Pariej Final Specification.

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Lowering, Laying & Jointing different dia HDPE / PVC Pipeline. Sub-Estimate No.1 Item No.1

Excavation for pipe line tranches including all safety provisions using site rails and stacking excavated stuff up to a lead of 90 m clearing the site etc. comp. for lift and strata as

specified in all sorts of

soil and soft murrum upto 1.50 m. depth. General Clearing Of Site : The site of work is to be cleared of all obstructions loose stone and materials, rubbish of all kinds as well as all trees and brush wood , the roots being entirely grubbed up. All holes or hollows , whether originally existing or produced by digging up roots shall be carefully cleared up with earth well rammed and leveled of as may be directed. Works For Pipe Trenches Civil Work : The excavation for the pipe trenches shall be done as per the grade given by the department by using suitable means the width of the trenches shall be 0.50 mt. wider than dia. of pipes for A.C. and C.I. pipes, for R.C.C. pipes it shall be 0.60 m. wider than pipes the measurements for the depth shall be paid up to bottom or pipes. Extra payment at joint for R.C.C. for extra excavation shall be 0.60 x 0.10 width of trench at each joint for facilitating jointing work. Protection : Necessary protection works like guide ropes crossing planks shall be provided by the contractor at his own cost. Further suitable visual indicator shall be provide during day time to indicate works in progress. Necessary scaffolding as per design to retain and support unstable strata that shall be met with during excavation for the trenches shall be met with during excavation for the trenches shall be provided by the contractor and no extra claim shall be entertained. The excavation shall be done as designed section as directed by the Engineer in charge. If section and depth is changed without prior written approval of the engineer in charge, no claim for such extra excavation either due to increase in width or depth shall be entertained. The excavated stuff from the trenches shall be dumped at least minimum twice the design depth below bed level or as directed from the extreme edge the excavation. After completion of works surplus excavated stuff shall be removed and leveled of at places directed by the department at the cost of the contractor.


Hard Rock ( Blasted ) This shall include all rocks, curing in masses which could best be removed by blasting and where in the opinion of the Engineer, blasting is necessary and is permissible. Hard Rock ( Chiseled, Wedged or Line Drilled ) This shall include all rock, occurring in masses or boulders bigger than half cubic meter size each, which can best be removed by blasting but which owing to the proximity of structures, possibility of shattering the rock below or for any other reason should be cut by means of cold chisels or wedges or line drilling. Literate This shall include literate rock soft and hard which can be removed with hammer, chisels, crow, bars or by blasting lateritic Murom which has not hardened into stone shall be classified as hard Murom The classification of various, strata met with during excavation will be decided by the Executive Engineer and his decision shall be final and binding on the contractor. Rock referred to above would include blast. Trap granite, Quartzite, Gneiss literate and other types. The use of explosive in excavation will not be considered as a reason for other classification than the above unless clearly necessary in the opinion of Executive Engineer. Mode Of Measurement And Payment : On completion of excavation work as per the agreement , shall be measured in length, width, depth method i.e. in volume base cum. The payment shall be made at 70% of scheduled rate for work measured and remaining 30% shall be released as soon as site is cleared to the satisfaction of engineer in charge. Payment shall be made on m3 basis. Item No.2

Providing and supplying HDPE specials suitable to HDPE at store or site of work including freight, loading, unloading, stacking insurance and all taxes etc. complete

400 / 200 / 250 mm dia. M.S. / H.D.P.E. Specials Providing H.D.P.E. moulded 6/10 kg/cm2 specials (as per IS standard) such as Tees, bends etc. complete suitable for H.D.P.E. pipe, as approved by Engineer in charge. Manufacture, supply and delivery of M.S. flange, Tee, bends, tail piece, reducers, air valve raiser pipes or any other specials suitable for use with G.I., AC, PVC, H.D.P.E. pipes and delivery of specials is to be made or supply to site of work any where in Gujarat including all taxes, loading, unloading, carting, stacking, insurance, inspection charges, octroi etc. complete.


Manufacture, supply and delivery of C.I.D. joints with Rubber Rings of standard quality or any other specials suitable for use with M.S., AC, D.I. and PVC pipes and delivery of specials is to be made to site of work any where in Gujarat including all taxes, loading, unloading, carting, stacking, insurance, inspection charges, octroi etc. complete. The H.D.P.E. specials shall be of the same material used for PVC, H.D.P.E. pipes and should be best quality approved by Engineer-In-Charge. It shall be of best quality as per IS specification and rate shall be including loading, unloading, carting, insurance and labour charge etc. complete. M.S. specials of required thickness with 3 coats of approved make epoxy paint with inside and outside. The necessary MS specials required during the lowering and laying of MS/AC/HDPE and PVC pipe shall be supplied by the agency and shall be as per standard specification. MS specials included Air valves raisers, Flanges, Tailpiece etc. It shall be of best quality as per requirement rate shall be including loading, unloading, carting, insurance etc. complete. The payment shall be made on No. basis for H.D.P.E. specials and kg. basis for M.S. Specials. Item No.3

Providing and supplying at store or site of work PVC Specials as per requirement including , freight ,loading ,unloading, stacking, insurance & all taxes etc. comp.

PVC SPECIALS: The standard specification covers the general requirements for materials , size method of test and inspection of various types of molded/fabricated PVC fitting for jointing with solvent cement to the PVC pipes as per specifications mentioned in I.S.(I)-1 to 10. The pipes or molecules used for manufacturing specials shall conform for material’s specifications for PVC pipe as per IS 4985 – 1981 & of 6Kg/cm2 The size of fittings shall be designated by the nominal dimensions of the pipes given in the IS 4985 – 1981. The socket length of any fitting shall be minimum L=0.5D + 6 mm. And tolerance minimum diameter shall be 0.007D or 0.2 mm. The testing shall conform to Appendix “A” of I.S. 10124 – 1982. The fittings withstand a pressure of 4.2 + 0.2 times the working pressure. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: The measurement shall be taken per no. bases and paid accordingly at 70% of the stipulated item rate for non-fixed materials and remaining payment shall be made after hydraulically tested and found satisfactory. 3|Page

Item No.4

Providing and supplying ISI mark C.I. / D.F. sluice valve, butter fly valves and reflux valves of following class and diameter including all taxes insurance, transportation, freight charges, octroi , inspection charges , loading , unloading , conveyance to departmental stores , stacking etc. complete. 500 / 400 / 350 / 250 / 200 / 150 mm dia. Sluice Valve PN – 1.0 250 / 200 / 150 mm dia. Reflux Valve

General : The cast iron sluice valve up to and including 300 mm. Size shall conform to I.S. 780 of 1969 or latest revision thereof. From 350 mm. to 1200 mm. Size confirming to IS 2906 of 1969 or latest revision thereof for sluice valves used for water supply purpose. Classification : Sluice valves from 60 mm. to 300 mm. Size shall be two – class test pressure and maximum working pressure for the classes shall be as follows.


Test Pressure in Kg / CM2

Maximum Working



Pressure Kg/Cm2

Class – I




Class – II




Sluice valves from 300 mm. to 1200 mm. Size shall be two – class test pressure and maximum working pressure for the classes shall be as follows. Class

Test Pressure in Kg / CM2

Maximum Working



Pressure Kg/Cm2

Class – I




Class – II




Class – III




Materials : Cast Iron : Cast iron for body , dome , covers , stuff box, thrust plate, hand wheel wedge, gland , and cap shall be of quality not less than grade 20 of IS 210 – 1978 specifications having gray iron casting. Nonferrous Metal : High Tensile Press Of Aluminum Bronze : The spindle may be manufactured from any of the nonferrous metal shall be machined from rolled extrudes of forged high tensile brass aluminum bronze. The tensile strength of the rolled , extrudes of forged metal shall not be less than 55 kg/CM2 with a minimum elongation of 20% in a gauge length of 5 cm. 4|Page

Leaded Gun Metal : The rings and spindle nut may be manufactured from any of the nonferrous materials Leaded Gun Metal shall have a tensile strength not less than 22 kg/Cm2 elongation not less than 12% on gauge length of 5 CM. Ferrous Metal : Bolt and nuts shall be of mild steel unless otherwise specified and shall confirm to IS 226 – 1975 for structural steel. Jointing Materials : The jointing materials used between the flanges of component / parts of valve shall be compressed fiberboard or rubber of thickness between 1.5 mm. to 3.0 mm. The rubber and insertion material shall be as per I.S. 638 – 1965. Its weight per Sq. Meter shall not be less than 112 grams per mm. Thickness. Dimensions : The nominal dimensions for body , flange, seat, spindle , hand wheel , stuffing box, etc. shall be as specified in the relevant IS. Optical Feature : Locking arrangement, valve gate position indicator , IS mark , manufactured by, etc. shall have indicated with suitable design letters embossing.

Inspection : The Engineer – in – Charge or his authorized representative shall have free access so the works for inspection at any stage of manufacture and to reject any materials which does not confirm to the specified requirements. & also inspected by TPI authorized board approved. Testing : The manufacturer shall arrange to supply all labour and appliance or the tests, if the testing is to become at his work. Each valve shall be subjected to the hydraulic tests and shall show no sign of leakage under these tests. The manufacturer shall guarantee that if any defects changeable to faulty workman ship, design or material are found in the valves within a period of one year of dispatch, be shall replace any part or parts that above defective free of charge, at the place where dispatched. Mode Of Measurement And Payment : The 70% rate shall be paid per number the measurement shall be for the number of valve, 30% amount with held till satisfactory test after fixing and commissioning. Item No.5:

Providing and supplying C.I. Air valves of approved make & quality of following









transportation , freight charge , octroi , inspection charges , loading


, unloading , conveyance to departmental stores , stacking etc. complete. 25 mm dia. Single Acting Air Valve (S1) Type For Air Valve: General : The Air valve shall conform to the ISS as and when published and shall be of approved make and quality. The standard applies to air valves used for water and sewerage mains. The details given below briefly cover the requirement for materials , dimensions and tests for air valves. Classification : Air valve shall be of two types: Single Air Valve : Single air valve shall have single small or large orifice for releasing air during pipe filling and ventilation the pipe during emptying. Air valves up to 40 mm dia. directly shall be screwed on the main. Double Air Valve : Double air valve shall have two ball chambers on outlet of bulk large capacity shall be provided for admission and releases of bulk volume of air during emptying and filling of the main, another of small outlet type for the escape of smaller quantities of air accumulating under pressure. They shall be of flanged type. Materials : Cast Iron : Cast iron for bodies pressure covers space covers glands, caps joints support rings shall be best gray iron of selected grade 20 of IS 10 – 1970 specification for gray iron castings.

Gum Metal : Gum metal shall be of mixture of 88% of copper , 10% thin 2% sink having excellence wearing qualities , Ball guides of small orifice units are outlet bushes of large orifice valve shall be of gum metal. Mild Steel : Bolts, nuts, flanges etc. shall be of mild steel unless otherwise specified and shall confirm to IS 226 – 1975 specification for structural steel. Material For Balls : The balls shall be of rubber covered. The rubber shall have a smooth and hard surface. If shall be as per IS 638 – 1965 specification for rubber and insertion jointing. Dimensions : Small orifice air valve having single rubber ball is available in the following sizes 12 mm to 20 mm, 25 mm large orifice single air valves are available in following sizes. 6|Page

40 mm , 50 mm, 80 mm , 100 mm , 150 mm Double air valves are available in size. 50 mm , 80 mm , 100 mm , 150 mm , 200 mm. Air valve up to 40 mm size shall be of screwed type fitted with Nipples. Inspection And Testing : The Engineer – in – charge or his authorised

representative shall have free

access to the works for inspection at only stage of manufacture and to reject any materials , which does not confirm to the specified requirements. Manufacture’s Guarantee : The manufacture shall guarantee that if any defect chargeable to faulty workmanship, design or materials are found in the valve within a period of one year of dispatch shall be replace any part the prove defective free of charge at the place where dispatched. Mode Of Measurement And Payment : The measurement shall be for the number of valve provided and fixed. 70% rate shall be paid per number of valves provided. Remaining 30%

amount shall be released after

fixing and satisfactory testing and commissioning. Item No.6

Lowering, laying and jointing H.D.P.E. pipes and specials of following class and diameter (By butt fusion welding method) including cost of conveyance from stores to site of works including cost of labour material giving satisfactory hydraulic testing as per ISI code etc. complete.

400 / 355 / 200 mm dia. Welding HDPE pipes are jointed by BUTT fusion welding method with the help of electric heat (Mirror) and hydraulically operated welding jack. Precautions Since critical parameters for sound welding joint are temperature and pressure, welding methods should insure proper temperature and pressure by using proper equipments. The welding area has to be protected from adverse weather condition like rain water, moisture, rough wind , dust and low ambient temperature (less than 50 C.) Primary inspection of pipes should be done for ensuring defect free pipe before striating welding. Welding Procedure Two ends of pipe to be welded are to be cut perpendicular to the pipe axis and then cleaned and planed by using proper planning tool. The pipes are fixed in welding jack and aligned properly in axial direction. The pipes then are pressed against a hot plate (Called heating mirror or s imply mirror) till a bead of molten material is formed. The mirror is electrically heated by in-built electric resistance heating coil. The heating should be uniform all around mirror plate on both sides. The mirror should be provided with a temperature control service so that during welding the surface temperature is 7|Page

automatically maintained within the required limit i.e. 200 + 100 C. Proper Teflon cloth covering should be provided on mirror surface to avoid sticking of melted HDPE materials on plate surface. After attaining the welding temperature of 200 C on mirror surface the pipe ends are simultaneously brought in contact with the heating surface of mirror. This is done by using hydraulically operated welding jack. Initial contact pressure is applied which is maintained till the uniform ring of molten bead is achieved. Then the contact pressure is reduced until proper fusion takes place. After proper fusion, the welding mirror is removed carefully without damaging the head. The time of removal of the mirror should be as short as possible. After removal of mirror, pipe ends are brought immediately to contact with each other under initial welding pressure which is gradually increased to final welding pressure. This pressure depends on the total welding surface of pipe. The final welding pressure is maintained to be applied till the joint is cooled down to ambient temperature naturally. Artificial cooling such as wrapping with wet cloth, spraying of water etc. are not allowed. Inspection of Joints.: The visual inspection of each joint should be done to ensure correct bead formation. Weld joint should be checked for axial alignment of welded pipes. Laying of Pipes: The required length of HDPE pipes are made alongside the trench. The pipe is lowered into the trench carefully avoiding damage to pipe and joints. Trench: Since the welding of pipe is done outside of trench, the width of trench should be kept as minimum as possible, Normally pipe O.D. plus 300

mm width should be

sufficient for laying. The depth of trench will be as per the requirement of client depending on level survey (L.S.) Here in our case the earth cover of average 1.2 mtr. On top of pipe is to be provided. Hence the depth of trench will be pipe O.D. plus 1.2 mtr. The trench should be made as straight as possible wherever necessary, the trench can be made with smooth curve but not below allowed bending radius of HDPE pipe, which is 25 times of O.D. The bottom of trench should be properly dressed and made free from any sharp objects. Laying and Backfilling: Laying of pipe lengths to be done carefully from one end without giving any impact on pipe. After laying of pipe, trench should backfilled with the layers of good earth of dug soil as available. Extra soil will be embedded on trench which will be compacted by curing with water. Hydro Testing: The pipeline to be tested with fitted with metal blind flange at both ends with the help of sub end (pipe end), These blind flanges are fitted with necessary arrangement for supplying water into pipeline, air valve for air drain and pressure guage. After filling the water into pipeline, pressurized water is supplied with the help of pressure pump. When the required test pressure (i.e. 6 kg/cm2 in our case) is achieved, pressure pump is stopped and valve is closed. This pressure will be kept for 30 minutes and there should not be any drastic drop in pressure whole pipeline route under test is inspected for checking any leakage. 8|Page

If there is no leakage, the pressure of 6 kg/cm2 will remain same and it test is believed to be satisfactory. Please note that there could be slight deep in pressure due to leakage from flange / valve or due to expansion of HDPE pipe under pressure. This drop upto 0.5 kg/cm2 is normally not considered. Connection of HDPE to M.S.pipe This connection will be made by using metal flanged. We shall provide flange at the end of HDPE pipe by using HDPE stub end. Matching flange connection from M.S.Pipe will be made by M.S. Pipe agency to which flange of HDPE pipe line will be connected by bolting and proper rubber gasket packing. Air Valve fixing : Suitable size of air valve will be installed on HDPE with the help of metallic saddle. Metallic flange for air valve will be provided on upper part of saddle for fixing air valve. Valve chamber of suitable size with top cover will be made for each air valve. The scope for the Item cover: Cost of additional excavation required for jointing clearing the site of all scrub, bushes and trees and dewatering when necessary Labour for laying pipe in trenches to correct alignment required depth with tools, including cutting of pipe and specials if required for laying of pipes including connecting pipes to specials end appurtenances. Cost of the scaffolding tools and plant ropes etc. Protection of existing works from damage and cost of repair to the damages carried out to th existing structure, sewerage line, telephone line, electrification cable , electric line, gase pipeline, irrigation pipeline etc. The pipe laying across the state highways , national high way etc. will have to be done either throght open cut method or through push through method depending upon the requirement to be prescribed by the sectioning authority. How ever mostly eat would be push through method. GWSSB will not able to provide water for testing the pipeline and water containers of the project. This shall have to be manage by the contractor at his cost and risk. Labour for making joints including jointing materials for joints tools as well as test. Testing of pipe for leakages under water pressure and flushing the pipe after testing and construction work shall have to be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. Method of measurement and Payment: The measurement shall be recorded in running meter of pipeline length laid along the center line of axis of pipeline including tees, enlarges, reducers and bends, correct up to 0.01 meter length. No payment shall be made for the over lap etc. The payment shall be made after completion whole item as mentioned in price bid on running meter basis and 30% shall be with held of satisfactory hydraulic testing. Item No.7

Lowering, laying and jointing PVC pipes and specials of following class and dia. Including cost of conveyance from store to site of work including cost of labour materials except cement solvent, giving satisfactory hydraulic testing as per ISI code etc. comp. 90 mm dia. PVC 6 kg/cm2


Lowering , laying and jointing PVC pressure pipes with specials as tees, bends, reducers, valves, F H etc. including necessary lighting guarding etc. comp. including testing (excavation refilling and cost of detachable joints, No deduction shall be made for running meter measurement of vavles) PVC pipes of required dia meter and Qty. with coupler & count cement shall be supplied by the department free of cost as per schedule ‘A’. Pipe shall be lowering in trench in proper line & level without any deviation in individual pipe. Solvent cement an free of pipe & an coupler shall be properly applied as per instruction of EIC. Ends of the pipe line shall be conventary of foreign materials in the pipe line. Common specification of pipe line work attached separately or in vague shall be followed for general instruction. Untested pipeline shall be paid at 70% of tendered rate. Hydraulic test shall be given double the working pressure or working pressure plug 30 m. O head whichever is more limited to test pressure of pipe line. Any free of cost material lost or broken by the contractor shall be recovered at the prevailing issue rate division or market rate whichever is more and decision of executive engineer regarding its cost shall be linal and binding. The rate shall be paid M. length of pipeline laid and tested. Item No. 8

Lowering , laying and jointing pipeline with specials such as tees, bends, reducer including cost of specials guarding , barricading testing etc. complete. (excluding excavation and refilling no deduction to for S.V.) 80 mm dia. G.I. Pipe.

General Galvanized iron pipes shall conform to IS 1239-1968, Part-I or latest revision of ISS for mild steel tubes part-I used for conveying water. The tern tube is synonymous with the term ‘Pipe’. Preparation Of Pipes : The pipes shall be brushed throughout to remove any soil deposited or stone therein. Cutting of pipes shall be done in workman like manner. Laying And Jointing : Before laying and jointing the complete layout of pipe work shall be studied well and got approved from the engineer in charge. The pipe shall be laid in plumb, straight and parallel lines under directed. The threading of pipe shall be done by the contractor with his tool as per threads of the other pipes and specials at his own cost. The threads of the pipe specials, coupling etc. are cleared properly before they are jointed. A few turns of fiber of hemp yarn smeared with white zinc shall be taken over the threaded end and then jointed and tightened with the help of pipe wrench. when two pipes are jointed , the ends of them shall be tough each other and coupling shall cover equally half of both pipe. When pipes are to be fixed on wall it shall be fixed with standard brackets, slips or holder. 10 | P a g e

The wastage shall not be paid separately. If the pipeline is laid in detached section and not in continuous length due to any reasons, the contractor shall see that no ends of pipes are kept open. The shall be immediately plugged with G.I. plug without any extra claim, accommodate specials or fittings coming along the alignment. Payment : The rate shall be for one meter of pipe laid including all specials and fitting. The length shall be measured not on the straight and curves along the center line over the pipes correct upto one centimeter. Payment of untested section shall be made @ 70% of the tendered rate. Remaining payment shall be made on giving satisfactory hydraulic test by the contractor. Item No.9

Lowering laying and jointing R.C.C. Pipes in C.M. 1:11/2 of following diameters in proper position, grade and alignment as directed by Engineer-in-charge including conveyance from stores to site of work labour, giving hydraulic testing as per ISI code etc. complete. Including cost of jointing materials. R.C.C. NP3 Class Pipes 225 mm dia.

Laying : Before laying, the trench section shall be got checked to designed levels. And grades, and finished with proper bedding as directed. The contractor shall have to provide and maintain site rails and bounding rods, of required length whenever required, till the completion of work. The pipe shall be laid in reasonably dry condition and under no circumstance; they shall be rest on slushy, murrum bedding. The pipe shall be lowered by means of manually Caulking : The mixture 30 prepared shall be rammed and well packed and pressed with a caulking tool into the annular space. Wooden wedges, if necessary shall be used for the job. The caulking shall be so firm that it shall be difficult to drive the point of pen knife into it. The joints shall be finished off with a fillet sloping 45º along with the length of pipes. It shall be finished smooth with cement slurry. Payment : The rate shall be for one meter of pipe laid including all specials and fittings. The length shall be measured not on the straight and curves along the center line over the pipes and specials correct up to one centimeter. Payment of untested section shall be made @ 70% of the tendered rate. Remaining payment shall be made on giving satisfactory hydraulic test by the contractor. Item No.10

Lowering , laying and jointing in position following C.I. D / F reflex valves, butterfly valves, sluice valves and air valves including cot of all











satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete. 80 mm dia. For Sluice Valve : Supply Of Materials : Cast iron double flanges sluice valve with two tail pieces suitable to pipe shall be carted by the contractor at his own cost from the department store or any other store 11 | P a g e

as directed . The rate shall include loading, unloading and stacking at site. The sluice valves and tailpieces shall be examined before laying for graces and other flaws, they shall be undamaged in all respect. The sluice valve shall be test operated before laying. All grits and foreign material shall be removed. The tightening of gland shall be checked with a proof in side. Clappers cleanse between the top of the stuffing box and the underside of the gland shall be uniformed all the sides.

Jointing Materials : The contractor shall provided all necessary jointing materials such as nuts, bolts, rubber packing white zinc jute lead wood etc. All roofs and plate required for installation of sluice valve shall be provided By the contractor. All jointing materials shall be got approved from The Engineer in charge before used. The nuts and bolts shall conform to Item No.17 for specification of materials. The rubber packing shall conform specification as narrated in Item No.17 for specifications of materials. Installation : The sluice valve shall be lowered in the trench carefully, so that no part is damaged during lowering operation. All pieces shall be fitted with sluice valve first out side the trench and than lowered. The packing shall be of full diameter of the flange with necessary holes and the sluice valve bore. If the flange faces found free, thin fibers of lead wool shall be used to fill up. after placing the packing, nuts and bolts shall be inserted and tightened to make the joint. The valve shall be inserted in such a way that the spindle shall remain truly vertical position. The rate includes cost of Extra excavation required for facility of lowering and fitting. Testing : After installation of sluice valve, the same is tested for 1½ times the working pressure. The joints of sluice valve shall with stand at test pressure of pipeline. Defect noticed at the time of operation shall be rectified by the contractor at his own cost other than manufacture. Mode Of Measurement And Payment : The measurement shall be taken per number of sluice valve of specified size. The rate shall be per number fitted in pipeline for non-tested sluice valve 30% with held till testing given. For Air Valve: General : The Air valve shall conform to the ISS as and when published and shall be of approved make and quality. The standard applies to air valves used for water and sewerage mains. The details given below briefly cover the requirement for materials , dimensions and tests for air valves. Classification : 12 | P a g e

Air valve shall be of two types: Single Air Valve : Single air valve shall have single small or large orifice for releasing air during pipe filling and ventilation the pipe during emptying. Air valves up to 40 mm dia. directly shall be screwed on the main. Double Air Valve : Double air valve shall have two ball chambers on outlet of bulk large capacity shall be provided for admission and releases of bulk volume of air during emptying and filling of the main, another of small outlet type for the escape of smaller quantities of air accumulating under pressure. They shall be of flanged type.

Materials : Cast Iron : Cast iron for bodies pressure covers space covers glands, caps joints support rings shall be best gray iron of selected grade 20 of IS 10 – 1970 specification for gray iron castings. Gun Metal : Gum metal shall be of mixture of 88% of copper , 10% thin 2% sink having excellence wearing qualities , Ball guides of small orifice units are outlet bushes of large orifice valve shall be of gum metal. Mild Steel : Bolts, nuts, flanges etc. shall be of mild steel unless otherwise specified and shall confirm to IS 226 – 1975 specification for structural steel. Material For Balls : The balls shall be of rubber covered. The rubber shall have a smooth and hard surface. If shall be as per IS 638 – 1965 specification for rubber and insertion jointing. Dimensions : Small orifice air valve having single rubber ball is available in the following sizes 12 mm to 20 mm, 25 mm large orifice single air valves are available in following sizes. 40 mm , 50 mm, 80 mm , 100 mm , 150 mm Double air valves are available in size. 50 mm , 80 mm , 100 mm , 150 mm , 200 mm. Air valve up to 40 mm size shall be of screwed type fitted with Nipples. Inspection And Testing : The Engineer – in – charge or his authorised

representative shall have free

access to the works for inspection at only stage of manufacture and to reject any materials , which does not confirm to the specified requirements. 13 | P a g e

Manufacture’s Guarantee : The manufacture shall guarantee that if any defect chargeable to faulty workmanship, design or materials are found in the valve within a period of one year of dispatch shall be replace any part the prove defective free of charge at the place where dispatched. Mode Of Measurement And Payment : The measurement shall be for the number of valve provided and fixed. 70% rate shall be paid per number of valves provided. Remaining 30% amount shall be released after fixing and satisfactory testing and commissioning. Payment shall be made for fixing of sluice valve No. basis. Item No.11

Construction of valve chamber in brick or bela stone masonry, locally available in C.M. 1:6 , foundation concrete 150 mm thick in C.C. 1:4:8 of trap metal size 25 mm to 40 mm thick, inside cement plaster in C.M. 1:3 and cement painting outside in C.M. 1:3 and top cover of precast RCC slab 100 mm thick (With key hole in two parts ,each with handles or MS Bar) etc. complete as given upto 1.00 mt depth from

G.L. to pipe invert level incl. compl. civil work

but excluding cost of excavation and refilling with cast in situ RCC slab in one single piece with fixing of CI-MH frame and cover (excluding cost of CI-MH frame and cover) with 23 mm thick brick masonry wall in C.M. 1:6 with precast slab in two parts 15 mm. Size 0.60 x 0.60 x 1.0 M General : The construction work of chambers shall be carried out as specified in the item description , size given, and instructions issued by The Engineer in charge on site as per site situation. The other specifications shall be as under. Materials : Bricks : Commonly burnt clay building bricks with all requirement of IS 1077 – 1976 or it’s latest revision shall be used. The size of conventional bricks may very from 9” x 4¾” x 3” to 9” x 4½” x 3”. Only bricks of standard quality and size shall be used in the work. The crushing strength of brick shall not be less than 35 kg/cm2. The average water absorption shall not be more than 20% by weight. Sand : The sand shall be used of required grade as specified in Engineer-In-Charge. Metal : The metal shall be used of required grade as specified in Engineer-In-Charge. Cement : The metal shall be used of required grade as specified in Engineer-In-Charge. Mild Steel : Bolts, nuts, flanges etc. shall be of mild steel unless otherwise specified and shall confirm to IS 226 – 1975 specification for structural steel. 14 | P a g e

Construction : The masonry chamber shall be constructed as per drawing from invert of pipe to atleast 5 cm. High than natural ground. As per line and level and size of chamber, the chamber pit shall be excavated as directed by The Engineer in charge. The foundation concrete 150mm. Thick below pipe invert in C.C. 1:4:8 shall be as per drawing and as instructed by The Engineer in charge. Brick masonry wall 23 cm. thick in Cement Mortar 1:6 shall be constructed as per drawing and as instructed by The Engineer in charge. The masonry wall shall be plastered inside with cement mortar 1:3 including niru finishing , and out side joints struck with cement mortar 1:3 as per drawing and as instructed by The Engineer in charge. For covering to portion R.C.C. slab with concrete mix proportion 1:2:4 of 100 mm. Thickness shall be cast in two piece with M.S. reinforcement as per drawing and as instructed by The Engineer in charge having necessary arrangement for handles or M.S. bars and key hole in center. Curing : The masonry and concrete work shall be initially protected from external damage and covered with wet sacking canvas shall be kept continuously wet by sprinkling water at least seven days.

Mode Of Measurement And Payment : The chambers shall be measured in number bases as constructed with all materials and labour, curing, finishing etc. complete. And payment shall be made accordingly after completed in all respect. Item No. 12 Providing C.C. M. 100 for encasing pipes using trap metal size 12 mm to 50 mm including form work curing consolidating etc. complete. General : The construction work of encasing pipes shall be carried out as specified in the item description, size given, and instructions issued by The Engineer in charge on site as per site situation proportion of encasing of c.c. 1:3:6 as per concrete work sub estimate No. 3 item No. 4 payment shall be made on M3 basis. By volume of conc. & deduction of volume of pipe and work shall be carried out safely for do not damage of pipeline. Item No.13

Refilling the pipeline trenches from the available selected excavated stuff or to be brought from out side if required and disposal of surplus excavated stuff as directed.

Within a lead of 3 Km. General : The refilling will generally refer to refilling of foundation or trenches up to plinth level or ground level with excavated stuff or selected soil or murrum brought from out side. Materials : 15 | P a g e

The selected soil, sand or murrum brought from out side shall be cleared of all rubbish large size stones, brickbats, big clods etc. And shall be got approved before filling. Refilling : Refilling shall be done in a systematic manner by the contractor , before refilling starts, the contractor shall got checked the foundation / trenches ready for refilling. All space between foundation masonry, concrete , pipe line and the sides of excavation and / or bottom of foundation shall be refilled to the original surface or up to plinth level with earth or selected materials in layers of 15cm. to 20 cm. well watered and rammed. Each layer shall be well watered and compacted with heavy rammers before the upper layer is laid, till the final level reached to form a thoroughly compacted base. Measurement And Payment : The measurement shall be taken for total volume filled up. It includes loading, unloading, carting, breaking clods etc. It also includes the cost of bringing selected materials from out side as directed by The Engineer in charge. The payment shall be made according to refilled volume measured in Cubic meter. Item No. 14 Providing, supplying & fixing ISI mark G.I. pipes following






with coupling of




transportation ,freight charges, octroi, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to departmental stores stacking etc. comp. 80 mm dia. G.I. Pipe

General : Galvanized iron pipes shall conform to I.S. 1239 – 1968 part-I or latest revision of I.S.S. for mild steel tubes Part-I used for conveying water. The tern tube is synonymous with the term “Pipe”. The details given below briefly cover the requirement for dimensions , and test for G.I. pipes. Classification


The pipes shall be classified as light medium and heavy depending on the wall thickness. The pipes may be screwed, socketed and plain ended. Socket or coupling shall be either welded or seamless as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer. Dimensions And Weights : The dimensions and weights of light , medium and heavy black tubes shall be as per table-1. The dimension of sockets shall be as per table-2 of relevant specifications. Tubes or pipes shall be supplied in random lengths from 4 to 7 m. 16 | P a g e

Tolerance On Thciness And Weight : The following manufacturing tolerance shall be permitted on the tubes and sockets. (a)

Thickness (1)


Butt light welded



Not limited 8 percent.

Medium and heavy tubes


Not limited 10 percent.


Seamless tubes


Not limited. -


12.5 percent.

Weight :



Single tube irrespective


10 percent

of the quality


8 percent

For quantities of 150 m


4 percent

and over of one size.


4 percent

Joints : All screwed tubes or pipes and sockets or couplings shall be supplied with pipe threads conforming to I.S. 554-1964. Unless otherwise specified, screwed tubes shall have taper threads and sockets shall have parallel threads. Each tube shall be supplied with one socket. The ends of sockets shall be chamfered internally to prevent damage to the leading threading.

Hydraulic Test : Each tube shall be hydraulically tested at the manufacturer’s works weather before or after galvanizing. Marking : The different classes of tubes shall be distinguished by color bends, which shall be applied as follows before the tubes leave the manufacture’s works. Light tubes



Medium tubes



Heavy tubes



All long random length shall each have 75 mm. Bends one near each end, all other length shall each have one 75 mm. bend. Payment : The rate shall be for one meter of pipe supplied at store or site of work. The length shall be measured on the straight and curves along the center line over the pipes correct up to one centimeter. Payment of untested section shall be made @ 70% of the tendered rate. Remaining payment shall be made on giving satisfactory hydraulic test by the contractor. 17 | P a g e

Item No.15

Providing & supplying ISI standard R.C.C. Pipe in standard length of following class and diameter suitable for either collar joints or rubber ring joints including all taxes, insurance, transportation, freight







conveyance to departmental stores, stacking etc. complete. R.C.C. NP3 class pipe 225 mm dia. General: The pipes shall confirm to I.S. 458-1971 or the latest revision of I.S. specifications for concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement) for use in water mains sewers, culverts and irrigation. The details given below briefly cover the requirements for R.C.C. pipes with circular section only. Classification: For the purpose of this standard, concrete pipes shall be classified as under:class description

Conditions where normally Used

NP-1 Unreinforced concrete

For drainage and irrigation use, above

non pressure pipes.

ground or in shallow trenches.

NP-2 Reinforced concrete light

For culverts carrying light Traffic duty, non pressure pipes. .

NP-3 Reinforced concrete heavy

For drainage and irrigation use for

duty non- pressure pipes.

culverts carrying very heavy traffic, such as Railway loading prescribed by the Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India.

Un-reinforced and reinforced concrete non-pressure pipes shall be capable of with standing a test pressure 0-7 Kg./Cm². (7 m. Head) Materials : Cement : Cement used for the manufacture of Un-reinforced and reinforced concrete pipes shall conform to I.S. 269-1967 or I.S. 455-1967 or I.S. 1469-1967. Aggregates : The aggregates to be used shall conform to I.S. 383-1970. They shall be well graded and shall be from crushed or broken stone. Reinforcement : Reinforcement used for R.C.C. pipes shall conform to I.S. 432-1966 (Part-I) and shall be of tested quality of not less than grade-I or hard drawn steel wire conforming to I.S. 432-1966 (Part-II) where soft grade wire is used. It shall conform to I.S. 2801962. The manufacturer shall produce a test certificate if desired by The Engineer in Charge. Concrete : Concrete shall conform to I.S. 456-1978 code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete for general building constructions. Compressive strength test shall be conducted on 15 Cms. cubes as per I.S. 516-1959. The pipe shall be supplied by agency with testing & Inspection by authorized manufacturer without claiming extra cost. 18 | P a g e

Payment : The rate shall be for one meter of pipe provided as per IS and with all certificates required. The length shall be measured center line over the pipes and correct up to one centimeter. Payment of shall be made @ the tendered rate. Item No.16

Making job connection for old pipes in connecting the pipe line with existing main and inserted of specials including cost of excavation , carting of pipes , dewatering, testing , refilling etc. complete. including all jointing materials etc. complete. (Excluding cost of specials pipe and fitting) job work in cement joints only

Working Criteria : 1.

Excavation for pipeline trenches on both ends.


Opening of existing pipeline or pipe line end.


Cleaning , cutting , and adjusting the required space.


Making connection with line.


Testing of joint. 6.

Refilling the trench.

Making Connection : Excavation of pipeline trench shall be carried out for required length, width and depth for working. Opening of both side ends or pipes at the point to be connected. After opening, both side ends / pipes shall be washed and cleaned for the job. Adjusting the measurements required for inserting the specials and cutting the pipe from point placed. The connection shall be made with required materials such as pipe piece, bend , tee, reducer , valve etc. including making vata for preventing leakage. The specials required shall be provided by the dept. After connecting job over , the joint shall be tested for required line pressure within stipulated time limit as directed by the engineer in charge. Mode Of Measurement And Payment : On completion of connection work as per the agreement, shall be measured in No. base. Item No.17

Removing of existing pipeline including removal of specials, valves jointing materials including carting and stacking of removed materials from site of work to

the departmental stores as directed excluding

excavation and refilling. The removing existing laid pipe line work shall be carried out as per description of the item and as directed by the Engineer – in – charge of the work. Stacking of Material The removed quantity of pipes and specials shall be loaded, carted, unloaded and stacked proper from site to on departmental store by the contractor at his own cost. Pipes shall be lifted in whatever length removed from the trench. Each pipes and specials shall be arranged length wise by the side of the excavated trench without causing any obstructions to the traffic.

19 | P a g e

The removed pipes specials jointing materials and other materials shall be returned to the Board’s Stores as specified by the Engineer – in – charge or as specified in Schedule – A of the tender. Every care shall be taken by the contractor to minimize wastage. Mode of Measurement & Payment The rate shall be for one meter of pipe line removed including all specials and fittings and jointing materials, cutting ends wastage shall not be paid separately. The payment should be made on running meter basis of the pipe removed satisfactory. The length of specials will be included. Item No.18

Manufacture, supply and delivery of 80 mm to 700 mm dia cast iron plain ended specials complete as per IS: 5531-1977 (Part- I to III) or its latest revision if any, suitable for use with A.C. Pressure pipes manufactured as per IS: 1592-1989 or its latest revision for various dia meter and classes. The delivery of specials is to be made to GWSSB store or sites any where taxes,




in Gujarat States including all stacking,



inspection charges etc. comp. General : The specials shall conform to I.S. 1538 – 1976 or latest revision of I.S.S. for cast specials suitable standard applies to specials with sockets for load joints, or rubber joints or flanges. The details given below briefly cover the requirements for dimension and tests for C.I. specials. Manufacture : The metal used for the manufacture of fittings shall be of good quality, gray cast iron as per I.S. 1387 – 1967. The fittings shall be stripped with all precautions necessary to avoid warping or shrinking defects. The fittings shall be free from defects, other then unavoidable surface imperfections, which result from the method of manufacture and which do not effect the jointing of fittings. The fittings shall be such that they could be out drilled or machined. In case of spigot and socket joints, the socket shall be with or without the centering ring. In case if flanged joints the flanged joints the flanges shall be at right angles to the axis of the joint and machined on face. The bolt-holes shall be drilled. The two flanges of the fittings shall be correctly aligned. Dimension : The dimension on external diameter of the barrel the internal diameter and the depth of the socket for lead joints and rubber joints shall be as follows.

20 | P a g e





Diameter (DN) mm.

External dia.


of Barrel (DE)


Internal dia.


of socket (DI.)



All diameters

Tolerance + 4.5 + 0.001 - 5 (DN)

80 mm.

+ 4.5 -0

Over 80 mm. up to &


including 600 mm. Over 600 mm. up to &


including 1000 mm. 750 mm. up to


including 600 mm.

-0 + 10


Lead or

Over 600 mm. up to &



Including 1000 mm.

Jointing Over 1000 mm. up to &


including 1800 mm. Where Dn is the nominal diameter of the fittings in millimeters and ‘F’ is the caulking space of the joint in millimeters and equal to 9.00 + 0.003 DN. The maximum of minimum jointing space resulting from these tolerances is such that the jointing of pipes and fittings is not adversely affected. Tolerance Are On Thickness : The tolerance on the wall thickness and flange thickness of fittings are limited as follows: Dimensions Tolerance mm. Wall thickness

- (2 + 0.05 e)

Flange thickness

+ (3 + 0.05 e)

Where e= the standard thickness of the wall in millimeters. b= the standard thickness of the flange in millimeters. Tolerance Of Lengths : The tolerance on lengths of fittings normally manufactured are as follows.

Weights :

21 | P a g e

Type of fittings

Nominal diameter

Flanged fittings

All diameters

Tolerance mm.

+ 10

The standard weights shall be as shown in Part-II to part-XXXII of I.S. 1538 – 1976. The masses have been calculated by taking the design % C.I. of 7.15 kg/cm2. (A)

Tolerance fittings except of bends fittings with more than one branch and non-standard fittings + 8 percent.


Tolerance for bends fitting with more than one branch and non-standard fittings. + 12 percent.

Fitting of a heavier weight than the maximum are accepted provided they comply the requirements of this standard. Making : The following information shall be marked on each fittings. Trade mark of manufacture. Nominal diameter weight and class of fittings. Last two digits of the years of manufacture.

Mode Of Measurement & Payment : The measurement and payment of fittings shall be as per kilogram basis. of the item rate. The rate shall include the cost of fittings with railway freight, loading, unloading, carting, stacking as directed load, taxes insurance etc.

22 | P a g e


Ta. :- Matar.

Dist:.:- Kheda Sub Estimate No. 2

Constructing R.C.C. U/G. Sump 2,00,000 ( Dethali ), 1,00,000 ( Bamangam) & 30,000 ( Chanor ) Lit. Capacity (Contractor’s Own Design) The tender being invited with contractor’s own design. The tenderer shall prepare and submit along with the tender an “Inspection Note” on design in the same cover of the tender. He shall also indicate the approximate quantity of cement and steel as per his design. The successful tenderer shall submit the detailed design and drawings within 30 days of issue of acceptance letter including soil bearing test report of the destination where the structure shall be constructed. ANNEXTURE Design Requirement of R.C.C. U/g Sump Sr



























Constructing Structure

U/G. Sump

U/G. Sump

U/G. Sump










Container Shape





Finished ground level





Bottom level of U/G. Sump





Height of structure ( HMGL) in M.R.L.





Minimum water level in the container (m)







R.L. 11

Maximum water leveling the container (m) R.L.

23 | P a g e


Water Depth


Free Board























extended up to atleast 1.00 to 1.50 mt from shaft wall. 15

Out let Pipe cum Wash out-- do -- -- do -





Overflow pipe – do -- -- do --





Structure { Shape & Concrete Grade }














Entire structure except PCC


Soil Bearing Capacity







Kg/cm ²




CRITERIA FOR PREPARTION OF DESIGN OF R.C.C. U/G. SUMP PRIVATE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS : Sesmic Zone: The R.C.C. U/G. SUMP shall be designed to with stand earthquake effect of III zone as per IS 1893 – 1984 or it’s latest revision. Criteria for structure design as per guideline by the expert group of Government of India, Ministry of Urban affairs & employment, published by building materials & technology promotion council. Cyclone/ Wind Intensity/ Wind Storm Protection: As per IS 875 (3) – 1987 or it’s latest revision latest edition “Code of Practice for Design loads for building and structure Part – 3 wind loads”. For structural safety improving wind/ cyclone resistance of building’s guide line by the expert group of Government of India, Ministry of Urban affairs & employment, published by building materials & technology promotion council 1998. Shape of U/G. SUMP.: Shape of U/G. SUMP should be good looking with the acceptable architectural effect consistent with the surrounding site conditions and economy. General Note: The contractor shall quote the rates in “Schedule B” for the complete work of constructing R.C.C. U/G. SUMP to be carried out as per his own design based on above data i.e. he shall tender the rate in “Schedule B” for construction of U/G. SUMP reservoir of

different capacity liters including

providing and fixing pipes, lighting conductor, C.I. manhole frame & cover, water level indicator, ventilators etc. complete with contractor’s own design and drawing. The contractor shall submit the name, qualification and experience of design engineer, who has or will prepared the detailed R.C.C. design and drawing with calculations including SBC report on acceptance of the tender. Soil Bearing Capacity Test The detailed soil foundation investigation for the work of U/G. SUMP and underground sump is to be carried out as per I.S. Standards as per site conditions by agency. Minimum depth 10.00 mt shall be checked. Results of soil bearing capacity shall 24 | P a g e

be calculated and given for every 3.00 mt depth. The rules and methods described in relevant IS/manual/hand book shall be strictly followed during taking samples and testing. Water table met with shall be observed and clearly mentioned in the report. The foundation of structures should be designed on this foundation soil investigation data. SBC shall be carried out by the agency. In any circumstances, stability of foundation should be disturbed and found fault in S.B.C. results, the agency will be held fully responsible for the same. The contractor should have to submit design on base of got S.B.C. through Zone / Board approved paneled design engineer and same to submit to zone office through proper channel for cross verification to zone / Board design engineer. The design of lowest tender or any other tenderer, whose tender is proposed to be finally accepted, will be subject to through check by The Superintending Engineer, Public Health Design Circle, Gujarat W. S. & S. Board, Gandhinagar. The tender agreement will be executed only on approval of design. The necessary scrutiny charges or the centage charges towards the approval of design & drawing of R.C.C. U/G. SUMP will have to be born by the tenderer. The design engineer will be required to attend the office approving authority for preliminary discussion for scrutiny remarks etc. whenever required with all reference data, books i.e. specifications etc. at his own cost. It will be duty of the design engineer of contractor to clarify, modify, redesign and finalize and submit the design and drawing as per scrutiny remarks offered by the authority within 30 day’s of the issue of acceptance letter. On approval of design, contractor shall supply five sets of approved design drawings duly signed by designer and approving authority free of cost for use of committee. The instructions contained in criteria for design of R.C.C. U/G. SUMP shall be strictly followed and the tenderer shall submit his design based on acceptance of these criteria. The designer shall have to modify his design as per the criteria without any change in the tender cost submitted. Earnest money of the tenderer stand forfeited if he fails to modify his design as per above criteria. The tendered amount filled up by the tenderer shall be considered as final cost for completing the whole construction work including designing plans, and got approved by the competent authority. Actual work order for construction will be given only after approval of design of R.C.C. U/G. SUMP The detailed design calculations and detailed drawings should be submitted within 30 days of the issue of acceptance letter. In case of non submission of detailed design within 30 days the tender shall be rejected and earnest money deposit shall be forfeited. GENERAL Capacity of the container of the U/G. SUMP shall be the value of the water it can store between the designed full supply level (FSL) and lowest supply level (LSL) i.e. the level of the Top of the outlet, pipe. Due allowance shall be made for 20 mm thick plastering the tank from inside while calculating the capacity of the tank. Free board is the vertical distance between FSL and soffits of covering slab or dome or beam supporting the cover In any case the free board shall not be less than 200 mm. 25 | P a g e

Height of the staging or height of the tower shall be the vertical difference between L.S.L. of the U/G. SUMP and the average ground level at the site of U/G. SUMP Dead storage shall be the storage capacity of water below L.S.L. Depth of dead storage shall be the vertical distance between the tip outlet level and wash out level. The washout pipe level shall be at the lowest portion of the container. Minimum depth of water for dead storage shall be 100 mm even for flat bottom slab Water depth in the U/G. SUMP shall be the vertical distance between L.S.L. and F.S.L. of tank. The detailed soil foundation investigation for the work of U/G. SUMP and underground Sump up to 10 mt. depth by augur drilling is to be obtained out by agency with the help of recognized soil investigation laboratory at his own cost without claiming any extra cost. The foundation and structures should be designed on this soil investigation data. Not withstanding anything mentioned above regarding S.B.C. whenever the Engineer-in-charge of design directs that bearing capacity shall be determined by carrying out actual soil exploration and tests due to conditions as mentioned in para 2.0 of IS 1992-1969. The same shall be carried out by a Government laboratory or any other approved laboratory of GWSSB Authority not below the rank of S.E. at the cost of contractor and allowable bearing capacity so arrive shall be taken as the basic of design. The factor of safety adopted in case of actual test shall be as per clause 6.1 (A) of IS 6403 - 1971. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Cement concrete shall be in accordance with IS 456-1978 & fine and coarse aggregate shall be confirming to IS 383-1963 or its latest revision. The selection of the type of fine and coarse aggregate to be actually used shall be as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. For parts of the U/G. SUMP in contact with stored water and closing vapor above FSL shall be in concrete grade M250 or in richer grade. Inlet, Out let, Overflow and Washout pipe: Materials: LA Cast iron flanged pipe of appropriate class shall only be used. Inlet Pipe: The size of inlet pipe shall be as per annexure Out let pipe: The out let cum washout arrangement pipe shall be as per annexure. Over flow pipe: The size of overflow pipe shall one diameter higher than that of inlet pipe. Detailed drawing showing all the pipes, duck foot bends, chamber, sluice valves and other necessary connection shall be furnished in the plan. Plain concrete block in M15- for duck foot bends shall be of minimum depth of 600 mm. The width of the block shall have an offset minimum of 150mm. A water level indicator shall be provided for the tank reading depth of water in meters with least count of 10 cm. The system shall consist of un corrosion able material 26 | P a g e

and shall be simple and easy to maintain. The water level indicator shall be provided and fixed as approved and directed by the engineer-in-charge. Access to roof for an entry to the inside of the tanks shall be provided. At roof level of the tank the access to roof manhole from the ladder or stair shall be properly provided with parapet or railing. At ground level or at walkway level the access forgoing up shall be provided with a door and locking arrangement. Railing at roof level and at gallery level shall be provided. If not specified in data sheet at least one manhole with frame and cover of CI medium type shall be provided with ladder for entering into the container for maintenance purpose. The size of manhole frame shall be 0.9 x 0.6 meter 75 kg weight. Cowl type ventilators of 100 mm. dia. having standard dimensions and weight shall be provided as per design. The roof of the tank shall be ventilated by providing cowls or ventilators with mosquito proof met for ventilators. They shall be fixed with proper framing. Ventilation are shall not be less than of (A) 0.04% of the free water surface when cowl type ventilators are provided (B) Cross sectional area of the inlet pipe. (C) Cross sectional area of the outlet pipe. All tanks shall be checked for seismic forces confirming to IS 1893-1975 or its latest revision Water U/G. SUMP in vicinity of mines, galleries and blasting sites or in areas which may be subjected to blasting sites or in areas which maybe subjected to blast or shock shall be designed for the dynamic forces developed due to blast equipment. Members of towers, which are primarily subjected to dynamic stresses, shall be checked for ductility of the members at the joint. Staircase and all columns shall be tied together just above foundation level by structural members such as a braced or a tie ring beam., Following shall be the minimum thickness of various members of the tank container. Roof Slab/ dome

100 mm

Bottom slab

200 mm

Vertical wall including shaft wall

150 mm

Error up to 0.25 % in weights, forces, moments etc. in the design calculation may be neglected. DESIGN General Shape of the structure shall be as directed by Engineer-in-charge and shall be selected depending upon site condition from the standard shape. 27 | P a g e

General description and salient feature as mentioned below of the design shall be not approved by the Engineer- in- charge and shall be mentioned in the design before detail design calculations starts. Sketch showing dimensional section, elevation with plan shall be given. The safety against over turning of structure shall be computed quite accurately. Design shall be based on the worst possible combination of various loads, moments, shears and resultant stress in the tank for the following two cases. “A” U/G. SUMP full ‘B” U/G. SUMP empty. U/G. SUMP full means depth of water inside the container up to full height of the container without consideration of free board. Safe bearing capacity of soil based on actual soil investigation report of the laboratory including Position of sub soil water level. Chemical analysis if sub soil water and soil, where possibility of brackish / saline water is ascertained. The location of site shown on index plan in respect to latitude and longitude. Design shall be based on accepted basis and methods of design as well as the provision of IS 3370-1965, IS 4546-1978, IS 1843-1960,IS 2210-1962,IS 2204-1962 etc. and their latest revision. However methods based on experimental investigation as mentioned in Para 18.2% “C” in IS 456-1978 shall not be entertained. The parts of the structure neither in contact with the liquid on any face more enclosing the space above the liquid as the case of stages of a tower shall be designed on working stress method on accordance with the requirement of Is 456-1978. Staging may be designed on limit method as per IS 456-1978. Design of members other than these excluded by above (i.e. roof, walls, floor etc. of the contractor ) shall be based on consolidation of adequate resistance of cracking as well as adequate strength calculation of stresses shall be para as per 3.2.2 of IS 3370 ( part-II) 1965 or its latest revision. GENERAL CONDITION FOR WORK BREAK UP OF PAYMENTSCHEDULE FOR UNDER GROUND SUMP Sr.

Stage of work


Amount Admissible payment


On approval of design and on submission of Six sets Including SBC test,

3.00 %


On completion of excavation and concreting of base slab/Raft

30.00 %

Foundation. completion of concreting 3

Full container structure including column, wall, ring beam and completion


of top slab/dome, fixing M.H. fame & cover, cowl type ventilator etc. complete. 4

Procurement and fixing of Inlet, Outlet. Washout, Overflow pipe valves specials chambers, and specials as site.

28 | P a g e



Water level Indicator, plaster, painting of letters, M.S ladder, pipe


railing and all miscellaneous items such as snowcem paints in three coats etc. 6

Hydraulic testing, Defect liability One month’s performance



100.00 %

ANNEXURE 1. Acceptance : Intimation of acceptance of tender shall be given by registered post to the address given below the signature of the tenderer in the tender. 2. Details of works: The tenderer shall state in his tender the name of the contractor in case the agency shall be other than him self from whomever the purposes to obtain the centering. He shall also state by what method he purposes to effect the same. The designs of centering with type shall be got approved by the Engineer before its erection. 3. Examination of plans and Locations : Statements as to the condition under which work is to be performed includes plans surveys, relevant dimensions calculations estimates bearing etc are made to furnish a basis for comparison of tenders and the Village W. & S. Committee do not guarantee or represent that they are even very approximately correct. The contractor shall satisfy himself by all conditions affecting the work to be and done and labor materials needed and shall make his bid in sole reliance thereon. 4.

The work included in this contract shall be carried out in accordance with the

specification rules and regulations as laid down in the books mentioned below in order of the priority (i) P.W.D. Hand Book Vol. I & II 1949 edition if the reference quoted above fall short for the items in schedule of contract, reference shall be made to Indian specifications for the latest edition. If any of the items of this contract are not covered by the reference books quoted above, details and specification as directed by the Engineer of Village W. & S. Committee shall be final. This shall depend upon the standard specifications allowed in different countries of the work for the items concerned. PROGRAMME: The Engineer may at any time give direction as to the order and manner in which the several part of the work shall be carried out and the contractor shall strictly observe such direction. 5. Method of Carrying out the work: The contractor shall furnish for the approval of the Engineer a schedule giving the program of the work giving details for the method of execution proposed to be adopted. No work shall be carried by other method except the one approved by the Engineer. The Engineer may suggest suitable modification in the program and method prepared by the contractor. Adoption of any such changes shall not entitle the contractor for claiming any extra rates. 6. Relation with public Authorities : 29 | P a g e

The contractor shall comply with all powers and legal order and directions given from time to time by any local or public authorities and shall pay out of his own money, the fees or charges to which he shall be liable. 7.

The contractor shall at his own expense obtain such license as may be necessary

storing and using explosives. The Village W. & S. Committee shall incur no responsibility whatsoever in connection with the storage of explosive on the site or any accident or occurrence whatsoever in connection there with. All operations of the contractor on which explosives are employed being at the risk of the contractor and upon his sole responsibility and the contractor hereby given to the Village W. & S. Committee an absolute indemnity in respect thereof. 8. RETURNS : 1

The contractor shall furnish the Engineer every day during the progress

of the works classified weekly return of the number of people employed on the work during the week the report of skilled and unskilled labor shall be given in prescribed from. The contractor if directed by the Engineer shall increase or decrease the strength of the labor both skilled and unskilled. The contractor shall also furnish the following returns: A weekly medical report showing the health of the Contractor’s camp and the number of persons ill. 2.

OR A report of any accident which may have occurred within 24 hours of its

occurrence. 9. OCCUPATION OF ADDITIONAL LANDS : In case when it becomes necessary for the fulfillment of the contract for the contractor to occupy land outside the Village W. & S. Committee limits, the contractor shall make his own arrangement with the land owners and pay such rents as may be mutually agreed between them. The Village W. & S. Committee afford the contractor all possible assistance to enable him to obtain land for such purpose. 10. CONTROLLED MATERIALS : As regards controlled materials, Village W. & S. Committee will help to arrange for the permits as far as possible and help the contractor himself. Though the G. W. S. & S. Board will help to arrange for the permits as far as possible in obtaining the materials it shall not accept any responsibility for any delay or loss on account of delay or loss on account of delay caused. Contractor shall submit the monthly return in the prescribed forms for the receipts and actual use of the controlled materials during the month to the Engineer on close of every calendar month. The contractor shall permit the Engineer or his representatives to inspect the stock of the controlled materials stored by him at any time whenever engineer or his representative desires. 11. Permit and licenses : The contractor shall procure at his sole expenses all permits and licenses and pay all charges and fees for lawful execution of the work. 12. Permit devices Materials and processes :

30 | P a g e

Whenever the contractor desires to use any design devices materials or process covered by the letters patent or copy right permission for such use shall be secured by the suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and copy of agreement shall be filled with Engineer. 13. Temporary Quarters : The contractor will be required to make his own arrangement for housing of all his staff and working people during the execution of the work. The contractor shall maintain at his own expenses efficient staff as may be required by the Engineer. Suitable fire preventive measures to the satisfaction of the Engineer shall be taken by the contractor. 14. Plant : The contractor shall with his own expenses supply sound part plant for the whole of the works sufficient to perform the work within the time agreed upon in the contract and keep the same in good condition. He shall also at his own expenses, repair or improve it when required by written request of the Engineer or his representative. All unused materials and all plants and equipment not removed by the contractor within two months of the completion date of the works or any extension granted thereof by the Engineer shall become the property of the Village W. & S. Committee and contractor shall not be entitled to any payment or compensation whatsoever in respect thereof. Conditions regarding medical and sanitary arrangements to be provided for labor employed in the construction by the contractor. (a)

The contractor shall follow rules regarding public Health and sanitary

arrangements to be provided in labor camp as per paragraph 258 of Gujarat P.W.D. Manual Vol.1 and appendix in that regard. (b)

The contractor shall make arrangements for all anti malarial measures to

be provided for the labor employed on the work. The anti malarial measures shall be as directed by the Assistant Director of Public Health. 15. Sub letting of work The contractor will not be permitted to sublet any of the works without permission of the Engineer-in-charge. If he gives permission for any part of the work to sublet, the main contractor shall take full responsibility for the quality of work. Before ordering subletting of the work the contractor shall submit the names of the subcontractors proposed for the approval for Engineer-in-charge and shall afterward send the two copies of the order for the work proposed to be sublet when submitting the names of the sub contractors for the approval it must be stated as to whether the firms proposed are the actual manufacturers of makes, if not the names of the makes shall also be submitted. The sublet orders shall contain all necessary information given in the specification to enable the sub contractor or supplier to work in accordance therewith. The sublet order shall also contain the time in which the delivery of the materials will be given for the completion of the work. The contractor shall be held responsible for non delivery or non completion in stipulated time given in his tender for the completion of the whole contract. 16. Foreman, Watchman and Workers

31 | P a g e

Competent foreman and watchman shall be employed by the contractor. The Village W. & S. Committee shall be at all times have the right to remove from the work any foreman, watchman or man who gives irresponsible response of misbehaves or misconduct. 17. Co-ordination of specifications, plant and special provisions the standard specification the plans and all supplementary documents are essential parts of the contract and requirement occurring in one shall be as binding as though occurring in all the various documents. Specification and special provisions shall over side both the plans and the standard specifications. Figured dimensions shall prevail over scaled dimensions if any. Other variations shall be decided by the Engineer. 18. Inspection of work and materials : 1.

For Resident Engineer, Agent and Employees on the work, the contractor provides safe and proper facilities for inspection.


The inspection of the work shall not relieve the contractor of his obligations to fulfill the terms of the contract as herein prescribed by the plans and specifications.


The contractor shall furnish written information to the Executive stating the original sources of supply and dates of manufacturing of all material brought or manufactured away from the actual site of the work.


The contractor shall furnish the Engineer every facility and assistance for ascertaining whether or not the work performed is in accordance with the requirements and instructions of the plans and estimates and the specifications. If so, directed the contractor at any time shall comply and after acceptance of the work remove or uncover any portions of the finished work considered necessary for fresh inspection at his own cost.


In order to ensure a proper time sequence for required inspection and approval, the information shall be furnished at least two weeks or (otherwise) as directed by the Engineer in advance of the use or incorporation in the work of any such materials and this shall be given in writing by the contractor.


The contractor shall obtain from Village W. & S. Committee a statement of the places where it is permitted for him to deposit the materials excavated. The contractor shall accept the entire site as he finds it any work that may be necessary to carry out contract shall be provided for in his contract price.

19. Setting out : The contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works and or the correctness of the position levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the works and for the provisions of all necessary instruments applicable and labor in connection there with. If at any time during the progress of the works any error shall appear or arise in the positions, levels, dimensions or alignments or any part of the works, the contractor is required to discuss with the Engineer and rectify such errors to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The checking of any setting out or of any line or level by the Engineer or his representative shall not relieve to the contractor of responsibilities for the correctness thereof. 20.

No quarrying or blasting operations shall be permitted in the riverbed in the

proximity of the bridge for the purpose of taking out materials required for the work except where the sites are demarcated by the Engineer for this purpose. The 32 | P a g e

contractor shall be personally responsible for any damage or accident cause by such operations. 21.

An order book shall be provided and maintained by the contractor on the work

and the contractor shall sign the order given by the Department and shall carry out them. Work Order Book is the property of the Village W. & S. Committee supervisory staff on site. The compliance shall be carried out promptly and approved by the Engineer in short time so that works can be checked. 22.

No materials should be stacked anywhere on the entire formation width of the

road while carrying out the work. These materials should be stacked on the open ground area of the land width on both sides of the road. Only in exceptional circumstances with only written permission of the Engineer such materials can be stacked on shoulders of the road surface. 23.

During the working period, day and night all weather diversion shall have to be

provided by the contractor without extra cost of Govt. The diversion shall be maintained in good conditions as directed by Engineer-in-charge until completion of work. During the night time for the safety of traffic, red lamps, etc. Shall be provided without any extra cost. 24.

The contractor shall have must to provide required test certificates as per

P.W.D. rules. If failed, it will be carried out by concerned officials and recovered from the bill with all expenses for taking samples, curing, transportation and obtaining results. The payment shall be withheld till receipt of result. The contractor shall not entitle to claim for time consumed of testing the materials. 25. ROYALTY: The contractor shall pay the royalty to the competent authority / local body as per rules. The contractor shall furnish quarterly the statement showing quantity of quarried materials, from whom purchased (with full address of the seller) and copies of bills for purchase to the District officer of the Mining and Geology Department or authority competent to levy royalty in the area of work. Copy of such statement shall be furnished to the Executive Engineer also. Contractor shall also furnish such additional information as regards royalty payment to the Executive Engineer and the Royalty authority as may be called for. The royalty charges paid shall be borne by the contractor and shall not be reimbursed by the Executive Engineer. Stress & Strength PERMISSIBLE STRESS IN CONCRETE FOR RESISTANCE TO CRACKING For calculations relating to the resistance of members to cracking the permissible stresses in tension ( direct and due to bending ) and shear shall confirm the values specified in Table-I of IS 3370 ( part –II 1965 ) The permissible tensile stresses due to bending apply to the fact of the member in contact with the liquid. In members less than 225 mm thick, and in contact with the liquid on one side. These permissible stress in bending apply to the face remote from liquid. FOR STRENGTH CALCULATION : In strength calculation, the permissible concrete stresses shall be accordance with para-44 of Is 456-1978. Where the calculated shear stress in concrete alone exceeds 33 | P a g e

the permissible value reinforcement acting in conjunction with diagonal compression in the concrete shall be provided to take the whole of the shear. Permissible compressive stress ( Directly only ) in sheels ( i.e. Top Dome, Conical Wall and shall be reduced by 43% for 10 cm thick walls. For thickness more than 30 cm, the compressive stress shall be reduced by 50% and for inter media thickness 20 cm. To 30 cm. Linear interpolation shall be done. PERMISSIBLE STRESSES IN STEEL : For resistance to cracking the steel and the concrete are assumed to act together. For checking the tensile stresses in un cracked concrete for avoidance of cracks, the tensile stress in the steel shall be the products of the modular ratio and the corresponding allowable tensile stress in concrete as per IS 3370(part-II) 1965 or its latest revision. Modular ratio “M” for different concrete mix shall be taken as under Grade of Concrete

Modular Ratio “M”







For strength calculation (concrete assumed to be cracked), the permissible stresses in reinforcement shall be as per Table – 2 of IS 3370 (part – II) 1965 or its latest revision. For steel, the stresses shall be as per IS 1966 or its latest revision The analysis of staging of the tank shall be done by using any established method such as portal method etc. The staging shall be analyzed from combination of dead, dead live loads and wind seismic loads. The effect of continuity of beams of the junction shall be properly accounted and column reaction worked out, for different condition of loading, axial force, shear force, bending moments. Modules of elasticity of concrete MEC shall be taken as 5700/FC where equal of characteristic cube strength of concrete in N/m2 as per IS 456-1976. Water Tower in seismic zone (II) of IS 1393-1975 twin diagonal (crossed) backing of steel in vertical plane in addition to the horizontal braking may be provided. FOUNDATION : Trial pit at sit of elevated tanks shall be taken, SBC of the soil or allowable bearing pressure on soil shall be established on the basis of actual strata met with The permissible increase in bearing pressure for different types of foundation shall be as per table – I of IS 1893-1965 or its latest revision. When seismic forces are considered and for wind forces it shall be as per IS 1904-1966 or its latest revision. For the purpose of the design of foundation the loading data shall be given the magnitude of vertical load, lateral lad and moments at top of footing (Foundation) level. The date shall be made available, for both the cases as per para 3.3.2 The foundation area, door, individual column footings, combined footings, angular rafts and solid rafts shall be worked out on the basis of lower most value of the safe bearing capacity or allowable bearing pressure values as derived from IS 19041978,IS 9403-1971,IS 8009-1976 or their latest revision.

34 | P a g e

In case of purely cohesion and CI pipe of soil particulars attention should be given to IS 1903-1978 clause 6 & 7. Settlement shall be calculated as per IS 8009 ( part-I) 1976 for foundation. In case of purely cohesion less soil, foundation shall be design for safe bearing capacity and shall be checked for permissible total as well as differential settlement values as given in relevant IS. If the foundation consists of individual columns footing, minimum clear distance between center of column shall be equal to twice the width of footing and clear distance between the edge of footing shall be not less than width of footings. In case of soil beneath the footings, are not of the same characteristics the footing shall be designed for the soil having lowest SNC or ANP as per case may be. In such conditions the permissible limits of total as well as differential settlement shall be limited to 75% of the permissible limit given in ISS. For special type of foundation like well foundation under beam pipe foundation etc., decision of Superintending Engineer, Public Health Design Circle shall be final and binding to the designer. Classification of soil and all characteristics of soil relevance to BSBC and APB shall be as per the soil in investigation reports of Government stipulation, Government approved investigators. For the design of foundation angular or solid raft type, the “ PLACE THEORY “ shall be adopted. In normal circumstances minimum 100 mm thick plain cement concrete with 100 mm projection around in Grade M 100 with coarse aggregate as metal shall be provided as leveling course.

Where injurious soil progressive water is expected the leveling

course shall be grade not weaker than M 250 and if necessary sulphate resisting or the special cement shall be used.

The ground level within the foundation area of the

structure shall be consolidated properly with a suitable slope to drain out rainwater outside the foundation. DETAILING : MINIMUM REINFORCEMENT FOR WATER RETAINING MEMBER : The minimum reinforcement in walls, floors, roofs, in each of two directions at right angle shall have an area of 0.3% of the concrete selection in that direction for sections up to 100.00 mm thick. For section for thickness greater than 100 mm and less than 450 mm thick minimum reinforcement each of two directions shall be nearly deducted from at 0.3%. For 100 mm thick sections or greater two layers of reinforcing steel shall be place one near each face of the section to make up to minimum reinforcement specified in this clause. The minimum reinforcement specified in this 5.1 above may be decrease by 20 % in case of high yield strength bars confirming to IS 1976 or IS 139-1978. Minimum clear cover to reinforcement under normal conditions shall be as per para 25.4 or IS 456-1978.

35 | P a g e

For liquid faces of parts of members either in contact with the liquid or enclosing the space above the liquid shall be as per para 7.2 IS 3370 ( part – I 1965). In case of Raft Foundation, the cover to reinforcement shall be as per 4.6.2 of IS 295 ( part – I) 1973. In case of “ SHAFT “ the cover to reinforcement shall be as under Vertical

25 mm


25 mm


25 mm

For members of structure in contact with water, effective cover shall not be more than 60 mm. Even bars subjected to bending stress, or bars subjected to tension due pure tension in the member the effective cover shall not more than 75 mm. Spacing of reinforcement shall be as per para 25.3 IS 456 – 1978. Spacing of lateral ties for column shall satisfying provision of para 25.3.2 ’ C ’ of IS 456 – 1978. The additional suggested criteria for reinforcing steel which accounts for existing moments, tension etc. I.e. Other than temperature or binding steel shall comprise of minimum 8 mm for deformed or 10 mm mild steel bars. The spacing between two para in main reinforcement shall distribution steel, stirrups, links etc. Shall not exceed 30 cm. For members of the container, the maximum diameter of reinforcement in tension shall not exceed as given below depending upon the geometrical percentage of reinforcement. ( Ratio of tensile steel to gross is concrete.) Up to 1.0 %

16 mm dia

Up to 1.5 %

22 mm dia

Up to 2.0 %

25 mm dia

Notes : In case of dispute regarding in to partition of any above clause, the decision of the Superintending Engineer, Public Health Design circle, Gandhinagar will be binding to the Designer. In case of any clause not included in the above criteria the decision of the Superintending Engineer, Public Health Design circle, Gandhinagar will be binding to the Designer. FOR CI PIPE: The pipes shall be CI/DF pipe heavy duty and as per IS 1239 the rates includes providing and fixing including all kind of fittings and such as bends, tees, plugs taper. Which ever required the rates includes also cuttings and bending into shape. Necessary heavy duty clamps at internal of 3 m at all the required joints of pipes without any extra cost. Necessary excavation shall be carried out for laying pipeline and same shall be refilling when the work at all required joints of pipes without any extra cost. Necessary 36 | P a g e

excavation shall be carried out for laying pipeline and same shall be refilling the when the work is completed and pipeline tested. All pipes and fittings shall be rectified or replaced without any extra cost. The item includes providing necessary tools and jointing materials such as which zink spun yarn, nut and bolts and rubber backing jointing as flanges etc, complete without extra claim R.C.C. U/G. SUMP 2,00,000, 1,00,000 & 30,000 Lit. Cap. (Contractor’s Own Design) COMMON CONDITION General: The general conditions for this work shall be as specified in general conditions.

WATER : 1.

Portable water shall be used for CMCC & during testing for other purposes

GENERAL Specifications laid down in Bombay P.W.D Hand Book, Vol. 1 & 2 for relevant items of work given in schedule “B” of tender shall be strictly observed unless the some is repentant to the detailed specification given with the tender of work specific instructions issued by the interest of the work necessary site clearance and jungle cutting shall be carried out by the contractor at his own cost. Additional amount for such work shall not be paid by the department. For unsatisfactory hydraulic testing of pipe lines 30% payment of plaster items, C.C. items and pipe line item shall be with held COMMON SPECIFICATION FOR LAYING, JOINTING PIPES AND SPECIALS AT DIFFERENT DIAMETERS Providing & fixing flanged steel cylinder reinforced concrete or C.I. pipes vertically for R.C.C. U/G. SUMP including providing clamps at every 3mt. including jointing materials such as nuts, bolts, rubber packing, hydraulic testing and necessary scaffolding etc. Complete. General: The pipes shall conform to I.S. 1537-1975 (first revision) or latest revision of I.S.S. for vertically cast iron pressure pipes. The standard applies to pipes suitable for lead joints or rubber joints or flanged joints. The details given below briefly cover the requirements for dimensions, tolerance on dimension, and tests for C.I. pipes. Classification: The pipes have been designated in accordance with the series adopted in I.S. 1536-1976. Where pipes have been classified LA, A & B according to their thickness, class LA pipes have been taken as the basis for evolving the series of pipes, class “A” allows a 10% increase in thickness over class LA. Class “B” allow a 20% increase in thickness over class LA. For vertically cast pipes class LA has been taken as standard. Manufacture: 37 | P a g e

The metal used for the manufacture of pipes shall be got good quality cast iron. The pipes shall be free from defect, other than any unavoidable surface imperfections which result from the method of manufacture and which do not affect the use of pipes. By agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser minor defects may be rectified. The pipes shall be such that they could be cut, drilled or machined. In case of flanged pipes, the flanges shall be as right angles to the axis of the pipe and machined on face. The bolt holes shall be drilled. Dimensions: The dimensions of pipes, sockets spigot and flanges shall be as per table II to VIII of I.S. 1537-1976. For S & S pipes, the standard length shall be 3.66, 4, 4.88, 5, 5.5 meters. Tolerance Thickness: The tolerance of the wall thickness and flange thickness of pipes are as follows



Wall thickness

-(1 + 0.05 e)

Flange thickness

+(2 + 0.05 b)

Where e = thickness of wall in mm. b = thickness of flange in m. Weight: The standard weights of pipes shall be as per Table-II to IX of I.S. 15371976. The tolerance on standard weight shall be + 5 percent. The pipes of a heavier weight than the maximum may be accepted provided they comply in every other respect with the requirement of I.S. 1537-1976. Marking: Each pipe shall have the trade mark of the manufacturer, nominal dia., class of pipe weight and the last two digits of the year of manufacture suitable marked on it. Marking may be done on the outside of the socket or towards the ends of the barrels of pipes. Materials: The jointing materials i.e. compressed fibber or rubber sheet and bolts nuts shall be brought by the contractor at his own cost. The thickness of fibber or rubber sheet packing shall be between 1-5mm. to 3.00mm. They shall be flexible and capable of with standing vibration. Rubber packing and bolts and nuts of standard length and thread suitable for pipe size shall of mild steel, they shall confirm to material specification for. Preparation of pipes: The pipe shall be brushed through to remove any soil deposited or stone therein. Particularly each end of pipe inside or outside shall be carefully cleaned where joints is to be done. The pipes shall be of exact length with flanges truly at right angle to its end plans to avoid cutting. Laying: The pipes shall be lowered by means of chain pulley black and tripod stand or with the help of ropes and suitable size of wooden bullies slowly into the trench. They shall be brought to the required local by giving packing with wooden sleeper pieces and 38 | P a g e

ultimately with well-consolidated hard murrum if required. The chain pulley black and tripod stand must be got approved by the engineer in Charge. Under no circumstances, pipes shall allowed to be thrown into the trenches. Each bolt shall be taken or a little at a time tacking care to frighten diametrically opposite bolts alternatively. The practice of fully lightening the bolts, one after anther is highly undesirable. In case of vertical line, the flanges shall be truly horizontal i.e. vertical line shall be in exact plump. In horizontal line the flanges shall be truly in vertical line. Testing: After each section of pipeline is completed, it shall be tested for water tightness before being covered in. This can be done by closing each end by means of valve, blank flange, cap or plug and filling the pipe with water. The contractor shall have to arrange for water to be filled in a pipeline at his own cost. The pressure shall then be raised gradually by means of a small hand forced pump till it registers at least the double the working pressure. The joint shall be absolutely water tight under the test leakage test. (To be conducted after the satisfactory completion of the pressure test) at a pressure to be specified by the authority for a duration of two hours. The test pressure shall be ascertained by means of a reliable gauge. If any leakage or sweeping in the pipe joints, on surface of pipe itself specials, valve etc. are observed during testing of section the contractor shall be reapplied until no further leakage, are detected. COMMON CONDITIONS : DECLARATION : The contractor shall made declaration as under :“ I have made myself thoroughly conversant conditions as regards the availabilities or otherwise of all construction materials skilled and unskilled labour on which. I have quoted my rates for this work. The specifications, drawing and design of this work have been careful studies and are understood by me before the submission of this tender. Before starting the work the site shall be cleared of all shrubs, grass and other vegetation including large and small bushes, all stamps removal of roots cutting and disposal of small trees up to 300mm girth etc. (The girth shall be measured at a height of 1.5 meters above ground level). The site to be cleared shall consist of the entire area required to be cut down to accommodate the reservoir. The bidder shall make themselves familiar with the local rules and regulation and/ or those governing the land clearance industry special requirements of forest areas wherever applicable and the work shall be carried out in strict accordance there with. EXCAVATION : The side slopes of the cutting shall generally have the following slopes for stability : (A)

1:1 slope for excavation in earth, murrum boulders etc.


0.5:1 slope for excavation in hard murrum and soft rock.


0.25:1 slope for excavation in hard rock. If however, the strata met with

can sustain safely steeper slopes then those mentioned above, such steeper slopes may be permitted with the prior written permission of the Engineer in charge of the work Dewatering or pumping : 39 | P a g e

If pumping or draining of water is required to be done at any time during excavation. The bidder shall arrange for such draining by excavating channels, pumping or otherwise and shall maintain such arrangements to the satisfaction of the dewatering pumps shall be conveyed. The discharge of the dewatering pumps shall be conveyed either to drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinity of work site. All cost for such arrangements including pumping shall be borne by the bidder and no extra payment shall be admissible for such operation. Shoring : Open cuttings shall be suitable shored sheeted and braced. If required by the Engineer or by site conditions or to meet local laws for protecting life property of the work. Adequate shoring and strutting shall be provided by the bidder at their own cost, wrapped or deformed timber shall not be used. The shoring shall project at least 150mm above ground level and shall extend to a suitable depth below the bottom. Wherever necessary the planks or struts shall be driven by compressed air pile drivers. The planks shall be fixed close enough to avoid any running in of sand or earth through the joints. The shoring materials shall not be of sizes less than those specified below unless steel sheet piling is used or unless approved by the Engineer in writing. (A)


5 cm thick


Walling pieces

10 cm × 20 cm



15 cm × 20 cm

For walling pieces round timber shall not be allowed. In a vertical plane, there shall be at least three struts or more as directed by the Engineer. They shall rest on walling pieces. The spacing of the struts shall be as per the requirements. At the bottom extra struts shall have to be provided if ordered by the Engineer. The excavated material shall be transported by the contractors and stacked and / or spreaded at suitable places within the lead of 500m as directed by the Engineer. The stacks shall be made outside the area of excavation and shall not endanger the work in any way and shall avoid the obstruction to footpaths, road, driveways, hydrants access, the properties and work sites. Gutter shall be kept clear, Natural water coarse shall not be obstructed. Separate stacks shall be formed for (a)rubble considered suitable for masonry work or road work (b)rubble of inferior quality and boulders (c)soft rock, earth murrum (d)rock spoils up to 150mm size. Coarse aggregate depending upon their sizes. The fine aggregates are those which pass through I.S. sieve No. 480 and the coarse aggregates are those which are retained on I.S Sieve No. 480. The aggregate both fine and coarse shall be hard strong durable clean free from veins and adherent coatings. The use of flaky and elongated pieces of aggregates shall be prohibited. The aggregates shall not contain deleterious materials such as iron pyrite, coal, alkali, soft fragments sea shells organic impurities etc. in such quantity as to affect the strength or durability of concrete or the reinforcement embedded in such reinforced concrete. The maximum quantities of deleterious materials that may be permitted shall confirm to the following limits by weight. Deleterious

Fine Aggregates Substances.

40 | P a g e

Coarse Aggregate(%) (%) by weight

By weight (Max). (Max) (1)





(1) Coal and lignite





(2) Clay lumps.





(3) Soft fragments (4) Material passing


3.00 3.00



through 75 micron sieve (5) Shale





The total of various deleterious materials occurring in any sample, in no case exceed 5%. Sampling and testing of aggregates shall be carried out in accordance with the requirement of the appropriate section of I.S. 2386. (Methods of test for aggregate for concrete) The tenderers shall satisfy the Engineer that the aggregate to be supplied shall not give rise to an alkali reaction with the cement. If the aggregate supplied is unclean it shall be washed. It is not properly graded, it shall be various sizes proportioned to get the required grading. Storing of aggregates on dusty, muddy, and grassy spots shall be avoided. They shall be stored on the works in such manner as to prevent intrusion of foreign matter, and shall be protected from exposure to dust. They shall be placed in stock piles in individual units of suitable sizes and in suitable layers to prevent aggregation. They shall not be allowed to run down slopes. (1)

Sand or fine aggregates : The sand shall be taken from a source approved by the Engineer. The sand or

fine aggregate shall confirm to the latest I.S. No. 388-1970. “Coarse and fine aggregate form natural sources for concrete”. If the Engineer considers it necessary it shall be washed and/or screened before use at the expenses of the contractors. The sand shall have a fineness modulus of not less than 2.5 and not more than 3.00 and the grading shall conform as far as possible to the following analysis I.S Sieve No. Percent Natural

Passing crushed

Sand or crushed


Gravel 4.75mm


















The specific gravity of sand shall not be less than 2.6. In no case shall fine aggregate be accepted containing more than 2% by dry weight not more than 3.5% by dry volume, not more than 5% by wet volume of clay, loam or silt. If any samples of fine aggregate shows, more than 5% of clay, loam silt in one hour’s settlement after shaking in an excess of water the material represented by the sample shall be rejected. The following two fields tests are recommended for ascertaining the percentage of clay lumps and impervious organic material, and the contractors shall carry out the same, of the Engineer deems fit. 41 | P a g e


Test for determining silt in sand : Fill a calibrated tumbler with sand to be tested to half its volume and added

water there to until the tumbler is three quarter full. Shake up the mixture vigorously and allow it to settle for about an hour. The volume of silt visible on top of the sand shall be measured. If the volume of the silt standing over the sand exceeds 5% of total volume of sand the sand shall be rejected. (2)

Calorimetric test for organic impurities : The sample of sand shall be mixed with equal volume of 3% solution (about

30gms in a liter of water) of caustic soda sodium hydroxide taken in a plain glass and the mixture shall be allowed to stand for 24 hours. The liquid standing above the sand shall not be darker than light shade (Pale yellow) color is marked yellow or brown the test would indicate presence of organic material in excessive amount. In case suitable sand is not available in adequate quantities with in a reasonable and economical limit the contractors may be allowed to use of crushed or pulverized stone or gravel either alone or mixed with natural sand in parts. The stone or gravel shall be clean sharp and free from dust etc. and shall confirm to the latest I.S. 383. The percentage of crushed stone to be mixed with sand shall be such as to obtain the fineness modulus of the blended sand within the limit specified above, and / or as approved by the Engineer after laboratory tests. (ii)

Coarse Aggregates : All coarse aggregates used in concrete works shall consist of crushed rock,

gravel or other approved inert material. Broken or crushed rock from sound blue basalt or black trap free from zeolite or other common impurities shall be used in the concrete as coarse aggregate. The particles of aggregates shall be clean, hard, tough, and durable free from deleterious substances and shall not contain soft, flat or elongated pieces. The coarse aggregate shall have specific gravity not less than 2.6 and the water absorption measured after being immersed for 24 hours in water shall not be more than 5% by weight. The maximum of deleterious materials in the coarse aggregate shall not exceed 5% by weight in the aggregate when tested in conformity with I.S. No.383. 1970. coarse fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete. The nominal size of the coarse aggregate for reinforced concrete work shall be 20mm. Larger coarse aggregate up to 40mm. size may be used if approved by the Engineer in plain concrete work. The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be as large as possible within the limits specified but in no case shall be greater than one quarter of the minimum thickness of the member, provided that the concrete can be placed in the form work without difficulty so as to surround all reinforcement thoroughly and to fill the corners of the form work. The minimum size of coarse aggregate shall be as mentioned (90%-95% maximum) on I.S. Sieve No. 480. The aggregate shall be screened and, if necessary blended to give the required grading when testing in the laboratory at contractors cost by means of standard mesh Sieves, the grading shall fall with in the following limits. Sieve Size


Plain C.C





10 to 15

20mm 42 | P a g e

Retained by wt.

35 to 40

----------5 to 10


75 to 80

100 to 80


90 to 100

100 to 95

The percentage given above are only for guidance and the Engineer reserves the right to modify the same to any other lower or higher value if considered necessary by him, in consonance with the requirements of the work. In the event of undesirable segregation occurring in coarse aggregates in two or more suitable fractions as directed by the Engineer, who shall set up such as to give a dense water-tight concrete of specified proportion and strength and required consistency. The Engineer shall have the right and authority to carry out routine control tests and analysis of the broken rock at any stage of the work processing and / or concreting operations and the contractors shall give all necessary facilities in respect of such testing. The sampling and testing shall be carried out as per standard I.S practices at the entire cost of the contractor. Water The water used for the preparation of concrete, for washing sand etc. and for curing shall be clean and free from objectionable quantities of silt, organic material, acid, alkali, salts oil and other deleterious impurities and it shall be obtained from the sources approved by the Engineer. Potable water shall be generally be acceptable. The quantity of water to be added for making concrete shall be properly measured and controlled. Suitable water cement ratio for the different mixes and uses shall be determined in consultation with Engineer and shall generally not be exceeding 0.5 the exact value being fixed after taking account all relevant factors such as strength required, weather condition, water absorbed by material, workability and slump required consistent with the work requirements, methods of compacting etc. 0.5% of the tender cost will be charged for supplying water to use in construction shall be charged and also Rupees 5 per 1000 liters will be charged for the water to be used for testing of water retaining structures. Cement Concrete (Plain or reinforce ) (ordinary) : All cement concrete whether used in R.C.C work or plain concrete work shall be designated in grades (by the strength it acquires at the age of 28 days M. 100M – 150,M – 200 and M-250 where refers to the mix and the number 100, 150, 200 and 250 represent the specified 28 days workable compressive strength of the mix under reference, expressed in Kg./Sq. cm. The cement concrete to be used in the construction of works covered under this specification can be broadly classified as (i) ordinary concrete and (ii) controlled concrete. The concrete to be used in the structural work of the reservoir or any part of water retaining structures viz. the roof slab, side walls and divide wall, columns, column footings and the top layer of the reservoir floor and partition walls in each compartment, control room substation shall be controlled concrete while that used in the structural work of appurtenant structures, viz. the stair cases outside the reservoir, etc. mass concrete working anchor blocks, thrust blocks, concrete to be used in the leveling courses or foundation concrete etc. shall be ordinary concrete. All cement concrete to be used in the work shall confirm to be used in the leveling courses or foundations concrete etc. shall be ordinary concrete. All cement concrete to be used in the work shall confirm to the requirements of I.S. 456-1978 code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete, Cement concrete used in any water retaining structure shall in 43 | P a g e

addition to I.S 456 – confirm to I.S. 3370 – code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids. (Part I & II (1963) (Part III & IV (1967) Though the use of controlled concrete is specified for the construction of the reservoir proper control room and substation it may be extended to other parts of the work covered by this contract if so directed by the Engineer. In the concrete used in water retaining structure, the minimum quantity of cement used be 330 / Kg./M³ of the concrete produced. (i)

Ordinary cement concrete : Ordinary cement concrete is that cement concrete which is not required to be

designed by preliminary test and is produced by mixing the various ingredients of concrete designated below shall generally consist of quantities as given in the table below per bag of cement.

Table 1 : Concrete mix proportions for ordinary concrete Grade of

Total quantity of dry aggregate Quantity of water/ Concrete (fine


coarse) by volume per 50Kg. 50Kg. of cement. (Max. in liters)

cement. (Max. in liters)

M. 100



M. 150



M. 200



M. 250



The proportion of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate for the various mixers listed above shall generally be 1:2 by volume but variation from 1:1.5 to 1:3 depending upon the grading of the aggregates may be permitted by the Engineer, the total quantity of fine and coarse aggregates, however shall not in any case exceed the quantity in the above table 1. For the purpose of this tender the ordinary concrete specified by strengths as m100, m150, m200, shall be considered to be equivalent to nominal mixes specified as 1:3:6, 1:2:4 and 1:1.5:3 respectively, and any mention to these mixes under one system of nomenclature the strength requirements for 28 days and 7 days test under both the system of nomenclature shall be in conformity with those in table(2) & (3) given here in after. The cement concrete shall be tested for compressive strength at the age of 28 days on 15 cm. cubes in accordance with the latest I.S. 516 – 1959. Methods of test for strength of concrete and the strengths developed for all types of concrete shall not be less than those given in table – 2. Table 2 : Strength requirement of concrete : Grade of concrete

Minimum compressive strength of 15cm. cubes at 28 days, in 1 gs/cm. Preliminary test :

works test

M 100



M 150



44 | P a g e

M 200



M 250



For quick results, the contractors shall carry out compression tests on representative 15cm. cubes cast in accordance with relevant I.S. at 7 days in addition to the normal 28 days compressive strength. The 7 days strength of the various concrete mixes shall not be less than the values given in the Table No.3 below. However the 28 days compressive strength along shall be the criterion for acceptance or rejection of the concrete, unless the Engineer is satisfied of the relation between the 7 days compressive strength and the 28days compressive strength, established by carrying out a number of tests in which case he may relax the test frequency of 28 days compressive strength specified here in after. Table 3 : Optional works test requirements of concrete: Grade of concrete

Minimum compressive strength of 15cm. cubes at 7 days, in kgs/cm².

M 100


M 150


M 200


M 250

170 All test strength specified above are exclusively for 15cm. size cubes & they

shall be adequately modified to suit the requirement of 15cm. dia. and 30cm. long cylinder, the strength values obtained should be multiplied by 1.25 to obtain the equivalent cube strength. Controlled concrete : Controlled concrete when used in plain and reinforced concrete structure shall be in grades M100, M150, M200, M250, M300 and M400. In controlled concrete the determination of the proportions of cement, aggregate and water to attain the required strength shall be made with the preliminary test by designing the concrete mix. The concrete mix shall be designed to have an average strength corresponding to the values specified for preliminary tests in Table – 4. The proportions chosen should be such that the concrete is of adequate workability for the conditions prevailing on the work in question, and can be properly compacted with the means available. The maximum total quantity of aggregate by weight per 50kg of cement shall not exceed 450kg except where otherwise specifically permitted by the Engineer. Except where it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Engineer that supply of properly graded aggregate of uniform quality can be maintained over the period of work, the grading of aggregate in different sizes and blending them in the right proportions when required, the different sizes being stocked in separate stock piles. The material should be stock piled for several hours preferably a day before use. The material should of coarse and fine aggregate should be checked as frequently as possible, the frequency for a given job of being determined by the Engineer, to ensure that the suppliers are maintaining the grading uniform with that of the samples used in the preliminary tests. In proportioning concrete, the quantity of both cement and aggregate should be determined by weights. Where the weight of cement is determined by accepting the maker’s weight per bag, reasonable number of bags should be weighted separately to check the net weight where the cement is weighed on the site and not in the bags it 45 | P a g e

should be weighed separately from the aggregate. Water should be either measured by volume in calibrated tanks or weighed. All measuring equipment should be maintained in a clean serviceable condition, and their accuracy periodically checked. It is most important to maintain the water cement ratio constant at its correct value, to this end determination of moisture contents in both fine and coarse aggregates should be made as frequently as possible the frequency for a given job being determined by the Engineer according to weather conditions. The amount of the added water should be adjusted to compensate for any observed variation in the aggregate, IS:2386 – (Part.III) 1963 Methods of tests for aggregates for concrete Part – III specific gravity, density voids, absorption and bulking may be referred to. To allow for the variation in weight of aggregate due to variation in moisture content, suitable adjustment in the weight of aggregate should also be made. No substitution in materials used on the work or alternations in the established proportions, except as permitted in the above paragraph, shall be made without additional tests to show that the quality and strength of concrete are satisfactory. Workability of the concrete should be checked at frequent intervals. The slump test, or where facilities exist, the compacting factor test in accordance with I.S. : 1199 –1959 Method of sampling and analysis of concrete may be adopted for this purpose. A competent person should be employed whose first duty will be to supervise all stages in the preparation and placing of the concrete. All works test specimens should be made and site test carried out under his direct supervision in order to get a relatively quicker idea of the quality of concrete or compressive strength test at 7 days may be carried out in addition to 28 days compressive strength test. In all cases the 28 days compressive strength specified in table –4 should alone be the criterion for the acceptance or rejection of the concrete. If however, from tests carried in a particular job over a reasonably long period it has been established to the satisfaction of the Engineer that a suitable ratio between 28 days compressive strength and compressive strength at 7 days may be accepted, the Engineer may suitably relax the frequency of 28 days compressive strength test specified in table – 8, provided the expected strength values at the specified early age are consistently met. For this purpose the value given in table – 5 may taken for general guidance in the case of concrete made of ordinary cement. For detailed specification regarding preliminary and work test relevant paragraphs are reproduced from I.S :1199 – 1959.

Method of test for strength of

concrete and I.S. 516 – 1959 Methods as sampling and analysis of concrete as given below. Table – 4 :Strength requirements of concrete : (All values in kg./cm2) Grade of concrete

Compressive strength of 15 cm cubes at 28 days After mixing in accordance with I.S. : 516 – 1959 Preliminary Test

Works test



M 100



M 150



M 200



46 | P a g e

M 250



M 300



M 350



M 400



Note : (A) Preliminary test : A test conducted in a laboratory on the trial mix concrete produced in the laboratory with the object of : (1)

Designing a concrete mix before the actual concreting operation start.


Determining the adjustment required in the design mix when there is

a change

in the materials used during the execution of work or (3)

Verifying the strength of concrete mix.

(B) Work Test : A test conducted either in the field or in a laboratory on the specimens made on the works out of the concrete being used on the works.

Note : Size of cubes : In the works test with the approval of the Engineer 10cm cubes may be used in place of 15cm cubes provided the maximum nominal size of aggregate does not exceed 20mm. Even the use of 15cm cubes should normally be restricted to concrete having a maximum nominal size of aggregate not exceeding 40mm. where concrete with aggregate larger than 40mm is required to be tested, the size of cubes should be specified by the Engineer keeping in view that generally the length of side of the cubes should be about four times the maximum nominal size of aggregate in the concrete constituting the cube specimen. Strength in relation to size of the cubes : where 10cm cubes are used the values obtained from tests on 10cm cube shall be reduced to the extent established by comparative preliminary tests, with 10 & 15 cm cubes in the absence of such comparative tests by 10% of the value determined from the test, in order to give the equivalent strength for 15 cm cubes where cubes larger than 15 cm are adopted, generally no modification is necessary unless otherwise specified by the Engineer.

Note 3 :Cylinder Strength Comparative strength tests may, with the approval of the Engineer be conducted on 15cm diameter and 30cm high cylinders in accordance with I.S 516-1959 instead on cubes. Where cylinder strength modified according to the formula. Minimum cylinder compressive strength required = 0.8 compressive strength specified for 15 cm cubes. The central Road Research Institute, New Delhi has carried tests with a view to establishing a relation between water – cement ratio and the compressive strength of concrete using ordinary Portland cements manufactured in the country in accordance with I.S.:269-1976 ordinary and low heat Portland cement. As a result of these, it has been considered advisable to give graphs showing the relationships between the compressive strength of the concrete mixes with 47 | P a g e

different water cement ratios and the seven days compressive strength of cement tested in accordance with I.S.:269 – 1976. The Road Research Institute graphs (design curves) may be referred. As they would be of some assistance in obtaining the watercement ratio for trial mixes of concrete. Table–5 optional works test requirements of concrete : (All values in kg/cm²) (All test conducted in accordance with I.S. 516-1959) Grade of



strength on

Module of rupture by beams test Min. at 72 + 2 Hr.

At 7 days.

15 cm cubes Min at 7 days (1)




M 100




M 150




M 200 135



M 250 170



M 300 200


M 350 235



M 400 270




Note : Notes 2 & 3 under Table – 4 are also applicable to Table 5 Table 6 Concrete Mix proportions: Grade



Total quantity of dry aggregates


by volumes per 50kg. of cement


to be taken as the sum of the



fine coarse






coarse aggregates


Generally 1:2 for fine aggregate












individual volumes of fine and Max. Liters 300 220 160 100

M 100 M 150 M 200 M 250


Liters 34 32 30 27

upper limit or 1:1:5 and a lower limit of 1:3 Note : 1.

The proportion of the aggregates should be adjusted from upper limit to lower limit progressively as the grading of fine aggregate becomes larger. Example: for an average grading of fine aggregate (that is, zone II of I.S : 383-1963) the proportion shall be 1:1:5, 1:2 & 1:3 for maximum size of aggregate 10mm and 40mm respectively.


it may be noted for general guidance that m 100 and m 250 of ordinary concrete correspond approximately to 1:3:6, 1:2:4, 1:1:5:3 and 1:1:2 nominal mixes of ordinary concrete currently used in the country.

Table 7. Surface water carried by average aggregate AGGREGATE


Very wet sand Moderately wet sand Moist sand 48 | P a g e

120 80 40

*Moist gravel or crushed rock

20 & 40

*coarse aggregate, less the water it will carry Control and testing of concrete The work of controlled concrete shall be carried out under the strict supervision of the Engineer the contractors shall employ qualified competent persons for executing this work following tests shall be carried out at site whenever required by the engineer in accordance with I.S : 516-1956. Methods of test for strength of concrete (latest) (1) preliminary tests – 7 days and 28 days compressive strength test (2) works test


7 days and 28 days compressive strength test

(3) consistency test – (4) moisture contents in aggregates (5) unit weight of concrete (6) Procedure and Guidance for testing for concrete Preliminary Test : Preliminary test cubes or cylinders for controlled concrete shall be made in the laboratory prior to the commencement of the work in the manner and at frequencies laid down in the latest I.S.:456 – 1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete. The testing shall be carried out at the GERI laboratory at Baroda or at any other approved laboratory at contractor’s cost. Work Test : During concreting operations, samples of concrete as placed in the work shall be taken every day and a set of 6 cubes or cylinders their compressive strength. The consistency (slump) test shall also be made and the slump recorded. All concrete cubes or cylinders shall be tested for compressive strengths as specified in I.S 456 and 516 at the field testing laboratory of at any approved material testing laboratory. The above specifications cover concrete mixes of grades m100 and above ordinarily it is not necessary to test the compressive strengths of mix grade m100 as it is generally used for nonstructural purposes. However where this mix (M 100) is used extensively on works (i.e. more than

75 m³ in one work) it shall be tested in the

same manner as other grades of concrete used for structural purpose. The minimum strengths of various grades of concrete both at the age of 7 days and 28 days are given in table 2 & 3. In the case of concrete of mix m 150 and above the Engineer may not insist on the testing of concrete if the quantity of concrete, if the quantity of concrete to be paid on any particularly day is less than 10cm, if however the quantity exceeds 10cm. test specimens must be taken and sent to the field testing laboratory or at any approved laboratory for testing. 6 specimens are made for every sample and three of them tested for 7 days strengths as mentioned earlier the 28 days strengths of concrete shall along form the criterion for acceptance or rejection of the concrete. With this point in view the concrete samples shall be tested both for 7 days strength as well as 28 days strength at the start of the work and continued till the Engineer is satisfied that a proper relation between the 7 days compressive and the 28 days compressive strength is established in which case be may decide to relax the frequency if testing the concrete cubes for the 28 days compressive strength. 49 | P a g e

If the average strength of specimen tested at the age of 7 days

28 days is

not less than the strength specified in table 2 & 3, then the test shall be considered that only out of 3 consecutive tests may give value less than specified strength but not less than 90% of the specified strength. If the tests are unsatisfactory, the contractors shall take immediate steps and carry out remedial measures as may be directed by the Engineer in their own modules. The contractors shall pay usual testing fees carried out in the approved laboratory. These fees may vary from should arrange to bring their own moulds for taking samples. Consistency and slump test : The workability of concrete shall be checked at frequent intervals. The slump test shall be carried out in accordance with the standard method given under. I.S. specification mentioned above. The slump shall be as less as practicable consistent with the efficient working and compacting of concrete. The slump shall not exceed 64mm but the Engineer may, under exceptional conditions, permit greater slump up to a limit of 150mm. The standard consistency test shall be applied at least once in a day while the concreting is in progress. Moisture contents in the Aggregates : The moisture contents in the aggregates shall be determined in the field in accordance with the latest I.S. No. 2386 – 1963 (Part-3). In methods of tests for aggregates for concrete. Method of test for aggregates for concrete. Unit weight of concrete It shall be determined by placing representative samples of concrete in a unit measure capacity and vibrating it externally by small vibrator or hand compacting to represent actual placing condition. The top of the concrete shall then be made truly flush with the top of the mould and the weight of concrete per cum determined after curing and drying. The weight of dry concrete shall not be less than 2.4 tones per cum. A complete record regarding various tests carried out at site and in the laboratory shall be kept by the Engineer. The contractors shall provide at their own cost all facilities for labour, material, transport etc. required for the proper execution of the above tests. Any concrete which does not comply with the above requirements shall be liable for rejection by the Engineer. Procedure and guidance for testing of concrete. Making and curing compression test specimens in the laboratory. The procedure for making and curing compression test specimens of concrete in the laboratory where accurate control of the quantities of materials and test conditions are possible and where the maximum nominal size of aggregate does not exceed 38mm. The method is especially applicable to the making of preliminary compression test to ascertain the suitability of the available materials or to determine suitable mix proportions. Sampling of materials : Representative samples of the materials of concrete for use in the particular concrete construction work shall be made of a small portion taken from each of a number of bags on the site. Test samples of aggregate shall be taken from larger lots of quartering. Preparation of materials. : All materials shall be thoroughly mixed dry either by hand or in a suitable mixer in such a manner as to ensure the greatest possible blending and uniformity in the 50 | P a g e

material. Care being taken to avoid the intrusion of foreign matter. The cement shall then be stored in dry place, preferably in air tight metal containers, samples of aggregates for each batch of concrete shall be of the desired grading and shall be in an air dried condition. In general, the aggregate shall be separated in to fine & coarse fractions and recombined for each concrete batch in such a manner as to produce the desired grading. I.S. sieve 48 shall be normally used for separating the fine and coarse fractions, but where special grading is being investigated both fine and coarse fractions shall be further separated in to different sizes. Proportioning : The proportions of the materials, including water in concrete mixes used for determining the suitability of the materials available, shall be similar in all respects to those to be employed in the work, where the proportions of the ingredients of the concrete as used on the site are to be specified by volume, they shall be calculated from the proportion by weight used in the test cubes and the weights of the materials. Weighting : The quantities of cement, each size of aggregate and water for each batch shall be determined by weight , to an accuracy of 0.1 percent of the total weight of batch. Mixing concrete: The concrete shall be mixed by hand, or preferably, in a laboratory batch mixer, in such a manner as to avoid loss of water or either materials, each batch of concrete shall be such a size as to leave about 10 percent excess after modeling the desired number of test specimens. The specifications and mechanism used specified in sub Estimate No. 1’s item No. 2. Workability : Each batch of concrete shall be tested for consistency immediately after mixing, by one of methods described in I.S : 1199 – 1956. method of sampling add analysis of concrete. Provided that care is taken to ensure that no water or other material is lost, the concrete used for the consistency test may be mixed with the remainder of batch before making the test specimens. The period of re-mixing shall be as short as possible yet sufficient to produce a homogenous mass. Size of test specimens : Test specimens cubical in shape shall be 15 * 15 cm. If the largest nominal size of the aggregate does not exceed 2cm. 10cm. cubes may be used as an alternative cylindrical test specimens shall have a length equal to twist the diameter. They shall be 15cm in diameter and 30cm. long smaller test specimens shall have a ratio of diameter of specimen to maximum size of aggregate of not less than 3 to 1. except that the diameter of the specimen shall be not less than 7.5cm for mixtures containing aggregate more than 5 percent of which is retained on IS sieve 480. Molds : Cube molds : The molds : shall be metal, preferably steel or cast iron, and stout enough to prevent distortion. It shall be constructed in such a manner as to facilitate the removal of the molded specimen without damage & shall be so machined that when it is assembled ready for use the dimensions and internal faces shall be accurate within the following limits ; the height of the mould and the distance between opposite faces shall be specified size +0.2mm. The angle between adjacent internal faces and between internal faces and top and bottom planes of the mould shall be 90+0.5. The interior faces of the mould shall be 51 | P a g e

plane surface with a permissible variation 0.03mm each mould shall be specified size + 0.2 mm. The angle between adjacent internal faces and between internal faces and top and bottom planes of the mould shall be 90+0.5. The interior faces of the mould shall be plane surfaces with a permissible variation of 0.03mm each mould shall be provided with a metal base plate having a plane surface. The base planate shall be of such dimensions as to support the mould during the filing without leakage and it shall be preferably attached to the mould by springs of screws. The parts of the mould when assembled shall be positively and rigidly held together, and suitable methods of ensuring this both during the filling and on subsequent handling of the filled mould shall be provided in assembling the mould for use the joints between the section of moulds shall be thinly coated with mould oil shall be applied between the contact surfaces of the bottom of the mould and the base plate in order to ensure that no water escapes during the filling. The interior surfaces of the assembled mould shall be thinly coated with oil to prevent adhesion the concrete the contractor shall have at least 6 cube moulds at time site to enable test cubes to be taken at any time. The cube moulds shall be of standard make by reputed manufactures (like Lawrence & mayo etc.) Tampering bar: The tamping bar shall be steel bar 16mm in diameter 0.6m long and bullet pointed at the lower end. Compacting:The test specimens shall be made as soon as practicable after mixing, and in such a way as to produce full compaction of the concrete with neither segregation nor excessive laitance. The concrete shall be filled in to the mould in layers approx. 5 cm deep. In placing each scoop full of concrete, the scoop shall be moved around the top edge of the mould as the concert within the mould. Each layer shall be compacted either by hand or by vibration as described below After the top layer has been compacted, the surface of the concrete shall be finished level with the top of the mould using a trowel and covered with a glass or metal plate to prevent evaporation. (I)

When compacting by hand, the standard tamping bar shall be used and the

storks of the bar shall be distributed in a uniform manner over the cross section of the mould. The number of the strokes per layer required to produce specified conditions will very according to the type of concrete. For cubical specimens in no case shall concrete be subjected to less than 35 strokes per layer for 15cm cubes or 25 strokes per layer for 10cm cubes. For cylindrical specimens the no. of strokes shall penetrate in to the under laying and the bottom layer shall be robbed throughout its depths where voids are left by the tamping bar. The side of the mould shall be tapped to close the voids. Compacting by vibration:When compacting by vibration each layer shall be vibrated by means of an electric or pneumatic hammer or vibrator or by means of suitable vibrating table until the specified condition is attained. Note : The mould and quantum of vibration of the laboratory specimen shall be as nearly the same as those adopted in actual concreting operations. Capping specimens : 52 | P a g e

The ends of all cylindrical test specimens that are note plane within 0.05mm shall be capped. Capped surfaces shall not depart from a plane by more than 0.05 and shall be approx. at right angles to the axis of the specimens. Caps shall be made thin as practicable and shall not flow or fracture when the specimen is tested. Capping shall be carried out according to one of the following methods. (I)

Neat cement : Test cylinders may be capped with a thin layer of stiff, neat Portland cement

paste after the concrete has ceased setting in the moulds, generally for two to four hours or more after molding. The cap shall be formed by means of glass plate not less than 6.5mm. in thickness or a machined metal plate not less than 13mm. in thickness and having a maximum surface dimensions atleast 25mm larger than the diameter of the mould, it shall be worked on the cement paste until its lower surface rests on the top of the mould. The cement coping shall be mixed to a stiff paste for about two to four hours before it is to be used in order to avoid the tendency of the cap to shrink. Adhesion of late paste to the capping may be avoided by coating the plate with a thin coat oil or grease.


Sulphur : Just prior to testing, the cylindrical specimens may be capped with a sulphur

mixture consisting or 1 part sulphur 2 to 3 parts of inert filler, such as fiercely. The specimens shall be securely held in a special jig so that the caps formed have true plane surfaces. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sulphur compound is not over heated as it will not then develop the required compressive strength. Sulphur caps shall be allowed to harden for atleast 2 hours before applying the load. (III)Hard Plaster : Just prior to testing, specimens may be capped with hard plaster having a compressive strength of atleast 420 kg/sq. cm. in one hour. Such plasters are generally available as proprietary material. The cap shall be formed by means of a glass plate not less than 13mm. in thickness, having a minimum surface dimensions at least 25mm. larger than the diameter of the mould. The glass plate shall be lightly coated with oil to avoid sticking. Note: Ordinary plaster will not serve the purpose of the capping materials due to its low compressive strength. (IV)

As soon as possible after the concrete is mixed, a mortar shall be gauged using a

cement similar to that used in the concrete and sand which passes IS Sieve 30 but is retained on IS Sieve 15. The mortar shall have a water cement ratio not higher than that of the concrete of which the specimen is made, and shall be of stiff consistencies. If an excessively wet mix of concrete is being tested, any free water which has collected on the surface of the specimen shall be removed with a sponge, blotting paper or other suitable absorbent material before the cap is formed. The mortar shall then be applied firmly and compacted with a towed to a slightly convex surface above the edges of the mould, after which the capping plate shall be pressed sown on the cap with a rotary motion until it makes complete contact with the rim of the mould. The plate shall be left in position until the specimen is removed from the mould. (V)

Curing :

53 | P a g e


The test specimens shall be stored in a place free from vibration, in moist air at

a temperature of 27 +- 20 C for 24 hours +- ½ from the time of addition of water to the dry ingredients. After this period, the specimens shall be marked and removed from the mould and, unless required for test within 24 hours, immediately submerged in clean, fresh water or saturated lime solution in which the specimens are submerged shall be renewed every day and shall be maintained at a temperature of 27oC +/- 20oC. The specimens shall not be allowed to become dry at any time until they have been tested. (b)Making and curing compression test specimen in the field. The procedure for making and curing compression test specimens of concrete sample during the progress of construction where the nominal maximum size of the aggregate does not exceed 38mm. Size of test specimen, apparatus to be used and procedure to prepare specimens shall be the same as specified earlier. Apparatus : Testing Machine : The testing machine may be any reliable type of sufficient capacity for the tests and cable of applying the load at the rate specified in 5.5. The permissible error shall be not greater than +2 percent of the maximum load. The testing machine shall be equipped with two steel bearing plates (preferably the one that normally will bear on the upper surface of the specimen) shall be fitted with a ball seating in the form of portion of a sphere, the center of which coincides with the central points of the face of the plate. The other compression plate shall be plain rigid bearing block. The bearing faces of both plates shall be atleast as large as and preferably larger than the nominal size of the specimen to which the load is applied. The bearing surface of the plates, when new, shall not depart from a plane by more than 0.01m at any point, and they shall be maintained with a permissible variation limit of 0.02mm. The movable portion of the spherically seated compression plate shall be held on the spherical seat, but the design shall be such that the bearing face can be rotated freely and tilted through shall angles in any direction. AGE TEST : Tests shall be made at recognized ages of the test specimens, the most usual being 7 and 28 days. Ages of 13 weeks and one year are recommended if tests at greater ages are required. Where necessary to obtain the early strengths, tests may be made at the ages 24 hours +/- ½ hour and 72 hours +/- 2 hours. The ages shall be calculated from the time of addition of water to the dry ingredients. Number of specimens : At least three specimens preferably from different batches shall be made for testing at each selected age. Note : When a full investigation is being carried out it is advisable for three separate batches to be made for given variable. An equal number of specimens for each variable should be made. Procedure : Specimens stored in water shall be tested immediately on removal from the water and while they are still in the wet condition. Surface water and grit shall be wiped off the specimens and projecting fins removed. Specimens when received dry shall be kept in water for 24 hours before they are taken for testing. The dimensions of the specimens to the nearest 0.2mm and their weight shall be noted before testing. 54 | P a g e

Placing the specimens in the Testing Machine : The bearing surface of the testing machine shall be wiped clean and loose sand or other material removed from the surface of the specimen which are to be in contact with the load shall be applied to opposite sides of the cubes as cast, that is not to the top & bottom, the axis of the specimen shall be carefully aligned with the center of thrust of the spherically seated plate. No packing shall be used between the faces of the test specimen and steel plate of the testing machine. As the spherically seated block is brought to bear on the specimen, the load shall be applied without shock and increased continuously at a rate of approximately 140 kg/sq. cm/min. until the resistance of the specimen to the increasing load breaks down and no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load applied to the specimen shall then be recorded and appearance of the concrete and any unusual features in the type of failure shall be noted. CALCULATION : The measured compressive strength of the specimen shall be calculated by dividing the maximum load to the specimen during the test by the sections (see also 4.5.1 of IS 1199-1959)methods of sampling and analysis of concrete and shall be expressed to the nearest Kg./ Average of three values shall be taken as per the representative of the batch provided the individual variation is not more than the +/15% of the average. A correct factor according to the height / diameter ratio of the specimen after copping shall be obtained from the curve shown in fig. 1. The product of this correction factor and the measured compressive strength shall be known as corrected compressive strength. This being the equivalent cube strength of the concrete shall be determined by multiplying the corrected strength by 5 / 4 . Report : The following information shall be included in the report on each test specimen. (A)

Identification mark


Date of test


Age of specimen


Curing condition, including date of manufacture of specimen in the field.


Weight of specimen


Dimensions of specimen


Cross-sectional area


Maximum load


Compressive strength


Appearance of fractured faces of concrete and type of fracture if these are

unusual. (K)

Sampling of Fresh concrete in the Field. This method specifies the procedure to be followed in the field for obtaining

representative samples of fresh concrete directly from the mixer or from concrete at the time and place of deposition. Sample : The composite sample shall be truly representative of the batch and shall not less than 0.02mm in volume. It shall be composed of a mixture of portions taken from different points in the batch. When continuous mixers used a batch shall be regarded as the discharge from the mixture during the minute. Procedure : From Mixers : 55 | P a g e

At least three approximately equal sample increments totaling (2m shall be taken from a batch during its discharge and each sample increment shall be collected by passing a clean and dry receptacle across the stream of concrete. This receptacle shall be constructed of non absorbent material, preferably of metal and shall be such that the sample retained is not segregated. A flat surface without retaining sides will not fulfill this purpose. Where there sample increments are taken they shall be taken at about the time when one-quarter on half and there quarters of the concrete have been discharged from the mixer and if marathon three are taken they shall be at corresponding shorter, but equally spaced, intervals. From concrete at the Time and place of Deposition : The sample shall be taken while a batch of concrete is being or immediately after it has been, discharged on the site. The sample shall be collected from not less than five well – distributed positions, avoiding the edges of the mass where segregation may have occurred. Mixing the composite sample : The composite sample obtained by either of the methods described above, shall be mixed on a non-absorbent base either in such a manner as to ensure uniformity. The sample thus obtained shall be used immediately for the purpose of carrying tests. Care shall be taken to protect the sample from the weather. Recording of samples : The following information regarding the sample shall be recorded (A)

Date and time of sampling


Method of sampling


Mix proportions (Proportion of ingredients including water, admixtures, etc.


Mixtures from which delivered (if more than one issued)


The location of the sampled batch after placing, and


Temperature and weather conditions

Slump Test: The method of test specified the procedure to be assorted, either in the laboratory or during the progress of work in the field, for determining, by the slump test, the consistency, of concrete where the nominal maximum size of the aggregate does not exceed 38mm. (A)

Mould : The mould for the test specimen shall be in the form of the frustum of a cone

having the following internal dimensions : Cm Bottom diameter


Top diameter




The mould shall be constructed of metal (brass of aluminum shall not be used) of at least 1.6mm.(or16 BC) thickness and the top and bottom shall be open and at right angle to the axis of the cone. The mould shall have a smooth internal surface. It shall be provided with suitable foot pieces and also handles to facilitate lifting it from the molded concrete tests specimen in vertical direction as required by the test. A mould provide with a suitable guide attachment may be used. (B)Temping rod : 56 | P a g e

The tamping rod shall be of steel or other suitable material, 16mm in diameter, 0.6m long and rounded at one end. Note : To facilitate the lifting of the mould in a vertical direction. It is recommended that suitable guide attachment be provided any rivets used in the construction of the mould shall be countersunk flush on the inside of the cone. Attachments should preferably be welded to the mould. Sampling : If this test is being carried out in the field, the sample of freshly mixed concrete shall be obtained as described in 3. In the case of concrete containing aggregate of maximum size more than 38mm. the concrete shall be wet-sieved through 1.5 in screen to exclude aggregate particles bigger than 38mm. Procedure : The internal surface of the mould shall be thoroughly cleaned and free from superfluous moisture and set concrete before commencing the test. The mould shall be placed as a carefully leveled metal plate, the mould being firmly held in place while it is being filled. The mould shall be filled in four layers, each approximately one-quarter of the height of the height of the mould. Each layer shall be temped with twenty-five strokes of the rounded end of the tempering rod. The strokes shall be distributed in uniform manner over the cross-section of the Mould and for the second and subsequent layers shall penetrate into the underlying layer. The bottom layer shall be temped throughout its depth. After the top layer has been rodded, the concrete shall be shrunk off level out between with a trowel or the temping rod, so that the mould is exactly filled. Any mortar which may be leaked out between the mould and the base plate shall be cleaned away. The mould shall be removed from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly And carefully in a vertical direction. This allows the concrete to subside and the slump shall be measured immediately by determining the difference between the height of the mould that of the highest point of the specimen being tested. The above operations shall be carried out at a plate free from vibration or shock and within a period of two minutes after sampling. Slump : The slump measured shall be recorded in terms of millimeters of subsidence of the specimen during the test. Any slump specimen which collapses or shears off laterally gives incorrect result and if this occurs the test shall be repeated with another sample. If in the repeat test also, the specimen should shear, the slump be measured and the fact that the specimen sheared, shall be recorded. Note : Some indication of the cohesiveness and workability of the mix can be obtained, if after the slump measurement has been completed, the side of the concrete is tapped gently with the tamping rod, a well proportioned concrete which has an appreciable slump will gradually slump further but if the mix has been badly proportioned, it is likely to fall apart. Gauge Boxes : Gauge boxes of approved type shall be used for measuring sand and coarse aggregates in required proportion whenever concrete is allowed to be prepared by mixing the aggregates on volumetric basis. Such boxes shall be of seasoned timber or 57 | P a g e

steel and shall be of such size as and shape and shall be used in such a manner as to enable the proportion of the material to be checked readily. The cement used in concrete however, shall not be used by measuring it in gauge boxes but it shall be measured by weight whatever may be the type of concrete. Storage of materials : Cement, fine and coarse aggregates shall be stored separately at the site of work in such manner as to prevent any deterioration or contamination or admixture of foreign materials. Any material which has been damaged or is considered defective by the Engineer shall not be used on the works and shall be removed immediately from the site of work. ITEMWISE SPECIFICATION DETAILED SPECIFICATION : Detailed specification given here shall be treated as extension or partial modifications to the specifications of respective items given in the volume of specification published by Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage G. W. S. & S. Board. C.C.M. 100 BASE CONCRETE FOR LEVELLING COARSE : For all practical purpose and in absence of proportioning of concrete on base of preliminarily tests, C.c. 1:3:6 may be provided as a leveling course i.e. one part to cement three parts of sand and six parts of black trap kapachi.

Specification for

various ingredients of concrete such as sand, cement, kapachi, water shall be as these given in specification for C.Cm.15. While laying base concrete for leveling course the concrete shall not be dumped from above but shall be carried out to the bottom and gently placed from a height not exceeding 1.5 meter. If concrete is transported by chutes, then the same shall be remixed at bottom of chutes to overcome any segregation that might have occurred. C.C. M. 150/ M. 200/ M. 250 : As far as possible the preparation of various ingredients of concrete shall be determined on the bases of preliminary tests as per ISS using the actual materials to be used on site. However in absence of such preliminary tests the volumetric proportion of 1;2:4 may be adopted i.e. one part to cement, two parts of sand and four parts of Kapachi, water just sufficient to attain desired workability may be added. However the aim while proportioning should be to fix the proportion of aggregation and water cement ratio shall be always sufficiently low enough to get desired strength. C.C. M 200 & M:250 : Specification for C.C. M. 200 & M:250 shall be same as those for C.C.M.150 except that grade of concrete to be produce shall be M- 200. If arbitrary volumetric proportioning is to be followed then the proportion of cement, sand and kapachi shall be 1:1/2:3 respectively. Since M – 200 mix is normally used in water retaining parts of container where the aim is not to get dense. Strong and watertight concrete, special care shall be exercised in controlling proportion of aggregate, water cement ratio, compaction and curing 58 | P a g e

Manufacture and placement of concert (1)

Batching Whether controlled concrete or ordinary concrete is to be mixed the quantity

of cement shall be determined by weight if the makers weight per bag is to be used the same shall be certified by weighing separately a reasonable number of bags. Whenever direct use of bagged cement is allowed, one jute bag of cement shall be considered to contain 50kg. of net weight of cement. This shall, however be verified at site by weighting. For which the contractors shall provide an accurate weighing apparatus on work site. Having once designed the mix, the Engineer may permit further mixing of the aggregate to be used done on volumetric basis for a particular batch stock of aggregates which has been used in the design of the mix. The water shall be either measured by the volume in calibrated tanks or weighed, in controlled concrete, the quantity of fine and coarse aggregates shall be determined by weight. While in ordinary concrete, they may be determined by volume. For volumetric measurements gauge boxes used for approved type as described earlier shall be used for measuring the fine and coarse aggregates in required proportion. (ii) Mixing of concrete : The concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical and/or weight mixer of adequate capacity. The ingredients shall be added to each batch of mix by weight, volume or both as the case may be so as to ensure accurate proportioning, water for each batch of concrete shall be measured in a standard container so as to ensure the same amount of water being used each time and shall be added prior to during and following mixer charging operation. The mixing of each batch shall be done for a period of not less than two minutes or shall continue until there is a uniform distribution of material, having the mass uniform in colour and consistency. Every care shall be taken to ensure that there is no segregation while unloading the mixer. Mixing shall be done as near the place of placement as possible and adequate shed shall be constructed over the mixer to protect the discharged concrete from the effect of direct sun rays small additional amount of water, if necessary, shall be allowed to be added to the mixer to compensate for any anticipated evaporation losses during transport. The quantity of water to be added shall be sufficient to allow a workable mix being made tamped and vibrated into all parts of the mould and between the reinforcement. Permission for starting the concrete work : The contractors shall get the surface whether concrete of rock or form work etc. previously approved by the Engineer, who shall, then issue the permission for starting the work. Any concrete work done without such permission shall be cut and removed at the cost of contractors. No concreting shall be started unless the surface of the foundation is inspected and approved by the Engineer as stated above. If concreting is to be done on concrete shall cleaned with wire brushed and all laitance removed to expose the original surface of metal and sand particles etc. It shall, then be covered with a 7mm. thick layer of cement mortar (1:2) before laying fresh concrete. Transporting and depositing concrete : Concrete shall be placed within 30 minutes after mixing and shall be transported from the mixer to its final placement as rapidly as practicable, taking care 59 | P a g e

to see that no segregation of loss of ingredients takes place. In case segregation occurs the concrete shall be remised. Dropping of concrete from an excessive height or running or working it along forms will not be permitted. Any concrete which before placement has begun to set has become stiff shall be rejected. Concrete shall be properly compacted by use of vibrators or by rotting and spading as directed by the Engineer. Tamping as above shall be continued until all the entrained air is removed and the concrete has become compacted and completely fills the form. The sides of the formwork shall be gently tapped by spades during concreting. All controlled concrete shall be invariably compacted by mechanical vibrators irrespective of the positions. It shall be compacted by needle vibrator or screed vibrator as the case may be and the work of vibrating the concrete by mechanical means shall be paid for under the relevant item. Compacting by rotting or spading however shall not be paid for separately and the rates for concrete shall be demeaned to cover the cost thereof. Internal type vibrators when used shall be inserted into the uncomplicated concrete vertically and at regular intervals. Where the uncomplicated concrete is in a layer above freshly compacted concrete. The vibrator shall be allowed to penetrate vertically for a few cms. in to the previous layer. In no circumstances shall the reinforcement or form work nor shall they be withdrawn quickly from the mass of concrete but shall be drawn back slowly so as to leave no voids. Internal type vibrators shall not be placed in the concrete in a random or haphazard manner not shall concrete from one part of the work to another by means of the vibrator. The duration of vibration shall be limited to that required to produce satisfactory compaction without causing segregation. Vibration shall on no account be continued after water or excess grout has appeared on the surface face. Curing of concrete : All concrete work shall be protected from direct rays of the sun. The exposed surface shall be kept wet for a minimum period of 10 days or such longer periods as may be directed by the Engineer. All concrete laid shall not be distributed and shall be suitably protected from any injury, until completely set : particular care shall be taken at all corners and edges of the members. All horizontal concrete surfaces shall be kept constantly wet pounding or otherwise in the manner approved by the Engineer, till the time of next pouring regardless of time. Concrete surfaces shall be cured either by sprinkling or by spraying water or by adopting any other method to keep the areas moist. Flat or vertical surfaces may be covered with damp gunny bags and watered frequently. Water used for curing shall be clean and free from any excessive amount of silt, coloring matter of other impurities which may stain the finished work. In order to ensure adequate quantities of water for curing, the contractors shall make necessary arrangements such as providing sufficient lengths of temporary pipelines of suitable sizes, storage of water in tanks and / or use of blisters at their cost. Defective concrete : The defective concrete shall be cut out and the work reconstructed with fresh concrete of required quality in the presence of the Engineer. The concrete thus cut out shall not be re-used under any circumstances, should any concrete become permanently damaged due to cracking or is broken or damaged from whatever cause, or should any concrete be found defective in quality due to honey – combing or bad workmanship, it 60 | P a g e

shall be removed forthwith and replaced by concrete of required quality at the cost of the contractors to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The authority reserves the right to carry out any further test like electronic ultrasonic tests and such other non-destructive test to verify. The quality of concrete done by the contractor should it become to notice at that time that some work is required to be redone, the same shall be attended to by the contractor at his own cost, irrespective of the fact that the same has been passed and paid for. FORMWORK : Formwork fixing and general : All formwork shall be constructed of timber, sheet metal or other approved material. For work, Which are of respective nature such as roof slab, column capital, floors, etc. for reservoir, the formwork shall be fabricated out of steel plates and structures to obtain uniform finish throughout the work. All formwork shall be firmly supported, adequately strutted, braced and tied to withstand the placing and vibrating of concrete and the effect of weather. The tolerance on line and level shall not exceed 3mm. The Tenderers / contractors shall be responsible for the calculations and designs for the formwork, and, if required, shall submit them to the Engineer for approval before any construction. In all case the formwork shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before any concreting is started. On formwork to external faces, which will be permanently exposed, all horizontal and vertical formwork joints shall be so arranged that joint lines will form a uniform pattern on the face of the concrete. Where the tenderers / contractors propose to make up to formwork from standard sized manufactured formwork panels, the size of such panels, shall be approved by the Engineer before they are used in the construction of the works. The finished appearance of the entire elevation of the structure and adjoining shall be considered when planning the pattern of joint lines caused by formwork and by construction of horizontal and vertical lines. Face of formwork in contact with concrete shall be free from adhering foreign matter, projecting nails and the like, splits or other defects and all formwork shall be clean and free from standing water, dirt shavings chipping or other foreign matter. Joints shall be sufficiently watertight to prevent the escape of mortar or the formation of line or other blemishes on the face of the concrete. Opening for inspection of the inside of the formwork and for the removal of water used for washing down shall be provided and so formed as to be easily closed before placing concrete. Before placing concrete all bolts, pipes or conduits or any other fixtures which are to be built in shall be fixed in their correct positions, and cores and other devices for forming holes shall be held fast by fixing to the formwork or otherwise. Holes shall not be cut in any concrete without the approval or the Engineer. No ties or bolts or other device shall be built into the concrete for the purpose of supporting formwork without the prior approval of the engineer. The whole of part of any such supports shall be capable of removal so that no part remaining embedded in the concrete shall be nearer than 50mm from the surface in the case of reinforced concrete & 150mm in case of reinforced concrete. Holes left after removal of such supports shall be neatly filled with well rammed dry-pack cement sand mortar in proportion of 1:3 at tenderers / contractors cost. 61 | P a g e

Formwork in contact with the concrete shall be treated with a suitable nonstanding mould oil to prevent adherence of the concrete except where the surface in subsequently to be rendered. Care shall be taken to prevent the oil from coming in contact with concrete at construction joints. Defects in formed surfaces : Workmanship in formwork and concreting shall be such that concrete shall normally requires no making good, surfaces, being perfectly compacted and smooth. If any blemishes are revealed after removal of formwork the Engineer’s decisions concerning remedial measures shall be obtained immediately. These measures may include, but shall not be limited to the following fins, pinhole bubbles; surface discoloration and minor defects may be rubbed down with sacking immediately after the formwork is removed. Abrupt and gradual irregularities may be rubbed with carborendum and water after the concrete has been fully cured. These and any other defects shall be remedied by methods approved by the Engineer which may include using a suitable bituminous resin or where necessary, cutting out to a regular dovetailed shape atleast 75mm deep and refilling with concrete over steel mesh reinforcement souring in to the dovetail. No extra payment for rectification work will be made. Holes to be filled : Holes formed in concrete surfaces by formwork supports of the like shall be filled with dry-pack mortar made from one part by weight of ordinary cement and three parts fine aggregate passing I.S. sieve 1.18mm. The mortar shall be mixed with only sufficient water to make the materials strike together when being molded in the hands. The tenderers / contractors shall thoroughly clean any hole that is to filled with dry-pack mortar and where the surfaces has been damaged the tenderers / contractor shall break out any loose, broken or cracked concrete or aggregate. The concrete surrounding the hole shall be dried so as to leave a small amount of free water on the surface. The surface shall then be dusted lightly with ordinary Portland cement by means of small dry brush until the whole surface that will come into contact with the dry-pack mortar has been covered and darkened by absorption of the free water by cement. Any dry cement in the hole shall be removed. The dry-pack material shall then be placed and packed in layers having compacted thickness not greater than 15mm in thickness the compaction shall be carried out by use of a hard-wood stick and a hammer and shall extend over the full area of the layer, particular care being taken to compact the dry-pack against the sides of the hole. After compaction the surface of each layer shall be scratched before further loose material is added. The hole shall not be over filled and the surface shall be finished by laying a hardwood block several times. Steel finishing tools shall not be used and water shall not be added to facilitate finishing. Removal of formwork : In no circumstances, shall forms be struck until the concrete reaches adequate strength has required or without obtaining permission of the Engineer. All formwork shall be removed without any shock or vibration such as would damage the concrete. Before the soffits are removed the concrete, surface shall be exposed where necessary in order to ascertain that the concrete has sufficiently hardened. The responsibility for the removal of the formwork whether whole or part shall rest entirely with the Tenderers /Contractors who must never them shall be guided by the opinion of the 62 | P a g e

Engineer in this regard. The work of striking and the removal of formwork shall be conducted in the presence of the Engineer and under personal supervision of competent foremen in the employment of the contractors. Normally, the form shall be struck after the expiry of following periods : 1. Vertical surfaces of wall

……1 day

2. Columns and vertical sides of beam

……2 days

3. Slab bottoms with props left under

……2 days

4. Beam bottom and bottoms of column strip in a flat with prop left under ……7 days 5. Removal of props under span up to 4.5m span above 4.5m 6. Removal of props to span up to 6m beam/arches.

……7 days ……14 days ……21 days

Surface treatment and finish : When the formwork is struck, all the faces of concrete shall be smooth and sound, free from voids and air holes. Any roughness or irregularity on the exposed surface shall be immediately filled up while the concrete is still green, with cement grout, cement wash and / or 1 : 1.5 cement mortar, properly trawled and finished. Such patching of the concrete face shall be carried only with the permission of the Engineer. If the concrete is found honey combed the portion and whatever surrounding concrete that may be considered unsatisfactory by the Engineer shall be dismantled and fresh concrete of proper quality shall be reinstated at contractors cost. Faces of concrete which are to be either in contact with water of are exposed to water vapors such as in roof slab, and columns, col. footing, R.C.C floor internal staircase, etc shall be treated as described below immediately after the formwork is struck. All projecting imperfections shall be first rubbed down flush, with carborendum stone or by any other approved means. The grit and dust resulting these from shall be thoroughly washed off clean water. The surface shall then be given a wash of cement, and Cico solution made up to a consistency of thick milk by mixing Cico (i) and water in proportion 1:10 applied with brush. The treated surface shall be cured with water spray for a period of 10 days minimum. The Engineer may at his discretion, allow the contract to substitute CICO by any other approved material, of equivalent quality. In the case of any other concrete except for the reservoir proper and control room used in the construction on other structure such substation, external stair cases, parapet walls, etc. the concrete surface exposed when the form are struck off shall be finished as specified below : All exposed external R.C.C surfaces, including soffits edges, faces etc. shall be finished with sand faced plaster 1:3 or medium smooth plaster 1:4 as the case may be consistence with the finish of the adjoining masonry work as per specifications or as directed by the Engineer.

REINFORCEMENT General Requirement specified here in provided for reinforcing work complete as indicated, specified and required and including supply and delivery of reinforcing bars, and mesh, bending, wire brushing and cleaning, steel fixing and the attendance of a fitter during concreting, to inspect fixed reinforcing bars and maintain bars in correct position at each four locations. Whenever mention of I.S. code is made, the latest editions thereof shall be applicable. 63 | P a g e

Quality Assurance : Code requirement Unless otherwise stated herein all work specified herein and as shown on the drawings shall conform to be applicable requirement of IS-456-latest edition. In case of water retaining structure IS-3370 Part-I and IV shall be applicable. Standards : Steel for reinforcing shall be of the following kinds as may be specified in the drawings. Mild steel plain bars conforming to IS:432-1960 and it’s latest edition. High yield deformed bars conforming to IS:1139-1966 and it’s latest edition. Field quality control : All continuous inspections shall be performed by the Engineer-in-charge’s representative or his authorized Materials : Reinforcing bars : Reinforcing bars shall have to be brought by the contractor as laid down in the tender condition. Welded Wire mesh : Mesh reinforcement, where specified shall conform to IS:1566-1967. Binding Wire : Steel fixing shall be by 1.65 mm dia soft annelid wire. Supports and Accessories : Supports, cover or spacer for reinforcement shall be provided by precast mortar [1:2] blocks made with embedded wire ties. The cover blocks shall be made so as to provide the exact specified cover to reinforcement. Stays, blocks, ties, spacers or other supports as approved by Engineer-in-charge shall be provided at appropriate intervals to avoid sagging of bars between supports. Broken stones, bricks pieces, wooden blocks shall not be allowed. Dowels : Where and as designated on the drawings, steel bars dowels shall be provided for anchorage to previously cast concrete for anchorage where shown or required to existing construction, and

approved non-shrink bituminous type grout or


deferred bolting devices shall be used. Bending : Unless otherwise indicated or specified bars shall be bent and fixed in accordance with the provisions of IS: 2502. All bending shall be done with the use of an approved bending tool. Re-bending of incorrectly bent bars shall not be permitted. Cleaning : Before









reinforcement shall be wire-brushed and cleaned of loose mill scale, oil, or other coating that might destroy or reduce bend. Concrete cover : Cover over reinforcing bars shall be as indicated. Correct concrete cover to reinforcement shall be maintained with the aid of approved cover blocks. Top reinforcement in slabs shall be maintained in position by means of chairs made out of mild steel, the diameter and quantity bending sufficient to ensure security of the reinforcement in shape and position. 64 | P a g e

Securing in place: All reinforcement shall be securely and accurately fixed in positions shown on the drawings, care being taken to prevent contract with coated shuttering and forms. All intersection of bar should be secured with approved clips or with wire, the ends being turned into the body of concrete. Splices shall be wired contract lap splices unless otherwise indicated or approved. Splices at points of maximum tensile stress shall be avoided and shall be staggered elsewhere, lap length and other provisions shall conform to Is:456. splicing of vertical bars in concrete be at be a approved positions. Unless otherwise shown in case of horizontal bars lap splices shall be made with at least one continuous bar between adjacent splices, where double mats of bars occur in walls, lap splices in opposite mats shall offset at least 1.5 m . Welding : When permitted or required, joints of reinforcement bars shall be welded so as to transmit their full stresses. Welded joints shall preferably be located at points when steel will not be subjected to more than 75% of the maximum permissible stresses and welds so staggered that at any one section not more than 20% of the rods are welded. Only electric welding using a process which excludes air from molten and conforms to any or all other special provisions for the work shall be accepted. Suitable means shall be provided for holding bars securely in position during welding. It shall be ensured that no voids are left in welding and when welding is done sin tow or three stages, previous surface shall be cleaned properly. Ends of the bars shall be cleaned of all loose scale, rust, grease, paint and other foreign matter before welding. Only competent welders shall be employed on the work. The M.S. electrodes used for welding shall conform to IS:814. Welded pieces of reinforcement shall be tested. Specimen shall be taken from the actual site and their number and frequency of test shall be as directed. WOODEN WATER LEVEL INDICATOR : A wooden water level indicator of approve size and type shall be provided and fixed by the contractor. It shall consist of wooden plank of 250 mm x 40 mm. The division on water level indicators shall show distance of 10 cm. clearly. A copper or PVC float of 500 mm dia and 50 mm height shall be provided along with steel wires pulleys etc. The entire arrangement shall be first got approved the Engineer –in – charge of work. Letter and marking shall be painted with approved enamel paint. COPPER LIGHTING CONDUCTOR : Copper lighting conductor with size of strip 20 mm x 3 mm with clamps and screw and copper plate of 600 mm x 600 mm x 6 mm and copper red as per specification no. 120 of PWD Hand book Vol. I ( ISS – 2309 ) shall be provided and fixed by the contractor. It shall consist of copper arrestor at top, copper conductor from top up to GL and copper earthing plate shall be 1 m. deep below GL and filled with salt and charcoal to transmit the current to earth, minimum dimension of these part shall confirmed relevant ISS height of the arrestor shall be such as to enclose the entire structure with imaginary cone generated by inclined at 60o degrees with vertical at top. Providing and fixing C.I., flanged pipes and special such as duck foot bends, crippling flanges bell mouth piece etc. for inlet outlet overflow and washout. 65 | P a g e

Diameter and length of above pipes shall be as given in Appendix – A.


flanged pipes shall be vertically cast double flanges and shall be confirm to relevant ISS. They shall be first get approved by the Engineer –in – charge of work. Rate shall include providing all specials such as crippling flanges, and duck feet bends etc. as may be required on site. The rates shall also include cost of all jointing materials such as nuts, bolts, rubber packing, white zink or pig lead or lead wool if required. Pipes shall be fixed perfectly vertical and straight. Before fixing in position pipes shall be coated with two coats of anticorrosive paint. The pipes and specials shall be tested hydraulically. Leakage if found shall be repaired without extra cost. PROVIDING AND FIXING CI SLUICE VALVE : Diameter of C.I. sluice valve shall be as shown in Appendix – A. C.I. sluice valve shall be of class – 1 confirming to I.S. – 780 – 1980. The rate includes providing and fixing C.I. sluice valves with tailpieces including jointing materials such as nuts, bolts, rubber packing zink etc. The rate includes giving hydraulic test to the satisfaction of Engineer –in – charge of work Sluice valve shall be supplied with necessary spindle or wheel for operating the same. PROVIDING AND FIXING C.I. M. H. FRAME AND COVER : One number of C.I.M.H. frames and cover shall be provided and fixed in top slab of container. The dimensions and weight shall be as shown in Appendix – A. The C.I.M.H. frame and cover shall be first got approved by the Engineer –in – charge. The coats of anticorrosive paints shall be applied before fixing them in position. C.I. COWL TYPE VENTILATORS : The cowl type ventilator should be of 100 mm dia shape with flanged and roughing screen shall be as per Appendix – A. The rate includes providing and fixing C I.C. cowl type ventilator as per Appendix – a including cost of all jointing materials such as nuts, bolts, white zink rubber packing etc. two coats of anticorrosive paints shall be applied to the surface before they are fixed in position.

They shall be first for

approved by the Engineer –in – charge. PROVIDING AND FIXING ANGLE IRON LADDER INSIDE CONTAINER: Structural steel flat or angle sections conforming to I.S. 226-1975 and I.S. straight and shall be free from loose mill scales, rush pits or other defects affecting strength and durability. Stringers shall be kept 45cms. or 50cms. apart clearly between the inner edges of the stringers and shall extend atleast 75cms. above the top of the tank with the curved top. The size shall be taken as specified in the Item. Mild steel bars conforming to I.S. 432-1960 or its latest revisions shall be clean and free from dirt, oil paints, grease, mill scales, rust. Steps shall be placed at 25cms. or 30cms. center to center. As specified in the item above. Stays shall be provided at 3 meters 66 | P a g e

interval and stays shall be of adequate length with at least 15cms. bearing in the walls of the container and as directed by the Engineer in Charge. CONSTRUCTION OF VALVE CHAMBER: Number and size of valve chamber shall be as per Appendix – A.


otherwise it shall be 1.3 x 1.3 x 1.0mt, inside. Specification of various items such as B. B. masonry cement plaster, C.M. (1:3) and C.C. (1:3:6) at bottom. . RCC 1:2:4 etc. shall be as these given in column of specification published by G.W.S.& S G. W. S. & S. Board and as those prevailing in Division. Rate shall be including cost of all material and labour for constructing valve chamber as above. PAINTING LETTERS : Words shall be painted on the container for showing the capacity of tank as per departmental specifications and as per instruction of E.I.C. The letters shall be 45 cm high and the black ground of suitable color shall be provided.

Approved enameled paint shall only be used for painting letters and

background. Entire work shall be carried out as per instruction of Engineer –in – charge. Rate includes providing paint and labour for painting letters and also providing scaffolding etc for painting. Plaster : Inside plaster : Cement plaster shall be of 15mm thick with cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand ) Scaffolding Wooden bellies, bamboos, planks, treaties and other scaffolding shall be sound. These shall be properly examined before erection and use. Stage scaffolding shall be provided for ceiling plaster which shall be independent of the walls. Preparation of Background – The surface shall be cleaned of all dust, loose mortar droppings, traces of algae, efflorescence and other foreign matter by water or by brushing. Smooth surface be roughened by wire brushing it it is not hard and hacking if it is hard. In case of concrete surface, if a chemical retarder has been applied to the form work, the surface shall be rough3ned by wire brushing and all the resulting dust and loose particles cleaned off and care shall be taken that none of the retarders is left on the surface. Trimming of projections on brick/concrete surfaces where necessary shall be carried out to get an even surface. Raking of joints in case of masonry work where necessary shall be allowed to dry out for sufficient period before carrying out the plaster work. The work shall not be soaked but only damped evenly before applying the plaster. If the surface becomes dry, such areas shall be moistened again. Outside plaster : Providing and applying 20mm thick sand faced cement plaster walls up to height 10 meters above ground level consisting of 12 mm thick backing coat of C.M. 1 : 3 [1 cement : 3 sand] and 8mm thick finishing coat in C.M. 1 : 1 [1 cement : 1 sand] etc. comp. The work shall be carried out in two coats. The backing coat [basecoat] shall be 12mm thick in C.M. 1:3. The relevant specifications of ITEM No.14 shall be followed 67 | P a g e

except the thickness of back coat shall be 12mm average and the proportion shall be of cement mortar 1:3 [1 cement : 3 sand] Before the first coat hardens its surface shall be beaten up by edges of wooden tapers and close dents shall be made on the surface subsequent coat shall be applied after this coat has been allowed to set for 3 to 5 days, depending upon the weather conditions. The surface shall not be allowed to dry during this period. The second coat shall be completed to 8mm thickness in C.M. 1:1 as described above, including raising sand facing by bushing. The sample of sand face shall be got approved before the work is started. The whole work shall be carried out uniformly as per sample approved. For external plaster, the plastering operation shall be started from top floor and carried downwards. For internal plaster, the plastering operations may be started wherever the building frame and cladding work are ready and the temporary supports of the ceiling resting on the wall of the floor have been removed. Ceiling plaster shall be completed before starting plaster to walls. I.P.S FLOORING : I.P.S flooring shall be 40mm thick in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 20mm. nominal size ) with a floating coat of neat cement. The cement concrete flooring of 40mm thick (average) is to be laid as per the site conditions. The concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer at the work. Hand mixing may be allowed for smaller quantities of work and in case of failure of machineries or as permitted by the Engineer-in-charge. It shall be carried out on a water tight platform and care shall be taken to ensure that mixing is continued until the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. However, in such cases 10% more cement than otherwise required shall have to be used without any extra cost. The mechanical mixing shall be done for a period of 1.5 to 2 minutes. The quantity of water shall be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required workability for the purpose. Flooring of specified thickness shall be laid in accordance with the approved pattern or as directed. Finishing operation shall start shortly after the cessation or beating and shall be spread over a period of one to six hours depending upon the temperature and atmospheric conditions. The surface shall be left for some time till moisture mixed with water to form thick slurry and spread over the surface while the concrete is still green. Use of dry cement or cement and sand mixture sprinkled on this surface to stiffen the concrete or absorb excessive moisture shall not be permitted. The cement slurry shall then be properly pressed twice by means of iron floats, once when the slurry is applied and the second time when cement starts setting and finished floated smooth. The surface shall be marked with string or B.R.C fabric jali to make the surface non-slippery as and when directed. The junction of floors with wall plaster, dado or skirting shall be rounded off where so required up to 25mm radius flooring in lavatories and bath rooms shall be laid after fixing of water closet and squatting pans and floor traps which shall be plugged while laying the floors and opened after the floors are completed. Any damage done to the water supply or sanitary fittings during execution of work shall be made good. After the final set, the concrete shall be kept continuously wet, if required by pounding for a period of not less than 7 days from the date of placement.

68 | P a g e

The form work shall be provided if necessary as directed by the Engineer-incharge. Concreting shall be done as per alternate bay method with necessary centering either by mastic or cement mortar as directed. FILLING WITH EXCAVATED EARTH : The earth to be used for filling shall be free from salts, organic or other foreign matter. All clods of earth shall be broken. As soon as the work in foundation has been completed and measured the site of foundation shall be cleared of all debris, brick bats, mortar dropping etc. and filled with earth in layers not exceeding 20 cms. Each layer shall be adequately watered, rammed and consolidated before the succeeding layer is laid. The earth shall be rammed with iron rammers where feasible and with the butt ends of crowbars, where rammer cannot be used. The side slopes of reservoir shall be similarly filled with earth in layers not exceeding 20 cms adequately watered and consolidated by ramming with iron or wooden rammers. When filling reaches finishing level, the surface shall be flooded with water for at least 24 hours and allowed to dry and then rammed and consolidated. The finished level of filling shall be kept to shape intended to be given to floor. The excavated stuff of the selected type shall be allowed to be used in filling the trenches and plinth. Under no circumstances black cotton soil be used for filling the side slopes and trenches. SNOWCEM, DISTEMPER, OIL PAINT : General : Preparation of surface & priming coat : The surface shall be thoroughly brushed free from motor dropping and other foreign matter and sand papered smooth. A priming coat of whiting shall be applied over the prepared surface in case of water-bound distempering and distemper primer or cement primer shall be applied in the case of oil bound distemper. No white washing coat shall be used as a priming coat for distemper. Application : After the primer coat has dried for at least 48 hours, the entire surface shall be coated uniformly with proper distemper brushes in horizontal strokes, immediately followed by vertical ones which together shall constitute one coat. Scaffolding : Where scaffolding is necessary it shall be erected in such a way that as far as possible no part of scaffolding shall rest against the surface to be white or colour washed. A properly secured strong and well tied suspended platform (zoola) may be used for white washing. Where ladders are used, pieces of old gunny bags shall be tied at top and bottom to prevent scratches to the floors and walls. For white washing of ceilings, proper stage scaffolding shall be erected where necessary. Snowcem : Finishing wall with water proofing cement paint (snowcem) on undecorated wall surface )three coats) to gives and approved brand and manufacture and required shape even shade after thoroughly brushing to surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials. The surface shall be thoroughly scrapped cleaned finishing walls shall be completely cleaned before applying snowcem or water proof cement paint. The shade and 69 | P a g e

quality must be approved by Engineer-in-charge of the work before starting the work. The snowcem shall be applied with the fine brush and allowed to set before second coat is applied. The rate shall include necessary scaffolding, tools and plants and sufficient watering etc. complete. The work shall be carried out to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-incharge of the work and in best workmanship like manner as per specification of manufacturer or as directed. Oil paint : All doors, windows, ventilators, shutters, railing, all fabricated items, motors, pumps, all interconnecting piping above ground level etc. shall be colored with two coats of approved make oil paint strictly as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Distempering : Distempering shall be of the oil or water bound type as specified. Material : Dry distemper or oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture for water bound and oil bound respectively conforming to IS:428 shall be used. The proportions of the mix shall be as per the approved manufacturer’s instructions. a)

The dry distemper shall be stirred slowly in clean warm water using 0.6

liter of water per kg. of distemper or as specified by the approved makers. The mixture shall be well stirred before and during use to maintain an even consistency. b)

Thinner as stipulated by approved manufacturer shall be used in case of

distemper for oil bound type. c)

Dry distemper shall not be mixed in larger quantity than is actually

required for one day’s work. G.I Railing : The railing shall be fabricated from G.I pipes generally conforming to IS. They shall consist of horizontal pipes welded at a spacing of not more than 450mm to vertical balustrade pipes of 40mm dia. The vertical pipes shall be spaced at 1m c/c. The fabricated railing shall be installed using 6 mm thick M.S base plate and 12mm dia M.S ‘J’ bolts. The exposed faces shall be painted with 2 coats of enamel paint of approved quality. M.S Ladder : The M.S ladder shall be used where access to elevated area is essential for operation and maintenance. It shall be fabricated from M.S angles and channel section. The span of the ladder shall be not less than 60 cms. The angles used shall not be less than ISA 25 × 25 × 6 mm. A chequered plate of thickness 6mm shall be provided for every step. For ease in climbing the pitch of ladder shall be restricted to 60 degree. The rise of the steps shall be restricted to 25 cm. All M.S surfaces shall be coated with bituminus to prevent the corrosion. The railing for the ladder shall be fabricated from 25mm GI pipes. WATERPROOF CEMENT PLASTER : The cement mortar shall consist of two parts of fine river sand free from any dust and other organic matter and one part of approved quality of cement. The mortar shall be properly mixed on watertight platform. The mortar shall be used within half an

70 | P a g e

hour after mixing. The water proofing materials weighting 1.5 kg of powder in one bag of cement shall be added. The plaster shall be applied in uniform thickness of 20 mm and shall be properly smoothened with wooden & finished with cement finishing of required. The curing shall be done at least for week by sprinkling the water over the wall. The wall shall be tested for water proof- ness. The rate includes the cost of waterproofing materials. The test for water proof-ness shall be carried out by the contractor at his own cost by filling the contractor with water and it shall be checked out that there is no percolation of water from the wall. Payment shall be made per sq. m. of plaster done. BRICK PITCHING : The brick shall be of proper quality, standard size, uniform in color, well burnt and free form crack work of brick pitching shall be carried out in C.M. 1:6. It shall be laid as per the drawing and directed by the Engineer –in – charge. The bricks shall properly soaked before being using in work. No brickbats shall be use except the bricks. The joint shall be racked out 20mm depth. Every day at the end of the days work the cement pointing in C.M. 1:2 shall be carried out by line as directed by the Engineer –in – charge. The excavation required for bricks pitching shall have to be carried out by the contractor as directed including necessary temping consolidation etc complete. After completion & testing of work the contractor shall have to provide & fix Marble “ Takti “ of required size with necessary writings, as directed by the Engineer – in – charge. RCC work of shaft, container and staircase should be of well finished condition if the same is not satisfactory than contractor since have to finish the surface with 12 mm thick plaster C.M without any extra cost. The contractor shall have to make arrangement for testing of steel bars brought on site and concrete cubes, for different mix at different stage like foundation, shaft, column, and cube should be cast on site and send Govt. approved laboratory for compressive strength at 28 days. Results must be produced in office before taking payment of work done. Testing charge must bear by contractor. GENERAL DISCRIPTION (1)

The contractor will required to approved to the specification of he Executive Engineer a fully qualified and experienced engineer of building of engineer of Building or Engineer work and also will be always available on site of work during the progress of work and the Executive Engineer has full powers to remove such engineer from the work within 24 hours giving notice to contractor who will immediately thereon appoint another qualified Engineer. The contractor shall provide office accommodation for him


The contractor shall give to the Municipality police and other authority notice etc. that may be required by law and obtain requisite license sewer water pipe etc. and other authorities and also being bouring properties where necessary. The contractor shall make good and damage to adjoining premises, whether police or private and provide nightlights etc. as maybe required on site. They shall also construct peren clousure and faces for the protection and connivance of the

71 | P a g e

working people and public. During the progress of work & perfectly rest the adjoining ground up to completion of work. (3)

No claim of contractor for any extra work shall be entertained unless the extra work done in clearly without under order of Engineer in charge


The contractor shall engage in experienced and qualified supervisor as his authorized agent for this work. He shall be responsible for taking free from the time order regarding work from the Engineer in charge any carrying the promptly.


The contractor shall maintain a work order book on work site & signed carryout promptly the orders given by the Engineer in charge. This work order book shall be submitted to the Dept. on completion of the work.


The contractor shall have to clean the site of work before commencing work and after completion of work without any extra claim


The contractor shall provide at his own cost, all labour, materials & adequate facilities of lining.


The contractor shall materials regular account of his respect and use controlled materials purchased by him.


The contractor shall provide at his one cost necessary accommodation water supply and sanitary arrangement for his staff and labour and shall pay dirt to the authorities concern all rate taxes royalties and other charges.

He shall be

comply with the requirement of the Health Dept. as regards ant malaria measures etc. (10)

The water required excavation of the work shall have to be supplied by contractor at his own cost.


Dewatering of trenches foundation etc. shall be done by the contractor at his own cost during executing of all items of this work till completion all respect.


The contractor shall provide his own made of conveyance for carting of pipes, specials etc. to the supplied by department & surplus excavated stuff from to site of work.


The contractor shall provide deviation to the existing read if required as directed by Engineer in charge


The quantities given in schedule – ' B ' are approximately. The contractor shall have to claim for a safe in excess of his tendered rate for any varied to any extent in quantities.


For laying & locating pipes specifications attached here to shall be followed.


Any time not covered in the schedule – ' B ' but required to be executed shall be carried out by the contractor at the rate for such items available in division schedule of the in force.


The limit for completion of this work shall be months from the date of work order.


( 1)

I have made myself thoroughly convergent with the local conditions as regards availability of otherwise of all construction materials, studies and understood the specifications drawings and designs of this work & have passed my rates accordingly."


The contractor at his own costs shall have to provide a temporarily shed of area about 20 sq. m. at site of work for use as office for discussion of the work. The same shall be removed by the contractor after the work is completed.


The hydraulic test of water bearing structures shall have to be given by the contractor as per instruction of Engineer in charge without any extra cost 10% of the containers items cost of the structure will be with held. If the hydraulic test is not given by the contractor or there is any damage to the structure.


The work shall be carried out as per specification no 160 appearing on page 395 to 406 of PWD Hand book Vol. I 1949 edition & specification detailed hereafter.


Proportion of the various ingredients of concrete shall be as per description of item.


Volume of one sound bag of cement weight in 50 kg. shall be consider i.e. 4.77 cft. for volumetric purpose.


Cement shall be stacked on water tight platform raising atleast 30 cm. above floor in a sound store room in such a way that it can be easily counted. No deteriorated cement shall be allowed for in use and the same shall reject at cost of the contractor. Double locking arrangement shall be adopted for cement store.


Clean hard, strong durable and well- graded river sand shall be used. It shall not contain clay slot or any detritus foreign materials. The sand shall be sounded and washed if required as per instruction of Engineer in charge. Sand shall be stored in a clean platform.


Coarse aggregate made from block trap stone shall be used and the same is clean hard tough durable and cubical in slope. If shall not contain any soft flaky or elongates piece.

It shall be well graded the maximum size specified to give

minimum percentage of void. Necessary test of materials shall have to be given by the contractor & when desired by the Engineer in charge.

The coarse

aggregate shall be stored in clean platform. (7)

Water to be used for preparing concrete shall be clean & potable. Quantity of water to be used for preparing shall be as specified by the Engineer in charge. No assuring apparatus shall be provided as per instruction of Engineer in charge.



C.C. block or cement mortar block with wired reinforcement shall

provided between form work and reinforcement and tied to the letter as directed by the Engineer in charge to provide necessary cover to the reinforcement. (9)

Hand mixing shall be done on a sufficiently large water platform. First cement sand in required quantity shall be mixed by turning the mixture al least three

73 | P a g e

time. After the mixture contains uniform coarse aggregate shall be added and whole mix shall be turned over. The specified quantity of water shall be carried out simultaneously until whole batch attains uniform color. (10)

The formwork shall be just moisture before placing concrete. The concrete shall be placed in position within 20 minutes after water is added. It shall be slowly placed in position and not thrown from a height. It shall not cast in layers


The concrete shall be well cured for 20 days after it placed in position by means of the gunny bags for pounding.



Side of beams after

4 days


Bottom of beams after

21 days


Bottom of slab after

10 days


Vertical side of wall after

7 days


Vertical side of column

7 days.

Necessary facilities shall be provided by the contractor for inspection of various stages of concrete work by the Engineer in charge of Sub-divisional officers of Executive Engineer. Concreting RCC chambers shall be done only after order to affect is given in work order by the Engineer in charge or sub divisional officer in important work.


Finishing of concrete faces shall be done as provided in the description of item concerned. It shall consist of 3 coats of wash if it is not specified in the site.


Item shall be laid on the rate quoted by the contractor in schedule – "B"


The payment shall be paid as per the payment schedule. APPENDIX B

R.C.C. U/G. SUMP 2,00,000, 1,00,000 & 30,000 Lit. Cap. (Contractor’s Own Design) Cement Consumption Statement Sr.

Particulars of Item to be included

No. in Work by contractor

Qty. as per

Rate of







own design

consumption required

per unit

in No. of

in M. Tone Begs

APPENDIX C R.C.C. U/G. SUMP 2,00,000, 1,00,000 & 30,000 Lit. Cap. (Contractor’s Own Design) Tenderer’s and Contractor’s Certificate I/ We hereby declare that, I/ We have pursued in details and examined closely the specifications in the tender documents. I/ We agree to be bound by and comply with all such specifications for this agreement. I/ We executed with the Village Water and sanitation Committee. Date : 74 | P a g e

Name of Tenderer or Contractor : Address of Tenderer or Contractor : APPENDIX D R.C.C. U/G. SUMP 2,00,000, 1,00,000 & 30,000 Lit. Cap. (Contractor’s Own Design) Tenderer’s and Contractor’s Certificate I/ We hereby declare that, I/ We have pursued in details and examined closely the specifications in the tender documents.

I/ We agree to be bound by and comply with all such specifications for this agreement. Date : Name of Tenderer or Contractor : Address of Tenderer or Contractor :



Const. Staircase for R.C.C. Ele. Reservoir of 3.00 & 6.00 Lit. cap. 25 Mt.Ht. at Luvakuva & sayala. & Repairing of ESR. Sub Estimate No. 3 Item No.1:

Demolition of existing scrape of staircase column and steps in side the shaft up to level. Removing and clearing the surface without disturbing existing structure and surrounding as directed.

The demolition of unserviceable materials for staircase column and steps in side this shaft up to level shall be carried out in such a way that other components are root damage. The demolition work shall be carried out up to excavation level in such a way. So that the demolition material does not fall inside excavation. The material shall be disposed out side the working area with lead up to 90.0mt. as per instruction of Engineer-In-Charge. Item No.2

Drilling holes in shaft wall at regular intervals for fixing M.S. plates to support and spike the tie beams without disturbing and damaging the existing structure and surrounding.

75 | P a g e

Drilling holes in shaft wall at regular intervals for fixing M.S. plates to support and spike the tie beams without disturbing and damaging the existing structure and surrounding and as per instruction of Engineer-In-Charge. Item No.3

Excavation for pipe line tranches including all safety provisions using site rails and stacking excavated stuff up to a lead of 90 m clearing the site etc. comp. for lift and strata as

specified in all sorts of

soil and soft murrum upto 1.50 m. depth. General: This specification same as per Sub-Estimate No.1 Item No. 4 Item No.4

Providing and casting in situ mass cement concrete in grade M-100 (Approximate







quartzite trap metal of 12 mm to 25 mm including consolidating curing. etc. complete. General : Specification cover the requirement of ordinary or controlled cement concrete of specified proportion for plain and cement concrete works. Specials requirement for a particulars, item shall be laid down in the specifications as per I.S. 456-1979. For deviation laid down in the specifications for liquid retaining structure, narrated in I.S. : 3370-1971 shall apply.

Materials : Specifications for the materials required in the item shall be specified as under. Aggregate : Two types of aggregates shall be used in the concrete work described as under. 1.

COURSE: Course aggregate of black trap stone conform all general requirements specified

in I.S.:383-1970 or it’s latest revision. Course aggregate shall be of machine crushed stone of free in skin and coating likely to prevent proper adhesion of mortar. It shall be free form injuries amount of disinfected stone, soft, faulty or elongated particles, salt , alkali, vegetable table matters and others deleterious substances. In the case of reinforced cement concrete the maximum limit may be restricted to 6mm. Less than the minimum lateral clear distance between bars or 6mm. less than the cover whichever is smaller. The percentage may be varied some what by the Engineer in charge when considered necessary for obtaining better density and strength of concrete. The grading test shall be taken in the beginning and at the change of course materials. The necessary test indicated in various I.S. shall have to be carried out to ensure the acceptability. 2.

FINE: The sand shall comply all general requirements of fine aggregates as specified in

I.S. 383-1970 or it’s latest revision. Sand shall be natural sand,durable and gritty particles free form injuries amount of dust, clay, kankar modules of or flaky particles, 76 | P a g e

shale , alkali, salts, organic matter loam ,mica or other deleterious substances and shall be got approved form The Engineer in charge as a specified in I.S..:383-1970 with module varying form 1.4 to 2.6 as per requirements fitness. The sand shall be stacked carefully on a clear hard surface. and got approved for quality form The Engineer In charge. CEMENT The cement used shall be ordinary Portland cement or rapid hardening Portland cement conforming to I.S..:269-1958 or Portland pozzolone cement conforming to I.S.:1489-1976 or high alumna cement of approved specifications. WATER: Water used for both mixing and curing shall be free from injurious amount of deleterious materials. Potable waters are generally considered satisfactory for mixing and curing concrete. In case of doubt, the suitability of water for mixing concrete shall be ascertained in accordance with I.S.: 516-1959 and I.S.: 4031-1968. The “pH” value of water shall generally be between 6 to 8. Storage Of Materials : All materials shall be so stored as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Any material, which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by The Engineer in charge shall not be used for the concrete.

Grade Of Concrete : The concrete shall be in seven grades designated as M100, M150, M250, M350, and M400. The mix of concrete shall be adopted as specified in the item. The determination of the proportions of cement, aggregates and water to attain the required strength shall be made by one of the following. A) With preliminary tests by designing the, concrete mix.. Such concrete shall be called. ‘controlled concrete’. B) Without preliminary tests by adopting nominal concrete mixes. Such concrete shall be called ‘ordinary concrete. As far as possible, controlled concrete should be used on all concrete works the maximum total quantity of aggregate by weight per 50kg. of cement shall not be exceed 450kg. except where otherwise specifically permitted by The Engineer in charge any extra cost. Cement and sand shall be first mixed dry then aggregate added, and whole furred-over three times dry and then turned over four times wet. Measured quantity of water shall be applied through a rose. A fairly wet mixture shall be used. Laying : Before starting the concrete work, The contractor shall have to clear the foundation, remove dirt’s, clods, or any type of foreign matter from pit, level the pit, and got approved form The Engineer in charge.

77 | P a g e

The concrete shall be placed in to it’s final position, compacted and finished within 30 minutes of mixing the water and before setting commences and should not be subsequently disturbed. The method of placing shall be such as to avoid segregation and balanced load on formwork. The concrete shall be deposited in continuous horizontal layer, not exceed 30 cm. in thickness. As far as possible, the joints should be avoided in the concrete work. Unless and otherwise shall be made only where mentioned in the plans or approved by The Engineer In Charge. The concrete shall be thoroughly complete compacted during the operation by means of tools and/or mechanical vibrator as directed by The Engineer In Charge. Curing : Curing shall be done by creating compartments, using lime/mud-sand mixtures, it shall be done for minimum 21 days. Finishing : All exposed faces of the concrete shall be finished with C.M. 1:2 and neat finishing without claiming any extra cost. Testing : Testing for strength required of the concrete for R.C.C. E.S.R. work, contractor shall arrange for taking cube test for preliminary test if required and work test as per Strength Requirement Of Concrete Grade of










in 7



Strength of 15 cm.










Work Min.

after :

516 days. test


























Mixing Of Concrete : The concrete shall be mixed in proportion of Six parts of aggregate, Three parts of sand and One part of cement by volumes as per discretion of Item. The materials for concrete shall be carefully and accurately measured for every batch. The aggregate and sand shall be measured by wooden or iron boxes made for the purposed. The mixing shall be carried out by machine mixture or by hand as directed by The Executive Engineer or his agent. In case of C.C. higher proportion than 1:5:10 shall be mixed in the mixture only. Machine Mixing :

78 | P a g e

The quantity of materials mixed should not exceed the rated capacity of the machine. After all the materials are loaded into drum the concrete shall be mixed until it is uniform in color and consistency but for not more than 1.5 to 2 minutes. About 15 to 18 revolutions per minute are generally considered sufficient. Hand Mixing


To be done on a clean paved area or water tight platform at least 2 m. x 4 m. or a 3 meter square with strips fastened along three sides to prevent the materials being washed or shoveled off during mixing. Additional 10 percent cement over and above the specified proportion shall be used when hand mixing is resorted to, without claiming clause 5 of I.S.: 456-1964. Results for the same shall have to be communicated to the Divisional officer , through and in charge. Measurements And Payment : The measurements for work done only shall be taken as per Item’s units specified in the “Schedule B”. 90% payment shall be made till the satisfactory results are obtained for the sample cubes taken from and visual test on site. 10% amount will be withheld from each item which are meant to require finishing. Item No.5

Providing and casting in situ mass cement concrete in grade M-200 (Approx. corresponds to proportion 1:1.5: 3) using granite quartzite trap metal of size 12 mm to 20 mm and or 6 mm to 12 mm for R.C.C.








vibrated, consolidating curing and hydraulic testing etc. comp. up to 6.00 mt. ht. average GL for RCC ESR. General : All specification for the concrete work including materials required in the work as specified in the item and shall conform the specification as per Item No.2 except size of aggregate and proportion for grade of concrete. The aggregate and proportion shall be kept as per Item description. Scaffolding : Scaffolding will be double or single as is wanted for the particular work. The end of poles, if required to be rested on the brick for work shall be located at convenient place. Scaffolding shall be erected with bullies, steel sections, pipes, or bamboo of adequate strength as to be safe for all dead, live and impact loads likely to come on them due to construction operations. The contractor shall take all measures to ensure the safety of the work and the working persons. The contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage to work, property, or injury to persons, resulted from the scaffolding, defective ladders, and materials , or other problems arising out of any default in this respect. Proper and sufficient scaffolding shall be provided for easy approach to the tail of work. Centering : The term “Centering” shall include all forms, molds, sheeting , shuttering, planks , posts, shores struck , ties, uprights and all other temporary supports to the concrete during the process of setting. The centering shall be such dimensions and so constructed as to remain rigid during laying, tempting and setting of concrete. The 79 | P a g e

joints must be tight so as to prevent leakage. The centering must be arranged, so that the portion below the slab can be removed first, then the sides of beams and finally that below the beams. All debris, saw-dust, etc. shall be removed from the shuttering before any concrete is placed and should be taken to see that the shuttering is not likely to absorb water from the concrete laid. On common works, wet the form immediately before placing the concrete. The forms can also be given a coat of crude oil or grease thinned with paraffin or soft soap and water or white wash in order to prevent adhesion of concrete oiling shall be done before the reinforcement is placed in order for prevent greasing the steel. Where it intended to plaster the concrete, oil or grease shall be used it prevent the adhesion of plaster. Centering has to be got approved before laying the concrete. Placing Of Reinforcement : All bars shall be accurately placed in the exact position shown on the drawing or as directed, care shall be taken that they are not displaced during the process of placing the concrete around them. Soft wire shall be used for binding the bars. Measurement And Payment : The work done shall be measured as specified and paymet shall be made in m3 basis. Item No.6

Supplying ,cutting, bending & binding , and placing in position steel as per plan and design and as per ISS 2502 including cost of steel and binding

wires for reservoirs only including lift up to 6.00 mt.

ht.depth below g.l. for all diameters General : The item provides for the supply of mild steel bars, cutting, bending, binding with galvanized iron wire and placing in position for reinforcement in various R.C.C. work. Materials : Mild Steel Bars : Mild steel bar’s reinforcement for R.C.C. work shall conform to I.S. 432- 1966 and

shall be of tested quickly. It shall also comply with relevant part of I.S.

4456 – 1964. All the reinforcement shall be clean and free from dirt, oil, paint, grease, mill scale of loose or thick cast at the time of placing. Substitution of reinforcement bars shall not be made without the approval of the Engineer-In – Charges. The reinforcement shall mote the size, shape and spacing as per the drawing issued by the Engineer-In-Charge. Reinforcement steel shall be stored such as to avoid distortion and sags of long length and shall be protected as far as possible from surface deterioration. All bars of the same designation shall be stacked separately as far as possible and distinctly marked. For the purpose of payment the bar shall be measured correct up to 10 mm. Length and weight payable worked-out. (1)

6 mm. 0.22 Chg./Rmt.


8 mm. 0.39 Chg./Rmt.


10 mm. 0.62 Chg./Rmt.


12 mm. 0.89 Chg./Rmt.

80 | P a g e


14 mm. 1.21 Chg./Rmt.


16 mm. 1.58 Chg./Rmt.


18 mm. 2.00 Chg./Rmt.


20 mm. 2.47 Chg./Rmt.

High Yield Strength Steel Deformed Bars : High yield strength steel deformed bars shall be either cold twisted or hot rolled and shall confirm to I.S.: 1986 – 1966 and IS: 1139 – 1966 respectively or as revised form time to time. Other provisions and requirements shall confirm to specification as above for mild steel bars. Mild Steel Binding Wire : The mild steel wire shall be of 1.63 mm. or 1.22 mm. (16 or 18 gauge) diameters and shell conform to IS.: 280 – 1962 or as revised form time to time. The use of black wire will be permitted for binding reinforcement bars. It shall be free form rest, oil paint, grease loose will scale or any other undesirable coating which may prevent adhesion of cement mortar. Fabrication : Reinforcing steel shall be thoroughly cleaned of all coatings of any character that would destroy or reduce the bond. Bending reinforcement shall confirm accurately to the dimensions and shapes shown on the plans or as directed by The Engineer In Charge. Bars shall be bent cold to the shape and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer in writing. Reinforcing bars shall be bent. in accordance with procedure specified in IS.: 2502 – 1963. Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement bar bender may be used to attain proper radius of bends and shapes. Bars which may bent during transport or handling shall be properly straightened before being placed in the work without heating them. Bending bar by heating to cherry red heat, not exceeding 8450 c (about 15000 F) may be allowed for bars larger than 25 mm. (about 1 inch.) diameter except for bars which depend for their strength on cold working. Hot bars shall not be cooled by quenching. Details of lengths, size, laps and bending diagram shall be got approved by The Engineer In Charge. Substitution Of Bars Size : In order to accommodate the available size of bars, use of bar sizes other than those shown on the drawings may be permitted by the Engineer. Placing & Binding : All reinforcement shall be accurately placed in position with spacing and cover as shown in the plan and firmly held so during the placing and setting of concrete. Bars shall be tied at all intersections. Binding wire of 1.63 mm. or 1.22 mm. (about 16 or 18 gauge) diameter shall be used. Alternatively, spacing of bars shall be maintained by means of stays, block tiles, spacers hangers or other approved supports at sufficiently close intervals so that bars will not sag between supports not be displaced during placing, vibrating or compacting concrete or by any other operation. Layers of bars shall be separated by precast cement mortar blocks , spacer bars or other approved devices. Special care shall be taken to prevent any disturbance of the reinforcement after being placed in position shall be maintained in a clean condition till it is completely embedded in the concrete. Item To Include : 81 | P a g e


Cost of

labour, material, use of tools, plant and tackle and other items to

complete the work include the item specified. 2

Supplying, conveying, cleaning, cutting, bending, binding in position with 1.63 mm. or 1.22 mm. dia. (16 or 18 gauge.) wire and maintaining, cleaning it and in position till the concrete is laid.

3 Cost of sampling and testing shall be born by the contractor for entire satisfaction of Engineer. Measurement : The rate shall be on weight basis for 1 kg. / Quintal / M. Ton of M. S. bars reinforcement. The weight of steel reinforcement incorporated in the concrete, shall be measured in quintals base, on the total computed weights for the size and lengths of bars as shown on the plan or ordered by the Engineer. The lengths of the bars shall be measured correct to two places of decimals in meters and the weight payable would be worked out on the basis of I.S. standards and shall be correct up to 0.10 Kg. Item No.7

R.C.C circular spiral stair case with central circular column in M-150 as per type design incl. M.S. reinforcement, centering, curing, form work









balusters, hand rails and necessary joints with columns at intervals of 2.50 m (Work below G.L. for column and footing will be paid extra) for step of 80 mm. radius and 20 cm. rise. General : All the specifications applied as specified in the Item No. 4 & 5 above except proportion. In addition to above, the contractor shall have to provide M.S. iron frame for casting the steps on site having standard dimensions specified in the item and drawing. Item also include casting , curing, and finishing them as specified in Item No. 15 of this Sub Estimate No.3 Payment shall be made on No. basis. Item No.8

Purchasing & supplying at site of works, with railway freight, loading, unloading, carting, etc. complete such as joints , channels, angles, iron rails etc. M.S. plate 600 x 600 x 8 mm size.


The size and length of the R.S. joints shall be as specified in schedule “B”. or

as directed by the engineer in charge. II. The steel R.S. joints shall be free from scales, blister, surface flaws, cracked edge and defects or any sort and shall comply with latest standard specification for structural steel in all respect. III.

General specification of P.W.D. Hand Book, Volume-1, latest edition shall

be followed as far as possible in this case. Weight calculated on the standard weight per meter tabulated in hand book for structure. IV. He ends shall be embedded in cement concrete books after making sufficient holes in the masonry. The cement concrete for blocks shall be 1:2:4. This shall be done without any extra cost. It shall be rigidly fixed in the block and that there is no possibility of the ends being distributed sue to specified coming on the gurder. 82 | P a g e

V. The gurder shall be tested for load, vibrations etc. after they are fixed as directed by the engineer in charge without claiming any extra cost.

VI. Payment shall be as per Qtl. basis. Item No.9











M.S.section such as joints , channels, angles, plates etc. comp. M.S. rails 600 x 600 x 8 mm size. Cutting holding assembling, painting, erection and fixing in concrete shall be carried out in accordance and as directed by the engineer. The payment shall be made as per Qtl. basis for job work. Item NO.10

Brick work using common burnt clay building brick having crushing strength not less than 35 kg/ in foundation and plinth in cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Fine sand) Conventional

General: Before starting the brick work, The contractor shall have to clear the foundation , remove dirt’s, clods or any type of foreign matter from foundation , level the base and got approved form The Engineer in charge. All materials required for the brick work shall be present on the site. Required strength of labours shall also be present. Materials:

Bricks: The bricks shall be of information size (9” x 4.5” x 2.5) unless otherwise specified and thoroughly well burnt and sound ringing clearly when struck with a trowel comply with all the requirements specified in I.S.: 1077 – 1976 or it’s latest revision having crushing strength not less than 35 kg/cm2. The average water absorption shall not be more than 20% by weight. No difficulty shall Aries on this account in laying of uniform course of layers. Fine Aggregate: Natural sand or sand prepared from crushed stone, gravels, or such other inert materials conforming to I.S.: 383 – 1963 or I.S.: 515 – 1959 or it’s latest revisions. And also conform to I.S.: 2116 – 1965 or it’s latest revisions. The fineness modules shall not exceed 3.00. Cement : The cement used shall be ordinary Portland cement or rapid hardening Portland cement conforming to I.S..:269-1958 or Portland pozzolone cement conforming to I.S.:1489-1976 or high alumna cement of approved specifications. Water: Water used for both mixing and curing shall be free from injurious amount of deleterious materials. Potable waters are generally considered satisfactory for mixing 83 | P a g e

and curing concrete. In case of doubt, the suitability of water for mixing concrete shall be ascertained in accordance with I.S.: 516-1959 and I.S.: 4031-1968. The “pH” value of water shall generally be between 6 to 8. Storage Of Materials: All materials shall be so stored as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Any material, which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by The Engineer in charge, shall not be used for the concrete. Mortar: The proportion of mortar shall be as specified in Schedule “B”. I.e. one part of cement and size part of fine aggregates, thoroughly dry mixed on platform before adding water. The mix shall be prepared in such quantity , that it will be used within half-hour before setting time of cement. Soaking: The bricks shall be properly soaked in water before they are put into the work at least 12 hours. Laying: The bricks shall be laid flushed in mortar in such bond to avoid joints in same line and as may be directed, and shall be thoroughly grouted. The whole work executed in a good and workman like manner. Work shall be carried up regularly in all cases, when the nature of the work will admit it Not leveling any part 8’-o” lower then another but when circum’s angles render if necessary to carry on the same section of a building at different levels, the breaks shall be stepped so as to give batter and uniform level and an effectual bond. All necessary scaffolding shall be provided by the contractor. Face Work: As far as practicable brick of a uniform color are to be selected for the face work. Joints: The bricks shall be laid in leveled layers, and in required English bond to prevent displacement of joints as directed by The Engineer in charge. The bed-joints shall not exceed 0.5” thick. Bats: No bats or half bricks shall be used in the work unless absolutely necessary as closer. Curing: The masonry be kept well wetted , while in progress and for at least 10 days after completion. Finishing:

84 | P a g e

All the brick work shall be washed down on completion and al stains removed from the face. and also all rubbish shall be removed by the contractor, unsightly holes or pits leveled up and the whole surrounding of the work left neat and clean. Measurement And Payment: The brick work shall be measured in unit specified in schedule B. Payment shall be made according to measurements. Item No.11

Providing 15 mm thick cement plaster in single coat on brick concrete walls for interior plastering up to floor two level and finished even and smooth in Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) including finishing with floating coat of neat cement slurry.



This specification lay down the requirement of cement plaster to be applied on concrete, stone or brick masonry surface in cement mortar of specified proportion and thickness. The work shall conform to IS: 1661-1960. Materials


The materials required for brick work, such as brick , sand, cement, water etc. shall conform the I.S. & specifications specified in Specifications for the materials required in the item shall be specified as under. Cement Mortar : Cement mortar shall have the proportion of cement to sand as mentioned in the working of the item or in special provisions and shall comply with item No.3 above for cement mortar for plaster. Preparatory Work : Smooth surface of concrete old plaster etc. must suitably roughened to provide necessary bond for the plaster. The exposed materials of concrete shall be removed by using chisel and make plain leveled surface, all dirt, soot oil paint or any other material that might interface with satisfactory bond shall be removed. While preparation of cement mortar of specified proportion as per Item description, the approved quality water proofing compound at the rate of 1.00 Kg. per one bag of cement or as per manufactures instructions shall be added in the mortar while mixing in dry condition. The contractor shall bring the water, proofing compound to the site in it’s original packing, and shall be got approved by The Engineer-In-Charge. Plastering : In all plaster work the mortar shall be firmly applied with some what more than the required thickness and well pressed into the joints and on the surface and rubbed and leveled with a flat wooden rule to give required thickness. Long straight edges shall be freely used to ensure a perfectly plane and even surface. All corners shall be finished to their true angles or rounded as directed by The Engineer. The surface shall be finished to plane or curved surface as shown on the plan or as directed by the Engineer and shall present a neat appearance. The mortar shall adhere to the masonry / concrete surface intimately when set and there should be no hollow sound when struck. Cement plastering shall be done. in square or strips as directed , plastering shall be done from top to down ward. Finishing : 85 | P a g e

In any continuous face of a wall, finishing treatment of any type shall be carried out continuously and day to day breaks made to coincide with architectural breaks in order to avoid unsightly junctions. Watering : All plasterwork shall be kept damp continuously for a period of 14 days. To prevent excessive evaporation on the sunny of or windward side of the buildings in hot, dry weather matting or gunny bags may be hung over on the outside of the plaster in the beginning and kept moist. Item To Include : 1.

Erecting, dismantling and removing the scaffolding as and when necessary.


Preparing the surface to receive the plaster.


Providing cement plaster of the specified average thickness with specified number of costs.


All labour , material, use of tools, and equipment to complete the plastering as per specifications.


Curing for 14 days. Any molding work, if shown on the drawings or as specified unless separately

provided in the tender. Measurement And Payment : The contact rate shall be per square meter of plastering of specified thickness. All work shall be measured in square meters. Dimensions shall be measured and quantity worked out correct up to two places of decimals in square meter and paid at accordingly. Item No.12

Providing and fixing M.S.Grills of required pattern to wooden frames of window etc. (Iron doors, window) with M.S.frame alround square or round bars with round bolts and nuts or by screw Plan Grill.

General: The steel doors, windows and cupboards in building shall conform the Indian Standard Specifications No. 1038 – 1975 or it’s latest revision. Structural Steel: The structural steel such as angles, tees, girders, plates , channels etc. Conform relevant IS. as under. * IS


226 – 1962 Structural steel third revision.

* IS


961 – 1962 High tensile Structural steel revision.

* St 44 – 0 or


* IS

2062 – 1962 Structural steel Fusion Welding Quality.


:1977 – 1962 Structural steel ordinary.

Revit Steel: All rivet steel used in general building construction work shall comply with appropriate Indian Standard specification as under. •

I.S. : 1148 – 1957 Rivet bars for structural purpose.

86 | P a g e

I.S. : 1149 – 1957 High tensile Rivet bars for structural purpose steel.

Bolts And Nuts: All bolts and nuts shall conform to IS : 1367 – 1961 Technical supply condition for threaded fasteners, and IS: 1608 – 1960 for tensile testing of steel products. The threaded fasteners shall have a tensile strength not less than 44 kg/cm2 and a million elongation of 23% on engage length of 5.65 Electrodes: Mild steel electrodes shall comply with the requirements of IS: 814 – 1957 specification for covered electrodes for Metal Arc Welding of mild steel. High tensile steel electrode shall comply with the requirements of IS: 1442 – 1959 specification for covered electrodes for Metal Arc Welding of high tensile structural steel. Standard Dimensions , Form And Weight: The dimensions, Form, Weight, tolerance of all rolled shapes and other members used in any structure shall, when ever possible , conform to the latest appropriate Indian Standards, wherever available. The dimensions, Form, Weight, tolerance of all rivets, bolts, nuts, studs, etc. shall conform to the requirements of latest appropriate Indian Standards, wherever available. Manufacturing: The frames, both fixed and opening frames shall be constructs of sections, which have been cut to length and miters. The corners shall be electrically flush welded to form a solid and true right angle. The type of window and door shall be as shown in drawing or as directed by The Engineer in charge. Finishing: The joints of doors and windows frames with masonry or concrete shall be finished neatly with cement mortar and niru. Oil Paint: The doors, windows , which are not dip Zinc coated shall be finished with two coats of oil paint of approved quality and shade on a primer coat of red lead. The contractor shall have to provided oil paint of recognizes and reputed company with required shade as approved and instructed by The Engineer in charge. Measurement And Payment: The measurement shall be taken as per unit shall be made according to measurement. Item No.13

Applying any approve quality of cement paint in three coats including cleaning washing etc. complete for ESR Only.

General: Snowcem paint shall confirm to I.S. 427 – 1953 and I.S. 428 – 1953 or its latest revision. It shall be oil bond, washable, and of desired color and shade. The sample shall

87 | P a g e

be got approved before use. It shall be of approved brand and manufacture. All instructions as given by the manufacture shall be obeyed, while using the same. The item refers to providing and applying washable Snowcem Paint or washable oil bond Snowcem. Paint as specified in item in one, two, or three coats as specified to surface. The work shall be carried out as per I.: 6278 – 1971 or its latest revision. Scaffolding : This shall be as per specification narrated in as per Engineer-In-Charge. Preparation of surface : The surface to be Snowcem Painted shall be cleaned and all crack, holes and surface defects shall be repaired with gypsum and allowed to set hard. All irregularities shall be sand papered and wiped clean. The surface so prepared must be dry and free from dust before Snowcem Painting is commenced. Application: Priming Coat : The priming coat shall be applied over in the manner recommended by the makers in case of patent Snowcem Paint. When no priming coat is specified by the manufacturer, a finely powered chalk mixed with a thin solution of glue be applied to prepared a good, hard background. Snowcem Paint : Snowcem Painting shall not be mixed in a larger quantity than is actually required for a day’s work. Hot water shall be used for preparing mixture. Snowcem Paint shall be applied with a broad stiff brush in long parallel strokes. The treated surface shall be allowed to dry and harden. The next coat of Snowcem Paint shall be laid on in exactly the same manner as the first one. The brushes used should never be allowed to rest on the bristle and after the use they should be carefully and thoroughly cleaned. Atleast two coats of Snowcem Paint on priming coat shall be applied. Measurement: The contract rate shall be per square meter of area, where Snowcem Paint is applied. The measurements shall be taken as per P.W.D. manual and as per IS 1200 – 1976 (Part XIII). Item No.14

Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches plinth, sides of foundation etc. in layers not exceeding 20 cm. in depth consolidating each layer by ramming and watering.

General : The refilling will generally refer to refilling of foundation or trenches up to plinth level or ground level with excavated stuff or selected soil or murrum brought from out side. Materials :

88 | P a g e

The selected soil, sand or murrum brought from out side shall be cleared of all rubbish large size stones, brickbats, big clods etc. And shall be got approved before filling. Refilling : Refilling shall be done in a systematic manner by the contractor , before refilling starts, the contractor shall got checked the foundation / trenches ready for refilling. All space between foundation masonry, concrete , pipe line and the sides of excavation and / or bottom of foundation shall be refilled to the original surface or up to plinth level with earth or selected materials in layers of 15cm. to 20 cm. well watered and rammed. Each layer shall be well watered and compacted with heavy rammers before the upper layer is laid, till the final level reached to form a thoroughly compacted base. Measurement And Payment : The measurement shall be taken for total volume filled up. It includes loading, unloading, carting, breaking clods etc. It also includes the cost of bringing selected materials from out side as directed by The Engineer in charge. The payment shall be made according to refilled volume measured in Cubic meter. Item No.15

Providing and laying cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and laid in one layer finished with a floating coat of neat cement. 50 mm. Thick.

General : All the specification applied as specified in the Item No. 2, & 7 of this Estimate above including aggregate except proportion, laying and finishing , as specified below.

Laying : Before laying the concrete , the sub-grade shall be passed by The Engineer in charge. The sub-grade shall be formed to proper levels and slopes well compacted and cured. The surface of sub-grade shall be cleaned of all loose materials and moistened immediately before laying the concrete floor. The flooring shall be laid in alternative bags not exceeding 6 Sq.mts. each. The edges of each panel into which the floor is divided shall be supported by flat bars of steel or wood duly oiled to prevent sticking. The thickness of floor shall be as specified in the item the supporting bars shall removed before filling in jointing panel. Finishing : When the rendering is some what stiff , neat cement may be sprinkled on the surface and rubbed lightly to give smooth polished ordinary cement colored surface. Curing : 89 | P a g e

Curing shall start on the next day after finishing and shall continued for 14 days. Mode Of Measurement And Payment : The rate shall be per square meter of the flooring thickness as specified in item the linear measurement shall be measured between plastered walls of square meter and paid accordingly. Item No.16

Providing & fixing 50 cm. wide M.S. ladder fabricated from M.S. Flats 10mm x 60 mm with 20 mm. dia. steel bar steps @ 30 cm. C/C. The item include stays of 10 mm. x 60 mm. flats fixed at 3 meter C/C.

Material And Dimension : Stringers : Structural steel flat or angle sections conforming to I.S. 226 – 1975 and I.S. straight and shall be free from loose mill scales, rush pits or other defects affecting strength and durability. Stringers shall be kept 45 cms. or 50 cms. apart clearly between the inner edges of the stringers and shall extend atleast 75 cms. above the top of the tank with the curved top. The size shall be taken as specified in the item. Step : Mild steel bars conforming to I.S. 432 – 1960 or its latest revisions shall be clean and free from dirt, oil paints, grease, mill scales, rust. Steps shall be placed at 25 cms. or 30 cms. center to center. Stays : As specified in the item above. Stays shall be provided at 3 meters interval and stays shall be of adequate length with at least 15 cms. bearing in the walls of the container and as directed by The Engineer in charge.

Rivet Bars : Rivet bars shall conform to I.S. 1148 – 1957 or its latest revision. Welding is to be done instead of the rivet bars for oxyacetylene welding in structural steel work, filler roads shall conform to I.S. 1278 – 1972 or its latest revision and shall be free from oxidation and shall be in a clean condition. Size & Dimension : Size:


Flat Sections

60 x 10 mm.



40 x 40 x 5 mm. 65 x 65 x 6 mm.


Stays Fabrication : 90 | P a g e

Single bar

20 mm. dia.

Double bars

13 mm. dia.


50 x 10 mm.

Fabrication work shall be done in the approved method and of the best workmanship. The shape of the ladder. Shall conform to the to the drawings or as ordered by The Engineer in Charge. Fabrication work shall be done at the site of work. If done at the supplier’s workshop, it shall have to be transported at the works-site. Anticorrosive Painting : The ladder shall be painted with a case cost or red lead and two coats of good anticorrosive oil paints of approved shade. Oil Paint : During the transportation, handling and fixing the ladder, the oil painting to the ladder is damaged in any way, it shall have to be remade by the contractor at his own cost. The materials of oil paints shall conform to relevant I.S. of the specification of the materials and shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost. Fixing : The whole ladder shall be clean off the foreign matter such as dirt, dust , grit, mud, etc. and shall be so placed in side the tank as to keep the curved top of the stringers at least 750 mm. above the top of the tank. The last step shall be 300 mm. below the top of the tank. The stringers after the curve shall extend up to the top of the tank. The lower end of the ladder with hold fast of at least 100 mm. long shall be embedded into a block of 1:2:4 cement concrete 600 x 600 x 600 mm. Item To Include : The contractor shall supply all necessary labour, material, use of tools and equipment necessary for the satisfactory completion of the item.

Mode Of Measurement & Payment : The contractor rate shall be for one meter length of the ladder. The length shall be measured from the ground or floor along the ladder up to the top of the tank correct up to 50 mm. If any damage is found or observed to the adjoining structure already constructed while fixing the ladder, it shall be remade good by the contractor at his own cost as per instructions of The Engineer in Charge. Item No.17:

Gunniting the surface in C.M. 1:2 having thickness of 40mm to 50mm for

beam, braces, column and container slab incl. chiseling and scraping loose concrete cleaning the surface with water and air under pressure and including providing and fixing in position steel wire square mesh 75 x 75mm as per IS 1966 – 1982 3.15mm Wt./Sqmt. 1.64 Kg. with spot welding where ever necessary with main reinforcement incl. tying binding with wire incl. scaffolding centering staging all equipment and materials etc. complete incl. labour and testing of the container. General:

91 | P a g e

Specification cover the requirement of ordinary or controlled cement concrete of specified proportions for plain and cement concrete works. Special requirement for particulars, item shall be laid down in the specifications as per I.S.:456-1979. For deviation laid down in the specifications for liquid retaining structure, narrated in I.S.:3370-1971 shall apply. Materials: Specifications for the materials required in the item shall be specified as under. Fine: The sand shall comply all general requirements of fine aggregates as specified in I. S.: 383-1970 or it’s latest revision. Sand shall be natural sand, durable and gritty particles free form injuries amounts of dust, clay, kankar modules of or flaky particles, shale alkali, salts organic matter loam, mica or other deleterious substances and shall be got approved form The Engineer in Charge. Sand to be used for concrete work shall be of grades as a specified in I. S.: 383-1970 with module varying from 1.4 to 2.6 as per requirements fineness. The sand shall be stacked carefully on a clear hard surface. and got approved for quality form The Engineer In Charge. Cement: The cement used shall be ordinary Portland cement or rapid hardening Portland cement conforming to I.S.:269-1958 or Portland pozzolone cement conforming to I.S.:1489-1976 or high alumna cement of approved specifications. Water: Water used for both mixing and curing shall be free from injurious amount of deleterious materials. Potable waters are generally considered satisfactory for mixing and curing concrete. In case of doubt, the suitability of water for making concrete shall be ascertained in accordance with I. S.: 516-1959 and I.S.:4031-1968. The “pH” value of water shall generally be between 6 to 8. Storage of materials: All materials shall be so stored as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Any material, which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by The Engineer in Charge shall not be used for the concrete. Grade of concrete: The concrete shall be in seven grades designated as M100, M150, M200, M250, M300, M350, and M400. The mix of concrete shall be adopted as specified in the item. The determination of the proportions of cement, aggregates and water to attain the required strength shall be made by one of the following. A) With preliminary tests by designing the concrete mix. Such concrete shall be called ‘controlled concrete’. B) Without preliminary tests by adopting nominal concrete mixes. Such concrete shall be called ‘ordinary concrete’. As far as possible, controlled concrete should be used on all concrete works the maximum total quantity of aggregate by weight per 50Kg. Of cement shall not be exceed 450Kg. except where otherwise specifically permitted by The Engineer in Charge. 92 | P a g e

Strength requirements of concrete: Grade of

Compressive strength of 15cm. Cubes after mixing concrete


in accordance with IS : 516 - 1959. All values in Kg/CM² At 7 days. Min.

At 28 days.


Work test



























Scaffolding : Scaffolding will be double or single as is wanted for the particular work. The end of poles, if required to be rested on the brick for work shall be located at convenient place. Scaffolding shall be erected with bullies, steel sections, pipes, or bamboo of adequate strength as to be safe for all dead, live and impact loads likely to come on them due to construction operations. The contractor shall take all measures to ensure the safety of the work and the working persons. The contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage to work, property, or injury to persons, resulted from the scaffolding, defective ladders, and materials, or other problems arising out of any default in this respect. Proper and sufficient scaffolding shall be provided for easy approach to the tail of work. Centering : The term “Centering” shall include all forms, molds, sheeting, shuttering, planks, posts, shores, struck, ties, uprights and all other temporary supports to the concrete during the process of setting. The centering shall be such dimensions and so constructed as to remain rigid during laying, tempting and setting of concrete. The joints must be tight so as to prevent leakage. The centering must be arranged, so that the portion below the slab can be removed first, then the sides of beams and finally that below the beams. All debris, saw-dust, etc. shall be removed from the shuttering before any concrete is placed and should be taken to see that the shuttering is not likely to absorb water from the concrete laid. On common works, wet the form immediately before placing the concrete. The forms can also be given a coat of crude oil or grease thinned with paraffin or soft soap and water or white wash in order to prevent adhesion of concrete oiling shall be done before the reinforcement is placed in order for prevent greasing the steel. Where it intended to plaster the concrete, oil or grease shall be used it prevent the adhesion of plaster. Cantering has to be got approved before laying the concrete. Placing of reinforcement:

93 | P a g e

All bars shall be accurately placed in the exact position shown on the drawing or as directed, care shall be taken that they are not displaced during the process of placing the concrete around them. Soft wire shall be used for binding the bars. Mixing of concrete: The concrete shall be mixed in proportion of Two parts of sand and One part of cement by volumes as per discretion of Item. The materials for concrete shall be carefully and accurately measured for every batch. The aggregate and sand shall be measured by wooden or iron boxes made for the purpose. The mixing shall be carried out by machine mixture or by hand as directed by The Executive Engineer or his agent. In case of C.C. higher proportion than 1:5:10 shall be mixed in the mixture only. Testing: Testing for strength required of the concrete for R.C.C. E.S.R. work, contractor shall arrange for taking cube test for preliminary test if required and work test as per clause 5 of I. S.: 456-1964. Results for the same shall have to be communicated to the Divisional officer, through and in charge. Mild Steel Binding Wire The mild steel wire shall be of 1.63 mm. Or 1.22 mm. (16 or 18 gauge) diameters and shell conform to IS 280-1962 or as revised from time to time. The use of black wire will be permitted for binding reinforcement bars. It shall be free from rest, oil paint, grease loose will scale or any other undesirable coating which may prevent adhesion of cement mortar. Fabrication : Reinforcing steel shall be thoroughly cleaned of all coatings of any character that would destroy or reduce the bond. Bending reinforcement shall confirm accurately to the dimensions and shapes shown on the plans or as directed by The Engineer In Charge. Bars shall be bent cold to the shape and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer in writing. Reinforcing bars shall be bent in accordance with procedure specified in IS 2502-1963. Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement bar bender may be used to attain proper radius of bends and shapes. Bars which may bent during transport or handling shall be properly straightened before being placed in the work without heating them. Bending bar by heating to cherry red heat, not exceeding 845ºc (about 1500ºF) may be allowed for bars larger than 25 mm. (about 1 inch.) diameter except for bars which depend for their strength on cold working. Hot bars shall not be cooled by quenching. Details of lengths, size, laps and bending diagram shall be got approved by The Engineer In Charge. Substitution of bars size : In order to accommodate the available size of bars, use of bar sizes other than those shown on the drawings may be permitted by the Engineer. Item to include : 1.

Cost of labour, material, use of tools, plant, and tackle and other items to complete the work included under the item specified.

2. Supplying, conveying, cleaning, cutting, bending,

binding in position with 1.63 mm. or

1.22 mm. dia. (16 or 18 gauge) wire and maintaining, cleaning it and in position till the concrete is laid. 94 | P a g e

3. Cost of sampling and testing shall be borne by the contractor for entire satisfaction of Engineer. Measurement : The rate shall be made on amount of work measured per square meter basis.




Constructing of new Pump house, Repairing of Pump house of different places & compound wall Sub Estimate No. 4 Item No.1

Excavation for foundation up to 1.5 mt. depth including sorting out and stacking of useful materials and disposing of the excavated stuff up to 50 m. lead. In loose or soft soil.

General: This specification same as per this Sub-Estimate Item No.1, Item No.11 Item No.2

Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3: courser sand : 6 hand broken) stone aggregate 40

mm nominal size) and

curing etc. comp. excluding cost of form work in foundation and plinth. General : Specification cover the requirement of ordinary or controlled cement concrete of specified proportion for plain and cement concrete works. Specials requirement for a particulars, item shall be laid down in the specifications as per I.S. 456-1979. For deviation laid down in the specifications for liquid retaining structure, narrated in I.S. : 3370-1971 shall apply. Materials : Specifications for the materials required in the item shall be specified as under. Aggregate : Two types of aggregates shall be used in the concrete work described as under. 3.

COURSE: Course aggregate of black trap stone conform all general requirements specified

in I.S.:383-1970 or it’s latest revision. Course aggregate shall be of machine crushed stone of free in skin and coating likely to prevent proper adhesion of mortar. It shall be free form injuries amount of disinfected stone, soft, faulty or elongated particles, salt , alkali, vegetable table matters and others deleterious substances. In the case of reinforced cement concrete the maximum limit may be restricted to 6mm. Less than the minimum lateral clear distance between bars or 6mm. less than the cover whichever is smaller. The percentage may be varied some what by the Engineer in charge when considered necessary for obtaining better density and strength of concrete. The grading test shall be taken in the beginning and at the change of course materials. The necessary test indicated in various I.S. shall have to be carried out to ensure the acceptability. 4.

FINE: The sand shall comply all general requirements of fine aggregates as specified in

I.S. 383-1970 or it’s latest revision. Sand shall be natural sand,durable and gritty particles free form injuries amount of dust, clay, kankar modules of or flaky particles, shale , alkali, salts, organic matter loam ,mica or other deleterious substances and shall be got approved form The Engineer in charge as a specified in I.S..:383-1970 with module varying form 1.4 to 2.6 as per requirements fitness. The sand shall be stacked

96 | P a g e

carefully on a clear hard surface. and got approved for quality form The Engineer In charge. CEMENT The cement used shall be ordinary Portland cement or rapid hardening Portland cement conforming to I.S..:269-1958 or Portland pozzolone cement conforming to I.S.:1489-1976 or high alumna cement of approved specifications. WATER: Water used for both mixing and curing shall be free from injurious amount of deleterious materials. Potable waters are generally considered satisfactory for mixing and curing concrete. In case of doubt, the suitability of water for mixing concrete shall be ascertained in accordance with I.S.: 516-1959 and I.S.: 4031-1968. The “pH” value of water shall generally be between 6 to 8. Storage Of Materials : All materials shall be so stored as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Any material, which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by The Engineer in charge shall not be used for the concrete. Grade Of Concrete : The concrete shall be in seven grades designated as M100, M150, M250, M350, and M400. The mix of concrete shall be adopted as specified in the item. The determination of the proportions of cement, aggregates and water to attain the required strength shall be made by one of the following. C) With preliminary tests by designing the, concrete mix.. Such concrete shall be called. ‘controlled concrete. D) Without preliminary tests by adopting nominal concrete mixes. Such concrete shall be called ‘ordinary concrete. As far as possible, controlled concrete should be used on all concrete works the maximum total quantity of aggregate by weight per 50kg. of cement shall not be exceed 450kg. except where otherwise specifically permitted by The Engineer in charge any extra cost. Cement and sand shall be first mixed dry then aggregate added, and whole furred-over three times dry and then turned over four times wet. Measured quantity of water shall be applied through a rose. A fairly wet mixture shall be used. Laying : Before starting the concrete work, The contractor shall have to clear the foundation, remove dirt’s, clods, or any type of foreign matter from pit, level the pit, and got approved form The Engineer in charge. The concrete shall be placed in to it’s final position, compacted and finished within 30 minutes of mixing the water and before setting commences and should not be subsequently disturbed. The method of placing shall be such as to avoid segregation and balanced load on formwork. The concrete shall be deposited in continuous horizontal layer, not exceed 30 cm. in thickness. As far as possible, the joints should be avoided in the concrete work. Unless and otherwise shall be made only where mentioned in the plans or approved by The Engineer In Charge. The concrete shall be thoroughly complete compacted during the operation by means of tools and/or mechanical vibrator as directed by The Engineer In Charge. Curing : 97 | P a g e

Curing shall be done by creating compartments, using lime/mud-sand mixtures, it shall be done for minimum 21 days. Finishing : All exposed faces of the concrete shall be finished with C.M. 1:2 and neat finishing without claiming any extra cost. Testing : Testing for strength required of the concrete for R.C.C. E.S.R. work, contractor shall arrange for taking cube test for preliminary test if required and work test as per Strength Requirement Of Concrete Grade of










in 7


Strength of 15 cm.











Work Min.

after :

516 days. test


























Mixing Of Concrete : The concrete shall be mixed in proportion of Six parts of aggregate, Three parts of sand and One part of cement by volumes as per discretion of Item. The materials for concrete shall be carefully and accurately measured for every batch. The aggregate and sand shall be measured by wooden or iron boxes made for the purposed. The mixing shall be carried out by machine mixture or by hand as directed by The Executive Engineer or his agent. In case of C.C. higher proportion than 1:5:10 shall be mixed in the mixture only. Machine Mixing : The quantity of materials mixed should not exceed the rated capacity of the machine. After all the materials are loaded into drum the concrete shall be mixed until it is uniform in color and consistency but for not more than 1.5 to 2 minutes. About 15 to 18 revolutions per minute are generally considered sufficient. Hand Mixing


To be done on a clean paved area or water tight platform at least 2 m. x 4 m. or a 3 meter square with strips fastened along three sides to prevent the materials being washed or shoveled off during mixing. Additional 10 percent cement over and above the specified proportion shall be used when hand mixing is resorted to, without claiming clause 5 of I.S.: 456-1964. Results for the same shall have to be communicated to the Divisional officer , through and in charge. Measurements And Payment : 98 | P a g e

The measurements for work done only shall be taken as per Item’s units specified in the “Schedule B”. 90% payment shall be made till the satisfactory results are obtained for the sample cubes taken from and visual test on site. 10% amount will be withheld from each item which are meant to require finishing. Item No.3

Brick work using common burnt clay building brick having crushing strength not less than 35 kg/ in foundation and plinth in cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Fine sand) Conventional

General: Before starting the brick work, The contractor shall have to clear the foundation , remove dirt’s, clods or any type of foreign matter from foundation , level the base and got approved form The Engineer in charge. All materials required for the brick work shall be present on the site. Required strength of labours shall also be present. Materials: Bricks: The bricks shall be of information size (9” x 4.5” x 2.5) unless otherwise specified and thoroughly well burnt and sound ringing clearly when struck with a trowel comply with all the requirements specified in I.S.: 1077 – 1976 or it’s latest revision having crushing strength not less than 35 kg/cm2. The average water absorption shall not be more than 20% by weight. No difficulty shall Aries on this account in laying of uniform course of layers. Fine Aggregate: Natural sand or sand prepared from crushed stone, gravels, or such other inert materials conforming to I.S.: 383 – 1963 or I.S.: 515 – 1959 or it’s latest revisions. And also conform to I.S.: 2116 – 1965 or it’s latest revisions. The fineness modules shall not exceed 3.00. Cement : The cement used shall be ordinary Portland cement or rapid hardening Portland cement conforming to I.S..:269-1958 or Portland pozzolone cement conforming to I.S.:1489-1976 or high alumna cement of approved specifications. Water: Water used for both mixing and curing shall be free from injurious amount of deleterious materials. Potable waters are generally considered satisfactory for mixing and curing concrete. In case of doubt, the suitability of water for mixing concrete shall be ascertained in accordance with I.S.: 516-1959 and I.S.: 4031-1968. The “pH” value of water shall generally be between 6 to 8. Storage Of Materials: All materials shall be so stored as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Any material, which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by The Engineer in charge, shall not be used for the concrete. 99 | P a g e

Mortar: The proportion of mortar shall be as specified in Schedule “B”. I.e. one part of cement and size part of fine aggregates, thoroughly dry mixed on platform before adding water. The mix shall be prepared in such quantity , that it will be used within half-hour before setting time of cement. Soaking: The bricks shall be properly soaked in water before they are put into the work at least 12 hours. Laying: The bricks shall be laid flushed in mortar in such bond to avoid joints in same line and as may be directed, and shall be thoroughly grouted. The whole work executed in a good and workman like manner. Work shall be carried up regularly in all cases, when the nature of the work will admit it Not leveling any part 8’-o” lower then another but when circum’s angles render if necessary to carry on the same section of a building at different levels, the breaks shall be stepped so as to give batter and uniform level and an effectual bond. All necessary scaffolding shall be provided by the contractor. Face Work: As far as practicable brick of a uniform color are to be selected for the face work. Joints: The bricks shall be laid in leveled layers, and in required English bond to prevent displacement of joints as directed by The Engineer in charge. The bed-joints shall not exceed 0.5” thick. Bats: No bats or half bricks shall be used in the work unless absolutely necessary as closer. Curing: The masonry be kept well wetted , while in progress and for at least 10 days after completion. Finishing: All the brick work shall be washed down on completion and al stains removed from the face. and also all rubbish shall be removed by the contractor, unsightly holes or pits leveled up and the whole surrounding of the work left neat and clean. Measurement And Payment: The brick work shall be measured in unit specified in schedule B. Payment shall be made according to measurements. Item No.4

Filling available excavated earth (Excluding rock in trenches plinth sides of foundation of etc. in laid not exceed 20 cm in depth consolidating each disposing it layer by ramming and watering.

General : This specification same as per this Sub-Estimate- 1, Item No.13

100 | P a g e

Item No.5

Brick work using common burnt clay building brick having crushing strength not less than 35 kg/ in foundation and plinth in cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Fine sand) Conventional including extra for super structure above plinth level up to floor two leve.

General : This specification same as per this Estimate , Item No.3 Item No.6

Providing and fixing M.S. Grills of required pattern to wooden frames of window etc. with M.S. flats at required spacing and frame all round square or round bars with round handed bolts and nuts or by screw Plan Grill

General: The steel doors, windows and cupboards in building shall conform the Indian Standard Specifications No. 1038 – 1975 or it’s latest revision. Structural Steel: The structural steel such as angles, tees, girders, plates , channels etc. Conform relevant IS. as under. * IS


226 – 1962 Structural steel third revision.

* IS


961 – 1962 High tensile Structural steel revision.

* St 44 – 0 or


* IS

2062 – 1962 Structural steel Fusion Welding Quality.


:1977 – 1962 Structural steel ordinary.

Revit Steel: All rivet steel used in general building construction work shall comply with appropriate Indian Standard specification as under. •

I.S. : 1148 – 1957 Rivet bars for structural purpose.

I.S. : 1149 – 1957 High tensile Rivet bars for structural purpose steel.

Bolts And Nuts: All bolts and nuts shall conform to IS : 1367 – 1961 Technical supply condition for threaded fasteners, and IS: 1608 – 1960 for tensile testing of steel products. The threaded fasteners shall have a tensile strength not less than 44 kg/cm2 and a million elongation of 23% on engage length of 5.65 Electrodes: Mild steel electrodes shall comply with the requirements of IS: 814 – 1957 specification for covered electrodes for Metal Arc Welding of mild steel. High tensile steel electrode shall comply with the requirements of IS: 1442 – 1959 specification for covered electrodes for Metal Arc Welding of high tensile structural steel Standard Dimensions , Form And Weight: The dimensions, Form, Weight, tolerance of all rolled shapes and other members used in any structure shall, when ever possible , conform to the latest appropriate Indian Standards, wherever available.

101 | P a g e

The dimensions, Form, Weight, tolerance of all rivets, bolts, nuts, studs, etc. shall conform to the requirements of latest appropriate Indian Standards, wherever available. Manufacturing: The frames, both fixed and opening frames shall be constructs of sections, which have been cut to length and miters. The corners shall be electrically flush welded to form a solid and true right angle. The type of window and door shall be as shown in drawing or as directed by The Engineer in charge. Finishing: The joints of doors and windows frames with masonry or concrete shall be finished neatly with cement mortar and niru. Oil Paint: The doors, windows , which are not dip Zinc coated shall be finished with two coats of oil paint of approved quality and shade on a primer coat of red lead. The contractor shall have to provided oil paint of recognizes and reputed company with required shade as approved and instructed by The Engineer in charge. Measurement And Payment: The measurement shall be taken as per unit shall be made according to measurement. Item No.7

Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cemnet : 2 course sand : 4 graded 20 mm nominal size and curing comp. excluding cost of form work and reinforcement for cement concrete. (Coping) payment shall be made on m3 basis.

Item No.8

Providing and laying ordinary cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :2 coarse sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) for R.C.C. lintel including finishing smooth with curing etc. comp. including the cost of from work but excluding the cost of reinforcement. (Lintel) payment shall be made on m3 basis.

Item No.9

Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :2 coarse sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) for reinforced concrete CHAJJAS not exceeding 10 cm thickness up to floor two level including finishing the exposed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 (Chhajja) payment shall be made on m3 basis.

Item No.10

Providing and laying ordinary cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :2 coarse sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) exposed work with curing etc. comp. including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for R.C.C. work in slabs having more than 10 cm and up to 13 cm. thickness. (Slab) payment shall be made on m3 basis.

102 | P a g e

General : Specification cover the requirement of ordinary or controlled cement concrete of specified proportion for plain and cement concrete works. Specials requirement for a particulars, item shall be laid down in the specifications as per I.S. 456-1979. For deviation laid down in the specifications for liquid retaining structure, narrated in I.S.:3370-1971 shall apply. Materials : The materials required for brick work, such as brick , sand, cement, water etc. shall conform the I.S. & specifications specified in Specifications for the materials required in the item shall be specified as under. Aggregate : Two types of aggregates shall be used in the concrete work described as under. Centering : The term “Centering” shall include all forms, molds, sheeting, shuttering, planks , posts, shores struck , ties, uprights and all other temporary supports to the concrete during the process of setting. The centering shall be such dimensions and so constructed as to remain rigid during laying, tempting and setting of concrete. The joints must be tight so as to prevent leakage. The centering must be arranged, so that the portion below the slab can be removed first, then the sides of beams and finally that below the beams. All debris, saw-dust, etc. shall be removed from the shuttering before any concrete is placed and should be taken to see that the shuttering is not likely to absorb water from the concrete laid. On common works, wet the form immediately before placing the concrete. The forms can also be given a coat of crude oil or grease thinned with paraffin or soft soap and water or white wash in order to prevent adhesion of concrete oiling shall be done before the reinforcement is placed in order for prevent greasing the steel. Where it intended to plaster the concrete, oil or grease shall be used it prevent the adhesion of plaster. Centering has to be got approved before laying the concrete. Item No.11

Providing mild steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including bending and binding and placing in position complete up to floor two level.

General : The item provides for the supply of mild steel bars, cutting, bending, binding with galvanized iron wire and placing in position for reinforcement in various R.C.C. work. Materials : Mild Steel Bars : Mild steel bar’s reinforcement for R.C.C. work shall conform to I.S. 432- 1966 and

shall be of tested quickly. It shall also comply with relevant part of I.S.

4456 – 1964. All the reinforcement shall be clean and free from dirt, oil, paint, grease, mill scale of loose or thick cast at the time of placing. Substitution of reinforcement bars shall not be made without the approval of the Engineer-In – Charges. The

103 | P a g e

reinforcement shall mote the size, shape and spacing as per the drawing issued by the Engineer-In-Charge.

Reinforcement steel shall be stored such as to avoid distortion and sags of long length and shall be protected as far as possible from surface deterioration. All bars of the same designation shall be stacked separately as far as possible and distinctly marked. For the purpose of payment the bar shall be measured correct up to 10 mm. Length and weight payable worked-out. (1)

6 mm. 0.22 Chg./Rmt.


8 mm. 0.39 Chg./Rmt.


10 mm. 0.62 Chg./Rmt.


12 mm. 0.89 Chg./Rmt.


14 mm. 1.21 Chg./Rmt.


18 mm. 2.00 Chg./Rmt.


16 mm. 1.58 Chg./Rmt. (8)

20 mm. 2.47 Chg./Rmt.

High Yield Strength Steel Deformed Bars : High yield strength steel deformed bars shall be either cold twisted or hot rolled and shall confirm to I.S.: 1986 – 1966 and IS: 1139 – 1966 respectively or as revised form time to time. Other provisions and requirements shall confirm to specification as above for mild steel bars. Mild Steel Binding Wire : The mild steel wire shall be of 1.63 mm. or 1.22 mm. (16 or 18 gauge) diameters and shell conform to IS.: 280 – 1962 or as revised form time to time. The use of black wire will be permitted for binding reinforcement bars. It shall be free form rest, oil paint, grease loose will scale or any other undesirable coating which may prevent adhesion of cement mortar. Fabrication : Reinforcing steel shall be thoroughly cleaned of all coatings of any character that would destroy or reduce the bond. Bending reinforcement shall confirm accurately to the dimensions and shapes shown on the plans or as directed by The Engineer In Charge. Bars shall be bent cold to the shape and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer in writing. Reinforcing bars shall be bent. in accordance with procedure specified in IS.: 2502 – 1963. Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement bar bender may be used to attain proper radius of bends and shapes. Bars which may bent during transport or handling shall be properly straightened before being placed in the work without heating them. Bending bar by heating to cherry red heat, not exceeding 8450 c (about 15000 F) may be allowed for bars larger than 25 mm. (about 1 inch.) diameter except for bars which depend for their strength on cold working. Hot bars shall not be cooled by quenching. Details of lengths, size, laps and bending diagram shall be got approved by The Engineer In Charge. Substitution Of Bars Size : In order to accommodate the available size of bars, use of bar sizes other than those shown on the drawings may be permitted by the Engineer. 104 | P a g e

Placing & Binding : All reinforcement shall be accurately placed in position with spacing and cover as shown in the plan and firmly held so during the placing and setting of concrete. Bars shall be tied at all intersections. Binding wire of 1.63 mm. or 1.22 mm. (about 16 or 18 gauge) diameter shall be used. Alternatively, spacing of bars shall be maintained by means of stays, block tiles, spacers hangers or other approved supports at sufficiently close intervals so that bars will not sag between supports not be displaced during placing, vibrating or compacting concrete or by any other operation. Layers of bars shall be separated by precast cement mortar blocks , spacer bars or other approved devices. Special care shall be taken to prevent any disturbance of the reinforcement after being placed in position shall be maintained in a clean condition till it is completely embedded in the concrete. Item To Include : 4

Cost of

labour, material, use of tools, plant and tackle and other items to

complete the work include the item specified. 5

Supplying, conveying, cleaning, cutting, bending, binding in position with


mm. or 1.22 mm. dia. (16 or 18 gauge.) wire and maintaining, cleaning it and in position till the concrete is laid.

6 Cost of sampling and testing shall be born by the contractor for entire satisfaction of Engineer. Measurement : The rate shall be on weight basis for 1 kg. / Quintal / M. Ton of M. S. bars reinforcement. The weight of steel reinforcement incorporated in the concrete, shall be measured in quintals base, on the total computed weights for the size and lengths of bars as shown on the plan or ordered by the Engineer. The lengths of the bars shall be measured correct to two places of decimals in meters and the weight payable would be worked out on the basis of I.S. standards and shall be correct up to 0.10 Kg. Item No.12

Providing and fixing 25 mm thick shutter for cup board etc. including anodized aluminum butt hinges with necessary screws, Indian teak wood including frame fully paneled.

General: The item covers the requirement of preparation doors, windows, and ventilators with teak wood frames and panels fully paneled of fully glazed or partly paneled and partly glazed with all type of fixtures and fastenings and fixing is position. The timber frame of doors, windows, and ventilators shall conform to I.S. 1976 – or its latest revision. The timber paneled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and ventilators shall conform to I.S. 1003 ( Part I & II ) 1977 and 1966 respectively or their latest revision. The installation of timber door and windows shall conform to I.S. 4913 – 1968 or its latest revision. Materials: Shutters :105 | P a g e

Timber paneled shutters shall be constructed in the form of timber frame work of stiles and rails with panel inserts of timber, plywood block board particle board venecred particle board, hand board, or asbestos cement sheet. As specified in the item. The panel shall be fixed by providing grooves in the stiles and rails. The stiles and rails shall be joined to each other by mortise and ten on joints at right angles. All members of the door or window shutters shall be straight without any wrap or bow and shall have smooth well planed faces at right angels to each other. Timber panels shall be fixed only with groves but additional beading may be provided either on one side or both sides as directed. Stiles and rails of shutters shall be prepared out of one piece only. Timber paneling the thickness of timber panel shall be as specified in the item. When made from more than one piece the pieces shall be jointed with a continuous tongued and grooved joint. Glued together and reinforced with metal dowels the panel shall be framed into grooves to the full depth of groove, leaving on air space of 1.5mm and faces shall be closely fitted to the sides of the groove. molding to the edges of panel opening shall be scribed of the joint the panel shall be so designed that no single panel exceeds 0.5ml. area. Beading may be done as said before. Plywood paneling. If specified in the item plywood panels shall be made. They shall be made of plywood not less than 10mm thickness of two or more panel construction and 12mm thickness for single panel construction. Particle board paneling If specified in the item particle board shall be used for paneling the thickness of board shall be so far plywood paneling said above. They shall be fitted in grooves as per timber paneling . Hard board paneling If specified hard board shall be use for panels the work shall be carried out as narrated for particle board paneling. Asbestos panels If specified asbestos cement sheet shall be used for paneling the work shall be carried out as per particle board paneling. Glass paneling For glazed window etc. glass paneling shall be provided as specified in the item. The glass panels of size shown in drawing or as directed shall be embedded in putting and secured to the rebate by wooden or molding of shape and size approved with brass counter sunk screws of suitable size. Fixtures and fastening All fixture and fastening as per scale laid down in table attached shall be fixed with appropriate screws in sound manner to ensure case in operation. The shall be appropriate positioned. 106 | P a g e

M . S. Bard and flats shall be fixed as per drawing and as directed. Finishing The joints of the frame with the wall shall be made nearly with pointing or plaster as the case many be to fit into the groom left in the frame for the purpose. The wood work shall be finished by French polishing or varnishing or oil painting as mentioned in the item the varnishing or French polishing shall be done as per item oil painting shall be done in three coats of approved shade of paint as specified in item WSP 18. The iron bars if provided shall be finished with two coats of oil paint of approved share as specified in item no WSP – A – 18 . The type of wood Teak wood best quality or any other shall be got approved before work starts. The sizes of different ports of timber frames and shutters shall be as per respective I.S.S. or as per drawing or as directed. The ventilator shall be either hung type or swing type as per drawing or as directed. In swing type the ventilator shall swing about a central horizontal axis of a pair of brass pivots in sockets. The shutter shall be single shutter or double shutter as specified in the item. The 16mm diameter m. s. bars shall be fixed in ventilator or window or door shutter frames 10cms c/c. or as per drawing or as directed. The shall be passed through mild steel flats of 40mm x 6mm size after drilling holes the flats shall be fixed iron screw. Incase of partly glazed and partly paneled doors and windows, upper for panels shall be glazed as per drawing or as directed. The steel and rails shall be rebated 10mm wide on inside to receive the glass sash bars shall be molded on out side and inside rebated 10mm to receive glass. If specified doors or window with partly ventilated shall be provided with upper part fixed with ventilators as per drawing or as directed. The blended shall be 90mm wide and 10mm thick and shall over lap about half their width. Blades shall be rounded edges or molded. The blades shall be accurately and securely fixed to the operating stanchion by brass hings

the stanchion shall be of

finished size 25 x 20mm and shall be molded. Then glass louvers are specified in the item they shall be provided of obsecured / wired glass as mentioned the shall be fixed in grooves cut into the frame wooden beads shall be screwed. Measurement The rate shall be for a unit of one square meter of the clear opening of the door or window and ventilation when doors are combined with ventilators, the height shall be measured between the un rebated opening between the sill of the door and the head of the ventilators and the width between the un rebated opening between the posts. Then doors are combined with windows they shall be measured separately for their respective clear un rebated opening. Payment will be made on m2 basis.

107 | P a g e

Item No.13

Providing 15 mm thick cement plaster in single coat on brick concrete walls for interior plastering up to floor two level and finished even and smooth in Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) including finishing with floating coat of neat cement slurry.



This specification lay down the requirement of cement plaster to be applied on concrete, stone or brick masonry surface in cement mortar of specified proportion and thickness. The work shall conform to IS: 1661-1960. Materials


The materials required for brick work, such as brick , sand, cement, water etc. shall conform the I.S. & specifications specified in Specifications for the materials required in the item shall be specified as under. Cement Mortar : Cement mortar shall have the proportion of cement to sand as mentioned in the working of the item or in special provisions and shall comply with item No.3 above for cement mortar for plaster. Preparatory Work : Smooth surface of concrete old plaster etc. must suitably roughened to provide necessary bond for the plaster. The exposed materials of concrete shall be removed by using chisel and make plain leveled surface, all dirt, soot oil paint or any other material that might interface with satisfactory bond shall be removed. While preparation of cement mortar of specified proportion as per Item description, the approved quality water proofing compound at the rate of 1.00 Kg. per one bag of cement or as per manufactures instructions shall be added in the mortar while mixing in dry condition. The contractor shall bring the water, proofing compound to the site in it’s original packing, and shall be got approved by The Engineer-In-Charge. Plastering : In all plaster work the mortar shall be firmly applied with some what more than the required thickness and well pressed into the joints and on the surface and rubbed and leveled with a flat wooden rule to give required thickness. Long straight edges shall be freely used to ensure a perfectly plane and even surface. All corners shall be finished to their true angles or rounded as directed by The Engineer. The surface shall be finished to plane or curved surface as shown on the plan or as directed by the Engineer and shall present a neat appearance. The mortar shall adhere to the masonry / concrete surface intimately when set and there should be no hollow sound when struck. Cement plastering shall be done. in square or strips as directed , plastering shall be done from top to down ward. Finishing : In any continuous face of a wall, finishing treatment of any type shall be carried out continuously and day to day breaks made to coincide with architectural breaks in order to avoid unsightly junctions. Watering : 108 | P a g e

All plasterwork shall be kept damp continuously for a period of 14 days. To prevent excessive evaporation on the sunny of or windward side of the buildings in hot, dry weather matting or gunny bags may be hung over on the outside of the plaster in the beginning and kept moist.

Item To Include : Erecting, dismantling and removing the scaffolding as and when necessary. Preparing the surface to receive the plaster. Providing cement plaster of the specified average thickness with specified number of costs. All labour , material, use of tools, and equipment to complete the plastering

as per

specifications. Curing for 14 days. Any molding work, if shown on the drawings or as specified unless separately provided in the tender. Measurement And Payment : The contact rate shall be per square meter of plastering of specified thickness. All work shall be measured in square meters. Dimensions shall be measured and quantity worked out correct up to two places of decimals in square meter and paid at accordingly. Item No.14

Distempering (two coats) with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on wall surface to give an even shade over and including a primer coat with alkali resistance primer of approved brand after thoroughly brushing the surface to give an even shade free from mortar droppings and other foreign matter and also including preparing the surface even and smooth.

General : Distemper shall conform to I.S. 427 – 1953 and I.S. 428-1953 or its latest revision. It shall be oil bound , washable, and desired color and shade. The sample shall be got approved before use. It shall be of approved brand and manufacture. All instructions as given by the manufacturer shall be obeyed, while using the same. The item refers to providing and applying washable distemper or washable oil bond distemper as specified in item on one, two or three coats as specified to surface. The work shall be carried out as per IS. 6278 – 1971 or its latest revision. Scaffolding : Scaffolding will be double or single as is wanted for the particular work. The end of poles, if required to be rested on the brick for work shall be located at convenient place. Scaffolding shall be erected with bullies, steel sections, pipes, or bamboo of adequate strength as to be safe for all dead, live and impact loads likely to come on them due to construction operations. The contractor shall take all measures to ensure the safety of the work and the working persons. The contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage to work, property, or injury to persons, resulted from the scaffolding, defective ladders, and materials , or other problems arising out of any 109 | P a g e

default in this respect. Proper and sufficient scaffolding shall be provided for easy approach to the tail of work.

Preparation Of Surface


The surface to be distempered shall be cleaned and all cracks, holes and surface defects shall be repaired with gypsum and allowed to set hard. All irregularities shall be sand papered and wiped clean. The surface so prepared must be dry and free from dust before distempering is commenced. For old surface , which has earlier been distempered, the surface shall be cleaned of grease, dirt’s etc. The flaking of previous coating shall be taken off. In case surface are colored or white washed, the wash must be removed., thoroughly. Application : Priming Coat : The priming coat shall be applied over in the manner recommended by the makers in case of patent distempers. When no priming coat is specified by the manufacturer, a finally powered chalk mixed with a thin solution of glue be applied to prepared a good , hard background. Distempering : Distempering shall not be mixed in a larger quantity than is actually required for a day’s work. Hot water shall be used for preparing mixture. Distemper shall be applied with a broad stiff brush in long parallel strokes. The treated surface shall be allowed to dry and harden. The next coat of distemper shall be laid on in exactly the same manner as the first one. The brushes used should never be allowed to rest on the bristle and after the use they should be carefully and thoroughly cleaned. Measurement : The contract rate shall be per square meter of area, where oil bound distemper is applied. The measurements shall be taken as per P.W.D. manual and as per IS 12001976 (Part XIII). Item No.15

Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3: courser sand : 6 hand broken) stone aggregate 40

mm nominal size) and

curing etc. comp. excluding cost of form work in foundation and plinth. General : This specification same as per above this Estimate , Item No.2 Item No.16

Providing and laying Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 course sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size black stone laying in one layer finished with floating coat of neat cement 50 mm thick.

General : All the specification applied as specified in the Item No. 2, & 7 of this Estimate above including aggregate except proportion, laying and finishing , as specified below. 110 | P a g e

Laying : Before laying the concrete , the sub-grade shall be passed by The Engineer in charge. The sub-grade shall be formed to proper levels and slopes well compacted and cured.

The surface of sub-grade shall be cleaned of all loose materials and moistened immediately before laying the concrete floor. The flooring shall be laid in alternative bags not exceeding 6 Sq.mts. each. The edges of each panel into which the floor is divided shall be supported by flat bars of steel or wood duly oiled to prevent sticking. The thickness of floor shall be as specified in the item the supporting bars shall removed before filling in jointing panel. Finishing : When the rendering is some what stiff , neat cement may be sprinkled on the surface and rubbed lightly to give smooth polished ordinary cement colored surface. Curing : Curing shall start on the next day after finishing and shall continued for 14 days. Mode Of Measurement And Payment : The rate shall be per square meter of the flooring thickness as specified in item the linear measurement shall be measured between plastered walls of square meter and paid accordingly. Item No.17.: Providing and fixing AC soil down take pipe with necessary bends etc. comp. 75 mm dia. General: Materials: The P.V.C. pipes shall conform to relevant I.S. and it’s latest revision for use as rain water pipe. Manufacture: The standard specification covers the general requirements for materials , size method of test and inspection of various types of molded/fabricated PVC fitting for jointing with solvent cement. The pipes shall be straight and the ends of pipe shall be finished square to their exist. Inner and outer surface of the pipe shall be truly smooth, sound and practicable concentric. The pipes shall be marked with manufacturers trademark , size , and date of manufacture. Jointing and Fitting: The pipes and fitting shall be fixed as instructed by The Engineer in Charge. The fitting and jointing work shall be carried out with full care to avoid any damage to humans and materials. Item includes the cost of fixing materials like steel clamps, cement mortar, spun yarn, nails and other required materials. Measurement & Payment:

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The measurements for work done shall be taken in running meter, i.e. pipes fixed, and paid accordingly. Item No.18

Providing and fixing M.S. fan clamp of shape and size as specified in existing R.C.C. slab including cutting, fixing and making good.

Work of this item shall be conform the specifications laid down in sub-estimate no.5 item no.6 for materials and fixing. The place / point for clamp shall be placed in center of room or as instructed by The Engineer-In-Charge during execution of top slab. The clamp shall be of suitable size’s in particular shape or ready made suitable clamp shall be provided and placed by the contractor. Measurement and Payment : The payment for this item shallbe made on No. Basises as provided and fixed in the slab. Item No.19: Providing light point fitting using 0.12 mm2 copper wire in PVC batten fitting including all specials, anchor or comet make switches, plug point,










arrangement, item also includes to provide wiring from GEB fuse to boards including main switch room fuse and blank sheet with boards and full earthing arrangements etc.complete. The work shall be carried out as per instruction given by the engineer in charge. The material like switch boards, wires plugs holders, Fitting materials shall be got approved from the engineer in charge first. The plug points shall treated as half point. Materials: Wires: The wires shall be used to standard quality. The copper wires of size 1/18 and 3/20 having standard insulation and brand shall be used in fitting as instructed by the engineer in charge. Switch, Plug, Socket, Holder: The materials of wiring such as switch, plug, sockets, holders main switch, fuse etc. of standard make and capacity not less than 5 amp. Shall be used in fittings as instructed by the engineer in charge. Fitting materials: PVC conduit pipe or box pipe of specific or required size and strength shall be used and fixing in copper line, Level and as required for the work in shortest length as per instructions of the engineer in charge. Fitting: The light point fitting work shall be carried out by the contractors as instructed by the engineer in charge. The points shall be provided as per requirement. Proper fixing of pipes of battens, wires and other fixtures shall be done. No wire or fitting shall be kept open. The contractor’s test report for the point wiring carried out. The measurements shall be taken for total points wiring made. Plug points shall be measured as half points. The payment shall be made on No. Bases according to measurements.

112 | P a g e

Item No.20

Purchasing & supplying at site of works with railway freight loading, unloading, carting etc. comp. such as joints channels, angles iron rails etc. Comp.

M.S Rails 200 x 100 x 6 mm. size. VII.

The size and length of the R.S. joints shall be as specified in schedule “B”. or as directed by the engineer in charge.


The steel R.S. joints shall be free from scales, blister, surface flaws, cracked edge and defects or any sort and shall comply with latest standard specification for structural steel in all respect.


General specification of P.W.D. Hand Book, Volume-1, latest edition shall be followed as far as possible in this case. Weight calculated on the standard weight per meter tabulated in hand book for structure.


He ends shall be embedded in cement concrete books after making sufficient holes in the masonry. The cement concrete for blocks shall be 1:2:4. This shall be done without any extra cost. It shall be rigidly fixed in the block and that there is no possibility of the ends being distributed sue to specified coming on the gurder.


The gurder shall be tested for load, vibrations etc. after they are fixed as directed by the engineer in charge without claiming any extra cost.


Payment shall be as specified.

Item No.21

Supplying C.I.Manhole Frame & Cover Light duty weight 50 to 75 kg.wt. for water supply.

General : Cast iron manhole frames and covers shall confirm to I.S. 1726 – 1974 (Part – I to VIII) or latest revision of I.S. for cast iron manhole covers and frames intended to use in drainage and water works. The details given briefly cover the requirements for materials, dimensions etc. For cast–iron manhole covers and frames. Grades & Types : Heavy duty denoted by the letter H.D. circular solid type for use in heavy vehicular traffic condition, double triangular solid type may be also be used where 80 desired for their load conditions. Medium duty denoted by the letter MD solid type for use under light traffic conditions such as in footpaths and cycle tracks. Light duty demoted by the letter LD rectangular and square types for use in domestic promises or other place where they are not subjected to walked traffic loads. Materials : Manhole frames and covers shall be of Grey cast iron confirming to the relevant I.S. as specified in Item. Workmanship :

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Frames and shall be clearly cast and they shall be free from air and sand holes cold shuts and warping which are likely to impair the utility of the castings. Cover shall have a raised checkered design to provide an adequate non slip grip the rise of the checker shall be not less than 4 mm. Key holes and keys shall be as indicated in fig. 1 given in I.S. 1726 – Part-I

1974. Looking devices such as galvanized chain or lock, a

combination of both, may be provided if directed.

Coating : Manhole frame and covers shall be coated with material having base with a block bituminous composition. The coating shall be smooth and tenacious. Marking : Each manhole frame and cover shall have cast on then the following information. A)

Manufacturer’s name or trade mark.


Grade donated by abbreviation such as HD, MD or LD.

Dimensions : Heavy Dut Circular Type : Dimensions of circular type manhole covers and frame shall be as per table I of I.S. 1726 (Part – II) 1974 on its latest revision. The standard sizes are 500 mm. dia. 560 mm. dia. The minimum weights of manhole frame and covers shall be as given below. Clear opening

Weight of

Weight of


Frame in Kg.

Cover in kg.







Light Duty Rectangular Type : There shall be two patterns of light as rectangular type manhole covers and frame as shown in figures in I.S. 1726 – (Part – VI section-1) 1974. This is style seal type and dimensions of these shall be as table-I and table-II given in I.S. the standard size is 410 mm. x 455 mm. The minimum weights of manhole frame and covers shall be as given below. Cover Weight

Frame Weight


34 Kg.

15 Kg.


15 Kg.

10 Kg.

Measurement And Payment : The measurement for supply of C.I. manhole frame and cover shall be taken in weight (mass) bases, and shall be paid accordingly as unit specified in the schedule “B”. Item No.22

Fixing all types of C.I. Frame & Cover in CC 1:2:4 including carting etc. complete. Excluding cost of C.C.

114 | P a g e

General : The item pertains to fixing all types of C.I. manhole frame and cover whether rectangular to circular, heavy or lightweight in C.C. 150 of roof slab or on manhole chamber in water supply and sewerage system. The rate also includes the carting of C.I. manhole frame and cover from source of supply to the site of work including loading, unloading, stacking as directed. The contractor shall have to take care for any damage during transit of materials from store to site. Materials : The manhole frame and cover shall be fixed in cement concrete M. 150. The cement, sand and coarse aggregate for cement concrete M-150 shall comply with the respective I.S. specification of the materials, and a specified in Item No.2. Construction : Manhole frame and cover shall be fixed as per the detailed drawing and as directed by the Engineer in charge. The surface where the manhole frame is to be fixed shall be roughened and watered before placing the frame in position. The frame shall be placed horizontally and cement concrete M-150 shall be laid all around the frame so that base of the frame shall be covered properly with cement concrete. If possible, the frame shall be placed in the slab, while concreting. The frame and cover shall be painted with the bituminous paints in two coats. Measurement And Payment : The measurements shall be total number of manholes frame and covers fixed. The rate shall be paid per number of manhole frame cover of specified type and size fixed. Item No.23: Labour charges for lowering, laying , fixing various size of M.S. section such as joints , channels, angles, plates etc. comp. M.S. rails 150 x 75 x 6 mm size. Cutting holding assembling, painting, erection and fixing in concrete shall be carried out in accordance and as directed by the engineer. The payment shall be made as specified. Item No. 24 Filling in plinth and foundation with murrum or selected soil in layers of 20 cm. thick including watering, ramming and consolidating etc. comp. General : The refilling will generally refer to refilling of foundation or trenches up to plinth level or ground level with excavated stuff or selected soil or murrum brought from out side. Materials : The selected soil, sand or murrum brought from out side shall be cleared of all rubbish large size stones, brickbats, big clods etc. And shall be got approved before filling. Refilling : 115 | P a g e

Refilling shall be done in a systematic manner by the contractor , before refilling starts, the contractor shall got checked the foundation / trenches ready for refilling. All space between foundation masonry, concrete , pipe line and the sides of excavation and / or bottom of foundation shall be refilled to the original surface or up to plinth level with earth or selected materials in layers of 15cm. to 20 cm. well watered and rammed. Each layer shall be well watered and compacted with heavy rammers before the upper layer is laid, till the final level reached to form a thoroughly compacted base. Measurement And Payment : The measurement shall be taken for total volume filled up. It includes loading, unloading, carting, breaking clods etc. It also includes the cost of bringing selected materials from out side as directed by The Engineer in charge. The payment shall be made according to refilled volume measured in Cubic meter. After connecting job over , the joint shall be tested for required line pressure within stipulated time limit as directed by the engineer in charge. Mode Of Measurement And Payment : On completion of connection work as per the agreement, shall be measured in No. base. The payment shall be released as soon as site is cleared to the satisfaction of engineer in charge. Item No.25

Demolition of brick work and stone masonry including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials with all lead and lift. In cement mortar.

The demolition of unserviceable materials for brick work and stone masonry including stacking of serviceable materials The demolition work shall be carried out up to excavation level in such a way. So that the demolition material does not fall inside excavation. The material shall be disposed out side the working area as per instruction of Engineer-In-Charge. & all lead & lift. Item No.26

Demolition including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials with all lead and lift. R.C.C. work slab/Beam










unserviceable materials with all lead and lift. R.C.C. work slab/Beam. The material shall be disposed out side the working area as per instruction of Engineer-In-Charge. & all lead & lift. Item No.27

Providing and fixing rolling shutters of approved make made of 80 mm wide M.S. Laths inter-locked together through their entire length and jointed together at the ends by end locks mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with bracket plates, guide channels and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push pull operation complete including the cost of hood cover and spring etc. comp. @ Pariej H/W store (i) Shutters having width above 3.5 M.

116 | P a g e

Payment shall be made on m2 basis. Item No.27b Providing and fixing 27.5 cm long wire spring grade no. 2 of approved make for rolling shutters. Payment shall be made on No.basis. Item No.27c Providing and hood cover for rolling shutters (a) shutters having width 3.5 meters and above. Payment shall be made on m2 basis.

General: The collapsible steel gate shall be in one or two leaves and size as per approved drawing or as specified. The gate shall be fabricated from best quality mild steel channels, flats etc. either steel pulleys or ball bearing shall be provided in every double channel. Unless otherwise specified the particulars of collapsible gate shall be as under. ( A ) Pickes : - These shall be of 20mm M.S. channel or heavy section unless otherwise shown on drawings. The distance centre to centre of pickets shall be 12cms. An opening of 10cms. ( B ) Pivoted MS flats shall be 20 x 6mm. ( C ) Top and bottom guides shall be from tee or flat iron approved size. ( D ) The fittings like stoppers, fixing fold, locking cleats, brass handless and cast iron rollers shall be of approved design and size. The rolling shutter shall e of steel and of approved make as design and shall be suitable for fixing in position ordered i.e. outside inside on or below lintel or between jambs. The shutter shall be of the manually operated pull or push up type with ball bearing for easy operation. The shutter shall be constructed with curud slabs or laths from mild steel sheets of the specified gauge generally 18/20 gauge. The lathes shall be machine molded and strengthened with an effective depth of 16mm. These slats shall slide into one another forming a continues hinge throughout their length and shall be fitted with alternating end lock side guides and bottom rails shall be build up from mild steel rolled sections but in the case of small shutters, they may be of pressed steel. The size of these members shall be as shown on drawing. The guides shall be generally 6cm. Rolling spring shall be manufactured from tested unbreakable high tensile tempered spring steel wire or strip adequate strength to balance the shutter to all position. The spring assembly shall be supposed on mild steel or malleable cast iron brakes shaped to fit the lintel. The shutter when coiled up shall be housed in a bar of 17 gauge sheet metal. 117 | P a g e

Locking arrangement shall be provided of the bottom of the shutter shall be opened from outside. The shutter shall be complete with door suspension shafts, locking arrangement, pulling hooks, handles and their accessories. Measurement shall be taken at the unit specified in schedule B and payment shall be made accordingly. Item No.28

Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 course sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and finishing smooth with curing etc. comp. including cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced cement concrete work in slab more than 10 cm. and up to 13 cm. thickness.

General: The specification shall be same as above Sub-Estimate No.1 Item No.6 Item No.29

Providing and fixing iron door, window & cupboards etc. including using the frames of channels , angles and flats and M.S.Sheet as per design include, riveting or welding and fixing in

concrete block,

include iron fixtures & fastening with one coat of primer and painting 3 coats. General: The steel doors, windows and cupboards in building shall conform the Indian Standard Specifications No. 1038 – 1975 or it’s latest revision. Structural Steel: The structural steel such as angles, tees, girders, plates , channels etc. Conform relevant IS. as under. * IS


226 – 1962 Structural steel third revision.

* IS


961 – 1962 High tensile Structural steel revision.

* St 44 – 0 or


* IS

2062 – 1962 Structural steel Fusion Welding Quality.


:1977 – 1962 Structural steel ordinary.

Revit Steel: All rivet steel used in general building construction work shall comply with appropriate Indian Standard specification as under. •

I.S. : 1148 – 1957 Rivet bars for structural purpose.

I.S. : 1149 – 1957 High tensile Rivet bars for structural purpose steel.

Bolts And Nuts: All bolts and nuts shall conform to IS : 1367 – 1961 Technical supply condition for threaded fasteners, and IS: 1608 – 1960 for tensile testing of steel products. The threaded fasteners shall have a tensile strength not less than 44 kg/cm2 and a million elongation of 23% on engage length of 5.65 Electrodes:

118 | P a g e

Mild steel electrodes shall comply with the requirements of IS: 814 – 1957 specification for covered electrodes for Metal Arc Welding of mild steel. High tensile steel electrode shall comply with the requirements of IS: 1442 – 1959 specification for covered electrodes for Metal Arc Welding of high tensile structural steel. Standard Dimensions , Form And Weight: The dimensions, Form, Weight, tolerance of all rolled shapes and other members used in any structure shall, when ever possible , conform to the latest appropriate Indian Standards, wherever available.

The dimensions, Form, Weight, tolerance of all rivets, bolts, nuts, studs, etc. shall conform to the requirements of latest appropriate Indian Standards, wherever available. Manufacturing: The frames, both fixed and opening frames shall be constructs of sections, which have been cut to length and miters. The corners shall be electrically flush welded to form a solid and true right angle. The type of window and door shall be as shown in drawing or as directed by The Engineer in charge. Finishing: The joints of doors and windows frames with masonry or concrete shall be finished neatly with cement mortar and niru. Oil Paint: The doors, windows , which are not dip Zinc coated shall be finished with two coats of oil paint of approved quality and shade on a primer coat of red lead. The contractor shall have to provided oil paint of recognizes and reputed company with required shade as approved and instructed by The Engineer in charge. Measurement And Payment: The measurement shall be taken as per unit shall be made according to measurement. Payment shall be made on Kg. basis. Item No.30

Supplying ,cutting, bending & binding , and placing in position steel as per plan and design and as per ISS 2502 including cost of steel and binding

wires for reservoirs only including lift up to 6.00 mt.

ht.depth below g.l. for all diameters The specification shall be same as above Sub-Estimate No.3 Item No.6 Item No.31

Providing and fixing 1.20 meter high fencing with 2.0 meter long M.S. angle posts 40 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm and oil painting 3 coats fixed at 2.5 m c/c with five horizontal lines and two diagonals of galvanized steel barbed wire weighing 9.38 kg per 100 Strained and fixed to posts in ground with G.I. staples.


119 | P a g e


Providing and fixing 1.20 meter high fencing with 2.0 meter long M.S. angle posts 40 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm and oil painting 3 coats fixed at 2.5 m c/c with five horizontal lines and two diagonals of galvanized steel barbed wire weighing 9.38 kg per 100 meter. Strained and fixed to posts in ground with G.I. staples as per Engineer-In-Charges. Materials: Seven stand twisted G.I. fencing wire No. 4 shall be used it shall be usual commercial type barbed wire shall conform to I.S. 278 – 1951 or its latest revision. Mild steel angle iron of 40 x 40 x 6mm or tee of 40 x 40 x 6mm shall confirm to item No. MSP – 18 the length shall be as specified in the item. G. I. straining bolts 30cm long and 10mm dia shall be of the standard commercial type.

Erecting : The posts shall be pre cast type of size as mentioned in the item and shall be fixed to 2.3 to 2.6 centers c/c. 45 x 45 x 45cms. Pits of or of dimensions as given in drawings, shall be excavated for foundation of RCC pre cast posts. The posts shall be held in the correct position in the pit and 1:4:8 C.C. poured round it and consolidated and cured to from the foundation block for the full depth of the pit the flange of the tee or one side of the angle shall face out side. The dimensions of RCC post shall be 10cms. Square at top and 15cms square at the ground. Holes shall be drilled into the wet of the tee or in the leg or angle at right angles to the out side leg for passing the wire through or tying wire with staples of U shape or closed staples. Holes shall be left into the RCC posts for passing the wire or tying with staples while casting. The hole shall be at 22cms. c/c leaving 22cm. from the ground level and leaving 10cm at the top or as directed by the Engineer. The posts at every 30meter and at corners and angles shall be suitably strutted on either side of the posts. These struts shall be of angle iron and shall have foundation of 1:4:8 C.C. like vertical post. This strut shall be fixed at 450 and be fixed at the top most wire. After the concrete has set the fencing wire shall be fixed through holes made in the post and strained with streining bolts. Alternatively a G. I. staples shall be used for fixing barbed wire the nas of raws shall be as specified in the item. The steel post shall be painted with a priming coat of red lead and three coats of good oil paint of approved shade. Painting shall conform to item WSP – A – 18 (i). Measurements : The rate shall be for one running meter or fencing completed as specified. The measurement shall be for the length measured from the out side face of the first post to the out side post of the end. At angle the measurement shall be at the center lines of the posts. 120 | P a g e

Executive Engineer, Public Health Works Division, Gujarat W/S. & S. Board, Nadiad.

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