usually judged in connection with the number of people and the amount of materials necessary to produce the goods: năng suất Eg: Studies show that if a working environment is pleasant, productivity increases. work ethic [n]: a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character and individual abilities: đạo đức nghề nghiệp + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: When interviewing prospective employees and doing reference checks, I exert great effort to find out about their past work ethics.

2. Describe a time when you were scared

You should say: - what happened - where you were - who you were with - and explain why you were scared (what happened) More than 10 years ago, I went through in one of the scariest moments of my life, which is now imprinted on my memory. As a kid, I was told a lot of stories about ghosts and devils, and these stories still obsess me now. This event happened when I participated in a camp that created “challenges” for children. (where I was) By coincidence, the camp was adjacent to a cemetery, which made the challenges even more intense. (who you were with) At 2 a.m., a deafening alarm woke everyone up and the game was ordered to start. We were a group of 7- to 8-year-olds, and we had to work with each other under the silence and darkness of the night. (and explain why you were scared) At one station, the challenge was to solve cryptograms inside the cemetery. We were very focused on the cryptograms, but I freaked out when I felt something fishy behind my back. I turned around and jumped out of my skin when saw a person in an outfit full of blood. I screamed and passed out. Being unconscious, I have no clue what happened after that, but I remember coming round at my house. My friends told me that the “ghost” had to bring me home. This may be an absurd story, but it is a night I will never forget my whole life. 1. To imprint someone’s memory with little/much to remember: làm cho ai nhớ/không nhớ nhiều. Example: The period of time that I did volunteer work in Africa imprinted me with a lot to remember. Khoảng thời gian tôi làm tình nguyện ở Châu Phi làm cho tôi nhớ về nó rất nhiều. 2. Adjacent (adj): kế bên. Example: They lived in a house adjacent to the railway. Họ từng sống trong ngôi nhà kế bên đường ray. 3. Flock (n): một đám. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: A noisy flock of tourists came into the building. Một đám du khách ồn ào tiến vào căn nhà. 4. Cryptograms (n): mật thư Example: A cryptogram is a type of puzzle that consists of a short piece of encrypted text Mật thư là một dạng thử thách mà trong đó bao gồm một câu văn ngắn đã bị mã hóa. 5. To freak out (v): lo lắng, hồi hộp, mất bình tĩnh. Example: I remember the first time I went onstage. I freaked out completely. Tôi vẫn nhớ lần đầu tiên lên sân khấu, tôi đã hoàn toàn mất bình tĩnh. 6. Fishy (adj): đáng nghi. Example: There's something fishy going on here. Có thứ gì đó đáng nghi đang ở xung quanh đây. 7. To jump out of my skin (idiom): giật mình/sợ phát khiếp. Example: The loud noise made me jump out of my skin. Âm thanh đột ngột to ấy làm tôi sợ phát khiếp. 8. To pass out > < to come round: ngất xỉu / tỉnh lại. Example: He passed out and came round after that just 5 minutes. Anh ấy ngất xỉu, và tỉnh lại sau đó chỉ 5 phút. PART 3: FRIGHTEN PEOPLE How do people usually get frightened? (Give a direct answer to the question) Well, people get scared when they encounter situations beyond their comfort zone, or from unexpected frightening, dangerous things. (Explain your reason or reasons) Scientifically, the part of our brain responsible for registering fear is the amygdala, and when a person sees something that frightens them, their amygdala activates other regions of the brain, thus signaling the potential dangers. (Give an example (often a personal example)) Whether you jump at the sight of a spider or work up a sweat at the mere mention of getting on an airplane, fears and phobias abound. Why is it easy for some people to be scared? (Give a direct answer to the question) Personally, it all comes down to the individual's startle response, which means that somebody is just more susceptible to fears than others. (Explain your reason or reasons) In combination with the role of previous life experience, genetic differences between people contribute to the extent to which they will feel anxiety or even post+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


traumatic stress in response to a frightening experience. (Give an example (often a personal example)) These reasons may partly explain why some people cannot stand the prospect of watching a horror movie while others enjoy this kind of film. What should people do when they feel scared? (Give a direct answer to the question) When put in a serious, alarming situation, one should try to remain calm and composed as much as possible, which helps the mind function well and efficiently. (Explain your reason or reasons) Once you can think critically, you can handle the problems and gradually get used to or overcome their fears. (Explain the opposite or alternative) If the person is too intimidated to face the threat himself, he can ask for help from people nearby or family members and trustworthy friends. Besides, some people find that complementary therapies or exercises, such as relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, or tai chi, help them to deal with their anxiety. Do children like to scare others? (Give a direct answer to the question) I don’t think so. Actually, older people, especially parents, tend to scare kids more often for different purposes. (Explain your reason or reasons) Kids are more prone to freaking out because their level of emotional control is not fully developed as compared to adults. (Give an example (often a personal example)) Sometimes, to protect kids, older people tend to scare them. When a mother tells her children about the deadly danger of touching a hot vessel, it is because she wants them to remain unharmed. The moment that fear is instilled within the kids, they try to take their decisions more cautiously. Is it OK to frighten others? (Give a direct answer to the question) I think it depends. (Explain your reason or reasons) People usually frighten others to make fun of or surprise them, and the intention of which is quite benign. (Explain the opposite or alternative) In extremely rare cases where people have literally been "scared to death" after a surge of adrenaline and other chemicals causes the heart to malfunction, scaring people is not something for fun.


comfort zone [expression]: a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested: vùng an toàn Eg: Rock climbing pushes many people beyond their comfort zones. activate [v]: to cause something to start: kích hoạt + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: The alarm is activated by the lightest pressure. abound [v]: to exist in large numbers: có rất nhiều Eg: Theories abound about how the universe began. susceptible to [adj]: easily influenced or harmed by something: dễ bị ảnh hưởng Eg: These plants are particularly susceptible to frost. genetic [adj]: belonging or relating to genes (= parts of the DNA in cells) received by each animal or plant from its parents: có tính di truyền Eg: There are tests which can establish a baby's genetic endowment. composed [adj]: calm and in control of your emotions: bình tĩnh Eg: She looked remarkably composed throughout the funeral. critically [adv]: in a way that shows criticism of someone or something, or that shows that you have thought seriously about something, considering what is good and what is bad about it: một cách nghiêm túc Eg: We want all our students to develop into mature citizens who are able to think critically. intimidate [v]: to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do: đe dọa, làm ai sợ Eg: They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs. instill [v]: to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone’s mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way the person lives: truyền thụ, thấm nhuần Eg: My parents instilled in me a love of reading. cautiously [adv]: in a cautious way: một cách cẩn thận Eg: Their supporters agreed cautiously. benign [adj]: pleasant and kind; not harmful or severe: cả tin, lành, dễ chịu, không ác ý Eg: His humor was benign, never cruel or hurtful. malfunction [v]: to fail to work or operate correctly: hoạt động không tốt Eg: The equipment malfunctions at temperatures below freezing.

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3. Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh You should say: What it was How often you watched it What it was about And explain why it could make you laugh

(What it was) I’ve found the TV program Mr. Bean funny. Albeit set in the UK, the sitcom expanded to reach other countries, including Vietnam, my home country. The drama series went viral in Vietnam in the early 2010s when dozens of people watched and imitated Mr. Bean’s oafish behaviour. (How often you watched it) The series was aired every Sunday afternoon on the Disney channel, and I don’t think I missed a single episode. (What it was about) The central plot revolves around Mr. Bean, a neurotic Brit. Each episode of Mr. Bean tells a totally different story, unlike a normal drama series that uses one main story that gives birth to many other smaller and less important ones. Based on a character originally developed by Atkinson while he was studying for his master's degree at Oxford University, the series follows the exploits of Mr. Bean, described by Atkinson as "a child in a grown man's body," in solving problems presented by everyday tasks, and often causing disruption in the process. (And explain why it could make you laugh) The awkward and crazy behavior of Mr. Bean makes me laugh. In one episodes that split my sides, Mr. Bean designed an oafish hairstyle for a kid when the hairdresser was away. It was even more hilarious when the kid’s mom went back to complain, and Mr. Bean hid in a corner. Mr. Bean is one of my favorite sitcoms so far. I still sometimes watch it to relieve stress. 1. Albeit (conjuction) = although: mặc dù. Example: The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet. Buổi tối hôm ấy khá thoải mái, mặc dù hơi im lắng. 2. Sitcom = situation comedy (n): hài kịch dựa trên tình huống. Example: Mr. Bean is a British sitcom created by Rowan Atikinson and Richard Curtis. Mr. Bean là một bộ phim hài theo tình huống được sản xuất bởi Rowan Atikinson và Richard Curtis. 3. To go viral (v): rất thịnh hành. Example: Within days the film clip went viral. Trong vòng mấy ngày, video clip đã rất thịnh hành. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. Oafish (adj): lạ lạ, ngộ ngộ. Example: Being a country bumpkin from Newfounland, Jake is often teased for his oafish clothes and hair. Là một người vụng về quê mùa, Jake thường bị chọc vì anh ấy mặc đồ và để tóc khá ngộ. 5. To revolve (v): xoay quanh Example: The earth revolves around the sun. Trái Đất quay quanh mặt Trời. 6. Neurotic (a): bị thần kinh/bị mát. Example: neurotic behaviour/tendencies Tính cách ngộ ngộ mát mát. 7. To split someone’s sides (idiom): cười bể bụng. Example: Your jokes are perfect for your speech tonight. You'll have them splitting their sides! Những bản tấu hài của bạn sẽ hoàn hảo cho buổi tối hôm nay. Bạn sẽ làm mọi người cười bể bụng. PART 3: ADULTS-CHILDREN Do you think adults are likely to be happier than children? (Give a direct answer to the question) Honestly, I don’t think so. (Explain your reason or reasons) Given the enormous social and domestic responsibilities most adults have to shoulder, it would be hard for them to be as joyful and carefree as children. (Give an example (often a personal example)) While young adults concern themselves with career prospects, the need to balance between different relationships exhausts the middle-aged. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Yet, irrespective of age, one’s cheerful disposition largely depends on his or her attitude to life. Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people? (Give a direct answer to the question) Scientifically, laughing does wonders to a human’s well-being (Explain your reason or reasons) Children laugh to exhibit their emotions as well as to interact with others. For older people, laughter is just as necessary, if not an inevitable aspect. (Give an example (often a personal example)) A genuine laugh would help one to let off steam and momentarily forget about the stresses and strains of adulthood. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Without laughter, our spiritual life would be unimaginable. What kinds of things do Vietnamese people do to be happy? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, this answer may vary from person to person, even for those in the same age group. (Give an example) I guess the majority would take pleasure from hanging out with friends or immersing themselves in hobbies and entertaining activities. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Some, in the meantime, associate their happiness with materialistic and career-related goals, so they may work to be happy. Why do children like to laugh? (Give a direct answer to the question) As I have put it, for kids, laughter is the most spontaneous means of emotional expression (Explain your reason or reasons) The younger people are, the more easily they laugh, as there is always a joyful element in the eyes of innocent minds. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Besides, a child may view laughter as a way to integrate into social groups. What do you do when you feel sad? (Give a direct answer to the question) When I feel low, I will treat myself to things I adore (Give an example (often a personal example)) They can be quality time with family members or a luxurious dinner at a Korean restaurant. (Explain your reason or reasons) When I cannot change the situation, I change my attitude towards it, and I think doing justice to my interests is quite effective, at least for now.

Vocabulary: exhaust [v]: to make someone extremely tired: làm ai kiệt sức Eg: Billy's heart was so weak that just climbing a few steps exhausted him. irrespective of [expression]: without considering; not needing to allow for: không kể đến, không xét đến Eg: The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins. disposition [n]: the particular type of character that a person naturally has: tính khí Eg: She is of a nervous disposition. do wonders to [expression]: to cause improvements or have a very good effect: có lợi cho Eg: Getting the job did wonders for her self-confidence. exhibit [v]: to show something, esp. a quality, by your behavior: thể hiện, bộc lộ Eg: Jane did not exhibit a sense of submissiveness. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


genuine [adj]: If something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears to be: thật, chân thật Eg: He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the project. unimaginable [adj]: Something that is unimaginable is difficult to imagine because it is so bad, good, big, etc.: không thể tưởng tượng được Eg: The situation was explosive to an unimaginable degree. associate [v]: to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else: liên hệ Eg: Most people associate this brand with good quality. spontaneous [adj]: happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced: tự nhiên, không gượng gạo Eg: His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand. integrate into [v]: to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit their way of life, habits, and customs: hòa nhập Eg: It's very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own. luxurious [adj]: very comfortable and expensive: xa xỉ Eg: We spent a luxurious weekend at a country hotel. do justice to [expression]: to treat someone or something in a way that is fair and shows their or its true qualities: đối xử công bằng với Eg: This postcard doesn't do justice to the wonderful scenery.

4. Describe a book you have read recently You should say: - what it is - who wrote the book - what the book is about - and explain how you felt about it (what it is) Reading books has been a hobby since I was in grade 7, and since then, the I’ve read 70-plus books. The last book I read was My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Israel by Ari Shavit. Many literary critics have complimented the book on its enormous amount of information about the history of modern Israel from its very first days. (who wrote the book) The author of this book, Ari Shavit, is a journalist and a writer based in Israel. Another notable book of his is On Gaza Beach. Shavit was born in Rehovot, Israel, and his father was a scientist and his mother was an artist. Some of his ancestors were early leading Zionists, and he provides in-depth information about them in the book. (what the book is about) In accordance with the title, the book is mainly about Israel’s history. Shavit covers the activities of Theodor Herzl, a Jewish journalist who gave birth to Zionism, and how he and other Zionists, including Shavit’s ancestors, instigated campaigns to re-establish the Land of Israel. This was a national movement of the Jewish people to reestablish a Jewish homeland in the historic territory of the Land of Israel. (and explain how you felt about it) I agree with critics who say that there is an enormous amount of information in the book. In fact, it took me more than 3 weeks to finish the book, as it was too long and made me rack my brain at some points to compare what I’d read with other information I’d previously read. The book gave me a chance to broaden my knowledge about Israel, its history, and its citizens. 1. Critic (n): nhà phê bình. Example: The play has been well received by the critics. Vở kịch được các nhà phê bình nhận xét rất tốt. 2. To compliment (v): khen ngợi Example: I was just complimenting Robert on his wonderful food. Tôi khen Robert vì anh ấy nấu ăn khá ngon. 3. Notable (adj): đáng chú ý. Example: Getting both sides to agree was a notable achievement. Sự thỏa thuận giữa 2 bên là một thành tựu đáng chú ý. 4. Ancestor (n): tổ tiên. Example: There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of the room. Có một số hình chân dung của tổ tiên nhà anh ấy trên tường trong phòng. 5. In-depth (adj/adv): sâu Example: an in-depth report/interview/analysis Một khảo sát/báo cáo/phân tích sâu. 6. In accordance with (phrase): tương ứng với. Example: In accordance with her wishes, she was buried in France. Tương ứng với ước nguyện của cô ấy, thi hài của cô ấy được chôn ở Pháp. 7. To give birth to something (v): sinh ra một cái gì đó. Example: She gave birth to twins. Cô ấy sinh ra một cặp song sinh. 8. To instigate (v): bắt đầu một chuỗi sự kiện gì đó để đạt mục đích nào đó. Example: The government will instigate new measures to combat terrorism. Chính phủ sẽ bắt đầu có một loại biện pháp mới để chống lại khủng bố. 9. To rack someone’s brain (phrase): suy nghĩ rất kĩ. Example: I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name. Tôi suy nghĩ rất nhiều cả ngày nhưng mãi cũng không nhớ được tên cô ta. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


PART 3: READING Do you think parents should continue reading? (Give a direct answer to the question) Of course, not only parents but everybody should maintain reading habits (Explain your reason or reasons) Parents as adults read to keep themselves updated and accumulate knowledge, thus being a role model for their kids (Give an example (often a personal example)) For example, a mother who read books on a daily basis would probably nurture the love for books in her daughter. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Understandably, an enormous workload may sometimes deter adults’ enthusiasm for such a time-demanding activity like reading books. In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents? (Give a direct answer to the question) Normally, it is the parents’ responsibility to encourage their children to fall into the reading habit. (Explain your reason or reasons) The daily interaction with kids enables parents to influence them more profoundly. (Give an example (often a personal example)) At school, reading more academic books is strongly required, so that students could have a better grasp of subjects. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Yet, reading in my nation has been seemingly out of the child’s willingness and curiosity to learn about things, rather than parental incentive. Do you prefer paper books or E-books? (Give a direct answer to the question) Well, I would say paper books, without hesitation (Explain your reason or reasons) To me, the satisfaction derived from finishing the last page of a book is much more rewarding. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Sometimes, I would read online books to save money, but as a last resort. The sheer feeling of having a new book and adding it to your own bookshelf is irreplaceable for genuine book lovers. Do you think printed books will continue to exist? (Give a direct answer to the question) I believe the prospect of books disappearing is very unlikely (Explain your reason or reasons) E-books are getting more popular each year but they will never replace regular books completely. Some people will always want to hold and have a physical book that they can read through and share with others. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Possibly, some forms of digital media will supplant books as a delivery method for information and eventually the printing and publishing of hardbound books will be a niche industry. What kind of books do children read? (Give a direct answer to the question) As kids begin to read books on their own, they will develop a preference for stories of different genres. Many children like to read books involving + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


adventure, mystery or fantasy. Many tweens and teens also enjoy realistic fiction, that is stories where the protagonist must deal with hard issues, such as divorce and peer pressure. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Older children may also enjoy reading informative books about different animals, vehicles or sports that interest them.


accumulate [v]: to collect a large number of things over a long period of time: thu thập, tích lũy Eg: As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their income. nurture [v]: to help a plan or a person to develop and be successful: nuôi dưỡng Eg: As a record company executive, his job is to nurture young talent. deter [v]: to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by making it difficult for that person to do it or by threatening bad results if they do it: cản trở, làm nản lòng Eg: High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses. fall into a habit [expression]: to gradually get into a habit: nhiễm, quen với một thói quen Eg: Phong falls into the habit of staying up late. have a good grasp of [expression]: to have a firm, clear understanding or determination of something: nắm vững Eg: I thought I had a pretty good grasp of English idioms, but I don't understand this one at all. without hesitation [expression]: If you say that someone does something without hesitation, you are emphasizing that they do it immediately and willingly: không chần chừ Eg: He took the offer without hesitation. rewarding [adj]: giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well: xứng đáng Eg: Textbook writing can be an intellectually and financially rewarding activity. irreplaceable [adj]: too special, unusual, or valuable to replace with something or someone else: không thể thay thế + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: Most of the porcelain you see in the display cabinets is irreplaceable. prospect [n]: the idea of something that will or might happen in the future: viễn cảnh Eg: The prospect of spending three whole days with her fills me with horror. hardbound [adj]: of a book: having a stiff or hard cover: được đóng bìa dày Eg: Minh has a collection of over fifty hardbound books. preference [n]: the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or person: sự yêu thích hơn Eg: Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes. protagonist [n]: one of the main characters in a story or a play: nhân vật chính Eg: In the instructions given to the child, the two protagonists of the films were first introduced.

5. Describe a good law in your country. You should say: - what the law is - how you first learned about this law - how you feel about this law - and explain why you think it is good (what the law is) The issue of gay marriage has emerged as one of the most heated contemporary political debates, not only in Western countries but also in Asia, including Vietnam. In Vietnam, which is a conservative country that is deeply influenced by the Asian tradition, marriage between two people of the same sex was strictly prohibited under the 2000’s Marriage and Family Law. However, as gay marriage was increasingly accepted by other countries worldwide, the Vietnamese government decided to lift the ban on same-sex marriage in a new law that came into force in 2014. (how you first learned about this law) I first heard about this law in 2014, when I was in 8th grade. Hardly had the new law been enacted when Facebook and other social media, as well as newspapers, were flooded with the information about it, along with various contradictory opinions on such government decisions and the Vietnamese LGBT community. (how you feel about this law) That the prohibition of gay marriage was abolished not only shows the big step of the government but also the efforts of the LGBT community in Vietnam pay dividends.

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(and explain why you think it is good) I believe that the government has been very wise in recognizing the rights of LGBT people. Although the legislation has yet to allow gay marriage, it is a big step forward that same-sex couples can now legally live under the same roof. The passage of the law brings homosexual individuals one step closer towards possessing equal rights to their heterosexual counterparts. Hopefully, this will help to gradually abolish the discrimination against LGBT people, and also help them to live freely and confidently within their community. 1. To emerge (v): nổi lên. Example: No definitive results have yet emerged from the discussions. Không có một kết quả cuối cùng nào được nổi lên/đưa ra trong cuộc thảo luận. 2. To lift the ban on something (phrase): dỡ bỏ lệnh cấm về cái gì đó. They have now lifted the ban on the export of live animals to Europe. Họ đã dỡ bỏ lệnh cấm xuất khẩu động vật sống tới Châu Âu. 3. To come into force (phrase): bắt đầu có hiệu lực. New driving regulations are going to come into force this year. Quy định lái xe mới sẽ bắt đầu có hiệu lực trong năm nay. 4. To enact/pass a law/legislation (phrase): đưa ra luật. For the second year, national lawmakers failed to enact environmental legislation. Trong vòng 2 năm liên tiếp, những người lập pháp không thể đưa ra luật môi trường. 5. To be flooded with something (phrase): tràn đầy cái gì đó. The market has been flooded with electronic gadgets in recent years. Chợ này tràn đầy những thiết bị điện tử trong vòng những năm gần đây. 6. To pay dividends (phrase): có kết quả tốt Being disciplined in the way you study now will pay dividends by the time your exams come around. Việc kỉ luật trong việc học sẽ cho kết quả tốt trong mùa thi. 7. To live under the same roof (phrase): sống cùng một căn nhà. Example: In my family, up to 3 generations live under the same roof. Trong gia đình tôi có đến 3 thế hệ sống chung một căn nhà. 8. Homosexual (adj): đồng tính. Example: He has decided to tell his parents that he is homosexual. Anh ấy quyết định nói với bố mẹ rằng anh ấy là người đồng tính. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


9. Heterosexual (adj): dị tính Example: heterosexual relationships. Những mối quan hệ dị tính. 10. To blend in with sth (phrase): hòa nhập với gì đó. Example: They have adopted local customs and tried to blend in with the community. Họ đã theo phong tục địa phương và cố gắng hòa nhập với cộng đồng. PART 3: PART 3: POLICE OFFICER Do you think both men and women can be police officers? (Give a direct answer to the question) Of course yes, and reality has proved so. (Explain your reason or reasons) Men certainly have superior physical strength, which may come in handy when chasing bad guys. In the meantime, women are often better at seeking cooperation, which is essential to police work (Give an example (often a personal example)) For example, people are often taciturn before a burly policeman because they feel insecure and fear they might get into trouble. On the contrary, the presence of a policewoman often reassures them and puts them at ease. Therefore, a police force consisting of both male and female officers can best serve the public. Do all Vietnamese people obey the law? (Give a direct answer to the question) Notwithstanding criminals, most Vietnamese people are law-abiding citizens (Explain your reason or reasons) Acknowledging the importance of obeying law, which is to maintain equality and public peace on a national scale, Vietnamese people are expected to conform to the imposed laws. (Give an example (often a personal example)) For example, if drivers choose to ignore the established road signals, travel becomes impossible. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Yet, in the country, some people would go to any great lengths, even commit a crime, to benefit themselves or their family. What kind of people can become police officers? (Give a direct answer to the question) In my opinion, potential future police officers are men and women who truly want to protect people from the ills of our society. (Explain your reason or reasons) Besides being physically fit for the job and psychologically apt for it, these people also are willing to take on the violence encountered unexpectedly on the street, and the enormous dangers when undertaking missions. (Give an example (often a personal example)) It may be a life-and-death situation involving pulling a victim out of a crashed car or providing first aid and basic life support to a shooting victim before paramedics arrive. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Do you think police officers are paid too much? (Give a direct answer to the question) No, I don’t think so (Explain your reason or reasons) With regards to their contributions and sacrifices to society, their salary is immensely rewarding. (Give an example (often a personal example)). Being a policeman/woman can be very demanding, and their job takes a lot of bravery. (Explain the opposite or alternative) It just does not make sense that professional sportsmen are paid millions to entertain us, but, police officers get paid considerably less to maintain the law in society, to keep us safe from harmful situations and to possibly give up their life for it. 5.

Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?

(Give a direct answer to the question) In my opinion, it is not, although being a police officer also calls for one’s empathy and compassion towards people (Explain the opposite or alternative) To become a good police officer, one has to meet a lot of requirements: physical & mental fitness, agility, communication skills etc. Among those, personally I feel, integrity is a fundamental trait required for police work and quite possibly the most important.

Vocabulary: superior [adj]: better than average or better than other people or things of the same type: vượt trội Eg: She was chosen for the job because she was the superior candidate. come in handy [expression]: to be useful: hữu ích Eg: This money will come in handy when we go on vacation. taciturn [adj]: tending not to speak much: lầm lì Eg: He was always quiet, reserved, and taciturn. law-abiding [adj]: obeying and respecting the law: tuân thủ luật pháp Eg: A law-abiding citizen reported the scam to the police. go to any great lengths [expression]: to try very hard to achieve something: cố gắng hết sức, làm đủ mọi cách Eg: We went to great lengths to make sure the votes were counted correctly. encounter [v]: to experience something, especially something unpleasant: đối mặt

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Eg: The army is reported to be encountering considerable resistance. sacrifice [n]: the act of giving up something that is valuable to you in order to help someone else: sự hi sinh Eg: We had to make sacrifices in order to pay for our children's education. bravery [n]: brave behaviour or actions: sự dũng cảm Eg: They were awarded medals for their bravery. maintain [v]: to continue to have; or not allow to become less: duy trì Eg: Despite living in different states, the two families have maintained a close friendship. compassion [n]: a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them: sự đồng cảm Eg: I was hoping she might show a little compassion. agility [n]: the ability to move about quickly and easily: sự nhanh nhẹn Eg: As a top-rated football player, he combines speed and agility. integrity [n]: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change: sự chính trực Eg: No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.

6. Describe an occasion you wore formal clothes. You should say: -

what the occasion was when it was what you wore and how you felt about it

(what the occasion was) Majoring in tourism, I have to keep my appearance in mind. It is important for me to wear debonair outfits whenever I go to school, and my faculty actually requires us to wear a uniform on Mondays. I am going to tell you about my first time wearing my faculty’s uniform. (when it was) I first wore the uniform on the Vietnamese teacher’s day last year, when I was still a freshman. The purpose of the day was to give thanks to Vietnamese teachers and to celebrate the 60-year development of my school, so everyone was asked to put on their formal uniform for the celebration. As a student of a university that has a lot of overseas students, + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


especially those from Korea, I usually wear shorts to school, so I felt a bit awkward seeing myself in a formal outfit in the mirror. (what you wore) I had to comply with the dress code, which required me to wear an ironed white shirt, black trousers, and black or brown leather shoes. They told us that anyone who broke the dress code would be denied admission. (and how you felt about it) Initially I felt a bit awkward, but I also felt like wearing the uniform made us look more mature, and less like high school students. Since then, I have revamped my image, by wearing formal clothes to school more often and by avoiding wearing shorts. This has come as a surprise to a lot of people, especially those who have not seen me in ages. I am glad that I made the change, though, because now I feel like I look better and more professional. I am grateful to my faculty for giving me the incentive to alter my image. 1. To keep something in mind (phrase): luôn luôn nhớ rằng. Of course, repair work is expensive and you have to keep that in mind. Đương nhiên, việc sửa chữa rất tốn kém và bạn luôn luôn phải biết điều đó. 2. Debonair (adj): sang trọng, quý phái. a debonair young man một người đàn ông trẻ và sang trọng. 3. Chic (adj): hợp thời trang. I like your haircut - it's very chic. Tôi rất thích kiểu tóc của bạn, nó rất hợp thời trang. 4. To put on (clothes) (phrase): mặc quần áo. He put on his jacket. Anh ấy mặc cái áo khoác. 5. To comply (v): tuân theo. There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations. Sẽ có hình phạt nghiêm khắc cho những trường hợp không tuân theo quy định. 6. To revamp (v): thay đổi (vì cái tốt hơn) We revamped the management system, but the business is doing no better than it was before. Chúng tôi đã thay đổi hệ thống quản lý, nhưng công việc dường như cũng không tiến triển tốt hơn trước.

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7. To come as a/no surprise (idiom): gây bất ngờ/không gây bớt ngờ. If you didn't study for that test at all, your failing grade should come as no surprise. Nếu bạn không học bài, thì việc thi rớt sẽ không bất ngờ xíu nào. 8. To owe someone a debt of gratitude (idiom): nợ một ân huệ. We owe you a debt of gratitude for all you have done for us. Chúng tôi nợ bạn một ân huệ vì những gì bạn đã làm cho chúng tôi.

7. Describe a time when you took a medicine. You should say: - when it happened - who gave it to you - why you had it - and how you felt (when it happened) The last time I took medicine was only a few weeks ago. My cousins and I went on a trip to Indonesia during its hottest and most humid season, so everyone felt fatigued at the end of each day. It was on the 5th day of the trip, when we were in Bali, that my throat started to feel sore. Luckily, this was the last day before we headed back to Vietnam, so I did not have to visit the doctor in a foreign country. (who gave it to you) Once I was back home, I saw my regular ENT doctor. I was diagnosed with tonsillitis and given a prescription for 4 days of antibiotics. This did not surprise me, because unfortunately my throat is particularly vulnerable to exotic environments. (why you had it) The doctor gave me antibiotics because he/she thought that they would help me to recover from the disease as quickly as possible. Having said that, I was aware of the risks of overusing antibiotics – that my body will respond less to medicines the more antibiotics I take. So, keeping that in mind, I stopped taking the drugs as soon as I felt that it would be ok to let my body heal naturally. (and how you felt) After 3 days of medicine, my throat felt a lot better, but it took more than 2 weeks for my throat to feel normal again. I am now aware that it is essential for me to steer clear of unhealthy substances and chemicals so that I do not come down with tonsillitis too often. Otherwise, treating it will become a lot more complicated.

1. Fatigued (adj): rất mệt mỏi. Example: We were all fatigued after a marathon. Chúng tối gần như kiệt trước sau khi chạy marathon. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


2. To fall ill (phrase): bị bệnh. Example: Sophia fell ill/was taken ill (= became ill) while on holiday. Sophia đã bị bệnh khi đang đi du lịch. 3. To come down with something (phrase): bị bệnh gì đó. Example: I feel like I’m coming down with a cold. Hình như là tôi đã bị cảm rồi. 4. To be diagnosed with something (phrase): được chẩn đoán bị gì đó. Example: She was diagnosed with/as having diabetes. Cô ấy bị chẩn đoán tiểu đường. 5. Tonsillitis (n): bệnh viêm amidan. Example: Recurrent tonsillitis refers to repeated tonsil infections. Trường hợp viêm amidan mãn tính là bị viêm amidan nhiều lần. 6. Exotic (adj): ngoại lai. Example: She has a rather penchant for exotic clothes. Cô ấy có xu hướng mặc đồ ngoại lai. 7. Antibiotic (n): thuốc kháng sinh. An antibiotic is a type of antimicrobial drug used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections Thuốc kháng sinh là một lại thuốc được sử dụng trong việc điều trị hoặc phòng ngừa các trường hợp bị nhiễm trùng. 8. To be back on track (idiom): trở lại làm việc bình thường. The train schedule seems to be back on track after all those delays this morning. Thời gian làm việc của tàu hỏa dường như đã trở lại bình thường sau một loạt các chuyến bị trễ sáng nay. 9. To steer clear of (phrase): tránh xa. Steer clear of the boss today—he's yelling at everyone he sees. Nhớ tránh xa ông chủ hôm nay – ông ấy la rầy mọi người mà ông gặp.

PART 3: 1. Do you agree that medicine is harmful? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Honestly speaking, I do not think so. Medicine, besides its side effects, has played a vitally important role in maintaining the world’s population. Without medicine, hardly any diseases, especially infectious ones, could be totally cured or under control. 2. What do think of buying medicine online? Buying medicine online may be two-edged. A wider variety of medications and chemicals can be found online, but their quality cannot be cleared and ensured to be suitable for use. In my opinion, one should not purchase medicine online unless they cannot find any pharmacy that offers what they need. 3. In your opinion, why do some people do not like taking medicine? Regarding kids, most of children would find it hard to take medicine due to its bitter taste. Also, in case the size of a tablet is too big, it is difficult for children to swallow it. Regarding adults, some might try to minimise the use of drugs as much as possible because they hold a belief that the more medicine they take, the more they will be resistant to its effects. 1. Side effect (n): tác dụng phụ. Example: Does this drug have any side effects? Thuốc này có tác dụng phụ gì không? 2. Infectious (adj): có tính truyền nhiễm. Example: After the 21-day isolation period, Ebola survivors are no longer infectious. Sau 21 ngày cách ly, những người sống sau bệnh Ebola không còn có thể gây nhiễm nữa. 3. To be under control (phrase): có thể kiểm soát được. Example: It seems that the disease is now under control. Dường như là dịch bệnh đã có thể kiểm soát được rồi. 4. Two-edged (adj): hai mặt. Example: "That was amazingly generous of you!" "Well, what do you mean by that twoedged comment, - are you saying I'm usually mean?" “Bạn thực sự tốt với tớ đó!” – “Bạn nói câu 2 mặt như vậy là có ý nghĩa như nào – có phải bạn đang nói tôi bình thường hay ác độc lắm hả?” 5. To find it hard/difficult to do sth (phrase): thấy làm cái gì đó khó. Example: I found it hard to get an A in the exam. Tôi thấy việc lấy được điểm A trong bài thi này khá khó. 6. To hold a belief (phrase): tin rằng. Example: We used to hold a belief that ghosts were real when we were kids. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Chúng tôi từng tin rằng ma là có thật lúc còn bé.

8. Describe a skill you need a long time to learn. You should say: - what it is - where you can learn it - how you learn it - and how long it takes to learn it (what it is) When I was young, I was fascinated whenever I came across a street pianist. I was passionate about music, especially the piano. Luckily, I had the chance to have lessons with a classically trained pianist, who was willing to teach me for free because there was a shortage of pianists for the church’s choir. I did not hesitate to take him up on his offer. (where you can learn it) Because I was trained to play the piano for the choir at my church, and because I did not have an instrument at home, I had lessons at the church. Even though churches are supposed to be quiet and solemn, I still really enjoyed my lessons. All the sessions were full of laughter because there were other people who also tried to play the piano with me. (how you learn it) Filled with excitement, I could not wait to play my first notes on the piano. However, things did not go as expected! I started to realise that the piano was a lot harder than I had thought. I knew that I would improve the more I played, so I carried on, but I was particularly challenged by classical pieces. I found them difficult even when I felt that I had become a competent player! I thought about giving up, but luckily, my teacher made a lot of efforts to inspire me. I quickly got rid of my negative thoughts and got back on track. (how long it takes to learn it) I have been learning the piano for more than 10 years, but it only took me around 1 year to learn to play confidently and smoothly for the services. Nowadays, I play simple pieces for the church services, but I also learn new, challenging classical pieces so that I can continue to develop my skills. 1. To come across sth/someone: vô tình gặp ai đó/thứ gì đó. Example: I came across him in the library after work, and we got into a great conversation about Hemingway. Tôi vô tình gặp anh ấy trong thư viện sau khi làm và chúng tôi đã có một cuộc nói chuyện về Hemingway. 2. To take someone’s eyes off sth/someone (phrase): đưa mắt ra khỏi ai đó/gì đó. Example: Ken couldn't take his eyes off Judy. Ken không thể đưa mắt khỏi Judy. 3. To make up someone’s mind (idiom): quyết định. Example: I'm not sure what flavor I want—I'm still making my mind up. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”







Tôi vẫn chưa chắc là mình muốn vị nào, tôi vẫn đang quyết định. Solemn (adj): trang nghiêm Example: a solemn procession Một cuộc diễu hành trang nghiêm Effervescence (n): khí thế, năng lượng. Example: he was filled with such effervescence Anh ấy tràn đầy năng lượng. To be competent at something: có khả năng làm việc gì đó tốt. Example: I wouldn't say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job. Tôi sẽ không nói là anh ấy quá xuất sắc nhưng anh ấy thực sự có khả năng làm việc tốt. To spring someone’s mind (idiom): đập vào đầu ai đó. Example: Say the word "Australia" and a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind. Mỗi khi ai đó nói về Australia là hình ảnh của biển và đại dương xanh lại đập vô đầu tôi. Keep the fire burning (idiom): giữ cháy ngọn lửa (đam mê). Example: when I was about to give up on my dream, my parents immediately took actions to keep the fire burning. Khi tôi chuẩn bị bỏ cuộc với ước mơ của mình, bố mẹ tôi liền can thiệp và nuôi dưỡng ngọn lửa đam mê của tôi.

PART 3: 1. Why are some people unwilling to learn new skills? An immense number of people are reluctant to learn new skills due to 2 main reasons. First, these people might have struggled or even failed to learn a new skill, which is a big barrier to giving another try. Second, many would like to be competent at one skill. However, to this end, they believe it is going to take lots of time and money so they tend to give up in the first place. 2.

Why would people spend a lot of time learning a new skill? I would say that there are two main reasons. First, they are passionate about the skill and desire to obtain it. For example, if one has a passion for piano, he is willing to spend up to 3 hours a day practicing piano albeit up to his ears in work. Second, people can spend a lot of time on a new skill if they have lots of free time. This sounds simple, but makes sense. If one does not even have time to breathe, hardly will he have time to learn a new skill.

3. Do people feel happy after learning a new skill? I would say yes. Achieving their goal, which is being competent at a new skill, can be a source of satisfaction. This is because they know that their efforts pay dividends and it is not a waste of time to practice every single day to sharpen the skill. 4. Do you think it takes a long time to learn a language? It depends on the environment to be honest. Should the language learner not live in the native country, it is apparent that acquiring high proficiency in a language will pose lots of challenges + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


to the learner as well as take a great deal of time and effort. However, if the learner is based in the native country, it is much easier for him to speak the language fluently in a relatively short time. 5. What skills may take a long time to learn? As far as I am concerned, it is communication skills that takes a long time to learn. One can not expect to communicate like a master after some courses of training. This is a hard skill and may require up to 20 years to communicate well with others. 1. Reluctant (adj): ngại làm cái gì đó. Example: Many parents feel reluctant to talk openly with their children. Nhiều bậc cha mẹ ngại nói chuyện cách cởi mở với con cái họ. 2. To be competent at something: có khả năng làm việc gì đó tốt. Example: I wouldn't say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job. Tôi sẽ không nói là anh ấy quá xuất sắc nhưng anh ấy thực sự có khả năng làm việc tốt. 3. To this end (phrase): hướng tới mục đích đó. Example: He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts, and to this end he ran literature classes at his home on Sunday afternoons. Ông ấy muốn các học sinh chuyên khoa học yêu nghệ thuật hơn, và hướng đến mục tiêu này, ông ấy dạy thêm môn văn ở nhà vào buổi trưa Chủ Nhật. 4. In the first place (phrase): ngay từ ban đầu. Example: Fortunately, he wasn't hurt, but he never should have been there in the first place. Hên quá, anh ấy không bị thương, nhưng anh ấy không nên đến đó ngay từ ban đầu. 5. To be up to his ears in something (idiom): bận bịu với cái gì đó. Example: I'm up to my ears in work. Tôi rất bận với công việc 6. A source of satisfaction (phrase): nguồn vui. Example: The children were a major source of satisfaction. Bọn trẻ là một nguồn vui lớn. 7. To pay dividends (phrase): có kết quả tốt Example: Being disciplined in the way you study now will pay dividends by the time your exams come around. Việc kỉ luật trong việc học sẽ cho kết quả tốt trong mùa thi. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”



Describe a time you looked for information on the Internet. You should say - when you did that - what information you searched - how you felt about it

(when you did that) In the current age of information technology, everyone has probably heard of the phrase “information explosion” at some point in their life. While in the past, people had to look for information at libraries or in their own books, in the era of IT, we mainly access information on the Internet. As a university student of tourism management, I frequently make use of the Internet to do research for exams and essays. I am going to talk about the time when I used the huge amounts of information on the Internet to prepare for my final management exam last term. (what information you searched) I searched for information about “situational leadership,” developed by Hersey and Blanchard, that I needed to learn for the final test in management. I had some direction from the lecturer, which made it easier for me to look for the information I needed. I read the studies by Hersey and Blanchard, and I found out that there are 4 approaches to leadership and there is no one-size-fits-all style. As well as researching online, I spent a day reading notes and books provided by my teacher. Luckily, my efforts paid off and I passed the subject with flying colours! (how you felt about it) The Internet is an enormous source of information that can be immensely helpful for students looking to broaden their knowledge. That said, in my opinion, information available on the Internet should not replace information in authorised and clearly examined books, because it can be wrong or deliberately intended to cause harm. Therefore, people should be cautious when using the Internet to look for information. 1. Prime (n): thời kì phát triển nhất. Example: Middle age can be the prime of life if you have the right attitude. Độ tuổi trung tuần có thể là thời kì phát triển nhất của bạn nếu bạn có thái độ tốt. 2. To take place (phrase): diễn ra. Example: The concert takes place next Thursday. Buổi hòa nhạc sẽ diễn ra vào thứ 5 tới đây. 3. Make use of (phrase): sử dụng Example: We might as well make use of the hotel's facilities. Chúng ta cũng có thể sử dụng thiết bị của khách sạn. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. In preparation for (phrase): trong quá trình chuẩn bị cho cái gì đó. Example: I am making plans in preparation for my daughter’s wedding. Tôi đang phải lên kế hoạc để chuẩn bị cho đám cưới con gái tôi. 5. With ease (phrase): dễ dàng. Example: She won the 400 metre race with ease. Cô ấy thắng đường đua 400 mét một cách dễ dàng. 6. One-size-fits-all (phrase): có thể sử dụng cho nhiều mục đích. Example: a one-size-fits-all approach to education Một cách tiếp cận thích hợp trong nhiều mục đích tới giáo dục. 7. To be engrossed by/in something (phrase): say mê vào cái gì đó. Example: She was so engrossed by/in the book that she forgot the cookies in the oven. Cô ấy quá say mê với cuốn sách mà quên luôn mấy cái bánh đang nước trong lò. 8. To pay off = to pay dividends (phrase): mang lại kết quả tốt. Example: All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam. Tất cả những cố gắng đều được đền đáp, vì cô ấy đã cuối cùng qua được kì thi. 9. Flying colours (idiom): điểm cao. Example: he passed his test with flying colours. Anh ấy vượt qua bài kiểm tra với số điểm rất cao. 10. at the expense of something (phrase): lơ là cái gì đó, làm nó bị thiệt. Example: Singapore shows that academic brilliance need not come at the expense of personal skills. Singapore đã cho chúng ta thấy không cần học quá nhiều mà lơ là kĩ năng cá nhân. PART 3: 1. What are the differences between getting information from libraries and from newspapers? From a practical perspective, the access to information in libraries and in newspapers is not much different from each other as information is all paper-based and must undergo a thorough examination before being published. However, information included in newspapers

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covers a wider range of readers and news while information in libraries aims at a smaller scale of readers and provides in-depth knowledge rather than news. 2.

In what ways can people get information these days? As we are in the prime of the Information Technology age, there are numerous means of getting access to information. For example, one can read newspapers on sites like the propaganda of Singapore: The Straits Times. If one prefers in-depth knowledge, The Economist will be an ideal choice. Apart from online newspapers, social networking sites have also proved influential in providing information from more various perspectives. One can also rely on books to acquire information.

1. To undergo an examination (phrase): được kiểm chứng. Example: The evidence is still undergoing examination. Bằng chứng vẫn đang được kiểm chứng lại. 2. In-depth (adj): sâu. Example: an in-depth report/interview/analysis Một cuộc báo cáo/phỏng vấn/phân tích sâu. 3. Prime (n): thời kì phát triển nhất. Example: Middle age can be the prime of life if you have the right attitude. Độ tuổi trung tuần có thể là thời kì phát triển nhất của bạn nếu bạn có thái độ tốt. 4. Propaganda (n): cơ quan tuyên truyền. Example: At school we were fed ring-wing propaganda. Ở trường, chúng tôi luôn bị nhồi nhét với sự tuyên truyền về cánh tả. 5. To prove influential (phrase): có hiệu quả/ảnh hưởng. Example: He has managed to prove influential in Washington for a quarter of a century. Ông ấy cố gắng gây ảnh hưởng ở Washington đã hơn ¼ thế kỉ.

10. Describe a successful family business. You should say: - what this family business is - how you know about it - who the customers of this family business are - and explain why you think it is successful + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


(what this family business is) The term entrepreneur has been all the rage recently as thousands of successful start-ups deliver motivational speeches to inspire entrepreneurship. Among all the different kinds of businesses in operation today, homestay agencies and websites have emerged as one of the most successful types. To me, this is not surprising, given that we are living in the prime age of tourism. I would say that homestay is a kind of family business because the homeowner makes profits from letting tourists stay at their house during their vacation. (how you know about it) I stumbled across AirBnB, an app that supports homestays, some months ago, after seeing one of their thousands of marketing posts on Facebook and Instagram. AirBnB offers lots of deals for both customers and homeowners, which is why many people think it is as an ideal alternative to traditional hotels, which often cost customers an arm and a leg. (who the customers of this family business are) Apparently, tourists make up the main part of AirBnB’s customer base. On my last journey to Bali, Indonesia, my group of 6 hired a big villa on AirBnB for only 50 dollars per day. Also, expats use it to look for and hire a room which is on lease. (and explain why you think it is successful) Homestay, particularly AirBnB, is expected to overtake traditional hotels as the most used form of hospitality. There are 2 main reasons for this. Firstly, compared to traditional hotels, homestay is a lot more competitive in terms of price. I was worried that my villa in Bali would fall short of my expectations because of its low price, but when we arrived we were all blown away by the stunning views and the villa’s architecture. Another great thing about AirBnB is that local homeowners can be really helpful when it comes to exploration. They can act as a free guide for tourists, whereas in traditional hotels, guests have to pay extra for private tours. 1. Entrepreneur (n): khởi nghiệp Example: He’s an entrepreneur who made his money in computer software. Anh ấy là một nhà khởi nghiệp mà tự làm ra tiền từ phần mềm máy tính. 2. To be all the rage (idiom): rất phổ biến Example: In China, Mercedes-Benz cars are all the rage among the moneyed elite. Ở Trung Quốc, xe Mercedes-Benz rất phổ biến ở giới thượng lưu nhiều tiền. 3. To cost someone an arm and a leg (idiom): rất mắc Example: I'd love to buy a Porsche, but they cost an arm and a leg. Tôi muốn mua một chiếc xe Porsche nhưng nó rất mắc. 4. Expat (n): người nước ngoài sống hoặc làm việc ở một nước khác. Example: A large community of expats has settled there. Mọt cộng đồng người nước ngoài đã sống ở đó. 5. To be on lease (phrase): đang được cho thuê. Example: He has the house on a long lease. Anh ấy cho thuê nhà dài hạn. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


6. Hospitality (n): dịch vụ khách sạn. Example: We offer high-quality training for people working in hospitality, leisure, and tourism. Chúng tôi có các khóa đào tạo cao cấp cho những người làm trong dịch vụ du lịch và lữ hành. 7. To fall short of someone’s expectation (phrase): chưa đạt được đến những gì được mong đợi Example: August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations. Doanh thu tháng 8 của xe hơi chưa đạt được mong đợi của ngành. 8. To blow someone away (phrase): làm ai đó bất ngờ vì rất tốt. Example: Winning first prize and a full scholarship blew her away. Việc chiến thắng giải nhất và chiếm luôn học bổng toàn phần đã làm cô ấy rất bất ngờ. PART 3: 1. Do you think globalisation is a positive development? From the perspective of economics, education and tourism, globalisation is apparently a positive development. It is instrumental in boosting free trading among countries as well as foreign investments into a developing country. From the perspective of cultures, this may be a negative development because it is believed to cause a corrosion of culture. 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business? Regarding the pros, families which run their own business receive the whole profit they make before tax. Also, the freedom is also another advantage that those running family business have. However, doing business on our own seems a bit risky as the likelihood of family business going bankrupt is higher than that of prestigious firms. 3. Do people in your country like to work for big companies or small ones? We believe that the bigger the companies, the more prestigious they are. As a result, many people are attracted by the prestige of working for a top companies, especially multinational ones like the British Council or Unilever, and work for them in order to have higher salaries. 1. Instrumental in (adj): có sức ảnh hưởng Example: She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act. Cô ấy có ảnh hưởng lớn đến việc cải cách nhà tù. 2. Corrosion (n): lụi tàn/gặm mòn. Example: These alloys protect against corrosion. Những hợp chất này được sử dụng để tránh sự ăn mòn. 3. To go bankrupt (phrase): bị phá sản. Example: He went bankrupt after only a year in business. Anh ấy bị phá sản chỉ sau một năm lập nghiệp. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. Prestigious (adj): uy tín. Example: a prestigious university Một đại học danh tiếng 11. Describe your favorite city that you have visited. You should say - where it is Answer: I would like to tell you about Singapore, which is my favorite city among the cities I have visited so far. Singapore is a city-state located in Southeast Asia and it takes us nearly 2 hours to get there from Ho Chi Minh City. - when you went there Answer: I paid a visit to this wonderful city last summer with my friends and we stayed there for 5 days. - what you did Answer: Well, Singapore is well-known for its dynamic cultural hub and modernization, which attract many tourists to visit this city each year. When I arrived in Singapore, I was blown away by the look of the city. Everything seems civilized, and the streets are incredibly clean. I still remember the moment when I returned to my hotel after a day wandering around the city without any dirt on my shoes. During my stay in Singapore, I spent time going shopping and visiting some famous landmarks such as the Merlion Statue, Art Gallery, Botanical Gardens and of course the iconic building Marina Bay Sands Tower. - and explain why you like it Answer: For me, there are many reasons Singapore is a must-visit city. Firstly, the transportation system there is extremely reliable and convenient. You just need to buy a Tourist Pass Ticket, which will get you to most places in the city by MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) without being held up in traffic jam for hours. Moreover, it is obvious that Singapore is one of the cities that has a multi-cultural nature. After staying there for 5 days, I got acquainted with many people from different countries, and backgrounds, but they were all welcoming and friendly, which I really appreciated. Since English is the first language here, it was a great opportunity to talk with locals and travelers and listen to their stories. Overall, I had a tremendous vacation in Singapore and I liked most of the places there and I enjoyed it so much that I did not even notice how quickly the 5 days scheduled time had passed. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS:


City-state (noun): Một quốc gia độc lập nhưng thường chỉ có duy nhất một thành phố. Example: Vatican City is one of three city-states in the world.


Pay a visit (noun): Ghé thăm. Example: The President of the USA, Barack Obama, paid a visit to Vietnam last month.


Cultural hub (noun): Trung tâm của văn hóa. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: China is considered one of the cultural hubs in the world.


To be blown away (expression): Kinh ngạc. Example: I was blown away by the new technology.


Wander (verb): Đi lang thang. Example: We spent a whole day wandering the neighborhood.


Famous landmarks (expression): Những địa điểm thú vị, nổi tiếng. Example: The newly-built skyscraper, Landmark 81, has been listed as one of famous landmarks in HCMC.


Iconic (adjective): Mang tính biểu tượng. Example: Non La is the iconic hat of the Vietnamese people.


To be held up (expression): Bị kẹt Example: I was held up in a traffic jam for 3 hours.


Multi-cultural nature (expression): Môi trường đa văn hóa. Example: Travelling to countries that have a multi-cultural nature helps you expand your horizons.


Get acquainted with sb (phrase): Làm quen với. Example: I haven’t got acquainted with my neighbors although I’ve been staying here for almost a year. 12. Describe a place away from home where you stayed. You should say - Where it was. Answer: I consider myself a person who has a strong impulse for travel; therefore, I would like to tell you about an apartment I stayed in when I made a solo trip to Thailand. The apartment is located on the fourth floor of an apartment block in the heart of Bangkok. I accidentally found this cozy, lovely apartment while surfing on the Internet, so I decided to make all the arrangements to rent it for a week. - When you stayed there. Answer: I paid a visit to Bangkok in the summer, which was raining season at that time, so the weather was hot and humid. I stayed at the apartment for 3 days before leaving for Phuket. - What you did there. Answer: The accommodation was fully-furnished in Scandinavian style, with some really interesting pictures hanging on the walls in the living room. I even had my own king-size bed in a spacious bed room, which was extremely comfy. Besides, the kitchen had all the mod cons, so I invited my Thai friends to come to my place and cooked some traditional Thai dishes. The + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


owner even organized a lady to visit who was in charge of cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and changing bed sheet, which was a surprise for me. In addition, the apartment had a nice balcony with a breathtaking view of the Chao Phraya River, and I still remember sitting there contemplating the sunset before the city lit up. - And explain how you felt when you left it. To be honest, I was quite sad to pack my stuff and leave the apartment since I really enjoyed my stay there although it was a little bit high-priced because of the location and home comforts. At the end of the day, if it hadn’t been for this wonderful apartment, I wouldn’t have had such a memorable trip. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: 1. Have a strong impulse for something (expression): Có một động lực, sự thúc đẩy mạnh mẽ cho việc gì đó. Example: He is now a successful businessman since he has a strong impulse for wealth. 2. A solo trip (noun): Chuyến đi một mình. Example: I prefer making a solo trip to travelling with my friends. 3. Apartment block (noun): Khu chung cư. Example: Most of Singaporean people live in apartment blocks. 4. Fully-furnished (expression): Được trang bị đầy đủ nội thất. Example: It will be much more expensive if you rent a fully- furnished apartment. 5. King-size (adjective): Cỡ lớn Example: We decided on a king-size bed since it was on a deep discount. 6. Spacious room (expression): Một căn phòng lớn. Example: The most specious room in my house is the living room because we love enjoying watching TV there. 7. (All the) mod cons (noun): Những thiết bị làm cho công việc trở nên đơn giản hơn như máy giặt, máy rửa chén,… Example: I’ve always loved the idea of having a mobile home with all the mod cons. 8. Balcony (noun): Ban công. Example: I usually spend my free time gardening with my plants on the balcony. 9. Breathtaking (adjective): Ngoạn mục, hấp dẫn.

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Example: After 2 hours climbing to the top of mountain, I finally got the chance to see such a breathtaking view of Da Nang City. 10. Home comforts (noun): Những vật dụng khiến cho căn nhà trở nên thoải mái khi ở trong đó. Example: It is evident that a house with some home comforts will lift up our spirits.

13. Describe a place you have studied or worked You should say -

when you went there


why you went there


how it looks

Answer: (when you went there) I went to Chau Thanh High School and studied there from grade 10 to grade 12. I was around 16 years old when I first went to this school and stayed there till I turned 18.

(why you went there) I decided to go to Chau Thanh because it is one of the most prestigious schools in the city and I wanted to live up to my parents’ expectations at all costs. Still, I had to be accepted during the admission test before I actually started going there.

(how it looks) The school was a 4-story building in a U-shape, with over 1,000 students and more than 40 awesome teachers. I was really impressed with the way our teachers behaved toward us and how they expanded our horizons through interesting lessons. We even had a big hall where we used to gather and gossip with friends. The canteen was our favorite place where the school provided us with delicious snacks and drinks. There was a large green field where we often played and ran. I still remember doing physical exercises every day on that field, which was obviously not our cup of tea.

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(and explain if you liked or disliked it) However, since the school is located at the heart of my city, we had to put up with noise on a daily basis, which was the most irritating thing for us. Moreover, there were 2 or 3 teachers who had awful personalities, and I abhorred their rude behavior. We also had to get up very early in the morning since class started at 6.30 AM. In any case, I mostly enjoyed the time I spent in the school. I had many good friends and I liked the environment and teachers. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: Prestigious (adjective): Danh giá. Example: It’s my pride to be accepted to FTU, one of the most prestigious universities in HCMC. Live up to someone’s expectation (expression): Như mong đợi của ai đó. Example: The concert didn’t live up to my expectation. At all costs (expression): Bằng mọi giá. Example: I have to buy that limited shirt at all costs. Gossip (verb): Buôn chuyện, nói xấu. Example: I spent the whole day gossiping with my friends at coffee shop. Expand someone’s horizons (expression): Mở mang tầm nhìn, hiểu biết của ai đó. Example: Going abroad is a great way to expand your horizon. Put up with (phrase): Chịu đựng với cái gì đó. Example: I can’t put up with this program anymore. On a daily basis (expression): Thường xuyên. Example: You should do physical exercise on a daily basis. Ferocious (adjective): Dữ tợn, hung dữ. Example: Don’t talk to him! He’s a ferocious person. Abhor (verb): lo âu, sợ hãi. Example: I absolutely abhor death. The heart of (expression): Trung tâm của cái gì đó. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: My house is located not far from the heart of HCMC.

14. Describe a time when you borrowed something from your family or a friend. You should describe - What you borrowed - Who you borrowed it from - What you borrowed it for - And explain why it was useful to you

Answer: To be honest, I can recall many occasions when I had to borrow important things from someone else. I’ll talk about when my father lent me 2 million VND (what you borrowed). First, I asked my mother for the loan, but she was on a tight budget. Therefore, I ended up borrowing from my father, who gave me the money as if money was no object (who you borrowed it from). After finishing the National Exams, myself and another friend planned to run a business, which was to sell milk tea. I remember that, last year, I convinced by my friend who came up with the idea of making milk tea to save money for our trip to Singapore. We were struggling with the stall in the beginning. Each day, the store continued on track, and we gradually earned a profit. Within a month, I was able to return the money that I borrowed from my father. The moment he received the money from me, he seemed a bit surprised. I explained to him how we earned it. He told me that he was quite astonished that our little stall eventually saw the light of success. (what you borrowed it for). I was over the moon to tell him how we worked together to make it a success. I also showed my gratitude and mentioned that, if not for his money, I could not have had the chance to fulfill my dream, which was traveling to Singapore. Numerous other times, I borrowed books, laptops, music players, money, CDs, and so on from my friends and relatives. But the 2 million VND that I borrowed from my father was quite memorable, and I am lucky that I decided to borrow it from my father for a good reason. (and explain why it was useful to you) VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: 1. Recall (verb): Gợi nhớ. Example: Do you recall the old days that were together? 2. On a tight budget (expression): Tiết kiệm, thắt chặt chi tiêu. Example: He is on a tight budget, don’t ask him to hang out with us. 3. Money was no object (Idiom): Tiền bạc không là vấn đề. Example: She goes shopping every week as if money is no object. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. Run a business (phrase): Khởi nghiệp, bắt đầu kinh doanh. Example: They started to run a small business 2 months ago. 5. Struggle with something (phrase): Gặp trục trặc, khó khăn với cái gì đó. Example: He’s struggling with his homework. 6. On track (expression): Ổn định. Example: Everything was on track until we came into a conflict. 7. Gain profit (expression): Có lợi nhuận. Example: The company started to gain profit after many failures. 8. See the light of success (expression): Thành công Example: Having failed for several times, he finally saw the light of success. 9. Over the moon (idiom): Hạnh phúc. Example: I was over the moon when I heard your news. 10. Memorable (adjective): Đáng nhớ. Example: The exchange trip was such a memorial experience in my life. PART 3: 1. What will you do if people do not return the money they borrow from you? If the amount of money is not too big and the person is underprivileged, I will not ask for a return anyway. However, I will definitely keep asking for the return and bothering him if the amount of money is large. If that person does not seem to want to return the money, I will have to confide in the police. 2. Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others? People feel embarrassed when borrowing money due to some reasons. First, they feel that their financial situation is not as good as others, as a result, the thought of being at a lower level arises. Second, it can be hard for them to ensure when they can return the money, which is another reason why borrowing money may make them feel not comfortable. 3. What do you think of the sharing economy? I believe that although the sharing economy seems to be working now in the age of technology. However, it is expected that “the gig economy” is going to overtake sharing economy as it is believed to be more sufficient and effective in meeting the demands of customers and raising living standards. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. Why do some people like to borrow things instead of buying them? People prefer to borrowing to buying as they believe that the things that they would like to borrow will not be necessary all the time and it is a waste of money to buy them. For example, if one only needs to use a laptop once or twice a month, it is not worth spending a small fortune buying a laptop. 1. Underprivileged (adj): kém may mắn (về mặt tài chính) Example: Children from an underprivileged family background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime. Trẻ con trong những gia đình kém may mắn, theo thống kê, thường dễ rơi vào con đường tội phạm hơn. 2. To confide in (phrasal verb): tin tưởng. Example: She's nice, but I don't feel I can confide in her. Cô ấy tốt thật, nhưng tôi không nghĩ mình nên tin tưởng cô ấy. 3. To arise (verb): nổi lên. Example: When a thought arises in the mind, it is not easy to get rid of it. Khi một suy nghĩ rôi lên trong đầu, nó không dễ để bị gạt bỏ. 4. Sufficient (adj): đủ Example: This recipe should be sufficient for five people. Công thức nấu ăn này sẽ đủ phần 5 người. 5. To spend a small fortune (idiom): trả nhiều tiền. Example: You'll have to spend a small fortune in legal fees if you decide to sue for compensation. Bạn phải trả nhiều tiền cho lệ phí nếu bạn quyết định đòi tiền bồi thường.

15. 

Describe a time when you received money as a gift

You should say: How did you get that money Answer: In my life, I have had numerous gifts and presents and among them, the most exciting and best gift was a sum of money I received when I was 18 years old. After excelling at an English competition at the national level with flying colors, I was rewarded 2 million VND thanks to school policy. I consider myself a competitive person; therefore, I always try my best + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


at every single English competition, so that I could get the money as a gift for my effort and dedication.  Who gave it to you Answer: It was the principal of my high school who gave the money to me. To be honest, I didn’t expect him to give us a lot of money since my school was on a tight budget dedicated to help unprivileged students. The moment I heard the announcement from my head teacher, I was over the moon.  When you received it Answer: The deputy headmaster was taking school assembly that day and my name and others were announced in a particular order. I still remember walking on stage with pride and everyone gave us a really big round of applause. Then, the principal showed up with certifications and envelopes with money inside them. He gave each of us a warm hug and then shook our hands, and then we received the money from him. While returning home, I found myself flying with joy. I opened the envelope after returning home and showed it to my mother and other relatives.  And explain why it was the best gift/ present you have ever received. Answer: As a student, that was a long unexpected gift that my principal gave me and till now it’s the best gift I have ever received. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: 1. Flying colors (expression): Điểm số cao. Example: He made his parent proud by passing the test with flying colors. 2. Dedication (noun): Sự cống hiến. Example: He dedicated his life to teaching English to children. 3. On a tight budget (expression): Thắt chặt chi tiêu, tiết kiệm. Example: It is important that we travel on a tight budget. 4. Unprivileged (adjective): Những người thiếu thốn về mặt vật chất. 5. Over the moon (idiom): Hạnh phúc. Example: She was over the moon when her boyfriend came up with a ring. 6. Deputy headmaster (noun): Phó Hiệu Trưởng. Example: She was assigned as the new Deputy Headmaster in our university. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


7. School assembly (noun): Lễ chào cờ. Example: Wearing Ao Dai on Monday is a must for female students since it’s a school assembly. 8. A round of applause (expression): Vỗ tay. Example: We gave him a round of applause after making it to the finals. 9. Flying with joy (expression): Ngập tràn trong niềm vui. Example: They found themselves flying with joy when their son got admitted to FTU. 10. Showed up (verb): Xuất hiện. Example: He finally showed up at the very last minute. PART 3: Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money? Yes, I totally agree that children should be given financial education, including pocket money management. As children learn to spend or save wisely, they will likely become smart consumers in the future. Plus, being taught about the value of money can promote a sense of appreciation and responsibility, which can prevent future overspending or even running into debt. What do you think of the saying love of money is the root of all evil? Personally, I disagree with that opinion. There’s no problem with monetary aspirations, such as becoming a billionaire or pursuing investment opportunities. In fact, people with serious financial problems are statistically more likely to commit crimes than the wealthy. If we properly understand the role of money and learn to avoid manipulation and temptation, we can avoid any wrongdoing. Is it important for children to have a right attitude towards money? Definitely. Many people say children are too young to learn about money, but I think having the right mindset about monetary issues early in life has multiple benefits. Firstly, it helps children appreciate what they have and avoid unreasonable demands. Secondly, children will likely be shielded from monetary temptation when they realize money is not their end goal. This not only increases their own safety but also gives parents a sense of security knowing their children are independent and wise spenders. In your country, do parents give children money for doing the housework? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


It depends. Some parents provide monetary reward for their children after they complete household chores as a way to educate them about financial issues. Others, like mine, however, do not because doing housework is considered one of our responsibilities. They apply other methods to teach lessons related to money, such as letting children go shopping when they have to decide what to buy with a limited amount of money. What kinds of occasions that require people to send money as gifts? Weddings are a typical occasion when people send money as presents. A traditional wedding party in Vietnam often includes inviting a large number of guests, many of which may be distant relatives. As a result, they may not know what the bride and groom really desire, so gifting money is a practical way to congratulate the couple. Apart from that, people also send money to pay tribute at funerals. This can also act as a means of support for families in sorrow.

16. Describe a plant growth stage. You should say: What the plant is Where and how it is grown Why you like or dislike it And explain why it is important to your country. Answer: I will tell you about the paddy or rice plant, which is one of the main agricultural plants in our country. Ever since I was in elementary school, the rice plant has appeared in many aspects of my life. (What the plant is) The farmers of our country cultivate it, and it is grown in most places in Vietnam. The rice plant can be spotted all across the countryside around Vietnam. If you go to the countryside when the paddy is in season, you will find this plant dancing with the wind. The paddy plant is a thin, medium side plant, and its leaves and body are green. Usually, the rice seed is green at the beginning and becomes yellow when it is ripe. It takes up to 6 month to grow a rice plant from seeds to mature plants, depending on the variety and environmental conditions. The ideal environment for rice is in fertile land with a good supply of water and sunlight. (Where and how it is grown)

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It is undoubtable that Vietnamese people are still dependent on the cultivation of rice to earn their living. In fact, Vietnam has become one of the forerunners in exporting rice, which is proof of its relevance to my country. Rice plays an indispensable role in our daily meals, and children get used to eating rice from an early age. If there were no rice in a meal, the old generation would feel like a fish out of water. Over thousands of years, the rice plant has played a really important role in Vietnamese culture, and many traditions and ceremonies originate from farmers’ hopes for an abundant crop. I think that the rice plant symbolizes the perseverant, hard-working personalities of Vietnamese people. (Why you like or dislike it and explain why it is important to your country). VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: 1. Agricultural (adjective): Liên quan đến việc trồng trọt. VD: Vietnam has long been consider an agricultural country. 2. Elementary (noun): Lớp 1-7. VD: My son is going to elementary school this month. 3. Spotted (verb): Tìm ra, thấy. VD: I spotted a nice place for the concert. 4. The cultivation of rice (expression): Qúa trình phát triển và trồng gạo. VD: The cultivation of rice usually occurs in summer. 5. Earn their livings (expression): Chi trả phí sinh hoạt. VD: I have to find a part-time job or I won’t be able to earn my livings 6. Solid proof (expression): Chứng minh cho một cái gì đó là đúng. VD: Skyscrapers is considered a solid proof for developed countries. 7. Indispensable (adjective): Không thể tách rời. VD: Technology plays an indispensable part of our life. 8. Get used to something (phrase): Làm quen với cái gì đó. VD: You should get used to waking up early or you’ll miss the bus. 9. A fish out of water (idiom): Cảm thấy lạ lẫm, không thoải mái. VD: You makes me feel like a fish out of water. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


10. Abundant crop (expression): Mùa vụ dồi dào. VD: We usually organize a ceremony for an abundant crop. PẢRT 3: 1. What is the main plant in your country? Sitting in a tropical climate, Vietnam, like other Southeast Asian countries, is famous for its rice. Therefore, the main type of plant is rice, apparently. Each year, we export trillions of tonnes of rice to other countries and we usually rank in the top 3 countries that export the most rice. 2. How do schools teach students to grow plants? Students are taught to grow plants, normally bean sprouts, as soon as they reach grade 3. The teacher will give instructions and illustrate the process in real life. The students, when going home, are required to grow bean sprouts and describe their development process. 3. Do old people grow plants? Of course, a majority of old people love growing plants. I think that as they have already retired, they should take up a new hobby to replace the time that was formerly used to work to relax. Most of them would choose gardening, including my grandparents. 4. Do people in your country like growing plants at home? I think so. As the size of an average house in Vietnam is quite large, therefore, there is sufficient room for a garden. Most Vietnamese people make use of the extra room to do the gardening and groworganic vegetables. Our family, apart from our main business, does the gardening and harvests organic fruits and vegetables and distributes them to our relatives. 1. Sit in (phrasal verb) = located on : nằm trong. Example: Sitting in the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia alone has nearly 130 active volcanoes. Nằm trên vành đai lửa Thái Bình Dương, một mình Indonesia có đến 130 núi lửa vẫn còn hoạt động. 2. To take up a hobby (phrase): bắt đầu có sở thích. Example: Why don’t you take up a new hobby? Sao bạn không bắt đầu một sở thích mới đi? 3. Room (n): chỗ. Example: That sofa would take up too much room in the flat. Cái sofa đó sẽ chiếm khá nhiều chỗ của căn hộ. 4. To make use of (phrase): tận dụng. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: We might as well make use of the hotel's facilities. Chúng ta có thể tận dụng trang thiết bị của khách sạn. 5. To do the gardening (phrase): làm vườn. Example: It’s my husband who does the gardening. Chồng tôi là người làm vườn.

17. Describe a dream you have had You should say: When you had this dream What you saw in the dream What you did or said in the dream And explain why you had a dream like that

Answer: (When you had this dream) I had quite a strange dream just a couple of days ago. I was going on a trip to Thailand with my cousins until we had to change our plan at the last minute due to bad weather. (What you saw in the dream) I still remember that we were in Phuket that day. Everything was on track. The weather was forecast to be perfect and we decided to visit to Koh Phi Phi Island, which is a must-visit place in Thailand. I was really excited about this trip until local authorities made an announcement that there would be a tropical storm in 2 days and that Phuket would be heavily affected. It was raining cats and dogs until the sky became darker and darker. (What you did or said in the dream) Then, we were conflicted about whether to stay there and wait until the storm passed or to book a flight back home. After many discussions, we ended up putting off the plan and returning to Vietnam. The next day, we arrived at the airport as soon as possible since the storm was predicted to sweep the island that night. Luckily, we were able to buy last-minute plane tickets and got home safe and sound. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


(And explain why you had a dream like that) Suddenly, a thunderclap woke me up. It wаѕ indicative to me, but I соuld nоt understand thе meaning until lаtеr. It turned out to be а sign оf mу negligence in mу studies. Later, I started catching up with my schoolwork. I believe that my dream wаѕ mу subconscious mind telling mе tо improve mу academic work. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: 1. At the last minute (expression): Vào phút chót. Example: He finally showed up at the very last minute. 2. To be on track (expression): Trôi chảy, theo kế hoạch. Example: It’s difficult to keep everything on the track. 3. To pay a visit (phrasal verb): Ghé thăm. Example: Barack Obama just paid a visit to Vietnam last month. 4. Come into a conflict (expression): Cãi vả, xảy ra xung đột. Example: Having come into a conflict, we soon found a solution for the problem. 5. Must-visit (expression): Phải đến. Example: Lanmark 81 is one of the must-visit places in HCMC. 6. Raining cats and dogs (expression): Mưa to. Example: Don’t go out! It’s raining cats and dogs. 7. Get oneself updated with (Expression): Tự cập nhật cho mình cái gì đó. Example: Since the old technique is outdated, the company decided to get it updated. 8. Indicative (Adjective): Biểu thị, ngụ ý.

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18. Describe something you made that you gave to other people. You should say: What the gift was Who you gave it to and when How you made it by hand And explain why you gave a handmade gift to that person I once gave a birthday cake to my older sister when she turned 18. Since I have never baked a cake before, I thought it would be a difficult task, but it turned out to be a piece of cake. It was last September I guess—when my older sister just came back from a cultural exchange trip from Japan. Her birthday was approaching, and I wanted to do something special. Suddenly, I came up with the idea of baking a cake for her. (What the gift was. Who you gave it to and when).

First, I decided to choose its shape. I just chose a circle since it’s the most basic shape and also easy to carry around. Then, I went to a shop where they sell baking supplies. After that, I came to the process of mixing ingredients and putting the cake in the oven. It was nerve-racking waiting until the batter turned a perfect golden color. The cake having baked, I decorated it with some crushed chocolate and hazelnuts. The moment she saw the cake, she was over the moon, and I was elated with joy. If it hadn’t been for the cake, the 18th birthday party would not have been such a meaningful milestone in her life. (How you made it by hand). It seemed to be an arduous job as it took me a whole afternoon to finish it, but the cake turned out beautifully. My hard work paid off. I chose a handmade gift because I reckoned it was more meaningful for my sister than clothes bought in shops. Besides, doing a homemade gift offered me an opportunity to experience the simple pleasures of life. ( And explain why you gave a handmade gift to that person).

VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: 1. Turned out (verb): Hóa ra. VD: She turned out to be a trustworthy person. 2. A piece of cake (Idiom): Dễ như ăn bánh. VD: You can do it! It’s easy as a piece of cake. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


3. Come up with (expression): Đưa ra ý tưởng gì đó. VD: He came up with a new idea for the task. 4. Nerve-racking (adjective): Lo lắng. VD: It must be nerve-racking when talking in front of many people. 5. As no surprise (expression): Không có gì bất ngờ. VD: He came to the wedding, as no surprise. 6. Over the moon (Idiom): Hạnh phúc. VD: They were over the moon when their son passed the finals with flying colors. 7. Flying in joy (expression): Ngập tràn trong niềm vui. VD: She found herself in joy when she won a scholarship 8. Paid off (verb): Đền đáp, đền báo. VD: All the revenge has been paid off. 9. Pleasures of life (expression): Thú vui của cuộc sống. VD: Going abroad is one of many ways to enjoy the pleasures of life. 10. Milestone (noun): cột mốc. VD: We should make a party for this milestone. PART 3: Are art classes important in schools? Generally speaking, art is still considered a less important subject than math or English. This is because our society highly regards people with qualifications, and to earn a diploma, students have to take compulsory math or English tests. However, I think arts have received more attention, especially when parents or teachers realize their children’s artistic ability. Another reason is that many schools have acknowledged the importance of art classes in boosting students’ creativity and even enhancing their problem-solving skills. Which is better: self-made food or food that you buy? I think it depends on each individual’s priorities. If one prioritizes time and convenience, purchasing processed foods or eating out are definitely a good option. On the other hand, homecooked food can be a more attractive alternative when one needs to control the quality of meals + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


or simply wants to enjoy the process of cooking. As long as someone is comfortable and mindful about the decisions, both types of food can be equally satisfying. When you receive a gift, do you prefer what is self-made or what is bought in stores? Personally, I think both styles of gifts are pleasing, as long as the giver pays attention to my interests. Some of my friends who possess great artistic ability often make handmade cards and accessories for my birthday, and I really appreciate the amount of effort put into such gifts. Others, on the other hand, spend a lot of time in jewelry shops to find me a bracelet they know I will adore, which is incredible. Have you received anything that was made by the giver? Yes. On my 16th birthday my friend gave me a handmade card and a horoscope figure made from clay. They were pretty and undoubtedly unique, so I was really thrilled. I still have them today because they remind me of her and the joyful experiences we had together. It was one of the most special gifts I have ever received.


Describe something given to you that you really need.

You should say: What was it. Answer: In my life, I have had numerous gifts and presents and among them, the most exciting and best gift was the IPhone when I turned 18 years old. Since my old one was outdated, I was really fascinated about this wonderful cutting-edge device and dreamed about owning one someday. Besides, it is also a useful tool which can help me with my studies and help me keep in touch with my foreign friends by making long-distance video calls. Who gave it to you. Answer: It was my father who purchased the IPhone. I knew that my father wouldn’t be able to buy an IPhone for me since he was on a tight budget, so I did not ask for one. Actually, I made a dummy IPhone using paper and wood and played with it. One day, I had a part-time job, which was tutoring English to children and started saving money from there. After one month I found that I had saved a very small amount to purchase the IPhone! When you received it. Answer: I was up to my ears with my studies and the part-time job at that time; however, I didn’t forget that owning the IPhone was my top priority. On my 18th birthday, my father told me that he wanted to take me to the Apple Store and purchase one for me. I could not believe + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


what I was hearing. That night it was tough for me to sleep because I was over the moon. In the morning I woke up earlier than usual and went to the store with my father. He bought me an Iphone 7 Plus. On the way home, I found myself flying with joy. At the end of the day, the IPhone really satisfied my needs and it still works perfectly. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: Outdated (adjective): Example: You really need to go shopping because your clothes are all outdated. Cutting-edge device (noun): Những thiết bị điện tử hiện đại. Example: Communication through cutting-edge devices is the primary reason for the loss of direct communication these days. Keep in touch with sb (expression): Giữ liên lạc với ai đó. Example: We still keep in touch with each other after graduation. On a tight budget (expression): Thắt chặt chi tiêu, tiết kiệm. Example: He decided to stay at a hostel since he was on a tight budget. Up to my ears (Idiom): Bận rộn. Example: I don’t think I can meet you tonight since I’m up to my ears with tasks. Priority (noun): Sự ưu tiên. Example: Boosting the economy is the main priority of our country. Over the moon (Idiom): Hạnh phúc. Example: I was over the moon to hear your news. Flying with joy (expression): Ngập tràn trong niềm vui. Example: They found themselves flying with joy when their son got admitted to FTU. At the end of the day (Idiom): Suy ra cho cùng. Example: At the end of the day, he still followed his heart. Satisfy someone’s needs (expression): Thỏa mãn nhu cầu của ai đó. Example: Reducing taxes on petrol really satisfies our needs. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


20. Describe a person you haven’t met but you would like to know more about. You should say: (Who this person is) There is a celebrity who I haven’t had a chance to see in-person, but I’d love to go on a date with her. She is Ngo Can Ngon, who has recently gained popularity through Dien Hi Cong Luoc, a famous movie. (When you want to meet this person) I would fly to China just to have a face-to-face meeting with her if she wanted. We could go to a restaurant where they have signature dishes and, of course, the dinner would be on me. (What is special about him/her) One particular thing that makes her quite special is her acting. Whenever she is in a scene or at an event, she steals the spotlight and attracts everyone’s attention. Hence, that clearly reflects her boldness. (And explain why you choose this person) I find this girl very interesting. Her in-depth knowledge of acting and celebrity make me reflect on my opinion about females. I used to think that women are only interested in fashion and that acting is not their cup of tea. However, how she acts in movies and real life has opened my eyes about the common, ignorant attitude men have towards women’s intelligence. Now, I fully understand that women have the potential to succeed in any field. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS: 1. In person (Idiom): Gặp trực tiếp. VD: It would be great if we could meet in person. 2. Go on date with sb (phrase): Hẹn hò với ai đó. VD: He has been going on a date with Mary since June. 3. Gaining popularity among people (expression): Trở nên được yêu thích. VD: The new teaching method is gaining popularity among people. 4. Signature (adjective): Đặc trưng.

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VD: You must try Pho, it’s the most signature dish in VN. 5. As no surprise (expression): Không có gì bất ngờ. VD: He came to the wedding, as no surprise. 6. Dinner is on me (expression): Thành ý mình sẽ là người trả tiền cho bữa ăn. VD: Don’t worry! Dinner is on me. 7. Spotlight (noun): Ánh hào quang, tiêu điểm. VD: Any chance to take the spotlight away from me, it’s ridiculous how you grab it. 8. Attract attention from (phrase): Làm cho ai đó chú ý. VD: She attracts attention from people by wearing make-up. 9. Cup of tea (expression): yêu thích. VD: Studying abroad is not my cup of tea. 10. Ignorance (noun): Sự thiếu hiểu biết. VD: It’s our ignorance that makes the environment more polluted. PART 3: 1. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with? It is those who have a sense of humour and sympathy that I like to make friends with. With these people, my life is full of laughter and happiness and I believe that the sympathy will be of great assistance when I am down in the dumps. 2. Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people? I would like to have a small group of friends who are willing to stand by me when I am in need rather than having a big social network as the smaller the group is, the more chances we have to understand each other better. When I encounter any problem, my friends can give me a helping hand. 11. To be of assistance (phrase) = help someone: giúp đỡ Example: Can I be of assistance? Tôi có thể giúp đỡ được gì không? 12. To be down in the dumps (idiom): buồn Example: She's a bit down in the dumps because she failed one of her exams. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Cô ấy khá buồn vì bị rớt một môn trong kì thi. 13. To stand by someone (phrasal verb): ủng hộ, giúp đỡ. Example: She has vowed to stand by her husband during his trial. Cô ấy thề sẽ ủng hộ và đứng bên chồng mình trong lúc anh ấy bị cáo. 14. In need (phrase): cần giúp đỡ. Example: Are you in need of help? Bạn có cần giúp đỡ không? 15. To give someone a (helping) hand (phrase): giúp đỡ ai đó. Example: Could you give me a hand with these suitcases? Bạn có thể giúp đỡ tôi với những cái vali này không?

21. Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school. You should say: What the skill was How you learned it Who taught you And why it was useful to you Answer (What the skill was) This is a hard but interesting question because my mathematics syllabus covered a lot of ground, so it may be hard for me to choose. I have to say that the most practical skills I learned in math are surprisingly the most basic ones: addition and subtraction. (How you learned it) Even though I learned how to add and subtract a very long time ago, I could see the teachers’ effort to tailor teaching strategies to suit each student’s style of learning. We were given a chance to experience interactive learning: there were games, group discussions, and vivid illustrations of the equations. We really enjoyed these activities and the transmission of knowledge was thus very smooth, so we were highly eager for math lessons every day. We were + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


never bombarded with boring exercises, and every student still gained a good grasp of the lessons. (Who taught you) My math teacher, above all, was a very caring and helpful person. I remember a specific situation when I got sick and had to take a week off. When I returned to class, I was really falling behind with my studies, and I found myself out of my depth in the face of all those numbers. My teacher refused to give up; she encouraged and imposed discipline on me to help me recover my grade. (And why it was useful to you) Obviously, addition and subtraction are the most useful skills because one has to rely on them every day in various situations, such as when paying for something or telling time. Everything requires addition and subtraction! Từ vựng chủ đề Education 1. to cover a lot of ground Meaning: to deal with much information and many facts. Example: The history lecture covered a lot of ground today. Nghĩa: sử dụng nhiều thông tin, sự thật và tài liệu khác nhau

2. to tailor teaching styles/ strategies Meaning: to make or prepare teaching styles following particular instructions Example: When faced with classes of students with different levels of ability, teachers should tailor their teaching strategies to deal with this challenge. Nghĩa: xây dựng phương pháp dạy học theo nhu cầu cụ thể

3. transmission of knowledge Meaning: the process of passing knowledge from one person to another Example: I believe that the transmission of knowledge is more effective in face-to-face interaction with teachers rather than online learning. Nghĩa: quá trình truyền đạt kiến thức từ người này sang người khác + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. interactive learning Meaning: Refers to a method of teaching and learning in which teachers ask questions in class, assign and check homework, or hold class or group discussions. Example: With or without the aid of technology, interactive learning helps students strengthen problem solving and critical thinking skills. Nghĩa: phương pháp dạy và học mà trong đó giáo viên đưa ra câu hỏi, giao và kiểm tra bài tập về nhà và tổ chức các buổi thảo luận tại lớp.

5. to bombard someone with something Meaning: to continually send someone something, esp. to inform or influence them. Example: Every day it seems as if we are bombarded with e-mail messages warning of computer viruses. Nghĩa: liên tục, dồn dập gửi cái gì cho ai đó, thường để thông báo hoặc thuyết phục ai

6. to have a good grasp of something Meaning: to understand a problem deeply and completely Example: Children who begin to learn a foreign language in primary school are usually able tohave a good grasp of the new language quickly. Nghĩa: hiểu việc gì đó 1 cách toàn diện và sâu sắc 7. to be out of one’s depth Meaning: to be unable to understand something because it is too difficult Example: Streaming in schools enables pupils to study at the level which is appropriate for them, and therefore students rarely find themselves out oftheir depth. Nghĩa: không thể hiểu được cái gì đó vì quá khó

8. to fall behind with your studies Meaning: to improve more slowly in studying than other people so that you fail to learn the course material at the necessary speed Example: Irregular attendance at classes is one of reasons why some students fall behind with their studies. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Nghĩa: chậm tiến bộ trong việc học hơn người khác nên bạn không theo kịp việc học ở tiến độ cần thiết

9. to impose discipline Meaning: to make students obey the rules of the school or college Example: If teachers fail to impose discipline in class, then students will not learn anything. Nghĩa: khiến học sinh tuân theo quy định tại trường học 22. Describe a party that you joined You should say: When it took place Where it was Whose party it was What you did there And how you felt about the party Answer: (When it took place) Being a student, I tend to follow the norm and attend a lot of parties, but the most memorable one must be my first party ever during my freshman year.

(Where it was) It was quite a small party of about forty people, and was held in a friend’s home not very far from my own place. I even remember riding a bicycle to the party while wearing a dress, which was—unfortunately and obviously—extremely awkward and unadvisable. Now that I think about it, I should have taken an Uber something else.

(Whose party it was) The host of the party was a Chinese girl called Li who had just joined my class. I was really fond of her and thought she was such a sweet girl—we still keep contact!

(What you did there) + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


My main focus at every party is not the fun or dance, but the food! Like all parties, there was a lot of junk food there including chips, burgers, coke, and so on. But what made this party stand out was a whole selection of home-made food prepared by Li’s mother. It was such a rare chance to experience authentic Chinese cuisine, so even though I was going on a diet, I couldn’t stop snacking. I also heard a lot of gossip, but I knew I shouldn’t believe something I heard through the grapevine, so I decided to act my age and kept myself wary about it. The most wonderful part of the party was the mini talent show that Li organized; I discovered that many talented people had been hiding their light under a bushel all the time!

(And how you felt about the party) After going to the party and catching up with friends, I felt like I was a bit behind the times as there were so many things about my friends’ lives and trending issues that I had no idea about. I guess going to a party was a great way to keep myself updated. Vocabulary Từ vựng chủ đề Food and Diets 1. home-made food Meaning: food which is prepared at home using individual ingredients Example: In developed countries, the young generation must rediscover the art of preparing home-made food, as part of a healthy lifestyle. Nghĩa: các món ăn tự làm tại nhà sử dụng các nguyên liệu cá nhân

2. to have a snack Meaning: to eat a small amount of food between main meals Example: Unless people are doing vigourous exercise, it is a bad habit tohave a snack between meals. Nghĩa: ăn một ít thức ăn giữa các bữa chính 3. junk food

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Meaning: food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat, but that is thought to be bad for your health Example: The consumption of too much junk food is a major factor in the increase of childhood obesity. Nghĩa: Đồ ăn chế biến và ăn nhanh nhưng thường không tốt cho sức khỏe 4. to go on a diet Meaning: to eat less, or to eat only certain types of food in order to lose weight Example: Many people in the West eat too much and – from time to time – have to go on a diet. Nghĩa: ăn ít hơn hay chỉ ăn một số loại thức ăn nào đó để giảm cân 5. Chinese cuisine Meaning: A type of food that is traditional in China – you can write ‘Italian cuisine/Vietnamese cuisine’ in the same way Example: Chinese cuisine is an important part of the traditional culture of the country. Nghĩa: Các món ăn theo phong cách truyền thống của Trung Quốc – có thể nói ấm thực Việt Nam, hay Ý theo cách như vậy Từ vựng chủ đề News and Media 1. to be wary of something Meaning: not completely trusting or certain about something Example: Consumers must always be wary of the claims made in advertisements, because such claims are often exagerrated or untrue. Nghĩa: không hoàn toàn tin tưởng hay chắc chắn về cái gì

Từ vựng chủ đề Communication and Personality 1. to hide one’s light under a bushel + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Meaning: to conceal one’s talents and skills Example: Please don't hide your light under a bushel—the Society needs your valuable expertise. Nghĩa: che giấu tài năng của ai đó

2. to hear something through the grapevine

Meaning: to hear news from someone who heard that news from someone else, to learn of something informally and unofficially by means of gossip or rumor. Example: Never believe the gossip that you hear through the grapevine – always try to find the truth from an official source. Nghĩa: nghe tin tức từ một người nào đó mà người đó cũng nghe tin đó từ người khác, biết điều gì đó một cách không chính thức thông qua lời đồn 3. to act one’s age

Meaning: to behave in a way suitable for someone as old as you are Example: During the most recent years of her career, Madonna has faced criticism for her revealing outfits, her outrageous performances and her decision to collaborate with her younger contemporary contemporaries, with many calling for her to “act her age”. Nghĩa: cư xử một cách phù hợp với đúng lứa tuổi của mình

4. behind the times

Meaning: refers to a person who is old-fashioned and has not adopted certain modern customs, beliefs, or behaviors Example: He was angry when they said that his accounting methods were behind the times because he did not use computer software. Nghĩa: người cổ hủ, lỗi thời và không bắt kịp những thói quen, cách cư xử mới. 23. Describe someone who is very professional. You should say: Who this person is What this person does + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


How you know this person Explain why this person is professional (Who this person is) I’m going to describe a professional person, who I really admire. He is Mr Minh Quan, the CEO of my company. Despite his young age, he holds an important position in the company and is highly valued by other people. Apart from being my superior, he is also my university senior, so I know him really well. (Who this person does) Being a chef executive, he is always occupied with work, but I rarely see him showing tiredness. Mr Quan is in charge of directing the company as well as delegating tasks to personnel. Besides, he also undertakes crucial negotiations with other partners, which requires both interpersonal skills and work experience accumulated over the years. (How you knew this person) Well, I first met him through a start-up competition, in which his team won the first prize convincingly. In his team, Mr Quan stood out as the most competent contestant, with his articulate and assertive performance in English, which mainly contributed to his team’s impressive victory. When I met him again in the company, he had already become the CEO and he was also the one who interviewed me. (Explain why this person is professional) Mr Minh Quan is well respected for his professionalism, which is shown in numerous ways. Under any circumstance, he would maintain his punctuality, which not only endears himself to clients but also sets a good example for other employees. Most importantly, he always handles every situation with responsibility and complete impartiality. In my company, it is widely known that Mr Quan will never abuse his power to favor or hinder any specific individual. Instead, he keeps regular track of our work and offers assistance if there are any signs of negligence or frustration.

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1. superior [n]: a person or group of people who are higher in rank or social position than others: cấp trên Eg: I will pass your complaint on to my superiors. 2. delegate [v]: to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you: giao việc Eg: As a boss, you have to delegate responsibilities to your staff. 3. negotiation [n]: the process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement with them, or the discussions themselves: sự thương lượng Eg: The agreement was reached after a series of difficult negotiations. 4. interpersonal skills [expression]: skills that are connected with relationships between people: kĩ năng giao tiếp Eg: Interpersonal skills are necessary for employees of every field. 5. accumulate [v]: to collect a large number of things over a long period of time: tích lũy Eg: As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes. 6. convincingly [adv]: in a way that makes you believe that something is true or right: một cách thuyết phục Eg: They argued convincingly that free markets are not always efficient. 7. articulate [adj]: able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this quality: ăn nói lưu loát Eg: Selena is an intelligent and highly articulate young woman. 8.

punctuality [n]: the habit of arriving or happening at the time that has been agreed: s ự đúng hẹn, đúng giờ Eg: There is a bonus scheme for employees who show good performance and punctuality.

9. endear oneself to sth [v]: make sb like oneself, sth: khiến ai yêu thích Eg: His courtesy endears himself to other girls in the class.

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10. set a good example for [expression]: to behave in a way that other people should copy: làm gương tốt Eg: You should be setting a good example to your younger brother. 11. impartiality [n]: the state of not supporting any of the sides involved in an argument: sự công bằng, không thiên vị Eg: The state must ensure the independence and impartiality of the justice system. 12. keep track of sth/ sb[expression]: to continue to be informed or know about someone or something: theo dõi, quan sát ai, cái gì Eg: My brother always keeps track of his weight.

24. Describe something important that you lost You should say: what is it why it is important how did you lose it how did you do after lost it Answer: (what is it) The most important and valuable thing I have ever lost is probably my motorcycle. (why it is important) This item was particularly important to me because it was my main means of transportation, and my university is quite far away from my home. It was also especially meaningful to me because it was the result of so much hard work and savings from my parents. (how did you lose it) This may sound crazy, but I was a victim of a burglary. Apparently, a thief broke into our parking room and took my motorcycle away. (how did you do after lost it) After I lost my motorbike, I freaked out because I had to be extremely punctual for school. This meant that I had to wake up very early in the morning and take a bus during off-peak travel + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


hours before traffic ground to a halt. Going to school by bus, I really broke with precedent as I had never done this before. Although I was saddened by the loss of my motorbike, this experience was not all bad; as a matter of fact, I even grew fond of taking the bus. While I normally struggled with the weather, the pollution, and the irritation of traffic congestion, on the bus I could appreciate a work of literature and read until I arrived at school. Plus, the government was raising the price of petrol, so I saved greatly! I guess every cloud has a silver lining, and you just have to make the most of it!

1. to be punctual Meaning: to arrive at the correct time Nghĩa: đến đúng giờ Example: In order to attract more people to use public transport, it is essential that it is clean, reliable, safe and punctual.

2. off-peak travel Meaning: travel at times when fewer people are using public transport Nghĩa: di chuyển vào thời gian khi có ít người tham gia giao thông hơn. Example: Cheap fares should be introduced for off-peak travel.

3. to grind to a halt Meaning: to go slower and then stop completely Nghĩa: đi chậm lại rồi dừng lại hoàn toàn Example: In my city, Paris, traffic regularly grinds to a halt during the rush hour.

4. to raise petrol prices Meaning: to increase the price which people pay for petrol Nghĩa: tăng giá nhiên liệu Example: Raising petrol prices would not be an effective method of reducing the amount of traffic on the roads. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Từ vựng chủ đề Business

1. To make the most of something Meaning: to make something appear as good as possible; to exploit something; to get as much out of something as is possible. Nghĩa: tạo ra cái gì một cách tốt nhất cái gì hoặc khai thác cái gì một cách triệt để. Example: They designed the advertisements to make the most of the product's features. Chủ đề Reading 2. to break with precedent Meaning: to do something in a different way Nghĩa: làm cái gì đó theo cách khác Example: I believe that universities should break with precedent and admit more women to engineering and science courses.

3. to read on Meaning: to continue reading Nghĩa: tiếp tục việc đọc Example: In the busy lives which many people lead today, we have become accustomed to glance quickly at news stories and we fail to read on and discover the facts behind the headlines. Chủ đề Arts

1. a work of art/a work of music/a work of literature Meaning: a painting, sculpture, book, play, piece of music etc Nghĩa: một bức họa, tác phẩm điêu khắc, cuốn sách, vở kịch, đoạn nhạc… Example: Shakespeare’s plays are considered as one of the greatest works of literature in the English language.

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Từ vựng khác: every cloud has a silver lining (idm): Every negative situation has the potential to result in or produce something positive or beneficial. Nghĩa: mọi tình huống tiêu cực đều có khả năng sẽ có kết quả là một thứ tích cực hoặc hữu ích. Example: I know you're upset about not getting the lead in the school play, but just keep in mind that every cloud has a silver lining—you'll get lots of experience as the understudy!

25. Describe a time that you had to change your plan/ changed your mind You should say: When this happened What made you change the plan What the new plan was How you felt about the change. (When this happened) Two years ago, I was on a trip to Thailand with my cousins until we had to change our plans at the last minute due to bad weather conditions. (What made you change the plan) In fact, we were in Phuket that day. Everything was on track. The weather was forecast to be perfect and we decided to pay a visit to Koh Phi Phi Island, a holiday resort which is one of the must-visit islands in the world. I was really excited about this trip until the local authorities made an announcement that there would be a tropical storm coming by in 2 days and Phuket would be heavily affected by the storm. Then, we faced the decision whether to stay there and wait until the storm passed by or to book a flight back home.

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(What the new plan was) After a lot of discussion, we ended up putting off our plan and returning to Vietnam. The next day, we arrived at the airport as early as possible since the storm was predicted to sweep the island sometime that night. Luckily, we were able to buy last-minute plane tickets and got home safe and sound. (How you felt about the change) Surprisingly, we soon forgot all about our misfortune over the trip. In addition, there was no serious injury or damage in Phuket after that storm. At the end of the day, I realized that our safety must be prioritized. However, I was really sad since I hadn’t been able to enjoy my trip to Koh Phi Phi Island. Anyway, I will definitely go back to explore this beautiful place in the near future.

Vocabulary: Các từ thuộc chủ đề Tourism: 1. a holiday resort Meaning: a place where lots of people go for a holiday Example: If you like to sunbathe on the beach, Thailand offers some very popular holiday resorts.

2. to book Meaning: to reserve something, such as a hotel room or a ticket Example: I’d like to book a table for two at 8pm this evening, please.

Vocabulary: 

at the last minute (expression): at the latest possible time: Vào phút chót. Eg: The referee made his decision to postpone the match at the last minute.

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bad weather conditions (expression): a period in which the weather is bad, such as heavy rain, snow or storms: Điều kiện thời tiết xấu. Eg: Tropical storms are frequent in the region, and the people are accustomed to bad weather conditions.

to be on track (expression): to be doing the right things to achieve a successful result: Trôi chảy, theo kế hoạch. Eg: After months of careful preparation, they were on track to perform well in the competition.

to pay a visit (expression): to visit a place or person: Ghé thăm. Eg: If you go to London, you must pay a visit to the British Museum.

must-visit (adjective): a must-visit place is one which it is strongly recommended to visit: Phải đến. Eg:

If you enjoy the beach, Thailand is a must-visit destination.

tropical storm (noun): very bad weather, with strong winds and rain, typical of a tropical country: Bão nhiệt đới. Eg: Today, people on the island are cleaning up after the tropical storm which passed through yesterday.

heavily affected (expression): producing a very strong change in something: Ảnh hưởng nặng nề. Eg: Train services today have been heavily affected by snow and ice.

to pass by (phrasal verb): to go past: Đi qua. Eg: While we were waiting at the bus stop, three police cars passed by.

to end up (phrasal verb): to be in a situation in which you did not expect to be: Rơi vào tình huống mà mình không mong đợi. Eg: I took the wrong road, and ended up getting completely lost.

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to put off something (phrasal verb): to postpone something until a later time or date: Hoãn lại cái gì đó. Eg: He put off taking the exam until January.

to predict (verb) to say that something will happen in the future: Dự đoán. Eg: Few people predicted that she would become President of the country

to sweep (verb): to move quickly and with force: Qúet qua, lan qua. Eg: A fire swept through the department store on Tuesday night.

last-minute plane ticket (expression): a plane ticket bought at the latest possible time before departure: Vé máy bay giờ chót.

safe and sound (expression): safe and unharmed: An toàn và khỏe mạnh. Eg: After our plane had passed through a bad storm, it was a great relief to arrive safe and sound.

to forget all about (expression): to completely forget about something: Quên hết về cái gì đó. Eg: I was so interested in the programme that I forgot all about my appointment.

injury (noun): harm done to a person’s body, for example after an accident: Thiệt hại, tổn thất Eg: The injury to his leg was the result of an attack by sharks while he was surfing.

at the end of the day (expression): when everything is considered: Suy nghĩ cho cùng. Eg: At the end of the day, Germany deserved to win the World Cup.

to prioritize (verb): to treat something as more important than other things: Uư tiên cái gì đó. Eg: The system in the hospital aims to prioritize the treatment of patients with serious injuries or illnesses.

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in the near future (expression): very soon: Trong tương lai gần. Eg: The new road is expected to be open in the near future, perhaps next month. 26. Describe an interesting animal You should say: What it looks like When you saw/ knew about it for the first time Where it lives Explain why it is interesting. (What it looks like) I’ve always considered myself as an animal-lover, and for this task card, I’d like to describe one particular animal– my dog. I’m currently raising an Alaska dog, which is a large breed of domestic dog. My dog has a distinctive appearance, with a double coat: the undercoat is soft, whereas the outer one is coarse and waterproof. (When you saw/ knew about it for the first time) I first saw this breed of dog through a TV advertisement and then I knew that I was already keen on this animal. My own dog was actually my birthday present when I turned 18 last year. Honestly, it was mind-blowing since I’d never thought that I’d have a dog one day. (Where it lives) In general,dogs live in most countries around the world. They can either live in the wild or as pets. In fact, the USA, where the pet industry is huge, is home to over 60 million pet dogs. The Alaska breed, however, is not a typical domestic pet. It is adapted to extreme conditions, and it can brave the coldest weather. (Explain why it is interesting)

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In my opinion, the most surprising feature of my dog is that he is never tired. His stamina is unbelievable. He can play with anyone all day without wearing himself out. I also find him intriguing. He is such an intelligent dog that he learns everything quickly. I remember one time when I taught him how to fetch. Surprisingly, he ended up acting as if he had already intrinsically understood the game by successfully chasing and retrieving the object after I had tossed it for the second time. In addition, he is friendly to everyone. Whenever someone pays a visit to my house, instead of barking, he welcomes them by licking their feet. Somehow, I just feel that there is a connection between us. He is a friend who I can play with after a hard day. I talk with him every day and I’m pretty sure that he understands every word. Finally, I hope that he will live with me for a long time. Vocabulary: Các từ thuộc chủ đề Animal rights: 1. an animal lover Meaning: a person who likes animals very much, and feels love for them. Example: Many people who claim to be animal lovers nevertheless neglect their pets.

2. the pet industry Meaning: all the products and services related to the feeding and care of domestic pets. Example: The multi-billion dollar pet industry is growing even in some countries where many humans live in poverty.

3. domestic pets Meaning: animals kept in the house, such as dogs or cats. Example: Not only children but many adults too like to keep domestic pets. Vocabulary: 

breed [noun]: a particular type of animal that has been developed by people in a controlled way, especially a type of dog, cat or farm animal Eg: The king had several large breeds of dogs, including German shepherd dogs. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


distinctive [adjective]: having a characteristic that makes something different and easily noticed: Khác biệt, lạ. Eg: The clothes that she wears have a very distinctive style, and everyone looks at her when she walks down the street.

coat [noun]: the fur, hair or wool that covers an animal’s body: Lông thú, bao thủ toàn bộ cơ thể con vật Eg: She took a photo of the animals in the snow, covered with their thick coats.

soft [adjective]: smooth and pleasant to touch: Mềm mại. Eg: John was wearing a shirt of soft white silk.

coarse [adjective]: rough: Thô, không mịn màng. Eg: The hands of farm workers are coarse as a result of the hard manual work that they do.

waterproof [adjective]: that does not allow water to pass through it: Chống nước. Eg: Make sure that you buy a new waterproof jacket before the monsoon season.

to be keen on [expression]: very interested in somebody or something Eg: I was keen on collecting stamps when I was a young child.

to turn [verb]: to reach or pass a particular age or time: Trở thành, bước sang. Eg: Susan turns 21 tomorrow, so I must buy her a present.

mind-blowing [adjective]: very exciting, impressive or surprising: Ngạc nhiên, sững sờ. Eg: The first rock concert that I went to was a really mind-blowing experience.

home to [expression]: the place where somebody/something can be found: Nhà của. Eg: The Antarctic is home to several species of penguins.

to brave [verb]: to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant: + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: Fishermen have to brave all kinds of stormy weather conditions. 

stamina [noun]: the physical strength that enables you to do something for a long time without tiring: Eg: You need a lot of stamina to run a marathon.

intriguing [adjective]: very interesting because it is/they are unusual: Hấp dẫn, kích thích sự tò mò. Eg: The discoveries of the ancient temples raised intriguing questions for archaeologists.

to fetch [verb]: to go where something is and bring it back: Đem đến, tìm về, đem về. Eg: Mary has gone to fetch the kids from school.

to end up [phrasal verb]: to find yourself in a place or a situation unexpectedly: Kết thúc. Eg: If you keep stealing from your neighbours, you’ll end up in prison.

intrinsically [adverb]: in a way that belongs to the real nature of something: Một cách thuần thục, như thuộc về bản năng, tính chất vốn có. Eg: The character of Dracula in the story is intrinsically evil.

to retrieve [verb]: to bring or get something back: Lấy lại,tìm về được hoặc tìm và nhặt đem về (chó). Eg: The dog retrieved the ball from the water.

to pay a visit to [expression]: to visit a place or a person: Ghé thăm Eg: Be sure to pay a visit to your aunt when you travel to Hanoi.

for a long time [expression]: for a long period either in the past, present or future: Trong thời gian lâu dài. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: I have been studying English for a long time, and I plan to take an important English exam soon. 27. Describe a building you like You should say: - Where it is - What it is used for - What it looks like - And explain why you like it

Answer: (Where it is) I’d like to describe a modern structure that has left a striking impression on me since the first time I saw it. It’s called the Bitexco Financial Tower which is the second tallest building in Vietnam with 68 floors. The building has a prime location right in the Ho Chi Minh center and can be recognized from any angle in the city. (What it is used for)

Due to the rapid development of the economy in Saigon, this skyscraper is constructed to fulfill the need for international standard office space in the city. In addition, it also functions as a commercial and leisure center for city dwellers and tourists. (What it looks like) Bitexco Financial Tower is covered with glass and steel with the design concept taken from the shape of a lotus bud, the Vietnamese national flower. Thus, this high-rise building is not only the symbol of rapid development but also represents Vietnamese culture. From a distance, the building is still huge, rising up to the sky. (And explain why you like it) + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


I really like this building because of its unique structure and symbolic meaning making it definitively stand out. This is also the reason why nowadays it has become one of the mustsee attractions in the city. You can enjoy the spectacular panoramic view overlooking the city from the upper part of the building. Good vocabulary: Striking (adj): interesting and unusual enough to attract attention Ex: She bears a striking resemblance to her older sister. Prime (adj): excellent, the best available Ex: The store has a prime position at the entrance of the shopping center. Skyscraper (noun): a very tall building in a city Ex: The contractor is building a new eighty-story residential skyscraper in downtown Houston. High-rise (adj): a building that is very tall and has a lot of floors Ex: The city was overlooked by a ring of high-rise buildings. Stand out (phrasal verb): to be easily seen; to be noticeable Ex: She's the sort of person who stands out in a crowd. Must-see: used to tell people that something is so good or interesting that they should see it. Ex: Sydney is one of the world's must-see cities. Panoramic (adj): with a view of a wide area of land Ex: As my friend showed me his panoramic photo of the mountain, I could point out the entire mountain system and all of the valleys.

Part 3:

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1.How easy is it to find a place to live in your country? Answer: (Give a direct answer to the question). Well, finding a residential area in Vietnam is not so difficult. (Explain your reason or reasons). Anyone can find a place they want to live in, such as a house or an apartment. Thus, it depends mostly on how much they can pay to meet the basic residential requirements and where exactly they want to live. (Give an example (often a personal example)). Most of the time, those young adults on a tight budget like me, find it hard to buy a house because of the unaffordable prices so we usually choose a rental one. Wealthier people, by contrast, can purchase a house more easily. Good vocabulary: Residential (adj): suitable for living in; consisting of houses rather than factories or offices Ex: Nictheroy is practically a residential suburb of Rio de Janeiro. Depend on how/ what (phrasal verb): to be affected or decided by something Ex: Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up. Be on a tight budget (phrase): doesn’t have lot of money to spend Ex: I’m on a tight budget this month, so I can’t go out to dinner with you. Unaffordable (adj): costing so much that people do not have enough money to pay for it Ex: Health insurance is now unaffordable for many people.

2.Do you think it's better to rent or to buy a place to live in? Answer: (Give a direct answer to the question). Well, it is hard to give a definitive choice because both renting and buying a place to live have their own perks. However, my priority is always to buy a place to reside. (Explain your reason or reasons). Although in a short time, a rented + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


accommodation may be reasonable, it costs a substantial amount of money in the long term and we will never get it back. (Give an example (often a personal example)). During the 4 years at university , for instance, I had to pay nearly VND 100 mill just for a small rental dorm. Being a house owner, by contrast, helps to save money and bring a sense of satisfaction and ownership. Good vocabulary: Definitive (adj): considered to be the best of its kind and almost impossible to improve Ex: It's too early for a definitive answer. Priority (noun): something that you think is more important than other things and should be dealt with first Ex: Financial security was high on his list of priorities. Substantial (adj): large in amount, value or importance Ex: Substantial numbers of people support the reforms. Satisfaction (noun): the good feeling that you have when you have achieved something or when something that you wanted to happen does happen; something that gives you this feeling Ex: The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction. Ownership (noun): the state of having or owning something such as property. Ex: Do you have proof of ownership for this car? It looks stolen to me! 3.What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for ourselves? Answer: (Give a direct answer to the question). I suppose that making a home allows house-hunters to satisfy their wishes and demands for an ideal living place. (Explain your reason or reasons). Some people prefer buying old houses and doing them up to give them a new lease of life. For example, I’m always dreaming of changing and redecorating my old-fashioned house in a + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Gothic style design fitted with all the home comforts. I think it would be very exciting and satisfying to do all that I want to create a homey ambiance for my living space. (Explain the opposite or alternative). If people did not have the desire to make their own home and live in the same space, life would be very boring and tedious.

Good vocabulary: House-hunters (noun): a person who is looking for a house to buy Ex: Many house-hunters spend a lot of time looking to buy their ideal house. Do up (phrasal verb): to repair and decorate a house, etc. Ex: He makes money by buying old houses and doing them up. Dream (verb): to imagine and think about something that you would like to happen Ex: She dreams of running her own business. Old-fashioned (adj): not modern; no longer fashionable Ex: The house was dull, old-fashioned and in a bad condition. Home comforts: things in a house that make it comfortable Ex: Their apartment is devoid of all home comforts. Homey (adj): pleasant and comfortable, like home Ex: The hotel had a nice, homey atmosphere. Ambiance (noun): the character and atmosphere of a place Ex: The gentle color scheme creates a relaxing ambience. 28. Describe clothes you wear on special occasions You should say: + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


- What they are - Where you buy them - Why you wear them - And what people think about them (What they are) Most of the time, I prefer to dress in clothes which are comfortable, and in which I feel at ease. For the majority of special occasions, therefore, I like to wear smart but casual trousers, white blouses and sometimes a jacket. From time to time, when the social event I attend requires a higher level of formality, suits and formal shoes would be indispensable items for my overall appearance. (Where you buy them) Well, most of my casual clothes, even the smart ones, come from markets and common fashion brands, like Zara or H&M, because they are relatively affordable. However, I do set higher standards for my formal clothes, especially in terms of the materials. Therefore, I occasionally buy some quality white blouses from a first-class fashion brand. I have sometimes bought clothes online for special occasions, but I prefer to try them on and also to see the quality for myself. I have to admit that I also like the wide range of choice in the shops. (Why you wear them) Actually, I prefer the combination of a blouse and formal trousers to wearing a dress or trying to keep up with the latest fashions, for a number of reasons, one of which is probably my character. Despite being a girl, I am more into comfortable clothes and find wearing dresses or skirts fairly uncomfortable. Besides, a white blouse is suitable for people of any age or gender and almost all occasions. Normally, formal clothes would make you look more mature, but a combination of a white blouse with trousers still gives you a smart yet youthful look. (And what people think about them)

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All of my family members really like to see me wearing formal clothes, as the outfit helps to add a few years to my childlike features. For others, I think this look is perfectly suitable, because it shows my politeness and respect for the events I am involved in. However, I think that my friends prefer me in elegant, feminine dresses, as a girl in a white blouse may not really impress others. I prefer to dismiss these traditional ideas. Provided that I dress smartly for special occasions, I like to choose clothes to please myself, rather than wear the clothes that others would choose if they were me.


Các từ thuộc chủ đề Traditional vs Modern: 1. to dismiss traditional ideas Meaning: to decide that traditional ideas are not important and not worth considering anymore. Example: We should not dismiss traditional ideas without considering them carefully. Vocabulary: 

at ease [expression]: relaxed and comfortable Eg: From the moment that I entered the friendly atmosphere of the classroom, I felt completely at ease.

from time to time [expression]: sometimes, but not regularly: thỉnh thoảng Eg: Huy still thinks of his ex-girlfriend from time to time.

indispensable [adjective]: something or someone that is indispensable is so good or important that you could not manage without it, him, or her: không thể thiếu được Eg: This book is an indispensable resource for researchers. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


brand [noun]: the name of a product produced or sold by a particular company: nhãn hàng, thương hiệu Eg: It was to become the leading brand of specialty coffee in North America.

affordable [adjective]: not expensive: rẻ, giá cả hợp lý Eg: The shop in town always sells nice clothes at affordable prices.

set (high/low) standards for sth [expression]: set a level of quality that people expect and generally accept as normal: đặt tiêu chuẩn cao/ thấp cho cái gì Eg: Banks in Hong Kong and China are setting higher standards for customer service in call centres.

keep up with the latest fashions [expression]: dress in the latest fashion: bắt kịp xu hướng thời trang Eg: Jessica always keeps up with the latest fashions, which never disappoints her fans.

suitable [adjective]: appropriate and fitting the occasion Eg: This hotel has a large play area, so it is suitable for families with young children.

youthful [adjective]: having the qualities that are typical of young people: tươi trẻ, trẻ trung Eg: At the time I admired his youthful enthusiasm.

childlike [adjective]: showing the good qualities that children have, such as trusting people, being honest and enthusiastic: giống trẻ con (tích cực) Eg: She has a somewhat childlike innocence surrounding her. PART 3:

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1. What factors do you think affect the clothes we choose to wear? (Give a direct answer to the question) Well, I think our choices of clothes are largely decided by circumstances and personal preferences. (Explain your reason or reasons) On the one hand, your dress code will be either formal or casual style, depending on the event you attend. Yet, at the same time, one’s fashion sense or character also play a huge role in outfit choices. (Give an example - often a personal example)) For example, on occasions that require formality, I prefer white shirts and trousers to elegant dresses, as this style is smart and suits me the most. 2. Is it possible to look good without spending lots of money on clothes? (Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, possibly (Explain your reason or reasons) Actually, it is not extravagant items but rather a person’s taste of fashion and other factors that make himself or herself truly attractive. (Give an example - often a personal example)) From my own experience, I have a lot of peers who know how to mix and match different items of clothing that go well together. Surprisingly, many of their clothes are even secondhand or real bargains from cheap markets. (Explain the opposite or alternative) However, quality clothes do help improve one’s overall appearance, so they are certainly worth the money. 3. Do the fashion shows have an impact on what we are wearing? (Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, to certain individuals, especially to dedicated followers of fashion. (Explain your reason or reasons) Fashion shows never fail to introduce and promote the latest fashion trends, from which people can learn, and which they can adopt themselves, to look more trendy. (Give an example - often a personal example)) For myself, although I enjoy watching the latest fashion shows with fabulous models, clothes from these shows are not really my everyday basic style, and of course they are more often than not too costly. 4. Do you think have fashion trends are changing constantly?

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(Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, undoubtedly. (Explain your reason or reasons) The fashion industry is an ever-changing industry because of a few external factors, including seasonal change and the influence of trendsetters, such as fashion designers and celebrities. Practically, a trend, by definition, doesn’t last. (Give an example - often a personal example)) If you follow this industry minutely, you will understand it’s not only changing, sometimes old fashion trends also make a comeback, e.g. crop top, boot-cut jeans, white eye liner. (Explain the opposite or alternative) However, some kinds of clothes are always favored, such as jeans or T-shirts. These classics are elegant staples and styles that rarely change and look good no matter what other “trends” are going on. 5. Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of clothes? (Give a direct answer to the question) Certainly. I once read a quote by Caitlin Moran that helps express this perfectly, which is: "When a woman says 'I have nothing to wear!' What she really means is, 'there's nothing here for who I'm supposed to be today.' " (Explain your reason or reasons) We use clothes in connection to the roles we're going to play that day, the situations and settings we're going to be in, and to express our mood. Therefore, the clothes we wear do affect not only how we act, but how others act around us. (Give an example - often a personal example)) For instance, someone who dressed immaculately is more likely to attract interest and attention, which in return would make that person feel more confident. 6. Are people’s ideas about fashion today the same as people’s ideas at previous times? (Give a direct answer to the question) Probably no. (Explain your reason or reasons) In comparison, fashion is regarded these days more highly than it once was, and the definition of trends has also changed considerably. (Give an example - often a personal example)). Just simply ask your mother and your grandmother, their concept of fashion will almost certainly contrast with each other and that of your own, which shows that ideas about fashion vary from generation to generation.

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preference [noun]: the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or person: sự yêu thích, ưu tiên Eg: Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.

fashion sense [noun]: the characteristic of having good judgment of fashion: khiếu thời trang Eg: Kath’s fashion sense is always highly regarded.

extravagant [adjective]: extreme and unreasonable: đắt đỏ, xa xỉ Eg: The product does not live up to the extravagant claims of the advertisers.

to mix and match [expression]: to combine in a harmonious or interesting way, as articles of clothing in an ensemble: phối đồ Eg: Gary likes to mix and match clothes for different events.

bargain [noun]: something on sale at a lower price than its true value: món hời Eg: This coat was half-price - a real bargain.

to promote [verb]: to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something: khuyến khích, quảng bá Eg: Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.

more often than not [expression]: most of the time: thường xuyên Eg: More often than not, a student will come up with the right answer.

ever-changing [adjective]: constantly changing or developing: luôn luôn thay đổi Eg: The key to success is adapting to the ever-changing conditions.

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trendsetter [noun]: a person, organization, etc. that starts new fashions, especially in clothes: người tạo nên xu hướng Eg: They are not only the biggest fast food chain, but also the industry's trendsetter.

staple [noun]: a company or industry that manufactures and sells important products and services that people eat or use regularly: mặt hàng thứ yếu Eg: So-called safe areas in the stock market continue to be consumer staples and drug companies.

immaculately [adverb]: extremely neatly and tidily; perfectly: Eg: The new manager arrived, dressed immaculately in a smart, new suit.

in return [expression]: in exchange: đổi lại, đáp trả lại Eg: Some tenants get rent reductions in return for help managing the building.

in comparison [expression]: when compared with sth: khi được so sánh với nhau Eg: I thought I was badly treated but my experiences pale in comparison with yours. 29. Describe your favorite song You should say: What this song is about When you listened to this song for the first time How often you listen to this song And explain why you think it is your favorite (What this song is about) I’m going to describe my all-time favorite song, which is “Photograph” by Ed Sheeran. The lyrics to the song chronicle a long-distance relationship. It contains detailed imagery such as the

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protagonist remembering his girlfriend kissing him "under the lamppost, back on 6th street", and keeping a picture of him "in the pocket of her ripped jeans”. (When you listened to this song for the first time) Actually I only had a chance to listen to this song last year, after it had already been released for about 2 years. My class chose to sing this song together at our high-school farewell and when I first heard such a wonderful melody, I was completely mesmerized by this song. The lyrics went into my head so naturally that I remembered it in just a day. This is also my most favorite Ed Sheeran song although his other hits are also wonderful in their own ways. (How often you listen to this song) Well, I listen to this song virtually everyday, especially when I get exhausted from work and study. The experience of listening and singing along with “Photograph” is really comforting. A day without this song is almost unimaginable for me. (And explain why you think it is your favorite) The song “Photograph” is like a ride back to my good old days in high school, with vivid memories of sincere, understanding friends. The song itself is not only written for lovers, but also for family members, friends, who have such an irreplaceable role in one’s life. Moreover, Ed Sheeran’s emotions are also conveyed successfully though each word, which is just too powerful to resist. Most importantly, the message delivered also creates a lasting impression on the audience.


13. a long-distance relationship [expression]: a relationship between people of places that are far apart: mối quan hệ bị chia cách bởi khoảng cách Eg: It is quite challenging to preserve a long-distance relationship. 14. protagonist [n]: the main character in a play, film/movie or book: người giữ vai chính, người giữ vai trò chủ đạo Eg: At the end of the film, the protagonist died in agony. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


15. farewell [n]: the party that is organized to say goodbye: buổi liên hoan chia tay Eg: Everybody cried at the very end of the farewell yesterday. 16. mesmerize [v]: to have such a strong effect on you that you cannot give your attention to anything else: mê hoặc, quyến rũ Eg: Janie was mesmerized by the hypnotic performance of the famous jazz musician. 17. virtually [adv]: almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important: gần như Eg: Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax. 18. comforting [adj]: making you feel calmer and less worried or unhappy: gây dễ chịu Eg: Hearing all the familiar sounds around the house was strangely comforting. 19. unimaginable [adj]: impossible to think of or to believe exists; impossible to imagine: không thể tưởng tượng được Eg: This level of success would have been unimaginable just last year. 20. a ride back to [expression]: a chance to come back or meet sth again: sự quay trở về Eg: Sometimes I wish I could have a ride back to my childhood. 21. the good old days [expression]: an earlier period of time in your life or in history that is seen as better than the present: những ngày xưa cũ tốt đẹp Eg: That video was filled with the good old days of us in high school. 22. irreplaceable [adj]: too valuable or special to be replaced: không thể thay thế Eg: These pictures are irreplaceable to Jessie. 23. convey [v]: to make ideas, feelings, etc. known to somebody: truyền đạt, truyền tải Eg: Colours like red convey a sense of energy and strength. 24. create a lasting impression [expression]: to give an impression that lasts long on others: mang lại ấn tượng sâu đậm Eg: The meeting with the famous singer created a lasting impression on Cassie.

31. Describe someone who is very professional You should say: Who this person is What this person does

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How you know this person Explain why this person is professional (Who this person is) I’m going to describe a professional person, who I really admire. He is Mr Minh Quan, the CEO of my company. Despite his young age, he holds an important position in the company and is highly valued by other people. Apart from being my superior, he is also my university senior, so I know him really well. (Who this person does) Being a chef executive, he is always occupied with work, but I rarely see him showing tiredness. Mr Quan is in charge of directing the company as well as delegating tasks to personnel. Besides, he also undertakes crucial negotiations with other partners, which requires both interpersonal skills and work experience accumulated over the years. (How you knew this person) Well, I first met him through a start-up competition, in which his team won the first prize convincingly. In his team, Mr Quan stood out as the most competent contestant, with his articulate and assertive performance in English, which mainly contributed to his team’s impressive victory. When I met him again in the company, he had already become the CEO and he was also the one who interviewed me. (Explain why this person is professional) Mr Minh Quan is well respected for his professionalism, which is shown in numerous ways. Under any circumstance, he would maintain his punctuality, which not only endears himself to clients but also sets a good example for other employees. Most importantly, he always handles every situation with responsibility and complete impartiality. In my company, it is widely known that Mr Quan will never abuse his power to favor or hinder any specific individual. Instead, he keeps regular track of our work and offers assistance if there are any signs of negligence or frustration.

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25. superior [n]: a person or group of people who are higher in rank or social position than others: cấp trên Eg: I will pass your complaint on to my superiors. 26. delegate [v]: to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you: giao việc Eg: As a boss, you have to delegate responsibilities to your staff. 27. negotiation [n]: the process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement with them, or the discussions themselves: sự thương lượng Eg: The agreement was reached after a series of difficult negotiations. 28. interpersonal skills [expression]: skills that are connected with relationships between people: kĩ năng giao tiếp Eg: Interpersonal skills are necessary for employees of every field. 29. accumulate [v]: to collect a large number of things over a long period of time: tích lũy Eg: As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes. 30. convincingly [adv]: in a way that makes you believe that something is true or right: một cách thuyết phục Eg: They argued convincingly that free markets are not always efficient. 31. articulate [adj]: able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this quality: ăn nói lưu loát Eg: Selena is an intelligent and highly articulate young woman. 32. punctuality [n]: the habit of arriving or happening at the time that has been agreed: s ự đúng hẹn, đúng giờ Eg: There is a bonus scheme for employees who show good performance and punctuality. 33. endear oneself to sth [v]: make sb like oneself, sth: khiến ai yêu thích Eg: His courtesy endears himself to other girls in the class.

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34. set a good example for [expression]: to behave in a way that other people should copy: làm gương tốt Eg: You should be setting a good example to your younger brother. 35. impartiality [n]: the state of not supporting any of the sides involved in an argument: sự công bằng, không thiên vị Eg: The state must ensure the independence and impartiality of the justice system. 36. keep track of sth/ sb[expression]: to continue to be informed or know about someone or something: theo dõi, quan sát ai, cái gì Eg: My brother always keeps track of his weight.

30. Describe a holiday/trip you want to go on in the future You should say: - Where this place is - Who you would like to go with - What you would do there - explain why you want to go there

Well, for a future vacation, as something of an ecotourist, Da Lat city is on the top of my list. It is a renowned destination in the south of Vietnam. I’m going to tell you some ideas about a great vacation in Da Lat that popped up in my mind. I would go there on my own and choose a homestay rather than a hotel in order to experience the intimate and affectionate lifestyle of Da Lat farmers. It’s kind of community-based tourism, which means that during my homestay, I would mingle with simple farmers who make local agricultural products; participate in their daily activities, go to market, buy food, cook traditional local dishes, cultivate, look after and harvest crops; study, visit local tourist attractions and historic sites. In short, I would become an amateur farmer. Very soon, I could be able to join new family members to embark on harvesting agricultural products. And I would also help sort out products prior to delivering them to wholesale outlets.

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Moreover, I would be able to enjoy Da Lat’s distinctive mild climate along with misty weather which makes this small city the ideal destination for a holiday escape away from the busy metropolises. In terms of attractions, I would have tons of choices. The natural wonders of Langbiang Mountain, Xuan Huong Lake, Doi Thong Hai Mo and the Valley of Love top the list. On the cultural and historical side, Bao Dai Summer Palace, Domaine de Marie Church and Truc Lam Monastery are the treasures that hold the rich history and culture of Da Lat and the region. I believe the happy days shared in Da Lat would make me want to stay forever and never have to say farewell. And with all the knowledge and valuable experience during my stay, I would enrich my experiences in life and be more successful. Vocabulary 1.

ecotourist [noun] a person who goes on an organised vacation that is designed so that the

tourist damages the environment as little as possible Eg: She is an ecotourist who spends every vacation helping on organic farms. 2.

renowned [adjective] famous for something (nổi tiếng)

Eg: The region is renowned for its outstanding natural beauty. 3.

pop up [phrasal verb] to appear or happen, especially suddenly or unexpectedly (bật ra,

xuất hiện đột ngột) Eg: She's one of those movie stars who pops up everywhere, on TV, in magazines, on Broadway. 4.

affectionate [adjective] showing feelings of liking or love (yêu thích)

Eg: His books show an affectionate understanding of rural life in Vietnam. 5.

mingle [verb] to mix or combine, or be mixed or combined (trộn lẫn)

Eg: The excitement of starting a new job is always mingled with a certain apprehension. 6.

outlet [noun] a company or organization that sells goods of a particular type from a store

or shop Eg: The farming cooperative have a large warehouse which is an outlet for all its products. 7.

metropolis [noun] a very large city, often the most important city in a large area or country

(đô thị) Eg: Soon afterwards he left the countryside to begin his career in the metropolis. 8.

farewell [noun] an occasion when someone says goodbye (tạm biệt)

Eg: He bid us both an affectionate farewell. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Part 3: 1.

What is the importance of travelling?

There are several reasons why travel can be a powerful tool for personal development. Traveling can feel empowering when surrounding yourself with people who don't know the encyclopedia of your past. It reinforces your willingness to broaden your horizons, to get unstuck and to move in new directions. It provides learning and education about places and history and connects us to other cultures and people. Another importance that few people think about is that travelling gives us a chance to face one’s fears of the unknown, which enables us to test ourselves.


What type of places do you recommend people to visit on vacation?

Well, it depends. For example, if I have to give advice to a person who is an introvert at heart, which means he or she tends to crave one-on-one conversations, personal time for reflection, and really getting away from it all when they travel, then I would recommend Laos as an acceptably good choice. Laos is a landlocked country with rugged mountains and an enduring favorite of introverted travelers. Travelers can walk through the markets without being overly hassled and feel comfortable dining alone in restaurants while exploring the area.


Do Vietnamese people prefer to travel by car or by train?

I’m not sure but I guess they would choose trains over cars. First, for a person who has motion sickness, travelling by train is much more comfortable compared to travelling by car. Second, some people find the rhythmic motion and noise of this mode of transport whilst viewing the changing scenery totally enthralling. It is suitable for a landscape loving type of person. And finally, the most common reason is the economic material benefit. Traveling by train is obviously cheaper.


What are the advantages of travelling with a group of people?

Taking in the sights with a group of people surely has tons of benefits. Safety in numbers is the first one I think of. Travelling to unfamiliar destinations can sometimes seem daunting. A group of tourist is less of a target than a single person. Also, if you get sick or hurt, there are people + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


around to help you out. The second one is that it’s cost – effective. Holidaying with a group can help you reduce travel expenses since everyone will be sharing the costs of accommodation, transportation, food, and even tour tickets. It also allows you to take advantage of group rates and discounts.


Should young people travel abroad?

Certainly, yes! Travelling to a foreign country teaches the young things they can’t get at school, for example, budgeting skills. Most young travelers have relatively tight budgets. Dealing with budgets is a vital travel skill to learn, and an imperative skill for a successful life financially. They can also learn problem – solving skills. Things don’t always go as planned, which requires being able to think under pressure—another important skill for every-day life.


Are international trips popular with people in your country?

In the past, it was something only for rich people, but thanks to technological advancements and low-cost airlines, international travelling is now affordable to virtually all classes of Vietnamese people. Therefore it’s getting more and more popular with people in my country. I reckon it is a positive trend due to the benefits of travelling abroad.


What do you consider when you take a trip?

Well, it’s is necessary to spend extra time up front considering how to plan your trip in order to make your entire vacation run smoothly from start to finish. The first thing I would consider is documentation, especially when travelling abroad. The second is the daily budget. I would need to figure out what my total trip budget is and subtract the initial necessary costs like flights and visa fees. The last one would review travel warnings and alerts just to be sure I’d have a safe vacation.

Vocabulary 1.

Reinforce [verb] to make something stronger (làm mạnh thêm, củng cố)

Eg: The pockets on my jeans are reinforced with double stitching. 2.

At heart [expression] used to say what someone is really like (thực sự, bản chất thực)

Eg: He had dozens of friends, but he was a private person at heart. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”



Crave [verb] to have a very strong feeling of wanting something (khao khát)

Eg: Many young children crave attention. 4.

Reflection [noun] serious and careful thought (sự ngẫm nghĩ)

Eg: After 30 years as a judge, her reflections on justice were well worth listening to. 5.

Acceptably [adv] in a way that can be accepted, approved of, or allowed to continue (tương

đối, chấp nhận được) Eg: His communication skills are acceptably good. 6.

Enthralling [adj] keeping someone's interest and attention completely (mê hoặc, cuốn hút)

Eg: I found your book absolutely enthralling! 7.

Daunting [adj] making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve

something (làm thoái chí, nản chí) Eg: The country was faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades of division. 8.

Imperative [adj] extremely important or urgent (cực kì quan trọng/ khẩn cấp)

Eg: The president said it was imperative that the release of all hostages be secured. 9.

Initial [adj] of or at the beginning (khởi đầu)

Eg: Initial reports say that seven people have died, though this has not yet been confirmed. 10.

Alert [noun] a warning to people to be prepared to deal with something dangerous

(sự báo động) Eg: The public were warned to be on the alert for (= watching carefully for) suspicious packages.

31. Describe an interesting subject that you learned at school You should say: What the subject was What your teacher was like How long you studied this subject Explain it was interesting to you (What the subject was)

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It may sound unbelievable, but of all the subjects I learned at school, I was really into Math. My friends and the general public nowadays may tend to complain that Math covers too much ground and is too difficult, but my love for Math remains unchanged. (What your teacher was like) The person who played the biggest role in inspiring me to study Math was my teacher in my second year at school. She always tried to integrate interactive learning into our lessons and involve us in lots of exciting activities. Also, we were never bombarded with too many new things, and our teacher never failed to explain to us again the points that we found difficult to understand. This helped us to have a good grasp of everything we were taught. (How long you studied this subject) To be honest, I did not always like this subject. I started learning it when I was very small, at the age of five maybe. At that time, I found the mathematical formulas out of my depth and extremely hard to memorize. However, as time went by, I gradually managed to understand them all and started to be interested in this subject. (Explain it was interesting to you) The main reason why Math was fascinating to me is that this subject was logical and easy to study. Whenever I had to sit an exam, I only had to memorize the formula and know how to apply it in order to solve problems. Meanwhile, getting good grades in art or literature tests required great talent,skills and background knowledge. Therefore, I found it much easier to make the grade in Math compared with other subjects. So, because I was always a high-flyer in Math, I guess I always found it more interesting than subjects in which I was only an average student in the class. Vocabulary: Tự vựng chủ đề Education: 1. to cover a lot of ground + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Meaning: to deal with much information and many facts. Example: The history lecture covered a lot of ground today. Ví dụ: Bài giảng lịch sử hôm nay sử dụng rất nhiều tài liệu. 2. interactive learning Meaning: refers to a method of teaching and learning in which teachers ask questions in class, assign and check homework, or hold class or group discussions. Example: With or without the aid of technology, interactive learning helps students strengthen problem solving and critical thinking skills. Ví dụ: Dù có hay không sự hỗ trợ của công nghệ, hình thức học tương tác giúp học sinh cải thiện khả năng giải quyết vấn đề và tăng tư duy phản biện. 3. to bombard someone with something Meaning: to continually send someone something, esp. to inform or influence them. Example: Every day it seems as if we are bombarded with e-mail messages warning of computer viruses. Ví dụ: Ngày nào chúng tôi cũng như thể bị khủng bố bằng những tin nhắn qua email về việc cảnh báo có virus máy tính. 4. to have a good grasp of something Meaning: to understand a problem deeply and completely Example: Children who begin to learn a foreign language in primary school are usually able to have a good grasp of the new language quickly.

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Ví dụ: Trẻ em mới bắt đầu học ngoại ngữ tại trường tiểu học thường sẽ nắm bắt được ngôn ngữ mới rất nhanh chóng. 5. to be out of one’s depth Meaning: to be unable to understand something because it is too difficult Example: Streaming in schools enables pupils to study at the level which is appropriate for them, and therefore students rarely find themselves out of their depth. Ví dụ: Phân lớp tại trường học cho phép học sinh học ở trình độ phù hợp với mình, và ít khi bị rơi vào tình trạng vượt quá khả năng nhận thức.

6. to sit an exam Meaning: to take an exam Example: Some students claim that they feel more motivated to study when they have to sit an exam at the end of their course. Ví dụ: Một số sinh viên khẳng định rằng họ cảm thấy có động lực học hơn khi họ cần tham gia kì thi vào cuối kì. 7. to make the grade Meaning: to successfully reach the necessary standard Example: Nobody can succeed in their studies if they rely on luck rather than hard work to make the grade. Ví dụ: Không ai có thể thành công trong việc học nếu họ chỉ dựa vào vận may chứ không chăm chỉ cố gắng để đạt được kết quả.

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8. a high-flyer Meaning: someone who has the desire and ability to be very successful in their studies Example: The problem with our teacher is that she explains things too quickly for most of the students and she pays most attention only to the academic high-flyers in the class. Ví dụ: Vấn đề của cô giáo chúng tôi là cô ấy giảng bài quá nhanh và chỉ quan tâm tới những học sinh ham học trong lớp. Vocabulary: 

to be into something [expression]: to be very interested in something Eg: My friend is really into video games – he plays them for hours every day. 32. Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future You should say: What it is How you might find this job What qualities it requires Explain why it is a well-paid job Why you think you will be good at it (What it is) Since I was young, I have always dreamed of becoming a tour guide. Being a backpacker, I have a very strong thirst for travelling, so I believe it would be wonderful to have the opportunity to do it as a job. (How you might find this job)

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As a matter of fact, my city is an increasingly –popular holiday destination and is swarming with holidaymakers. Therefore, it would not be too hard for me to find a vacancy in almost any of the travel agencies based in my city. (What qualities it requires) Although it may be easy to find a job vacancy in this field, to do the job is much more challenging. First and foremost, a tour guide must act professionally by adhering to proper codes of conduct. As they have to make direct contact with customers, it is extremely important that tour guides show that they are trained and take their job seriously. Secondly, they also have to be a team player because guiding tours involves the participation of many parties. To keep abreast of everything that is going on, smooth teamwork is specially required to prevent any breakdown in communication. (Explain why it is a well-paid job) As I have said, my city is thronged with tourists. And because of their stressful lifestyles, tourists now are prepared to really break the bank to enjoy a well-organized trip. So I believe as long as I do my job decently, I would get a good income. (Why you think you will be good at it) In fact, I am quite confident that I have all the qualities required to be a tour guide. I have really good communication skills and a smart appearance as well. Therefore, I believe if I train properly, I will be a good tour guide!

Vocabulary Tự vựng chủ đề Tourism: 1. backpackers

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Meaning: people who travel on holiday carrying all their equipment and clothes in a backpack, like a large very strong bag which they carry on their back. Example: London has cheap accommodation for backpackers who don’t have much money to spend on hotels. Ví dụ: Anh ấy đã đi khắp thế giới, nhưng vẫn khao khát được đặt chân tới những nơi mới lạ và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm mới.

2. to have a thirst for something Meaning: to have a strong desire for something Example: He has been all over the world, but he still has a thirst for seeing new places and enjoying new experiences. Ví dụ: London có những phòng nghỉ giá rẻ cho du khách ba lô, những người không có nhiều tiền để ở khách sạn.

3. to swarm with holidaymakers/tourists Meaning: when people swarm somewhere, they move there in a large group or in large numbers. Example: During the summer, the little seaside town is swarming with holidaymakers. Ví dụ: Vào mùa hè, thị trấn nhỏ ven biển đầy những vị khách tới nghỉ mát. i liệu. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. to be thronged with tourists Meaning: refers to the situation of a place having a great number of visitors crowded or considered together Example: At weekends, London, in particular, is thronged with tourists and certain areas of the city such as Oxford Street and Covent Garden are swarming with visitors. Ví dụ: Vào cuối tuần, cụ thể ở London, đầy những du khách và một số khu vực tong thành phố như Oxford Street hay Convent Garden thì chật ních người. 5. To break the bank Meaning: to use up all one's money/ to cost too much. Example: Having a winter vacation in the sun without breaking the bank is a dream come true Ví dụ: Có được một kì nghỉ mùa đông dưới ánh mặt trời mà không phải chi hết sạch tiền bạc là một giấc mơ có thực.

Từ vựng chủ đề Government: 1. to adhere to Meaning: to behave according to a particular law, rule or set of instructions Example: Governments which fail to adhere to their election promises generally become unpopular very quickly. Từ vựng chủ đề Communication and personality: 1. codes of conduct Meaning: voluntary rules which people accept in a situation + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: The code of conduct in this company is voluntary but it is seen as a sign of best practice. Ví dụ: Bộ quy tắc ứng xử là tự nguyện nhưng nó được coi là tiêu chuẩn thực hiện. 2. to be a team player Meaning: a person who willingly cooperates with others Example: Employees who are good team players are more likely to be selected for promotion. Ví dụ: Những nhân viên có khả năng làm việc tốt sẽ có nhiều cơ hội được chọn để thăng tiến hơn. 3. to keep abreast of something Meaning: to have the most recent information about something Example: This new service helps doctors keep abreast of the newest drugs available. Ví dụ: Dịch vụ mới cho phép bác sĩ cập nhật tin tức về những loại thuốc mới nhất.

4. a breakdown in communication Meaning: a misunderstanding which results from people failing to discuss and resolve something Example: The dispute between the workers and the employer was the result of a breakdown in communication over wages. Ví dụ: Mâu thuẫn giữa công nhân và ông chủ là do sự thất bại trong giao tiếp về mức lương.

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Vocabulary 

challenging (adjective): difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability Eg: She had a challenging and rewarding career as a teacher.

lifestyle (noun): the way in which a person or a group of people lives and works Eg: It was a big change in lifestyle when we moved to the countryside. Part 3: Do you think job satisfaction is more important than salary when choosing a job? (Give direct answer to the question) Yes, from my viewpoint, job satisfaction plays a crucial role in choosing a job rather than salary. (Explain your reasons) It is undeniable that job contentedness will lead to greater productivity at work and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. (Give an example) For instance, I am passionate about my job as an English translator because my company offers me a good working environment and my work with pleasure and also have time to enjoy my leisure time. (Explain the opposite or alternative) If people give the prioritygave priority to salary, they may have to work under pressure for their whole life and be a slave to money.a slave to money. Vocabulary:

Play a crucial role in Ving: đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc gì Example: reading books plays a crucial role in developing the intelligence of children.

Job contentedness= job satisfaction Example: job contentedness is measured by the affective feelings about the job

Productivity: năng suất lao động Example: the productivity of Vietnamese people is considered as lower than that of other countries.

Be passionate about something: say mê, hào hứng với cái gì Example: my mother is passionate about baking cakes.

With pleasure: thoải mái, hài lòng + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: she gave me a hand with pleasure. 

Gave priority to something Example: the government gave priority to the development of economy. What skills do you think are needed to get a job nowadays? (Give direct answer to the question) In my opinion, communication skills are crucial to most careers, which means that it is necessary to gain these skills to get a job. (Explain your reasons) Employers want people that can listen and observe to gain an understanding, relate their ideas effectively, and devise strategies for working together. Thus, those who have communication skills can interact with others to complete work effectively. (Give an example) Last month, I was given a bonus and promoted to a higher position because I could communicate with my colleagues and gain a great number of new contracts. (Explain the opposite or alternative) When candidates lack interaction skills, they are likely to feel awkward when attending a job interview and lose the chance of getting the job. Vocabulary:

It is necessary to do something: cần thiết làm gì Example: it is necessary to save forests and wild animals.

Communication skills=interaction abilities: kĩ năng, khả năng giao tiếp Example: she is trying to improve her communication skills in order to prepare for the scholarship interview.

Gain an understanding: hiểu được cái gì Example: people should gain an understanding of cyber bullying.

Be promoted to a position: được đề bạt vào vị trí nào Example: he has been promoted to be the sales manager of this branch.

Colleague: đồng nghiệp Example: she is a warm-hearted person that can get on well with all of her colleagues.

to lack something: thiếu cái gì Example: I tend to lack patience when talking with him.

Do you think women should be able to do all the same jobs that men do? (Give direct answer to the question) No, I wholeheartedly believe that women shouldn’t do all the jobs that men do. (Explain your reasons) It seems obvious that the nature of men + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


enables them to work in specific jobs that women cannot because of their relative weakness; both physically and mentally. (Give an example) For example, operating heavy machines, building houses or farming are not suitable for women since they are not likely to be able to endure the hardship of these jobs. (Explain the opposite or alternative) If they perform a man's job for a long time, they may become exhausted and overloaded. Vocabulary: 

S+wholeheartedly believe that Clause: hoàn toàn tin rằng… Example: she wholeheartedly believes that aliens exist.

Operate machines: vận hành máy móc Example: he can operate this machine even though he has never seen it before.

Endure hardship: chịu đựng khó khăn Example: trainees who can endure hardship will have a chance of officially getting the job.

Perform the job: làm việc Example: my sister performs the job so well that she has been offered a higher salary.

Be exhausted: kiệt sức Example: I was exhausted after running 2 kilometers.

Be overloaded: quá tải Example: she was overloaded by the work as the manager’s secretary.

How has technology changed the way we work? (Give direct answer to the question) Thanks to the technology, whether it’s a laptop or even mobile phone, we can do business almost anywhere without the obstacle of time and distance. (Explain your reasons) In the past, people had the problem of wasting time on finding and sharing information by sending letter or making an appointment. However, nowadays, we can easily collect data, share information and do transactions via internet-connected gadgets. (Give an example) My father, for example, often conducts video conferencing with his employees so that he doesn’t have to go to the office regularly. (Explain the opposite or alternative) When modern people don’t use technology, definitely productivity and work output is often affected. Vocabulary: 

Thanks to something: nhờ có/cảm ơn… Example: thanks to her help, I reached the office on time. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Obstacle: trướng ngại Example: she overcame the mental obstacles after losing her mother.

Encounter difficulty: gặp phải khó khăn Example: they encountered difficulty in communicating with foreigners.

Make an appointment: hẹn gặp Example: you should make an appointment with the doctor to know more about this disease.

Do transactions: kinh doanh Example: businessmen today can do transactions online.

Gadget: thiết bị Example: high-tech gadgets allow users to enjoy life more easily.

What is the difference between white collar and blue collar jobs? (Give direct answer to the question) The differences between white collar and blue collar jobs include features of the work, remuneration and the payment cycle. (Explain your reasons) Blue collar work means that workers perform a job manually and get an hourly or daily wage, based on the performance of their work whereas employees of white collar jobs perform clerical work in an office and draw monthly salary at a fixed rate (Give an example) For instance, as a translator, I am paid 10 million dong per month while my uncle who is a harbor worker is given 100.000d per day. Vocabulary: 

Remuneration: thù lao Example: he is not satisfied with this rate of remuneration.

Payment cycle: vòng lương Example: many youngsters cannot manage their spending before the next payment cycle

Manual labor: lao động chân tay Example: Manual labor is gradually being replaced by machines.

Daily wage: lương trả theo ngày Example: he got a daily wage when working at this factory.

Clerical work: công việc văn phòng Example: I don’t like clerical work because of the cramped environment. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Draw a monthly salary: nhận lương theo tháng Example: she offers the trainee to draw monthly salary. 33. Describe a time when you received your first cellphone You should say: When it was Where you were Who gave you the cellphone What it was like How you felt about it (When it was) I was first given my own cell phone five years ago. By then, all my friends had already got their own mobile phone, while I was still using the landline, which was already considered obsolete. Thinking about it, getting a mobile phone was the happiest surprise I have ever been given. (Who gave you the cellphone) At that time, I was pretty out of shape and was almost obese to be honest, which worried my parents. So they decided to give me a mobile phone if I took up regular exercise, as an encouragement for me to keep fit. As I gradually got into shape, my parents bought the phone and planned a surprise for me. (Where you were) My parents planned to hide the phone they had bought me under my bed the afternoon before my birthday, safe in the knowledge that I was engrossed in working out at the gym. (What it was like)

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When I got to bed and discovered the gift I had been given, I was extremely excited. It was a phone with a touch screen, which was considered leading-edge technology at that time. (How you felt about it) When I first used the phone, I felt really amazed at how people could have achieved such great advances in technology. The phone was like nothing I had seen or used before. In addition, I also enjoyed all the convenience that this device offered me. With a mobile phone, I was finally able to gain access to the Internet and download podcasts for learning and entertainment, as well as video call my sister who was thousands of miles away in college. Also, I felt extremely proud. As a matter of fact, I was the first kid in my class to have a touch screen phone, and my classmates all looked up to me for that.

Vocabulary Từ vựng chủ đề Technology: 1. to become obsolete Meaning: to be no longer used because something new has been invented Example: Technological innovation is now so rapid, that even the latest electronic devices soon become obsolete. Ví dụ: Đổi mới công nghệ diễn ra nhanh chóng khiến cho thiết bị điện tử mới nhất cũng nhanh chóng trở nên lỗi thời. 2. leading-edge technology Meaning: the most advanced position in technology Example: Manufacturers of electronic devices always advertise their products as having the latest leading-edge/cutting-edge technology. Ví dụ: Những nhà sản xuất thiết bị điện tử luôn quảng cáo sản phẩm của họ sử dụng công nghệ hàng đầu, tiên tiến nhất hiện nay. 3. advances in technology + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Meaning: the improvement or development in technology Example: Recent advances in medical technology are making a great contribution to the search for a cure for Aids. Ví dụ; Những tiến bộ gần đây trong công nghệ y học đã đóng góp đã đóng góp rất lớn cho việc tìm phương pháp chữa bệnh AIDS. 4. to gain access to the internet/to access the internet Meaning: to have the opportunity to use the internet Example: Millions of people are able to access the internet in cafes, libraries or other public places. Ví dụ: Hàng triệu người có thể kết nối mạng tại quán café, thư viện và những nơi công cộng khác. 5. to download podcasts Meaning: to save a copy of a file from the internet to your own device Example: Computer technology is extremely useful for learning a new language. I often download podcasts to improve my listening skills. Ví dụ: Công nghệ máy tính thực sự hữu ích cho việc học ngoại ngữ. Tôi thường tải các ứng dụng âm thanh để tăng khả năng nghe. Từ vựng chủ đề Sport & Exercise: 1. to be out of condition/out of shape Meaning: to be physically unfit Example: One of the causes of obesity is that many people are out of shape/condition and fail to exercise regularly. Ví dụ: Một trong những nguyên nhân của bệnh béo phì là do rất nhiều người yếu ớt và không chịu tập thể dục thường xuyên 2. to take up sport/to take up exercise Meaning: to start doing a sport, to start doing exercise Example: Governments should provide sports facilities to encourage more people to take up sport/exercise. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Ví dụ: Chính phủ nên xây dựng các trung tâm thể thao để khuyến khích nhiều người tập thể thao hơn 3. to keep fit Meaning: to stay in good physical condition Example: A healthy diet and plenty of exercise are essential for people to keep fit. Ví dụ: Một chế độ ăn uống khỏe mạnh và tập luyện là cần thiết đối với người muốn giữ dáng. 4. to get into shape Meaning: to become fit Example: If people have a sedentary lifestyle, they must do regular exercise to get into shape. Ví dụ: Nếu con người có phong cách sống ngồi nhiều, họ phải thường xuyên tập thể dục để được thon thả 5. to work out at the gym Meaning: to train the body by physical exercise at the gym Example: As part of a healthy lifestyle, people of all ages should work out at the gym on a regular basis. Ví dụ: Là một phần của phong cách sống khỏe mạnh, con người ở mọi lứa tuổi nên tập thể dục ở phòng tập thường xuyên Từ vựng chủ đề Reading: 1. safe in the knowledge that Meaning: confident because you know that something is true or will happen Example: I would recommend that people should eat only organic food, safe in the knowledge that it contains no harmful chemicals. Ví dụ: Tôi cho rằng mọi người chỉ nên ăn thực phẩm hữu cơ vì biết chắc rằng nó không có các hóa chất độc hại. 2. to be engrossed in Meaning: to be completely focused on something + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: A good work-life balance is important, because if people are too engrossed in their work, their family life may suffer. Ví dụ: Việc cân bằng tốt giữa cuộc sống với công việc là rất quan trọng vì nếu quá mải mê với công việc, cuộc sống gia đình sẽ bị ảnh hưởng. 34. Describe a time you were shopping in a street market You should say: When it was Where it was What you bought How you felt about the shopping experience (When it was) I first paid a visit to a street market in spring two years ago, when I was traveling abroad. I was lucky to have arrived in time for such warm, sunny weather, which really enhanced my overall experience. (Where it was) The market was called the Chinatown Market in Singapore, located not so far from the iconic Merlion. Being the shopaholic that I am, I was extremely excited to see a crowded, busy shopping area full of different merchandise. (What you bought) As Singapore is famous as a tourist attraction, the market was thronged with tourists looking for souvenirs. I guess that’s the reason why the market was so full of souvenir shops. Strolling through the length of the street, I was bombarded with a diverse range of things for sale at prices to suit every pocket. Here, you can find everything you could ever imagine, ranging from food, bags and clothes to keychains and jewelry. I was told that the market was understood to be a place which offers acceptable quality at relatively low prices, which is rare

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in such a pricey place as Singapore. I ended up buying lots of t-shirts for my friends back home. (How you felt about the shopping experience) The visit was unforgettable. Visiting the market was a unique opportunity for me to dig deeper into Singaporean culture. Besides buying goods, I also managed to make small talk with the local stallholders and residents, which gave me a view into their daily lifestyle. That was far more interesting and vivid than any written description I have ever read about the country so far. In my opinion, a trip to Chinatown market would come highly recommended for anyone with a thirst for cultural experiences. Vocabulary: Từ vựng chủ đề Communication & Personality: 1. to be a shopaholic/a workaholic Meaning: a person who spends too much time shopping/too much time working Example: Although I sometimes enjoy shopping for bargains, I would not describe myself as a shopaholic because I have other interests too. 2. to make small talk/to exchange pleasantries Meaning: to talk in a polite way about unimportant matters such as the weather Example: I enjoy a serious discussion and I don’t like to make small talk or exchange pleasantries with others simply in order to be polite. Ví dụ: Tôi thích những cuộc nói chuyện nghiêm túc chứ không thích nói chuyện xã giao với người khác chỉ vì phép lịch sự. Từ vựng chủ đề Tourism: 1. to be thronged with tourists Meaning: refers to the situation of a place having a great number of visitors crowded or considered together

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Example: At weekends, London, in particular, is thronged with tourists, and certain areas of the city such as Oxford Street and Covent Garden are swarming with visitors. Ví dụ: Vào cuối tuần, cụ thể ở London, đầy những du khách và một số khu vực tong thành phố như Oxford Street hay Convent Garden thì chật ních người.

2. to have a thirst for something Meaning: to have a strong desire for something Example: He has been all over the world, but he still has a thirst for seeing new places and enjoying new experiences. Ví dụ: Anh ấy đã đi khắp thế giới, nhưng vẫn khao khát được đặt chân tới những nơi mới lạ và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm mới. Từ vựng chủ đề Education: 1. to bombard someone with something Meaning: to continually send someone something, esp. to inform or influence them. Example: Every day it seems as if we are bombarded with e-mail messages warning of computer viruses. Ví dụ: Ngày nào chúng tôi cũng như thể bị khủng bố bằng những tin nhắn qua email về việc cảnh báo có virus máy tính. Từ vựng chủ đề Reading: 1. to understand somebody/something to be/have something Meaning: to think or believe that something is true because you have been told that it is Example: The President is understood to be in favour of more spending on the military. Ví dụ: Chủ tích nước được cho là sẽ chi nhiều hơn cho quân sự

2. to dig deep (into something) Meaning: to search thoroughly for information + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: Computer technology has enabled authorities to dig deep into all kinds of personal records relating to ordinary citizens. Ví dụ: Công nghệ thông tin đã cho phép chính quyền các nước tìm hiểu sâu về các loại thông tin cá nhân liên quan đến công dân của họ. 3. to come highly recommended Meaning: to be praised by a lot of people Example: Books by classic authors always come highly recommended, but work by new and talented writers should not be overlooked. Ví dụ: Sách viết của các tác giả cũ thường được đánh giá cao, nhưng cũng không nên bỏ qua những tài năng mới. 

Vocabulary: to stroll [verb]: to walk in a leisurely, unhurried and relaxed way Eg: I was really stressed after the exam, so I took a leisurely stroll in the park to relax.

to suit every pocket [expression]: at prices which either rich or poor people can afford Eg: Oxford Street in London has a range of cheap and expensive shops with goods to suit every pocket.

acceptable [adjective]: satisfactory, reasonable Eg: Although the journey was dangerous, he was well-prepared and he considered the risks involved to be acceptable.

pricey [adjective]: expensive Eg: As a poor student, I never eat in pricey restaurants.

to end up [phrasal verb]: to finish by doing something, after facing a decision. Eg: I couldn’t decide where to go on holiday, so I ended up by choosing Thailand.

stallholder [noun]: a person who has a small area for selling goods in a market. Eg: We bought some fish from a stallholder in the famous fish market near the port. 35. Describe a website you like to visit You should say: When you found it + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


What it is about How often you visit it Why you like this website (When you found it) The website that I love to visit most is ‘Americanliterature.com’. This website came to my knowledge while I was searching for a story to introduce to a friend and I have fallen in love with the site ever since. (What is it about) The site is like an online library which offer free access to thousands of works of literature. There are reading materials of all genres, ready to satisfy the most eager fan of reading. (How often you visit it) As I read as a means of relaxation, I pay an almost daily visit to this website. It may seem repetitive and boring, but actually it’s not. The website is updated everyday with new works from numerous authors in America, and for this reason my curiosity and interest in this site is never-ending. I can’t help but be engrossed in reading new stories for hours each day. (Why you like this website) The first thing that attracts me to this website is the diversity of content that it offers readers. In this website all kinds of stories can be found: so anyone can really broaden their literary horizons by reading up on everything from bedtime stories to the classic works of a literary genius like Mark Twain. The variety of genres available on this website keeps me constantly thirsting for more. Moreover, reading the stories helps me enhance my passion for literature. To fully understand the stories, I have to practice reading between the lines for subtle meanings, which consequently sharpens up my literary appreciation. I think this is also the reason why this website also comes so highly recommended by many others. Vocabulary + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Từ vựng chủ đề Reading: 1. to come to somebody’s knowledge Meaning: to become known by somebody Example: If it comes to the knowledge of your manager that you are honest and hard-working, your promotion prospects will be improved. Ví dụ: Nếu được nhà quản lí biết tới là một người chân thành và chăm chỉ thì khả năng được thăng tiến của bạn sẽ tốt hơn. 2. to be engrossed in Meaning: to be completely focused on something Example: A good work-life balance is important, because if people are too engrossed in their work, their family life may suffer. Ví dụ: Việc cân bằng tốt giữa cuộc sống với công việc là rất quan trọng vì nếu quá mải mê với công việc, cuộc sống gia đình sẽ bị ảnh hưởng. 3. to broaden one’s literary horizons Meaning: to increase the limits of your desires, knowledge or interests by reading widely Example: Schools should broaden the literary horizons of pupils by encouraging them to read in class and at home. 4. to read up on Meaning: to find information in a book, or other written source, about something Example: When deciding which university course to choose, it is essential to read up on those subjects in which you are interested before you decide. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


5. bedtime stories Meaning: stories told to children before they sleep Example: Parents should spend time with their children, for example by telling them bedtime stories every night. 6. a literary genius Meaning: a person with exceptional and rare talent for writing Example: Although a literary genius like Shakespeare is rare, it is important for governments to subsidise creative writing classes for all ages. Ví dụ: Dù một thiên tài văn học như Shakespeare là rất hiếm có, nhưng chính phủ cần phải tài trợ cho những lớp học viết tài năng cho mọi lứa tuổi. 7. to read between the lines Meaning: to look for a meaning that is not openly stated Example: Reading between the lines, the report of recent international conferences are not optimistic about obtaining agreement on climate change. Ví dụ: Hiểu rõ những gì đang xảy ra, các báo cáo ở những hội thảo gần đây không lạc quan lắm về việc đạt được thỏa thuận về thay đổi khí hậu. 8. to sharpen something (up) Meaning: to become or make something better, more skilful, more effective, etc. than before Example: The opportunity to do an internship with a company enables students to sharpen up the theoretical knowledge gained at college.

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Ví dụ: Cơ hội thực tập ở một công ty cho phép sinh viên hiểu lý thuyết được học ở trường sâu sắc hơn. 9. literary appreciation Meaning: pleasure that you have when you recognize and enjoy the qualities of a good piece of writing Example: Children develop literary appreciation if they are encouraged by parents and teachers to love reading. 10. to come highly recommended Meaning: to be praised by a lot of people Example: Books by classic authors always come highly recommended, but work by new and talented writers should not be overlooked. Ví dụ: Sách viết của các tác giả cũ thường được đánh giá cao, nhưng cũng không nên bỏ qua những tài năng mới. Tự vựng chủ đề The Arts: 1. a work of art/a work of music/a work of literature Meaning: a painting, sculpture, book, play, piece of music etc Example: Shakespeare’s plays are considered as one of the greatest works of literature in the English language. Ví dụ: Những vở kịch của Shakespeare được coi là một trong những tác phẩm văn học bằng tiếng Anh vĩ đại nhất. 

genre [noun]: a particular type or style

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Eg: My favourite genre of fiction is horror stories, like Dracula or Frankenstein. 

to thirst for [phrasal verb]: to have a strong desire for something Eg: The fans of Manchester United are thirsting for success after the disappointments of last season. 36. Describe someone who is talkative You should say: Who this person is How you know this person What this person likes to talk about (Who this person is) Now, I’m going to tell you about a talkative person whom I know. This person has been my best friend, Ashley, since we were freshmen in college. (How you know this person) When we first met each other in class, we were both shy and unsociable. Things started to get better when we came across each other in Singapore, after which we explored the city-state together to see the tourist attractions. We started to have more interaction and communication with each other and even though we came back to Vietnam more than a year ago, we just can’t stop talking about our trip to Singapore. (What this person likes to talk about) After the trip, Ashley liked to talk about our experience in Singapore, in an academic way though. For example, she would talk to everyone she knew about things like how the people there seemed to live in harmony with one another, how they behaved towards us, or how developed it was economically. Especially, she was extremely good at bargaining so she would tell everyone about how she haggled over prices when going shopping in Singapore. Apart + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


from that, Ashley, as an undergraduate majoring in International Relations, likes to discuss political problems as well as international issues which the entire world is encountering. She always says that we have to see the big picture. Luckily, I am also the type of person who wants to keep abreast of what’s going on in the world, so it is easy for me to follow what she says with interest. Not only does she talk about international relations, she also likes to share whatever she knows in everyday life. She is always one of the first students in school to know the teachers’ latest stories and usually leaks the news to the rest of the class. However, in general, making small talk is not her thing. She’s a serious as well as a sociable person, and she much prefers to chat face to face rather than spending time on social networking sites online. I think that I’m quite lucky to have such a talkative friend like Ashley, as with her, I’m never bored because, whenever I’m down, she’s always there to tell me more stories. Vocabulary: Các từ thuộc chủ đề Communication and Personality: 1. to live in harmony with one another Meaning: to live with others in a way which avoids conflict or disagreement Example: The students who share the house are all good friends and they are able to live in harmony with one another.

2. to see the big picture Meaning: to understand all the important aspects of a situation Example: Students sometimes get confused with so many details to remember, but our history teacher is able to make us see the big picture.

3. to keep abreast of something Meaning: to have the most recent information about something Example: This site helps doctors to keep abreast of the latest drugs available. 4. to make small talk + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Meaning: to talk in a polite way about unimportant things Example: I enjoy a serious discussion, and I don’t like to make small talk simply to be polite to others.

5. social networking sites Meaning: websites on which you communicate with people who share your interests Example: Young people today waste too much time on social networking sites such as Facebook or Linkedin.

Vocabulary: 

freshman (noun): a student who is in his or her first year at university or college: sinh viên năm nhất. Eg: Freshmen are more likely to participate in extra-curricular activities than final-year students. Sinh viên năm nhất thường hay tham gia hoạt động ngoại khóa hơn sinh viên năm cuối.

unsociable (adjective): not friendly or enjoying the company of other people Eg: Although Sarah appears to be unsociable, she’s friendly when you get to know her well.

to come across (phrasal verb): to meet unexpectedly: vô tình gặp ai đó. Eg: I came across Adele at a tourist attraction in London yesterday. Tôi vô tình gặp Adele ở một điểm tham quan nổi tiếng ở London hôm qua.

to explore (verb): to travel around an area, in order to get to know it: khám phá (thường hay đi với điểm du lịch) Eg: Foreign tourists need to spend at least two weeks to explore Vietnam.

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Khách du lịch nước ngoài thường dành ra 2 tuần để khám phá Việt Nam. 

tourist attraction (noun): an interesting place for tourists to visit: điểm du lịch nổi tiếng. Eg: Ben Thanh market is a well-known tourist attraction. Chợ Bến Thành là một điểm du lịch nổi tiếng.

to bargain / haggle over prices (verb): to argue about the price of something in order to reach agreement: trả giá. Eg: Tourists should haggle before they buy something in China, as prices are usually unreasonably expensive. Khách du lịch nên trả giá đi đến Trung Quốc bởi giá thường mắc một cách vô lý.

to encounter (verb): to experience something, especially something difficult or unpleasant: gặp (thường là khó khăn, thử thách). Eg: Vietnam is encountering environmental problems such as pollution and deforestation. Việt Nam đang gặp phải vấn đề về môi trường.

to leak (verb): to give information secretly Eg: My sister leaked the news of my wedding plans before I had the chance to tell my friends.

down (adjective): sad or depressed Eg: When I failed the exam, I felt down, but then I became determined to study harder. 37. Describe a popular comic actor/ actress you know You should say: Who he/she is How you knew him/ her + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


What comedies he/she has performed Explain why he/she is popular (Who he/she is) I’m going to describe an acclaimed comic actor, whose name may ring a bell to comedy buffs, Rowan Atkinson. Born in 1955, Rowan Atkinson is an English actor, comedian, and screenwriter. He is probably best known worldwide for his classic character Mr Bean. Atkinson first came to prominence in the BBC's sketch comedy show Not the Nine o’clock News in 1979. (How you knew him/ her) Well, I remember first seeing him in his own movie adaptations of Mr Bean on Disney Channel, and I was intrigued by his witty, amusing acting in a flash. The character he played always behaves with goodwill, but he gets himself into ironic problems and funny situations by accident. Later I discovered some other DVDs of TV shows he had done in the past and watched them with my family. Up to now, I think I’ve watched nearly all of the shows he’s done. (What comedies he/she has performed) After his debut in the BBC's Not the Nine O'clock News, Atkinson later appeared in theatrical productions like The Nerd (1984), The New Revue (1986) and The Sneeze (1988). The portrayal of another hilarious character, Blackadder, showed how versatile he is. The success of Blackadder spurred the creation of the TV specials Blackadder's Christmas Carol and Blackadder: The Cavalier Years—both of which aired in 1988. In 1990, Atkinson starred as his originally developed character Mr. Bean in the TV series of the same name. The popular comedy series was adapted for film in 1997. Atkinson reprised his famous Mr. Bean character in a comedy sketch at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. (Explain why he/she is popular)

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Personally, his world-wide popularity is partly achieved through his unique, clever comedy style, which is based on real life everyday situations that everybody can relate to. Another trait that also distinguishes him from other comic actors is his diverse gestures and body movements, without much reliance on dialogue. Therefore, until today his character Mr Bean is still associated with UK culture and appeals to audiences all over the world. Vocabulary: Các từ thuộc chủ đề Art: 1.

the portrayal of something/somebody

Meaning: the act of showing or describing something/somebody in a book, painting, play or film. Example: In the past, the portrayal of women in art was often as possessions, owned by rich men. 2.

to appeal to audiences

Meaning: to attract or interest those who go to watch a play or movie.

Example: Movies which have famous actors in the cast are more likely to appeal to audiences.

Other vocabulary: 

acclaimed [adjective]: famous, praised and approved by the public: nổi tiếng, được ca tụng Eg: "Dinner Party", based on the critically acclaimed novel by Bill Davies, was made into a film last year.

ring a bell [expression]: to sound familiar: nghe quen thuộc Eg: The name rang a bell but I couldn't remember where I had heard it before.

comedy buffs [expression]: people who know a lot about and are very interested in comedy: người yêu thích hài kịch + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: Hoai Linh is extremely popular among all comedy buffs. 

come to prominence [expression]: become easily seen or well known: được biến đến rộng rãi Eg: Tina Fey came to prominence as a writer and comedian on "Saturday Night Live".

movie adaptation [noun]: a movie that has been made from another book, play, etc…: phim được chuyển thể Eg: Last year he starred in the movie adaptation of Bill Cronshaw's best-selling novel.

in a flash [expression]: quickly or suddenly: một cách nhanh chóng Eg: The ceremony yesterday was over in a flash.

goodwill [noun]: a friendly attitude in which you wish that good things happen to people: thiện chí Eg: We hope the negotiations will take place in an atmosphere of openness and goodwill.

hilarious [adjective]: extremely funny Eg: You may remember Rowan Atkinson in the hilarious comedy role of Johnny English, the secret agent.

spur [verb]: to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster: thúc đẩy, khuyến khích Eg: Spurred on by her early success, she went on to write four more novels in rapid succession.

air [verb]: to broadcast a programme on TV or radio Eg: The next episode of “Blackadder” will be aired tomorrow at 8pm.

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reprise [verb]: to repeat a song, performance, or set of actions: lặp lại, đóng lại Eg: He reprises his role as the vigilante architect in his latest movie.

distinguish [verb]: to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another: phân biệt Eg: It's not the beauty so much as the range of his voice that distinguishes him from other tenors.

gesture [noun]: a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling: cử chỉ Eg: Since they spoke only Swahili, we used signs and gestures to make ourselves understood.

reliance [noun]: the state of depending on or trusting in something or someone: sự phụ thuộc Eg: You place too much reliance on her ideas and expertise. 38. Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t done You should say: What it is When your friend did it Explain why you want to do it

(What it is) When it comes to regret, the first thing that flashes into my mind is that I haven’t tried any of the rides in the amusement park. It may sound ridiculous, because everyone seems to enjoy these rides a lot. I have to confess that I used to be as timid as a mouse and, for me, the amusement park was a dangerous place where you can fall out of the roller coaster or be scared to death on one of the heart-stopping rides. (When your friend did it) + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Especially in my last summer vacation with my class in high school, I missed the chance to face my fears. Due to the fact that we were going to attend different universities, we were likely to have few chances to meet each other regularly. Therefore, we decided to take a trip to the beach to spend a last holiday together. It was an unforgettable school trip to Vinpearl Nha Trang, but I didn’t enjoy it with my friends as much as I should have, because I was such a scaredy-cat. After swimming in the turquoise water of the sea and sunbathing, all of my classmates headed to the amusement park and started trying all the amazing attractions, ranging from the roller coaster, the ghost train, the water splash and the Ferris wheel. I was too afraid to try any of them. (Explain why you want to do it) Now, I’m not the timid student any more who stayed in her comfort zone, but I’ve become a more confident and adventurous girl. When looking back on that trip, I feel sorry that I missed out on a lot of fun. If I had tried the rides that day, I would have had a chance to share some great memories with my friends. So, I’m determined to go back to the amusement park next year with my best friend. We’ll have a whale of a time, and I’m going to try all the rides and put my new-found confidence to the test.


Các từ thuộc chủ đề Tourism: to sunbathe Meaning: to sit or lie in the sun, in order to get brown/to get a suntan Example: I don’t like to sunbathe when I go to the beach, so I spend most of the time swimming in the sea.

to have a whale of a time Meaning: to have an exciting or fun time Example: We had a whale of a time when we went to Thailand last year. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


to put something to the test Meaning: to see what someone or something can achieve, to find out how good someone or something is Example: Adventure holidays in the mountains put my survival skills to the test.

Vocabulary: to flash into my mind [expression]: to appear very quickly in my thoughts: lóe lên trong đầu Eg: Sometimes, the memory of the climbing accident when I broke my arm flashes into my mind.

amusement park [noun]: a place with lots of exciting rides: khu vui chơi giải trí Eg: A spectacular new ride has just opened at the amusement park in my city.

roller coaster [noun]: a ride in an amusement park, in which you go up and down at high speed: tàu lượn trên cao Eg: The huge structure of the roller coaster was the first thing that we saw when we approached the amusement park.

to be scared to death [expression]: to be very frightened Eg: While I was watching the horror film, I was scared to death.

heart-stopping [adjective]: so frightening that you think your heart will stop Eg: When the Titanic finally sank into the ocean was the most heart-stopping moment in the film for me.

a scaredy-cat [noun]: a person (usually a child) who is afraid of a lot of things + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: The kids at school called me a scaredy-cat when I was afraid to go in the water when we went for swimming lessons.

to head to [phrasal verb]: to go towards Eg: I wanted to have a healthy lunch, but my friends insisted that we should head to McDonald’s.

ghost train [noun]: carriages that pass on a track through a cave full of ghostly sights and noises: nhà ma Eg: The ghost train entered the tunnel and everything was dark, then we heard a scream.

Ferris wheel [noun]: a very large wheel, which revolves – sometimes fast: đu quay bánh xe Eg: When the Ferris wheel went round quickly, I felt sick.

to stay in one’s comfort zone [expression]: not willing to try anything different or difficult Eg: I am not the type of person who likes to stay in their comfort zone. I always want to take on a new challenge.

39. Describe a game that you played in your childhood.

You should say: What the game is When you played it Who you played with How you feel about the game (What the game is) My childhood imprinted my memory with so much to remember. However, what makes me miss my childhood most is the fashion game that my cousin, her friends and I took part in every weekend. Well, we transformed my cousin’s house into a stage + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


with a curtain and a red carpet, seemingly in vain as the stage turned out a mess all the time. Also, it was sheets and blankets that were an ideal alternative to glowing evening gowns. (When you played it) We held a “fashion show” most Sundays after church and breakfast. During my childhood, a fashion show organized by Aquafina was aired every Sunday on TV, which was a source of inspiration and incentives for us to hold a model show. Also, the fashion shows resulted, more than anything, from the fact that we were all obsessed with decorating and designing clothes for our dolls. (Who you played with) As I’ve mentioned previously, I played the game with my cousins and her friends. We changed our roles each show, with one being the first face to turn up and another one being the vedette who would bring the show to a close. These two persons played the most important roles in the show, and apparently, they would be the most resplendent ones. (How you feel about the game) Until nowEven today, I sometimes think about the shows that we held in the past, and whenever the shows spring my mind, I just split my sides. I feel that I was born in the most beautiful time as we still had to struggle to get by, to some extent, and rack our brain to find a way to entertain ourselves, which made our games even more meaningful. Mean while, most children nowadays who keep their eyes glued to smartphone screens all the time. 1. To imprint someone’s memory with little/much to remember: làm cho ai nhớ/không nhớ nhiều. Example: The period of time that I did volunteer work in Africa imprinted me with a lot to remember. Khoảng thời gian tôi làm tình nguyện ở Châu Phi làm cho tôi nhớ về nó rất nhiều. 2. In vain (adv): không thành công, rất khó khăn. Example: I tried in vain to start a conversation. Tôi rất cố gắng để bắt đầu câu chuyện nhưng không thể. 3. To turn out (phrasal verb): trở nên, thành ra. Example: The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected. Sự thật thành ra lạ lùng hơn là chúng tôi nghĩ. 4. Air (v): phát sóng. Example: The interview with the president will air tomorrow morning.

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Cuộc phỏng vấn với tổng thống sẽ được phát sóng vào sáng mai. 5. A source of inspiration (phrase): nguồn cảm hứng. Example: Asia is a source of inspiration to her. Châu Á là một nguồn cảm hứng của cô ấy. 6. To bring something to a close (phrase): kết thúc. Example: The chairperson brought the meeting to a close. Chủ tịch là người đã kết thúc cuộc họp. 7. Resplendent (adj): rực rỡ. Example: I saw Anna at the other end of the room, resplendent in a red dress. Tôi thấy Anna ở phía cuối phòng, cô ấy rực rỡ trong chiếc đầm màu đỏ. 8. To split someone’s sides (idiom): cười bể bụng. Example: Your jokes are perfect for your speech tonight. You'll have them splitting their sides! Những bản tấu hài của bạn sẽ hoàn hảo cho buổi tối hôm nay. Bạn sẽ làm mọi người cười bể bụng. 9. To rack someone’s brain (phrase): suy nghĩ rất kĩ. Example: I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name. Tôi suy nghĩ rất nhiều cả ngày nhưng mãi cũng không nhớ được tên cô ta. 10. To get by (phrasal verb): sống nghèo khó. Example: How can he get by on so little money? Làm sao anh ấy có thể sống với quá ít tiền? 11. To spring someone’s mind (idiom): đập vào đầu ai đó. Example: Say the word "Australia" and a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind. Mỗi khi ai đó nói về Australia là hình ảnh của biển và đại dương xanh lại đập vô đầu tôi.

40. Describe a complaint you made and you were satisfied with the result.

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You should say: When it happened Who you complained to What you complained about Why you were satisfied with the result (When it happened) As a student who lives far away from home, I am left with no choice but staying with others in the university’s dorm. However, at first, it was not easy for me to get on well with my roommates as I am quite obsessed with hygiene, while others are quite messy. As I was the youngest person in the room, others kept patronising me and made me do all the household chores. Hardly had I found myself being mentally and physically bullied for only a short time before when I started to find my voice. This happened exactly one year ago. (Who you complained to) It was one of my roommates who was a senior of the University of Science that condescended to me as well as lazy the most yet was the laziest among us all. He was a couch potato who could spend a whole day keeping his eyes glued to a screen to play games and never got rid of his wastegarbage, which caused the room to be so untidy and made me raise my voice. (What you complained about) Hardly had II had just caught him littering inside the room in broad daylight when I started to complain. Respectfully, I told him that, while others strived to keep the room clean as we did not have much time to clean the room every single day, he made all our efforts go to waste. Also, another roommate accused him of using his personal stuff without permission. (Why you were satisfied with the result) On hearing our complaints, he gave us an apology and promised to change himself and give others a hand with household chores. At first, I doubted his words, so but it came as a surprise that he shut down his laptop, picked up the broom and promptly swept the floor promptly. Since then, he has tried to stick to the cleaning schedule that we set outup on our first days of staying with each other. 1. Hygiene (n): vệ sinh. Example: Poor standards of hygiene mean that the disease spreads fast. Tiêu chuẩn vệ sinh thấp đồng nghĩa với việc căn bệnh lan nhanh hơn. 2. To patronise = to condescend (v): nói/đối xử kiểu bề trên. Example: Stop patronizing me - I understand the play as well as you do. Dừng kiểu đối xử bề trên với tôi đi – tôi có thể hiểu vở kịch tốt như bạn thôi. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


He treats his players fairly and never condescends to them. Anh ấy đối xử với những người trong team của anh ấy một cách bình đẳng và không bao giờ giở giọng bề trên với họ. 3. To find someone’s voice (phrase): sẵn sàng nói. Example: Witnesses often find their voices when they hear a reward has been offered. Những người chứng kiến thường sẵn sằng nói khi họ nghe sẽ có thưởng. 4. A couch potato (idiom): người lười biếng, coi TV rất nhiều. Example: A person who lives a sedentary lifestyle may colloquially be known as a couch potato. Một người có có lối sống nhàm chán, thụ động hay ở nhà có thể được gọi một cách thông tục là couch potato. 5. Raise someone’s voice (phrase): nói ra ý kiến của mình. Example: Voices were raised in protest at the proposed changes. Những ý kiến đã được cất lên trong cuộc biểu tình đối đầu với lại những thay đổi được đưa ra. 6. To go to waste (idiom): mất hết/bị bác bỏ. Example: So much effort and talent will go to waste if we are forced to drop the film. Rất nhiều cố gắng và tài năng sẽ bị mất nếu chúng ta bị buộc phải bỏ cuốn phim. 7. To come as a/no surprise (idiom): gây bất ngờ/không gây bớt ngờ. If you didn't study for that test at all, your failing grade should come as no surprise. Nếu bạn không học bài, thì việc thi rớt sẽ không bất ngờ xíu nào.

41. Describe a game that you played in your childhood

What was the game & with whom did you play it? When I was about seven years old, I was really into a game called dragon-snake. Seven or eight people would form a line and the last one standing in the line would be the tail. The child at the front of the line would play the doctor and would try to catch the tail. This game was popular among the children in my neighborhood and we played it every weekend. It was exhilarating! + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Who did you play it with? Normally I would gather all my classmates to play the game because we all lived close to each other. Sometimes, students from other classes also joined us, which made the game even more exciting. Almost all of us would compete to be the doctor because it the most desirable. However, I personally preferred to be the tail because it required a great deal of running, which I found thrilling. How did you feel about the game? It was such a great way to strengthen the bonds among us and playing it every weekend was time well spent. Aside from the fun we had, looking back, I realize that we also learned both cooperation and competition, which were useful when applied in other aspects of life. Such traditional games should be promoted and embraced because of their various benefits. Part3: Why do people play different kinds of games when they grow up? This may be for two primary reasons. First, personal preferences change when we age. Adults no longer enjoy childhood games as much as they used to, so choosing other types of entertainment is natural. Additionally, thanks to technological advances, various digital games have become available. They are designed to capture our attention for a long time and have consequently replaced traditional games. Do you think winning is the most important goal while playing games? It depends on the circumstances. If one is competing for an Olympics medal, winning is absolutely a top priority as victory would mark a high point in the athlete’s career and earn national pride. However, games can be used for other purposes such as teaching cooperation or promoting athletic spirit. In such situations, winning should not be prioritized as much. Do parents in your country encourage their children to play games? Many parents encourage their children to play outdoor sports to boost their stamina and make friends, which should be promoted. I think it is critically important for children to engage in physical activities, especially when young people’s addiction to the Internet is increasing. This can help them adopt a balanced lifestyle and prevent health problems such as poor vision or obesity because of sitting around all day. What kinds of games do children play these days? Digital games have caught on with children at an unprecedented speed. This is because smartphones and tablets are available in almost every urban household. In underprivileged + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


areas, however, smart digital devices remain unaffordable and many children still enjoy traditional games. I personally think this is one of their privileges.

Vocabulary: Exhilarating making you feel very excited and happy: I had an exhilarating walk in the park last week.https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/mountains Desirable worth having and wanted by most people: Being a teacher is a highly desirable jobhttps://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/aim. thrilling extremely exciting: The book is a thrilling adventure story. strengthen (our class) bond make a close connection joining two or more people stronger/better Strengthening family bonds can help people live longer. Embraced to accept something with great interest or enthusiasm: He has wholeheartedly embraced life in the new town. a myriad of a lot of I have a myriad of stamp collections in my old house. stamina the physical and/or mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a long time: The triathlon is a great test of stamina. unprecedented ever having happened or existed in the past: This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.

42. Describe a person who helps to protect the environment

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Who this person is One of the most inspiring Millennials to me was Ms. Trang Nguyen, who has been an active campaigner for environmental issues, particularly wildlife conservation. I first found out about her via her viral photo album called “100 little things I do for Earth in 100 days”, which showcased easy-to-follow habits for to help to preserve the environment. The album has raised public awareness about the impacts of our everyday decisions on the environment, and empowered Vietnamese young people to pursue a greener lifestyle. How this person protects the environment Trang has chosen to practice environmental protection via research, which involves long field trips to tropical forests or natural conservation areas. As a result, she has conducted multiple wildlife projects in many parts of the world, including South Africa, Cambodia and Vietnam. Furthermore, she also acts as an ambassador for the United for Wildlife Fund of the British Royal Family. In addition, all the proceeds from her newly published book “Back to the Wild” have been donated to wildlife protection campaigns in Vietnam. What difficulties this person has faced As a female wildlife conservationist, she has encountered a myriad of challenges. Since her work consists of long expeditions to high-risk areas, her problems vary from struggling to staying hygienic and dealing with offenders. She has also met strong opposition from her family when pursuing this highly dangerous path. However, she has managed to overcome all those obstacles thanks to her great passion for environmental protection. How you feel about this person I think Trang is admirable because she dares to realize her dream despite incredible hardship. Her determination and courage have taught me that my actions matter, and I am inspired to keep learning and contributing to a better world. Millennials: a person who was born in the 1980s, 1990s, or early 2000s: Millennials have grown up with the internet. raised public awareness: help spread knowledge and understanding of a particular activity The guidelines are an important tool for raising awareness about the environment. pursue a greener lifestyle: follow a greener lifestyle I decided to pursue a greener lifestyle after learning about the impacts of everyday actions on the environment. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Ambassador: a person who represents a particular organization, group of people, activity, etc. She was an ambassador for our company because she was really caring. Proceeds: the amount of money received from a particular event or activity or when something is sold: The proceeds of today's festival will go to several local charities. a myriad of: a very large number of something: a myriad of choices opposition: strong disagreement: There is a lot of opposition to the proposed changes. PART 3: Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school? Definitely yes. Preserving the environment is of great importance because it ensures the growth of future generations. Therefore, I think it should be incorporated in all school curriculums. In addition, students spend a great deal of time at school. This gives teachers various chances to raise their students’ awareness of environmental issues. How can people protect the environment? There are multiple ways by which we can better protect our environment. Firstly, we can adopt a green lifestyle by using environmentally friendly products to reduce toxic waste accumulation. In addition, wildlife is greatly endangered due to illegal hunting. For example, numerous rhinos have been killed for their horns because of a false belief that they can cure diseases. This problem can be tackled through education and speaking up to prevent such actions. What is the importance of environmental education? In order to pursue sustainable development goals, we must educate students about the environment. This helps raise young people’s awareness of worldwide issues that affect humankind, such as global warming or ecological imbalance. When the connection between human actions and the environment are well understood, students will become more mindful in their everyday decisions. For example, they will consume more green products or promote a green lifestyle. This not only contributes to a cleaner environment but also eventually benefits our society and the future generations’ wellbeing. Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Absolutely. Making environmental protection a compulsory subject means emphasizing the importance of sustainability and showing students that we care about the wellbeing of our children and grandchildren. This will definitely have a strong influence on the young generation as they may be inclined to conserve the environment if it is deemed important.

43. Describe a teenager you know You should say: - Who this teenager is and how you know this teenager - What this teenager likes to do - And how you feel about him/her (Who this teenager is and how you know this teenager) I have a teenage friend in my hometown named Minh Quan. He is the son of my next-door neighbor, and I have known him since he was born. He is 14 years old, but I must say that he is much taller than his peers. (What this teenager likes to do) He is the captain of his school football team and now also plays for the under-16 team representing my hometown. For Minh Quan, football is a genuine passion, in fact, his dream is to become a professional striker in future. Like most teenagers, he does many things that fit the modern stereotype. One example of this is listening to mainstream music. He listens to a lot of American music, although it isn’t his favorite; he plays it so loudly that I can hear it perfectly in my apartment. (And how do you feel about him/her) He is a very energetic and intelligent boy, but he is also little bit lazy and short-tempered. One thing about him that I really love is his dedication to whatever he does. He has always been a perfectionist. He consistently ranks 1st or 2nd in his academic exams at school and is also very good at extracurricular activities like dancing and sports. I guess he is an all-rounder. I love him very much and see him as my younger brother. Although we have almost 10 years’ difference in age, we share a special bond. He views me as his elder sister, so whenever he has any problems he prefers to come to me. He often approaches me to help him with his studies, especially when he has to do certain projects or assignments for school. I really think that he will excel in his life in whatever he does.

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PART 3: TEENAGER How do teenagers treat old people in your country? (Give a direct answer to the question) Well, in my nation, most teenagers, from their early age, are taught to hold the old in considerable respect and behave moderately towards them. (Explain your reason or reasons) The Vietnamese tradition of respecting the elders has long been preserved throughout generations. In fact, elders are considered the carriers of knowledge, tradition and wisdom in the Vietnamese culture. (Give an example (often a personal example)) For example, it is a social norm that the young person must first greet the older person, let the older person sit first and at family meals, elder people will eat first. What’s the difference between teenagers and children? (Give a direct answer to the question) There are certain differences between teenagers and children, and the clearest of which is the age range (Explain your reason or reasons) A teenager, or teen, is a person who falls within the ages of thirteen-nineteen years old while a child is generally anyone between birth and puberty. Therefore, children often lack the capacity to be completely civilized, and do not understand all the rules, of either society or of the physical world. Meanwhile, teenagers usually know the rules of society, despite not fully understanding the reasons behind them, or details about practical life that may apply to their actions. (Give an example (often a personal example)) Understandably, teenagers are asked to take on a lot more responsibility when they are no longer children, given their enhanced awareness. What’s the difference between teenagers and old people? (Give a direct answer to the question) Apparently, the age gap between teenagers and old people has resulted in a stark disparity in terms of life perspectives, their mannerisms or the way that society perceives them. (Explain your reason or reasons) As the aged are emotionally and mentally mature, they handle situations more reasonably as compared to immature, impressionable adolescents. (Give an example) For example, old people usually manage finances with prudence and consideration for the future while teenagers pay little attention even to their daily expenditure. Do you think teenagers today are better than those 30 years ago? (Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, undoubtedly. (Explain your reason or reasons) As a matter of fact, the early interaction with advanced technology has equipped nowadays teenagers with more updated information and greater cognitive ability. (Give an example (often a personal example)) The young are even regarded as tech-savvy, since they can use the computers skillfully, and they also adapt to changes more rapidly than other age groups.

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moderately [adv]: in a way that is neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength: một cách vừa phải, chuẩn mực Eg: They recommended that the drug be prescribed for women at moderately high risk of heart disease. preserve [v]: to keep something as it is, esp. in order to prevent it from decaying or to protect it from being damaged or destroyed: gìn giữ Eg: The committee will suggest ways to preserve historically important buildings in the downtown area. social norm [expression]: the unwritten rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society: chuẩn mực xã hội Eg: To make a good impression on other members of your community, there are social norms that are commonly accepted. puberty [n]: the stage in people's lives when they develop from a child into an adult because of changes in their body that make them able to have children: tuổi dậy thì Eg: At puberty, pubic hair develops and girls begin to menstruate. capacity [n]: the ability to do something in particular: năng lực, khả năng Eg: Most people have little capacity for creativity in solving problems at work. civilized [adj]: If a person or their behaviour is civilized, they are polite and behave in a calm and reasonable way: văn minh, lịch sự Eg: Linda is a civilized, well-educated girl. mannerism [n]: something that a person does repeatedly with their face, hands, or voice, and that they may not realize they are doing: kiểu cách Eg: We've spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms. perceive [v]: to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something: cảm nhận Eg: Women's magazines are often perceived to be superficial.

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impressionable [adj]: easily influenced by other people, especially because you are young: cả tin, dễ bị ảnh hưởng Eg: He's at that impressionable age when he's very easily led by other children. prudence [n]: the state of being careful in the way you make decisions or spend money so that you avoid unnecessary risks: sự thận trọng Eg: The challenge we are trying to meet is balancing financial prudence with the need for success. cognitive [adj]: connected with thinking or conscious mental processes: thuộc về nhận thức Eg: Some of her cognitive functions have been impaired. tech-savvy [adj]: knowing a lot about modern technology, especially computers: hiểu biết công nghệ Eg: The state needs more tech-savvy workers for its hi-tech industries.

44. Describe something given to you that you really needed You should say: - What it is - Who gave it to you - And how you felt about it (What it is) On my 18th birthday, I was gifted with a Dell laptop, and ever since it has been indispensable to me. I received it about a year ago, and the laptop is still in good shape. I had very basic knowledge in computers, but after I got my laptop, I acquired a wider range of knowledge and skills. The laptop is black and thin with a 16-inch display, and it weighs less than a kilo. I usually spend 2-3 hours daily on my laptop, and it has been very helpful for me to learn graphic design and the AutoCAD software I am currently working on. (Who gave it to you) The laptop was from my parents, so it is really special to me. Recognizing my passion for computers, they set aside money and bought it for me when I turned 18. Because they did not know much about technology, they did a lot of research to find the best laptop for my needs. I + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


still remember the feeling of receiving this meaningful present, which filled me with surprise and gratitude. (And how you felt about it) This gift is very important for me. In today’s world, knowledge of computing and the related skills are really vital, and that’s why it has been a valuable gift for me. Moreover, the laptop has been quite handy. I can search the Internet, get help with my studies, and learn lots of new things. On the Internet I can communicate with my friends and relatives easily. Needless to say, the laptop also helps me a lot with my higher studies as well as the career I am pursuing, which is computer engineering. I think this will still be a very useful device for many years to come. PART 3:


Why do people buy things that are not necessary? (Give a direct answer to the question) We buy things with the hope that possessing certain things will fulfill us, and for a short time they really do, but the novelty wears off quickly, and then we are on to the next thing. (Explain your reason or reasons) Some consumers are also trying to display their wealth and financial success by buying and showing off expensive things. Under the influence of marketing companies, few people are sensible enough to withstand the temptation to purchase things. (Give an example (often a personal example)) For example, people who buy clothes they don’t wear tend to focus on how much money they saved rather than what it cost. Is consumption important to a country? (Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, undoubtedly. (Explain your reason or reasons) In this day and age, consumption plays an important role in the determination of income, output and employment in a country. (Give an example (often a personal example)) In fact, the main reason for every productive activity is that people consume goods and production is done for consumption, which constitute economic activities. Minimum wage and the imposition of taxes are determined by the government considering the consumption requirements of the public. Besides, businesses use consumer spending data in their supply and demand economic calculations. Supply and demand helps businesses produce goods or services at the most favorable consumer price points. What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have? (Give a direct answer to the question) First and foremost, I think parents should try to take their children’s demand into consideration. (Explain your reason or reasons) It is important to figure out whether the child really needs something or is just simply pestering, luring softhearted moms and dads to buy them what their friends have. (Give an example (often a + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


personal example)) For example, when kids are envious of the trendy bags female peers have, they can ask for things that are unreasonably expensive, and once they get what they want, the desire for the item disappears. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Another approach parents could adopt is to teach children financial management skills to save money for things they want. What things do young people like to buy? (Give a direct answer to the question) What young people want to buy is dependent on their cultural environment and perspectives on materialism. (Explain your reason or reasons) I would say the majority of fancy technological devices such as phones and laptops to be constantly updated. Another expense among the young is food, especially fast food. (Explain the opposite or alternative) For others, especially girls, accessories, cosmetics, and clothing hold endless appeal, which reflects the increasing popularity of beauty industry.

45. Describe a language you want to learn (not English) You should say: - What it is - How you would learn it and where you would learn it - And why you want to learn the language (What it is) I’ve always been eager to learn French. It is spoken as a first language in France; the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Ontario, and New Brunswick; and other francophone regions like Belgium, western Switzerland, Monaco, parts of the United States, and various communities elsewhere. French has a long history as an international language of literature and science and is a primary language for many international organizations including the United Nations, the European Union, and NATO. (How you would learn it and where you would learn it) I would take a 6-month language course at a local university, which would hopefully give me a good grip on the basics of the language. After that, I will take advantage of online resources to further enhance my skills. Besides, I will hopefully also find some friends from the language course who could help me to practice the language even after the course is over. These are my plans to master the language, but I am sure that over the course of time, I will be able to devise more intuitive ways of becoming proficient at the language as well. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


(And why you want to learn the language) On the one hand, I am really into the idea of travelling to France because it boasts a diverse range of literature, architecture, fashion, and cooking. A strong command of French will equip me with the necessary linguistic capacity to engage with native speakers. Plus, I have seen a lot of interesting French movies, which is another compelling reason to learn their language. Unsurprisingly, France is world-renowned for its romanticism.

PART 3: LANGUAGE What are the difficulties of learning a new language? (Give a direct answer to the question) Well, there are different challenges for different people and for different languages. (Explain your reason or reasons) For the language itself, grammar may baffle many learners, while others can’s pick up the pronunciation and struggle to memorize vocabulary. (Give an example (often a personal example)) For example, there are languages with totally different phonologies, and people who are not used to tones will even lose heart. Alphabets can be challenging, especially the complicated ones like Kanji or Tibetan. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Besides, other obstacles like the lack of time and resources generally present themselves during the learning process. What can people do to learn a second language? (Give a direct answer to the question) There are many approaches and methods for people of different levels (Explain your reason or reasons) Beginner learners should decide on a simple, attainable goal to start with so that you don’t feel overwhelmed, like picking up 50 words of a language and start using them on people on a daily basis. After then, learners should dive deeper into effective methods and materials, which suit their linguistic ability and learning styles. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Personally, learning a language also requires one to immerse himself in the language and apply it in real life to get the best results. What’s the best way to learn a new language? (Give a direct answer to the question) Well, the answer varies from person to person. (Explain your reason or reasons) For me, the best way is repetition. Starting with basic sentences and grammar would be a good base. Afterwards, try to expose yourself to the language according to your hobbies and interests. (Give an example (often a personal example)) Watching movies with subtitles, reading books on your favorite topics or listening to music are classic examples. In my case, I’m interested in history and my favorite show is Friends, so I searched for a Spanish podcast and am currently watching season 5 with Spanish subtitles. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Is it popular to learn English in your country? (Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, undoubtedly. (Explain your reason or reasons) As a matter of fact, millions of Vietnamese people, irrespective of age, are engaged in the learning of this language, which is made easier through advanced technology and the interaction with foreign visitors. (Give an example (often a personal example)) People in my country learn English out of academic, diplomatic, commercial or other practical considerations because it is the preferred language when communicating with most foreigners.


baffle [v]: to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something: làm lạc hướng Eg: She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour. phonology [ n]: the study of sounds in a particular language or in languages generally: âm vị học Eg: His early research established the linguistic subfield of metrical phonology. complicated [adj]: involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to understand: phức tạp Eg: The rules are rather complicated to follow. obstacle [n]: something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is prevented or made more difficult: chướng ngại Eg: The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road. attainable [adj]: possible to achieve: có thể đạt được Eg: We must ensure that we do not set ourselves goals that are not attainable. overwhelm [v]: to be too much to deal with: làm choáng ngợp Eg: The number of refugees overwhelmed the relief agencies in the area. linguistic [adj]: connected with language or the study of language: thuộc về ngôn ngữ Eg: I'm particularly interested in the linguistic development of young children. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


repetition [n]: the act of doing or saying something again: sự lặp lại Eg: The job involved the endless repetition of two or three simple tasks. expose [v]: to create conditions that allow someone to have the opportunity to learn or experience new things: tiếp xúc Eg: Kate was exposed to new ideas when she went to college. irrespective of [expression]: without considering; not needing to allow for: không màng đến, không kể đến Eg: The rules apply to everyone, irrespective of how long they have been with the company. diplomatic [adj]: involving diplomats or the management of the relationships between countries: ngoại giao Eg: All diplomatic attempts at a peaceful solution to the crisis have been fruitless. consideration [n]: a particular subject or fact that needs to be thought about when judging something: xự xem xét Eg: There are serious considerations to make, and they will no doubt come into contact with our very words, feelings - and thoughts tonight.

46. Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it is easy for you (Tham khảo bài: Describe a place where you can read and write|) You should say · Where the place is · How you know this place · What you do there · And explain why you think it is a good place for reading and writing Answer (where the place is)

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I’m going to describe a coffee shop called Tranquil, where I often spend my time engrossed in reading and writing. It’s actually quite a long way from my house, but that doesn’t put me off visiting there again and again. (how you know this place) This coffee shop came highly recommended by one of my friends, a writer. She loves cosy places which possess real character, in which she can spend hours writing film scripts, and this is one of her favourite haunts. She took me there about three months ago, and I fell in love with it at first sight. It is a romantic old spot with wooden tables, vintage book desks, and beautiful windows, all works of traditional craftsmanship.. Each floor has separate areas, and I felt like I was lost in a wonderland, with many seats specially situated to offer beautiful views through various windows. (what you do there) As a freelancer, I visit Tranquil frequently to read over my documents and do my online jobs. Sometimes, I even come across some fascinating reading matter on their desks, because there are a large number of books and documents donated to this coffee shop by loyal customers and book lovers. So, I broaden my literary horizons in some unexpected directions. I have also joined a literary appreciation circle there, which meets every month to discuss books which we have all read. (and explain why you think it is a good place for reading and writing) I have to admit that, though I’m hard to please, I’m always satisfied when I go there, secure in the knowledge of a pleasurable visit . Not only is its design uniquely relaxing, but Tranquil’s service is second to none. You always get good, consistently delicious food at Tranquil, whether you have lunch or just morning coffee or afternoon tea. The atmosphere is warm and homely with gentle music and quiet people, which suits bookworms like me down to the ground. Từ vựng chủ đề Reading: 1. to be engrossed in Meaning: to be completely focused on something Example: A good work-life balance is important, because if people are too engrossed in their work, their family life may suffer. 2. to come highly recommended + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Meaning: to be praised enthusiastically by one or more people Example: Books by classic authors always come highly recommended, but works by talented young writers should not be overlooked. 3. to read over Meaning: to read something carefully from beginning to end to look for mistakes or to check details Example: Attention to detail is important in many jobs, so the practice of reading over one’s written work should be taught at school and university. 4. to broaden one’s literary horizons Meaning: to extend the limit of your knowledge or interests by reading widely Example: Schools should broaden the literary horizons of students by encouraging them to read in class and at home. 5. literary appreciation Meaning: pleasure that you have when you recognise and enjoy the qualities of a good piece of writing Example: Children develop literary appreciation if they are encouraged by parents and teachers to love reading. 6. secure in the knowledge Meaning: not worried because you are sure that nothing bad will happen Example: Students who work hard throughout the year will be confident when they take exams, secure in the knowledge that they are well-prepared. Từ vựng chủ đề Traditional vs Modern: 1. to possess character Meaning: to have an interesting or unusual quality Example: Whereas most modern buildings look the same, the architecture that survives from the past possesses real character. 2. works of craftsmanship Meaning: objects made by people who are very skilled at making things by hand Example: The museums of every city are full of beautiful works of craftsmanship made by skilled workers in past centuries. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Vocabulary 1. Put off [phrasal verb] Meaning: to cause someone to lose interest or enthusiasm Example: She wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of night shifts put her off. 2. Cosy [adjective] Meaning: comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of being small and warm Example: It's much better to have a small cosy room than a big cold one. 3. Haunt [noun] Meaning: a place that somebody often visits or where they spend a lot of time. Example: This bar is one of the favourite haunts of staff from the college nearby. 4. Spot [noun] Meaning: a particular area or place Example: She always sits in the same spot in the library, near the window so that she can look out over the gardens. 5. Freelancer [noun] Meaning: someone who works on different projects with different companies instead of being a company employee Example: He started off his career working as a freelancer with several design firms. 6. Come across [phrasal verb] Meaning: to meet or find somebody/something by chance Example: I came across some interesting old photos while I was looking through the drawers of my desk. 7. Pleasurable [adjective] Meaning: giving pleasure Example: A visit to the Tower of London is a very pleasurable experience, because the Tower has a real feeling of history. 8. Second to none [expression] Meaning: as good as or better than all others Example: The delicious Thai food in this restaurant is second to none. 9. Homely [adjective] Meaning: plain or ordinary, but pleasant + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: The hotel is homely and comfortable rather than luxurious. 10. Down to the ground [expression] Meaning: if something suits you down to the ground, it suits you perfectly because it is convenient or the best option for you Example: As he has classes in the morning and afternoon, his part-time job in the evenings suits him down to the ground. PART3: 1. What are the differences between learning face-to-face with teachers and learning by yourself? I am going to talk about the most important difference. It is apparent that learning face-to-face boosts the interaction between teachers and students, creating a dynamic environment and helping to sharpen students’ skills while learning without a teacher boosts students’ independence in their studies as well as reminds them of the importance of self-learning. 2. Do you like learning on your own or with others? As an effervescent person, I love to work and study with others because of 2 reasons. First, this creates competitiveness among the group and boosts the learning spirit, which will help us to improve our performance. Second, my friends can help me with subjects at which I am horrible and vice versa. 3. Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places? For deepest concentration, I always study at home, especially in exam season. There should be no distracting factors such as music, messages or noises when I study otherwise I cannot learn anything whatsoever. That’s the reason why I do not find it productive to learn in public places. 1. To boost (v): đẩy mạnh. Example: The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. Rạp phim cố gắng đẩy mạnh số lượng khách bằng cách giảm giá vé. 2. Dynamic (adj): năng động. Example: We need a dynamic expansion of trade with other countries. Chúng tôi cần sự mở rộng năng động trong ngoại thương với các nước. 3. To sharpen a skill (phrase): rèn luyện kĩ năng. Example: She attends regular training weekends to sharpen her skills. Cô ấy đi đến lớp training mỗi cuối tuần để rèn luyện kĩ năng của mình. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


4. Vice versa (adv): ngược lại. Example: He doesn't trust her, and vice versa (= she also doesn't trust him). Anh ấy không tin tưởng cô ấy, và ngược lại (cô ấy cũng không tin tưởng anh ấy) 5. Effervescent (adj): năng động/sôi nổi. Example: She's one of those effervescent personalities that you often see hosting TV game shows. Cô ấy là một trong những tính cách sôi nổi mà bạn hay thấy dẫn các game shows trên TV. 6. Whatsoever = at all (adv): không một xíu nào. Example: He has no respect for authority whatsoever. Anh ấy không tôn trọng chính quyền một xíu nào.

47. Describe an interesting person you would like to meet Who this person is & What this person does Ellen Degeneres is one of the most well-known and inspirational talk show hosts in the world. Since the first time I saw her comedy show on Youtube, I have always dreamt of seeing her in person. Why do you think this person is interesting? Ellen is undoubtedly one of the most hilarious celebrities. Watching her hysterical interviews with other public figures helps me put my feet up after long hours studying/working. Therefore, I always recommend her show to my friends who need a good break to reduce their stress level. Another of Ellen’s attributes that makes her admirable is her courage. She confessed being gay on a TV show despite the risk of losing her job, and it did happen in fact. However, she managed to overcome all the hatred and thrived to become a millionaire. Her act did not only support the LGBT-Q community, but it also promoted authenticity and self-love. Last but not least, Ellen has inspired me with her kindness. Using her influential platform, she has supported thousands of people from underprivileged groups by raising funds or drawing public attention to their stories. Her mantra “Be kind to one another”, which is repeated at the end of every single show has encouraged benevolence in our society. What do you want to do with this person?

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A particular show of hers that was really funny to me was when she went to the mall with former US First Lady Michelle Obama. They seemed to have such a good time, so I think going to the mall with Ellen would be one thing on my bucket list. Apart from this, I also want to travel with her to a wildlife conservation area. She has been an active campaigner in raising awareness of animal-related issues. As a result, I would be able to learn a lot from her stories and broaden my perspective. Hysterical: extremely funny: His last showhttps://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/film was hysterical. public figure: a famous person I had informal conversations with black and white public figures about racial topics. put sb’s feet up= to relax You deserve to put your feet up after a long hard week. Attribute: a quality or characteristic that someone or something has What are the personal attributes needed for a good leaderhttps://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/success? Authenticity: the quality of being real or true: Authenticity is needed in forming and keeping healthy relationships. Underprivileged: without the money, possessions, education, opportunities, etc. that the average person has: Children from an underprivileged family background have to be given more attention from teachers. Benevolence: the quality of being kind and helpful His benevolence has inspired us greatly. bucket list: a list of the things that a person would like to do or achieve before they die: I have so many things on my bucket list yet to do. PART 3:

Do people feel safe in China?

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Somewhat no, I have to say. Numerous kidnapping incidents involving Chinese traffickers have been revealed by the media, which has raised public concerns about the safety of China. However, as long as we are aware of potential risks and understand the country in various aspects, we can adopt a more positive attitude. In fact, many travelers in Vietnam still opt for China as their destination because of its spectacular sceneries and interesting culture. Do you have many friends in your community? Yes, I have a lot of friends my age that I can count on whenever I encounter difficulties. They are considerate and helpful, which often helps brighten up my day. Apart from that, I also have senior friends who usually give me good advice on my career and relationship management. I am really grateful for all of them. How do technology help on the relationship between people? Technology supports our relationships with others in various ways. First and foremost, longdistance connections have been possible thanks to a myriad of applications on smartphones or laptops, such as Skype or Google Hangouts. Secondly, platforms such as YouTube and Facebook Groups allow people with mutual interests to get to know each other and share experiences. Lastly, modern technology enables us to more easily and effectively reach out to people compared to the past. This is particularly helpful in emergencies or when we need experts’ advice. 48. Describe a magazine you enjoy reading. You should say: What it is How often you read it What you learn from it Why you like it (What it is) To be honest, I am usually engrossed in reading in my spare time, so much that I buy not only books but also newspapers and magazines to read almost every day. I am going to describe my favorite fashion magazine named “Elle”. I have been enjoying it for 2 years or so. It is not a long period of time, but I have never missed any of its issues. (How often you read it) + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


It is a popular magazine which is published monthly in Vietnam. Therefore, I order Elle every month and read each issue over and over again. I start to read this magazine as soon as it is delivered to my home, and then I read it through again later at my leisure at the weekend. (What you learn from it) I enjoy reading up on new information about lifestyle and on-trend fashion all over the world. As a shopaholic, I find that it helps me a lot in catching up with the latest hot trends. I can learn from the magazine and then change my style to be more fashionable and elegant. Besides that, this magazine also runs stories about celebrities and famous fashion brands. This provides me with a source of material that is useful for my major in Fashion Design. (Why you like it) Although there are several other attractive magazines, Elle is still my preferred cup of tea since it has some useful contents and eye-catching images, which tend to stick in my mind. For me in particular, and women in general, its beauty column is absolutely amazing with information about best- selling cosmetic products, beauty tips and various make-up styles. Moreover, I am fond of this magazine because it offers advice for women on romance and love life. I also find that it is funny to read the horoscope column and find out what the stars predict for the month ahead. I really enjoy it.

Vocabulary: Các từ thuộc chủ đề Reading: 1. be engrossed in Meaning: to be completely focused on something Example: A good work-life balance is important, because if people are too engrossed in their work, their family life may suffer.

2. read up on Meaning: to find information in a book or other written source about something + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Example: When deciding which university course to study, it is essential to read up on all the available information before making your choice.

3. run a story Meaning: to print an article about something or somebody Example: The media nowadays runs many stories about environmental problems.

4. stick in your mind Meaning: (of a memory or an image) to remember for a long time Example: The memory of my first day at university still sticks in my mind. Vocabulary: 

issue [noun]: a publication of a magazine or newspaper that appears at regular intervals (eg. each day/each month) ấn phẩm. Eg: The January issue of Elle will contain some special articles on sports fashions.

published monthly [expression]: appearing as a new issue every month. xuất bản hàng tháng. Eg: Like the majority of magazines, Elle is published monthly.

over and over again [expression]: many times; repeatedly. lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần Eg: The story of the earthquake was repeated over and over again on the news yesterday.

lifestyle [noun]: the way that a person lives and the activities they do. phong cách Eg: He dreams of a lifestyle of fast cars, celebrity status, and lots of money.

on-trend fashion [expression]: styles which are popular and fashionable at the moment. xu hướng thời trang. Eg: Designers in Italy dictate the on-trend fashions for clothes in Europe.

shopaholic [noun]: a person who is always shopping (too much). người nghiện mua sắm Eg: I’m not a shopaholic, but I sometimes spend hours in bookshops.

catch up with [phrasal verb]: to find out all the latest information about something. theo kịp

Eg: I phoned John today, to catch up

with the news about his holiday in Thailand. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


be my cup of tea [expression] =be my favorite. Eg: I have never liked romantic films – they’re not my cup of tea.

eye-catching image [expression]: a picture/photo or scene which captures your attention. hình ảnh bắt mắt. Eg: The new advert for Nike has an eye-catching image of famous sportspeople all wearing Nike clothes.

beauty tip [noun]: a short piece of advice on how to look more beautiful. mẹo làm đẹp Eg: I read a useful beauty tip today, suggested by a famous model.

Part 3: Do you think headlines are important? (Give direct answer to the question) Yes, I think that headlines are absolutely essential. (Explain your reasons) In this busy world, people have to decide instantly whether something is worth their time or not. Therefore, it is the headline’s job to entice readers and capture their attention so that they ignore all other distractions and read the article to find out more. (Give an example) I, for instance, was attracted by the headline “Reading kills your future” at first sight so I made a decision to read this news item immediately. (Explain the opposite or alternative) If writers do not pay attention to the headline, their writing will be ignored even though its content leaves a thoughtful message or gives useful information.

Vocabulary: 

It is something’s job to V: đây là nhiệm vụ của…để… Example: it is my job to raise funds for the mountain children.

Capture attention: thu hút sự chú ý Example: the painting captured my attention at first glimpse.

Distraction: sự phân tâm Example: he found music a distraction when he was learning.

Leave message: truyền tải thông điệp Example: the video left a message on all youngsters.

Entice: thu hút, lôi kéo Example: I was enticed by colorful snacks.

Which is more important: fashionable or advertising news? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


(Give direct answer to the question) In my opinion, advertising news is more important than the fashionable one. (Explain your reasons) Advertising new plays an integral role in promoting product consumption of all brands while fashion news may be attractive but forgotten soon. The creativity of advertising grabs attention and leaves an impression in people's minds. Thus, it will work more effectively than a fashion news . (Give an example) Every Sunday, I shop at the local supermarket. I recognize that all the goods that I pick up appear in o advertising that I have seen on the internet or TV. Vocabulary: 

Promote product consumption: thúc đẩy tiêu thụ sản phẩm Example: the new shampoo package promotes its product consumption.

Grab attention: thu hút Example: her blue eyes grabbed my attention.

Leave an impression: để lại ấn tượng Example: the singer’s beautiful voice left an impression on methat I will never forget her.

Pick up: cầm lên Example: my brother picked up a pair of white shoes after considering it for half an hour.

Do you think the government has the right to censor magazines? (Give direct answer to the question) No, I completely believe that the government should not have the right to censor magazines. (Explain your reasons) Censorship prevents people from gaining access to information that shouldn’t really be restricted or kept out of bounds. The spread and sharing of information would be stifled. (Give an example) Let’s imagine that we have to read an article that is controlled by the government, which means it is only the news that government allows us to know. (Explain the opposite or alternative) When the media like magazines is censored, it can easily lead to public manipulation. Vocabulary: 

Gain access to something: tiếp cận cái gì Example: in modern life, people can easily gain access to the internet.

Be kept out of bounds: kiểm soát Example: the information about this corruption case was kept out of bounds.

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Public manipulation: sự thao túng dư luận Example: Public manipulation should be prevented during the election.

To be stifled: ngột ngạt, gò bó Example: the street was stifled by the fumes.

Do you think everything we read on the magazines is true? (Give direct answer to the question) No, I do not believe that everything in magazines is accurate. (Explain your reasons) Since all magazine articles are tproduced for people, it is more likely to be the personal comment of the author on the topic rather than the truth. (Give an example) Let’s take a column of a star’s life on Đẹp Magazine as an example. The journalist wrote about the ups and downs of Marilyn Monroe from her viewpoint but the article was controversial because Marilyn Monroe passed away years ago and the information could not be checked. (Explain the opposite or alternative) If we completely believe in magazines, we may be gainingfalse information that the authors give on the topics outside their scope of expertise. Vocabulary: 

To be likely to V: có khả năng… Example: a flood is likely to occur this weekend.

Comment on something: ý kiến về việc gì, cái gì Example: her praising comment on my writing made my day.

Take something as an example: lấy cái gì, việc gì làm ví dụ Example: I would like to take the eye disease as an example of the bad impacts of the overuse of mobile phones.

Ups and downs: thăng trầm Example: the ups and downs of President Ho Chi Minh were the subject of many documentaries.

Pass away: qua đời Example: my grandmother passed away when I was a kid.

Outside the scope of expertise: ngoài phạm vi chuyên môn Example: I cannot put forward my solution to this problem because it is outside my scope of expertise.

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49. Describe something you own that you want to replace You should say: - What it is - When you had it and how you got it - And explain why you want to replace it (What it is) Well, I’m quite into shopping, especially when it comes to clothes and household goods. I have a never-ending list of things that I wish to replace and among them, the one that springs to mind first is my washing machine. The washing machine was made in Japan by a popular brand name and it has been in use for about 8 years now. (When you had it and how you got it) The washing machine was a present from a group of friends when I moved to a new house 8 years ago. They told me that at first they were going to buy a television, but on second thoughts, a washing machine was more practical. At that time, this was such a valuable gift and was actually one of the most expensive, if not extravagant things in my house. The machine has relieved much of my housework, but as time goes by, I start to feel the need to replace it with a new one. (And explain why you want to replace it) For one thing, this washing machine has now become a bit obsolete because some operations have to be done by hand, so and I am planning to buy a more up-to-date model that is fully automatic. The pile of laundry that needs washing has increased dramatically over the years, and it has become cumbersome for me to do all my washing using my old machine. I need a modern labour-saving appliance, because I have to take the trouble to take all the dresses on the roof top and dry them out in the sunshine. The rainy season sometimes make it very difficult and that’s why I am planning to replace my old washing machine with a new one that will dry my stuff automatically as well. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Vocabulary: Các từ thuộc chủ đề Technology: 1. to become obsolete Meaning: to be no longer used because something new has been invented. Example: Technological innovation is now so rapid that even the latest electronic devices soon become obsolete. 2. a labour-saving appliance Meaning: a machine that reduces the amount of work or effort needed to do something. Example: The technological revolution in the home started with the introduction of labour-saving appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers and microwave ovens.

Vocabulary: 

when it comes to [expression]: as for something; speaking about something khi xét đến, nhắc đến cái gì

Eg: When it comes to fishing, John is an expert.

never-ending [adjective]: having or likely to have no end: không kết thúc

Eg: Children are a never-ending burden on parents.

to spring to mind [expression]: to come quickly into your mind: hiện ra trong tâm trí

Eg: Say the word "Australia" and a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind.

on second thoughts [expression]: used when you want to change a decision you have made: không thể thiếu được

Eg: Can I have a cup of coffee, please? - actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.

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extravagant [adjective]: extreme and unreasonable: đắt đỏ, xa xỉ

Eg: The product does not live up to the extravagant claims of the advertisers.

to relieve [verb]: to provide relief for a bad situation or for people in need: làm dịu đi, bớt đi

Eg: Wealthy countries offered emergency food aid to help relieve the famine.

as time goes by [expression]: when time passes: khi thời gian trôi qua

Eg: As time goes by, he will forever be one of the greatest artists in my heart.

up-to-date [adjective]: modern, fashionable

Eg: You can find the most up-to-date fashions in Paris.

laundry [noun]: clothes, sheets, towels etc that need to be washed or which have recently been washed

Eg: There is always a lot of extra laundry to do when my sister’s family come to stay at our house.

cumbersome [adjective]: difficult to do or manage and taking a lot of time and effort: nhọn nhằn, khó khăn

Eg: Critics say that the process for amending the Constitution is cumbersome, but others defend it.

to take the trouble to do sth [expression]: to make an effort to do something (that one might not otherwise do): cố gắng vượt qua

Eg: I wish I had taken the trouble to study this matter more ca + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


50. Describe a sport that you like to watch and want to try for the first time. You should say: What sport it is Where and when you first watched it Who you watched it with Explain why you like it. (What sport it is) Tennis used to be regarded as a sport for the wealthy and aristocratic individuals in Europe, especially in the U.K., where a tournament called The Championships originated. It is the oldest and most prestigious tennis tournament in the world, held annually in Wimbledon, London. However, as the costs of becoming involved with tennis have come down, the sport has become more accessible to and increasingly popular with the general public. (Where and when you first watched it) It just so happens that the first tennis tournament I watched was The Championships in 2012, when I was a grade-7 boy who had no clue what he was watching on TV. It is my cousin who made the rules clear to me, which helped me work out how the match was played and led me to fall in love with the sport. In the Wimbledon tournament, all of the competitors are required to wear white outfits and there are no billboards or banners around the courts. The Brits call the type of tennis played on grass “lawn tennis” and The Championships, a grass tournament, is held it high national esteem. (Who you watched it with) As mentioned previously, I first watched tennis with my cousin, who laid the foundation for my love for tennis. She is one of the best tennis partners I have ever met, although neither of us are able to engage in the sport as much as we’d like due to a lack of funds. Despite this, we usually watch the high-profile tournaments in which our favourite players participate, sharing our love of the sport after a long day at work. (Explain why you like it) It difficult for me articulate the reasons why I love it, but I will try my best. First of all, tennis players, like football stars, are eye-catching! This is, apparently, one of the more common reasons for girls to find a love for a sport: not only do we love tennis, but we also love tennis players. Secondly, tennis, until now, is a sport for those who have a strong financial background and it is common knowledge that one’s financial background corresponds with one’s education; most tennis players are thus well-educated and know how to behave themselves. Last, but not least, tennis also makes a contribution, albeit to a very small extent, to the improvement of my English proficiency due to that fact I that read about it in English. 1. aristocrat (n): giới quý tộc. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Many aristocrats were killed in the French Revolution. Rất nhiều giới quý tộc đã bị xử tử trong cuộc Cách Mạng Pháp.

2. prestigious (a): uy tín. a prestigious university một trường đại học uy tín . 3. the general public (n): công chúng. This is a matter of great concern to the general public. Đây là một vấn đề gây nhiều lo lắng trong giới công chúng. 4. It just so happens that: dùng để nói một việc nào đó có thật và mang tính bất ngờ. It just so happens that I have a bike I can lend you. Khá là bất ngờ là tôi có một chiếc xe và có thể cho bạn mượn. 5. Make something clear to somebody: làm rõ cái gì đó đến ai đó. I want to make it clear to you, so ask questions if you want. Tôi muốn làm rõ vấn đề này với bạn, vì thế cứ hỏi nếu bạn thắc mắc. 6. Billboard (n): biển quảng cáo. At the entrance to Golden Gate Park stands a billboard, twenty feet high and a hundred feet long. Có một biển quảng cáo rất to ở ngay lối vào công viên Cổng Vàng, 20 feet cao và 100 feet dài. 7. Lay the foundation(s) of/for something: đặt nền móng cho cái gì đó. He helped to lay the foundations of English drama. Ông ấy đã đặt nền tảng cho nền nhạc kịch nước Anh. 8. Correspond with (v): liên kết với. Students’ performance at PISA usually corresponds with their country’s GDP. Kết quả của các học sinh tại cuộc thi PISA thường liên kết với GDP quốc gia của thí sinh.

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51. Describe a competition (talent show, etc) you would like to take part in You should say: - What the competition is - Where you can take part in it - Who won it before - And what you think about it

(What the competition is) I’d like to share my dream with you, which is to win Britain’s Got Talent. It’s been my ambition since I was a little boy. Britain’s Got Talent is the original version of this kind of show all over the world, and was started by one of the judges of the show named Simon Cowell. The first programme was broadcast on TV in 2007 and it’s gone viral in other countries across the globe in recent years. I stumbled upon a group called “Attraction” who performed shadow puppet theatre in 2013 and have fallen in love with the group and the show ever since. (Where you can take part in it) On hearing the name of the show, everyone will know where it takes place. Britain’s Got Talent is held annually in the U.K including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. However, there is no limit based on your nationality, which means that people from any country are eligible to participate in the show, not only the British. The audition round takes place in some big cities in the UK like London, Manchester, and Edinburgh. Personally, I would like to go along to the auditions in London, ‘cause it’s probably the most exciting venue. (Who won it before) I have already mentioned a group called ‘Attraction’. Not many people expected foreigners to come first in a show which consisted of more than 90% of native British people. Although Attraction were outstanding, they were not expected to actually win. However, these Hungarian + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


nationals blew the British away with their final performance in which they staged a great act about the British Monarchy and British culture. As a result, they became champions in that year. (And what you think about it) I really love the programme as it is one of the most prestigious and entertaining shows in the world. Also, the show is able to attract lots of people from different backgrounds and nationalities to take part. I really admire Simon Cowell due to his great efforts to make the show worth watching every single year.

Vocabulary: Các từ thuộc chủ đề Technology: 1. to go viral (expression): to become very popular on the internet: phổ biến / lan rộng. Eg: Pictures of the volcano went viral just a few seconds after it erupted, and they were seen by millions of people online.

Vocabulary: 

to broadcast (verb): to send out programmes on the TV or radio: phát sóng.

Eg: The clash between Vietnam and Uzbekistan was broadcast all over the world. Trận đấu giữa Việt Nam và Uzbekistan được phát sóng trên toàn thế giới. 

all over the world / across the globe: everywhere in the world: trên toàn thế giới.

Example: Albert Einstein is well-known all over the world / across the globe. Albert Einstein nổi tiếng trên toàn thế giới.

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to stumble upon (phrasal verb): to discover something unexpectedly: vô tình gặp cái gì đó.

Eg: I have stumbled upon a good book and I just cannot put it down now. Tôi vừa mới thấy một cuốn sách hay và không thể ngừng đọc nó. 

shadow puppet theatre (noun): a form of theatre using models that move, so that we see only the shadows behind a curtain or screen: múa bóng.

Eg: Attraction are a shadow puppet theatre group who always present a great show. Attraction là một nhóm múa bóng. 

to take place (verb): to happen, especially after being arranged or planned: diễn ra.

Eg: The presidential election of the USA takes place every 4 years. Cứ bốn năm thì cuộc bầu cử tổng thống Mỹ diễn ra một lần. 

to be eligible (expression): to be able to do or to have something, because you have the necessary qualifications: đủ điều kiện.

Eg: Those who are committed for trial or who are in prison are not eligible to vote. Những người đang bị tòa án xét xử hoặc đang bị bỏ tù không đủ điều kiện để bầu cử. 

to go along to the auditions (expression): to go to a short performance at which people are judged on their talents: tham gia vòng casting.

Eg: Why don’t you go along to the auditions for the school play? You are a good actor. Tại sao bạn không tham gia casting vào đội kịch của trường? Bạn diễn rất tốt mà. 

outstanding (adjective): excellent, very good: vượt trội.

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Eg: John is an outstanding student. He receives a scholarship every month. John là một học sinh rất giỏi / vượt trội. Bạn ấy nhận học bổng mỗi tháng. 

national (noun): a citizen of a particular country: người có quốc tịch gì đó.

Eg: Vietnamese nationals can go to other ASEAN countries without entry clearance. Người có quốc tịch Việt Nam có thể đi đến các quốc gia ASEAN mà không cần phải xin visa. 

blow someone away (expression): to impress somebody a lot: làm ai đó sững sờ vì mình làm quá xuất sắc.

Eg: She blew the audience away with her outstanding voice. Cô ấy làm mọi người sững sờ với giọng hát rất hay của mình. 

to stage (verb): to organise and present a play or event

Eg: The finals of the World Cup will be staged in Russia. 

prestigious (adjective): respected and admired as very important or ov very high quality: uy tín.

Eg: Tan Tock Seng is a prestigious hospital in Singapore, at which the Prime Minister and the President usually are treated. Tan Tock Seng là một bệnh viên rất có uy tín ở Singapore mà Thủ tướng và Tổng thống thường đến khám bệnh.

Part 3: Competition at school Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


(Give a direct answer) I consider that competitions should be used in class because they will increase children’s academic performance to some extent. (Example) For example, in my class, the teacher usually holds academic competitions and also accelerates competitiveness by putting students into different groups, and the group which has the best results in a month will receive rewards from the teacher. This has increased our performance significantly. If I study on my own and there is no competitiveness among us, I will not be encouraged to try my best. Is it a good thing to give prizes to children who do well at school? Why? (Give a direct answer) Absolutely yes, I believe that it is beneficial to reward children who are academically strong. (Explain) On the one hand, this makes sense because they should have prizes for making great efforts to perform well. On the other hand, this will motivate these individuals as well as others to make more efforts to achieve further rewards afterwards, which will contribute to their increased academic performance in general. (Example) In my province, those in high school getting 7.0 or over in IELTS will be given a scholarship of up to around 400 dollars. As a result, the English proficiency of students in my province is higher than that of those in other provinces. Would you say that schools for young children have become more or less competitive since you were that age? Why? (Direct answer) To the best of my experience, I really think that competitiveness among young students is higher than ever. (Explain) School pressure to make the grade has become an alarming crisis here in Vietnam and the rate of suicides has never stopped increasing in the past few years. (Example) Kids now have to study all day long at school and extra classes, and streaming in schools adds to the pressure even on young pupils. When I was young, all that came to my mind when studying was making friends, playing games, not outcompeting my friends or seeing my friends as studying rivals. Therefore, education now is definitely more competitive.

Vocabulary: + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Các từ thuộc chủ đề Education: 1. to make the grade Meaning: to successfully reach the necessary standard Example: Nobody can succeed in their studies if they rely on luck rather than hard work to make the grade.

2. streaming in schools Meaning: the policy of dividing pupils into groups of the same level of ability Example: One disadvantage of streaming in schools is that children in the lower groups have less motivation to study, because they think of themselves as failures.

Vocabulary: 

academic performance (noun): how well or badly you do something in your schoolwork: sức học.

Eg: The academic performance of students in prestigious schools is higher than that of those in normal schools. Sức học của học sinh trường chuyên cao hơn của những học sinh trong trường thường. 

to accelerate (verb): to make something happen faster or earlier than expected: tăng.

Eg: The Prime Minister believes that air strikes will not accelerate tensions in Syria. Thủ tướng tin rằng những cuộc không kích sẽ không làm tăng căng thẳng ở Syria. 

on my own (expression): alone, without any help: một mình.

Eg: Many people hold an opinion that travelling on their own is dangerous. Nhiều người tin rằng đi du lịch một mình rất nguy hiểm. 

to make sense (expression): to be a sensible thing to do: dễ hiểu / có nghĩa.

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Eg: Everything he said made sense so I’d definitely vote for him. Những gì ông ấy nói dễ hiểu và đáng tin, vì thế tôi sẽ bầu cho ông ấy. 

to make efforts (expression): to try to do something: nỗ lực.

Eg: They are making efforts to improve the quality of education. Họ đang nỗ lực để cải thiện chất lượng nền giáo dục. 

proficiency (noun): the ability to do something well because of training and practice: độ lưu loát ngôn ngữ.

Eg: European countries usually top English proficiency ranking by EF. Những quốc gia Châu Âu thường đứng đầu bảng xếp hạng độ lưu loát tiếng Anh được thực hiện bởi EF. 

suicide (noun): the act of killing yourself: tự tử.

Eg: The rate of suicides in Japan is relatively high due to working pressure. Mức độ tự tử ở Nhật Bản khá cao bởi áp lực công việc. 

to come to my mind (expression): an idea or fact which you suddenly remember: suy nghĩ về.

Eg: The idea of travelling on my own suddenly came to my mind and I made up my mind to do it 2 months later. Tôi tự dưng nghĩ về việc đi du lịch một mình và tôi quyết định thực hiện nó 2 tháng sau. 

to outcompete (verb): to do better than others, for example in sport, studies or work

Eg: In the last Olympic Games, US basketball players outcompeted those of all the other countries. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


rival (noun): a person, company or thing that competes with another in sport, business etc: đối thủ.

Eg: China is one of the biggest rivals of the U.S.A. Trung Quốc là một trong những đối thủ lớn nhất của Hoa Kỳ.

52. Describe a famous person that you are interested in You should say: Who this person is How you know about this person What this person is famous for Explain why you are interested in this person (Who this person is) I’m going to tell you about a celebrity who I really respect. He is Fernando Torres, a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a striker for Atletico Madrid club and the national team. (How you know about this person) Torres has been my idol for a long time since I was a kid. I’ve always been a sports fan and I first watched him play when I turned 8 years old, the summer of the EUFA European Football Championship in 2008. I watched the final match of the championship, in which Torres contributed a truly impressive performance. He was also the only one who scored and made Spain a winner for the second time in history. The moment of his beautiful goal has turned me into a wholehearted admirer for 10 years now. (What this person is famous for) Fernando Torres has earned an international reputation as a valuable striker with great vision and technical ability. He has the awareness to get in behind opposing defenders and the ability + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


to finish accurately with his head or with either foot. Like the true professional that he is, he keeps himself in the peak of condition. Thanks to gifted talent and dedicated training, he together with his team-mates - has won lots of titles and set international records. (Explain why you are interested in this person) Personally, I find Torres an interesting person mainly because of his attitude as a team player. In football, strikers are generally notorious for selfishness and greed for goals, but Torres is different. Not only does he do his best to score himself, he also tries to support and create chances for his team-mates. This has been an inspiration for me to be unselfish, generous and cooperative in my own life and attitude towards others. Vocabulary: Các từ thuộc chủ đề Sport and exercise:

1. a sports fan Meaning: a person who takes a keen interest in sport Example: While I think that it is good to be a sports fan, people must remember that sport is just entertainment, not a matter of life and death. 2. be in the peak of condition Meaning: to be in the best possible physical condition Example: Sports professionals should receive high salaries, because they must always be in the peak of condition to perform at the highest levels.

Vocabulary: 

celebrity [noun]: a well-known person, such as an actor, singer or sports star. người nổi tiếng Eg: After her marriage, Princess Diana became an international celebrity.

striker [noun]: a footballer whose role is to score goals. tiền đạo

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Eg: He started his football career as a striker, but he didn’t score many goals. 

national team [noun]: a sports team selected to represent a country. đội tuyển quốc gia Eg: In the Olympic Games, the most successful national team in recent years has been China.

EUFA European Football Championship: a football competition held every 4 years to be the best national team in Europe. hay EURO, giải vô địch bóng đá châu Âu Eg: I hope that Italy will win the next EUFA European Football Championship.

idol [noun]: a person that you admire, respect (even love!), who you probably have never met in person. Thần tượng. Eg: In the 1960s and1970s, Ho Chi Minh was an idol for many Americans who opposed US policy.

wholehearted [adjective]: complete, 100 per cent. hết lòng, nhiệt thành Eg: The President enjoyed the wholehearted support of the news media for his economic reforms.

admirer [noun]: a fan, a person who admires another person/thing. người hâm mộ Eg: I have been an admirer of Shakespeare’s plays since my schooldays.

to earn an international reputation as/for: to become recognised internationally for some achievement. nổi tiếng toàn thế giới, lừng danh thế giới về điều gì đó Eg: Brazilian footballers have earned an international reputation as very skilful players.

vision [noun]: ability to understand what your team-mates and opponents are likely to do. tầm nhìn

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Eg: Torres has great vision, always thinking about being in the right place at the right time to help his team to score. 

opposing defender [noun]: a player from the other team who tries to stop you from scoring a goal. hậu vệ đội bạn Eg: Torres ran past two opposing defenders and scored.

finish accurately [expression]: to score a goal by hitting the ball with accuracy. dứt điểm chính xác Eg: Although he is a great player, he doesn’t score many goals because he cannot finish accurately.

gifted talent [expression]: a natural ability to do something. tài năng bẩm sinh Eg: She has a gifted talent for music, and she masters a new instrument very quickly.

notorious (for)…[adjective]: famous, but in a bad way. tai tiếng vì điều gì đó Eg: Dracula was notorious for drinking the blood of his victims.

create chances for someone: to help a team-mate to score a goal. tạo cơ hội cho ai Eg. Skilful play by Torres created many chances for his team-mates to score during the match.

inspiration (for)…[noun]: something which gives you hope and encouragement to do something. nguồn cảm hứng Eg: Her lessons were an inspiration for all her students to really understand the subject.

53. Describe a quiet place. Where it is + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


How often you visit there What you do there And explain the reason why you like or dislike the place. To me, quiet places mean libraries. But I’m not going to describe the library at my university as I still haven’t visited it yet. The one I’m going to describe is the library at my high school in Haiduong City. My school is very large and it consists of four big blocks named A, B, C, and D. The library occupies a small space on the highest floor in block D, and it’s perhaps just about three or nearly four times as large as a normal classroom. There’s a room used to store books and another for students to read books and self-study. I spent most of my time in the library when I was in grade 10. The next two years were filled completely with competitions and extracurricular activities so I couldn’t go to the library as often as before. I had my own favorite spot in the self-study section; it was the cubicle on the outermost row that is near the window, and whenever I visited the library to study or to read some borrowed books, I would choose that spot without hesitation. I even wrote some words or symbols that I liked on the table; don’t know whether they’re still there now though. I specifically chose this library to describe because it’s really quiet, compared with some other libraries in Haiduong City that I’ve been to. It was really suitable for studying, and some even went there to sleep! I had a great time self-studying in this library back then, I seriously would revisit it if I ever had a chance.

Vocabulary: 

Cubicle [noun] (buồng làm việc kín nhỏ, cách các buồng khác bằng vách ngăn) a partially

enclosed workspace in an office which is separated from neighboring workspaces by partitions e.g. He was in a cubicle of his own, and he could see at least a hundred more cubicles in this room alone. 

Outermost [adjective] (ngoài cùng, cách xa trung tâm nhất) at the greatest distance from

the center e.g. The city centre is Zone 1 and the outermost suburbs are Zone 6. + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Occupy [verb] (chiếm) fill or take up (a space or time)

e.g. Every parking space was occupied here; you would have to park somewhere else. 

Without hesitation [phrase] -If you say that someone does something without hesitation ,

you are emphasizing that they do it immediately and willingly. e.g. The great majority of strikers would return to work without hesitation if they were offered a better deal. 

Specifically [adverb] (đặc biệt) for a particular purpose

e.g. These picture books were created specifically for children.

Part 3 What are the places that are free of noise? With such a frantic pace of life in this day and age, noises are omnipresent. However, there are still places that are free of noise. They are locations related to religion, like churches, pagodas or shrines, where noise is strictly prohibited. People who are in need of absolute silence and intense concentration can also go to the library or bookstore. Additionally, there are certain restrictions on noise in hospitals and clinics. Besides, rural areas are places to escape from the noise of traffic and crowds, which gives residents a sense of tranquility.

What are the causes of noises? Factors of noise are manifold, many of which originate from humans and objects. Numerous places are associated with noise, such as busy streets and construction sites. Places of entertainment say, cafes, bars, and amusement parks, also use noise to attract people. The more people want to interact and communicate, the more substantial the amount of noise generated. Therefore, some people regard noise as an effective way to alleviate our stresses and strains in life.

What are the impacts of noise on people? Whether caused unintentionally or deliberately, excessive levels of noise invariably exert adverse influences on those exposed to it. Firstly, those affected by noise caused by others may be unable to relax and take a proper rest. Secondly, noise could greatly diminish our concentration and memory. Last but not least, long-term noise is said to pose serious health hazards. For example, constant exposure to high pitched noise can result in auditory problems, and in the + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


worst scenario, hearing loss. As we all know, hearing-impaired individuals are very likely to experience difficulty in life.

VOCABULARY: frantic [adjective]: done quickly and with a lot of activity, but not well organized: cuồng loạn Eg: The hot el m ade franti c preparati ons for t he unexpect ed arri val of t he P resi dent . omnipresent [adjective]: everywhere: có mặt khắp mọi nơi Eg: Mobile phones are omnipresent in this day and age. (to) prohibit [verb]: to stop sb/sth from doing sth: to stop sth from being done or used by law : nghiêm cấm Eg: The policy prohibits students from smoking in schools. intense [adjective]: very great, very strong : mãnh liệt, hết mức Eg: The President is under intense pressure to resign. Restriction [noun]: a rule or law that limits what you can do : giới hạn Eg: The government has agreed to ease restrictions on press freedom. tranquility [noun]: the state of being quiet and peaceful: sự yên bình Eg: I dream of the tranquility of lying on a deserted beach. manifold [adjective]: many, of many different types: rất nhiều, đa dạng Eg: The possibilities of genetic engineering are manifold. (to) originate [verb]: start from : xuất phát từ: Eg: The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics. characteristic [adjective]: of sth: very typical of sth: đặc trưng của Eg: The characteristic street markets of Vietnam are popular with tourists . associate [verb]: if one thing is associated with another, they are connected because they happen together (liên hệ, có liên quan tới) + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: Heart disease is associated with the dangers of smoking. substantial [adjective]: large in amount, value or importance: đáng kể Eg: There have been substantial changes since his arrival. (to) generate [verb]: to produce or create sth: sản sinh ra, tạo ra Eg: The proposal has generat ed a lot of i nt erest . effective [adjective]: producing successful results: hiệu quả Eg: Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment. (to) alleviate [verb]: to make sth less severe: làm dịu đi Eg: A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem of drought. stresses and strains [expression]: difficulties and problems : sự căng thẳng Eg: You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life. deliberately [adverb]: done in a way that was planned : một cách cố ý Eg: She has been deliberately ignoring him all day. excessive [adjective]: greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate: quá độ Eg: They complained about the excessive noise coming from the flat above. invariably [adverb]: always (in a negative way): luôn luôn Eg: It invariably rains these days, which is really frustrating. adverse [adjective]: negative or unpleasant: tiêu cự Eg: Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research program. expose [verb]: to put sb/sth in a situation where they are not protected from something harmful or unpleasant Eg: Small babies should not be exposed to strong sunlight – it will harm them. (to) diminish [verb]: make sth weaker, smaller: làm giảm Eg: I don’t want to diminish the importance of their contribution. hazard [noun]: a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage : sự nguy hiểm + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Eg: Everybody is aware of the hazards of smoking. Exposure [noun]: the state of being in a place or situation where there is no protection from sth unpleasant or harmful: sự hứng chịu Eg: Exposure to too much sunlight is not good for our health. hearing-impaired [adjective]: having problems or implications of hearing : thính giác bị suy giảm Eg: Hearing-impaired people can have special audio devices on their TVs and computers 54. Describe an important river/lake in your country You should say: What is this place? Where is this place? Why you like this place And explain what you would like to do there I’m going to talk about a very beautiful lake, which is referred to as a symbol of the capital city of Vietnam. It’s relatively famous not only to the Vietnamese, but also to foreigners. (What and where is this place?) I’m talking about Hoan Kiem lake, a very large lake located in the center of Hanoi, which is known for its historic beauty. There is even a legend related to the name that went down in history. It was said that the King turtle living at the bottom of the lake lent the contemporary leader a very precious sword, which helped him to end up winning a major battle. The King turtle then turned up again after the victory and asked for his sword back. The lake was then named “Hoan Kiem”, which stands for “returning the sword.” (Why you like this place) As a child, I really liked the story so I always wished to visit it someday. Yet due to the great distance, I had no chance to see it with the naked eye until I turned 18 and went to a university nearby. My first visit to Hoan Kiem lake remains an unforgettable memory. Its elegant beauty is out of this world, with a turtle tower in the middle of the lake and a shrimp-shaped red bridge leading to an old temple. To be frank, I’m strongly attracted by historical monuments and relics

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of the past– they always make me feel a pang of nostalgia upon seeing them, because they provide a link to our roots. That’s why I really love this lake. (Explain what you would like to do there) One of the various things I’d like to do there is to wander around with my friends, let out the negative feelings in my mind, and I’d take some tasty types of street food. Another thing I strongly wish to do but which is out of the question is to climb up the tower on the lake and observe the aquatic life. Maybe I could even watch the turtle of the legend sleeping like a baby! As far as I know, the authority won’t allow that, so I really hope that in the future, it’ll be approved so that my wish can be fulfilled.

Vocabulary Từ vựng trong chủ đề Traditional vs Modern 1. historical monument [noun] Meaning: ancient buildings or statues that have historical importance Example: Visits to see historical monuments are organised by tourist companies in countries like Thailand, Cambodia and India. 2. relics of the past [expression] Meaning: old objects that have survived from the past Example: People are still curious about seeing relics of the past, such as the Pyramids of Egypt. 3. provide a link to our roots [expression] Meaning: to connect with previous generations Example: Traditional skills provide a link to our roots, and they are part of our shared heritage. Từ vựng trong chủ đề Water 1. aquatic life Meaning: plants or animals living in or near water Example: Unpolluted water is vital for aquatic life, such as freshwater fish, to survive. Vocabulary 1. To go down in history [expression] Meaning: to be or do something so important that it will be recorded in history: đi vào lịch sử. Example: It’s a discovery that has gone down in medical history. 2. To end up doing something [phrasal verb] + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


Meaning: to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in Example: I ended up doing all the work myself. 3. The naked eye [expression] Meaning: the normal power of your eye without the help of an instrument: mắt trần. Example: The planet should be visible to the naked eye. 4. Out of this world [expression] Meaning: used to emphasize how good, beautiful, etc. something is Example: The fantastic meal was out of this world. 5. Nostalgia [noun] Meaning: a feeling of sadness mixed with pleasure and affection when you think of happy times in the past: hoài niệm Example: She is filled with nostalgia for her own happy college days. 6. Out of the question [expression] Meaning: impossible: không thể được. Example: Another trip abroad this year is out of the question – we can’t afford it.

55. Describe something that can help you concentrate on work/study You should say: - What it is - How it helps you - What you think about it

(What it is) Today I’m going to tell you about a great aid of mine in improving my concentration on study: that is instrumental music. By instrumental music I mean music with a bare melody and without any lyrics, played using acoustic instruments.

(How it helps you) I had experienced the problem of short attention span for a long time until my brother gave me a tip: listening to music while studying. At first I doubted his suggestion, but so hopeless was I that I followed his advice anyway. I created a playlist of instrumental music, which was neither too + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


loud nor too boring, under the name “Various Artists” on Spotify. Eventually, the solution turned out to be far more effective than I ever expected. It was and has been a workable solution up to now. To begin with, putting on headphones and listening to just one single source of sound reduces almost all other disturbing noises around. Now that I can’t hear anything else other than the music, my concentration is no longer disturbed by the traffic noise, people mingling and giggling, or other mixed noises coming from elsewhere. The other way this approach works is that instrumental music helps you establish a very peaceful state of mind, which is perfect for paying attention and making you ready for receiving knowledge. As it does not contain lyrics, it generally does not ask listeners to engage and understand the words, thereby not distracting them. When I listen to that playlist, the melody simply releases my mind from stress and various irrelevant thoughts, just to focus on one thing: the assignment I’m working on. After just a month of trying out this technique, my attention span has been considerably extended, and I have become more productive and gained significantly better study results.

(What you think about it) Although it didn’t seem to be a good idea at first, the musical idea has been working so well on my studies that I would recommend it to anybody having the same problem.


Attention span: the length of time that you can concentrate on some ideas or activities : khả năng tập trung. Social networks these days seem to stunt my children’s attention span. (Mạng xã hội thời nay làm thui chột khả năng tập trung của lũ trẻ nhà tôi.) Extend one’s attention span: kéo dài khả năng tập trung


Aid (n): người giúp đỡ, sự giúp đỡ, phụ trợ


Give someone a tip (on something): cho ai đó một bí kíp (để làm gì đó). My friend gave me a tip on playing truant without being noticed. (Bạn tôi chỉ tôi bí kíp trốn học mà không bị phát hiện).


Doubt (something/someone): nghi ngờ (điều gì/ai đó) I doubt your honesty (Tôi nghi ngờ sự thành thật của cô quá)

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”



So hopeless was I that I followed him anyway: Hồi đó tôi vô vọng quá rồi nên cứ làm theo anh ấy vậy Cấu trúc đảo ngữ của cấu trúc “So…that…”: So + adj + verb + subject + that …: Quá như thế nên… So handsome was he that I fell in love with him at very first sight (Anh ấy đẹp mê ly luôn nên tôi đã đổ đứ đừ từ hôm đầu tiên gặp)


Workable: khả thi = feasible Selling all these books away is the only workable approach. (Bán hết số sách này là cách duy nhất có thể thực hiện được.)


Now that = because = as = since: bởi vì Now that I love you so much, I can do anything you want me to do. (Anh yêu em nhiều lắm, nên em muốn gì anh cũng chiều hết.)


Mingling and giggling: trò chuyện, giao lưu và cười đùa This is a camp for freshmen, you should mingle and giggle with your new friends as much as possible! (Đây là hội trại dành cho sinh viên năm nhất, các cậu nên làm quen nói chuyện và cười đùa với bạn bè mới quen nhiều nhất có thể!)


Playlist: danh sách nhạc


Instrumental music: nhạc không lời, tạo nên bởi nhạc cụ hoặc nhóm nhạc cụ


Lyric: lời bài hát


State of mind: trạng thái thần kinh, tâm trạng Balanced state of mind: trạng thái thần kinh ổn định


irrelevant thought: suy nghĩ không liên quan


Productive (adj): hiệu quả, năng suất Productive farming method: phương pháp canh tác năng suất Productive working style: Phong cách làm việc hiệu quả


Recommend something to someone: giới thiệu, đề xuất cái gì cho ai I recommend visiting St Paul’s Cathedral when you come to Melbourne. (Tôi đề xuất là ông nên tham quan Nhà thờ St Paul’s khi ông đến Melbourne)

Part 3: Is it important to keep concentrating on something? + Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”



(Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, the ability to keep yourself focused is of absolute importance. (Explain your reason or reasons) A high level of concentration is followed by high productivity and efficiency, which means not only can it bring about better results, it can help save a great deal of time and effort as well. (Give an example) For example, when I really pay attention to doing my homework, it will only take me about 30 minutes to submit a quality answer. (Explain the opposite or negative) In contrast, if I keep getting distracted; then procrastinate finishing it, it can take days and finally get me nowhere.

What can be done if there is too much noise around? -

(Give a direct answer to the question+ Explain) I suggest two solutions when you are distracted by a lot of noise around. One way is that you can simply find another place to work, a much quieter place and stay away from those sources of disturbing sounds. The other way is to try to reduce the effect or intensity of the noise. (Give an example) For instance, if your concentration is affected by the traffic noise, you should close all doors and windows, or install soundproof equipment.

When is it the easiest to be concentrated on something? -

(Give a direct answer to the question) It depends on who we are when it is that we find optimal for concentration. (Explanation) Because according to the differences in each person’s body functioning, people may differ in living habits. (Give an example) In everyday life I have seen some people who wake up early in the morning because they consider this time the best part of the day to work; but also when it comes to a great many others, they find themselves most productive and focused only in the late evening.


be of great/absolute importance = be really important: rất quan trọng This document is of great importance to our company (Tài liệu này tối quan trọng đối với công ty chúng ta.)


high level of concentration: khả năng tập trung cao độ


procrastinate (v): trì hoãn Don’t procrastinate submitting your assignment! (Đừng trì hoãn việc nộp bài luận đấy!)

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”



In contrast (to sth): Ngược lại, Đối lập


Disturb (v): cắt ngang Don’t disturb me while I’m speaking (Đừng cắt lời tôi khi tôi đang nói)


Intensity: cường độ


Soundproof: chống ồn, cách âm Soundproof curtain: Rèm cách âm


Optimal (adj): tối ưu This is the optimal time for action (Đây là thời điểm tối ưu cho hành động.) I need to maintain an optimal temperature for the experiment (Tôi cần phải duy trì một nhiệt độ lý tưởng nhất cho thí nghiệm này)


Body’s functioning (n) : chức năng cơ thể


Living habits (n): thói quen sống


A great many = many = a lot of


When it comes to (something/someone) = As regards to (something/someone) = Regarding (something/someone) = …: Liên quan đến (ai/cái gì), Khi nói về (ai/cái gì) When it comes to football, I’m a big fan of Spain’s national team. (Nói về bóng đá thì tôi hâm mộ đội tuyển quốc gia Tây Ban Nha).

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.”


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