Leadership Concepts: “ Mana Gi Ng Se Lf “

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,348
  • Pages: 30
Lead er shi p De vel opm en t S er ie s “ Mana gi ng Se lf “

Leadership Concepts


Result-oriented LEADER People-oriented

WHO IS A REAL LEADER … ? “RESULT - ORIENTED LEADER “ : 1. Focuses on greater productivity at the least cost. 2. Concentrates on the target. 3. Moves within a well-organized system/procedure

R - Recognition E - Esteem S - Satisfaction U - Understanding L - Long-term influence T - Target - oriented

WHO IS A REAL LEADER … ? “PEOPLE-ORIENTED LEADER “ : 2. Interested in the development of the people 3. Understands the needs and feelings of people – expressed both verbally and non – verbally 4. Understands the nature of people. 3.1. That they are thinking and feeling beings. 3.2. That they want definite direction in work life. 3.3. That they want appreciation and recognition.

P - Perception


E - Enthusiasm 0 - Opportunity P - Perseverance


L - Long-term motivation E - Excellent performance

A LEADER …….. A leader is a matured person. He is a………… • Person who enables other people to work together to attain the company goals and objectives. • A leader always works for harmony. It is thru his efforts which make it possible for others to work effectively together. • A leader is one who knows how to secure results thru and with other people. His success as a leader depends not so much on what he himself does, instead what he can make others or do for him and with him.

A LEADER …….. A leader’s job is to provide direction and guidance so the members of his group can work effectively together A leader specializes in the work necessary to achieve the desired results through and with other people. The skills that he needs must be learned through conscious effort.

EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP Considers workers’ interest :  The leader is very much aware that he can gain what he expects from his people to accomplish by showing interest and concern interest and concern to the workers’ personal objectives.  He must see to it that the company objectives support also the fulfillment of the workers’ objectives.  He sees to it that the progress of the company is the workers’ progress too.  The leader always assure that his workers achieve maximum satisfaction from their work. This does not call for an abdication of leadership, nor does it imply that he surrenders authority to the group. Instead, this means that he should show confidence to the skills and talents of his people.  He must always remember that he only accomplishes what

EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP Makes himself a management specialist : The leader is always a specialist. To secure most effective results through and with others, he specializes in the functions of planning, leading, organizing and controlling. Thru these functions, he maximizes his own efforts thru the efforts of others.

EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP Shows trust to his people thru delegation : • The leader knows the decision he should make and those that can be made by others. • He establishes the conditions that make delegation possible and consistently pushes authority down to the operating levels. • He gives his people the opportunity to make the most of the decisions that relate to their work.

EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP The leader Thinks logically and rationally : • Thinks through what he expects to accomplish and takes the rational steps necessary to attain his objectives. • He helps those who work with him to understand what he is trying to accomplish and • Identifies the ways as to how his people can contribute more effectively.

EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP Organizes his people objectively : • Instead of building jobs haphazardly around individual personalities, the leader logically arranges and groups the work to be performed. • The leader knows how to make sure that each person has challenging, satisfying work to do, and that all efforts are directed toward profitable productivity by the fewest people at the least cost. • The end results are greater materials and psychological benefits for all to share.

EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP Communicates effectively : • The leader knows how to get other people to understand him. • Likewise, he also devotes as much efforts as possible to understand the ideas, needs and requirements of those with whom he works with. • The more efforts he makes to understand others on the teams, the better they will understand the ideas, needs and requirements of those whom he works with.

eadership is more than…… Authority and Power

A Real Leader : “People-oriented” and “Result-oriented”


LEADERSHIP STYLES … What leadership style shall I use … ? • Style which is suited to the existing situation /condition. • Style which the people will understand and be more motivated. • Style which can make the organization more productive and profitable.

LEADERSHIP STYLES • Autocratic Leadership • Democratic Leadership • Free-reign Leadership

AUTOCRATIC LEADERSHIP • In this style, the leader seeks obedience from his followers. He makes all decisions. It does not mean that the leader becomes a dictator. But tend to. • He determines the policy and assumes full responsibility for all actions. This style of leadership is most desirable in situation in which time is the primary factor. • It requires far leas time in decision-making process and thus lends itself to many speed-oriented situations. • It is highly effective in the leadership of dependent people or those who prefer absolute nonparticipation in the decision-making responsibility.


Assertive approach Understand objectives Target – oriented Obedience - oriented Commitment to output Rational approach Anticipation of effects Technical presentation Inspiring communication Concern for people and output

AUTOCRATAIC LEADERSHSIP Autocratic Leadership : 1. Can be utilized in emergency situation when the time limited. 2. Can be used if the people being supervised are not professionally matured – they need close supervision Approach : 8. Present the objectives / target. 2. Present the instruction.

DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHSIP • In this type, the leader acts as moderator. • He draws ideas and suggestions from the group discussion and consultation are essential tools. • But his style does not necessarily mean that every decision is voted upon. • The democratic leadership technique is far more group-centered than the other two types. • In many cases, this type of leadership fosters creativity and self-satisfaction in each member involved.

DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHSIP D Discussion-technique E Extensive teamwork M Moderator role O Objective-oriented C Commitment to target R Rational approach A Action-oriented T Team-work emphasis I Inspiring communication C Consultation approach

DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHSIP Democratic Leadership : 1. Can be utilized if there is so much time. 2. Can be utilized if the people being supervised are professionally matured that they can give objective Suggestions/ ideas. Approach : 1. Present the objectives / target. 2. Ask for suggestion/ideas. 3. Make the final recommendations (by the

FREE - REIGN LEADERSHSIP • This type of leadership has been called the hands-off method. • The leader becomes a type of information booth. His role is less noticeable than in other types and he exercises a minimum of control. • However, this does not mean that the group is leaderless. • In fact, free-reign leadership often requires more time consuming efforts on the part of the leader than the other styles.

FREE - REIGN LEADERSHSIP F Freedom-oriented R Result-oriented E Esteem-building E Exercise of minimum control R Rational approach E Extensive independence I Inspiring communication GGaining thru the same purpose NNoting significant results

FREE - REIGN LEADERSHSIP 1. Can be utilized if the situations/conditions re highly stressed. 2. Can be utilized if the people being supervised are professionally matured that is, they can work independently. Approach : 1. Present the objectives/target. 2. Ask for suggestion/feedback. 3. Encourage individual strategies. 4. Work independently but hitting the same target.

Inter preta tion Autocratic

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Democrati c

3 6 9 12 15 18 = Free Reign

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