Patterns 3 @ Barnes Method English Fun Papers

  • April 2020
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Patterns 3 Open and Closed sound. Open sound is Tongue Down, Speak from your Neck and Long sound. E is usually Open. Closed is Tongue Up, Speak from Front Top of mouth and rapid sound. I is usually Closed. Say these words: Reach and Rich. These and This. Most English words start with an Open Sound and end with a Closed Sound. Cause = open sound. Because = open then closed sound. The spelling of the final syllable is less significant than its position. Happiness = E is usually open sound... because its the final syllable you Pronounce it as Closed Sound. Closed sound is usually I. Pure Happiniss E = from your neck > I = from your top front mouth e = open > i = closed vowel sounds open: v=5YZC2MsS0VY&feature=PlayList&p=9ECEC5B77FCC6FEB&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=33 vowel sounds closed: W and R. Pronounce W with both lips. Push your lips > forward. Vibrate both lips. Wwwwwwwwwwww R is Like the sound a dog makes. Ruuuu Ruuuuu. Top teeth on bottom lip. Vibrate.

That's Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright all call ball wall mall (no L, Pronounce the way your teacher shows you) al walk/talk actual normal rational Tea Coffee > carry + d = carried just rust must > the rust just must learn more > I just must adjust to buy anti rust paint mAIntAIn > vibrate the top of your mouth > gaaaaiiiin (gain) raaaaiiin (rain) laaaane (lane) plaaaane (plane) caaaane (cane) I gain on the rain in the fast lane using my plane I like canes I maintain my cane how/now nail/sail/rail/mail/out/about/mau out/about/mouth now/cow/towel/vowel ai/ou/ow ou/ow = sound/pound/ground/found practise how does it sound now the best pound I found in my mail about now on the ground vowels and towels sound similar from my mouth, about the same, I found wow/now/vow/how/bow/cow I vow to buy a cow, how? I shall bow now, yes i'm thinking wow too male/sale Y/why Yesterday You learned Yummy makes you Younger and Yoghurt does too after many Years Yes Vibrate top front of mouth near teeth O = go, sow, row, tow, vote, goat,

bought/caught/taught bort/cort ballt/callt/tallt > 30,000+ Barnes Method English Readers > 100 Learn English Books on 1 CD for £2 Copyright © 2009 Perry Barnes All Rights Reserved in All Media

Google “Barnes Method English” for free English books. This paper is in Barnes Method @ Fun Papers. Click “I like this” and “Vote 5/5” so I write more. Barnes Method @ 2nd Edition has Homophones and Similar Words. Read this book to LEARN 4x FASTER Do you have friends... who need to learn english you may recommend this teacher to them Give student 3 business cards

how to talk about days last week, this week, next week this = near things this week = monday to sunday so if its monday and we want to meet on thursday we say: lets meet this thursday sunday> < monday : tuesday : wednesday : thursday : friday : saturday : sunday > <monday last week you are here this week next week last sunday this thursday next monday fO cus = open O sound is Like a ball in your mouth > use all the ball to say it (vibrate around your mouth) prOcess > prO cess > focus on process play football, basketball, baseball, tennis and go swimming go walking go running go skiing i will ride my bike i will go for a bike ride i will swim i will go for a swim on your car? you sit on the roof? In your car > we say on the bus/train because you step onto the bus/train read the prepositions page in for more details all = vibrate top of mouth and keep tongue down No L in this word push your lips forward and feel them vibrate if your tongue moved it was probably wrong ball call wall football basketball alright always also wall > walk : tall > talk ing = this is one single sound > keep tongue at top of mouth and vibrate > i n g 1 syllable = innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng sing ring thing Copyright © 2009 Perry Barnes All Rights Reserved in All Media

singing thinking dancing if its not correct yet, then you can say singin dancin which sounds better almost correct sing ring > you must pronounce it with the g a bit because it has a different sound 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th first second third (fird) fourth fifth sixth seventh eigth nineth tenth th = at the end of a word = fffff accurate certificate fortunate > closed sound at the end of the word up under us u + t > ut an accurate certificate is quite fortunate er = one single quick sound flower power > a flower lived in the tower and has power feature teacher better picture series > se ries > sear ries > sear rys > series Plurals (get a grammar book or use google to find some exercises on plurals then complete them until you know how to use them) 9 yearS ago 10 yearS old/5 years old > he is 20/he is 30/she is 25 he has a 10 year old/she has one 5 year old and a 15 year old son the lakeS are the lake is everybody usES it a lot : I use it a lot everybody drinkS coffee a lot : she drinks lots of it : I don't drink coffee own>ly = only = OOOOOO (lips forward, vibrate lips) through = Fru have to = need to you haven't got to = you don't need to all kinds of news all kinds of coffee all kinds of..... all kinds of vacations all kinds of cds all types of.... sometimes always sometimes not sometime 3 examples of sometimes

Copyright © 2009 Perry Barnes All Rights Reserved in All Media

a/an/the the = only one a = one of many the news, the weather, the countryside, the city many things together = the internet (international network, many computers), the government a hand, a chocolate bar, a happy person write 3 examples of the and a (in a suburb) the best : the most > only one at the top (according to language) you are the best student ever : you learn the most words working = were kin work = were + k = werk

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Copyright © 2009 Perry Barnes All Rights Reserved in All Media

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