Pdf To The Rescue...helping The Newspaper Industry

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PDF To The Rescue…Helping The Newspaper Industry 2009 April 1 tags: Communication, Journalism, Media, Newspapers, Technology by Mitch Chester As newspapers seem to drop into financial abyss week after week across the United States, we all share the emergency that journalism will lose some of its most effective vehicles for keeping the nation well informed. For those that do not care, think again. A vanished press means more undiscovered corruption, less understood societal trends, the diminishment of community bonds and the unweaving of an intelligent population, to name just a few consequences. News flash…economics is killing America’s once vibrant and diversified print media. Newsroom and freelance staff cuts, smaller editions, closed bureaus, mass layoffs and shuttered papers are cascading into an information disaster. Newspapers still, and will always, play a crucial role in preserving our democracy, but they are a threatened species. Update: There is a simple solution. There are many unique, ground-breaking and complex answers currently under consideration to solve this issue, and a whole host of reasons why each solution may or may not be economically feasible. But with all the fears of a vanishing press, it’s time to focus on the positive…what well-established technology can do to fix an increasing print media void. There is one exciting, but simple, opportunity that deserves serious exploration…your newspaper can be delivered via PDF document, to your computer, at any time of the day regardless of the user’s operating system, hardware or even software. Take, for example, what you can see right now on Guardian.co.uk. Three British newspapers, The Guardian, The Guardian Limited and The Observer offer an on-line delivery model (for off-line reading) which has not yet caught on in America, but perhaps it should. By giving you the opportunity to print, on 8.5 x 11 paper, color or black and white copies of newspaper content (full articles, pictures, pictures and ads), you choose what you want to publish and how. The G24 selection on the Guardian site includes the latest news stories, business reports, sports features and media articles. Each section is several pages long, prints out with quality, and can be taken anywhere to read, with or without a computer, and at your leisure and comfort. With PDF (portable document format) delivery, expenses can be slashed. No longer would the traditional newspaper require trucks and drivers, insurance for vehicles, fuel for transport, huge quantities of ink and tons of newsprint. Readers can down load their daily papers at home, or at the office. Businesses can still sell papers, but produce them on site for their customers. The carbon footprint of the traditional newspaper can be significantly reduced with this inexpensive process. What’s more, papers can still charge for subscriptions while employing targeted advertising for maximum customer impact and revenues. PDF delivery is an obvious approach to attack the exponentially increasing budgetary demands newspaper publishers face every day and which gone unchecked, may result in cities and towns without their traditional local paper. G24 is nothing less than revolutionary, yet surprisingly simple, and based upon the the universally accepted open source PDF format which was first developed in 1993 by Adobe. It’s an old, but obvious, tool to tackle a new problem. Put another way, the newspaper is using high quality color desktop publishing to give you a customized newspaper you can assemble in mere seconds, and delivered to your printer when you want, and as much as you wish. The content can be updated several times a day. The United Kingdom is not alone in using PDF as a low-cost but creative news content delivery system. According to MediaLifeMagazine.com, PDF has been used to deliver news content in Canada by the Toronto Star. Makes you wonder, why not here? Imagine the New York Times or your local paper delivered in this format. No more large and unwieldy news print to turn or fumble with. If reporter positions and responsible editorial content can be preserved because outdated delivery overhead and expenses can be eliminated, the news gathering process will be less threatened and has a better chance to thrive. The Internet, rather than being an enemy of the press can be facilitated by a Web 3.0 that serves to preserve your local Herald, Gazette, or Times Union. As editors and publishers seek the to frame the architecture of future newspapers, PDF delivery is a worthy area for implementation in an effort to save the American newspaper.

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Baucus ups pressure on health groups 06/27/2009 The reason for the pressure stems from the Democrats' high-stakes gambit. Chris Frates AARP threatens sens. on health care 06/27/2009 Sharply written letter on behalf of seniors illustrates hardball politics and backroom dealing over bill. Chris Frates House passes climate change bill 06/26/2009 A close vote -- 219-212, with eight Republicans voting yes and 44 Democrats voting no -- after intense debate. Lisa Lerer,Patrick O'Connor $32B bill for EPA clears House 06/26/2009 GOP argues EPA is already swimming in cash, given the billions dedicated to agency under stimulus. David Rogers VIDEO: D & #233;j & #224; vu all over again 06/27/2009 Obama's weekly address is same speech he gave Thursday calling on the House to pass the bill. Carol E. Lee Obama may hold detainees indefinitely 06/27/2009 The president may take unilateral action on the hot-button issue because he knows Congress won't. Josh Gerstein Sanford: I won't resign 06/26/2009 Embattled governor compares himself to King David. Andy Barr,Jonathan Martin Conyers's wife pleads guilty 06/26/2009 Monica Conyers, wife of John Conyers (D-Mich.), pleaded guilty Friday to federal bribery charges. Alex Isenstadt,John Bresnahan Farewell to Michael Jackson from D.C. 06/26/2009 Washington said its farewells to Michael Jackson in official fashion on Friday. Kathryn McGarr Why so few women in infidelity club? 06/26/2009 Are they more faithful than men? More restrained? Or just better at not getting caught? Melanie Mason W.H.: Jackson 'tragic,' 'icon' 06/26/2009 A day after Jackson's death, radio silence from Obama.

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Josh Gerstein For Obama, lesson from bottom up 06/26/2009 The president learned this week what he knew as a community organizer: Politics are local. David Rogers

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Platypus Helps Illuminate Ovarian Cancer 06/27/2009 Researchers believe our oldest mammalian relative may help us to better understand ovarian cancer. DNA mapping of the platypus has uncovered an interesting relationship between their sex chromosomes and DNA sequences found in human ovarian cancer. Dietary Fat Linked To Pancreatic Cancer 06/27/2009 High intake of dietary fats from red meat and dairy products was associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a new study. Can't Compete On Dung? Try Mating On Apple Pomace 06/27/2009 In the mating world of yellow dung flies, large, males almost always get the girl. However, a new study suggests that smaller males rule if presented with an opportunity to woo females when they are not hanging out on cow dung. Small male dung flies, which are traditionally unsuccessful at finding and keeping mates on dung pats, successfully mated with femal […] Selenium Intake May Worsen Prostate Cancer In Some, Study Reports 06/27/2009 Higher selenium levels in the blood may worsen prostate cancer in some men who already have the disease. A higher risk of moreaggressive prostate cancer was seen in men with a certain genetic variant. In those subjects, having a high level of selenium in the blood was associated with a two-fold greater risk of poorer outcomes than men with the lowest amount […] Projected Food, Energy Demands Seen To Outpace Production 06/27/2009 With the caloric needs of the planet expected to soar by 50 percent in the next 40 years, planning and investment in global agriculture will become critically important, according a new report. Rating Attractiveness: Consensus Among Men, Not Women, Study Finds 06/27/2009 Hot or not? Men agree on the answer. Women don't. There is much more consensus among men about whom they find attractive than there is among women, according to a new study. Evidence Of Memory Seen In Songbird Brain 06/27/2009 When a zebra finch hears a new song from a member of its own species, the experience changes gene expression in its brain in unexpected ways, researchers report. The sequential switching on and off of thousands of genes after a bird hears a new tune offers a new picture of memory in the songbird brain. Trial Shows Promise For Arthritis Drug 06/27/2009 A clinical trial of masitinib, a drug in development for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, has shown it to be well-tolerated and effective. Researchers have shown that treatment with masitinib significantly reduced the severity of active arthritis. Making Nanoparticles In Artificial Cells 06/27/2009 Two processes can be used to control the size of nanoparticles, which could serve as tiny light sources. Scientists Identify Key Factor That Controls HIV Latency 06/27/2009 Scientists have found another clue that may lead to eradication of HIV from infected patients who have been on antiretroviral therapy. A real cure for HIV has been elusive because the virus can "hide" in a latent form in resting CD4-T cells. By understanding this "latency" effect, researchers can identify ways to reactivate the virus, and […] Engineers Investigate Lead-Free Soldering 06/27/2009 Engineers aim to improve the reliability of lead-free soldering alloys that are used to make electronic devices. This would help with the implementation of environmentally-friendly materials in electronics production. One In 25 Deaths Worldwide Attributable To Alcohol 06/27/2009 Worldwide, one in 25 deaths are directly attributable to alcohol consumption. This rise since 2000 is mainly due to increases in the number of women drinking.

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First W.African H1N1 flu cases in Ivory Coast 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters (Adds details on patients) ABIDJAN, June 27 (Reuters) - Two cases of the new H1N1 flu virus have been diagnosed in Ivory Coast, the first in West Africa, the Health Ministry said on Saturday. A ... INTERVIEW-Pushing Mugabe out risks chaos - Tsvangirai 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters * Western pressure to force Mugabe exit could create chaos * Open to majority foreign ownership of mines, agriculture * Privatisation of some companies to lure investors (Adds quotes, ... First W.African H1N1 flu cases in Ivory Coast 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters ABIDJAN, June 27 (Reuters) - Two cases of the new H1N1 flu virus have been diagnosed in Ivory Coast, the first in West Africa, the Health Ministry said on Saturday. A statement from the ministry ... INTERVIEW-Pushing Mugabe out risks chaos-Tsvangirai 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters * Western pressure to force Mugabe exit could create chaos * Open to majority foreign ownership of mines, agriculture By Michael Georgy and Serena Chaudhry ... U.S. reverses Afghan drug policy, eyes August vote 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters * U.S. to phase out poppy eradication * Wants to avoid questions over Afghan vote * Seeks more aid for Pakistan (Updates with quotes) By Phil Stewart and Daniel Flynn TRIESTE, Italy, June ... Myanmar reports first case of H1N1 flu 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters YANGON, June 27 (Reuters) - Myanmar has confirmed its first case of H1N1 influenza after a schoolgirl returning from Singapore tested positive for the virus, state radio reported on Saturday. The 13 ... INTERVIEW-Iran committed to Afghan drug fight, UN says 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters * Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan start joint anti-drug raids * Iran committed to regional drug fight, U.N. official says

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By Daniel Flynn TRIESTE, Italy, June 27 (Reuters) - Iran is committed to ... Grenade in India Kashmir wounds four soldiers 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters SRINAGAR, India, June 27 (Reuters) - Suspected separatist rebels lobbed a grenade at a security patrol in the heart of Indian Kashmir's main city on Saturday, wounding four paramilitary soldiers, ... Quake rattles Greek island of Santorini, no damage 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters ATHENS, June 27 (Reuters) - A 5.1 magnitude earthquake followed by several weaker tremors shook the Greek island of Santorini early on Saturday, but there were no reports of injuries or damage. The ... Q+A-Preah Vihar temple and Thai-Cambodian tensions 06/27/2009 Source: Reuters BANGKOK, June 27 (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen met behind closed doors on Saturday with Thailand's deputy premier, Suthep Thaugsuban, as tensions simmered over the disputed Preah Vihear ...

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Blog - Arms 'n' legs 06/27/2009 The best of the rest from the physics arXiv this week: Blog - Kids these days 06/27/2009 How Not to Waste Taxpayer Dollars 06/26/2009 Steve Isakowitz, the Department of Energy's CFO, on how the agency will spend billions on energy technology. Waterproof Lithium-Air Batteries 06/26/2009 A California company's lithium metal-air batteries are lightweight and energy dense. Blog - Spiral Arms Did Not Cause Climate Change on Earth 06/26/2009 A new map of the Milky Way galaxy proves that the sun's motion through the spiral arms could not have caused a well-known climate-change cycle. Blog - What is it like to be a nerd? 06/26/2009 Blog - Energy Bill Heads to the House 06/26/2009 Will the cap-and-trade scheme work? Here's what the record in the EU shows. Blog - New York State Allows Egg Donors to be Paid 06/26/2009 The move is a potential boost for embryonic stem cell research. Video - Energy loans 06/26/2009 At a recent conference at the United Nations, the person in charge of the Department of Energy's finances told Technology Review how his agency is pushing innovation. Peering Inside a Bird's Brain 06/25/2009 A device tracks pigeons' brain activity as they find their way home.

NPR Business News {










On The Appalachian, Some Hike Off The Recession 06/27/2009 Whether recently laid off or just without any job prospects, some people have traded their resumes and interview suits for sleeping bags and hiking boots. They're on the Appalachian Trail for the next four months — and they hope that by the time they're off, the economy will have recovered. House Narrowly Passes Climate Change Measure 06/27/2009 The U.S. House voted 219-212 for a sweeping bill to combat global warming. It would put gradually stricter caps on the total national output of heat-trapping gases, based on a system of permits that can be bought and sold. Figuring Michael Jackson's Estate A Complex Task 06/27/2009 As authorities look deeper into the cause of Michael Jackson's death, financial experts will be trying to dissect the value of his estate, which was weighed down by massive debts. A Madoff Investor Urges Harsh Sentence 06/27/2009 Bernard Madoff is scheduled to be sentenced on Monday for perpetrating the greatest financial fraud in history, one that duped thousands of investors, big and small, out of billions of dollars. Scott Simon speaks with Allan Goldstein, 76, who says he lost his life savings to Madoff's Ponzi scheme. Of Fuel Cells And Chicken Feathers 06/26/2009 Each year, the agricultural industry must dispose of billions of pounds of chicken feathers. Richard Wool, a chemical engineer at the University of Delaware, says when feathers are heated, they develop nano-sized caverns in which hydrogen can be stored. Wind Has Soaring Potential, Study Finds 06/26/2009 Wind alone could provide more than 16 times the electricity needs of the U.S., according to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Harvard professor Michael McElroy and Revis James, of Electric Power Research Institute, discuss the challenges of harnessing wind power. Video Pick: An Airplane That Flies Itself 06/26/2009 Meet the V-Bat: it's about 70 pounds, eight feet tall, equipped with computers and flies without a pilot. Engineer Stephen Morris, the president and CEO of MLB Co., describes how the plane works and what it might be good for. Do Corporate Boards Need More Teeth? 06/26/2009 Should corporate directors have forestalled crisis in the financial sector? Critics are calling for stronger corporate governance and more financial expertise on boards of directors. Housing Market Still Keeping Economy Down 06/26/2009 The Federal Reserve said this week that the "pace of the economic contraction is slowing." But house prices are still falling, and some analysts - including former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan — say the economy can't go up until house prices stop going down. David Wessel of The Wall Street Journal talks with David Greene about the housing […] Jackson Was On The Brink Of A Comeback 06/26/2009 One of the tragic aspects of Michal Jackson's death is that fans were going to see him soon in concert. Promoter AEG Live took a

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gamble when it decided to back the shows in London. Skeptics said the pop star wouldn't follow through. Insurers shied away. Ticket demand was so great, the run was extended to 50 concerts. Now, $85 million in tickets wil […] z

NPR Technology {











New U.S. Cyber Command Raises Privacy Concerns 06/26/2009 Defense Secretary Robert Gates has created a new cyber command in the Pentagon that will be headed by the director of the secretive National Security Agency. Privacy advocates worry about the role of the NSA and the militarization of the Internet. Of Fuel Cells And Chicken Feathers 06/26/2009 Each year, the agricultural industry must dispose of billions of pounds of chicken feathers. Richard Wool, a chemical engineer at the University of Delaware, says when feathers are heated, they develop nano-sized caverns in which hydrogen can be stored. Wind Has Soaring Potential, Study Finds 06/26/2009 Wind alone could provide more than 16 times the electricity needs of the U.S., according to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Harvard professor Michael McElroy and Revis James, of Electric Power Research Institute, discuss the challenges of harnessing wind power. Video Pick: An Airplane That Flies Itself 06/26/2009 Meet the V-Bat: it's about 70 pounds, eight feet tall, equipped with computers and flies without a pilot. Engineer Stephen Morris, the president and CEO of MLB Co., describes how the plane works and what it might be good for. Is Apple Obliged To Say More About CEO's Health? 06/25/2009 A hospital disclosed this week that the computer maker's CEO had a liver transplant because he had "end-stage liver disease" and was the sickest patient on the list, raising questions about whether the company should have disclosed more about his condition to investors. Social Networks: They're Popular, But Will They Pay? 06/23/2009 Since last August, Facebook has doubled its user base to more than 200 million active users. The hope is that all those users will translate into millions of dollars in ad revenue. But turning a profit can be tricky business on the Web. Iran Uses Tech Tools To Censor Dissent 06/22/2009 In Iran, protesters are using social-networking sites to contest the presidential election. But every e-mail, video and tweet that makes it out of Iran likely has passed through a new system the government put in place to filter dissent. Christopher Rhoads of The Wall Street Journal discusses how Iran got this capability and how it works. The Clash Of Ages: How Technology Divides Workers 06/22/2009 What do you do about employees who love to tweet, text and social network throughout the day? It's a question companies are grappling with as the generation gap threatens to create a communications divide. Recent studies show tensions are rising in the workplace between Gen Y, Gen X and baby boomers. This Just In ... If You Dare To Watch 06/22/2009 The televised death of a young woman on a street in Tehran represents an important moment for media and for the technology that delivers what we call news today. We are now on the cusp of live, unfiltered video coverage from citizen journalists around the world. Smartphone Market Heats Up 06/18/2009 The newest iPhone goes on sale Friday. For many, so-called smartphones like iPhones and BlackBerries are more than gadgets, they are a necessity. And as demand for the products has grown, so has competition. It's now an epic business battle.

Scientific American { {

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A Family Tree, a Rare Cancer, and a Hunt for its Cause 06/26/2009 Biofuel Showdown: Should Domestic Ethanol Producers Pay for Deforestation Abroad? 06/25/2009 After a fierce battle over agricultural incentives in a landmark climate bill, Congress plans to ask the National Academy of Sciences to study how biofuel production in the Midwest can shift food production abroad, stimulating a wave of deforestation. [More] Car Exhaust Associated With Premature Births in Southern California 06/25/2009 Heart Beat: Music May Help Keep Your Cardiovascular System in Tune 06/24/2009 Music may calm the savage beast or, at least, make the workday seem shorter. A new study now adds cardiovascular health to the list of music's potential benefits, suggesting it can directly trigger physiological changes that modulate blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. [More] Low Brainer: Ancient Skull Shows Early Primates Didn't Need Big Brains 06/23/2009 Compared with other mammals, primates--from lemurs to humans--have huge brains. But scientists still don't know exactly why-or even when--our brains ballooned. A new study, published yesterday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, postulates that even without big brains, early primates were able to do a lot of primatelike things--a findin […] Weed-Whacking Herbicide Proves Deadly to Human Cells 06/23/2009 Why Aren't More Women Tenured Science Professors? 06/19/2009 Women who apply for tenure-track positions at top-tier research universities in math and sciences these days have a slightly better chance of landing the job than their male colleagues, says a new study funded by the National Science Foundation. [More] Following the Money 06/19/2009 Global health hit the philanthropic jackpot in recent years. About four times more aid flowed into developing countries in 2007 than in 1990. But a paper published in The Lancet suggests the nearly $22 billion donated in 2007 missed many of the world’s most deserving countries and diseases. [More] Clean Diesel Comes of Age 06/19/2009 For decades, diesel trucks and buses have spewed large amounts of soot, smog-causing gases and carcinogens into the air.But new diesel engines are more than 90 percent cleaner than a few years ago, far exceeding the emission reductions required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, according to a new study released Thursday. [More] […]

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Police focus on doctor who was with Jackson as he died 06/27/2009 Array We combed our hair up to be like him 06/26/2009 Gary Younge The boy who never grew up 06/26/2009 Jon Savage 'Amanda will get out eventually' 06/26/2009 Simon Hattenstone Recession ends 'Las Vegas dream' 06/26/2009 Andrew Clark Williams in shape and focused 06/26/2009 Richard Jago As Jacko found, fame means trusting only cats and chimps 06/26/2009 Hadley Freeman The sardine economy 06/26/2009 Murray Teitel A peek at the diary of ... Mel Gibson 06/26/2009 Marina Hyde Eminem and Mariah: Obsessed 06/26/2009 Priya Elan

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Subsidized Fertilizer: The Answer to Africa's Food Crisis? 06/18/2009 Although overuse of fertilizer has caused environmental damage around the world, some scientists are calling for an increase in its application in African agriculture. [More]

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