Parish Matters Dec 08

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THE RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Friends, I wish each one of you who read this magazine a very happy and holy Christmas.The period of Christmas is usually marked by the rushing about and buying of presents for our loved-ones. This is indeed good and reminiscent of what Christ has done for us — the ultimate gift — himself. Let us just for a few moments rest and consider what makes this season really special. Think on the fear and awe as the shepherds sat amid the darkness of those fields outside Bethlehem anticipating a quiet night caring for their sheep. Think on the apprehension of Mary and Joseph as they seek shelter so that she might bear her child. Most of all think on God and what he was planning for us — his beloved ones.The joy of that Christmastide is tinged with the knowledge that this Baby born in poverty would turn this world on its head. He would meet anger with love, disease with his healing touch and our loneliness with the knowledge that he is always there, right beside us. May God bless your preparations for this wonderful time when we celebrate Jesus’ coming to earth as a helpless babe. We have traditionally given donations of money and toys as a Parish to those less well off than ourselves. This year our gifts will be given to the children of St. Joseph’s School for children with Visual Impairment. St. Joseph’s Primary School is the Republic’s only school for children with little or no vision. The school has 39 pupils, aged 4 to 12. All the children have a severe loss of vision and many have other additional disabilities. Although located in Drumcondra, the school’s catchment area extends to the whole of Dublin and a number of other counties. It is with this in mind that I am asking you to purchase a gift for one of the children. There will be a list of the children in the Church. Please bring the wrapped gifts with the child’s name attached by Sunday 14th December. This will be the AllAge Worship Service with Nativity. As many of the children have multiple disabilities the list will give an indication as to the appropriate aged present. As the children are either partially or totally blind I have been asked to give some ideas concerning presents. Musical gifts such as CDs

and CD books, musical teddies, trucks with sound, microphones that change as you sing into them, little walkmans, scented soaps and perfumes and, of course, sweets are great favourites. Footballs would also suit some of the boys. Play-Doh and musical instruments are also very popular with the partially sighted and the blind. Please check with the Church Wardens and then tick the name off the list. This is a most worthy group and I am delighted to help them this year.They are most grateful for our support. If some parishioners would prefer to give a gift of money then this will be collected on any Sunday in December. It is hoped to divide this money between Christian Aid, in the form of Gift Aid, and the Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice Foundation. Please mark such envelopes as Giving Tree donation and put it on the plate or drop it into the Rectory. In the last number of years we have seen much activity in the sale of the old Parish Hall and the building of our Parish Centre. There is a sense around the Parish that our finances are stable and full.This is far from the actual situation.The Parish Centre broke even after its first year which is a testament to the incredible work of our hard-working PCMC (Bruce, Ronan, Clive and Mark). When we look at the Church’s finance we see a very different picture. In 2007, our finance were strong with a large amount of income coming from interest on the monies from the sale of the old hall. This year shows a very different position with an estimated deficit of 27,000 euro. As we look to 2009 it is important for us to consider how we should approach this situation, especially with a view to the work needed on the Church such as re-guttering, new drainage system and discerning the status of our roof.The Select Vestry is in the process of discussing these issues. Many of you will remember the visitation of the Christian Stewardship teams a number of years ago. It is hoped that we will begin these visits in the new year with a view to re-opening that means of communication again. The present financial situation in which we find our Parish can be worked through if we all pull together. One of the funds that has fallen into abeyance is that of the Sustentation Fund. This was a once-off annual donation to the Parish to assist particularly with the cost of its ministry. In recent years this means of raising much needed finances has almost disappeared.As we approach the

end of our year perhaps you might consider this. My appreciation is recorded for all the work Ronan Kelly, our Honorary Treasurer, and Sandra Stirling, our Christian Stewardship Co-Ordinator, do on our behalf throughout the year. It is with great joy that I bring to your attention the forthcoming visit of the Conway Valley Carol Singers. They will be holding a concert entitled ‘An Evening of Christmas Songs and Tales’. This is due to take place on Saturday 3rd January at 8pm in the Parish Church.The following morning they will be joining us for the 10.30am Service and will assist us with our musical worship of God.Thank you to Robbie and Pam Watts and also John Rowden. It was with great sadness that I learned of the fire which destroyed ENRG play place, owned by Clive Jackson. From its opening Clive has been more than willing to allow the Parish’s many youth organisation use ENRG for parties, etc. The thoughts and prayers of the entire Parish Family are with you Clive and also with the 45 staff who lost their jobs as a result. May God continue to bless you and your family, and may the joy of the Christ Child indwell in each one of you this season. Derek

Giving Tree There will be red and gold baubles in the tray on the table beside the tree. If you wish to give a gift please hang a red bauble on the Christmas tree. This year our gifts will be given to the children of St. Joseph’s School for children with Visual Impairment. St. Joseph’s Primary School is the Republic’s only school for children with little or no vision. It is hoped to divide money gifts between Christian Aid, in the form of Gift Aid, and the Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice Foundation.

Mothers' Union On Wednesday 3rd December we are invited to the PW Carol Service at 8.00p.m. in Howth Road Church.This is always a lovely occasion with supper. The branch will meet on Thursday11th December at 3.15pm. in the Centre for a demonstration called "Just Dessert" We launched our Diocesan Project for the awards show on Sunday 15th November. It was a new supply of "Happy Bags" Thanks to the parents and children for your support. I. Acheson Clontarf Bowls Club We are playing regularly on Tuesday evenings and would be very pleased to welcome any new members. We played DCM in the Parish Centre in November. It is always great to meet other Clubs and hope to arrange games with other Clubs when League Matches are finished.We are looking forward to our Christmas Party on 16th December. H. Erskine


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Nine Lessons & Carols will be held in the Parish Church on Sunday 21st December 2007 at 10.30 a.m. the Choir will be accompanied by John Rowden. Tea, Coffee & Mince Pies will be served. The collection on the day will go to the Parish Charity Fund.

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5th Company Girls’ Brigade - Clontarf Presbyterian Well, our 101st Session is now well under way and we are delighted to have so many girls in the Company this year — we have 126 girls on our roll, making us the largest company in the Battalion.This year also we have quite a large number of under fives, which of course bodes well for the future of the 5th.Anyone still interested in joining us, either on a Saturday afternoon for 8 years and under or on a Monday night for the 9 years and upwards please give me a ring on 087 2333751 and we can put your name on our waiting list for next Session. At the moment we are busy working towards our P.E. Sets for the competitions in January/February 2009 and also the Choral Speaking Competitions which are on Saturday morning the 29th November 2008 in Perrystown Community Centre for both the Explorer Section and the Junior/Senior Section. The Annual Feis which was held on the 8th November in Clontarf & Scots Presbyterian Church was a great success, both from the ‘venue’ point of view and for the 5th Company. In the 6 years and under section we had two girls entered—Arianna Ryan, who came 1st and Esther Campbell who was Highly Commended. In the 7 & 8 year olds we had two girls entered — Emily O’Connor, who came 3rd and Aoife Nugent who also sang very well. In the Junior Section we had three girls entered, Claire Lambe, who was Highly Commended, Rebecca Ledden and Lucy O’Byrne who both sang beautifully. In the Brigader Section we had two girls entered — Kathryn Ledden, who came 1st and Evelyn Dawkins who was Highly Commended and in the Associate Section we had two girls entered — Stephanie Maxwell, who came 1st and Lauren Maxwell, who was placed 2nd. Our congratulations go to all the girls who took part. On Monday 22nd December 2008 we will be going out Carol Singing around the Marino area for our Centenary Charity — The Laura Lynn Foundation.We will be meeting at Howth Road School at 6.45p.m. and will be returning to the school at 8.15p.m. for soup and rolls. Please come along if you are free — adults would be especially welcome, for both collecting and ‘volume’! If you would like more information regarding any of the above please give me a call on 087 2333751. M. McElhinney - Captain 5th Co.

Junior Badminton The season is now in full swing — 19 young players are attending every Tuesday in Mount Temple. Hazel and Tom are there each week helping with the coaching and we would like to thank them both for their time and experience. Thanks also to Sandra and Rachael who are always on hand when needed. R.Watts Senior Badminton Senior Badminton is also going well — matches started in November with the first men having a convincing win (4-0) win over St. Raphaelas in the first round of the Cup and the same result in their first league match against Baily.We were delighted to welcome several new members to the Club this season — and 8 of our Juniors have also joined us now.We hope they will enjoy many more years of playing in our Centre. P.Watts Clontarf Guides It is a very busy time of year for all of the Brownies, Ladybirds and Guides with Christmas approaching.We have lots of crafts to get working on and also we will be having a special evening shortly when we will pack up the hampers which we have been collecting for since the beginning of the session. We are delighted to say that we will have at least 3 or 4 really large hampers (maybe more) which Reverend Sargent will distribute to the needy in our area. Noeleen would love to hear from anyone who is interested in joining Guides as there are plenty of places and Kim Acheson has kindly agreed to become a young leader and we all are delighted that she is willing to give up some of her free time to help us.Aoife Reynolds has also become a young leader with the Ladybirds (her younger sister is currently a Brownie). She is a great asset to the team having been a Brownie and Guide herself and we thank her very much for joining us to spread guiding amongst our young people. We would like to wish all readers a very Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year. Mandy, Pam, Noeleen, Enid,Veronica, Kim and Aoife.

Anchor Boys The boys are looking forward to the Christmas Party on Monday 8th December in the Parish Centre.We hope to have a visitor from the North Pole with us for this special night. Anchor boys will start back again on Monday 12th January from 6.00p.m. — 7.00p.m. in the Parish Centre. I would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2009. H. McCullagh BB Junior Section Since last updating you on our progress we have held our Enrolment Service in the Parish Church. Every Junior Section Boy attended which was great to see as was the support from parents and friends. Personally I thought the evening service worked very well with the socialising afterwards. Many thanks to the members of Connect — the parish youth group for teenagers post-confirmation — for baking and brewing! Thanks also to Susan Connolly and Sandra Maxwell for their support. Promotion Certificates were awarded to Graham Blay, James Taylor, Gareth Doolan (in absentia!), Hugh Grainger, Jordan O’Brien, Matthew Dawkins and Ian Nugent.Apologies to Ronan Birch for missing him in the Certificate Ceremoney. Over the next weeks we will have the Scripture Test, we may manage a Christmas Party and after Christmas and New Year we will take part in Five-a-Side Indoor Football. We continue to prepare for the Figure Marching Competition and will be turning our attention to planning for the Annual Display.There will be a Table Quiz and even an outing or two while the Boys work hard to gain their badges. Finally on behalf of the Boys and Leaders of the Junior Section we wish one and all a very Holy and Happy Christmas. We look forward to 2009 with the confidence of Christ — our leader, supporter and comforter. M. Acheson Company Section Six of our younger Company Section members took part in a hike on the Sugarloaf on Saturday 8th November. While not the biggest of mountains at 501 metres, the Sugarloaf is nonetheless a tough climb. We

shared the company of Boys and officers from the 22nd Dublin Company for this hike. A very enjoyable time was had by all. Closer to home, we had an excellent turnout for our Enrolment Service on Sunday 9th November. The collection went to the Laura Lynn Foundation. We raised 418.29euro. The Company is very grateful to the Church for facilitating the special evening service, to John Rowden for the organ music and to the members of Connect Youth Club for providing the refreshments after the service. We hosted two National Competitions, on 15th November the 16th Newtownabbey Co. were with us for Badminton, and a week later we welcomed 1st Broughshane from Co Antrim for Table Tennis.A week later four lads travelled to Portadown for the Masterteam Quiz. It is always a pleasure to meet the officers and members of other companies, especially those from across the border. Over the weekend of 28th - 30th November, a number of our members headed north to Ganaway Activity Centre in Co Down for an activity weekend. Aside from all this excitement, we continue to meet every Monday night from 8.00p.m. at the Parish Centre.While our Monday parade nights form the backbone of our company activities, we always try to encourage as many members as possible to take part in the things we do outside of Monday nights - hikes, competitions, trips, camps. We would like to wish a speedy recovery to Gary Scott, who suffered a broken leg playing rugby recently. A Ayling

Seafield Singers The Annual Christmas Concert by the Seafield Singers takes place in the Parish Church on Friday 12th December. Tickets from usual sources and at the door. All are very welcome.

Charity Whist Drive Our whist drives are going from strength to strength with 26 people playing at the November drive. Our next drive is for the charity - Irish Cancer Society on 4th December at 7.30 in the Pavilion Room — Do come along and support the good work of this charity and have an enjoyable evening’s play with Christmas eats at the interval. Entrance 5 euro.There will be a raffle and prizes for the raffle will be greatly appreciated. Following our Charity whist, will be a New Years Day Whist Drive — 1st January 2009 at the usual time 7.30.What better way to start in the New Year with friends, a good game of cards and the possibility of going home with a prize! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who help with the smooth running of the Parish Whist Club and to wish all our members every good wish for 2009. H Hunter Clontarf Women’s Group The December meeting of Clontarf Women’s Group will take place on Tuesday 2nd December in the Parish Centre.We will be having a Christmas Cookery Demonstration on the night. Hope to see you all there. B. Sargent & H. McCullagh

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7th December 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Advent 2 Holy Communion Morning Prayer

14th December 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Advent 3 Holy Communion All-Age Worship with Nativity

21st December 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 3.30 p.m.

Advent 4 Holy Communion Parish Nine Lessons & Carol Service BB Christmas Bible Class in the Parish Centre

25th December 0.00 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Nativity of our Lord Midnight Holy Communion Festival Holy Communion Festival Parish Family Communion with Children’s Address

28th December 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Christmas 1 Holy Communion Morning Prayer

Scripture Readings for December 7th December

Advent 2 Isaiah 40: 1-11 Psalm 85: 1-2, 8-13 2 Peter 3: 8-15a Mark 1: 1-8

14th December

Advent 3 Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11 Psalm 126 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24 John 1: 6-8, 19-28

21st December

Advent 4 2 Samuel 7: 1-11, 16 Canticle: Magnificat Romans 16: 25-27 Luke 1: 26-38

25th December

The Nativity of our Lord Isaiah 62: 6-12 Psalm 97 Titus 3: 4-7 Luke 2: 1-20

28th December

Christmas 1 Isaiah 61: 10- 62: 3 Psalm 148 Galatians 4: 4-7 Luke 2: 15-21


4th January

Christmas 2

8.30 a.m.

Holy Communion

10.30 a.m.

Parish Family Communion with the Conway Valley Mixed Choir

11th January

The Epiphany

8.30 a.m.

Morning Prayer

10.30 a.m.

Morning Prayer

18th January

2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

8.30 a.m.

Holy Communion

10.30 a.m.

All-Age Worship with Holy Baptism

25th January

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany

8.30 a.m.

Holy Communion

10.30 a.m.

Parish Family Communion

Scripture Readings for January 4th January

Christmas 2 Jeremiah 31: 7-14 Psalm 147: 13-21 Ephesians 1: 3-14 John 1: 1-18

11th January

The Epiphany Isaiah 60: 1-6 Psalm 72: 1-7, 1-14 Ephesians 3: 1-12 Matthew 2: 1-12

18th January

2nd Sunday after the Epiphany 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 Psalm 139: 1-5, 12-18 Revelation 5: 1-10 John 1: 43-51

25th January

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany Jonah 3: 1-5, 10 Psalm 62: 5-12 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31 Mark 1: 14-20

St Stephen’s Day Tennis

the Tennis Club extends an invitation to any parishioner and their friends to try their hand at tennis Play will commence at 12 noon til 2.00p.m. games will be followed by Mulled Wine & Mince Pies why not come along and join the fun!

Youth Groups It feels like only yesterday that the new term had begun and now we are already seeing Christmas ads on the TV and lights in the streets, where does the time go? All the youth groups will be preparing for the Nativity Service on the 14th of December. Klub who will be dressing as Angels and Shepherds, Wired will be playing Characters of the Nativity Story and Fused & Connect will be putting together the rest of the Service. Also each youth group are looking forward to going on their outings including Ice skating and Essential at Christchurch.We are also preparing for the youth groups Christmas party, which this year promises to be very different. All involved with the Youth Groups would like to wish all the those in the Parish a very Happy Christmas. S. Connolly

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Sunday Club Notes for December 2007 On 14th December we are preparing for the Children’s Carol Service.We are working along side Susan Connolly, our Youth and Children’s Pastor co-ordinating activities between Sunday Club and the various Youth Clubs. We hope to have some Readings, Carols, Jesse Tree and the Crib. Everyone is very welcome and we look forward to seeing a big crowd. As usual Sunday Club will be preparing the Crib and we are hoping to have a Jesse Tree. This tree is used to put symbols of things throughout the Old Testament of the Bible leading up to Jesus’ arrival on Christmas morning in the New Testament. This is a useful reminder to us about some of the events leading up to Jesus’ arrival.You are welcome to take a look after the service at some of the symbols it is quite an interesting journey in itself. On the 7th December we will be doing some Artwork so make sure your child dresses appropriately (not their best clothes). On Saturday the 13th December at 4.30pm (after G.B. has finished) we hope to have an extra practice in Church. Please make every effort you

can to get your child to attend this rehearsal. This will make the day run more smoothly if everyone knows what they are doing. We would like to wish everyone a very happy and peaceful Christmas and we look forward to meeting again in January 2009. As always I wish to thank all the leaders for their time and efforts to make Sunday Club work so well.


Sunday Club

Art/Craft finish off and Music/Song practice.


Rehearsal in Church 4.30p.m.

Practice Song & Tree and know what is happening for next day.


In Church with Youth Clubs & Band

Song & Jessie Tree.


In Church



J. Acheson

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Christmas Bible Classes The Boys’ Brigade Christmas Bible Class will take place on Sunday 21st December at 3.30p.m. in the Parish Centre.This is a get together for present and past members, their families and friends. All are very welcome. The Annual Stedfast Association Christmas Bible Class will take place on Sunday 18th January at 3.30p.m. in the Parish Church. The Stedfast Association President this year is our own John Rowden. Hopefully as many as possible will support John with this event.

Greenlanes National School Carol Service The School Carol Service will take place in the Parish Church on Wednesday17th December at 11.00a.m. All parents/guardians and friends are invited to join us for this service. Study Group The Study Group will be meeting on December 10th at 7.30pm in the Meeting Room at the Parish Centre. The subject being discussed at the meeting is Psalm 23. Please come along and feel free to bring a friend. Baptism We look forward to the Baptism of Henry Walsh on All-Age Sunday the 18th January. Henry is the daughter of Grahame and Susan Walsh. Funerals On Tuesday 25th November we had Joan Ellis’ funeral in the Church. May God’s presence bring comfort to the family in their loss. D. Sargent

Dave Sargent, Aideen Sargent, Sandra Sargent, Freya Sargent, Andy Sargent & Linda Wardlaw with the Rector at Gemma Kate Louise Sargent's Baptism

Baptismal Register Gemma Kate Louise Sargent – 26th October 2008 Naoise Watson – 16th November 2008 Rachel Blake – 16th November 2008 Mina Erica Campbell Dawson – 23rd November 2008

The Conway Valley Mixed Choir will join us in the Parish Church on Sunday 4th January 2009 at 10.30 a.m. for our Parish Family Communion Service

Reflection Christmas is fast approaching and Advent is intended to focus our gaze on the unique event of the Incarnation, the Son of God becoming man for our salvation. Through the ages, the sun has been the object of veneration for many cultures. We remember that our Christmas time falls on the Feast of Saturnalia for Romans — a feast that indulged in hedonism. It came about during the winter solstice when the sun, over the Tropic of Capricorn was about to turn back towards our Tropic of Cancer, requiring six months to reach its apex for us. Christianity put its imprimata on Saturnalia and it became our beloved Christmas marking the miracle birth of Jesus. Sad to say, mammon is in the ascendancy as far as the world is concerned and an orgy of spending and indulgence is the order of the day. Even the check-out girls in our supermarkets have expressed disgust at the level of mindless spending. We are ‘to be in the world but not of the world’. Of course, we rejoice and validly celebrate our Saviour’s birth but we must strive to keep Christ in Christmas. In our hearts and minds, the Son rules our destiny, not the sun. Season’s greetings to the Rector, his family and all parishioners. A. Maharry

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PARISH GROUPS/CONTACTS RECTOR: The Rev’d D. C. Sargent (833 1181) [email protected] YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S PASTOR: Susan Connolly (086 377 7278) [email protected] GREENLANES NATIONAL SCHOOL Principal: Ms. C. Atkin (8331554) [email protected] B.B. COMPANY SECTION: Mr A. Ayling (831 5234) B.B. JUNIOR SECTION: Mr. M. Acheson (831 8645) ANCHOR BOYS: Mrs. H. McCullagh (853 5594) CLONTARF WOMEN’S GROUP: Mrs. B. Sargent (833 1181) and Mrs. H. McCullagh (853 5594) YOUTH GROUPS: Ms. S. Connolly (086 377 7278) BOWLING CLUB: Mr. H. Maude (833 1056) BADMINTON CLUB: Mrs. P.Watts (832 6078) JUNIOR BADMINTON: Mr. R.Watts (832 6078) ORGANIST/CHOIRMASTER: Mr. J. Rowden (831 0486) SUNDAY MORNING CRECHE: Mrs. B. Sargent (833 1181) FLOWER GUILD: Mrs. I. Acheson (833 8288) and Mrs B. Gallagher (833 8683) BROWNIES: Mrs. P. and Ms. M.Watts (832 6078) LADYBIRDS/GUIDES: Ms.W. Kelly (848 1569) and Ms. N. Flynn (8476110) MOTHERS UNION: Mrs. I. Acheson (833 8288) SUNDAY CLUB: Mrs. J. Acheson (831 8645)

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