Parish Matters October 2008

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THE RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Friends, Grace to you and peace. We are already looking forward to our Harvest Thanksgiving Service which takes place on Sunday 12th October. It will be followed by a Harvest Homecoming Lunch in the Parish Centre. It is hoped that as many parishioners as can will attend.We are asking families to prepare soup and sandwiches. If you are going to make either please fill in the sheet at the back of the Church this week. Harvest is a wonderful time when we take the opportunity to give thanks to God for the rich bounty of our world and to pledge our love and faith in him. All are welcome to join us in the Church at 10.00a.m. on Saturday 11th to help decorate for Harvest. This is a labour of love. You do not need to be a professional just a heart to offer your time and energy to God and to our Parish Church. Many of the organisations are back after the summer break.Two I would like to mention: Youth Groups and our Parish Study Group. The Youth Groups are up and running again. Klub on Wednesday afternoons from 4.00p.m. — 5.00p.m. for our youngest, got off to a flying start. It is lovely to see so many from our Parish National School joining in the fun.This is for 4 — 6 year olds. On Sunday 21st Wired and Connect started back up again. Wired caters for 7 —10 year olds and meets from 6.00p.m. — 7.30p.m. on Sundays with Connect catering for the older group 15+ from 8.00p.m. — 9.30pm, also on Sundays. A new group will be starting up in October on Saturdays at 6.00p.m. and will cater for 11 — 15 year olds. This will double-up as a Confirmation Group in preparation for Confirmation which will take place in Spring 2009. We have some names already, but if you are interested in Confirmation please give me a ring during the week as we want to get this group up and running as soon as is possible. Susan and I will run this Group which we have aptly called Fused. Please keep these and all our young people, along with Susan, in your daily and weekly prayers. Our Parish Study Group has now entered its second season.We met on Wednesday 17th of September for reflection, study and refreshments. The

subject we looked at was the Ethics of the Synoptic Gospels - Matthew, Mark and Luke. The evening always opens with a short act of worship focussing on prayer and a Bible Reading which is relevant to the subject matter of the talk.The talk is followed by a discussion of the subject (and many others usually) and we close with the Blessing and then relax for a chat and have tea and coffee.At the Study Group in September the subject of how we make our decisions as members of the Anglican Communion was very interesting.We have decided to use the way we make decisions as the subject matter for the next few meetings. On Wednesday 22nd October we will meet at 7.30p.m. in the Parish Centre for our second evening of the season. We will look at the Just-War Theory and how it might impact on today’s world. It is so important for each one of us to continue to develop our faith. Regular worship and continuous fellowship with each other is the very mainstay of our faith journeys. Perhaps you have not thought about setting aside some time each month with this in mind. Why not come along and join the group and seek God through a deepening in your faith. It is a most encouraging and welcoming group and they would be delighted to welcome new people. You are also most welcome to bring friends along who might enjoy or benefit from the group. I was truly delighted to see the wonderful examination results for many of our young people both in Junior and Leaving Cert Examinations. Congratulations to you all for all your hard work. It certainly paid off. We welcomed a new teacher in the Parish School this September — Laura Wakefield. She is teaching 4th Class.We also welcomed Niall Lennon as Special Needs Assistant and Cathy Harry as full-time Secretary. The additional space in the School will also help teachers and pupils alike. Thank you to all involved in the smooth running of our School from members of the Board of Management to those who organise extracurricular activities. It gives School-life that extra something. The extra Irish and French classes are a great idea though I suspect the Soccer and Basketball are more popular among the pupils. I would particularly like to thank Mr David Lynch and Mr Fergus O’Keeffe who act as Hon.Treasurer and Hon. Secretary. May God continue to bless you and your families. In Christ, Derek

A Harvest Service with Harvest Homecoming Lunch will be held on Sunday12th October with Lunch in the Parish Centre after the Service It is hoped that as many parishioners as possible will attend. We are asking families to prepare soup & sandwiches. If you are going to make either please fill in the sheet at the back of the Church this Sunday.

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The "At Home and Club Opening BBQ"" will be held on Saturday 27th September Tennis Finals order of play 2.00p.m. —Juniors Singles 3.00p.m. — Ladies Final 4.00p.m. — Exhibition Game Official Opening 7.30p.m. — BBQ at 8.30p.m. Please bring your own refreshments Last serving will be at 10.00p.m. Tickets 20 euro Those with special dietary requirements,please advise 48 hours in advance


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Mothers’ Union The new session will open on Thursday 9th October with a Service of Holy Communion in the Parish Centre at 3.00p.m. with tea afterwards. I am looking forward to seeing all our members again and anyone who who would like to join us will be welcome. I. Acheson.

Clontarf Bowling Club We are back to our winter bowling evenings which are all very enjoyable. A friendly match with DCM is being planned in our Parish Centre and we are looking forward to that. The Club Captain and I attended the AGM of the Dublin Area Bowling Clubs in Taney Parish Centre and it was nice to meet people from other Clubs and exchange news and views. Come along on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm in the Parish Centre and have an enjoyable evening. H. Erskine

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Whist Our first whist drive of the season took place in September and we were pleased to welcome our regular members back after the summer holidays as well as a new group from St Anthony’s. Parish Whist Drives take place on the first Thursday of every month. The next drive will be on 2nd October, then 6th November and 4th December at 7.30p.m. in the Pavilion Room of the Parish Hall. Please come along and support this Parish activity.The entrance fee is 5 euro. H. Hunter Clontarf Womens’ Group We will be meeting on the 7th October in the Pavilion Room at 8.15pm. It will be an evening of relaxation and a chance to catch up. Hope to see you all there. B. Sargent & H. McCullagh

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Company Section Following the damp but enjoyable madness that was our Summer Camp in August, we are now back to our usual tricks. The new session kicked off on Monday 8th September with a fun and games night. Fortunately the weather was kind and we got to try out the new floodlights on the outdoor all weather surface. All good so far! We now have 20 members in Company Section,the largest number for some years.A big welcome goes out to all our new members.And equally, a big well done to all members who did well in their Junior Cert over the Summer. The 2008-09 session promises much excitement - we have entered teams in the National Competitions in Badminton, Table Tennis and Masterteam (a sort of souped-up team quiz).We’ll also be looking forward to more local activities including Tag Rugby, Soccer, Hikes, a Swimming Gala and our Founder’s Day and Enrolment services. But the mainstay of our activities continues to be our regular parade night in the Parish Centre from 8.00p.m. — 10.00p.m. every Monday. All enquiries to Alan Ayling on 087 0519723. A. Ayling Parish Study Group The Parish Study Group season started up on Wednesday 17th September. It is well attended though it would be lovely to see some more new faces to swell our numbers.The subject was Ethics in the Gospels. Our next meeting is Wednesday 22nd October when we will look at the morality of war and the Just war Theory.Why not come along? Derek

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5th October 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

20th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 22) Holy Communion Morning Prayer

12th October

Harvest Thanksgiving & Homecoming Lunch Holy Communion Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist with Harvest Homecoming Lunch in Parish Centre

8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 19th October 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 3.30 p.m.

22nd Sunday after Trinity (Proper 24) Holy Communion All-Age with Holy Baptism BB Founder’s Day in St. Ann’s, Dawson Street

26th October 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Bible Sunday Holy Communion Parish Family Communion with Holy Baptism

Forward Notice BB Enrolment on Sunday 9th November at 7.00p.m.

Scripture Readings for October 5th October

20th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 22) Isaiah 5: 1-7 Psalm 80: 8-16 Philippians 3: 4b-14 Matthew 21: 33-46

12th October Harvest Thanksgiving & Homecoming Lunch Deuteronomy 8: 7-18 Psalm 65 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15 Luke 12: 16-30 19th October 22nd Sunday after Trinity (Proper 24) Isaiah 45: 1-7 Psalm 96: 1-9 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10 Matthew 22: 15-22 26th October Bible Sunday Nehemiah 8: 1-4a, 5-6, 8-12 Psalm 119: 9-16 Colossians 3: 12-17 Matthew 24: 30-35

5th Company — Girls’ Brigade Our 2008/2009 Session will be starting back, with a Parent’s Evening along with Registration (for all Sections from Explorers to Associates) on Monday 29th September 2008 from 7.30p.m. — 9.30p.m. in Howth Road School. We will have all the photographs from our Centenary Session on display along with copies of the DVD of our Centenary Display, both of which will be available to order. We do hope that as many parents as possible (no need for Explorers/Juniors/Seniors to attend) will be able to come along as there will also be ample opportunity, over tea/coffee, to ask the Officers and myself any questions you might have in relation to Girls’ Brigade. Our Opening Dates are as follows: Saturday 4th Oct Explorers (3 -5 incl.) 3.00p.m. — 4.00p.m. Saturday 4th Oct Explorers (6 -8 incl.) 2.00p.m. — 3.30p.m. Monday 6th Oct Juniors/Seniors (9 -13 incl.) — 6.30p.m. — 8.30p.m. Monday 6th Oct Brigaders/Associates (14yrs+up) 8.30p.m. — 9.45p.m. The age for each class is taken as at the 1st September 2008. If you are interested in joining the 5th Company or know of anyone who would like to join then please give me a call on 087 2333751 or 8312807. Looking forward to seeing you all back with us again for this our 101st Session. M. McElhinney — Captain 5th Company

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Youth News As many of you would be aware during the summer discussions regarding the future and development of the role of the YCP within the Parish took place. The conclusion drawn was to increase the hours of the YCP to 30 hours. I was delighted with this decision as it showed that the Parish are not only supporting my role within the Church but are also encouraging the growth of the youth work.The additional hours now gives me greater scope regarding the development of the youth work. I felt that I had been limited as to what I could achieve over recent times due to the hourly constraints. With the increase in the hours there has been an increase in the activities that I can now bring to the Parish. The structure of the Youth Groups has changed with the introduction of a 4th Youth Group.There will be Klub for 4-6 year olds on Wednesdays from 4.00p.m. — 5.00p.m. as before.Wired will only be for 7-10 year olds now, meeting on Sundays from 6.00 — 7.30p.m. The new Youth Group will be made up of the older members from Wired and the younger element of Connect. This Youth Group covers the 11—15 age bracket, and will include the Confirmation Class. This year the Confirmation Class will be done in a Youth Group setting with the hope that this will continue on after the young people have been Confirmed. The Youth Group will include children who are not going for Confirmation but they will learn the lessons. Connect will be for 16+ or for anyone in TY. We are also hoping to begin a Junior Choir, however the ins and outs of this are still to be decided upon.And the final venture the YCP and Parish are taking on, is that they hope to travel out to Africa again to do some work. However this is still in the discussion and decision stage. All in all the increase in hours in extremely exciting and I can’t wait to really get this year started!! Thank you to all those who had a hand in this discussion this Summer your support is priceless! For more information please contact me on 0863777278. S. Connolly

We have had three Baptisms since the summer recess. We welcomed Catrina Carmel Lempi-Sloan and as at going to print we prepare to welcome Rory Free and Jonathan Derek McCullagh into the fellowship of Christ’s Church. May God continue to bless them in their lives of faith. At All-Age Worship on 19th October we will welcome Elva and Anna-Sophia Keane into God’s family.The Rector will be joined by Abbot Celestine, an old friend of the Keane and Reid families. On the 26th we will Baptise Gemma Kate Louise Sargent, second daughter of Andy and Sandra. Baptismal Register Catrina Carmel Lempi-Sloan – 2008 Rory Free – 2008

Marriage As at going to print we look forward to the marriage of Michael Scully and Felicity Rowden (daughter of our Organist John) on Friday 26th September in the Parish Church. Charles Baker, long-time friend of the family will officiate.

Sunday Club We are trying out a few new and exciting things in Sunday Club this term. Firstly, we are using ‘The Story Keeper’ by Scripture Union to look at some stories of the bible. We are able to watch a DVD and then have either a discussion or some worksheets around the topic. Secondly, we are going to spend one Sunday a month doing songs/ puzzles and share a breakfast together. Following on from that we are going to try something in Church at All Age Worship. This month we will be helping to decorate a corner of the Church for Harvest on Saturday 11th.Anyone with fruit/vegetables and/or flowers can bring them down between 10.45a.m. and 11.15a.m. We will join in with everyone in Church with the Celebration on the 12th and the Harvest Lunch after Church. Towards the end of November we will be starting our preparations for Christmas. We welcome any children between 4 and 11 who would like to come along. We start at 10.30a.m. in the Parish Centre (unless advised - see below) and usually come across to the Church towards the end of the service. Children usually join their parents at the end of the service. I would like to thank all the Leaders who make Sunday Club happen. We have a great team of people who give their time and talents once or twice a month to make sure it all happens.We also have a lovely group of helpers who help out over the year from time to time. J. Acheson — Sunday Club co-ordinator

5th 11th 12th 19th 26th

OCTOBER SCHEDULE Sunday Club Morning Prayer Help decorate Church (Sat) 10.45-11.15 — Fruit/Veg/Flowers In Church Parish Harvest Thanksgiving Communion In Church All Age worship with Baptism No Sunday Club Parish Family Communion with Baptism


Sunday Club

Service of the Word with Baptism Parish Family Communion


Sunday Club


In Church

All Age Worship with Baptism


Sunday Club

Parish Family Communion with Baptism


Sunday Club

Service of the Word for Advent Sunday

J. Acheson

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PARISH GROUPS/CONTACTS RECTOR: The Rev’d D. C. Sargent (833 1181) [email protected] YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S PASTOR: Susan Connolly (086 377 7278) [email protected] GREENLANES NATIONAL SCHOOL Principal: Ms. C. Atkin (8331554) [email protected] B.B. COMPANY SECTION: Mr A. Ayling (831 5234) B.B. JUNIOR SECTION: Mr. M. Acheson (831 8645) ANCHOR BOYS: Mrs. H. McCullagh (853 5594) WOMEN’S GROUP: Mrs. B. Sargent (833 1181) and Mrs. H. McCullagh (853 5594) YOUTH GROUPS: Ms. S. Connolly (086 377 7278) BOWLING CLUB: Mr. H. Maude (833 1056) BADMINTON CLUB: Mrs. P.Watts (832 6078) JUNIOR BADMINTON: Mr. R.Watts (832 6078) ORGANIST/CHOIRMASTER: Mr. J. Rowden (2809948 \ 0876347546) SUNDAY MORNING CRECHE: Mrs. B. Sargent (833 1181) FLOWER GUILD: Mrs. I. Acheson (833 8288) and Mrs B. Gallagher (833 8683) GB PAST MEMBERS: Mrs. I. McMullen: (853 0356) BROWNIES: Mrs. P. and Ms. M.Watts (832 6078) LADYBIRDS/GUIDES: Ms.W. Kelly (848 1569) and Ms. N. Flynn (8476110) MOTHERS UNION: Mrs. I. Acheson (833 8288) SUNDAY CLUB: Mrs. J. Acheson (831 8645) POST-CONFIRMATION GROUP: Susan Connolly (086 377 7278) [email protected] PARISH WHIST GROUP: Mrs. H. Hunter (833 7940)

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