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Contents of Porfolio


Article Review


Book Review

III. Position Paper IV. Project Proposal V. Resume VI. Sample Memorandom VII. Job Application Letter

Submitted by: Patrick Imarga Submitted to : Delia Tupas

Name: Patrick Imarga

Date : 03-20-19

Article Summary Worksheet Directions:Complete one Article Summary Worksheet for each article read. Remember to staple a copy of the article to the back of the worksheet. Use the copy to highlight, underline, and make notes as you read.  Bibliographic Information 

Author(s) of article: Jack London

Title of article: The Call of The Wild

Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article: The call of the wild

Date article was published and page number: First Published 1903

Published in Puffin Books 1982




The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada, during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in Santa Clara Valley, California, when Buck is stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. He becomes progressively feral in the harsh environment, where he is forced to fight to survive and dominate other dogs. By the end, he sheds the veneer of civilization, and relies on primordial instinct and learned experience to emerge as a leader in the wild.

London spent almost a year in the Yukon, and his observations form much of the material for the book. The story was serialized in the Saturday Evening Post in the summer of 1903 and was published a month later in book form. The book's great popularity and success made a reputation for London. As early as 1923, the story was adapted to film, and it has since seen several more cinematic

Introduction The story opens with Buck, a large and powerful St. Bernard-Scotch Shepherd,[1][2] living happily in California's Santa Clara Valley as the pampered pet of rich Judge Miller and his family. However, he is stolen by the gardener's assistant, Manuel, and sold to finance his gambling addiction. He is shipped to Seattle. Put in a crate, he is starved and illtreated. When released, he attacks his overseer, known only as the "man in the red sweater" but this man teaches the "law of the club", hitting Buck until he is sufficiently cowed (but the man shows some kindness after Buck stops). Buck is then sold to a pair of French-Canadian dispatchers from the Canadian government, François and Perrault, who take him with them to the Klondike region of Canada. There, they train him as a sled dog. From his teammates, he quickly learns to survive cold winter nights and the pack society. A rivalry develops between Buck and the vicious, quarrelsome lead dog, Spitz. Buck eventually beats Spitz in a fight. Spitz is killed by the pack after his defeat by Buck, and Buck eventually becomes the leader of the team.

When Francois and Perrault reach Dawson with their dispatches, and are given new orders from the Canadian government, the team is then sold to a "Scottish half-breed" man, who is also working the mail service. The dogs must carry heavy loads to the mining areas, and the journeys they make are tiresome and long. One of the team, a morose husky named Dave, becomes sick and is eventually shot.

Buck's next owners are a trio of stampeders from the United States (A spoiled woman called Mercedes her sheepish husband Charles and her arrogant brother Hal), who are inexperienced at surviving in the Northern wilderness. They struggle to control the sled and ignore helpful advice from others, in particular the warnings that the spring melt poses dangers. They overfeed the dogs and then starve them when the food runs out. Some dogs on the team die from either weakness, neglect or sickness. On their journey they meet John Thornton, an experienced outdoorsman, who notices the dogs have been poorly treated and are in a weakened condition. He warns the trio against crossing the river, but they ignore his advice and order Buck to move on. Exhausted, starving, and sensing the danger ahead, Buck refuses and continues to lie unmoving in the snow. After Buck is beaten by Hal, Thornton recognizes him to be a remarkable dog. Disgusted by the driver's treatment of Buck, Thornton hits Hal with the butt of his axe, cuts Buck free from his traces, and tells the trio he is keeping him, much to Hal's displeasure. After some argument, the trio leaves and tries to cross the river, but as Thornton warned, the ice breaks, and the three fall into the river and drown, along with the sled and neglected dogs.

Buck comes to love and grow devoted to Thornton as he nurses him back to health. He saves Thornton when the man falls into a river. After Thornton takes him on trips to pan for gold, a bonanza king (someone who hit it rich in a certain area), named Matthewson, wagers Thornton on the dog's strength and devotion. Buck wins by breaking a half-ton (1,000-pound (450 kg)) sled free of the frozen ground, pulling it 100 yards (91 m) and winning US$1,600 in gold dust. A king of the Skookum Benches offers a large sum to buy Buck, but Thornton has grown fond of him and declines. Using his winnings, John Thornton retires his debts, but elects to continue searching for gold. [3] While Thornton and his two friends Pete and Hans are panning in a campsite, Buck explores the wilderness and socializes with a timber wolf from a local pack. However, Buck decides not to join the wolves and elects to return to Thornton, mirroring John's refusal to sell Buck. However, Buck returns to the campsite to find Hans and Pete murdered, then sees John Thornton has suffered the same fate. Buck finds out the murderers were a group of Yeehat Indians. Buck eventually kills the natives to avenge Thornton, and he then is attacked by an entire pack of wolves. Buck wins the fight, then finds that the same timber wolf he had socialized with was in the pack he fought. Buck then follows the wolf and its pack into the forest, and answers the call of the wild. The legend of Buck is spread among other Indian tribes as the "Ghost Dog of the Northland". Buck comes out of the backwoods once a year on the anniversary of his attack on the Yeehats, at the former campsite where he was last with John Thornton, Hans and Pete, in order to mourn their deaths.


California native Jack London had traveled around the United States as a hobo, returned to California to finish high school (he dropped out at age , and spent a year in college at Berkeley, when in 1897 he went to the Klondike by way of Alaska during the height of the Klondike Gold Rush. Later, he said of the experience: "It was in the Klondike I found myself.

He left California in July and traveled by boat to Dyea, Alaska, where he landed and went inland. To reach the gold fields, he and his party transported their gear over the Chilkoot Pass, often carrying loads as heavy as 100 pounds (45 kg) on their backs. They were successful in staking claims to eight gold mines along the Stewart River.

London stayed in the Klondike for almost a year, living temporarily in the frontier town of Dawson City, before moving to a nearby winter camp, where he spent the winter in a temporary shelter reading books he had brought: Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species and John Milton's Paradise Lost.[6] In the winter of 1898, Dawson City was a city comprising about 30,000 miners,a saloon, an opera house, and a street of brothels.

Klondike routes map In the spring, as the annual gold stampeders began to stream in, London left. He had contracted scurvy, common in the Arctic winters where fresh produce was unavailable. When his gums began to swell he decided to return to California. With his companions, he rafted 2,000 miles (3,200 km) down the Yukon River, through portions of the wildest territory in the region, until they reached St. Michael. There, he hired himself out on a boat to earn return passage to San Francisco.

In Alaska, London found the material that inspired him to write The Call of the Wild.[4] Dyea Beach was the primary point of arrival for miners when London traveled through there, but because its access was treacherous Skagway soon became the new arrival point for prospectors. To reach the Klondike, miners had to navigate White Pass, known as "Dead Horse Pass", where horse carcasses littered the route because they could not survive the harsh and steep ascent. Horses were replaced with dogs as pack animals to transport material over the pass; particularly strong dogs with thick fur were "much desired, scarce and high in price".

London would have seen many dogs, especially prized Husky sled dogs, in Dawson City and in the winter camps situated close to the main sled route. He was friends with Marshall Latham Bond and his brother Louis Whitford Bond, the owners of a mixed St. Bernard-Scotch Collie dog about which London later wrote: "Yes, Buck is based on your dog at Dawson." Beinecke Library at Yale University holds a photograph of Bond's dog, taken during London's stay in the Klondike in 1897. The depiction of the California ranch in the beginning of the story was based on the Bond family ranch.

Publication history On his return to California, London was unable to find work and relied on odd jobs such as cutting grass. He submitted a query letter to the San Francisco Bulletin proposing a story about his Alaskan adventure, but the idea was rejected because, as the editor told him, "Interest in Alaska has subsided in an amazing degree." A few years later, London wrote a short story about a dog named Bâtard who, at the end of the story, kills his master. London sold the piece to Cosmopolitan Magazine, which published it in the June 1902 issue under the title "Diablo – A Dog". London's biographer, Earle Labor, says that London then began work on The Call of the Wild to "redeem the species" from his dark characterization of dogs in "Bâtard". Expecting to write a short story, London explains: "I meant it to be a companion to my other dog story "Bâtard" ... but it got away from me, and instead of 4,000 words it ran 32,000 before I could call a halt."

Written as a frontier story about the gold rush, The Call of the Wild was meant for the pulp market. It was first published in four installments in The Saturday Evening Post, which bought it for $750 in 1903.[16][17] In the same year, London sold all rights to the story for $2,000 to Macmillan, which published it in book format. The book has never been out of print since that time.


The Call of the Wild (Jack London) bulb. The gold rush in Alaska has triggered an uproar for the need of sled dogs capable of pulling sleds to and from the driver's need. Two explorers discover Buck, a good candidate as a sled dog, and discipline him to become the alpha dog later in the book. 


The story was nice and it’s all about his Dog, Buck many can relate this cause many of us have a dog in house or in our friends. 


I think the book is so less weakness because the story is true .And The moving story ofa proud dog who escapes capitivity tp become the leader of a wolf pack.


Buck is a dog to luxury, but betrayed and sold to be a sledge dog in the harsh and frozen Yukon. This is the remarkable story of how Buck rises above hi enemies to become one of the most feared and amired doga in the north




No more than seven (7) words. Clearly state what the proponent intends to do.

Project Type


Specific type of project based on the following (CARES): Constituency Building Advocacy Research Environmental Defense Sites

Project Site


Location of project. Specific barangay/s, municipality, city, province

Grant Type


Small – up to PhP 200,000.00; Medium – from PhP 201,000.00 up to PhP 800,000.00; Large – from PhP 801,000.00 up to PhP 2,000,000.00

Type of Community Beneficiaries


Socio-economic sector of community i.e., Upland Farmers, Indigenous People, etc.

Ecosystem or Resource Base Classification


(If applicable) Terrestrial (i.e., upland, forest, watershed, etc.) Marine (i.e., coastal, coral reef, seagrass, mangrove, etc.) Wetland (i.e., freshwater, lake or river, marshland, estuary, etc.)

Project Status/Duration


Identify the proposed project life/starting date (e.g., New/Six (6) Months, Starting January 1, 2015)



Full legal name of the organization Complete organizational address including contact number/s & e-mail address

Contact Person/Designation


Full name of the contact person and designation

Total Project Cost


Full cost of the project in Philippine Currency

Financial Assistance Requested


Amount of fund being requested in Philippine Currency

Counterpart Contribution


Full amount of counterpart

II. BACKGROUND Situation Analysis Site, Ecosystem, and Resource Base (if applicable) Give a clear and specific description of the site. What is the geographical scope or coverage of the project (Annex a location or site map; and a topographical map, if already available)? Identify clearly the boundaries of the project site. Indicate the status of the biological or natural resources in the site/area based on the available data. What is the status of the biological and natural resources and the ecosystem? Give accurate indicators of the species diversity, resource degradation or depletion over the past few years (Annex past or recent scientific studies or investigation of the ecosystem and resources in the site/area, if available.). What are the dominant threats to biodiversity and the ecosystem, biological and natural resources of the site? Who and where are the sources of these threats? What development project affect or will affect the ecosystem balance and biodiversity of the site? Community and Beneficiary Group Describe the broader community to be involved in or affected by the project. Number and residence (barangay/s) Socio-economic status (livelihood, income, family size) Tenurial status (as to their land; fishing waters) Organized groups in the community, among the beneficiaries and status of their activities. Past involvement in environmental, ecological projects What are indicators of gender-based differences in use of, access to, and benefits from biological and natural resources in the area? Has the proponent taken steps to inform and elicit support from the community/communities in the site/area for the project? Who have expressed support (Annex letters of support or endorsement from citizen leaders, local officials and officers of organizations, if available.)? What is the community’s analysis of their situation and status of their ecological and natural resources? What steps have they taken to respond to the problems or threats to their ecosystem and resources? What are the indicators of the community’s level of awareness and attitudes towards any programs for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in their area? What are the potential sources of conflict within the community/communities that will affect acceptance, implementation and sustainability of the project (such us resource access, use, tenurial rights and entitlements, illegal encroachments)? III. RATIONALE Statement of the Problem

Why are you proposing the project? What is the need for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development that the project hopes to address? What is the community need that the project hopes to address? Proposed Response to the Problem In general terms, how will the project respond to the stated problem/s? What is the potential benefit or impact of the project for the community and the project site? What opportunities have been opened that makes this response timely and distinct? Cite and briefly describe past and current efforts of the proponent/other institutions in the area to respond to the problem, its results and lessons learned? IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Over-all Strategy and Sustainability What strategies and intervention will the project employ to respond to the situational analysis and problem statement? List and comprehensively describe the project components or interventions. List and describe the critical activities under each component. Place these under phases, if appropriate. Identify specific sectors of the community or other cooperating agencies or groups who will be involved in or mobilized for the major critical activities. How will the project efforts become sustainable? What measures or steps will be taken by the proponents to ensure sustainability of the positive results or benefits? V. PROPONENT DESCRIPTION Full name of proponent. Date of incorporation or registration with any government accrediting institution/s (i.e., Securities and Exchange Commission, Cooperative Development Authority, etc.) What is the proponent’s vision, mission ad goals, and major program undertakings? How is the project an integral part of the proponent’s vision, mission, and goals. Annex brochure, latest annual report, and newsletter, if available. Who are the members or incorporators of the organization? What are their distinctive contributions to the organization? What are the goals and programs? Is the organizations based in the project site? What programs or project does it have there? Describe the proponent’s capability to undertake the project? What are the past and on-going programs, projects or activities in similar or related endeavors as the project being proposed? What are the major results of their programs or projects? Which of the above programs or projects have been externally funded and what agencies have funded these (Annex summary descriptions of funded projects, sources, and amounts of funds.)?

Current organizational members or staff, their qualifications and experience, time commitment to the project (Annex list of governing Board Members, officers and management staff, and brief descriptive resume of competencies of each one.). Describe the financial and accounting system used by the proponent (Annex Audited Financial Reports of the Organization for the past two (2) years, if available.). VI. RISK ASSESSMENT What major internal or external factors (i.e., organizational/management, technical, financial, environmental, etc.), will affect the success of the project? What will the proponent do to mitigate the risk factors? VII. PROJECT OBJECTIVES State the project’s objective or intended results (These objectives should be results-oriented, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bounded.): 1. General Objectives (For the total project life. It should be presented by component.) 2. Specific Objectives (For the First Year of the proposed project. It should be presented by component.) VIII. PLAN OF ACTION 1. Project Management Structure (Draw and describe the project management structure.) 2. Roles, Duties, and Responsibilities (What are the specific roles, duties, and responsibilities of the organizational board, staff, professional contractors (if necessary) and others in each position in the project management structure? Specify if each position is full time, part time (what percentage of time) or hire for a specific period. 3. Schedule of Activities/Work Plan (Present this in a chart that will show the components, objectives, critical activities, expected results, timeframe, verifiable indicators, person/s or staff responsible, requirement (i.e., financial, material, etc.). Example: Component 1: Advocacy and Networking Objectives

Critical Activities

Expected Results


Verifiable Indicators

Staff/Officer Responsible


Note: Logframe must be included in the proposal for Large Grants with a financial request of more than PhP 1.0 M IX. BUDGET 1. Total Project Cost (Specify the total project cost as well as the distribution based on the amount being requested and the counterpart that will be contributed by the proponent.).

Materials, others

2. Sources and Usage of Funds (Present the itemized budget and its source/s.) 3. Schedule of Fund Releases X. MONITORING AND EVALUATION How do you propose to monitor and evaluate the project during its project life? What type of reports will be prepared under the project for monitoring and evaluation by the proponent and the funding agency? Present it based in the format below: Type of Reports


Source of Report



XI. LIST OF ANNEXES Prepare a list of annexes of documents/reports that will be part of the project proposal. a. Project Implementation Plan (see format below) b. Logical Framework (Required for large grants only; see format below)

DEATH PENALTY Manila: The Philippine government will continue with its plan to make the death penalty part of its punitive recourse, despite Pope Francis’ declaration that capital punishment is “unacceptable” in all cases, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said. “It is still the priority of the administration to re-impose the death penalty for serious drug-related offences,” Roque said in a press briefing in Malaybalay, Bukidnon on Friday. However, Roque added, the decision on re-imposing the capital punishment remains with the Senate and House on whether it will recall a 1993 law that provides for such penal option. The Philippines has had an on and off penchant with the death penalty. The country carried out judicial executions during the 1970s when the entire archipelago was under martial law and crime was a serious concern. The 1987 Constitution abolished the death penalty but it was reintroduced in 1993 and the first person to be meted the punishment in 1998 was Leo Echegaray who was found guilty of raping his 10-year-old step daughter. In 2006, then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo enacted a law: Republic Act Number 9346 that abolished the death penalty. Arroyo at that time was concerned that having the death penalty as part of the country’s judicial recourse would weaken the country’s position in asking for clemency for overseas Filipino workers who are on death row abroad. State vs Church President Rodrigo Duterte said he wants the death penalty reimposed to serve as a deterrent against drug crimes.

In March 2017, the Lower Chamber passed House Bill 4727 which seeks to reimpose death penalty. The fate of a similar measure in Senate is unknown. Last Thursday, Pope Francis declared death penalty “inadmissible” under all circumstances. The Church approved the revision opposing capital punishment as it attacks the dignity of human beings and the sanctity of human life. Among the reasons for changing the teaching include: the increasing effectiveness of detention systems, growing understanding of the unchanging dignity of the person, and leaving open the possibility of conversion to the individual. “Today, there is an increasing awareness that the dignity of the person is not lost even after the commission of very serious crimes. In addition, a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by the state. Lastly, more effective systems of detention have been developed, which ensure the due protection of citizens but, at the same time, do not definitively deprive the guilty of the possibility of redemption,” the new Catechism says. Jacqueline De Guia, spokesperson of Philippines’ independent Commission on Human Rights, hopes the Senate will heed Pope Francis’ declaration on the death penalty. I’m not Agree of the Death Penalty because this is so brutal. The Phillipines country or our country is so, Religious so if this thing will happens .Many people will not agreed of this and they will make and move or rally. Because of their beloved family in


Prk. 5 Sitio Intake Brgy. Mabuhay ▪ General Santos City, Diversion Road 09666379679 ▪ email@Patrick Imarga


Objectives help to define what type of role you are seeking but may not be necessary if it seems obvious based on your application and experience.


 

Laurel East Elementary School General Santos City (2013-2014) General Santos City National Secondary School of Arts and Trade (2017-2018)


  

Very Good Attitude Highly Organized Ability to work independent or as part of a team


    

Installing and Configuring Computer System Setup Computer Networks Setup Computer Servers Maintain and Repair Computer Systems and Networks Electrical Expercience


Members of Computer Students (2018-2019)


Experience in Troubleshooting in Computer Online business Networking

REFERENCES: W ill be provided upon request.



All Employees


Arthur Dahlquist, General Manager


June 21, 2008

SUBJECT: Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Lines

WATS lines were installed three years ago to give all employees easier telephone access to our customers and suppliers in other parts of the country. In fact, our company's growth rate has increased since then, and we attribute at least part of that growth to the new telephone system.

As sales have increased, so have our telephone bills. But, over the past few months, those bills have been growing faster than sales. It seems that a few people have been using the longdistance lines to make personal calls. Such misuse of the WATS lines reduces our profits (and thus the amount available for profit sharing by all employees), and it ties up lines that are needed for business calls.

Please do your part to keep our company profitable and healthy. If you absolutely must make a personal long-distance call during business hours, please charge it to your home phone. Your colleagues will appreciate your consideration.


May 2, 1996

Dr. Welcome Bender Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Harvard Medical School Boston, MA 02115 Dear Dr. Bender,

I am currently a graduate student in Greg Mendel's lab at the U. of Brünn and I am writing to inquire about the possibility of a postdoctoral position in your laboratory. I plan on graduating in June, 2004 and I would be interested in beginning between June-September, 2004. My graduate work has focused on the inheritance patterns of certain traits in the pea Pisum sativum. Since peas have many traits that differ between different truebreeding plants, and since peas can both cross-fertilize and self-fertilize, this has been a good system for studying inheritance. My work has suggested that the inheritance of genetic traits follows two general rules. First, two members of a gene pair segregate from each other into the gametes. Second, during gamete formation, the segregation of alleles of one gene is independent of the segregation of alleles of another gene. This work will soon be published by the Natural History Society of Brünn. During the course of my graduate work, I have become very interested in Drosophila developmental biology. I have been especially intrigued by studies of the Polycomb complex and how it represses gene expression during development. Thus, I am quite interested in the work going on in your laboratory. I am planning a visit to the United States sometime early this summer. If possible, I would like to visit your lab at that time. I would be happy to present a seminar on my work. Enclosed is a copy of my CV. I have asked my three references to send you letters on my behalf. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Hugo de Vries

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