Parts Of Speech Intro

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
Parts of Speech Every part of speech has one formal and one functional proof. Before we start: Let’s define morpheme: List of morphemes:

Test for Nouns Formal Proof 1. Has noun- making ___________________: government, incidence, admonition 2. Can occur with _____________ morpheme: governments, incidences, admonitions 3. Can occur with _________________ morpheme: government’s, incidence’s, admonition’s Functional Proof 1. Without _________________, can directly follow an article: __________ government, ___________ incidence, ________ admonition 2. Fits the frame sentence: (The) ____________________ seem(s) all right. Test the following words to determine which ones are Nouns. If you determine it is a Noun, write out the TWO proofs. Remember you need TWO proofs for each word (one formal proof, one functional proof). If the word does not fit TWO proofs, then it is NOT a Noun. 1. Velocity: 2. Run:

3. Condition: 4. Accurately:

Test for Verbs Functional Proof 1. Has a verb- making ___________________: criticize 2. Can occur with present/past ___________ morpheme: criticizes, criticized 3. Can occur with present-participle ___________________: criticizing 4. Can occur with past-participle ___________________: had criticized, was criticized Functional Proof 1. Can be made a __________________: Criticizethis novel. Runthe mile. 2. Can be made ________________: Do notcriticize this novel. Do not run the mile. 3. Fits one of the two frame sentences: They must_________________ it. They must ________________ good. Test the following words to determine which ones are Verbs. If you determine it is a Verb, write out the TWO proofs. Remember you need TWO proofs for each word (one formal proof, one functional proof). If the word does not fit TWO proofs, then it is NOT a Verb. 1. Jeopardize:

2. Angry:

3. Voracious:

4. Determine:

Test for Adjectives Formal Proof 1. Has adjective- making ___________________: foolish, beautiful, anxious 2. Takes comparative or superlative ________________: softer, softest Functional Proof 1. Compared by using ___________/_____________: more soft, most soft 2. Intensifies: Very soft, Very tough 3. Fits the frame sentence: The______________ man seems very ____________________. Test the following words to determine which ones are Adjectives. If you determine it is an Adjective, write out the TWO proofs. Remember you need TWO proofs for each word (one formal proof, one functional proof). If the word does not fit TWO proofs, then it is NOT an Adjective.

1. Mace:

2. Lovable:

3. Fiery:

4. Luminous:

Test for Adverbs Formal Proof 1. Has adverb- making _______________: suddenly, homeward 2. Takes comparative/superlative __________________: ran faster, ran fastest Functional Proof 1. Compared by using __________/___________: more suddenly, most suddenly 2. Intensifies: Very suddenly 3. Can be moved within a sentence without changing its meaning: The door opened suddenly. Suddenly the door opened. 4. Fits the frame sentence: The man told his story _____________________.

Test the following words to determine which ones are Adverb. If you determine it is an Adverb, write out the TWO proofs. Remember you need TWO proofs for each word (one formal proof, one functional proof). If the word does not fit TWO proofs, then it is NOT a Adverb.

1. Yak:

2. Hate:

3. Onward:

4. Frankly:

Parts of Speech Worksheet. Determine each underlined word’s part of speech. Use the following tips: 1. To prove each word’s part of speech you need TWO proofs 2. Be sure to look at the context in which the word is used 3. Looking at the morphemes will help in determining more quickly The Crazy Tale of Vistoso Bosses On a bright Saturday morning, Vistoso Bosses stepped out of their front door. She was trotting to the end of their driveway to pick up their dailynewspaper.

Only, this morning was different from every other morning for Vistoso Bosses. Vistoso Bosses could not easily get to the end of their driveway, for a large mound of animal carcasseslay in their way. Had it been a large mound of oranges, it would not be such a big dealfor the Vistoso Bosses. Having just gotten new cell phones, Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em was the only contact they could call to help them with the situation. Soulja Boy arrived quickly and was a bit queasy when he sawthe carcasses. Soulja Boy was not fully prepared for this monstrosity, so he was perplexed as to how he was going to get to the Vistoso Bosses on the otherside. He ran immediately back to his imitationBat-mobile and opened the trunk. Soulja Boy suddenly returned with his Carcass Destroyer 89; which he bought in Cancun last year. He told the Vistoso Bosses to sit on the frontporch while he took care of the carcasses. Frantically spraying the carcass pile, Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em saved the morning by dissolvingthe pile. The Vistoso Bosses were able to continue down the driveway to get their morning newspaper. Then, the three music stars hopped into the imitation Bat-mobile to finish making their next music video.

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