Patran 2008 R1 Reference Manual Part 7: Xy Plotting

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Patran 2008 r1 Reference Manual Part 7: XY Plotting

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Main Index

Contents Patran Reference Manual


Overview of the XY Plot Application Purpose


General Definitions Task Structure



Description of XY Window Display Components XY Window Display Components 7 XY Plot Capabilities



Summary of Key Features How Curves are Created XY Plot Data Structures

10 12 13

Plot Specifications for Curves Axes Scales and Labels Preparing Curve Data Files Data Set Format 16 Records 16 Format for Data Point Values Example 17


15 16


Naming Conventions 18 Filenames for Curve Data Files 18 Names of XY Windows, Curves, and Titles


Notes on Managing XY Plots 19 Displaying New Curves 19 Effect of Changing the Active Color Table 19 Background Colors 19 Using Colors, Line Styles, and Data Point Symbol Types to Visually Distinguish Curves 19 Locating Titles and Legend Boxes 20 Multi-Line Titles 20

Main Index

iv Patran Reference Manual


XY Plot Forms Overview of XY Plot Actions Create Actions 23 Create a New XY Window Create a New Curve 24 Create a New Title 31

22 23

Post Actions 33 Post/Unpost XY Windows, and Select Current XY Window Post/Unpost Curves in Current XY Window 35 Post/Unpost Titles in Current XY Window 37 Modify Actions 39 Modify Graph Area Options for Current XY Window Modify a Defined Curve 41 Modify a Title 46 Modify Axis Option 48 Modify Legend Display Attributes 58 Rename Actions 60 Rename an XY Window Rename a Curve 62 Rename a Title 63 Delete Actions 64 Delete an XY Window Delete a Curve 65 Delete a Title 66


Main Index





Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application


Main Index

Patran User’s Guide

Overview of the XY Plot Application 


General Definitions

Task Structure

Description of XY Window Display Components

XY Plot Capabilities

Summary of Key Features

How Curves are Created

XY Plot Data Structures

Plot Specifications for Curves

Axes Scales and Labels

Preparing Curve Data Files

Naming Conventions

Notes on Managing XY Plots

2 3


8 10 12 13 14

15 16

18 19



Patran User’s Guide Purpose

Purpose The XY Plot Application (hereafter called XY Plot) creates and manages the definitions of XY windows, which are graphic windows in which curves are plotted. XY Plot also creates and manages the definitions of curves and titles, and manages the display of XY plot information. Task Structure, 4 gives a correlation of the basic tasks described below with the forms used to carry out those tasks. See Description of XY Window Display Components, 5 for a description of the various display elements that appear in an XY window.

Management of XY Window Definitions

XY Plot manages the following XY window elements: • Window name. • Display, label, and scale specifications for the axes that appear in the

graph area. • Display specifications for axis tick marks and plot gridlines. • Display specifications for a legend box that appears outside the graph

area. Management of Curve Definitions

Each curve definition includes the following elements: • Curve data; consisting of a curve name, title, data type identifier, and set

of data points to be plotted. • Curve display and plot specifications.

Curve data can also be exported to a new or existing curve data file, which are external files stored in directories. See How Curves are Created, 12 for a description of the ways in which new curves are created.

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Management of Title Definitions

Each Title definition includes the title name, the title text, and the display specifications.

Management of XY Window Displays

Selected XY windows are posted for display on the screen. Any XY window can be selected as the current XY window. Curve(s) and title(s) are posted for display in the current XY window. The current XY window is the only XY window whose graph area, legend, axes, tick marks, and gridline display options can be modified.

Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application 3 General Definitions

General Definitions

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XY Plot

XY Plot is the application that creates and manages definitions of XY windows (graphics windows wherein XY curves are plotted).

XY window

An XY window is a graphics window which contains a plotting area for XY curves, an X and Y axis, XY titles, and a legend. Each window has a name which uniquely designates the XY window and is displayed in the title bar of the window.

XY curve

An XY curve is the basic entity of data which is plotted within XY windows. The curve consists of a number of X-Y points or Y only points which represent a curve that is to be graphically displayed. Each curve has a name which is used to uniquely designate the curve and a title which is used for display within the legend. Attributes of a curve include the color of the curve and curve title, curve display methods, and point symbol attributes. Each curve can be posted for display to as many XY windows as is desired.

XY title

An XY title is a text string which is displayed anywhere within an XY window and is normally used for annotation of an XY plot. Each title has a name which is used to uniquely designate the title and text actually displayed when the title is posted to an XY window. Attributes of a title include its location, color, and size. Each title can be posted for display to as many XY windows as is desired.

XY axes

XY axes are a part of an XY window. There is an X and Y axis for each XY window and each axis can be independently modified. Attributes of an axis include location, color, tick mark and gridline display, and title and label color and size. Each axis also defines the scaling that will be used for display of XY curves within the XY window. Several scaling methods are available including linear and logarithmic scales and automatic or manual control of ranges.

XY legend

An XY legend is part of an XY window. The legend is a rectangular area within which a table of the curves posted to the XY window are displayed. The legend display consists of a legend title and for each curve, an example of the curve display and the text for the curve title. Attributes of a legend include location, size, border display, and background color.


Patran User’s Guide Task Structure

Task Structure The diagram below groups the forms used in XY Plot into tasks described in Purpose, 2. Each variation of the form is produced by selecting an action and an object. Subordinate forms, which are associated with particular application form variations, are also shown.

Manage XY Window Definitions Create XY Window

Modify Axis

Modify XY Window

Axis Options

Modify Legend

Axis Scale


Axis Labels

Axis Title

Rename XY Window

Delete XY Window

Manage Curve Definitions Create Curve

Modify Curve

Curve Name Title

Curve Options

Data Attributes

Curve Data File

Rename Curve

Create Title

Modify Title

Delete Title

Rename Title

Manage XY Plot Displays Post XY Window

Tick Marks

Post Curve

Post Title

Curve Data Keyboard


Write Curve Data File

Export Curve Data to a File

Main Index

Delete Curve

Manage Title Definitions

Legend Application Form

Subordinate Form

Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application 5 Description of XY Window Display Components

Description of XY Window Display Components The following table illustrates the attributes of XY Plot display elements.

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Patran User’s Guide

Description of XY Window Display Components

XY Window




Background Color




Border Color



Curve Name Color in Legend Box

Border Thickness

Title String Color


Axes Titles:

Curve Color Border Linestyle


Background Color Character Size Curve Thickness Border Color

• Text String • Color • Font Size Axes Specifications:

Curve Style

• Location

Curve Fit Method

• Scale

Symbol Color

• Minimum-

Border Linestyle

Symbol Size Symbol Type Specifications: • Curve Data

Attributes • Curve Fit


Maximum Range • Number of

Primary Tick Marks • Increment

between Primary Tick Marks • Line Color • Line Thickness • Line Style Tick Marks: • Location • Number of

Secondary Marks • Color • Line Thickness Gridlines: • Line Color • Line Thickness • Line Style Numeric Labels: • Format • Color • Number of

Significant Digits

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Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application 7 Description of XY Window Display Components

XY Window Display Components The following graphic shows a typical XY window. The XY Plot window is identified by the window bar, which includes the database name. The cyan window border identifies the window as the current XY window. In this example, the curve named “Curve No. 1” is posted. uv=mäçíW=Ç~í~Ä~ëÉ|å~ãÉW=ñó|ïáåÇçï= LEGEND “Curve No. 1"

tfkalt=qfqib= 3.00


Legend box. Lists all curves posted to this window, along with a sample of each curve’s plot line and data point symbol.



Each curve definition includes its data points, plot specifications, and display attributes




-3.00 -3.00



0. u=^ufp=

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Patran User’s Guide XY Plot Capabilities

XY Plot Capabilities Select XY Plot from the Patran window to display the XY Plot application form. The following activities can then be accomplished by selecting the indicated action/object combination on the applicable form. Click on any object name in the object column below to obtain more help about the action/object combination.

Action Create



Create a new XY window definition.

XY Window

Create a new curve definition by importing data from a curve data file.


Create a new curve definition by entering data points into a spreadsheet. Export curve data points to a text file. Post

Create a new title definition.


Select the current XY window.

XY Window

Post/unpost selected XY window(s) for display.


Post/unpost selected curve(s) in the current XY window.


Post/unpost selected title(s) in the current XY window.


Show/Modify display attributes for the current XY window’s graph area.

XY Window

Show/Modify a selected curve’s data points, curve’s display, and plot attributes.


Export curve data points to a text file.


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Show/Modify the display attributes for a selected title.


Show/Modify the display, label, and scale attributes for the axes in the current XY window.


Show/Modify the display attributes for the tick marks in the current XY window.


Show/Modify the display attributes for the gridlines in the current XY window.


Show/Modify the display attributes for the legend box in the current XY window.


Rename an XY window.

XY Window

Rename a curve.


Rename a title.


Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application 9 XY Plot Capabilities

Action Delete

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Remove selected XY window(s) from the database and from display.

XY Window

Remove selected curve(s) from the database and from display.


Remove selected title(s) from the database and from display.



Patran User’s Guide Summary of Key Features

Summary of Key Features Feature


Multiple XY Windows

Multiple XY windows can be defined. Any number of defined windows can be posted for simultaneous display. Any number of curves and titles can be posted for display in any window. The same curve or title can be posted to more than one XY window.

Current XY Window

One window is selected as the current XY window. The current XY window is identified by a cyan inner border. It is the only one whose graph area, axis, tick marks, gridlines, and legend display attributes can be modified. Curves and window titles can only be posted/unposted in the current XY window.

Curve Display

Each curve has its own set of plot specifications and display attributes. Using the Post Curve action, one or more curves (selected from a global list of defined curves) can be posted for plotting in the current XY window.

Title Display

Each title has its own set of display attributes. Using the Post Title action, one or more titles (selected from a global list of defined titles) can be posted for display in the current XY window.

Legend Box Display

For each curve posted to an XY window, the XY window’s legend box displays the curve’s title and a sample of its plot line and data point symbol. Each XY window definition includes a set of legend box display attributes.

Graph Area Display

Each XY window definition includes a set of graph area display attributes in which posted curves are plotted.

Axes Display

Each XY window definition includes the following axes display attributes: Axis Line and Title: Display attributes, such as color, font size, and line thickness, are used to define the axis line and axis title. Scale: Either linear or logarithmic axis scale can be selected. The number of primary tick marks, the min-max range, and the increment between primary tick marks can be entered manually, calculated automatically, or semi-automatically from the plotted data points of the posted curves. Label: Display attributes, including the axis label format, are used to define the labels appearing at each primary tick mark on each axis. Tick Marks: Separate sets of display attributes are used to define the primary and secondary tick marks that can be selected for display along each axis line. Gridlines: Separate sets of display attributes are used to define the primary and secondary gridlines that can be selected for display. Gridlines originate at tick marks and extend through the graph area.

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Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application 11 Summary of Key Features


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Show/Modify a Curve’s Data Point Values

Any selected curve’s X and/or Y data point values can be displayed in spreadsheet form. Values appearing in this form can modified. The data point values in the spreadsheet can also be exported to a curve data file.

Hardcopy Output

A posted XY window(s) can be selected for output to a hardcopy file (named patran.hrd). This file is translated to a device-specific hardcopy file and may be sent to a printer to produce a hardcopy of an XY window.


Patran User’s Guide How Curves are Created

How Curves are Created New curves are created in any of the following ways: The Create Curve action may be used to import curve data from a curve data file. See Import Curve Data from an External File, 25. Curve data files, which are ASCII text files stored in directories, can be created by XY Plot as described in Write Curve Data to a Curve Data File, 29. New curves can also be created by systems, applications or editors external to Patran as described in Preparing Curve Data Files, 16. A curve data file contains one or more data sets. Each data set includes the curve data type identifier, data points, and (optionally) the title for a single curve. XY Plot reads a selected data set from the file and stores the data in the model database under the name specified by the user. The standard Patran file extension.xyd is used for identifying curve data files. The Create Curve action may be used to create a new curve whose name, data type, and data points are specified by XY Plot. In Create/Modify/Display a Curve’s Data Points, 27, the Curve Data Keyboard form is described, which is used to specify the curve data type and data point values. The originating Patran application (e.g., Results, Fields, Materials, Loads and Boundary Conditions) may be used to write the new curve data including the name, title, data type, and data point set to the model database. These curves are posted to an XY window named XyWindow1. This window, along with the newly created curves, is automatically posted. The curve name assigned by the originating application, as well as the XY window created by the application, is included in XY Plot’s list of defined curves and XY windows. This XY window, and the curves created by the originating application, can be modified with XY Plot. Regardless of the method used to create the curve, the curve data type identifier must indicate whether data points are defined by a pair of X and Y values (type XY Pairs) or by a single Y value (type Y Data). Once a curve has been created, the Modify Curve action described in Modify Actions, 39 is used to specify the curve’s plot specifications and display attributes.

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Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application 13 XY Plot Data Structures

XY Plot Data Structures The diagram below shows the data structures created for each XY window, each curve, and each title. The diagram also shows the action(s) that update the elements in these data structures. Curve data (i.e., name, data type, and set of data points) can be imported from, or exported to, a curve data file.

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Patran User’s Guide

Plot Specifications for Curves

Plot Specifications for Curves Each curve definition includes the following parameters that specify how the curve is plotted in an XY window where it is posted: Start and End Points. The number of the first and last data point to be plotted. The default start point is data point 1 and the default end point is the last data point in the curve data. Scale Factors. The X and Y data point values to be plotted are multiplied by the scale factors. The default scale factor is set to 1. Frequency. This value specifies the interval between plotted data points. The default value of 1 is used when all data points between the start and end points are to be plotted. If a value (n) greater than 1 is specified, every nth data point is plotted. Thus, a frequency value greater than 1 produces filtering of the data. Values of X. If the curve data type is Y Data (i.e., only Y data values are specified in the curve’s definition,) parameters for calculating the value of X for each plotted Y value are required. An X Initial Value and Delta Value are specified for this purpose. The initial value is associated with the Y value for the first plotted data point and the delta value is used to calculate the value of X for the remaining data points. Curve Fit Method. Any of the following curve fit methods can be selected: • Linear. The plot line for the curve consists of n-1 straight lines consecutively connecting the n

plotted data points. • Scatter. No plot line is generated. Only the symbols for the plotted data points are displayed. • Least Squares. A parametric least squares numerical approximation of the best fit is performed,

resulting in a curve consisting of one or more parametric cubic curves (PCs) that pass consecutively through (or near) the data points. The accuracy of the fit is determined by the userspecified number of PCs and the number of line segments per PC. Accuracy improves as the number of PCs and/or the number of line segments per PC are increased. • Spline. The plot line for the curve consists of n-1 parametric cubic curves (PCs) consecutively

connecting the n plotted data points. The resulting parametric cubic spline does not have to be monotonic. However, spline equations are often ill-conditioned and rapid changes in direction or large variations in spacing may produce “kinks” or “loops.” The curve fit accuracy is adjusted by changing the number of line segments per PC. All plot parameters except the curve fit method are on the Modify a Curve’s Plot Specifications, 44. The curve fit method selection is on the Modify a Curve’s Fit Method and Display Attributes, 43. Both of these subordinate forms are accessed from the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Curve is the selected object.

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Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application 15 Axes Scales and Labels

Axes Scales and Labels The following parameters define how the X and Y axes are scaled and labeled. A separate set of parameters is provided for each axis. Scale Method. The selected scale method determines the spacing of the axis primary and secondary tick marks as linear, logarithmic, or cyclic. Assignment Method. The assignment method specifies how values at the primary tick marks are determined. The base point (the value at the first axis origin tick mark) and end point (the value at the last tick mark on the axis) are either entered by the user or automatically calculated. The base point is the lower end of the range and the end point is the upper end of the range. The assignment method also determines the number of primary tick marks as well as the increment between primary tick marks. Any of the following assignment methods can be selected: • Automatic (linear scaling)K The user specifies the number of primary tick marks. XY Plot

calculates the base point, end point, and increment from the data point values of posted curves. • Automatic (logarithmic scaling). XY Plot calculates the base point, end point, and number of

primary tick marks (cycles) from the data point values of posted curves. • Semi-Automatic (linear scaling). The user specifies the number of primary tick marks, the base

point and the increment. These parameters define the end point. • Semi-Automatic (logarithmic scaling). The user specifies the number of cycles (primary tick

marks) and the integral power of 10 corresponding to the base point. These parameters also define the end point. • Range (linear scaling only). The user specifies the number of primary tick marks and the lower

and upper ends of the range. XY plot calculates the increment. • Manual (linear scaling only). The user specifies the number of primary tick marks and enters

the value that is to appear at each primary tick mark. Label Format. The primary tick mark numeric labels can be displayed in either fixed-point, exponential, integer or power format. The exponential format uses a floating point representation consisting of a signed mantissa, the radix (base number) of 10, and a signed integral exponent of the base number. The power format produces labels of the form 10n, where n is a signed integer. The number of significant digits in the labels is also specified. The scale method and assignment method parameters are on the Modify Axis Scale Options, 51. Label format parameters are on the Modify Axis Label Options, 52. Both of these subordinate forms are accessed from the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Axis is the selected object.

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Patran User’s Guide Preparing Curve Data Files

Preparing Curve Data Files This section describes how to prepare curve data files using systems, applications, or editors that are external to Patran. A curve data file is a formatted ASCII text file containing one or more data sets, each of which consists of a series of records. Each data set provides the data for one curve.

Data Set Format A data set is made up of a single header record and one or more data records followed by a termination. The Header Record contains the curve data type identifier string and (optionally) a character string defining the curve title, separated by a delimiter. The curve data type identifier must be one of the following two strings: • XYDATA indicates that the data records for the data set contain alternating X and Y values. • YDATA indicates that the data records for the data set contain Y data only.

The Data Records contain the data point values for the curve. These data point values must be listed in the sequence in which they will be plotted. If the curve data type is XYDATA, the data record(s) must contain alternating X and Y values (i.e., an X value followed by a Y value) for each data point. If the curve data type is YDATA, the data record(s) must contain a Y value for each data point. Each X or Y value must be separated from the next value by a delimiter. A Data Set is Terminated by one of the following: • A new header record. • A termination record containing “END” as the only character string. • The end of file.

Records Each record is limited to 80 characters and must be terminated by a new line or carriage return. Data within a record is entered in free format. If a record contains more than one value or character string, each value or string must be separated by a delimiter (slash, comma, or space). It is not necessary to consistently use a particular delimiter within a file, data set, or record. A number of separate values can fit into a single record as long as they are separated by delimiters and the total number of characters (including delimiters) does not exceed 80.

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Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application 17 Preparing Curve Data Files

Format for Data Point Values Data point values can be specified in any mixture of integer, fixed-point, and floating point formats. The floating point representation of a number is accomplished by handling the number as a signed mantissa, multiplied by 10 (the radix) raised to a signed integral exponent. For example: is the notation that would be used to specify the floating point number -1.23 * 10-2, where:


-1.23 E -2

is the mantissa, signifies that an exponent (to the base 10) follows, and is the signed exponent.

Example An example of a curve data file containing two data sets is shown below. The actual file only the Record Contents column.


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Record Contents




Header record for set 1 indicates that this set contains data of type XY Pairs. The data type identifier is followed by a comma and the curve title.



First data record for set 1 contains XY values for the first three data points. Note that the values are a mix of fixed-point, integer, and floating point format. Note also that slashes are used to separate the X and Y values of an XY pair, and commas are used to separate XY pairs.





The second and third data records for set 1 contain respectively the X and Y values for the fourth data point. This demonstrates that X and Y values for the same data point do not need to be in the same record.



Header record for set 2 terminates set 1, and indicates that set 2 contains data of type Y Data. No curve name is included for set 2, thus the curve name will have to be specified by XY Plot when set 2 is imported.



The data record for set 2 contains the Y values for all 7 data points in data set 2.



This is the termination record for set 2. This record would not be necessary here if record number 6 is the last line of the file or if record number 6 were followed by a header record for another data set.


Patran User’s Guide Naming Conventions

Naming Conventions Filenames for Curve Data Files Curve data files must be assigned filenames that conform to UNIX or Windows NT file naming conventions. The file extension [\G is used to identify Patran curve data files.

Names of XY Windows, Curves, and Titles Names must be assigned to XY windows, curves, and titles at the time they are created. The names of curves and titles are independent from the title character strings displayed in the XY window where the curve or title is posted. Initially, a curve name and title are set equal to each other. The curve title may be modified or the curve may be renamed independently of the other. The same logic applies to title names and text. The names of XY windows, curves, and titles must conform to the naming conventions in the table below.



Uniqueness of Names

Names of each XY window, curve and title must be unique within the name class. For instance, a curve and a title could both have the same name because they are in different name classes, but two curves or two titles cannot both have the same name because they are in the same name class.

Number of Characters

• XY Windows: The number of characters (including any prefixes and suffixes)

may not exceed 31. • Curves: The number of characters may not exceed 80. • Titles: The number of characters may not exceed 256.

Legal Characters

• XY Windows: The letters A to Z (upper or lower case), numbers 0 to 9,

underscore, hyphen, and period are legal. Spaces are not allowed. • Curves and Titles: Any printable character in the ASCII character set is legal.

Case Sensitivity

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Names are case-sensitive. For example, the names curve_1 and Curve_1 are evaluated as names of separate and distinct curves. (Try not to have names that vary only by case.)

Ch. 1: Overview of the XY Plot Application 19 Notes on Managing XY Plots

Notes on Managing XY Plots Displaying New Curves When displaying a new curve for the first time, it is recommended that it be the only curve posted to the XY window. The following plot specifications and axis option selections are recommended: Plot Specifications: All data points selected for plotting (Start Point = 1, End Point = highest numbered data point, Frequency = 1); Least Squares curve fit method selected; Display Symbol option selected. Axes Scales and Labels: Logarithmic scale method; Automatic assignment method; Display Labels option selected; Power label format selected. Axis Tick Marks: Primary display selected. With these selections, all data points are plotted and a good curve display is produced regardless of plot range or sharp changes in direction. Adjust the number of PCs and the number of lines per PC for the desired accuracy. Refer to Modify a Curve’s Fit Method and Display Attributes, 43. After evaluating the resulting plot, the plot specifications or axis options can be modified as needed to optimize the display.

Effect of Changing the Active Color Table All color selections for XY Plot objects are determined by the active color table selected on the Color Configurations form accessed through the Display menu. Changing the active color table will change all XY Plot color selections.

Background Colors The background color of the XY window is always the first color in the active color table. The first color is black if the Patran standard color table is selected. Any background color may be selected for the graph area (see page 19) and legend box (see page 58). Be sure that the colors selected for display objects (e.g., window titles, legend titles, curve names, axis titles, labels, borders, axis lines, tick marks, gridlines, curve plot lines, and data point symbols) are different from the background colors of the areas where these objects are displayed. If you intend to produce black and white hardcopy printouts of XY windows, select the background colors to achieve the best contrast between the printed background and the various objects displayed. Refer to the section on File>Print (p. 217) in the Patran Reference Manual for more information.

Using Colors, Line Styles, and Data Point Symbol Types to Visually Distinguish Curves When two or more curves are posted to the same XY window, visual distinction among them (both in the legend and in the graph area) is necessary. This is accomplished by selecting a different plot line color, line style and/or a different data point symbol color or type for each curve. See Modify a Curve’s Fit

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Patran User’s Guide

Notes on Managing XY Plots

Method and Display Attributes, 43. With up to fifteen colors (not including background colors,) seven line styles, and fourteen symbol types, visual distinction can be maintained among a large number of curves posted to the same window.

Locating Titles and Legend Boxes The location of titles and legend boxes are specified by X,Y locations relative to the upper left corner of the XY window. The locations are specified as percentages of the X and Y dimensions of the XY window. For example, if an X,Y location of 10, 10 (i.e., 10% of the X and Y dimensions of the window) is specified and the XY window has dimensions of 6 x 6 inches, the actual location would be 6 inches vertically and horizontally from the upper left corner of the window. For legend boxes, the X,Y location defines the location of the upper left corner of the legend box relative to the upper left corner of the window. See Modify Legend Display Attributes, 58. Since the height and width of the legend box are specified as percentages of the X and Y dimensions of the XY window, care must be taken to assure that the specified X,Y location will permit the entire legend box to fit inside the XY window without intruding into the graph area or posted titles. For titles, the X,Y location defines the location of the top of the first character of the title relative to the upper left corner of the window. See Modify a Title, 46. Care must be taken to assure that the specified X,Y location will permit the entire title string to fit inside the XY window without intruding into the legend box or the graph area.

Multi-Line Titles Each defined title is limited to a single line with a maximum of 256 characters. If a multi-line title is required, create two or more title definitions and locate each title line as described above.

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Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms


Main Index

Patran Reference Guide

XY Plot Forms 

Overview of XY Plot Actions

Create Actions

Post Actions

Modify Actions

Rename Actions

Delete Actions

23 33 39 60 64



Patran Reference Guide Overview of XY Plot Actions

Overview of XY Plot Actions Each action/object combination listed below defines a separate option on the XY Plot application form. Options that require subordinate forms are also indicated and separately described.

Action Create



• XY Window • Curve

• Import Curve Data from File. • Type New Curve Data into Spreadsheet.

• Title


• XY Window • Curve • Title


• XY Window • Curve

• Modify Curve Title. • Modify Curve Display Options. • Edit Curve Data in Spreadsheet. • Read Curve Data from File. • Modify Data Attributes.

• Title • Axis

• Modify Axis Line Display Options. • Modify Axis Scaling. • Modify Axis Numeric Labels. • Modify Axis Titles. • Modify Tick Marks. • Modify Gridlines.

• Legend


• XY Window • Curve • Title


• XY Window • Curve • Title

Main Index

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 23 Create Actions

Create Actions Create a New XY Window Creates a new XY window. The newly created window is automatically made the current XY window.

Main Index




XY Window

Existing XY Windows

Lists the names of existing XY windows.

Enter XY Window Name

Enter a name for the new XY window. See Naming Conventions, 18 for more help.


Patran Reference Guide Create Actions

Create a New Curve Creates a new curve definition, including curve name, data points, and plot color.

Main Index

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 25 Create Actions





Existing Curves

Lists the names of existing curves.

Curve Name

Enter a name for the new curve. This name will also be used initially as the curve title. See Naming Conventions, 18 for more help.


Shows the current curve color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a curve color.

Curve Data Input

Note: The File and Keyboard options are not available until a curve name has been created.


Displays the Curve Data File subordinate form to import data points from a file for the new curve. If a curve title is specified in the file, the title will be used for the new curve title.


Displays the Curve Data Keyboard subordinate form to enter data points for the new curve.

Import Curve Data from an External File This form appears when either the File or the Data from File button is selected on XY Plot form, when Create or Modify is the selected action, and Curve is the selected object. This form is used to import an

Main Index


Patran Reference Guide Create Actions

external ASCII curve data file containing data points and an optional title. Curve data files may contain multiple sets of data; each for a different curve. See Preparing Curve Data Files, 16 for more help.

Main Index

Set Number

Displays the number of the data set to read from the external file.


Enter a filter specification for the curve data files, or accept the default. The default filter specification is *.xyd, which is the standard filename extension used to identify curve data files. If the default filter is applied, all .xyd files in the selected directory are listed. If the default filter has been modified, click the Filter button below to apply the change.


Lists existing directories. Select a directory from the list, then click the Filter button to update the Curve Data File listbox above.

Curve Data File

Lists the names of the existing files in the selected directory that pass the filter criteria. Click on a data file in the listbox to select it and it will appear in the Read From File databox below.

Read from File

Displays the name of the selected file whose specified set number is to be read as data points for the curve. You can also manually enter a file name in the databox; however, the full pathname must be included.


Reads the specified set number from the curve data file listed in the Read from File databox.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 27 Create Actions

Create/Modify/Display a Curve’s Data Points This form appears when either the Keyboard or the Data from Keyboard button is selected on XY Plot form, when Create or Modify is the selected action and Curve is the selected object. Data point values for the curve are entered into the spreadsheet on this form and the values may be written to an external file.

Main Index

Data Type

Defines the type of data points used in the spreadsheet below. For XY Pairs, the values in both the X and Y columns of the spreadsheet are used. For Y Data, only the data in the Y column is used.

Number of Points

Displays the total number=of data points defined in the spreadsheet. When the Apply action is taken, data points for which no input data was entered are defaulted to a value of 0.

Start Point

Displays the number of the first data point to be entered in the spreadsheet.


Patran Reference Guide Create Actions

Input Point Data

`êÉ~íÉ=çê=ãçÇáÑó=Ç~í~=éçáåíë in the spreadsheet as follows: 1. Click on a cell in the spreadsheet to select it. Alternatively, select the X or Y column or row header to select all cells in the column or row. 2. Click in the Input Point Data databox and enter a value. (Data values must be signed integer or fixed point numbers.) 3. Press the Return key on the keyboard. The value appears in the selected cell(s). Note: The maximum number of points displayed in the spreadsheet is 50. When a curve has more than 50 data points, select which points to display by modifying the Start Point value in this form.

Main Index

Write XY Data to File

Select this option to export the entered data points to a file. When the Apply button is selected, the Write Curve Data File form appears.


Updates the curve’s data points to the values contained in the spreadsheet.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 29 Create Actions

Write Curve Data to a Curve Data File This subordinate form appears when the Write XY Data to File option is selected on the Curve Data Keyboard form. This form allows you to export curve data from the spreadsheet in the Curve Data Keyboard form to a new or existing external curve data file. têáíÉ=`ìêîÉ=a~í~=cáäÉ= XY Data Title Curve One

Filter directory_1*.xyd Directories

Data Files

directory_1 directory_2 directory_3 directory_4

11 1.xyd 2.xyd 3.xyd 4.xyd

Write to File directory_1/file_1.xyd


Main Index



XY Data Title

Enter the name, or accept the default, of the curve whose data is to be written to a curve data file. The default curve name is the selected curve title.


Enter a filter specification for the curve data files, or accept the default. The default filter specification is *.xyd, which is the standard filename extension used to identify curve data files. If the default filter is applied, all .xyd files in the selected directory are listed. If you modify the default filter, click the Filter button below to apply the change.


Lists existing directories. Select a directory from the list, then click the Filter button to update the Data File listbox above.

Data Files

Lists the names of the existing files in the selected directory that pass the filter criteria. Click on a data file in the listbox to select it and it will appear in the Write to File databox below.


Patran Reference Guide Create Actions

Write to File

Displays the name of the selected file into which the curve data will be written. You can also manually enter a file name in the databox; however, the full pathname must be included. Caution: If an existing file name is entered in the Write to File databox, its curve data will be overwritten by the new curve data.


Main Index

Writes the curve data into the specified file listed in the Write to File databox.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 31 Create Actions

Create a New Title Creates a new title definition, including the title text, location, displayed color, and the font size.

Main Index


Patran Reference Guide Create Actions





Existing Titles

Lists the names of existing titles.


Enter the title text. The title name will initially be used as the title text. See Naming Conventions, 18 for more help.

Main Index

X/Y Location

Adjust slidebars to change the horizontal (X) or vertical (Y) location (as a percentage of the distance from the top left corner of the XY window) where the first character of the title will appear. See Locating Titles and Legend Boxes, 20 for more help.


Shows the current title text color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a title text color.

Font Size

Pull down the Font Size menu to select a font size for the title text. Options are 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24 point.


Applies current settings.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 33 Post Actions

Post Actions Post/Unpost XY Windows, and Select Current XY Window Posts or unposts a selected XY window.

Main Index


Patran Reference Guide Post Actions

Main Index




XY Window

Select Current XY Window

Lists the names of existing XY windows, with the current XY window selected. Click on a window name from the list to make it the current XY window.

Post/Unpost XY Windows

Lists the names of existing XY windows, with the posted windows selected.= Select a window name from the list to post or unpost.


Applies current settings.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 35 Post Actions

Post/Unpost Curves in Current XY Window Posts or unposts a curve in the current XY window.

Main Index


Patran Reference Guide Post Actions

Main Index





Select Current XY Window

Lists the names of existing XY windows, with the current XY window selected. Click on a window name from the list to make it the current XY window to which curves can be posted or unposted.

Post/Unpost Curves

Lists the names of existing curves, with the posted curves selected.=Select a curve name from the list to post or unpost in the current XY window.


Applies current settings.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 37 Post Actions

Post/Unpost Titles in Current XY Window Posts or unposts a title in the current XY window.

Main Index


Patran Reference Guide Post Actions

Main Index





Select Current XY Window

Lists the names of existing XY windows, with the current XY window selected. Click on a window name from the list to make it the current XY window to which titles can be posted/unposted.

Post/Unpost Titles

Lists the names of existing titles, with the posted titles selected.=Select a title from the list to post or unpost in the current XY window.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 39 Modify Actions

Modify Actions Modify Graph Area Options for Current XY Window Show or modify the display options for the graph area in the current XY window, including the background color, the border line style, color, and thickness.

Main Index


Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions




XY Window

Select Current XY Window

Lists the names of existing XY windows, with the current XY window selected. Click on a window name from the list to make it the current XY window to which graph area options may be modified.

Graph Area

Main Index

Display Border

Select this option to display a border around the graph area.

Line Style

Pull down the Line Style menu to select the graph area border linestyle. Options are Solid, Dotted, Dot-Dash, Short Dash, Long Dash and Odd Dash.

Border Color Background Color

Shows the current border and background color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a border and/or background color.

Border Thickness

Adjust the slidebar to set the thickness of the graph area border, 1 to 50.


Applies the current settings.


Restores the graph area options for the current XY window to the previous setting.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 41 Modify Actions

Modify a Defined Curve Show/modify the definition of a selected curve, including the curve’s title, display options, plot specifications, and data points.

Main Index






Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions

Curve List

Lists the names of existing curves. Select a curve name from the list to modify.


Displays the Curve Name subordinate form to modify the title text and color.


Displays the Curve Options subordinate form to modify the curve’s attributes.

Data from Keyboard

Displays the Curve Data Keyboard subordinate form to modify the curve’s data points.

Data from File

Displays the Curve Data File subordinate form to import data points from a curve data file.

Data Attributes

Displays the Data Attributes subordinate form to modify the curve’s plot specifications.

Modify a Curve’s Title This subordinate form appears when the Title button is selected on the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Curve is the selected object. Use this form to change the selected curve’s title and text color. The curve’s title and color are displayed in the Legend box of an XY window where it is posted.

Main Index

Curve Title Text

Shows the curve title that will be displayed in the Legend box. Enter a new name, if desired.


Shows the current curve name color displayed in the Legend box. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a curve name color.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 43 Modify Actions

Modify a Curve’s Fit Method and Display Attributes This subordinate form appears when the Options button is selected on the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Curve is the selected object. Use this form to select the curve fit method and display attributes.

Curve Fit Method

Pull down this menu to select a curve fit method. Options are: Linear, Scatter, Least Squares, and Spline. See Plot Specifications for Curves, 14 for more help.

Lines Per PC/ # PCs

When the Least Squares or Spline method is selected, adjust the appropriate slidebar to specify the number of line segments generated per parametric cubic curve or the number of parametric cubic curves that will be generated.


Main Index


Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions

Display Symbol

Select this option to display symbols at plotted data points.


Pull down the Type menu to select a new curve symbol. Options are: Letter X, Plus (+) symbol, Circle (filled/unfilled), Square (filled/unfilled) Triangle (filled/unfilled), Diamond (filled/unfilled), Arrowhead (filled/unfilled), and Hexagon (filled/unfilled).


Shows the current symbol color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a symbol color.

Symbol Size

Adjust the slidebar to set the size of the selected data point symbol.

Curve Style Line Style

Pull down the Line Style menu to select a curve line style. Options are: Solid, Dotted, Dot Dash, Short Dash, Long Dash, and Odd Dash.


Shows the current curve color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a curve color.

Line Thickness

Adjust the slidebar to set the line thickness of the displayed curve.

Modify a Curve’s Plot Specifications This subordinate form appears when the Data Attributes button is selected on the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Curve is the selected object. Use this form to define or modify the curve’s plot specifications. The last two databoxes (X Initial Value and X Delta) are only used when the

Main Index

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 45 Modify Actions

curve’s data type is Y data (i.e., each data point has a Y value, but no X value). See Plot Specifications for Curves, 14 for more help.

Main Index

Start Point/ End Point

Specify an integer defining the number of the first and last data point to be plotted.

X Scale Factor/ Y Scale Factor

Specify a multiplier to be applied to data point values in the X and Y columns. Multipliers may be signed integer or fixed-point numbers.


Specify an integer (n) that defines the interval between plotted data points. For example, If n = 1, all data points from the start point to the end point are plotted. If n > 1, every nth data point is plotted.

X Initial Value

When the curve’s data points only have Y values, specify the initial X value to be associated with the Y value at the start point. The X value may be a signed integer or fixed-point number.

X Delta

When the curve’s data points only have Y values, specify the incremental X value to be added to the X value for the preceding plotted data point to obtain the X value for the next plotted data point. The X delta value may be a signed integer or fixedpoint number.


Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions

Modify a Title Show/modify the definition of a selected title, including the title text, location, font size, and color.

Main Index

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 47 Modify Actions

Main Index





Title List

Lists the names of existing titles. Select a title from the list to modify.

Title Text

Displays the current title text to modify if desired. See Naming Conventions, 18 for more help.

X Location/ Y Location

Adjust the slidebars to change the horizontal (X) or vertical (Y) location (as a percentage of the distance from the top left corner of the XY window) where the first character of the title will appear. See Locating Titles and Legend Boxes, 20 for more help.

Font Size

Pull down the Font Size menu to select font size for the title. Options are 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24 point.


Displays the current title color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a title color.


Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions

Modify Axis Option Show/Modify the options for axes in the current XY window, including the axis lines, scale, labels, titles, tick marks, and gridlines.

Main Index

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 49 Modify Actions

Main Index





Select Current XY Window

Lists the names of existing XY windows, with the current window selected. Select a window name from the list to modify.

Active Axis

Select the appropriate axis or axes to modify.


Displays the Axis Options subordinate form to modify the axis display attributes.


Displays the Axis Scale subordinate form to modify the axis scale.


Displays the Axis Labels subordinate form to modify the axis labels.


Displays the Axis Title subordinate form to modify the axis title.

Tick Marks

Displays the Tick Marks subordinate form to modify the axis tick mark specifications.


Displays the Gridlines subordinate form to modify the axis gridline options.


Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions

Modify Axis Line Display Attributes This subordinate form appears when the Options button is selected on the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Axis is the selected object. Use this form to modify the display options for the active axis line.

Main Index

Display Top/Bottom

Specify the side(s) on which the active axis is displayed (top/bottom for X axis, left/right for Y axis).

Line Style

Pull down the Line Style menu to select an axis line style. Options are: Solid, Dotted, Dot Dash, Short Dash, Long Dash, and Odd Dash.


Shows the current axis line color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a line color.

Line Thickness

Adjust the slidebar to set the thickness of the axis line.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 51 Modify Actions

Modify Axis Scale Options This form appears when the Scale button is selected on the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Axis is the selected object. Use this form to modify the active axis scale. See Axes Scales and Labels, 15 for more help.


Select type of scale to be used. Depending on the type of scale chosen, different assignment methods are available to select, which are described below.

Assignment Method

Depending on the assignment method chosen, either arbitrary values, a base value and an increment, or a min-max range can be entered so that tick mark values are automatically calculated and applied to the axis scale. • Automatic (linear scale). Enter the number of primary tick marks. The base

value, min-max range, and increment between primary tick marks is automatically calculated from the curve data. • Automatic (logarithmic). All values are automatically calculated from the

curve data. • Semi-Automatic (linear scale). Enter a base value and increment, and the

number of primary tick marks. The min-max range will be automatically calculated.

Main Index


Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions

• Semi-Automatic (logarithmic scale). Enter a base power of ten value and the

number of cycles. The min-max range is calculated automatically. • Manual (linear scale only). Enter the number of primary tick marks which will

determine the number of values (signed integer or fixed-point numbers) to be entered. • Range (linear scale only). Enter the lower and upper values and the number of

primary tick marks. The increment between tick marks is automatically calculated. Enter Lower and Upper Values

See Assignment Method, above.

Number of Primary Tick Marks

See Assignment Method, above.

Modify Axis Label Options This subordinate form appears when the Labels button is selected on the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Axis is the selected object. Use this form to modify the format, number of

Main Index

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 53 Modify Actions

significant digits, and color of the active axis numeric labels generated at each primary tick mark. For more help, see Axes Scales and Labels, 15. ^ñáë=i~ÄÉäë=

Main Index

Display Labels

Select this option to display numeric labels at each primary tick mark on the selected axis.

Label Format

Select the format for the axis labels. (The Power option is available only when Logarithmic scale is selected on the Axis Scale form.)


Shows the current axis label color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a label color.

# Significant Digits

Enter the number of significant digits in axis label (does not apply to the Power= format).


Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions

Modify Axis Title This subordinate form appears when the Title button is selected on the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Axis is the selected object. Use this form to modify an axis title text and display attributes, including font color and size.

Main Index

Display Axis Title

Select this option to display an axis title.

Axis Title

Displays the current axis title text to modify if desired.

Font Size

Pull down the Font Size menu to select the axis title font size. Options are 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24 point.


Shows the current axis title color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a text color.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 55 Modify Actions

Modify Axis Tick Mark Display Attributes This form appears when the Tick Marks button is selected on the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Axis is the selected object. Use this form to modify the display attributes for primary and secondary axis tick marks.

Main Index


Select the tick marks to display, either Primary or Secondary.


Select the tick marks to modify the display options, either Primary, Secondary, or Both.


Specify whether selected tick marks are to appear outside or inside the graph area.


Shows the current tick mark color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a color.


Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions

Line Thickness

Adjust the slidebar to set the thickness of the tick mark lines.

# Sec. Tick Marks

Adjust the slidebar to set the number of secondary tick marks to appear between each primary tick mark. When logarithmic scale=has been selected on the Axis Scale form, this slidebar has no effect and the number of secondary tick marks are set to=8.

Modify Axis Gridline Display Attributes This form appears when the Gridlines button is selected on the XY Plot form when Modify is the selected action and Axis is the selected object. Use this form to modify the display attributes for primary and secondary axis gridlines.

Main Index


Select the gridlines for display, either Primary or Secondary.


Select the gridlines to modify the display options, either Primary, Secondary, or Both.

Line Style

Pull down the Line Style menu to select the gridline line style. Options are Solid, Dotted, Dot Dash, Short Dash, Long Dash, and Odd Dash.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 57 Modify Actions

Main Index


Shows the current gridline color. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a color.

Line Thickness

Adjust the slidebar to set the thickness of the selected gridlines.


Patran Reference Guide Modify Actions

Modify Legend Display Attributes Show/modify options for displaying the Legend for the current XY window.

Main Index





Select Current XY Window

Lists the names of existing XY windows, with the current XY window selected. Click on an XY window name to select it as the current XY window whose legend is to be modified.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 59 Modify Actions

Main Index


Select the legend elements to be displayed.


Adjust the slidebars to change the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) locations (as a percentage of the distance from the top left corner of the XY window) where the top edge of the legend box will appear.

Background Color

Shows the current color for the legend background. Click this button to display a color bar to choose a background color.

Title - Text

Enter the title text to appear in the legend box.

Text Color / Border Color

Shows the current color for the legend text and border. Click the appropriate button to display a color bar to choose a text or border color.

Border - Line Style

Pull down the Line Style menu to select the legend border linestyle. Options are: Solid, Dotted, Dot-ash, Short Dash, Long Dash, and Odd Dash.


Patran Reference Guide Rename Actions

Rename Actions Rename an XY Window Renames a selected XY window.

Main Index





Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 61 Rename Actions

Main Index

XY Window List

Lists the names of existing XY windows. Click on an XY window to rename.

Rename as

Enter a new name for the XY window. See Naming Conventions, 18 for more help.


Patran Reference Guide Rename Actions

Rename a Curve Renames a selected curve.

Main Index





Curve List

Lists the names of existing curves. Click on a curve to rename.

Rename as

Enter a new name for the curve. See Naming Conventions, 18 for more help.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 63 Rename Actions

Rename a Title Renames a selected title.

Main Index





Title List

Lists the names of existing titles. Click on a title to rename.

Rename as

Enter the new name for the title. See Naming Conventions, 18 for more help.


Patran Reference Guide Delete Actions

Delete Actions Delete an XY Window Deletes a selected XY window.

Main Index




XY Window

XY Window List

Lists the names of existing XY windows. Click on an XY window to delete.

Ch. 2: XY Plot Forms 65 Delete Actions

Delete a Curve Deletes a selected curve.

Main Index





Curve List

Lists the names of existing curves. Click on a curve name to delete.


Patran Reference Guide Delete Actions

Delete a Title Deletes a selected title.

Main Index





Curve List

Lists the names of existing titles. Click on a title to delete.


Index Patran Reference Manual

I n d e x I n d e x I N D E X I n d e x



line thickness, 39

axes, 6 axis label, 44 axis scale, 44 axis title, 44


C create curve, 24 title, 30 XY window, 23 curve, 6, 25 curve data, 26, 28 curve title, 37

D data attributes, 39 delete curve, 57 title, 58 XY window, 56 display attributes, 38, 44, 49, 50, 51

modify, 35 axis, 43, 44 axis gridline, 50 axis label, 46 axis scale, 45 axis tick mark, 49 axis title, 48 curve, 36, 39 curve fit method, 38 curve title, 37 graph area, 35 legend, 51 title, 41

P post/unpost curves, 33 post/unpost titles, 34 post/unpost XY windows, 32

R E external file, 25

G graph area, 35 gridline, 3, 44

H h3, 6

L least squares, 38 legend, 6 line style, 39

Main Index

rename curve, 54 title, 55 XY window, 53

S scatter, 38 spline, 38

T tick mark, 3, 44, 49

68 Patran Reference Manual

X XY axes, 3 curve, 3 legend, 3 plot, 3 title, 3 window, 3, 53 windows, 6

Main Index

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