Pavement Evaluation By Saadia

  • November 2019
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Pavement Evaluation


PAVEMENT EVALUATION MSc. Transportation Engineering Teacher Incharge; Dr. Sajjad Maqbool

Presented by; Saadia Tabassum

Pavement Evaluation


“Pavement evaluation is a technique of assessing the condition of a pavement, both structurally and from the point of view of surface characteristics”  Objectives; 

To research on the performance of pavements of different specifications over a period of time To assess maintenance needs such as patch repairs, renewals and resealing To assess the need for structural overlay on distressed pavements

Pavement Evaluation


Pavement Evaluation is a Measure of Pavement Performance  Pavement Performance is a function of its relative ability to serve traffic over a period of time (Highway Research Board, 1962).  Evaluation


 Roughness

(often called “smoothness”)  Surface Distress  Skid Resistance  Structural Evaluation Pavement Evaluation


Objective of various system of measurement (roughness meter, deflection, skid resistance equipment, visual distress survey....etc.)  

Establish maintenance priorities Determine maintenance and rehabilitation strategies Predict pavement performance

Pavement Evaluation


Pavement Roughness “is an expression of irregularities in the pavement surface that adversely affect the ride quality of vehicle (and thus the user).”

Rough Pavements Pavement Evaluation


Pavement Roughness 

Roughness Measurement Present Serviceability Rating (PSR)  International Roughness Index (IRI) 

Measurement Techniques Rod & Level Survey  Dipstick Profiler  Profilographs  Response Type Road Roughness Meter (RTRRM)  Profiling Devices 

Pavement Evaluation


Roughness Measurement

Present Serviceability Rating (PSR) "The judgment of an observer as to the current ability of a pavement to serve the traffic it is meant to serve" (Highway Research Board, 1962).

Individual Present Serviceability Rating Form Pavement Evaluation


Roughness Measurement

International Roughness Index (IRI) "IRI is used to define a characteristic of the longitudinal profile of a traveled wheel track and constitutes a standardized roughness measurement. The commonly recommended units are meters per kilometer (m/km) or millimeters per meter (mm/m).”

Pavement Evaluation

IRI Roughness Scale


Measurement Techniques

Categories of Equipments for roughness survey data collection

Roughness Measuring Equipment

Pavement Evaluation


Measurement Techniques

Categories of Equipments for roughness survey data collection • Rod and Level survey • Dipstick Profiler (for small quantity of pavement profile measurement)

Pavement Evaluation

Dipstick Profiler


Measurement Techniques

Categories of Equipments for roughness survey data collection • Profilographs …..for rigid pavement construction inspection, quality control, and acceptance. …..not practical for network condition survey.

Profilograph Pavement Evaluation

Profilograph Output 12

Measurement Techniques

Categories of Equipments for roughness survey data collection • Response Type Road Roughness Meter (RTRRM) ….. RTRRM systems are adequate for routine monitoring of a pavement network and providing an overall picture of the condition of the network ….. RTRRMs measure the vertical movements of the rear axle of an automobile or the axle of a trailer relative to the vehicle frame.

Pavement Evaluation


Measurement Techniques

Categories of Equipments for roughness survey data collection • Profiling Devices ….. Profiling devices are used to provide accurate, scaled, and complete reproductions of the pavement profile within a certain range.

Van mounted road profiler Pavement Evaluation

Distress data collection van 14

Surface Distress “Any indication of poor or unfavorable pavement performance or signs of impending failure; any unsatisfactory performance of a pavement short of failure" (Highway Research Board, 1970). 

Distress modes   

Fracture (cracking or spalling) Distortion (rutting, corrugation & shoving) Disintegration (striping, raveling or spalling)

Pavement Evaluation


Surface Distress

Water bleeding & Pumping Raveling Alligator Cracking

Pavement Evaluation

Rutting Stripping Bleeding

JointSlippage reflection cracking Cracking Corrugation & Shoving


Distress Measurement ….either Subjective or Objective

Measurement Techniques  

Visual method – old High speed imaging van –advance technology

Equipped with high resolution cameras  Specifically designed workstations  Advantages  Safety  Accurate and complete distress data  Effective quality control system  More efficient data collection  Video and digital images are available for other users Pavement Evaluation 17 

Measurement Techniques

Pavement Evaluation

Visual Method


Measurement Techniques

Pavement Condition Rating Van

Screen Shot from a Computer-Based Automatic Crack Detection System Inside A Pavement Condition Rating Van Pavement Evaluation 19

Skid Resistance “Skid resistance is the force developed when a tire that is prevented from rotating, slides along the pavement surface (Highway Research Board, 1972).” 

Important Pavement Evaluation Parameter owing to;  

Inadequate skid resistance leads to higher accidents Obligation of agencies to provide user with reasonably safe roadway Skid resistance measurements can be used to evaluate various type of material and construction particles

Pavement Evaluation


Skid Resistance Measurement 

Quantified by; 

Friction Factor or Skid Number

Friction factor (like a coefficient of friction): f = F/L Skid number: SN = 100(f) where:

F = L

Pavement Evaluation

frictional resistance to motion in plane of interface = load perpendicular to interface


Skid Resistance Measurement

Typical Skid Number

Pavement Evaluation


Measurement Techniques 

Common Methods The locked wheel tester ….this method uses a locked wheel skidding along the tested surface to measure friction resistance.  

Lock Wheeled Skid Tester Pavement Evaluation


Measurement Techniques  The

spin up tester

…. same basic setup as a locked wheel tester but operates in an opposite manner  Surface

texture measurement

…. seeks to measure a pavement's macro texture then correlate it with skid resistance as measured by some other, more traditional method

Pavement Evaluation


Pavement Surface Deflection “pavement deflection is a function of traffic (type and volume), pavement structural section, temperature affecting the pavement structure and moisture affecting the pavement structure.”

Pavement Evaluation


Pavement Deflection Measurement 

…measured as a pavement surface's vertical

deflected distance as a result of an applied (either static or dynamic) load.  …advanced measurement devices record this vertical deflection in multiple locations  Measurement Techniques

Static deflections (static load)  Steady state deflections (oscillating load)  Impact load deflections (impulse load) 

Pavement Evaluation


Measurement Techniques 

Static Deflection Equipment  Benkelman Beam …operates on lever arm principle  …measurement is made by placing the tip of the beam between the dual tires and measuring the pavement surface rebound as the truck is moved away 

Benkelman Beam Schematic Pavement Evaluation

Benkelman Beam in use


Measurement Techniques 

Steady State Deflection Equipment 

DynaFlect & Road Rater  …consists of a dynamic force generator (that produces the oscillating load),  a motion measuring instrument (to measure the oscillating load),  a calibration unit and several deflection measuring Dynaflect devices (transducers, accelerometers, seismometers, etc.). 

Pavement Evaluation

Road Rater


Measurement Techniques 

Impact (Impulse) Load Response 

Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) …measures pavement response (deflection basin) by a series of sensors  ... quicker and it more accurately simulates the transient loading of traffic 

Sensors Loading Plate (weight) Pavement Evaluation

FWD Impulse Loading Mechanism and Sensors


Pavement Condition Rating Systems 

Based on measurements of roughness, surface distress, skid resistance and deflection, pavements can be assigned a score that evaluates it and thus reflects their overall condition. This score, sometimes called a pavement condition rating, quantifies a pavement's overall performance and can be used to help manage pavement networks.

Pavement Evaluation


Pavement Condition Rating Systems 

pavement condition scores can be used to;    

Trigger treatment Determine the extent and cost of repair. Determine a network condition index. Allow equal comparison of different pavements

Pavement Evaluation


Thank you Questions?

Pavement Evaluation


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