Parts Of Speech

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 242
  • Pages: 3
“PARTS OF SPEECH” There are nine parts of speech. 1: Noun 2: Pro-noun 3: Verb 4: Adverb 5: Adjective 6: Article 7: Preposition 8: Conjunction 9: Interjection “NOUN” Noun is a name of person, place, animal or things Example: Ali, Karachi, Cat, Pen. “PRO-NOUN” Pronoun is used instead of a noun. Example: Ali is a good boy. Pro-noun = He is a good boy. “VERB” A word, which shows action of a noun. Example: eat, sleep, write and play. “AD-VERB” The word, which shows more about the verb. Example: The boy running quickly. She drinks water quickly. Soundly, Heavily, quickly. “ADJECTIVE” A word, which is qualified of a noun, is called An Adjective.

Example: I have red shirt. She is very intelligent. It is a nice pen.

“ARTICLE” The word which is necessary to complete sentence without these word we cannot complete that. There are three articles: A, An, The Example: A = Consonant used An = Vowels (a, e, i, o, u) Y = E The = Particulars things. “PREPOSITION” The word, which shows the action of a noun. Example: In, Above, Over, Between, against, Under, Behind. “CONJUNCTION” The word, which is used to combine two or more sentences, is called Conjuction. Example: And, But, There fore etc. “INTERJECTION” The word which Express/shows the feeling of a noun. Example: Alas, Hurrah, Sorrow Alas! We have lost the match. Hurrah! We will go for picnic tomorrow. Sorrow! We cannot attend the party.

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