"invitation To The Industry-euronanoforum"

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Prague, December 10, 2008 Dear Industry partners and sponsors, It is with great pleasure that I present to you this brochure and invite you to attend the fourth international nanotechnology conference EuroNanoForum 2009. The conference will be held in Prague, June 2-5, 2009, during the Czech presidency of the European Union. It is an official event of the EU supported by the European Commission. The topic of the EuroNanoForum 2009 is “Nanotechnology for a Sustainable Economy”. The individual sessions will be devoted to: • Nanotechnology in eco- and energy-efficient industrial production • Nanotechnology for energy production and management • Environmental applications and implications of nanotechnology • Future applications and new ideas • Nanotechnology: education, standardization and social perception of benefits and risks. Nanotechnologies open opportunities and challenges that have to be analyzed at the international level by an integrated approach. The Forum will create a unique opportunity for researchers and industrial experts working in diverse fields of science and technology to meet, discuss, co-operate, and to contribute to the definition of a European nanotechnology strategy after 2009. On behalf of the organizers, I am inviting you to take part in the EuroNanoForum 2009 in Prague. We hope that you will not miss this unique opportunity to meet world leaders in the nanotechnology field and to exhibit your products and technologies to delegates.

Professor Václav Pačes Prezident of Academy of Sciences of The Czech Republic


PRAGUE, THE CZECH REPUBLIC The capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague, is situated in the very heart of Europe and ranks amongst the most impressive historical cities in the world. The city has always played an important part in the history of the nation, country and Europe. Since medieval times, Prague has been distinguished as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Prague is not only a centre of cultural movements dating back for centuries, it also exhibits a unique collection of historical monuments, dominated by Prague Castle. and Charles Bridge. The latter was named after Charles IV, the Czech King and Roman Emperor. The unforgettable atmosphere of the historical centre is produced by an assortment of Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Art Nouveau and Cubist architecture, which is certain to enthral every visitor to the Czech capital. For centuries Prague has been known as the centre of European cultural life. More than 200 theatres, concert halls, clubs and galleries presented as part of the project “European City of Culture” of the year 2000 are a testimony to the fact, that culture is alive.

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THE CONFERENCE VENUE The Prague Congress Centre is one of the largest and best equipped European centres. It is located in a unique position on top of one of the Prague hills, offering a beautiful view of the famous skyline of Prague, with the silhouette of the Prague Castle. The Centre has 20 halls and 50 meeting rooms with capacity ranging from 12 to 2764 persons. When reconstruction was completed in 2000, it became one of the largest and best equipped European centres, a fact confirmed by the problem-free running of the Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in September of that year, and by the NATO Summit in November, 2002. Adjacent metro station (Vyšehrad - Line C) is only two stops from downtown Prague. Prague Congress Centre Website - www.kcp.cz

The Prague Congress Centre offers a large selection of meeting spaces of all kinds. Main congress halls with the capacity for thousands of delegates (Congress hall 2764 delegates, Forum hall 1034 delegates), middle sized congress halls for hundreds of delegates (190-700) and also small halls and breakout rooms (10-190 delegates).


PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE TOPICS The conference will cover the following tentative topics through thematic sessions:

Nanotechnology in eco-& energy-efficient industrial production •

Applications in the chemical and health sector, transportation, construction and the textile industry

Nanotechnology for energy production and management •

Photovoltaics and Fuel cells

Nanotechnology for H2 Production & Storage, Combustion

Supercapacitors, and Rechargeable batteries

(O)LEDs, Insulation

Environmental applications and implications of nanotechnology •

Applications in pollution monitoring and remediation

Applications for water and waste management

Applications in consumer products, including food

(Eco)toxicological aspects of nanotechnology

Future applications and new ideas for sustainable development of the European society and competitiveness of the European industry in the range of: •



Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics

Furthermore, the conference programme will also address cross-cutting issues such as nanotechnology education, standardization and social perception of nanotechnology benefits and risks.

A detailed programme will be announced in due time.


IMPORTANT DEADLINES OVERVIEW Deadline for the main sponsors’ enrolment: Platinum Sponsor

15 March 2009

Deadline for the main sponsors’ enrolment: Gold Sponsor

15 March 2009

Deadline for abstract submission

31 March 2009

We recommend reserving the accommodation by:

20 April 2009

Deadline for Early registrations

20 April 2009

Deadline for exhibitors’ enrolment

30 April 2009

Deadline for the sponsors’ enrolment: Silver sponsor and Bronze Patron Deadline for printed advertisements

30 April 2009 15 May 2009


SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM How does it work? The Organizers are offering companies the opportunity to become sponsors of the EuroNanoForum 2009 enabling them to promote their scientific endeavours and to obtain wider recognition. The various sponsorship options are listed in the following pages in which potential sponsors can select different elements up to the amount of the financial support they can offer. Depending on the total sum of contribution, companies will have the possibility of being recognized as an official sponsor of the Conference and benefiting from privileges.

SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIES Sponsors supporting the Conference to a certain value will then fall into different levels of Sponsorship categories as follows:

• • • •



Minimum payment: 20.000 €

Platinum Sponsor will enjoy the following benefits: • • • • • • • •

Full Page Colour (A4) Advertisement in the Conference Programme 18 sqm Exhibition space (additional space will be charged at a special rate of 100 EUR per square metre) and priority of booth location choice Listing Platinum Sponsor including the sponsor’s logo in all Conference publications and the website Use of the Conference logo for own advertising Eight free Conference registrations for guests or company staff Eight admission tickets to the Gala Dinner Expression of thanks at the Opening Ceremony Company brochure or leaflet inserted in participants’ bags


Gold Sponsor will enjoy the following benefits: • • • • • • •

Minimum payment: 10.000 €

Full Page Colour (A4) Advertisement in the Conference Programme 9 sqm Exhibition space (additional space will be charged at a special rate of 100 EUR per square metre) and priority of booth location choice after Main Sponsor Listing Gold Sponsor including the sponsor’s logo in all Conference publications and the website Use of the Conference logo for own advertising Four free Conference registrations for guests or company staff Four admission tickets to the Gala Dinner Expression of thanks at the Opening Ceremony



Silver Sponsor will enjoy the following benefits: • • • • • • •

Full Page Colour (A4) Advertisement in the Conference Programme 6 sqm Exhibition space (additional space will be charged at a special rate of 100 EUR per square metre) and priority of booth location choice after Main Sponsors Listing as Sponsor including the sponsor’s logo in all Conference publications and the website Use of the Conference logo for own advertising Three free Conference registrations for guests or company staff Three admission tickets to the Gala Dinner Expression of thanks at the Opening Ceremony


Bronze Patron will enjoy the following benefits: • • • •

Minimum Payment: 7.000 €

Minimum Payment: 4.000 €

6 sqm Exhibition space (additional space will be charged at a special rate of 100 EUR per square metre) and priority of booth location choice after Main Sponsors Listing as Bronze Patron including the sponsor’s logo in all Conference publications and the website Use of the Conference logo for own advertising Expression of thanks at the Opening Ceremony

All prices are VAT EXCLUDED. The funding companies and their level of contribution will be quoted in the Official Conference Programme and on the Conference website.

If you have some other ideas or requests for sponsors´ benefits, please contact the Conference Secretariat: Jana Dvořáková CZECH-IN s.r.o., Professional Event & Congress Organiser, Prague Congress Centre, 5. Kvetna 65, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic TEL: +420 261 174 308, FAX: +420 261 174 307, GSM: +420 777 791 252 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.czech-in.cz


Other sponsorship options 9 PRINTED MATERIALS / PUBLICATIONS Companies may also advertise in the official Conference documents that will be printed (Finished artwork is to be supplied by the sponsor). Your advert will relate to your company corporate product.

Final Conference Programme: The Final Conference Programme will be provided on site at the Conference to all registered delegates including speakers, official guests and exhibitors and will be the record of the Conference: • Advertisement on inner Full page: 1.800 € • Advertisement on inside front or inside back cover page: 2.000 € • Advertisement on outside back cover page: 2.500 €

Conference Abstract Book: • Advertisement on inner full page: • Advertisement on inside front or inside back cover page: • Advertisement on outside back cover page:

1.400 € 1.700 € 1.900 €

9 INTERNET CORNER Give the opportunity to each delegate to access home and office e-mails. It will offer upto-date technology services including free internet access and e-mail. The sponsorship of this item consists of having your company logo on each computer screen background and saver. You may also distribute mouse pads and other related promotional gifts in the cyber centre area. Such a great opportunity to have an immediate visual impact! • Cyber-Centre full financial participation: 6.000 €

9 CONFERENCE BAGS SPONSORSHIP One Conference bag including Conference materials will be distributed to all full registered delegates as they arrive on site at the Conference. The Conference bag will be tailor made. As sponsor of the Conference bags you will have your company logo printed in a prominent position on the bag along with the Conference logo. (Type, size and colour of the bags as well as position and size of the logo will be at the organizer discretion). • Conference bags (exclusivity): 10.000 €

9 BADGE LANYARDS SPONSORSHIP Each delegate will be given a lanyard with a name badge, which will indicate their name and where they are from, and act as an identification pass. The sponsor’s logo will be printed on the lanyard and the Conference logo will be printed on the name badge. If the company wishes to provide their own lanyards the sponsorship amount will be reviewed together with the sponsoring company. • Lanyards (exclusivity): 5.000 € • Lanyards (shared): 2.500 €


9 INSERTS IN CONFERENCE BAGS The opportunity is offered to sponsors to either provide: • An insert: an A4 size double-sided, colour or black and white flyer/promotional piece. This flyer could be text only promoting activities on your exhibition stand or it may be an existing corporate flyer of information on your services or products. Rate per insert: 2.000 € • Writing pads and/or pens with the logo of your company along with the Conference logo. Delegates particularly appreciate to get writing pads and pens very useful for the scientific sessions. Pens and pads provided by the sponsor. Rate for writing pads and pens insertion: 2.000 €

9 WEB OPTIONS A web site being set-up for the promotion of the Conference, companies are cordially invited to sponsor this site with their name and logo. Add a logo and an internet link to your own web site and be always more present on the web! Abstracts will also be submitted on-line. Registrations will be done through the web! Your company should then enhance its presence with a permanent presence on-line. It is the best way to reach already your targeted audience! • The logo from now until the end of the Conference: 1.500 € • To add a link and logo to your own web site and reverse: 2.000 €

9 DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS SPONSORSHIP By sponsoring this item, you will help us to cover the travel and accommodation costs for the world specialist-our Conference speakers. Sponsors will be listed in the acknowledgement in the Final Programme, on the Conference website and on site. • The rate per a speaker is: 1.500 € 9


Speakers preview room: this room will be available at the conference venue for speakers and abstracts presenters to check their slides. Sponsoring of this area represents a unique opportunity to reach all speakers taking part in the official scientific programme. The sponsorship of this item consists of having your company logo displayed on each computer screen background and saver. • Participation for the duration of the Conference: 5.000 €

9 SOCIAL EVENTS The social program of a Conference is an important part of the event itself. It creates the opportunity for delegates from different countries to talk together outside the busy scientific sessions! In a laid-back atmosphere, new relationships start off and old friends meet. Welcome Reception: On Tuesday 2nd June 2009 all delegates, accompanying persons and exhibitors are cordially invited to join the Conference Welcome Reception which will be held in the exhibition area, right after the Conference Opening Ceremony. A pleasant and


informal occasion for the whole community to meet the industry. The sponsor name/logo is displayed in the welcome cocktail area. • Participation as a sponsor, no exclusivity: 10.000 € VIP Dinner: Selected VIPs may also participate in an exceptional evening especially organized for them, taking place on Thursday 4th June 2009. Venue will be advised at a later stage. The sponsor name is printed on the dinner access coupon and menu. • Participation as a sponsor, no exclusivity: 3.000 € • Participation as a sponsor (exclusivity): 10.000 € Gala Dinner: Sponsoring this dinner represents a unique opportunity to reach all participants taking part in the official social programme. Your logo will be placed to each table and also the banner with the company logo will be placed around. • Participation as a sponsor (exclusivity): 15.000 €

9 PUBLIC WATER FOUNTAINS Water fountains for the delegates will be placed in all public areas for the whole Conference period. In case you decide to sponsor this item you company logo will be placed on every crucible and on the water tanks as well. Sponsor will be listed in the acknowledgement in the Final Programme. • Sponsoring for the duration of the Conference: 2.000 €

9 POSTER BOARDS Poster area belongs to the most visited Conference attractions. Sponsors name and logo will be attached on the frame of each poster board and in the acknowledgement in the Final Programme, on the Conference website. • Sponsoring for the duration of the Conference (exclusivity): 3.500 €

9 ABSTRACT CD Each Conference delegate will be provided with a copy of CD with abstract. It will be a part of a Conference kit inserted in the Conference bag. Sponsors will be listed on each CD and CD cover and in the acknowledgement in the Final Programme, on the Conference website. • Sponsoring for the Abstract CD (exclusivity): 6.000 €

9 SIGNAGE FOOTPRINTS Foot prints are a part of the official Conference signage. Their role is to navigate delegates from the subway station to the Conference venue. It is the very first thing what a delegate sees even before entering the Conference building. Sponsor will be listed on the coloured tracks and in the acknowledgement in the Final Programme, on the Conference website. • Signage footprints with the sponsor’s logo (exclusivity): 3.500 €


9 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Each Conference delegate will be provided with a copy of a list of pre-registered participants. It will be a part of a Conference kit inserted in the Conference bag. Sponsors will be listed in the header of the list and in the acknowledgement in the Final Programme, on the Conference website. • List of Participants with a sponsor’s logo (exclusivity): 2.000 €

9 CITY MAPS Each Conference delegate will be provided with a copy of a city centre map. It will be a part of a Conference kit inserted in the Conference bag. Sponsors will be listed on the cover of the each map and in the acknowledgement in the Final Programme, on the Conference website. • Sponsor of city maps: 2.500 €

9 PRAGUE CITY PUBLIC TRANSPORT TICKETS Give the delegates an opportunity to use the public transport means for free. Each delegate will obtain a three days ticket at the special desk with your company logo and banner. Also the logo will be included in the acknowledgement in the Final Programme and on the Conference website. • Sponsoring the tickets: 4.500 €

All prices are indicated VAT EXCLUDED The selection fee of SPONSORSHIP cannot be set off against registration fees. If you have a specific concept of how you would like to promote your company during EuroNanoForum 2009, please contact the Conference Secretariat: Jana Dvořáková CZECH-IN s.r.o., Professional Event & Congress Organizer, Prague Congress Centre, 5. kvetna 65, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic TEL: +420 261 174 308, FAX: +420 261 174 307, GSM: +420 777 791 252 e-mail: [email protected] , web: www.czech-in.cz


SOCIAL/CULTURAL EVENTS The Conference Organisers have planned the following events. The Industry is invited to offer additional events which, however, should not take place in parallel to the official events of the Conference. Welcome reception VIP Dinner Gala Dinner

June 02, 2009, 20:00 June 04, 2009, 20:00 June 03, 2009, 19:30

If you are interested in organising any additional activities, please contact the Conference Department. Jana Dvořáková - CZECH-IN s.r.o., Professional Event & Congress Organizer, Prague Congress Centre, 5. kvetna 65, 140 21 Praha 4, CZECH REPUBLIC TEL: +420 261 174 305, FAX: +420 261 174 307, GSM: +420 777 791 252 e-mail: [email protected], web: www.czech-in.cz

WORKSHOPS & ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMME The project workshops and meetings on demand will be organized to aid networking, technology transfer and project development related to the thematic scope of the conference. EuroNanoForum 2009 will also facilitate transnational technology transfer in Europe and promote innovation by organizing several brokerage activities. Moreover, the conference will be accompanied by an independent and unique set of outreaching and communication activities towards a general public. These will include art exhibitions and performances thematically linked to various aspects of nanotechnologies. EuroNanoForum 2009 will organise a series of lectures targeting young people as well as a road show exhibition of the NanoTruck, themed “High-tech from NanoCosmos – a world of minute proportions”. This is planed to demonstrate potential applications of nanotechnologies and the associated socio-economic benefits and uncertainties. The entire accompanying programme aims to establish interconnections between the artistic and scientific communities as well as the public in the field of nanotechnologies. The general concept of the accompanying program gives several opportunities to industry involvement. It gives companies an opportunity to promote their products to general public as well as the conference attendees. 1) Financial sponsorship to accompanying program 2) Offering nanomaterials or products to be used to create artworks 3) Becoming a patron of an artist using specific materials or products to create the artworks


Above the general sponsorship structure there is an option to gain some artworks based on the further agreement. For more information and enquiries please contact the Conference Secretariat:

Ilona Babková

Technology Centre AS CR Rozvojova 135 165 02 Prague 6 Czech Republic phone: +420 234 006 150 e-mail: [email protected]

Stella Fišerová

EuroNanoForum 2009 secretariat Technology Centre AS CR Rozvojova 135 165 02 Prague 6 Czech Republic phone: +420 234 003 142 e-mail: [email protected]


INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION Industrial exhibition shall demonstrate the state of the art of industrial implementation of technical knowledge into industrial products with the following scope: • development of nanotechnology applications for energy conversion, storage and transmission, pollution management, environmental monitoring and remediation, construction and medical engineering •

development of applications in the field of nanomaterials (e.g. membrane technology, MOFs), nanoelectronics and photonics and bionanotechnology for sustainability and competitiveness of the European industry

examples of nanoproduction and process technology, characterisation and manipulation on nanoscale





Build-up and dismantling dates and hours will be announced at the Conference webpage and will be communicated to the exhibitors prior to the event. Companies may apply for the exhibit space by returning the form “Exhibition Registration form”. The exhibitors´ manual will be published early January 2009. All sponsors (mainly major sponsors) are kindly requested to hand in their space request if possible by April 30, 2009. After this deadline assignment on preferred locations cannot be guaranteed. Exhibit place will be assigned by the organisers based on the stand space applications first to the Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsors. However final allocation to main sponsors is to be determined no later than March 15, 2009. After this date the spaces will be offered to all other companies according to the space size request and on a first come – first served basis. For further questions regarding the exhibition please contact the official Conference Secretariat: Jana Dvořáková CZECH-IN s.r.o., Professional Event & Congress Organiser, Prague Congress Centre, 5. Kvetna 65, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic TEL: +420 261 174 308, FAX: +420 261 174 307, GSM: +420 777 791 252 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.czech-in.cz


Rates and Sizes of Booths The rental price of an exhibition space (floor marking only) is per Square Meter and has been fixed as below. New exhibition rates for space only

Rate for an exhibition space: 350 €/sqm (price excludes VAT)

Minimum booth size: 6 sqm Need a shell scheme structure? A shell scheme structure may be provided by the conference organisation. In case you wish to order this structure, please tick the appropriate box on the booth application form. Additional cost for a shell scheme structure (excl VAT): 78 € per square meter A shell scheme booth consists of a modular construction with: • Classic carpet • Partition walls • 1 Fascia board • 1 table • 2 chairs • 1 coat hanger • 1 rubbish bin • 2 Spot lights • Basic booth cleaning • One standard Electric power box (power to be confirmed in the exhibition technical manual) The rental price of a booth space only gives the right to the following services: • Use of stand during the exhibition and during assembly and dismantling periods • Information and coordination services during the assembly and dismantling of stands and during the exhibition • 2 full delegate registrations including full congress pack (congress badge, congress bag, congress programme, abstract book, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception and gala dinner) • The insertion of your company full contact details and activities in the final programme of the conference • Care taking of public areas, excluding the stands which are under your responsibility Additional exhibitor badge (1 included with each 6 sqm):

100 € (excl VAT)


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