Parish Matters March 2009

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THE RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Friends, We have just entered the great Christian season of Lent. It reminds us of the forty days and nights Jesus spent in the wilderness following his baptism by John in the River Jordan. During this season of penitence and preparation for Holy Week and the desolation of the Cross we seek God’s face. So also we look with eyes of faith beyond Holy Week to the empty tomb and the joy of that first Easter Morning when we respond in the Easter response: “He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!” During this period of Lent I encourage you to attend both the Lenten Study Groups and the Worship in the Church Sunday-by-Sunday. In Matthew 6 we are encouraged at Lent to focus on almsgiving, personal prayer and fasting. We are faced during the last number of months with a most serious financial crisis in Ireland and beyond our shores. Our 70,000 figure of immigration is looking like being transformed into an emigration figure of 50,000. We are faced with job losses and short-time and the possibility of wage freezes and even wage-cuts. Each one of us is being radically challenged to re-look at how we control our spending and control our expenses.The Parish is facing a similar problem, though I am most grateful to Ronan and his Finance Group for keeping us all on the straight and narrow. Fundraising has been a main-stay of our Parish lives for generations, without it parishes up and down the land would face almost certain ruin. I am most grateful to each one of you for continuing to support our Parish Church amid the present struggles I know you are facing. I have put some appropriate prayers on the website with the help of Brendan Teeling, our webmaster.They reflect the financial crisis and I hope you might find them useful. On the last Sunday in March we are having a Service at 10.30am which I have entitled “Hymns around the Cross”. Please fill in the attached voting card and come along to see if your favourite is chosen. Please drop them into the Rectory or put them on the plate in the weeks preceding the Service. On April 19th we will gather for our Confirmation Service when the Archbishop will join us and those who are preparing for the Service. Please come early as the Church will be very busy on that morning.We will have

15 candidates, including one adult — Marina Houghton, who was recently baptised in the Parish Church. I wish to thank most sincerely those who have served on our Select Vestry over the last year, particularly as we look forward to our Easter General Vestry on Sunday morning 5th April following the 10.30a.m. Service. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the Service and this important meeting. Perhaps you may not have considered having your name put forward. Once you are on the Register of Vestrypersons your name may be proposed. Along with membership of the Select Vestry, election also means you will serve on one of the three sub-committees of the Vestry — Finance, Fabric or Needs.Again I wish to thank all who have worked so very hard on these important sub-groups. I would like to thank Heather McCullagh for arranging and organising the recent Parish First Aid Course. We now have a Prayer Board at the back of the Church (left hand side of Notice Board). I would encourage you to use this. If you have or you know someone who has a prayer need please ask the Church Wardens for a Prayer Card and place it on the Board. Prayer is one of the most vital aspects of our corporate lives in Christ and he wishes us to bring it into every aspect of our lives, especially in our Church. “When two or three gather in my name — there am I in their midst”. May God continue to bless each member of your household, that he may be your strength and guide. Grace and Peace — Derek Open Hands Ministry Our Open Hands Ministry is working well with non-perishable food items being brought to Church. Andrea Lazenby-Simpson organises the dispersal of these items through the great work of Jackie Guinan in the inner-city. Please continue to bring them along. Study Group Declan Barry led our thoughts on Wednesday 11th February as we together reflected on the role and place of Anglicanism.Thank you Declan for your thoughtful and well prepared talk and associated worship. As we enter Lent we have a Study Group and Lenten Study Programme on Wednesdays. All are welcome to join us in the Parish Centre starting on 4th March at 7.30pm.

LENTEN STUDY GROUP will be held on Wednesday 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th March at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre The topics being discussed are: 4th March: The Creation Narratives 11th March: Escape from Egypt 18th March: Entry into the Promised Land 25th March: Tribes or Kingdom Tea/Coffee will follow

Mothers’ Union On 12th March at 3.00p.m. we will meet in the Parish Centre and Mrs Olive Condell will tell us about her trip to The Holy Land.We have invited visitors from St. Gabriel’s Ladies Club, The Presbyterian Womans' Group and The MWA to join us on this occasion.Any parishioners who would like to come along will be most welcome. On the 24th March we will attending the Mothers' Union Award & Variety Show in the National Concert Hall at 8.00p.m.The winner will be announced for the best Branch/Parish Project. The Mission to Seafarers are appealing for jumpers for sailors (men & women) who arrive at the Port and are not suitably dressed for our weather conditions. If you can help please contact Rev.Willie Black, Canon Adrien Empey or Iris Acheson. I. Acheson

Bowls Club We would very much like to see some new members, so do come along and have a try. We are playing a friendly game with Raheny and look forward to a most pleasant evening.We played a friendly with DCM who gave us a very good game and a most pleasant evening. H. Erskine Whist Group Our February Whist Drive was the night of the very heavy snow and frost. It was decided to run the drive in spite of the weather. We had three playing tables and an enjoyable evening's play was had by all. We will be holding a Whist Drive on the first Thursday of every month. Our next drive is on 5th March at 7.30p.m. All are welcome. H. Hunter Clontarf Womens’ Group Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd March, Eugene Higgins will join us for a talk on gardening. He is a contributor to ‘The Afternoon Show' and will give a demonstration on simple but effective ideas for your garden. Jenny McCullagh joined us last month for jewellery making and we had a great night.Thank you Jenny. B. Sargent & H. McCullagh

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A Parish Social will be held on Friday 27th March at 8.00p.m. in the Parish Centre Food – Music – Dancing All welcome Tickets 25 euro


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Greenlanes National School The recent snowy weather came as a welcome relief to the children of our Parish National School.The children thoroughly enjoyed break-times, even if the teachers almost froze on yard duty. We are settled back down to normal weather and the children and staff thoroughly enjoyed half term. Susan and the Rector continue to take assemblies, and teach a class on Wednesday mornings - Susan 4th-6th and the Rector JI-3rd. Girls’ Brigade - 5th Company Clontarf Presbyterian As we approach the end of February the girls are busy studying for The National Scripture Test which will be held on Monday 2nd March in Howth Road School.The girls will all find this quite easy as I am sure they are also studying at home! We are also involved in the National Modern Dance Competition due to be held on Friday 27th February in Perrystown Community Centre. This is good fun and the girls enjoy their ‘dance time' on a Monday. We wish all the girls taking part in this the best of luck. At this time there is only one outstanding P.E. Competition and that is the Associate Solo and the Associate Teamwork.The previous date had to be cancelled due to the snow. We have three soloists entered and two teams so we are hoping for great things on Wednesday18th February in Wesley School. Again we wish all the girls the best of luck. Our Explorer Team, our two Junior/Senior Teams, Brigader Team, three Skipping Soloists and two Brigader Soloists all performed extremely well over the past few weeks in the National Competitions, unfortunately we did not figure in the top four placings but all the girls did the 5th Company very proud. The last ‘Competition' in the Girls' Brigade Calendar is the Musical Theatre due to be held on the 21st March.We have started work on this already as time always seem to run away with us towards the end of our Session.The girls have always enjoyed performing in this ‘event' over the past couple of years and I am sure this year will be no exception. Also in March we will be holding our District Competitions consisting of Teams and Soloists from our Explorer Section and also our Junior/Senior Section. M.

Baptismal Register Henry Grahame Walsh – 18th January 2009 Marina Houghton – 8th February 2009

Baptism Baptisms continue to play an important role in our worship week-byweek. On Sunday 8th February we had an adult baptism where we welcomed Marina Houghton into God's family. Marina will be confirmed on 19th April in the Parish Church. May God continue to bless her in her preparation for marriage in the summer to her fiancee, Brian.

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1st March 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Lent 1 Holy Communion Ministry of Healing Service

4th March 7.30 p.m.

Wednesday Lenten Service & Study Group in Parish Centre

8th March 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Lent 2 Holy Communion Parish Family Communion

11th March 7.30 p.m.

Wednesday Lenten Service & Study Group in Parish Centre

15th March 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Lent 3 Holy Communion All-Age Worship

18th March 7.30 p.m.

Wednesday Lenten Service & Study Group in Parish Centre

22nd March 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Lent 4 - Mothering Sunday Holy Communion Parish Family Communion

25th March 7.30 p.m.

Wednesday Lenten Service & Study Group in Parish Centre

29th March 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Lent 5 - Passion Sunday Holy Communion Hymns around the Cross

Scripture Readings for March 1st March

Lent 1 Genesis 9: 8-17 Psalm 25: 1-9 1 Peter 3: 18-22 Mark 1: 9-15

8th March

Lent 2 Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16 Psalm 22: 23-31 Romans 4: 13-25 Mark 8: 31-38

15th March

Lent 3 Exodus 20: 1-17 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25 John 2: 13-22

22nd March

Lent 4 - Mothering Sunday Exodus 2: 1-10 Psalm 34: 11-20 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7 Luke 2: 33-35

29th March

Lent 5 - Passion Sunday Psalm 149: 1-6 Mark 15: 1-39

Youth News Reading back on previous Parish Notes I had written I came across one I wrote during my first 6 months, I wrote about the potential I saw in the children and how blessed I was to be teaching young hearts and minds. Now nearly three years on, the same is still true.These children are now young people and those who were babies when I started are in Klub. To see this Parish grow in such a short time has been such a privilege for me.To see the young people taking part in a Band and to see them sharing their faith, and experiences of faith, in Church. Seeing those who started out in Klub now reading the prayers and those who started in Wired now doing the readings and taking part in Church has made my job worth while. The Youth Clubs have continued to grow, we started out with 3 and now have 4. Connect now has a different structure, the members are now taking on a course to learn how to become more like Youth Workers and are learning how to run Youth Groups. Connect also help with Klub and other Youth Groups, they are now young leaders in the Church and all this in just under 3 years. It has been amazing. Klub meet on Wednesdays in the Parish Centre 4.00pm - 5.00pm Wired meet on Sundays from 6.00pm - 7.00pm in the Parish Centre. Fused meet on Saturdays in the Parish Centre Thank you for all your continued prayers and support S. Connolly

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Sunday Club Table Quiz -We hope to take part in the Sunday School Society Brainarama (Table Quiz) which has been re-scheduled for 29th March from 3.00pm 5.00pm in Castleknock Parish Centre.Anyone who is in 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th Classes can enter a team of up to 4 per table.The classes are mixed to be fair to all ages and great fun. In addition to this any other children from Infant class up are welcome to come along to a games/activity time while the quiz is on. We would need some parents accompanying anyone under 3rd Class. Please contact either Jean Acheson at 831 8645 / 086 841 5114 or Stephanie Maxwell at 833 2846 / 087 6563821 on or before 22nd March if your child or children are interested in taking part. (If you have not indicated by this date we may not be able to include your child.) Programme - We hope to have a variety of activities over the next three months, firstly we will be with taking part in some of the Healer Prayer Service on Sunday 1st March.We will be doing some Singing and watching some DVD's, and some Art/Craft work. As always we welcome anyone who would like to come along from Infant class up to 6th class. MARCH SCHEDULE 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th

Sunday Club Sunday Club No Sunday Club No Sunday Club Sunday Club

Start in Parish Start in Parish In Church Start in Parish Start in Parish

Centre Centre Centre Centre

APRIL SCHEDULE 5th 12th 19th 26th

Sunday Club No Sunday Club No Sunday Club Sunday Club

J. Acheson

Start in Parish Centre In Church In Church Start in Parish Centre

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Prayers for the current financial situation Lord God, we live in disturbing days: across the world, prices rise, debts increase, banks collapse, jobs are taken away, and fragile security is under threat. Loving God, meet us in our fear and hear our prayer: be a tower of strength amidst the shifting sands, and a light in the darkness; help us receive your gift of peace, and fix our hearts where true joys are to be found, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, by taking human flesh you sanctified material things to be a means of your grace; grant us wisdom in our attitude to money, and a generous heart in the use of the resources entrusted to us, that by faithful stewardship we may glorify you. Amen.

God of power, you are strong to save and you never fail those who trust in you. Keep under your protection all who suffer as a result of debt: help them through their time of darkness, give wisdom to all who seek to help, and bring them to know true freedom in your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Reflection A daily reading pointed up this Scriptural advice: ‘be courteous that you may inherit a blessing’. So God rewards kindness by promising a blessing or reward. In the O.T., one reads (Micah 6) “what does the Lord require of you. . . to love kindness.” Proverbs tell us “pleasant words are healing”.The mention of courtesy and kindness in the Bible is frequent so one concludes that in exercising kindness, one displays an important facet of our Heavenly Father's character.The Greek meaning of the word ‘kind' associates it with kindred and its empathetic associations also, outside family. One recalls discussions on TV etc. during which men and women are asked to divulge the characteristic most desirable in a partner. Almost invariably, the reply is ‘kindness'.When one has been the recipient of such courtesy, its effect hit home. Our father was the kindest person I have ever met and to this day, over 30 years since his demise, that is how he is remembered. That he was a committed Christian lent weight to his unselfishness. There is no questioning that he portrayed the loving character of his Heavenly Father and doubtless he received the promised blessing.We have to ask ourselves if we are quicker to criticise and judge than we are to exercise Christian love and courtesy? A Maharry

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PARISH GROUPS/CONTACTS RECTOR: The Rev’d D. C. Sargent (833 1181) [email protected] YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S PASTOR: Susan Connolly (086 377 7278) [email protected] GREENLANES NATIONAL SCHOOL Principal: Ms. C. Atkin (8331554) [email protected] B.B. COMPANY SECTION: Mr A. Ayling (831 5234) B.B. JUNIOR SECTION: Mr. M. Acheson (831 8645) ANCHOR BOYS: Mrs. H. McCullagh (853 5594) CLONTARF WOMEN’S GROUP: Mrs. B. Sargent (833 1181) and Mrs. H. McCullagh (853 5594) YOUTH GROUPS: Ms. S. Connolly (086 377 7278) BOWLING CLUB: Mr. H. Maude (833 1056) BADMINTON CLUB: Mrs. P.Watts (832 6078) JUNIOR BADMINTON: Mr. R.Watts (832 6078) ORGANIST/CHOIRMASTER: Mr. J. Rowden (831 0486) SUNDAY MORNING CRECHE: Mrs. B. Sargent (833 1181) FLOWER GUILD: Mrs. I. Acheson (833 8288) and Mrs B. Gallagher (833 8683) BROWNIES: Mrs. P. and Ms. M.Watts (832 6078) LADYBIRDS/GUIDES: Ms. N. Flynn (8476110) MOTHERS UNION: Mrs. I. Acheson (833 8288) SUNDAY CLUB: Mrs. J. Acheson (831 8645)

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