Payment Gateway Solutions On Ivr Platform

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 613
  • Pages: 10
Work Flow Document

Payment Gateway Solutions on IVR Platform

Mode of Communication 

Incoming SMS can initiate an Automated Outbound Call to the Mobile Number.

Automated Outbound Calling

Incoming Calls


Incoming SMS Message False

User Sends SMS

Number is sent to Insurance Company Backend System

If Data Found



Go to Process 3-A of WorkFlow


Policy Details Picked up and Details Sent to IVR Middle Ware Server..

Go to Process 3-B of WorkFlow

Incoming Call to Toll Free Number / 10 Digit Mobile No 2 False User Calls a 10 Digit Number/ Toll Free Number

User Number is sent to Insurance Company Backend System.

If Data Found



Go to Process 3-A of WorkFlow


Policy Details Picked up and Details Sent to IVR Middle Ware Server.

Go to Process 3-B of WorkFlow


Automated Outgoing Call to Consumers

False Insurance Company Provides Policy Details and Mobile Number of the Customers.

If Call Connected

Data is Populated in the IVR Middle Ware Server and OutBound Call is initiated. True


END Call

Go to Process 3-A of WorkFlow

Retry Outbound Call for 3 times.

Call 3 A Workflow after User connected to the Inbound / Outbound Call

Customer Data is picked from the Middle Ware Server and prompt is played giving the user Details on Policy No, Premium type and Amount.

For Value 1 Customer is asked if he wishes to make an Online Premium Payment for the Policy by pressing 1 or 2.

Accept User Input

For Value 2

END Call

Message thanking the user for choosing the insurance company is played


Call 3 B Workflow after User connected to the Inbound / Outbound Call

Customer is asked to enter his Policy No for which he needs to make a payment.

Details of the Policy is retrieved from the Insurance Company Back End System and Loaded to the IVR Middle Ware and prompt is played giving the user Details on Policy No, Premium type and Amount.

Customer is asked if he wishes to make an Online Premium Payment for the Policy by pressing 1 or 2.

For Value 1 Accept User Input For Value 2

END Call

Message thanking the user for choosing the insurance company is played


Call 4 Workflow after User connected to the Inbound / Outbound Call For Valid

User is asked to Select the Credit Card Merchant (Visa/MasterCard) by pressing 1 or 2

User is requested to enter 16 digit credit Card No.

Check Input

For Invalid

For 2

User asked to punch in details again

Check Input

5 For 1

Play the Credit Card No Entered and accpet confirmation from the customer by pressing key 1/2.


Credit Card Credentials Collection Process

Accept 3 Digit CVV Number from the User and request conformation for processing by pressing 1 to accept and 2 to decline

Accept Expiry Month and Year of Card in mm-yy format.

For 1 Check Input

For 2

Message thanking the user for choosing the insurance company is played

END Call


Credit Card Information and Amount Sent to Payment Gateway for processing over Secure Link.


Check Payment Gateway

Payment Gateway Response


Transaction ID captured from Payment Gateway

Process Card Information and CVV information Flushed from the IVR Middle Ware Server

Response Failure

Transaction ID, Policy No and Amount Updated at Insurance Company Backend.

Card Information and CVV information Flushed from the IVR Middle Ware Server

Credit Card Information and Amount Sent to Payment Gateway for processing over Secure Link.

User Informed of Unsuccessful Transaction and Thank You message Played. END Call

User Informed of Successful Transaction and Thank You message Played.

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