Patran 2008 R1 Reference Manual Part 5: Analysis Applications

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Patran 2008 r1 Reference Manual Part 5: Analysis Application

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Main Index

Contents Patran Reference Manual


Introduction to Analysis Application Modules


Application Interfaces User-Added Code



Relation to Preferences and Functional Assignments Key Features



Analysis Forms The Analysis Form


Analyze - Setting Up a File for Analysis Read Results 13 Select File 15


Main Index



iv Patran Reference Manual ==

Main Index

Ch. 1: Introduction to Analysis


MSC.Patran Reference Manual

Introduction to Analysis 

Application Modules

Application Interfaces

User-Added Code

Relation to Preferences and Functional Assignments

Key Features

2 3

4 5


Analysis is the gateway to the various solvers that can be used to analyze a model and generate results. MSC.Software Corporation provides several Application Modules and Application Preferences. Preferences to third-party or in-house analysis code is also supported by the Analysis application. Check with your system administrator to find out which modules and interfaces are licensed at your site.

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Application Modules Application Modules are a suite of analysis simulation products developed and marketed by MSC.Software Corporation. These products include the following: Patran Analysis Manager provides analysis management such as basic submittal, monitoring, and aborting capabilities, as well as automated “housekeeping” tasks for analysis codes supported by Patran, and operates in a heterogeneous networking environment. MSC Fatigue provides advanced fatigue life estimation capabilities for use with finite element analysis results. Patran Thermal provides capabilities for the solution of advanced thermal problems involving conduction, convection, radiation, and advection. Patran Materials can now access non-linear material properties. MSC Laminate Modeler is a Patran module for aiding the design, analysis and manufacture of laminated composite structures. Contact your sales representative for information about the availability and capabilities of these products.

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Application Interfaces Patran is an open system which allows analysis solvers not provided by MSC to be developed and accessed. Application Preferences are MSC supplied interfaces to some of the more popular analysis codes. These interfaces convert the data in the Patran database into the required analysis code input decks. After the analysis code is run, the Application Preference also provides a method to convert the analysis code results file into a Patran results database. These interfaces include: • Patran ABAQUS Preference Guide • Patran ANSYS Preference Guide • Patran LS-DYNA3D Preference Guide • MSC Marc Preference Guide • Dytran Preference Guide • Patran MSC Nastran Preference Guide, Volumes 1-2 • Patran PAMCRASH Preference Guide • Patran SAMCEF Preference Guide • PATRAN 2 Neutral File Preference Guide

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User-Added Code Patran provides an open architecture to allow users or third-party developers to integrate analysis codes into the Patran system. Tools are provided to define the analysis code-specific material property, element property, MPC definition, and analysis parameter forms presented by the Patran system. Tools and libraries are also provided to access the Patran database to extend the data required to produce an input deck and to translate results from analysis code-specific results files. For more information, see Steps to Adding a New Functionality to Patran (p. 3) in the PCL and Customization.

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Relation to Preferences and Functional Assignments The various MSC supplied Application Modules and Application Preferences, as well as user-added code, are listed in the Analysis Preferences menu. An analysis code and an analysis type are specified by the user. For example, the analysis code might be for MSC Nastran and the analysis type STRUCTURAL. The selection can be changed any time during model creation. However, there may be conflicts in the data if the analysis code preference is changed after properties are assigned.

^å~äóëáë=mêÉÑÉêÉåÅÉë= Analysis Code Selection: MSC Nastran Analysis Type: Structural Default Model File Suffix .bdf Default Results File Suffix .op2


If the intended analysis code is modified, as much data as possible will be converted. If the new intended analysis code has required properties that are not defined, or if data cannot be transferred, a warning message will be displayed.

Main Index


Key Features The Analysis application provides the means to: • Identify a desired analysis type. • Define analysis code specific translation and solution parameters. • Select a sequence of load cases. • Select desired output parameters. • Send data to solvers. • Read results quantities and model data from analysis code results files.

The Analysis application provides the link between the Patran preprocessing and postprocessing environments and the analysis solvers. The level of integration is identical for application modules, application interfaces, or user developed interfaces.

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Ch. 2: Analysis Forms


Main Index

MSC.Patran Reference Manual

Analysis Forms 

The Analysis Form

Analyze - Setting Up a File for Analysis

Read Results


8 9


The Analysis Form When the Analysis option is selected from the Patran window, the Analysis form is displayed. The available selections in the Action menu typically are (depending on the selected analysis code) Analyze, Read Results, and Read Input. The remainder of the form depends upon the selected option in the Action menu. The current analysis code and type Preferences are displayed on the form for informational purposes. To change the selection, pull down the Preferences menu from the menu bar in the Patran window, select Analysis, and make a new selection in the Analysis Preferences form that is displayed. The following pages describe the various configurations of the Analysis form. The available options depend on the current analysis code selection. The forms that are subordinate to the Analysis form are dependent on the current analysis code selection as well. A detailed description of each form is provided in the individual preference guide or user manual.

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Analyze - Setting Up a File for Analysis For applications, the Analyze option will cause the model to be submitted for analysis. For preferences, the Analyze option will cause the forward translator to run and the resulting input deck may be submitted for analysis. To abort the analysis prior to submitting, deselect the Analysis option from the Patran window or change the Action selection on the Analysis form.

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The following options appear on the Analysis form when Analyze is the selected Action.

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Defines what part of the model will be included in the translation and/or analysis. Choices may be Entire Model or Current Group.


Defines how far the analysis will go. The available settings may be Full Run, Check Run, Analysis Deck, and Model Only. If Full Run is selected, any required forward translation is done, then the analysis solver is invoked to run the problem. If Check Run is selected, the solver is asked to only do a check run. The type of feedback received from a check run depends on the current analysis code selected.

Available Jobs

Lists all jobnames currently defined for the selected analysis code.

Job Name

Defines the name to be attached to all files associated with this particular run. Every analysis jobname must be unique for a particular analysis code. The same jobname must be used for both the Analyze and the Read Results File selections if the results are to be loaded into the originating load cases. These analysis jobnames are stored in the database and are used to correlate the load cases selected in Analyze with the load cases it finds in Read Results File.


Specifies the title, subtitle and label to be used in the analysis run for the currently selected job. This information will be displayed on the Results Form.

More Help Preference Guides

Preference Guides

Please see, Overview (Ch. 1) in the Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide.

Please see, Overview (Ch. 1) in the MD Patran MD Nastran Preference Guide, Volume 1: Structural Analysis

Please see, Introduction (Ch. 1) in the Patran Thermal User’s Guide Volume 1: Thermal/Hydraulic Analysis.

Please see, Overview (Ch. 1) in the Patran Interface to ANSYS Preference Guide.

Please see, Overview (Ch. 1) in the MSC Patran Interface to SAMCEF Preference Guide

Please see, Overview (Ch. 1) in the Marc Preference Guide.

Please see, Overview (Ch. 1) in the Patran Interface to LSDYNA Preference Guide.

Please see, Overview (Ch. 1) in the Patran Interface to Dytran Preference Guide

Please see, Overview (Ch. 1) in the PATRAN 2 Neutral File Preference Guide

Please see, Overview (Ch. 1) in Please see, Quickstart (Ch. 1) in the Patran Interface to the MSC SINDA for Patran PAMCRASH Preference Guide. User’s Guide. The buttons on the lower section of the Analysis form provide access to subordinate forms where additional input about the analysis may be input by the user. The functions of these buttons are highly

Main Index


dependent on the particular analysis code section. An example of the buttons on the Analysis form for a "generic" analysis code are shown below.

Main Index

Translation Parameters...

Displays the Translation Parameters form to specify parameters not directly related to the solution. These are primarily used by the Application Preferences during the forward translation.

Solution Type...

Displays the Solution Type form to select the desired type of analysis to run.

Direct Text Input...

Specify the parameters used during the solution using the Solution Parameters form. These parameters are also usually dependent on the selected Solution Type.


Displays a form to select a list of load cases to be included in this analysis run. The list of selected load cases is order dependent.

Subcase Select...

Displays the Subcase Select form to control what output is generated by the analysis run.

Analysis Manager...

If invoked, the Patran Analysis Manager allows for more advanced analysis management features not available from the Analysis form. For more details, see the MSC Patran Analysis Manager User’s Guide.


Read Results The following options appear on the Analysis form when Read Results is the selected Action. Read Results indicates that data is to be read in from an analysis code results file. This can be results and/or

Main Index


model data. To abort the results reading, deselect the Analysis button from the main menu bar or change the Action selection.

Analysis Action:

Read Results


Result Entities




MSC Nastran



Available Jobs

Job name

temp Job Description

Translation Parameters... Select Results File...

Main Index



Defines what data is to be read from the analysis code results file. This can be set to Result Entities, Model Data, or Both. Before Model Data or Both is selected, the user must be sure there will not be a conflict with existing model data. There is no allowance for offsetting IDs when reading model data from a results file.


Defines how the Results Translator will execute. This can be set to Translate or Control File. If Translate is used, the user-supplied information is written to a Control File, which in turn is read by the Results Translator Program. If the Results Translator cannot be found on the network, the Control File asks that the process stop after the Control File is written. The user can then move the Control File to where the Results Translator resides, and use it to execute the results translation.

Job Name

Defines the name to be attached to all files associated with this particular run. This jobname for the results translation should be the same as the jobname used in Analyze. This jobname allows the translator to determine load case results.

Translation Parameters...

Displays the Translation Parameters. These are primarily used for filtering results or specifying which results are to be imported.

Select Results File...

Displays the Select File form to modify the current selection of the analysis code results file to be read.

More Help Preference Guides Patran ABAQUS

Patran MSC Nastran

Patran ANSYS


Preference Guides Patran Thermal

Patran MSC.Marc

Select File This form is displayed when the Select Results File button is clicked on the Analysis form and Read Results is the selected Action, or when the Select Input File button is clicked and the Action is set to Read

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Input. Use this form to select a file to be read. The default file filters will change depending on the code preference selected in the Preferences menu.

Select File Filter /dallas/users/gamel/pf/forms/*.0P2 Directories /dallas/users/gamel/pf/forms/.

/dallas/users/sip/pf/forms/. /dallas/users/sip/pf/forms/.

Available Files


Selected Results File


Main Index




Defines a filter to be used in displaying files in the Available Files listbox. Directory or default file extensions may be changed by modifying the filter.


Lists all current directories. Double click on an entry in this box or click an entry, then click the Filter button at the bottom of the form to update the Available Files listbox.

Avvailable files

Displays a list of the files that fit the current filter. Select a file by double clicking on a file name in this listbox.

Selected Results File

Displays the name of the results file currently selected.


Updates the Directories and Available Files listbox when the Filter field has been modified.


Index Patran Reference Manual

A I n d e x I n d e x I N D E X

analysis, iv setup, xi application interfaces, v application modules, iv, x



functional assignments, vii


preferences, vii


results reading, xv select file, xvii


user-added code, vi

Main Index

18 Patran Reference Manual

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